#clint x fem reader insert
saltsicklover · 1 year
Stereo Lust - Part 2
Title: Stereo Lust (2/2)
Word Count: 10,271
Pairing: Jeremy Renner x Fem Reader (Written in First Person)
Rating: M
Warnings: Sex, Blow Jobs, Light Dom/Sub if you squint, probably poorly written smut all around.
Disclaimer: I do not own Jeremy Renner, or the music referenced within this piece. Not Proof Read or BETA'd. All mistakes are my own.
I do not consent for my work to be edited, reposted, or translated.
You are responsible for your own media consumption. This is a work of fiction that contains mature themes. If you are sensitive to those subjects, please do not read.
By the time we made it to his truck he was practically pulling me, rushing hand in hand, giggling like teenagers who just snuck out and are up to no good. He reaches deep into his pocket for the keys, fishing them out before pulling me into his chest. 
"You ready to get out of here?" My words coming out with a hopeful urgency. My lips brush over his, inviting him in for another heated kiss. He declines the invitation, pressing a quick kiss to the side of my mouth before shoving my sweatshirt into my hands. I pull it over my head as he steps away from me a bit, drinking me in with his eyes. 
"I was ready from the moment you butted into my game." Laughter rumbles from deep in his chest, but my mouth drops open in mock offense. 
"Excuse me, I did no such-" He pushes me backwards, my back hitting the cold exterior of his truck sending a shiver through my spin as he pins me in place with his body. Fuck me. 
"Don't deny it sweetheart, you did, but I'm glad you did. From the moment I saw that face of yours I was hooked, but then you bent over that table, ass on full display and it took everything in me not to grab you and take you right then and there." He pushes himself up against me and I can feel every cell in my body pull towards him. He places a finger under my chin, tilting my gaze upward with a gentle push of his finger. I grab fists full of his tee-shirt, crumpling the fabric in my palms, fingers tight, pulling him in for a kiss. 
He grinds his hips against mine, attempting to receive some sort of friction for the erection currently blooming behind the prison of his jeans. This man is going to kill me and I am going to thank him for it as the life drains out of me, hopefully though repeated orgasms. He pulls away from me quickly, hand moving up from my chin to grip my face. He squeezed lightly, but the gesture causes a twist of arousal to run through my body, taking over every inch.  
"Get your ass in the truck, I need to get you home." His voice is low, husky and full of lust.  I nod in agreement, a fierce smile adorning my face. I climb into the truck as he holds the heavy door open for me. He pats my ass gently as I pull myself up into the raised cabin. 
The ride to Jeremy's flies by, probably because he's speeding the whole way while he kneads my thigh with his strong fingers, teasing me as he brings them higher and higher between my legs before working his way back down. I let my hands roam over every part of him that I could reach, reminding him to watch the road any time his focus seemed to drift. Focus, focus, focus. 
He kills the headlights when we hit the driveway, putting the truck in park. He slides over on the bench seat before pulling me over his body. I straddle him, letting my weight drop fully onto his thighs. Jeremy roams his hands over my legs and the globes of my ass, kneading and planishing over my flesh, my jeans heating up under his touch. 
I move to kiss him, but he stops me with a finger to my lips. "I gotta ask you something, before we go any further." His voice is breathy and sweet. I can still feel the slight bulge of his edifice beneath me. I try and push the thoughts of roaming hands and his warm lips from my mind as I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, nodding, urging him to continue. He returns his hand to my thigh, rubbing them as if he was trying to ease a sort of anxiety. 
"What's up?" I take his face in my hands gently, running my thumb over his raspberry bruised lips. His chest expands against me as he draws in a deep breath, calculating his next words. 
"I really don't want to ruin the mood, 'cause we got a good thing going here tonight, and though I really don't give a flying fuck, I've gotta ask you anyway. You know I'm older  than you, right? Probably a lot older." He questions, mumbling the last part, eyes darting around my features. He gestures between us awkwardly and I want to take is fidgeting hands in mine, so I do, finally letting myself break from lust and passion to tenderness. I can't help but let a titter of a laugh escape me, a smile branching across my lips. His face bleeds a punched bruise of a blush, bright and unadulterated in the low light of the truck cabin. 
The windows have begun to fog over from the heat leaving our skin meeting the cold air of the night at the glass. The world has dissipated outside of this truck cabin, outside of this moment, our bodies pressed together with a sort of electric yearning. Jeremy's question still hangs in the air like a sheet on the line, my laughter like a fluttering wind. I can't let the question he's posed sneak into the depths of my psyche, out of fear that that I may end up questioning my actions even though everything in me is screaming for more- so I joke and I kid, and I play the parts of myself that feel like they know what they are doing, allowing any bit of apprehension fall into the swirling pit of my stomach to be drowned there. 
"Do you really think I would be here if I cared about something like that?" I run my thumb over the zenith of his lips again, eyes scanning his reaction carefully. He doesn't seem phased either way, so I continue, "Would it help if I told you that just this past month I have had people guess my age anywhere from 16 to 30?" He grins a bit at the thought.
"I predate the fall of the Twin Towers. I remember when Britany and Justin wore matching denim  ensembles, and I remember waiting for music videos to premiere on MTV. Hell, you met me in a fucking bar, Jeremy." I lament. "I am an adult, and I have eyes, I know you are older than me, but I also know you are the sexiest man I have ever met and I knew what I was getting myself into the second you slid me to the end of my stool. I want to be here, with you. You still get to have your way with me tonight, that was the deal, remember?" I joke, bumping my nose into his. 
Jeremy visibly relaxes at my words, his body becoming less tense beneath my hands, my own body relaxing from his ease. He grins at me, a slanted, wry smile that warms my entire fucking soul. "Did you really think I'd forget our deal?" 
I shake my head at him, a smile across my lips to match his. "Of course not, but I'd be here without the deal, too." I joust, letting my hands roam up his body again. He chuckles lowly, bringing his hands up to cup my face. "So are we going to do this right here, or are you planning on taking me inside?" I grind down a bit into his lap, teasing him, clear that I have succeeded by the way he drags his next breath in through gritted teeth. 
"As fun as it taking you right here would be," He tucks a stray piece of hair behind me ear with one calloused finger, "What I have planned for you is going to take a little more room. Up and out, Sweetheart." He pats the thickness of my body where my thigh meet ass, signaling for me to move. 
"Yes, sir." I tease with a two finger salute, dismounting his lap before throwing open the door of his truck. I take the lead, hurrying up the long driveway, heading for the front door "Get up here, Pretty Boy, or I'm gonna have to leave you out of the fun!" I call behind me. When I reach the front door, I back into it pulling my sweatshirt over my head, watching Jeremy stalk up the driveway after me. 
He operates somewhere between crass and intrigue, walking the tightrope of flirtation. From light caresses to calculated placements of his large hands. I am deadened to the world at his touch, the thought of his body on mine as he steps closer, closing me against the doorframe. 
"You are going to be the death of me, if you keep that shit up." He points a finger at me, but I can see the smile threatening to break his stern gaze. 
"Which part? The name calling or-" He catches my lips with his, interrupting my thought and replacing it with his tongue. These entanglements feel like the last embrace of the world itself. The feeling of my stomach floating in my chest leaving me breathless; the only saving grace being the bit of oxygen we have trapped between the parlance of our lips- and it is Godly. 
Jeremy pushes open the door, holding my close with an arm wrapped securely around my lower back, palm pressing into me as his fingers stretch out to encapsulate as much of my body as he can reach.  
"After you, Bub." He whispers sweetly, releasing me from his grasp. I turn around swiftly, entering the dark foyer of his home with careful steps. I toe off my boots letting them fall roughly to the floor, throwing my sweatshirt on top of them. I turn to see Jeremy doing the same, hand against the door for balance. 
He takes my hand, pulling me through the dark house through rooms I cannot see. The whole space smells like firewood and incent cones, a warm mixture that spreads throughout my senses mixing with the alcohol that is fading away. We make it to the back of the house before Jeremy flips on the lights, illuminating a grand kitchen area. 
"Sit, please." He motions to the stools at the bar top, I roll my eyes at him. 
"So now you're going to be polite." I laugh at him, pulling myself up onto the bar top, not bothering to sit in one of the actual chairs. I can't bother to take in the details of the room around me, my attention fully fixated on the man in front of me and the way he leans back into the countertop. We stare at each other for a moment before he moves again. 
"I am always polite." He corrects, digging through his refrigerator. 
"That's the first time you have said 'please' tonight." He turns around to find me perched on top of the counter, leaning back on my elbows. "Not that I'm complaining, I guess." 
I can feel my confidence wavering as I take in the change of scenery before me. We are no longer in the asylum of the bar. The situation I have found myself in both daunts and thrills me in equal measure. I try to ease the rapid beating of my heart, focusing on the cold countertop beneath me. 
"Then why did you bring it up?" He walks over, holding a bottle of water out to me. I take it, cracking it open before taking a long drink of the cold liquid. He watches me carefully, drinking from his own bottle, waiting for me to answer. 
"Uhh, nerves I guess, maybe?" I question myself, running my hand over my hair in attempt to redirect the nervous energy. 
"You don't have to be nervous." He informs me, setting his bottle down on the edge of the island. "There's a reason I brought you here to the kitchen instead of taking you straight to the first flat surface I could find," A apprehensive laugh escapes my lips at his words. I let my eyes wander down his sturdy frame, the visual presence of his erection has disappeared and I fight my urge to frown.  
"And what reason was that exactly?" I take another grounding sip of the cold water, feeling it run all the way down my throat, the cold spreading through my upper body with a breathless chill.
"Well, there's actually a couple'a reasons." He begins, inching towards me. "But most importantly is the fact that we have to have a conversation first." He stands in front of me, the digits of his left hand ghosting over my thigh carefully, testing the waters. 
"First off, though I may be the one who's physically in control, you have the final say in absolutely everything we do tonight. Every touch, no matter how small you will be in control of. You say stop, I stop, simple as that." He deepens his touch into the thickness of my legs, both hands working at the muscle. 
"Second," He continues, eyes locking with mine, "You are going to tell me exactly how you like to be touched. Though, I feel like I am already figuring it out." 
I roll my eyes at him, the tension between us ebbing and flowing, all the anxiety fizzling out. He might say I am in control, but anything that leaves his lips that even comes close to a suggestion, an action, a command, it's done. 
 "Finally, I want you to take a look around first." He runs a hand down my arm, sincerity in his voice. 
"A look around?" I question, raising an eyebrow. "You want me to walk around your house?" I gape at him a bit, trying to figure out if he is serious. My lust clouded brain trying to work out all of the pieces that have been laid out in front of me. 
"Just take a look," He holds a hand out to me, inviting me off of the counter. "You don't know me all that well, apparently, and I'd like to know I have your trust before we continue anything. I'd also like you to be sober, so you can make a fully informed decision."  
"You're starting to sound like a guidance counselor" I joke, taking his hand. I slide off the countertop. He places a sweet kiss to my knuckles before letting go of my hand. 
"Just go look around, would ya." He laughs, "I will be waiting for you right here. Can I make you anything while you're gone?" 
"Surprise me." I wink, walking out of the kitchen back the way we first came through. 
This has to be one of the oddest requests I have gotten from a man, looking around his house without him there to prompt me. I am being asked to snoop. Actually snoop. I only make it out of the room before turning back around and calling back to Jeremy.
"Why do you want me to do this? Do you really want me to snoop?" 
"Just think of it as an unguided tour," He calls back. I walk back into the room, leaning myself up against the wall to look at him. Jeremy catches me out of the corner of his eye, sauntering over to me before taking my chin beneath his fingers. "Think of this as a practice in trust," His breathe ghosts over my face and I can't help but lean into the sturdiness of his touch. "Now, be good and go look around." He lets go of me and I can't help but let out a nervous sigh as I turn back around and head for the dark room in front of me.
I know I should be weirded out, or anxious, maybe, about looking around someone's house alone but I cannot seem to find any sort of nervousness. I have always enjoyed looking in at people's lives, people watching, taking in the vibes they give off. This is just the same, but instead of taking in Jeremy, I get to take in his home. I truly get to see how he lives his life without the filter that he would provide. This is trust, I remind myself, trying to keep my mind on track. 
I run my hand on the wall, finding the light switch and flipping it on. The room is bathed in light, revealing a large living room, huge couches in the center facing a fireplace. The overall style looks like it was intended for comfort and tranquility, the grays ands sage green complementing each other nicely. I am overall unimpressed but I do as he says anyway- I wonder around the rest of the bottom floor, finding nothing out of the ordinary before climbing the grand staircase near the front door. There is a hallway going both left and right from the landing at the top of the stairs, a bathroom directly across from me. The walls of the hallway completely covered in photographs and artwork.
 I turn left first, peaking into the rooms. A couple of guest bedrooms, decorated just as beautifully as the rest of the home as been. Nothing overly exciting, so I don't wander in. Is that breaking the rules? I wonder, but not long enough to go back.  
I get to the bedroom closest to the bathroom. It's painted in a dusty shade of pink, a twin trundle bed placed under the widow, the whole thing covered in a canopy. There are boxes of toys and books against one wall, photos and a lamp set up on the long dresser across from the bed. 
I pad into the room carefully, over to the photo on the nightstand. In it, Jeremy holds a beautiful little girl, swinging her around. He looks absolutely full of love. I smile at the photograph, a ping of longing in my chest for a far off time in my life. Setting the photo down carefully I turn to exit the room. I close the door behind me, this new bit of knowledge about his life settling into me. 
Jeremy has a daughter. A baby girl. He has a child. 
I walk down the hallway, taking notice of the photos hung all over the gallery wall. There are photos of Jeremy and his daughter with other folks I do not recognize. They must be family. As I continue to look, I slowly begin to recognize some people in the photos. 
In a small, dark, frame there is a photo of Jeremy with his arms wrapped around a breath taking redhead. Her hair is cut into a short bob and she is dressed clad in a unapologetically tight black body suit. I can't place her in my head, but she absolutely looks familiar.
The frame next to it shows Jeremy with a shorter, dark haired man, a man I would recognize anywhere. They are dressed casually, jeans and leather jackets. 
"That's Robert Downey fucking Junior." I mumble to myself, letting my fingers brush over the frame carefully. "I wonder what he's been up to." I laugh to myself. I really need to watch more movies. 
I look around at the photos again, hunting for more faces I may recognize. I glance through all of the memories on the wall, taking note of all of the beautiful people that Jeremy has surrounded  himself with, a tinge of worry running through my stomach. I push the thought out of my head, wandering down to the end of the hallway. 
I open up the double doors to reveal  the most beautiful master bedroom. A four-post bed covered in expensive linens is centered on the back wall. There is a fireplace at the wall that faces the bed. A couple of dressers against the far wall, decorated almost like a hotel. The personal touches come out in the photographs and the reading nook that's built into the bay window. Bookshelves are set next to either side of the windows, packed full with books and mementoes. 
I walk through the room, opening the closet, taking in the smell of his cologne that hangs in the air. The closet is separated into formal and work wear, more thought put into the organization the deeper I look. I let my fingers run over the lapel of an expensive looking suit jacket, the blue material would no doubt bring out the color of his eyes. 
A chill runs through my body as I continue down the side of the closet. There are so many drawers I want to peak in, but I refrain. I pull a blue flannel shirt off of a hanger, pulling it over my body, pulling my hair out from underneath the collar. Once I am fully adjusted into the clothing, I take a look in the mirror. The slightly oversized shirt hiding my body, but it's warm and smells like Jeremy. My eyes draw up to my face, a wide smile across my lips. 
I peak at the bathroom as I head back to the hallway. It has a giant walk in shower with multiple shower heads, almost like it is made for more than one person, but they are all pointed to the most central point of the shower. There is also a clawfoot tub and multiple sinks, everything in beautiful serene colors.  I take in one last sight of his bedroom, thinking about how nice it would feel to be wrapped up in the sheets of his bed before exiting the room and heading down the stairs. I take both flights, heading straight for the basement. 
I wonder deep the basement, which is basically just a recording studio of some sort. It's full of instruments and recording equipment, all much too fancy and complicated for me to dare touch. I look at the wall above his piano, words painted in a beautiful script, "Tell me will the world one day ever be mine?" I read and reread the script before walking up to the piano, letting my fingers run across the cool material of the keys. I fight the urge to clink a couple of them, with absolutely zero knowledge of the piano I feel bad even touching the beautiful instrument. 
I sit on the bench, the hand written music propped up on the ledge catching my eye. Everything is filled in with pencil, and I now more than ever wished I could read music. I let my eyes wonder around the room once more, the moody gray of the paint on the walls and the bright chrome of the equipment fill my brain with fantasies  of Jeremy.  I can see him being a completely different version of himself in this room. 
 A pile of mail sits atop the closed piano, catching my eye as I stand from the bench. I know I shouldn't look at it, but I can't help but pick up the letter on the top of the pile. It's hand addressed and my eyes scan over his name carefully. 
"Renner." I whisper to myself, seeing how to word feels on the tip of my tongue- it's sweet like syrup causing a smile to stick to my lips. I let my finger run over the ink, tracing his name out carefully before placing the letter back on top of the pile. 
I wonder back upstairs slowly, letting my mind mull over the information I've collected. I didn't open drawers or any closets besides the one in the master bedroom, which aids in the lack of guilt I feel about the whole situation. 
The smell of eggs and bacon hits me when I get to the entrance of the kitchen. 
"Something smells good." I smile, walking up behind him, wrapping my arms around his middle. 
"I figured since it's basically the morning." He gestures to the pan with a shrug. 
I move away, taking my spot up on the bar top, watching as he plates the food for us. He hands me a plate with a small smile. I take it, shoving a whole piece of bacon in my mouth without a thought. 
Jeremy erupts in laughter, taking a bite of the eggs on his plate. 
"Is there something I can help you with, Mr. Renner?" I question, shoving another slice of bacon in my mouth. He just cocks an eyebrow at me. His eyes wander over me as if he is drinking me in, every last detail of the sight satiating a thirst for which there was no other cure.  
"You're just too damn cute." He finally speaks, watching me shovel a forkful of eggs into my mouth. I smile my best closed lip smile at him, my eyes squinting at the corners. "So, did you see anything that caught your eye? Or did you just read my mail and steal my shirt? That's a federal offence you know. I could have you arrested for that." 
"Which one?" I question, shoving more of the food into my mouth. "The reading of your mail or the stealing?" He erupts into a laugh again, a smile growing on my lips. 
"Definitely the mail thing. I am pretty sure the stealing is a state issue." He points at me with the tines of his fork. I don't even bother to ask how he knows I got his name from his mail, it just seems to lack importance in this moment. 
"To be fair, I didn't actually read the mail, just the envelope, and as for the shirt, well, I plead the fifth." I counter back before taking a sip of my water. 
"You are still wearing the evidence." Jeremy is laughing full force through the sentences now, the corners of his eyes crinkling to make space for the joy of his smile. My hands find the soft fabric of his shirt that is wrapped around my body, a tingle of warmth spreading through my chest. 
"You know what, you're right. So, if anything I say can and will be used against me in the court of law, maybe I should just start screaming your name now." I wink at him, still munching away on the bacon. His expression falters for a moment, the joy in his eyes morphing into a sort of awe before they darken. He sets his plate down on the island before leaning back against it, hands finding a home at either one of his sides. I set my plate down to mirror him, sitting up a bit straighter as if the motion would birth confidence to swim beneath my skin instead of the anxiety stained excitement that seems to be festering there instead. 
"All in due time, beautiful, all in due time," His voice is no louder than a whisper, "Now, what did you think of the house? Find anything interesting?" I search over his features trying to read into his thoughts through the expression he wears. I think over the details of his home in my mind carefully, considering everything. 
"How long have you lived here?" I counter back, leaning towards him. He doesn't falter at my words, remaining neutral. 
"Not long, less than a year, why?" He questions, attempting to find the relevancy of the information. 
"Your home feels pretty impersonal. Don't get me wrong, it is beautiful, but there was very little evidence to show that you actually live here and enjoy it. There is a handful of things that actually felt like a there was a soul within this place, but it's mostly just Architectural Digest up in here." I lay my thoughts out on the table for him to consider. His facial expression is neutral, leaning almost towards bitchy which causes a spark of anxiety to rocket through me, my chest catching ablaze like a match thrown into dry grass. 
Jeremy pulls a deep breath into his lungs, his chest expanding, pulling his tee-shirt taught against the muscles of his broad chest. I bite at my lip, teeth digging into the tender flesh a bit too hard as I try and find a way to suck back in all of the words I just let fall out of my face. Then, Jeremy laughs, big and bold, to the point where he has to grip the countertop for stability. 
I can feel my face contort into a strange expression as I watch the display before me. I open and close my mouth, words failing to muster. Jeremy finally looks up at me after a few moments as he wipes a few stray tears from his cheek with the back of his hand. 
"You are such a breath of fresh air, you know that?" His words come out more as a statement than as a question. I give him a questioning look leaning towards him a bit more. "Is there anything you did like?" 
I puff out my cheeks a bit, thinking over his question. It sorta feels like a genuine question disguised as a trap. I fight with myself over it for a moment before speaking. 
"There was two things," I state, looking down at the floor. I feel that if I meet his gaze in this moment I may just cease to exist. I drum my fingers on my thigh, nervous energy looking for any way to escape me. "I liked the reading nook in your bedroom, and I like the wall scripture." 
"Wall scripture?" He questions. I pull my eyes back up to meet his. 
"Yeah, you know, the song lyrics. The one's you've got painted over your piano?" I explain, my hands gesturing as I speak. "I think you are a little bit obsessed with that one artist though. We should really expand your music taste." 
"Can one really be obsessed with themselves?" Jeremy looks at me, cocking his head to the side. I just close my eyes, letting out a deep breathe in response to him. If he is going to keep this whole thing going, I might as well have a little fun with it. I turn my eyes up to meet his, a sweet expression falling over my features. 
"I think that's called 'narcissism' Jer, you know, after Narcissus, the dude who fell in love with his own reflection." I slide off the counter, grabbing both of our used plates and place them into the sink. "He was so obsessed that he drowned himself, and flowers that bare his name began to grow where he once laid on the riverbank." 
I try and take control of the situation by pulling his attention, in both story and stance. I readjust the way my hair falls over my shoulders before pulling at the fabric of his shirt, pulling it a bit tighter around my body. My lower lip finds confines between my teeth as I smirk at him. 
"This is all very sexy, I must admit," Jeremey speaks as I turn back to face him. "I like you in my clothes," He gestures up and down the length of my body with a curved finger a shallow attempt at distracting me. I step closer to him, less than an arms length away now, letting my heart lead before my head. 
"You want to know the kicker of it all?" I ask, slowly inching towards him. He nods at me. "The bulbs of the Narcissus plant are poisonous, ever cementing the idea that loving oneself too much will in fact kill you."
