#Guru Viking
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turiyatitta · 1 year ago
The Mirror of Compassion
Seeing Beyond the Self In a world often driven by divisions and distinctions, the essence of seeing others through a lens of love is a profound step towards transcending the superficial boundaries that separate us. This insightful dialogue between host Steve James and me in this episode “Bodhi in the Brain” on Guru Viking, unveils a perspective that challenges the conventional paradigms of self…
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year ago
thanos could be such a good character if he was a good character...
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hasbeennameless · 10 days ago
clown melomaniac song
agenda comin near as the masons fall doomday rfid chips world assassition bombs falling like we are in 1984 gangstalking predictive tv as travelers energy healing blue beam knowledge civilizations from the nuclear pyramids flying beams from the sky as we play on matrix's simulation i have came here to takedown mkultra uploading neural biology to the portal of the fake moon seeing holograms like hollowearth sleeping on a flat geoenginnering time remote influencing black goo ancient secrets digital teleportation symphony energy clouds zero dna jumps gateways though the dimensional extraterrestrias realms weather big bang nightmares babylonians fall robots weaponized crops eben aliens shadowy eyes black cubes in heavens alphabet agent's guides astral zeta reticuli 2 magic sonic covert telekinetic roswell hyperspace singularity event blueprints d-waves global reality innterglactic superman phantom time shifts hidden conscisness abilities psychic ife clones ai bio-enhancements advance artifacts web cryptography ciphers multidimensional encrypted drives dynamics universal wisdom archives celestial stars metaphysical experiences entities networks projections parallel timelines activation grids mind-bending Nephilims society credit Gematria machines guru manifestation higher beam blue beam dreamland mythology inspiration bigfoot ghost interdimensional black cats 0010110 contrails hill morse new world order nenobots Morpheus spaceman mockingbird netlify numerology black helicopters lucid higher dreaming lines eye fawks V 2077 waves sacred geometry mission divine encrypted underground communications future wormholes 2035 gene plasma dark carbon bullrun haarp insight alpha great bearhug cashless society mars mkultra anunnaki lavon intergration peacekeepers celestial preservation immortality superhuman prophecies defpod global rebellion artificial awakening virtual Intelligence overloards ascension interstellar entanglement reptilian frequencies brainwaves stargates bloodlines merging ciphers electronic harassment surveillance programmed controlled doom portals time loops cosmic rays wisdom consciousness new age influencers temple linux nikola storm electric travelers viking furry's catgirls owo transgenders holograms bake month nothing world goals economic actions antifascist super jams higher buds end magic red hero realistic services theory unknown exist dumps exposed senpai thots thefts streamers surge bad boonie research slient frank democrats darkrock beast podcast danny party semi goat kart strangers arm steps leaked balanced simulation close opens bypass beyond menu lift matrix ocean visions screens air free pictures system crashes controller alt crl delete bytes bootstrap hacktivism botnet hijacking javascript wiretapped beacon whitehats logged off flip the computer like im signing out of the universe ascending third realm portals open as this ends hypnosis state mind body omega elevate frequencies hit enhancements edge discontinue
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spanishskulduggery · 2 years ago
Most Essential Vocabulary #4
This time I’m focusing on the vocabulary that’s probably the most confusing in terms of grammatical gender: words with confusing gender, words from Greek, words that are feminine that take masculine articles etc etc etc
This could be its own post on grammar but I’m including it in essential vocabulary because these are things that a lot of people either don’t fully explain or that aren’t touched upon in great detail. But just know that this post includes some grammar info in addition to simple vocabulary lists
I decided to do it this way because these are words and concepts you’re going to need to know, and especially if you don’t have a teacher or are doing self-study, this is something you’ll come across and be VERY confused by
Basic Vocabulary / Vocabulario básico
el género = gender / genre [of media]
la gramática = grammar
la sintaxis = syntax
la concordancia
el sustantivo = noun el nombre = noun / name el pronombre = pronoun
el subjeto = subject
el objeto = object
el adjetivo = adjective
la concordancia = “gender agreement” [meaning that adjectives should “agree” with the nouns; lit. “concordance” or “agreement”]
Some Confusing Nouns / Unos sustantivos confusos
el día = day
la mano = hand
el barco = large ship, “ship”
la barca = small boat, “boat”
el bolso = purse, handbag el bolsillo = pocket
la bolsa = plastic bag, shopping bag
la bolsa / La Bolsa = stock market / The Stock Market
el rayo = lightning bolt / ray
la raya = line, stripe
el síntoma = symptom
el modelo = model [noun] el modelo, la modelo = model [profession]
el testigo = witness / something or someone that witnesses an event, “testimony” el testigo, la testigo = a witness / witness, someone providing testimony [legal]
la víctima = victim [always feminine]
el caballero = knight / gentleman / “men”, “gentleman” [as opposed to damas which is “women”; where sometimes gendered things like clothes or bathrooms are used with hombres “men” or caballeros “gentlemen”... and women with mujeres or damas] damas y caballeros = ladies and gentlemen la caballero = lady knight
el sofá = sofa, couch
el pijama = pajamas, pyjama [often used in singular while English says “pajamas/PJs”]
el karma = karma
Words like el sofá, el pijama, and el karma are called “loanwords” [los préstamos lingüísticos, lit. “language/linguistic loans”] - where el sofá and el pijama come from the Arabic/Sanskrit and the Islamic world, while el karma is a Hindu/Buddhist term
Most loanwords come into Spanish as masculine - el clóset [instead of el armario], el kiosk/el quiosco “kiosk”, el yoga “yoga”, el quipu “quipu” [from Quechua, an Inca string with knots for counting] el origami, el vodka, el samovar, el feng shui, or el básket [instead of el baloncesto for “basketball”]. There are some that come as feminine like la katana from Japanese, but it’s a rarer case
In general, most of the time a loanword will be masculine. Feminine loanwords do exist, but it’s often more professions that change forms. The most common is el chef or la chef from French as “chef”. 
See also: el/la gurú “guru”, el/la samurái “samurai”, or el chamán, la chamana “shaman”. Many loanwords that are professions can exist in masculine or feminine and most don’t change forms but some do - like el sultán and la sultana, or el vikingo and la vikinga. 
In my experience it tends to be more related to how long the word has been present in Spanish / Pan-Hispanic consciousness, and how easily it is to adapt to traditional Spanish linguistic conventions [like “Viking” goes to vikingo and so since it ends in -o, you could end it in vikinga]
Also note that there are some expressions in Spanish that are from Latin and considered loanwords in some cases, though they’re more established in Spanish - etcétera, or viceversa, versus, or something like a posteriori “after the fact / in hindsight” are common examples but may have other translations or versions... like de facto may be de hecho [in fact/in deed]. Others are more specifically legalese just like English.
