#Gwen Vergil
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maverick-werewolf · 2 years ago
NEW BOOK - Tales of Wulfgard, Volume I
Newly revised for 2023, Tales of Wulfgard: Volume I is a collection of short stories. All have been edited, revised, and expanded, and one of my stories - “Hunted” - has been completely rewritten and greatly expanded to better accompany another of my Wulfgard story collections, The Hunt Never Ends.
For werewolf fans, this book includes two stories focusing on a werewolf/werewolves/lycanthropy and my own fictional takes thereon! Be sure to check it out!
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Tales of Wulfgard, Volume 1 is a collection of stories by brother and sister Justin R. R. Stebbins and Maegan A. Stebbins, set in the dark fantasy world of Wulfgard! There are 5 tales, each exploring the background of a particular important character of Wulfgard.
Available for purchase here on Amazon in both ebook and paperback!
Details on each story below:
"Speak No Evil" - Whisper's Tale - by Justin -- Whisper has never lived anywhere except the City - never even been beyond its walls. She knows it like the back of her hand, knows the long faces of its dark buildings like the faces of old friends - almost her only friends. But there is a new gang in town: a shadowy cult kidnapping young street urchins for an unknown purpose. And Whisper becomes one of their victims.
"A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" - Chris's Tale - by Maegan -- On a lonely farm on the far northern frontier of the Achaean Empire, a young boy is born with stark white hair - a sure sign of witchcraft and sorcery. His loving parents protect him and keep him hidden from the sight of other people, who would surely see him killed for his dangerous abilities. But the fearful locals are not the only thing the family has to worry about: something lurks in the shadows of the forest near their home. Something with a taste for blood...
"Potential Energy" - Lord Plutarch's Tale - by Justin -- The House of Plutarchus is one of the oldest and most powerful families in all of the Achaean Empire. But its youngest son, Septimus Plutarch, wishes to make his own way in the world. With great care, he begins planning a life of power and prestige, and more importantly, independence. But one day he makes a discovery about himself that brings all his plans crumbling down... and opens up a new, far more dangerous path to even greater power.
"Hunted" - Caiden's Tale - by Maegan -- Since before recorded history, the ancient organization known as the Venatori have protected the people of the Achaean Empire from the threat of creatures far more powerful than any man: monsters. Even Caiden and Gwen - both highly trained hunters - find themselves outmatched when confronted with one of the deadliest beasts in the mortal realms: a werewolf. It will take all their experience and cunning to survive.
"Wake Not the Sleeping Bull" - Jörgen's Tale - by Justin -- Jörgen the Lone Bull is a proud son of Northrim, despite being an orphan. He wants nothing more than to protect his home from conquest by the ever-expanding Achaean Empire. After fighting skirmishes against them for years as an outlaw, he finally joins a Northern army willing to take the fight to the Imperials directly. But Jörgen finds that real war is not quite as glorious as he had hoped, and he may never be able to go home the same man he was before.
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darksonofsparda · 2 years ago
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nonsexual acts of intimacy || Accepting
@manaborn sent: ♛ : Sharing a dessert
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After spending about an hour or two navigating through the maze of a very old area in the Bellwood sewers, it was a given that the two would be in dire need of a shower. Upon the return to Gwen's place, the redhead had kindly offered to let Vergil go first in the shower since she had told him she planned to take a long shower due to how grimy she felt from their pursuit of the criminal in his desperate escape into the sewers.
While the culprit in question didn't pose a threat, it was mainly the hassle of searching for him in that disgusting place that made it a major headache, they had spent far too long down there, the smell even got onto their clothes, much to their disgust. The thing that made it more annoying, was the fact the two of them got filthy all for the purpose of catching a petty criminal, while justice had been served, Vergil honestly didn't think it was worth it.
Taking her upon the offer, Vergil grabbed a clean pair of lazy clothes, went into the washroom and took a shower. Naturally, Vergil never usually took long in a shower, the longest he took was about fifteen to twenty minutes tops. Once he was finished, he dried himself off and got dressed. Normally, Vergil would slick his hair back like he always did, unfortunately, he had to wait for his hair to fully dry off before doing that.
Exiting the bathroom with a towel on his head, Vergil shouted down the hall to Gwen's room telling her the bathroom was all hers now. Recalling that she had told him she would be a while, the cambion decided to pass the time by reading a book. After reading for only five minutes, he suddenly found himself having a bit of a sweet tooth. Vergil didn't look like the type who would take a liking to sweet things, but the fact was: that he rather enjoyed sweets, just not as much as others would.
Using the smartphone he bought about a month ago at Gwen's suggestion, he opened up the skip the dishes app and ordered a medium cherry fudge sundae, with extra blueberry sprinkles. the dessert only took about fifteen minutes to arrive thanks to the parlor he ordered from being in the area of her residence. At hearing the doorbell, Vergil opened the door and took his sundae, setting it down on the coffee table for a moment to give the delivery girl a courtesy tip before thanking her, shutting the door to lock it again. Looking back over at the dessert, now that he had time to get a good look at it, he realized that the place had given him a large instead of a medium on accident, which was a bit of a problem, there was no way he could finish this by himself.
Taking a seat at the table with a spoon, he pondered about what to do. For a second, he was considering calling the place to get the correct size, until the sound of running water stopped, and then it hit him. Maybe Gwen could help him, a large sundae for one person-- at least for Vergil, was a bit too much. After a few minutes, he heard the sound of the bathroom door open, and out came Gwen. Turning his head to her direction, blue eyes meet emerald greens from across the room as he looks down at the sundae for a second, before again meeting her eyes again.
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[{ 🗡️ }] - "I had a sweet tooth and ordered a medium... yet they unfortunately gave me a large." At least he was charged for a medium.
[{ 🗡️ }] - "Gwen, I can't possibly finish this myself, care to assist me?" He asks, holding out a second spoon to her.
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icycoldninja · 7 months ago
Can you write the DMC boys with the reader having a date night by flying around the city with their devil trigger forms?
Just got inspiration from the scene in Across the Spiderverse where Miles and Gwen swing around the city catching up with each other : https://youtu.be/PPHxyyubleg?si=up2SBl2bQNFrqkfm
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Maybe they got bored then the reader decide “Hey why don’t we fly around the city at night?” but the boys just laughed, stating that she can’t fly ( that is before knowing she can devil trigger and she is a devil herself ) so she’s like….
Reader: Bet you didn’t know I can do this *cue jumping off the roof of the shop*
They obviously panic as they try to look down from upon, hoping she does not flat out die just to find out she’s standing stick to the wall of the building while in her Devil Trigger
Reader: You wanna come with me, handsome?
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And that lead to a whole date night scenario and them perching on the side of a building, hanging upside down talking about each other’s commotion, what’s been weighing them down recently and overall heartfelt conversations to vent their feelings out
P/S: If u don’t mind, the Reader’s devil trigger is similar to Sirene from Devilman because I can’t get enough of her design
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Ok, here you go!
Sparda boys + V x Reader DT!Date headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-You and Dante were just hanging out in the city, walking around, seeing the sights and climbing on old buildings for no particular reason.
-It was fun, for a time, but you guys got bored pretty soon, and as you sat around wondering what you should do, an idea popped into your head.
