ultraviolet-ink · 7 months
has someone asked you about gregory/raymond... if they have, uhh, edgeworth/raymond!! shieldsworth, both ways
Raymond deserves to get it on, as a treat! Shieldsworth Sr. Gregory was Ray's sexual awakening, and in this essay I will--
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Shieldsworth Jr.
I think Baby Miles had a bit of a crush on Ray, and then nearly 20 years later, Edgey is like "oh my god am I still down bad for this loser???", and I think that is very poetic (and of course Ray would lovingly poke fun, free hugs and whatnot)
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Sauce Here!
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raymondshields · 1 year
There is something deeply, deeply funny about venturing on twitter just to check in with like three people and one tag in hopes of fanart. I've made acquaintances with a teenager who really likes one of my favs.
Couple of days ago he was in the tags complaining that there wasn't much fic of said mutual fav on AO3, and I was like "I got more that I haven't been assed to put up, d'you want me to" and he was like "yeah" (paraphrased, what he actually said was vaguely incoherent) and then I did and I was just "here you are, mind the tags, hope you like :)" and it's just Incredibly Funny To Me.
I've popped onto his tweets every now and then just to deliver some meta and remark on some things about said fav, never actually talked to him about anything else. But see, all I write ever is Shieldsworth, which is very much a Problematique ship on twitter and I would get so many death threats if I were active over there, which I am very much not.
It's just funny to me, since a tweet of his in the tags was just "I don't ship Shieldsworth that's weird they're just family to me!" and I'm just over here like lol. Lmao even. Kid you are so bad at lying. I see you actively being interested in me actually posting Shieldsworth. I see you refusing to admit that you're on this canoe. You will leave twitter one day and you will stop feeling bad about this stuff and I will still be here on this canoe making a bunch of weird shit, and you'll be free to join me.
Ah, twitter. The place I only go for fanart because I need a goddamn hazmat suit to survive there.
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raymondshields · 1 year
...why was THAT the next post my queue spat out--
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raymondshields · 1 year
I don't learn Much from my older brother (derogatory) but one of the things I did learn is that you can't argue a point terribly well if you can't also switch teams and argue the other side, even if you think it's full of shit. Because in order to argue against something properly you have to get where it's coming from, and address the root, not just the conclusion.
Which is of course my way of remarking that I can make analysis of what likely happened in AA canon without actually believing a lick of it. Which is my way of being vague about saying "yes in all likelihood Ray was just some teenager Gregory was making pay off his legal fees of being falsely accused in chores, but in my mind they're a married couple set-do-not-separate".
I don't feel like being the target of another harassment campaign because I shipped the Wrong Thing so I did not say that on the main post but like, Shieldsworth stay winning? Why did he bequeath his law office to this random ass kid if he wasn't a lil gay about it. Like Ray explicitly says he inherited the office. It didn't get dissolved or anything, he straight up inherited it. Greg updated his will specifically to give Ray the office. Why would you do that if you're not gay. Like bro. That's the gayest thing since your kid chartered a plane and I know exactly where he got it from because I know all three of you assholes personally.
Plus like, Ray says that he thinks that maybe if he'd gone home with Greg that night DL-6 might not've happened. This establishes that Ray going home with them was not unusual. There are many ways to interpret this, ranging from "local dad adopts teenager because no one else is looking out for him ala Phoenix and Pearl" to "oh they Fookin'" and I personally believe the latter but like. Oh there is Stuff going on there.
Just because I think they were Fookin' doesn't mean I'm gonna discount every other interpretation. They all lead to the same conclusion of "Ray taught Phoenix to eat evidence, and later taught Diego and Mia that a lawyer never cries until it's over", which is ultimately the point I want to make because tying it back to main, popular characters may get other people talking about Ray and that's what I want so. Ends justifies the means and the means are occasionally pretending I don't ship Shieldsworth as a true OTP because I'm not stupid enough to put a target on my back like that.
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raymondshields · 1 year
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I don't do art very often and definitely post it even less, but I'm also pretty proud of these, so.