And pay special attention to loanwords that come from English - anglicismos or “anglicisms” - as they may be more regionally used in some countries than others. Spain for example tends to frown more on English being adapted into Spanish. A common example is computer technology terms; el internet is sometimes referred to as la red “net” or “network”, and while some countries may say online, others may say en línea “on line”
One example that people use a lot for this preference towards keeping Spanish Spanish is el feedback for “feedback”, which in some countries may be seen as la retroalimentación which is literally “backwards feeding”
Gender Matters / El género importa
el radio = radius la radio = radio [from la radiotelegrafía; feminine la radio often refers to the actual device]
el frente = front la frente = forehead
el capital = money, capital / “start-up money”, resources la capital = capital (city) el capitolio = capital building, ruling government building capital = capital, crucial, significant [adj]
el cometa = comet la cometa = kite [probably from the trailing tail on a kite]
el cura = priest [often Catholic in my experience; synonymous to el sacerdote] la cura = cure la curita = (small) bandage, “band-aid”, plaster [UK]
el orden = order (of events), sequence / order (not chaos) la orden = order (command), military command
el coma = coma, comatose la coma = comma [the , symbol]
el cólera = cholera la cólera = rage, wrath, ire
el mar = sea [common] la mar = sea [deeper water, poetic, or significant] / “sea”, a large number of  alta mar = high seas, open waters
el azúcar / la azúcar = sugar [both are correct; sometimes you’ll see either gender, so don’t be surprised if you normally see el azúcar “sugar” in one setting, but la azúcar morena “brown sugar” in a different setting”]
el sartén / la sartén = frying pan [depending on region it will be masculine or feminine]
el arte = art las bellas artes = fine arts las artes marciales = martial arts
With el arte it usually refers to “art” like a piece of art, or painting/drawing/sculpting and other forms of art.
The word las artes only really takes on feminine in plural form and it tends to mean “specific ways of doing something” as a kind of group or umbrella term.
Words from Greek / Palabras que provienen del idioma griego
el idioma = language, idiom
el clima = weather / clime, climate
el planeta = planet
el síntoma = symptom
el cisma = schism, rift
el tema = subject, theme
el poema = poem
el teorema = theorem
el drama = drama / drama, theater [subject]
el problema = problem
el lema = motto, slogan
el trauma = trauma, hurt
el enigma = puzzle, riddle, enigma
el estigma = stigma
el sistema = system
el esquema = schematic, diagram
el magma = magma
el dilema = dilemma, problem
el aroma = aroma, smell, fragrance
el carisma = charisma
el diafragma = diaphragm
el cromosoma = chromosome
el fantasma = ghost, phantom
And as a general rule anything [at least 99% of anything] ending in -grama in Spanish is masculine:
el diagrama = diagram, chart
el anagrama = anagram
el telegrama = telegram
el holograma = hologram
el crucigrama = crossword puzzle
You should also know that the vast majority of words ending in -ista are unisex
el artista, la artista = artist
el dentista, la dentista = dentist
el electricista, la electricista = electrician
el especialista, la especialista = specialist
el futbolista, la futbolista = football player / soccer player
el ajedrecista, la ajedrecista = chess player
el budista, la budista = Buddhist budista = Buddhist 
el idealista, la idealista = an idealist idealista = idealistic
el activista, la activista = activist
deportista = sporty, “a jock”
optimista = optimistic
pesimista = pessimistic
perfeccionista = perfectionist
egoísta = selfish
realista = realistic
renacentista = Renaissance [adj]
modernista = modernist posmodernista, postmodernista = postmodern, postmodernist
derechista = right-wing, conservative
izquierdista = left-wing, “leftist”
racista = racist
fascista = fascist
socialista = socialist
comunista = communist
la tesis = thesis
la sinopsis = synopsis
el análisis = analysis [in plural it’s los análisis which can throw people off]
la hipótesis = hypothesis [in plural it’s usually las hipótesis]
la diéresis = umlaut, dieresis [the symbol with two dots on top like ü]
Another very specific word to be aware of is el atleta or la atleta “athlete”, which is from Greek and unisex, though it ends in A
Feminine Words with Masculine Articles / Palabras femeninos con artículos masculinos
This is a larger grammar topic that isn’t always properly explained. 
There are certain words in Spanish that begin with A- or HA- that are technically feminine but take masculine articles in singular [el or un], but will take feminine articles in plural [las and unas]
This is a unique rule that is compared to the difference between “a” and “an” in English
The gist of it is that if that for this to occur, a noun must 
be feminine 
begin with A- or HA- 
have its stressed syllable be the first one; i.e. the A- or HA- is the stressed syllable
For example: el agua “water”... is technically feminine (#1), it begins with A (#2), and it is pronounced agua (#3). Another one is el hambre “hunger”, technically feminine (#1), begins with HA (#2), and it is pronounced hambre
All of this is done to preserve the A sound [which is why it’s compared to “a” and “an”]. If you were to say “la agua” it would come out as “lagua” due to the two A sounds melding together in Spanish syllables. In other Romance Languages, this problem also exists and may be fixed with apostrophes [’] or other symbols to make sure a word is fully pronounced and understandable
el agua = water
el hambre = hunger, famine
el alma = soul
el arpa = harp
el arma = weapon
el águila = eagle
el ascua = ember
el hada = fairy
el ave = bird las aves = birds, fowl [umbrella term, as opposed to el pájaro an individual “bird”]
el aula = classroom
el ala = wing
el álgebra = algebra
el ancla = anchor el áncora = anchor
el hacha = axe, hatchet / big candle, torch [depends on context]
el asma = asthma
el alba = dawn
el área = area, zone
el asta = antler
el hampa = gang, criminal group
el ama = female owner, “mistress” [not in the romantic sense which is amante; the ama female form of “master/owner” which is el amo], lady of the house el ama de llaves = housekeeper [lit. “owner/keeper of the keys”; in older contexts this is the seniormost maid or the one in charge of managing the female maids; today ama de llaves is often “housekeeper” or “cleaning woman”] el ama de casa = housewife
Note: There’s also el ampa which is also written el AMPA [la asociación de madres y padres de alumnos] which is basically the Spanish equivalent of the PTA [Parent Teacher Association]... literally el ampa means “the association for mothers and fathers of students”
Note 2: There’s a Spanish drama called Las señoras del (h)AMPA which is a pun on el ampa and el hampa; being a group of women in the PTA who get involved in criminal activity - the pun works since H is silent and in this case “optional”
Despite the masculine article, the word itself is feminine and takes feminine adjectives:
el águila calva = bald eagle
el ave acuática = waterfowl las aves acuáticas = waterfowl [pl]
el hada madrina = fairy godmother
el álgebra avanzada = advanced algebra
agua pasada no mueve molino = “let bygones be bygones”, “water under the bridge” [lit. “passed water doesn’t move the mill”]
This also applies to the continents: Asia and África are technically feminine but if you ever used an article with them it would be el and take feminine adjectives
For more of the grammar information related to this please see: THIS POST
Indeterminate Feminine / El femenino de indeterminación
These are commonly adverbial phrases, but many of them use feminine or feminine plural - there’s no specific subject or noun [thus the “indeterminate” or “that which is not determined”], but many times these things that aren’t specified may take on feminine adjectival forms
a la ligera = “lightly”, “not seriously” tomar algo a la ligera = to take something lightly
a medias = “halfway”, “by half measures”, “half-assed”
a diestra y siniestra = “all over the place” [lit. “to the right and left”; diestro/a is the word for “right-hand/right-handed”, and siniestro/a is the older word for “left-hand/left-handed” which is now zurdo/a given the moral implications of “sinister”; so literally it means “to the right-hand and to the left-hand”; in some cases this expression is in masculine form but I’ve seen it most commonly in feminine]
a secas = “by itself”, “with nothing else included” / “ungarnished” (food context) [lit. “dryly”]
a tientas = by fumbling, by touch, “fumbling around”
a ciegas = blindly / blindfolded
a oscuras = in the dark, in darkness, without light [synonymous with en la oscuridad]
a solas = one-on-one, alone, privately
a escondidas = in secret, “behind someone’s back”
a sabiendas = knowingly, “knowing full well”, “consciously”
a gatas = on all fours
(despedirse) a la francesa = “to leave without saying goodbye” [lit. “to say goodbye the French way”]
a las claras = “perfectly clear”, “crystal clear”
de oídas = hearsay [lit. “from hearing” or “from what was heard”]
por las buenas = “the easy way”
por las malas = “the hard way”
Also in culinary things, you’ll see a la used a lot... like the dish pulpo a la gallega meaning “Galician-style octopus”, or albóndigas a la madrileña “Madrid-style meatballs” or huevos a la mexicana “Mexican-style eggs”
This is pretty common in most Romance Languages in my experience
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afrohouseking · 2 months ago
New Releases For this Week.
