#Growing Crude Oil data
zvaigzdelasas · 1 month
Israeli tanks, jets and bulldozers bombarding Gaza and razing homes in the occupied West Bank are being fueled by a growing number of countries signed up to the genocide and Geneva conventions, new research suggests, which legal experts warn could make them complicit in serious crimes against the Palestinian people.
Four tankers of American jet fuel primarily used for military aircraft have been shipped to Israel since the start of its aerial bombardment of Gaza in October.
Three shipments departed from Texas after the landmark international court of justice (ICJ) ruling on 26 January ordered Israel to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza. The ruling reminded states that under the genocide convention they have a “common interest to ensure the prevention, suppression and punishment of genocide”.
Overall, almost 80% of the jet fuel, diesel and other refined petroleum products supplied to Israel by the US over the past nine months was shipped after the January ruling, according to the new research commissioned by the non-profit Oil Change International and shared exclusively with the Guardian.
Researchers analyzed shipping logs, satellite images and other open-source industry data to track 65 oil and fuel shipments to Israel between 21 October last year and 12 July.
It suggests a handful of countries – Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Gabon, Nigeria, Brazil and most recently the Republic of the Congo and Italy – have supplied 4.1m tons of crude oil to Israel, with almost half shipped since the ICJ ruling. An estimated two-thirds of crude came from investor-owned and private oil companies, according to the research, which is refined by Israel for domestic, industrial and military use.
Israel relies heavily on crude oil and refined petroleum imports to run its large fleet of fighter jets, tanks and other military vehicles and operations, as well as the bulldozers implicated in clearing Palestinian homes and olive groves to make way for unlawful Israeli settlements.
In response to the new findings, UN and other international law experts called for an energy embargo to prevent further human rights violations against the Palestinian people – and an investigation into any oil and fuels shipped to Israel that have been used to aid acts of alleged genocide and other serious international crimes.
“After the 26 January ICJ ruling, states cannot claim they did not know what they were risking to partake in,” said Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory, adding that under international law, states have obligations to prevent genocide and respect and ensure respect for the Geneva conventions.[...]
“In the case of the US jet-fuel shipments, there are serious grounds to believe that there is a breach of the genocide convention for failure to prevent and disavowal of the ICJ January ruling and provisional measures,” said Albanese. “Other countries supplying oil and other fuels absolutely also warrant further investigation.”
In early August, a tanker delivered an estimated 300,000 barrels of US jet fuel to Israel after being unable to dock in Spain or Gibraltar amid mounting protests and warnings from international legal experts. Days later, more than 50 groups wrote to the Greek government calling for a war-crimes investigation after satellite images showed the vessel in Greek waters.
Last week, the US released $3.5bn to Israel to spend on US-made weapons and military equipment, despite reports from UN human rights experts and other independent investigations that Israeli forces are violating international law in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. A day later, the US approved a further $20bn in weapons sales, including 50 fighter jets, tank ammunition and tactical vehicles.
The sale and transfer of jet fuel – and arms – “increase the ability of Israel, the occupying power, to commit serious violations”, according to the UN human rights council resolution in March.
The US is the biggest supplier of fuel and weapons to Israel. Its policy was unchanged by the ICJ ruling, according to the White House.
“The case for the US’s complicity in genocide is very strong,” aid Dr Shahd Hammouri, lecturer in international law at the University of Kent and the author of Shipments of Death. “It’s providing material support, without which the genocide and other illegalities are not possible. The question of complicity for the other countries will rely on assessment of how substantial their material support has been.”[...]
A spokesperson for the Brazilian president’s office said oil and fuel trades were carried out directly by the private sector according to market rules: “Although the government’s stance on Israel’s current military action in Gaza is well known, Brazil’s traditional position on sanctions is to not apply or support them unilaterally.
Azerbaijan, the largest supplier of crude to Israel since October, will host the 29th UN climate summit in November, followed by Brazil in 2025.[...]
The Biden administration did not respond to requests for comment, nor did Vice-President Kamala Harris’s presidential election campaign team.
Israel is a small country with a relatively large army and air force. It has no operational cross-border fossil fuel pipelines, and relies heavily on maritime imports.[...]
The new data suggests:
•Half the crude oil in this period came from Azerbaijan (28%) and Kazakhstan (22%). Azeri crude is delivered via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline, majority-owned and operated by BP. The crude oil is loaded on to tankers at the Turkish port of Ceyhan for delivery to Israel. Turkey recently submitted a formal bid to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the ICJ.
•African countries supplied 37% of the total crude, with 22% coming from Gabon, 9% from Nigeria and 6% from the Republic of the Congo.
•In Europe, companies in Italy, Greece and Albania appear to have supplied refined petroleum products to Israel since the ICJ ruling. Last month, Israel also received crude from Italy – a major oil importer. A spokesperson said the Italian government had “no information” about the recent shipments.
•Cyprus provided transshipment services to tankers supplying crude oil from Gabon, Nigeria, and Kazakhstan.[...]
Just six major international fossil-fuel companies – BP, Chevron, Eni, ExxonMobil, Shell and TotalEnergies – could be linked to 35% of the crude oil supplied to Israel since October, the OCI analysis suggests. This is based on direct stakes in oilfields supplying Israeli and/or the companies’ shares in production nationally.[...]
Last week, Colombia suspended coal exports to Israel “to prevent and stop acts of genocide against the Palestinian people”, according to the decree signed by President Gustavo Petro. Petro wrote on X: “With Colombian coal they make bombs to kill the children of Palestine.”
20 Aug 24
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dragonflycap · 1 month
What to expect from the stock market this week
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Last week, the review of the macro market indicators saw with the July FOMC meeting in the books, equity markets showed cause for concern with a very weak end to the week following weak employment data. Elsewhere looked for Gold ($GLD) to continue its assault on new highs while Crude Oil ($USO) looked to break consolidation lower. The US Dollar Index ($DXY) continued the short term move to the downside while US Treasuries ($TLT) were possibly ready to reverse to an uptrend.
The Shanghai Composite ($ASHR) looked to continue the short term move lower while the short term breakout higher in Emerging Markets ($EEM) was at risk of failing. The Volatility Index ($VXX) looked to remain elevated and rising making the path easier for equity markets to the downside. The charts of the $SPY and $QQQ continued to look productive on the longer timeframe but with continued weakness on the shorter timeframe. The $IWM looked to have given traders another disappointment with yet another failed breakout higher.
The week played out with Gold pulling back from the new high early but finding support midweek and reversing while Crude Oil found support Monday and reversed higher. The US Dollar plunged to a 7 month low Tuesday before bouncing higher while Treasuries saw a blow off top Monday lead to a fallback to retest the breakout. The Shanghai Composite fell to a 6 month low Monday and then consolidated there while Emerging Markets opened with a gap down to ta 6 month low before recovering by week’s end.
Volatility spiked Monday to levels not seen since March of 2020 and then fell back to the low 20’s to end the week. This put initial pressure on equities and they responded by starting the week with large gap down and go move Monday. They recovered the drop by the open Wednesday only to drive lower all that day and then reverse Thursday. Friday saw a much tighter range and they ended the week little changed despite two sessions with moves over 2% amid a narrative of recession fears. What does this mean for the coming week? Let’s look at some charts.
SPY Daily, $SPY
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The SPY came into the week in a pullback on the daily chart that had touched the 100 day SMA for the first time since November 2023. It was not done though as it gapped down Monday below the 150 day SMA and finally found support. It rose intraday and continued higher Tuesday filling the gap. Wednesday saw it fall back again and hold over the 150 day SMA before a 2 day move to the upside left it unchanged on the week. The RSI bounced off oversold, consistent with the past 4 touches there, and the MACD is curling back higher but negative.
This was the deepest pullback since the 2022 drop but held short of a 10% decline. The weekly chart shows a near Marubozu candle ending back over the 50 week SMA. If this reversal holds up it will be a higher low, continuing the uptrend. The RSI is holding in the bullish zone on the pullback with the MACD crossed down and positive. There is resistance at 534 and 537 then 540 and 542 before 545.75 and 549.50. Support lower sits at 530 and 524.50 then 520.50 and 517.50 before 513.50 and 510. Pullback in Uptrend.