He reaches out, hand ghosting its way up my arm before it comes to a stop on the side of my face. He carefully tucks a piece of hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek, running his thumb over my lips. 
"If you keep looking at me like that, it might kill me before anything else can." He lets his other hand make home of my hip, his fingertips pressing into it. 
"That's Medusa," I whisper, leaning towards him. I lift my chin up, looking at him deep in the eyes. A smile cracks across his lips. I ghost my lips across his, a light pinprick blush waxing across my skin. 
"I thought she was cursed." He rubs the side of my face gently and I can't help but lean into his touch. 
"Some say it was a curse, others say it was a gift. After she was raped, she was given the power to turn a man to stone with a single look," Jeremy looks at me tentatively, "I think it was a gift of protection, now no man could ever harm her again." My words are a whisper now, my eyes closed. 
"It must be lonely, to live a life like that," Jeremy's hushed tone warms my body, the skin beneath his hands burning at his touch. 
"It is," Is all I manage to say before I lean my head back a bit more before pressing my lips to his. He slots his lips between my own, sucking on my bottom lip gently. I can still feel the marks I left in it earlier as he runs the tip of his tongue across the divots of my flesh, soothing the skin. He pulls away, brushing his nose against my own. 
"Which story is your favorite?" He asks, breathe ghosting over me. 
"I have two," I mumble, letting my hands grip onto the fabric of his shirt. 
"Of course you do," He chuckles lightly, "Why don't you let me take you upstairs and you can tell me all about them." I nod, a small smile creeping its way onto my face. He pulls me behind him, up the stairs and down to his bedroom. He turns on the fireplace with the flick of a switch and I watch as it roars to life. Jeremy closes the door behind us, grabbing my wrist as I try and walk further into the room. He cages me against the doorframe, forearms pressed against the door on the sides of my shoulders. I grab ahold of his belt by the buckle, pulling him into me, chest to chest. 
"Your glow would make Icarus blush," I bring a hand up to trace my fingers over Jeremy's jawline, the slight stubble on his chin rough against my knuckles. He furrows his brow at my comment, a look of confusion falling over his features. 
"Icarus; his's one of my favorite stories," I sough, letting my fingers run through his short hair. Jeremy takes my waist in his hands, pressing delicately into my frame. He dips his head, lips connecting to the plain of my neck. He presses sodden kisses to the heat of my skin. 
"Tell. Me. More," He punctuates each word with the entreat of his lips. 
"Icarus and his father, Daedalus were being punished for helping a man escape the labyrinth," Jeremy's hands run over the expanses of my body, leaving trails of goosebumps in their wake. "But Daedalus was an architect, and he built wings for Icarus and himself so that they could fly away from their imprisonment." 
Jeremy hums, lips latching themselves to a tender spot in my neck just below my jaw bone. He sucks gently on the pulse point making a small whimper fall from my lips. 
"When they went to fly, Daedalus warned his son that the heavy waters of the ocean would weigh him down, so he had to fly high enough as not to have the dampness of the ocean air pull him down to the waves. He also couldn't fly too high or the wax holding his wings together would melt, causing him to fall to the depths of the ocean." My words come out breathy and strained as Jeremy continues to taste the bare skin of my neck. He brings his hands down to my belt, pulling the leather strap back, the buckle opening with a metallic clink. 
"In my favorite retelling," I dig my hands under the hem of his shirt, nails skimming over the sensitive skin of his hipbones. "Icarus flies too close to the sun, just to bask in the warmth, and as the wax melts and he begins his quick decent towards the churning ocean below, he bellows a laugh of pure joy." 
Jeremy pulls away from me, pulling my belt from the loops of my jeans, letting it fall from his hands onto the floor. 
"He laughs?" He questions, looking into my eyes with childlike curiosity. I run my hands up, lifting his shirt to expose his midriff. The taught muscles flex lightly beneath my touch. 
"He laughs." I nod, sinking my hands further into his sides, raking my fingers down slowly. 
Jeremy pulls me from the door, turning us around as he guides me backwards. We step slowly, in tune with each other. We continue moving, light touches and lustful looks exchanged between us. I back into the side of his bed and Jeremy's hands find my hips, lifting me up onto the tall mattress before slotting himself between my knees again. I feel a sort of power flow through my veins when he stands here with me like this; almost like he has approached an alter to pray, to worship, and I am on the receiving end- God Bless.
 He reaches up to grab the back of the collar of his shirt before swiftly pulling it over his head. He discards the fabric on the floor and my self control goes with it. I let my eyes wander over his body as I pull my bottom lip into my mouth. I rake my teeth over my lip carefully, taking in each curve and dip of his body. His happy trail draws my eyes from the defined muscles of his stomach down to the low hanging waistband of his jeans. 
"Why Icarus?" He questions, his fingers buried into the curls at the nape of my neck. I lean my head back against the pressure of his fingertips, wading in the pleasure of their presence. He tilts my head backwards with a taught pull at my hair, my jaw going agape as I stare up through my lashes into his foreboding eyes. 
"Because I too have destroyed myself for a moment of pure bliss," I pull Jeremy down to my level by the neck, letting our lips brush together, teasing the rough nature of our grasps with honey like softness. "And I laughed the whole time."
We share sickly sweet smiles, eyes half lidded and full of lust. There is a buzz of electricity between us, ebbing and flowing, boxing us in then drowning us. I run my hands up his stomach, watching as his head dips back. A languish breathe shudders through his body, his attempt to conceal it fails as a groan escapes from the prison of his throat. His grip on my hair loosens, his hands running down my shoulders with little pressure.  
I slide the Jeremy's stolen shirt from my frame, holding it out and letting it fall unceremoniously to the floor. Jeremy's hands dip beneath the waistband of my jeans, rooting around for the hem of my tucked in shirt. He pulls it over my head carefully, the fabric grazing over my skin. The cool air of the room causes a shiver to run through my spine, goosebumps spreading themselves over my skin; Jeremy's fingertips read them like brail. "I want you, I want you, I want you," they read, over and over again. The callouses of his hands leaving pinprick notions of where his hands once rested. The more his hands roam over me, the more the words change from 'I want' to 'I need'  and ,my growing need for him is the one thing I have been sure about in a long time. 
I pull at the button on Jeremy's jeans, the fabric opening as I pull the button through. The zipper slips down easily with a gentle tug, the teeth parting to reveal a pair of dark boxers beneath. The jeans sit wide on Jeremy's hips now, slackened. He gather's my hair that hangs loosely around my shoulders, pulling it back, holding it with a relaxed grip at the nape of my neck. 
The confidence that travels through my veins prompts me as I push his hip backwards, guiding him to take a step back. I slip down to my knees in front of him, libertine and intrepid. He takes in my movements, eyes heavy but focused as I settle at his feet. I look up to meet his eyes, my hands clutching his waistband as I wait for his go ahead, thumbs rubbing into the fabric. We sit like this for a few moments, the beat of my heart tracking the time as his lust sunk gaze washes over every inch of my body. I know by the end of this encounter the only thing that will be left of me will be cherry-sour soaked daydreams and the feeling of the weight of him on my tongue- I am impatient. 
"Jer?" I murmur, pulling lightly on his jeans. His erection grows, pulsing, untouched beneath the fabric of his boxers. His eyes meet mine and he takes my chin between this finger and thumb, tilting my head back further. If looks could kill this one would surely have left me lifeless. 
"You look," Jeremy licks at his lips, his chest heaving slightly, "Ethereal, down on your knees like that for me," His hands frame my skull, one hand under my chin while the other continues to hold back my hair. He tests his grip through my locks with a few pulses of his wrist, pulling and twisting from the root, earning a well sounding moan from me. I look up at him through the thickness of my eyelashes, his figure slightly obscured. "Keep going, Angel, let me see how pretty you are while you swallow me."
He lets go of my chin, allowing me to look as I pull his jeans down around the bulk of his thighs, letting them pool around his knees. I reach back up to his pull his boxers down, exposing him to me. His penis stand erect, tip facing upwards towards his stomach. I tease the vein on the underside with a brush of my thumb before wrapping my hand around the girth towards the base, tilting the head down to meet my lips. I am sure there is some sort of metaphor for the way I touch him, or the way his body reactions under my touch but the only thing I can seem to conjure up is the bloom of pride that takes over my chest as he moans. I lick a wide stripe over the head as I watch Jeremy's reaction. He wraps his free hand through my hair, holding my head steady, or maybe he is holding himself steady with the way he presses the pads of his fingertips into my skin. 
I lean forward a bit, taking the first inch of him into my mouth, swirling my tongue around him. He lets out a sweltering moan, pulling tighter on my hair with the twisting of his wrist. I pump him gently, sinking more of his length into my mouth as I go, tantalizingly slow but steady in my motion.  
I sink down till my lips meet my hand, now only a fist length away from completely devouring him. I squeeze my hand, hollowing out my cheeks as I pull back, earning another wonton moan from Jeremy. His head as fallen back now, eyes screwed shut as pleasure fills his body. He tries to push his hips forward a bit to hurry my movements, but I pull back a bit causing him to groan. I begin to slip his member in and out of my mouth as I pump his length with my hand. With each motion I can feel him pulse beneath me, unraveling at my touch.
 Maybe this is what Icarus felt like, too close to the sun, burning wax dripping marred trails into his skin, smoldering, the sky smelling like sulfur, sex, and charred flesh. 
I would burn from the inside out to feel this alive again. 
"Oh my god," He utters above me as I pull my hand away, allowing him to fully push his length between my lips and down to the back of my throat. I fight a bit, trying to keep from gagging as I pull back with hollowed cheeks before repeating the movement all of again, again, again. Jeremy's strong hands pull on my hair, pulling me back away from him body, the head of his dick escaping my mouth with a pop. He stands above me, staring down, wrestling a strangled breathe from his lungs. His hands are still homed in the tangles of my curls, the tendrils wrapped around his digits like roots. 
"Is everything okay?" I question after a few beats, my hands finding purchase on his calves.  I wrestle with the uneasy feeling that has begun to flood my stomach, worry slowly leaking in, level rising and taking over my chest cavity. I keep my touch light, almost tender, treading awkwardly into an unknown feeling. Jeremy just looks at me for another second, the anxiety moving from swimming to storming in my stomach. Then a lummox of a laugh escapes him as he drops to his knees in front of me. 
"Everything is absolutely okay," He pulls me against his chest, cupping my cheek with one hand while the other traces a line down my spine. "I just plan on making this last, and that sinful mouth of yours has other ideas." I let out a ragged breathe trying to banish all of the negative feelings from my body, draining the queasiness and self doubt with it. He rubs my cheek gently with his thumb, the light touches completely juxtaposing the firmness of his erection against my stomach. "Shall we continue?" 
I nod, the corners of my mouth twitching up into a small smile. "Yes, please." 
He runs his hand around my back, taking the closure of my bra between his skilled fingers, popping it open with a flick of the wrist. The straps loosen around my shoulders and he pulls them off carefully, fingertips barely touching my skin. The fabric falls away to reveal the horizontal barbells that pierce my nipples, the stones glittering brightly in the sizzling glow of the firelight. 
I shouldn't be surprised be the experience Jeremy seems to operate with, but the way he is able to set the lightest fingerprints into my skin and still make my head spin has me at a loss for words. Hell, I am at a loss for everything under is touch, but I can't find it in me to care. 
Jeremy's eyes lock on the jewelry in my nipples, examining the bars carefully. He lets his fingertips just ghost over the fullness of my breast, the other hand coming up to grip my ribs to steady my body. He runs his thumb over the peak of my nipple before barely pressing the jewel of the bar, watching it pull at the skin of my nipple carefully. The tingling feeling of the pull of the jewelry draws a small gasp from my lips. 
"Just when I decide you can't get any better, you surprise me with something like this," Jeremy praises, running his thumb over my erect nipple again. My arousal is pooling in my panties, each touch, each tease, drawing a new sense of longing out of me. 
The eros coursing through my body leaves me huffing graveled breathes, my mind trying to focus but the only thing it manages to find are the intense arousal between my thighs, sitting dense in my core; and the way his fingers feather over my skin, and it's a kindness. 
Jeremy leans in close to my ear, "Why don't we get you out of those jeans, huh?" He runs his tongue over the pierced shell of my ear as his hands dip to unfasten my jeans. Each button he pulls open causes a jolt of electricity to run through my veins, anticipation burning low in my stomach. He pushes up on my hips a bit, signaling for me to stand. Once I get to my feet he pulls my jeans off of me in one swift movement before letting them fall into the ever growing pile on the floor. 
He stands in front me of, pulling his jeans and boxers from his body. He pulls on the elastic of my panties, humming contently to himself. He takes my hips again as he kneels before me, spinning me around towards the mattress. My hands find the soft fabric of the sheets as Jeremy begins to leave a trail of elysian kisses up the back of my thigh. 
If I could see myself composed the way his hands make me feel, blazing and poisonous and beautiful, they would have to name a flower after me too, the soft ripples of the bedsheets calling to me like an open spring calls to the parched. 
"Your ass looks phenomenal in these, Bub," Jeremy traces the lace trim of my soddened panties with the tip of his nose before nibbling the fullness of my ass cheek, sinking his teeth into the flesh. He runs his hand up my spine, pushing me chest first onto the mattress. He guides my feet apart before slotting his knee between them. "Tell me something, Angel," He continues to pepper kisses over my backside before trailing up to my lower back with the tip of his tongue. 
"Yes, Jeremy?" I ask, breathless. He stirs up feelings in my body I have only read about. The service between us morphing into a deep, stocked fire, crackling burning embers into the air. He slips his fingers beneath the elastic, tugging the fabric down my body. I step out of them and he throws them to the side. Fingertips trail up the inside of my leg as he slots his knee back between my feet. 
"Are you going to be good for me?" His voice is liquid sugar pooling in my stomach. 
"Yes," I manage, words catching in my throat has his fingertips pass the crest of my knee and continue north. "Yes, Sir, I am." 
"Good," He clears his throat a bit, "Now get up on the bed for me, Bub," 
I step forward before crawling up into the bed, swaying my hips to tease him. He keeps his eyes trained on me from the floor as I turn around, spreading my legs wide, displaying myself just for him. He rolls his eyes back, head dipping with it as if the weight of his lust hangs from his neck, pulling him backwards. He falls deeper into the floor, sinking and unbothered by it; his eyeline keeps drifting back to me, lazily moving over the curves of my body and I swear I can feel the trial they leave. I look at him, contemplation, no, struggle written lightly into his features as he continues to weave his gaze around my figure. 
 "Jer?" I try, my stance faltering in confidence at his lack of movement. I begin to fold in on myself, closing my legs slowly as I bring my hands up to cover my upper half. 
"No, no, no," He stops me, his words barely a whisper as he steps up to me, hands resting on my knees. A mixtures of confusion, self consciousness and the lust mix into a noxious mixture, clouding my senses. "I'm sorry for staring, you're just so," He rubs my skin carefully, rough fingertips scraping over my sensitive skin. "You're so, everything. I can't get over how beautiful you are. I just can't stop looking. Are you okay if we keep going?" I voice a hushed but enthusiastic 'yes' as his words wash over me, my muscles further relaxing beneath his touch as I fall back onto the mattress. I let him open my legs again, allowing him to lean into my body. 
"I'm not going to lie to you, it's been a while, so I don't know how long this is going to last," He lets out an anxious chuckle as he runs a hand through his hair.  A small laugh escapes me before I can even think. I crave him like the moon craves the waves, his eyes like riptides, unrelenting but untouching, unsatisfying. 
"Jer, it's been a long damn time for me too, and if you don't get to it, I may simply pass away right here from anticipation alone." With that, he hooks his left arm around my leg, pulling me up by the knee so I am pressed against him. 
"We can't have that, now can we?" He winks, punctuating a grind. Star bursts of ecstasy crawls under my skin throughout my whole body as he grazes against my clit, pulling a moan from my lips. He positions himself tactfully before pushing in and praises leave his lips as the tip of his cock begins to stretch me out with a pleasurable sting. 
"God, you look perfect just like this, you're doing so good for me, Angel," He praises, pushing further into me as he speaks. He keeps me at the edge of the bed just like this, bottomed out, unmoving as he warms his cock inside of me. I squirm a bit, begging for any sort of movement. "Fucking gorgeous." He moves to my clit, brushing over it as he rocks his hips with a barely there movement. I can't help but clench around him at the motion, the pleasure from his thumb thrumming through me. 
"Please, Jer, I am begging you. Fuck me, I need you to fuck me, please." A low groan leaves his lips at my words as he bites at his lip. Jeremy begins to pull his length out before pushing back in, setting up a blissful pace as he finally begins to fuck me. I moan as the movements, feeling every thrust building to an orgasm. 
In this moment everything shifts- what was once all anticipation and actualization has formed into a hunger, unrelenting and messy. I was never meant to be clean, poised or assured. The sheer figment of my soul has always yearned to be unmade- being under his hands was nothing but benediction.  
He leans over me, pushing my knees closer to my head which allows him to push himself deeper into my folds as he sucks a strawberry bruised mark into my collarbone, spit stained and sore to the touch. As he pulls away from me, he pulls out, grabbing ahold of my legs and thrusting them to the side. He positions me so I am laying partially on my side, easing off of my back, allowing me to look him in his eyes as he thrusts back into me, angled deeper. My closed legs making everything feel tighter, each drag of his cock bringing me closer and closer. 
I don't know if my strangled groans or Jeremy's breathe covered curses come first but he fuck me harder and I am thankful.
"Just like that," I manage, breathe strangled in my throat, "I'm so close, keep going, fuck yes, just like that," Jeremy doesn't falter until I spasm around him, his thrusts going uneven and ragged. 
"I am so close, beautiful, so close." I push him back at his words, a shocked look striking over his features before I move to throw myself at his feet.  His confusion melts as I take his cock into my mouth again, pumping him with my hand as I swirl my tongue around his tip. 
Icarus was right to have flown, to have tasted the rays of sunlight with his own tongue, but I doubt they would've tasted as ambrosian as this. 
He comes with a gruff moan, spilling himself down my throat. I pump him through his orgasm, taking every drop of him before I finally release my grasp. He gasps over me and I swallow. 
"Holy fuck." Are the only two words he can manage as he looks down at me. He sways a little as the aftershocks of his orgasm rock through his body and I pull him down to the floor with me, taking his lips with mine. He wraps his hands into my hair; mine wandering freely over the expanses of his figure. 
When he finally pulls back, we share sickly sweet smiles, not from lust but from pure, self indulgent exhaustion. We take each other in, just like this, sweat sticky and cum sweet, our bodies fitting together like the closure of a locket, storing this memory between us. A memento. 
"I have a possible moment ruining question," I finally speak, my head resting in the crook of his neck as he plays with my hair. My knees are sore from the hard floor beneath me, satiny static beginning to move through my legs as the loss of feeling takes over. 
"What is it?" He tenses a bit under me but doesn't falter. 
"Why the fuck is there a photo of you and Robert Downey Jr. hanging in your hallway?" I ask, not bothering to move to meet his eyes. He rumbles beneath me, beginning low before morphing into a full belly laugh. When I pull back, Jeremy is trying to catch his breath, wiping a tear from his eye. "What's so funny?" I question, quirking an eyebrow. My words just send him into another fit of laughter. 
"So you know who he is?" He retorts, words bumbling over his laughter. 
"Of course I do!" I exclaim, and the look on Jeremy's face is priceless. 
"God, you are so totally oblivious to a whole part of his career aren't you?" He asks, more to the room than to me specifically. "What's the last movie of his you saw?" 
I think over his question, trying to recall anything recent. "I think it was Zodiac, you know, with Mark Ruffalo?" 
"Oh for fucks sake." He runs a hand down his face, his harsh words bathed in humor. 
"What is it this time?!" I shove his shoulder playfully. 
"That movie came out in like, 2007? 2008 maybe?" He informs me. He takes my face gently in his hands, "And what I am about to tell you is one hundred precent true, okay?" I nod beneath his grasp. "Robert, Mark, and I have made three movies together since 2012, and like a bunch of other movies with the same group of people." He rambles, staring straight into my eyes as if he is trying to pass all of his knowledge through his gaze. I grin a bit, my cheeks squished between his hands. 
"I thought you said you made music." I note, feeling a bit of apprehension tangle in my chest. 
"I do." He chuckles, dropping his hands from my face to grab my hands in his. "But we made the goddamn Avengers! Earth's mightiest heroes!" 
"I am so happy for you?" My words come out as a question, my eyebrows furrowing. 
"Holy fuck, have you not seen a single one of the Marvel movies?" His question is mock serious but overflowing with intrigue. 
"I think I saw one with Tobey Maguire?" I tell him with a shrug. 
"That is only kind of right." He laughs. "You really have gotta see more movies, Jesus Christ." He pushes himself from the floor before reaching down to help me to my feet. I stumble a bit, the bee sting sensation rousing throughout my legs. "Get in bed, we will talk about your lack of movie knowledge more tomorrow." 
I can't help but laugh as I bury myself beneath the cool sheets of his bed, my body aching but glad to be off of the hard floor. Jeremy slips in beside me before pulling my body flush against his body, wrapping me in a warm embrace. 
The events of the night wash over me in a haze, salt soaked and pleading. The grief that has held me prisoner over the past few months now nothing more than a slight itch in my chest. I don't think of it now, in this moment, wrapped up in Jeremy's strong arms. My body now thoroughly worked over and satiated thrums with a new feeling, more love than loss, more present than absent; chosen. 
Maybe that's the way it's supposed to be, healing that is, maybe not all at once, but sudden. The drowning feeling easing into a floating, a surviving that finally breaks through into actually living. It's moments like these that make me feel alive, just the way I am supposed to. Not bound by what is no longer here or the waiting for something to exist, there just is- truly present and unbothered by the notion of inexistence. 
"Goodnight beautiful," He whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. 
"Goodnight, Pretty Boy." I sigh, exhaustion clouding over my senses, buzzing quietly beneath my skin. 
He is asleep in mere moments as my mind stumbles back to my other favorite tale, Orpheus and Euridice. When Euridice was lost to the underworld, Orpheus risked everything to find her, the power of his music guiding him. Their only way to escape the underworld was to leave together, her behind him. He must never turn around to be sure she was still there, otherwise they'd be lost to each other forever. The music, his music, guided her, even if she didn't know him by face or by form.
Her soul knew him- and that was enough. 
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vibraniumavenger · 6 months
I’m back😅
So, a lot has happened since I last posted. I got a new job last year, and I’ve been doing so many hours. I felt like I gave up so easily when trying to get back into writing, and when writing Ties That Mend.
I’m currently working on some pieces that I’ll post eventually and then I’ll hopefully finish up TTM.
Sorry, and thank you!
