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d6b-onion · 10 months ago
this video has been going around for a while but the English subtitles didn't match the energy of the spoken French at all. i had to fix it.
reblog to spread this version
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Je veux habiter là
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ninoochat · 13 days ago
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potoman · 2 years ago
I miss groland.
This meme is inescapable on French insta so I'm posting it here for all to enjoy
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just-french-me-up · 2 years ago
everytime i come across an amaury guichon video on any social media i get genuinely confused because??? good for him but??? it's jarring, has the national chocolate boy breached confinement AGAIN???
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helshades · 2 years ago
NACRON | Bande-annonce officielle VF | Metflix France" sur YouTube
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christian-dubuis-santini · 6 months ago
Petite initiation à la théorie des discours en tant qu’elle constitue la structure de l’enseignement lacanien
«...nous vivons, ça c'est pas douteux, on s'en aperçoit même à chaque instant... il s'agit de la pensée... prendre la vie comme concept».
Lacan pour les non-idiots: une approche de la théorie des discours avec des exemples rigolos...
Des discours (dans leur stricte acception lacanienne) c’est à dire des dispositifs qui font lien social pour le sujet en mettant en place le rapport de son dire au dit, qui conditionne sa jouissance et son désir, des discours autrement dit des "raisons", il y en a quatre, pas plus, trois sphériques et un mœbien...
Avec un peu d’humour, voici une illustration de ce que peut être le Discours du Maître, qui est le discours princeps à partir duquel le phallus, en tant qu’il est le signifiant de la jouissance ET le signifiant de la castration, ouvre au sens en guise de suppléance du rapport sexuel absent... l’impossible y est incomplétude: (S1 —> S2 —> a <> $): «faire en sorte que "ça aille" "ça marche" "ça avance"...»
Le Discours de l’Hystérique, où la vérité surgie de l’oubli vient pointer la faille inhérente à tout savoir institué... l’impossible y est inconsistance ($ —> S1 —> S2 <> a): «qui suis-je pour que tu me dises qui je suis?»
Le Discours Universitaire, qui est un discours du maître perverti, fait recel du signifiant-maître en installant le Savoir en place d’agent... l’impossible y est indémontrabilité (S2 —> a —> $ <> S1): «ne cesse pas d’apprendre, je ne suis pas qui je suis»
Le Discours de l’Analyste, le dernier arrivé, vient boucler la ronde des discours, en tant que par rapport aux trois autres, il n’est pas sphérique (univoque) mais mœbien (multivoque)... l’impossible est indécidabilité: (a —> $ —> S1 <> S2): «moi la vérité je parle, le mi-dit de l’interpretation»
NB: Pour paraphraser Lacan dans L’étourdit, l’analyse ne s’ordonne que du discours qui la conditionne, la «formation» d’un analyste nécessite d’avoir mené l’analyse à son terme logique (double tour), jusqu’au «saut périlleux» du décollement entre a et $ ($◊a → $◊a↓→ $↔◊), la dérobade devant ce saut consiste à lui substituer une hiérarchie de gradus standards, sur le mode universitaire (le Discours Universitaire étant le plus antipathique de structure au Discours de l’Analyste).
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icharchivist · 1 year ago
i'm going to vent a little about French due to last reblog because i've actually been thinking about the translation thing for a while
OP justified that their reason to use "can it" instead of "shut the fuck up" as should be the translation in that context of Ta Gueule was that they wanted to express how Ta Gueule is short for "Ferme ta gueule" (lit: close your animal mouth) (bc yeah that's what Ta Gueule means) and they wanted to express the shortness of the expression, but, imo, as a french person who also has a diploma in english translation, in this case i think it's irrelevent. you want to express the violence of the term "ta gueule". "can it" doesn't approach this violence at all.
