#Greta is bisexual and poly
alu-kor-d · 2 years
Y’all that one account who posts homophobic shit in the name of Greta from castlevania on Netflix? Yea I don’t claim them.
Turning your replies off won’t fucking stop me.
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sleepynegress · 11 months
On Greta Danesti...
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I'm just taking this time to correct a certain anti-Black, (and anti-Romani) sadly typical fandom troll's misogynoir fuckery in the tag and establishing who Greta Danesti is in canon Castlevania animation lore. This is Greta Danesti's official character sheet:
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She's the village headwoman of Danesti a few miles away from Alucard's castle. This is what her voice actress, Marsha Thompson looks like:
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It's pretty obvious her character design took cues from the actress, who is Afro-British. In show canon, however, her family escaped from the Roman city of Carthage, which today, is located in the African country Tunisia. Alucard correctly speculated where her people are from while conversing with her, here (s4 e5):
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Greta then confirms that her people did escape the Romans, but she now fully embraces her "family" in her village who are "from all over" and the responsibility of taking care of them.
This same troll used the g-slur to insist that she is Romani.
She is not. This troll used an early character design here, to make her case.:
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And though it does have similarities to Romani clothing... It also looks like it takes cues from Tunisian clothing and likely local and non-local European clothing of the era with "fantasy" elements sprinkled in, as well, which would match the fact of her village's people coming from all over:
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There definitely should be more Romani rep in media as it is so often whitewashed, but Greta is not Romani.
FYI, these women actors actually *are* of Romani descent: Fairuza Balk of The Craft, Oona Chaplin who played Robb Stark's wife in GOT (she's also Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter[!]), and Noomi Rapace from the Swedish movie, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo says her father may have been of Romani descent, as well.
And because I can predict it, as people like to find ways of discounting blackness in every way...
Yes, there are plenty of non-Black indigenous POC in North Africa, including within Tunisia. Another fun fact... Africa has more indigenous human genetic variation among its peoples than every other people on the planet has with everyone else on the planet[!]. All this to say non-white POC AND Black people are indigenous to Tunisia.
I feel I have to say that because there is a lot of anti-Black anthropological fetishization of North Africa. Egypt is a major example of that (see: Rami Malek, an indigenous Coptic Egyptian who self-identifies as African man of color and has likely had to clarify that *often* because people keep wanting to mislabel him as an Arab, but I digress...) And sadly, there is a decidedly anti-black movement to totally disconnect certain North African countries' identities from a continental African one, and to largely see it as mainly a part of the MENA world (it is both kiddies, BOTH). Here is an informative article (linked in the image) about that struggle:
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So, this got heavy...but between the post insisting that Greta is NOT Black and the one saying she's not bisexual because that same troll is purposefully and maliciously being obtuse about how words go together... I figured clearing some things up and educating folks might be helpful. BTW, the fact of those issues in the article makes her blackness all the more resonant as rep in pop culture. And hey, poly folks have disagreements, just like the het folks do... -Still bi. I'm gonna end here with two images from the linked article of anti-racist Tunisian protesters (MENA and Black):
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P.S. I also side-eye those keen to make her muscular... I mean yeah she wields a big-ass hammer and shortsword/dagger, but the tendency to masculinize black woman characters deserves a hardy eye-squint. Especially, given that the show has *no problem* making muscular women look like that and they DIDN'T for Miss Greta.
See: Zamfir and the Berserk-style sword-carrying Vampire warrior, Striga. Both of whom had that flex going on.
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Alright, since I realize I haven’t exactly been as active on here recently as I would like to have been, I thought I would attempt to make up for it by letting you guys in on some of the newest OC babies I’m planning on introducing soon. I hope you guys like these little tidbits, and (even though I don’t have any of their intro posts up yet), feel free to ask me whatever questions you’d like about them!!
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— Texas native who transfers to McKinley at the beginning of season two after her mother’s job is relocated to Lima.
— Generally your typical sweet Southern belle, but also fiercely independent and has a feisty streak.