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peachyyy1234 · 9 months
Coriolanus snow x fem reader 18+
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Summary: you take coriolanus virginity
Authors note: hope you guys like thise post it's my first time writing lease don't judge also sorry if I miss spell English isn't my first language love your author olivia hope you like it
Warning seaxual content finger in pussy sex eating someone out
It was around 11 pm you where are your best friend coriolanus snows house to study you two been close for years " I don't get this stupid question" you say frustrated "it's not that hard " coriolanus says "for you it's not" you say looking ate him as he sighs you close your book
" how about we do something fun" you say.
"Like what" he says. You get up and walk over to him "um I could think of a few things " you say flirty you grab hum by the color and bring him close to you "what are you doing" coriolanus says confused you kiss him
He pulls back surprised you freel embarrassed but the he kisses you back you . You push him on his bed and get on top of him " I have nev-" coriolanus was saying until you cut him off " don't worry" you say you kiss him you pull back and take you shirt off leaving you in your lacy black bra coriolanus eyes widen he look ate you I'm shock he has never seen you thise beautiful before you take his pants off leaving him in he underwear you also take you pants off leaving you in ur panties and bra you get back on top of him and slowly move your hips around coriolanus let's out a loud whiper as you moan " faster " coriolanus says so you do what he says and move fast letting out a very loud whiper from him and a moan from you he grabs you waits to make you stop "what" you say confused "take your panties off and put my dick in your pussy " he says demanding so you do what he says you rip his underwear off and take your panties off you slowly stroke his cock he whipers softly " I'm gonna put your dick in mu pussy now ok " he nods slowly you put his dick inside your pussay moaning loud he whipers "that feals so nice now ride my dick baby" you start moving you hips around moaning he slips his hand up your back to take you bra off ass you ride he cock he watches you titis bonce while you ride his dick " oh fuckkkkkk ahhh" you whiper riding corios cock " that's the spot baby ohh yeah that's it" coriolanus says moaning you start picking up that pace now your pussy jumping up and down his dick on of his on your waits the other squeezing your boobs he love's the way they bounce "I'm close" he says "omg I'm gonna cum ahhh " you say moaning "I'm gonna fill your sweet pussy up with all my jucy cum baby fuck" he says "I'm there fuck" coriolanus says while cuming inside you pussy "ahhh I'm cuming ahhahh fuc fuck ahhh" you say cuming as you walls close on coriolanus dick he slaps your ass hardly as you climax you pull out of him and lie down next to him "fuck that was good corio " you say he dosnt say anything he starts to play with your swollen pussy "ahh corio I can't " you say moaning " yes you can baby " says he starts moving his fingers faster in a circle on or Clint "ahh" you moan scream out he inserts one ginger inside your swollen pussy while you moan loud he removes his finger and inserts his tongue you moan as he he locking the inside of your pussy he inserts a finger "ahh omg fuckkkk" he removes his tongue and inserts another finger while moving his finger fast in your pussy " faster faster baby ahhh" you say moaning "I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum fuck " you say whimpering "I'm cuming ahhhh" uph say whiler moaning as you cum on his finger while whimpering and moaning he removes his fingers and licks his fingers "you did so good baby " he says going up to kiss you he lies down next to you
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derelictlovefool · 2 months
Author: Achilles, he/him & they/them pronouns
Status: Hobbyist, low writing activity
Writing: OC x Canon, Reader Insert, Original Fiction
Requests/Suggestions: Open
note: i'm a full time student so any requests I get will be done when and if I have time and they spark my interest!
Active in regards to fandoms & characters simply means most enthused about and interested in writing, inactive means least interested in writing but still willing if the idea sparks my creativity.
active | inactive | semi active
Far Cry 5 | Supernatural | The Last of Us | Marvel | DC | Doctor Who | Sweeney Todd | The Witcher | Dying Light 2 | Z Nation | Inkheart | Bridgerton | Slashers | Outlast | Resident Evil | Overwatch | Undertale/Deltarune | Ib | TWD Telltale | Motor Crush | The Arcana | Kingsman
active | inactive | semi active
Faith Seed | John Seed | Joseph Seed | Jacob Seed | Sharky Boshaw | Hurk Drubman Jr | Adelaide Drubman | Jerome Jeffries | Mary May Fairgrave | Eli Palmer | Grace Amestrong | Joey Hudson | Staci Pratt
Dean Winchester | Sam Winchester | Castiel | Charlie Bradbury ||| Joel | Tess ||| Wade Wilson | Tony Stark | Pepper Potts | Bucky Barnes | Steve Rodgers | Thor Odinson | Bruce Banner | Natasha Romanoff | Clint Barton ||| Harley Quinn
The Doctor (4, 9-15) | Jack Harkness | Rose Tyler | Donna Noble ||| Sweeney Todd | Mrs Lovett ||| Geralt of Rivera | Jaskier/Dandelion | Yennefer of Vennenberg ||| Hakon | Aiden | Lawan | Frank ||| Alvin Murphy | Roberta Warren | Addison Carver | Cassandra | Sarge | George St Claire
Mo | Dustfinger ||| Penelope Featherington | Benedict Bridgerton | Anthony Bridgerton | Colin Bridgerton | Eloise Bridgerton | Violet Bridgerton | Kate Sharma | Edwina Sharma ||| Jason Voorhees | Michael Myers | Bubba Sawyer | Brahms Heelshire | Thomas Hewitt
Eddie Gluskin ||| Ethan Winters | Karl Heisenberg | Alcina Dimitrescu | Donna Benniviento | Slavator Monreau | Mia Winters | Chris Redfield | Leon Kennedy | Ada Wong | Claire Redfield
Jack Morrison | Gabriel Reyes | Cole Cassidy | Genji Shimada | Hanzo Shimada | Mei ||| Sans | Papyrus | Asgore | Undyne | Mettaton | Queen ||| Gary ||| Calax Gothard | Domino Swift | Lola Del Carmen | Sonoya Vernilion ||| Asra | Nadia | Dorian | Portia | Muriel ||| Merlin/Hamish Mycroft
OC's: David Thorn (Slasher), Z (God Symbiote), Xander (Robot)
Tropes I enjoy writing:
Variations of the Enemies to Lovers/Friends to Lovers | Childhood Friends | Neighbour across the hall/street | Mutual Pining | Devotion and Obsession | Making each other worse | Making each other better | Romance in Violence | Ride or Die Friends | Royal Guard/Gardener x Royalty | Crime Boss x Bodyguard | Dog Coded x Cat Coded | Fuck Love Triangles Make it Poly | Fake Dating | Meet Cute and more!
❝​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— male/trans/enby/gn!reader (I'm here for the guys and gays)
— oc x canon, oc x oc, canon x canon, reader x canon, reader x oc
— sfw & nsfw
— platonic, queer-platonic, romantic, familial, etc.
— headcannons, one-shots, multi-parts
— AU's, crossovers
— gore, violence, toxic relationships, death/angst
❝​🇼​​🇴​​🇳​❜​🇹​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— fem!reader (There's thousands out there already y'know)
— genderbends
— pregnancy related topics
— self harm topics
— incest, paedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia and any of that nasty crap
— non-con
— infidelity
— Characters I really don't know or care about </3
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I’m slowly but surely trying to corrupt my girlfriend with my hyper fixations and your Marvel fics are one of them. She’s already read A Painter’s Embrace and loved it. Now I’m trying to decide which one get her hooked on next. I’m thinking one of the multiply book series 🤔 any suggestions?
Lol, corrupted, hmm?😆
Well, that's really going to depend on whether she wants to stick with Steve and go for a reader insert with
Or delve deep into the obsession that is
If she gets sucked into this one, though, she may disappear for a week because it's 5 books long!
Or if she wants to fall in love with Hawkeye, there's always
Third part of this series links to my AO3.
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supraveng · 2 years
We were never friends
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main masterlist
Summary:  you confess your feelings only to be rejected  (friends to enemies)
Word count: 897
Pairings: Choose your avenger x fem!reader
Warning: swearing, mean Avenger, insecurities..tell me if i missed any
A/N:  I love angst but never able to write it since I love all the characters too much to allow them to hurt me.....I came up with this idea and couldn’t decide on who could possibly break the readers heart, so I left the Avenger up to who you decide....it’s a little odd, I know
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You had just walked in and about to start your shift when Jenna come running up to you.   
“Don’t shoot the messenger, but I just sat the Asshole Avenger in your section, per their request”  She looked like she felt guilty, and you knew she shouldn’t be, this was your issue and unfortunately a bunch of people got caught in the crossfire.   
“Hey, it’s not your fault, don’t feel bad” you shrug your shoulders before herding out of the kitchen “here goes nothing” you mumble as you make your way over to your former friend / crush.  
The two of you hadn’t had a civil conversation since you confessed your feelings and were harshly rejected.  Not seeing a point to continue any sort of friendship since you apparently didn’t mean as much to them as they did to you.   
Approaching the table you took a deep breath, ”hi I’m Y/N, would you like to hear today’s specials?”  trying your best to remain professional.  
They automatically scoff at you, and shake their head, “yeah, I know who you are.”  
You roll your eyes at the audacity of the situation, as if you are the one interrupting their day.  “So do you know what you would like to order?” smiling and trying not to show any emotion to them.  
“No, I don’t want to order anything, I came here to talk to you since you aren’t returning my calls”  they seemed frustrated now and you could honestly not care less.  
“I think you said everything you needed to say a few weeks ago.  I’m not good enough for you, I get it, you don't need to keep repeating it to me”   Your nose was flaring at this point, but you were doing your best to keep your voice down. 
“That’s not, what I came here to say” they looked at you then as if they could crack at any moment, but you weren’t about to feel sorry for them or pity the pain they were now experiencing.  
“Really?  Because you were the one who let me know, more than once, that I’m not good enough, so now you have something new?  Did you find another flaw that you forgot to point out before?” At this point you knew you were getting louder, but you really didn’t care.  
Maybe the rest of the world saw the Avengers as the world's mightiest heroes, but you knew they were damaged just like the rest of humanity.  
“That’s not fair, we were friends, and you threw that away because I didn’t return your feelings.  Don’t lay your issues on me” by now, half of the restaurant was listening to your conversation, but you ignored that fact.   
“Friends?  We were never friends.  You know why?  A friend wouldn’t point out that I don’t look like a supermodel, or not educated enough, or come from an impoverished upbringing.  A true friend would respect me enough to be honest about their feelings not being reciprocated without making me feel like garbage” you are glaring at them, hoping for an apology.  
“So now I’m not a friend because I was too honest with you?  I’m an Avenger, I have an image to maintain, and I’m sorry you don’t fit into that, but that shouldn’t change our friendship”   
All of your hopes for an apology went out the window, so you decided to take the gloves off.  
“Why would you want to remain friends with someone that doesn’t fit into your perfect little bubble?  Huh? Imagine being caught by the paparazzi with a friend that looks like me? What would happen to your precious reputation?”  breathing heavy after your rant, you looked at them fully  for the first time in a long time. 
“It’s funny how you don’t want to be with me, and yet you are the one who keeps coming back to me.  Bringing back those reminders, I’m curious now if you are trying to convince me or yourself…”  you notice a look on their face change to regret, you could almost laugh at the fact you finally figured it all out.  
“That’s it isn’t it?  You know what we had was more than friendship, but I don’t fit with what’s expected of you.  So, did you think that breaking my heart would make it easier for me or you?”   
They now had unshed tears in their eyes, but you couldn’t give a damn, it didn’t change the way they treated you.  
“Well, this was an interesting little therapy session we had, but I have work to do, some of us don’t have billionaire money to support them” you walked away into the kitchen as quickly as you could, trying your best to keep from crying.  
Before you could even take a full breath, your manager, Todd came over and pulled you into a hug.  “It’s ok, I got ya” he mumbled into your hair as you let out all the emotions that were swarming inside of you.   
“I’m taking your tables, go home and we can talk about all this tomorrow” he told you without leaving any room for discussion.  You could only respond with thank you before grabbing your bag and heading to the subway, hoping to get away from the mess you just went through. 
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Tony’s Birthday (Tony Stark x Reader)
God, the writers block on this one was real, my dudes. I couldn’t come up with anything, and then I finally had a breakthrough and no time to write. And then I wrote like 2k words in a night. So, my brain works in fantastic ways. Now that it’s finally written, please enjoy this shameless sex with plot with Tony Stark.
Warnings: There is smut in this, and I think I’m like legally obligated to warn minors about that. Remember that you choose the content you consume. There’s swearing, I’m sure. I don’t normally get through a paragraph without one. Mentions of lingerie, dresses, alcohol, and hangovers. Tony Stark, always comes with his own warning.
Word Count: 6149
Summary: After weeks of not knowing what to get Tony for his birthday, you finally come up with an idea. Spoiler alert, he loves it.
Tomorrow is your husband, Tony Stark’s, birthday. And you have no idea what to get him. He’s throwing himself a big party, or rather you and Pepper are, and you’re just having Tony foot the bill while you two plan. But what do you get a billionaire for his birthday? He has everything he could ever wish for, as he’s told you multiple times. But seriously, he doesn’t even have something on his Amazon wish list, especially since he bought Amazon a couple years back.
So that, again, begs the question. What do you get Tony; genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist that he is; for his birthday?
Well, what about you? You’ve been married a while, you’ve obviously had sex. But what if you went out and got yourself a new set of lingerie? Give Tony a surprise for his birthday, and maybe put a bow on top. Tony would love that. You thought, grabbing your purse and leaving.
At the store, you looked through many different sets, even finding ones modeled after all of the Avengers. Sets after Sam and Thor here, you and Natasha there, Bucky and Steve, Clint, even Loki! Or was that Bruce? Nope, Loki, his name was written across the ass of the panties. Oh, but there was the set modeled after Bruce, more coverage, that made sense. Oh, and there was one for each of the twins too, wow. Tony would get so jealous he’d just rip it right off of me and- nope, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves in the middle of the store. Before moving, you saw a set for Peter too and decided not to grab it since Tony might literally kill you. That’s my son, you thought, moving it to the side. Not only has Peter become a son to Tony, he called me Mom by accident last week. You did pick up one of each of the rest though, just thinking about what Tony would do to you seeing you in them lighting a fire within you.
And then you saw the set you were looking for. Red adorned with gold, sheer lace cups with gold accents and crotchless red panties with IRON MAN written on the back in gold. He won’t even have to take it off to fuck me. He might buy this entire store just so he can- your train of thought was cut off by your phone ringing. Tony, of course.
“Hey Tone.” You said, picking up and adding the set to your basket.
“Hello, my beautiful wife.” He replied. “I was looking for you, where are you?”
“I’m just picking up some last minute things for the party tomorrow. Why, do you need me?” You asked, walking over to an open register and placing your basket down.
You could hear the smirk before he even started talking. “You’re late for our weekly lab meeting.” Of course. He means your weekly fucking in the lab while Bruce takes a convienently long lunch break after walking in on the two of you going at it 4 weeks in a row.
“I’m almost done here, and I’m not that far, I’ll be home soon.” You said, hanging up quickly.
The cashier looked at you star-struck and you were confused for a moment before you remembered that you too were an Avenger and you were married to Iron Man. “Can I have your autograph?” She asked softly, holding out a notebook filled with the signatures of the other Avengers.
“Of course, hun.” You said, taking the pen from her and signing in the last available spot. Which ironically, was next to Tony’s. That wasn’t hard, though. The man you chose to marry had a gigantic signature. “You need anybody else’s?” You asked softly.
“No thank you. You’re the last one. Do you need a bag?”
You nodded, internally facepalming at not having brought one. “Yes please. Do you need anything else or just for me to pay?”
“I can’t think of anything ma’am. Did you need anything?”
“Why don’t you and everyone that works here come to Tony’s birthday party tomorrow? Since I’m the last one to sign your little book, I assume everybody else comes in here pretty regularly.”
“Yes ma’am, they do.” She said, handing you the bag. “Mr. Stark is here about every other month.” Well that lines up with when I get surprises. You thought, smiling. “Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes always come in together, and they got quite the laugh out of the Avenger’s line of sets last time they were here. Mr. Wilson has come with them a few times, but he normally likes to come by himself. Thor and Loki have come in together more than once, but Thor really prefers to look.” You laughed at that. “Mr. Barton usually comes in alone, as do Ms. Romanoff and Dr. Banner. And the Maximoff twins have come in together before, but they usually prefer separately. It was funny the day one of them was in here and the other came in and saw them.” She told you. 
“Has Peter Parker ever been in here?” You asked, seemingly innocent.
She looked sheepish, “Just once, ma’am, and I guess he must’ve used Mr. Stark’s card since after buying his one item, he got a very angry phone call which sounded like it had something to do with safe sex and why Mr. Parker was spending Mr. Stark’s money at a lingerie shop.”
“Oh, Tony.” You sighed, turning towards the door with your bag. Before you left, you turned back. “Thank you. But I never caught your name, hun.”
“Oh, I’m Rachel Green.” She said, “Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Stark. Your husband is one of our best customers.”
You nodded, sighing again. “Yeah, I’d believe it. Thank you, Rachel. And don’t forget to come to the party tomorrow.”
“I won’t. Have a great day!”
“You too!” You told her, finally pushing the door open and walking quickly back to Stark Tower so you could hide your shopping from Tony before having your lab “meeting”.
The next day, after a day of Avenging Paperwork (aka, filling in mission reports from the last month and filing them since you were the only one Tony let into the records room, digital or otherwise), you went up to the penthouse that you shared with Tony to find a bright red dress laying on the bed, with gold jewelry laying on your vanity.
“Mr. Stark has requested that you wear this tonight for him, Mrs. Stark.” JARVIS said. You’d been through so much with Tony and JARVIS that him speaking out of quite literally nowhere didn’t even scare you anymore.
“Why am I not even surprised, J? How long has he been picking outfits out for me now, 5 years?”
The AI spoke again, “Ever since your first party as his date, Mrs. Stark, 8 years ago now.”
“God, has it really been that long?” You asked yourself, stripping down and pulling out the Iron Man lingerie. “We’re getting old.”
“At least he let you pick your wedding dress.” JARVIS said, with a hint of humor in his robotic voice.
You laughed out loud while slipping on the dress, noting that it hugged you perfectly, had a much deeper neckline than you anticipated, and a very long slit up your right side up to your hip. “Very true J. And even though he told me that there was no limit, I still didn’t want to go too overboard.”
“He found it funny that he gave you unlimited money and you picked what was essentially the cheapest dress in the store.”
“That sounds like my husband’s sense of humour.” You said, sighing softly as you clasped the necklace behind your neck. When it came to the bracelet, however, you couldn’t get it on. When it was clasped, you couldn’t slip it on around your hand, but unclasped, you couldn’t shut it around your wrist. “Ah, fuck, Tony should know better by now to get me bracelets. I can’t ever get them on by myself.” You slipped on the extra rings Tony had left for you, knowing that you liked to wear lots of them, and put in the dangly earrings that were mini Iron Man suits.
As you were finishing up your makeup, Jarvis spoke again. “Mrs. Stark, would you like me to call someone for you to help you zip up your dress and clasp the bracelet?”
“Would you call Natasha for me, J?” You asked, starting on your hair, since the rest of your outfit was finished and ready for the party.
A moment later, there was a knock on your bedroom door. “Y/N? Are you okay? JARVIS said you needed my help.”
You opened the door. “J, you gotta stop worrying people. I’m fine, Nat. Zipper and bracelet.” You pulled her in and shut the door behind the both of you.
“My dearest apologies, Mrs. Stark. You know I never mean to worry anyone when their assistance is needed.” JARVIS told you both softly, trying to match the volume you both were speaking at, something Tony had thankfully programmed in him a long time ago.
“Okay, turn around, Y/N.” Nat told you, slowly taking in the new dress Tony had bought for you. You did, and she zipped you up. “This dress is lovely. One of Tony’s best choices in a while.”
“I’m sure he thinks it’s his birthday present, getting to spend money on me again.” You said, chuckling as you fidgeted nervously with your rings.
Natasha noticed your change in demeanour immediately. “Why are you nervous? You’re never nervous for one of Tony’s parties.” She said, clasping the bracelet around your non-dominant wrist.
“I just bought Tony’s present yesterday on a whim, and now I’m not as sure if he’ll like it.”
“What did you buy him? Can I see?”
“Um, well.. kind of.. not really.”
“Can you tell me what it is or where you got it from?”
“You know that cute little shop on 43rd that has the clerk with the notepad of Avengers’ signatures?” You asked, not making eye contact with her.
Natasha gasped softly. “You got yourself a new pair of lingerie for Tony’s birthday! Which set? Which set?” She went from shocked to excited in the blink of an eye.
“I mean, there’s that new Avengers line, y’know?” You continued nervously.
“You got the Iron Man ones?” She asked bluntly.
“I got all of them except the Spiderman ones. But I’m currently wearing the Iron Man ones.” Natasha raised an eyebrow. “Bruce isn’t the only one with a raging green monster.” You said, looking at her to gauge her reaction.
She smirked, nodding her head in agreement with your plan. “So not tonight, but at some point, you’re gonna have crazy jealous sex with Tony when he discovers you bought every set from the Avengers line except Spiderman?”
“He’s like a kid to both of us!” You started to defend yourself. “But yeah. Yup. That’s the plan.”
“He’s gonna fuck the shit out of you.” She said, laughing.
You laughed along with her, knowing from your girls nights how much the both of you enjoy having your brains fucked out of you. “And that’s exactly what we want. You ready to go?”
“I am ready if you’re ready, Mrs. Stark.” Natasha said, offering you her arm to walk down the stairs in the stilettos Tony had picked out for you, despite knowing you couldn’t walk in them. You assumed that he did it on purpose at this point, so you’d have to stay near the Avengers the whole night as a form of using him (or one of the other Avengers) for balance.
“My husband is an asshole for doing this to me with every new pair of shoes he picks out for me.” You said, stumbling down the hall even while Nat was holding you up. “And every year for his birthday, he gets me a new sparkly red dress with gold accents. The entire world knows that I belong to him, does he really need to have me in his colours?”
“You’re currently wearing his colours under the dress, on purpose, with his name across the ass of the crotchless panties.” You went to make a smart remark about how would she know when she answered the question you hadn’t yet asked. “You weren’t the only one that’s checked out the new line, hun.”
“Fair enough.” You said, just as the elevator doors opened for the both of you into the party.
Nat wrapped her arm around your waist and led you over to Tony. “Stark, I know you love Y/N, but why do you give her shoes she can’t even walk in every time that you pick them out?” She said, picking you up and placing you on the barstool in between Steve and Bucky but next to Tony.
“I like her staying over here instead of talking to the rich assholes in the room.” He said, passing you your drink of choice.
“I’m married to the richest asshole of them all.” You said, sipping at it. “And if they’re such big assholes, why do you invite them to every party you throw?”