-"Let's fly around for a while," You told him; Dante simply laughed. "You can't fly," He replied, still chuckling. "You're no devil."
-Snickering, you decided to prove him wrong by diving off the building you guys were sitting atop, laughing and whooping wildly.
-Dante was beyond surprised to see you do something so recklessly, and thinking you expected him to catch you, Triggered immediately and looked over the edge, thinking it might already be too late.
-Thank God, you were alright, hovering just a few inches away from the side of the building. Giggling, you held out your hand, which he took, his fears now evaporating.
-You guys flew around the city for a while, joking, teasing, playfully fighting and laughing the entire time. 10/10, he would do it again.
■ Vergil ■
-You and Vergil were just walking around, wandering the rock countryside aimlessly.
-Then you had the bright idea to suddenly launch yourself off of one of the nearby cliffs, a huge grin on your face the entire time.
-Vergil mentally panicked and Triggered immediately, wondering just what the hell would possess you to do such a thing.
-To his surprise, you were perfectly fine! You'd Triggered and were now flying around in circles, whooping and laughing. You caught sight of him staring at you like you were a ghost and brightly offered your hand out to him. "Come on, handsome!"
-Vergil took a minute to let his heart rate go back down, then let out a little half cough half chuckle. "Alright then." He mumbled, Triggering as well and hurrying to join you.
-You guys flew around for a bit before settling on an even higher cliff to talk, venting out your stress to one another and generally chatting about your lives.
-It was a rare moment of peace that Vergil rarely gets to experience with you. He wishes he could spend more nights like these with you.
□ Nero □
-You and Nero were goofing around in the city, playing a game of high stakes tag where you leaped from building to building.
-It was upon one of thse buildings where you began to grow rather bored, so you decided to spice up life by throwing yourself off the roof.
-Nero wasn't sure what the saw was real for a minute, thinking he just imagined that. A second or two passed before he realized that you really had done that--you did just jump off a building, presumably to your death.
-Nero's pseudo devil trigger activated immediately, and he rocketed after you, only to find you alive and well, floating around, waiting for him, it seemed.
-He was overwhelmed with this new information, discovering his girlfriend was a demon was truly jarring, so was learning she could fly.
-Of course he had to go with you once you offered your hand to him, because come on, who wouldn't?
-You and Nero had the time of your lives flying around and chatting amongst yourselves. It was an experience like no other, one Nero wishes to repeat sometime.
● V ●
-You and V happened to be sitting together atop a tall precipice, not really doing much of anything.
-You were in the middle of wondering what you should do, when an idea hit you. You would reveal the truth about yourself right now.
-Without a word, you tossed yourself off the cliff, presumably falling to your death. V let out a tiny little squeak of fear upon seeing you do this, and immediately had Griffon fly him out to see what became of you.
-Thankfully, you were alive, just flying around, waiting for him to join you. This was extremely frightening for V; he didn't expect to discover his girlfriend was a winged demon today, but here he was.
-Ah well, appearances don't matter to V, (Griffon begs to differ) so he readily joined you.
-You guys had a lot of fun soaring through the skies together and would have readily spent the whole night doing that, but Griffon got tired, forcing you guys to find a place to land.
-There, you guys chatted about your lives, kissed, hugged, cuddled, and watched the stars like the lovebirds you were. How adorable.
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decarabiandivorce · 10 months ago
Til my voice grows tired, I only ask for your embrace.
okay @cashewally-sarcastic when you said Nameless Bard playing the lyre for the ffd au my mind went crazy <3
Anyways here is some Red-haired warrior and Nameless Bard cringe :3 featuring Venti and Amos
He could never forget the smile his friend had when he played that lyre.
It reminded him of the day that they met when he acted as courier between the city and desolate wilds.  The bard sang and sang until his voice began to fade, and he had realized he stood still for the entire day. The wanderer was just another member of the audience, a sword for those who needed protection.
They didn’t talk that day. Nor the day after that. Nor the days or weeks after that.
Yet whenever he wandered back into the city, delivering supplies from the snow-drifting clans to the isolated city, he would spend an hour or so listening to the bard.
There weren’t many musicians in that city, he realized around his fourth visit. Unlike the other nations he had been in, there weren’t people playing the drums on the street corners nor the piano being practiced near a window. It was as if the source of all music came from a single boy with pale blue eyes.
To speak so eloquently was a skill, and the bard smiled as his audience gifted him with coin and cuisine. It was a kind the smile, the one without malice nor bite. He talked a bit with some of the kids, letting them pluck his lyre’s strings.
It was routine.
Until it wasn’t.
“Mister Warrior,” The bard spoke to him around his fifteenth visit. “There is snow on your cape.”
“There is.” He replied.
“Mister Warrior,” the blue eyes looked so wide, “Do you come from outside?”
Then a new cycle began. While the man had coin and cooking, the accounting of a record would do just the same. He told the bard the vast seas of Liyue, and how their mountains were as tall as the very tower they were under. He told of fishes so large that they could swallow a great sword in one fell swoop.
The bard chuckled with delight as he went over every detail, staying quiet as he absorbed every word. As he held the warriors hand and the lyre in the other, the warrior knew that this was no ordinary fellow. He didn’t know what to say when his story was done and silence blanketed them both. To ask about the fellow’s family? To ask what it was like to live under such tyranny? It would do harm to be persistent so soonly met.
But there was one question that had been burning in his heart since the day he listened to the lyre’s master, “O’ Bard, what is your name?”
Then there was something else in that man’s eyes, a child-like mischief, “Oh? You make sure to secure yourself a front row, yet my name you do not know?” He giggled at the warrior, “Guess.”
“Guess?” The flame-haired man barked, “There are a million different names one can go by!”
“And you have millions of seconds to try and try again.” Spoke the bard.
He stared at the person, that kind smile revealing itself to be that more mischievous than a wind sprite, “You can’t be- fine. Are you…. Named after a plant?”
“A plant? In this city?” chuckled the bard.
“Dose it start with a vowel or consonant?”
“Those aren’t guesses.”
“Do I have to say your last name, or-“
“Oh!” The bard laughed and laughed, a chime in the soundless city, “You are so…. Ahahaha! I’ll give you a hint, it’s a lot more obvious than you think.”
Day by day. Night by night. Song by song the warrior returned.
The Gunnhildr clan requested his assistance in transporting some wool they received, to be a bodyguard for a meeting with a Lawerence. Yet as the high priestess, a young women with soft blonde hair, argued with her equal- a lady clad in jewels and dancing hues, his mind wandered to that bard.
“Is it Josh? Adam? Orville? Blake?”
“Do I look like an Orville to you?” The bard giggled during their 21st meeting.
“Cyrus. Gwen. Vergil. Glenn.” “Fine names they may be, but none of them are me!” his laughter was the brightest in the entire nation. His head would tilt just slightly, and his braids would follow alongside it. There was a strange allure to it all, one that kept him as captive without song. Or perhaps this was a song on its own, one without a tune or notes.
“Did I say Blake?”
“Yes you did my dear friend!” The warrior tried keep his heart steady at the words, “Are you running out of names? Then do you wish for a hint?” He nodded, smiling as the bard began to play, “It’s closer than you think, a mouse beneath a sink. It is right in front of you, don’t you worry. It is something that exists within the heart of every being. The name I have- one not in any record, it the name I made for myself- of my own accord.”