— Well-set up to be popular when she first transfers, but quickly becomes an outcast after giving a tongue-lashing to some jocks after she watches them slushy Tina, so she joins New Directions.
— Generally sings country and pop music outside of the group numbers, but occasionally busts out a showtune (and does some country duets with Sam).
— Either a Tina or Santana ship, I haven’t quite decided yet.
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— Her story is set in kind of an AU post-canon after the boys recover the stolen money from the ravine, where Santi officially retires and they all move to the same town close to each other (and also where Frankie doesn’t have a baby and broke up with his girlfriend because I just. Can’t really deal with that).
— Quite literally bumps into Frankie at a bar (and spills her drink all over him) and very quickly becomes friends with all four of them.
— A total energetic and social ray of sunshine who’s very comfortable in her bisexuality and active in her local queer community, and helps the boys come to terms with their various non-straight identities.
— The main singer at a local burlesque club, and KILLS it as a performer.
— In a poly ship with all four former Delta Squad boys, who are all also dating each other (except for Will and Benny, obviously).
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— Daughter of Grumpy of the seven dwarves fame.
— Pretty much lives up to her father’s name; doesn’t put up with one bit of crap and is never afraid to speak her mind (which normally doesn’t make most people happy, but she doesn’t really like people anyway).
— Is definitely an outcast in Auradon and at school; the only people who actually talk to her at school outside of the teachers are Ben and her cousin Doug, who’s actually a little scared of her.
— Befriends Mal almost immediately after the VKs get to Auradon (they are truly kindred spirits) and decides to try and help them steal Fairy Godmother’s wand because she resents Auradon and how fake and falsely cherry it is.
— Doesn’t really lose her prickly streak by the time the Coronation rolls around, but does come to realize that not everyone in Auradon is so bad and she needs to let people in more.
— Definitely besties with Mal, but also strikes up unlikely friendships with Carlos and Lonnie (and kind of becomes Carlos and Jane’s unofficial protector since they’re both pretty quiet and she is. Not).
— Also an Evie ship because I simply have to give my beloved girl a girlfriend. <3
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— A boyfriend for my bi king Charlie Swan. <3
— A tailor who runs a clothing shop in downtown Forks - Charlie constantly brings his uniform to his shop whenever it gets ripped.
— Definitely suspects the Cullens of being vampires but can never prove it until Charlie lets him know about Edward and this man just jumps up and shouts “I KNEW IT!”
— Sweet but fiercely loyal and protective Gryffinpuff king. <3
— Definitely acts as a non-Charlie adult confidant to Bella and is the best stepdad when he and Charlie finally get together.
— Also used to have a bit of a crush on Carlisle and still gets nervous around him even after getting together with Charlie because Carlisle is just. So pretty.
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— A British archeologist working with American Army Intelligence who gets assigned with Indy to help him find the Ark of the Covenant.
— Kind of shy and socially awkward (mostly due to constantly being underestimated in her field for being a woman) but incredibly intelligent and observant and knows when to stand her ground and not take other people’s crap.
— (Also probably autistic, but, well, they didn’t really have the language for that back then. But she is.)
— An incredibly sweet and compassionate woman who would do anything to help people in need (but also tends to trust too easily, which is why Indy is good at balancing her out).
— Indy likes to call her Lou, and she pretends to hate it, but she secretly loves that he thinks enough of her to give her a cute nickname.
— A ship for the daring professor himself, obviously!
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— (Yes, I know Winchester sister OCs are overdone, I don’t even care.)
— Technically her first name is Olivia, but she doesn’t like it and prefers to go exclusively by Via.
— Sam and Dean’s half-sister, fifteen years old in the first season, who was born out of a three-night stand between John and her mother.
— John didn’t stick around, obviously, but he kept tabs on Via and her mother and when the woman was killed in a car accident shortly after Sam left for collage, he came and got her and started training her to be a hunter.
— Immediately loves her two older brothers and is fiercely loyal to and protective of them, but shares a closer bond with Dean since she’s spent more time with him.