“Because us rich assholes have to stick together, sweetheart. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”
You grabbed his wrist. “I will not, birthday boy. I wasn’t done with you yet.”
“Ooh, are we starting the gifts early?” He asked, rubbing his hands together childishly.
“You’re not getting your present from me if you get yourself drunk tonight, Tone. I love you, but you’re gonna wanna remember this present.”
Tony gave you a kiss on the forehead. “I won’t touch another drop of alcohol, sweetness. If you say that I’m going to remember this, I’m going to memorize every single detail of whatever your surprise may be.” He told you, before squeezing your hand and walking away quickly.
“Loki?” You asked, leaning to see him better.
“Hold on, brother, it’s not quite late enough to be as drunk as you are. Just wait a little, and then you can have it back.” He said, pulling Thor’s flask out of his hand. “Yes, Y/N?” He asked, turning to you. 
You pulled the flask from Loki’s hand and passed it to Steve. “Don’t drink that too fast, super soldiers.” You told them before turning back to Loki. “You know a sobering spell, right?”
“I do. I should hope that I won’t need to use it tonight, but I have a sobering spell should you need it for your husband.”
“Thank you, Loki.” You said, striking up more conversations with the Avengers, even though you had seen them not even two hours ago.
Five hours later, since Tony’s parties always ran late into the night, all of the guests had left, and it was just the Avengers back upstairs in the living room of the penthouse.
“Okay, present time?” Tony said, hopefully. 
“Hasn’t gracing you with our presence all night been enough?” Loki asked sarcastically. “Besides, what do you get the man who can buy himself whatever he wants?”
“Yeah Tony, you don’t even have an Amazon wishlist.” Clint said, spinning a drumstick.
Rhodey passed him a box. “You just have to get him something from the heart.” 
“You’re just saying that because you’ve known him since his drunk MIT days.” Bucky said, also sliding a box in Tony’s direction. 
“Oh, honey bear!” Tony exclaimed. “An AC/DC mixtape!” (“What is this, the 90’s?” was said by Peter in the background) “And their newest album!” (“They’re still releasing music?” Peter continued, more than a little drunk.”)
You stood up, “Okay, Pete. Time for bed, buddy. I’ll call May and let her know you’ll be home in the morning after breakfast.” You told him, taking him down to the room you and Tony had specifically set up for Peter for when you couldn’t pry the two of them from the lab with a Hulk. Trust me, you tried. 
Since you had taken off your stilettos hours ago, preferring to just wander around barefoot since you couldn’t sneak another pair of shoes in, it was only Peter who was stumbling down the hall, clinging onto you. When you got to his room, you realized that the only clothes in the drawers were from when this was your room, before you and Tony got together.
“Peter?” You asked softly.
He rolled his head towards you, slurring his words slightly. “Yeah, Mom?”
You smiled, looking fondly at the drunk boy you had come to see as your son. “We’ve gotta get you out of your fancy clothes, but the only clothes in here are mine. Is it okay if I go get you one of Tony’s shirts and a pair of sweatpants?”
“Of course!” He said excitedly. “I might never bring clothes to keep at the Tower if I get to wear Dad’s!” 
You chuckled softly, knowing that was exactly why he didn’t have any here yet. You’d make sure you picked some up from May when you dropped him off tomorrow. “Can you stay awake until I get back?” You asked, knowing he’d be asleep by the time you got back anyways.
“Sure I can!”
“And can you take off everything but your boxers for me, bud?”
“Mhmm!” Peter said, nodding excitedly in agreement. “I’ll start right now for you, Mom!” He started fumbling through it, but got one shoe off before you left the room, walking back upstairs to get some of Tony’s clothes for the boy to wear.
“How is he?” Natasha asked, noting your return.
You laughed. “Very drunk. And without clothes in the room we set up for him, Tone. I’m gonna steal one of your shirts and a pair of sweats for him, ‘kay?”
“Anything for that kid. Did you get him down that easily?”
“He wasn’t out when I left. But he had started taking his shoes off so I could help him into some sleep clothes.” You called from the bedroom, rummaging around in the drawers. “And I’m gonna make him drink some water, and I’ll leave pain pills on the nightstand for him. Also, how the hell did you get him drunk? He has a faster metabolism than most people, he’s fucking Spiderman!”
“That was me.” Clint said, holding a shot glass. “Spider metabolism takes about 4 shots of tequila to overcome.”
Thor added, “And he was only slightly tipsy after that! He quite enjoyed the Asgardian mead that the Captain, Sergeant, and I were drinking!”
“You gave Peter alien alcohol?!” You and Tony exclaimed at the same time.
“It didn’t affect him all that much until the 3rd shot, and by that point he had had shots of rum and whiskey in his system too.” Loki told you, gauging your reactions.
“You mixed alcohol in my kid?!?” Tony exclaimed.
You closed your eyes, feeling a headache coming on just from the sheer stupidity of the Avengers when they’re tipsy. “I’m gonna send May a text that Peter’s sleeping over. And J?” You asked.
“Yes, Mrs. Stark?”
“Will you remind whoever drops Peter off to pick up clothes for him to keep here when he sleeps over?” You asked, quickly making your way back to Peter, knowing now why he was so drunk.
“Of course, Mrs. Stark.” JARVIS said, his voice following you as you moved through the hallways.
“Mom! You’re back!” Peter said, still slurring his words but in his boxers sitting right where you left him.
You walked over to him and passed him the clothes. “I’m back, bud. And I’m so proud of you for doing what I asked. I know that must’ve been tricky in this state.”
“I couldn’t figure out the buttons on my shirt.” He admitted, throwing Tony’s Led Zeppelin shirt over his head. 
“Hey, that’s okay. It happens when you’re drunk.” You passed him a glass of water once he had the sweatpants on too. “Can you drink this for me?”
He took the glass from you and sipped at it slowly. “Sure I can.” He smiled. “This tastes better than what Mr. Barton and Mr. Thor were giving me.”
“This is better for you.” You told him, rubbing his back.
“Mom, I don’t feel so good.”
“What’s wrong?” You asked, still softly rubbing.
Peter bolted towards the bathroom. “I think I’m gonna puke!” He said, leaning over the toilet.
“J, call Tony please.” You said, kneeling beside him and rubbing his back.
Tony burst into the room, “What’s wrong?!”
“Pete feels very nauseous right now.” You explained calmly and softly, in an attempt to calm your husband.
It worked. “Oh, okay.” You stood as Tony knelt with Peter, rubbing his back and sitting quietly with him. “I know you don’t do so well with puke, sweetheart.”
“Thank you, Tone.” You told him, kissing his forehead and refilling Peter’s glass. “Get him to drink some more water, maybe it’ll flush it out of his system a little.” 
“Can you tilt your head this way for me, bud?” 
Peter lifted his head and turned it towards Tony. “Sure can, Dad.”
“Drink a little of this for me? It should help you feel better.” Tony said, heart warming at being called Dad.
“Yeah. Okay. Can you help?” Peter tilted his head back a little and Tony slowly poured some water into Peter’s mouth.
“Swallow.” He said.
While the two of them were doing that, you were grabbing a bottle of Tylenol to leave on Peter’s bedside as well as a pair of sunglasses, knowing how bright the tower feels when you’re hungover.
After Tony got Peter to brush his teeth, and drink some more water, you refilled his glass and you both tucked him into bed, kissing his forehead. “Goodnight, kiddo.” Tony said, turning off the lights.
“Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight Dad.” Peter said, snuggling deeper into the covers.
“Goodnight, bud.” You told him, shutting the door softly behind both of you.
As you and Tony walked back upstairs, he had a question for you. “So, what’s my present from you, sweetcheeks?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I very much would.” He said, pinning you lightly to the wall.
“Back to the penthouse bedroom, Tone.” You panted out softly, his cologne overwhelming your senses after not being able to be near him much today. “Please, c’mon, private gift, Tone.”
After you said that, Tony dragged you upstairs, barely allowing you to take off your jewelry before he was sucking hickies on your neck. “Please tell me the gift is you, sweetheart.” He growled against your pulse point.
“Yeah, Tone, it’s me! The gift is me, but you don’t you dare rip this fucking dress.” You cried, tangling your fingers in his hair. Tony unzipped the back of your dress, telling JARVIS to turn on the “Do Not Disturb” protocols until at least 8AM. You hadn’t had nearly as much to drink as everyone else, so you were going to make everybody hangover breakfast and coffee.
Pulling the dress off of you, Tony threw you on the bed, and you bounced slightly towards the headboard. You turned and crawled up towards it, giving him a full view of your ass, and what was written on the lingerie. “Oh, so this is my present.” Tony said, smirking as he captured your lips in a kiss. “I get to have my name across your ass while I’m fucking you. Is that what you want, sweetheart?”
“Yes!” You yelled as he left hickies down your throat and tits. He slipped two fingers in you while marking up your torso, knowing that if you couldn’t take them yet, he’d have lots of fun opening you up to take his cock. “Oh God, Tony, please don’t stop.”
“I would never, sweetheart.” He said, sucking a mark right below your belly button. As Tony kept fingering you, he swirled his tongue quickly around your clit, working you up to the edge even quicker. Tony loved when you came before he was even inside of you.
“Oh, Tony, please- I- fuck, close, Tone!” Your brain was turning to goo, and from previous experiences, you knew Tony was going to fingerfuck you straight through your first orgasm of the night.
You were right. “Cum for me, my sweet Y/N.” He whispered softly in your ear, rubbing your clit quickly with his thumb while he was still fingering you. “Princess, just let go.”
And that was what did it. All the tension that had been building up released all at once, leading you to one of the best orgasms of your life. And Tony fingerfucked you through it, stimulating you even more and working you up to your next orgasm. When he retracted his fingers, though, you let out a small whimper, which caused Tony to chuckle and you to blink your eyes open, not knowing when you had shut them. You watched as Tony stuck his fingers covered in your cum in his mouth and licked them off.
“You taste so good for me, sweetheart. I could eat you out all goddamn day. But I won’t. You know why?” You shook your head. “I wanna fuck this pretty pussy of yours that you have all dressed up for me for my birthday. How lucky am I to have such a loving wife that knows I have everything I want?” He tapped your hips in a way that you knew meant ‘roll over’ and did so.
“What are you gonna do to me, Tone?” You asked softly. You weren’t nervous or anything, you just really liked hearing all the shit that was gonna come out of his mouth. You liked hearing how he was gonna fuck you, and he knew it. As always, he turned the dial to 11.
Pulling you up onto your knees, Tony twisted your head so you weren’t face down in the pillows. “I’m gonna hold you up like this, even though I know your legs are jelly from that orgasm, and I’m gonna fuck your pretty little pussy while staring at my name on your ass. Because you’re fucking mine, right, sweetheart?” He asked, slowly thrusting into you and burying himself to the hilt.
“Oh, God, yes! I’m all yours Tony! Just don’t stop!”
“That’s right. Nobody else’s name is on that ass of yours. Nobody else sees their name on that ass of yours. Mine.” Tony said, lightly biting the back of your shoulder.
You rested your forehead on your hands. “Don’t wan’ nobody else! Just you! Fuckin’ love you, Tony! Never loved anybody like I love you!” You said, having found enough strength to thrust your hips backwards in time with his thrusts.
“Oh, God, Y/N, sweetheart. Fuck, yes. I’m gonna cum. Can I cum inside of you, sweetheart? Don’t wanna wreck this new set of yours already.”
“Don’t wreck it! Just cum in me, Tone!” You screamed in pleasure as you felt him thrust as deep into you as he could, stopping and pulsating. The feeling of him cumming inside of you triggered your second orgasm. 
What you guessed was a few minutes later, but was actually probably just seconds, you heard Tony say, “Make a sound or move something if you can hear me, sweetheart.” You knew you had screamed your voice out, so you did your best to tap the index finger on your dominant hand. “Okay, I’m gonna pull out now, is that okay?” He asked. You tried to nod in response, but had no idea if you had actually succeeded until you felt Tony pull out. “Oh fuck,” he groaned. “God, it’s just spilling out of you. That’s so fucking hot, sweetheart. I wish you could see this.”
“Take a picture.” You croaked.
“Okay, sweetcheeks.” Tony said softly. “But after, we’re getting you into a bath and out of this lovely fucking set of lingerie. Next time I’m cumming all over your tits.” He told you, taking a picture and picking you up. JARVIS had starting running a bath at the perfect temperature, as he always did after you two had sex, and Tony carefully placed you on the toilet so you could pee, he was not letting you get a UTI.
“Happy birthday, Tone.” You whispered, snuggling back against his chest once the two of you were situated in the bath with some epsom salts.
He kissed the top of your head softly, “Thank you for making it the best birthday, sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you responded, drifting off in the tub, not for the first time.
The next morning, you woke up wrapped in Tony’s arms. This was very unusual since Tony was always up in the lab hours before you woke up. You actually weren’t sure if you had woken up next to Tony since your honeymoon. You rolled over and nuzzled further into his chest, wanting to enjoy this for as long as you could.
“Honey? Are you awake?” Tony’s morning voice resonated against the ear you had pressed against his chest.
“If I say yes, does that mean you’re gonna get up?” You mumbled, really just wanting to snuggle with your husband in bed.
He wrapped his arms tighter around you, “Not if you don’t want to. I like cuddling.”
Of course, since the two of you could never have a moment’s peace, JARVIS started speaking. “Mrs. Stark, you said you were going to make “hangover breakfast” for the Avengers. And they’re all in their rooms, with the blackout curtains shut, whimpering about the amount of light.”
“One morning in bed with my husband, is that too much to ask?” You asked, rolling away from Tony and sitting up.
“Apparently.” Tony said, rolling out of bed to grab clothes for you both.
“J, will you start the coffee machine?” You got up and brushed your teeth before getting dressed in the clothes Tony picked out for you and doing the rest of your morning routine. “Tony?”
He poked his head into the bathroom. “Yeah, hon?”
“Can we have tomorrow morning in bed to cuddle?” You asked, pouting slightly.
“Anything you want, sweetheart.” He kissed your cheek and wrapped his arm around your waist as you walked into the penthouse kitchen together. 
You grabbed out everybody’s individualized mugs that Tony had gotten for Christmas last year and set them all out at the table while Tony grabbed the cream and sugar so you could personalize everybody’s coffee for them. Steve took his black, it’s the way he had always drank it, and he wasn’t changing that. Bucky took his with so much cream that you were pretty sure it was actually coffee flavoured cream in the mug. Natasha’s mug had a lid so that nobody could actually see the colour of her coffee, especially since everybody assumed she took it black, but she had the homemade equivalent of a latte in that mug. Clint’s also had a lid because everybody assumed he took his like a latte, but he really drinks it black. He grew up in the circus and has 3 kids. That shit doesn’t need sugar or cream, he’s drinking it to stay alive. Tony and Bruce both drank so much coffee that theirs was essentially black by the end of the day due to refills, but they both start with a decent amount of cream and sugar so that they feel like it lasts them the whole day. Thor has a sweet tooth, that should explain everything about his coffee, sugar but no cream. Loki also has a lid, for while everyone would assume he likes black coffee, there’s a decent amount of cream in there. Wanda and Pietro both take their coffee with a bit of cream and a bit of sugar, no overboard in either direction. Sam didn’t really care, as to him, coffee is coffee, it doesn’t matter what you do to it as long as it still tastes like coffee. And Peter.. you had never seen Peter use his mug for anything but hot chocolate.
“Tone?” You asked, still fixing up Sam’s mug of coffee. “How does Peter take his coffee?”
“Oh, with- J, how does Peter take his coffee?”
“Two cream, one sugar, sir.”
You chuckled, fixing up Peter’s mug in the way JARVIS said he liked. “How did we not know that?”
“I’ve never seen him drink coffee before.” Tony said, wrapping his arms around you while you started frying up some bacon and sausage.
“Me neither. I’ve never seen him use the mug for anything other than those gourmet hot chocolates that he makes here because we can afford your fancy ass caramel.”
Tony hummed in agreement and started swaying while you were still cooking, kissing the back of your head. “Can I have a real kiss, N/N? I haven’t had one all day!” He exclaimed.
“Oh, honey. Did I forget about you this morning?” You asked, teasingly. “Are you gonna die if you don’t get a sufficient number of kisses before breakfast?”
“Yes!” He whined, teasingly. “I’m just wasting away here, can’t you see?”
You chuckled, knowing what would happen if you gave in and gave Tony a real kiss. “You know why I can’t, Tone.”
“No, N/N, you have to either kiss or tell.” He said, kissing just under your ear.
“If I give you a kiss now, you’ll turn it into a full blown make-out session and I’ll burn breakfast.” You deadpanned while flipping bacon. 
“No I won’t! You have no proof!” He said, dramatically.
You reached over and grabbed some eggs out of the fridge, some more greasy protein wouldn’t hurt a hangover. “Tony, that’s what happened last week.”
“I’m a changed man!” Tony exclaimed, pouting and sitting on the counter next to you.
“I hope you haven’t changed too much from the man who fucked my brain out last night, because I would very much like that to happen again.”
“No fucking in the kitchen, Stevie doesn’t like that language.” Bucky said, sitting in front of where you had placed his mug.
“One time!” Steve exclaimed. “And you weren’t even around when I said it, Buck!”
Bucky laughed, sipping at his coffee before raising it towards you in a silent cheers. “News travels fast, Stevie. Now sit down, drink your coffee, and shut up.”
“Alright, gentlemen, calm down. How do you like your eggs? And what do you like in them?”
As everyone trickled in, sat in front of their coffees, and gave you their breakfast orders, they slowly nursed their headaches while you and Tony shared more banter. Peter was the last one to stumble in, wearing the sunglasses you left for him, though his eyes were shut.
“Here, bud.” You said, sliding the coffee across the counter towards him. “How ya feelin’?”
“Like that time Vulture dropped part of a building on me.” He said softly, sipping the coffee you had made him before adding more cream to it. “Thanks for the coffee, Mom.”
You smiled, turning back to the stove. “No problem, kiddo. How do you like your eggs, and what do you like in them?” Receiving the last breakfast order, you started plating up some bacon and sausage, as well as the first few eggs you cooked. “J, add eggs, bacon, sausage, coffee, cream, and sugar to the grocery list, please.” You said, sliding plates to Bucky and Steve. 
“Of course, Mrs. Stark.” JARVIS said, showing the items on a list on the fridge.
“Can I have my kiss now, sweetheart?” Tony asked, pouting on the counter where you left him. 
“Oh, Tone. One kiss?” You asked.
“One kiss, I promise.”
“And I’m not going to burn breakfast?”
“One kiss, I promise.” He repeated.
You shook your head, chuckling again and sliding more plates down the island. “No kisses until there’s nothing left to burn, Tony.” You handed him a plate. “Sit and eat.”
Tony sighed as you kept passing out breakfast to everybody, not sitting yourself until Peter had his plate. “Thank you for the best birthday ever, sweetheart.” He said, giving you his puppy dog eyes.
“You’re welcome, Tone.” You told him, kissing his cheek.
“All that and I don’t even get a real kiss?” Tony complained, stabbing a sausage with a fork. 
You grabbed his cheeks and tilted them in your direction, so he was facing you, and pulled him in for a kiss. “Every birthday will be better than the last. But if you’re real good today, that wasn’t the only present I got you.”
Tony’s eyes widened with the implication. “There’s more?!”
You smirked, kissing him again. “Only if you’re good, Tone. There’s only more if you’re good.”
“Who else did you get?”
“Fuck around and find out.” You said, finally eating your own food and causing Natasha and Wanda to laugh with the implication. 
I am so sorry that it took so long for me to write this, y’all! But it’s finally done, I hope y’all enjoyed that little FRIENDS reference in there, and yeah, I really just hope you liked it.
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quartzwriting · 3 years
Warm The Lonely Night
Pairing: Kate Bishop X Fem Reader (no y/n)
Description: Kate has been through a lot in the past few days, but she still makes time to bring you your Christmas gift. Why? Cause she’s gotta tell you that she likes you.
Warnings: small spoilers for Hawkeye, slight mention of the cuts on Kate’s face
Word Count: 1.8 k
A/N: I’m in love with Kate and Hailee like ugh, also this is my first time writing for a girl. I’m so happy its her cause I’m in love! She’s too beautiful. Title inspired by the song Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You.
Masterlist | Fic Reading Recs | Ao3 | Quotev | Coffee
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Clint had called her just minutes before she found herself in this position. He asked where she was, the tone of a dad coming through the speaker. She said she was at her aunt’s place, where she was supposed to be. He was not convinced. She tried again and said she was just out to get some things from her mom’s pent house, some of her old arrows and a few changes of clothes. Clint still did not sound convinced, warning her not to get into trouble. She hung up with a huff and shoved her phone into a pocket.
Kate was currently scaling a New York apartment building, holding onto nothing but the rails of a narrow fire escape. The wind blew strong and snowfall threatened to blur her vision. She counted the floors as she went. As the numbers increased and the higher she went, the more the feeling in her stomach ached. The feeling was not from a fear of heights or the fear of being spotted climbing up the side of a building. It was more complicated than that.
There were a few levels left. Something in her dreaded it, the building suspense as she was getting closer and closer. The knot churning and tightening in her stomach was making her sick. Kate did not want to admit it, but she was nervous. So nervous that a hand frequently hovered over another pocket, making sure she did not drop the box inside. 
The thought of the neatly wrapped gift slipping out and tumbling down between the metal bars and plummeting to the street below was terrifying. Not due to the fact that it was expensive. She could easily replace it any day. But it was for someone special. Someone who she missed in the past few days, who she was not able to call or message properly due to the strange circumstances she had gotten thrown into. So she did not want to delay this any further. She had to deliver it now while she had the time. 
She came to the last level she needed to climb, and found herself in front of the target window. The light was on. She took a deep breath and ran a hand through her wind-messed hair. Her hands were shaking, from the cold or how she was feeling inside she couldn’t tell. The nerves felt like they were shooting through her body and they trickled out all the way to her fingertips. She shook out her limbs.
“I’m fine,” she mumbled in a voice that only made sense in her own head, “everything’s fine. It’s just the girl who’s your friend but you’ve had a crush on for the longest time. It’s fine. Do I look fine? I just climbed a freaking building.”
She tried to catch her reflection in the curtained window. One last smooth of her hair and she breathed deeply. Now or never. She pushed down the voice that was screaming at her to panic and turn around. 
“You’ve got this, Kate.”
The knock on your bedroom window had scared the life out of you. Your head snapped in its direction and stared at the closed curtains, not daring to move. You were thinking that you might have imagined it. But no. There was the knock again, frantically rapping on the glass in an anxious tone. 
You might have screamed or ran out of your room, but the sound of her voice calling your name stopped you. Immediately putting your book down, you got up from your desk and rushed over. And when you pulled back the curtains there she was. 