Ragnvindr sighed as he tried once more, then concluded the day- determination in his core.
25th, 28th.
32th. 34th.
The time moved on, meeting after meeting, as he tried to list out anything that would fit those qualifications. What could be in plain sight, perhaps sun right in front of him night after night?
“I give up, “hissed the warrior, his arm around his friend’s waist as he did so. “What could be matching such a saint’s voice? No name spoken in human tongue could be of worth.”
The bard laughed, “Well if you must know… the name I have shared so freely with other is the very song I sell. For my name is Carmen, you see and that is song in it’s entirety.”
Ragnvindr stared at Carmen, the only person he had felt such a closeness with for a long long time, and punched him on the shoulder. “Carmen…” He repeated like a prayer, “Carmen… it fits you.”
Carmen grinned as he rubbed his shoulder, “Of course I have used other names in the past, if you were to guess those a point I would award. Himmel like the sky in my eyes. Ventus like the wind that surround by life. Names are the shortest poems one can give, and Carmen is the name what which I live.”
Even after that game was finally done, the meetings between the two were not undone. Stories were spoken, and from then on Ragnvindr knew- the boy in front of him was no sheep. A contender against the very wolves that threatened his home, the bite beneath that silver tongue was a sight to behold. Hawks and eagles were this man’s kin, for the soul of a fighter shined within.
“Soon, I will see that sky,” Carmen muttered as he pressed his face into Ragnvindr’s coat, his voice muffled by the fur.
“I don’t doubt that,” He replied, “I would be more than willing to take you with me the next time I leave.” His friend stiffened, as if he was struck. “Hm?”
“That would be easy,” Carmen’s words were soft now, an air of uncertainty and one other emotion contained within it, “To leave Mondstadt and never return. To fields of yellow and trees that could reach the moon. Yes, that would be nice.”
Carmen’s eyes no longer looked a soft blue, but instead a cold steel, “But I am sorry, dear warrior, I can not leave. Not yet.”
“What could possibly lead you to stay here? In this sunless city of drab and dreary? Shouldn’t a bard such as yourself yearn to make the world your muse?”
He could feel Carmen play with the ends of his red hair as he replied, “Fly fly fly, like a bird in the sky to a ship in the sea. A branch within it’s beak, hope for only those in misery.” He did not chuckle, “This is my home, for the people of Mondstadt need me. They need a song in their steps to help them throughout the day, and while I do need food in my stomach, their smile is all the pay I need.” He brushed Ragnvindr’s bangs aside, “I…. I am planning something. Would you help me?”
Silently, the warrior nodded.
Carmen reached into his pocket, and a small little paper folded into a flower emerged from it, "Pray repay me with hope and a smile, and stand with me to welcome the day when the storms blow no longer."
He held it gently in his hands, his eyes widening,
“Carmen.. what are you planning?”
“Be my warrior, my dear Ragnvindr. Please, I beg of you. Let me see Mondstadt shine with the sun you speak of.”
“…” Ragnvindr’s heart wavered for just a second at Carmen’s silence. The calculating look he had for penning words and analysis was on full display. The eyes of a beast more fearsome than Lupus Boreas was in front of him, and what was worse was he was not after his blood nor his flesh- but his heart and will.
“I do. I promise to stick by you, til the very end.”
Whispers of the rebellion snuck into every conversation, tiny non-verbal cues to not let the wind carry their voices. All of it composed by a lyre playing bard, the one who is sitting right besides him holding a small creature.
“What is that.” Ragnvindr asked, pinching its weird feather ears. “It looks evil.”
“It’s not!” Carmen cried out, “His name is Venti!”
“Venti,” Ragnvindr looked, “You named him Wind. Is it cause he can fly!”
Carmen ignored his words as he slowly pet his friend, “He is like one of those birds.”
“I can assure you, he is not a bird.” Ragnvindr grumbled into his palm, “Seriously where did you even get such a thing.”
Carmen gasp and held the creature tightly, “Don’t you dare call Venti a thing! He is a wonderful little wind wisp!”
Ragnvindr’s frown turned into a scowl, “A wind wisp. As in. A wind elemental being. When we are going to have Windblume soon.”
“Yes.” Said Carmen, “Well I think its going to take a couple months or so before the final date is settled, Venerare is still handing out ‘props’ to the people.” He hugged the little wind wisp some more, before his smile graced his face. “I wrote another song! May you lend me your ears?”
“Of course,” Ragnvindr said in-time with a chirping from the wind wisp. Venti said on top of Ragnvindr’s friend’s head while Carmen began to tune his lyre. Soon enough he was set to play a song. It was a lullaby, one that whispered of smelling baked goods in the air and spices from afar. As the notes dwindled out, Ragnvindr thought of the cinnamon sticks from down south, and internally promised to buy a jar for him.
Amos was the next person Ragnvindr befriended, even then he would have called that a generous statement. She was Decarabian’s wife to him at first. Then she was Carmen’s other friend. Then she was a pretty good hunter. But a friend? He would have to think about that a bit more. Friendship was something sacred, more divine than the lord of the city. To call a person he had spent time with but not laughs with a friend… hm.
Yet he could not fault her with anything. The way she took care of herself was perfect. The way she took care of other was perfect. In another time and another life they would never have interacted and perhaps would have never even known each others names. She would stare at him sometimes, her eyes drawn to his hair like so many other Mondstadters.
Her hands were soft. Her heart was soft. Her eyes however, colder than snow.
His hands were rough, his heart closed off, and Ragnvindr would never listen to what Carmen said about his eyes. Calling them a kind hearth amidst the winter. Foolish.
“Is there something wrong with my form?” Ragnvindr muttered to her as he practiced his swings in the courtyard. The gales have been getting rougher with Amos now permanently out of the tower, for her spouse was growing desperate.
“I have never seen such a style before, I apologize if I stare.”
Ragnvindr grunted in response, taking the statement for what it is. “Have you ever held a greatsword before?”
She looked nostalgic, “A long time ago. A lady who’s hair was darker than night wielded such a blade. Her family had long since departed and she was going to head out. She was the first to leave, to read the writing on the wall in the midst of the war.”
“Any clue where she went? Perhaps I know of her decesenednts.”
Amos laughed, but it was not a happy laugh, “As if she would tell me. Even so, to befriend someoe’s kin just because I knew their ancestors centuries ago dose not seem fair. Their lives are their own and to bind them to the actions of another… I shouldn’t. It wouldn’t be right.”
Ragnvindr swings and she rambles, occasionally grunting in response, “That tone of yours…. You sound like you don’t miss her.”
“I do miss her. As I mentioned its been years. I.. have made peace with that. I made peace a long time ago. It’s fine.”
The practice dummy was beginning to break, “We can change the subject if you want.”
The duo stood in silence, the only noise being the rustling of wind and the practice of form. Amos played with her hair as she fiddled with the string of her bow, the only gift from her lover she refused to part with.
Ragnvindr readied his stance once more, the movements becoming routine and clockwork. He grumbled, knowing that relying on such muscle memory could make unpredictable movements his downfall.
“Fight me.” He whispered, Amos’s head snapping up as he dose. “Fight me, “ he repeats himself , a little louder this time.
“I don’t want to shoot an arrow though you.” She smiled.