SPY Weekly, $SPY
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With the first week of August in the books, equity markets showed resilience with a rebound from an ugly start induced by growing narrative of recessionary fears. Elsewhere look for Gold to continue its uptrend while Crude Oil consolidates in a narrowing range. The US Dollar Index continues to drift in broad consolidation while US Treasuries consolidate in their downtrend. The Shanghai Composite looks to continue the short term trend lower while Emerging Markets consolidate under long term resistance.
The Volatility Index looks to have settled after a spike to 4 year highs removing the pressure on equity markets for now. The SPY and QQQ ETF charts continue to look strong on the longer timeframe. On the shorter timeframe both the QQQ and SPY have reset on momentum measures but also have a lot of upside work to put in before they are looking strong. The IWM is now just in consolidation mode again after a failed break higher. Use this information as you prepare for the coming week and trad’em well.
Join the Premium Users and you can view the Full Version with 20 detailed charts and analysis: Macro Week in Review/Preview August 9, 2024
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gerryconway · 2 years
The War to Solve Climate Change
One of the questions raised in the book "Slouching Toward Utopia" is whether "history" is contingent or structural. Let's define (as I understand those terms):
"Contingent" history means that historical turns and events depend upon the actions of individuals at moments of crisis and opportunity. Example: Lincoln was necessary for the Union to win the Civil War; FDR was vital to prevent a fascist America.
"Structural" history means that historical turns and events are the result of social- and world-wide forces converging in a manner similar to plate tectonics creating earthquakes and tsunamis. The actions of individuals ultimately don't matter.
I'm thinking it isn't that black and white, that history is neither contingent or structural, but maybe-- systematic?
Take the Russia-Ukraine War, for example. What caused the war? Putin's ambitious delusions? NATO's extension into a traditional Russian sphere of influence? Politics? Money? Pride? Stupidity?
No. In my view, the Russian-Ukraine War is a global systematic response to-- climate change.
Hear me out.
Buried in all the horrible news about the Ukraine War is a sliver of recent good news that mostly has gone unnoticed:
A climate scientist reported that in his view of the data the Ukraine War has pushed Europe (and probably the industrial world as a whole) over the tipping point into embracing renewable energy. I think he's right.
If he *is* right, then the horrible suffering of millions of Ukrainians (and Russian soldiers) (and third world countries hit by food restraints) is a system trade-off against the future suffering of *billions* in a post-2degree world.
But how could such an outcome be anything but accidental rather than a result of systematic processes, you ask? (I'm presuming you ask. Maybe you don't ask. So I'll ask.)
Here's my thesis of how our human global system works:
I'll use the example of an ant hill. An ant colony needs food. It sends out a bunch of individual ants in every f**king direction to look for it. 99 percent find nothing, keep wandering, die. One lucky ant finds a fallen fruit.
Lucky ant heads back to the colony, says, hey guys, I've found a fruit (actually he leaves a pheromone trail, but whatever) and pretty soon hundreds of his buddies are all over that fruit, and the colony eats well.
Eventually there's no more fruit left and one of the other doofus ants who's been wandering around finds a pile of garbage. Whee, repeat, etc.
At no point did any individual ant's plans or decisions matter-- there were no hero ants solving the colony's food source problem. Just a bunch of random dudes, a few of whom got lucky, who helped the colony survive.
Think of humanity as a whole as that ant colony. As a species, we want to survive, grow the colony, spread out. Period.
So we send out a bunch of random dudes to do random stuff until something sticks and the colony benefits:
Like the ancient precursors to humanity who started in Africa and spread out across the world, 99 percent of them probably dying off, undiscovered, until a few lucky randos ended up in the Middle East, and Europe, and Asia, and across a land bridge to America.
Which of those randos was their generation's Lincoln or FDR? Were *individuals* required for the mass migrations that created our worldwide human species? No. Our spread was the result of a system powered by our species' imperative to thrive.
Because we're accustomed to thinking of history in terms of human-span lifetimes, we don't see the larger, systematic picture. We're studying individual trees in the middle of a forest.
Back to climate change and the Ukraine War.
Our species-level need to thrive pushed millions of random humans over time to eventually develop what we, in our individual human perspective, call the Industrial Revolution, which required/was enabled by compact high-density extractive fuel.
First coal, then crude oil, then refined oil, then gas. Individuals were involved in developing all this, but in a systematic sense they were really just rando ants who got lucky.
Eventually, of course, industrial development dependent on extractive compact high-density fuel created a threat to the species as a whole-- climate change. This is not a problem individuals even acting as groups can fix. It's a species-level problem.
And on a systematic level, the species as a whole is in the process of solving the problem. Because that's the sole unique power of the human species: We solve problems.
In the case of climate change, the systematic solution is actually inherent in the nature of the problem, and if you step back sufficiently far you can see it and it's actually elegant and beautiful.
We know from historical experience that extractive economies (like those of ancient rural societies, extracting food from, say, a limited natural resource like the Nile delta) lead to monopolies of power as the control of a single resource centralizes authority.
We've seen that over and over-- resource based economies almost inevitably turn authoritarian, because elites gain control of the single resource, and the most aggressive member of the elites eventually gains control over the weaker elites.
In that way the species as a whole, when dependent on an extractive compact high-density fuel, becomes dependent on the whims of single aggressive elites.
This is not optimal for the species, obviously, and the system works to undermine that dependency with counterbalancing forces-- again, without the necessity of individual actors consciously working to do so.
Remember the ant colony, remember the fruit, remember that the fruit eventually gets depleted but the colony thrives because meanwhile a bunch of other wandering rando ants had discovered new sources of food?
Remember that some of the wandering early humans who found the Tigris-Euphrates Valley didn't stop there, but kept wandering? To Europe, and Asia, and across land-bridges and by sea to distant islands?
The system provided fuel to enable the species to thrive. Eventually that source of energy threatened the species. The system provided a solution:
Extractive resource economies produce centralizing elites. Centralizing elites produce aggressive totalitarian super-elites. Aggressive totalitarian super-elites act out their aggressions. Their aggressions threaten the species' ability to thrive.
So the species' system responds.
The specifics of the response occur at a human scale and produce immediate suffering on the human scale, but for the species as a whole, the result is positive and the species continues to thrive.
But how, you may ask (and if you don't, I will on your behalf), does responding to acts of aggression fueled by the economics of extractive resource control amount to a species response to climate change?
To which I reply (to myself, if not to you), think in terms of systems.
Human-caused climate change is a systemic global result of the extractive fuel resource economy. The extractive resource economy leads inherently (for reasons described above) to the control by *individuals* of a resource required by the species as a whole.
That *isn't* in the species interest, and because such control isn't ultimately responsive to the species' need to thrive, the *system* will push to undermine or destroy that control once it threatens the species as a whole.
Climate change is the threat. The Russia-Ukraine War is part of the system's response.
Is it Putin's war? Sure. But if he hadn't started it, some other extractive economy leader in his stead would have. Extractive economies eventually produce highly aggressive authoritarian leaders. (Look at MBS.) Aggressive authoritarian leaders create wars. (MBS/Yemen.)
The more money a highly aggressive authoritarian leader can extract from the economy, the more ambitious he becomes.
I don't think it's much of a stretch to describe this as inevitable.
Step back far enough and you can see the species system at work-- the push to extend and thrive (ants in all directions/lets build machines), the discovery of a resource (fruit!, coal and oil), the depletion of the resource (eaten fruit, abandoned oil wells), or, alternately, its control by a hostile counter-force (wasps!, climate change and/or authoritarians), and the move to a different resource (pile of garbage, renewable energy and/or nuclear power).
At our individual human level, from our personal limited lifetime viewpoint, all of this seems glacially slow-- the looming threat overwhelming, our individual helplessness a source of despair.
But we aren't alone, we're members of the most successful species on earth (apart from the dinosaurs, who actually make a good case for how long species can survive in balance with the world if the planet doesn't get hit by an asteroid). Our special species skill is solving problems.
We're in the process of solving one of the greatest problems we've ever faced.
