#Greens and Beyond website
beingjellybeans · 1 year
Easy blender-free smoothies with Greens and Beyond
Are you a health-conscious individual seeking a quick and effortless way to embrace the goodness of smoothies? Greens and Beyond has the perfect solution for you! Check out its range of blender-free smoothies, made from fresh, raw, and natural ingredients such as organic vegetables, fresh fruits, superfoods, nuts, and seeds. These smoothies are not only delightful to your taste buds but are also…
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Kickstarting the audiobook of The Lost Cause, my novel of environmental hope
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Tonight (October 2), I'm in Boise to host an event with VE Schwab. On October 7–8, I'm in Milan to keynote Wired Nextfest.
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The Lost Cause is my next novel. It's about the climate emergency. It's hopeful. Library Journal called it "a message hope in a near-future that looks increasingly bleak." As with every other one of my books Amazon refuses to sell the audiobook, so I made my own, and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter:
That's a lot to unpack, I know. So many questions! Including this one: "How is it that I have another book out in 2023?" Because this is my third book this year. Short answer: I write when I'm anxious, so I came out of lockdown with nine books. Nine!
Hope and writing are closely related activities. Hope (the belief that you can make things better) is nothing so cheap and fatalistic as optimism (the belief that things will improve no matter what you do). The Lost Cause is full of people who are full of hope.
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The action begins a full generation after the Hail Mary passage of the Green New Deal, and the people who grew up fighting the climate emergency (rather than sitting hopelessly by while the powers that be insisted that nothing could or should be done) have a name for themselves: they call themselves "the first generation in a century that doesn't fear the future."
I fear the future. Unchecked corporate power has us barreling over a cliff's edge and all the one-percent has to say is, "Well, it's too late to swerve now, what if the bus rolls and someone breaks a leg? Don't worry, we'll just keep speeding up and leap the gorge":
That unchecked corporate power has no better avatar than Amazon, one of the tech monopolies that has converted the old, good internet into "five giant websites, each filled with screenshots of the other four":
Amazon maintains a near-total grip over print and ebooks, but when it comes to audiobooks, that control is total. The company's Audible division has captured more than 90% of the market, and it abuses that dominance to cram Digital Rights Management onto every book it sells, even if the author doesn't want it:
I wrote a whole-ass book about this and it came out less than a month ago; it's called The Internet Con and it lays out an audacious plan to halt the internet's enshittification and throw it into reverse:
The tldr is this: when an audiobook is wrapped in Amazon's DRM, only Amazon can legally remove it. That means that every book I sell you on Audible is a book you have to throw away if you ever break up with Amazon, and Amazon can use the fact that it's hold you hostage to screw me – and every other author – over.
As I said last time this came up:
Fuck that sideways.
With a brick.
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My books are sold without DRM, so you can play them in any app and do anything copyright permits, and that means Amazon won't carry them, and that means my publishers don't want to pay to produce them, and that means I produce them myself, and then I make the (significant) costs back by selling them on Kickstarter.
And you know what? It works. Readers don't want DRM. I mean, duh. No one woke up this morning and said, "Dammit, why won't someone sell me a product that lets me do less with my books?" I sell boatloads" of books through these crowdfunding campaigns. I sold so many copies of my last book, *The Internet Con, that they sold out the initial print run in two weeks (don't worry, they held back stock for my upcoming events).
But beyond that, I think there's another reason my readers keep coming back, even though I wrote a genuinely stupid number of books while working through lockdown anxiety while the wildfires raged and ashes sifted down out of the sky and settled on my laptop as I lay in my backyard hammock, pounding my keyboard.
(I went through two keyboards during lockdown. Thankfully, I bought a user-serviceable laptop from Framework and fixed it myself both times, in a matter of minutes. No, no one pays me to mention this, but hot damn is it cool.)
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The reason readers come back to my books is that they're full of hope. In the same way that writing lets me feel like I'm not a passenger in life, but rather, someone with a say in my destination, the books that I write are full of practical ways and dramatic scenes in which other people seize the means of computation, the reins of power or their own destinies.
The protagonist of The Lost Cause is Brooks Palazzo, a high-school senior in Burbank whose parents were part of the original cohort of volunteers who kicked off the global transformation, and left him an orphan when they succumbed to one of the zoonotic plagues that arise every time another habitat is destroyed.
Brooks grew up knowing what his life would be: the work of repair and care, which millions of young people are doing. Relocating entire cities off endangered coastlines and floodplains, or out of fire-zones. Fighting floods and fires. Caring for tens of millions of refugees for whom the change came too late.
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But with every revolution comes a counter-revolution. The losers of a just war don't dig holes, climb inside and pull the dirt down on top of themselves. Two groups of reactionaries – seagoing anarcho-capitalist billionaire wreckers and seething white nationalist militias – have formed an alliance.
They've already gotten their champion into the White House. Next up: dismantling every cause for hope Brooks and his friends have, and bringing back the fear.
That's the setup for a novel about solidarity, care, library socialism, and snatching victory from defeat's jaws. Writing it help keep me sane during the lockdown, and when it came time to record the audiobook, I spent a lot of time thinking about who could read it. I've had some great narrators: Wil Wheaton, @neil-gaiman, Amber Benson, Bronson Pinchot, and more.
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I record my audiobooks with Skyboat Media, a brilliant studio near my place in LA. Back in August, I spent a week in their recording booth – "The Tardis" – doing something I'd never tried before: I recorded a whole audiobook, with directorial supervision: The Internet Con:
When it was done, the director – audiobook legend Gabrielle de Cuir – sat me down and said, "Look, I've never said this to an author before, but I think you should read The Lost Cause. I don't direct anyone anymore except for Wil Wheaton and LeVar Burton, but I would direct you on this one."
I was immensely flattered – and very nervous. Reading The Internet Con was one thing – the book is built around the speeches I've been giving for 20 years and I knew I could sell those lines – but The Lost Cause is a novel, with a whole cast of characters. Could I do it?
Reader, I did it. I just listened to the proofs last week and:
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The Lost Cause goes on sale on November 14th, and I'll be selling this audiobook I made everywhere audiobooks are sold – except for the stores that require DRM, nonconsensually shackling readers and writers to their platforms. So you'll be able to get it on Libro.fm, downpour.com, even Google Play – but not Audible, Apple Books, or Audiobooks.com.
But in addition to those worthy retailers, I will be sending out thousands – and thousands! – of audiobook to my Kickstarter backers on the on-sale date, either as a folder of DRM-free MP3s, or as a download code for Libro.fm, to make things easy for people who don't want to have to figure out how to sideload an audiobook into a standalone app.
And, of course, the mobile duopoly have made this kind of sideloading exponentially harder over the past decade, though far be it from me to connect this with their policy of charging 30% commissions on everything sold through an app, a commission they don't receive if you get your files on the web and load 'em yourself:
As with my previous Kickstarters, I'm also selling ebooks and hardcovers – signed or unsigned, and this time I've found a great partner to fulfill EU orders from within the EU, so backers won't have to pay VAT and customs charges. The wonderful Otherland – who have hosted me on my last two trips to Berlin – are going to manage that shipping for me:
Kim Stanley Robinson read the book and said, "Along with the rush of adrenaline I felt a solid surge of hope. May it go like this." That's just about the perfect quote, because the book is a ride. It's not just a kumbaya tale of a better world that is possible: it's a post-cyberpunk novel of high-tech guerrilla and meme warfare, climate tech and bad climate tech, wildcat prefab urban infill, and far-right militamen who adapt to a ban on assault-rifles by switching to super-soakers full of hydrochloric acid.
It's a book about struggle, hope in the darkness, and a way through this rotten moment. It's a book that dares to imagine that things might get worse but also better. This is a curious emotional melange, but it's one that I'm increasingly feeling these days.
Like, Amazon, that giant bully, whose blockade on DRM-free audiobooks cost me enough money to pay off my mortgage and put my kid through university (according to my agent)? The incredible Lina Khan brought a long-overdue antitrust case against Amazon while her rockstar DoJ counterpart, Jonathan Kanter, is dragging Google through the courts.
The EU is taking on Apple, and French cops are kicking down Nvidia's doors and grabbing their files, looking to build another antitrust case for monopolizing GPUs. The writers won their strike and Joe Biden walked the picket-line with the UAW, the first president in history to join striking workers:
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Solar is now our cheapest energy source, which is wild, because if we could only capture 0.4% of the solar energy that makes it through the atmosphere, we could give everyone alive the same energy budget as Canadians (who have American lifestyles but higher heating bills). As Deb Chachra writes in her forthcoming How Infrastructure Works (my review pending): we get a fresh supply of energy every time the sun rises and we only get new materials when a comet survives atmospheric entry, but we treat energy as scarce and throw away our materials after a single use:
Anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop. We have shot past many of our planetary boundaries and there are waves of climate crises in our future, but they don't have to be climate disasters. That's up to us – it'll depend on whether we come together to save ourselves and each other, or tear ourselves apart.
The Lost Cause dares to imagine what it might be like if we do the former. We don't live in a post-enshittification world yet, but we could. With these indie audiobooks, I've found a way to treat the terminal enshittification of the Amazon monopoly as damage and route around it. I hope you'll back the Kickstarter, fight enshittification, inject some hope into your reading, and enjoy a kickass adventure novel in the process:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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duckprintspress · 4 months
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH, EVERYONE! We are thrilled to announce our second-annual Pride Bundles for Charity with two all-new short story bundles – 30 stories total! – that we are selling at a discount to raise money for our chosen queer charity!
Last year, our debut Pride bundles raised almost $350 for queer charities. This year, we’re back with a new General Imprint Bundle and a new Explicit Imprint Bundle, each discounted 20% from their list prices (and each including multiple stories that aren’t for sale and are usually only available to our backers on Patreon) and with 20% of the net profit going to Rainbow Railroad.
How This Works
you buy one or both bundles between now and July 8th, 2024.
we tally up all the proceeds earned and do some math-e-magic to figure out how much we’re donating!
before the end of July, we donate the raised money to Rainbow Railroad, we post the proof we’ve done so.
you get fantastic stories!
we all get that happy, glowy feeling of knowing that money has been well-spent on fantastic causes!
About the Press
Duck Prints Press is a queer-owned indie press, founded to publish original works by fancreators. We’ve been in operation for over 3 years, and in that time we’ve worked with well over 150 creators to publish six anthologies and almost 100 other stories, from shorts to novels, and we’ve got more on the works (our next anthology, our first erotica collection, will be crowdfunding within the next month!). The vast majority of our creators and their creations are queer/LGTBQIA+ (maybe even all, but we don’t out anyone and we don’t ask demography because, frankly, it’s none of our business).
25 of our authors have chosen to include their short stories in one or both of these short story bundles, and all our short story authors nominated potential charities and voted to select Rainbow Railroad as the beneficiary for our 2024 Pride Bundles.
About Rainbow Railroad
In countries around the world, LGBTQI+ people face violence and oppression simply because of who they love or who they are. Rainbow Railroad helps them get to safety! Rainbow Railroad is a global not-for-profit organization that helps at-risk LGBTQI+ people get to safety worldwide. Based in the United States and Canada, they’re an organization that helps LGBTQI+ people facing persecution based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics. In a time when there are more displaced people than ever, LGBTQI+ people are uniquely vulnerable due to systemic, state-enabled homophobia and transphobia. These factors either displace them in their own country or prevent them from escaping harm. 
Note: This charity isnot affiliated with the Press, do not know we’re doing this fundraiser, have not endorsed this in anyway and are, as such, utterly uninvolved in this beyond being the beneficiaries of our efforts! Text is from the Rainbow Railroad website.
About the Bundles
We are offering two bundles, one with 18 short stories published under our General Imprint, the other containing 12 stories published under our Explicit Imprint. The shop listings include details about and excerpts from all the stories. Here’s the gist…
Titles in the General Imprint Charity Bundle:
The Princess and the Maze by A. L. Heard
Of Loops and Weaves by Catherine E. Green
Glass Slipper: A Dance by Cedar D. McCafferty-Svec
Songs, Suppers, and Stories by D. V. Morse
Waiting for the Tide to Turn by Genevieve Maxwell
Chinaski’s Dirty Work by J. D. Harlock
Foundations by Johnathan Stern
Seal Island by K. B. Vimes
Into the Wyvern’s Lair by Mikki Madison
Sarisa by N. C. Farrell
Whispers of Atlantis: A Tale of Discovery and Belonging by Neo Scarlett
Be Not Afraid by Nicola Kapron
Awkward and Oblivious by R. L. Houck
Washer Wars: A Laundromat Feud by Samantha M. Piper
The Wayward Timekeeper by Terra P. Waters
if it’s meant to be by Tris Lawrence
Meet C(omm)ute by Violet J. Hayes
Chrysopoeia by Zel Howland
18 stories. 254 pages. 82,462 words of fiction!
Price: $22.50
Approximately 20% of the list price of this bundle will go to Rainbow Railroad.
Titles in the Explicit Imprint Charity Bundle:
Brambles, Pollen, and Other Natural Disasters by A. L. Heard
A night such as this by April Steenburgh
Theirs All Along by boneturtle
Orchidelirium by Dei Walker
Old Kings and New by Lyonel Loy
Weather the Storm by Lyn Weaver
Pretty 7 Days a Week by R. L. Houck
Adventures of the Scarlet Sentry: After Dark by Samantha M. Piper
Worlds Apart (but Still Close) by Sanne Burg
Taken at Sea by Shea Sullivan
Warm Anything You Want by Tris Lawrence
LA Photographs Itself by YF Ollwell
12 stories. 198 pages. 69,550 words.
Price: $21.50
Approximately 20% of the list price of this bundle will go to Rainbow Railroad.
Come get some great stories, support a queer-owned business this Pride, and benefit two fantastic causes. Win-win-win situations don’t get much better than this!
These bundles will only be available for one month, so don’t miss out. Visit our webstore between now and July 8th and get yours!
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kazekagevi · 1 month
Bonds Beyond Words: If Eywa Wills It
Pairing: Aged-Up!Neteyam x Fem!Human!Reader
Word Count: 5k
Tags: dark themes, but this chapter is actually very fluffy and silly, Lo'ak and Kiri and Spider becoming reader's besties, many attempts at comedy, eventual NSFW, aged-up! Neteyam (and Lo'ak, Spider, and Kiri), reader has PTSD, Neteyam dislikes humans (except for you), eventual jealous/possessive Neteyam, future Olo'eyktan! Neteyam, enemies-to-lovers, interspecies slow burn, angst, fluff, probably OOC, POV’s all over the place, forgive the inconsistencies. 
Summary: You're not allowed to join the community until Jake Sully decides you're ready. Spider, Lo'ak, and Kiri teach you Na'vi.
A/N and Disclaimer: I tried my best to use some Navi language translators and the LearnNavi website to write this chapter, but there are bound to be language errors. I also know time works differently there. Sorry for all the inconsistencies!
This story contains explicit content and is only appropriate for audiences 18+. MDNI. Please do not repost my work. 
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The science shack isn’t so bad. 
Your initiation begins after your first sleep that night. The next morning, Max and Norm put their research projects on hold to give you an actual, legitimate tour of the facility. The place is full of bells and whistles. Tiny buttons, translucent screens, and telecommunications. Technology is abundant; but your knowledge of how to use it is not. 
“Here is the airlock control panel,” Max explains. He hovers his palm over a sensor—when it flashes sage green, the user interface appears. “Once you’re ready to interact with the community, we’ll scan your handprints and give you full clearance,” he futhers. 
You’re helplessly eager. “Do you know when that will be?” you inquire. 
Max presses the controller in the center of the panel. The glass door to the inner chamber slides open. You peek your head inside the airlock space—there are respirator masks for both humans and Na’vi, as well as a broom in the corner. 
“I put that there,” Max says, referring to the broom. He’s stealthily ignoring your previous question. “Told Spider he needs to sweep after himself. He refuses to use the doormat outside. I think the only person who’s touched that broom has been me.”
You look at the ground. The floor of the airlock space isn’t as bad as you’d expect it to be. Admittedly, it’s filthy. There are mud stains of both human and Na’vi footprints on the vinyl floor. The size difference is jarring. 
You have an idea. You smirk to yourself. “What if I cleaned this mess for him?” you offer. “I’ll sweep, then mop. I need to start pulling my weight, too.”
Max sighs. “What? So you can put on one of those masks and sneak out before the Olo'eyktan says you’re ready?”
Your expression sours. “You didn’t have to say it like that,” you reply. “I wasn’t going to sneak out,” you admit aloud. “I was going to accidentally open the front door or something with a mask conveniently in place. It’s not as deceitful that way.” 
Max sighs again. “Well, I have no say in when you’re ready,” he confesses. “That decision is only Jake’s to make.”
You have no choice but to yield. Max taps the censor again. The airlock door falls shut into place. 
It takes an entire day to simply show you how everything works. It takes two more for you to demonstrate you were paying attention and know how to use everything. The only intuitive mechanisms are the knobs to the showers and the dials on the washer and dryer.
Like in any society, the science shack has its own set of rules, regulations, and norms—quite literally, since Norm transfers between his human body and Avatar frequently. The showers are closed once every twenty-five days for necessary maintenance. Humans aren’t to leave when the Na’vi are sleeping or on significant Omatikaya holidays. Don’t talk to Max before he’s had his first coffee. Spider is supposed to sweep after himself in the airlock room. You can’t use Mia’s handleless mug, but you’re allowed to wash it if you’re extra careful. 
By the end of the week, your head hurts. 
You know the only way to become proficient in something, like speaking a new language or utilizing advanced technology, is to thrust yourself into it. Take the plunge—don’t fear it. Embrace the nosedive. Freefall. 
So, after dinner on your seventh day, you get as close to doing that as possible. You sit on a small perch by a tiny window, nestled in a corner of the science shack. You’re hungry; for one, Norm’s cooking tastes much worse when you’re not famished, so you couldn’t force yourself to go back for seconds, let alone finish everything on your plate. 
But also, you’re hungry for something else. Now that you’re safe from the RDA, you can actually consider doing what you came to Pandora to do all along. You can practically taste it.
You know Jake Sully is right. Life in the science shack is complicated enough, and you need adequate time to acclimate. But you’re starting to feel like you’re trapped.  
The window allows you to see a slice of life at High Camp. You come here around the same time after a meal, just like clockwork. You haven’t seen Jake Sully since your conversation, but you’ve seen many others. 
Just right now, you see a group of young women shuffle past, laughing and gossiping about who knows what. You see two kids, presumably siblings, one chasing after the other, before they’re stopped by one of the village’s elders. You see injured warriors limp towards the tsahìk’s tent. You see a woman in her homestead, weaving a basket. You feel nothing but sonder; the profound sensibility that these people are all living complex lives of their own, and you’re simply witnessing these complexities unfold right before your eyes. 
You begin to recognize a few faces, like that of the shaman healer, otherwise known as the tsahìk. You also take note of which warriors visit her tent most frequently. 
You routinely see a Na’vi female with short, straight jet-black hair. She tends to pass by the science shack every evening of every day, stare at the door, frown, then leave. On two occasions, your eyes met before she wandered off. 
You’ve learned a few more common phrases, which Norm, Max, Spider and Mia teach you at meal times. Kaltxì is a standard greeting. Rutxe means please, and irayo means thank you. Ngafkeyk pefya? means ‘how are you?’ 
You also learned that the lines you recited to the Na’vi in the forest, Neteyam, were of a standard dialect. They weren’t incorrect, just slightly different from that of the Omatikaya’s. And, allegedly, your pronunciation was off. 
In your extensive travels on Earth, you learned quickest when you immersed yourself in a new, unfamiliar environment. It was the rush—the thrill, the trepidation—that drove you to adapt. It was as just as you told Jake Sully: so I will. 
Immersion is the only way. Norm knows this too; as an exceptional xenolinguist, he learned more from interacting with the Na’vi for a few weeks than he did from reading any book. He really understands. He wishes he had more time to help with your studies, but he must return to his work. His newest botany project is time sensitive. 
As you sit by the window, you use an electronic tablet programmed with a basic flashcard feature to get yourself acquainted with the Na’vi language. It’s not particularly helpful, since spoken practice is more beneficial than anything written. You’ve been skimming some of Jake’s old journals, too. But at the time of their conception, he wrote only in English, and misspelled many Na’vi words and phrases. 
The flashcards do nothing besides test your aptitude for memorization. It doesn’t help that your attention span is elsewhere, like you left it on a far, distant planet.
Everytime someone passes by the window in your peripheral vision, you have no choice but to look up and see who’s there. It’s usually another Na’vi face you’ve never seen before. You don’t realize it initially, but the more you turn your head, you’re helplessly aware that you’re looking for someone. It never is, but you’re hopeful it might be Neteyam—you still owe him for saving your life. You have an inkling however, that he’s probably avoiding this place for one reason or another. That very reason might just be yourself. 
It’s obvious that this method of study is inefficient. You power off the tablet and continue people-watching with your knees tucked against your chest. 
Any moment now, you know you’ll see that girl with shoulder-length hair. You want to know why she frowns, but you don’t know how to ask ‘what’s upsetting you?’ in Na’vi. 
Now that you think about it, though, you’re unsure if that’s a wise idea. Even when you are allowed into the community, you know that you will have to keep a distance. Know your place. Although the humans and Na’vi residing here coexist in apparent harmony, you don’t want your presence to disrupt the peace. 
There’s a quiet knock on the other side of the airlock door across the main room—it’s so faint you almost miss it. 
When you sit up, you hear footsteps thudding against the vinyl flooring. You see Spider look around then over his shoulder as he approaches the door. 
He begrudgingly places his hand over the scanner. He presses a button and the front of the airlock opens. 
He quietly shouts something in Na’vi—skxawng. You’re not sure what this word means yet.
From your window perch, you can’t see what’s going on, but Kiri and Lo’ak enter the space through the main door. They each grab a respirator. 
Spider continues to say things you don’t understand. From his tone of voice, he seems slightly agitated. 
“You can’t be here,” Spider says to both of them in Na’vi. “Not until the new girl gets introduced to the community.”
Lo’ak takes a deep breath—the respirator in his hand looks so small. He’s almost as tall as his father now. As the years pass, Lo’ak just gets bigger and bigger. It makes him feel like Spider is shrinking. 
“C’mon man,” Lo’ak says. “Let us in. We’ll only take a minute,” he adds, wearing a devious smirk on his face. “I uh, forgot something when I was here last?” he tries. 
“Yeah, right,” Spider replies. 
“Lo’ak, you’re not helping my case,” Kiri says, glaring at her older brother. 
Lo’ak’s jaw drops. He scoffs at her. “You told me to come with you!”
“Yes, and it turns out you’re not helping!” Kiri hisses. 
Spider groans. “Can you two just leave? I don’t want to get any flak for this.”
Kiri grits her teeth. She places both of her hands on the glass separating them. “Please, Spider. I haven’t seen Mom in forever,” she says. Her eyes water. “It hasn’t been this long since the time we lived in Awa'atlu… I miss her.”
The crease between Spider’s brows disappears. From what you can see, he looks apologetic. “Oeru txoa livu,” he says to Kiri. “But I’m not supposed to let anyone in besides your dad.”
Lo’ak’s expression falters. He looks at his feet. His ears fall flat. “You know, I haven’t seen Tsireya since we left Awa'atlu,” he says just loud enough for Spider and Kiri to hear.
Spider rubs his nose bridge. Kiri sighs and flicks his temple with her fingers. Once Lo’ak starts talking about Tsireya, he can’t stop. 