Sagiverse Shieldsworth 7YG full references. Atticus on the left, Ray on the right. ;O;
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raymondshields · 2 years
Sometimes I think to myself "I should check twitter, there might be Ray art" and then the first person I find who is talking about him 1) has both proship + Shieldsworth shippers on their dni and 2) ships Baddsworth.
And I'm just here like >:( and wonder if it's worth braving Zerochan for fanart.
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raymondshields · 2 years
"Whatcha doin'?"
Tagged by @who-is-page
Currently reading: Turnabout Apricity and Turnabout Ebullience, the two Ace Attorney fic anthologies my fiance wrote! Slowly but surely making my way through them.
Last song: Rewrite the Stars from The Greatest Showman soundtrack. I've never seen the movie, lmao, but it's a good Shieldsworth song.
Last Movie: You know, it might actually be But I'm A Cheerleader (1999), although I didn't actually watch it. I was in the room. It was playing. I was there to watch it as it was movie night. I did not watch it, for I was doing math.
Currently working on: I'm ignoring my JUnit homework due tomorrow night, and I need to sit down and try to figure out how emulators work for Friday, so I can record a clip from AAI2. I need it for my powerpoint. I also have to take some photos for my lawyer, do some more math, and call the damn doctor. xD
Tagging: @rachicolate @winglesshopeful @khayr @dorksmithery @pure-egg @almostandrogynousdonut @tanadin @teenslib @dzamie and @noodledragonsoup! If for whatever reason I've forgotten someone or didn't add you but you want to do it, consider yourself invisibly tagged.
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raymondshields · 2 years
Listen, I literally walked into a job interview today with my Bratfeen keychain in my pocket like some kind of mystical talisman of gayness and good vibes. Guess what? I have a job now. Believe in the power of your blorbos. :p -Faolan
I wrote the tags on that going "huh, I wonder where that photo of Exos went?" and looked up, and it was legit right at eye level on my bookshelf. Every time I open my sticker box to put more stickers there, the Shieldsworth sticker is right on top and always makes me Really Happy.
Believe in the power of blorbos!!
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raymondshields · 1 year
...I need to commission more Shieldsworth.
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raymondshields · 2 years
i gotta give you ace attorney for the series ask thing
A-all of them at once??? I'll do my best!
❤ Favorite Male: Raymond Shields...
❤ Favorite Female: Fuck, that's an incredibly difficult question, but tbh I think I'll go with Mia Fey???
❤ Favorite Pairing: Shieldsworth. Obviously.
❤ Least Favorite Character: Mmm, difficult one. Tbh, I'm gonna go with either Klavier Gavin or Tyrell Badd? The thing is, half the characters I dislike, I love to hate them. They suck, but I love working with their narrative and thoughts. Which means the characters I genuinely dislike are ones I'd be happy if the series never had, and I don't really have any of those. So we're gonna go with Klavier and Badd, just because they're annoying. They can be done right. I have nothing against them. I think Klavier is a lot more interesting without Klapollo as a ship, and if you give him back his undercut. Badd I just dislike because people ship him with Atticus, lmao, and that's Ray's job. I'm happy fridging him. I would 100% not feel that way if Shieldsworth was more popular than Baddsworth. But tragically that's the preferred ship, so Badd can get fucked.
❤ who’s most like me: I project a lot onto both Ray and Miles, but tbh I don't think I can give you an unbiased answer? They're both really distinct. I don't think any of the AA characters are super a lot like me, but those two I project on the most.
❤ most attractive: Depends entirely what flavour of attractive we're going for. Obviously, Ray gets the "he's gender, your honour" medal. Atticus obviously gets the "well he's a dilf, what more do you want", and Bratworth gets the "can I rob your wardrobe?". Dahlia's nice, and would Do Things to me if she were blonde (and fortunately she is not). We don't talk about how gender Diego / Godot is.