Kate Bishop had this blank look of suspense before it broke into a genuine smile. “Hi!” Her hair was a bit of a mess, it continuing to be tussled by the breeze. There were snowflakes sticking to it as well, bright and big chunks slowly melting into the dark locks. They reminded you of her eyes, shining blue against her dark lashes, the ones you found yourself lost in sometimes. 
You instantly slid the window open, the winter chill blowing the curtains and your hair astray. 
“Kate! Where the hell have you been? You haven’t texted me or answered any of my calls!”
“I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been busy.” She said it naturally, like it was nothing.
“What did you do?” You reached out and put your hands on her cheeks. You examined her face, noticing the bandaged cuts and specks of blood around her forehead and chin. There was a blush from the freezing cold that seemed to get darker by the second. The kind look in her eyes that you knew too well that said don’t worry about me was there too. “Get in here!”
You grabbed her hand, feeling how cold her gloved fingers were. She tumbled in ungracefully, the bow that was strapped to her back catching on the window frame and making her stumble. She tracked a little snow on your carpet, which was the least of your worries.
“It’s winter in New York and you’re just in this?” You gestured to her purple sweater, the one you knew she went on her little archery adventures in. 
“Well, it’s not exactly winter until the twenty first...which is tomorrow...” she softly remarked.
You helped her put down her bow and arrows before pulling her over to sit on the edge of your bed. You grabbed a throw blanket and draped it over her shoulders. She kept herself busy by stripping off her boots with cold fingers. While she did that, you went over to grab the mug on your desk that was full of hot tea. You praised yourself with deciding to boil water and make a mug just five minutes ago. You handed it to her and she thanked you, feeling the steam warm her face.
“What have you been up to?” You said with worry. Sitting with her, you reached out to run your hands through her hair. You combed it with your fingers, making it fall back into its pretty waves neatly. A smile tugged at her lips, one you almost missed.
She blew on the tea and took a tiny sip before answering, “That’s a long story. And I can’t stay long, I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s alright,” you then paused, “I’ve actually been feeling a little lonely. I’m glad you came.”
Her eyebrows furrowed and she frowned. She shifted a little closer to you and threw an arm around you in a hug. Your arms wrapped around her under the blanket and your cheek nuzzled itself into her cold hair. She really hoped that you could not feel the heavy pound of her heartbeat. It thumped so hard in her chest and in her neck. 
“Really I would have checked in on you earlier but something came up. It’s really important. But I’m here now. And I came to give you this.”
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a little box. There was a cute little bow on it, covered in Christmas colours. 
“Merry Christmas.”
“Kate, you didn’t have to.”
“I already did, so too bad.” She smiled, looking smug now. She sipped her tea and watched you over the top of the mug. 
You delicately unraveled the ribbon and opened the little box. Underneath a little layer of tissue paper there was a crystal necklace. Deep purple amethyst carved into the shape of a tiny heart, outlined by tiny diamond-like crystals.
“Kate, this is beautiful.”
“Silver chain, Swarovski crystals, and a high grade amethyst. It reminded me of you.”
“What’s with you and purple?” You joked.
“That’s not important.”
She put the mug down on your nightstand and turned to face you with her body. The colour on her face was deeper now. You took the box from your hands and carefully pulled out the necklace with gentle fingertips. She moved your hair to the side, her still warming hands tickling your neck a little with a chill. She clasped it on you, adjusting it so the crystal was centered.
“This better not have been expensive.”
You giggled, “I love it!” 
“Something to keep me with you. So you’re not always so lonely.”
You smiled so brightly it made her smile too. 
“And one more thing...” she stopped before clearing her throat, “can I tell you something?”
“You can tell me anything.”
It looked like she was struggling to get words out. Then she took a deep breath and reached for your hand. They shook in yours. 
“I-I like you. A lot. I can’t stop thinking of you. I-I’ve never felt like this for a girl before...” She paused.
You squeezed her hands.
“It kinda scares me... also the fact that you’re my friend and I don’t want to wreak that. But I really just wanted to get it off my chest.”
She was now speaking quickly, almost passionately.
“These past few days have been so crazy and I’m so sorry you feel lonely a lot. I don’t want you ever to feel like that. I care too much about you. I like you so much. And it’s okay if you don’t-”
You just had to cut her off by grabbing her face and kissing her. The urge was too strong, something you wanted to do for so long and you finally had an excuse to. She felt tense, like she was hesitant to kiss back. But she slowly did, moving her lips in tune with your lead. 
“Oh my God,” she breathed in shock.
“Shut up and kiss me, Kate.”
And she did just that. One hand flew to your waist and the other to the back of your head. There was little space left between the two of you. She let go, all the feelings that were bottled up and making her doubt herself all gone. All she knew in that moment was you and finally feeling how your lips felt against hers. 
She broke the kiss and looked you in the eyes, the smile on her face too precious, “Soon you won’t be so lonely. I promise when this is all over I’m coming over and we’re gonna have a Christmas night in. We’ll have hot coco and watch Christmas movies and make cookies and do whatever you want.” She was holding you tenderly, the hand at your hair coming down to stroke your cheek. 
You leaned into her touch, “I would love that.”
“Me too,” she kissed you again. 
“Stay with me till you’re warm.”
“I absolutely will.”
And she did. You both kissed more and cuddled under the small throw blanket while she told you the story of what was going on with her, all starting with the incident with the clock tower. The look on your face blossomed with so much worry as she went on and on and on. But she kissed it all off your face, reassuring you that she could take care of herself. 
Part Two later in the month
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rosewritestuff · 2 years
Anon Ask - Avengers
Anon asked: Hii the one with all the avengers pissing on her had me feeling some sort of way Would you be willing to take it a step further with a consensual gang bang? Little more emphasis on bucky, Steve rogers and Nat? But still has everyone, with the reader being a switch? And any kink you want But if you want specifics uhh switch reader and bucky with Dom Nat and Steve? Everyone else on the team is literally upto you 😂 And I guess it's a mix of mommy and daddy kink
Avengers x Reader; gangbang, oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, multiple dicks in one hole, cum kink, lots of cum, slight belly bulge kink,
Avengers- Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Carol Danvers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson, Sam Wilson, Scott Lang
"Okay doll, you're all stretched, you sure you're ready for this?" Bucky asked you, stroking a hand down your thigh, you splayed out on the couch, everyone surrounding you. You were all naked, ready for the night to begin.
"Bucky you said this was my present for being a good girl and not flirting anymore, now let me enjoy it!" you whined, making him slap your inner thigh lightly.
"Don't make me take it away doll," he warned. You nodded and he stood up, gesturing for Steve to take it away.
"Okay we're gonna do this in two rounds; Tony, Carol, Bruce, you'll go first, Scott, Wanda, Clint, second, Nat, Sam, Thor, will be third, and Buck and I will finish." Steve ordered, you shuddering at his commanding tone.
No one had any problems with that, so while some sat down to watch and wait, Tony, Carol, and Bruce walked over to you, getting you on your hands and knees, Carol laying down in front of you, Tony and Bruce standing behind you.
As you ducked your head to begin licking at Carol's pussy, Tony thrust into yours, and Bruce eased into your asshole. You moaned, sucking on Carol's clit, her hand coming down on your head to guide you where she wanted you, pressing your face against her pussy.
Tony and Bruce thrust into you as a team, in and out, together, making you jolt forwards against Carol, over and over until she was coming, drenching your face. Tony kept fucking your pussy, muttering, "Daddy's gonna fucking fill you, Daddy's gotcha," and Bruce kept thrusting, saying, "That's it, that's a good girl, nice and relaxed, and calm," and you moaned as you came too, squirting around Tony and tightening hard around them, triggering first Bruce's orgasm then Tony's.
They spent themselves inside you before pulling out, everyone moving off the couch except you, staying where you were as Scott, Wanda, and Clint replaced them.
Wanda immediately pressed your face into her cunt, saying, "Mommy needs an orgasm now sweetheart, and you're going to give it her." You moaned into her, licking deep, drowning yourself in her juices.
Scott and Clint both pressed together into your pussy, stretching you wide open, making you throw your head back, gasping. "Yeah, you can take it honey," Clint encouraged, thrusting slowly, letting you adjust before slamming in with Scott, building a quick back and forth that always left you gaping.
"Mommy needs her orgasm," Wanda said, using her magic to force you back to her cunt, making you whimper as you sucked on her clit, flicking it with your tongue until she came, gushing in your mouth.
You felt tears in your eyes as your next orgasm approached, Wanda using her magic now to tease at your clit. She made it feel like someone was licking it and sucking it while vibrating it, the multiple sensations sending you headfirst into your orgasm.
You sobbed as you came again, oversensitive, as Clint and Scott kept fucking into you. "You got it baby, you can take us," Scott said, stroking your thigh. You clenched around them rhythmically until they came too, fucking their cum deep inside you, mixing with Tony's.
Now they all left the couch as Natasha, Thor, and Sam approached, taking their places. Thor immediately shoved into your pussy, making your back arch as you were filled with his dick, somehow still a lot after just taking two.
Sam thrust into your ass, fucking you quickly. "Damn baby, look at this ass! Fine piece right here, Bucky you are lucky my man."
"Yes, thank you for sharing your whore with us," Thor said, hips slamming into yours with a godly power.
"That's it little one, right there, suck harder, now flick your tongue, very good," Natasha directed you, your head between her legs, your fingers rolling her nipples. "Now I want you to stick two fingers in my cunt and bend them, can you do that for Momma? Very good little one, you're going to make Momma come in no time."
You keened at the praise, stroking Natasha faster, desperate to make her come. You sucked on her clit, flicking it like she said, and she came, flooding your face as you gulped her down.
Sam cursed as you tightened around him, pumping your ass full of his load that mixed with Bruces, popping a plug in when he was done.
Thor seemed to realize everyone was done, and decided to spare you the hours he could go, letting go and coming deeper in you. He patted your ass as he pulled out, walking away with Natasha as Steve and Bucky stepped up.
"Alright doll, this is it, Stevie's gonna fuck your cunt, I'm gonna fuck your throat," Bucky said, stroking your hair as you panted. You nuzzled into his hand, your sticky mouth leaving strings on his metal hand that he wiped off on your cheek.
Steve gripped your hips tightly, forcing them high in the air as he plunged into your pussy, harder than anyone else, bigger and deeper than anyone else. You opened your mouth to cry out and Bucky shoved in, gagging you. Your muffled scream reverberated around his dick, making him moan.
Bucky began fucking your throat hard as Steve fucked your pussy. "Daddy's gonna fucking breed you, mix with all this other cum, you're gonna be so full after this, Daddy's fucking whore," Steve grunted, hips speeding up as his control snapped.
"Fuck doll, made to take cock, fucking perfect," Bucky groaned, coming down your throat and pulling out to finish on your face as you and Steve snapped, hips stilling as he came, shooting deep inside your pulsing and squirting pussy, massive amounts of cum due to the serum.
You collapsed on the couch, utterly spent, and Bucky and Steve pulled you into their laps, massaging your tired limbs. Everyone else filed out after kissing the top of your head, thanking you and Bucky. You passed out in their arms, waking up in your bed, with Bucky wrapped around you.
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multi-fandomfuckboy · 3 years
I've got a Peter Parker ask, if that's okay! I think outsider POVs or thoughts fics are always really fun. So I'm thinking, none of the other Avengers know that Tony's assistant is Spiderman, so when Peter starts dating Avenger!Reader all of the other Avengers are like?? How'd nerd kid score her? And then reader is like?? How did y'all not realize he's Spiderman? Maybe she's been into Spiderman for forever, he was her celebrity crush before she even joined the team, etc.
So yeah, if you could write something like that it'd be awesome :) And I hope you're having a great day!
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A/N: I love this idea!! Thank you so much for the request ❤️❤️❤️ I hope this is what you were looking for!
The Odd Couple
Word Count: 1,682
Warnings: None
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Natasha had seen a lot of crazy things in her life, but this had to be one of the most confusing to her. Not to brag, but she considered herself to be an expert on human nature, the laws of attraction and all that. But now, sitting elbow to elbow at one of the metal tables that crowded the compound’s cafeteria, was Tony Stark’s assistant next to one of the world's mightiest heroes.
Stark's new assistant was a high school student named Peter… something. Nat hadn't bothered to look too closely at his file. But, given his new fondness for (Y/N), she might have to revisit it. (Y/N) had been a part of the team for the past two years. She was powerful, there was no doubt about that, and also kind. But, she was young and that meant trouble when it came to most things.
Eyeing the couple sceptically, she watched as Peter leaned over to whisper something in (Y/N)’s ear. She seemed to blush lightly and giggle at what he had said.
“Makes no sense.” Clint’s voice sounded from her left. “I know things have changed since I was in highschool. But, I’m pretty sure guys that look like that don't date girls that look like (Y/N).” He said, blowing onto the cup of coffee he had grabbed. Glancing at him, Nat took a small bit out of a granola bar she had been eating but not really enjoying.
“Well, they didn’t date guys that looked like you either Clint.” She responded, smirking.
“Ouch Nat! I will have you know that I was the captain of my archery team.” He responded, bringing his coffee to his lips before mumbling, “It was a team of one, but still…” Nat chuckled at her friend, taking another bite of her granola bar. She still watched the couple at the table, trying to work it out.
“Do you think he is blackmailing her?” Another voice asked quietly from her right. Glancing over she saw Bruce standing with what looked to be lab papers in one hand and a bag of chips in the other.
“No way, (Y/N) would never fall for something like that. Plus, I feel like she wouldn't be as chummy with him if that were the case.” Clint responded, taking a hesitant sip of his steaming drink. “What do you think Nat?” he asked, raising a brow in question. Nat took a moment, watching as (Y/N) grabbed Peter’s hand and intertwined their fingers together.
“I think… It’s none of your business.” She answered cooly, taking another bite of her bar.
“By all accounts they shouldn't even have a reason to speak to each other let alone date.” Bruce continued as if she hadn’t said anything. “Maybe Tony put them together to work on something. (Y/N) is close to his age, I think” He offered.
“She can also bring down a building with one hand.” Clint scoffed. “She is a full fledged Avenger and that kid looks like he has a degree from Nerd University!” He chuckled at his own joke and Nat rolled her eyes, turning to throw away the remains of her granola bar.
“If you two could stop gossiping for a few minutes, Tony wants all of us in the conference room.” She said, casting one last glance at the seemingly odd couple, before leaving.
All of the Avengers, the ones on the planet anyway, were seated around the conference table. Tony was at the front of the room showing security footage of a potential threat. Something about a weapon of mass destruction and arms dealers.
(Y/N) was seated across the table from Nat. She was sitting next to the Spiderman. They had come into the conference room after her and sat close together talking quietly between themselves before the briefing started.
Tony continued and Nat tried to pay attention, but out of the corner of her eye she saw the spiderman lean forward and whisper something to (Y/N). Nat could not hear what he saie, but whatever it was caused a light blush to color (Y/N)’s cheeks and ears. She even brought her hand up to cover the small smile that pulled at her lips. For a moment, Nat thought that maybe (Y/N) could be cheating on her nerdy boyfriend with one of the younger Avengers. Nat quickly dismissed that idea. It wasn't like (Y/N) to hurt someone like that. She was too kind. Something else was going on and she was determined to find out what.
“Do you think he has a lot of money or something?” Clint asked, ducking behind a cinderblock wall to avoid the barrage of bullets being shot at them by the arms dealers they had tracked to an abandoned factory.
“You are thinking about this NOW!?” Nat asked exasperated. She took a moment to peer behind her cover before swinging around to fire at the men, managing to hit two of them.
“It’s just confusing to me.” he explained, firing a couple more arrows before continuing. “And what makes it worse is that she is so close with that spider-kid. Now I know for a fact that (Y/N) isn't the two-timing type.” he elaborated. Nat rolled her eyes checking her locator to see where the rest of the team was. It looked like (Y/N) and Spiderman were already in the facility.
“We have to move now.” She called, prompting both of them to stand and push forward, continuing to fire until they finally reached the entry point. Quickly and cautiously they entered the factory. Making their way to the target point they met up with Steve and Sam.
“I’m telling you man, the kid is a total dweeb. He has to be loaded or something.” Nat heard Sam saying to Steve. She let out an exasperated sigh turning to the two of them.
“Not you guys too! I swear this team is worse than a sewing circle.” She looked between them and they stared back at her, Steve shrugged his shoulders.
“You have to admit they are an odd pair.” he admitted. Nat couldn't contain the groan that left her. They continued walking but she fixed both Clint and Sam with a hard stare.
“Now both of you listen to me. For both of you to think that a girl as kind and selfless as (Y/N) would care about something as infantile as money shows that there isn't a brain cell between you.” she made her point, then turned away from them. Behind her both men felt thoroughly ashamed and scolded.
Finally reaching the target point, all members of the team entered the room.
“So, where is this weapon of mass destruction?” Sam asked as they all slowly converged in the center of the room.
“I don't know. The energy signature says that it should be right here.” Tony explained. Then before anyone could respond, there was an ear splitting sound followed by a bright beam of light hitting Tony right in the chest. The impact sent him sprawling across the floor.
“I believe you're looking for this.” A man called from the far side of the room. All at once the Avengers sprang into action trying to retrieve the device while at the same time avoiding the energy beam that was shown to have the ability to destroy walls. Somewhere in the chaos, Spiderman was caught in the energy beam and thrown up hitting the ceiling before falling to the ground with a sickening thud.
After the device had been retrieved, (Y/N) ran to her fallen teammate falling to her knees beside him.
“Hey, can you hear me?” she asked frantically, shaking his shoulder. With no response she began to panic, not able to think of what to do so she removed his mask to see if she could hear or feel him breathing.
To everyone's surprise, under the mask was Tony’s assistant, Peter. Confused looks were exchanged between the members of the team. But for Nat, everything clicked into place. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open and he gasped sitting up.
“What happened? Did we win?” he mumbled looking around confused. (Y/N) laughed and threw her arms around his neck. His eyes widened for a moment before he responded, wrapping his arms gently around her.
“Well, that explains it.” Nat said with a slight smile.
“Wait, wait, wait! Hold on a minute!” Sam exclaimed, taking a step back, his brows drawn together in confusion. “You meant to tell me, you were dating Peter who was actually Spiderman the whole time?!” He asked looking expectantly at (Y/N). She pulled away from Peter and chuckled looking up at all of them.
“Of course.” she said matter of factly. Seeing the shock on all of their faces she became confused. “You mean you guys didn't know that Peter was Spiderman this whole time?” she asked, amazed. The team all looked between each other, shaking their heads.
“Well, I mean, I knew.” Tonly offered, sheepishly raising his hand. (Y/N) laughed and stood up, helping Peter to his feet.
“How could you not tell? He is a dork with or without the mask. It's kind of hard to hide.” she joked. “But, I guess it helped that I’ve had a crush on Spiderman since before I joined the team.” She leaned over and placed a kiss on Peter's cheek, he blushed rubbing the back of his neck smiling.
As they all began to exit, Tony securing the device, Nat fell in beside Clint and Sam.
“How do you two feel now?” she asked
“Kind of dumb.” Sam said with a frown
“And like I have a lot to catch Banner up on.” Clint added.
Nat could only laugh and smile as she watched (Y/N) slip her hand into Peters as they walked towards the Jet. It all made sense now.
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bartxnhood · 3 years
retiring. | c.b
Tumblr media
gif not mine
| clint barton x pregnant!reader
summary: during your pregnancy clint is often gone, leaving you alone for the majority of the pregnancy. when he returns from a mission injured worst than previous times, he finally confesses something to you.
warnings: pregnant reader obvi, mentions of blood and wounds, fluff
authors note: hi bffs, posting clint content bc this app needs more. totally not bc he’s my favorite avenger..no..totally not. anyways, i hope y’all enjoy <3
(not proofread)
Copyright © 2022 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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you had just ended your second trimester when clint left for another mission, you were now showing more, your swollen belly didn’t allow you to fit in your old clothes anymore. it felt frustrating but it was better than the morning sickness. you hated being sick of the mornings. or very very early mornings, when you couldn’t sleep while worrying about your husband while he’s out saving the world. or universe, whatever the heroes feel like doing. though, it was stressful especially for you. sometimes clint would be gone for weeks, sometimes months and with the baby, on the way, you weren’t so sure you could do it alone. he would still keep in touch though, trying his best to call or text you. even if you were still hidden from the other avengers. you didn’t mind it, you were starting a family and leaving in peace. no alien monsters, no robots who wanted worked extinction. just a big farmhouse..all to yourself most day. but it was quiet..that was enough for you.
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when you held the test in your hands, seeing the two pink lines. your heart started racing, and your hands began shaking. you were pregnant? now? clint wasn’t even home, he was still on a mission supposed to return the next day. you stood up from the edge of the bathtub heading out of the bathroom with the test still in your hand. walking into the kitchen you set it down on the counter. “oh my god” you groaned, elbows resting on the marble countertop and hands holding your head. should you cry? celebrate? you didn’t know yet. you’ve always wanted to have a family with clint but with him gone a lot it would make it hard, and you weren’t so sure if now was the right time.
“babe?” you heard the front door open, followed by heavy footsteps into the house. “in the kitchen!” you yelled back, moving from your position and looking at the archway searching for his figure. when he walked through, the second he saw you he grinned. coming closer and wrapping his arms around you, you did the same. missing his warm touch, “i missed you.” your grumbled i’m his shoulder. he pulled away, a gentle hand on your cheek. he must’ve caught onto your tone. “you okay?” he asked. pulling away from his embrace, you stared at him flashing a smile. “yeah, i just..uh was expecting you tomorrow.” he smiled, “well, they let me come home early. you sure you’re okay?” he asked again. you hummed, reaching for the white and blue test. “surprise” you whispered, handing the test to him.
he stared at the item, it took him a few seconds to comprehend it was a pregnancy test. he saw the pink lines, one lighter than the other. you’re pregnant. “you’re?” he hummed, looking up to meet your eyes. you nodded. “pregnant” you finished. you couldn’t tell if he was excited or not, he just held the test delicately saying nothing. “i..i just took it..maybe twenty minutes ago” you added, looking at his face now. “i uh..wow” he chuckled, a smile tugging at his lips. “you’re pregnant” he repeated, the smile finally manifesting. he kissed the top of your head, putting the test down. “this is great!” he cheered, his hands going to your shoulders. you had a nervous smile on, looking past him. “what’s wrong?” he asked, examining your face. “do you think we’re ready for this? i mean..you’re out there saving the universe every other week” you laughed dryly. “i just don’t want to do this alone if something happens to you.” finally admitting your worries, even before finding out you were pregnant was one of your biggest concerns. you knew he was capable of taking care of himself, but you couldn’t afford to lose the one thing you loved most in the world. “nothing is going to happen to me” he replied, hands coming to your face for comfort. “ill figure something out. i’ll talk to fury if i have to. you’re not going to lose me. both of you” he assured, his left hand now resting on your stomach. “i promise”
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you finished cleaning up the kitchen after making dinner for yourself, while washing the dishes a ruckus was heard behind you, carefully dropping the plate in the sink you grabbed a towel, drying off your hands. you walked past the archway of the kitchen transitioning into the living room. your eyes glued on the door watching clint being ushered in by other agents. “oh my god” you whispered. “where do we put him?” the redhead asked. “the couch” you suggested, walking over and moving stuff around. “what happened” you asked, seeing the blood covering clint and a few bruises decorating his face. “he got attacked pretty bad, held hostage” she answered, helping him lie back.