I'm pretty sure we'll succeed, as we have thousands of times before, and will, again, a thousand times forward into the future.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Russian Current-Account Surplus Grows Far Less Than Forecast
Russia’s current-account surplus grew less than forecast, in the latest sign that a critical source of hard currency for the government is coming under pressure as the war in Ukraine escalates.
The surplus in the current account -- roughly the difference between exports and imports -- reached an estimated $51.9 billion in the third quarter, down from a record $76.7 billion in the previous three months, according to central bank data published on Tuesday. The median estimate in a Bloomberg survey of economists was $61.3 billion.
It’s the smallest quarterly total so far this year, with the surplus appearing to narrow in September from August. While the Bank of Russia doesn’t break out the monthly totals, they can be estimated by subtracting the previous cumulative figures.
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A windfall from surging energy revenues has until now been a lifeline for an economy that found itself cut off from much of the global financial system after the US and its allies imposed sanctions over President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in February. 
Coupled with a plunge in imports, the proceeds have enabled authorities to restore confidence in the ruble and keep up spending as Russia slipped into one of the worst recessions in its modern history.
The surplus for the first nine months stood at a historic high of 198.4 billion. The Bank of Russia forecasts it will total $243 billion this year, nearly doubling from 2021.
Energy Standoff
More recently, however, Russia has cut its gas supplies to Europe to just a fraction of what it used to ship. Rosbank economist Evgeny Koshelev said the current-account surplus likely narrowed as declines in commodity prices and disruptions to energy shipments to Europe cut into export proceeds at a time when imports resumed growth. 
The deviation from the forecast probably stems from “more massive” net payments in investment income, Koshelev said.
But the outlook for the current account will likely turn far less upbeat as Russia finds it harder to divert its energy sales away from Europe while imports continue their gradual recovery.
The European Union’s latest round of sanctions includes a ban on shipping Russian crude anywhere in the world on EU tankers, with the penalties also revised to incorporate a price cap championed by the US Treasury. Russia has said it won’t sell its oil to anyone who imposes a price cap.
Russian gas exports to Europe have meanwhile diminished. Although volumes are still passing through Ukraine, other routes have been halted, including the key Nord Stream link to Germany.
Gazprom’s exports to its key markets excluding former Soviet nations fell to 18 billion cubic meters in the third quarter, a decline of almost 61% from a year ago. The drop was a result of capped flows to Europe, historically the main destination for the Russian gas producer.
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chemanalystdata · 3 days
Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) Prices | Pricing | Trend | News | Database | Chart | Forecast
Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) is a widely used chemical compound, primarily utilized as a plasticizer in the manufacturing of flexible plastics. It plays a significant role in industries like automotive, construction, and consumer goods, where flexibility and durability of plastic materials are required. The demand for DBP is influenced by its application in products like adhesives, inks, and coatings. Over the years, the pricing trends of dibutyl phthalate have been subject to fluctuations due to various market factors including raw material costs, supply-demand dynamics, and regulatory developments in different regions.
The prices of DBP are largely dictated by the availability and cost of its key raw materials, namely n-butanol and phthalic anhydride. N-butanol is derived from crude oil or natural gas, meaning the prices of these raw materials are heavily influenced by the global oil market. Fluctuations in crude oil prices directly impact n-butanol costs, which, in turn, affect DBP production costs. Any volatility in the oil market, such as changes in oil production levels, geopolitical tensions, or shifts in global demand, can lead to price variations for dibutyl phthalate. When crude oil prices rise, manufacturers experience higher production costs, and this is often passed on to end consumers in the form of increased DBP prices. Conversely, when crude oil prices decline, the cost of n-butanol decreases, allowing for potential reductions in DBP prices.
Get Real Time Prices for Dibutyl Phthalate: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/dibutyl-phthalate-1301The global supply and demand balance is another crucial factor influencing DBP prices. Regions with a high demand for flexible plastics, like Asia-Pacific and North America, often see higher dibutyl phthalate prices due to the consistent need for the compound in industries such as packaging, automotive, and construction. Industrial growth in emerging economies, particularly in China and India, has further boosted the demand for DBP, contributing to upward price pressure in these markets. However, the global supply chain for DBP is susceptible to disruptions, which can significantly impact prices. Factors such as plant shutdowns, logistical challenges, or natural disasters can reduce the supply of DBP, creating shortages that drive prices higher.
On the other hand, regulatory policies concerning environmental and health impacts have a notable influence on the DBP market. In several regions, especially in Europe and North America, the use of phthalates like dibutyl phthalate has come under scrutiny due to concerns about their potential health risks. Regulatory bodies have implemented restrictions on the use of DBP in certain products, particularly those that come into direct contact with consumers, such as cosmetics and children's toys. These regulations have forced manufacturers to seek alternatives, which in turn affects demand and can contribute to a decline in DBP prices in regulated markets. However, regions with less stringent regulations may continue to witness steady or even growing demand, potentially keeping prices stable or driving them higher in those areas.
In recent years, sustainability concerns have also influenced DBP pricing trends. With a growing emphasis on eco-friendly products, there has been a push towards the development and adoption of bio-based plasticizers as alternatives to phthalates. This shift is gradually changing the landscape of the plasticizer market. Although bio-based alternatives are still in the early stages of commercial viability and often come with higher costs, their increasing adoption could eventually lead to a decrease in the demand for DBP, thereby exerting downward pressure on its prices in the long term.
Another significant factor affecting dibutyl phthalate prices is the economic performance of end-use industries. The construction and automotive sectors, in particular, are major consumers of DBP. Economic downturns that negatively impact these industries can lead to reduced demand for DBP, causing prices to fall. Conversely, periods of economic growth often lead to increased industrial activity, driving up demand for DBP and, consequently, its prices. For example, during global recessions, the automotive and construction industries may scale back production, leading to reduced consumption of plasticizers like DBP. This results in a temporary decrease in prices. In contrast, during times of economic expansion, demand for DBP tends to increase as construction projects and automobile manufacturing ramp up, causing prices to rise.
The global trade environment also plays a role in determining dibutyl phthalate prices. Tariffs, trade agreements, and geopolitical tensions can all impact the cost of importing and exporting DBP and its raw materials. For instance, trade disputes between major economies can lead to increased tariffs on chemical products, including DBP, which raises production costs and contributes to higher prices for consumers. On the other hand, favorable trade agreements can lower costs and make DBP more affordable in certain markets.
The competitive landscape of the chemical industry is another key consideration in DBP pricing. Large multinational chemical manufacturers often have the advantage of economies of scale, allowing them to produce dibutyl phthalate at a lower cost compared to smaller players. This competitive advantage can lead to price differentials in the market, with larger producers offering DBP at more competitive prices. However, the presence of smaller, regional players may create localized price variations depending on market conditions, regulatory environments, and raw material availability.
In summary, the price of dibutyl phthalate is influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including raw material costs, supply-demand dynamics, regulatory pressures, sustainability trends, economic conditions in end-use industries, and the global trade environment. As the global economy continues to evolve, these factors will continue to shape the pricing landscape for DBP, with potential fluctuations driven by changes in oil prices, environmental regulations, and shifts in industrial demand.
Get Real Time Prices for Dibutyl Phthalate: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/dibutyl-phthalate-1301
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tmr-blogs2 · 12 days
RFCC Catalyst Market Expansion: Forecasting Growth at a 3.6% CAGR by 2034
The Residue Fluidized Catalytic Cracking (RFCC) Catalyst market is poised for significant growth during the forecast period from 2024 to 2034. RFCC catalysts play a pivotal role in the refining process, facilitating the conversion of heavy crude oil into lighter, more valuable products such as gasoline, diesel, and other petrochemical feedstock. With increasing demand for energy and stricter environmental regulations aimed at reducing sulfur emissions, the need for high-performance catalysts is on the rise.
The global RFCC Catalyst industry, valued at US$ 244.0 million in 2023, is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.6% from 2024 to 2034, reaching US$ 360.1 million by the end of 2034.
The global RFCC Catalyst market is expected to grow at a steady pace over the next decade, driven by expanding refinery capacities, particularly in emerging economies. As the demand for transportation fuels, petrochemicals, and cleaner-burning fuels continues to surge, refineries are investing in advanced catalytic technologies to maximize yield and efficiency.
