#Guerrin meschino
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maimoncat · 11 months ago
I've been looking into this novel, since it had some interesting influence on italian folklore.
It didn't have as much fortune as other chivalric literature of the Renaissance, like the Orlando Innamorato and Furioso, by Boiardo and Ariosto, and the Morgante by Pulci, however it lived on in oral tradition, particularly in puppet theatre. There, one of the main used dynamics was that Guerrino would go on his quest to find his family, acting really knight-like, with honour and stuff, while his squire, played by the local Zanni puppet (Girolamo, Bergnacle, Fagiolino, etc.) would follow him and joke around on his posh behaviour and adventures.
When the novel was republished in print, it had to be heavily edited, since certain sections (the Sybil's cave and st. Patrick's well) were deemed to go against the Church's canon during the age of the Counterreformation. While st. Patrick's well somehow was left in the text, the Sybil of Norcia was switched for Alcina, the wicked fairy from the Orlando Furioso, and this switch stuck in tradition. This book did have some last moments of popularity during the XX century, with a movie released in 1952, and various new editions, even a comic parody featuring Donald Duck!
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When I finally got there it took a while for me to find the book, since it’s so old. When I got my hands on it I took the time to analyze it. It’s 394 pages long and there are 8 chapters. It’s written in prose form which means that it follows the patterns of ordinary everyday speech. At the beginning of each chapter, there’s an illustration that shows what’s going to happen within that chapter. The drawings are beautiful and look like they’re drawn with ink. The story itself is about Guerrin Meschino “Wretched Guerrino”, a slave born hero, and the adventures and dangers he faces in discovering his royal blood quantum. Within his journey he releases his parents from prison and even marries a Persian princess.  The book is very old and unpopular, so there aren’t any popular quotes that anyone would know but the first life of the book reads, “Questa è l'antichissima origine di Guerino detto il Meschino secondo la famosa genealogia dei Reali di Francia…” (Barberino 1). That translates to “This is a very ancient origin of Guerino known as the Meschino according to the famous genealogy of Royals of France”. I don’t speak fluent Italian so I couldn’t read the entire book, but the parts I could grasp were quite interesting. 
You don’t hear much about the literature that was written during the Renaissance, so I thought since I was already in the library that I should look up what was being written during this time. I found a book called The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy written by Peter Burke that told me everything I needed to know. The main genres written during this time were poetry and dramas, though satires and comedies were also around. Many Renaissance writers wrote in their everyday vernacular and very rarely wrote about God and religion (Burke 2023)
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galedekarios · 2 years ago
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Andreas and Sister Illuminata + The Aeneid, Il Guerrin Meschino and The Mirror of Simple Souls
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chimeride · 2 years ago
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Avarice Wyrm, the 215th Known One.
Suggested by @thecreaturecodex, based on the adventures of Guerrin Meschino.
”I saw worms that resembled very large scorpions that had three mouths for biting and one, which was much larger, for eating.” “They are those who are avaricious and miserly toward their parents, God, and the poor. In fact, avarice is only a form of self-harm because you love neither God nor your family. These individuals were so avaricious that they despaired and ended up here.” - Travels to the Otherworld and Other Fantastic Realms: Medieval Journeys into the Beyond, Claude Lecouteux, Corinne Lecouteux
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years ago
Avarice Wyrm
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Image © @chimeride​
[Il Guerrin Meschino is an Italian romance from 1410 that features a lengthy interlude in Fairyland. The cave is the domain of the Sibyl Alcina, and Meschino goes there to ask who his real parents are (finding them is the main goal of his quest). I’ve spoken before about how fairies and Fairyland are variously interpreted in medieval and Renaissance Europe trying to fit them into Christian cosmology. In Il Guerrin Meschino, Fairyland is a sort of refuge from Hell, where souls that would be damned if they die flee to never age and put off judgement until the Last Judgement. But they still suffer, as from Saturday to Monday they are transformed into monsters representing their sins. This creature, which is described as “worms that resemble very large scorpions, with three mouths for biting and one, which was much larger, for eating” is what happens to the greedy. To strengthen the dragon connection (as worms = snakes = dragons), I gave it the dragon type and a breath weapon.]
