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#today was. SO INTERESTING.#engine wouldnt start at the end of a sail so we docked with a hip tow from our thankfully not busy yawlboat#got musical deckhanded to a diff boat for the last sail then played musical boats to dock another boat at a diff slip#THEN got pizza THEN home way later than usual#then roughhoused with roommate then terreria with roommate and then we r joking around and hes like im gonna bite you#and im like ok coward do it and offer my arm AND HE DOES HE BITES MY FUJCING . HAND#HE BIT ME . HE GENUINELY BIT ME HOW AM I NOT TYING THIS MAN TO MY BED RIGHT FUCJING NOW#im like. still replayinf the sense memory over snd over in my head . this guy BIT ME.#IM BEYODN WORDS LIKE HELLO. CAN ANYONE HEAR ME. HE FUCJING BIT ME#more importantly will he do it again but mostly just. HE FUCKING BIT ME?????? CAN I BITE HIM?@??@?#canis speaks#jacktag#what is my life any more dude oh my god. if u told me 7 months ago when i was bedbound id be working on boats and loving my life and having#a crush on a guy that BITES ME and wrestles w me i wouldnt believe you
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A Song Once Forgotten - Chapter One
Pairing: BTS (OT7) X Reader
Genre/Themes: Dragon!AU, Shifter!AU, Pioneer themes, Powers, War, possible/Eventual smut
Warning's: 18+ for gore, minor swearing, possible smut, Character Death (not OT7), Animal death, Religion/history being rewritten, topics that relate to climate change, Eventual War, humanity is kind of Oppressed,
Hi everyone! I'm really ecstatic about posting this on here, there is also some character profiles on my page to check out for a little bit of a sneak peak of whats going to be coming.
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Here in a clearing that a small settlement has taken upon to live in. Near the outskirts of the settlement, a small Spindly path leads up to a cabin in the woods, trees cluttered around the home, much further away from others. The cabin bears home to a Father and Daughter. Though her father is dying and the settlement has plans for her that have been set for generations. Will she leave or stay?
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Mornings are the coldest this time of the year, with frost thickening the ground and leaves falling. Crops were always harvested before the frosty mornings came. Father used to be out chopping wood right as the sun rose, but with his sickness he stays inside near the fireplace. Saying his limbs need the warmth to stay loose. Although those topics hardly cross my mind that morning, while I'm stuffing my boots on. Keeping my layers thick, it may not be the cold stretch officially but it was nearly here.
I tugged my cloak to sit on my shoulders just right while I chewed the inside of my cheek, a habit I couldn’t break. Pushing a little on the wooden floor just to hear the creaking. Just as I reached for my bow I heard the creaking of a door.
“y/n?” I looked over my shoulder to see father standing just outside of the door to his room. The sun hadn’t peaked up through the trees just yet, though there he stood still in his bedwear, with sleep clinging to his old face.
“Father?” I made my way around the lumber pile near the front door, standing nearly infront of him. I went to question why he was out of bed, instead being met with his calloused hand instead as he started to speak.
“Be careful out there today, yesterday your Uncle Ty said there was a bear lurking around close to the cattle.” he gripped my shoulder lovingly with a small squeeze. “I meant to say something yesterday but you know how I am.”
A smile gripped my lips, I more than appreciated that my father cared to warn me so early even though he was obviously tired.
He’s always been genuine. Even with his health getting worse every day. “Thank you father, I'll keep low, and stray from there.” he nodded, closing his eyes, and sighed. Over time his eyes have developed crows feet even more so since the last few years. Losing most of his muscle as well due to his sickness. But the old man held onto life the best he could, still working with wood and bone. Even when his body doesn't cooperate.
“I'm off to bed again, I’ll be up later on in the day.” he turned around while running a hand through his greying hair. “Bring back something for dinner, we're low again...” unable to clearly hear the last part he muttered.
“Pardon Father?” I asked, grabbing my bow off the old rack near the front door.
“Nothing Deer, I was just talking to myself.” I nodded at his retreating figure. Chewing on the side of my cheek while slinging the quiver over my shoulder. Once my quiver was secure I made sure to check my clothes and the bow before I put my arm through it to keep it on my shoulder.
“I’ll be back soon!” I let out a shout as I closed the door behind me. Stilling for a moment in the cold morning air I sighed. Taking note of the darkened ground around me.
I watched the sky for a moment, the rain clouds still grey from last night’s late shower. ‘Hopefully the hunt won't be too difficult with the mud.’ It definitely wasn’t ideal to hunt but even a rabbit would suffice. I licked my lips, “Rabbit stew sounds delicious right now.” Setting forward, I picked a direction away from the farm in the settlement to enter the depths of the forest.
The brush was usually thicker during the warmer parts of the year, but now it was near barren with nothing but some gold-yellow leaves left. Although we live so far from the rest of the settlement it was better this way, living close to the woods. The settlement wasn’t that busy often, especially since there’s not many people that come to and fro to trade with, were truly just a group of humans grouping together for survival.
I love my life, though with my fathers declining health it wasn’t perfect. He had some issue the healer couldn’t pin point, all they know is that it drains him more and more. They say he doesn’t have too much longer, maybe a year or so, but each cold stretch took more of his body away.
Choosing to ignore the thoughts of impending doom I focused fully on the world around me to begin my hunt.
I Watched a rabbit closely with an eagle eye, pinpointed on every movement it made. The rabbit chewed on the lower leaves of a bush that had yet to turn gold. Keeping my feet light on the soil, while avoiding the twigs and large branches on the brush around me. ‘I can't scare it away.’ I think to myself almost as if it was a matra. I pulled one of my arrows out of the quiver, notching the arrow into the bow and aimed towards its back. Keeping my arms completely still, I hadn't noticed when I started holding my breath, but I didn't move a muscle.
I kept still for a moment, holding the bow close to my lowered body as I simply watched the rabbit eat. Just as it lifted its body up to sniff I let the arrow loose.
I watched as the arrow struck the rabbits neck. Releasing the breath I was holding. Slinging my bow back around my body while walking towards the rabbit, still kicking its feet before it stilled.
I Grabbed the rabbit by the back feet, and pulled out the arrow. “May your life be blessed, the trip to your after life be quick, may you rest easy knowing you gave purpose.” then tied the rabbit by the feet with a string of twine after my prayer for the catch. ‘Thankfully I saw it, Father will be quite glad about this.’
Putting the rabbit under my arm for the walk home. The forest felt as though it loomed larger than life, the branches swayed far above. An odd creak would echo through the forest. it was unsettling with all the noises, the wind was definitely stronger. Bringing cold bursts with it and crow calls, making all the sounds feel so much closer.
I'll just stop by the settlement quickly after getting home, I don't particularly want to be out in this cold for much longer anymore. Even with my lined cloak I could still feel the odd burst of cold fly past me. Shivering more than that morning, the sun was still up watching it peak through the near barren branches.
My heart dropped with a sudden rumble of a roar striking the silent forest. I dropped to the ground hiding in the brush. Holding a breath, above me so far above, I watched the clouds caress the flying shape of what could only be a dragon. Shocking me that it was almost the same size as the clouds, I watched it roar again before veering northwards.
“Oh my world..” I'd never seen one with my own eye’s rather I only heard tales of them from others in my village. One of the newer members said one burnt down his old settlement, which is why he came from the forest burned and scraped up carrying nothing but a small bag. Others claimed they were vicious cruel monsters with no thoughts or feelings.
No one truly knows.
I allowed my heart to slow back to a normal pace before I moved forward. Though I couldn't hold myself back from looking up towards the sky wondering if I'll ever see another dragon in my lifetime.
My Walk ended by the sight of the wooden cabin, just being able to see the shaky two story building from my spot near the border of the woods. I trudged through the little bit of the woods I had left before I reached the clearing. Taking my time before I had to go inside. “ I should mention how little prey there is to hunt out, especially with how soon the cold stretch will be here.” muttering to myself as I breached the line between the forest and home.
Once inside I made sure to lock the door with the wooden beam, usually father didn't bother to lock it all too often but it should be more often with his health. “Why didn’t you lock the door again?” I called out towards the back room where I knew he’d be. Huddled up beside the fireplace whittling some wood.
“Because I didn't want to get up to unlock it once you got back deer.” I turned around like deja vu to see him standing leaning against the door frame. Rolling my eyes while I hung my bow and quiver up on the rack he made years ago.
“I see you caught a rabbit, run into any bears?” he laughed a little, before clutching his side, missing his look of pain i just smiled while i took my cloak off. Hanging it up beside the bow. “Why don’t we sit by the fire for a moment?”
Shaking my head while walking into the Disheveled mess of a kitchen. “Can’t I’m going into town and see Aunt Petunia and trade this pelt with Ivern for some carrots.”
“Why don't you turn the hide into some new boot linings?” I stopped myself from giving him a dirty look and just sighed.
‘If he's not mentioning the dragon from earlier maybe he didn't see it..’ I smiled to myself briefly before facing my father again. “I think getting carrots will be better, I’m going to go out for a while tomorrow like last year.” he grimaced then opened his mouth to speak, but i interrupted him. “Yes i already know what you're going to say, but it's better if i go hunt down a deer, the cold stretch will be here sooner then later and it's better if i do this now. Father please you can’t do it anymore and it’s better done sooner than later.”
My father trailed into the kitchen, leaning against a wobbly table as he spoke. “Your boots are old, and yes that's fine just make sure to ask petunia for one of her horses so you're not walking back with a dead carcass.” Then he bent over to pull out a tuff of fur from a boot. “And yet you tell me these are fine for the cold?” I rolled my eyes at him while I reached around to grab a knife.
“The boots are fine father, why did you do that anyways.” He had this smug look on his face while he moved around me to grab the other rabbit pelt.
“Just go get new boots, deer you’re crazy if you think you’ll last out there.” I shrugged and ignored him, continuing to cut up the rabbit I had in front of me.
He grunted and left the kitchen. “I'll just make a hat from the pelt father so don't fret too much.” No response from him left me peacefully cutting up the rabbit and prepping the stew to cook on the fire place for later. I may not have eaten lunch or breakfast but he didn't need to know that.
“Father excuse me old man.” I bumped his shoulder with my hip while I carried the old stone pot full of water and rabbit pieces.