For More Details, Request for a Sample of this Research Report: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/rfcc-catalyst-market.html
Market Segmentation
By Service Type:
Supply of new catalysts
Catalyst regeneration
Catalyst management services
By Sourcing Type:
Primary sourcing (direct from manufacturers)
Secondary sourcing (independent suppliers)
By Application:
Refining of gasoline
Refining of diesel
Refining of other petroleum products
By Industry Vertical:
Oil and gas
Energy and power
Other industries
By Region:
North America
Middle East and Africa
Latin America
Regional Analysis
North America is expected to remain a significant market for RFCC catalysts, owing to the large number of refineries and ongoing modernization projects aimed at reducing emissions and improving efficiency.
Asia-Pacific, particularly China and India, will witness rapid growth in RFCC catalyst demand due to rising energy consumption, expanding refinery infrastructure, and increasing investments in cleaner refining technologies.
Europe will also see steady demand, driven by stringent environmental regulations and a shift toward greener energy sources.
Middle East and Africa regions will experience moderate growth, driven by refinery expansions and increasing focus on downstream activities.
Latin America will present new opportunities as the region works to modernize its refining sector.
Market Drivers and Challenges
Growing demand for transportation fuels: As global transportation needs continue to rise, refineries are under pressure to maximize fuel production, driving the demand for advanced RFCC catalysts.
Environmental regulations: Stricter global regulations aimed at reducing emissions and producing cleaner fuels are prompting refineries to adopt more efficient catalytic technologies.
Technological advancements: Innovations in catalyst design and performance, including higher activity catalysts and sulfur-reducing variants, are driving the market forward.
High cost of catalyst regeneration and replacement: The ongoing maintenance and replacement costs of RFCC catalysts can be a burden for refineries, especially in emerging markets.
Fluctuating crude oil prices: Variability in crude oil prices can impact refining operations and, consequently, the demand for RFCC catalysts.
Market Trends
Shift toward cleaner fuels: The global push toward reducing carbon footprints is encouraging refineries to adopt RFCC catalysts that enable the production of cleaner-burning fuels with lower sulfur content.
Digitalization and optimization in refineries: The integration of advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, and data analytics in refining operations is optimizing catalyst performance and increasing overall refinery efficiency.
Growing investments in emerging economies: Countries such as China, India, and those in the Middle East are making significant investments in refinery infrastructure, which will drive demand for advanced RFCC catalysts over the next decade.
Future Outlook
The RFCC catalyst market will continue to grow as the global refining industry evolves. With increasing demand for high-value refined products, especially in Asia-Pacific and the Middle East, investments in refinery modernization and technological advancements in catalytic materials will fuel the market. Moreover, environmental concerns and evolving regulatory frameworks will keep pushing for innovation in the design and efficiency of RFCC catalysts, creating a dynamic market environment over the next ten years.
Buy this Premium Research Report: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=86288&ltype=S
Key Market Study Points
Refinery expansions in emerging economies are expected to create significant opportunities for the RFCC catalyst market.
Innovations in catalyst design aimed at increasing yield and reducing environmental impact will be key to the future success of the market.
Collaboration between catalyst manufacturers and refineries is essential to meet the evolving needs of the energy industry.
Competitive Landscape
The RFCC catalyst market is highly competitive, with key players focusing on product innovation, strategic partnerships, and expansions. Major companies in the market include W.R. Grace & Co., BASF SE, Albemarle Corporation, Johnson Matthey, and Shell Catalysts & Technologies. These companies are investing heavily in R&D to develop advanced RFCC catalysts that can meet the demands of modern refineries while addressing environmental concerns.
Recent Developments
W.R. Grace & Co. has been at the forefront of innovation, launching next-generation RFCC catalysts designed to enhance refinery performance and reduce emissions.
BASF SE has announced new product lines that focus on producing cleaner fuels with enhanced catalytic efficiency.
Albemarle Corporation has expanded its global footprint through strategic partnerships in Asia, strengthening its position in the rapidly growing market.
Shell Catalysts & Technologies is working on improving catalyst life cycles and efficiency through its proprietary research and development initiatives.
About Transparency Market Research
Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyses information.
Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.
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accapitalmarket · 17 days
US private payroll underwhelms, Wall Street lower
US blue chips closed lower on Thursday following mixed employment data which added to worries over the health of the world’s biggest economy, a day ahead of the crucial August non-farm payrolls report.
US ADP private payrolls rose by 99,000 jobs in August, compared to a downwardly revised total of 111,000 in July, the weakest figure since January 2021. That was way below the consensus forecast of 144,000 and the original July reading of 122,000.
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Meanwhile, the latest US unemployment claims came in at 227,000 in the week ending August 31, a decrease of 5,000 from the previous week's revised level of 232,000 and lower than forecasts of 231,000. Other data showed US job cuts rose to 75,891 in August, according to a report by Challenger, a sharp increase from July's reading of 25,885.
But more positively, the Institute for Supply Management’s services purchasing managers index (PMI) edged higher to 51.5 in August, up from 51.4 in July, above market expectations for a fall to 51.1. And S&P Global’s services PMI was upwardly revised to 55.7 in August from a preliminary reading of 55.2, the sector's strongest growth since March 2022. Meanwhile, S&P Global’s composite PMI was also revised up to 54.6 from 54.1, signalling a 19th consecutive month of expansion in the US private sector.
The big batch of US data this week has been fuelling talk the Federal Reserve may need to make bigger-than-expected interest rate cuts to stave off a possible recession, with the first move expected at this month’s policy meeting. But much will depend on Friday’s payrolls report, with the consensus for jobs growth of 161,000 for August and a slight decline in the unemployment rate to 4.2%.
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SPX500 Daily
By the close in New York, the blue-chip Dow Jones Industrials Average had dropped 0.50% to 40,755, while the broader S&P 500 index fell 0.3% to 5,503. But the tech-laden Nasdaq Composite managed to end 0.3% higher at 17,128.
Among the tech risers, AI chip darling Nvidia rallied 0.9% higher following a recent big sell-off on recession impact worries. And Tesla gained 4.9% after the electric vehicles maker said it would launch its advanced driver assistance in Europe and China in Q1 2025.
But Hewlett Packard Enterprise fell 6% as its Q4 earnings beat forecasts but that was overshadowed by a dip in margins.
An M&A deal in telecoms also helped support the tech sector. Verizon has agreed to purchase Frontier Communications in a deal worth $20bn, as a move to grow its fiber network to better compete against rivals. Verizon shed 0.4%, while Frontier lost 9.5% on the news. But AT&T added 0.3% and Lumen Technologies gained 2.3%.
Away from tech, JetBlue Airways climbed 7.2% after lifting its Q3 guidance, forecasting revenue to be in a range of negative 2.5% to up 1% from the same period a year earlier, compared with a prior estimate for revenue to be down between 5.5% and 1.5%.
And US Steel added 2%, paring back some of the losses made following a major slump on Wednesday. The US steel maker has been under pressure following reports that President Joe Biden is set to block its proposed $14.9 billion takeover by Japan's Nippon Steel due to national security concerns.
On the commodity front, oil prices edged higher as worries about demand in the US and China, following recent data from both countries, and a likely rise in supplies out of Libya, offset a big withdrawal from US inventories and a delay to output increases by OPEC+ producers.
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US WTI crude gained 0.3% at $69.33, while UK Brent crude added 0.2% at $72.48 a barrel.
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Global Bentonite Market to witness high growth by 2027|UnivDatos Market Insights
A comprehensive overview of the global bentonite market is recently added by UnivDatos Market Insights to its humongous database. The report has been aggregated by collecting informative data from various dynamics such as market drivers, restraints, and opportunities. This innovative report makes use of several analyses to get a closer outlook on the bentonite market in the global context. This report offers a detailed analysis of the latest industry developments and trending factors that are influencing market growth. Furthermore, this statistical market research repository examines and estimates the global bentonite market at the regional & country levels. The Global Bentonite Market was valued around US$ 1.4 billion in 2020 and is anticipated to display a CAGR of ~around 6% over the forecast period (2021-2027).