Avarice Wyrm CR 8 CE Dragon This creature is serpentine, with three claws like those of a scorpion—two on muscular arms, and one on the tip of its tail. Its broad head has tiny eyes and a wide mouth with flat teeth.
Draconic parents tell their wyrmlings cautionary tales of the avarice wyrms—draconic hatchlings that were so greedy that they turned on their own parents and stole from them, being cursed to a creeping, animalistic form. Whether or not that is the true origin of the avarice wyrm is uncertain. But they are supremely greedy creatures, and are constantly on the lookout for new treasures to steal and victims to rob.
An avarice wyrm typically opens combat with its breath weapon, hoping to take out its foes quickly and easily. They have no compunctions about killing innocents, and may pause to finish off a dying but not dead enemy if it will make looting them easier. Once they close to melee, they attack with their snapping claws and gnashing bite. Their claws can snag treasures off of an enemy, and their bite can even steal magical effects. Avarice wyrms can see magic auras, allowing them the opportunity to target their thefts, and often flee from combat if they obtain some item they particularly desire.
Avarice wyrms sometimes live in communal nests, but these associations are based on strength in numbers rather than out of any kindness or familial bonds. The nest may have a shared treasury, but each member likely keeps particularly favored items hidden, and fights over choice goods are not uncommon. Avarice wyrms of any color or elemental affinity may mate with each other, and their offspring are usually, but not always, of one of their parent’s colors.
Avarice Wyrm   CR 8 XP 4,800 CE Large dragon Init +3; Senses arcane sight, blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +15 Defense AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +10 natural) hp 105 (10d12+40) Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +11 DR 10/magic; Immune cold, paralysis, sleep; SR 19 Offense Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee 3 claws +13 (1d8+4), bite +13 (2d4+4 plus eat magic) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (5 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (30 ft. cone, 8d6 cold, Ref DC 19, 1d4 rounds), pilfer Spell-like Abilities CL 10th, concentration +12 Constant—arcane sight Statistics Str 19, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14 Base Atk +10; CMB +14; CMD 28 (cannot be tripped) Feats Blind-fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility Skills Appraise +15, Climb +20, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +12, Swim +20; Racial Modifiers +4 Appraise Languages Common, Draconic SQ draconic lineage Ecology Environment any land and underground Organization solitary, pair or nest (3-8) Treasure double standard Special Abilities Draconic Lineage (Ex) An avarice wyrm is descended from a true dragon, and has a breath weapon and energy immunity based on this association. Choose a dragon type, or roll on the following table:
black—breath weapon 60 ft. line of acid, immune to acid
blue—breath weapon 60 ft. line of electricity, immune to electricity
brass—breath weapon 60 ft. line of fire, immune to fire
bronze—breath weapon 60 ft. line of electricity, immune to electricity
copper—breath weapon 60 ft. line of acid, immune to acid
green—breath weapon 30 ft. cone of acid, immune to acid
gold—breath weapon 30 ft. cone of fire, immune to fire
red—breath weapon 30 ft. cone of fire, immune to fire
silver—breath weapon 30 ft. cone of cold, immune to cold
white—breath weapon 30 ft. cone of cold, immune to cold
The avarice wyrm shown here is of silver lineage. The save DC for the breath weapon is Con based. Eat Magic (Su) A creature bitten by an avarice wyrm is subject to a targeted dispel magic effect (CL 10th). If this successfully dispels a spell, that spell is transferred to the avarice wyrm for its remaining duration. Pilfer (Ex) If an avarice wyrm strikes a single opponent with two or more claw attacks in the same round, it may make a disarm or steal combat maneuver as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