While this interaction continues to transpire, you stand from your perch and tiptoe over. Your footsteps are padded by thick, cotton socks. You advance slowly, like you’re approaching a crime scene covered with caution tape. 
“Lo’ak, go home and go to bed,” Kiri says, poking his chest. She then spins back around. “Spider, let me in, please.”
 “I’m sorry, Kiri,” Spider replies. “You know I would if I could.” 
Kiri places her hands on her hips. “You can, very easily, actually. Just press the button,” Kiri says. She points to the spot where she knows it is on the other side of the door. “It’s right there.”
Spider sighs. The crease in his brow returns when he realizes Lo’ak is suddenly smiling. “Why are you doing that?”  
Lo’ak waves to you from the other side of the airlock. “Hi!” He greets you in English. “What’s your name?”
Spider jolts when he realizes you’re standing there right behind him.
Kiri gasps. Her eyes go wide—they practically sparkle when she’s excited. “I told you, I saw her!” she says to Lo’ak in Na’vi. 
You smile at the male and female Na’vi before you. They seem so friendly, and the male Na’vi’s English sounds great. “Hello there,” you reply. You formally introduce yourself. 
Spider presses a palm to his temple. He knows he’s going to get in trouble. 
“It’s nice to meet you!” the female Na’vi says, also in English. “I’m called Kiri. And this is my older brother, Lo’ak.”
That’s his cue—Lo’ak waves again, flashing his vibrant smile. 
Spider scoffs. 
“My good brother here, Spider,” says Lo’ak, “this skxawng,” he adds, more quietly, “was about to let us inside.” 
“I was not,” Spider protests. 
“C’mon,” you say. Spider rolls his eyes—you’ve just met Lo’ak but he’s already infected you with whatever ailment he has that makes him the way that he is. At the same time, however, Spider knows it’s one of the best things about him. 
“Why can’t we let them in?” you ask. This is the most exciting thing that’s happened to you in five days. 
“Exactly,” says Lo’ak. “Let us in,” he chants quietly. 
“The door isn’t broken, is it?” you further, keeping a serious demeanor. “I’ll just check to make sure it works,” you tell Spider. 
The airlock’s inner chamber door opens, allowing Lo’ak and Kiri entry. 
“Would you look at that,” you profess. “I know how the door works.” 
Lo’ak chuckles as he strolls inside like he owns the place. Kiri rushes past the three of you, making a beeline for the large container in the middle of the main room. She presses her palms against the glass and whispers to the Avatar stuck inside. Your brows furrow in confusion. 
“You were right,” Lo’ak mutters to Spider in English. “She is short, even for a human.”
Your jaw goes slack. A surprised chuckle falls from your lips. “If you call Spider skxawng, then what are you?” you can’t help but retort. 
He grins. “If there was a clan of a hundred skxawng’s,” Lo’ak says, “they would have no choice but to make me their leader.”
You laugh again—harder than you were expecting to. This Na’vi might be an ass, but at least he’s got a sense of humor. 
Spider groans again. “If you two knuckleheads stay, you have to keep it down,” he says.
Lo’ak puts his hands up, defensively. 
“Can I ask what she’s doing over there?” you say aloud. 
Kiri now has her face pressed against the glass. It fogs from her breath. 
Spider and Lo’ak look at each other. Lo’ak rubs the back of his neck before speaking: “it’s a long story, but that’s the Avatar of Kiri’s biological mother. Kiri is my adoptive sister.” Lo’ak then hums to himself. “Maybe it’s not such a long story, after all.” 
That’s why she looked so sad. She simply missed her Mom. 
You blink once. “Oh, alright.” You nod, looking at Spider. “All of that information about Mia’s coffee mug was really important, but this,” you say, gesturing to the tube in the center of the room. “Not so much.”
Spider shrugs. “It’s important,” he says. “But, this is just commonplace for all of us.”
“She’s been doing this since we were kids,” Lo’ak reaffirms. 
“Maybe we’re blind to it,” Spider offers. “It’s always there, so we can’t even see it if it’s right in front of us.” 
Lo’ak simpers. “Well said.” 
“Thank you,” says Spider. He grins.  
They nod together and rub their chins like idiots. You assume this must be a regular thing for them. 
“Skxawngs,” you say. 
Of course, they both look your way, as though you’ve called them by their birth name. 
“Did I use that properly?” you ask in English. 
They nod. You sigh woefully.
Lo’ak practically snatches such low-hanging fruit: “What’s got you all blue?” 
You can’t help but glare at him. “They say you don’t know a language unless you know how to properly insult someone,” you say. “But I don’t actually know any useful Na’vi, and I haven’t had a conversation with anyone. Half of the words I know are just insults!”
“Simmer down,” says Spider. “You learned plenty today,” he says. 
“And, last I heard, you did have a conversation with someone,” Lo’ak mutters. 
Spider crosses his arms over his bare chest and looks you in the eye. “We’ll do our best to teach you.”
“Then teach me,” you reply, glaring daggers his way. 
Spider’s eyes narrow. He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. A couple of hours ago, you were enthusiastic. Now, you’re starting to get on his nerves. 
Spider then looks over at Kiri, and makes an almost silent whistling noise. In response, Kiri’s ears twitch and she peeks over her shoulder. 
“What the hell did you just say to her?” you demand. 
“Oh, that?” Spider chuckles dryly. “I didn’t say anything, yet.”
“What is it?” Kiri calls back to him.
When Spider responds, he speaks entirely in Na’vi. When Kiri replies to him, she does the same. Spider then turns to you, speaks only in Na’vi again, then laughs. He says something else. Laughter erupts. Kiri and Lo’ak follow suit. 
You have no choice to presume they’re talking shit about you in their native language. 
In reality, they’re saying things that make no sense just to get you riled up. The first thing Spider told Kiri was “let’s pretend like we’re making fun of her. Keep going along with it until I say stop.”
Needless to say, they play their roles with great conviction, like actors on a stage. They fool you. 
“You guys are dickheads! That’s enough.”
They finally stop when you fold your arms over your chest and start pouting; but they don’t stop laughing until Norm yells from down the hall to, in his words, ‘tone that shit down.’ When they’re caught, Spider purses his lips, and Kiri and Lo’ak takes deep breaths from their respirator masks in unison. 
“You’re incredibly impatient,” Spider admits, lowering his voice. Lo’ak nods in agreement. You’re all sitting around the tube that holds Grace’s Avatar. Kiri traces small shapes on its surface with her lithe fingertips. 
“And you three,” you say, pointing at each of them, “are a bunch of jesters.”
“No, you’re a jester,” says Lo’ak. He doesn’t even know what that word means, not in English anyway. 
“That’s exactly what a jester would say.” You groan in frustration. “I am impatient, but you don’t have to say it so directly,” you reply. Your expression is downcast and dejected. 
You want to learn the language. You want to be able to talk to people. You want to carry out conversations, and learn, and laugh, and cry. You want to become a phoenix, rising from the ashes of an otherwise hopeless situation. You’re here, you’re alive, yet you don’t feel that way. Not at all. 
You don’t want to feel like an outsider. You don’t want to live life from a bird’s eye view, on your little perch by the tiny window. You don’t want to feel like a canary in a cage. You don’t want to feel like a fish in a large, technologically-advanced bowl. Or like a beetle in a glass jar with holes poked in the top. You don’t want to be alone. You don’t want to be locked away in the science shack, just like how you were in the RDA’s basement. 
Your eyes water. How could it be? Have you simply gone from one prison to another?
“You may be impatient, but I think you’ll fit in with us just fine,” Lo’ak interjects. He smiles genuinely. After a few moments, so do Spider and Kiri.
You wipe your eyes. Your face feels hot. 
Kiri calls you by your first name, grasping hold of your attention. “Don’t worry. We’ll teach you to speak Na’vi, and you’ll be just like the rest of us,” she says affectionately. 
“I don’t know about that,” Lo’ak mutters. 
There’s a pregnant pause. You, Spider, and Kiri expect him to say that you’ll never be a true Na’vi, or something of the sort. You weren’t raised as such, like the three of them. 
“She won’t grow another foot overnight,” Lo’ak says finally. He looks right at you with a shit-eating grin. “You’ll never be as tall as we are.”
“Well said,” Spider remarks. 
Kiri and Lo’ak can’t stay for much longer—they have to sneak back to their tent before Jake Sully finds out what they’ve been up to. 
“They won’t get in trouble if he finds out, right?”
You and Spider are the last two awake. You’re sitting at the kitchen table. 
Spider waves his hand around nonchalantly. “They never do,” he says. There’s a brief pause. “Okay, sometimes Lo’ak does,” Spider adds. “But never Kiri or Tuk. You’ll meet her eventually. She’s the youngest sibling.”
“Alright, so there’s the three of them. Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk. And Neytiri is their mother, right?”
“Four of them,” Spider corrects you. “Neteyam is the oldest. One year older than Lo’ak.” 
You blink. “Neteyam is the Olo'eyktan’s eldest son? The one who found me?” 
“That’s what I said, didn’t I?” Spider retorts. 
You glare at him. “Yes, that’s what you said, only a whole week late!” You whisper-shout at him. “Just like with Kiri’s biological mother.”
Spider throws his hands up. “I guess I thought someone already told you,” he says defensively. “You talked to Jake, right?”
“Right,” you reply. “But he didn’t mention anything about Neteyam being his son. Didn’t mention anything about his children actually.”
“With all that you went through with those fuckers, he may have thought it could be taken as insensitive,” Spider suggests. 
You hum. Maybe, just maybe, Spider’s right.
“Kiri works in the tsahìk’s tent during the day. Lo’ak puts in the least amount of effort necessary to be considered one of the warriors,” Spider says. “He’s usually around, but oftentimes not. Either way, we will find time to help you learn Na’vi.” 
“Is Neteyam one of the warriors?” you ask. 
Spider nods. “These days, he’s become one of the best.”
Your thoughts drift back to when Neteyam found you. You were practically ambushed—he was so controlled, so swift with his movements. Spider’s words don’t surprise you.
“So, he’s busy all the time?”
Spider addresses you by name. “What are you getting at?”
“I still need to thank him,” you confide. “He can’t avoid me forever.”
Spider sighs. “He can try,” he mutters. 
“So, he is avoiding me?” you ask. Your cheeks are turning red again.
“He’s…” Spider begins. He looks distraught. “He wasn’t always like this,” Spider says. “Neteyam and I are cool, but he never sets foot inside this place if he doesn’t have to. Ever since the Sully family returned from living with the Metkayina, the Reef People, he doesn’t get along with Norm and the others like Kiri and Lo’ak… He merely tolerates the scientists here.” 
“You’re saying he hates humans,” you say bluntly. 
“Hate is a strong word,” Spider replies. “But he has many reasons to dislike them…” Spider swallows. “To dislike our kind.” 
The words fall from your lips: “you’re right.”
You begin to question whether or not you should follow through with thanking him for saving you. The interaction with Kiri and Lo’ak went so well—perhaps it gave you an ounce of hope, things might go smoothly with Neteyam too. He’s been on your mind constantly, replaying in your thoughts like a broken record. You’re certain there are other Na’vi who share similar sentiments. You have to be careful.
“Don’t think about it too hard,” says Spider. He stands from the table. “I’m going to sleep,” he says plainly. His footsteps fade as he walks to the barracks. 
Spider’s sympathies do very little to ease your mind. 
Spider kept his word. Kar is teach. Karyu is teacher, and Karyunay is apprentice teacher. Ayfo kar nga—they teach you. 
In the days—and eventually, weeks—to come, you fall into a new routine.
You study Na’vi during the day-time hours. The science shack isn’t so bad. Sometimes, if he’s available, Norm works with you on your phonetics and grammar. But typically, it’s just you, your electronic tablet, and your perch by the windowsill. 
When you learned other Earth languages in the past, it was easier to learn other languages in proximity to their language group with which you were familiar. Romance languages, such as Spanish, French, and Italian, bore many similarities. The same went for Germanic languages, and even some Sino-Tibetan languages. 
Na’vi, however, is completely different from any language you’ve spoken, or even attempted to learn. But your dedication is unwavering. 
Lo’ak and Kiri return to the science shack two days after your first encounter with them. 
“Okay, Spider was right. At first, he was angry,” Kiri says. She takes a deep breath through her respirator. “But then, I suppose he thought about it more and decided it was a good idea after all.”
Jake Sully has given Lo’ak and Kiri his word of approval to help with your studies at nightfall, as long as they don’t slack off their usual duties. 
“He thinks it’s a good ‘method of assimilation’ or some shit like that,” adds Lo’ak.
You nod. “He’s right,” you say. 
“Yeah, whatever,” Lo’ak admits nonchalantly. “Sometimes.” 
You all sit on the floor around Grace’s tube again. 
“Well,” you clear your throat. “Today, I studied grammatical structure and simple, common vocabulary. Maybe we could start with-”
“Nga za‘u ftu peseng?” Spider asks. He’s asking ‘where do you come from?’
You blink. It takes a moment for the cogs in your brain to rotate. But in due time, you register his question. 
“I come from Earth,” you reply in English.
“If you really want to learn,” Spider says, “you should reply in Na’vi.”
You should. The only issue is, you’re not sure how. But you have no choice but to give it a try. 
You fail the first time. The second time, you almost get it right—close enough to where Kiri pries her eyes away from her mother to give you a look of encouragement and a thumbs up. 
“You’re almost there,” says Lo’ak. He straightens his posture, no longer slouching against the glass tube. “But if you don’t want to sound like a baby learning their first words, you need to change up the word order. For myself, I would reply with ‘za‘u oe ftu Eywa’eveng.’ Which means in English, ‘I come from Pandora.’ Your reply, obviously, is going to be a little different.”
Lo’ak pauses, takes a breath from his respirator, then mimics your higher-pitched voice, speaking as you would reply in Na’vi. 
His impression of you is already spot on. “I don’t sound like that!” you protest. 
They all laugh, and you can’t help but join them. 
For the rest of the evening, the three of them ask you simple questions in Na’vi. All you have to do is reply, also in Na’vi. The longer you go, the easier it gets. You build upon the scaffolding of your day-time studies, as well as every question and response before the next. 
This continues for many nights. 
During the days when you’re sitting by the window and Lo’ak and Kiri pop into frame, you instinctively smile and wave to them. They always reciprocate. 
They don’t say it outwardly, but the two of them look forward to these evenings with you. They get to spend more time with Spider. And, although they’re both fluent in English, the practice benefits them, too. Plus, they’ve taken a liking to you as well. 
“Who the hell are you waving at, skxawng?” Neteyam asks Lo’ak one day. They’re about to head off on their ikrans to train. Lo’ak needs to learn a new hand-to-hand technique. Neteyam is conveniently out of your line of sight.
“I’m waving to the new girl!” Lo’ak exclaims. He continues waving. He’s practically beaming.
Neteyam huffs. 
“Her pronunciation is getting much better,” Lo’ak says. His arm falls to his side again. “But it honestly wasn’t bad to begin with,” he adds. “Do you think you were, perhaps, exaggerating?”
“No,” Neteyam answers curtly. He looks agitated—his ears twitch and his tail swishes wildly. “She’s a distraction." You're proving Neteyam's point. Lo'ak won't stop waving. Neteyam groans. "Hurry up, Lo'ak. We have things to do,” he says. When they were younger, Neteyam would’ve slapped Lo’ak’s bicep or grabbed him by the ends of his hair, but he’s a man now. He can’t show his impatience or impulsivity. 
Lo'ak disappears from your vantage point.
It’s already been a month. Your diligent practice is starting to pay off. 
You can hold very basic conversations in Na’vi. You’re learning more about the language and culture every day. 
They don't want to feed your ego, but your teachers have discovered you're a fast, proficient learner.
“Syep means 'to trap.' It’s a verb,” Lo’ak explains to you in English. He’s lying on the floor with his legs propped up on a chair from the dining table. Suddenly, he swings his feet from the chair, and stands to his feet. 
You don't want to feed any of their egos either, but they're all smarter than they think. Especially Lo'ak.
“Spider, peseng lu syeprel?” Lo’ak asks. 
You’re unsure what a syeprel is, but you know he’s asking where it’s located. 
“I think it’s in the supply closet, over there,” Spider replies in Na’vi. 
“What’s a syeprel?” you ask, also in Na’vi. 
“Take a guess!” Lo’ak calls from down the hall. 
You hum. You switch back to English: “Well, it must be a particular type of trap? Like a mouse trap or something?”
Kiri hums too. “It does technically trap something,” she says after a few moments. “But you’re thinking too literally,” she adds with a smirk. 
You scratch your head. You’re dumbfounded. 
“A-ha!’ Lo’ak says triumphantly. “I’ve found it.”
“Found what?” you call. 
“Ask nicely,” says Kiri. “In Na’vi.”
You try again. “Rutxe,” you say, slightly embarrassed. You do as you’re told, and ask in Na’vi. 
Lo’ak returns. He’s holding an ancient piece of technology—an extremely old hand-held digital camera with a slightly scratched lens. “Say cheese!” 
He snaps a photo of you, Spider, and Kiri lounging around on the floor. None of you were prepared.
Kiri sighs and glowers at him. “Lo’ak!”
Lo’ak chuckles. “Alright, alright. We’ll take another one.”
The four of you stand around Lo’ak, the camera operator. “Kiri, crouch down a little bit,” he says, directing your places. “Spider, lean closer to Kiri.” You hear Spider sigh. 
Lo’ak then glances at you over his shoulder. “Stand on your toes, tawtute. Or else you won’t be in frame,” he chides you with a sly smile. 
You do just that and smile for the syeprel. “You’re an ass, Lo’ak,” you say through your teeth. 
“Smile, everyone!” he sings in Na’vi. Lo’ak spins the camera around to take a photo of everyone while operating it at the same time. He smiles and snaps another photo. The flash is momentarily blinding.
You break free from your pose. “So, a camera is called syeprel?”
“Yes, it is.” replies Lo’ak in Na’vi. “It traps a moment in time, doesn’t it? Rel means like an image, or a picture,” he adds in English.
It’s clicking. Your jaw goes slack. Spider can’t help but chuckle at your expression. 
“Language learning is so cool,” you gawk.
“You sound just like Norm,” says Kiri. 
“Whatever,” you say in Na’vi. You switch back to English again. “There are lots of animal names in English like that. Anteaters eat ants. Junebugs come out in the month of June to find mates. Grasshoppers hop around in the grass. Centipedes are named after their one hundred legs.” 
“Now you really sound like Norm,” Kiri teases you. “Don’t start talking about plants too, or I’ll have to go home.” 
“What about bed bugs?” asks Spider. “I've only heard of them from the others. Never seen them here. I’m assuming they would be found in your bed?” 
You nod. 
Kiri hums, thinking. “What about butterflies then?” she asks. “I know that butter comes from milk and milk comes from Earth cows, but could they make butter too?”
You scrunch your nose at the mere thought of butterfly butter. “I don’t think so.”
Lo’ak can hardly contain his laughter. “What about cockroaches?” 
Kiri smacks his chest. Lo’ak half-groans, half-cackles. Kiri scolds him in Na'vi, but it's not long before she starts laughing too. 
You and Spider follow suit.  From down the hall, Norm calls for you four to keep it down again.
But you can’t stop. In fact, Norm’s complaints make it worse. Joyous laughter fills the room. You’re having the time of your life. For the second time since your escape, you think this must be heaven. You’re briefly reminded of your imprisonment—you remember the few times you laughed with your cellmates. You remember those slivers of euphoria. 
You also remember that you’re safe now. The science shack isn’t so bad. Not with Spider, and Kiri, and Lo’ak, and even Norm, and Max, and Mia, and all the others. 
You laugh until your ribs hurt. You laugh until tears well in your eyes. 
A/N: This chapter was so fun to write! I hope you guys had as much fun reading it as I did writing it. Again, please forgive any language inconsistencies.
Don't worry my darlings! Neteyam is going to be all over the next chapter. Believe in the slow burn!
And thanks again for all the kind comments, reblogs, and notes. You guys are awesome!
Taglist: @m1tsu-ki @promnightbinbaby
290 notes · View notes
tumbleweed-writes · 5 months
Wrong Number: Chibs Telford X Reader One shot
When reader texts some enticing photos to the wrong number and not to her ol man, she's met with some surprising but hoped for results.
18+ Not full smut but implied.
She let out a frustrated groan as she followed him into the clubhouse, his legs far longer than her own making him move too far ahead of her. The words left Y/N’s lips a low growl erupting from her throat as they entered the clubhouse making their way behind the bar. “I swear to God, Tigger. I’m going to kill you.”
The outlaw biker in front of her only chuckled in response to the threat he clearly was not taking her as seriously as she would have hoped. “Well that’s a little dramatic.”
She glared up at the flip phone in his hand as he held it far above his head out of her reach, her cheeks growing all the more crimson from both anger and sheer humiliation. “Delete them. Delete them right now , Tig.”
Tig had the audacity to actually giggle at the request, shaking his head. “You’re one hundred percent sure these weren’t meant for me? I mean I don’t think you’ve been accepting of any advances I might have shot your way, but if this is your way of giving me a green light then I fully accept.”
A frustrated groan left Y/N’s lips, her cheeks growing even more flushed as she thought of the two sensual photos she’d accidentally texted to Tig’s cell number instead of the cell number she’d been intending.
She fully blamed herself for the slipup. She’d taken the photos after having a little bit of whiskey, the booze loosening her up enough to decide it was a brilliant idea to take some provocative photos for her man. It wasn’t their first venture into this game.  
It sure as hell wasn’t her first venture into taking erotic photographs. Her past job had consisted of having risque photographs taken of her and posted on both vanilla and not so vanilla websites. Cara Cara had just been one site she’d done some solo work for.
It wasn’t something she’d ever dreamed of doing. It had started as an easy way to make a quick buck in college after she’d become familiar with a girl who’d done some similar work and had gotten her into the scene.
Y/N had been a broke college girl hoping to make some fast cash so she could eat something other than ramen for dinner. It had gone further than just a one time thing though. 
Y/N had always considered herself to be pretty open minded, so it had not been too difficult to lean into doing more fetish material the longer she’d worked. She’d been able to find plenty of work doing some S&M material. 
The jobs had started coming in and soon her coursework and college attendance had started to taper off. She’d dropped out and decided to take the option with more money. She figured college would always be there, the ability to make money while she was still desirable enough would only be a fleeting chance though.
She’d leaned more into her job within the industry and a promise of fast cash even if it meant doing something that at times had made her life more complicated than it needed to be. 
Her past employment was part of how she’d met her man to begin with. She’d become a friend of Lyla Winston’s through her work. Though Y/N’s job in the industry had only consisted to fetish material based on photographs and the occasional solo work, and Lyla’s work in the industry went far beyond that, the two women had still become friends.
When Y/N had decided that she wanted to move away from the industry and find something a little more straight-laced, Lyla had suggested a bookkeeping job at TM Auto. 
Y/N could admit a big push out of the industry had been the suggestion that she might want to consider starting to do some video work with partners. It felt less like a suggestion though and more as though she was being pressured into it.
She had been fine with the photographs and the solo work had been tolerable. She wasn’t interested in going any deeper into it though. She’d been searching for an out, and Lyla’s offer to get her an interview at TM Auto had been a perfect escape route. 
She’d always been good with numbers, so she’d decided to take the offer to interview for the bookkeeping gig at TM. 
It had not been easy to get the job of course. Gemma Teller Morrow had her suspicions about the young woman who’d come to interview even if Lyla did give her glowing praise.