He laughed, “Then pick up a sword and I shall pick up your bow. You could even use a lance if you want.” Her eyes glanced over to rebellion’s hidden armory, amusement dancing on her face as she imagines using such weapons after so long. Perhaps things wouldn’t be so bad. Perhaps things will be okay.
It all comes crashing down like a stack of cards.
A mission gone wrong, intel not accurate. His back is against a wall with a squad of about thirteen men besides him. Carmen is staring at him, that look in his eyes tells him all he needs to know.
“What ever you are planning don’t do it.” He wants to say. He wants to shout and scream at his friend, but they all know what’s behind the corner- blocking their only way out.
Pale blue eyes already look glassy and dead as the bard reaching onto his chest and plucks the metal flower Ragnvindr gave him for their rebellion’s anniversary-placing it on the warrior’s chest. The hesitation in Carmen’s actions as he raises a finger to his mouth only worsens the pain in Ragnvindr’s chest. He hates this. He hates this so fucking much.
Quietly, Carmen makes it to the edge of the corner, and dramatically walks into the tyrant’s gaze. The remaining rebels manage to crawl though a window as their leader talks to the tyrant, his heartbeat pounding in his ears preventing him from listening to what they were saying. He just needed to trust his friend, even if it kills him inside.
Venti and Amos are asking him what happened as the squad recovers from the failed mission. They see Carmen’s symbol. They don’t want to believe it, and neither dose Ragnvindr.
Still, the Windblume must survive, even if its leader’s heart does not.
The announcement shatters them.
It shatters everyone.
Venti keeps asking why everyone looks so mad when he asks about Carmen.
He and Amos aren’t fighting! They aren’t!
Venti is gone.
He wants to storm that tower with Amos. “That would be easy,” he thinks, the dream of taking all away from this panopticon. To leave Mondstadt behind and say fuck you to all that scowl at Carmen’s face. Where the four…three… of them could sit on the deck of a harbor without care.
Yet there were still rebels who believed in them, and that’s what made it hurt even more. Perhaps if everyone simply abandoned their ‘traitorous’ leader, then things would be a clean cut. No. Gunnhildr was adamant that Carmen was innocent. That Decarabian’s machinations were working on them all and that without sunlight, sleep, substance, and song they were all starting to succumb.
His song. His wonderful wonderful song.
In the distance howling winds and the turning of the gales, he could make out the softest hints of a harp. It wasn’t a lyre, but he could feel in his heart that it belong to Carmen. Call him delusional. Call him insane. That was Carmen playing in the tip of the tower, playing a song without a name.
He doesn’t talk on those days, the audience within him not wanting to break the performer’s spell. He feels as if he was back then, just two people meeting on the street with duties of so routine. Yet whenever he wandered back around the city, delivering supplies from the snow-drifting clans to the very few rebels that remained, he would spend hours or so thinking of that bard.
Amos gets him, she understands his hurt. Perhaps far too well, for the one with her heart on her sleeve has given up trying to yell. She cries and sobs into his arms, until he is also weak in the knees. He holds her like a lifeline, another one taken from her by divinity.
Days and days pass, and the nights feel the same. The world around him is as grey as the stones, perhaps another side effect from it being so long without sunlight. The tower feels larger, and he is so small. The tiny spirit of hope that used to beg for fruits from him now shot by an arrow by ones Ragnvindr called friend.
That person was drinking on the edge of bridge, not caring a bit about what they did. Was it because it was so long ago? Or perhaps the alcohol had darkened their soul. The flame of rebellion and blasphemy raged in Ragnvindr’s heart, for he knew that his friend would not want him to taint the rebellion by killing it’s members. That part was soon quelled with the memory of Carmen’s adoration for Venti, how the wolf in sheep’s clothing would be quiet stabby.
It's so easy, such a simple action to do. He was already intoxicated, so a simple push was all he needed to do. Fall from the sky, like the wisp that they killed. Ragnvindr wishes he could sink that low, but he knows himself and his morale code.
He feels frustrated every day, as more and more complain. He tells them to shut up and behave, and they call him a lapdog for a master who is away. For once Amos is the one to tell him not to storm the tower, but he sees in her eyes the thoughts of retaliation. Another announcement comes that day, from the man he hates the most and his best friend right besides him.
He looks healthy, his cheeks never looked fuller but all that doesn’t matter with his now cold eyes. “What happened to you?” He wants to shout, but instead he clutches at the flower on his chest, desperate to not throw such a sacrifice away.
Decarabian places a hand on Carmen’s shoulder, blabbering about how wonderful his son is to the crowd. He can’t read the room, nor tell from the rebel’s hooded glances the emotions boiling within. Amos grips his hand tight, but before he could retort she gestures to a group of people- rebels in their own worth. They see Carmen as bad as his ‘father’ and driven to desperation the people will slaughter. Amos’s sharp gaze catches their movements, as their hold their swords and lances with gazes murderous. He can’t take it anymore. He doesn’t give a shit, when the world itself turns back on someone so perfect.
That night the warrior prays for forgiveness, of a festival for a dawn is something he cannot gift him. Windblume- what a joke. A terrible irony. What use was love when the one he cares about the most was suffering? To save the people of Mondstadt without any adoration was always the goal, but to see them turn their back on the one that sparked that fire made his eyes darker than coal.
Hand in hand they walk to the front gates of the tower, not caring whoever sees them. He can only hope the letter towards Gunnhildr and Venerare was enough, for there was too much rage in his chest to wait to say ‘I am sorry’ out loud in front of both of them. He followed right behind the silver-haired archer as the two of them walked up step by step.
Together they opened the doors, and their fates were set.
Carmen looks so peaceful as he plays the injured Venti a tune. Ragnvindr can not help but stare at his friend, as if he was the sun and the moon. He missed this. He could never put into words how much he missed him.
He was using a harp. Ragnvindr tried not to smile as he knew he was right. It was Carmen that played those notes.
He hadn’t asked about the state of the rebellion. The returning of the flower was all the confirmation he needed. Did his friend yearn to take his offer all those months ago? As much as he knew his friend, he could never read his thoughts. They were like a language written by the ancients that made the ruins all across Teyvat, and only Venti was the archaeologist.
Carmen buried his face into Ragnvindr’s new coat, this one with the symbol of the storm god on it. It wasn’t as fluffy as the one he used to wear, but it was okay. This was all okay.
He ran his hand down Carmen’s back, a part of him still in disbelief that the bard was right in front of him.
“I’m sorry.” He mutters, hugging Carmen tight.
“It’s… fine… You just…cared….” Carmen did not cry, but the faint glimmer in his eyes told him all he needed to know. Venti burrowed himself between the two men, Ragnvindr’s face softening as the wind wisp leaned into the warrior’s palm. Carmen watched as his friend held up Venti like a vase of glass and yawned.
“Perhaps I should sing you the lullaby this time?” Ragnvindr asked.
Carmen shook his head,” Do you even know a lullaby?”
“I’ve been reading some of them.... while you were gone.”
“Oh.” Carmen held Venti tight, “I… am not in the mood for stories.”
Ragnvindr’s heart sank.
He should have arrived sooner.
Carmen brushed Ragnvindr’s hair away from his face, “Tomorrow… let’s do something. Not a story- something real.”