“i’m fine” he groaned, adjusting his body to the piece of furniture. “never been better actually” he laughed but it only caused more pain. you put your hand against his forehead, “he’s burning up” you sighed. this wasn’t good.
“i can patch him up, that’s the best i can do” the girl offered. you nodded, “please, i’d appreciate it.” you smiled at her, she returned it. she told her everything she needed, you collected those things in a timely manner before returning. while she ditched him up, you started patching up the cuts on his face.
“so…were you ever gonna tell me about this?” she asked. clint stared at you while you worked gently on his face. flashing you a smile. “not really. fury helped me set this up. off files. let’s keep it that way, especially now” he answered, you smiled at his comment. natasha finished her stitches, “you’re all patched up, barton. i’ll be off now, duty calls” she saluted to clint and he nodded. you followed her to the door, “thank you” you smiled as she stood outside. “no problem. i’m natasha” she held her hand out, you took her hand. “y/n” you introduced. natasha grinned, nodding slowly, and headed off your porch. “take care of him” she finished, “always” you replied.
walking back into the house and past clint on the couch. you went to the kitchen, opening the freezer fetching some ice packs. you walked back to your husband and handed some to him. “what happened to being careful?” you teased, putting another pillow under his head as he grunted at the sudden movement. “i was, i just got distracted by a kid. had to rescue him” he answered, placing the ice underneath his eye. “it was either me or him.” you nodded, reaching out for his arm. “what you did was great, but you have to be more careful. especially for the little one” you hummed, rubbing your thumb gently on his skin.
clint nodded, “i will. i talked to fury” he started, trying his best to sit up to do he could see you better. “clint..” you sighed, helping him up carefully. he flashed you a playful smile. “i’m retiring.”
you sat next to him frozen in place, staring at him. “you what? why?”
“because you need me, and so does the baby” he answered, bringing his hand to your stomach. “you love your job” you blinked, he nodded. “i do. but i love the two of your even more. i promised you i wouldn’t go anywhere, so here i am fulfilling my promise”
you wrapped your arms around him gingerly. “thank you.” your voice came out as a whisper, clint started rubbing your back softly. “mhm” he hummed, kissing your cheek. “this is all i ever wanted”
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saltsicklover · 1 year
Stereo Lust - Part 1
Title: Stereo Lust (1/2)
Word Count: 9,929
Pairing: Jeremy Renner x Fem Reader (Written in First Person)
Rating: T (the next part is where it gets spicy)
Warnings: Alcohol, sexual themes, mention of non-character death and grief.
Disclaimer: I do not own Jeremy Renner, or the music referenced within this piece. Not Proof Read or BETA'd. All mistakes are my own.
I do not consent for my work to be edited, reposted, or translated.
You are responsible for your own media consumption. This is a work of fiction that contains mature themes. If you are sensitive to those subjects, please do not read.
There isn't quite another experience like being a woman alone in a bar, drink in hand, letting yourself drown in the music- just as some asshole tries to insert himself into your alone time. It's like they assume that I've done my hair and makeup, pulled myself into my good jeans, and left the house just for them. 
"Can I help you?" I spit as man invades my personal space. I push him away from my body with my forearm, attempting  to move myself to the far side of my bar stool. None of my movements are out of fear, but out of complete and utter annoyance. He places his hand behind me, resting his wrist on the back of the chair. I can feel the eyeroll coming as the stupid pick up line begins to leave his lips. 
"What's a pretty little thing like you doin' in a place like this?" He ogles at me, gesturing up and down with a pointed finger, the rest of them gripping a beer bottle; the cheapest beer you can buy at this place; figures. My eyes glance from his trucker hat, down his long beard, over his dirty clothes and finally fall on his muddy boots. His face looks like it hasn't seen a bar of soap in some time, and I don't even want to know the grime that is trapped beneath his fingernails. I grimace at the thought, there is work dirty, and then there is whatever the fuck this guy is. He looks like he rolled around in the parking lot gravel before he walked in here just to top off the grime that is worked deep into the threads of his clothes. 
"Not talking to you." I point out, plucking my drink off the counter,  sliding off the left side of my barstool before disappearing to the back of the room. I glance back towards the bar top and watch as the man huffs in defeat before sitting in my now abandoned space. Finally, a man who can pick up a signal. I catch the eyes of the bartender, Tanner, as I walk away. She just shakes her head at me with chuckle as she wipes down a freshly washed pint glass. 
I take a seat at one of the empty tables, sliding myself up into the seat. The bar is  quaint, just one semi-large room, the bar top at the back with the pool tables in the center of the room. The dart boards are to the right and the tables are scattered around the room, both high and low tops. The floor is scuffed and warn and the tables are too, but the felt on the pool tables are replaced regularly and the drinks are strong. I don't come to the bar for ambiance anyway. 
I take the last swig of my margarita before pulling my phone out of my pocket. My bastard brother, bastard in the loving way, is supposed to call me back but being a long hall trucker means he usually doesn't have the time to make personal calls. He has been avoiding talking about our father's passing, neither of us close enough to call him 'Dad'. I huff, trying to push out all of the sour sting of grief from my bones that has managed to grow in them, stronger as the days go on. How do you grieve a man you barely knew, especially when the remorse seems to be wrapped so tightly around the soul that you can't distinguish what is fundamentally you from whatever it is? 
"Hey, want another?" A voice chimes, pulling me from my pity party. I look up to see Tanner's sparkling eyes and her huge smile that lights up her entire face. I push all thoughts of my brother aside  with a shake of my head; if he can't get time to call me, I don't have to waste time thinking about it. 
"You bet your sweet ass I do." I chuckle, sliding her my empty glass. She takes it, placing it in her bussing bin. I cant tell she wants to chide me for the comment but she lets it slide, like she can read the turmoil that sloshes through my head by the look on my face. I let eyes wander over her body, taking in the glow that seems to shine through her skin, her beauty so out of place in this grimy bar- a welcomed sight- a friend. 
"Nice job fighting off Dirty Derick over there." She points a thumb discretely behind her, her smile never wavering. "What did he do, he looks like he rolled himself down a ditch or two on the way in her!" We laugh in unison. It feels good to laugh, though a little foreign as of late. 
"I know! I get this is a dive bar, I do, but I still broke out the good jeans to be here." I smirk, leaving Tanner laughing harder. "Can I ask you a huge favor?" I emphasis the 'huge favor' by pulling out the sounds, at risk of sounding childish. 
"Depends, what do you want? I can't give you all of the cherries from the bar again, Marsha will kill me if do, even if I tell her that they went to you." She winces at the thought, readjusting the grip on her bussing bin. 
"You say again like it happened more than twice." I stick my tongue out at her. The banter between us is warm, flooding over my skin with a wash of care. 
"It did! It was four times before Marsh threated me with men's bathroom duty!" She nudges my shoulder before switching her bussing tub from one hip to the other. I scrunch my face up in disgust thinking about having to wash down the men's bathroom; definitely not worth the cherries.  
"Fine, okay, but it's not that, but I wouldn't turn them down" I slide four quarters across the table towards her with a smirk. "Will you put on my song? I want to kick that guys ass at a game of pool and I need my tunes to get me in the headspace for it." I motion towards the lone pool player a few feet away with a tilt of my head, wiggling of my eyebrows. 
The man is tall, blond, and holds a similar glow to Tanner; but, he is more reserved in his stance, focus down on his game and nowhere else. I am a little surprised that he isn't fighting off women left and right. The stubble on his face frames a cold look that is just begging to be thawed. 
"Only if you share the money you win with me." She grabs the quarters from the table, turning on her heels back towards the bar. 
"I don't play for money," I shout after her, "It's just to crush the souls of men!" She responds by flipping me the bird. 
Heading over to the man at the pool table, I pick up the lone cue that rests in the stand against the wall. I fidget with it a second, wrestling up the courage to talk to him. He flicks his eyes from his game to me, the silence between us holding. 
Maybe it's the way my heart seems to skip at the thought of his eyes on me, or maybe it's the sheer need for some sort of human contact to pull me out of the funk I seem to trudge through, but something finally prompts me to speak. 
"How about a little friendly competition?" I ask him, stepping towards the table. I take the square chalk between my fingers, going over the end of my cue, the blue chalk leaving a faint blue stain on my fingertips. 
The guitar to Striptease by Hinder crashes through the speakers as he looks up at me, firm in his choice this time, sinking the last ball on the table into the corner pocket without another look. 
"That depends," He smirks, "Do you know who I am?" He eyes me, trying to find an answer before I can speak. I gawk at the question, who even asks a stranger something like that? I try to pull a neutral expression back over my features, a shallow attempt to recover from the question he posed. 
"No, and that question makes you sound like a pretentious asshole, so kicking your ass from here to kingdom come in this game is going to be even more sweet than I had originally thought." I grab the triangle from the table light above my head. The blond begins to roll balls my way from his side of the table, helping me rack them for our game. 
If there were ever a time for tension to build between two people, it would be in a moment like this, energy transferring from him to me with each roll of a ball from his side to mine, the crackle of electricity pulling us together if it weren't for the table positioned between us. 
"It's a fair question." He points out, chalking his cue, rubbing the extra from his finger pads onto his jeans. I eye him carefully, my chest tightening as I hub into the small details of him- the radio static stance of his body, squared shoulders, strong jaw, spine straight, muscular arms leading all the way down to blue stained fingertips. Storm blue eyes and feather soft lines of experience set into his skin.  I could get lost in the tangle of his hair, the style well cut but grown out into a flustered frizz, sticking up in all directions. 
He inches closer to me as I lift the triangle, placing it back on the light. It swings a little when I let go, almost threatening to fall, but the blond reaches out, steadying it, locking his eyes with mine. My legs threated to buckle under his observance. "I could be a pool champion, and then maybe you wouldn't want to play me. I'd hate to hurt your feelings." I snort in response with a roll of my eyes. 
I blow the extra chalk off of my cue, the blue flecks swirling in the air, before heading to the other side of the table, the jukebox still screaming, screaming, screaming. Lining the cue ball up, I aim and shoot, the ball makes contact with the front of the arranged balls with a sickening crack, sending them flying in all directions around the table. They travel like unknown constellations around a universe of green felt. 
Two balls sink. 
The blond just looks at me, lips slightly apart like he is trying to hide a look of surprise. He buries it deep within his chest as he takes the smoky air of the bar into his lungs, a scrunched up display on his face. 
This is going to be fun. 
Tanner walks by, placing my margarita on the table closest to our game, shooting me a wink. "I put a few on for you," she gestures to the jukebox, her smile painted a vampire bite red,  "crush his soul." 
I send her a  sweet smile as I pull my hoodie over my head, freeing myself from the fabric before throwing it on the back of a chair at the same table. The heat of the bar is sweltering, the removal of the layer allowing for my sweat slick skin to breathe. 
"It better be something good!" I call after her, adjusting my displaced hair and I can hear a laugh coming from her direction. 
"With me, girlfriend, it's always good." She remarks with wink before disappearing behind the bar again. I wonder why we shout over the music and the conversation but the idea that we need to communicate taking precedence over the noise fills me with a sort of companionship.
I return to the game and lean over again, chest almost flat against the felt of the table with one foot up in the air behind me, the static of the felt lining gripping at my shirt, tingling my skin. Lining up a shot I hit the cue ball, banking it off the rail before it smacks into a solid ball, sending it flying into the pocket. I look up from the shot to see the man staring at the pocket my ball just sunk into, his surprise a little more evident. His lips are parted slightly and I can't help but lick my own at the site, but I shake the dirty thoughts from my head as quickly as they came. He is distracting and I don't need a distraction.
"What did you say about hurting my feelings?" I ask him as I line up my next hit. I lean down again, my ass sticking out, the sequins on my pockets are catching the light and no doubt his eyes. I wiggle my hips a bit, attempting to tease him. I let my mind slip, the thought of his hands cresting over my body is tantalizing and sensual. It sounds like a small groan leaves his lips, but its quickly masked by a cough, pulling my attention back to the game in front of me. I shoot a combo, rolling one of his balls into my own before sending it into the pocket. 
Three down, four to go. 
"Hell, maybe I spoke too soon, because you're hurting mine." I cackle at that, leaning myself over the table to aim again. The music fades out and then back in, playing another one of my favorite songs; a big thanks to Tanner. 
"Good to know you have feelings I can hurt," I return, a shit attempt at flirtation. I groan a bit to myself, flirting shouldn't even be on my radar, especially with a man like him- unattainable andfar-off.  I can tell from the corner of my eye that he is darting his eyes from my face to my chest, the fabric of my shirt dipping with static to expose the lace bra that confines my chest. I do my best to ignore his gaze as I focus on the shot. The cue ball hits my solid, causing a chain reaction, before bouncing my ball into the pocket, but the cue ball keeps going, and falls in right after.
"Fuck!" I curse, hitting the rail of the table before pushing myself up, unceremonious. "Not enough English on that one, dammit!" I shake my head at myself scoldingly. The man across from me just chuckles as he pulls the cue ball from the corner pocket. His laugh is like honey, sticky and warm, I find myself wishing it covered my tongue. I leave him to make his shot, putting my mind on my margarita at the table instead of his laugh. The salt on the rim and the lime make me shiver a bit, but the alcohol goes down smooth. I turn back to the table, drink still in my hand, only to see a total of five balls left on the table, my three, his one, and the 8 ball. 
"Here, I scratched." The man utters, holding the cue ball out to me. I set my drink down, looking at him closely before taking the ball from his rough fingers. I smile sweetly, sauntering over to the table. His eyes rake themselves over my figure, and I do my best to ignore both his eyes and my body's immediate reaction to them. If he keeps looking at me like that, I am absolutely, positively, beyond fucked.
"I look away for two seconds and you sunk six balls." I state in disbelief, trying to ease the slight tension building in the air around us. Maybe I am the only one feeling it, or maybe it's just the alcohol. I pray it's just the alcohol. 
I sense a twisting within my gut, fueled by raw emotion. Maybe I shouldn't be here, with this man, avoiding my problems instead of digesting them with a sour stomach. But, nothing could pull me away from the entrancing look he sends my way. That look could make worlds blur. 
"I know, I was there." He laughs at me, picking up his own drink. I just roll my eyes in acknowledgement. If I don't look at him, I can't melt. 
I shoot a couple more shots, each ball falling into pockets as I sing every single word of the song playing over the speakers. The music flows over me, dragging my inhibitions through my alcohol soaked system before they wilt away. My drinks have made me loosen up, not caring about who hears the words I sing to myself, inhibitions like untied shoelaces and scrunched down socks, unkempt and comfortable. My hips move in an uncoordinated sway. The blond just leans against his stool, watching my every move, a looks of enjoyment cemented into his features.
"You like this song?" He inquires with the raise of his eyebrows has he swigs the last of his beer, watching as I line myself up on the table for my next turn, slightly bumping my hip into the table with a quiet wince, his words catching me off guard. 
The song that plays through the bar is different than the ones played previously; I still sing every word to myself, under my breathe, 'Lets raise our cups together, and live like this forever!'. This song is catchy, and what's better than listening to songs about drinking while drinking? 
I stick my tongue out at him, "Are you making fun of my music taste?"
"No, no, no, I would never!" He holds his hands out defensively, a full, beautiful laugh slipping out of his lips, his cue tucked in the fold of his elbow. He is beautiful like this, a soft smile across the crepe of his lips. I hadn't known until this moment, that eyes could burn like embers in low light, but the knowledge seems to complete a part of my mind, a missing link. 
"That's what I thought." I sink my last ball leaving just the 8 ball left on the table for me to shoot. He mumbles something behind me about 'missing' and 'saving his pride'. I just call a pocket in return before gently hitting the cue ball. It rolls and rolls, brushing the side of the 8 ball, causing it to teeter on the edge of the side pocket  just before falling in. I turn to see my opponent with a sort of smug, contorted look on his face, like he is trying to fight off a smile and a look of disappointment at the same time. I smile at him, a full teeth, eyes bright kind of smile. "Lets play Nine-Ball." 
"Let's play Nine-Ball" he mimics in a tone that I can only identify as somewhere between a mock and a mewl, pulling the balls from the pockets at his end of the table. "I get to break this time." 
I begin to pocket the unneeded balls before attempting to arrange 1-9 in a diamond at the break point on the table. The diamond shape is hard to keep tight without a guide and I struggle to keep them all together. The blond leans over the corner of the table, holding the first few balls in place with the outstretch of his fingers as I finish off the diamond shape. 
He offers me a soft grin, teeth barely visible, as he lifts his hands, letting his fingertips run delicately over the back of my hands. I can feel a subtle blush start to creep to life on my chest at his touch. The music fades out and in again, In My Blood  by Black Stone Cherry thrums through the speakers. 
He grabs my wrist pulling me closer to him, and I tilt my head, ear closer to his mouth so I can hear his hushed voice over the music- over the thrush of blood running though my ears, my heartbeat the only thing I can make out. 
"Does Heaven even know you're missing? And did you come here straight from above?" A bigger smile cracks across his cheeks, voice barely over a whisper. He begins to lean closer, not expectant or greedy, but closer none the less, and I stop him, my palm pressed directly to his chest. I don't know who's heartbeat I am feeling now, the warmth of his body bleeding through the thin fabric of his shirt, seeping into my palm as it rests against the dense muscle of his chest. 
"Did you just plagiarize the words of the great Chad Kroeger?" I challenge, pushing him back a little more, trying to create an unwanted amount of space between us, even though my whole body is screaming to lean forward. I try to keep my stony expression as he tries to form a response. 
"Who?" he finally chuckles out after a moment, placing his hand over my own, still sitting on his chest against the soft cotton of his tee-shirt. I narrow my eyes at him. He's gotta be fucking kidding. Please be fucking kidding. 
"You're just fucking with me, right?" I pull my hand away, trying to add a little more distance, fighting with the way we seem to be drawn to each other like magnates. He grins awkwardly, eyebrows slightly raised, confusion lurking over his features. "Chad Kroeger, the lead singer and songwriter of Nickelback, you know, the band you just plagiarized instead of coming up with your own pick up lines." I try and wrestle apart the feeling of my longstanding grief and the newness of the disappointment that's begun to bloom in my chest cavity. 
"Okay, I did, I'm sorry, I guess I didn't think you'd catch on so quick." He admits, taking the chalk block from the rail of the table and buffing over the tip of his cue in an attempt to keep his hands busy. He grimaces at his own words but does nothing to correct them, instead they hand musty in the air, and I choke. 
"I'm brighter than I look, dumbass." I throw back with a bit of hurt and venom scraping out of my throat with my words and I don't know where it came from. "Just break so we can get this over with." I gesture towards the table as I head for my drink, a sour wince leaving my lip. I down about half of it in one go as he breaks, a sharp crack sends the balls scattering around the table. The sound sends splintering goosebumps down by spine, my drink doing little to combat the reaction.
The four sinks into a corner pocket, leaving him to shoot again. There is quiet between us, tawdry, almost palpable as the blond lets out a long breath. I choose not to look at him, not ready to face the unwarranted struggle raging in my mind over the sight of him. 
"I really am sorry, you know. I didn't mean to insult you. I just wasn't thinking you'd have such an expanse of music knowledge in your back pocket." He speaks to my back, shooting his turn without another thought. I turn to watch the ball roll into one of the middle pockets, the fabric lining swaying under impact. 
"Weren't thinking is right." I mumble, continuing on, "I know most of my favorite bands and artists. I don't just listen to a couple of songs and move on. I l listen to them, love them, and then have to get my hands on everything that they've ever made. It's kind of a problem. I worry that I'll run out of room up here one day." I chuckle, tapping my temple. "I've been trying to just enjoy music out in the wild lately, but it's hard to not run straight to the internet when I find a song I like." 
"Can we start over?" he shoots me a hopeful look and my body threatens to melt. That look could send me to my knees, I can't deny such a simple fact, so reluctantly I nod, pulling my lips together into a line. The song Sorry by Buckcherry now play around the bar and I just look at the man standing in front of me. It's like there's some sort of music angel looking out for him tonight. 
"Okay. You're lucky I like the song, dumbass." I banter, letting my words drift off at the end. 
"I'm Jeremy." The blond sticks his hand out in my direction, and I take it, squeezing back in a firm shake. He could wrap that hand around my throat and I'd thank him. The amenity of his skin on mine, even through a simple handshake, makes my heart wobble, or maybe its my whole body. Never have I met a man who has had such a fucking hold over me- but god, I'd be a fucking fool if I didn't admit it to myself; hell, I'd be a fool for him if he let me. 
"Everyone calls me Bub." I manage, pushing my developing fantasy aside. Jeremy smiles at me, a full, toothy smile, causing a smile of my own to pull over my lips. We stand there, still holding the handshake for a few more moments before I pull away, gripping my cue with both hands, a weak attempt at controlling the heavy beating of my heart.  
"Bub, really? Why do they call you that?" Jeremy questions as he returns to the table for his next turn. 
"It's kind of a funny story actually. I was living in Korea right after I got out of high school, and I was living with a group of people from all over the world. They struggled to say my given name so they started calling me Hubae." I explain, and Jeremy just looks at me lost, trying to connect all of the dots in his brain. I chuckle continuing on,  "Hubae is basically what you call someone who falls below you in seniority. It worked since I was the newest one in the group. As we all became friends, they started calling me Bae. So I was Bae for a while. But when I came back to the states, my friends here hated Bae because of that dumb trend that went on like 8 years ago and just decided that 'Bub' would be how they referred to me. So Bub I became. Something about a bubbly personality or something." 
Jeremy laughs at my longwinded explanation, eyes sparkling, the corners crinkling. He continues to shoot at the table, taking the balls out in order, leaving me without a chance to shoot, but I hardly notice, mind still stuck on the burning embers still present in his eyes. 
"Bub it is then." He finalizes, picking up his beer. He turns the bottle upside down, opening pressed firmly against his plump lips, draining the rest of the beer into his mouth. I slide up into my chair, leaning my cue against the tall table, fantasizing only for a moment. 