“Oh now you're mentioning my age? Are we going to talk about you being 20 and unmarried yet?” Two years passed the traditional marriage age, with no plans on it either.
“I'm not that old, I haven't even killed a caribou yet.” What I really wanted to say was that I just saw a dragon for the first time in my 20 years of life. Yet I kept my mouth shut and just smiled at him.
Before I realized it the sun was past the middle point, The hide was wrapped with twine and under my arm for a trip to the settlement. Hopefully the walk would end up too long, my bones felt a little weak with how much i had travelled already. “Father? Could you keep an eye on the stew please? I'm going to head down to the settlement and trade this with Ivern.” I headed back towards the door, then shoved my feet into my boots and threw my cloak on a little bit in a hurry. I was already ready by the time I had heard from him.
Rolling my eyes I simply left. Shutting the door behind me, I made sure the door was closed a second time before I left for the settlement. The trail to the settlement was a little worn path in the ground from the years we have travelled to see the other’s.
Although the settlement was usually nicer during the warm stretches, with some flowers around the homes people built, especially around the pond in the middle.
The walk was over with my fast paced walk because of how badly i wanted to get out of the cold. Standing just at the entrance of the clearing they had created before I was even a thought. Around 13 cabins sprawled about, along with a few garden patches at the backs of them. Everyone around is fairly self sufficient, we can't grow crops very well on the rockier terrain where father has his cabin. Usually everyone is willing to trade with us since father creates some of the best wood working in town, he gets commissioned often, but with his health he no longer does larger pieces like he used to, and with no black smith anymore it gets difficult to get decent tools for his work. But I like to believe we're comfortably living, even if it is all we know how to live.
Not far from where I stood, there was a smaller pen with a single cow and donkey, the two of them moved towards the gate when they saw me. The donkey was doing his little call to me while I moved towards the pen. “Hi guys! How are you two doing?.” The donkey, henry and his friend tulip who was an all white milk cow, the two of them were owned by the newer resident of the settlement coming here around 4 years ago. He was a nice fellow only a few years older than me. I got closer to the fence line, where tulip immediately turned around to try and lick my face. “Tulip! I don't want you to slobber on me girl.” laughing while I tried to pet the top of her head while avoiding her tongue.
“I gotta go you too, bye henry bye tulip.” A smile was on my face while I pet the two of them. The house next to it was Iverns. Setting at a quick pace again, the sooner I was home the better. I really hated going to the settlement without my father, but it was becoming more and more common as the year got colder.
Iverns home was a single story cabin with a small deck on the front, only a little bit off the ground but it made a huge difference when it got muddy from the snow. Stepping up onto the wooden planks of the deck, then knocking on the door for a few beats. A small grunt came from inside then he was at the door, holding it open just a crack until he saw me.
“Hi Ivern.” I waved with a small smile before he opened the door full. Eye’s lit up at the sight of me.
“Y/N! What do I owe the pleasure of seeing out today?” He then moved to standing on the porch with me. I knew he was looking for a rabbit pelt for his wife, so I was really hoping to trade him for carrots. I held up the rabbit pelt with a small smile on my face as I watched his face light up.
“It's got a nice density, and I know your wife likes rabbit pelts, bet she’d like this one.” The rabbit was a nice brown colour, and with how I hit it earlier with my arrow little damage was done to the pelt.
“You have me there y/n what do you want for it.” putting the pelt back under my arm while I pretended to think for a moment.
“Carrots.” was all i said for him to turn back inside to go get what i asked for.
Moving to sit on the end of the porch. I watched a duck swim in the pond from across the settlement. Every so often it would go under water then come back up, keeping myself occupied by watching the bird while I waited for Ivern to return.
‘Shit.’ To the left of me stood Alexander, one of the reasons I avoid going to the settlement without my father. He was an overly annoying boy around my age. A thin, scrawny one with a sunken look to his face. Which was ironic because of who his parents were. I waved at him, not bothering to look away from the duck again.
The floorboards creaked a little and before I knew it he was sitting inches away from me. I quickly moved away from him.
“Hi, is there something you need help with?” now looking directly at him. ‘Why doesn't he ever take the hint? Maybe that dragon should come back and eat me where I sit.’
He was average looking in all aspects, but if he’d put some muscle on himself maybe he would look more appealing but the sunken look on his face would always be unsettling to me.
“No not of that sort, just haven't seen you in awhile. How have you been?”
‘Ivern, save me please.’ I mentally groaned to myself. Trying to not grind my teeth with how uncomfortable I was.
“I'm doing well. Thank you, but I'm waiting for Ivern, then I'm off to my uncles for something quickly before going home.” he nodded, barely able to see him out of the corner of my eye.
“It's also getting darker, I can also walk you back home.” It was still a little while after sun high.
“No thank you, I appreciate it though.”
“Oh, come on y/n how would you be able to defend yourself if that bear showed up?”
‘I guess everyone here didn't see or hear the dragon then. But he's fully aware I can hunt, I've dropped off plenty of meat to trade with his parents.’
“No truly it's okay, i’ve got the self defence covered, don't worry.” now chewing on the side of my mouth. I tried occupying myself by going through my bag but he continued talking.
“Oh surely y/n-”
“y/n! I've got the carrots.”
‘What took so long Ivern, I was about to smack the boy.’ Hurrying to Ivern so quickly I almost tripped on the lip of the porch.
“Thanks Ivern! Really appreciate it! I hope the wife likes the rabbit pelt! By the way, I caught it this morning." taking the carrots, i walked away.
“Oh alexander! I was looking for you.” I glanced back towards the two, then watched as Alexander begrudgingly agree to whatever it was that Ivern wanted from him.
Petunia or as I prefer to call her Aunt Petunia, was married to my fathers best friend Ty, technically we are family somewhat in a way. With a little more pep in my step I made my way across the settlement to their house. They owned most of the horses in the settlement, especially after my mother passed.
Their Cabin was smaller than Ivern’s, only 3 rooms with a little out house in the back. I made my way to their front door, knocking politely while I waited.
I waited for a few moments outside as I listened to Petunia yell at Ty from what I could only assume was their kitchen. A mere moment later a tall man with a greying beard and a knitted hat stepped outside.
“Uncle Ty? I was wondering if aunt petunia was around, I have a question for the both of you.” He nodded then turned around still holding open the front door.
“Pea! y/n’s here!” A few shuffles came from inside, then before I knew it Petunia was warping her arms around me and ruffling my hair.
“Hi honey! How are things!” I pulled back from the hug a few inches to get a good look at her face. Petunia, a red headed woman that's just starting to get her grey hairs, though her face was beautifully freckled. The freckles covered the entirety of her face, and with her slightly pointed nose I always thought she was beautiful, especially her green eyes.
I smiled at the woman again before she released me from her death grip of a hug. “Things have been good Auntie, Father’s watching the stew while I come ask you guys something.”
“Must something pretty important for you to come all this way just to ask a question?” Nervously I started running a hand through my hair.
“Well I also got carrots!” holding up the 3 carrots I got from Ivern. ‘I'm pretty sure he gave us an extra one too.’ Lowering the carrots back down to my side. “I wanted to know if i could borrow one of the horses for a hunting trip, father says its the only way i can go.” mustering up a nervous smile waiting for their reaction.
Ty and Petunia both looked at each other for a moment, Tys eyes squinting for a moment before he nodded. “Yes you can, just make sure they get enough food and water please. Meet me here tomorrow morning as well and I'll saddle up with you.” Petunia was wiping her hands on the front of her dress while she talked. Then she turned back to look at me again. “I'll have it decided tomorrow which one you’ll take with you.”
“Thank you auntie!” I smiled at her before we both enveloped the other into a hug again, she kissed the side of my temple before letting go.
“Please stay safe honey, it's dangerous out there and it's getting colder.” I nodded at the two of them before walking away. I could hear them both go back inside a few moments later.
Suddenly I felt a grip on my upper arm, shocked a little I turned to see Ty holding my arm in a fairly tight grip. “y/n we should talk, me and your father-”
“If it's about me being married I'll pass.” I pulled, more like ripped my arm out of his grasp.
“y/n you need to realize you don’t have much time before-”
“No I will not aheed to the traditions-”
“y/n you are not above traditions and rules. You must realize that before he is dead. All your parents want from you is a good husband.” At this point we were in a staring match. Though I took a moment and looked away.
“No, I may not be above tradition. But I will not wear a dress, I don't want to stop hunting, I don't want to be stuck in this settlement with a man that doesnt love me!” I turned around to break out into a sprint. ‘How fucking dare he, its not his place.’
“y/n come back here were not done this fucking conversation!”
I got home a little later than I would have liked, exhaustion already getting to me from the event’s of today. I reached the front door a little more sluggish than earlier, hunger getting to me finally. With my one hand cramping from holding onto the carrots so tight, and the last bit of adrenaline leaving my system finally.
Even with the sky starting to get dark, as the older folks say it gets darker up here near the mountains compared to the settlements near the beaches.
“Father, how's the pot looking?” I asked the moment I walked into the cabin. The fireplace was still going from what I could hear.
In the back room my father sat on his stool beside the fireplace, hunched over and staring down at the pot. “Almost done y/n. Deer, come sit down and look at the fire with me.”
“In a moment father, I'm going to cut the carrots to add.” In the kitchen I cut up a carrot with a knife, chopping them into thinner slices, leaving the other two carrots in a basket in one of the cupboards. Dumping the handful of carrot slices into the pot near my father, I then moved to sit beside him.
“Father, how was your day?” he gently smiled to himself before meeting my eyes.
“It was well deer, thank you for asking.”
“I'm glad father, Oh and that boy alexander came up to me today again. Saying that he’d walk me home because of the bear.” laughing a little before I continued. “But Ivern saved me from his miserable chatter, and took him inside claiming he was looking for him. That boy's insufferable father.” his eyes crinkled at the sides when he smiled.
“y/n I know you dislike that boy but give him some slack he's got a big family at home." I snorted at his response.
“So? Doesn't make much of a difference when he assumes I can't take care of myself father.”
“I suppose you're right, deer.” I chewed on my cheek at the mention of Alexander's family. I simply nodded in response.
Me and father sat beside each other, my hand on his knee while we waited for the carrots to sink into the soup. I wasn't sure how long we stayed like this, silently enjoying the company of each other. With the fire roaring in the background licking at the bottom of the pot.