There it was, his Carmen. The bags under his eyes and the crown on top of his head may have suggested otherwise, but Ragnvindr knew that it was still Carmen underneath all those fancy layers.
“I can’t wait to accompany you.” The knight smiled as he pulled Carmen into an embrace. “That man… is going to let me take you into the town tomorrow.” Ragnvindr closed his eyes and felt Carmen’s breathing and his heartbeat. Sure, it was pacing a lot faster than normal, but he had to believe it wasn’t out of fear.
“That sounds wonderful.” Carmen spoke softly. “I don’t have my lyre anymore… so no playing for the crowds.”
Carmen tried opening his mouth to say something, but all that came out was a yawn.
He was tired.
So tired.
And to lay within his warrior’s coat while holding Venti and Ragnvindr?
It left a bitter taste in his mouth but perhaps… it would be okay…
The prince of the tower closed his eyes, sealing the fate of all the rebels in and out of Mondstadt- as the last star of hope became complacent.
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andrewmoocow · 7 months ago
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My personal roster for a potential Marvel vs Capcom 4 that I call Marvel vs Capcom 4: Resurrection, filled with as many newcomers and veterans as I could gather to fit this template I found on Twitter a while back, with everyone bringing something new to the table.
Marvel Side
Captain America
Iron Man
Black Widow
Doctor Strange
Black Panther
Captain Marvel
Ms. Marvel
Star-Lord (assisted by Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Mantis)
Fantastic Four (Mister Fantastic assisted by Invisible Woman, Human Torch, and The Thing)
Doctor Doom
Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
Squirrel Girl
Ant-Man (assisted by Wasp)
Green Goblin
Scarlet Witch
Capcom Side
Mega Man
Mega Man X
Tron Bonne (assisted by Servbots)
Morrigan Aensland
Demitri Maximoff
Leon Kennedy
Lady Dimitrescu
Phoenix Wright (assisted by Trucy Wright)
Apollo Justice (assisted by Athena Cykes)
Viewtiful Joe
Frank West
Akira Kazama
Mike Haggar
Strider Hiryu
Ruby Heart (assisted by Amingo and Son-Son)
DLC (not pictured)
Mister Sinister (also appears in Story Mode)
Juri Han (also appears in Story Mode)
Moon Girl (assisted by Devil Dinosaur)
Monster Hunter (assisted by Palico and Palamute)
Elsa Bloodstone (assisted by Blade and Man-Thing)
B.B. Hood
Jedah Dohma
Doctor Octopus (assisted by Sinister Six)
Doctor Wily (assisted by Robot Masters)
Edward Falcon
Howard the Duck
Miles Edgeworth (assisted by Ema Skye)
Silver Surfer
The story mode involves an alliance between Apocalypse and JP from Street Fighter 6 as the two work together to take over the worlds of Marvel and Capcom by bringing together a new team of Horsemen of the Apocalypse to collect the Infinity Stones, the Cosmic Cube, the Power Stone, and the Celestial Brush, and the heroes of both companies have to stop them before it's too late. Pretty simple premise, all things considered, but the character interactions and rivalries will be where it's at!
Spider-Man vs Mega Man
Captain America vs Leon Kennedy
Iron Man vs Tron Bonne
Thor vs Dante
Hulk vs Gene
Black Widow vs Chun-Li
Hawkeye vs Frank West
Wolverine vs Ryu
Storm vs Amaterasu
Gambit vs Morrigan
Deadpool vs Viewtiful Joe
Magneto vs Mega Man X
Psylocke vs Strider Hiryu
Doctor Strange vs Nero
Black Panther vs Felicia
Captain Marvel vs Akira Kazama
Loki vs Vergil
Ms. Marvel vs Kimberly
Star-Lord vs Ruby Heart
Fantastic Four vs Mike Haggar
Doctor Doom vs Demitri
Ultron vs Zero
Miles Morales vs Luke
She-Hulk vs Phoenix Wright
Squirrel Girl vs Jamie
Ant-Man vs Ken
Green Goblin vs Lady Dimitrescu
Daredevil vs Apollo Justice
Scarlet Witch vs Tessa
Thanos vs Asura
Mister Sinister vs Juri
Moon Girl vs Monster Hunter
Venom vs Akuma
Spider-Gwen vs Sakura
Elsa Bloodstone vs B.B. Hood
Morbius vs Jedah
Doctor Octopus vs Doctor Wily
Namor vs Edward Falcon
Howard the Duck vs Miles Edgeworth
Silver Surfer vs Abyss
Base: https://x.com/DreaminErryDay/status/1811493788214256113
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plaguery · 8 months ago
also on the topic of DmC i realized when i first cut my hair a couple months ago i accidentally gave myself the same haircut as kat and all i have to say is thank god i fucking cut that shit again. its not like i knew but. if i died with that haircut and got sent straight to hell for it i couldnt even be mad about it. id deserve it
on another note of the fucked up DmC garbage i hate her fucking "third eye" pentagram so fucking much its not even funny. 90s gwen stefani is calling for her cultural appropriation back. i hate the whole fucking conceit of her character so bad like the medium/witch thing could be cool i literally made my own dmc oc basically a witch (BUT SHE IS A THOUSAND MILLION TIMES COOLER AND ACTUALLY CAN DO SHIT INSTEAD OF MEDIATE BETWEEN REALMS ANDGET KIDNAPPED) but she literally does nothingggg. a;so why were her and vergil even a thing. like i swear it doesnt even impact the story except for MAYBE the end i guess but they didnt need a romantic history for that to make sense. IM ALSO STILL SO MAD ABOUT "ANCIENT" WICCAN SPELLS. TELL ME YOU DIDNT DO ANY RESEARCH WITHOUT TELLING ME YOU DIDNT DO ANY RESEARCH
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fabdante · 10 months ago
Fic Masterlist
I figured I had enough fic posted and planned to be posted for the year that I should make a masterlist to make things easier to go through.
All Ao3 links will include necessary warnings tagged on the fic itself and usually within the authors note. Often the warnings are further explained in the authors note as well (like the intensity, for example).
My personal favorites are denoted by a ★ if you're curious!
