#Grizelda Yewbeam
cotrk-poll-fun · 12 days
Best Paton Yewbeam Quote Bracket
Round 0.5b - Poll 23
Spoilers for Charlie Bone and the Hidden King below the cut!
Quote 81, Charlie Bone and the Hidden King, chapter 14
Charlie! Your father is not forgotten, and never will be. He was a good friend to so many.
Quote 91, Charlie Bone and the Hidden King, chapter 15
Paton: If I put the light on, you'll get glass in your soup.
Grizelda: Then go away.
Paton: No.
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incorrectcharliebone · 2 months
Charlie: You are irrationally angry 365 days a year. Grizelda: Well, that’s just your personal opinion. I don’t have anger issues. Do you guys think I have anger issues? Paton: Well, I wouldn’t really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.
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Did Grizelda and Lucretia attend Bloor's? And if so, what department do you think they were in?
Because iirc James didn't, but at they're all so adamant that Charlie should that I think it would be ridiculous if they didn't
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A sad thing about Lyell Bone is that he never really had a family who loved him unconditionally and accepted him until he married Amy and started his own family with her. And when he finally did have it, he lost it again after four years.
His dad died when Lyell was 1, and his mother was cold-hearted and mean and wouldn’t have been able to give him the emotional support he needed. He grew up surrounded by vipers (according to Bartholomew Bloor). Sure there was Paton, but Paton was unstable himself and unable to provide any kind of support.
So, until he met Amy, Lyell had no one who accepted him and loved him unconditionally. Which is sad, but even sadder is that he only got to spend four years being happy with Amy (and later their baby) before he was hypnotised and made to disappear.
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dagbert-endless · 5 months
"Go and ask your mom where's she's put it," said Charlie. "I can't. She gets really angry if I wake her up on Sunday morning." Benjamin began to bite his lip. Luckily before Benjamin could get too upset,
this book is less Midnight For Charlie Bone and more Concern For Benjamin Brown. I know his parents aren't actually abusive or anything but every word I read abut Ben's home life makes me so sad.
"Bring the case up here," said Benjamin, kneeling as close as he dared. Charlie was already trying to fit the first key into the lock. "I think I'll do it down here," he said. "You never know what might come out of it."
They're like 10 and 11 so I understand why their decision making isn't the best, but I still have to wonder why Charlie would be willing to trap himself in a basement with anything that comes out. Take it to the backyard or a park or something.
A woman stood on the step. She had black hair and she wore a dark, sleek-looking coat. Although she'd been half-hidden by an umbrella the last time he saw her, Benjamin had a very good idea who she was. He recognized the red boots. It was one of Charlie's Yewbeam aunts.
"Really?" The aunt raised a long black eyebrow She wasn't smiling anymore. "How strange. He said he was coming to see you." "No, he didn't," said Benjamin. "Oh, and how would you know?" She had lost every ounce of her sweetness. "Because he'd be here if he had," said Benjamin, without a moment's hesitation.
Props to Ben for that one, very clever.
Benjamin watched his friend dash through the gate without bothering to look either way He was bound to be caught by that horrible aunt.
"Maybe I've fooled her," muttered Charlie. He ran up to Filbert Street, turned the corner, and "Got you!" said a voice. Aunt Venetia sank her long nails into Charlie's shoulder.
"Well done, Venetia. One needs young legs to catch a villain." "Villain?" protested Charlie. He glanced at Aunt Venetia's red boots. Her legs weren't so very young. She was cunning, that was all.
That dastardly Venetia, and her cunning trick of... Charlie not looking where he's going. Damn her to hell!
"I don't know what you're talking about," said Charlie. He refused to answer any more questions and eventually Grandma Bone gave up.
That said, Charlie knows the golden rule of being interrogated by the cops Grandma: shut the fuck up.
He didn't find Maisie on the doorstep; instead he found a boy with a twinkling sort of face. He was a little taller than Charlie, his hair was a bright shiny brown, and his eyes almost the same color.
"Not many,” said Fidelio. "I don't know you all. Some of you are actually talented as well as endowed. What can you do, by the way?"
Btw it sure is um. interesting. that all the Good Kids (aside from Charlie) are the double talented geniuses while the Bad Kids are all apathetic to or shitty at the arts. Like it's not that deep but it's kinda annoying.