Our dinner was the same, eating out of hand carved bowls. Sipping on the stew while watching the fire. He didn't move from his stool, and i didnt move from my spot on the floor beside him. Life felt perfectly normal, and that itch on my side left me alone while I enjoyed the peace.
After dinner we both went to bed, his room was on the main floor, the door way into there was in the living room, while I climbed the stairs to head to bed. “y/n, i love you goodnight.” he called out, smiling to myself before replying.
“Love you too father, goodnight.”
The next morning i was rushing around to pack, though when i looked out one of the windows there was already snowfall, a nervous ghost of a feeling crept up my spine at the sight. Doubling up on pants and two shirts was my solution to it.
Though I still struggled to not feel nervous, biting on the inside of my cheek. While I packed up some food, which included a half carrot and some leftover chicken jerky from earlier that season. I was aware of my limits for food and how to cook food at a fire, i would be self sufficient when it called for it.
Packing up a satchel with the food and two hunting knives for my excursion. I also made sure to bundle up more than yesterday, putting on my thicker fur cloak, and gloves.
“I didn't expect the snow to fall so early this year.” The moment I stepped outside it was my first thought, usually we had a few more days for all the leaves to fall from the sky but oddly enough the cold stretch already began.
Though I ignored the nervous itching on my side. I needed to leave for Petunia and ty’s soon if I wanted to be gone before sunrise. ‘Even if Ty pissed me off, I need to head out.’
It was increasingly colder compared to yesterday, but now I stood in front of the gates to Petunia's pasture. It wasn't very large. Just big enough to hold 6 horses without getting too close to Alexander's family’s cattle pen behind it.
When I opened the gate a few of the horses looked up from their hay. Though i stood there for a moment in the cold, letting the snow whip around my cloak. Watching the small streaks of sunrise above the tree’s. “y/n!” I turned quickly to see petunia leaning against the fence.
“Hi Auntie, did you decide on which horse I'd bring?” she smiled softly, looking back towards the back end of the pasture.
“Well there's that big buckskin named Adonis, The red spotted one blue, she's a good girl but she's a little small, Rocky is a little out there. Hera’s got a foal coming in a few month’s at the start of planting. I'll need your help with her. She's that round palomino. The last two are blue and hera’s from two years, do you remember that.” while petunia talked to me i had watched each of them Blue looked like a good choice, even if she was a broodmare. I also have ridden hera before she was usually a really good mare.
“Of course I remember those two, I named blue’s foal that year comet. I'll take adonis if that's okay? Rocky almost kicked me before while I was bringing them hay." Petunia was standing beside me, arm warped around my shoulder in a half embrace.
“He got too excited that time I'm guessing?” Nodding to her, while we walked over to Adonis, up close he was a little bit bigger than I am, his withers just above my head, but his black mane and tail were a beautiful striking contrast from the snow.
“Hi boy.” she chuckled, smiling brightly at me while I held my hand out to the stallion, he simply nuzzled my hand before going back to his hay. We both smiled at each other, while she pretended to wrap a leed over his neck to have him follow us.
We stopped near a small wooden storage box behind her house. Adonis had followed us the entire way close behind her. “I'll help you saddle him, auntie don't worry.” I waved off her protests and saddled him up myself, leaving the bit for last.
“How long do you think you'll be y/n?” I stilled once she asked. ‘How long was I going to be?’ shrugging at her while I slipped a foot into the stirrups. We adjusted the stirrups once I was seated, giving her a nod once they were corrected.
“I'm unsure as of now, though I won't be returning till I hunt something large enough to last.” A firm nod was all I received from her. We stared at each other for a long moment, silence so loud my ears rang. Suddenly a single caw let loose from behind us. Turning in the saddle only to see a crow, huddled on the branch of a singular tree near us. It shifted, time froze, feeling the little beady eyes upon my soul before it disappeared into the cold morning.
“That was strange.” Petunia said before I could get my bearings together and startled me. I swung around to face her, she was smiling a little. But her brows were creased, barely visible under her bangs. I sighed before looking down at my hands, she was right it was in fact a little odd.
Nevertheless i must still leave’. I gave Petunia the best smile I could muster. “I'll be off now, i don't think i'll be gone long with this guy.” A simple curt nod was all I received before me and Adonis took off, heading northward towards the forest.
#bts x reader#bts ot7 x reader#bts fanfic#bts fantasy au#bts fanfction#dragon au#shifter au#bts dragon au#bts au#bts dragon x reader#bts shifter au#bts x y/n#first person#seokjin fanfic#namjoon fanfic#taehyung fanfic#hoseok fanfic#yoongi fanfic#jimin fanfic#jungkook fanfic#ASOF
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Even Days.
wc;; 1.5k approx.
a/n:: I love dominant women
summary;; another even day and you are fuelled with anger, you take charge until hi
contents;; dom woman, very light bdsm, breeding kink, degradation, praising, switch man,
!!W!!;; MINORS DNI!! No real warnings, nothing too crazy
music inspo;;

You stripped off your gown, the maids rushing to try and prevent it from being wrinkled or breaking a jewel. You were in no mood for pleasantries. Today was an even day. A day in which you had zero time to be polite, you had a job to do. A job which was demanding, time consuming, utterly stupid and yet… you secretly loved it.
The warm amber ambience of the sconces on the walls held a dim light in the room. The handmaidens hurriedly took off your undergarments, but began to approach you with lotion. “It is not necessary, just get me a nightgown.” You raised a hand to stop them, they nodded and one lady grabbed a silky blue nightgown. She slips it over your head and let’s it fall over you. It covers you yet does not leave much to the imagination. Your nipples were hard against the cold air, they pressed against the sheer fabric. A different maid rushes to take your hair out of its elaborate do, pins and jewels clattered onto a gold plate on the armoire. They sparkled, a fortune sitting right before you. What a waste. You looked out the window and towards the sky, looking at Venus. You said a silent prayer, begging, pleading that she make it right between you and George. Sure, this hate-fucking scenario was fun and oddly enough you enjoyed it, but you wanted a connection. A genuine love. You wanted your attempts at love to be reciprocated and for him not to be so… closed off.
The moment the maids finished tying the nightgown around your waist you turned and stormed out of the room. You strode down the hallways, Brimsley struggling to keep up. You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, why did he refuse you? Why were you diminished to appointments to fulfil your ‘womanly’ duties? Why was this how your marriage was to be, how had this become your role in life. To serve and adulterate for a King, a man you barely knew.
The guards opened the doors to the kings room, you were overcome with emotion and truly, you just wanted to fuck the ever living shit out of him. “It is an even day.” You declared as you stormed towards him. He dropped his quill at his desk and immediately stood to meet you. Before the large doors could close his hands were on your hips. Exploring your body as he pulled you to be flush at his front. He pressed his lips to yours, desperate for their touch. Your tongues mingling as you kissed feverishly. He gasped out between kisses, as he undid the robe around you, “Are you alright?” His voice heavy with lust, speaking only when your lips were not on his. “I am fine.” You say breathlessly, your fingers making short work of his loose white shirt and britches. Immediately your hands were diving to his cock, fingers wrapping around it’s length and massaging it torturously. He managed to strip you of your robe, and as you watched his cheeks flush, he bit his lip as he looked down at you. Your ministrations never ceased as you used your left hand to pull down his pants. You were in charge tonight. You were the one who was going to fuck him mercilessly like he did to you each even day. The anger you felt towards this arrangement would surely fuel you to make sure the man wouldn’t walk by morn.
Eagerly you steer George back, pressing him against the wall beside the bed. Your hand still working on his cock, only now it was free and hard, pressing flush against your stomach. George didn’t know where to look, his eyes darted down to his dick and your hand then back to your face. Sheer determination and lust filled those eyes, he knew then what was in store for him tonight. Or at least he thought he did.
As if reading his mind you wrap your fingers around his dick, holding it a little tighter as George winced above you. “Lie down on the bed, my King.” He nodded hastily, eager for you to relinquish your grip on him. It was only when he was laying across the bed did you let go, only to manoeuvre between his legs and take him in your mouth. Expertly swirling your tongue around his tip, one hand working his length while another held and squeezed his balls. His eyes were wide as he watched you from above, panting heavily. It was clear he was in shock over your sudden twist in roles, but he was enjoying it.
You’d make sure of it.
You pressed down onto his dick, taking one deep breath through your nose before taking all of him. Your nose pressed against his navel as he squirmed beneath you. You repeatedly took him deep, each time growing the intensity while playing with his balls. He was begging now, “Please, oh fuck- please.. I’m gonna cum!” His fists were gripping the sheets, arms straining. You could feel the growing tenseness and with one last suck you took him out of your mouth and aimed his dick back at him. His cum shot across his chest, making a home on his chin. He gaped at you, shivering after such a vicious orgasm. “When did you- How did-“ He could barely speak, in awe of what you had just done. You simply waved a finger at him, grabbing the panties you had worn and stuffing them in his mouth.
“You will do what I say tonight George.”
He seemed to melt at your words, nodding, albeit reluctantly. You moved back, straddling his lap as you lined him up with your entrance. The moment you felt his tip slip in you, you let yourself fall onto his cock. He let out a muffled moan, his eyes watering while he watched you ride him with expert precision. Your hips rolled back and forth, up and down, he was a moaning mess. Saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, mixing with the cum that still rested on his chin. Your hands came to rest on his chest, balancing yourself as you rode him. His hands reached for your hips, bucking up into you and creating a titillating rhythm. “George…” you gasped, never truly adjusting to his size and girth as it plunged into you. He took it as a sign to fuck you even harder, skin clapping throughout his chambers, his balls slapping against your ass with each thrust. Your breath mingled as the pair of you neared release. His muffled moans and your cries for him to fuck you harder echoed around the room.
The wetness formulating from between your legs doused his lower stomach and your inner thighs. The wet slap every time your skin met only fuelled your desire for each other. George grabbed your ass as you continued to roll your hips on him, his fingers kneading your flesh before landing a light slap. A moan escapes you and fuck, you want him so badly. Each time he puts his full length into you, his dick perfectly pushes against your g-spot. Your legs and knees are weak, you swore only he could fuck you like this.