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Market Overview
Upsurging demand of steel from end user industries like automobile, construction, transportation, energy, and packaging would result to rise in demand of iron ore pellets which are used in manufacturing of steel. Further, sodium-activated calcium bentonite is used as a binder in iron ore pellets and is known to increase strength of both wet and dry iron ore green pellets. Owning to increased demand of iron ore from steel industry would result to higher demand of bentonite for iron ore pelletizing thereby helping the market grow at a considerable rate.
For instance, global production of crude steel in 2018 was 1,825,486 thousand tons which grew to 1,875,155 thousand tons in 2019. As per, The World Steel Association forecasts that steel (apparent steel) demand will grow by 5.8% in 2021 to reach 1.874 billion metric tons, after declining by just 0.2% in 2020, as the overall impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the sector turned out to be less than previously foreseen.
COVID-19 Impact
During the Covid-19 pandemic in the early 2020, majority of the countries and region witnessed a country wide lockdown. This has impacted the overall demand for oil and gas. According to U.S. Energy Information Administration, globally a decline of almost 9% in the overall demand of oil and gas was witnessed in 2020 for the first time since the global recession of 2009. Majority of decline was witnessed in the industrial sector, where countries had imposed shut down of manufacturing facilities to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
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Global bentonite market report is studied thoroughly with several aspects that would help stakeholders in making their decisions more curated.
By Product, the market is primarily categorized into:
Based on product, the bentonite market is segmented into sodium, calcium, and others. Among these, sodium bentonite is likely to showcase substantial growth during the forecast period. Increasing adoption and ownership of cats in developed nations like U.S. and European countries would increase the demand of sodium bentonite owing to its pet litter applications. For instance, around 42.7 million US households owns Cat as per the 2019-2020 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association.
By Application, the market is primarily studied into:
Cat Litter
Civil Engineering
Drilling Mud
Foundry Mud
Iron Ore Pelletizing
Based on application, the bentonite market is divided into cat litter, civil engineering, drilling mud, foundry sands, iron ore pelletizing, refining, and others. Among them, iron ore pelletizing and drilling mud hold a considerable market share. Bentonite exhibits good strength along with high hot and dry strength which helps in preventing molds from breaking or cracking during the pouring or cooling process in the foundry industry. Owing to high strength resulting from its property to absorb and then release moisture, bentonite is used in iron ore palletization.
Global Bentonite Market Region Segmentation Includes:
North America
Asia Pacific
South America  
Based on the estimation, North America accounted for considerable market position in the market in 2020 and is expected to demonstrate significant growth during the forecast period (2021-2027). Large and increasing oil & gas activities resulted in the increasing demand of bentonite in the region.
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The major players operating in the market includes:
Bentonite Mineral Performance LLC
Black Hills Bentonite LLC
Minerals Technologies Inc.
Imerys S.A.
Wyo-Ben Inc.
Tolsa S.A.
Laviosa Mineral Solutions SpA
G & W Mineral Resources
Ningcheng Tianyu Chemical Co. Ltd.
Kunimine Industries Co. Ltd.
Competitive Landscape
The degree of competition among prominent companies has been elaborated by analyzing several leading key players operating in the Global context. The specialist team of research analysts sheds light on various traits such as Global market competition, market share, most recent industry advancements, innovative product launches, partnerships, mergers, or acquisitions by leading companies in the Global Bentonite Market. The major players have been analyzed using different research methodologies for getting insight views on market competition.
Key questions resolved through this analytical market research report include:
What are the latest trends, new patterns, and technological advancements in the global bentonite market?
Which factors are influencing the global bentonite market over the forecast period?
What are the global challenges, threats, and risks in the global bentonite market?
Which factors are propelling and restraining the global bentonite market?
What are the demanding global regions of the bentonite market?
What will be the market size in the upcoming years?
What are the crucial market acquisition strategies and policies applied by the companies?
We understand the requirement of different businesses, regions, and countries, we offer customized reports as per your requirements of business nature. Please let us know If you have any custom needs.
About UnivDatos Market Insights
UnivDatos Market Insights (UMI) is a passionate market research firm and a subsidiary of Universal Data Solutions. We believe in delivering insights through Market Intelligence Reports, Customized Business Research, and Primary Research. Our research studies are spread across topics across the world, we cover markets in over 100 countries using smart research techniques and agile methodologies. We offer in-depth studies, detailed analysis, and customized reports that help shape winning business strategies for our clients.
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UnivDatos Market Insights
Contact Number - +1 9782263411Website -www.univdatos.com
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darkmaga-retard · 26 days
We're going to need more copper.
John Ellis
Aug 27, 2024
1. ExxonMobil has said global oil demand will remain virtually unchanged by 2050 and warned that any move to curtail investment in fossil fuels would trigger a new energy price shock. In a forecast released on Monday, the US supermajor said oil demand would stay above 100 million barrels a day (b/d) over the next 25 years — a forecast that assumes an energy transition will fail to curb the world’s thirst for fossil fuels. Exxon warned of a new global oil shock if companies failed to keep investing to match that demand, saying crude prices could quadruple as supply fell. Exxon’s prediction contrasts sharply with UK oil major BP, which expects oil consumption to decline to 75 million b/d in 2050. The International Energy Agency projects oil demand would fall to 54.8 million b/d if governments met their climate pledges on time. (Source: ft.com)
2. The battle cry of energy transition advocates is “Electrify everything.” Meaning: Let’s power cars, heating systems, industrial plants, and every other type of machine with electricity rather than fossil fuels. To do that, we need copper—and lots of it. Second to silver, a rarer and far more expensive metal, copper is the best natural electrical conductor on Earth. We need it for solar panels, wind turbines, and electric vehicles. (A typical EV contains as much as 175 pounds of copper.) We need it for the giant batteries that will provide power when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing. We need it to massively expand and upgrade the countless miles of power cables that undergird the energy grid in practically every country. In the United States, the capacity of the electric grid will have to grow as much as threefold to meet the expected demand. A recent report from S&P Global predicts that the amount of copper we’ll need over the next 25 years will add up to more than the human race has consumed in its entire history. “The world has never produced anywhere close to this much copper in such a short time frame,” the report notes. The world might not be up to the challenge. Analysts predict supplies will fall short by millions of tons in the coming years. No wonder Goldman Sachs has declared “no decarbonization without copper” and called copper “the new oil.” (Source: wired.com, italics mine)
3. An experiment conducted by researchers from Leibniz University Hannover in Germany show how quantum information and the classic 1s and 0s of conventional data could be beamed down the same optical fiber. Potentially, that means an internet that's almost hack-proof – and the possibility of using existing infrastructure to connect multiple quantum computers in networks that might one day provide a unique means of processing power that could solve otherwise insurmountable computing tasks. Quantum communication requires closely-related waves of light to be sent in isolation to protect their delicately entangled relationship, which means they need to be transmitted separately to conventional data-carrying light waves. That makes it tricky to send everything down the same pipe. "To make the quantum internet a reality, we need to transmit entangled photons via fiber optic networks," says physicist Michael Kues, from Leibniz University Hannover. "We also want to continue using optical fibers for conventional data transmission. Our research is an important step to combine the conventional internet with the quantum internet." (Sources: sciencealert.com, uni-hannover.de)
4. CSIS on subsea fiber-optic cables:
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AvaTrade Forex Broker & Trading Markets: Legit or a Scam?
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What is AvaTrade?
AvaTrade is a globally recognized online forex and CFD broker that was founded in 2006. With its headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, the company has expanded its operations worldwide, offering services in multiple languages to traders in over 150 countries. AvaTrade provides access to a wide range of financial markets, including Forex, commodities, indices, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and more.
AvaTrade’s Trading Platforms
AvaTrade offers a variety of trading platforms tailored to meet the needs of different types of traders. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, AvaTrade has something to offer.
MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5): These are the most popular trading platforms in the industry, known for their user-friendly interface and advanced trading tools. MT4 and MT5 offer a range of features including automated trading, technical analysis tools, and real-time market data.
AvaTradeGO: This is AvaTrade’s proprietary mobile trading platform. It is designed for traders who prefer to trade on the go. AvaTradeGO offers a seamless trading experience with features such as one-click trading, advanced charting tools, and live market news.