That afternoon Charlie set to work on the papers Fidelio had left with him. He soon realized it would be easier to learn the notes while he was sitting at the piano, but he had only pressed a few keys when Grandma Bone burst in, demanding to know why he was making such a racket.
In the evenings Grandma Bone allowed Charlie to open the piano and play the notes Fidelio had given him to memorize. But one day he forgot. He was so hungry he went to the kitchen and began eating bread and butter. After a few bites his head sank to the table and he fell asleep. He woke up to find Grandma Bone holding his head up by his hair. "Music, Charlie!" she barked at him. "No supper until you've done your music."
holy shitttt Grizelda really is just looking to be mad at anything Charlie does
He sat back and, folding his arms across his chest, he murmured, "If my father were here he could teach me. I suppose he was the last person to play this piano properly." Grandma Bone was about to walk away but, all at once, she said, "Your father had a grand piano. It stood in the center of a large, bright room. The only things in the room were the piano and Lyell, your father. Through the long windows there was a view of the lake, but your father never looked at it. He gazed at his music while his fingers found the notes. And he would cast his spell." “And then what happened?" Charlie asked bravely. He could almost hear the click in Grandma Bone as she snapped out of her reverie. "He broke the rules, Charlie. That's what happened. Beware it doesn't happen to you."
This might be the nicest thing Grandma Bone says in this series.
But Maisie said his gift should be used, for fun if nothing else. Eventually. she persuaded Charlie to listen in on a photo of her favorite film stars: Gregory Morton and Lydia Smiley.
Google says Gregory Morton is real, but not Lydia Smiley. Were they both supposed to be fake??
Charlie scurried upstairs to his room, leaving Maisie and Grandma Bone shouting insults at each other. He was about to sit at his desk when he caught sight of Benjamin crossing the road. Charlie waved and opened his window. "What's going on?" called Benjamin. "I haven't seen you for days. I keep ringing your bell but no one will let me in." Charlie lifted the black file. "I've had five hundred questions to do," he told Benjamin. "Only two hundred to go now, and I get a free weekend. How's the you-know-what?" "Bad," said Benjamin. "It's still making a noise. One of your horrible aunts came around. She was pretending to be collecting for charity but I knew her. She was just like the other one, only older." "You didn't let her in?" asked Charlie anxiously. “No. Runner gave his killer growl and she left." "Good old Runner. I've got to get back to work now, Ben." Charlie gave a huge sigh. "See you on Friday when I've finished the questions."
Ok. And Grandma Bone didn't hear them shouting at each other about the case? Guess she and Maisie were really going at it, huh?
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I did it. I finished Hidden King. I started rereading it months ago but just never finished it. God that ending is so satisfying but it does leave me with questions about Asa and why the change of heart. Manfred being chased by the Flames as leopards is hilarious and exactly what he deserved. I can just imagine Lyell, Amy and Charlie going home to number 9 and Lyell slamming the door open and being like 'mother I'm home!" But knowing Grizelda she's probably not there and is with her sisters because much like Ezekiel Bloor she is also a terrible person, a bad parent, a bad grandparent and an awful sister. Paton is the only valid yewbeam and I hope Emma's aunt gives him all the kisses.
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nerdgatehobbit · 4 years
Pokémon AU for COTRK
I’m probably missing a few people but this is a good overview. And it was a lot of fun to do!
Claerwen is absolutely a Shiny Dustox (a white one). But she is Charlie Bone’s 2nd Pokémon. The first one is probably a Chikorita, as Charlie does try to be a calm protector.
Emma Tolly has a Swablu, a Tailow, and a Farfetch’d. Her aunt Julia has a Sylveon and a Grotle.
Olivia Vertigo has a Buneary & a Zorua.
Rembrandt has to be a Rattata. Once Billy is 10, he’ll be his.
Runner Bean is a Growlithe. He & Benjamin are super close.
The Gunn family has a deaf Persian. Fidelio has a Jigglypuff and an Illumise.
Gabriel Silk has a Ralts, a Togepi, and a Riolu. These choices are half because they suit his personality & powers, and half because I’m giving him some of my favorite Pokémon.
Tancred Torsson has a Castform, and I want to give him a baby Lugia. Especially if this AU means that the humans don’t have powers. In that case, his father has a grown Lugia, a Flygon, and a Gyarados.
