comshipbracket · 1 year
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Antis DNI
Propaganda for both ships provided under the cut
Bwen Propaganda (Incest - Cousins, Species Difference - Gwen is part Anodite)
"During the original series, Ben and Gwen were almost always bickering, arguing, name-calling (calling each other "Doofus" or "Dweebs"), making fun of each other, or fighting. They had a love/hate relationship. However, deep down they really do care about each other as shown on various occasions throughout the show. Especially in Secret of The Omnitrix, when Ben would go far lengths to keep Gwen out of danger. Such as transforming into Four Arms, despite the fact that the Omnitrix's self-destruct mode countdown would only accelerate. When he found out that she was still alive, he ran through the open field of heavy fire in order to hug her.
In the Omniverse continuation, even though Gwen went to college early in the show, both have openly stated that they miss each other a lot (hugging one another before she left in The More Things Change: Part 1). Gwen ALSO runs to hug Ben when he returns to Earth in The Frogs of War: Part 2. While I'm also very much an original continuation type of girl, their bickering relationship is toned down immensely in the 2016 reboot with more heartfelt and considerate moments between Ben and Gwen looking out for each other."
Gregray Propaganda (Age gap - Gregory is 35 and Raymond is 19 at earliest, Necro if in current time setting)
"When we meet Ray in canon, he's 36 and still wears Gregory's hat and trenchcoat in his memory, and is also just. Super gay on main for him. Meanwhile, Gregory stated in his will that Ray inherits his law office should anything happen to him, and they only knew each other for maybe a little over a year, so that's pretty gay. Also, Ray canonically spent the night at Gregory's place a LOT and that's a super gay thing. And Ray's entire thing is just to be gay on main. So. They're just Like That."
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toxicsludgeyaoi · 1 year
Toxic Sludge Yaoi Preliminaries: Ace Attorney Edition!
Zeikcest Vs Phantomquill Vs Gregray
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(Only ship with an image submitted was Gregray. Note: The two ships with the highest percentage of votes will proceed. Vote for your favorite.)
Note: propaganda may or may not include spoilers for this media. Read at your own risk. Propaganda under the cut.
Zeikcest propaganda:
"how can you not. they're murdery prosecutor brothers with a giant age gap and barok does nothing but yearn for his dead murdery older brother the whole time cmon they're perfect"
Phantomquill propaganda:
"Spoiler warning for Dual Destinies (mostly the last 2 cases). Blackquill, a prosecutor, was trying to figure out the identity of The Phantom, an international spy. So The Phantom killed Blackquill's biggest ally, which forced him to take the blame for the murder (to protect this person's daughter). So he ended up in jail for a crime he didn't commit. Six years later, The Phantom assumes identity of detective Bobby Fulbright, and under that disguise works together with Blackquill, who was allowed to prosecute again (despite being on death row). Their dynamic somehow contains a two-way power imbalance, since Simon is able to boss "Fulbright" around and insult him (being his direct superior), yet also "Fulbright" is technically his handler, and solves Blackquill's behavioral problems by... tasing him. They work together for most of the game. The Phantom forced Blackquill to take the blame for yet another murder. After it was revealed that Bobby Fulbright was in fact The Phantom in disguise (a man he was chasing all these years, the one who ruined his life, ended up right by his side), Blackquill cut his mask, thereby causing Phantom's breakdown. Blackquill took The Phantom into police custody at the end of the game. The jailer becomes the jailed. Great stuff."
Gregray propaganda:
"they're problematic because I got bullied off of twitter for shipping them"
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ultraviolet-ink · 7 months
has someone asked you about gregory/raymond... if they have, uhh, edgeworth/raymond!! shieldsworth, both ways
Raymond deserves to get it on, as a treat! Shieldsworth Sr. Gregory was Ray's sexual awakening, and in this essay I will--
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Shieldsworth Jr.
I think Baby Miles had a bit of a crush on Ray, and then nearly 20 years later, Edgey is like "oh my god am I still down bad for this loser???", and I think that is very poetic (and of course Ray would lovingly poke fun, free hugs and whatnot)
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Sauce Here!