New Release For this Week. Now on the Website: afrohouseking.com
Genres: Afro House, Deep House
The Godfathers of Deep House SA - God's Anthems (Album)Buddynice - Redemial Sounds Chapter 3 (October 2024)Argento Dust & Mpho.Wav – Fallen AngelCornelius SA & NAAK – ImaliEssa Kay & Heavy-K – Nkabi Yami (feat. DJ Fhiso)DJ Sandiso – Sgubu (feat. Okmalumkoolkat, NaakMusiQ, Kamza HeavyPoint & Kumkani)DJ Fresh (SA) – Homeward BoundDJ Thozman – Psalms EPStixx & Nvcho – Dust 2 Dust (Album)Vigro Deep & Freddy K – Your Piano Is Not My Piano (Album)Mr Pilato, Ego Slimflow & Tebogo G Mashego – Biri Marung (feat. Sje Konka, Focalistic, DJ Maphorisa & Scotts Maphuma)Mellow & Sleazy, Scotts Maphuma & Mr Pilato – Shayi’Moto (feat. Seemah & Yanda Woods)Musa Keys – Rirhandzu (Album)Uncle Vinny – Youth League Vol. 2 (The Return)LastBornDiroba – STANCE MUSIC EPDeep London, Zee Nxumalo & Maphepa – Weekend SpecialGaba Cannal – uMnikelo (feat. Zain SA & Vhuvi)Sbu YDN, Mdoovar & Miči – Be YoursSmash SA – Kulungile EPDa Muziqal Chef & GL_Ceejay – IsinamuvaBusta 929, Zwesh SA & Predope The Vocalist – Ukuzithola EPCaltonic SA & Perspectiv Soul – Resilience 2 EPCandy Flow RSA, DBN Gogo & ShennyDaDeejay – Phunyuka (feat. Loony Q)Jay Music , Thuto The Human & DJ Clock – DnB Beat (Revisit)DrumPope & Drip Gogo – Buyele’khaya (feat. Rooted & Henwood)Peekay Mzee – Lion of 3StepAmaQhawe – Abafana Banamalini (feat. Pushkin & Springle)Beast Viking – Ngelinye (feat. Msongi & Ze2)Vusinator – Tsakane (feat. BoituM)Tumisho & DJ Manzo SA – WelcomeNandipha808 & Kaytee NA – HealingThama Tee & Cowboii – O’nthabisa ThataKue K, TitoM & Yuppe – Abo Dingane (feat. $ADDYDE$NOWBOII, Undisputed Soul & Bangs MuziQ)Mukololo, Mazet & Megadrumz – Zwiya Deeper [Zwiya Difha] (feat. DJ Skizoh BW, Lucia Dottie & Maq D)Major_Keys & Slidoo Man – UmsebenziDjy Thakzin – Limitless (feat. Nizhe DeSoul & Lady T)Warren Justin, J Slayz & Tango Supreme – Club55 (feat. Major League Djz)Yashna & NatiQ106 – ForeverThembi Mona – Bayeke (feat. Cairo CPT)Boips – Adrenaline Rush EP - Murumba Pitch - Impi EPLindough Mshayeli (Album)Yogilocco - The Way It Goes EPThabang Phaleng - with you (Extended Mix) (feat. TimAdeep & Trust SA)Dearson - Ensimini EPVA - Sanelow Grooves, Vol. 6VA - Groove in the Garden Vol.2BusyExplore, Cyatt RSA & D-tip - Friend In Deep, Vol. 3Andy Compton & The Rurals - South African Flavours, Vol. 2Gumz - Music Is Art (Album)OneDown & Shona SA - Flute Song (feat. Thee Suka)T3bo Go & Skiira - The DarksideAfro Victimz - Tribute To Afro BrotherzEdisonSoul - Albert Einstein 2.0Devine Maestro, Thap’Soul, NexVocals & Massive R - Never Thought (Beat Soul Alternative Mix)Devine Maestro, Mark Lane & Marleysoul - Phumelela (Mazimba Remix)CHOPSTAR - Humans and Music EPNovatron & Carter IV - Two Tone EPNovatron, Carter IV & DoouShii - Project 6 (feat. Mellow & Sleazy)Shashie, 2Point1, Shejay Glam & Muziqal Guru - Ditoro (feat. Kabelo Daylight & Fader)Mpumi Landan - Pressa (feat. Nizhe DeSoul & Tyfam) Nothing But Deep & Soulful House Session's With D-TSI 
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tyranasauruslex · 1 year ago
do you think rome has ever made a mixtape songs for lukas when he gets bored?
Roman takings tips from those early 2000's Cosmo "How To Impress Your Man" lists. I actually see Lukas as the mixtape guru - he'd make Roman his own Spotify playlist.
Bored Roman would wander around the house and send Lukas multiple voice notes about the stuff he finds:
"What's this green stuff in your fridge? It looks gross. Eww... it tastes like grass. Why are you eating grass? There's nothing normal in your fridge by the way... even your bread is weird. What is Limpa? Ohh ok that actually tastes nice... Eww pickled fish. Your country is weird. I ate all your bread by the way."