Y/N knew Gemma was well within her right to be suspicious. She knew her past employment had given her a reputation and she was well aware of what assumptions people made about her. She’d been around a few of the girls in her industry who seemed to view SAMCRO as a chance to hook up with an outlaw and get a quick thrill. Ima was a perfect example of the type of girl who put a bad taste in Gemma’s mouth when it came to anyone who Lyla associated with. Lyla herself had a difficult enough time shaking her reputation and being respected in SAMCRO’s world. 
Y/N had found that she had to make it pretty clear that she was only interested in the bookkeeping gig. She had made it quite known that she had zero interest in trying to land herself a guy in a kutte. She made it obvious that she was not looking to seek a sexual thrill out of hooking up with a criminal. She had been unashamed to declare to Gemma that this job opportunity wasn’t her attempting to become a croweater or even an attempt to walk on the wildside. 
Gemma had taken a chance on her desperate enough for the help at the garage. Lord knows she needed all the help she could get at the garage.
The majority of the Sons had been serving a 14 month sentence in San Joaquin correctional facility, The Sons on the outside were struggling to keep the business going, and Tara Knowles had been expecting a new member of the family while trying to balance a growing Abel Teller. 
Gemma knew her attention needed to be spread between the garage, her place as the Queen of SAMCRO, and her son’s growing family. 
So, Y/N had worked as an extra set of hands at the garage. She’d proven to be a great help at the office at TM Auto working both with the books and doing work within the office once Gemma had needed more help.
Her employment at the garage had not gone unnoticed by the few Sons on the outside nor had it escaped the eyes of a few non patched club hang-arounds who worked in the garage. 
It had not taken Y/N long to realize that the men around the garage were most likely familiar with her past work. There had been a few snickers and crude comments whispered among the men. They’d not even made an attempt to hide them from her. 
She’d not minded the ogling stares nor the lewd whispered comments. Or at least she’d tried to pretend she’d not minded them.
She’d learned in her past career that she had to have thick skin. Opie Winston had been kind enough. He’d been dating Lyla when Y/N had begun working for TM and he’d seemed approving of her even if he didn’t always seem to approve of his girlfriend’s line of work.
One other man had seemed to shy away from the obscene remarks and leers. In fact, Chibs Telford had proven to be a complete gentleman to her.
She’d been suspicious at first. She was almost certain the sweet gentleman act was most likely an attempt to charm his way into her pants. Lord knows she’d had a few guys try the nice guy act once they figured out what she did for a living.
She had soon realized though that the nice guy act was far from an act.
Chibs genuinely seemed to be prone to treating her like a lass after his own heart. 
It hadn’t been hard for them to form a friendship of sorts. It had been less hard once Chibs had shut down a less than quiet vulgar remark made about her body and her past bondage work by some foolish nonpatched mechanic around the garage. 
It had definitely created some sexual tension between Chibs and she that had not gone unnoticed by a few people around the garage. 
She’d considered if there was something more there than friendship, but had shied away from pursuing anything. She’d told herself that even if there was some lingering sexual tension that it was likely just that. 
She’d grown accustomed to the knowledge that most men in her life viewed her as more of a sexual object and less than a fully formed person. She could admit that she feared Chibs’ interest in her leaned more on the sexual side of the coin and she couldn’t bear the disappointment in finding out that he maybe didn’t view her past lust. 
She’d been unaware that he’d held his own reservations. Chibs had been certain that a young attractive woman like her most likely wasn’t interested in him. She was far more than the former fetish model the guys around the garage had labeled her as. She was a gorgeous woman but that wasn't the only thing that had him so taken by her. She was clever and funny and sweet as can be. He was enamored and it scared the hell out of him. 
She had come into his life at a strange time. He’d recently come to the decision with Fiona to end their marriage now that Jimmy O’ was no longer a threat and they were free to live their lives. They’d realized those lives were best lived only as coparents to their daughter and not as romantic partners.
It had been a painful choice but they’d both known they’d changed in the years since they’d last been able to behave as a married couple.
He’d been mourning the end of that chapter of his life and had been trying to focus on keeping the club afloat with most of his brothers locked away.
Y/N had provided a tempting escape from the stress and heartache. He’d been unwilling to lean too far into the temptation of that escape though. 
He’d been unwilling until he just couldn’t help himself anymore. 
The cross over into friendship into something more had happened a late night at the garage where they'd been the only ones remaining; he working late in the garage on a stubborn Harley rebuild and her working on some stubborn books.
A shared joint had loosened up reservations between the two and a kiss had happened. The kiss had lead to a passionate make out session on the little couch at TM Auto and the makeout session had led to her being bent over the desk at TM Auto with him taking her from behind.
After that encounter she’d expected things to be awkward or worse had feared that he’d disappear once he got what he wanted. She knew that old saying: when men got what they want they never wanted it again.
Much to her shock Chibs Telford had wanted it again and again and again.
The want had continued as the months had gone by. 
Once his incarcerated brothers had been released Y/N had feared that her time working in the garage had come to an end, but to her shock Gemma had asked her to stay on.
Y/N had even begun taking some online courses in accounting. 
Things with Chibs had continued on, though much to her chagrin they’d not exactly placed a label on it. 
He’d not seemed to be in any rush to make whatever they had going on together public knowledge either.
She’d bit back her annoyance once it had hit her that she didn’t seem to be just another bedroom partner for Chibs. It had become clear that she was his only bedroom partner.
She’d heard the prodding and teasing from his brothers towards Chibs about his neglect of the croweaters and prodding over just who was keeping his dick wet.
Little glances Chibs sent her way had gone unnoticed for the most part. If anything his brothers had assumed that the older Scot had a crush that he wasn't acting on and had not looked into it any deeper.
Chibs had also made it clear that he didn’t want anyone making a move on her either. Kozik and one of the prospects Miles had made the mistake of trying to push up on her, and Chibs had just about cracked a tooth making an excuse to get the men far from the woman he’d been spending his nights with.
Y/N had come to the irritated acceptance that pushing Chibs into putting a label on them and making things between them public knowledge was not something she could force. 
She would be lying though if she tried to pretend that lately it wasn’t becoming more and more obnoxious though.
A big part of her wanted to scream at him to piss or get off the pot.
Perhaps that was why texting him naughty photos more frequently had become a habit lately.
She’d had hopes that maybe reminding him that she was there and was willing would push him to at least think about her as something more than what she was beginning to fear she might be to him.
She had hopes that seeing her in such provocative positions in his dorm room of all places would plant the idea in his head that she could spend every night in his dorm if he wanted it. If he wanted to make it clear that she was his and actually put a label on it then she would be happy to be in his dorm anytime he wanted. 
She knew it was probably a dumb idea. If she wanted him to place a label on it and be open about it with the people in their lives then perhaps dirty photos weren’t the right move? The dirty photos were supposed to be a secret after all. 
Their entire courtship had felt too secretive for her liking. 
She was beginning to lose hope though. She was considering stepping up her game. She was tempted to let Kozik take her on that damned bike ride he’d been offering her for months now. Maybe seeing someone else be so willing to be seen with her in public would light a fire under the Scottish idiot’s ass?
She’d been toying with the idea but she had a feeling it would just bite her in the ass.
She had allowed the whiskey to push her to once again try the naughty photo angle. Maybe if he kept seeing her in such a state in his dorm room he’d take the damn hint? 
The red dress had been a praised favorite of her intended texting partner. The red lace of her bra had been a new purchase that had been made with him in mind. The push up bra made her assets look so tempting. She’d realized he liked her in red. 
She was almost stunned that Tig Trager had not recognized the dorm room that had been featured in the background of the two photos that had been sent his way.
The small glimpse of the dorm room would have most likely given a hint of just who those two photos had been meant for had Tig bothered to pay attention to the background.
She glared up at Tig as he held the cell phone up even higher, a chuckle leaving him as she attempted to reach up her arms stretching as high as she could. The height difference made the feat an impossible one though. The cell phone remained far from her reach. 
She was tempted to kick him in the balls and get the damn phone that way, but she wasn’t willing to fight dirty…not yet at least.
She spoke another frustrated growl leaving her throat. “Tig, this is not funny, delete them right now.”
Tig replied a sigh leaving him. “I’ll delete them if you tell me who they’re intended for. Please tell me it isn't fucking Kozik. I’ve seen the looks he sends you Y/N. You deserve way more than that blonde moron, trust me? Oh, Christ. It’s not one of the damn prospects is it? I know both Miles and V-Lin stare at you like you’re a steak dinner and they’ve been trapped in death valley. Please tell me you aren’t giving it up to one of them? I think we both know you’re way more woman than they can handle.”
Y/N felt her cheeks grow pink remembering the poorly thought out scheme to perhaps use Kozik’s interests in her to get a rise out of Chibs.
She had to agree with Tig’s assessment somewhat…Kozik was somewhat sweet…but not the brightest.
She could admit she’d decided against using Kozik as a means to force Chibs hand partially because the poor guy was so sweet…and ditzy. It felt wrong using him to get the man she loved to make a commitment.
As far as the prospects went, Y/N had zero interest in either man. She had a distinct feeling that both men were more boys than men. She had a feeling that the prospects would have zero clue how to please her in the bedroom and didn't have quite the maturity for anything outside the bedroom.
There was only one man who she knew as capable of pleasing her and much to her frustration he seemed hesitant to make things between them public or give any indication to her that this was something more than them having fun.
He always said the same thing the few times she'd brought it up. I'm having a lot of fun with you. I enjoy being with you. I want to keep it to ourselves just a little bit longer.
She could admit she'd hesitated to push him to actually address the issue. She feared that Chibs may never be willing to give her the relationship she desired. She was not looking to rush into the heartbreak she was sure would come if it was said clear and plain that he did not view her as an actual romantic partner and did not want everyone to know she was his.
She spoke a groan leaving her as she continued to struggle to reach the phone she had taken to jumping in place to attempt to snatch it from his grasp. “Alexander Trager, I swear to God, delete those photos or I will murder you and no one will ever find the freaking body.”
“Lass, what’s with all the death threats? What have ya done to piss her off Tig?” A familiar voice sounded out beside her.
Y/N cringed glancing at the Scotsman as he approached the bar, an amused smirk on his lips. 
She sighed at the sight of the man who those damn photos had been intended for. He’d had a long morning, meeting with the Irish and then being drug away on a tow job the instant he’d returned to the garage.
She’d hoped that the photos would be a pleasant gift to him as well as another hint to put a label on this and make it public.
She sighed wanting nothing more than to sink into the floor and disappear as Tig grinned giddy to bring Chibs in on the act of tormenting TM Autos' favorite office worker. 
Tig grinned between Chibs and Y/N as she spoke. “Little Miss Y/N accidentally sent me some very alluring photos. She won’t tell me who they’re intended for and she refuses to admit that it’s clearly me. I’m right, right Y/N? It’s me, you don’t have to be shy. You could have just said the word and I would have given you the Tig-action you’re craving. You didn’t have to go through the routine of sending me dirty photos and pretending it’s not meant for me. Just say the word and I’ll go grab some baby oil.”
“Tig I swear to God.” She snapped, refusing to glance over at Chibs, certain he was not entirely pleased with this information.
Tig spoke a giggle leaving him still content to prod her. “I know, I know baby oil isn’t the best choice, but it works in a bind, babe. I’m a big man, we’re going to need the help.”
Y/N cringed at the possessive growl that left Chibs he not entirely amused at the statement. “Those weren’t meant fer ya.”
“I know, she won’t tell me who they're meant for. You gotta see them, Chibby. It’s fucking torture. I’m afraid it was meant for Kozik. She won’t own up to it, but we both know the idiot sends her heart-eyes at every chance he gets. Herman Kozik is so not worth red lace.” Tig exclaimed not picking up on the irritation and jealousy bouncing off Chibs.
Y/N wanted to melt into a puddle of awkward shame she refusing to meet Chibs’ eyes choosing instead to stare down at the floor. This moment was going to kill her. If she was capable of dying from awkward situations this would do it.
She widened her eyes as Chibs spoke his voice, a domineering tone that made her knees weak and her center clench.“Let me see em.”
She resisted the urge to groan, having to hate that she’d always had a submissive streak, even before she'd gotten into fetish work. She had always had a thing for having a guy dominate her if he knew what he was doing and wasn't just being an asshole. She found it difficult to find a guy who was capable of dominating her without being a dick about it or misusing the trust she gave him. Chibs had proven he was more than capable of effectively giving her the domination she craved. He had proven he was capable of giving her what she wanted while respecting what boundaries she'd placed on the desire to submit to him.
She was quite certain he’d used that same tone of voice in a couple of their sexual encounters though it usually involved him saying far more lewd things. 
That tone of voice was usually reserved for when he told her to take her clothing off and bend over for him, or to get down on her knees and open her greedy little mouth for his cock.
It was so a voice she did not need to hear outside of those scenarios.
Tig did not notice Y/N hitch in breath to the voice he jerking a little shocked as Chibs yanked the phone from his grasp before he had a chance to even comprehend what was happening.
He dared to speak, the playful tone disappearing, he at least having the sense to prove that he wasn't a total scumbag. “Come on, Chibs. I’m sure she doesn’t want everyone seeing them. I was going to delete them…eventually.”
Chibs ignored him gazing down at the photos on the screen, a groan of approval and desire leaving his lips. He reached down clearly making an attempt to adjust his jeans. It was obvious that the photos had the desired impact on the lower region of his body.
Y/N was more sure than ever that she could die of shame and awkward in the moment. She sighed coming to the conclusion that she’d had a good life or at least an okay one..if she died now it would be fine.
She widened her eyes as Chibs spoke his voice loud and clear. “These photos weren’t meant fer ya Lad, Pretty sure, my ol lady meant to text these fuckin glorious photos to me. She may a’been a wee bit tipsy when she decided to send em judgin by the dazed look in her eyes in this firs pic. My Love can’t handle her whiskey. She an I clearly need to have a talk bout drinkin an textin.”
“Wait, what?” Tig spat out his eyes growing wide struggling to grasp the information Chibs had just laid out on the table for him.
Chibs spoke again, hitting the delete button on the photos as he spoke. “I’ll be deletin these Tigger. Ain’ havin ya share what was meant fer my eyes with anyone else.”
Y/N stared up at him feeling as breathless as Tig though her astonishment was for a far different reason. Did he just call her what she thought he called her? Ol lady, his ol lady?
Chibs tossed the phone down on the bar as he nodded to Y/N. “Come on, M’Love. I think ya need to show me jus what ya were hopin fer when ya meant to send those photos to me.”
She moved forward any of the embarrassed awkwardness she’d felt hanging over her leaving her brain her body heating up having the feeling Chibs was going to show her just how much those photos had affected him.
Chibs wrapped an arm around her his hand sliding down to her backside, giving it a squeeze that sent a message that he had zero intention of hiding what she was to him from anyone ever again. 
He spoke his voice picking up that possessive growl he’d shown earlier. “Red lace, Lass? Ya still got it on?”
She gazed up at him, her knees feeling wobbly and her panties getting beyond soaked. “No, I’m wearing something else…purple lace.”
He gave her backside a squeeze, his voice still holding that possessive tone. “Aye, think I’ll like that too.”
He pressed his lips to hers as they made their way down the hallway towards his dorms before he spoke. “Gonna fuckin kill Tig fer seein yer body, Love. Christ, think it’s time I put my crow on ya. Gotta make it clear to him, Kozik, and every other prick round here that yer mine…especially fuckin Kozik. The only way that idiot’s gonna get a clue is when my crow is on my ol lady.”
“As long as it’s not my tit. I’m not giving tit for tat, no matter how much I love you.” She remarked her mind spinning trying to grasp everything he’d just said.
This was more than what she’d hoped for and she’d not planned any of it. If she’d known it was going to be this simple she would have accidentally texted Tig intentionally.
He smirked his lips pressing to hers much gentler as they neared his dorm room. “Aye not on yer tit. Like those too much the way they are, Love.” 
She spoke needing to say the words. “I was almost afraid of what this was between us…afraid it wasn’t what I was hoping…you haven’t exactly seemed in any rush to put any label on it or show me any sign or this being anything in front of anyone. You’ve seemed pretty content keeping things between us so secretive…I actually thought I was going to have to give Kozik a date to light a fire under your ass or at least test you to see if this meant anything to you.”
Chibs cringed realizing she had a point. “Aye, I know Love. Trus me…I know I’ve not exactly been open bout how I feel bout ya. To tell the truth...Ya came into my life at an odd time, Love. I love ya deeply, ain’ felt that way bout anyone in a long while. I was fraid of not bein what ya need…fraid of failing ya. Almos' convinced myself ya were more than I could ever deserve and ya'd realize it sooner or later. I was almos fraid if I put a label on it and let anyone know then I’d lose ya the same way I lose everyone else I love. I thought if the world knew ya were mine then it’d put a target on yer back.  No more though, Lass. This scares the shite outta me, but not havin ya…losin ya due to my own fear…that scares me even more. I love ya too damn much to hide what I feel fer ya m’love.”
He paused a huff leaving him. “I’d kick Kozik’s fuckin teeth in if he ever took ya on a date fer the record.”
She didn’t have a chance to reply as he pressed his lips to hers the words leaving him “Putting my crow on ya as soon as possible, Love. Not hidin what ya are to me.”
“I want it…and for the record. You aren't going to lose me and you are never undeserving of me.” She promised her hand reaching up to caress his cheek, he leaning into her touch a content sigh leaving him. 
He pressed another kiss to her lips as he reached down, opening his dorm. “I love ya, Lass. Love my ol lady so much more than she knows.”
She allowed him to lead her into the room fully content to let him show her just much he loved her. 
Neither heard Tig as the man finally snapped out of his shocked daze, his voice loud and full of relief. “Ol lady…Chibs…Oh thank Christ it’s not fucking Kozik.”
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beesmygod · 26 days
if you were making a syllabus for a comics class, besides the obvious (homestuck, hark a vagrant, a comic from KC green, a comic from ONE), what comics would you say best represent webcomics as a medium/ are needed to represent the medium? I always liked your hitmen for destiny rec and was wondering if you knew anything else like that
if we're talking about representations of the format rather than just examples of good comics, i think the choices would be really different. for one thing i would cut hark a vagrant and kc green comics since, while both good, they "operate" more or less the same as print comics and utilize the internet primarily as a means of distribution rather than incorporating it into the creation process (beyond making colors websafe, when applicable)
as a lowbrow example, jerkcity (or whatever its called now) is a purely web-based creation. the scripts are private chats dumped into microsoft comic chat and generated from pre-made software assets. im not a fan personally, but there are xkcd comics that make conscious use of the web-medium/infinite canvas to create comics that can literally only exist in a web format (homestuck is the same, but on a massive scale which would make it hard to teach in this scenario). bouletcorp (english website dead? huge loss imo) featured quite a few comics that took advantage of readers needing to scroll in order to obtain more information. e.m. carroll's horror works capitalized on the use of scroll and click to induce tension in the reader. dinosaur comics managing to squeeze decades of comedic juice out of clip art dinosaurs arranged in the same layout every day.
i feel like a class about webcomics should be about the comics that differentiate it from the print medium, if that makes sense. manhua would also fit into this but i would choose cutbu as the example bc i love cutbu comics lol. they came back last year just so everyone knows. with a comic called 28th century superfan
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theriverbeyond · 1 month
YEAH EXACTLY Im like... is it all just so obvious everyone decided it's redundant to mention or??? HELLO???
And I was sitting in the audience as one does and Chant was actually the song that reframed the entire show for me -- up until then I was like "aw :') theyre falling in love and are doomed, I should google all these lyrics later" but that song just... I felt like I was being hit in the face w a fish, honestly!!
"In the coldest time of year/ Why is it so hot down here?/ Hotter than a crucible/ It ain't right and it ain't natural"
"In the darkest time of year/ Why is it so bright down here?/ Brighter than a carnival/ It ain't right and it ain't natural"
Persephone's lyrics here are so specific -> a "crucible" is an ancient tool that can be used to create art but also industrialized into mass production, a "carnival" something that is inherently about celebration and festivity and joy but it is also a thing that can be commercialized almost beyond recognition. Capitalism is ravenous and will never be satiafied or sated, it will steal & exploit every scrap of art and joy that it can, then corrupt it all into hollow immitations that it then sells back to you on websites like SHEIN and Disney+.
"It ain't right and it ain't natural" hits so hard in this song because nothing is as natural, or as "right", as death -- so obviously Persephone is NOT talking about the literal underworld to the literal god of the dead. She's talking about how we need to stay warm and safe and dry in the winter, but we don't need fresh summer fruits imported from thousands of miles away. We need to stay cool and safe and hydrated in the summer, but we don't need to steal water from another state to keep the golf courses green. The winter is natural, the cold is natural, seeking warmth and light is natural. What is unnatural is this overconsumption, this never ending, never satisfied hunger.
And then of course you have Hades' parts,
Here, I fashioned things of steel/ Oil drums and automobiles/ Then I kept that furnace fed/ With the fossils of the dead
And wasn't it electrifying/ When I made the neon shine!/ Silver screen, cathode ray/ Brighter than the light of day
And obviously "fossils of the dead" is a reference to Hades being the literal god of the dead, in the ground, in the underworld, and it is also a reference to the modern dependence on oil and fossil fuels, but TO ME it is also about how capitalism relies on the exploitation of workers. In this show, the "fossils of the dead" are literally Hades' subjects. They're the workers of his factory town, and he both exploits them and is fully dependent on them, just like how the furnance of industry/capitalism relies on YOUR body, YOUR labor, it eats you when you're alive and it often continues to eat you when you're dead.
And then like "wasn't it electrifying" -> it's EXCITING what technology and industry does, but the problem is the overconsumption and the overproduction ("Brighter than the light of day") beyond what anyone actually needs or even wants. It ain't right and it ain't natural!!!
Every year, it's getting worse/ Hadestown, hell on Earth!
And the wind is so strong/ That's why times are so hard/ It's because of the gods/ The gods have forgotten the song of their love
Lover, what have you become/ Coal cars and oil drums/ Warehouse walls and factory floors/ I don't know you anymore
And it all keeps building in this song, re-emphasizing that Hades is not who he once was, that he has changed. Which again is not only commentary about consumption vs overconsumption, and how so many things started as wonderful ideas that could save people and help people and help make the world better were corrupted and turned into profit machines, killing machines, etc. "The gods have forgotten the song of their love" UGH
I also think the Themes are magnified because this is presented extremely directly alongside Euridyce's growing desperation, especially with the context that Euridyce DOES, in fact, "sell out" to Hades' promises.
There is no food left to find/ It's hard enough to feed yourself/ Let alone somebody else
Desperation forces her hand, she turns to Hades because he offers salvation, and she ends up just another nameless worker turning the gears of his machine. And I feel this is so similar to how when rich people are like "Just do XYZ", or telling people to bootstrap, or selling quick fixes to desperate people, when the reality is they got where they did due to a combination of luck, pre-existing social/monetary capital, etc, and buying into their promises of wealth will only make them richer and you more dependent and vulnerable.
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visceral-stories · 1 year
I’m back! Thank you all for staying with me during my long hiatus! I truly appreciate it and I hope you enjoy the story! 
Ko-fi |Twitter 
6:30 PM seemed like a rather late time for a job interview, but it had been the only option to work with Garrett Carmichael’s hectic schedule. An ambitious high school senior, his weekday afternoons were usually fully booked. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, he participated on his high school’s Quiz Bowl team and on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, he attended meetings  with his math league. Unfortunately, being a productive, ambitious scholar was not a lucrative venture, save for the college scholarships he was already applying for. Garrett’s nonexistent financials were what brought him to apply for the position of a waiter at his town’s local banquet hall. 