The other reason they gave is that "on TV you don't swear like that" so it's a localization effort and i'm so puzzled by this because like. yeah if you were translating a fiction that asked for immersion perhaps, but this feels irrelevant in there. the term is "ta gueule", the term is meant to be rude and violent and swearing, and while we don't have as much a taboo about swearing esp on TV than in English speaking countries, it's still the effect that is demanded by the "ta gueule".
but another thing that peeves me about this justification is that it's missing that it's the Groland. It's a satirical show that airs on Canal+ that is supposed to show the news for an absurd and fictional country.
Canal+ has always famously been vulgar as fuck. It has no filter. That's what we call "the Canal humor". We're already lax on swear words on TV, but Canal is *the* Chanel where it's part of the brand to be as gross as possible.
and it's especially bewildering to argue that you wouldn't show swearing on tV so it's why you translate Ta Gueule without the "shut the fuck up" impact when talking about translating the Groland that has always been famously the most trash it could get.
The first time i've seen sex depicted on TV with naked women when i was a kid was because the Groland made a skit of a job interview turning into a porn parody (and it wasn't on night hours or anything, it was around lunch hours).
To argue a sort of "trying not to be too harsh because swear words have a different impact in english than in french because french can afford to swear more than english" is like. completely missing that in this context it's a show that is famously more vulgar than anything else on TV.
The Groland was always synonymous with extremely adult and vulgar humor to me, so i find it bewildering to try to justify making the "Ta Gueule" less loaded than it is meant to be with the justification that "it's on TV so it should be translated more lightly" when talking about the Groland, out of all of the french programs that exist.
and i wouldn't be so peeved by it if OP hadn't defended themselves by saying people should read up about translation methodology before correcting them about it being "shut the fuck up" instead of just taking the L when people pointed out it's not what it says and how it's meant to be interpreted.
(obviously don't even *think* about being rude to OP about it, it literally doesn't matter, i'm just thinking about it bc i have a diploma in translation, and originally i only saw their "instead of lecturing me just read translation methodology books" justification and i was wondering what i was missing, but i read through the comments again and seeing the justification *as a french translator* just made me frown a lot so. yeah. just discussing it).
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swimmingleo · 2 years ago
i feel bad for all the people rbing the groland interview not knowing groland is quite literally a fictional universe :(
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snakes-and-island-fires · 2 years ago
Pas facile de divorcer - Groland - CANAL+
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Toujours de bons conseils à Groland
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a-midnight-rest · 11 months ago
Whenever I think about "debates" about trans people, the Groland sketch comes to mind.
*Lightning debate*
Presentator : So, Michel, you were a woman, you are now a man. Are you happy.
Michel: Yes, very happy.
Presentator : Ha. :D
Invited: Well. Yes. But, Jesus said
Presentator: Ho, shut up. That was our Lightning debate.
it is genuinely insane how much people focus on parents in the debate about trans rights and health care. like fundamentally trans youth are not considered human beings, they’re just proxies for their parents to either demonstrate how brave they are for not being transphobic, or to show the world how bigoted and backwards they are. like the trans youth in question are not talked about as real people, it’s always their fucking parents
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skopostheorie · 1 year ago
Hey, I just want to say, whenever i see the groland trans skit on someone's blog i've now taken the habit to check your blog.
It's a really nice experience :) I'm especially enjoy the gaylois stuff as a french person.
Awwwww jsuis heureux d'entendre ça ! Gaylois c'est si canon pour moi, ils me donnent envie de pleurer
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memitodu29 · 2 months ago
Le port du voile - Groland - CANAL+
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news2024news · 5 months ago
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On a testé… « Thank Goodness You’re Here », un jeu vidéo entre les Monty Python et « Groland » http://dlvr.it/TBTmDl
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artsixmic · 7 months ago
Dédiabolisation du FN - Made In Groland.  Front commun contre l’extrême droite ! Il y a 10 ans ! Comment le FN préparait il sa campagne des Municipales en France ? En quoi la stratégie de Marine le Pen diffère-t-elle de son père ?
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