"Your mom called so I told her you abandoned me to work... she's gonna send me baby Lukas pictures via email. I might put them on insta... I haven't decided yet... Oh my god you look like a baby giant... Your poor mom having to shove you out of her vagina. Ok you're actually kind of cute for a baby giant with your little knitted hat on... Aww baby Lukas at the zoo... ha, that giraffe must be related to you. All my baby pictures are with the nanny... or with Shiv looking like a bald egg. Thats depressing."
"We should go to that new Italian on the upper East side... I called and they said they'd do plain pasta for you... only if you want to though. You probably have boring work stuff to do or Tom will want to take you to show off. I can just go with Shiv and listen to her complain about how the baby ripped apart her vagina for the millionth time. Having a baby sounds gross but at least Lilly is cute... and small, not a baby giant like you were. I'll just take Lilly to the Italian. Babies can eat pasta, right?"
"Just so you know I've taken one of your sweaters cus I can't work out the heating system. Why are your arms so long? Like, how to you even operate them? Ohh this kinda cosy... you'll have to buy another one because I'm keeping this one. I'm in your closet by the way and it's giving serial killer. Nobody is that organised. Or neat. I bet if you decided to murder me this is where you'd hide my body. Or you'd stitch me up inside a bear carcass. Ohh cool... you have the shirt I wore when I first stayed over. You're such a dork. But in, like, a cool way and FUCK! Don't worry I'm not dead, I just tripped over one of your massive shoes. Is that how you came to the US? Via shoe-boat? You know, cus your Mister Viking and stuff... Ok, so I have a question... Are your stupidly big feet an indication of how big other stuff is? Cus it kind of feels that way when you cuddle me but... actually forget I asked that. I'm just gonna delete this..."
"You're asleep when I'm sending you this but I think you need to know how much you look like a dead body when you sleep. Here... I'm sending you photographic evidence... Why don't you make any noise? Like at all? You keep telling me I say a bunch of random shit in my sleep and... oh you moved. I'm gonna whisper from now on... Wait, what if you're actually dead? I'd get the blame and end up in fucking prison being molested by the guards. I can't go to prison so I'd have to dismember you in the bathroom or something. Also thank you for not being mean about the whole dick to shoe ratio... and for the drawing. Cus you know i've never really... well, anyway it makes it less scary even if you can't draw for shit. I'm just going to pet your hair for a bit cus I know you like that... Oh fuck I woke you up!"
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andsewingishalfthebattle · 8 months ago
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Are sewing machine viruses a thing? How about curses?? Hauntings???
In the past 36 hours, I have had ALL THREE of my sewing machines randomly stop looping the bobbin thread, making them functionally useless. It's happened with different thread, different fabric, different needles, different presser feet, and I have NO FREAKING CLUE why it happened or how to fix it. I have cleaned and checked all user-serviceable areas of the machines and can't find anything wrong.
Any sewing machine gurus out there have suggestions? Google hasn't been helpful, and my only other option is to hit it with a brick.
At this point I am less than a week out from ACEN with no way to actually finish my costume. I have one machine left to try (a vintage Husqvarna that hasn't been tested since it fell out of a car onto pavement), but since 3 of 3 machines are down, I'm not holding out a lot of hope for that one. T_T
(For reference, the machines that are down include two computerized Husqvarna Vikings and a fully manual Juki.)
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months ago
Holidays 8.7
Aged Care Employee Day (Australia)
Assyrian Martyrs Day
Banana Day (Japan)
Bank Holiday Act Day (1871; UK)
Battle of Boyacá Day (Colombia)
Beach Party Day
DeviantArt Day
Dodge 807 Day
807 Giving Day
Freberg Day
Gaia Consciousness Day
Gallia Asteroid Day
Guru Rimpoche's Thungkar Tshechu (Sikkim, India)
Lock Day (French Republic)
Martyrs Day (Assyrian Community)
National Armed Forces Day (Bolivia)
National Day of Recognition for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Workers & Practitioners (Australia)
National Handloom Day (India)
National Javelin Day (India)
National Lighthouse Day
National Marriage Equality Day
National NFT Day
National Psychiatric Technician Appreciation Day
National Report Health Care Fraud Day
Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day
Patient Appreciation Day
Postal Inspector Service Day
Professional Speakers Day
Purple Heart Day
Republic Day (Ivory Coast)
Say ‘Cheese’ Day
Sea Serpent Day
Take Last Winter's Snowballs Out of the Freezer and Have a Fight Day
Tasoua Hosseini (Iran)
Tightrope Walking Day
Tisha b'Av Bank Holiday (Israel)
Viking Pilgrimage (Spain)
Web Developer Appreciation Day
World Alternatives Games Day
World Lighthouse Day
World PVNH Disorder Awareness Day
Youth Day (Kiribati)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Pork Burger Day
Raspberries ’n Cream Day
Independence & Related Days
Cote d'Ivoire (a.k.a. Ivory Coast, from France, 1960)
Irish Reform Act (Passed; UK; 1832)
Ottawa (Became Capital; Canada; 1858)
Paperis (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
1st Wednesday in August
International Play Day (UK) [1st Wednesday]
IPA (International Play Association) Canada National PlayDay (Canada) [1st Wednesday]
National Professional Engineers Day [1st Wednesday]
National Psychiatric Technician Appreciation Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
Regatta Day (Canada) [1st Wednesday]
Festivals Beginning August 7, 2024
Brown County Free Fair (New Ulm, Minnesota) [thru 8.11]
DeLeon Peach & Melon Festival & Tractor Pull (DeLeon, Texas) [thru 8.10]
Pea Harvest Festival (Palmer, Alaska) [Historically; 1920]
Lakefest (Eastnor, United Kingdom) [thru 8.11]
Locarno Film Festival (Locarno, Switzerland) [thru 8.17]
Medusa Festival (València, Spain) [thru 8.11]
Nevada County Fair (Nevada City, California) [thru 8.11]
Southdown Sheep Fair (Lewes, Sussex, England) [Historically]
Sziget Festival (Budapest, Hungary) [thru 8.12]
Taste of Andersonville (Andersonville, Chicago, Illinois)
West Point Sweet Corn Festival (West Point, Iowa) [thru 8.11]
Wikimania (Katowice, Poland) [thru 8.10]
Feast Days
Adonia (Honoring Adonis; Ancient Greece; Everyday Wicca)
Afra (Christian; Virgin Martyr)
Albert Kotin (Artology)
Albert of Trapani (Christian; Saint)
Betsy Byars (Writerism)
Breaking the Nile (Festival Honoring Hathor & All River Goddesses; Ancient Egypt)
Builth, the Footprint of Arthur’s Hound (Celtic Book of Days)
Cajetan of Thienna (Christian; Saint)
Carpophorus and companions (Christian; Saint)
Claudia (Christian; Matron)
Dometius of Persia (Christian; Saint)
Donatus of Arezzo (Christian; Saint)