He also needed something to balance out the drag that high school had become. He didn’t mind the schoolwork or classes as much, but none of his few close friends - or acquaintances even - shared his same classes. It felt like he was just going through the motions, forced to interact with people who he didn’t care for. The absolute worst was his fourth hour in World History where a gaggle of dim-witted football jocks made the class a living hell. They weren’t physical with him by any means, but they were the type to whisper under their breaths and mock the way he talked or his answers to questions. As a result, it made him far more apprehensive to raise his hand whenever he knew the answer in class. School sucked and on the weekends, he was free. Too free. Having abundant free time was nice, but it wasn’t like he had many hobbies outside of playing videogames with his fellow math league teammates or doing deep-dives on the internet about the multitude of scientific topics that interested him. Not only did he need money, but he just wanted to get out of the house for a few hours and not watch the Saturdays and Sundays glide past him every week. 
The application process had been momentarily bewildering for Garrett who had no clue how the website worked and he had to ask his mom what the digits to his social security number were. Every other high schooler his age had gotten a job already and he felt dumb for getting daunted by the simple process, but ultimately he persevered. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he stepped out of his car and walked to the front door. 
“Wow,” Garrett said with awe as he stepped into the nicest waiting room he’d ever seen. An immaculate tessellation of white and yellow rectangles adorned the ceilings accented by bold, curving polygons painted emerald green to resemble vines. The design appeared to extend far beyond the puny waiting room he was in and across the ceilings and walls of the main banquet hall, which he could see for a long distance. 
“Can I help you, sir?” croaked a male voice.
Garrett looked back in front of him to see a man sitting inside a booth in the corner labeled “COAT CHECK” - the only other fixture in this small, open space. He had broad shoulders and was wearing a fancy tuxedo, nearly filling up the whole window with his width. “I-ummm,” Garrett coughed and cleared his throat, peeved at the inopportune phlegm that had formed. “I’m here for a job interview to be a waiter here.” 
A warm feeling of dread filled Garrett’s body when the coat check guy just looked at him with a puzzled look on his face. Garrett remembered the man he’d been messaging in his emails. “I’m supposed to talk to a uhh…Mr. Clifford Atkinson.”
Thankfully, the man’s stoic face lit up with recognition. “Oh yes, he should be here within the next 15 minutes. His reservation starts at 6:45.” 
“Oh, okay,” Garrett replied. He adjusted his glasses and wondered why the Clifford guy needed a reservation. Didn’t he work here?
“You can take a seat over there and wait for him if you’d like,” the man offered with a faint smile. 
Garrett curtly nodded and quickly sat down in one of the few dark red office chairs outside the front door. He pulled out his phone and searched for that email he’d received from Mr. Atkinson. He could’ve sworn the email he’d received yesterday had told him to arrive at 6:30, but unfortunately it was nowhere to be found no matter how hard he searched for it. Crud. He must’ve deleted it or something. Emails were weird. 
The next ten minutes ticked slowly by, leaving Garrett with minimal entertainment besides a few men and women who intermittently came and went through the front door. They were dressed up in tuxedos just like the coat check guy. It was intimidating the way they moved to and fro. Their solid black jackets with stark white shirts bounced up and down with their movements, taunting Garrett with their sophistication. A layer of sweat formed around him as he realized he might’ve come to this thing underdressed. His casual attire of a light blue short-sleeved shirt, a Mandalorian Star Wars tie, and brown cargo shorts clashed heavily with the fashion here. He’d just gotten here and he’d already made a mistake. It was too late to go back home and change clothes so he decided to drown his fears by scrolling through social media. As he was catching up on IGN’s most recent game review, the door flung open. Garrett glanced up, expecting to see Mr. Atkinson, but instead, the last person he wanted to see stumbled inside. 
A tall, muscular  jock stepped inside, dressed in a light gray short-sleeve t-shirt tucked into a pair of blue jeans, and of course - a signature backward cap. “Hey, what’s up man?” he announced as he swaggered up to the man in the coat check booth. “I’m here for the uh…waiter position.”
Garrett’s blood ran cold. It was Devon Kearney - one of the dumbest guys alive and unfortunately, the most prolific nuisance in his fourth-hour World History class. Every day, his deep, stupid voice filled the room as he tended to share every impulsive thought he had with the other football jocks in the class. He was a real menace, rude to everyone besides his little clique or, of course, girls in the class he found attractive. 
Garrett watched the employee gesture for Devon to sit in the chair next to him and a wave of fear filled his body as the jock’s face lit up.
“Well, I’ll be damned!” he boomed as he sidled over to Garrett, causing heads to turn. “You’re  that kid from history class!” He snapped his fingers, trying to remember. “Carmichael, Carmichael, Carmichael. Shit, what’s the first name?” he asked aloud as if Garrett wasn’t even there. 
Garrett clenched his fists. “My name is Garrett, you big-”
“Ah! That’s right, that’s right! I knew that!” Devon roared as he sat down two chairs away from his far skinnier comrade. “You look like a Garrett too,” he snickered with a cocky sneer that made Garrett want to strangle him. Devon was so fake, trying to act all cool and friendly with him as if he hadn’t spent the last three months mocking Garrett in class. Most of the time when Garrett raised his hand to answer a question, he could hear Devon or one of his stupid friends whisper to each other and giggle. Those jerks. Garrett couldn’t wait till he graduated in May and never had to interact with those bozos ever again.
“So what the hell are you doing here, man? Are you applying for a job too?” Devon asked.
Garrett sighed. He wanted to tell Devon to screw off, but that sure as hell wouldn’t go over well at school tomorrow. It wasn’t like the jocks had ever been physical, but he didn’t want to find out. “I’m applying for a job,” he said, not even bothering to continue eye contact. 
“No way! What position? Dishwasher?”
Garrett held his ground as he felt the spit in the back of his throat dry up. “Waiter.”
“You? A waiter? No way, that’s the role I’m training for too!” Devon let out a boisterous laugh that made Garrett’s skin crawl. “Hey, I support it man, but no offense, I…uh….I don’t see you being super social. Being a waiter means like…talking to people a bunch and making ‘em your friends to get stacks of tip money! And at a real fancy place like this, they’re gonna have fat bank accounts! No cap!” 
“Whatever,” Garrett huffed quietly, cringing at the “no cap” comment the most. He turned his phone back on and released an embittered breath.
“It is what it is, man,” Devon snarkily added. He began talking, mostly to himself, again as he pulled out his phone. “Oh man, wait till I tell the boys about who I found at the banquet hall!” 
An awkward silence filled the hall once more, save for Devon’s subtly obnoxious open-mouthed breathing, but moments later, the door swung open and a middle-aged man waddled inside. Garrett caught a faint glimpse of his massive torso out of the corner of his eye. His silver-haired head looked like a snow-covered peak nestled in between the two mountains that were his massive shoulders. Even more shocking was the fact that his pecs were even larger than his bodybuilder-level deltoids. They had entered the room before he did and only drew more attention as they were thinly veiled beneath the strained white dress shirt he was wearing. The top three buttons were undone, revealing a scandalous amount of male cleavage complemented by a light dusting of silver chest hair. 
Garrett noticed that even Devon was also gawking at this colossal guy as he trudged over to the coat check. He leaned over on the desk as he talked with the attendant and Garrett’s cheeks turned pink as he gazed at the man’s massive, imperious figure. Especially his round butt. The dude was absolutely caked up! The buttons of the back pockets of his blue dress pants looked ready to snap. He’d never even considered the idea that men could have butts that big. 
All of a sudden, the hefty stranger spun around on his heels and made direct eye contact with the two teenagers who were obviously gawking at his size. His jaw was the size of a lantern and his eyes had a piercing sapphire coloration to them. He looked like he was plucked straight from Hollywood or something. “Ah, Gentlemen, welcome! It’s nice to see you!” he boomed, the volume of his bassy voice sending a shockwave through Garrett and Devon.  
“Nice to see you too, man!” Devon replied, clearly in awe of the massive male specimen in front of him 
“Sorry about the outfit, boys. These tits of mine have been fighting me to get dressed today,” Cliff said with a playful jiggle of his partially-exposed pecs. “Getting dressed up is quite the hassle isn’t it?”
“Yeah for sure!” Devon said, intentionally lowering his voice to match the other man’s volume. What a kiss-ass. Garrett didn’t even know how to react. He just watched as the other young man hopped to his feet and extended his arm out for a handshake to which the man obliged. “I’m Devon.”
“Cliff Atkinson,” the man boomed as he shook Devon’s hand. Garrett promptly hopped to his feet as the man turned to him. “And who might you be?” he asked. “Just kidding, Garrett. I know who you are. Bring it in. I’m so proud of you.”
Before Garrett could even process what was happening, the man had pulled him in for a bear hug. It was unbelievably awkward, considering he had to hunch over to get down to Garrett’s 5’6” height. As Cliff gave him a firm, tender beat hug as tight as a vice, Garrett swore he could feel his lungs compressing from the immense pressure. It wasn’t like he knew what to say anyway. He had never seen this man before and now he was talking to him so intimately. It was so weird. When Cliff released him and gave him a tender pat on the back, he was nothing short of disoriented. 
Garrett was gasping for breath. Before he could voice his confusion, the mountainous man stood straight up again and clapped his dumbbell-sized hands together with a smile. “I am quite glad to see you both, but I must say both of your outfits are quite unbecoming. The guests should be showing within a half hour. Maybe even earlier.” He turned to Devon. “I’m sure you are new here so all is forgiven, but this is a high-class banquet hall and we take attire very seriously here. Not to worry though, we have some proper clothes for you! Do you know where the dressing rooms are?” 
“No sir,” Devon replied. Garrett peered over and locked eyes with a very sour-faced Devon, whose eyes were still boggling wide with disbelief. 
Cliff smiled. “Not a problem, I’m happy to show you.” He turned to Garrett. “Garrett can go with you too. We must get you out of those dreadful street clothes. It’s your very special day after all.”  
Garrett’s throat was dry from how shocked he was, but Cliff had already started leading the way before he could ask him a question - and he certainly had many options!  Like “why the hell did you say you’re proud of me?”  Or “what do you mean by special day?” But just the thought of questioning this hulking beast of man seemed way too daunting, no matter how tame he seemed.
Cliff turned and led the two boys into the banquet hall, which was far more capacious than Garrett had expected. The place must’ve been at least three-thousand square feet, with every inch of it decorated with Italian Renaissance artwork similar to what was in the lobby. Intricate geometric patterns lined the walls and surrounded the various paintings around the hall, which were also complemented by beige accents around the perimeters. There also had to be around fifty or so round tables all spread out in the open area. Some of the chairs were so close together that Cliff had to walk sideways just to get his broad figure past. 
“So how the hell does a guy like you know a guy like that?” Devon whispered as the two traveled through the array of round tables, his voice rife with envy. 
“I have no clue,” Garrett replied - the exact same question was on his mind. 
“Whatever,” Devon snarled, his tone rich with vicious envy. “I’m a better fit for the job than you anyway. You don’t even know how to talk to girls.”
Garrett coiled his fists. He wanted to retaliate, but he knew that wouldn’t end well. Imagining the five other football players targeting him would be a living hell. He decided to voice a general comment anyway. “Well Devon, it appears that we may have both gotten the job. I mean he never said otherwise.” 
“Bullshit, sir,” Devon hissed before his eyes widened with confusion after a few moments. “Wait, why did I just call you, sir? I-”
Before Garrett could respond, Cliff’s roaring bass silenced the boys’ tiff. “Downstairs is the staff apparel room,” he boomed as they reached a locked door on the opposite end of the hall and twisted a key in the lock. “Devon, was it? We have freshly laundered uniforms listed by size and you can find what best correlates with your size. We will meet you back here when you are dressed.”
“Okay. Yes sir! Sounds good, sir!” Devon replied, raising his voice to feign confidence. Garrett grunted in frustration. He wanted to wipe that stupid smug grin off that suck-up’s face. 
Garrett winced as he felt a firm hand on his shoulder. “You’d best follow him too,” Cliff added. “You know better than to dress like that. I’d expect that out of Devon because he’s just showing up to work, but your apparel is usually not this…pedestrian.”
Garrett’s heart leapt into his throat. Why on earth was this man commenting on his apparel of all things? He just got here! And why was he talking to him like he’d already gotten the job? Yet at the same time, Cliff was talking to him like he’d known him for years. “Oh, I uh…okay,” Garrett meekly apologized, acquiescing to the man’s strange claims. He swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to ask the man about his inappropriate hug earlier. “Say, when you said you were proud of me earlier, what did you-”
A marimba ringtone suddenly blared from Cliff’s pocket. He held up his index finger and produced an iPhone from his pocket although his meaty hands made it look like a toy. 
“Sorry Garrett, it’s the caterers,” Cliff barked. “I’ll meetcha back here in 15, alright?” 
“Oh um..I just-”
Cliff had already answered the phone and started walking away, revealing another glimpse at his broad backside. Garrett readjusted his big glasses and sulked. As he watched the burly stranger depart, he couldn’t help but feel some kind of attachment to him: a benevolence of sorts. It was almost eerie how overly-nice he was being, but it seemed earnest. Perhaps he could tell that Garrett was internally sweating bullets just to be here and was being accommodating. At least it appeared that he’d gotten the job without question? Both he and Devon. God, he didn’t wanna work with that doofus, but it appeared he had no choice. He also didn’t want to let Cliff down after all. The man had been generous enough to hire him on the spot. 
Descending down the old, stone staircase, Garrett entered a far less decorated area of the banquet hall. It smelled ancient down here. The air had a decadent, musty odor of men’s colognes mixed with a faint hint of mildew. As he rounded the corner, he noticed Devon was already sifting through a cabinet full of what appeared to be black uniforms. This room looked quite old and was rather charmless, save for a few photos of past galas and smiling well-dressed people on the walls. Something about this place was giving Garrett the creeps, but he couldn’t quite place it.
There was something different about Devon too. Even though his back was to Garrett, his entire outfit seemed a lot more…faded somehow? Maybe the light was playing tricks on him because the jock’s light denim jeans looked much silkier…and greyer in this light for some reason. Unfortunately, the poor basement lighting could not explain the shirt collar that had materialized around the jock’s neck. 
“How do they not have my size?” Devon griped, his back still to Garrett.
As Garrett walked closer to his acquaintance, a hazy feeling filled his head, as if he’d inhaled way too much of the dust down here. The ground started to feel farther away for some reason. “Wait, why are you shorter…than me?” he asked aloud.
“Shorter?” Devon snorted, now spinning around to face Garrett. “I’m not-”
The two boys stared at each other with unspoken shock as Devon’s tall figure began to squash down. He looked down in horror as the tall, muscular legs he used to score touchdowns were quickly reduced to two chubbier-looking nubs. The dramatic truncation left him at a condensed height of 5’8”, six inches shorter than before. His athletic torso appeared virtually unchanged, but his height - one of his most defining attributes - had been cruelly taken from him in an instant. “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME?” Devon roared, his composure gone in a flash. 
“I-I-I didn’t do this!” Garrett squeaked. If he wasn’t so terrified from Devon’s uproar, he would’ve giggled at his puny height. The jock’s muscular stature looked a lot cuter with his height condensed down - like he was a junior version of himself. “I…promise I didn’t. I don’t even-WHOA!” 
Garrett’s plea was cut short as he promptly shot up like a weed. At one point he’d been eye-level with Devon, but his legs and lower torso just kept stretching taller and taller until stopping at an imposing height. He flailed his arms out for a moment as his new 6’6” body nearly toppled over. It felt like he was walking on stilts! “Whoa! What the heck is happening?” he asked as he placed a hand on his forehead. Glancing upward, the newly-minted lanky sapling of a boy realized he was now only a few inches from touching the low, old ceiling. “No, no, I c-can’t be tall,” he stuttered. From the flabbergasted look on Devon’s face, he could tell he was shocked and quite jealous. Mostly jealous. 
Devon craned his neck up at Garrett and scowled with disgust. “This doesn’t even make any-DUDE, your clothes!” 
“My clothes?” Garrett asked. He glimpsed down and watched as his clothes suddenly started to cascade down his body. The first thing he saw were his t-shirt sleeves gliding down from his upper arms to his elbows until they stopped at his wrists. A pair of French cuffs formed on the ends of his new flowy sleeves, accompanied by a pair of distinct “POPS!” as two golden cufflinks materialized. They were nothing short of glossy, refracting the shoddy basement lighting beautifully. Simultaneously, Garrett’s cargo shorts started shuddering all on their own. They too began to distend further and further to the floor until they rested just above his sneakers. Darkness intruded upon the brown coloration of his shorts, turning them into a maroon and then a vibrant sable. A silky fabric also enveloped the khaki of the cargo shorts, stealing away their bagginess and eradicating the oversized front pockets.  
“What the hell is happening to us?” For once, Devon’s confident voice wavered, giving way to audible apprehension.
“I…I don't KNOW!” Garrett squealed as his new pair of pants was suddenly hoisted up by an invisible force. Or it wasn’t invisible, it appeared to be a pair of brown, leathery suspenders with metal clips that glistened in the light…which had magically materialized over him somehow? They locked in place and pulled Garrett’s pants up around his stomach. The movement scrunched up his t-shirt for a moment before the fabric magically levitated and gingerly tucked itself in, leaving zero wrinkles behind. “Y-you’re s-seeing this too, right?” he stuttered.
“Of course I fucking am!” Devon snarled, his face red with anger and embarrassment. Garrett’s eyes goggled incredulously as Devon’s new outfit looked even more elaborate than his. Gone forever was his grey t-shirt and blue jeans and instead he now sported a long-sleeved dress shirt fit with an array of vibrant mother-of-pearl buttons complemented by a pair of black suit pants. Devon’s new dapper attire accentuated every ripple of his body from his larger-than-average arms and legs. Most interestingly, his belly had a faint bump to it now, like he was bloated or something. 
Garrett was mesmerized as he watched the jock struggle in his new, expertly-tailored clothes. Simultaneously, he couldn’t resist the urge to steal glances at himself and watch as his shirt dyed itself blue and his new dress pants dyed themselves a relaxing shade of light grey. In unison, both of their respective waterfalls of new clothing entered their final cascade. To mark its near terminus, a brand new pair of black suspenders sprung up from Devon’s dress pants. They yanked his pants up high up past his belly button. “GUH!” Devon cried in anguish as the suspenders attached around his shoulders and locked his pants in a painful-looking position. Garrett didn’t dare look for long, but he noticed that the jock’s genitals were bulged up in the pants’ fly as a result. 
“This fucking hurts!” Devon cried, unable to hold in his rage “I can’t even feel my co-o--ock!”
Unlike Garrett, Devon’s clothes had a few more tricks up their sleeves. Firstly, an ocean of black stitching materialized over his pristine white dress shirt. It started at his shirt collar and promptly swallowed up his back and his pecs, until finally stopping just above his waist. Devon’s attempts to undo his tight suspenders were cruelly cut short as a brand new black suit jacket concealed his entire torso. Garrett gawked in disbelief, no longer concealing his curious glances. Devon pulled and picked at his new blazer with much ire. Three buttons appeared in the center of the boxy item of clothing and promptly fastened themselves. Devon’s abdomen and self-proclaimed “rock-hard abs” were concealed by the jacket while the top half of the blazer allowed for a triangle of view of his dress shirt. To complete his new expensive outfit, two black ribbons appeared on either side of his neck. Gracefully, they pirouetted around each other and promptly fastened a tight knot, leaving a spiffy black bowtie just under Devon’s Adam’s Apple. As a final touch, a purple strand of satin formed around the young man’s waist of all things. It wrapped around his obliques and banded over his lower back, creating a brand new indigo cumberbund and finalizing Devon’s extravagant uniform.
To finalize Garrett’s much less-invasive changes, a suit jacket of his own materialized and gently wrapped itself around his upper body. A checkerboard of green and white squares covered the illustrious, new fabric. He moved his arms around in it and was surprised to find that it felt light and breathable. Garrett’s eyes fell back onto Devon, who looked like a deer in headlights. Neither knew what to say. The strangest part was the fact that Devon’s pants were so tight - tight enough that Garrett could even see his balls all bunched up in the front. What was that called again? A camel toe? A moose-knuckle? Devon Kearney, one of the douchiest jocks in school, had an actual moose-knuckle. Before Garrett could stop himself, a small chuckle escaped his lips. 
“You think this is fucking funny?” Devon snarled before immediately placing a hand on Garrett’s chest and forcefully shoving him into the wall. For a body three-quarters as tall as it once was, he still retained quite a lot of strength. 
Garrett was petrified. “No, no, Devon, I-”
“This is all your fault somehow!” Devon roared, now inches from Garrett’s face. “Of course, being paired with Garrett Carmicheal of all people would result in some fucking weird nerdy black magic shit!” He tugged at his dapper uniform in disgust. The only remnant of his street clothes was the baseball cap still on his head. “I look like such a fucking dork!” 
Devon was speechless. It was disturbing to see the jock’s unflappable, cocky exterior completely shattered, replaced by flagrant rage. “Devon, I-” 
“Give me one reason why I shouldn't pound the shit out of you!” 
“Devon, no…stop!” Garrett stuttered, overcome with fear. 
Then, the strangest thing happened. Instantly, Devon obeyed the command. He released his tight grip on Garrett’s sternum and stepped back in an almost robotic fashion. “Huh?”
“My sincerest apologies, sir,” Devon replied, placing his muscular arms to his side and standing up as straight as possible. He shook his head. “Wuh, why did I…do that?” 
Garrett wasn’t sure how to react. Instead, he just focused on catching his breath and peering down at his disoriented comrade. It was wild to think that Devon, the 6’4” tall linebacker who towered over Garrett in history class, had been reduced to a meager 5’8” height. Even crazier was the fact that he actually obeyed a command. 
It took a moment for Garrett to realize that the two sharp pings had actually been his top two shirt buttons flying loose. “My shirt…” was all he could say as he wordlessly glanced down at his now, partially-exposed chest. Instead of seeing a flat chest and distinct collar bone, he was surprised to see that his pecs were actually protruding out? And they were still inflating!
“Goodness gracious!” Devon exclaimed before putting a hand over his mouth. 
The two boys could only watch helplessly while Garrett’s chest continued inflating. His pecs were a statement now - two growing muscular slabs, as sturdy as bricks, that tempted with their masculinity. Short, spindly dark chest hairs sprouted up in the center, which had now formed a small chasm. Although Garrett was enticed, he was unbelievably confused. A scrawny geek like him wasn’t supposed to have tits like this! He’d never even set foot in a gym. Or maybe he had? After all, it must’ve taken a decade’s worth of vigorous exercise to get pecs this round and supple. They were so huge that even his nipples had been pushed to the side and had puffed out, now each closely resembling the tip of a baby’s bottle. They were so sensitive too. He could imagine them tensing up every time his French cuffs grazed them or whenever he would give them loving squeezes in private. In fact, he could recall they gave him some kind of unorthodox pride - seeing them perked up in every formal picture he’d ever taken. His bros would even joke and call him Kate Upton because of it. 
Garrett’s cock ascended, and noticeably tented his wool dress pants. Absent-mindedly, he ran a hand through his thick, long hair and parted it to one side - something he’d never done before. Of course, the hair didn’t stick due to the lack of product and instead, it just hung there as a gnarled mess with most of it flattened down and the other half sticking straight up like a porcupine’s quills. “God, what is happening to me,” Garrett huffed as he impulsively grabbed at his bulge. 