❤ three more characters that I like: Phoenix, obviously, I love that guy. I do genuinely enjoy Franziska, she's a favourite of mine. And surprisingly, Larry. He's an idiot but I love him.
[ask game here]
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raymondshields · 2 years
📓 📓 📓 Go off king tell the world even more about this silly little AU of ours
Ah, wouldja look at that, my darling mate is awake~ This is why I can't be mad at my sleep schedule being this comically awful. I get to say good morning to you and send you off to work with a kiss like you always do for me! ;O;
The question is, are there any fics in my spreadsheet that you don't know about??? I don't think there is! I think In Observation was the only one I added that you didn't know about already? Uhm, I did just notice I had to update What Could Be's status and pitch, because Angel never does become the court sketch artist, and it was always meant to be their first date and we RPed that, so I just gotta back it up.
So I think this works best as "what ideas do I have kicking around that I've forgotten to tell you about that I'm sure you'll help me brainstorm into actual fics that will go in the spreadsheet until I write them", so how about I just bullet-point a list and we find out what happens.
I have that Shieldsworth smut fic I haven't titled nor finished. I should do that. I am taking title suggestions.
I really want to write the Sagiverse version of The Inherited Turnabout / the entirety of AAI2, because it features Marlis and Marni way more, and Ray gets to be cursed the entire time. Sagiverse!Ray is so different from canon!Ray that his existence alone will change stuff, so I wanna write that together.
Obviously, we need to write the Elderqueer's Aethelian trip, and the four really reclaiming their draconity. This will happen after I sit down and worldbuild the shit out of the Aethel. I am requesting / begging / asking very nicely for all your high-fantasy concepts and ideas that haven't been integrated into something, because the Aethel is like twenty realms and I intend on going off the shits, so we're gonna yes-and rule of cool. I established in I think The Deafening Distance that some of the bridges in Ilya Alyve's highways are just straight up mushroom concrete. Also, titles and ideas of what they're doing along the way. Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if we write this sometime this summer? It might actually be part of Mangoes, now that I think about it, it would be really fitting??? Yeah, okay, I think this is just one of the major plotlines of Mangoes. Lmao. xD
We really gotta sit down and plot out both the Imma and Amaryllis arcs... I say, knowing full well that doing the Imma arc requires sitting down and writing MvK & Addie vs the German Narrators not once but twice and also the Narrator Revolution, and doing the Amaryllis arc means plotting and probably coding three Heroes Infinity games, which requires the timeline, which requires the Infini12 storyline and also Willow's backstory. We could probably do the Imma arc soonish, because it's not so dependent on the Revolution + the German Narrators that we have to rewrite it the moment we do those, but let's be real with how much story we gotta dig into, I'll be amazed if we get to the Amaryllis arc by our wedding. xD Not that I'm complaining! I am looking very much forward to getting to write all this together!!!
See, now I really want to dive directly into Heroes Infinity again, because like, Mia, Diego, Willow, Dahlia, and Marni (and Ray as a bonus) being there changes the story so goddamn much. This immediately brings to mind the scene where Vitta is just yelling at Kaden for stealing the MEWS serum, except she immediately turns around and sees Marni ignoring her health problems, considers going and joining the Legion, sees Willow doing the exact same shit, and then goes back to the Heroes because Kaden is less bad than these two, and that's without her finding out about Ray who is literally only alive because the curse refuses to let him die. I gotta finish Kominting on Blueberries + Apricots before I plunge into Kominting on the HI drafts, but I am so excited to see how throwing some Lawyers into the mix changes things. Mia and Diego parenting the Connors-Shermans Edgeworth-Armandos is gonna be so good, and it not saving them is going to be so angsty and so good. So good. ;O;
Also I forgot until just now but you know Ehaelos? The guy I was bitching about not being able to picrew because he's Black and has red hair? Apparently he only wasn't Miles' advisor at Kensington because Miles really wanted to wingman Marlis. That's fucking hilarious. Miles Edgeworth really did say that wingmanning his sister was more important than his necromancer education and I choose to believe that this is the only trait he retained from MvK, who kinda was That Guy. Objectively, this is the funniest trivia fact in Sagiverse, right next to Raykath.