— Doesn’t like John at all, however, both for essentially abandoning her and her mother and for trying to turn all his children into hunters rather than letting them have normal childhoods, which is a point of contention between her and Dean.
— Despite her anger towards John forcing his kids into early training, she loves being a hunter and has a particular affinity for taking down vampires.
— A badass baby lesbian (who not only knows Dean is bi WAY before they even meet Cas but takes one look at Sam the first time they meet and is like, “Well, this one’s not straight either”).
— Might not have a love interest, or I might make another OC to give her a girlfriend, I haven’t decided yet (I’ll probably wait until I get a little further into the series).
Alright, that’s it for my more immediately upcoming OCs!! Again, feel free to ask me any questions you want about my newest babies!!
Tagging some of my OC community besties: @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @luucypevensie, @carmens-garden, @endless-oc-creations.
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Yooo askbox open :]
Could I get a Castlevania matchup, one female and one male character? I am fine with poly, and also the more background characters :]
I'm a bisexual guy. Once I'm past my initial `terrified of everything' and 'extremely withdrawn' phase of anxiety, I'm very energetic (though not very loud) and flirty. l love all fields of science, especially mathematics and physics. Very nerdy/ geeky, and I also paint and practice
l have a very impulsive and ADHD -type of humor, though it always takes me a moment to recognize any word-play. I'm very much a thrill-seeker, and things that tend to make other's squeamish don't bother me in the slightest. I suppose for the sake of the series, gore and acts of sadism don't really phase me, at least, to the extent that I am a spectator.
A/N: Okay for you, my Flirty, ADHD-Humor Anon, I think your best Castlevania matches would be Godbrand (Male) and Greta (Female)! [Note: The writer of this ask dmed me specifically to say they were fine with more minor/background characters, just in case you were wondering how I ended up choosing these two for them.]
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Godbrand, believe it or not, would be a great match for you! He is very energetic, and flirty when he wants to be. Well, he tries to be flirty, but more often than not he comes off as kind of an ass, but that’s just part of his charm!
As a Viking and a sailor, Godbrand has a particular interest in science, mostly astronomy, and geography, but he enjoys listening to all the knowledge you’re willing to share about mathematics and physics. Despite what you may think, Godbrand is rather intelligent. He may be brash and lack tact, but he does pay attention to the emotions and behaviors of others. Every once in a while his arrogance gets in the way, but for a vampire, he’s rather attuned to the mental state of those around him. 
I think he’d pick up on your impulsive tendencies and ADHD-type humor fairly quickly, although that may not be a good thing, as he can be rather impulsive himself lol. The both of you are thrill seekers, so neither one of you is there to act as the stubborn voice of reason in all the escapades the two of you get up to. It drives all the others crazy, but neither you nor Godbrand pay them any mind. 
Godbrand loves to show off all his combat skills to you, and he is so glad you don’t run away screaming when he demonstrates how he takes down a five-man human army all by his lonesome. He wants to show just how strong and capable he is as a mate, and this is his way of doing so. (It’s kinda sexy if we’re being honest lol.)
Godbrand will ask you to bear witness to his prowess, and then paint him something that captures his essence. You’re gonna need A LOT of red paint for such a scene. 
As an INTJ you balance out his ESTP. You tend to be on the introverted intellectual side where he’s all about the immediate action. You are a great value to him, especially in how you can talk over his ideas, and help him think about them in a more nuanced way. You’re impulsive as well, but also an analyst at your core, so you are all for cheering him on: it’s just that you want him to go forward most successfully. 
Who knows? The two of you together might have even changed the course of S2. Godbrand would want to act on Dracula’s noncommittal attitude, and you’d be the perfect partner to talk out a well-thought-out plan with. Instead of brashly confronting Isaac with his half-cooked idea of betrayal, perhaps the two of you as a team could have spoken to Dracula, and see if you could change his viewpoint on erasing all the humans and vampires of the world. 
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Greta is also a great choice as a partner for you because she’s smart and no-nonsense, but also wise enough to appreciate the energy and zest you have for life! 