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perfettamentechic · 3 years ago
31 agosto … ricordiamo …
31 agosto … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2019: Anna Amendola, attrice italiana, venne scritturata nel film Le meravigliose avventure di Guerrin Meschino girato nel 1952. Interruppe la sua carriera di attrice alla fine degli anni cinquanta. (n. 1927) 2017: Richard Anderson, è stato un attore cinematografico e televisivo statunitense. (n. 1926) 2000: Patricia Owens, Patricia Molly Owens, è stata un’attrice cinematografica e televisiva…
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elcinelateleymickyandonie · 3 years ago
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1949 Antonio de Padua
1950 Paolo and Francesca
1950 The Lion of Amalfi
1952 Le meravigliose avventure di Guerrin Meschino
1953 Captain Phantom
1954 Senso
1955 The Prince in the Red Mask
1955 Io sounded the primula rossa
1959 Nella città l'inferno
1959 Hercules Unchained
1959 Caterina Sforza, the leonessa di
1959 La notte del grande assalto
1959 The Marathon Giant
1960 The Employee
1960 Night escape
1960 Vampire from the Age of Atom
1960 I Delfini
1960 Esther and the King
1960 Il peccato degli anni verdi
1961 Il sicario
1961 Gioventù di notte
1961 Man nennt is Amore
1961 Paloma Shoot
1961 Morte di un bandito
1962 The Shortest Day
1962 Ten Italians for one German
1963 Catherine of Russia
1963 Kali Yug: Goddess of Vengeance
1963 Il mistero del tempio indiano
1963 The award
1964 High Infidelity
1964 Corpse of the Lady
1965 Von Ryan's Express
1965 do not disturb
1966 What did you do in the war, dad?
1967 Devilishly Yours
1970 wasp nest
1971 Sacco e Vanzetti
1971 Bad Man's River
1973 The bloody hands of the law
1974 A girl and a man
1974 Le Hasard et la Violence
1974 E cominciò il viaggio nella vertigine
1976 L'inconveniente
1983 Si elle dit oui ... je ne dis pas non
1987 The Belly of an Architect
1988 Private affairs
1992 Per non dimenticare
2003 The accidental detective.
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
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tmnotizie · 6 years ago
SARNANO – Sabato 27 e domenica 28 luglio il centro storico di Sarnano sarà teatro di un’originale manifestazione dedicata al mito della Sibilla dell’Appennino. La manifestazione, curata dall’Associazione Il Circolo di Piazza Alta, è nata nel 2015 come spettacolo itinerante nel centro storico.
«Il testo è ispirato al Guerrin Meschino di Andrea da Barberino, a Le Paradis de La Reine Syibille di Antoine de La Sale e ai racconti popolari dei Sibillini» racconta Isabella Tomassucci, una delle ideatrici dell’evento. «Non volevamo limitarci a far conoscere queste storie, ma cercare di farne emergere il senso profondo: l’importanza di tramandare il patrimonio culturale della nostra comunità.
Dopo il terremoto questa esigenza è diventata ancora più forte e ci ha spinto ad ampliare il format dell’evento. Quest’anno lo spettacolo, sempre diretto da Francesco Facciolli, si svolge tutto in Piazza Alta. Abbiamo abbandonato l’ambientazione medievale per creare un’atmosfera surreale, fuori dal tempo, che ben si addice al mondo fantastico di cui parla la leggenda. Si tratta di un’operazione di riscrittura del mito che, senza snaturarlo, cerca di indagarne l’essenza più intima».
L’aspetto itinerante della manifestazione, che è stato tanto apprezzato nelle edizioni precedenti, verrà comunque mantenuto grazie alla mostra di installazioni artistiche dedicata ai quattro elementi naturali, allestita per tutto il centro storico. «Aria, acqua, terra e fuoco sono alla base del pensiero alchemico medievale e la grotta della Sibilla è stata a lungo meta di pellegrinaggio degli alchimisti» continua Isabella Tomassucci. «Da qui, l’idea di un viaggio simbolico tra i vicoli del centro storico di Sarnano che conduce gli spettatori allo spettacolo finale e, idealmente, alla meravigliosa grotta della Sibilla.