Donatus of Besançon (Christian; Saint)
Donatus of Muenstereifel (Christian; Saint)
Emil Nolde (Artology)
Eugene the Hunting Dog (Muppetism)
Feast of 'Aut-Yeb (Personification of Female Joy; Egypt)
Feast of Cromn Dubh (Pre-Celtic God of the Harvest & the Underworld; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Feast of the Name of Jesus (Christian, excluding Roman Catholic) [also 1.2]
Filseta (Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church)
Garrison Keillor (Writerism)
Harvest Holiday (Slavic Pagan)
Henri Le Sidaner (Artology)
Idi Amin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Intergalactic Intercourse Day (Pastafarian)
International Beer Day (Pastafarian) [also 7.29]
John Mason Neale and Catherine Winkworth (Episcopal Church (USA))
Nantovinus (Christian; Saint)
Neith’s Day (Breaking of the Nile; Pagan)
Nikolai Triik (Artology)
Peter, Julian, and companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Rien Poortvliet (Artology)
Sixtus II, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Smartest Leprechaun Eisteddford (Shamanism)
Stan Freberg Day (Humorism)
Thomas à Kempis (Positivist; Saint)
Togrul Narimanbekov (Artology)
Victricius (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [30 of 53]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 36 of 60)
All Out For ‘V’ (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
Beach Party (Film; 1963)
Billy the Mountain, by Frank Zappa recorded live (Song; 1971)
Condorman (Film; 1981)
Dreamworks’ Dragons (Animated TV Series; 2012)
8701, by Usher (Album; 2001)
Fantastic Four (Film; 2015)
Farmer Al Falfa’s Ape Girl (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
A Feather in His Collar (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
The Gallopin’ Gaucho (Ub Iwerks Disney Cartoon; 1928)
Half-Pint Pygmy (MGM Cartoon; 1948)
Heavy Metal (Animated Film; 1981)
I Can’t Get Started, recorded by Bunny Berigan (Song; 1937)
I Cover the Waterfront, recorded by Billie Holiday & Teddy Wilson (Song; 1941)
It Ain’t Me Babe, by The Turtles (Song; 1965)
Janie Get Your Gun (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1965)
Jesus Christ Superstar (Film; 1973)
Julie & Julia (Film; 2009)
Just Another Band From L.A., by Frank Zappa and the Mothers if Invention (Album; 1970)
Lighthouse Keeping Blues (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1964)
Lud-in-the-Mist, by Hope Mirrlees (Novel; 1926)
Lumpy Gravy, by Frank Zappa (Album; 1967)
New England Courant (Daily Newspaper; Boston, Massachusetts; 1721)
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (Film; 2013)
Porky’s Railroad (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Prehistoric Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Satan’s Waitin’ (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Snuffy’s Party (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1939)
3:10 to Yuma (Film; 1957)
Til Tok, by Kesha (Song; 2009)
Unforgiven (Film; 1992)
Wanted For Murder (a.k.a. Paging the Saint), by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1931) [Saint #7]
Weeds (TV Series; 2005)
We’re the Millers (Film; 2013)
Who’s That Girl (Film; 1987)
Yan Tan Tethera, by Harrison Birtwistle (Opera; 1986)
You’re a Sap, Mr. Jap (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
Today’s Name Days
Afra, Albert, Cajetan (Austria)
Albert, Donat, Kajetan, Siksto (Croatia)
Lada (Czech Republic)
Donatus (Denmark)
Hiljar, Hiljo, Vaido, Vaigo, Vaiko (Estonia)
Lahja (Finland)
Gaétan (France)
Afra, Albert, Cajetan, Dominikus (Germany)
Asterios, Astero, Astini, Nikanor (Greece)
Ibolya (Hungary)
Donato, Gaetano (Italy)
Alfrēds, Helara, Madars (Latvia)
Drąsutis, Jogilė, Kajetonas, Klaudija, Sikstas (Lithuania)
Didrik, Doris (Norway)
Albert, Alberta, Albertyna, Anna, Dobiemir, Donat, Donata, Doris, Dorota, Kajetan (Poland)
Štefánia (Slovakia)
Cayetano, Jordán, Sixto (Spain)
Denise, Dennis (Sweden)
Claude, Claudette, Claudia, Claudine, Donata, Donato, Donica, Donzel, Gladys (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 220 of 2024; 146 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of Week 32 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 4 (Guy-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 3 Av 5784
Islamic: 1 Safar 1446
J Cal: 10 Purple; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 25 July 2024
Moon: 9%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 23 Dante (8th Month) [Thomas à Kempis]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 49 of 94)
Week: 1st Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 17 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Ṣafar [صَفَر] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 2 of 12] (Void Month)
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professorvonquack-57 · 10 months ago
Walkürenzauber / The valkyrie is here to ride!
Created from an excerpt of „Das Orakel des Nordens“ („The Oracle Of The North“)
Original Plot: Paul Halas Original Skript: Jack Sutter Art: Daniel Branca
As an admirer of "the good artist" Carl Barks, I also estimate Daniel Branca's dynamic style. He is known for conceding a certain sex appeal to Magica. In his stories, she often appears in disguise (as a piratess, a film actress, a female hippie guru, etc.), in a somehow sexy way - as far as this is at all possible for a female duck in an official Disney story.
„Das Orakel des Nordens“ was published in Germany and in several other countries, but it seems to be never been officially translated into English. In this story Magica performs a sort of Viking valkyrie nightmare and later on she impersonates the oracle.
Well, the plot is pure antagonistic stuff around Scrooge’s and Magica’s obsession with the lucky dime. Scrooge is a guest in Donald’s home. In the evening, they all watch a TV documentary about the Vikings. It claims that they were believing to receive clues about the future from dreams. Outside the window, Magica overhears everything and instantly gets an idee how to snatch the lucky dime. As soon as Scrooge has fallen asleep alone in his bedroom, Magica transforms into a valkyrie and performs a martial Viking nightmare. Of course, in his bedroom! Sleepy and under the fresh impression of the TV documentary, Scrooge is fully frightened. She instructs him to go to an arctic island in order to consult the „Oracle of the North“. There she hopes to get a chance to finally steal his lucky dime. Of course, once again this will fail at the end.
Absolutely no cuddly „dimeshipping“ moments so far! Moreover, at the very end, Scrooge even takes not much care of poor Magica, who is pretty battered. So what?
The best scene indeed is the „bedroom scene“. Magica is performing a perfect nightmare. But keep in mind: how many official stories might exist, with both meeting at night in the same bedroom? I bet that Branca and the two authors constructed this weird story primarily to try out how to install such a scene (and even a "bed scene", as Magica is standing on his bed in one panel!) to a youth-certificated story! It's quite clear that this only can be done if the dialogue is neither tender nor raunchy in any way.