"I didn't even get a chance to shoot!" I groan, picking up my margarita. "You better not have let me win the last game, or I swear to god-" 
"What if I did?" He interjects, raising an inquisitive brow at me. I finish the rest of the yellow tinted liquid before running my tongue along the rim of the glass, licking up all of the salt that's still left. I raise my eyebrows at Jeremy suggestively before thrusting the glass into his hand. He catches up quickly, lusty expression melding quickly into a more agreeable one. 
"That means you buy next round, jackass." I inform him with a laugh. 
"What's with all of these mean nicknames? You're starting to sound like you hate me." He stands, voicing mock hurt as he takes the empty vessels in his hands before heading towards the bar. 
"You only wish I hated you!" I call after him, but he disappears before I can call him another name. Maybe I wish it. At least, if one of us hated each other there wouldn't be this stiflingly thick vitality between us. 
I pull my phone from the pocket of my hoodie, checking for any missed notifications. Nothing.
 Maybe that's how it's supposed to be with grief, running as fast as possible into the other direction, falling head first into unhealthy coping mechanisms, and maybe getting some sort of relief from it all. Maybe it's not healing, and maybe it's not adequate or agreeable but it's a hell of a lot easier than facing a beast head-on with only your bare hands and a fucking bloodied heart. Maybe it has to be that way, and maybe that's just going to have to be okay. Fuck, it's going to have to be okay. 
"Hey, girlfriend." Tanner's voice pulls me from my thoughts. She slides up into the chair across from me, looking at me with an expectant gaze. "How's your little date going?"
I laugh, if that is even a way the sound that has left my lips can be described, covering my mouth and the blush blooming on my cheeks with my hands. It's sour, and sweet, and fleeting. 
"It's not a date Tanner. I literally just met the guy." I inform her, and she sits back into her seat with a knowing look etched into her features. I rest my hand on the sticky table in front of me, lacing my fingers to keep from picking absentmindedly at my nailbeds. "Shouldn't you be working instead of accusing me of things in which you know nothing about?"
"Whatever you say, Bub, whatever you say," She chides, "It's not like I couldn't cut the tension in here with a goddamn butterknife." She motions, "Plus, I am on my last five of my break, so leave me be!" 
 Another song drums through the speakers, and the lyrics hit me, making me smile. 'Every time I take a ride I feel alive with nowhere to go' the man sings, his voice filling me with warmth, washing over my senses with a dulling ache. We chitchat for a bit, but the song keeps pulling my attention away from the conversation.
"God, I don't know who sings this song, but goddamn, those grunts are fucking sending me. It's a good thing I'm sitting down." I tell her, slumping back in my seat, mirroring her. She laughs, and another laugh comes from behind me. I turn to see Jeremy standing there, drinks in hand, doubling over in a fit of laughter. He tries hard to keep from spilling the liquor, but the laughter is taking the front seat. 
Tanner slides off her chair, shaking her head, taking the drinks from Jeremy and setting them on the table. "Don't spill shit, I don't want to clean it up." She scolds him with a point of her finger, her words send Jeremy into another fit of laughter. She waves at me before heading back to the bar, but not before turning around half way back to flip Jeremy the bird.  
"What is your deal, asshat?" I take a big drink of my margarita as Jeremy slides into the chair across from me, the tail end of his laughter still falling from his lips. 
"Do all of your hurtful nicknames involve 'ass'?" He dodges my question, sipping from his beer. 
"Not all of them, but the best ones definitely do." I shoot him a wink and another full smile spreads across his face. "Don't pretend you don't like it." 
"I wouldn't dream of it." 
Another song shuffles on over the speakers, completely changing the mood in the bar. Eric Church's voice sounds over the speakers, low and sultry, the song is Keep On and I know it instantly. I throw my head back, closing my eyes as the song rolls over me, a wide flash of a smile slips over my lips. I may be hurting but my soul still yearns for some sort of wistful release. 
"You've gotta dance with me, Jer." I inform him, sliding off of my seat. "Two step, swing,  east coast, west coast, whatever! I'll follow your lead." I hold my hand out to him expectantly. I don't make eye contact, for fear I may perish under his irises. 
With a laugh he slides off of his stool, taking my hand in his. "I don't dance, but I'll give it a shot."
I mouth a thank you, pulling him to the open floor of the bar away from the pool table. This isn't really a dancing bar, but there is enough space in front of the vacant dart boards for us to move as long as we keep medium motions. 
"This is only because I feel bad for letting you win." He states flatly. I push his shoulder teasingly. If the room we shared wasn't a buzz with voltaic lust before, it sure is now. Jeremy takes both of my hands in his, I can feel the rough callouses of his palms on my fingertips. He pushes me further away, then pulls me back into his body, our steps beginning with the first chorus. 
He sways me around the small space, not too much flair to his steps, but he keeps in time with the rhythm of the song wonderfully. He carefully moves my left hand to his shoulder before pulling me closer to his body with his right hand pressed firmly to the small of my back. Our opposite hands are held together, out to the side of our bodies. I can feel my body reacting to his touch but I push my focus past that to my steps, careful not to step on his toes. 
We bumble around a little, finding the way we move together in a sort of clumsy bundle of limbs. 
Without a warning, he separates us a bit only to pull my right hand to his shoulder then spinning away from me, letting my hand slide from one shoulder to the other behind his neck. I beam at Jeremy, the unexpected move filling me with excitement as we begin to sway again. I try and work in some extra footwork in time with the song, and Jeremy just grins at my small motions. I can feel the grief untangle from my soul a bit as we move, melting away. 
Jeremy takes his hand off of my back before winding my other arm behind me, grabbing it and spinning me around, catching me by complete surprise. 
"Jeremy, you can't tell me you don't know how to dance and then pull a freaking 'Texas Tommy' on me!" I shout excitedly as I place my hand back on his shoulder with a squeeze. He just beams at me, his eyes bright, pupils like pebbles under the surface of a lake flooded with early morning sunshine. 
He pushes me back, hands grabbing mine before spinning me to face the same direction he is, holding me in the 'sweetheart' position. His breath ghosts over my ear, the heat from his breath against the cold metal of my piercings sends warmth spreading through my whole body. 
"I guess I have a few tricks up me sleeve," He mumbles in my ear before pressing a wet, hasty kiss to the side of my neck. Before I can even react, he spins me again, grabbing my left hand in his, right in right, his crossed at the wrists before he pulls them over his neck, letting go and allowing my hands to run down his chest. I falter a bit, my movements clumsy and full of haste as I try and hang on to the fleeting feeling of his lips against my neck. 
Jeremy spins me around the small area as the song leads into the second chorus, and I feel happier now than I have in months and I don't feel guilty about it, either. It's strange to have such happiness come from such a simple thing as dancing; specifically with a stranger, a perfect stranger, but its less of a surprise that its him. He is one of the sexiest men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, each ministration pushing electric throngs from his body to mine. 
Without warning, he spins me once, twice, three and then four times, dropping to his knees in front of me as I spin. My body threatens to topple at the sight, my eyes catching his lowering body with each spin. Jeremy grabs my hips with skilled hands as I slow down in my last turn and he carefully but forcefully pushed me into spinning the other direction three, then four times, this time rising back up to meet me. 
When I finally stop spinning, Jeremy grabs me again, pulling me into our original position, carefully swaying me as I try to stop my the dizziness that now clouds my vision, blurring over my brain. It's intoxicating, the way he holds me, hands pressed tightly to my frame like he is afraid I might flux from existence. 
When I finally catch Jeremy's eyes again he is smiling down at me, my vision bending his form a bit at the edges as the song is coming to and end. On the last few beats, Jeremy pulls me across him, turning me into his arm as he dips me towards the floor. I can feel the burn in my cheeks from how wide I am smiling as he pulls me up. The song changes again and I just stand there looking at Jeremy, smiling down at me, his breath slightly labored from his efforts. Neither of us dare remove our hands from each other's bodies, still clinging on the fading pulses of affection. 
I want to pull him down to meet me, taking his lips with my own, but I don't, I can't. I can't find the confidence hidden anywhere in my body- nor would I dare, even if I could. Everything is just too muddy, unkempt and unclear for me to continue forward. So, I pull my hands from him, the warmth of his body still lingering on my skin as if bathed in sunlight. I process the moment, words spilling from my lips quickly. 
"Holy shit, Jer, thank you!" I throw my arms around his neck, pulling his body flush against my own, thankful to feel the heat rolling off his skin again. I try not to think too hard about how I am drawn to him, craving to run my hands over his body. He hesitates under my touch for a millisecond his "no fucks" outer shell breaking a part slightly as he wraps his arms around my body carefully. "Thank you, seriously, thank you." 
When I pull away to look at him, there is a fire burning low in his eyes, stocked with gentle, calculated touches and whispered words. He tucks a loose piece of hair behind my ear, fingertips lingering on my skin. I hold contact with his irises, almost like a dare, no words being spoke between us as time seemed to screech to a halt around us. We stand in a dizzying bubble made up only of ourselves, brandishing touches, teasingly tender but deadly all the same. 
"Lets go sit, finish our drinks, yeah?" He questions, nodding his head in the direction of our table, shattering the illusion of solitude that was built in my head.  I just shake my head 'yes' before following him back to our spot. Neither of us willing to dive off the deep end and I breathe easier at the thought; it's nice not to be alone in the unwillingness to give into temptation, the struggle of it all. 
We sit there, sipping our drinks, a quiet has fallen between us again, but the jukebox keeps the bar loud with rhythm. We drink, our hands slowly, subconsciously creeping towards each other across the table, the stickiness of it going unnoticed, or maybe we are just unbothered, the magnetic field between us pulling us together regardless. We smile at each other, eye contact coming easy. A couple of song cycle through before Jeremy breaks the silence. 
"Where'd you learn to dance like that?" He asks, playing with the rim of his beer bottle, his thumb nail clinking against it dully. 
"I had a friend who's older sister was a dancer and when we were growing up she would take us with her to some of the classes and I guess I just never lost the love for it. I still bumble around out there from time to time." I reply, my fingers finding the spot where his lips pressed against my neck. I run over the skin a few times, lightly, butterflies blooming in my stomach. 
"You're pretty good." He nods honestly, sipping from his bottle. 
''For a hobbyist," I correct him, continuing before he can speak, "Where did you learn to dance like that? I still can't get over that 'Texas Tommy' you pulled out of nowhere!"
He hesitates over an answer, chewing on the skin of his lip. "Just been in one too many wedding parties, I suppose." He finally speaks, avoiding my eyes. I try and push down the strange feeling flushing in my chest, covering it up with a light laugh. Now is not the time to get involved in the deep expanses of his past, even if my ever curious mind wants to dive in. 
"Well it sure paid off. You could get a girl or two with moves like those." I tease, fingers still brushing my neck, more absentmindedly this time.
"Why do they call it a 'Texas Tommy' anyway?" He laughs, eyes meeting mine again as he pushes the conversation a little to the left. I think for a moment, my mouth opening and shutting like a fish out of water, unable to come up with an answer. I don't need one, per say, but I flounder. 
"I have not a fucking clue," I cackle, tears brimming at my eyes out of the sheer stupidity of it. Jeremy laughs even harder, bringing a hand to his chest like he is trying to keep his lungs from escaping his ribcage. Every single time we made eye contact one of us would laugh harder and harder, my sides cramping up from the fits. 
We finally calm down after a few minutes, but we are both still wearing wide smiles and bright eyes from the whole encounter. We sit in silence for a little while, shooting glances at each other and sipping on our drinks. The jukebox rolls through a couple more songs as the energy between us grows more flirtatious with each passing moment, then Jeremy breaks our shared silence.  
"My bad intentions for your body's eating me alive," He peels the label on his beer, eyes darting up to connect with mine. "Your eyes are temping me to take you to the darker side." 
"I thought you were done using song lyrics as pickup lines." I deadpan, downing the rest of my drink in one swift motion. Some of the tension between us begins to fizzle out and all of the bright energy from before being stuffed down and covered with a layer of disappointment. I want to get up and walk away, but the joy from our shared dance still lingers throughout my limbs so I stay put. 
"So, you don't know who that one is by?" He states as a matter of fact, ignoring any sign of impasse. He nibbles at his bottom lip, and if I weren't so pissed at his attempt at a pick up line, I would've swooned. Okay, maybe I did, a little, my stomach dropping a bit like it does on a rollercoaster, knees weak. 
"Are you asking to be a dick or are you actually curious?" I stare, tilting my head in question, the rest of my energy focused on keeping me upright long enough to hear his answer. My attention keeps drifting back to his sea storm eyes and their pleading stare. 
"Somewhere in the middle I guess." 
"As a matter of fact, I don't know who wrote every song that comes on the radio, is that what you wanted to hear?" I ask, licking at the salt on my glass with a thick press of my tongue before setting it down again. Jeremy watches me carefully scrutinizing my every move. 
"I didn't ask about every song on the radio, I asked about that song." He states plainly. 
"No, Jeremy. I don't know. I know the same artist has been playing in the bar all night long, I would recognize that voice anywhere, but I couldn't tell you who it is. You happy now? Do you feel like you've won?" I ask, grit in my voice as the feeling of disappointment begins to wrap itself uncomfortably around my ribcage. "Hell, I even know the next line." I laugh quietly to myself, lovesick or maybe seasick swaths of tension washing over me. 
"Sing me the next line then." He sits back in his seat, crossing his arms. He is really trying to prove this fucking point. Motherfucker. I want to say 'fuck you' and 'I have nothing to prove to you' or maybe I just want to throw a drink in his face. Too bad I finished mine. Lucky fucking bastard. 
"I don't sing." I look at him, eyes boring into his.
"But you've been singing all night!" He jests, leaning closer to me across the table. 'Keep going' my brain screams, my body staying firm in stance. I will not let Jeremy win. 
"I've been jamming all night, there's a difference. Singing is a skill, and I don't have it." He tries to grumble about the fact that I am 'stalling' because I 'don't know the next line'. I flip him off from across the table, but he just keeps flashing me that shit eating grin of his. I stand somewhere between a swoon and a keel at his expression, swaying back and fourth a bit. With a shake of my head I give in, "The next line is, 'under your spell, you're a cold hard killer and you know all the things you do, you do it well.'" I lean back into my seat, self satisfied, while also trying to gain the upper hand in the situation. 
Jeremy makes a sort of wrong buzzer sound and I can't help but stare at him, a stupid look absolutely plastered on my face. He leans back into his chair, letting his body slouch down, wearing a knowingly satisfied smirk. I curse him out in my head, words that would make a sailor blush. 
"You got the words wrong, Mama." He sips his beer, a smile of victory plastered to his face. 
"No I didn't!" I exclaim. "And don't call me that! I am not your mother". Fuck, if this man has a mommy kink, it will be so much easier to walk away. Not his mother, but maybe, just maybe his cum slut, if he'd ask nicely. 
"Yeah, you got it wrong, sweetheart," He winks at me, and a frustrated sigh escapes my lips. Maybe I am fucked.  "Its not 'cold hard killer' it's 'cold heart killer'." He corrects, emphasizing the mistake. 
"Oh, yeah? And how exactly do you know that?" I ask, "Are you even sure you know it? For a fact?" I punctuate my words with a slap to the table after each one. "You seem a bit too confident." I tease a bit. 
"I damn well better know it." He chuckles, "I wrote it for fucks sake." 
"Oh bullshit," I jest back, laughing, not missing a single beat, "Fool me once, shame on you, but fool me twice." I drag my finger around the rim of my empty glass, a smirk playing on my lips. Jeremy sits forward, almost leaning across the table, eyes searching my face for some unknown inkling. 
"You really don't know who I am, do you?" Jeremy questions me with slight humor, pulling at the label of his bottle again. I roll my eyes at him, not offering a spoken answer. I can't believe he's asking me that again, like he is some sort of A-List motherfucker who can't go anywhere without being swarmed. No one else has given a flying fuck about him sitting here in this bar, so why would I be any different?
Jeremy slides out his seat and rounds to my side of the table carefully, moving only an inch at a time. He eyes me tentatively before swiveling my seat with me in it. Before I can interject, he slots himself between my knees, fingertips gliding slowly up the tops of my thighs. Fuck, fuck, fuck. His touch sends a volt of anxiety laced excitement from my heart down into my stomach. I try and keep a straight face, not offering him any sort of satisfaction from gaining a reaction. 
"One," I lean back into my seat, creating only a couple more inches between us, "You sound like a pretentious asshat when you ask that." I can feel my heart begin to pick up pace beneath my ribcage, thumping against it vigorously. I do my best to keep my breathing even as be begins to trace light patterns into the tops of my thighs with his fingertips. "I do not know you, but even if I did, you wouldn't be able to get away with pulling stupid shit like letting me win games." 
"Just when I thought I couldn't like you more," Jeremy chuckles before grabbing onto my beltloops quickly, sliding me to the edge of the stool. We now exist chest to chest, his breath ghosts over my lips as he tilts his head teasingly to the side like he is going to lean in and put me out of my misery. Boy, I am in deep. I keep my left hand next to my thigh, gripping onto the seat below me so hard my knuckles are white. My right hand reaches up, crossing over my body, pushing against his as my fingers come to graze the skin of my neck where his lips once were. I swear the skin still tingles a bit, like a memory flashing and crackling over the expanse of my skin. 
I should push him away now but his cologne is fueling the ache in my soul, heating it up and thawing it out in a twisting of cold-hot strain. Every part of my body yelling out to my brain to stop thinking so much- to just shut the fuck up, but I speak anyway. 
"Two," My voice comes out breathy, just over a whisper, he leans away just a fraction of an inch, and I lean forward, trying to make up the space. The enterprise bouncing between us is electric, but neither of us are willing to lean forward just the littlest bit more to close the kiss, the energy building and building without an end in sight. Bending and folding like the expanses of space, ever reaching and unbothered in its intensity. 
"What is 'two' sweetheart?" Jeremy's voice is low and sultry. His eyes bounce from my eyes to my lips repeatedly, like he's trying to make me break first. His fingers are still slipped through my beltloops as he holds me in place firmly. I almost want to crawl out of my skin, but not in the sickly twisted way, but in the oversensitive touch starved way.  I let me hand wander up his arms carefully, fingertips just grazing over his warm skin. If he is going to play, so am I. 
"Two," I manage, a little more firm this time, "I'm starting to think that if you don't clue me in soon, you aren't going to clue me in at all." He sighs, letting his fingers slip from their place on my hips. A thought flashes through his eyes, so quick I almost miss it. Almost. 
He pulls my hand away from my neck, raising it to place a sobering kiss to the inside of my wrist. He carefully places it on his shoulder, allowing me to lace my fingers behind his neck. It takes everything in me not to card my fingers through his feather soft hair. We are sharing far-sighted breathes now as he barely skims the fabric of my shirt with his knuckles. 
"I want to make you a deal." He whispers, his movements steady. I can barely feel him touching my sides but my grip on his neck doesn't falter- mostly out of fear that if I were to let go, I'd drift out of this moment, away from his captivating stare and the scent of his cologne that is making me love drunk and touch faded. I just nod at him curiously, taking my bottom lip between my teeth. He groans a bit, leaning in more, before catching himself and pulling back just enough to look me in the eye. 
"If you keep that up, I'm not going to be able to concentrate." He whispers, a light chuckle leaving his lips. His tongue darts out of his mouth to wet his lips. 
"Just make me that deal, Jer." I unclasp my hands, fingertips raking through the hair at the nape of his neck- a losing battle with myself. A low, barely audible noise escapes his lips and it takes everything in me not to pull him into me and devour his lips. 
"You let me take you home tonight and have my way with you, and in the morning, I'll give you my last name. Then, you can hop on the internet and cyber stalk me until your heart is content."
I think on his offer for a moment, his breath ghosting against my lips making it hard to concentrate.
Going home with a man I don't know who has an ego the size of Wisconsin is both a red flag and a complete turn on. His touch on my sides becomes more firm, knuckles following the raises and dips of my ribcage as he pushes into the soft flesh of my flank. If I were any other time, maybe two months ago, maybe two years from now, I would have pushed him back and gotten up without another word, leaving him high and dry, and maybe a little stung crested. But now? Fuck, he makes my head spin and I can't seem to find any place worth being that isn't underneath the expanse of his hands, his lips, his body. 
"You just have to tell me one thing first," He begins, slowly teasing his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue again. I can feel the blood begin to birth a blush under my cheeks just thinking about his next words. Jeremy chuckles as he slides his hands down to my ass, gripping the flesh with a tightened grasp.
I let my hands travel down the plains of his chest, then down his abs, feeling the taught muscle. I get to the hem of his tee-shirt, his eyes boring into mine as I travel under it before digging my fingertips underneath the waistband of his jeans causing his already half lidded eyes to fall shut, his head falling backwards with anticipation. 
I have him, for the first time I feel like I have some sense of mastery over the way he feels. I watch as he takes a couple of deep, scabrous breathes. He looks as if he is trying to untangle his thoughts without knowing where they begin or end with the way he grimaces. And fuck, that look on his face is sexy, and it's sexy to know I am the one who has driven him to this point, on the precipice of a deadly encounter.  I let my thumbs drag over the burning skin that sits just above his waistband, a low moan escaping from his barely part lips as he relaxes his expression.
"Do you," He begins, head still leaned back, attempting to compose himself. It doesn't work.  He squeezed my ass, grip firm and unrelenting. I try and pull him even closer by his jeans, but our bodies are already pressed together. He dips his head down finally lips grazing the rings in my ear, "Or do you not want me to have my way with you?"
A small, strangled groan leaves my lips at his words, body frozen in the magnetic field of lust we've built between us. I screw my eyes shut, trying to make any concrete thought leave my brain as he loosens the grip of his hands from my body. Each less point of pressure sends off warning bells in my mind, I feel like if he were to let go, I'd surely sink, sink so deep I'd drown. 
I can feel his eyes on me, waiting for an answer, but all I can focus on is the way the knuckles of his right hand graze over the peaks of my clothed chest before gliding up my throat, tilting my head up by the chin to look him in the eye. His other hand grips my thigh, his fingertips digging deep into the fullness of it- his touch keeping me on the surface, still gasping, tamping and sputtering. 
I could completely loose myself in his touch. Relinquishing all power just to feel his body on mine- to feel myself actually breathe again. I don't need to think when I am beneath his touch; all I need to do is feel. Sense the palpations, letting the energy that flows between us take me out like the waters of the coast. 
"Bub, I asked you a question, a question I expect an answer to before this can go any further." His words are stern, but full of honey, dripping sticky and sweet from on lips. Finally, I break my eyes open, looking deep into his. Air floods my lungs, burning as it comes and stinging as it goes. The lapis ocean of his eyes could have swallowed me whole right there, and I would've been okay with the lack of breath in my lungs from that moment on. 
"Yes, sir." I swallow thickly, my own confidence catching me off guard, "Take me."
He groans before grabbing my face with both of his hands and eagerly linking our lips together in an almost sinful display of teeth and lips and tongues.