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aceredshirt13 · 2 years
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something something teenaged weird girl archetype carrying a torch for the man who gave him a place and a person to call home and only years later when he’s older does that man see him in a new and unexpected light
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turnaboutsecrets · 1 year
Is this still happening or
Actually, yes! I was just about to post something about it. Namely, the zine probably won't be out on the 14th because of shenanigans, BUT, every single file is in the capable hands of the formatting mod, who is doing some nice things to them! =3
The zine is happening. Do not worry, there will be some juicy turnabout secrets to ogle like Narumayo, Cykesquill, or Gumworth, but also some Yutapollo, Gregray, and Mineycest!
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piecesarefalling · 4 years
Ace Attorney LGBT Headcanons
Saw a couple of LGBT headcanon lists going around so I figured, why not, I’ll jump in, too! These are kinda long, in no real order, and there are definitely spoilers. (It also mentions some of my ships, just for fun.)
Miles Edgeworth, Jeffrey Master, and Herman Crab are, in my mind, the peak aroace squad. Jeff is romance-indifferent and sex-indifferent, Miles is romance-indifferent and sex-repulsed, Herman is romance-repulsed and sex-repulsed.
Gregory is bi and demisexual, and is very clueless about the fact that he’s bi for most of his life (until he falls for either Raymond or Badd in my no-DL-6 AUs). I think he thought he was solidly ace until he fell for the woman that would become his wife and was like “what is this FEELING” and subsequently noticed he only felt that way about people he’d already begun to love.
Raymond is bi with a definite preference for women (e.g. the lovely and wonderful Kate Hall), but his first love just happened to be his decidedly non-female boss, so hey, what can ya do? As opposed to the demi and ace folks above, in Ray’s older persona, he’s definitely a very sexual dude. But despite the many jokes made about his character (or concerns the fandom has), I doubt he’s going around looking for one-night stands all the time. A lot of it is all bluster. His younger self has much less bluster and much more dorkiness, even when he takes the lead in flirting.
Badd is one of the only dudes that I’ve decided is just gay - he hasn’t been in a lot of relationships because he mostly had one-night-stands/largely sexual relationships when he was younger (he worried about emotionally opening up to anyone), and now that he’s older he’s full of self-doubt and afraid his job will hurt people close to him (unfortunately he’s kind of right) so he just pines romantically in tsundere silence most of the time until he can work up the courage (in Gregory’s case) or is asked out (in Byrne’s case).
Byrne is bi, doesn’t realize it until he realizes he thinks Badd is totally hot, and then 100% accepts liking dudes as part of his full identity in a fraction of a second - he is very direct and knows no fear when it comes to flirting.
Adrian Andrews is for sure a lesbian, but hasn’t really been in any relationships at all - she does, however, tend to fall for people very easily and very hard, to the point of her own self-detriment (aka Celeste Inpax, Franziska initially before they work things out).
Franziska is like 99% a lesbian but has a canonical sexual interest in BDSM with male clowns (no, I couldn’t believe it either) so I’m gonna say she’s homoromantic and very lightly bisexual - also I feel like she probably has not let herself have time for relationships (until she gets with Adrian).
Mia is bi because she hella dated Lana in college, but also clearly loved Diego/wasn’t just dating him out of comphet (which I’m guessing is the theory of people that hc Mia as a lesbian) - she and Lana broke up on good and friendly terms, but I think poor gay Lana still may have had some feelings for Mia on and off all the way up until she died.
On one glorious day in the shower I created the ship that is Lauriola - that is to say, the romance between Lauren Paups and Viola Cadaverini. Both of them dealt with crappy boyfriends - Tigre and Lance - and I like to think that when Lauren goes to get the loans sorted out from Tender Lender, she meets Viola and they start an unexpected friendship that ends with them both realizing they are hella bi. I will push this pairing until I die.
Klavier is bi because of course he is. He flirts with ladies. He flirts with Apollo. He literally has a song titled “My Boyfriend is the Prosecution’s Witness,” which I think might make him the only actual canon bi character - much like how Aura is the only canon lesbian (give us some more canon LGBT characters, Capcom, I beg). I haven’t really decided whether Metis was born or a lesbian stuck in a loveless marriage (either way the fact that the Metis-Athena parallel suggests that the dad is named Zeus means that he probably wasn’t a good guy), but either way she for sure falls for Aura.
