Oh hell naw
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neoinfinium · 3 days
*holds out a Helicodiceros muscivorus to grimwere* tell me if you still like all kinds of plants after a sniff of this weird thing
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It would seem that Grimwere is available for asks once more, though Iaia also remains available.
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ruler-of-scientists · 3 years
[Oracle] Does Veryn and Grimwere, know of their familial connection?
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It has done little to improve their relationship.
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comdisshenanigans · 4 years
Grimwere: I swear. Sometimes, I think the whole world is against me.
Yule: I don’t know. Sometimes it feels like maybe, its kinda because you’re a little uh–
Grimwere: Mistreated?
Yule: A little...
Grimwere: Cheated out of things I deserved?
Yule: Eh–
Grimwere: Unjustifiably shunned?
Yule: I was kind of going more for a weeping sore of annoyance.
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askgiegueandcrew · 6 years
"Hmm, hmmm .... very interesting species, yes. Yes. I was wondering, perhaps...how does your species gain sustenance? Or rather, how is a supply of sustenance maintained? Underground cultivation? Or do you engineer your own food? Please do tell, I love learning about lesser bioforms."- Grimwere, ruler-of-scientists
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Vale: It is classified for anyone who calls us lesser bioforms. Second of all, so sorry, it seems that everyone here is off duty and thus unable to answer any questions from the records. So, so sorry for the inconvenience.
Otto: That’s a hard no from Vale, ha!
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silverandgenosquad · 3 years
A History of the Ix (Part 2)
So, after a bit of a wait, here’s the rest of the Ix history and lore. For anything else about Ix biology, one can refer back to the earlier post. For now, let’s get to it!
The Ix would have had a special role concerning one of the main characters in the ComDis storyline: Geno. If you guessed that Geno wasn’t normal even by abnormal Arkan standards, then you’d be right. Geno is an Ixan - half Arkan, half Ix. These are specialized hybrids that have the characteristics of both Arkan and Ixan, although most of these changes aren’t so obvious from the start. In fact, those born Ixan may not even realize that they are Ixan until later in life when more physical traits  - such as wings or Ix colored skin beneath the fur - appear. The more subtle ways to tell is by personality, which coincides with the caste of Ix:
Warrior-type Ixan tend to exude more brutish traits, quick tempered, and much more willing to fight than your typical Arkan. They do show some of the most loyalty however. Geno is this kind of Ixan.
Scout-Type Ixan are more vigilant and tend to be quite studious and have impeccable attention to detail, but may show signs of skittish, if not frightful behavior around others they don’t know. 
Keeper-Type ixan are more possessive, clingy. Those they care for aren’t let out of their sight for a moment, and are fiercely territorial against those that try to do them harm, stemming from the will to nurture (and how Keepers are attached to raising the young).
Picking these out of a crowd can be difficult (especially those Arkans that are seen by some as “eccentric”), and can lead to spotting false imposters and killing the wrong one, leading to the deaths of innocent Arkans. In addition to that, Ixan’s practically are able to blend in a crowd until they reveal themselves for what they are, increasing the risks. Luckily, Ixan are quite rare, even rarer since the original Ix homeworld was vanquished. The Ix Queen herself had a special squadron of these individuals known as the Cataract, who were powerful Ixan individuals that were akin to special forces that were certified Arkan killers... until they too burned alive in the wake of Veryn’s attack. 
Ixan can wield both normal PSI and Dark PSI, which made the Cataract and others like them incredibly dangerous opponents to face. And yes, that means when Geno finally realizes his heritage fully, he can use Combiner and Dark PSI. 
So you may be wondering: if Geno’s an Ixan, how did he get into Homeworld? The answer... well, even I don’t know because I haven’t worked those details out yet. XD What I can say is that he was actually doted on by the Queen, his mother, quite a fair bit because of his heritage. His mixed blood would have been a major source of tension between himself and Silver and Yule. Once he realizes his heritage and accepts his blood, he would help the Ix during the battle against Grimwere and find new ways to sustain themselves in better, healthier ways... and eventually reconcile with his mother. Contrary to some of her actions and they way she leads her people, the ix Queen (and all others before her) care deeply for her children. 
Aaaand I think that’s about it! If anyone has any questions in regards to this, I’m happy to oblige (especially since I may have forgotten something).
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Just a huge string of things I haven't been posting here. My bad, I'm just genuinely less active on here than I should be!
Geno (excited boy with the metal hands and later bug boy) belongs to @axelthewonderer, and Lahatiel (mechanical angel of awesomeness) belongs to @astral-duo-somnium-and-vagrant!
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neoinfinium · 1 month
You sound a little familiar. Have we met before?
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neoinfinium · 1 month
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neoinfinium · 1 month
Is it really that important to you…? Most life-forms do not bother with the good of the universe beyond that of localized distortions. On some level, they must accept it as part of the universe’s natural order. Why do you not?
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neoinfinium · 1 month
You said that you liked plants right? Got any favorites or do you like them all equally?
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neoinfinium · 1 month
Hello, please disregard all previous communications from my partner. They have a wretched vegetable growing out of their head and as such they are not themselves currently.
We are not interested in whatever you are selling, and the Kool-Aid is mine.
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neoinfinium · 1 month
I have absolutely no employment history, a couple misdemeanors and a felony or five and I only graduated high school because they didn't want to have to deal with me anymore.
But I can create matter with my mind, and I'll bring the Kool-Aid to the meetings. What kinda benefits are you offerin', anyways?
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neoinfinium · 1 month
What's your favorite type of cookie then
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neoinfinium · 1 month
Do you like raisin cookies? A rumor is going around that a while back you couldn't stop talking about them.
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neoinfinium · 1 month
Y'ello, I heard this was the place to go to join a creepy space cult. Do y'all accept humans?
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