You couldn’t hold it anymore, the pressure in your core building, George gripping at you, still with your underwear in between his teeth, he was feral. Without warning, he grabs your hips and literally spins you on his dick to be on all fours. He starts ramming into you from behind, pushing down on your back to make you arch. “Oh fuck yes… you beautiful woman-“ He is gasping as he pistons into you repeatedly, you can’t even think. All that comes out of your mouth is saliva and moans. He’s so fucking delicious.
“I’m going to fill you up so much my beauty… you’ll look so sweet pregnant with our heir.” That was it, you came in one shuddering gasp and Alamo’s simultaneously George fucked you one last time before a warmth filled your belly. The pair of you gasped, tired and exhausted.
George picked you up gently, staying inside you as he rested you on top of his chest, brushing your hair out of your face. He placed a tender kiss on your forehead, as you get comfy on him. “I love you, my queen.” His face sweet, a glowing, tired smile evident now that he had spit out your panties.
You chuckled, kissing his chin. “I love you too, King George.”
#bridgerton#bridgerton series#bridgerton smut#bridgerton spoilers#king george bridgerton#king george iii#king george x f!reader#king george x reader#queen charlotte#bridgerton fanfiction#Spotify
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omg Hihi! I’m currently suffering from “I’m so totally normal about Scout” disease, was hoping if requests are still open and if you could write a bit of Scout with a chubbier s/o? could be headcannons or a small Drabble, completely up to you!! Ty Ty
Hello!!! I am so happy to take this request! I have to be honest, I’ve never written for chubby readers before (mostly just ambiguous body types and genders), but I love getting requests because they open up my eyes and challenge me to write new things! I hope you enjoy this!!I also wrote this for Red Scout from the games, I hope that’s ok!
Scout x A Chubby Reader
-I like to think Scout would prefer a chubbier person! For chaste reasons, of course. We’ve seen from Expiration Date how he notices many things about what he likes in girls, though I head canon this goes for the guys and the androgynous as well, and it seems like he understands what he likes about people. And he likes people who are stronger than him, which doesn’t take much, though he will never admit it. He also likes that you are confident with yourself! You should be! You look freakin’ amazing, babe!
-However, if you aren’t as confident, that’s ok! He’s gonna make sure you understand how amazing and beautiful and/or handsome you are! He has many insecurities about himself, what with him being probably the least strong and smart, so he is going to make sure you don’t feel like how he does.
“Babe, I only give this gun show to the hottest of babes, trust me, you’re onenah them.” Then he starts shoving his flat arms in your face.
“Look at you! You’re the freakin’ cutest, I think the other guys are jealous I have ya!”
If you give that same energy back, oh man, he will start a compliment-off.
“Nuh, nuh, nuh nah, no, you ain’t winning this battle, babes!”
“I mean, how could I win against such a handsome fella?” You smile.
“I swear to god.”
-He likes when you wear clothes that show off your figure (Again, not in a sexual way). He just loves to show off, as I have said before. Loves holding your hand, hand behind your back, walking with you everywhere. He gets to be a little too much at times, so if you really feel uncomfortable with it, just tell him that you don’t like it and he will profusely apologize. He genuinely feels so horrible if he makes you mad or uncomfortable.
-Assuming you are a mercenary as well, you would be on many missions with him. Always together, the pair the could never go without the other. A sawmill thought to be abandoned was now suspected to have cases of Australium withheld by a cartel. Demoman and Sniper handled the men in the supplier while you and Scout grabbed intelligence. On either side of the door, you went in while Scout covered you. The room was clear, so was the hall.
“See? Easiest mission eva- AH!” He shrieked.
He jumped onto you, trying to get away from the horrifying thing that startled him.
“What is it?! Are you ok?��� You held his shoulders.
It was a rat.
-He will never ask for cuddles. He feels weird asking for it and finds it uncomfortable. But if you ever come to him and hug him and hold him close? Instantly at your whim, wrapped around your finger. Run your hands through his hair and he just sighs and melts into you. On the other hand, he’s always willing to return the favor.
Your back had been killing you after you had pulled some muscles defending yourself against the enemy Spy. An excruciating day, one with blood and dirt caked on your shoes up to your face. Usually you would work with your boyfriend, but today was a Thursday, he got rotated out on Thursdays, Saturdays and Mondays. So you were without backup, being that Engineer and Sniper weren’t on defense and let’s be honest, Soldier is not great at teamwork. The enemy Heavy went after you when you accidentally hit the Blu Medic while being trigger happy.
You got messed up. And now all you wanted to do was go to bed. Beneath the base, the corridors to each of the 10 mercenaries, including yourself, living quarters were hidden from the battle above. Each room was etched with the symbol of the classes, but you knew what spot you were in by heart, so you squeezed your eyes shut as you opened the door.
“Hey, good-lookin’!” You yelped, “How’s my baby?”
You looked to see Scout laying on your bed against the wall, drinking a can of Bonk! and looking up from his comic.
“Why are you just hanging out in my room?” You pulled off your bag and placed it on the ground
“Cause I can.” He replied.
You flopped onto the bed, a long groan leaving your entire body. You were so tired, it wasn’t funny. And yet here, Scout was laughing.
“You okay?” He chuckled.
“No.” You whined.
He rubbed along your arm. It was quiet for a moment. You looking down at the bed. Scout looking down at you. A shared solace.
“C’mere.” He muttered.
You crawled into his lap, laying into his chest as he rubbed circles along your back.
“It’s gonna be alright.” He whispered.
Drifting along your curves, your ends, your skin. Not anything other than that, just skin. Skin he loved, the skin he wanted to hold him at night. The skin that made him feel warm, that he would never admit, but made him feel safe. The skin of his lover. He didn’t grab, he held your tummy, your arms, your legs. He was a soft touch. A feeling that defied any words that people have said or any bad thoughts about yourself you may have had before. If you thought you were imperfect, Jeremy had you look at him first before you could even think about yourself and ask you why you were with him since he wasn’t the strongest or the most handsome guy out there. Because you saw him as everything he thought he wasn’t. And he feels the same about you. Despite what you may think of yourself, there is no one he would rather be with.
“I don’t think you undastand how lucky of a guy I am to have ya.”
#tf2 scout#scout x reader#team fortress scout#tf2 scout x reader#team fortress 2#red scout#red scout x reader#scout
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ok ty to everyone who reassured me I wasn't being crazy, cause I def gaslit myself into thinking that it was just my BPD making me feel weird ab these questions. but apparently they're just odd. but they're also still apparently genuine, so ig I don't mind answering them. so, to summarize:
Q: "Why do you 'womanify' Forrest so much? /gen" A: I tend to sprinkle little bits of myself into my ocs, and as somebody who began their transition very hyper-masc and afraid of being invalidated due to the unsupportive environment and in a time where transmeds were being really loud in the trans community, I think that having an oc who is comfortable expressing femininity whenever he feels like it, is really neat and cool actually. Forrest is a man, no matter what he chooses to wear.
Q: "Why the 'mean brown boy, innocent white boy' trope? /gen" A: Forrest is not "innocent" in the slightest, he is a grown man with a job and a car, and several weird fucked up kinks. When I call him stuff like "golden retriever coded" I mean that he is naturally friendly, social, forgiving, and loyal. None of those things necessarily make him "innocent." And Eden is not "mean" he has several close friends, found family, fans as a musician, and has been in a loving relationship for almost a decade. Having resting bitch face and struggles with tone, doesn't make him mean. Again: I sprinkle bits of myself in these guys - I am his complexion, I have RBF, and I struggle with tone.
Idk how anyone looks at this (left) and see this (right) ??? lmfao
#snzblr#not snz#... technically#oc eden & oc forrest#spiiderart#<- also kind of#I should make a new tag called “spiider confusion” fr
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Just some thought's I had abt the current situation: (Tw: political thinking & some existential thinking.) (This is the ONLY time I will say smthn like this I promise. (I don't really like politics in general or rlly at all >_<))
-Kat's: "Oh shit, we're doomed." thoughts-
You may share, repost, and spread this post around ONLY IF YOU DO NOT SUPPORT TRUMP. Please do not do so if you support his greedy ass, thank you for understanding in advance. IN ADVANCE TO ADD ON AS WHAT WAS SAID BELOW ORIGINALLY, DO NOT REPLY IF YOU SUPPORT HIM, THANK YOU.
If trump gets the dictatorship he wants we are all royally fucked.
If trump wins he WILL remove the rights of minorities, he WILL ruin the progress people have already made in terms of equality for minorities.
I ain't stayin if this place is being ruled by a cheeto king (Not my fault he made himself look like a cheeto ✨)
Trump is to say the least- I wouldn't put it past him in turning around and backstabbing our country as soon as he gains control over it.
As someone related to the big H man in history, I gotta admit, I don't rlly want a dictatorship.
Having a xenophobic and racist president would be hell for quite a lot of people.
Having a transphobic, sexist, ableist, and homophobic president would be hell for many.
Having a dictatorship is like erm, going back to the older days if you know what I mean, and it feels icky and disgusting in every way possible istg.
A rich person who only supports other rich people and treats non-rich people shitty; would not be such a great president, no offense to people out there.
If I were 18 rn I'd be voting for the poc presidential candidate, who's a woman, and supports minorities, and supports the people currently in very bad living situations.
Trump only cares about HIMSELF, he wants to live like a king, that is quite the opposite of what America was built on.
Do we really want someone as greedy, untrustworthy, selfish, and cruel as that in control- (To say the least I am genuinely a bit worried abt him potentially winning the election...) (Do not reply to this post or interact with me at all if you support Trump, are homophobic, ableist, transphobic, sexist, racist, etc, thank you. Idc that you support him or think that what he is doing is at all right, because it isn't right, I will remove your message if you come attacking me for saying what genuinely think abt this situation.) (And before people come in saying this or that is "perfect" or "the right way": * Keep in mind, nothing in this life is "perfect", there are always imperfections, there is always something uneven or not perfectly lined up, absolutely nothing is set in stone, nothing is a perfectly carved edge, there is always a crack somewhere, always a dent here or there, always a mistake in one place or another, I will never believe that anything in life is truly perfect, not for as long as I live. Because the truth about life, is that it will always be; wild, unpredictable, random, and imperfect. No one controls the outcome, every variable influences the hands of time, every variable is a random chance to affect. * Technically; nothing is "the right way to do things", since all things are technically just made up from this person, that person, or our ancestors, the "right way" you believe in is usually based on opinion or what you have been taught, heck, every word in the dictionary has been made up by someone else, somewhere else, at some point in time or history. It's all just opinions, beliefs made by those before you, and things you have been taught, people make their own choices in life and that is how it goes. You may believe in one thing, and support this person in life or that person, but do not expect or force everyone to do the same. ) (DO NOT: attack me for anything on this post, I mean it. Ty for understanding ^ ^ ! (Includes forcing opinions abt if you support Trump, and why you think I should think the same as you, listen: I DO NOT CARE! I won't support him, and never will, for various reasons, end of story.))