Greta is quite understanding in your, as you called it, ‘terrified-of-everything’ phase of anxiety. In a world full of creatures who are constantly trying to kill you, who in the hells wouldn’t be? So many of her people live with the same anxiety and fear, and as their leader, she feels responsible for reassuring them all will be well. She knows what you need to hear to calm down, and she understands this is something you need to undergo to take any next steps.
She is drawn to your energy, and how flirty you are. She, being the self-assured woman she is, flirts right back. Your fire is a welcome addition to her otherwise very realistic, sort of strict outlook on life. 
She’s a leader, she needs control. She manages everyone, and it’s a difficult job. To make things easier rules and orders that are put in place. You on the other hand are impulsive, and rowdy at times. You challenge the stubborn rule-follower in her and push her to be more spontaneous and to accept the things she cannot control or change. This is also very much in line with your MBTI types, with you an INTJ, and her an ESTJ. 
You’re similar enough to have a great understanding of one another, but just opposite enough to push a little where they pull. Greta challenges you to stay grounded, and to think ten steps ahead, to consider the logical consequences of potential actions. 
She appreciates your love for science. Science is the future after all, and her people will need all the knowledge they can get if they are to advance their lifestyles and survive. 
The fact that both of you enjoy a good thrill is great and very much necessary in this universe. She understands you’re not keen on combat, but not everyone is. She’s just very grateful you aren’t constantly breaking down or throwing up when you catch a glimpse of her spearing a night creature through the middle. It would be very disheartening for her to protect the love of her life and be met with only fear and disgust. 
The other trait you share is that both of you are freakishly nonchalant at times. Night Creatures? Eh. Attempted murder? Eh. Vampires? Eh. It’s all just another Tuesday for you, and so long as you have each other, you figure the both of you will end up just fine.
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don’t know the show but i love you so, for ask game: castlevania
ahaktkgksksk i love you for this i love this bisexual-ass show so much,,,,
favorite male character: alucard
favorite female character: sypha but also greta is a bi-poly icon
least favorite character: the fucking JUDGE i HATE THAT MOTHERFUCKER but also this is a saint germain hate blog <3
prettiest character: ALUCARD <333
funniest character: just the whole polycule’s dynamic
favorite season: uhh probably s2 because the polycule is together but i do love all the fucked-up shit in s3 and their happy ending in s4,,, just. all of it.
favorite episode:
favorite romantic ship: trephacard !!
favorite family ship: the tepes’ but if they were actually happy
favorite friend ship: honestly i prefer alucard and greta as besties than anything else,, but i love them so much as besties
worst ship: hector and lenore are awful and i hate them. (i love hector but GOD that ship is toxic) also sumi/taka/alucard for. y’know. obvious reasons.
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gretasworld · 2 years
Greta is straight. The proof is in the series itself. Let's debunk then. Let's prove it.
People talk about this character Greta being a polyamorous and bisexual. The lgbt wiki which is run by sjws and no authentic source also show Greta as bi. 🤣 I strongly disagree. 🚫 Let's show Why and how she is NOT bi - she says this line like a joke to make Alucard cheer up - " I mean I had a boyfriend and a girlfriend at the same time but they never tried to kill me. " Then after, immediately she says the rest of the sentence and reveals the truth " ACTUALLY, NO ! I TELL YOU A LIE. HIS WIFE WENT AFTER ME WITH A PITCHFORK ! " and Alucard immediately breaks into laughter. Then Greta says this " I KNEW YOU WOULD BE STRANGE. " This confirms that she is NOT queer or a sexual deviant or poly or messed up in the head. She finds these " things " WEIRD clearly according to her own words. Her dialogues are your PROOF and she is sensible enough for all that shit. I have seen lgbts cherry pick the " boyfriend and girlfriend " part to make Greta a member of their community but always omit the rest of the lines. Even the pro lgbt websites that speak of fictional characters' sexuality claim this just to add more to their team. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
" Actually I tell a lie ..... " Why do the abc rainbow freaks always cut out the later lines when making her bi in their websites? It's because she is not and they somehow have to make her.