Lysander Sage has a Chatot (so does Lauren) and he also has a Cubone, a Stufful, and an Ivysaur.
Asa Pike has a Mightyena & a Houndour.
Manfred Bloor has a Hypno, a Beheeyem, a Grumpig, & (later on) a Quilava.
Joshua Tilpin has an Abra and a Magnemite. I’m less sure which Pokémon the Branko twins & Dorcas would have.
Titania Tilpin has a Zoroark, a Mismagius, and a Gothorita.
Alice Angel has a Tsareena, a Ninetales, an Espeon, and a Gardevoir.
Blessed is an elderly Granbull. I did consider a Stoutland but Blessed isn’t meant to be fluffy. Ezekiel Bloor likely also has a Mismagius. Harold Bloor might have a Pokémon but more likely he leaves that to his relatives.
Bartholomew Bloor has a Jangmo-o, a Pidgeot, and an Absol. His adoptive daughter Naren has a Murkrow & a Sunflora.
Solomon is definitely a Dragonair. I’m still waffling on the Flames. Either they’re 3 Littens that can briefly insta-evolve into Incinearoars, or they’re a Vaporean, a Jolteon, & a Flareon that can shift into Suicune, Raikou, & Entei. The first option keeps the fiery theme but the second stresses their Legendary status. There are also rumors/legends of the Red King also having a Camerupt.
Queen Berenice is likely reincarnated into a Rapidash.
Lyell has a Flyon, a Wigglytuff, & a Salamance, all of which vanished when he did. They return to aid him against the Bloors.
Due to his seaside upbringing, Dagbert Endless already has 5 Pokémon. He has a Feebas, a Magikarp, a Froakie, a Mudkip, and a Tirtouga. It’d be during the near-drowning that Magikarp would evolve, and after Dagbert opts to join Charlie’s side that Feebas would.
Lord Grimwald has a Walrein, a Feraligatr, a Beartic, a Gyarados, a Sharpedo, and a Starmie.
Cook keeps her Shiny Clamperl secret, but she’s open about having a Kangaskhan and a Grovyle. Her sister also has a Shiny Clamperl along with an Empoleon and a Vaporeon.
Katya Kettle would have an Aggron and a Charizard. Later she adopts Solomon, of course.
Paton Yewbeam has a Luxray, a Decidueye, an Amaura, a Wartortle, and a Raichu.
I’m not sure what Pokémon Paton’s 4 sisters have. Venetia likely has a Liepard (Eric Shellhorn has a Geodude). Eustacia has an Exeggcute. Grizelda & Lucretia probably don’t bother with having Pokémon.
Amy Bone has a Leafeon. Maisie has a Delcatty.
Count Harken has a Lunatone, a Haunter, an Arbok, an Aerodactyl, and an Alakazam.
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
Children of the red king descendants au
Ben. Charlie Bone. Can travel through pictures
Carlos. Billy Raven. Can converse with animals. Albino
Gil. Fidelio Gunn. Unendowed
Mal. Olivia Vertigo. Illusionist.
Evie. Emma Tolly. Can turn in to birds
Doug. Tancred Torsson. Storm bringer
Jay. Lysander Sage. Can summon his spirit ancestors
Harry. Dagbert Endless. Hydrokinetic
Chad. Manfred Bloor. Former Hypnotist abd currently a pyrokinetic
Audrey. Asa Pike. Werewolf. Defected from the Bloors and punished.
Uma. Gabriel Silk. Psychic.
Celia. Una Onimous
Elsa. Alice Angel. A good witch. Olivia’s godmother
Verna. Cook (Treasure). Lodestone. Endowed with tranquility
Grimhilde. Grizelda Yewbeam. Charlie’s paternal grandmother.
Maleficent. Lucretia Yewbeam. Matron at the school
Yzma. Eustacia Yewbeam. Clairvoyant
Cruella. Venetia Yewbeam. Designs magic clothes
Adam. Paton Yewbeam. Charlie’s great uncle. Electricity booster. Julia’s love interest
Belle. Julia Ingledew. Bookstore owner. Emma’s aunt.
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cotrk-poll-fun · 21 days
Best Paton Yewbeam Quote Bracket
Round 0.5a - Poll 11
Spoilers for Charlie Bone and the Red Knight below the cut!
