#Guess my mbti
smaeemo · 2 months
My favorite white man characters in no specific order
- Dexter Morgan ⭐️
- Gregory House ⭐️
- Castiel ⭐️
- Merlin Emrys
- Boaz Priestly
- Daryl Dixon
- Nick Miller
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simgerale · 4 months
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guinevere "gwen" sands 🌊
INFP: Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause. 
Gwen is a gentle soul with a heart that overflows with kindness. A champion for lost causes, she sees the potential for good in everyone. And beneath her idealism lies a hidden well of dreams and unspoken thoughts. Gwen drifts through life a bit like a poet, clinging to the past and finding beauty in the subtleties overlooked by others. With rose-tinted glasses, she possess the ability to unearth goodness in even the darkest of souls. Her desire to please others sometimes hides her true self, making her even more of an enigma to the rest of the world. Driven by pure intentions, she chases her ideals with unwavering faith. But her love for contemplation can lead her down paths of self-doubt and isolation, leaving her tethered to a beautiful, make-believe world. 
introducing my founder for the MBTI legacy challenge by @windslar!! i was inspired the moment i read the post, and then i went through the google doc and was like.... WOW!!!! i did the test and found i was an INFP, which checks out lol, so i made my founder the same personality as suggested!
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nanamin-nah-nanamine · 3 months
Babies first internship tomorrow!!!
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marcsnuffy · 4 months
nothing humbles me quite like checking a mbti database & seeing characters with my personality type
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alien-insomniac-05 · 4 months
I have a feeling this tag probably gets a lot of questions like this but could anyone help me figure out my Mbti once and for all?
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psymachine · 3 months
hey, are any of you guys INTPs (myers-briggs)?
i've never met another INTP to my knowledge, and i've always just been really curious if we would get along or if it would be like a dog barking at its own reflection lmao
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kentopedia · 1 year
my love language is affectionally bullying my entp boyfriend
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carbonbasedmatter · 6 months
why is everyone including my mbti type telling me I should become an engineer💔💔
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chemzee · 1 year
gonna delete this later but haha which mbti type vibe do I give off?? 🤪🤪🤪
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smaeemo · 1 month
pretended I was empath so I would get “INFJ” instead of “INTJ,” because the prior is the rarest mbti and I wanted to be quirky and different
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entropy-sea-system · 2 years
I was just thinking about how in care bears unlock the magic they give Bedtime the night shift in the caring control tower (he mentions it in the first episode) maybe because he works better at night and it fits his sleep pattern better and it's kind of nice to think of it as them accomodating his sleep schedule
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theoverseerau · 2 years
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well, well, well. it's been a while, but after several weeks, I finally get to write this description again! here, I'm gonna put a description of the way I've been writing this AU. Undertale is a world full of incredibly well fleshed out characters and locations with different traits. the big idea of this AU is to give each of the other six humans a place in the world, so writing this has used a process where I take different parts of Undertale, and see how I can slip one of the humans into it. for the comic above, it's Papyrus's love for making Spaghetti, I took that already defined trait of the character, and then developed it into my AU by having one of the humans be responsible for it. another example of me doing this is with the ruins ghost in the dummy, I took one of my humans and integrated them into a small detail like that in an attempt to make both my own work and the world of Undertale itself just that much more alive. -this is Uber, signing off
NAV -->
FIRST: Here! NEXT: Let's go! PREV: Here!
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forgesahead · 8 months
Fun fact, my Meteor's MBTI is ISFP and his Fray's MBTI is ENTJ, and I think it's nice and hilarious that they are exact opposites. Truly two sides of the same coin
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bat-the-misfit · 1 year
Still talking about inferior functions...
when people tell you to use your inferior function more, they're not saying that you should stop being yourself and act like your opposite type. if you do that, you'll get in a grip, bc you will be ignoring your dominant function, the biggest part of who you are.
they're actually telling you to be LESS of your dominant function, not to actually USE your inferior one. it means you're using your dom function way too much to the point you're being am immature example of your type. they're telling you to stop repressing your inf function.
just like your tertiary function exists to put the auxiliary in its place, the inferior is there to put the dominant function in its place too.
if a Si dom overuses Si to the point of never listening the advice of their Ne, they'll be forever stuck in the same ways of doing things that are being harmful to them, bc they're "used" to it. repressing Ne is making them not see there are different possibilities that will only happen if they leave their comfort zone for once. being Si dom, they want the known, the comfortable, everything they know about well. they don't want the chaotic and unpredictable energy of Ne. but overusing Si might make them stuck in their ways. that's why the inferior Ne is there. to show that sometimes imagining different possibilities can be really good.
still, you will ALWAYS repress the tertiary and the inferiot function to some extent. that's inevictable. it's part of human nature to prefer being in a certain way over another.
what i'm saying is to not overuse your dom function to the point you NEVER use the inferior.
also, don't forget your inferior function is still part of you and you're still going to use it sometimes. saying you never use it it's impossible. we all need Feeling, Thinking, Sensing and Intuition to navigate in this world. You may prefer two of them but you will still use the other two.
it's funny to see some people criticizing people who use X function when they themself use it as an inferior function. like, the hypocrisy. it may not be your fave way to being, but it's still YOU. you're talking badly about YOURSELF. it may be underdeveloped but its still a tool you use.
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f-smutt-fitzgerald · 2 years
what’s your Mbti?
The problem with the Meyers Briggs tests is that it's not really a completely accurate depiction of who you are as a person, and more of a representation of how you feel about yourself right now.
I've taken the test multiple times throughout my life, and have gotten different results each time. I've gotten INFJ, INFP, ISFP, and just now when I retook the test, I got ENFP-T. As far as Introvert vs. Extrovert, I always teeter that 50% mark, so while I got E this time as opposed to I, it's only 52%, as opposed to like the 48% I'd get before. In fact for all results I kinda lean close to the middle because really, for most of the questions, it depends on the situation for me. The only absolute result I get is the -T, for turbulent personality, because I have anxiety and will always feel like I'm not doing enough, so yeah, I'm always going to "strive to do more".
I mean, the Myers Briggs test does provide a company some insight as to what kind of work ethic a person might have, but mostly it's just a fun little test that doesn't really have much meaning to it. At least it has a bit more substance than Astrological signs... (Y'all try to guess my sign. 🤣)
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knoxvillephobic · 2 years
i wanna know the guys mbti but i want to know the result theyd get if they took it in 2005
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