Even the website Lgbt wikia which is run by lgbt people has speculated this character to be an A.B,C like them. Well. If you understand paid propaganda and how websites run with certain purposes,then you will realise and agree that the fandom website is infact trash and contradicts source materials.
Now speaking of poly relationships, partners in poly relation are in harmony with one another with full consent of each other and they dont try to beat each other or attack each other in order to get rid of them out of jealousy or whatever. If poly was Greta's case she would not have to run away from the man. She would never have to be chased of by the wife with pitchfork. So yea, she never really had two people of different genders at the same time and her full dialogue confirms it.👍
TRUTH # What Greta says in this scenario is ACTUALLY this - She was in a deceitful love relationship with a man who was married but she didnot know she was being tricked into being his sidechick and when his wife found out about the affair, Greta was chased off by the wife for obvious reasons to protect her marriage OR Greta was helplessly in love with a manipulative man despite knowing he is married and couldnot help herself and the affair ended after the wife of the man found out that Greta was a sidechick. In either case,its a shame and insult to Greta to have been in this situation and had to ultimately drop her feelings for the married man. There was never a girlfriend or a boyfriend thing going on together ! We see this sort of scenario in real life quite often. No self respecting person wants to share their partners with someone else so Greta naturally had to move away after being caught because man's wife would not tolerate her.
Her dialogues also point to another thing. Relationships and marriages are the most exclusive bonds. There are reasons why monogamous marriage is defined in all religions as SACRED and most functional. The reasons its this way is rooted in holding strong the family structure, morals, commitment,responsibility,to avoid disruption, to keep peace and healthy atmosphere for couple and children both, to keep devotion and loyalty to your home and not hurt your spouse.
Relationships are the very core unit of every society on which the society stands. Family is where human beings are born, grow up,learn their values and they all need an undisturbed stable father figure and a mother figure who love each other and donot cheat or fuck around. Fathers bless children in one way and mothers are well,mothers. This is how it has been. This is how it intends to remain. Because monogamy works. Pushing for throuples,justify cheating or open relationships,same sex and poly relations destroys organic family structure and children living in it most. People living in the west especially with multiple partners are DEGENERATES and raising some very unfortunate children who again learn from their deviant adults. They should be punished by law. It should be criminalized. They are severly penalised outside US for these acts.
These unfortunate children raised by them are being deprived of their rights to learn the organic morals necessary for them in their own lives. These unfortunate children grow up with the warped views of their no good worthless parents who screw them.
And as for Netflix, it just bastardized every character in Castlevania to fill up the woke check boxes to be politically correct. Greta's shit dialogue has NOTHING to do with the character or her real sexual identity. Netflix does the same thing to other shows as well to fill diversity inclusivity quota and destroys the magic of literature/source material in the process. Take a look around you and you will see Netflix does it in every show of it.
Honestly, if they showed Alucard and Greta having sex and more romantic moments of them from season 3, we would all be happier and the show would be more successful. Sad they didnot even include a picture of Greta in any of their posters.
Lastly, NO I am not a bigot. I simply debunked a confusion and stated the truth of what happened. OF WHAT IS HAPPENING. If you want to check it again and match my words, re watch Season 4 properly. Oh, and yes, our Alucard is also canonically in the games and manga, a cis white straight man AND SO WAS THE REAL SON OF THE REAL DRACULA IN HISTORY. Such a beloved character got ruined the most by the makers in Netflix because now it is fashionable to hate straight white men and women and destroy straight canon characters like him.
Check the screenshot below. 👇👇
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fakeikemen · 3 years
Broke: saying that Greta was invented to not make trephacard canon
Woke: remembering that Greta said she's bisexual and poly and using your brain to do the math and add 2 and 2 (literally)
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fear-and-delight-l · 3 years
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-Jill is very avid about getting her sister, Georgia back. Well, at least the killer anyways. 