Quote 147, Charlie Bone and the Red Knight, chapter 22
Paton: Is your aunt all right?
Emma: Yes, but…. She’s been sort of burgled.
Paton: What? How could you forget to tell me? I must go to her at once.
Emma: NO! Auntie doesn’t want… doesn’t need you right now. She wasn’t really burgled, she was just…
Paton: What? Burgled or not burgled?
Emma: Not. Just visited by ruffians. But she’s OK. Please, can we go on to Tigerfield Street?
Quote 129, Charlie Bone and the Shadow of Badlock, chapter 7
Grizelda: Research! Research! Poking your nose into other people’s affairs. Where d’you think that will get you?
Paton:  Personally, nowhere, dear sister. Though what I unearth may be of great benefit to others.
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I am just going to share some of my Charlie Bone fics here, for anyone who is interested (spoilers for the entire series below!):
Love and Jealousy - a short two-chapter fic focusing on Grizelda Bone and her messed up feelings about her husband Monty and son Lyell. 
Breaking the Rules - a long fic about Lyell’s disappearance, told from the point of view of Lyell, Amy, Paton and Grizelda.  
Lost Years - a multichapter fic, pretty much Mr Pilgrim’s point of view of the events of the first five books. Mr Pilgrim’s pov is so fascinating to me because we see so little of him in the books, so I really wanted to write about what his life might’ve been like living under the Bloors. 
A Return to Normalcy - a long multi-chapter fic exploring what happened after the end of Hidden King, as well as Amy and Lyell’s point of view of the events of Wilderness Wolf, Shadow of Badlock and Red Knight. 
Mysteries - a multi-chapter fic I wrote years ago about Mr Singh but never finished. It’s about Mr Singh’s point of view of the Hundred Heads Dinner weekend. 
The Dark Lady - a short multi-chapter fic about Dorothy Bloor, exploring her point of view of Lyell and Emma’s hypnotisation and how she felt after her fingers were crushed.
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Grizelda sat tensely in her chair at a table in the fine restaurant they had booked. On both sides of her sat Lucretia, Eustacia and Venetia. Opposite her was Lyell and his fiancée, Amy Jones.
When Lyell had revealed to her that he’d fallen in love and become engaged, she had of course insisted on seeing the young lady who had stolen her son’s heart. After she’d told her fellow Yewbeams the news, they had insisted on coming as well, to assess her suitability as a wife for Lyell. And so here they all were.
Her son and his lover looked nervous, but Grizelda could also see resolve in their eyes as the questions began to be thrown at them. How did you meet? Where did your family come from? What are your intentions in marrying my son? The pair answered them all steadily.
And then the most important question of all, directed at Amy:
“Are you endowed?”
The young woman bit her lip, faltered for a moment. Then she lifted her chin and met their judging eyes.
Grizelda couldn’t help but be grudgingly impressed. Whatever she wasn’t, the girl was at least brave.
“No, I’m not. But I love Lyell. That’s what matters most.”
“Did Lyell not tell you about our ways? Men with Yewbeam blood must marry an endowed woman.”
“He told me,” she said steadily. “But—“
“You are not endowed. You do not come from a good bloodline. What makes you think you are a fit match for my son?”
“I love him.” As the younger woman spoke those words, passion burned in her eyes. She glanced at Lyell, who gazed back with adoration in his eyes.
Griselda felt jealousy tear into her own heart at the sight of it. Her son loved this ordinary unendowed woman more than he loved her, his own mother. It was this feeling that motivated her next words.
“So why do you think I would let you marry my son?”
After the dinner, Grizelda made sure to approach Lyell before he left with his lover. She didn’t know how much use it would be, but she had to try and convince him what a huge mistake he was making. This young woman was not endowed and did not even have an exceptional bloodline. She was ordinary. How could he throw his life away on her?
Just as she was about to speak, however, Lyell broke in, saying, “Stop. I don’t want to hear it.” The coolness in his voice shocked her. When had he become so cold toward her? 
“How can you do this?” she begged. “I’ve had such high hopes for you! You were supposed to marry that lovely Titania...”
She saw Lyell flinch slightly at the words. “That doesn’t matter to me,” he said tightly. “I wouldn’t have been happy with Titania anyway.”
“And you’ll be happy with her?” Silence. “Lyell, she will drag you down. She’s not worth losing your family over. Knowing her kind, she’s probably looking to marry you for your money.”