You MAY repost this post and spread it around IF, and ONLY IF, you do not support trump !
#kamala harris#fuck trump#trump2024#donald trump#I support harris#kamala for president#kamala 2024#ohshitweredoomed#2024 presidential election#fuck you trump#trump wants a dictatorship#politics#existential thoughts#thinking
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I just read “Love Me Tender” and I’m obsessed with the way you write yandere Neuvillette and his darling. He’s one of those yanderes who are just so soggy and pitiful. I love the idea of a powerful yandere utilizing their power and connections to keep you. The melusines would DEFINITELY watch over you per Neuvillette’s request. And even if they knew he kidnapped you, they wouldn’t do anything about it. Not out of any malice, but because they, like Neuvillette, genuinely believe it’s what best for you. I love non-human yanderes because you can explore the potential of them not understanding humans being a reason for their yandere-ness
I love, LOVE the idea that a darling being submissive or cowering like prey turns him on. I love yanderes who take pride in being gentlemen but then silently salivate at the sigh of your legs. Also, I wish this was included in more fics, but I love the idea of a darling absolutely refusing to be near their yandere. Even if they have to resort to sitting in the corner instead of the comfy chairs by the yandere. I love darlings who try to hang on to the last semblance of autonomy and independence you have.
If you ever write any more yandere Neuvillette in the future I would love to read it!
Awwww TY Nonny! I'm so glad you liked it. I almost didn't publish this because of how hard I struggled with it. I was considering waiting until 4.1 just to be sure I had his personality right. Ray Chase wasn't kidding when he said Neuvillette was complex AF. It took me a minute to figure out if this was really even plausible for him and what his motivations would and could be. Thankfully the stuff with Childe at the end of the 4.0 archon quest showed Neuvillette could be pushed into action. So the idea that he's happy with observation until he deems there's a threat seems logical. Considering there is a mafia of sorts in Fontaine, and the whole serial k*ller business, it only adds to Neuvillette's mindset. Darling vanishes while he isn't looking and the kill bill sirens go off.
I think he would go deeper in terms of filling a caretaker/protector yandere role. I couldn't work it in fully here, but I believe he would be the type to fuss over your nutrition, your exercise, and your general well being. Not to the point that it's invasive, but enough to where he insures you are being cared for. God help Fontaine if that man ever feels derelict in his duty. The difference between him and some of the other protector yanderes, is in my mind Neuvillette owns the fact that he's the source of you misery. He does what he can to fix it, but he won't deviate from any of his previous actions. He can't.
I love my power hungry yanderes, but it was nice to write something soft for once. His pining and yearning coupled with his own self awareness was an interesting challenge. I would like to get to know Neuvillette better. Like I said, he is a difficult one to get right. I have another one that I am working on for him. I'm just struggling with the end on it. There's a third that I started before he debuted that I'm going to have to completely revise, maybe. He's a bit sterner in it than what he is in the game and there's a slight abuse of power, so I'll have to see. He has that side to him, but I'd like to see more of it for actual research purposes. 4.1 will do a lot for that one, especially considering Neuvillette is willing to manufacture charges in the correct circumstances.
But thank you so much for your lovely comment. I really do appreciate it.
#anonymous asks#Anonymous answered#this was such a nice thing to get#yandere neuvillette#yandere genshin#yandere genshin impact
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Could I ask for some hcs of reader reassuring afo that he's still attractive and they still love him after that fight? Ty! 🌈
(No problem, and sorry I'm just now getting to this!)
~AFO's S/O Reassures Him~
-Insecurity was basically a nonexistent concept for himself personally. As far as looks go, he's never felt a single bout of insecurity. He's actually been pretty confident in everything he's wanted to do. This was also true when he'd first began courting you. He approached you with so much confidence that you were starting to wonder if you were good enough for him instead.
-You noticed the longer you spend with him in a relationship, the more sure of himself he was about everything. It was rather motivating at times or maybe discouraging at others. Perhaps it made you feel like you were lacking in the department and needed to brush up on simple things like proper eye contact or posture. Or maybe it made you feel motivated to seek out your own level of confidence at times?
-You'd really worried about him when the big fight came along. How could you not? What exactly would happen to him if he ended up losing? He would be in jail or worse...dead. This was a large weight sitting on your shoulders. Meanwhile he was concerned in the least bit. Yes his confidence carried over into this as well. He had you hidden away...very far away in the safest spot he could think of. You weren't doing so well being away from him even if it was for your own safety. You were doing even worse when the result of the fight unfolded right in front of your eyes on the small screen you witnessed.
-Making it back to him a few days later was your only relief (aside from him being alive still somehow). Watching his personality take a shift was a different kind of pain. He remained silent as he was hooked up to various machines helping keep him alive. As time passed, you watched him over the days. He'd come off some of his machines and eventually only really relied slightly on the oxygen tanks. He'd handled his business still as if nothing really went wrong. However, behind closed doors you could still see the sadness on his face despite his lack of features. You knew him like the back of your hand. One day, he'd finally come clean.
-During dinner, he suddenly paused eating and 'looked' up at you. "You are not still here with me out of obligation, are you?" He asked quietly...genuinely. You dropped your fork onto the plate below and frowned. "Out of obligation? No way in hell. I'm still here because I care about you." You spoke firmly. "Are you sure? I don;t want you to think you have to stay here with me just because you've already been here for so long as it is. I will not hurt you if you decide to leave." He once again speaks up.
-"I'm here because I love you, okay? Why are you suddenly questioning that?" You can feel your eyes begin to water. Was he trying to get rid of you? "I am nothing short of a monster, Y/N. I'm sure you've gotten a good look at me by now. Why are you still here then?" You take a deep breath and try not to get angered at his words. "I'm still here because I love you. I've said this already and there's nothing that'll change that. I love you despite what you look like. I love you for how you treat me and for who you are. To me, even if no one else in this world agrees, you are the most handsome man I've ever seen. This hasn't changed and will never change. I can promise you, and from this day on I should only hope you begin to understand even a fraction of the love I have for you." You smile at him softly, unsure of him being able to pick up on it.
-There is a long silence between you two, and you've already began to start eating again. He's processing your words and thinking to himself how he can get back on track with how he views himself. It's important considering how you see him hasn't changed since day one. That confidence will return eventually.
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Summary: You and Jongin live wanting what you two can't have. For example, he wants to win over your best friend and you want him.
Warnings: This fanfic will describe some hot romantic moments and use of inappropriate language. In the future there may be both smut and moderate use of violence. Readers are warned. This fanfic will feature some members of EXO as characters but they are not part of a Kpop group in this scenario.
The imperfect day definitely exists. Not that your routine days are good, but today is proving to be a challenge. Your best friend was late to tell you that there will be an engagement dinner tonight. She is engaged to her newest boyfriend, who, by the way, despite being handsome, is also controlling. While I was responsible for confirming who will appear. You then went to the office where you work as a secretary for one of the most renowned businessmen.
"You're late, you know?" Kai says as soon as you enter the office. He is wearing a suit that is somewhat clinging to his body. Not that you should notice your boss's body.
"It won't happen again, sir. But I must point out that you almost lying under my desk is unprofessional." You say almost laughing, very subtly. He looks at you with a knowing look as if he liked what you said.
"Blessed is the day I accepted you into the company. That way I wouldn't have met one of the best people in my life and fortunately because of you, I met Luna." Luna is your best friend. Kai is kind in thanking me for having met Luna, as they actually knew each other before I became his secretary. Luna is a friend I made at school where I was a scholarship student during my adolescence. Kai and she were neighbors before Kai's parents sent him on an exchange program to a foreign country, and they lost touch. Years later, at a company gathering, Kai and Luna reunited because of me.
"I don't know if you can thank me for that. I was just the reason for your reunion. Which brings me to remind you that Luna invited you to her engagement dinner. Yes, I've already checked your schedule, and you have the evening free. In fact, you have a meeting with the majority stakeholders in an hour and lunch with that international model who was being considered as our next spokesperson. And your tie… it's a bit crooked." You speak while looking closely at Kai, reaching for the iced Americano he drinks every morning in Kai's hands, fixing his tie and collar. You can never quite explain it, but your fingers always tremble a bit when you touch your boss.
"What would I do without you?" He asks, genuinely smiling, of course, trying to pretend that Luna's wedding isn't affecting him.
"Probably get your own coffee and check your own email. Should I have someone bring your fancy black suit, in case you decide to attend the dinner?" You say as you finish tying Kai's tie. He looks surprised that you already know he's going to decline the invitation but will likely reconsider later.
"Am I going to be judged if I don't go?" He asks, and you laugh. How could your opinion matter in a matter that doesn't concern you?
"Kim Jongin. You're a grown man, and Luna is a grown woman. You have a past that I can't even specify. How could I judge you for not wanting to see the woman you have feelings for getting engaged to someone else?" You speak in an authoritative tone while staring at Kai with the most judgmental facial expression you can muster. After all, shouldn't he be the one to swallow his feelings and witness the person he desires loving someone else, just as he can't see an old flame getting engaged to another?
"I love it when I stress you out enough for you to call me by my name instead of the nickname. Go ahead and have them bring the gray suit I wore to that dinner where I reunited with Luna. I'll be at the damn engagement dinner. I hope you'll be there too," Kai says seriously as he sips his coffee, and you step back a bit. Knowing him for so many years has given you a certain confidence in predicting his actions.
"I'm the maid of honor, of course, I'll be there. But I'm not sure about the time I'll arrive; my boss tends to be very relentless and bossy. You might get there before me." You say in a playful tone. He looks at his phone, replies to two messages, and then turns to you as he prepares to enter the meeting room.
"Send me the address of the dinner, and you can take the rest of the day off. I'll be looking forward to seeing how you handle being a maid of honor." He says seriously, watching your reaction. You shake your head in disbelief.