The Circumnavigators of Celestial Bodies (series) - Zuko and Katara go on a quest to find out what happened to Zukos mother. Can be read in any order, incomplete
Detours (oneshot) - G - 6689 Words - On their trip to find Ursa, Katara insists they go on a sight seeing trip in a supposedly cursed cave. (tumblr post)
An Inexact Science (two chapters) - G - 10,075 words - Zuko and Katara land in Makapu Village and revisit a familiar face, Aunt Wu. (tumblr post)
A Tea For Sunrise (oneshot) - G - 10949 words - Realizing they'll be passing Ba Sing Se soon, Zuko and Katara agree to stop and visit Uncle Iroh (tumblr post)
(WIP) Untitled Circumnavigators Segment (would become Swimming in a Mirror)
Swimming in a Mirror (oneshot) - G - 4141 words - Katara and Zuko take a second to cool off during an Earth Kingdom heat wave (tumblr post)
When the Sun Hits (oneshot) - G - 3921 words - It's 1994 and Zuko is at a party. He see's a girl and his soul remembers something. (tumblr post)
Retrospect (oneshot) - T - 7,423 Words - Years after the events from Tales, a now reconciled and living together Sasha and August make a phone call to Rhys about a new emergency and it brings up a lot of memories. (tumblr post)
--Devil May Cry--
Excerpts from 'Eye of the Storm: The Story of Devil May Cry' (oneshot) - M - 16,746 words - A collection of excerpts from the only sanctioned biography on 90s grunge band, Devil May Cry, written decades after the bands end. (tumblr post) ★
--DmC: Devil May Cry--
Drafting a Swan (series) - A collection of connected stories written within the same fanon, all compliant to a still in progress WIP (often referred to on my blog as Swan Song). The stories span from events before the start of the game to events after the game. Can be read in any order, incomplete ★
Pinky Promise (oneshot) - M - 6038 Words - Weeks after killing her foster father, Kat has a nightmare and needs some company. (tumblr post)
A Series of Mild Prophesies (oneshot) - T - 3,471  - Dantes first night at the Order, he wakes up Kat and Vergil with a request (tumblr post)
Blunt Force Object (oneshot) - M - 8,934 Words - Kat won't leave her room. Dante has an idea to fix that. (tumblr post)
Crossroads of Catharsis and Contemplation (oneshot?) - M - 10106 Words - With little else to do and sick of watching the same stuff, Kat and Dante watch Samurai Champloo. And Kat has a lot of thoughts. (tumblr post) ★
The Party Animal and the Goth (oneshot) - T - 4,274 Words - A classic 'Gwen goes to a Geoff party and he walks her home' style fan fic. In which Gwen is walked back to her dorm by Geoff who's maybe a little eager to leave his party. (tumblr post)
(WIP) A Snippet From A Lost Boys Fan Fic I Wrote When Angry and Would Like To Finish Some Day
(WIP) Three WIPs: An ATLA WIP, a DmC WIP, and a Spiderverse Meta WIP
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titular-twins-tournament · 2 years ago
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Below is a written version of brackets, including links to each poll
Fandom- Characters
A1. Sky Children of the Light- The Valley Elders (aka Sah and Mek) VS Devil May Cry- Dante and Vergil
A2. Lego Ninjago- Krux and Acronix (The Time Twins) VS The Evillious Chronicles- Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche and Allen Avadonia
A3. Roman Mythology- Romulus and Remus VS Sanders Sides- Roman and Remus Sanders
A4. Happy Tree Friends- Shifty and Lifty VS The Penumbra Podcast- Juno and Benzaiten Steel
A5. Blue Exorcist- Rin and Yukio Okumura VS Avatar the Last Airbender- Lo and Li
A6. IDOLiSH7- Nanase Riku and Kujo Tenn VS Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina- Vex and Vax
A7. Don’t Starve- Wendy and Abigail VS Legend of Korra- Eska and Desna
A8. The Parent Trap- Annie and Hallie VS Mother 3 (aka Earthbound)- Lucas and Claus
B1. A Song of Ice and Fire- Jaime and Cersie Lannister VS MCU- Wanda and Pietro Maximoff
B2. Masters of the Universe- Adam and Adora VS Dimension 20: A Crown of Candy- Jet and Ruby Rocks
B3. Super Mario Bros- Mario and Luigi VS Ducktales (2017)- Della and Donald Duck
B4. Ensemble Stars- Hinata and Yuta Aoi VS Mystic Messenger- 707 and Unknown (aka Saeyoung and Saeran Choi)
B5. The Adventure Zone- Lup and Taako VS The Suite Life of Zack & Cody- Zack and Cody
B6. Gravity Falls- Dipper and Mabel VS Obey Me!- Beelzebub and Belphegor
B7. Transformers- Sunstreaker and Sideswipe VS Haikyuu- Osamu and Atsumu Miya
B8. Honkai Impact 3rd- Liliya and Rozaliya Olenyeva VS All For the Game- Andrew and Aaron Minyard
C1. Bob’s Burgers- Andy and Ollie Pesto VS Pokémon- Emmet and Ingo
C2. Final Fantasy XIV- Alphinaud and Alisaie Leveilleur VS The Locked Tomb- Ianthe and Coronabeth Tridentarius
C3. Liv and Maddie- Liv and Maddie VS Greek Mythology- Apollo and Artemis
C4. Genshin Impact- Lumine and Aether VS Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- Leo and Donnie Hamato
C5. Trigun- Vash and Knives VS Twisted Wonderland- Jade and Floyd Leech
C6. Black Butler- Ciel and “Ciel” Phantomhive VS Cursed Princess Club- Gwen and Jaime
C7. Red VS Blue- Agent North Dakota and Agent South Dakota VS Animal Crossing- Timmy and Tommy
C8. Ace Attorney- Dahlia Hawthorne and Sister Iris VS Rugrats- Phil and Lillian
D1. The Twelfth Night- Viola and Sebastian VS Dungeons and Daddies- Lark and Sparrow Oak
D2. Dragonlance- Caramon and Raistlin VS Archie Comics- Cheryl and Jason Blossom
D3. Star Wars- Luke and Leia VS Ouran High School Club- Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin
D4. Steven Universe- The Rutile twins VS Disney Fairies- Tinkerbell and Periwinkle
D5. How To Train Your Dragon- Ruffnut and Tuffnut VS Highschool Musical- Sharpay and Ryan Evans
D6. Percy Jackson- Castor and Pollux VS Re: Zero- Rem and Ram
D7. Danganronpa- Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba VS The Owl House- Edric and Emira Blight
D8. The Simarillion- Amrod and Amras VS Identity V- Joseph and Claude Desaulniers
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saber-scorpion · 1 year ago
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Hope everyone had a good Friday the 13th in October - here is my Inktober Day 13: Gwen Vergil, Imperial Venator, monster-hunting partner of Caiden in Wulfgard: The Hunt Never Ends by my sister @maverick-werewolf. Check it out! Gwen really likes a good book, too.
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silverstream2 · 1 year ago
Related to the fragment below, but I feel like the most hurtful thing Dante could say to Modeus about the whole Urizen situation in 5 (this'd be after Dante woke up from his super long nap) would be to stay out of it (in the case below, in Nero making a decision on how to handle Vergil), "Because you're not family".
Because Modeus has all this past history with Sparda, and that effects how he sees Vergil/Urizen, and what he thinks Nero and Dante should do about it. And Dante doesn't want to hear/deal with any of it (Dante, putting a hand over Modeus' mouth and growling at him with glowing red, demonic eyes: "Keep your mouth shut. Not another goddamn word, do you hear me? Keep your bullshit to yourself."), because he spent his whole life cleaning up after his father's messes and being punished for shit his father did, he doesn't want the same for his son/Nero.
The way Modeus reacts to it, Dante could've stabbed him and caused him less pain. Modeus doesn't flinch, tho- you don't, with fellow demons. Flinching shows weakness; it just makes the pain worse. So does begging, or crying. (Sparda: "If you're going to die, face it with some fucking dignity!") That and crying draws attention- a predator could hear it and show up to wonder what the noise was. Show up to investigate and eat any injured prey.
WIP from Modeus' past with Sparda. Put stuff I might wanna add or that adds context in brackets:
"... and we were both so close to calling him, 'Father'. [And I wonder, sometimes, if he was ever... If he ever would've- if he had ever been close to thinking of us as-] So close to maybe [being a family]..."