Thus, it is up to the reader to imagine an alternative "what if" scene. What if Scrooge had seen through Magica's performance? Maybe something like this:
"Nice try, Magica! What an impressive entrance! But next time with some Wagner soundtrack, please. Oh, while you're here, my dear - why don't you take off that old tin can and make yourself a bit comfortable...?"
Pure mental cinema! In order to adapt the comic accordingly, one would not only have to rewrite the dialogue, but also redraw the panels. Otherwise, the facial expressions wouldn’t fit.
I tried an alternative idea, cut the bedroom scene out and provided it as an isolated story with completely new texts. The dialogue, of course, would have to match the facial expressions. So the result cannot be cosy and tender. But it can have a different background, based on the assumption that the struggle about the first dime has somehow been settled and Magica and Scrooge have reconciled. They now use to celebrate their reconciliation anniversary with a themed evening - in this case with a highly private „Wagner festival“. Unfortunately, Scrooge has completely forgotten the date, which Magica is not amused about. Just a little scene from a relationship still remaining complicated. (“Es bleibt schwierig“).
There are movies in which the leading male and female actors can't stand each other at first, then come together due to circumstances and find each other in the end. One can well imagine that with Scrooge and Magica. Both are strong and independent characters. On one hand, the hard-boiled businessman who is in love with his money above all else; on the other, the freaky sorceress, bursting with temperament, energy and crazy ideas. A permanent blissful romance full of harmony is hard to imagine here.
And hand on heart: it wouldn't be funny either!
So have fun with the valkyrie!
At first, I created the German version „Walkürenzauber“:
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And now the English version:
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frank-olivier · 10 months ago
Mexico Unexplained
Pachita: Psychic Surgeon, Medium & Mystic (November 2017)
Ida Cuéllar
The story of Dr. Jacobo Grinberg, a researcher at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, who sought to combine his interest in shamanism and telepathy with a more rigorous scientific understanding. His sudden disappearance in 1994 and the following police investigation forms the basis of this documentary study.
El secreto del doctor Grinberg (2020)
Jeffrey Mishlove (New Thinking Allowed)
Alex Gomez-Marin, PhD, expresses his admiration and respect for the wide-ranging career of anthropologist/neurologist, Jacobo Grinberg, who mysteriously disappeared in 1994.
Alex Gomez-Marin: The Brain and the Universe - The Jacobo Grinberg Story (January 2024)
Concrete Blonde - Bajo La Lune Mexicana
Sean Munger
In 1998, several women associated with "Tensegrity," the belief system of 1970s New Age guru, cult leader and literary hoaxer Carlos Castaneda, vanished upon Castaneda's death. All but one of their cases remain unsolved. What happened to these women, and why did they follow Castaneda in the first place?
Sean Munger: What happend to the "Witches" of Carlos Castaneda? (July 2018)
Jimmy Akin (Mysterious World)
In the late 1960s, Carlos Castaneda claimed to reveal the drug-fueled, mystical teachings of a Native American sorcerer, launching the New Age movement. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore who Castaneda was and what he taught and the truth behind the mysteries surrounding him.
Jimmy Akin: Carlos Castaneda - Godfather of the New Age (Death Cult?) (December 2020)
Concrete Blonde - Jonestown
Guru Viking
In this interview I am joined by Nyei Murez, personal student and scribe of best-selling author and nagual sorcerer Carlos Castaneda. We discuss who Castaneda was, and Nyei gives a detailed history of his lineage up to the present day. We find out how Nyei first met Castaneda, and explore her intensive course of study and training under his personal guidance. We learn about Castaneda’s writing process, including stories of Nyei’s close collaboration with him on several best selling books. Nyei also talks on the nature of power, and shares insights into the current geo-political situation.
Nyei Murez: Scribe of Carlos Castaneda (May 2020)
In this interview I am once again joined by Nyei Murez, personal student and writing collaborator of best-selling author and nagual sorcerer Carlos Castaneda. In this discussion, we learn about the art of dreaming in the tradition of the nagual. Nyei talks about the various different stages and training approaches to the art of dreaming, including how to become lucid - waking up in the dream and even to changing the dream environment. We discuss how to identify beings from other realms, so called ‘dream scouts’, and how to meet and communicate with other people, living or dead, while asleep. Nyei also discusses how to use the dream state to manifest favourable circumstances in the waking world, and how to defend against psychic or energetic attack from other skilled dreamers.
Nyei Murez: The Art of Dreaming (June 2020)
Thursday, March 7, 2024
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uncleasriel · 23 days ago
I absolutel love this Old Norse Language Expert.
He's a scholar of Old Norse Languages and an expert on runic languages. He's also impeccably professional, accessible, and takes great pains to be intellectually honest and avoid the politicization of Viking language stuff, doing much to undercut the racist assholes that can pollute the casual interest in 'viking' culture studies.
Plus, he's basically a cowboy, completing the Cowboy Hávamál back in 2012.
He's a cool guy!
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turiyatitta · 1 year ago
The Paradox of Gain
A Journey Beyond the Self In our dialogue on Guru Viking, the episode “Bodhi in the Brain” unfolds a narrative that delves into the essence of spiritual enlightenment and the realization of oneness. The conversation between host, Steve James, and me explores the paradoxical nature of gain in the spiritual realm, a concept that challenges the conventional paradigms of achievement and…
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davidcarlton · 4 months ago
A useful interview for me to hear.