"I don't need the day off; I'm perfectly capable of handling both business matters and personal affairs. Thought you knew that already." You say, not wanting to spend the day overthinking the upcoming dinner. Kai smiles slyly, as if to say he knows you quite well.
"Y/N, you're my employee and friend. If I give you a day off, just say thank you. And if you want, I'll let you buy a new outfit with the corporate card as a bonus for the hard work you've been putting in. Now, I'm off to my meeting, and if you're not heading home, consider yourself fired. See you later." He says authoritatively, staring at you. You're left speechless, and he walks away while you accept the offer. Sensing that tonight promises several complications, you grab your things and head home.
#exo series#exo fanfic#kim jongin#kai x reader#kim jongin x reader#kai masterlist#kim jongin fanfic#reader insert#female reader#exo members#Spotify
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So fun fact about me and the another series; I found out about it back in 2018 just one or two weeks before Ch3 came out and spend the next 3 or 4 years being hooked onto the game until the fixation died down and only returned to me around August or September of lasy year.
Meaning that through 2/3s of Sdra2 i was able to see the chapters as they were coming out and that's honestly something i wish more people in the current fandom could have experienced because it was so fun seeing the hype around a chapter that's soon to come out spike up with all kinds of theories, predictions and people hoping their favorites won't die (i remember i even had a dream once where chapter 5 released and Teruya murdered Iroha by tying her into a train track and waiting for it to run over her after she came to him and told him about being a void and he was like, trying to get rid of all remaining void by killing Iroha himself and wining the class trial, which would in kill Mikado too. Wild shit, but it's a dream you know?). And of course, whenever a new chapter did release the entire fandom would collectively freak out for the entire day as random instagram accs posted Cgs and bits of roughly translated information through the day alongside the deaths and executions and this hype around the newest chapter would sprout all kinds of art, edits and more theories for the following month or two.
All around awesome experience? Not exactly. Because this also means i got to see Linuj's crazy plot twist as they were being revealed and here's where we get to the actual subject of this long ramble/rant; Kokoro Mitsume and how i really wish i could have spoiled myself of what happens in Ch0 because that would have spared me of so much pain.
And let me tell you, when i say pain, i am by no means exaggerating. You people have no idea how much i cried when Ch0 came out. My little 15 year old head was going through the 5 stages of grief over that plot twist, that shit didn't even feel real to me until one or two days after its release.
One thing you gotta know about me is that before i became the Ayame person™ Kokoro was my absolute favorite character of the another series, and if you know me for even just a little while then you know how insanely attached i am to her despite being a minor character who dies 1/3 of the way through the game.
Like, y'all don't understand, i was so happy when i saw that one Cg of her and Mikado in my timeline, so genuinely ecstatic to see more of her after i thought her character done with since the events of Ch2. Can you magine how i felt after watching the character i adored so so much turn out to be a vile human being? I was genuinely so distraught man, i spent a good while being one of those people that ignored everything about the characters irl selves because that twist hurt me so damn much, but even then i was never able to look at that character the same way again, even now she just makes me feel bad.
And it's s not that i think Kokoro is the worst person to have ever existed, i like antagonist/villain characters who've done much worse than her, hell, I don't even think her character was absolutely ruined or anything. When i think about Mitsume nowadays i genuinely find her an interesting case of a good person with big plans who lacked a proper support system or even friends which led her down a path where she became cold and cruel without a semblance of care for her own family so long as she could work on her project, and seeing the difference between the Kokoro we see as a teen and her adult self just makes all of this even more heartbreaking. I still like her, is just that having my perception of this character be completely shattered when Ch0 came out permanently affected how i view her and as much as i still enjoy her character even now I can't help but simultaneously hate her for how she made me feel ❤️
#i hate how emotional the another games make me feel about their characters#i never got this kinda emotional response over anyone in the canon dr games#anyways. you know one thing i realized as i was writing this mess of a post?#i think i subconsciously wrote the dynamic between Beni and Akira similar to how i pictured the one between Kokoro and Emma#when i was younger. like. tall long haired girl that's outgoing and silly#and her tiny short haired neurodivergent gf that looks serious most of the time#because as a kid i really liked Mitsurobi and that's another thing Ch0 violently ripped out of my hands#nowadays they're a full No for me because even if you ignore how weird it would be for Emma. someone who was abused by a parent as a child.#to date someone who abused her child. the age gap between them is just way too big for me to feel comfortable with the idea of them togethe#like i think Kokoro is old enough to be Emma's mom? seeing as the voids are around the same age as the Dra cast#I can't enjoy it anymore but i guess i miss it since i wrote a similar dynamic with my ocs without even realizing#obviously Akira and Beni aren't exact carbon copies or Emma and Kokoro but y'all get what i mean#how fun#hyena ramblings#sdra2#kokoro mitsume#super danganronpa another 2
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Unspoken Rules

Pairing:Platonic Aris x female reader
Summary:Out in the Scorch, the new guy learns the unspoken rules of friendship
"You are getting on my last nerve,"I warned as Aris kept walking beside me.
"You're my only friend here though,"He complained.
"Go befriend Newt,"I suggested.
"No. I want to stick with you,"He argued.
"Aris, I am going to kick your ass if you don't leave me alone."
"No you won't,"He shrugged, knowing very well I would never hurt him. Even when he is being a pain in the neck he's still somehow my best friend.
"Why won't you leave me alone?"I repeated.
"Because I don't feel like talking to anyone new. I want to talk to my best friend who's extremely mean to me for some reason,"He huffed.
"No you don't,"I replied, deciding to be annoying back.
"Don't tell me how I feel."
Yep. It was working already.
"I'm not. You're just not feeling anything reasonable,"I continued.
"Is it so wrong that I want to talk to my friend for a little bit?"He exasperated.
"We are not friends,"I lied, keeping my face so expressionless he knew I wasn't being serious. Even if I hadn't he would still know that we're each other's ride or die. Still, we were so bored in the Scorch that he pretended he wasn't aware of that.
"That was uncalled for,"He exclaimed.
"You're uncalled for,"I shot back.
"You are not making any sense right now,"He pointed out.
"You're not making any sense right now,"I mocked.
"You can't just repeat what I say and slightly change the words."
"Blah, blah, blah. All I hear is that you want me to continue being irritating like you were to me."
"That is not at all-"
"La, la, la, la,"I repeated, plugging my ears.
"Hey. Not cool man."
"I can't hear you. Sorry not sorry,"I explained even though I could hear him just fine. If he was going to be a nuisance to me I had to be one back.
"You two are annoying,"The new guy who literally tied us up and got us into this absolute disaster remarked. The nerve he has is outrageous.
"No he's not!"
"No she's not!"
"What? You both have been saying that for the past half hour,"He pointed out, clearly not understanding the unspoken rule all friendships have.
"Only I get to be a jerk to him. Nobody else, and if they are they just suck,"I explained. He just stared at me with a blank expression.
"Have you never had friends before?"Aris asked, also not understanding how somebody wouldn't know the unspoken rule.
"I don't think adults who go around tying up teenagers are super popular,"I pointed out. He seemed to genuinely think about it before nodding in agreement.
"It doesn't look like you two aren't that popular either. The only people you talk to are each other,"He pointed out.
"She has like seven personalities,"Aris shrugged.
"Sod off,"I scoffed.
"There's the mean one. In a few hours you're probably going to be back to your oh so sweet and charming self,"He sighed, resting his arm on my shoulder. Looking at him with mock disgust, I pushed his hand off.
"You are the worst person I have ever had the displeasure of laying my eyes on,"I scowled.
"You say that all the time, but you're always walking right beside me. Like an aggressive puppy."
"I don't like you, Aris. I really, really don't like you,"I sighed.
"What would I do without your kind words?"He asked, using me as a human armrest yet again. Throwing him a harsh glare, he was still completely unaffected as he practically used me to stand. Not because he couldn't. Just because he's obnoxious.
"I should have voted to banish you,"I mumbled.
"You know you love me,"He said with a smug grin. Looking him up and down, I shook my head to say that I heavily disagreed.
"No. I think you might just have brain damage,"I suggested.
"So I don't understand. Do they hate each other, are they flirting, or do they genuinely like each other?"The guy asked Minho, not bothering to be subtle.
"We don't know. We just kind of accepted this,"He answered.
"Accepted what?"
"That they're bloody annoyin' when they're together and even more annoyin' when they're apart,"Newt stated as if we weren't right next to them.
"I think they're even more annoying than you,"I admitted.
"I knew you'd be your nice old self soon,"He dramatically sighed.
"You know what? I take it back,"I groaned, rolling my eyes. Before he could say anything else I started walking way ahead of him only for him to keep following me.
"Talk to other people,"I demanded.
"No. I don't want to,"He complained.
As usual we went back and forth on playful insults. Of course, there was one extremely and unspoken room.
We are the only ones allowed to be mean to each other. It's a line that shouldn't be crossed under any circumstances. If it is, they'll see that we're not just irritating (though we are good at that).
No. They'd quickly see just how far ride or die can go.
#tmr aris#platonic love#one shot#fluff#aris jones#the scorch trials#tmr#the maze runner#aris x reader#aris tmr
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Ok, Descendants fans, genuine question: Arent a majority of cast useless and could just be Ben and Harry with little to no change in the story? (I'm using them because that scene with Ben kidnapped on the boat and Harry fucking with him was peak dynamic. ) Like :
Mal : Leader of original VK group, sarcastic, and insecure,and acts as Isle figurehead; being the 'bad' and more negative to Ben's more positive and 'good'. Ben is ~16, and his parents are very closed-minded and see in blank and white. Ben being that young and having no one around him who shares his view of the world would (in my opinion make him relatively insecure). I don't think I really have to explain Harry fitting sarcastic. Harry could just as easily fit into being a figurehead to the Isle. I think he embodies the Isle a bit more because he has a much more free spirited personality and demonstrates a lot more how being on the Isle is "every man for himself"
Evie : Optimistic, friendly, smart business minded. Ben is, tying back in with the last statement, a very positive person. He will always see the good the good in everyone and everything and because of this he's a very friendly guy. The 'smart business mind' can totally also factor into running a kingdom. Considering every possibility and factoring what that would mean for you and your people.