La mostra sarà interattiva: i visitatori potranno limitarsi a osservare le installazioni luminose oppure, utilizzando i loro smartphone, potranno attivare dei contenuti sonori. L’ideatore, Simone Porfiri, ha aggiunto un ulteriore livello di significato e, attraverso il percorso, ha voluto toccare anche il tema della ricostruzione post-sisma: le installazioni, infatti, sono realizzate con materiali edili e raccontano una sorta di cantiere itinerante».
La manifestazione ha ricevuto il patrocinio del Comune di Sarnano ed è stata realizzata anche grazie al contributo di molte aziende del territorio. Anche moltissime attività commerciali di Sarnano hanno espresso grande interesse nei confronti della manifestazione: i ristoranti hanno aderito ideando menu a tema e molti negozianti esporranno nelle loro vetrine delle pergamene con brani tratti dal romanzo del Guerrin Meschino, costruendo un percorso che unisce simbolicamente il presente al passato e introduce gli spettatori nel mondo fantastico e surreale dello spettacolo.
Entrambe le giornate si aprono con un momento divulgativo e prevedono due conferenze per approfondire la conoscenza del mito sibillino e delle leggende di questo territorio: gli ospiti della Associazione Il Circolo di Piazza Alta – via G. Leopardi snc – 62028 Sarnano (MC) – P. IVA 01150880431 [email protected] – https://ift.tt/2JLv6d2 – Tel. 339 588 6927 manifestazione sono la dottoressa Tea Fonzi, iconologa e divulgatrice, il dottor Diego Mecenero, giornalista e autore per ragazzi, e Marco Squarcia, autore della raccolta di racconti “Quasi grandi. Novelle dai Monti Sibillini al Mare Adriatico”.
Un weekend dedicato alle storie più belle dei Monti Sibillini, ma soprattutto un evento che testimonia la volontà delle comunità locali di preservare la propria identità, la propria storia e la propria cultura.
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i-tchiko · 6 years ago
Giornalista travaglio personaggi letterari, opportuno consultare Golden Goose Outlet
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Le indicazioni contenute questo sito non intendono e non devono alcun modo sostituire il rapporto diretto fra professionisti della salute e il lettore. È pertanto opportuno consultare sempre il proprio medico curante e o specialisti. Da ciò il saluto: ‘Vale!’ ossia stai bene! Molto meno Petronilla: 5 e, fanalino di coda, Petronio: poco più di 300… bel gruzzolo anche golden goose sconti varianti a doppio nome: Da Pierantonio a Pierpàolo… Varianti italiane maschile: Piero, Pierino, Pieruccio… Petronio… femminile: Pietra, Piera, Pierina, Pietrina, Pieruccia…Petronilla , Pietronilla, Petronella… Varianti straniere maschile: , Perrin e Pierrot , Petrone: scarpe uomo golden goose francese; , , Piers, , Petronius: inglese; Piet: olandese; Piotr, Pjotr, : russo; Peer: scandinavo; Pies, Pietrik: slavo; , Pedrillo: spagnolo; Per: svedese; o Petrus, Petronius: tedesco… femminile: Pierrette, Pétronille: francese; Petronelle: inglese; : spagnolo e tedesco… Curiosità sul nome San Pietro si chiamava , seguì Gesù come apostolo, divenne il primo papa di e cristianità, finendo martire con San Paolo sotto Nerone. Affettuosissima famiglia. Origine Greca Significato Ghirlanda , corona, incoronato Onomastico 26 dicembre ; 2 gennaio ; 8 febbraio ; 16 agosto 29 ottobre 18 settembre Frequenza Circa 100 persone Italia si chiamano Stefano, 40 Stefasnia e tutte altre varianti si aggirano fra 5 e 7 . Tra gli artisti dello spettacolo, l’attrice Milena Yucotič e la cantante Milena Cantù; la costumista Milena Canonero e i giornalisti TV Milena Gabanelli e Infante. Onomastico 30 agosto o 23 settembre Frequenza Circa 5000 sono omonime, grazie all’impennata degli ultimi anni: nel 2012 è entrata classifica dei 30 nomi femminili più numerosi registrati all’anagrafe, subito dopo e prima di Arianna Varianti italiane === Varianti straniere Rebéca Rébecca Rebekka Curiosità sul nome Nome della moglie di Isacco, nuora di Abramo, madre a 60 anni circa di Esaù e Giacobbe.