Gumshoe is bi because he definitely adores Maggey (god I hope they’re married by AA7), but I get the impression that in AA1, his fondness for Edgeworth was perhaps a little bit stronger than just respect. (I like to think that Badd realizes Gumshoe has feelings for him, and becomes the first person Gumshoe ever comes out to.) Also, we love a bi himbo.
Dhurke, like Gregory, is bi but does not know it because he’s clueless. By the same token, Datz is gay, but does not realize it because he’s also clueless. ...It takes a while for the two to start dating. (I love them dearly.)
After being convinced by a lot of cute art, I’ve been thinking that Juniper is bi and comes around to liking Athena (who was attempting to hide her crush on Juniper) after her crush on Apollo finally goes away - unclear if Athena is bi or a lesbian but either way she Do Like Girl
Once upon a time I tried to hc Godot and Katherine Hall as straight, but as my fic ideas went off the rails I ended up having an idea where Diego had a crush on Raymond growing up and another where Kate falls for a lady OC of mine, so I basically just gave up. (My bi energy leaks into my writing yet again.) Now I think the only person I’m 100% sure is straight is Larry Butz because he canonically says he can’t like men no matter how hard he tries. Also, I hc Phoenix as bi for no real reason other than that Iris is proof he likes girls, and with guys he just somehow gives off the VibeTM.
I don’t have a lot of trans headcanons in AA, but I’m also not opposed to any unless I have reason to believe a person in their life wouldn’t have respected their pronouns (e.g. don’t think Sebastian could be a trans guy because Blaise is a piece of shit and would have kept misgendering him), or I just think it’s a bit more interesting if they’re cis (e.g. young Raymond having had a chip on his shoulder about looking rather young and cute and not “manly” can absolutely work if he’s a trans guy, but I think he may bear the weight of not living up to it more if he’s cis - kinda how I feel about Sakura being cis rather than trans in Danganronpa). I am, however, immensely fond of trans girl Robin Newman and he/they non-binary Nahyuta - and through a rather detailed made-up character backstory, I also like to think Calisto Yew/Shih-na is agender. Also, it started as a rather bizarre inside joke about her secretly being Dane Gustavia’s child (before we finished AAI2), but my friend and I are still firm in our belief in trans lady Lotta Hart. (We also believe that when she and Larry eventually begin dating, Larry is the pinnacle of “extremely heterosexual but also not even a single ounce transphobic” and by god it is beautiful.) This is a more recent addition, but Datz has “any pronouns” energy - I can just feel it in my bones.
Similar to the above, I don’t really have any strict headcanons of anyone being ace but not aro, but I also don’t really mind any that are because most of them could easily be believable. (Really, the only characters I for sure don’t imagine are ace are, uh, the ones I may be writing some questionable fanfic about...)
Beyond that, anyone I didn’t mention here, I probably just haven’t thought much about yet in a romantic preference/gender sort of sense. They could be anything, yo. If you have any headcanons of your own, I’d love to hear them!
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aceredshirt13 · 2 years
Hey, just a quick question. What's the Phoenix Wright Kink Meme thing? Because I see that on Ao3 allllllllll the time and I don't know what it's about at all. Could you maybe explain to me?
Hello, and of course I can!
I don't know the whole history of it, because even though I've been in and out of the AA fandom for nine to ten years at this point, I'm STILL not “old fandom” enough to have been around for the kink meme's creation (because back then I would have been a pretty small child). But basically, it began as an old forum on LiveJournal where people would anonymously write prompts for Ace Attorney fanfic, and people would anonymously write fics for those prompts (or "fills", as they're called). The concept exists for numerous fandoms, and has probably existed for just about any fandom you can think of, particularly slightly older ones in the scope of the Internet (Homestuck, Persona 4, Hetalia, etc.) - and as the name "kink meme" would suggest, the reason for the anonymity is the pornographic and oft-kinky nature of the requests. In terms of content, it tends to be pretty no-holds barred, from the fluffiest, healthiest sexual relationships to the darkest and most deeply fucked-up ones.