Jay : Charming, Kleptomanic tendencies (it's a personality trait in the sims 4, I genuinely couldn't think of anything that wasn't already covered by 'charming') Harry has a scene where he flirts with 4 women in ~1 minute. He also has 'was in a situationship that ended horribly, and neither of them want to admit it ended or even happened' energy with everyone. He is like the definition of charming. I don't have to really explain Kleptomanic tendencies, but I think it also builds the 'knows what it takes to survive on the Isle' that I think would bring a lot more to the table than when Mal said that they should close the barrier for good and BEN (someone who has no reason to care about the Isle and only does because he genuinely wants to do the best thing for the people) was the one who advocates for the Isle. Harry would never turn his back on the Isle like that.
Carlos : quick-witted, and awkward has this played for laughs a couple times(I may be misinterpreting the situation because Dude being comic relief is not funny at all to me but I assume most things he says are supposed to be humorous) (Sidenote : Rest in peace Cameron Boyce.) This one isn't even really specific to Harry because basically all of the VK's and quick-witted and very good at thinking on their feet. (Growing up on the Isle will do that to a motherfucker) but I think Harry is probably the best at it. I mean, just take the exchange where he says that there's 20 minutes left to noon, and Ben corrects him. He doesn't get hostile he takes the situation and makes it into a joke and like it's part of him messing with Ben. Obviously the awkwardness is something that Ben possesses. The man is the human embodiment of a hurt puppy. If he's trying to be nice and friendly with someone and they are rude or ignore him, he just freezes. He's got nowhere to take the conversation, so he awkwardly laughs and walks away.
Uma : Pirate gang leader. I think that she and Mal have very similar personalities, and a lot of these points are going to be building on my talking points with Mal but I will bring up that Uma is a lot more stubborn and vengeful than Mal is/was. Harry and Ben aren't exactly that stubborn. What I would say is that if anything, Harry is more self-assured, and Ben just has very strong views of the world that he won't compromise on.
Gil : The most friendly dude, caring, little dumb sometimes, but he means well. Gil literally is just the Isle equivalent to Ben, in my opinion. Like they just share most of their traits.
So, how grossly did I oversimplify them? Are there more strong character moments in the book? What am I missing here?
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do you have any favorite parts from The AU you want to share? 👀
seeing this ask made me go write more of The AU so i had more things to choose from which is why it has taken so long adsjf but ty for asking beloved 🥰 i do have a few favorite parts to share! I'm putting it under a cut bc i am long winded. and chose 4 parts. also just a warning the last one is nsfw🧍but the first 3 are not!
most of what I have written so far is shtola suffering at Cori and Haurche's engagement party, so here is a little bit of that
When she had escaped the happy couple, Y’shtola strode directly to the table of artfully stacked glasses of champagne. She plucked one by the stem and was deciding whether it would be improper to down the whole thing at once, if no one saw her, when someone beside her said, “They certainly make a picturesque pair, do they not?” How often had she heard that same sentiment throughout the night? If she never heard those words again, ‘twould be too soon. Yet she could not doubt the words either. Though the details were difficult to decipher by aether alone, she could see the flattering cut of Corisande’s dress, the long sleeves trimmed in lace and the floor length skirt that swirled about their legs as they danced. Silver blue, Tataru had informed her with an annoyingly dreamy sigh, to match Haurchefant’s eyes. Y’shtola could picture it all in her mind with an irritating clarity—the icy blue of their dress against their cool brown skin, wine-red hair braided into a crown ribboned with pink, mismatched green eyes alight as they greeted their guests. The man himself cut a dashing figure at their side as they moved through the party together, the two of them effortlessly kind and endearing, and endlessly besotted. Picturesque hardly began to describe it. “They certainly do,” Y’shtola said, and tipped her glass, swallowing half of the contents at once.
personally I am v amused by the detail Shtola goes into about Cori and then is just like 'Haurche is there too.'
also am fond of this convo with Artoirel where he and Shtola are sort of talking past each other/about different things but she doesn't know what it is he means
Artoirel failed to stifle his scoff. “His favored child caught the heart and the hand of the Champion of Eorzea. Any parent would be pleased with the status that affords them by association, would they not?” “I don’t see any reason their title should matter, aside from as a testament to their character.” Y’shtola did not care for the direction this conversation was taking, nor for the tone he was taking regarding Corisande. “Haurchefant certainly thinks much of it, as does my father,” Artoirel answers, an edge underlying his words. Y’shtola narrowed her eyes, but before she could press the matter, he continued, in the same dry tone as earlier. “The arrangement is to Corisande’s benefit as well, at least when it comes to their ventures in Ishgard. It is no small thing to marry a Count’s son.” “Corisande and Haurchefant are in love,” Y’shtola said neutrally, though the words hurt her to speak. She could not discern the reason for his obvious disdain of the engagement, but Corisande was the most genuine person she knew, and she would not let him suggest there were any ulterior motives where she knew there to be none. “I can assure you she does not care for any benefits a title may bring.
and a little bit of friendly flirting conversation
Even the words she spoke kindled something warm in Y’shtola’s chest. They were looking for her. “Did you need something?” “Only the pleasure of your company,” Corisande answered sincerely, and offered Y’shtola her arm. Y’shtola did not hesitate to take it, and Corisande began to guide them through the crowd. “I have hardly seen you all night, though I’d hoped to find you earlier. Pray tell me you don’t feel I’ve made you fend for yourself against the Ishgardian nobility.” Y’shtola leaned against Corisande as they walked—as much as she could, anyway, with the difference in their height. “I do not feel abandoned. Not by you, at any rate. Tataru and Alphinaud, on the other hand, left me behind without a second thought, and shall be hearing from me later.” “Do not tell me you have been completely alone all night,” Corisande said with a laugh. “I fear that shall only make me more keen to make it up to you.” “Worry not, there has been no shortage of people to converse with,” Y’shtola answered, pleased by the teasing tone they had taken, and ignoring the hopeful skip of her heartbeat. What was there to hope for? “Though I shall happily play the part of the woefully abandoned, if only to know how you intended to make it up to me.”
okay LAST ONE!!! and this one is uh. smut. so. stop here if u do not want to read that ladsjf from the first time they sleep together
She breaks away from their mouth and kisses their neck, spurred on by the soft noises each one draws forth. Corisande is pliant beneath her lips and her hands, going easily when she guides them onto their back with a gentle touch. It’s only when she has pressed kisses halfway down their chest that she truly appreciates the deep-V neckline of their nightgown, and something clicks in the back of her mind. Her hand traces the fine lace of their neckline, following it down the valley between their breasts until she meets the small bow tied beneath them. ‘Twas not unusual for Corisande to dress in lace trimmed clothing, nor was it an exaggeration to say half their wardrobe was composed of short skirts and dresses. But the combination of clothing choice and the hour at which she had shown up to Y’shtola’s door made a compelling case for her suspicions. Y’shtola plucks at their gown. “Did you wear this for my sake?” “Yes,” they admit, slightly breathless. “You are aware that the finer visual details are rather lost on me, yes?” she traces the lace detailing over their chest again, pleased by the shake in their voice when they answer. “I admit when I came here tonight I was rather hoping for a t—“ their breath hitches when Y’shtola cups their breast, savoring the cool silk of their gown under her hand. “A tactile experience.” Y’shtola laughs, though she cannot help but be pleased by the confirmation of what she already knows. Corisande wants her, they made an effort for her. She slips her hand back under their gown, past the waist of their underwear. “‘Tis fortunate, then, that I am happy to oblige.”
#coldshrugs#ask#ty fren 💕#also this is like. 50% of what i have written aldkjfa I GOT EXCITED!!#i should really make an outline but i worry i will do that and then be like. okay :) i dont have to write the fic now :)#wip whenever
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I was feeling a bit down today so I decided to finally reread the clinic prequel (I've been meaning to for the past few weeks) and omg :(( it's so cute man it's soo adorable shfkdkjfkfdj it's honestly one of my favs and I think clinic!Phil is my fav Phil... He is so nice man I wanna cry shfjdkskffk
I adore how real your fics are. I've said this before but I'll point out a new example shfkfk like when they are at the duck pond, you take care to describe the ducks inbetween their convo. Like you don't rush and just say their dialogue, you take the time to describe the world around them. It makes it a lot more immersive
And you choosing to have that interaction with Hannah and though it clearly shows the juxtaposition between their powers and is a good tool to show how Wilbur's power affects him, it also doesn't feel out of place? It feels honestly like smth that could happen in a universe where superpowers are normal also LOVE the transition it gives to Phil finding a common thing to talk about to approach Wilbur with. Idk I just. Everything about that is so good
I also really like how you write young Wilbur?? Like. It's obvious he's a kid, but also it doesn't feel like ur babying him or anything. He feels like a genuine 12 year old, who's mature enough to understand a lot of things, though still immature in others. It also feels like Wilbur, you've still captured a lot of his personality and I think it's really cool to see. You've got such a good grip on characterization man, I can always hear the cc's voices when I read your writing.
Your characters always feel so real and their train of thought and actions always feel logical, even if they're, from an outsiders point of view, not.
Hehehe that's all for now am not even finished the first chapter I just wanted to rant a bit bc God I love this fic so so much man
Like a Dusty Tomb is ICONIC but this was one of the first pieces of writing to make me Obsessed with sandduo and it holds a very special place in my heart... It's also just fucking adorable like no words can describe how precious this fic is shfkfkdl
awww thank you icy!! I loved writing the clinic prequel so much. it was my first major foray into sandduo centric stuff and I had such a good time with it.
I love including small environmental details to make the atmosphere feel more real. like ducks in a pond or the temperature outside or what the kids on the nearby playground are doing. just small tidbits reminding the readers the world around the characters is alive in these pages.