È pertanto opportuno consultare golden goose outlet sempre il proprio medico curante e o specialisti. È pertanto opportuno consultare sempre il proprio medico curante e o specialisti. Per quanto riguarda il calcare, è composto da sali di calcio e magnesio che possono danneggiare assolutamente innocui per l’uomo! Varianti italiane maschile: Stefànio, Stefanino, Sténo, Stènio femminile: Stèfana, Stefània, Stefanella, Stefanina, Sténa, Stènia Varianti straniere maschile: Stephanus ; Stéphanos ; Étienne, ; o , o ; ; Estévào ; Stepan ; ; o , Steffen, Steff ; Stepan, Istvan ; … femminile: Étiennette, Stéphane, Stéphanie ; Stephana, , ; Estefánia ; , Stephy o Steffi o Stefi Curiosità sul nome I santi omonimi Stefano sono oltre 50, fra essi Stefano fu il primo a essere lapidato per la fede sotto Tiberio, giusto nove mesi dopo la morte di Gesù: perciò Nike NFL Jerseys 2017 il suo nome significa incoronato martire. È pertanto opportuno consultare sempre il proprio medico curante e o specialisti. Tutti i servizi sono erogati, agli stessi termini e condizioni, da Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. Arrivati fine 26^ fila dobbiamo cambiare completamente il colore , cambiamo il filato appena prima di portare a termine l’ultima maglia vecchio colore, sollevando modo uguale il gancio colore nuovo, facendo modo che il filo vecchio sia disposto posizione appropriata. – letterati scienziati e artisti: Pandolfi ; Vitaliano Brancati ; Lamarque ; Leigh ; Molinari ; Laterza ; Mancuso ; Westwood ; Haigh … Personaggi letterari e musicali : ‘ Grey’, romanzo di Disraelei. Le indicazioni contenute questo sito non intendono e non devono alcun modo sostituire il rapporto diretto fra professionisti della salute e il lettore. San Patrizio è anche personaggio letterario fra i protagonisti ‘Guerrin Meschino’ romanzo cavalleresco di Andrea da Barberino.
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greche Tutti i servizi sono erogati, agli stessi termini e condizioni, da Mondadori Editore S.p.A. Seguono Solinda , Soliride , Solisca … Varianti straniere Latino multilingue, tedesco compreso: Sol, Solis . Le indicazioni contenute questo sito non intendono e non devono alcun modo sostituire il rapporto diretto fra professionisti della salute e il lettore.
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atomzas-blog · 7 years ago
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D'inverno ti mettevi una cuffietta coi nastri bianchi come il tuo visino, e facevi ogni sera la calzetta, seduta al lume accanto al tavolino. lo imparavo la Storia Sacra in fretta e poi m'accoccolavo a te vicino, per sentir narrar la favoletta del Drago azzurro e del Guerrin Meschino. E quando il sonno proprio mi vincea m'accompagnavi fino alla mia stanza, e m'addormivi al suono dei tuoi baci. Allora agli occhi chiusi m'arridea di fantasime splendide e fugaci in mezzo ai fiori, una gioconda danza.
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theitalianrenaissance · 11 months ago
-work cited-
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Barberino, Il Guerrin Meschino. 1410
Burke, Peter. (2023) The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy. McGraw Hill.