However, the Phoenix Wright Kink Meme has the honor (?) of existing in a continuously operating state for longer than any other kink meme of any fandom ever, and this is often attributed to the fact that while there is certainly quite a lot of sexual content, it is not solely that (which distinguished it from other kink memes of its era, I believe). People request non-sexual prompts and platonic prompts on there right alongside the sexual ones, so it functions more as a general fic request forum than one specifically for smut (not that there’s anything wrong with smut ofc), which allows it to attract a more diverse audience of readers and writers alike! Certainly, it is nowhere near as populated as it was in the days of yore, but it is still alive and well, and people are still filling out prompts to this day (like my most recent published fic, which I wrote in response to a prompt a few days ago - many people now cross-post their kink meme prompt fills to AO3, as I'm sure you now know).
It is, however, very difficult to navigate, because you can't really search for anything - you just kind of have to go through the parts yourself and look for anything that looks interesting to you. An artifact of an older Internet, even though the forum it's currently hosted on is much newer than LiveJournal was. This also means that in the search of content you'd like to see, you will inevitably see prompts and fills that are very much NOT the content you'd like to see. So if there are any kinks, pairings, concepts, etc. that are triggers for you, I would strongly advise you to be careful, because there is not really a way to avoid things like that. But that also means that if you like a kink, pairing, or concept you aren't seeing a lot of on social media or AO3, you just might find it there.
But now that you've heard all of that, if you are interested in requesting anything, filling out any prompts, or just checking the whole thing out, then you can find it here! For the most recent prompts as of my writing this post, go ahead to the post titled "STICKY: PART 34" and click on either the link that says "2850 comments" (or whatever number it will be by the time you click on it), or the link that says "You're about to view content that a community administrator has advised should be viewed with discretion." Then, if you go to the very last numbered page of comments, you'll find the newest requests - and from there, you can go back through each of those pages - and each of the other 33 parts - at your leisure. (And some of the most recent prompts may or may not have been requested by me...)
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comshipbracket · 1 year
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Antis DNI
Comship Bracket Round 1!
Round 1 is split up into 4 Segments, which are split into 4 smaller polls within them! These will be posted near-daily, with a 6-day voting time limit. Look out for your ships! Propaganda is both welcome AND encouraged, whether through the form of essays, art, fanfiction recommendations, or otherwise, All propaganda will be reblogged.
Segment 1 - Bottom Left
Poll 1: SunMari (Sunny x Omori), Omori VS God's Hand (Master Hand x Lady Palutena), Super Smash Brothers
Poll 2: SlyCoop (Slider x Cooper), Cyberchase VS King's Throne (The Bard King x Noise), Roleslaying with Roman
Poll 3: Ragnvarde (Ragnvaldr x Le'Garde), Fear & Hunger VS Licoivlis (Licorice x Ivlis), Funamusea
Poll 4: AquaRuby (Aqua Hoshino x Ruby Hoshino), Oshi no Ko VS ShizuShiho (Shizuku Hinomori x Shiho Hinomori), Project SEKAI
Segment 2 - Top Right
Poll 1: Kaeluc (Kaeya Alberich x Diluc Ragnvindr), Genshin Impact VS Aineta (Shouta Aizawa x Minoru Mineta), My Hero Academia
Poll 2: Hitachiincest (Kaoru Hitachiin x Hikaru Hitachiin), Ouran High School Host Club VS Sebaciel (Sebastian Michaelis x Ciel Phantomhive), Black Butler
Poll 3: Enabler (Ruby Rose x Yang Xiao Long), RWBY VS BruDami (Bruce Wayne x Damian Wayne), DC
Poll 4: Hayniss (Haymitch Abernathy x Katniss Everdeen), The Hunger Games VS SeymourxTwoey (Seymour Krelborn x Audrey II), Little Shop of Horrors
Segment 3 - Top Left
Poll 1: KomaSugi (Komaru Naegi x Kotoko Utsugi), Danganronpa VS DirkRose (Dirk Strider x Rose Lalonde), Homestuck