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brookston · 5 months ago
Holidays 8.7
Aged Care Employee Day (Australia)
Assyrian Martyrs Day
Banana Day (Japan)
Bank Holiday Act Day (1871; UK)
Battle of Boyacá Day (Colombia)
Beach Party Day
DeviantArt Day
Dodge 807 Day
807 Giving Day
Freberg Day
Gaia Consciousness Day
Gallia Asteroid Day
Guru Rimpoche's Thungkar Tshechu (Sikkim, India)
Lock Day (French Republic)
Martyrs Day (Assyrian Community)
National Armed Forces Day (Bolivia)
National Day of Recognition for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Workers & Practitioners (Australia)
National Handloom Day (India)
National Javelin Day (India)
National Lighthouse Day
National Marriage Equality Day
National NFT Day
National Psychiatric Technician Appreciation Day
National Report Health Care Fraud Day
Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day
Patient Appreciation Day
Postal Inspector Service Day
Professional Speakers Day
Purple Heart Day
Republic Day (Ivory Coast)
Say ‘Cheese’ Day
Sea Serpent Day
Take Last Winter's Snowballs Out of the Freezer and Have a Fight Day
Tasoua Hosseini (Iran)
Tightrope Walking Day
Tisha b'Av Bank Holiday (Israel)
Viking Pilgrimage (Spain)
Web Developer Appreciation Day
World Alternatives Games Day
World Lighthouse Day
World PVNH Disorder Awareness Day
Youth Day (Kiribati)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Pork Burger Day
Raspberries ’n Cream Day
Independence & Related Days
Cote d'Ivoire (a.k.a. Ivory Coast, from France, 1960)
Irish Reform Act (Passed; UK; 1832)
Ottawa (Became Capital; Canada; 1858)
Paperis (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
1st Wednesday in August
International Play Day (UK) [1st Wednesday]
IPA (International Play Association) Canada National PlayDay (Canada) [1st Wednesday]
National Professional Engineers Day [1st Wednesday]
National Psychiatric Technician Appreciation Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
Regatta Day (Canada) [1st Wednesday]
Festivals Beginning August 7, 2024
Brown County Free Fair (New Ulm, Minnesota) [thru 8.11]
DeLeon Peach & Melon Festival & Tractor Pull (DeLeon, Texas) [thru 8.10]
Pea Harvest Festival (Palmer, Alaska) [Historically; 1920]
Lakefest (Eastnor, United Kingdom) [thru 8.11]
Locarno Film Festival (Locarno, Switzerland) [thru 8.17]
Medusa Festival (València, Spain) [thru 8.11]
Nevada County Fair (Nevada City, California) [thru 8.11]
Southdown Sheep Fair (Lewes, Sussex, England) [Historically]
Sziget Festival (Budapest, Hungary) [thru 8.12]
Taste of Andersonville (Andersonville, Chicago, Illinois)
West Point Sweet Corn Festival (West Point, Iowa) [thru 8.11]
Wikimania (Katowice, Poland) [thru 8.10]
Feast Days
Adonia (Honoring Adonis; Ancient Greece; Everyday Wicca)
Afra (Christian; Virgin Martyr)
Albert Kotin (Artology)
Albert of Trapani (Christian; Saint)
Betsy Byars (Writerism)
Breaking the Nile (Festival Honoring Hathor & All River Goddesses; Ancient Egypt)
Builth, the Footprint of Arthur’s Hound (Celtic Book of Days)
Cajetan of Thienna (Christian; Saint)
Carpophorus and companions (Christian; Saint)
Claudia (Christian; Matron)
Dometius of Persia (Christian; Saint)
Donatus of Arezzo (Christian; Saint)
Donatus of Besançon (Christian; Saint)
Donatus of Muenstereifel (Christian; Saint)
Emil Nolde (Artology)
Eugene the Hunting Dog (Muppetism)
Feast of 'Aut-Yeb (Personification of Female Joy; Egypt)
Feast of Cromn Dubh (Pre-Celtic God of the Harvest & the Underworld; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Feast of the Name of Jesus (Christian, excluding Roman Catholic) [also 1.2]
Filseta (Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church)
Garrison Keillor (Writerism)
Harvest Holiday (Slavic Pagan)
Henri Le Sidaner (Artology)
Idi Amin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Intergalactic Intercourse Day (Pastafarian)
International Beer Day (Pastafarian) [also 7.29]
John Mason Neale and Catherine Winkworth (Episcopal Church (USA))
Nantovinus (Christian; Saint)
Neith’s Day (Breaking of the Nile; Pagan)
Nikolai Triik (Artology)
Peter, Julian, and companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Rien Poortvliet (Artology)
Sixtus II, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Smartest Leprechaun Eisteddford (Shamanism)
Stan Freberg Day (Humorism)
Thomas à Kempis (Positivist; Saint)
Togrul Narimanbekov (Artology)
Victricius (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [30 of 53]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 36 of 60)
All Out For ‘V’ (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
Beach Party (Film; 1963)
Billy the Mountain, by Frank Zappa recorded live (Song; 1971)
Condorman (Film; 1981)
Dreamworks’ Dragons (Animated TV Series; 2012)
8701, by Usher (Album; 2001)
Fantastic Four (Film; 2015)
Farmer Al Falfa’s Ape Girl (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
A Feather in His Collar (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
The Gallopin’ Gaucho (Ub Iwerks Disney Cartoon; 1928)
Half-Pint Pygmy (MGM Cartoon; 1948)
Heavy Metal (Animated Film; 1981)
I Can’t Get Started, recorded by Bunny Berigan (Song; 1937)
I Cover the Waterfront, recorded by Billie Holiday & Teddy Wilson (Song; 1941)
It Ain’t Me Babe, by The Turtles (Song; 1965)
Janie Get Your Gun (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1965)
Jesus Christ Superstar (Film; 1973)
Julie & Julia (Film; 2009)
Just Another Band From L.A., by Frank Zappa and the Mothers if Invention (Album; 1970)
Lighthouse Keeping Blues (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1964)
Lud-in-the-Mist, by Hope Mirrlees (Novel; 1926)
Lumpy Gravy, by Frank Zappa (Album; 1967)
New England Courant (Daily Newspaper; Boston, Massachusetts; 1721)
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (Film; 2013)
Porky’s Railroad (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Prehistoric Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Satan’s Waitin’ (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Snuffy’s Party (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1939)
3:10 to Yuma (Film; 1957)
Til Tok, by Kesha (Song; 2009)
Unforgiven (Film; 1992)
Wanted For Murder (a.k.a. Paging the Saint), by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1931) [Saint #7]
Weeds (TV Series; 2005)
We’re the Millers (Film; 2013)
Who’s That Girl (Film; 1987)
Yan Tan Tethera, by Harrison Birtwistle (Opera; 1986)
You’re a Sap, Mr. Jap (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
Today’s Name Days
Afra, Albert, Cajetan (Austria)
Albert, Donat, Kajetan, Siksto (Croatia)
Lada (Czech Republic)
Donatus (Denmark)
Hiljar, Hiljo, Vaido, Vaigo, Vaiko (Estonia)
Lahja (Finland)
Gaétan (France)
Afra, Albert, Cajetan, Dominikus (Germany)
Asterios, Astero, Astini, Nikanor (Greece)
Ibolya (Hungary)
Donato, Gaetano (Italy)
Alfrēds, Helara, Madars (Latvia)
Drąsutis, Jogilė, Kajetonas, Klaudija, Sikstas (Lithuania)
Didrik, Doris (Norway)
Albert, Alberta, Albertyna, Anna, Dobiemir, Donat, Donata, Doris, Dorota, Kajetan (Poland)
Štefánia (Slovakia)
Cayetano, Jordán, Sixto (Spain)
Denise, Dennis (Sweden)
Claude, Claudette, Claudia, Claudine, Donata, Donato, Donica, Donzel, Gladys (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 220 of 2024; 146 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of Week 32 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 4 (Guy-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 3 Av 5784
Islamic: 1 Safar 1446
J Cal: 10 Purple; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 25 July 2024
Moon: 9%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 23 Dante (8th Month) [Thomas à Kempis]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 49 of 94)
Week: 1st Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 17 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Ṣafar [صَفَر] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 2 of 12] (Void Month)
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panelrank · 6 months ago
Unveiling the Remarkable Journey of Ellie Dubaich in New Biography on Biographies.net
From Translator to TV Sensation: Ellie Dubaich's Inspiring Story Captivates Audiences on Biographies.net
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Biographies.net is proud to present Ellie Dubaich (known by most simply as Elena), chronicling her incredible journey from humble translator to famed television personality on Below Deck Mediterranean. This biography captures Ellie’s resilience, intuition, and unfaltering determination — truly embodying an exceptional multi-talented yacht stewardess turned entrepreneur and advocate for female empowerment.