I really, really want to write the fic of Marlis saving Willow on the ghostroads, because it's also the fic of Atticus saving Marlis and Hannelore being conceived, but like, all of the characters involved save Willow are usually yours to POV from, so I may pass this one onto you, but either way we gotta write it my dude, we can't just Not.
One of these days I will write I Live for Glitter, Not You and it is going to be the objectively funniest fic I've ever written, and then right after it, I will write Hold On Through the Night and we'll get to see drunk Miles angsting over Charley and Larry egging him on, and that's that on that.
Also I found out tonight that during Fight the Good Fight, Miles realizes that Carter knew who Ray was (because he referenced him so heavily in The Last Star of Morning) and promptly summons him and then punches him in the face. He conveniently forgets that Carter couldn't have told him due to the curse, and then has to be restrained so he doesn't punch him again. Because if he does then Ali will kick him in the balls, and Ali kicking Miles in the balls only ever ends in Atticus grounding everyone involved.
Which reminds me. We've gone over Carter and Simon's arc exclusively in quotes. We should, at the very least, turn these into Audiomance recordings and make them into a proper fic. Because otherwise they will never see the light of day and we can't torment Tsuko with them. I feel like if we actually let anyone into the quotes doc we'd die, so we should formalize those and sic them on our friends. I dunno if their arc changes enough to warrant rewriting the canon cases (there are So Many Other things we gotta write and we only have two fucking thimbles to move this ocean with ;~; ) but I do wanna get those all fancied up. That would be great. I love them so much. ;O;
I'll let you in on a funny little secret that you're going to think is absolutely cringe, because I'm looking at the spreadsheet trying to figure out where my train of thought went. You know why I haven't finished Different Worlds, Same Old Moon? It's only halfway because my smut muse is super iffy. It's mostly because the phone in Atticus' apartment is in the hallway, and cell phones were not invented in '71, and it's a far enough stretch of suspension of disbelief to say Atticus rerouted the office phone to go to his home phone after hours, which means Ray has to go pick up the phone from the hallway. Hard to do with what they're doing at the moment, so I was originally like "he just picks him up and keeps doing that with Atticus on his shoulders", but that doesn't work, and you know why? You wanna know why? Because no fuckin hallway ever is going to be tall enough that they can do that, unless Atticus' shitty downtown L.A. apartment in 1971 has comically high ceilings, which it fuckin wouldn't, and thus my ability to write crashed and burned. Once I circumvent this incredibly difficult problem, I will be able to keep writing and hopefully finish it. But I have not doing that, and thus I have writer's block. These are the things that stop me from writing. I must have historical accuracy or I will die. This is the real reason why I need the timeline. I'm pretty sure Hanne and Trucy don't actually have Switches. They meet Ray in 2001. They have Gameboys. They might have played the original Animal Crossing if it was out by then, but certainly not the newer ones. Now, it's entirely likely that we can chalk the Nintendo Switch coming out twenty years earlier to Tails, which would be funny as hell, but we gotta establish this one way or another or otherwise I will die.
Dear god I want to write some fic with Bex, Wolf, and Aingel. But that requires dealing with the Heroes of Kharos, and their storyline is something I really know fuckall about, and I know we're not circling back to that until the Brainrot calls us back to Sonata. Which will happen, but probably after we jump back into Heroes Infinity, so like, I totally wanna do it Right Now but we have two fucking thimbles. I wish Diego did have the power to control gravity and make the world stop turning. Then maybe I could fling the thimble faster and write all of this all at once. I want to stick an extra 32gb of ram directly into my brain. Help.
And I have to end it there because uh. Tumblr. Tumblr what.
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Aight, I guess tumblr wants me to go to bed. xD See you in the morning, my lovely, please tell me your thoughts!!! ;O;
[send me a book emoji and I'll tell you the premise of a fic I haven't written yet]
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raymondshields · 2 years
go wild
You get.... Three Shieldsworth fics!!!