I don't know how long we made out like that for before we finally broke away from each other. The vitality between us morphing, expanding, swallowing us whole, the only solace is the embrace we hold each other in as the world swims and swirls around us. I can feel the saliva begin to chap my lips but I can't find a way to care, after all, the way he's looking at me was far from innocent and I couldn't wait to get my hands up under his shirt. 
We are interrupted by the loud and obvious clearing of someone's throat, causing Jeremy to whine in annoyance, but we keep our focus on each other. "If you two could take your lust filled starring contest somewhere else so I could close this bar, I would greatly appreciate it." Tanner grabs our empty glasses from the countertop and I could barely wave goodbye before Jeremy was gathering my things and pulling me out towards the parking lot.
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vibraniumavenger · 1 year
The Bird On My Shoulder
A/N: This is one I did many years ago that is also posted on my old account. Enjoy!
Peter Parker x Reader / Clint Barton x Platonic!Reader
Without hesitation, Y/N jumped from the 15th floor window. Feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins and wind through her hair, she couldn't help but chuckle as she positioned herself for landing. To her surprise, the impact of feet and concrete never came. Instead, she felt a grip around her waist as she began gently swinging through the air. Eventually, she was placed on the ground below, ready to jump back into action. Before continuing, she made sure to slap her saviours arm and groan, “Peter, you know I could've landed that! I always land on my feet, remember?” 
Peter just shrugged, laughing a little at her annoyance, “I know you're perfectly capable, but I just like to know you're safe.” She gave him small smile and rolled her eyes, “Well, thank you.” Turning away, she ran to help the others. Her speed assisted her as she charged towards her enemy, extending her claws to plunge into his chest. His limp and newly lifeless body fell to the ground with a loud thud, causing her to sigh and find the next enemy. She stood momentarily, listening for any other signs of danger. A familiar groan was heard in the distance. She looked around at the rest of the team, their lack of reactions proved they had not heard it. Quickly, she sprinted off towards the pained sound.
Sam was pinned down, his broken wings underneath him in an uncomfortable position. An agent was above him, ready to strike once again before she jumped into action. Pouncing onto his back, she pierced his throat with a single claw and let him fall beside Sam. She offered Sam her hand, only for him to harshly decline. “You didn't have to do that, I had control of the situation.” Showing his frustration as it etched across his face. “It didn't look that way, he was about to kill you. Your wings are broken! You're lucky I was there.” Sam shook her words off. “Believe me, I didn't need saving. Especially by somebody from Planet of Cats.” 
She walked away, sucking in a harsh breath as her eyes pricked. She wasn't from Planet of Cats and she was only trying to help. 
The end of the fight was near, the base had been cleared and intel had been retrieved. The bodies of the beaten up and bloodied team trudged to the quinjet, collapsing into the chairs as soon as they made it. Natasha and Clint buckled themselves in as they prepared the jet for departure, sighing as they did so. It soon became airborne and the team were relieved. 
As soon as the jet landed, everybody exited and made their way to the medical bay. Y/N on the other hand made her way to her room. Jumping in the shower, she scrubbed the dirt and blood from her tense and aching body before pulling on her favourite pyjamas and making her way to the common room. Peter chuckled as she flopped down next to him, her head nuzzling into his lap. “Comfortable?” Peter ran his hand through her hair, massaging her scalp. She nodded, keeping her eyes closed as she enjoyed the sensation. Tony walked in moments later, pouring himself a whiskey and eyeing the two of them sprawled out on the sofa. Tony then turned to Rhodey, laughing to himself before sharing what was on his mind, “What’s going on with the two of them?” He asked, taking Rhodey by surprise. “I have no idea, but its sort of sweet. Don't you think?” 
Tony couldn't hold back, his shoulders began shaking in silent laughter as he wiped a stray tear that had managed to escape. “If you call a kid that was bitten by a radioactive spider and another that was bitten by a radioactive cat sweet, then sure, its sweet.” Rhodey let out a frustrated sigh at Tony’s somewhat-offensive statement. “I don't think she was bitten by a radioactive cat.”
“The funniest part is if they had children. Can you imagine what they'd be? It’d be a litter of eight-legged, furry spider-kittens with the abilities to make webs and always land on their feet. That’s extremely disturbing if you ask me.” Peter involuntarily rolled his eyes at Tony’s remarks as he pulled Y/N closer, trying his best to comfort her. Tony poured himself another drink, knocking it back before leaving the room. 
“You know Tony can be a jerk sometimes, don't let him get to you.” Peter whispered, tracing small circles on the palm of her hand.  Instead of an audible response, she just nodded. “Want me to talk to them?” Shaking her head frantically, she voiced her worries “It’ll just cause more trouble, they'll think me weaker than I already am. Please, just leave it.” Peter pulled her closer, “You know you can trust me, right?” She nodded, leaning into him. 
The next morning, she awoke in her bed. Standing up, she walked into her bathroom and turned the shower on. Stepping in, she let the warm water cascade down her sore and aching body as she scrubbed herself clean once again. Finishing her regular morning routine, she held the towel against her body as she walked to her wardrobe. Throwing a plain jumper and a pair of black jeans onto her messy bed, she prepared to get ready. Just as she dropped her towel, her door swung open. Quickly, she turned her back to the door and gripped onto her towel with a death grip. “Clint, ever heard of knocking?!” 
“I-I’m so sorry Y/N, I didn't think!” He studied her back, furrowing his eyebrows. “What happened to you?” This caught her off guard. “I’m not sure what you're talking about.” Clint just shook his head, “Y/N, I’m just trying to help. Is that how you received your enhancements?” She laughed, only it wasn't from humour. It was pained and forced. “Why? So once I tell you, you can run back to the others and mock me some more? No thanks.” 
“I’m pretty much the only person that hasn't mocked you, besides Parker and Banner. You can trust me, I swear. I will not run back to them, I will keep it between us. I just want to understand more about you, I want to help. I have kids, I would hate for them to feel alone or bullied by people that are supposed to support them. Let me be a friend,” he spoke genuinely and she felt herself relaxing a little. “Get out and let me get dressed, then we’ll talk.” 
Clint gave her a small, reassuring smile as he left, closing the door behind him. She locked it before taking a seat on her bed, fiddling with the corner of her blanket nervously. She was about to open up for the very first time. After she had pulled herself together, telling herself to trust him, she pulled her clothes on and opened the door once again. Inviting Clint in, she placed herself back onto her bed. He followed and took a seat next to her. She opened her mouth, but couldn't find the words. “Its okay, take your time.” 
“When I was a child, around 7, my father went away. Well, he joined the army, at least that’s what my mother told me. I don't really remember it too much but I know he never returned. It destroyed my mother, she blamed herself, told herself she should've stopped him leaving. She convinced herself she wasn’t a good enough reason for him to stay behind and she couldn't take it. She began drinking. It was only a few drinks every day to start with, she claimed it would numb the pain. It became her coping mechanism and eventually became an addiction. Everyday she would drink herself into oblivion and all I could do was watch her waste away. I was 9 when the social worker removed me from the household. I was placed in a group home temporarily, until somebody would either foster or adopt me. Unfortunately, most people want babies, not older kids. I was told over and over again that somebody would come for me but nobody ever did. On my tenth birthday, one of the caretakers took me out for the day. We got ice cream, we saw a movie, it was the most fun I had but I knew it wouldn't last. I snuck away when she was distracted, I wandered the streets trying to find somebody that would love me. A man approached me in the middle of the night as I was trying to find shelter, he asked if I was lost and if there was anybody I could call. My biggest mistake was telling him I didn't have anybody. 
He took me to his car, gave me some leftovers from his sandwich and drove for hours until we reached a warehouse. It was full of kids like me, unloved, unwanted, nobody to miss them. It was tragic really. It didn't seem too bad at first, they gave me fresh clothes, ensured I was hydrated and fed before making sure I had a goodnights rest. The next day is when it all started. They led me to a room that was oddly bare. It was way too sterile for my liking. They sat me in the extremely uncomfortable chair and strapped me down,” she began rubbing her wrist as she reminisced, “the straps were tight, every time I tried to move or wriggle out of them they'd grow more painful. They would experiment on me night and day. I hated it, I would cry continuously, begging them to let me go but they didn’t. My voice would become hoarse from the constant screams as they injected me, cut me open and even broke my bones to test my ability to heal. I wasn't Y/N, I was experiment #182, nothing more, nothing less. They enhanced my DNA for their own advantage, against my own will and for what? I wasn't of use to them, why would I be? They threw me away after realising I had cat-like abilities and not something great like invisibility or telekinesis. I enrolled into school, everybody thought I was just plain weird and mocked me because I wasn't like others. I've had a lifetime of it and I hate that the team mocks me too.” She admitted, wiping a stray tear that had managed to escape. 
Clint ground his teeth, trying his best not to show too much emotion at her revelation. “I'm sure you don't want sympathy, but I’m sorry you had to go through that. Can I tell you something, truthfully?” She nodded. “Back in my day-” Clint started, but Y/N cut him off before he could continue, “This isn't going to be like one of Cap’s ‘during the war’ stories is it? Because I hate to break it to you, grandpa, but we’re no longer in the olden days.” “Hey, I’m not that old! You little shit…” They both broke into laughter, not being able to commit to the serious tone. 
“Anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. Back in my day, people would mock me all the time. The kids in my class would bully me. If there was another child, I can guarantee they would bully me. You know why? Because I’m deaf. I was different from them, automatically excluding me from their friendship groups. I would go home and cry for hours because all I wanted was a friend. My teacher pulled me to the side one day, I was scared I was in trouble but it was the complete opposite. She gave me some great advice on how I should stand up for myself, even if it meant mocking myself slightly. Can I be honest? It was worth it. The next day when the kids started bullying me again, you know what I said?” Clint looked at her, waiting for a response. She shook her head, but he waited for her to say it. “What did you say?” Clint smiled widely, “I’m glad you asked! I said, ‘I’m sorry, I can't hear you!’ And they didn't mock me anymore after that. They couldn’t, they had no leverage, no ammo because I had accepted I was deaf and their words no longer had an impact on me. So, take the advice that was once given to me. Don't let their words hurt you, let it go over your head and laugh along with them. I mean life’s one big joke anyway. Once they realise it doesn't affect you, they'll stop trust me.” 
She smiled warmly, hugging him before thanking him profusely. “Shall we go see if it works?” Clint asked, causing her to smile wider and nod. “Lets go!” 
The common room was full of the team, all chatting amongst themselves until Y/N and Clint entered. “Look what the cat dragged in!” Natasha snorted as she took in Clint’s figure next to Y/N, breaking the silence. “Yeah, its not uncommon for cats to bring birds in,” Steve remarked, not so offensively. When Y/N laughed, they seemed slightly taken aback. When she ran and pounced onto the sofa next to Peter, Tony sighed. “Jesus, were you raised in a barn?” Sam snorted, “No, she was born into a litter of kittens and raised by cats!” Tony fist bumped him, laughing at his comeback. “If you think I’m wild, you should've seen the rest of the litter. Little Timmy would run up and down the curtains, Bernard would roll in his own shit and the twins, Gerald and Geraldine, lets not even go there… I’m the normal one.” Bruce, Clint and Peter were stifling their laughs as Tony’s newly dumbfounded face was truly a sight to behold. “Oh, so she’s got jokes now. Good.” The comment was more to himself. He settled into an almost proud grin as if she had cracked the code to Einstein’s theorem. 
“Y/N, what’s with all this sudden bravery?” Peter inquired with a beaming smile. Looking over at Clint, she said with a smile of her own, “Lets just say a little birdie gave me some great advice. Which reminds me,” before Peter could process what was happening, her lips were on his. Tony muttered something about needing more whiskey to process this much teen rebellion and others quickly followed to avoid the sentimental moment. 
Pulling away, Peter grinned from ear to ear, “You have no idea how long I've wanted that.” She couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head in disbelief, “A cat and a spider, who would've thought?” Peter also laughed at this, “We’re quite a pair.” As she started leaning in again, the alarm began blaring, alerting them of an urgent mission that required them all. She sat back, expecting them to suit up and leave without her. 
“Y/N, what're you doing sitting around? Come on, suit up!” Natasha eagerly prompted, before walking of to get ready. Y/N smiled, jumping up and doing a small victory dance before running off to fully equip herself. The team made their way to the quinjet, piling in as Steve went over the plan. 
Before they left the jet, they loaded their weapons and prepared themselves for what was to come, “Okay, do your best out there, guys! Go get ‘em team!” Sam mocked Steve’s usual ‘Avengers assemble’ and they all piled out, giving their all. 
The fight was intense, bullets were flying in every direction and the team were gradually becoming exhausted. Y/N’s attention was focused on the bullet that was rapidly racing towards Sam. Y/N ran in front of Sam before he could even react, blocking the bullet and knocking it to the ground before pouncing onto the agent that delivered it. Her metal claws retracted once more as she sliced into him, knocking him to the ground as he took his last breath. Unexpectedly, Sam smiled at her, “Thanks Y/N, I owe you!” 
For the first time in her life, she was proud to have these enhancements and she was even prouder to be an Avenger. This was her life now and she finally accepted that. 
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader Masterlist
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Happy Holidays! (Kate x Romanoff!Reader) - Masterlist
Even When (Kate Bishop x Singer-Songwriter!Reader)
Wishin’ on Dandelions (Even When, Part 2)
My Archer (Kate Bishop x Pregnant!Reader; Natasha Romanoff x Daisy Johnson)
A Surprise Visitor (Kate Bishop x Romanoff!Reader)
Protection (Kate Bishop x Romanoff!Reader)
Happy Holidays Taglist:
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alloftheimaginess · 3 years
Let me
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Another part to what I’m calling my comfort song series. The song I was listening to while writing this is called Anchor by Novo Amor
"Wow. Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome" Clint says as we look out of the window of the ship when we get to 2014 and I look around as he lands.
I follow them as we start the walk towards the mountains and I take in the scenery "you know it's kind of weird" I say.
"What's weird?" Clint asks.
"This is the year that I found out I had powers. So twelve year old me is currently somewhere blowing up a section of the public library" I say a smile on my face and they laugh.
"And we are on our way to find a twelve year old who blew up a section of the library without weapons" Nat says.
"I was so scared. I thought I was going to prison" I say.
"And look how much you've grown since then" Clint says.
"I know. It's crazy. But I have you two and Laura to thank for taking me in and showing me that I have nothing to be afraid of, that I should embrace who I am. I almost felt like I met Charles Xavier" I say and he smiles at me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close and I wrap my arm around his waist as we walk towards the mountains.
We start to climb the mountain and Natasha let’s put a huff "I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain" she says.
"Technically, he's not a raccoon, you know" Clint says.
"Technically he is" I say.
"Whatever. He eats garbage" she says and I laugh.
"Welcome" a voice says when we reach the top and Clint and Natasha pull their weapons out and my hands start to glow as we turn around and there's a floating man.
"Natasha, daughter of Ivan, Clint, son of Edith and Yn, daughter of Dn" he says.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone" he says.
"Oh, good. You tell us where it is. Then we'll be on our way" Natasha says.
"Ah, liebchen. If only it were that easy" he says leading us to a cliff and I look over getting an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"What you seek lies in front of you as does what you fear" he says.
"The stone is down there" Natasha say also looking over.
"For one of you. For the other two in order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul" he says.
"What?" I ask, my power going out as I mentally repeat what he just said and Nat leads me to a log and she sits me down and I look at them.
"A soul for a soul? He wants one of us to die?" I ask and she nods.
"Yeah I think he does" she says and I shake my head.
"No" I say.
"That can't be right. Why? What? Who thinks of this stuff?" I ask and she rubs my back as we sit in silence.
"How's it going?" Clint asks the guy chucking as he walks over to us.
"Jesus. Maybe he's making this shit up" he says.
"No. I don't think so" Nat says.
"Why because he knows your Daddy's name?" He asks.
"I didn't even know my dads name" I whisper.
"Thanos left here with the stone, without his daughter. It's not a coincidence" Nat says.
"Yeah" he says.
"Whatever it takes" Nat says.
"Whatever it takes" he says and Nat stands up.
"Tasha what are you doing?" I ask.
"If we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead" she says rubbing my cheek and she smiles at me and I stand up as she turns to Clint.
"Then I guess we both know who it's gotta be" he says.
"I guess we do" Natasha says.
"What? No. What are you guys talking about?" I ask my voice cracking.
"Yn this doesn't concern you" Nat says.
"Yes it does, you're obviously trying to sacrifice yourselves and expect me to just sit here quietly" I say.
"Because you aren't going to do anything so go sit on the log while we work this out" he says and he grabs Natasha's hand and she squeezes it.
"I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Natasha" he says.
"Duh" I say and they both look at me.
"Stop, please just stop. Can we think about this for a second?" I cry.
"For the last five years I've been trying to do one thing. Get to right here, that's all it's been about bringing everybody back. You guys I have to do this" she says holding her hand out to me and I stare at it.
"Oh, don't you get all decent on me now" he says and she grabs my hand.
"What, you think I wanna do it? I'm trying to save your both of your lives, you idiot" she says looking at him.
"Yeah, well, I don't want you to, because I-Natasha, you know what I've done. You know what I've become" Clint says.
"I don't judge people on their worst mistakes" she says.
"Maybe you should" he says.
"You didn't" she says.
"Just because of your past choices doesn't mean you guys have to die to make up for it" I sob and they look at me.
"Yn please just let me do this" Clint says and I shake my head pulling my hand away from Natasha.
"I'm not about to stand here and listen to you guys go back and forth over which one of you is going to die" I say.
"I agree with Yn" Natasha says and he sighs.
"You're a pain in my ass, you know that?" He asks and she smiles.
"Okay. You win" he says smiling and knocks Natasha to the ground and I jump from the sudden attack.
"Tell my family I love them" he says holding her down and she flips them over so he's on his back and she's standing up.
"You tell them yourself" she says electrocuting him and she runs towards the cliff and he gets up and shoots an explosive arrow knocking her down and I glare at them and they both freeze in place.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I ask and I walk in front of them.
"I'm not about to let you do this. Clint you have a family who loves you and Natasha you deserve to live, you deserve to be happy. Who cares if you made mistakes you are the only person who I know who is truly worth a redemption. Neither of you have to make up for your crimes because you've done it ten fold already, you are the most amazing people I know and I know a lot of people" I say backing towards the cliff.
"Yn stop" Clint says trying to grab me but he can't and I shake my head and I close my eyes and when I open them they are white.
"Yn" Natasha says.
"No" I say sending them flying back and the vines from the cracks wrap around them.
"I'm not letting either of you die when you deserve so much" I say.
"Yn calm down and think this through. You haven't even lived your life. You're only twenty one years old" Clint says and I nod.
"Which is perfect because I don't have roots, I don't have lifelong friendships, a family. I'm on my own and always have been. I'm not letting you guys kill yourself and not even consider me an option, I'm an adult. I'm going to do it, I’m going to do it for you and the billions of people that didn’t get the choice that I have" I say closing my eyes again and I picture all of the avengers and I send a messages to them.
"You guys have been my family since the first time I met you. I was only twelve and struggling with my powers but you guys took me in and you helped me and I couldn't have asked for a better family but none of you deserve to die. You guys are the avengers. Thank you for everything ever single one of you have done for me, for a girl who was given up and forgetting about none of you will ever really know how much that meant to me. I love you all so much"
"Yn get out of our head and knock it off. You aren't about to kill yourself" Natasha says.
"Yes I am" I say.
"I love you guys" I say and I take a step back and I hear Natasha scream for me as I fall.
"Where's Yn. We got her message?" Steve asks as soon as they all meet back up.
"She used her powers against us. One of us we're supposed to die to get the stone and Clint and I were going back and forth and we got close and she froze us in place and we couldn't do anything but watch. She was only a kid" she cries and Clint pulls her into his arms as the rest of them look on in sorrow.
“Did everyone get their stone?" she asks looking up, a new fire in her eye.
"Yes" Tony says, a silence falling over the group as they realize they have lost the girl that was like a daughter to them.
"Then let's do this" she says walking off.
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armylily · 3 years
Introduction to Guardian
Hi. My name is Y/N and I'm 1,950 years old. Obviously, I'm not mortal but Asgardian, also an angel. Yep, an angel. The well known two humongous white wings on the back. I have H/L H/C and bright E/C eyes but my eyes flash white when I feel threatened or upset. Now onto my story.....
I was a young child, only 1,170 in Asguardian years. As a child, I had a normal life and I loved my parents. Loved.. Reason why I repeated that word is because they sold me. For mere pieces of copper and food. They looked sorrowful as I kicked and screamed for them but they looked away. Like I was nothing. Nothing at all.
So I forgot all about them, trying to at least. The man that traded money and food to my parents was elderly but very kind. He reassured me that he means no harm when I was still devastated and distressed at first. He had a small house filled with all kinds of delicious food. I realized, it was a small and cozy bakery. I was guessing that the old man needed an assistant and I was the only one available. I nicknamed him Mr. Baker and he smiled.
After a week of the trade, I left to my room and could still feel sorrow from my parents. I sit on my small bed and began to shed a tear, the hot drop coming from my left eye and trailing down my left cheek.
I may never know the reasons on why I was traded, other than for food and money. I keep thinking that they couldn't afford to care for a child or that maybe they didn't know how to care for a child at my age so they found Mr. Baker.
I began to sob, slightly understanding that maybe they wanted the best for me when they couldn't give it to me.
I feel my small body shiver when I suddenly feel a sting on my back. It felt like a hot knife running down my shoulder blade and I screamed in pain. I pull and tear my shirt, crying out for it to stop. My shoulder blades have gone numb but I could still feel the burning pain. I then felt another sting on the right side of my spine, feeling the pain surging through my body. I let out a final ear-piercing scream and collapse onto the cold ground.
I woke up to someone slightly pushing my back. I groan and sit up to turn to the person and see it's Mr. Baker.
"My dear, are you alright? I thought I heard a scream from your chambers", he says, rubbing my left shoulder.
I look down a little and see...white feathers. I gasp and try to grab a feather but wince when I move my shoulder a little.
Mr. Baker says, "No, no, don't move.. I'll go get medicine. I won't be long."
I respond, "Okay.."
After he leaves, I paused when I realized something.
Are these... my wings?
I gasp and try to move them by bending my back a little but hiss in pain. I get up and smile slightly. They were slightly smaller than my legs but were very pretty and brightly white, no speck of my blood on the soft feathers. I stretch my left arm a little but felt my right foot lift off the ground. I gasp in shock and fall back down.
"Woah.." I stretch my left arm and I float up a little higher. I laughed in amazement and move my right arm. I'm floating.
I then panic and start flying to the ceiling. I yell out and hit head first.
Great. Now I got to learn how to use these things..
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