Who Is Ellie Dubaich? 
Ellie Dubaich was born July 5, 1991 in Skopje, North Macedonia to Slovenian parents. As she grew up in Skofja Loka in Slovenia with these newfound Slovenian roots she showed great curiosity and drive that led her to pursue higher education at University of Ljubljana; there she earned a BA degree in English & Russian languages & literature which set the ground for an expansive and fruitful professional journey.
Beginning Her Professional Journey
Ellie began her professional journey as a translator. Yet quickly her adventurous spirit led her down another path — one more in line with travel and cultural experience than translation! Trained as a massage therapist on cruise ships and taking up spa manager responsibilities quickly proved successful — earning Ellie many accolades along the way!
Ellie transitioned seamlessly from cruise ships to yachting after building her career there, becoming an esteemed spa stewardess on some of the world’s most luxurious vessels as spa stewardess, catering to an exclusive clientele while honing her skills further and earning a stellar reputation in yachting circles. Ellie stood out among yachters thanks to her meticulous attention to detail and exceptional customer service skills which earned her recognition across this specialized field.
Television Stardom
Ellie’s career took an exponential leap when she joined ‘Below Deck Mediterranean.’ Her dynamic personality combined with professional expertise made her an instantaneous fan favorite among viewers; on-show she became known for wearing elaborate couture outfits designed by Balkan designers who have dressed celebrities such as Beyonce and Madonna; her affiliation with Bravo solidified her status as an established television star.
Philosophy and Influences
Ellie’s life philosophy has been strongly shaped by both Stoicism and Jocko Willink’s leadership guru teachings. She believes in discipline, accountability and following one’s intuition in all areas of her life — these characteristics having helped guide her through various career changes and life changes while reinforcing the importance of trusting oneself along one’s chosen path.
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Rising to Adversity
Ellie has not found life easy. In 2019, she experienced a near-death event when Viking Sky cruise ship she was aboard had to evacuate in a storm, creating an ordeal which changed her perspective and strengthened her resolve to seize every opportunity that arises. At eight years old she witnessed and survived a bomb blast that provided further insight into life while instilling within her an appreciation of growth and learning.
Entrepreneurial Ventures
Ellie is not limited to her television career — she also is an ardent fashion and fitness fan who runs Amazon Storefronts and LTK shops to showcase her stylish couture and fitness gear. Ellie’s entrepreneurial drive can be seen through her success at turning television fame into successful business ventures.
Advocacy and Empowerment
Ellie is an advocate for female empowerment. She strongly believes that sexuality should have no bearing on professional abilities of any type. As evidence of her belief in female empowering measures, Ellie often participates in provocative fashion shows such as The Black Tape Project as an expression of courage and acceptance of herself and other.
Personal and Community Growth
Linguist by profession, Ellie is currently studying Mandarin Chinese — her seventh. Committed to personal and professional growth alike, Ellie strives for continuous innovation within both realms — particularly when moving abroad for professional work — which was what brought her Fort Lauderdale via intuition and dissatisfaction from previous situation; here she established supportive communities which showcase her resilience and adaptability as a strong evidence.
Ellie maintains an engaged presence through social media, particularly Instagram where she goes by “thebulcanbiscuit.” With an ever-increasing following and shared journey, Ellie shares messages of empowerment, discipline and personal growth while her upcoming television show airing June 3 is expected to further cement Ellie’s presence and influence online.
Ellie Dubaich’s story of resilience, intuition and unyielding determination spans from her early days in Macedonia and Slovenia through to becoming a television personality and entrepreneur today — she continues to encourage others through her personal development journey and professional success.
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audio-luddite · 1 year ago
The Silly Saga continues.
I do not have the ARC amplifier. I agreed to a price with the vendor. But I asked to hear the unit preferably in my own system before any money was exchanged.......
I thought that was fair. I would drive across the city to deliver an expensive piece of gear, and have done. I thought someone else would be willing to do so. We are talking about almost $2k that would cover gas.
I talked to the vendor guy on the phone. It was a strange conversation about an apparently strange situation. He said there was no room in his place to set it up as it was crowded and messy, but he could set up some speakers and things in his front yard. That set off some red flags. Nobody I know with even mid level audio stuff does not have a physical place to listen to something. OK he may be downsizing from a bigger place. He may be liquidating for cash. There are legitimate reasons.
But the photos he had clearly show nice hardwood floors and it is hooked up to something with fancy speaker cables and all that. More flags. Did he actually have that one or did he grab photos off the internet?
Listening to a system in the front yard of a house is not on. It is noisy and frankly the stuff I would be listening for would be hard to hear in such a situation. Nope aint going to happen.
Further he said he did not have a running car. He had one but it had not been on the road for three years. If I wanted to set the amp up in my home I would have to come, pick him up with the amp, take him to my home, and take him back later. He never heard of a Cab or Uber? The weirdness factor went up when he said he worked as an in-home caregiver to old or disabled people. That made me wonder how he came to have this stuff.
I imagined he could have obtained it from one of his clients. I could not see a person without a car hanging out in flea markets or garage sales. They were only thoughts, but doubts are doubts. I doubted the ownership of the unit. I doubted the actual condition of the unit. And finally I knew I did not need it and doubted the decision to make an offer.
I closed the discussion with if we went forward how would he accept payment? This coming weekend is a holiday here and earliest I could do the deal was next weekend. I told him I was not traveling to the far side of the city with cash. You hear stories about people selling expensive equipment and cash.... He said e-transfer would work. That was one positive. I told him I had to think about this as I was not listening to something in his front yard.
Adding to the fun it had the wrong tubes, but PT the tube Guru said they were fine in that circuit, but he had doubts about the feedback method though it was the standard for that type of amplifier. Actually he also said it was probably not the right amp for me, my Franken-Amp was probably better. That was unexpected from a tube guy. A measure of his high integrity indeed.
As it sits now I am 80% likely to walk away. The 20% is making an offer for buying it without checking it by dropping my offer to half. The logic being if I had to get it worked on either new tubes or big capacitors there was money for that. Of course I know he will probably say no but that is fine by me.
This is the first time I have had problems with buying off an ad. I have bought two turntables and a preamp thus. I have also sold two turntables and a preamp the same way. (upgrades!) I dealt as far away as Quebec too. That is yet another flag aint it?
Sagas are long and complex stories that seldom end with everyone happy. Sucks to be descended from Vikings. (Distantly on both sides)
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