#Greiving hurts. I lost a family member today and I had to act as an responsible adult to watch over the house
askthesmoltitans · 9 months
"Merry Christmas, Everyone!!!"
{And Happy News Year}
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godsporncollection · 4 years
Sunday GC Sessions Summary
(long version) (personal commentary in parenthesis)
M Russell Ballard
List of how the second coming is described followed by a huge list of the very obvious things wrong with the world right now. 
We pray for you. 
Remember to pray. Pray lots, and for lots of people, because the leaders of the world need divine inspiration. 
Quotes the lord's prayer. 
Pray for everyone, even people you don't like. 
(Do deaf people sign their prayers, when praying alone? What about when they pray in small, maybe family, groups?) 
Prayer will help us by making feel better. 
Pray everywhere you go. 
Personal story of being in pain from a surgery on the hand; prayer helped the pain.
Lisa L Harkness
Story of a child jumping into a lake and feeling she needed help, even though she was safe. Sometimes we do this too, because we can't see that we are safe with god. 
Biblical story of JC falling asleep in the boat that entered a storm and the disciples got scared and asked him to save them. 
Recent events can leave us feeling lost and afraid, but we should have faith in god.
Ulisses Soares
Seek JC in every thought and follow him with all our heart. 
Metaphor of magnet + metal object. Magnetic force holds objects tightly, but looses that power when the object is far away. 
Temptation will fade when we continue to resist it. 
JC told JS when in prison "let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men and women, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughths unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of god. The holy ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth." 
If you fall into temptation, there is hope. 
Story of friend who fell into temptation. He was sad. 
Prodigal son story.
Carlos A Godoy
I believe in angels. They're important. Some are here on earth. I'm gonna talk about those. 
I converted at 16, after two angels (sister missionaries) introduced me to the gospel at a church activity. 
I met another angel at youth conference. Her squad became my squad. 
Then I met two other angels; my seminary teacher and young men president. 
"Thanks to all these angels and many others I encountered during those important early years, I received enough srength to remain on the covenant path as I gained a spiritual witness of the truth." 
"Please, please do not give up on your efforts to be part of this big family. It is the true church of JC. When it comes to your happiness and salvation, it is always worth the effort to keep trying. It is worth the effort to adjust your lifestyle and traditions. The lord is aware of the challenges you face. He knows you, he loves you, and I promise he will send angels to help you."
Neil L Andersen
Jc's resume. 
"A recent study revealed that in the last 10 years, 30 million people in the US have stepped away from believing in the divinity of JC. Looking worldwide, another study predicts that in the decades ahead, more than twice as many will leave christianity than those who will embrace it." 
Use the correct name of the church and talk about JC more. We have to talk more about JC because the world is talking about him less.
Russell M Nelson
'Israel' means 'let god prevail'. 
Israel's descendants stoned the prophets. (...) 
My grandkid's wife was sad that her father was dying, but I told her she was being near-sighted. She felt better after looking at the big picture of god's plan. 
I greive for black people. 
(I can't listen to any more of this asshole, sorry.)
Henry B Eyring
"My hope is to give encouragement when life seems especially difficult and uncertain. For some of you, that time is now. If not, such a time will come." 
Personal story of pulling weeds as a child and the frustration of the weeds breaking instead of coming out. Mother said "oh, Hal, of course it's hard; it's supposed to be. Life is a test." 
Story of us choosing to come to earth and satan disagreeing and getting followers. "Now, he tries to cause as many as he can to turn away from god during this mortal life." In the spirit world, we must have decided that whatever hardships we were going to face, "the forces of good would be overwhelmingly greater." 
Two quotes that say that god will be with us, and will help us, even in our darkest hours. 
God occasionally shows me the next couple of steps, but never a glimpse of the far future. 
Also, we need to help others. 
Another story of mother, who "all her life, she felt effects of the trials of illness. In her last 10 years of life, she required multiple operations. But through all, she proved faithful to the lord." "The last speaker [at her funeral] was elder Spencer W Kimball. After saying something of her trials and her faithfulness, he said essentially this: 'some of you may wonder why Mildred had to suffer so much and so long. I will tell you why. It was because the lord wanted to polish her a little more."
Jeremy R Jaggi
My youngest brother died two years ago. "We found comfort in the words of elder Neil L Anderson in general conference the week before Chad died: 'In the crucible of earthly trials, patiently move forward, and the savior's healing power will bring you light, understanding, peace, and hope.'" We'll be with him again, but losing him hurt. 
James 1:2. 
We thought 2020 would be all joy. Shit happened, but we're determined to see joy in this year anyway. 
Chapter 6 of 'Preach My Gospel'. 
"Blessed are the meek (etc)". 
Many unsourced quotes saying that the more you seek/follow/believe in JC, the happier you will be. 
Daughter, Emma, is a missionary. "[Emma] asked us to connect [online] with friends she was teaching [in the Netherlands]... We invited them to join our weekly online... study... All have become our friends." They've all converted. 
Nelson recently said "Voluntary fast offerings from our members have increased, as well as voluntary contributions to our humanitarian funds." 