Poll 2: Polymatsu (All 6 Matsuno Siblings), Osomatsu-san VS Wincest (Sam Winchester x Dean Winchester), Supernatural
Poll 3: RagamuffinxLenore (Ragamuffin x Lenore), Lenore The Cute Little Dead Girl VS Kalvey (Captain Kaldena x Harvey), Octopath Traveler
Poll 4: Yugicest (Amane Yugi x Tsukasa Yugi), Toilet-bound Hanako-kun VS AngemonXTK (Angemon x Takeru "T.K." Takaishi), Digimon
Segment 4 - Bottom Right
Poll 1: Billdip (Bill Cipher x Dipper Pines), Gravity Falls VS Stapis (Steven Universe x Lapis Lazuli), Steven Universe
Poll 2: DecadeZi-O (Tsukasa Kadoya x Sougo Tokiwa), Kamen Rider VS Tabloidshipping (Seto Kaiba x Mokuba Kaiba), Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Poll 3: SatouShio (Satou Matsuzaka x Shio Koube), Happy Sugar Life VS YukiSaku (Yukito Tsukishiro x Sakura Kinomoto), Cardcaptor Sakura
Poll 4: Bwen (Ben Tennyson x Gwen Tennyson), Ben 10 VS Gregray (Gregory Edgeworth x Raymond Shields), Ace Attorney
This is the line-up for round 1, let's see who you all vote for to move forward into Round 2! Remember, propaganda is encouraged! Have fun voting, everyone! Our inbox is also open for propaganda - Mod Satou
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aceredshirt13 · 3 years
somehow in AA I’ve taken the shipping section of my brain and constructed three separate situations where two people were in love with the same person, and then that person got murdered
we got Raymond and Badd, who both had feelings for Gregory, but he was killed before either of them worked up the courage to say so - I don’t think Miles finds out about this until much, much later
we got Lana and Diego, where Lana dated Mia in college and still has lingering feelings for her, while Diego dated her up until the time of his poisoning, and now they’re both stuck in prison and miss her
and we got Datz and Amara, where Dhurke eventually fell for Datz when they were living together with the kiddos, but Dhurke’s feelings for Amara hadn’t faded either when he discovered she was alive, so all three of them were just set to live as a rebel polycule until Dhurke’s life was cut short
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aceredshirt13 · 3 years
Gregory: *breathes*
Raymond: I would literally die for you Mr. Edgeworth
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aceredshirt13 · 3 years
The parallels between Raymond and Adrian break my heart, and because of it I will forever be pushing my Raymond-Adrian friendship agenda. (But if you wanna know why - and okay a lot of it is because of how I personally view the characters, but still - you’re gonna have to go under the cut, because this accidentally got too long to handle.)
I mean, they’ve both got such similar stories! Yes, some of it is based on my own headcanons (which are VERY long so I won’t go into them), since we don’t know for sure what led them to meet their mentors, but I have to think that the reason Gregory and Celeste were such inspirations to them is because before they met them, they felt profoundly lost. Working for them didn’t just give Raymond and Adrian a role model - I think it gave them a whole new lease on life.
(The bitter irony being that the very people who gave them that lease on life would soon lose their own.)
And, well, this is entirely my opinion, but I don’t know that Gregory and Celeste were just role models in their eyes, if you catch my drift.
There’s being inspired by someone, admiring someone, wanting to be like someone… and there’s the attachment these two had to their mentors. Seventeen years after Gregory’s death, Raymond is still working in an office that bears his name, and wearing his clothes, when no other lawyer who has lost a mentor has done the same - held on so tightly to a memory. Adrian is shown to have been intensely dependent on Celeste (who was quite fragile, herself, considering her actions) to the point of trying to emulate her entirely as a coping mechanism after her death, even trying to take her own life because she couldn’t stand to live without her. Their wounds manifest as grudges- Raymond’s unfair one toward Miles for what he sees as him turning his back on Gregory’s memory, and Adrian being so furious (and rightly so) at Matt and Juan that she tries to frame Matt for Juan’s murder.