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One of the key factors in determining the legitimacy of a trading platform is its regulatory status. AvaTrade is regulated by several financial authorities across the globe, ensuring that it operates within strict guidelines to protect its clients.
Central Bank of Ireland: AvaTrade is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland, which is one of the most reputable financial regulators in Europe.
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC): In Australia, AvaTrade is regulated by ASIC, ensuring that it adheres to the high standards required for financial services in the region.
Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA): In South Africa, AvaTrade is regulated by the FSCA, providing an additional layer of security for traders in the region.
Financial Services Commission (FSC): AvaTrade is also regulated by the FSC in the British Virgin Islands, which oversees its global operations.
Is AvaTrade Legit or a Scam?
Given its extensive regulatory framework and long-standing presence in the industry, AvaTrade is considered a legitimate online trading platform. The company has received numerous awards over the years, further solidifying its reputation as a reliable broker. However, like any investment platform, it
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The global demand for offshore wind turbines was valued at USD 5842.8 million in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 26494.54 million in 2030, growing at a CAGR of 20.80% between 2023 and 2030.Nanotechnology, the science of manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular scale, is revolutionizing the oil and gas industry. The integration of nanotechnology in this sector has led to significant advancements in exploration, production, and environmental sustainability. This article delves into the various applications of nanotechnology in the oil and gas market, its impact on the industry, and the future prospects of this transformative technology.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/offshore-wind-turbines-market
Enhancing Exploration and Drilling Efficiency
One of the primary applications of nanotechnology in the oil and gas industry is in exploration and drilling. Nanomaterials, such as nanosensors and nanoparticles, are used to enhance the detection of oil and gas reserves. These materials can improve the accuracy of seismic surveys and logging tools, enabling more precise identification of hydrocarbon deposits. For instance, nanosensors can be deployed in drilling fluids to monitor real-time changes in pressure, temperature, and chemical composition, providing valuable data for optimizing drilling operations.
Nanotechnology also plays a crucial role in improving the efficiency of drilling processes. Nanoparticles are added to drilling fluids to enhance their thermal conductivity and lubricating properties, reducing friction and wear on drilling equipment. This not only extends the lifespan of the equipment but also minimizes the risk of wellbore instability and other drilling-related issues. Moreover, nanomaterials can be used to develop advanced drilling fluids that can withstand extreme conditions, such as high temperatures and pressures, encountered in deepwater and unconventional reservoirs.
Improving Production and Recovery Rates
In the production phase, nanotechnology offers innovative solutions for enhancing oil and gas recovery. Nanoparticles can be engineered to alter the wettability of reservoir rocks, making it easier to extract hydrocarbons trapped in the pore spaces. This technique, known as nanofluid flooding, has shown promising results in increasing the recovery factor of oil and gas reservoirs, particularly in mature fields where traditional recovery methods have become less effective.
Additionally, nanocatalysts are being developed to improve the efficiency of catalytic processes used in refining and petrochemical production. These nanocatalysts exhibit superior catalytic activity and selectivity, leading to higher yields of valuable products and lower production costs. For example, nanocatalysts can enhance the hydrocracking and hydrotreating processes, enabling the conversion of heavy crude oil into lighter, more valuable fractions with reduced sulfur content.
Environmental Sustainability and Safety
Nanotechnology is also driving advancements in environmental sustainability and safety in the oil and gas industry. One of the critical environmental challenges in this sector is the management of produced water, which contains various contaminants, including hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and salts. Nanomaterials, such as carbon nanotubes and magnetic nanoparticles, are being utilized to develop advanced water treatment technologies that can efficiently remove these contaminants from produced water, making it suitable for reuse or safe disposal.
Moreover, nanotechnology is contributing to the development of more effective methods for spill response and remediation. Nanoparticles can be engineered to selectively adsorb oil from water, providing a rapid and efficient solution for cleaning up oil spills. This not only mitigates the environmental impact of spills but also enhances the recovery of valuable hydrocarbons.
Safety is another critical area where nanotechnology is making a significant impact. Nanosensors and nanodevices are being integrated into monitoring systems to detect leaks, corrosion, and other potential hazards in real-time. These advanced monitoring systems enable early detection and timely intervention, reducing the risk of accidents and enhancing the overall safety of oil and gas operations.
Future Prospects and Challenges
The future of nanotechnology in the oil and gas market looks promising, with ongoing research and development efforts aimed at unlocking new applications and improving existing technologies. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed to fully realize the potential of nanotechnology in this sector. These challenges include the scalability and cost-effectiveness of nanomaterials, as well as the need for comprehensive safety and environmental impact assessments.
Despite these challenges, the integration of nanotechnology in the oil and gas industry is set to continue growing, driven by the need for more efficient, sustainable, and safer operations. As the industry faces increasing pressure to reduce its environmental footprint and enhance production efficiency, nanotechnology offers a viable path toward achieving these goals.
Key Players
Zhejiang Windey Co., Ltd.
ReGen Powertech
Suzlon Energy Limited
Siemens AG
Enercon Gmbh
General Electric
By Wind Turbine Types
Fixed Bottom Turbines
Floating Turbines
By Capacity Range
Gigawatt-class turbines
Megawatt-class turbines
By Installation Depth
Shallow Depth Turbines
Deep Depth Turbines
By Wind Turbine Components
Rotor Blades
By Project Development Phases
Site Assessment and Planning
Installation and Construction
Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
By Grid Connection
Onshore Substation
Subsea Cables
By Market players
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
Service Providers
By Technological Advancements
Next-Generation Turbines
Digitalization and Monitoring Systems
By Government Policies And Regulations
Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs)
Renewable Energy Targets
Permitting and Environmental Regulations
By Collaborations And Partnerships
Industry Consortia
Research and Development (R&D) Partnerships
By Region
North America
The U.S.
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of the Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/offshore-wind-turbines-market
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Credence Research is committed to employee well-being and productivity. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented a permanent work-from-home policy for all employees.
Credence Research
Please contact us at +91 6232 49 3207
Website: www.credenceresearch.com
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chemanalystdata · 3 days
Butyric Acid Prices | Pricing | Trend | News | Database | Chart | Forecast
 Butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid, is gaining increasing attention in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food production, and agriculture. Its unique properties and applications contribute to the fluctuations in its market prices, which are influenced by multiple factors. Understanding the dynamics of butyric acid prices requires a comprehensive look into its production processes, market demand, and global trade.
The production of butyric acid primarily involves two methods: the synthetic route and the fermentation process. The synthetic route typically utilizes petrochemical sources, which can be sensitive to fluctuations in crude oil prices. Therefore, any significant changes in oil prices can directly affect the cost of production and, consequently, the price of butyric acid. On the other hand, the fermentation process, which uses microbial fermentation of carbohydrates, can be influenced by agricultural product prices and technological advancements. As the technology for fermentation improves, it may lead to more cost-effective production methods, potentially lowering prices.
Get Real Time Prices for Butyric Acid : https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/butyric-acid-1250Market demand plays a crucial role in shaping butyric acid prices. In the pharmaceutical industry, butyric acid is used in the production of various medications, including those for treating gastrointestinal disorders. The demand for these medications can be influenced by changes in healthcare policies, advancements in medical research, and demographic shifts, such as an aging population that may require more medical treatments. As a result, fluctuations in the pharmaceutical sector can impact the demand for butyric acid, which, in turn, affects its price.
The food industry also significantly influences butyric acid prices. Butyric acid is used as a flavoring agent and preservative in processed foods. With the growing trend of healthier eating and clean-label products, there is an increasing demand for natural and functional ingredients. This rising consumer preference for natural additives can drive up the demand for butyric acid, thereby affecting its market price. Additionally, regulatory changes and safety standards in the food industry can impact the production and distribution of butyric acid, influencing its price.
Agriculture is another sector where butyric acid plays a vital role. It is used as a feed additive in livestock to improve animal health and productivity. Changes in agricultural practices, livestock farming regulations, and feed additive standards can affect the demand for butyric acid. Furthermore, fluctuations in agricultural commodity prices and supply chain disruptions can have a cascading effect on butyric acid prices. For example, if there is a shortage of raw materials used in fermentation, it could lead to increased production costs and, subsequently, higher prices.