"My brother Chad's passing came just a few months after our release from presiding over the Utah Ogden mission... Of all the 417 missions we could have been assigned to, we were assigned to... a 30-minute drive to Chad's home. Chad's cancer was diagnosed after we received our mission assignment. Even in the most trying circumstance, we knew that our heavenly father was mindful of us."
Gary E Stevenson
I was serving a mission in Japan. Kimball was speaking in Tokyo. I wanted to go. It was a long commute, so the mission president said no, but the rest of the branch went, so we were alone. Kimball announced a temple in Tokyo. I was disappointed to miss it. 
This is like the even deeper disappointment people today experience due to covid. 
How do we move forward? Consider the first verse of the BoM. 
Wife and I met online with many missionaries who still managed to do lots of ministering, despite covid restrictions. 
Think of "JS, languishing in Liberty Jail, feeling abandoned and forsaken, then hearing the words of the lord: 'these things shall be for thy good' and 'god shall be with you forever.'" 
"We, too, can draw parallels, as individual members and as a church, in the way in which we have been highly favored of the lord during the challenging times we have encountered during the past several months." 
"Let [these examples] strengthen your testimony of the seership of our living prophet, who prepared us with adjustments before any hint of a pandemic, enabling us to endure the challenges that have come." 
List of ways that we have been told to prepare. 
Story of a young woman who was just barely able to go to the temple right before leaving for her mission.
Milton Da Rocha Camargo
Gave his entire backstory before getting around to the topic: prayer. 
"An important part of heavenly father's plan is the opportunity to communicate with him anytime we want." 
"Every one that asketh, receiveth (etc)." 
"Recording our impressions is an important part of receiving. It helps us recall, review, and re-feel what the lord is teaching us." 
I like it when I have strong feelings after praying, but, more often, we're likely to hear the "still, small voice of the lord whispering to our mind and heart, 'I am here. I love you.'" 
"Revelation often comes when we are in the act of doing good."
Dale G Renlund
Can I be a better person? 
And "how can I, as a flawed person, qualify to 'dwell with god in a state of never-ending happiness'?" 
"Good deeds are not sufficient. Salvation is not earned... Left to our own devices, the prospect of returning to live in god's presence is hopeless. Without the blessings that come from heavenly father and JC, we can never do enough or be enough by ourselves... Because of and through JC, we can become enough." 
"We can be redeemed and stand clean and pure before god" by the ordinances of the gospel. 
"Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy god." 
*Jewish appropriation* 
Story of someone who had to remind someone "Dr. Jones, you became a physician to care for people and work to heal them. You didn't become a physician to judge them [on a self-infilcted wound]. If you don't understand the difference, you have no right to train at [Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD]." 
Don't think you're above others. 
"To be christlike, a person loves mercy... gracious, kind and honorable. These individuals treat everyone with love and understanding, regardless of characteristics such as race, gender, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and tribal, clan, or national differences."
Kelly R Johnson
Story of daughter who set the microwave to cook [instead of timer] for 30 min. It caught on fire. This is because microwaves need something in them to absorb the energy. 
"Our entire microwave went up in flames and burned because there was nothing on the inside. Likewise, those who have faith and the word of god deep in their hearts will be able to absorb and overcome the fiery darts which the adversary will surely send to destroy us." 
(As someone raised with a fire extiniguisher in the kichen, I feel the sudden urge to suggest this to anyone with children) 
(I have no idea what else he said because he used the word 'power' 34 times in his short talk, and it lost all meaning)
Jeffrey R Holland
Covid sucks and it's going on too long. 
We want to know when our struggles will be over. 
I'm now speaking about "those who would like to be married and aren't or who are married and with their marriage were a little more celestial. I speak of those who have to deal with the unwanted appearance of a serious medical condition, perhaps an uncurable one. Or face a life long battle with a genetic defect that has no remedy. I speak of the continuing struggle with emotional and mental health challenges that weigh heavily on the souls of so many who suffer with them and on the hearts of those who suffer with them. I speak of the poor, whom the savior told us never to forget. I speak of you, waiting for the return of a child no matter what the age, who has chosen a path different from the one you prayed he or she would take." Plus economic, political,and social concerns. 
Your prayers "are heard and they are answered, though perhaps not at the time or in the way that we wanted." They'll be answered when and how god thinks they should be. 
We shouldn't ask for a stress-free life; struggles make us worthy to live with god.
Russell M Nelson
"We live in a glorious age, foreseen by prophets for centuries... Despite the world's commotion, the lord would have us look toward the future with joyful anticipation... The gathering of Israel moves forward. The lord JC directs the affairs of his church and it will achieve it's divine objectives. The challenge for you and me is to make certain that each of us will achieve his or her divine potential." 
Let JC be your 'new normal' by "repenting daily. Seek to be increasingly pure in thought, word, and deed. Minister to others. Keep an eternal perspective. Magnify your callings. And... live each day so that you are more prepared to meet your maker." 
Six new temples: Tarawa, Kiribati; Port Vila, Vanuato; Lindon, Utah; Greater Guatamala; Sao Paulo East, Brazil; and Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
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