But none of us said anything."
"Yours?" Gwen asked [Sparda], pointing back to us [Modeus and Baul]. She had been talking about her own children. Sparda paused for a beat, giving one of those slow blinks that was just a bit too off to be entirely human, like he wasn't used to only having one eyelid per eye.
"No," he said. "They're my apprentices."
And Modeus had hugged his book to his chest, and noted the weight of the sword at his hip as he shifted his weight in what wasn't quite- but that he wished could be- a flinch, and tried to pretend like that didn't sting.
Also just. The general concept of Sparda being the first demon outside of Baul that knew about Modeus love for the Human Realm and the humans' creations, like their books, and being supportive of it. As something more than a tool of Mundus' war, too, eventually. Someone that shared Modeus' fascination and respect for the humans, and even nurtured and encouraged it. Which is a big thing, given how much power and influence Sparda had back when he was still Mundus' right hand man.
Set back when Sparda was still working with Mundus, and Modeus and Baul were still working under "Lord Sparda" as his soldiers, back when Baul and Modeus were both younger (maybe older teenagers? Or the demonic equivalent of):
Sparda catching Modeus reading a human book or studying human architecture or something else the humans made, and Modeus expecting to get yelled at and punished for it, maybe even killed and eaten. But instead Sparda just smiles in a way that manages to be gentle despite the other demon's sharp teeth, and reaches out one gauntleted hand (Don't flinch. Don't beg, or cry out. All those things just make the pain worse. Go still, go quiet, those things are safe. Like a stone, something that doesn't feel anything.) to, surprisingly gently, ruffle Modeus' hair. And maybe it's just Sparda's power, but his hand feels warm. And his tone is chiding, but surprisingly warm, and kind.
"Put the book down, Modeus. You can read it more later when we get back. I'll even show you how to store it in an archive crystal, if you want. Human books tend to wear out over time, especially in the Underworld- they last so much longer if you put them in a crystal. You can start your own collection."
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sonicasura · 1 year ago
So, here's a thought would Dante, Vergil, Nero, and Trish catch on to the fact Ben isn't fully human. He is 1/4 Anodite and he doesn't find this out until Alien Force. The show (in my opinion) did kind of imply that Gwen teaching herself how to use magic spells is what sparked her anodite powers. I also imagine when they teach Ben magic that it will start to do the same and spark his anodite powers and clue them in that Ben may not be fully human like he thinks he is?
I see the introduction to spellcraft being done through either Trish or Nico. Everyone else only use charms and at most know how to perform some rituals. The hint of green light that dance around like fireflies were very noticeable to Trish during one particular lesson.
It definitely didn't feel demonic nor angelic. Something more otherworldly, vibrant and ancient if you ask any devil. No one knew how say it to Ben about it since they had no answers. For now, the only thing that can be said is for the young boy to ask his grandfather.
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grass-pokemon-appreciator · 3 months ago
Thoughts on Dusknoir and Munna?
Vergile the dusknoir on Gwen's team is pretty cool. Can't say I know any munna
//it was an original plot, not one of the actual pmd games
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gumiboomy · 8 months ago
1ST actual post... #fictionalcharactersexymanlist
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I've managed to compile a list of all the fictional characters I actively go feral for..... And it's still growing ummm yea.
Fictional people I simp for (not ranked).
Dante Limbus Company
Master Chief
Any halo Spartan with their mask on
Konig MW2
Keagan COD
Choso JJK
Geto JJK
Power CSM
Aphrodite HADES
Geto JJK
Mahito JJK
Nobara JJK
Megumi JJK
Sidon BOTW
Welt Yang HSR
Denji OW
Mcree OW
Risk AL
Inhaus AL
Queue A AL
Wesley BAPC
Crispín BAPC
Howl HMC
Kaoru OHSC
Kyoya OHSC
Spider Gwen
Viktor Humphries
Callie Splatoon
Marie Splatoon
Marina Splatoon
Spyke Splatoon
Toast BAPC
Rose Quartz SU
Mercy OW
Widowmaker OW
Sniper TF2 (genuinely, yes)
Scout TF2
Mei OW
Yumeko KG
Nana from NANA
Majima Yakuza 0
Kiryu Yakuza 0
Skyler Gabicito
Ren mati
Wheatley PORTAL
Zagreus HADES
Dionysus HADES
Protagonist of DeadCells
The main character of DIMENSIONAL SLAUGHTER
Snatcher AHIT
Gabriel Ultrakill
V1 Ultrakill
Minos Prime Ultrakill
Valentine SkullGirls
Zuke NSR
Vergil DMC
Dante DMC
Lady DMC hehe based
Zulf Bastion
The Kid Bastion
Calculester MP
Damien MP
Cute ghost boy MP
Zoey MP
Polly MP
Joshua Graham
Kyoya OHSC
Witch Doctor Terraria
Megurine Luka
The Zoologist Terraria
SpiderPunk ITSV
Tex Red VS Blue
Weiss RWBY
Shockwave Transformers
StarScream transformers
Allen Smiling Friends
Jorge HALO
Church Red VS Blue
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sorry not sorry...... heh... toodles!!!!!!!!!111111
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dirgc · 1 year ago
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“ on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. “
𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒 : religion ( including the darker elements), nsfw, violence & gore. Follow at your own discretion. Follows from @tealbeats
𝐋𝐔𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇: @kinkcu , @withinchains
CAARD is currently a WIP, rules can be found HERE.
Muse list below the cut.
Garen, Kayle, Ekko, Lucian, Aatrox, Hecarim, Isolde, Gwen, Wukong
Monsoon, Ocelot
Nero the Sable, Reno, Zack, Zidane
Adam Walker ( a monster Hunter possessed by demons ), Trust Kaimir ( tiefling and wanted criminal ), Innocence Kaimir ( tiefling twilight cleric ), Vigilance Malris (tielfing, former Paladin, murdered and bright back to life as a revenant ), Loyalty Malris ( tiefling celestial sorcerer, Vigil’s older twin brother )
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maverick-werewolf · 4 years ago
New (free) Chapter - The Hunt Never Ends, part 6
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The next installment of Wulfgard: The Hunt Never Ends, "Waking the Dragon, Part II," is now available for free on Wattpad and Royal Road!
I have plenty more writing on the way and, if you don’t want to wait so long to read new installments, this complete book is available on Amazon as both paperback and ebook!
The Hunt Never Ends on Wattpad
The Hunt Never Ends on Royal Road
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hellyeahheroes · 3 years ago
Miles Morales: Spider-Man 2022 Wishlist
As our boy is encroaching on #100 issues and the critical success of Ahmed’s Miles Morales becoming the defacto interpretation of the character, I just wanted to end the year elaborating on what I’d like to see in the next 12 or 13 issues if you include annuals for the next year.