“It appears you’re changing, sir,” Devon aptly replied, his voice sounding a lot more monotone. 
“I…I really am,” Garrett replied, his voice nearly crescendoing into a moan as he gave his bulge a shake. “I look different, don’t I? More cleaned up, eh? More prim and proper. More mature, even.”
“T-that you do,” Devon confirmed, stuttering his words as he was forced to swallow a snarky rebuttal. He was losing his will to be a contrarian. Instead, his disposition was becoming far more accommodating and congenial, accompanied by an enhancing vocabulary. “Me too!” he pouted, his monotone voice once again possessing his familiar churlishness. “I hate this tux thing I’m dressed in. I don’t want to look mature! Although spectacular, my regalia is quite oleaginous, isn’t it? GAHH! What am I saying?!” 
Garrett gazed back up at Devon, or rather peered down at him - the fear and frustration was evident on the other teen’s distraught face. He also appeared to have put on a few more pounds somehow. His growing arms and pec muscles took on a far more squishy shape and his tight stomach crafted by years of high school football had a much pudgier contour to it. 
“GUHH!” Garrett roared, at a low register, similar to Devon’s voice, realizing the changes were far from over. Two shockwaves of blood surged through his arms, immediately filling them with volatility. A pair of massive, bodybuilder-sized biceps gradually inflated within the confines of the bespoke twill shirt. Garrett could only watch transfixed as his skinny, noodle arms - the things he’d hated the most about himself - became nothing of the sort. The muscles in his forearms followed suit as they pulled apart and tightened up with protein-laden muscle, becoming permanent, cylindrical-shaped obtrusions in every shirt he would ever wear. Around fifteen seconds later, Garrett’s barrel-sized arms were now tastefully concealed beneath the tight, stretchy fabric of his dress shirt. Mercifully, his golden cufflinks remained intact and undisturbed, their dazzling opulence a necessary accentuation of his rigid wrists. Garrett was in awe. Even his hands looked manlier - they looked more plump and more formidable somehow. His nails were perfectly manicured and his digits must’ve doubled in size, dropping their nimble slimness in favor of a more boxing glove-like shape. 
A wave of growth undulated through his abdomen as it began to slowly extend forward to a similar breadth of his mighty pecs. With it came two distinct pops, but this time it came from deep within his abs. It felt like he was flexing abdominal muscles that had never made themselves known before. To confirm his suspicion, the two pops multiplied into four and then six until concluding on eight square-shaped indentations etched into his abdomen. Bespoke twill felt incredible against his brand new eight-pack. “God, I’m really filling out, huh?” Garrett smirked as an impulsive affirmation to himself. 
“Yes, I am too,” Devon answered nervously. 
Garrett glanced down and the first thing he noticed about Devon was the bulbous sphere that his belly had become. It wasn’t like he was obese or anything, but to call Devon a jock would be laughably inaccurate. This stomach of his had to be at least fifty pounds and it jutted straight out like a boulder. It didn’t sag low like a belly normally would, it hung high and tall, suspended by hidden, rigid muscle. Something told Garrett it would only get bigger.
“AGH!” Garrett yelped as he felt two muscles viciously tingle each of his shoulders before they began to stretch upward. A pair of glorious trapezius muscles flared out, giving him a menacing hood of muscle around his neck similar to a king cobra. Quickly, their immensity made his small, boyish head and mop of brown, unkempt bowl cut look extremely out of place. As Garrett’s trap muscles finished their transition into ones that a bodybuilder would envy, he attempted to turn his head 90 degrees, but found that to be quite a challenge. His neck too had also stretched wider to compete with the overgrown atoll of his trap muscles. Eliminating the soreness in his new muscular neck, Garrett rocked it back and forth and felt his bones and veins snap into place. The process sent a giant tear through the back of his Star Wars tie, whose lopsided Windsor knot had also fared no match for Garrett’s expanding, meaty neck and shoulder. It now hung loosely, dangling precariously over his massive tits about to plop to the ground.
“Pardon me sir, your tie is askew,” Devon piped up.
Before Garrett could react, his portly acquaintance gingerly removed the tie from his figure and was running it through his hands. He blinked and all of a sudden, Devon’s hands were concealed beneath a pair of satin white gloves. Paired with that, his hands looked larger too - like two baseball mitts. 
“What is with this tie?” Devon added, staring at the Star Wars Mandalorian emblems on the tie. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“Yeah, it’s my good luck tie,” Garrett replied. “I wore it for…the interview…” He trailed off for a moment as his memories of an interview grew a little hazier. They were both here for some reason, but this seemed like a strange situation for an interview. “Have you always been wearing gloves?” It was a straightforward thing for him to ask, but he genuinely was curious.
“Yeah, it’s a part of the uniform,” Devon nodded although his brow furrowed with confusion over his own comment. It was as if he didn’t know what he was going to say next. 
“Okay,” Garrett replied intently, giving Devon a snide smirk. His cock bobbed in his trousers as he thought of the idea of a football player bending to his whim and being involuntarily supportive. 
Devon’s face didn’t show much more emotion. Instead, he was putting his new man-hands to work some magic on the tattered tie. As he rolled up the tie, the array of Mandalorian emblems began to fade. First, the helmet’s outline faded before diffusing in all directions and melting into the navy blue coloration of the tie. In some miraculous animation, Garrett watched as the colors danced into each other before brightening until they reached a divine, subdued seafoam green. With a firm shake from Devon’s hands, the tie fattened up and lost any trace of its former self. 
“What did you do?” Garrett asked, his heart sunk as his favorite tie from one of his favorite movies was gone forever.
“Hermés,” Devon said, answering a question never asked. “Mint is quite the nice touch for the outfit too.” He handed it to Garrett who just looked at it dumbly. “You know how to tie a tie don’t you?” Devon asked smugly, his voice sounding much more…posh and preppy. “We don’t want that Cliff fellow to be mad.” 
“Yeah for sure,” Garrett replied as he unconsciously wrapped the tie around his collar. In only a few seconds and a few deft maneuvers, his hands nimbly created a Windsor knot. 
“I taught you well,” Devon applauded, his eyebrow crooked as he dissected his statement. Still, his mouth continued its whimsical dialogue. “You can tie a tie as fast as I can tie my shoes. Or at least as fast as I used to be able to tie them.” He gestured at his bass drum of a belly and chuckled at himself. 
Garrett couldn’t help but snicker too. Devon’s bubbly nature was somewhat infectious. It was kind of hot - imagining the portly ex-jock catering to his needs, but also being a genuinely nice person. That would be a nice change.  
“Isn’t that better?” Devon asked. A faint panic still permeated his eyes, as if he wasn’t sure why he was asking these questions and indulging Garrett like this. 
“Yeah,” Garrett smiled with a conceited grin as he ran a hand through his floppy, greasy mop of crumpled hair. The movement caused more strands to flop down successfully, causing them to be quaffed straight back as if they were drenched in gel. Garrett didn’t pay it any mind. He just enjoyed how perfectly his mint tie complemented the checkered pattern of his blazer. This nearly-gaudy attire - he wanted to hate it - but he couldn’t. It accentuated his muscles perfectly! Oh yeah. His muscles. “I feel like a million bucks!” Garrett said with an honorary flex. 
“Good, good,” Devon jovially replied. In accordance with his jolliness, a new layer of fat formed around his stomach and stretched out his resplendent tuxedo even further. A wave of compassion and maturity overcame him, replacing his adolescent panic. Looking at a burgeoning young stud like Garrett made him feel…proud in a way? It made him feel oddly paternal, as if their ages were different or something? “You have to look your best for your special day,” Devon added, before grimacing at how cringe he sounded. Still, it felt eerily correct to assist Garrett with his newfound sartorial knowledge. 
“My special day?” Garrett asked before smirking once more. “That’s right. It…is my special day. I just can’t remember why.” 
“Me neither,” Devon admitted. His adolescent rage towards Garrett had faded completely. It was impossible to get mad a young, promising stud like him. Instead, he glared down at his new rotund body ruefully. “I look like a fucking gumdrop,” he pouted as he poked and prodded at his round belly and pecs. He craned his stubby neck to see that even his broad, hulking thighs made his dress pants look vacuum-sealed. It reminded him of wearing padded football pants. His chest was ridiculously huge too - his pecs were like two airbags resting atop a giant, protrusive boulder. Thankfully, his pecs didn’t sag like other older men’s man-boobs often did. They just hung there, taunting Devon with their undeniable stoutness. It was enthralling in a way - the idea of his cannonball-shaped stomach on display in every shirt he ever wore. That made him feel so…mature, like a father figure of sorts. His corpulence, unapologetically masculine, equally disgusted and excited him. At least his plump body looked well-dressed and concealed perfectly by this uniform. Devon could picture so many men his age, or…his father’s age, who didn’t know how to dress themselves - the type to have the undersides of their bellies exposed in public and who wore thin, ill-fitting t-shirts with visible, nasty sweat stains. Devon felt some strange pleasure in the fact that his clothes were tailored just for him. It made him feel much more…powerful that way. This well-dressed, paunchy body of his was an extension of his own masculinity. 
Garrett was lost in his own self-indulgent thoughts as he inspected his own chest. He gave his nipples a tweak and winced at how sensitive they were. Rubbing the back of his meaty hand against the expensive fabric, he could feel a  God, he loved being a man. A huge, hunky, muscular, young, confident man. One whose body jutted out in every direction in his formal clothes - kinda like Devon’s did, only Garrett’s were far more perky and traditionally attractive. He’d never clamored over his body like that before. It was quite the rush - a premonition of his constantly evolving virility and an extension of his own masculinity. 
“Wait, do you hear that?” Garrett asked abruptly, causing Devon to return back to reality. The two of them froze and sure enough, they realized that there was now an abundance of noise emanating above them. A faint bassline and drums could be heard accompanied by a moderately-loud chatter of people conversing. “There’s people upstairs.” 
Devon turned white as a ghost. “Oh no, oh shit dude, people can’t see me like…like this!” he cried, holding up his pudgy, balloon-shaped belly in rife disgust. 
“Yeah, you look like a blimp,” Garrett chuckled. For a moment, he almost regretted saying it, but his fear of Devon was dissipating. They were equals now - no longer bound by archaic notions of a teenage hierarchy. 
“Manners please,” Devon retorted, primping his suit. He didn’t appear to be that offended by the comment though, considering he didn't give Garrett any vicious retaliation. In fact, he seemed to be captivated by his tuxedo jacket. “My coattails. They nearly stretch to the floor!” he said with dopey astonishment, stretching his neck to inspect the way the coat draped over his pot-bellied frame. “They kinda look like a superhero’s cape. It’s quite…marvelous, isn’t it?” 
“Whoa, your voice! It sounds British!” Garrett laughed. “Would you like some tea and crumpets, governor?” 
Devon was not amused. “Sir, please,” he huffed, far more displeased than angry. “I don’t think it’s quite appropriate to make fun of my accent. I surely don't mock you for your deep voice.”  
A twinge of guilt pulsed through Garrett. If a jerk like Devon could learn politeness, surely he could too.  “Right, right, I’m sorry,” he said, completely oblivious while his voice lost its teenage squeak in favor of a commanding, baritone register. “I guess I never expected a football player to act so formal.” The voice that Garrett now had sounded like it belonged to a male country singer rather than a raspy 18 year old. 
“Football?” Devon gasped. He could recall playing it for a brief moment, but the memories of it all came crashing down instantly. Like a piece of paper being incinerated to ash. A man of his rotund stature certainly wouldn’t be the greatest at the sport unless he was an offensive lineman. “I have…never played football before,” Devon said, almost in a state of shock as the words left his lips. “I wouldn’t be too fast on the field. Not with a belly like…OOOFF…like this.” Without warning, fifty more pounds were piled onto Devon’s stomach, causing him to look like even more of a portly freak. This monster gut looked ready to rip free from his uniform at any moment, but thankfully it had swiftly stretched with his beastly proportions to prevent that. 
“Oh yeah, that’s right, it’s not called soccer where you’re from.” 
“Huh? I…oh yes, that’s quite correct.” Devon’s head was spinning. His definition of the sport was changing. Football was nothing like it was here in the States. It was a far less violent and barbaric sport in the U.K. but most importantly, it was an excuse to get a pint with the lads and watch his favorite team whenever he went back home. Or wait, wasn’t this home? Everything was getting fuzzy. 
Garrett was feeling the same way as he zoned out for a moment, gazing down at his sophisticated clothes. Or rather hunky, sophisticated body - the clothes were just an extension of himself. “Well, I think we should head upstairs and talk to that Cliff guy and maybe he can help us.” 
“Ah Cliff, what a fine gentleman!” Devon perked up, like a robot coming to life. His deep, Welsh accent teeming with merriment. “Yes, let’s!” 
Garrett tried his hardest not to snicker as Devon led the way. His bouncy, blubbery figure certainly didn’t move the way it once did. At first, he clearly was trying to move at the speed of a highschool quarterback, but his gait was reduced to a sluggish waddle. Something else had also changed about Devon. It was his back - which looked quite broader for some reason. Paired with his angular shoulders, his upper body was turning into quite an imposing-shaped rectangle. For a man of smaller stature, his figure was still quite imposing. 
“I’m sure everyone is waiting to see you.” Devon said merrily as he reached the wooden stairs.
“Ah that’s right,” Garrett replied and a burst of dopamine suddenly hit his brain, promptly inhibiting any more questioning of their predicament. It was his special day. Being the center of attention was something he craved - people all gathered around him, listening to him talk in length - it was like adrenaline to him : a formative adrenaline. He cherished all the accolades his hulking muscles would receive. From friends, from family members, from romantic partners. After all, he’d put in years of hard work!  
Garrett was aghast as he walked up the steps behind his paunchy companion. Devon already had the tight, muscle butt of a high school quarterback, but the ascent up the staircase immediately began shaping it into an enormous cushion that was impossible to ignore. With each step upward, his glutes flared outward in all directions, stretching his wool dress pants like lycra. Inflating like balloons, Devon’s mountainous asscheeks lost some of their muscled firmness. They rhymically bobbed up and down over and over, indicative of their increased fat concentration. By the time they reached the top of the stairs, two mounds the size of basketballs and as wide as pillows had replaced Devon’s former ass. He appeared to be none the wiser as he turned sideways for a moment and readjusted his cummerbund.
Garrett froze. His cock had risen to full mast and he hated it. Illuminated by a single overhead light, Devon’s mammoth figure cast a marvelous silhouette. The equal breadth of his glorious, distended stomach and protruding suited buttocks were so oddly compelling. And stupidly erotic. Then again, Garrett had been hard since the changes started…or for the past hour while he’d been getting ready. Yeah. That was right. Dressing up always got his hormones firing. 
“It seems like only yesterday you had gotten into college,” Devon reminisced as he turned his stubby neck up to Garrett who climbed to the top step. 
“College?” Garrett asked. He hadn’t even graduated high school. “I don’t think-”
“Look at yourself, Garrett, ” Devon boomed. The newfound sagacity in his voice sent a shiver up Garrett’s spine. “You’ve really changed from the small, precocious lad you once were. You heed advice and apply it into your own life. In university and in bodybuilding. Why, I remember when I used to be larger than you. Hah hah hah! That’s not quite the case anymore, is it?” 
“Bodybuilding? College?” Garrett was dumbfounded. Two retrospections ran parallel in his brain. In one, he was a teenage misanthrope who would much rather keep to himself and his hobbies while another, more forceful side of him savored the attention of being a heartthrob, junior bodybuilder. He craved it, actually. He wanted to loathe the feeling, but he couldn’t. Everything around him was spinning out of control so beautifully, but something told him that this was a very good thing.
“Why yes,” Devon replied, “We’re all so proud of you. You have that ambition that’s going to get you very far in life.” His voice cracked a bit. “I wish I had more of that when I was a lad.”  
Before Garrett could stop himself, he’d already wrapped his arms around the portly man.  Given their height difference, he’d had to lean down slightly, but he didn’t even realize he’d done that. Devon quickly reciprocated and a mutual wave of growth radiated through the two of them. It was a weird burst of unbridled sympathy the two had never felt for each other once. But it was real. 
Firstly, Devon’s belly gained a final thirty more pounds, swelling larger than a yoga ball and tight as a bass drum. At one point, he’d competed in bodybuilding competitions just like Garrett was…or was going to. But now, a stout aging man like Devon much preferred to possess a distended, glorious muscle gut formed from decades of hard work and newfound relaxation. His body type was truly one of a kind - he had to make his own custom clothes for it too - and nothing made him more enthusiastic that Garrett appeared to be following the same fate of growing gigantic. Finishing its inflation, Devon’s belly pressed tightly against Garrett’s abdomen, which was starting to shrink in exchange. Any remaining pudge Garrett had was trimmed away and repurposed into a lean, X-shaped of a competition-ready bodybuilder. His nonexistent butt also began to change, promptly losing its shapelessness as it inflated into two boulders. His rear was only around three-quarters the size of Devon’s, but it had equal strength. Garrett had an enormous, perky muscle butt formed by nearly a decade of strenuous squatting and consistent training. In tandem, Garrett’s slender thighs beefed up, becoming a set of poles that could effortlessly support his hulking frame. Subconsciously, he rocked back and forth on them and the new muscles tightened into pillars as thick as stone. 
“Thank you,” Devon replied as the two pulled apart. His eyes were glassy and his face had a myriad of more pronounced lines on it now. He was so happy now, happier than he had ever been from his life as a football player. Being a British butler, a man of superlative etiquette, and passing eclectic style and machismo onto a man like Garrett - that was his new purpose. “You’ve become the man deep down that I knew you always could be.”
“Of course,” Garrett smiled. He felt like his heart was going to explode. While studying Devon’s new venerable face and more mature sunken eyes, he blinked and all of a sudden, his baseball cap disappeared! Not only that, Devon’s head of vibrant blonde hair had vanished too, leaving behind a faint horseshoe of hair. He pictured Devon as having a younger, boyish face in his head, but those memories were crinkling away as he looked into this new, mature man.“Your…your hat,” was all Garrett could say. 
Faint wrinkles texturized themselves around Devon’s face as he smiled. “Yes, the bowler hat felt a little unfitting on a very formal occasion like this.” 
“No, you were wearing a…” Garrett trailed off, immediately forgetting that a bald, astute gentleman like Devon would ever wear a baseball cap. That seemed too…juvenile for him. Whenever he did wear a hat, it was usually a top hat or something. Even more paralyzing to Garrett was the fact that this man in front of him didn’t feel like a stranger anymore. He felt like a family member. Like a mentor of sorts. It made sense. After all, he’d known Devon his entire life. A hazy memory traveled through Garrett’s brain. He could remember being young, back when Devon had a full head of hair and he’d wanted so badly to impress him. Now he had and the family butler couldn’t be more proud. Wait, family butler? That seemed correct for some reason, but it make any-
“Have a fun night, kid,” Devon smiled, uniquely giving the words a staccato affectation with his charming British accent, as he opened up the wooden door to the banquet hall. 
Bright lights inundated Garrett’s corneas, like he’d stepped into heaven. When his eyes adjusted, he could make out around what appeared to be one hundred or so people occupying the previously vacant hall. Their attire was ritzy - like nothing Garrett had ever seen. Women adorned with beautiful, stylish dresses paired next to men dressed up in bespoke three-piece suits of various colors. A multitude of tuxedoed waitstaff were maneuvering in between the crowd of affluent guests. All parties involved seemed to be engrossed in pleasant, light-hearted conversation. 
Seeing them all sent a tidal wave of fear through Garrett and the same teenage nerves he thought he’d banished inundated his brain. “Devon, there are so many-”
He turned, but Devon had already begun conversing with a crowd of five male waiters nearby who were dressed in identical tuxedos. He wanted to chuckle at how Devon’s cartoonishly massive butt eclipsed his view of the men he was talking to, but he couldn’t. In his peripheral vision, he could see people start noticing him. All the confidence he’d once had vanished instantly replaced by his familiar teenage nerves. He hated crowds - hated them so much. And now here he was trapped in the middle of one of the largest ones he’d ever seen. 
Just as Garrett took his first step forward to try and slink towards the wall, he nearly collided with the silhouette of a huge, imposing man who nearly knocked him to his feet. Luckily, his reflexes were quick and he jumped back on his heels. 
“Vince, there you are!” thundered the familiar, lofty stranger. It was Cliff - his interviewer of all people? He also looked more put together than before. His massive pecs were thinly concealed by a tight dress shirt preventing any chest hair from peeking through. At his side was a breathtaking entourage of beautiful guests, a group of men wearing flashy, velvety suits and a group of women wearing extravagant, ruched dresses. “We were wondering what was taking you so long!” 
“Huh? My name’s not-” Garrett stopped. His deep voice, almost as low as Cliff’s, startled him and reminded him how manly he sounded. Before he could analyze it, two new heels abruptly shot out of Garrett’s sneakers, launching him a half-inch higher into the air - allowing him to become eye level with Cliff - the man who’d previously towered over him. He wanted to tremble, but there was something so comforting about the older man’s face. It made him feel seen. There was a broad, beaming smile on Cliff’s brick-shaped jaw, emanating the same sage-like reverence as Devon had. 
“There’s the man of the hour!” another well-dressed man around three-quarters the size of Garrett exclaimed. By this point, the group of guests had swarmed all around him, rendering any chance of escape impossible. His heart felt like it was going to explode out of chest, from stress and a weird, weird sense of familiarity with these people, especially one of the men in front of him. His face was devoid of wrinkles and his forehead devoid of furrows. Must’ve been a lot of Botox. Even his hairline mirrored Garrett’s, which was impressive given he looked to be in his sixties or so. “Put ‘err there, Vince!” the dapper stranger exclaimed, extending out his hand. 
Garrett acquiesced, not wanting to be rude. He didn’t realize how clammy his hands were until they were against this man’s dry ones. “Thanks, Uncle James. It’s so good to see you,” he replied before flinching at his weird, automatic response. 
The man didn’t seem to care about being Garrett’s uncle. It did seem to make sense though. He looked like Cliff, only a few years older. “Look at that! He already got himself a Rolex! Lookin’ sharp, son!” 
“A…what?” Garrett looked down at his right wrist and sure enough, there was a watch with a rich, emerald hue that looked nothing short of expensive. Upon further inspection, he realized it was the same green shade as his preppy checkered blazer and it had the same eye-catching shimmer of his cufflinks. Fuck. That turned him on for some reason. Luxury. Power. Being all dressed up. “Yeah, doesn’t it have a marvelous sparkle to it?” Garrett added, unable to contain his excitement. His voice sounded different now - a little more pompous. He was really holding the vowels of words in his mouth for longer now. It reminded him of the rich kids from his high school. Wait, where did he go to school again?
A lady in a lavender velvet dress holding a bubbling glass of champagne spoke next. She used big gestures to the group, as if she was showing Garrett off like a trophy. “Our son - the Yale graduate,” she declared, her voice sounding as proud as Cliff’s and as proud as Devon’s. “I can’t believe he finally did it.” 
“Top of his class too!” Cliff added, sipping on a glass of scotch. “Don’t forget about that, Pauline.” 
“Of course,” the woman smiled. “We never doubted our son for a second.”
“Graduated? From Yale? No, I’m…” Garrett sputtered as the final realization hit him. This was a party. All for him. And Cliff and Pauline. They were…his parents? That didn’t seem right, but Garrett had trouble recalling any other alternative. He could recall glimpses of his upbringing in opulent rooms, going to high-class events and developing a sartorial affinity. He now truly felt like an adult just like them. His parents’ positive words echoed in his head, filling him up with joy. For the first time in a long time, Garrett felt proud of himself. His memories of a recluse were fading while recollections of being a valedictorian and relaxed, sociable young athlete took their place. 