Global trade dynamics also contribute to the pricing of butyric acid. The international market is characterized by supply and demand imbalances, trade policies, and tariffs that can impact the availability and cost of butyric acid. For instance, trade restrictions or tariffs imposed by major producing countries can lead to price fluctuations in the global market. Additionally, exchange rate fluctuations can affect the cost of importing and exporting butyric acid, influencing its price in different regions.
Technological advancements and innovations in the production of butyric acid can have a significant impact on its prices. Researchers and manufacturers are continually working on developing more efficient and sustainable production methods. These advancements can lead to lower production costs and increased supply, which may result in reduced prices. Conversely, if new technologies are expensive to implement or require significant investment, they could lead to higher production costs and increased prices.
Moreover, environmental regulations and sustainability concerns are becoming increasingly important in the production of chemicals, including butyric acid. Stricter environmental regulations can lead to higher compliance costs for manufacturers, which may be passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. Conversely, initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability and reducing environmental impact may encourage the development of more cost-effective and environmentally friendly production methods, potentially influencing prices in the long term.
In conclusion, butyric acid prices are subject to a complex interplay of factors including production methods, market demand, global trade dynamics, and technological advancements. As industries continue to evolve and market conditions change, the prices of butyric acid will likely fluctuate in response to these influences. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for stakeholders across various sectors who rely on butyric acid for their products and processes. Keeping an eye on these factors can help anticipate price movements and make informed decisions in a market that is both diverse and dynamic.
Get Real Time Prices for Butyric Acid : https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/butyric-acid-1250
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internetcompanynews · 2 months
Stock market news today: Nasdaq futures sink 4%, Dow futures cascade down as global sell-off intensifies - Information Global Web - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/stock-market-news-today-nasdaq-futures-sink-4-dow-futures-cascade-down-as-global-sell-off-intensifies/?feed_id=155913&_unique_id=66b0e905cd113 Wall Street’s stock sell-off was set to intensify in a major way Monday as concerns mounted over the health of the US economy.Dow Jones Industrial Average futures (YM=F) lost over 1,000 points before the bell. Nasdaq 100 futures (NQ=F) were crushed by over 5% after the tech-heavy index entered into a correction with Friday’s sharp losses. S&P 500 futures’ (ES=F) losses cascaded around 4%.Wall Street’s “fear gauge” — the CBOE Volatility Index (^VIX) — soared, reaching its highest level since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Treasury yields plummeted, with the benchmark 10-year Treasury yield (^TNX) sinking below 3.8%.The global stock market is in the midst of a rapidly intensifying sell-off after Friday’s lackluster US jobs report added to concerns about the economy and on whether the Federal Reserve had waited too long to begin cutting interest rates. Of note, almost 100% of bets are on the central bank to cut rates by 0.5% by its September meeting, according to the CME FedWatch tool.Some of the biggest companies in the stock market were set to see their values plummet at the open. Apple (AAPL) was down more than 6% amid the sell-off, and also after news that Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-B) had cut its stake in the company in half. Nvidia’s (NVDA) pull back continued, as it dropped 10%. Tesla (TSLA) plunged more than 8%.Crypto also took a beating, with Bitcoin (BTC-USD) sinking more than 15% to creep back toward the $50,000 level.The concerns have spread throughout the world, as well. Traders in Asia greeted the week with a similar sell-off, as Japan’s Nikkei 225 (^N225) was routed by more than 12% in its biggest-ever daily loss. In commodities, meanwhile, oil was near its lows of the year, with WTI crude futures (CL=F) down to near $72 a barrel.The US market is headed into a quieter week of data and earnings. With the jobs market still in focus, weekly unemployment claims due Thursday will take a bigger spotlight than usual.Live2 updatesMon, August 5, 2024 at 1:46 PM GMT+1Google News Markets correct through price or timeStocks were under heavy pressure early Monday and the story is both complicated and simple — investors fear the Fed waited too long to begin cutting rates.But the violent moves we’re seeing in markets to what wasn’t a great, but also not terrible, jobs report force us to turn our attention to the dynamics of the market itself rather than additional news about the economy, earnings, and so on.Which recalls to us one of our favorite market adages: markets correct through price or time.Meaning that when the price of any asset — a stock, bond, etc. — becomes divorced from its fundamental drivers, the price of that asset will find equilibrium by either falling in price or going nowhere while fundamentals catch up.With fears rippling through markets that the Fed is no longer cutting rates for the right reason (inflation is at its 2% target), but for the wrong reason (the economy is tipping into a downturn), investors are choosing the former option.The current earnings season is on track to show profits in the second quarter rose at the fastest annual pace in nearly three years. Recent market action suggests investors think expectations for future profits are simply too high.And rather than wait to see if stocks trading at current prices can “grow into” these valuations, investors are selling first and asking questions later.Mon, August 5, 2024 at 1:36 PM GMT+1Google News What to watch todayGood point by 22V Research’s Dennis DeBusschere in a new note on whether to buy the dip at the open:“If investors are going to buy the oversold condition, credit spreads and inflation expectations need to send a signal that the current economic expansion will continue.
”Suffice it to say, keep an eye on those two things throughout the session.Source Link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/stock-market-news-today-nasdaq-futures-sink-4-dow-futures-cascade-down-as-global-sell-off-intensifies-113202522.html Stock market news today: Nasdaq futures sink 4%, Dow futures cascade down as global sell-off intensifies - Information Global Web - #GLOBAL BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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Petroleum Coke Market is expected to display a steady growth by 2028
According to a new report published by UnivDatos Markets Insights, the Petroleum Coke Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 6% from 2022-2028. The analysis has been segmented into Type (Fuel grade and Calcined coke); Application (Aluminum & other material, Cement, Storage, Steel, Power, and others); Region/Country.
The petroleum coke market report has been aggregated by collecting informative data on various dynamics such as market drivers, restraints, and opportunities. This innovative report makes use of several analyses to get a closer outlook on the petroleum coke market. The petroleum coke market report offers a detailed analysis of the latest industry developments and trending factors in the market that are influencing the market growth. Furthermore, this statistical market research repository examines and estimates the petroleum coke market at the global and regional levels.
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Market Overview
Petroleum coke is obtained as the final solid material during the refining of the crude petroleum product. The petroleum coke is obtained as the residue after the primary and secondary separation of the crude oil in the refinery. The petroleum coke is used in a variety of applications such as power generation, mixing material for aluminum & other material, construction, and others. Most of the petroleum coke production accounted for the fuel grade coke which contributes approximately 80% and is primarily used for electricity generation and for the cement industry. The increasing demand for steel owing to the development of highways, railways, and the automotive along with the construction industry will propel the demand for petroleum coke. Furthermore, the growth of the petroleum coke market is also supported by the growing demand from the cement industries in the developing economies             
The petroleum coke market is expected to grow at a steady rate of around 6% owing to rapid industrialization coupled with the growing demand for electricity generation along with the increasing demand for high carbon steel from the construction industry. Furthermore, the use of petroleum coke can reduce coking coal use by 16% at a 1% net reduction in energy efficiency. The petroleum coke is also used for fertilizer production where the pet is gasified to produce urea ammonia nitrate and ammonia which is then used to produce different fertilizers.
COVID-19 Impact
Due to travel limitations and the projected dismal financial performance of market players in 2020, the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has hurt the petroleum coke industry. Supply chain execution, regulatory and policy changes, labor reliance, working capital management, and liquidity and solvency management are all major concerns for petroleum coke manufacturers. Since the COVID-19 epidemic has considerably diminished by the beginning of 2021, a lot of businesses are resuming operations.
The global petroleum coke market report is studied thoroughly with several aspects that would help stakeholders in making their decisions more curated.