1. More Villains that are Miles Morales’ own
Ahmed knows this so I am basically preaching to the choir. As of this writing here are all of the villains Ahmed has introduced in his writing of the book:
The Snatcher
Frost Pharoah
The Assessor
Asset Quantum
The Bumbler
Most of these characters are one-offs and are not what I consider consistent threats like Selim and Ultimatum. So in quantity, Ahmed has done a decent job giving some exclusiveness to Miles’ rogues. I like to classify Spider-Man villains because they have their own classification from joke to serious or tragic. Frost Pharoah and the Bumbler are joke villains like the Shocker. The Snatcher is a serious threat, but he isn’t any more grave than say Taskmaster. So we are talking career criminal vibes. Selim and Asset Quantum are tragic villains like the Lizard or Harry Osborn. The Assessor is a real shit mastermind and is tangentially related to other real shit threats like Selim, Ultimatum, and Asset Quantum. But I think when Ahmed finally wraps up the Assessor, he needs something to follow him up. And I believe he doesn’t need to go into the creative well to come up with Miles’ next serious threat.
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This is so obvious that it physically pains me that she isn’t in the comic. She is actually perfect.With a little tweaking, you can make her into Miles’ Green Goblin. Make Phin an estranged child of Uncle Aaron to get over the best friend/romantic overtones, and boom, you have a dynamic in which Phin has a different relationship with the focal point in Miles’ Spider-Man: Uncle Aaron. One of the main themes for Miles Morales is family so now we have this dynamic of fighting family members that continues from Miles and the Prowler that is transferred to Miles and Phin. It is like passing the torch of conflict from Jefferson and Aaron onto their children. And makes so much sense from a character dynamic.
Then there is the aesthetics of Spider-Man and the Tinkerer. Spider-Man is more of the rogue while Tinkerer borrows from the Paladin/Knight attitude. Spider-Man free runs and swings. The Tinkerer skates and busts through.Phin is more mechanical and engineer based. Spider-Man is a bioengineering miracle. She can physically keep up with Miles due to her tech and its literally repeating Doc Ock vs Spider-man for the new era.
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This is literally a Dante vs Vergil aesthetic that is literally screaming Jackpot, why haven’t you just done this?
Also, bring back Technogolem. I get that she is technically an Ironheart starter villain but she worked better under Miles’.
2. Actually use Miles supporting cast more
Supporting cast is actually the most important thing in Spider-Man stories and when I mean supporting cast, I mean the characters that are not superheroes who primarily exist to reflect the the life of the civilian Miles Morales versus the hero Spider-Man. Ahmed has done a phenomenal job of balancing both aspects.Miles has an added dimension in that he has a school life as well as an at home situation and while Miles at home life has been quality, Miles school life is relatively bare.
For example, Judge is barely prevalent in this comic and maybe that is for the best because he is essentially that guy. We don’t get a lot of Judge and just serves as Miles’ extra roommate.I kind of wish to see his character explored.
The same goes for other characters like Olivia who I get why due to Bryan Edward Hill’s attempt to rewrite the origin of Miles’ so she was just ignored, but it can make things more interesting to have someone antagonizing Spider-Man but cool with Miles i.e. Gwen Stacy and Liz Allen. Then there is Sean, Mr. Sumida, Assistant Principal Dutcher, and so much more.We have opportunities so move away from Miles’ family life and expand more of his school life because that’s where the good shit is. That is where we get the Harry Osborn’s, the Lizard’s, and etc.
Oh and speaking of which
3. You are out your fucking mind if you think of writing off Barbara Rodriguez like that
In hindsight, I get that Saladin feels that Barbara is not his character, but she is. Bendis left her intentionally bare of characterization with the intent that the next writer put that characterization in her. He intentionally put in elements of a Mary Jane in so much that she resembled Zendaya under the pen of Sara Pichelli. All I got to say is hell no.
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The reason why love interests are so fucking hard to maintain in comics is because the writers nor editors have no interest in maintaining the fidelity of them. There is a reason why we don’t actually consider Black Cat or any super Spider-Man dates as the main love interest and the simple fact of the matter is because it’s against theme. Spider-Man is about balancing the normal social life with the superhero life and how impossible that it is if not downright diffilcult. It is a balancing act of dealing with multiple responsibilities. So this Tiana/Starling shit is not supposed to last because the moment Tiana endangers Miles’ family is the moment that shit gets deaded.So I do not care about this overly focusing on her character to the point that she got two origins written about her when you barely covered the character that was actually there in the role that you given to Tiana. Hence the equally annoying trend of making romantic interests super as well for no reason other than you are too lazy to give them something to do. Lois Lane is a journalist and it worked. Mary Jane is a super model actress and it has worked for decades. You want to know what doesn’t work? Misty Knight dating [insert typical super here]. Superman dating Wonderwoman just because. It’s lazy.If you are writing a MLW romance in this age, you treat the woman as a character, not an asset. And you should not have to make the woman a super to make her compatible because that’s horse shit and reductive as all hell.
You don’t write-off a character by whoreshaming her and I am honestly a little disappointed that this happened in 2021 especially since when we last heard of Ganke’s love life, he was dating Danika Hart. What the fuck happened with that?
Only white girls who don’t even read the fucking comics and don’t actually care about Miles or Spider-Gwen as a characters or as Spider-Man or Ghost Spider want that gross Spider-couple in spite of how lazy and forced it is. And the reason they get away with it because comic writers do not know how to write romance anymore. Gwen can’t even keep a comic on the shelves anymore and her only source of relevancy these days is always tied to Miles to the point that they have to fundamentally change her character and situation towards him and it’s annoying. 
Fix this because Modern Spider-Man already has a rep of fridging women or only valuing women that are either romantic interests or Aunt May and throwing them away haphazardly and I would be disappointed that an Afro-Latina character got that treatment in 2021.
4. Dylan Brock and Miles should meet and it should be a very adversarial relationship
When Dylan first appeared, I thought, “Oh God, Cates is trying to write in his version of Eddie Brock into Miles’ Spider-Man.” The parallels are there. Miles has a loving family with a somewhat dark past on his dad’s side. Dylan has a distant family situation with a single father who isn’t exactly always there. Miles is the legacy of Peter Parker that isn’t related to him or has any familial connection to him. Dylan is the son of Eddie and Venom via forced impregnation of Anne Brock and has been given the mantle and symbiote of Venom. They are around the same age with Miles being a year or two older. And honestly, it’s no coincidence that there has been a bevvy of legacies from Peter’s rogues gallery.
Kraven has a daughter, Ana Kravinoff, and a clone son.
Vulture has a granddaughter, Tiana Toomes.
Liz Allen and Harry Osborn have Normie Osborn who is verging on becoming evil jr.
Tombstone has a daughter who is now the Beetle aka Janice.
Kingpin’s son is back as the Rose...sort of and another son named Butch. And with Kingpin aiming to become the biggest villain in New York, he ain’t gonna last long. Rose has expressed interest in becoming the next Kingpin while Butch is already a crime boss in Hell’s Kitchen
Teresa Parker is hinted of being a second Chameleon instead actually the sister of Peter Parker.
Lizard has the lizard clone of the son that he killed.
Every single one of these kids or young adults are near or at Miles’ age and are capable of causing trouble. These kids are kind of bound to be introduced to Miles if they haven’t already in Tiana’s case. The fact that so many got reintroduced recently in a way that makes them more than just tangentially tied to Peter or Spider-Man kind of makes it inevitable that it’s Miles that has to deal with these legacies. And Dylan Brock is the closest as of right now.
I wanted Andi Benton to succeed the mantle of Venom because at least that could have been interesting, but I am fine with Dylan. If anything, I think his Venom is way too similar to Eddie’s in design. 
And that is about it.
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