“Looks like he’s been hitting the gym at the same time!” Uncle James piped in. “What’s your current weight?”
“280,” Garrett replied and instinctively performed a front lat spread to the group who all laughed pompously. 
“Don’t get him started,” Pauline replied with a playful tap on Garrett’s shoulder. 
Another man spoke up who looked muscular too, although not as muscular as Garrett. “Even during football, you were never half this size. You really took to bodybuilding during college! I can’t believe I’m looking at the same kid!”
Garrett beamed with pride and his posh accent swallowed up his old one completely. “Once I knew football wasn’t in the cards for me, I decided to take weightlifting more seriously and it really helped me.”
“Isn’t that great,” one of the ladies in the crowd smiled. 
“He sure takes after his old man!” Cliff smiled, wrapping his arm around his equally-strapping son. 
Garrett froze as he fully took in the breadth of his alleged father. For lack of a better word, he was just so manly. Even being a man in his fifties, he still had some incredible size to him. He must’ve been sixty pounds heavier than Garrett, which was nothing short of impressive. Cliff’s cerulean three-piece suit looked ready to rip off. Garrett could recall some strong feelings about that: the idea of getting to a massive size where all of his suits had to be custom-made to contain his sheer width. He could faintly recall a short, plump man measuring him with yellow tape as he crafted measurements for him.  
Holy shit. That man was his family butler. The one he’d just seen earlier. What was his name again? Acrid guilt pulsed through Garrett’s head. This butler had been with his family his entire life and he couldn’t even remember his name. Even Garrett’s own name was growing harder to remember, but he knew one thing for sure. His name certainly wasn’t Vincent. 
“Any refills on champagne?” chirped a familiar ebullient voice. 
“Yes please, thank you Reginald,” one of the ladies chirped back as the butler filled up her tall glass. 
Garrett turned and sure enough, his family butler was right there: Reginald Chapman - a 400 pound intimidating colossus who was actually a kind-hearted giant. 
Garrett tried not to laugh. This whole situation was so far-fetched. It reminded him of that one Rick & Morty episode where the family in the show had gained memories of a butler who they thought had always been part of their family. But this situation was different from a silly cartoon like that. It wasn’t like Reginald lived with them although he was over at the house working full-time. Hell, he’d even gone on family vacations with the Atkinsons. He’d even brought his husband along. It had been a strange sight - seeing the family butler and his equally-large middle-aged husband on the beach, but it had been illuminating. But still, Reginald had his own life. He was simply the Atkinsons’ staff member. A lifelong, steadfast one at that. Happy to cater to Garrett’s needs whenever necessary and give him advice on life and bodybuilding. It seemed weird to have a private butler, but not for a family like the Atkinsons who were filthy rich. 
For a moment, Garrett found that somewhat exciting - the idea of a massive man catering to his needs, but it wasn’t weird like that. Even with his portly figure, Reginald had been quite an inspiration for Garrett to take bodybuilding seriously. He’d wanted to grow - to get as big as one of his idols - a kind-hearted Englishman who was like his second father. In fact, it had been a conversation on a Bahamian beach with Reginald and his burly partner Oliver that had made Garrett realize he was bisexual - a whole separate epiphany.  
“I assume the college grad over here needs a fresh glass too!” Reginald piped up, producing a clean wine glass for Garrett. He poured the perfect amount of the liquid into it and smiled. “He’s truly one of a kind isn’t he?” 
The group smiled and laughed in agreement. Garrett took notice of the other patrons in the background who were also turning his way. Reginald had the volume of a foghorn after all. In the crowd, Garrett could make out a few guys and girls his age - some of the friends from college. Some of them were really attractive. This really was quite the celebration. And it was all for him.
“Dom perignon, sir,” Reginald smiled, handing Garrett the glass, his fifty-six year old face glowing with adulation. 
Garrett took a sip and smiled - the expensive liquor tasted incredible. He swore he could feel the bubbles fizzing in his mouth after he swallowed. 
“Raise your glasses, please!” Reginald boomed. The guests immediately obeyed, all with smiles on their faces as they stared warmly at Garrett. “To Vincent Atkinson!” Reginald thundered as the background chatter quieted down. “A young man who has changed my life as much as I hope I’ve changed his!” 
There was that name again. Garrett wanted to reply, but instead a warm, compassionate feeling overcame him. He was touched by the sweetness of the family butler - a man who inspired him every day. 
A cheer from all of the guests echoed through the banquet hall. They all took a sip except for Reginald who just warmly smiled. “Have a glorious night you all,” he said with a bow of his head before swiftly walking away to tend to other patrons. That’s right. Reginald was on the clock. That enthusiastic, diligent butler. Garrett watched as his plump body bounced within the confines of his long, dangling coattails as as he sidled over to another crowd. 
“Vince has grown up so fast!”  chimed in a male patron as the chatter started back up. “He’s sure got that Atkinson family chin!”
“Wait until he gets those Atkinson family veneers!” chimed in another who received a chastising shove from his wife. 
“Family…chin?” Garrett mumbled as he felt a bubbling sensation emanating from the bottom of his face. It was the weirdest feeling, like someone was popping bubble wrap under his chin. The final piece of him was changing - his face. He didn’t know why, but he wanted to see it happen in real time. He just had to. “Excuse me, please,” Garrett said before promptly darting away before any patron could stop him. With each distinct footstep, his dress shoes grew more and more glossy, echoing throughout the opulent hall. Luckily, he located a bathroom nearby and promptly slunk inside, but not before feeling his broad shoulders scrape against the sides of the old, wooden doorframe. Garrett skulked to the mirror a panicked, breathy mess and promptly froze with disbelief at his strapping reflection. 
Everything about him was huge. Unbelievably huge.
He turned to his side and ogled over his humongous chest and back jutting out in either direction. Even his biceps looked prime to rip right out of his checkered suit jacket. Lower on his body, his bulge and tight, muscle ass also jutted out from his midsection, quivering with his movements, both exuding undoubtable manliness. Now in complete privacy, Garrett’s cock rose back up to full mast. His body - it reminded him of Cliff’s - his new father - unyieldingly masculine and provocative. He was burning up under this sexy yet stifling outfit his butler had picked out. 
“I’m an Atkninson,” he said to himself, eager to look like just his father - his idol.
With a distinct set of cracks, his stubby chin erupted forward, immediately doubling its width and acquiring a brand new shovel-shape. Any awkward half-grown teenage facial hair vanished with it, endowing Garrett with a clean-shaven, spotless chin accompanied by the subtle aroma of expensive aftershave. Next his lips inflated like two balloons, puffing out to an extremely kissable level. His teeth straightened and became a pure shade of white. Transfixed by his reflection, Garrett watched in wonder as his unsightly pimples and zits were eradicated from his face. In one swift blink, his eyes changed from hazel to a bright blue accompanied by a slightly thicker yet attractive nose. Propelled down by an invisible wave, Garrett’s unkempt bowl cut was finally subdued and all of the long, strands shortened to a preppy, professional length. An expertly-placed layer of gel coated the young man’s greasy brown hair, slicking it back in an instant, taking off a few inches with it. 
“Mmm fuck,” Garrett huffed as he swore he felt a gust of air rush over his head. A glorious tidal wave of bright blond hair came next, swallowing up his old bushy brunette forever. He wanted to be mad at how preppy he looked, but it didn’t make sense why. This was how he’d dressed his whole life. 
“I’m an Atkinson,” Garrett repeated, hard as a rock while he watched his boyish features mature ever so slightly, eradicating anyone ever mistaking him for a teenager ever again and aging him up in a man in his early 20s. That wasn’t who he was after all. Everyone was here tonight for his college graduation. 
Garrett was treated to a final, illustrious animation of his altering face in the mirror as any remaining “Garrett-hood” he had was eliminated. His hairline pulled down slightly making his forehead less prominent, his eyes grew a little closer together, and his ears shrunk ever so slightly. And then as if Garrett had been staring at some magic-eye poster, it all clicked into place. His handsome face looked just like a younger version of his father. “Fuck yeah, I’m…Vincent Atkinson,” he trembled, his voice rife with anticipation. 
That utterance - it sent a shockwave through Vincent. In an instant, an invisible sonic boom erupted through the room. It forced down his eyes and locked all of his handsome new attributes in place - never to be taken from him. Simultaneously, his rock-hard cock became flaccid. When Vincent reopened his eyes, he was left staring at his reflection in the mirror and there was a watery sheen over his aquamarine-shaded eyes. He was on the verge of crying for some reason? He blinked a few times and the tears only welled up further in his eyes. The lifetime of Garrett Carmicheal disappeared, replaced by a brand new handsome stud. Forever. 
The instant Vincent’s mind transformed, the bathroom door flung open and in stepped a familiar, enormous man. 
He flinched. His eyes were still watering. Why wouldn’t they stop? Why did he feel so sentimental all of a sudden? 
Vincent’s father’s stern face immediately softened as he sidled up to his son. “Hey, hey, it’s alright to cry at these things, Vince,” he soothed his father as he wrapped his tree trunk of an arm around his son’s shoulders. 
Vincent sighed and a single tear rolled down his cheek before he could stop it. The emotions were so much. He couldn’t believe what he’d been through. All of the schooling and now this - a graduation: which felt like the destruction of his youth. “I don’t even know why I’m crying,” he admitted, his voice hardly trembling. “It’s just so much. I can’t believe I’m like…like a real adult now.”
“It’s alright. Sometimes the emotions can be too much to endure. Come on, bring it in,” Vincent’s dad said, pulling his son in close for a mighty bear hug, which was immediately reciprocated. Immense strength radiated between the Atkinson men as they squeezed each other tenderly as hard as they could. The immeasurable comfort of his father - the man who had helped shape him into the confident, buff specimen he was meant to be - was so much to bear. An involuntary whimper escaped Vincent’s lips as he rested his head on top of one of his father’s strong shoulders. “I love you, kid. I’m so proud of you. We all are!” Vincent’s father added as the two released each other. He wiped a tear of his own from his own face and exhaled. 
“Thanks dad,” Vincent replied before coughing and standing up straight again. He sighed and re-flattened one of his French cuffs - obsessed with the idea that his clothes were just an extension of his masculinity. Formalwear was always such a confidence-booster. Reginald had helped inspire that in him. “I think I’m alright now,” Vincent smiled. “I really needed that.”
“Anytime,” Vincent’s dad replied and the two of them headed back to the bathroom door, their two muscular butts both wider than the doorway. “How’s it feel to be a graduate?”
“Incredible,” Vincent smiled. “Like the world is at my fingertips.” 
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hyper-pixels · 1 year
Analog Horror List
Analog horror is uniquely known for its low quality and low visual styles. Or VHS style. They can widely range to a found footage or a visual guide style formatting.
Here are some noted ones:
These videos can contain disturbing content, as well as content that can induce a epileptic seizure if you choose to watch any of them.
2h32: A series of videos that are all two minutes and thirty-two seconds long.
Backrooms - The Otherside: A found footage of the back rooms.
Basswood County: Humanoid creatures that kill humans.
Cave Crawler: A video game (no commentary) about a special remote controlled bot meant to look for missing people (or bodies) in caves.
Chezzkids Archives: An archive of games from a website called Chezzkids. The developer went missing and her photos are showing up in the game. May need to have an episode explain it (this one by Minaxa did it well) as there are clues outside of the videos as well.
Cloud Observation: A short observation video on a cloud that seems to be growing limbs.
Escape the Backrooms: A combination of found footages and commercials, it details the backroom and people trying to escape from it.
Eventide - Anomaly Infestation: A news report of anomalies.
Fear Virus: A quick guide on how to protect yourself from a new, highly infectious virus that causes mutations in humans to become something they fear.
Floaters: A video and short guide. It details how humans are suddenly floating into the air.
Gemini Home Entertainment: A series of VHS styled video tapes. Neptune has mutated and is now infecting Earth with strange things called "woodcrawlers" and other mysterious happenings.
Green Mountain Broadcast Center: A archival for tapes. Only one on this channel labled "Live Traffic" which documents a strange storm.
Greylock: One of my favorites so far. About the government experimenting with tulpa and possibly uncovering an ancient god.
Happy Meat Farms: Animal testing that causes severe deformities.
Hi I'm Mary Mary: A woman wakes up in a house with no exits. She then has to face her greatest fears.
Identity Test: A test on whether or not you can tell the difference between normal faces, and distorted ones.
Itch File: A diver touches a random creature that ejects a pus like substance on him with a virus. Severe trypophobia warning.
Koala Superdeep Borehole Incident: The deepest man-made hole has a bit of an unnerving find.
Local 58 Season One: A news station trying to report on the news, when a broadcast alert stating to not look at the moon is reported. Season two
Harmony and Horror: A VHS style of film. as you watch, you discover the oddities and mysteries of the toys tore.
Marble Hornets: You know what this is.
Mister Manticore: Asks you to memorize a picture before asking you to find the differences. Has quick fleshing images.
Midwest Angelica: A piece of an alien breaks away and onto Earth as it passes the exosphere. It quickly folds into horror beyond comprehension.
Monument Mythos Season One: In an alternate world, where the statues seem to be more than just simple monuments. Season Two Season Three
Omega Mart Ad Compilation: Adds that are attempting to be targeted towards humans. More silly and deranged than scary.
Raining Fire (EAS Snario): A EAS scenario of a mentor shower suddenly hailing Earth on Christmas Eve. Leading to event after event.
Surreal Broadcast: A news station with things happening in the background that are related to a cult. Season Two Season Three
Searching for the Five: Five men suddenly disappeared, only leaving behind a few clues.
Sinkhole: A very hungry sinkhole.
Stone Cold Series: Strange eyes have suddenly started to show up in the night.
The Anglers Trap: A guide on what to do when you encounter a tree called the anglers trap. Which lures in humans like an angler fish.
The Backrooms: Where it all started, I believe. The Backrooms are limital spaces.
The Children Under the House: A therapist tries to find out why a young girl has suddenly stopped talking. Her imaginary friends of course, know why.
The Mandela Catalogue: Hostile creatures called alternates (alters for short) that mimic humans, but don't do it quite right. It mixed Christianity and horror together.
The Oldest View: A man finds a random stairwell in a tree that leads miles down. It turns out it's an old mall. Made by the same man who created the Backrooms.
The Scrimblo Catalogue: A joke analog horror based off of a twitter meme. Part Two
The Smile Tapes: A new fungai releases spores that infect humans that causes the muscle in the faces to distort into a smile and causes hysteria.
The Swarm: Aggressive, hungry mosquitos created by a science project gone wrong.
The Quentin Sanders Tapes: A man named Quentin sanders goes to Foxwood university only to discover a eldritch monster.
The Walten Files: Possessed animatronics, one of the founder's family goes missing while the other conspired against them. And not to forget the possessed animatronics.
They Lie Above: Follows the story of a son of a missing farmer who was abducted by aliens, and Neil Armstrong. Who's memories were erased after encountering a alien space craft.
VibingLeaf: Three videos that have a early youtube "lost videos" esque style.
Vita Carnis: A guide on strange fauna and flora seemingly made entirely, out of meat.
White Door Opened: Set in Poland, monsters and strange red mist begins to spread. Of course it starts with humans messing with things they shouldn't mess with.
Winter of 83: Snowmen come to life, and they aren't happy.
-Did I miss any? Let me know! I'll try to keep this updated as I deeper and deeper, but I can't catch everything.
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suzuran777 · 7 months
Lamento Beyond the Void: Glossary
Since I've been slowly replaying Lamento, I wanted to create my own glossary to link back to my Lamento Expiatio translation posts! I'm sure there's already a lot of information online about Lamento's worldbuilding and the terms they use in the game, however since some pages of the wikia are a bit empty and I'm having trouble finding some older Tumblr blog posts, I decided to make one too.
Most of this is translated directly from the official website, the World Guidebook, and Lamento Green Notes. I tried to keep it consistent with some of the commonly used fan-translation terms, but I also included the Japanese words in case anyone's curious what the original term in the game is.
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Shisa/Sisa (祇沙): An island nation surrounded by a yellow ocean. Blocked by coral reefs, the inhabitants of Shisa don't interact a lot with surrounding nations. Officially, the nation's leader is the lord of Ransen, but each village has a strong sense of autonomy. According to the legend, Shisa's sun fell into the sea a long time ago, which dyed the ocean a yellow color.
Moon of Light (陽の月) and Shadow (陰の月) : The Moon of Light rises during daytime, while the Moon of Shadow rises at night. Both moons generate almost no heat, that's why it's said that Shisa's weather feels like spring all year round.
Ribika (リビカ): The inhabitants of Shisa, characterized by their cat ears and tails. They can be divided into two different species, large species and small species. While larger species have stronger bodies and have great fighting abilities, smaller species are more flexible and agile. Smaller species usually larger ears and longer tails compared to bigger species. Even though Ribika don't have the best eyesight, they have excellent hearing abilities and can rotate their ears to determine the location where sound is coming from. When they get angry or excited, their pupils become thin and narrow. Their sense of smell is also very strong. Not only do their tails help them with balance, it's also possible to guess what emotions they're feeling by looking at the movement of their tails. They are natural hunters, therefore their staple food is mostly meat, but they also eat fruits and nuts (such as the Kuim fruit). Most Ribika aren't super interested in food and can easily last several days without eating.
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✧General terms✧
Two Canes/Futatsuzue (二つ杖): A race that according to Shisa's legends, once inhabited Shisa. They left their civilization behind, and many can only speculate why they disappeared. It is believed that Two Canes were in fact the humans Razel talked about.
Touga (闘牙): Touga is a term used to describe skilled fighters. They often work together with Sanga as a pair. Unlike Sanga who are born with their abilities, anyone can train to become a Touga. A Touga without a Sanga has no chance of beating a Touga and Sanga pair in battle.
Sanga (賛牙): Sanga are born with a special ability to support others with the power of song, boosting the other person's fighting ability. A Sanga doesn't actually use their voice to sing, the "song" is usually a melody. Because of their special abilities, they are highly sought after.
Sangachou (賛牙長): Literally translates to "Chief Sanga". They are guardian cats who serve the families of Shisa's feudal lords. Sanga are often requested to play a supporting role in the country's national affairs and are sometimes in charge of politics on behalf of their feudal lords.
Devil (悪魔): Ribika aren't the only inhabitants of Shisa, there are also more dangerous beings such as monsters and devils. Devils can be recognized by their horns and tails. It's said that they can make any wish come true, as long as you give them what they want.
The Void/Utsuro (虚ろ): A mysterious phenomenon which has been slowly affecting different areas of Shisa. It consumes all living beings, and the spread of it has made it difficult to hunt for food, often leading to food shortages and starvation.
The Sickness/Shikku (失躯): A deadly disease which leads to pain, fever and the sudden loss of limbs and other body parts. Female Ribika are much more likely to get the disease, which is why they have become very rare.
Black cats: Black cats are considered a symbol of misfortune. It's said that when many black cats are spotted in Shisa, abnormal weather conditions and natural disasters become more common. Because of this stigma, Ribika from villages like Kira do not interact with the outside world.
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Ransen (藍閃): Shisa's capital, located in the center of the country. This city was built on top of the ruins of the Two Canes, and is characterized by its square-shaped buildings. Ransen is also the city where the country's most important individuals live, such as the feudal lords and their Sanga. The library is also located here, which was the legacy of the Two Canes. It has a large collection of books that describe the history and legends of Shisa. Under normal circumstances, entry is prohibited, but on the last day of winter it becomes a venue for a costume ball and anyone participating can enter the building. Big festivals also take place in this city which attract visitors from all over the country, such as the spring festival and the dark winter festival.
Karou (火楼): A small village located in the southwestern part of Shisa, and also the place where Konoe's house is located. The town is inhabited by a very cautious race of warriors, who learn combat techniques at an early age. They are not very fond of strangers and people rarely leave their houses. It's one of the villages where isolation has become a serious problem due to the Void, and in recent years the extreme food shortages gave them no choice but to resort to cannibalism.
Kira (吉良): A village located deep inside of the secluded valley. A cursed tribe is rumored to live here, whose ears and tails are black, and their bodies covered in strange markings. As a result of these rumors and its hard to find location, even merchants avoid Kira.
Meigi (冥戲): Kira's rival tribe. Its inhabitants are known to be devil worshippers and because of this, they are even more infamous than those who live in Kira.
Setsura (刹羅): A village located in the northern part of Ransen, where large species of Ribika live. Because of their strength and great fighting abilities, many of them become bodyguards or bounty hunters.
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Lost Forest/Mayoi no Mori (迷いの森): A vast forest located between Ransen and Karou. The thick branches of the trees and leaves block most of the light, making it an easy place to get lost, even during daytime. Some merchants developed special techniques to navigate the forest, which is why Tokino can travel to Karou without getting lost. Recently, the Void has affected large parts of the forest, eroding its surroundings at an abnormally fast rate, which is why some also refer to it as the Void Forest.
Secluded Valley/Yukoku no Tani (幽刻の谷): Located somewhere inside the Lost Forest. A place covered in a dark, thick fog, where plants and trees wither. It's rumored that the village of Kira is located somewhere in this valley. Most living beings, including animals, avoid this place.
Mirror Lake/Kagami-ko (カガミ湖): A mysterious lake located northeast of Ransen, which is considered one of the biggest mysteries of Shisa. Even though the sound of waves can be heard when approaching the lake, the surface appears to be calm, resembling a mirror. For some reason the surface of the lake is impenetrable, so even walking on it is possible. There is also a cave near the lake, but it cannot be entered under normal circumstances.
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Song of the Beginning: According to the legends, Ribika was a goddess and also the wife of Two Canes/Futatsuzue. It is said that she created Shisa after laying a rainbow egg that fell to the earth and shattered, which awakened life. The song Ribika sang while this happened is referred to as "The Song of the Beginning".
Ribika (god): To protect life of those who inhabited Shisa, she took the form of a cat and lived among them. However, in this form she was not able to support the sun any longer, which fell into the sea. She then split the moon into two, the moon of light and the moon of shadow.
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Some extra fun facts I wasn't sure where to add in this list:
Konoe and Asato would be considered small species of cats even though Asato's the same height as Bardo, so appearance-wise it seems like only the ears and tails look different.
I think it's pretty obvious that Bardo's supposed to be a tiger and for Rai's a snow leopard, but they just describe Konoe's design as ''milk tea color''.
The books mentions that Ribika are covered in a thin layer of invisible hair which they like to keep clean, which is why they groom themselves, and yes their tongues are similar to real cats.
The reason why Ribika (the species) refer to themselves as ''cats'' is because the cats that appeared in old literature shared the same traits as them (ears and a tail).
For some reason, there are no remaining pictures of what Two Canes looked like, though Razel does confirm they were in fact the same as humans. It's pretty much unknown where humanity went and why all traces of them in the books were erased.
The webcomic has shown some things that were only mentioned in text before in the game, such as designs of what the monsters look like (they kind of look like feline creatures with horns) and human Razel.
In the interviews they mention that they were inspired by Celtic culture and music, specifically Ireland. Shisa isn't supposed to be an existing country, but you do see some inspirations in the game like the Celtic knot patterns.
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Why We Need to Care About Insects
Originally posted on my website at https://rebeccalexa.com/why-we-need-to-care-about-insects/
Some months back a study was released that demonstrates just how damaging climate change is to insects, particularly those in tropical areas. Warming temperatures cause insects to die from overheating and dehydration, kills off their food sources, and lowers their fertility rates to dangerous levels. Moreover, changes in climate affect insect phenology, the timing of when they hatch, migrate, breed, and so forth.