“Her kind?” he stared at her as if she were a stranger. To her surprise, his expression almost looked sad. “Amy isn’t like that.”
“How would you know? You haven’t known her for very long. How would you know what she’s really like?”
Lyell simply looked at her for a moment, still with that sad expression in his eyes. At last he said, “Why can’t you just be happy for me?”
“Because I know this is a mistake. You can’t really think it’s worth choosing her over your family. You know what’ll happen if you break the rules.”
Her son looked over to where his lover was waiting for him at the entrance to the restaurant. His lips curved into a soft smile. It made Grizelda’s heart clench painfully to see it. Then he turned back to Grizelda again and his smile fell away. “I’m sorry, but I have to do this. I love Amy.”
“Goodbye, Mother.” 
With that, he turned and walked away, back to his lover and out of the restaurant. Grizelda watched them go, her heart as numb and cold as a stone in her chest. She had a sinking feeling that her son wasn’t saying goodbye just for now, but forever.        
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cotrk-poll-fun · 14 days
Best Paton Yewbeam Quote Bracket
Round 0.5b - Poll 13
Spoilers for Charlie Bone and the Wilderness Wolf below the cut!
Quote 104, Charlie Bone and the Wilderness Wolf, chapter 1
Paton: I hear you’ve fallen out with your sisters, Grizelda.
Grizelda: They’re your sisters, too.
Quote 106, Charlie Bone and the Wilderness Wolf, chapter 5
They’re a curious bunch, the Grimwalds. Legend has it that when a son of that family reaches twelve years, his father dies - or he does. The two cannot survive beyond the son’s thirteenth year. A family tragedy, you might say. On the other hand, one drowner is better than two.
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cotrk-poll-fun · 19 days
Best Paton Yewbeam Quote Bracket
Round 0.5a - Poll 20
Spoilers for Charlie Bone and the Shadow of Badlock below the cut!
Quote 70, Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors, chapter 20
Paton: I wish to see Mr. Ezekiel Bloor.
Mr. Weedon: You can’t do that. It’s forbidden.
Paton: Don’t be silly.
Quote 128, Charlie Bone and the Shadow of Badlock, chapter 7
Grizelda: I asked you a question.
Paton: So you did, Grizelda. And I see no reason to answer you. What I do is my business.
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incorrectcharliebone · 2 months
Lucretia: Is he stupid? Grizelda: Yes, but he prefers to be called Charlie.
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The Yewbeams are so fucked up, abusive and controlling as a family, you have to feel sad for Paton and Lyell.
Paton’s “keep your head down” approach and grumpy and depressed mood at the start of the main series is most likely an affect of trauma, not just caused by his endowment but also his family, his mother’s death and corruption of his sisters at the hands of Yolanda. Plus the years going to Bloors and later having to associate with his awful sisters (because they are family). Can you really blame him for keeping his head down for so many years? I mean, it definitely wasn’t the most moral choice, but considering his history, it’s very understandable. 
Lyell may seem well-adjusted, but he has to be more affected by his upbringing than we see in the books. While Paton grew up with one good influence (his father), Lyell didn’t really have any truly good influence or support. His dad died when he was a baby, and he was raised by a corrupt and awful mother. Even if Grizelda was not horribly abusive like she was to Charlie, she wouldn’t have given Lyell the emotional support he needed when he was growing up. Also Yolanda tried to “keep him at Yewbeam Castle” before they discovered he was unendowed... That had to fuck him up a bit. It’s not surprising that he has “chronic hero syndrome” as an adult and attempts to defy the Bloors.
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cotrk-poll-fun · 11 days
Best Paton Yewbeam Quote Bracket
Round 0.5b - Poll 25
Spoilers for Charlie Bone and the Shadow of Badlock below the cut!
Quote 102, Charlie Bone and the Hidden King, chapter 19
We’ve found your son, Grizelda. You hid him from us very well. What diabolical cunning it was to keep him almost under our very noses. Well, we know where hs is now, and Amy and Charlie are going to bring him home.
Quote 119, Charlie Bone and the Shadow of Badlock, chapter 2
Paton: Badlock!
Benjamin: Is it a dangerous place?
Paton: The worst place in the world. Though I can’t be certain that it was ever actually in this world.
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