In Observation of One Raymond Shields: A fic from Atticus' perspective, about Ray, in their pining phase. It's written as journal entries, interspersed by his commentary about some of the things he got up to in his university years with Marni. It's very much "local area lawyer is daydreaming / utterly convinced that his co-counsel that he's in love with is secretly a fantasy prince who is going to lead him on magical adventures". The funniest thing is, he's totally right, but 1) it's not gonna go like that and 2) he has no idea. Mostly inspired by the fact that Ray was not born in a place that used the Gregorian calendar, and doesn't actually know his birthday in Earth years, nor does he celebrate it unless someone makes him. So he kinda forgot to, and Atticus gets to be like me insofar as he's really shitty with dates, and probably doesn't realize they've never celebrated Ray's birthday and he doesn't know when it is until they're engaged. So this is the fic where he gets to be all confused and pining over all of Ray's eccentricities that Ray is firmly maintaining with the "I grew up in a rural area outside of Amsterdam :)" excuse for why he's never encountered things like "movies" and "the press" and "cassette tapes". While also being a major fantasy nerd and super in gay love and letting his brain wander with the fact that he can't prove that Ray isn't secretly a fantasy prince here to show Atticus magical adventures. Writing from Atticus' perspective is super difficult, so this is going to be goddamn entertaining to write.
Until the Ashes of Kasareine Fall: is going to be hard, hard angst. Faolan wrote The Only Reason I Have Left Is You, which is in Blueberries / Turnabout Ebullience, which is the fic about Marni and Ray finding out about Miles' suicide note post-RTFA, and finding out from Adelinde that he's not dead, just in Europe, and the beginning of Marni and Adelinde's relationship. Ashes is going to be almost the same fic, but from Ray's POV, interspersed in some way with Miles' POV as he takes a flight to Europe, when everyone alive he's ever known thinks he's dead, and even though he's not on the ghostroads, the dead see him from the Burning City safely to Amsterdam, where his sisters catch him. You're gonna need some fluff after you finish reading, because it's going to come for the jugular.
And last but not least of the three picks, The House at the Forest's Edge is an answer / sequel to We Have Always Lived By The Forest, which is a fic I wrote for Bananas, and is actually one of the last fics in the Shieldsworth series, happily titled Fireflies, Embers, Forests, and Empty Skies. It's what ends the main plotline, with the epilogue being the Aethel trip, and Ray + Atticus + Addie all claiming draconic forms. THatFE is just a nice feel-good fic, about the Elderqueers moving back into Miles' childhood home after the Kensington wedding, and getting to heal together. I want it to sound like a Wayward Children book, so halfway poetry, and I don't think I'm gonna write it soon, because there's uh, at least twelve other fics that come before it and possibly three that come after, and I know it's one that requires a lot of detail from the earlier fics in the series so it's a while off yet.
Bonus, because I want to: The Case of Getting the Midnight Rider Some Fucking Therapy, a title that started as a joke and then very much didn't stay that way, which I'll be writing probably immediately after I figure out how to do Turnabout Jack / the ME-1 incident casefic. This one's another casefic, and the premise is "everyone in the Edgeworth extended family conspires together to make Mia go to therapy" because while everyone needs therapy and everyone goes to the same damn therapist, Mia would not go to therapy even though she needs it. She needs to be dragged kicking and screaming into going to therapy, so the funniest possible casefic imaginable is, well, the case of getting the Midnight Rider some fucking therapy. Mia Fey is such a fun character to write. She's so goddamn angy, and so goddamn gender.
I really gotta archive all of my and Faolan's RPs, I really think everyone would get a kick out of Mia's gender and refusal to deal with her emotions when they don't involve shooting things with guns. She's really cisn't at this point. She/her pronouns, but actively insists on being called son, father, man, and cowboy. She's so butch. I love her so much.
[send me a book emoji and I'll tell you the premise of a fic I haven't written yet]
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