And because insects are so small, they’re often disproportionately affected by many of these problems. As ectotherms, they rely on the air around them to regulate their body temperatures; their small mass means they lose heat faster than larger animals, and can be overloaded with heat much more quickly. Tropical insects are especially at risk from major fluctuations in temperature because they are adapted to a relatively narrow temperature range.
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Gray spruce looper moth (Caripeta divisata)
But the problem goes far beyond the tropics, and we are in the middle of an insect apocalypse. This problem often flies under the radar of those who are not already aware of invertebrate conservation. While a few insects, such as monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) and domestic honey bees (Apis mellifera), find themselves in the press on a regular basis, most species don’t have large fan clubs. Some of my favorite insects include the white-tipped ctenucha moth (Ctenucha rubroscapus), the velvet snail-eating beetle (Scaphinotus velutinus), and the black-tailed bumblebee (Bombus melanopygus), none of which are insects you’re likely to find making the headlines.
To be fair, there are a lot of insect species out there, so it would be hard to feature every single one individually. But we already face the problem that many people simply just don’t see why we need to worry about fewer bugs around. Last year I wrote an article about how search engines tend to produce exterminator sites at the top of results for various insects, and while some of that is no doubt due to advertising-oriented algorithms, they do reflect a widespread demand for extermination services that isn’t matched by more positive attention to these little animals.
Much has been said among entomologists, ecologists, and other professionals about why we need to be concerned about the drastic drop in the numbers of many insect species, and I’ve written about it as well. I could reiterate what would happen if we lost our pollinators (and also how to save them!) or the crucial role insect detritivores play in reducing diseases and keeping the food web cycling along. And I am still a champion for mosquitoes and other unpopular insects.
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Green stink bug (Chinavia hilaris)
But these things always bear repeating. It may be that nine out of every ten organisms on this planet is an insect. Insects play an incredible number of ecological roles, from ecosystem engineers to pollinators to food sources and much more. Without them, ecosystems around the planet would collapse entirely.
I could certainly take the self-interested route and emphasize that fully one-third of our food relies on insects and other pollinators. I might also point out that insect detritivores help nourish the soil needed for everything from food crops to timber. While terrestrial insects and other arthropods only make up about a fifth of the amount of global biomass as their marine counterparts, they still represent a natural sink that holds about 200 million tons of carbon at any given time.
But our anthropocentric worldview rarely considers the intrinsic value of insects simply for existing. We’re constantly weighing and measuring their worth based on our biases and values. We divide them into “good” or “bad” insects: good insects are those that do things we like, like pollination or looking pretty, while bad insects are the ones that chew on our homes and plants or which bite or sting us when threatened or seeking food. For a lot of people, any insect beyond maybe a butterfly is a reason to say “Ewww, gross!” I’ve even seen this widespread among self-professed nature lovers, whether they have a true entemophobia or not, though there may be an evolutionary reason for this seemingly disproportionate reaction.
So consider this yet another attempt to change opinions about insects. I can’t cure entemophobia, but I can at least get people thinking more critically about personal and societal attitudes toward insects. I hope to get people to realize that widespread use of pesticides and other garden/agricultural chemicals–which has increased fifty-fold in twenty-five years–is driving the loss of so many insects. I’ve mentioned before that habitat loss is the single biggest cause of species endangerment and extinction, and that goes for insects, too. And, of course, the study mentioned at the start of this article is just one highlighting the increasing impact climate change has on insects worldwide.
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Metric Paper Wasp (Polistes metricus)
Let me wrap this up on a bright note: word is getting out. There is a lot more awareness than there was twenty years ago, and there’s more nuance than we had in the early “save the (domesticated European honey) bees” campaigns. More people are ditching pesticides and other garden chemicals unless absolutely needed, and regenerative agricultural practices that use fewer chemicals overall are gaining ground. And while numerous organizations are increasing awareness of insect conservation, the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation–the oldest organization dedicated solely to invertebrates–is still going strong.
And you can help spread the word, too. Share this article with others, and some of the resources and organizations linked throughout. Consider your own relationship to the native insects in the world around you, and whether you might make their lives a little easier. And remember that sometimes it is the smallest of things that have the greatest importance in such a massive system as an entire living planet.
Did you enjoy this post? Consider taking one of my online foraging and natural history classes or hiring me for a guided nature tour, checking out my other articles, or picking up a paperback or ebook I’ve written! You can even buy me a coffee here!
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theyscreamjade · 1 year
Hi Jade! I’ve had this idea stuck in my head for a while now - could you do some head cannons about the main trio being incubus’s (a creature who basically resembles a male and feeds off having sex while the victim is asleep) and meeting the reader and feeding off them but slowly falling in love with the reader? Thanks!
Sweet Dreams and Deep Fantasies
「Sorry about the wait, Ya buddy here just got through finals and shit, I’m beyond exhausted. I’m also in the process of moving too, so whew. I’ve got a lot going on…BUT I’M GONNA DO THIS!! I hope ya love it, anon!~ෆ」 ⊰ 18+! (Anyone who’s underaged will be blocked!)ও
↬ Disclaimer: Cursing, Somnophilia, Sexual Themes & Acts, Sex Demons. 
↬ word count ᱺ 2.1k ෆ
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⧽ Let’s start with the nicest of the bunch, unlike the others on this list. Izuku doesn’t really strike you unless you really need it. 
⧽ Between work/school, you were running on desperate times there. 
⧽ Your toys weren’t cutting it, and you were too scared to try Tinder or sex websites because you don’t want to end up as a missing person or a dead body in a ditch. 
⧽ But the stress of life was getting to you. Rent due, Car due, Gas and Water due and you’re doing long ass hours only to have your shit gone before you could even try to enjoy.
⧽ You’ve done the relationships, all ending badly and you didn’t want to ignite the flames of the ex back into your life. 
⧽ So, after an upsetting masturbating session, your little helper was placed back in the third drawer of your side table. 
⧽ With an upsetting sigh, you closed your eyes and started to drift off to dreamland. 
⧽ You appeared to be in a…rather revealing position when you did. Your legs were over your head, tied together. 
⧽ Your eyes were confused, unsure of how in the hell you ended up like this! You wanted to have a simple dream! Hell, that candy one was satisfying for the night!
⧽ That’s when you felt a warm sensation on you. 
⧽ Your body shuttered at the feeling and you tried to move your legs to see who the hell was licking the palace without consent! 
⧽ The tongue slithered up and down on your slit, slipping inside you. Your toes curled, pleasure rushing through your body with the intensifying sensation driving you wild. 
⧽ Your mouth opened wide, your hips grinding against the sensation. 
⧽ “Desperation, Lust, Desire…” A voice said, sitting up and lowering his legs. 
⧽ His large, green tail curled while your body laid limb, the urge for more was radiating off your body. 
⧽ Your eyes wandered to the being above you, his large freckled body laced with a few scars, his bold green skin. 
⧽ His large hands gripped your thighs, pushing them back further so he could have more access. You started to move a bit because LIKE ANY SANE PERSON, WHO OR WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS DANMN THIS IS, AND WHY IS IT EATING YOU OUT LIKE A DAMN PRO?!
⧽ “Calm your nerves…and relax, you’re making this hard.” The voice ordered, sending chills down your spine. That’s when their tongue slipped in deeper and your back arched. 
⧽ Was it bad that you sat there and just took it? Maybe. 
⧽ Was it good when you came like a fuckin hose that had thousands of kinks in it? 
⧽ You awoke that morning with a confused look, unsure of how you made such..a mess in your poor bed. 
⧽ That was only the beginning. 
⧽ The next night, it happened again. The green beast appeared and you finally saw his face. 
⧽ Large dark green eyes and freckles on his cheeks, it’s all you could focus on. 
⧽ Even when he was inside you, sucking the sexual energy out of you. 
⧽ Each deep thrust he gave you simply overwhelmed your needy, simply desperate body. 
⧽ He was something you desired, you craved. You needed. 
⧽ After a week of this, you simply ask for his name while you two were fucking from the side. You turned your head to look at him while he held your leg high in the air. 
⧽ “I-I-Izuku..” he whispers in your ear, before biting it and thrusting faster. 
⧽ And that’s where it began. 
⧽ Izuku began your little helper after long days and terrible dates. He’d make your little dreams better. He fucks your little brains out and leaves completely satisfied. 
⧽ He’s a sweet, kind, and caring demon too. He loves altering your dreams to accommodate your desires. 
⧽ He’s honestly one the nicest demons out of the entire bunch until things start to sour between you two. 
⧽ It’s kind of hard to only have someone appear in your dreams…and when work gets tough, you’re not able to drift to sleep fully. 
⧽ So the next time you do finally rest, he’s not there. Your green Prince wasn’t there anymore. 
⧽ But don’t worry, your job receives an exchange worker who transfers from another country…
⧽ And he’s suspiciously named Izuku too~
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⧽ Remember being a kid and your parents would tell you that you should be careful of what you wish for? 
⧽ See, we don’t always think about shit that we say? You obviously didn’t when you supposedly summoned a damn demon on yourself. 
⧽ If you had been to a slumber party and played Bloody Mary or with the Ouija Board then you’d know how. 
⧽ It wasn’t like your life sucked really. 
⧽ You had the perfect job, car, life, and even significant other. Everything was peachy….except when it came to the sex. 
⧽ That…massively lacked. Baby boy didn’t know how to…ya know, get you there. 
⧽ So, often you faked it which is honestly kinda disrespecting because you’re over here with blue balls and another sad night where he’s knocked out and you’re accepting sleep while reading about other characters on A03 who’s getting better dick than you. 
⧽ The second you’re asleep though, you’re opening your eyes inside your bedroom…but alone? 
⧽ Your beloved was gone but something else was there. 
⧽ Before you could even get out of bed, a tail was pulling you back into it. “I didn’t say you could leave, now did I?” The voice said. 
⧽ It was raspy, deep….and made your panties wet instantly. It was demanding and practically had your toes curling. 
⧽ Your head turned to see what it was, before you…a demon with mostly orange to red skin, blonde hair, and bold red eyes. 
⧽ You couldn’t even figure out what the hell it was before your clothes started scattering all over the place. 
⧽ He was rough, deep, and practically had your hands ripping the sheets. 
⧽ “Right there! Right there!!” You cried out, your fingers tugging the sheets right off the bed. 
⧽ You lost count of how many times you’ve come, cause you kinda forgot after one. 
⧽ All you knew was when your eyes opened again, you were inside your bedroom and your lover was looking towards you confused and partially enticed. 
⧽ “Were you dreaming of me? You sounded like a naughty little porn star last night~” They teased, making you blink in confusion. 
⧽ You couldn’t even dare to admit to what happened in your dream? It’s a one-time thing, right? 
⧽ Haha, nope. The next day, he came back. 
⧽ Again. Again. And Again. 
⧽ It’s so bad that your lover starts to envy your own dreams and questions what’s sex like with them and your supposed wild-ass dreams. 
⧽ Your little red demon always left you shaking in his arms or on your bed.
⧽ He loved having you cry, pant, whine and simply disrespect your lover who was in the same bed as you two. 
⧽ There was one session in which he made you so damn weak, your legs gave up the second you tried to stand up the next day. 
⧽ Like all good things, shit hits the fan one day. You come home from work to find your lover with..another inside your bed. As expected, you’re enraged and kick them out. 
⧽ You turned your phone off and head out to the club to clear your head with a few girlfriends.
⧽ While twerking your relationship away and drinking your sadness, a hand grabbed your hips and whispered in your ear. 
⧽ “I’ve been watching you all fuckin night….think you can do that with me, baby?” He asked. That voice sent chills down your spine. 
⧽ With a smirk on your face, you took your little spiky-haired boy towards the door. 
⧽ That bed your ex-love disrespected earlier was promptly broken by that damn blonde. 
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⧽ Whoever said College was fuckin easy was a goddamn lie? 
⧽ Whoever lied and said that it was easy, should choke on a dick and die? 
⧽ You’re struggling, dragging, brunt out and still trying to function. 
⧽ Clubs, Classes, Part-Time Work, and Rent were making you want to blast your damn brains out. 
⧽ Mid-Terms were on the horizon and thousands were dropping from their classes already. No one didn’t want to do this shot anymore? 
⧽ The true warriors were still fighting and pushing themselves toward the finish line. 
⧽ Your eyes were peered into a boom inside an empty library, it was reaching midnight while the exhaustion of your job from earlier that day. 
⧽ Your body demanded rest. 
⧽ Your stomach was demanding food.  
⧽ Hell, Your body was just deflating at this point.
⧽ Your head plopped onto the book, soft snores escaped your mouth while you drifted into deep and much-needed rest. 
⧽ Your dreams were always practically darkness. A time when it was simply black because your mind was too damn tired to give your exhausted ass something to dream about.
⧽ However, this time. You wake up inside a hot tub. 
⧽ Before you can even question how you’re inside a hot tub and also naked, something pressed against your body. 
⧽ The vibration made your body jump and wiggle a bit, who has the infamous magic wand in there, and who’s holding it? 
⧽ Your hand reached underneath the water to retrieve it, but another hand lifted your head. 
⧽ “Close your eyes and relax…you’re not allowed to touch.” The voice ordered. It was a cold, stern, and simply sexy ass voice. 
⧽ Who are you to disobey rules? Especially since you hadn’t had this much sexual pleasure in a while? 
⧽ Your breathing hitched, and your toes curled before your body was lifted. 
⧽ That’s when you felt the Arctic cold which caused your nipples to stick out. 
⧽ That was before he slipped inside WITH EASE. The intense combo of hot and cold was overstimulating your body. 
⧽ You were already needy as hell, but shit! You’re sucking..whatever this thing in with each thrust he gave you. Your hips even started moving on their own, rocking back and forth. 
⧽ Your eyes opened for a second, looking to see such an odd figure. 
⧽ Large red hands hugged and held your body. The left was on your hip and the right was loosely holding your face. 
⧽ You couldn’t even focus on what it was…when your body was jolted awake. 
⧽ Your eyes opened and you sat back, seeing a worried elderly woman. “Are you okay? You were moaning over here in your sleep…” she asked as she looked at you. 
⧽ Your heart dropped to your feet as worry washed over you. SHE HEARD YOU RIDING ON….WHATEVER THAT WAS?! You didn’t even respond to the woman, you pack your items and head to your car. 
⧽ You head home, get in your bed, and tried to justify what happened as a lack of sleep and simply being horny for some reason. 
⧽ And that’s how it started. 
⧽ You went from studying at the library to forcing yourself to stay home, because your big ass demon didn’t give a fuck. Fall asleep and your ass was his. 
⧽ Crash in class, boom. You’re moaning inside the classroom. 
⧽ Crash during your break? You sound like a porn star inside the break room with your uncomfortable co-workers. 
⧽ Your bed was your safety and practicality a sanctuary. No one could hear how loud you were and what he was using on you. 
⧽ Sho, which was the name of said, Incubus. You found out while on a sex swing, handcuffed. You cried out shit, and he corrected you with Sho…before proceeding to make you scream his name. 
⧽ He always created a room that included his usual elements, Hot and Cold.
⧽ Little did you know, he was helping you get exactly what you needed to focus. 
⧽ He worked his magic on you until after the midterms. Once you turn your test in, could you simply rest without a single issue? 
⧽ Poof, he’s gone. Your dreams are simply dead and you’re left pretty upset. 
⧽ Things go back to normal, leaving you sad. You walked into the library, holding your books and things while listening to music.
⧽ You walked towards your usual study area, which was reserved for you because no one really deserved it. 
⧽ You opened the door and walked inside, only to freeze at the sight of a man with..red and white hair. He looked at you confused while you blinked. 
⧽ “Oh! Sorry! I didn’t mean to! I-I can come back!” You stammer, embarrassed, and start to turn around. 
⧽ “No, no….Why don’t you come in and join me?..” the voice said, standing up and walking towards you. “Just close your eyes and relax~” he whispered, pulling you close. 
⧽ It's funny how dreams can become a reality.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 5 months
What clubs, teams, and other extracurricular everyone is in/will do?
Associated Reading: Past Extracurriculars!
Kai: Kai's only extra thing was temporarily being on the track team his first year, which ofc he quit when he dropped out. Doesn't take up anything new rn due to having his hands full with looking out for Lloyd (and just trying to get through school in one piece), but might get back into track for his final year.
Jay: Is still trying to make Robotics Club a legitimate thing, but until then, Sunni manages to talk him into getting back into doing science fairs (which also feeds into his upcoming extra credit project upupu). Might wind up doing Quiz Bowl or something similar in his last year too, if I'm feeling spicy.
Cole: Was into sports until The Dodgeball Incident, and doesn't take up anything new because a) he hates school, b) it's his last year anyway and c) most of his extra time will taken up by his part-time job at the Rockshot Club (does that count as a club? lol). Sometimes thinks about joining the art club, climbing club, or a dance club, but is lowkey afraid of how he'll be received. Might be able to be talked into doing climbing as a last hurrah, at least.
Zane: Obviously is on the student council, and is a member of the archery club (which has been mentioned in passing a time or two!) and the chess team. Probably would join more stuff if he could/wanted, but being on the Student Council (and the cold reception he receives) is already intimidating enough.
Nya: Also obviously on the council, would join every club if there was enough time in a life, but for now councilwork and her future job at the autobody shop takes up most of her extra time (thank goodness). ...Don't tell her a Debate Team exists, please. (Also might rejoin gymnastics down the line, should the opportunity arise)
Lloyd: The Green Ninja doesn't have time for such frivolous things, tch. ...that being said, his presence as a band member might lead to shenanigans in the future hgffgdd (buuuut he might join archery alongside Zane down the line, since while his bow and arrow skills are pretty good courtesy of his mother, he can still use the extra practice)
Jesse: Beyond councilwork, does not have anything extracurricular due to his job working at his family's place (and eventually furthering his career as a performer), buuut with the former being out of commission rn due to Great Devourer Aftermath, he's got some free time to spare...maybe by joining in on a little ninja training at a certain dojo? (He also was in choir but had to quit because he was too good. The music teacher still mourns his loss.) Might join the theater club for his final year.
Antonia: Beyond councilwork, is/will also be: in the newspaper club, on the yearbook committee, in photography, on the cycling team, on the swim team, runs a very informative blog, and yoga club. She gets up to a lot when not keeping up with ninja or keeping her best friend(s) in one piece hfdfdfghd
Harumi: Right now is just focused on her councilwork, but over the years she also gets into: VOLLEYBALL, National Honor Society (or the Ninjago equivalent), tutoring, history club, math league, debate club, martial arts, occult club, and AP classes...She and Antonia are out here doing the most.
Olivia: Has phased out of her extracurriculars due to the Shark Army being an active threat again, but was in the occult club and the dnd-equivalent club. Also probably should not be told about the Debate Team.
Miranda: Nerd. Pioneers a social media club, eagerly joins Jay's fully realized robotics club down the line, joins the soccer and ping pong teams, and does film club, a coding/website-making extracurricular (easy for her with her hacking skills), anime/manga club, and a graphic design club.
Sunni: Does science fairs like Jay, but also joins the student council cabinet after Zane graduates (Nya becomes Prez, Jesse becomes Vice Prez, and she slots in as the new secretary), partakes in spelling bees, charity work, volleyball (at least for one year, just to try it–she's not very athletic otherwise), tutoring, science bowl, and photography. Just, not all at the same time.
Harleigh: Is not academic smart whatsoever, but finds ways to flaunt her skills in other ways such as: jewelry-making club, fencing team, swim team, and the ceramics club. Also attempts volleyball but only because Sunni is there
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
Not a prompt unless you want it to be, but you’re the only one who will appreciate -
George/Reader (or OC) where Reader is a Database Analyst for Fittes. Enemies to lovers.
Reader dedicates her life to making information more accessible/understandable/traceable and George can begrudgingly accept that. They make appointments with each other to argue over the merits of digitization, tagging systems, etc and if these arguments spill over into meal times, maybe they grab a bite and keep arguing, and oh no does everyone think we’re dating??
Anyways <3
a/n: RAHHHHHHHH I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH!!!! i know essentially nothing about technology though so i’ve probably butchered that part of this but i hope you enjoy!!! and thank you to @ikeasupremacy you really helped this go from a 2 page long flop that contained literally fuck all to a 5 page decent piece of work pahaha
warnings: mild language, mild angst words: 2.8K taglist: @neewtmas @locklylemybeloved @aayeroace @gotlostinfiction @waitingforthesunrise @mirrorballdickinson @mischiefmanaged71 @magicandmaybe @wellgoslowly @ettadear gn reader
Nice To Meet You - George Karim
“You know that, on the whole, this will make life way easier for you?”
“Since when do you want to make life easy for me?”
Taking an angry bite out of your sandwich, you say, “I’m not doing this specifically for you, twat. This is quite literally the purpose of my job, so it’s for everyone.”
George Karim sits back in his chair, glaring at you through the green reflections on his glasses. “And what exactly is the benefit of digitalising all of it?”
“Going over this again? Right, well, for one, there’s going to be new computers put into the Archives meaning more people can use them. Have I lost you yet? No? All right. For two, being able to search up what you want in a database is way easier than pacing for hours trying to find an old newspaper that someone might be using already. For three, multiple people can read the same file at the same time. You can’t do that with the musty old paper copies.”
There’s a moment of silence and an air of tension thick enough that you could cut it with a knife. The only sounds beyond George’s annoyed huffs of breath are the jingle of the café’s windchimes and chatter from other customers.
If you had your way, you wouldn’t even be sitting here discussing your plan of action with him, but your supervisor told you that you’d best talk about it to other agencies and their members to see what their thoughts are. Of course, the one time you head to Lockwood and Co. with the intention of speaking to them on purpose, hoping and praying you’d at least be speaking to Anthony Lockwood himself; you were sent off with his second and by far the most infuriating boy in all of London, George Karim. And, well, as you already know, he is a tough nut to crack.
“Why are you so stuck up on physical files, anyways?” you ask. “It’s not like we’re going to burn them on a pyre and force you to use a website. They’ll still be there. It just seems much more convenient to click a few buttons and have what you need.”
“They hold a particularly warm place in my heart,” he says with a hint of sarcasm. “But, fine, okay, life will be made easier for everybody with this new system. So why is it only being implemented now? Smaller agencies could’ve done with this years ago while Fittes and Rotwell and all the big companies have had it this whole time.”
Though you hate it, you can only shrug. “The big companies don’t want to have to compete with the smaller ones.”
“You’re saying this, but you’re working for Fittes, the biggest of the big companies.”
You grip your sandwich harder, pretending it’s George’s throat. “Yes, well, better pay than a smaller company. Some of us don’t get offered a bedroom when being accepted into a job. Besides, as much as I don’t like the big companies making a huge profit off of the Problem, I don’t have a choice. They’re the only ones with the resources I need. And, don’t forget, that’s where you used to work, too.”
Surprisingly, George doesn’t have a quip for that. He takes a thoughtful sip of his tea, glancing out of the café window and onto the busy street just beyond. The sunlight hits the lenses of his glasses in such a way that they shine a reflection down onto the table in front of you.
“So, this would be accessible for everyone?” he asks. “Not just the big agencies and their lackeys.”
“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this to make you believe it, but yes. If that wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t be doing this.”