Petroleum Coke Market Geographical Segmentation Includes:
North America (United States, Canada, and Rest of North America)
Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, France, and the Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, and the Rest of Asia-Pacific)
LAMEA (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Mexico, Brazil, and the Rest of the LAMEA)
APAC is anticipated to grow at a substantial CAGR during the forecast period. This is mainly due to the higher urbanization and increasing demand for petroleum coke derivatives including high carbon steel, cement, and others. Moreover, wide expansion in the field of construction and transportation is further expected to support the market growth. In addition, the rising demand for electricity across the world is expected to catalyze the need for petroleum coke to mitigate the shortage of the low supply and power failure. Also, the investment in aluminum and cement industries and increasing demand for aluminum are expected to derive the market in the future. For instance, Indian Oil corporation limited has invested INR 20,000 crore to set up a petroleum coke gasification plant at its Paradip refinery in Odisha.
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The major players targeting the market include
Saudi Arabian Oil Co.
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Royal Dutch Shell Plc
Valero Energy Corporation
Phillips 66 Company
BP p.l.c.
ExxonMobil Corporation
Essar Oil Ltd.
Marathon Petroleum Corporation
Oxbow Corporation
Competitive Landscape
The degree of competition among prominent global companies has been elaborated by analyzing several leading key players operating worldwide. The specialist team of research analysts sheds light on various traits such as global market competition, market share, most recent industry advancements, innovative product launches, partnerships, mergers, or acquisitions by leading companies in the Petroleum Coke market. The major players have been analyzed by using research methodologies for getting insight views on global competition.
Key questions resolved through this analytical market research report include:
• What are the latest trends, new patterns, and technological advancements in the petroleum coke market?
• Which factors are influencing the petroleum coke market over the forecast period?
• What are the global challenges, threats, and risks in the petroleum coke market?
• Which factors are propelling and restraining the petroleum coke market?
• What are the demanding global regions of the petroleum coke market?
• What will be the global market size in the upcoming years?
• What are the crucial market acquisition strategies and policies applied by global companies?
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The global demand for nanotechnology in oil and gas was valued at USD 150.8 million in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 1983.50 million in 2030, growing at a CAGR of 38.00% between 2023 and 2030.Nanotechnology, the science of manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular scale, is revolutionizing the oil and gas industry. The integration of nanotechnology in this sector has led to significant advancements in exploration, production, and environmental sustainability. This article delves into the various applications of nanotechnology in the oil and gas market, its impact on the industry, and the future prospects of this transformative technology.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/nanotechnology-in-oil-and-gas-market
Enhancing Exploration and Drilling Efficiency
One of the primary applications of nanotechnology in the oil and gas industry is in exploration and drilling. Nanomaterials, such as nanosensors and nanoparticles, are used to enhance the detection of oil and gas reserves. These materials can improve the accuracy of seismic surveys and logging tools, enabling more precise identification of hydrocarbon deposits. For instance, nanosensors can be deployed in drilling fluids to monitor real-time changes in pressure, temperature, and chemical composition, providing valuable data for optimizing drilling operations.
Nanotechnology also plays a crucial role in improving the efficiency of drilling processes. Nanoparticles are added to drilling fluids to enhance their thermal conductivity and lubricating properties, reducing friction and wear on drilling equipment. This not only extends the lifespan of the equipment but also minimizes the risk of wellbore instability and other drilling-related issues. Moreover, nanomaterials can be used to develop advanced drilling fluids that can withstand extreme conditions, such as high temperatures and pressures, encountered in deepwater and unconventional reservoirs.
Improving Production and Recovery Rates
In the production phase, nanotechnology offers innovative solutions for enhancing oil and gas recovery. Nanoparticles can be engineered to alter the wettability of reservoir rocks, making it easier to extract hydrocarbons trapped in the pore spaces. This technique, known as nanofluid flooding, has shown promising results in increasing the recovery factor of oil and gas reservoirs, particularly in mature fields where traditional recovery methods have become less effective.
Additionally, nanocatalysts are being developed to improve the efficiency of catalytic processes used in refining and petrochemical production. These nanocatalysts exhibit superior catalytic activity and selectivity, leading to higher yields of valuable products and lower production costs. For example, nanocatalysts can enhance the hydrocracking and hydrotreating processes, enabling the conversion of heavy crude oil into lighter, more valuable fractions with reduced sulfur content.
Environmental Sustainability and Safety
Nanotechnology is also driving advancements in environmental sustainability and safety in the oil and gas industry. One of the critical environmental challenges in this sector is the management of produced water, which contains various contaminants, including hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and salts. Nanomaterials, such as carbon nanotubes and magnetic nanoparticles, are being utilized to develop advanced water treatment technologies that can efficiently remove these contaminants from produced water, making it suitable for reuse or safe disposal.
Moreover, nanotechnology is contributing to the development of more effective methods for spill response and remediation. Nanoparticles can be engineered to selectively adsorb oil from water, providing a rapid and efficient solution for cleaning up oil spills. This not only mitigates the environmental impact of spills but also enhances the recovery of valuable hydrocarbons.
Safety is another critical area where nanotechnology is making a significant impact. Nanosensors and nanodevices are being integrated into monitoring systems to detect leaks, corrosion, and other potential hazards in real-time. These advanced monitoring systems enable early detection and timely intervention, reducing the risk of accidents and enhancing the overall safety of oil and gas operations.
Future Prospects and Challenges
The future of nanotechnology in the oil and gas market looks promising, with ongoing research and development efforts aimed at unlocking new applications and improving existing technologies. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed to fully realize the potential of nanotechnology in this sector. These challenges include the scalability and cost-effectiveness of nanomaterials, as well as the need for comprehensive safety and environmental impact assessments.
Despite these challenges, the integration of nanotechnology in the oil and gas industry is set to continue growing, driven by the need for more efficient, sustainable, and safer operations. As the industry faces increasing pressure to reduce its environmental footprint and enhance production efficiency, nanotechnology offers a viable path toward achieving these goals.
Key Players
Baker Hughes
By Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
Nanofluids for Reservoir Stimulation
Smart Nanogels
By Drilling Fluids And Wellbore Stability
Nanoparticle-Based Drilling Fluids
Nanocomposites for Wellbore Reinforcement
By Corrosion Prevention And Control
Corrosion Inhibitors
By Downhole Sensing And Monitoring
Nanomaterial-Based Sensors
Smart Nanomaterials
By Water Treatment And Desalination
Nanofiltration and Nanomembranes
Nanoparticle-Based Adsorbents
By Nanotechnology In Cementing
Nanoparticles in Cement Formulations
Strength and Durability Enhancement
By Reservoir Imaging And Characterization
Nanoparticle Tracers
Nanoparticle-Enhanced Imaging Techniques
By Environmental Management
Nanoparticle-Based Sorbents
By Exploration And Seismic Imaging
Nanoparticles in Seismic Surveys
Improved Subsurface Imaging
By Nanobots And Nanorobots
Nanorobotic Applications
By Catalysts For Upgrading Processes
By Region
North America
The U.S.
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of the Middle East and Africa
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Credence Research
Please contact us at +91 6232 49 3207
Website: www.credenceresearch.com
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globalgrowthinsights · 2 months
Agricultural Drones Market 2024 Driving Factors Forecast Research 2032
Agricultural Drones Market provides in-depth analysis of the market state of Agricultural Drones manufacturers, including best facts and figures, overview, definition, SWOT analysis, expert opinions, and the most current global developments. The research also calculates market size, price, revenue, cost structure, gross margin, sales, and market share, as well as forecasts and growth rates. The report assists in determining the revenue earned by the selling of this report and technology across different application areas.
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Agricultural Drones in these regions till the forecast period
North America
Middle East and Africa
South America
Key Attentions of Agricultural Drones Market Report:
The report offers a comprehensive and broad perspective on the global Agricultural Drones Market.
The market statistics represented in different Agricultural Drones segments offers complete industry picture.
Market growth drivers, challenges affecting the development of Agricultural Drones are analyzed in detail.
The report will help in the analysis of major competitive market scenario, market dynamics of Agricultural Drones.
Major stakeholders, key companies Agricultural Drones, investment feasibility and new market entrants study is offered.
Development scope of Agricultural Drones in each market segment is covered in this report. The macro and micro-economic factors affecting the Agricultural Drones Market
Advancement is elaborated in this report. The upstream and downstream components of Agricultural Drones and a comprehensive value chain are explained.
Browse More Details On This Report at @https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com/market-reports/agricultural-drones-market-100573
 Global Growth Insights
Web: https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com
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