I loved that little hannah interaction for so many reasons. it was exactly like you said, a way to juxtapose wilbur's own feelings about his powers with hannah's. and I wanted to show the type of interactions you'd see in a society where powers are normalized. I just think little kids with fun powers would love practicing and showing them off to strangers in the park :) and I just liked getting to throw another cameo in there as well. the cameos in the prequel fic were so fun for me to include
i'm so glad that you liked how i wrote kid!wilbur in this. I always get so nervous writing child characters because I hate when fics write all child characters like helpless babies even if they're, like, 12. but at the same time obviously I don't want to make the child i'm writing sound like a mini adult. so I try very hard to strike that balance while also till making sure that above all, he sounds like wilbur. also any and all compliments on my characterization make me so happy aaa ty
so glad you enjoyed <33
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HEY @kyliebyelie I had a weird couplea weeks but I did say I would yell about Nureyev and Vespa some more so *launches enrichment pumpkins*
also OG post thread for anyone who wants context it was just getting a little unwieldy
First off! re: Nureyev still being willing to bet on the hope that Juno would still vouch for him – I’ve also been thinking about how he had to be willing to bet that it wouldn’t backfire on Juno. Like, ‘you have no idea how much I did to keep the Kanagawas off you’. The fact that tying Juno’s name to his own work could have very easily painted a target on him. Even if he couldn’t have known that Buddy and Jet were going to pull a ‘come with me if you want to live’, the fact that he put Juno on their radar suggests that he trusted Buddy to begin with. To not threaten Juno, or to use Juno to threaten Nureyev. Jet talks about how the criminal reputation informs a potential employer that their prospective is reliable, but it also must work in reverse – that a potential boss won’t screw you over.
re: Nureyev being a fan is something I think about A Normal Amount
You’ve absolutely nailed the whole vibe of their communication styles, the chain reaction of politeness/rudeness → perception of emotions and control → measurement of honesty → how that exacerbates the friction, like that is such a good breakdown goddamn.
to add to that since I am constantly frothing like the cappuccino about the concept of 'solid coping mechanisms that backfire in the wrong situations' so for your consideration: one of those pesky little first rules of thieving being 'don’t rise to the bait’. Oh it was intended for Being In Situations with weird rich people or standoffs with other criminals, but when it's his default setting for responding to things, it's just gonna just drive the wedge that much further every time Vespa questions his integrity and he doesn't show where he keeps his Give A Damn. (And it's probably even harder to untangle as a 'no that's for jobs not your personal life' thing when it still has its legitimate applications in his personal life, bc Juno’s own survival reflex MO is ‘how fast can I piss somebody off to find out what I need to know’ and that ability to stay focused and letting him know when that's uncalled for is probably extremely necessary for the both of them)
‘Vespa is terrifying’ – okay so funnily enough! i'd been telling @one-joe-spoopy (pssst hey come look I've got enrichment pumpkins!) about my headcanon of 'ranked order of members of the Carte Blanche crew by how much they scare him and why number one hands down goes to Rita,' which is a whole post in itself but long story short, I think out of everybody he gets the most sense of security around Vespa (though she probably still does terrify him, like, a normal amount and for the exact reasons you described, especially pre/during Man In Glass.)
Basically the concept I’ve been toying with (and I think moreso in a later, probably post-Cyberbots context given some time to settle in) is that her opinion of him is decided and earning her approval under the circumstances is What We Call A Non-Starter. When he's reflexively trying to manage everyone's expectations and invested in their approval, and realizes in no uncertain terms that he can't win Vespa over as long as the name thing is a going concern, the pressure’s off a bit there. Though not in the healthiest of ways, necessarily, if he’s just more comfortable with letting her believe what she wants about him because that’s how he usually deals with people.
And another aspect of this sense of security dovetails with your previous points about how Vespa and Juno are more reactive than performative, how they wear their principles on their sleeves and others recognize them as genuine. I bet Nureyev absolutely knows better than to make the comparison in her earshot, but I can see him just sorta unable to help liking her for the same reasons he’s drawn to Juno – he can brush off a little belligerence from someone whose integrity speaks for itself. Vespa abides by her own codes as well as visibly aligning herself with Buddy’s – she’s pissed about not knowing his name but won’t coerce it out of him even when the requisite leverage is right there – and like you said, she would be insulted by the idea of using underhanded means to get him fired. He knows where he stands and possibly figures that trying too hard to fix it is just going to piss her off further. And it's not like he's gonna stop being dramatic and making his gay little jokes and smooching Juno in the mess hall, he just needs to focus on comporting himself as a reliable crewmember and establishing himself the hard way with time and Buddy's family bonding activities (and yeag he wants to Get A Good Grade In Crewmate which is Normal To Want and Possible To Achieve).
oooh also I’m a little fucked up on the idea of him on bedrest with his broken leg and getting filled in on what he missed during Shadows, realizing that Vespa thinks he’s got it in for her right around the same time he’s having an epiphany that he trusts her to keep him alive and patched up even if she never likes him as a person and that the shapeshifting robot impostors don't stand a chance with her around. like not only is she not the thief she was twenty years ago, she's even tougher and smarter and cooler and doing it all with the brain horrors on top.
ALSO in light of Next Page I now think about ‘hey what if he’s Inherently Suspicious of Medical Personnel due to The Trauma and did he spend a bunch of his broken leg recovery time fretting that she was going to try to wring his name out of him while he was on painkillers only she never does??’ (god there’s this one fic where he and Juno get MacGuffined into kids and she’s like. ‘well shit. yeah I could find it out but goddamn. that’s a line I just can’t cross. Not Looking At It I Do Not See It’)
gah it's just. Nureyev's trust issues are so goddamn multifaceted, like. local baby boy too trusting, gets his only security ripped out from under him, tanks his shot at happiness bc the trauma gave him suspicion, becomes the suavest charlatan in the galaxy so he doesn't get taken advantage of again, craves genuine connection but hasn't actually had a chance in the last two decades to figure out what he's like around other people for any stretch of time, also still literally paying the price for the last time and can hardly bear the thought of confiding in his new connections because there's nowhere truly safe in the galaxy he's terrified of putting a target on them.
But I think about his little 'much more so than usual these days' to Juno's sarcastic 'happy now??' and that maybe he was a lot closer to an honest version of himself on the Carte Blanche. That he was getting places, that he was trusting them with as much as he could. something something 'Peter Ransom' wasn't intended for putting at least half the truth under their noses the whole time but he kinda let it turn into that the moment he let Buddy start calling him Pete.
Handful of miscellaneous thoughts on things they have in common:
- the debts thing. Vespa of all people is the most painfully, intimately aware of what it feels like to have a life that isn't one's own, so the way she approaches Nureyev being in massive scary debt with suspicion made me go huh. so I've been thinking about that one and tbh given how she internalizes shit and doesn't entirely trust herself (and god I have to imagine that she's really messed up about how close she came to killing Buddy in Time Gone By), I think seeing her situation in Nureyev's wouldn't engender sympathy because is that because she also knows exactly what she was prepared to do to get out from under it. and is just expected to tolerate the fact that they're taking their goddamn chances on him. there's this sense of 'even if he cares. even if he thinks this is real. even if he tells himself he wants to be a part of this. who's he gonna be when push comes to shove. probably not even Steel is safe.'
- They are both extremely functional under pressure and in more in their element in full on crisis mode, and are probably spending S3 figuring out what the hell to do now that they have access to things like reliable meals. privacy. affection. (pretty sure Juno is also experiencing a similar kind of 'things... getting better? after being. really bad all the time???' and having a lot of midmorning scuffles about it)
- Also they both have their shitty dads living in their brains rent-free!! and they are never ever going to talk about it but one (1) time Nureyev hears Vespa yell 'shut the hell up old man!' from another room and. sometimes thinks that very hard in her voice when Mag's advice is being unhelpful
re: feral kittens in towels - I want them to get into it that day after Heart of It All where Juno isn't getting out of bed and isn't there to get all protective, and for once she's in a half-decent place brainwise and he's riddled with eight kinds of guilt and half on the edge of a nervous breakdown and having all of his defenses shot is actually a good thing for him because she's not actually going to do anything with the upper hand except cuss him out a little bit. Like 'I was gonna cut your throat without hesitation yesterday and you're all fine and dandy about being in the wedding party? no shut up I'm not saying you can't. it's whatever. Bud thought it would be nice and I'm not against it. I am saying. the fuck is wrong with you.' hurt can sniff out hurt in-fucking-deed. I am dying inside like the fact that Nureyev himself would prevent any closure we might have gotten between him and the Lighthouse Crew after S4 is very him and also it hurts me and I need to pick it all apart with a seam ripper and see what spills out
likewise it’s hard to picture them ever reaching an actual rapport but I can’t even tell you how many times I pictured the prison break with all of them converging before Clean Break aired, where it’s like finally sunk in that he’s on their side and she goes ‘Ransom watch my goddamn back I need to kiss my wife’
also. does anybody want. some fic? I have some job interview/Man In Glass missing scenes where i am gnawing on this at all times
#vespa ilkay#peter nureyev#i need to give them a tag name now#i have team janus beast for nureyev and rita and team buddy system for juno and rita#OOH#team feral meow meows#thank you for that one they're so pointy and hissy and i wanna smooch their little heads#the penumbra podcast#i love my gay space crimes family#this is so much#thank you for coming to my ted talk
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6, 8 and 17 for violence : )
Ty 👀
I say I should choose violence on the reg but I am the emotional equivalent of a puppy. Like yeah I can swing a bat at a hornets' nest but I'm pretty sure there's very little hate in my heart for actual people. So uh. This might be more boring than expected.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
Fun fact: I have like, no concept of participating very actively in Fandom. I dick around sometimes and put my work out for others to enjoy but in terms of other consumption its limited. Joining discourse and having strong opinions is even more limited.
So like, ship fans being annoying I don't have much of an opinion anywhere lmfao. If I don't like it I don't look. Closest thing I have to distaste is anybody who ships Schrodinger as he is without aging up because that is a literal child and I will throw hands. So really the only off limits thing in Hellsing IMO.
(Let me adopt the catboy i beg)
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Alucard is not fine and is fuckin greasy as hell next
(Jk. But look at that man and tell me he's house trained. Knows how to use a shower. He wears his fucking boots indoors and his hair is weird and probably bloody or oily all the time. IDC how fine he looks to some folks: y'all be ready for a gross man. At least you know you can bathe a dog for sure.)
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Werewolf husbando my beloved
Like any at all I'm thirsty for
I want that man in a corset
More mechanic shennanigans
Maybe him holding a body pillow bc he's a weeb
I need more werewolf in my life. And or maybe more reader insert shit. Somebody please join me in this highly specific and kind of empty canoe.
Also lowkey need weeb Mill. Honestly untapped potential for a crowd of genuine losers being interesting. I love them so much both as actual villains with interesting motivations that are surprisingly well captured in such a short amount of time and for the goofy side bits Hirano drew with them. Anybody wanna rec me new things?
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