Now, I’ve had a good number of role models in my life - friends, teachers, etc. - who have had a positive impact on me. It would be, and would especially have been in the time which I directly knew them, devastating to lose them as suddenly and painfully as Raymond and Adrian did. But I don’t think my grief for them would have driven me to those lengths - I question whether I would go to those lengths even if I lost my own parents. So I have to wonder if it was more than that.
I have to wonder if it was love.
There are certainly stances that contradict this - in Raymond’s case, much of the fandom concludes that he must have seen Gregory as a surrogate father (which used to be my only stance in regard to Raymond’s feelings - even now, I do still like that theory, too), and in Adrian’s, the anime writers, apparently having thought that she seemed like too much of a lesbian, decided to declare her and Celeste to be sisters. And while those are valid interpretations (though I and most of the fandom are quite unhappy with the real homophobic-feeling choice to make Adrian and Celeste biological sisters instead of just saying they were like sisters or something), I don’t think a more romantic sort of affection is any less valid than those. Even going beyond their reactions to losing them, you can look at how Raymond’s eyes light up when Gregory does literally anything, and see how though we never meet Celeste, she is clearly Adrian’s entire world. Can any of us non-aro folks really say we’ve never fallen for someone who inspired us?
The parallels don’t end there, either. If you subscribe to the theory of love, then they both share a degree of impossibility, real or perceived. Gregory and Celeste are their superiors and if that weren’t enough, Gregory is quite a bit older than Raymond, and Celeste is getting engaged. Their mentors also strike me as people whose sharp intelligence, outward confidence, and great proficiency in their field (as well as them just being sweethearts) hides insecurity and a profound loneliness - seen by Gregory’s struggles with social interaction, and the fact that being dumped by her fiancé was enough for Celeste to feel it wasn’t worth being alive. So the people they inspired, and unknowingly captured the hearts of, reach out to them - not out of a belief that anything will ever come of it (Ray and Adrian’s self-esteem is too low for that), but just out of a desire to know them, to befriend them, to help them realize that they aren’t alone, and that they’ll always have someone there for them. Sometimes, even just making them smile for a moment is enough.
Part of them, I think, wanted to confess someday, to free them of this white-hot anxiety in their chests, but they postponed it. They could wait until they were braver, and older, and more confident.
(...How could they have known they wouldn't have enough time?)
So I like to think that for the brief period of time when Adrian is in prison, breaking down, fearing she’ll be imprisoned and possibly executed for a murder she didn’t commit, it is Raymond that offers to be her defense attorney should the case go to trial.
Because Raymond looks at Adrian, hears her story and her circumstances, and she reminds him of himself all those years ago.
Luckily, it never comes to that, and Adrian is set free, but I think maybe, by chance or deliberately, the two of them meet up again and become friends, as well as shoulders to lean on. Who could understand better, right?
And they stay friends, as they grow older, and find love in other places, and move on.
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ultraviolet-ink · 3 years
The moment Ray met Gregory “certified DILF and actual gentleman” Edgeworth, that was when he had the realization that he was way more Bi than intended.
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aceredshirt13 · 3 years
if my two beloved “controversial” ships have taught me anything it’s that my biggest gender projection is onto the very specific character category of “twinks with poor mental health who accidentally fall for lonely middle-aged widowers with small adorable children”
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aceredshirt13 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney 
Rating: General Audiences 
Warnings: Major Character Death 
Relationships: Mitsurugi Shin | Gregory Edgeworth/Shigaraki Tateyuki | Raymond Shields 
Characters: Shigaraki Tateyuki | Raymond Shields, Mitsurugi Shin | Gregory Edgeworth 
Additional Tags: Unrequited Love, Angst, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Ficlet, BGM: “Probably” by YOASOBI, I’m supposed to be writing an essay, instead I wrote this in fifteen minutes while crying, and my friend told me to post it, making myself sad with my own fics since 2014 
Summary: I still remember that day in winter.
this is so short I didn’t even intend to post it until a friend insisted, but I do like this, even though it made me very sad to write
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