Columbus, Christopher. Christopher Columbus’s Journal (1493)
“Christopher Columbus - Facts, Voyage & Discovery.” History.Com, A&E Television Networks, www.history.com/topics/exploration/christopher-columbus. Accessed 26 Feb. 2024.
Gardner, H., & Kleiner, F. S. (2013). Gardner's art through the ages: a global history. 14th ed. Australia ; United States, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.  
Palladio, Andrea, 1508-1580. The Four Books of Architecture. New York :Dover Publications, 1965.
The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci
“The Last Supper - Leonardo Da Vinci - Useful Information.” Milan Museum, www.milan-museum.com/leonardo-last-supper-cenacolo.php. Accessed 24 Feb. 2024. 
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theitalianrenaissance · 11 months ago
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During the Renaissance, the literacy rate in Italy had been 15%, which was the highest percentage of all western European countries. There are many different reasons as to why Italy had the highest rate, but new authors during the Renaissance is for sure a helping factor. Reading is fundamental, and always has been. It expands your vocabulary, improves imagination and creativity, and exercises the brain. Reading books like Il Guerrin Meschino was a way people could improve their literacy skills, while also having a fun hobby to pass time. Literature during the Renaissance not only improved the well being of people, but it also improved their intelligence. 
Libraries are one of my favorite places to visit because they’re always so cozy, so I'm sad I have to leave this one. But my journey continues. I have one more stop to visit before my time in Italy comes to a close. This next city is the birthplace of a man who is most known for his explorations. Primarily for crossing the ocean blue… Next stop, Genoa, the birthplace of Christopher Columbus.
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theitalianrenaissance · 11 months ago
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More time in Florence
It’s a new day, and we’re still in Florence. Today’s the first day where I feel like I'm on a mission. I’m going back to The Laurentian Library or the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) to find a book. It’s called Il Guerrin Meschino by Andrea da Barberino. 
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perfettamentechic · 2 years ago
31 agosto … ricordiamo …
31 agosto … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2019: Anna Amendola, attrice italiana, venne scritturata nel film Le meravigliose avventure di Guerrin Meschino girato nel 1952. Interruppe la sua carriera di attrice alla fine degli anni cinquanta. (n. 1927) 2017: Richard Anderson, è stato un attore cinematografico e televisivo statunitense. (n. 1926) 2000: Patricia Owens, Patricia Molly Owens, è stata un’attrice cinematografica e televisiva…
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theitalianrenaissance · 11 months ago
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When I finally got there it took a while for me to find the book, since it’s so old. When I got my hands on it I took the time to analyze it. It’s 394 pages long and there are 8 chapters. It’s written in prose form which means that it follows the patterns of ordinary everyday speech. At the beginning of each chapter, there’s an illustration that shows what’s going to happen within that chapter. The drawings are beautiful and look like they’re drawn with ink. The story itself is about Guerrin Meschino “Wretched Guerrino”, a slave born hero, and the adventures and dangers he faces in discovering his royal blood quantum. Within his journey he releases his parents from prison and even marries a Persian princess.  The book is very old and unpopular, so there aren’t any popular quotes that anyone would know but the first life of the book reads, “Questa è l'antichissima origine di Guerino detto il Meschino secondo la famosa genealogia dei Reali di Francia…” (Barberino 1). That translates to “This is a very ancient origin of Guerino known as the Meschino according to the famous genealogy of Royals of France”. I don’t speak fluent Italian so I couldn’t read the entire book, but the parts I could grasp were quite interesting. 
You don’t hear much about the literature that was written during the Renaissance, so I thought since I was already in the library that I should look up what was being written during this time. I found a book called The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy written by Peter Burke that told me everything I needed to know. The main genres written during this time were poetry and dramas, though satires and comedies were also around. Many Renaissance writers wrote in their everyday vernacular and very rarely wrote about God and religion (Burke 2023)
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