-Jill has never finished any of her writing, until she is an adult. 
-Jill gives hugs hugs hugs!!!
-everyone wants her hugs. 
-ok, Jill is very sexually confused. Bradley Marsh is good looking...but so is McKenna Hanlon with her pink lipstick and her always good looking pigtails....then there is Sarah Uris, who is so cute with her blonde/brown curls and her little cheerleading outfit. 
-suffers from stuttering simp disorder 
-simp simp simp
-simp? Yes. 
-ok but I think she would like Plastic Hearts by Miley Cyrus lmao
-FLANNEL GODDESS!!! Has flannels in so many colors. 
-”R-R-Riley, stop m-making fun of m-my j-j-jorts.” 
-oh yeah. She is rocking the jean shorts. They either go to around her knees or near the middle of her thighs. 
-shoulder length brown hair. Screams bisexual. 
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-just gonna put this out there, take it as you will, but her glasses make her look like a fish. Her eyes are HUGE 
-goddess or (what is a non-binary god? Godthem?) of dad jokes. But not the corny kind. The kind of dad jokes that include sleeping with him and “riding him like a horse.” 
-”so not fucking funny.” -Edith Kaspbrak, who’s dad isn’t even present in her life.  -yeah, bisexual.  -sexual for Edith Kaspbrak.  -And Sarah Uris
-And Bradley Marsh
-and Jill Denbrough 
-and Brenna Hanscom
-and Patrick Hockstetter (she regrets this. But when Patrick isn’t chasing her with Bowers and Criss and Huggins, she likes to notice that Patrick is definitely good looking)
-crazy wavy hair. Seriously, she wears it in a pixie cut, and it is CRAZY. But she help Bradley cut away his mullet. 
-the friendship dynamic between Riley Tozier and Bradley Marsh is UNSTOPPABLE!
-plays softball with Jill. She is pitcher, and damn is she good. (Jill plays third base, for reference)
-the girls on the softball team sort of like her, sort of not. She’s a loser, and they don’t like her because everyone thinks she’s queer.  -still a trash mouth 
-still a smartass 
-Rildeth? Edithley? Redith?
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-all right, here we go. 
-He came out to Riley, and Riley came out to him. 
-daddy issues  
-daddy issues
-daddy issues
-anyways, Bradley had a mullet that his dad made him wear, and when Riley helped him cut it....freedom!
-when he and the other losers are going to the quarry, he likes to help McKenna pick flowers so Sarah will have some to turn into flower crowns  
-is totally charmed by Jill  Denbrough. He is a simp for how charming she is. Bravery, art...
-Bradley also likes to draw. 
-Brenna may be totally smitten with him....
-Bradley is the same age as all the other losers, but the losers all see him as older. 
-hates his father, feels weak around him. 
-he and Riley often share cigarettes. (I love the friendship dynamic here.)
-Bradley has little freckles, and when he and Brenna get together as adults, Brenna likes to kiss all of them. 
-Bradley loves to hang with Sarah, and she is such a sweetie. She gets annoyed, but when she is around Bradley, she is calm. 
-Bradley likes to put his arm around Sarah, ALWAYS
-I’m in love
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-yes, Sarah Uris is cheer captain. The other cheerleaders are skeptical of her, but treat her ok nonetheless. 
-Sarah Uris is a softie who will tell you to fuck off. 
-bridwatcher. Sarah loves her birds. She likes to sit with Jill. Jill draws birds while Sarah quietly talk about the birds. 
-Brenna loves to play with her curls, braiding them and doing fun styles with them with the help from McKenna. 
-sundresses one day, shorts and a shirt the next. 
-her hair is so nice! Think...classic curls. Google for reference. 
-the cheerleaders don’t go to track meets or softball games. So, since Brenna and Edith are both in track and Jill and Riley are softball players, she goes in her own cheerleading outfit, and even snags one for McKenna, (who isn’t a cheerleader.) and they both cheer at track and softball. 
-must I remind you that Jill is a simp for BOTH OF THEM. AND BRADLEY?? HE CHEERS THEM ON TOO.
-one time Bradley actually got into a cheerleading skirt??!!
-anyways, back to Sarah.  -she loves to give everyone kisses before leaving. Here’s how she gives them:
Jill: cheek kiss, runs a hand through her hair.  Edith: takes Edith’s face in her hands and kisses her nose. Edith sometimes backs up a little when she feels a little panicky about germs, but always accepts Sarah’s kiss.  Bradley: forehead. She ruffles his hair, and sometimes, Bradley kisses her chin as she is kissing his forehead.  McKenna: near her lips. Like, the corner of her mouth. 🥺 Brenna: cheek kiss. She holds brenna’s chin while kissing her.  Riley: straight on the lips. Or the forehead if you song ship stozier. -ok, I am a huge fan of Sarah+Riley....but then there is Edith. Poly??? Possibly 
-anyways, Sarah loves to make flower crowns and put them in bradley’s hair. 
-she and Brenna are very close. If Sarah isn’t next to Bradley, or has Riley’s arm around her shoulders, she is with Brenna, either holding her hand or showing her stuff about plants or birds. She gives Brenna constant praise about the barrens 
-very grumpy a lot.
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ok, Brenna is straight. I didn’t change that.  -Brenna thinks constructively, and is a visual learner. Constantly thinks about the future. 
-ok, she is so so so sweet. Likes to wear this cute pink skirt, but only around the losers. 
-She loves to read and wrote poetry. It’s so cute I just can’t aaaah-
-ok, so she’s on the track team. Edith convinces her in 10th grade. 
-HAIR CLIPS! she has them in her hair, and tons extra in her backpack. 
-Bradley loves it when Brenna plays with his hair and puts clips in it. 
-she and Bradley are very good friends. 
-she may be straight, but isn’t uncomfortable when Sarah holds her hand or Riley talks about her gay situation or when Jill tells her she’s pretty. She just isn’t gay but she loves and supports her gay friends. She even kissed McKenna in a game of spin the bottle
-poor baby has body insecurities...
-ugh, she hates Henry Bowers. But she loves ice cream! She likes vanilla because it’s sweet and plain. 
-when they have sleepovers, everyone always has a disc of New Kids on the Block to play for her (AAA!)
-Riley literally swore to protect her. Even though Riley’s sarcasm can be demeaning, she trusts her. 
-Brenna Hanscom, a sweetie that will fight for you.
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McKenna Hanlon, the badass vegan who definitely has WAP. 
-ok, I didn’t change her race, she is still black. 
-McKenna is a sign of hope. Everyone feels so uplifted around her. 
-she has this signature pink lipstick she wears everyday the Greta Bowie makes fun of, but she still wears it. 
-she loves bubblegum. McKenna has it ALL THE TIME. 
-inspiration? Yes. She is a goddess. 
-ok, she is so nice, but that gun she has? Pennywise doesn’t stand a chance. McKenna is a fighter. 
-McKenna has these cute little pig tails that she wears with purple ribbons. Jill loves to listen to her talk. 
-definitely the least insane of all the losers, but girl knows how to have fun!
-not a huge smoker, but occasionally will share one with Bradley. 
-the friendship between McKenna and Bradley is impeccable. They are a badass duo. 
-I don’t know what her sexuality is. She definitely doesn’t. Although she and Jill got caught making out in a closet. They said it was no strings attached....suspicious.
-she is indeed vegan. She just has a special love for animals and can’t bring herself to eat them. She isn’t protesting everyone to go vegan, she just eats how she wants. She occasionally slips and goes for ice cream though😉
-at the rock war, after she recovered a little from Bowers, SHE BEAT HIS ASS!
-my queen, gosh I love her!
-she is so much fun to be around. One time, in the barrens, she installed a swing so she could sit in somethin because Riley and Edith and Sarah are always in the hammock together. (It’s bound to break). 
-need a therapist? She’s ya girl. 
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-ok, so this looks very soft girl, but Edith is fiery!  -her mom makes her worry a lot about disease and what not, but her anxiety about what her mom may do is worse. 
-seriously, she is scared of her mother. She doesn’t even know if her sickness are real. 
-anyways, don’t fuck with her. She will bite you. 
-no seriously, she will bite you. One time in a fight with Hockstetter, she bit him. She was worried she might have gotten something in her mouth, but Sarah calmed her down.  -she may bicker with Riley, but really, she loves her. Her and her stupid glasses, 
-anyways, she is a sweetie. She runs track, but as long as Riley is waiting on the sidelines with her inhaler at the end, she is alright. 
-someone give this girl a hug. 
-internalized homophobia towards herself. 
-she and Bradley are good, they just aren’t as close. Edith is closest with Jill. 
-Edith looks up to Jill, big time. 
-Edith hates her mom very very much. 
-she wears cute little tops with shorts or skirts. Occasionally she will wear overalls. 
-fuck greta Bowie campaign? Yeah, Edith started it.
-Fanny pack! She has an extra pair of glasses for Riley, Bobby pins for Sarah, an extra pen or pencil for Jill, a mini stick of Bradley’ favorite deodorant, hair clips for Brenna, and McKenna’s favorite bubblegum. 
-Riley calls her Eds. She hates it because it sounds like a boy name. She hates it even more when Riley calls her Eddie. 
-kisses tears away. Crying? She will kiss your cheeks and wipe those tears away. She did that when Brenna got cut by Bowers. 
-inhaler? Yes. It’s her little beacon of safety. 
-ice cream and comic books with Riley, bird watching and flower crowns with Sarah are her favorites! 
-doesn’t know her sexual preference, she’s just not straight. 
-butterflies always land on her when she’s outside. One landed on her nose once and Riley and Sarah started rock-paper-scissoring for who got her. (That was long forgotten since Riley is a sore loser.)
-my baby has long hair is very slight waves. It goes down to her breasts. 
-likes to wear Jill’s Flannels. 
-Edith is cold? Never. She always has someone’s something, whether it’s McKenna’s iconic leather jacket or Jill’s flannels
Ok! Those are my headcanons. Feel free to repost, I don’t give a damn. If you want drawings or more headcanons of them, I am always open. I had this posted on my old account but that got taken down....I was previously coffeeandweasleys
@im-a-rocketman​, @nate-isnt-great​ @imreddieimreddieimreddie​ @ur-not-reddie​
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tr1ppykay · 3 years
actually the best part of castlevania s4 was that alucard and greta are undisputably both bisexual and poly
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If you're comfortable with doing the WOH (just in general), then could I request some 1080×1920 phone wallpapers of Monaca Towa, along with some gendervoid, greyaromantic, bisexual, and asexual pride (and maaayybbbe some hints of polyamorous pride, too? If you can't do the poly though, then that's fine! I'd be fine with just the previously mentioned four)? If you're uncomfortable with Monaca though, then I understand, and I'll instead take some 200×200 circle icons with Sonia Nevermind and some pansexual pride ~ 🍷
Yeah I’m chill with the WOH, honestly the only person on my blacklist is that idiot p*do grrr. Honestly yeah monaca is chill and i love her.
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~asexual, bisexual, polyamorous, Greta sexual, and gender void wallpapers of monaca towa~
!free for anyone to use with or without credit!
I hope you like these! I’m gonna tag this for spoilers (which I should and will start doing)
I just realized at the bottom of the poly flag there’s a little blue.... gr.... oh I didn’t know how to do *a little* bc I was planning to do the combo flag for this sooooo yeah. MAN I’ve talked a lot I hope you like them!
-Mod Fuyu
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prideponies · 7 years
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Gilda is a sky bisexual and is in a poly relationship with Greta, who is a trans spring lesbian, and Gimme Moore, who is a genderqueer grey-aromantic lesbian and they all love each other very much!
(Requested by Anonymous!!)
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sleepynegress · 3 years
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I want yall to know I laughed so fucking hard at that top right line.
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