Quite frankly, you’re not surprised about having to repeat things over and over. Every single conversation you’ve ever had with George, no matter how fleeting or filled with irritation, has seemed like he had the personal mission of finding flaws in everything you do. Holding your rapier wrong – you absolutely did not, if anything, he was holding his wrong. Pronouncing a word wrong once. Taking a moment longer than him to spell a ridiculously long word on a report.
Now is no different. It’s as if you can see the cogs turning in his mind, working overtime trying to find an issue with this plan. But there’s nothing, that much you know from you and your team’s extensive planning and the look of mild horror on his face.
You can’t help the proud smile that parts your lips. “Go on, then, Georgie. Thoughts?”
He gives you a scathing look that only fuels the pride burning in your chest. “I think…”
“I think that…”
“Carry on. I need to hear you say it.”
“Oh, shut up. I think that it’s a good idea.”
“Hmm? What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”
You’ve never seen such anger in a person’s eyes. “I think that it’s a good idea. Happy?”
“Very. That’s all I needed to hear.”
George opens his mouth to say something, probably something insulting, but a waitress breezes over. She’s a sweet middle-aged lady with a contagious smile that even has him easing up a bit.
With a twinkle in her warm eyes, she asks, “Is there anything else I can get the lovely couple?”
And that does it. If you weren’t so shocked yourself, the horrified expression on George’s face would’ve cracked you up. It looks as if someone stepped on his puppy and then tried to feed it to him. Then, amongst your own disgust, you realise that the expression is at the thought of dating you, and no matter the animosity the two of you share, you can’t help but be a little offended.
“Oh, uh, we’re not –“ You purse your lips. “Nothing else, thanks.”
She leaves momentarily, and your table lapses into an entirely uncomfortable silence. You can’t look at George. He can’t look at you. There’s a weird pit in your stomach. Nausea. Right? Because… Ew.
“I told you we shouldn’t have continued this conversation during my lunch break,” you grumble.
He hums in agreement, finding particular interest in his swirling tea. “We should probably go.”
“Yeah. Yeah, uh, we’ve covered all bases. Of the plan, I mean. Not anything else. The plan. My job.”
But, even still, you’re both sitting. You’re not moving. Why? Maybe you’re paralysed with disgust. Maybe the mere thought of people thinking that the two of you are dating is debilitating. Maybe, maybe, maybe… You’re considering it?
God, no. That’s horrid to even think about.
“I, um, are you heading back to the Archives, too?” you ask.
George takes a moment to respond, as if lost in a daze. “Oh. Yeah – Uh, yeah, I am.”
As soon as you stand, George is on his feet, enough money slapped on the table for the two of you, and heading over to the exit. And, well, as much as you want to let him head off on his own, here comes that realisation that it’s a little insulting that he is the one trying to escape so quickly.
What a little prick.
You’re out of the door almost as soon as he is, insistent that you will be the one ahead. Yeah, sure, you’re heading to the same place and could try to be amenable, but will you? God, no. You want him to know that you can leave just as easily and are just as horrified by this prospect of a relationship as he is.
Why wouldn’t he want to date you? Beyond the constant arguments you have, you’ve always figured you’re a pretty decent person. Smart, but not arrogantly so. Friendly. Funny. Good company. Caring. What’s not to like? How dare he be disgusted!
But he seems just as determined to reach the Archives first. It’s only a few corners away, but it feels like a miles-long race between the two of you. But if the prize is your dignity, then to hell with the distance – you’d go actual miles to preserve that, especially against George.
It comes to a halt when you’re forced to wait at traffic lights, unable to even slip across the street before they change from red to green merely because of the amount of coincidentally flooding traffic.
For what feels like hours, you have to stand beside him, listening to him breathe and mutter and tut as if this is the biggest inconvenience in the world. Hey, if he didn’t think a relationship with you was such a horrible idea then this wouldn’t be taking place!
No matter that you think the exact same. You’re allowed to feel like that.
Do you feel like that?
The beeping of the pedestrian crossing jerks you from your thoughts, and you’re rushing across the street before you know it. And, oh, curse his long legs! He’s getting ahead of you.
There’s an anger building up in your chest now, one that probably isn’t fully justified. Perhaps it stems from deep-rooted feelings of inadequacy you’ve not had the mind to think about for a little while now. Or even just out of pure spite of George Karim that has been pulsing through your veins for years now. Why has it been there? Because of him. Because of his incessant need to find flaws in your work and you, and his need to huff at anything you say or do. Like your existence is a bother.
Either way, the anger forms words before you can think to dismantle them. “What’s your issue with me?”
George pauses, near the side of the pavement, with the Archives in clear view behind him. He’s frowning over back you, dark eyes narrowed and bouncing with golden sunlight. Why should someone that hates you so be complimented by the sun? It’s entirely unfair, especially when it’s only blinding you.
You stop a foot or two in front of him, panting a little from walking so fast. “What exactly is your problem with me? What did I do to you? Because, far as I know, you’ve hated me ever since we first met.”
The words take a minute to process, and it looks as though he’s trying to figure out some hidden meaning behind them. There’s nothing hard about what you’ve asked. Nothing harder than admit you feel ashamed to have even asked it.
“I don’t –“ George’s frown only deepens, taking complete notice of the frustration on your face.
“Forget I asked,” you say. “It doesn’t matter. Stupid question anyways.”
But, when you start to walk away, a hand on your wrist stops you, pulling you back slightly. When you  look back, George is there, hand wrapped around your arm and staring at it as if it isn’t his own skin on yours. You expect him to pull away, disgusted at the thought of touching you, but his grip only softens slightly.
“I don’t hate you,” he says.
Scoffing, you say, “Yeah, right, and I’m Penelope Fittes. Let go of me.”
And, to his merit, he does. But your feet aren’t cooperating. They won’t move. Why, why, why won’t they move?
“I’ve never hated you,” he murmurs. His gaze is fixed on yours, something you’ve always noticed he’s steered clear of doing, and you feel frozen under it. “Intimidated, yeah.”
“Intimidated?” You roll your eyes. “George, come on. I was trying to be serious, but you’re just making a joke of it.”
The look in his eyes at that moment is a mix of desperation and exasperation. “I am being serious. Do you know how hard it is to be regarded as the smartest person someone’s met, to rely on the intelligence as your only form of worth to people, and then find someone smarter than you?”
Words try to form in your throat, only to crumble like chalk beneath too-strong fingers.
“And I’m sorry it’s made me lash out at you,” he continues. “I know it’s a horrible thing to do, but it’s like my mouth doesn’t want to cooperate with my brain. Truly, I regret how I’ve treated you. You’ve never deserved it.”
Your throat feels thick, and it’s hard to swallow. “Georgie, don’t lie.”
There’s a flicker of a smile on his lips then. “You know I like it when you call me that?”
“You told me you hated it when I call you Georgie,” you say, but it feels like your voice is dwindling.
“I told you that so you’d call me it more,” he admits. “(name), I really, truly have never hated you. And, again, I am so sorry I’ve treated you the way I have. I admire your intelligence and your insistence of sticking up for yourself. I just wish I had started things differently between us.”
The anger is back, burning a hole in your chest. “You’ve had years to tell me this. Why? Why didn’t you?”
He’s breathing rather heavily. “I was scared. I was trying to figure things out – my feelings, your feelings. But, more than anything, I couldn’t bring myself to change from the person you’d begun to see, because what if you hated the real me more than this one you know so well?” Now, his eyes tear away from yours as he stares up at the sky, looking for guidance from some divine being. “Even when you insulted me, I enjoyed it because it was from you. How lucky was I to even be able to speak to you, never mind hear you come up with all these unique names? There are millions of people who have never heard you speak, who have never had the pleasure of speaking to you or will never have it again, and I didn’t even want to chance becoming one of them.”
With that, the flames roaring inside your chest are extinguished. Instead, now, there’s a strange, unfamiliar feeling in your stomach that inches its way up your body and into your mouth, holding your tongue and stopping your ability to speak.
Despite all the quips, the need to find faults in what you do, he has never meant it. How horrible does that make you, saying all of these things to him because that was how you genuinely felt?
Do they count, seeing as they were formed on the basis of a personality that doesn’t truly exist?
Your fingers hurt from tearing at the skin around your nails. “You really think I’m so bad that I wouldn’t like the real you? Georgie, there is no way I wouldn’t have preferred it.”
He laughs at that, and the sound only bolsters this strange feeling in your stomach. Not quite butterflies, but almost. More melancholic. Could you have had the opportunity to hear that laugh for years now? To cherish it the way a person does a memory? The way an artist does a creation?
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell you how sorry I am,” he says, and you swear he inches slightly closer. “About the way I acted. The fact it’s taken me this long to admit this to you. All of it. I don’t expect you to forgive me.”
And you don’t. Not really. Not when it’s left a hollow feeling in your chest, left by the realisation that everything you said was unfounded and cruel and based on a person you had no true conception of. Not when this is how it has been for years between you both. Weeks, you could understand. But years?
There’s a part of you, though, that could potentially forgive him, given the chance. George may be quick to criticise or provide information for something, but he has always kept his emotions at arm’s length, that much even you know. So, for him to come and outright tell you all of this takes insane courage.
Even still, you can’t fully comprehend it all.
“Well,” you say, “you paid for my lunch. So that’s a start.”
He smiles then. A flash of white teeth and an insurgence of unfamiliar fondness in your heart.
“We could restart,” he suggests, pushing his glasses up his nose just so.
Despite the hollowness, you nod and manage a small smile. “I’d like that.”
Not even a second later, his hand is hovering in the air just between you both. “George Karim. Nice to meet you.”
It shouldn’t make your smile grow, it really shouldn’t, but it does.
“(name) (last name),” you say, clutching his hand in yours. “Nice to meet you, too.”
And, somehow, that smile of his, one you’re sure you’ll grow more accustomed to, adds a small piece of filling to the hole in your chest.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
III ║ Dapple Grey
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Jack Daniels x f!reader
{ << Part 2: Buckskin | Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Part 4: Strawberry Roan >> }
Rating: M (will be E in future chapters)
Summary: Tinder is a dangerous game. So is Never Have I Ever.
Warnings: Flirting, yearning, insecurities, sexual tension, gratuitous descriptions of the male body, sexual innuendoes, language, mention of food, drinking, drinking games, mention of breakup, no use of Y/N
Word count: 6.5k
Notes: I had a little bit of a meltdown writing this part. Thank you @mandoblowmybackout and @prolix-yuy for talking me out of it ❤️ I had the busiest week so I didn't have as much time as I usually do for edits, so this chapter's a bit of an… experiment 🙈 Thank you for everyone who's been so kind to me and this series - I hope you enjoy this part! 🦄
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Dapple grey: A grey or white horse with spots or areas of a darker colour.
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Day 2
‘Stop looking at me.’
‘I’m not.’
You turn the camera around to show Jack the photo you just took and deadpan, ‘I have literal proof of you looking straight at me.’
The two of you are sitting underneath the shade of a tree, a simple lunch laid out in the middle on a picnic blanket. The horse’s saddles and packs are resting against the trunk behind you while they graze nearby.
In front of you, several yards away, the grassy plain drops off into a deep valley. And beyond - a sight to behold. If the bentonite hills had been sculpted by a higher being, they must have run an inadvertent finger through the clay while it was on the spinning wheel, creating dramatic curves that cut into the soft rock. The hills are painted from left to right for miles and miles in white, red and green stripes, candy cane colours faded under the sun.
Jack gives you a scowl as he rolls up his tortilla wrap, but there’s no real annoyance behind it. He grumbles, ‘It’s hard not to. You’re pointing the camera at me.’
‘Well, you gave me full control of today’s photography, so you have to do what I say.’
He flings an accusatory finger at you. ‘Only because you promised to help us with our marketing.’
You press a dramatic hand to your chest. ‘What exactly are you insinuating, cowboy?’
‘You’re obviously taking pictures for the Tinder thing instead, which, by the way, I am not convinced about,’ replies and takes a bite of his wrap.
‘Not convinced - ha! Says the guy who drives two hours to a bar and doesn’t even know if he’ll get laid,’ you retort. ‘And don’t you worry, cowboy, these pictures will definitely work for both the ranch and Tinder.’
His frowns. ‘What do you mean for the ranch?’
‘I mean for the website and social media. Honestly, I’m surprised there aren’t any pictures of you on there already. You guys would get so much business you’ll have to turn people away.’
He cocks an eyebrow, arrogance seeping into his smile. ‘Oh, and why is that?’
You roll your eyes at his fishing for a compliment. ‘You know why, cowboy.’
‘Enlighten me, darlin’,’ he insists with a wink. ‘I want to hear it from the horse’s mouth.’
You put the cap back on the lens and reprimand, ‘What did I say about your ego last night?’
You avoid his gaze as you unwittingly steer the conversation into dangerous waters. You probably shouldn’t be bringing up anything from the night before - at all. There’s no alcohol to blame in the bright light of day though. Somehow, just being around this cowboy is enough to cloud your better judgement and make you say reckless things.
When you finally peer at him out of the corner of your eye, he casts you no more than an amused glance. Polishing off his lunch and dusting his hands, he looks away to watch the horses.
The morning hours before passed with no mention of what transpired by firelight. All the tension that has built up between you two in the dark burned off with the daybreak mist, and you’re feeling a lot lighter after your little bedtime distraction. And in the absence of any suggestive ogling or innuendoes from the cowboy, you conclude that you must have gotten away with it. All you are is a bit saddle sore, but nothing too serious, and you ride on with little difficulty. 
An easy camaraderie has set in between you and Jack after surviving your first night together in the mountains. The banter packs a bit more punch now that you are no longer complete strangers, and you spend the morning trading horsey stories.
Jack learned to ride on his uncle’s farm. His first pony belonged to his older cousin who lost interest in the sport, so he spent years riding Sparkles, resplendent in matching pink bridle and saddle, until he outgrew her. He worked in and around the equestrian circuit until Champ offered him the job ten years ago, after meeting at a rodeo.
The conversation petered out when the lush green landscape gave way to drier sand, and suddenly, towering ahead, were the famous soaring red earth formations that you’ve been travelling the last two days for. Jutting out of the ground and chiselled by centuries of wind and rain, the echoing clops of the horses’ hooves bounced off the crimson stone as you rode under arches and past columns, dwarfed by the natural architecture.
After spending the better part of an hour exploring the red earth valley, you were taking a quick water break in the shade, when an idea struck you. 
‘Do you think I’d get a discount for my next trip if I helped you guys with your online marketing?’
Jack chuckled. ‘Already thinking about coming back, huh? I mean I’ve always been told that I’m charming, but a turnaround this quick-’
You leaned out of your saddle to give him a small slap on the shoulder for his cheek. ‘Don’t let it get to your head, cowboy. I’m doing it for selfish reasons - a project like this would be a great addition to my portfolio.’
‘What exactly do you do for a living?’ he asked.
Capping your water bottle, you fastened it to its holder. ‘Branding and marketing. I work at an agency now, but someday I want to start my own business, so I always take on projects on the side when I have time.’
‘And you didn’t even bring your own equipment?’ he teased.
You pouted. ‘C’mon, let me borrow yours. I won’t drop it, I promise.’
With a dramatic sigh, Jack relented, ‘You know I can’t say no to you, darlin’.’
Now, hours later, he clearly wishes that he did. Jumping onto his feet, he leans down and unceremoniously plucks the camera from your hands, prompting an indignant cry.
‘That’s it,’ he grunts. ‘I’m laying down the law. No more pictures of me today.’
You shrug, not bothering to look up as he walks away towards the saddlebags. ‘Joke’s on you, cowboy! I got more than enough for your Tinder profile and the ranch.’
At the unexpected click of the shutter, your head snaps up to see Jack grinning at you from behind the camera a couple of feet away. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’
‘Taking photos for your profile,’ he replies triumphantly.
You pull your hat down low over your face and grumble, ‘Stop it! I’m covered in sweat and dirt.’
He scoffs. ‘So am I! Didn’t stop you though, did it?’
Ugh. Does this insufferable man not understand that sweat and dirt only adds to his appeal?
You grouse, ‘And how are you going to be able to help with my profile? You’ve never even heard of the app.’
Jack crouches down to pack the camera securely in a saddlebag, peering at you over his shoulder. ‘I’m a man. Surely my opinion would count for something.’
Oh, he doesn’t need to tell you that. He’s all man. One whose very tight jeans are practically straining against his pert backside while he rearranges the packing on one knee.
Standing up, Jack whistles at the horses grazing nearby. He turns to you and says, ‘Come on, darlin’, no more clownin’ around on my watch. We got some ground to cover to get to our camp for tonight.’
You groan half-jokingly, climbing to your feet and grumble, ‘Yes, sir.’
You notice the way he stiffens. There’s a twitch in his neck as if he’s holding himself back from turning towards you, and his jaw shifts like he’s grinding his teeth. When you walk up behind him, he clears his throat deliberately and busies himself with the tack as the horses trot lazily back towards you.
You reach out to rub Scotch on the nose when he approaches, giving him half of the apple you saved for him from lunch. You keep an eye on Jack, your mind whirring, as you saddle up for the afternoon.
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Turns out the cowboy wasn’t joking. It’s a seriously hard ride, with long stretches of cantering over flat ground. It’s as exhilarating as it is hard on your body - your calves and thighs are burning, your shoulders ache, and you start to actually worry if you’ll be able to carry on tomorrow. If you even survive this afternoon, that is.
You’re on what feels like the hundredth backbreaking canter streak of the day. Jack and Whiskey a safe four horse-lengths ahead, Bourbon following behind you and Scotch. The sun is veiled by clouds, but the heat is no less forgiving. You’re sweat-soaked to the bone, hair sticking to your forehead and the back of your neck. You’ve never been so desperate for a shower and a cold drink.
You see Jack stand up in his stirrups and turn around in his saddle to check on you. You must look like hell, because he takes mercy on you and holds up a hand to signal the end of the lope. When Scotch slows down to a walk next to Whiskey, he asks, barely winded, ‘You ok, darlin’?’
Panting for air, you reach desperately for your water. ‘Are you trying to kill me, cowboy? You remember what I said about the gym last night, right?’
He chuckles, taking a drink of water himself. ‘I’m sorry, I know I’m pushing you, but there’s somethin’ I want to show you before we lose the light.’
You swipe at a bead of sweat running down the side of your cheek with your clothed shoulder, too tired to sit up straight in the saddle anymore. You point a threatening finger at him. ‘It better be worth it, or I swear I’ll have your head.’
Jack gives you an encouraging pat on the back. ‘I promise it will be. Come on, darlin’, I know you can do it.’
Despite your exhaustion, some baser instinct in you can’t help but preen at his words. Damn your need for approval and praise from the lips of a handsome man.
It’s another hour or so on the road when you discern a drop in temperature, the sun starting its descent for the day, though the sky remains bright. Jack slows you down to an easy trot, craning his neck, as if searching for something. Distracted by an itch on your ankle, deep inside your boots, you don’t notice Whiskey coming to an abrupt halt in front of you.
‘Whoa, sorry,’ you apologise, gathering up the reins last-second to stop Scotch from running straight into the chestnut’s rump. ‘I wasn’t paying atten- ’
You trail off when you look up, hands frozen awkwardly in mid-air as all your motor functions grind to a stop.
You’re not sure how or where it came from - an enormous field of wildflowers in bloom stretches before you, as far as the eye can see.
‘Did I deliver on that promise, darlin’?’
Air rushes into your lungs when Jack’s words register, and only then do you realise you’ve been holding your breath. Robbed of your faculties, you answer with a mute nod.
Jack smiles broadly at your speechlessness. ‘Come on. Let’s take a closer look.’
Scotch follows when Jack nudges Whiskey down the small slope. The meadow parts like softly lapping waves around the horses’ knees, a riot of colour and scent. If it was earlier in the afternoon, you’re sure there would be a muted buzz of honey bees hard at work. It’s mostly still at this hour, other than the whistle of grass and leaves brushing the horses’ legs as you make your way deeper into the field. 
Your eyes dart about, barely focusing long enough to recognise what’s in front of you - bluebells, woodland sage, verbena, daisies, foxglove - and far more that you can’t name off the top of your head. The sweet nectar is overwhelming, and when a breeze stirs, it washes over you like a gentle mist from a perfume bottle.
Slowly regaining your senses, a familiar sound catches your ear. Glancing to your left, Jack has his camera aimed at you as the horses walk slowly.
You grin, not caring that you’re a mess. Your knees brush when the horses drift into each other’s course. ‘Thanks for bringing me here, Jack.’
‘My pleasure,’ he tips his hat at you. ‘So - there’s a camp around three quarters of an hour’s ride away, but we can stay here tonight if you want to.’
Your chest swells excitedly at the prospect, but you demur, ‘Will it be too much hassle? We don’t have anything here.’
With a wave of his hand, Jack dismisses your doubts. ‘It’s just the two of us, it can be easily done. There’s a stream a short distance that way, which is all we need. I’ll take care of everything else.’
A grin breaks across your face. ‘If you’re sure it’s not too much trouble - I’d love to camp here tonight. Thank you.’
Jack nods. ‘Of course. Anythin’ for you, darlin’.’
You don't want to contemplate how you’ll ever go back to an existence where you don’t have cowboys with gorgeous brown eyes telling you things like that. And you suppose you don't have to - at least for a few more days.
‘Can I help with anything?’ you offer.
He shakes his head adamantly, one hand outstretched as if to physically stop you. ‘Absolutely not. Stay here with Scotch and Pinto, take a breather, stretch your legs - I’ll get everything ready.’
When Jack and Whiskey return half an hour later, having loaded up on water and firewood, he finds both horses untacked and brushed down. A smile tugs at his lips - of course you wouldn’t listen to him. The tack and saddlebags are neatly laid out, the cooking supplies already unpacked in preparation for dinner.
Scotch and Pinto are lying down, hooves tucked tidily under themselves, snacking on grass and half-dozing. You’re sitting cross-legged next to the palomino, braiding daisies into his white mane. You look up when you hear Jack approach.
‘I moved us further down so we don’t set fire to the field,’ you joke, pointing at the slightly barer patch of land.
‘Well done, darlin’,’ he replies and dismounts, giving Whiskey a big pat before quickly unsaddling him. Tipping his face to the sky, he remarks, ‘I think we’ll have quite a sunset tonight.’
Despite it only being the second day of the trip, you and Jack seem to have settled into a comfortable rhythm. He sets up the fire while you shower, and then you feed the horses - dry feed with apple and carrot bits for tonight - while Jack nips off for his.
He doesn’t protest when you help with dinner - corn chowder and jacket potatoes are on the menu this evening. While Jack preps the vegetables for the soup, you oil, season and wrap the potatoes in foil, planting them directly into the fire for a slow roasting.
At the first sign of the sky turning colours, you set up your phone on timelapse, propping it against your water bottle behind the two of you, with the horses and the campfire in-shot as the sun starts to sink. You don’t have to worry about battery life as the solar chargers are fully charged from abundant sunshine these couple of days, and there will be electricity at the Halfway House when you get there tomorrow.
At some point, both of you stop what you’re doing to watch the sunset. The sky is stained blood orange, the colour dripping from the horizon to stretch across the field of wildflowers until it is awash in red. A flock of birds cut across the cloudless horizon in a homeward formation, their caws echoing in the valley.
The digital click of the shutter pulls you out of your thoughts.
‘Jack,’ you berate him half-heartedly.
‘Come here, darlin’,’ he shuffles closer and turns the camera around so the front is pointed at you both. You can see your reflection in the lens - and he presses the shutter-release.
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The chowder is delicious, as has been everything Jack has made so far on the trip. But after dinner, when the plates have been washed and the sleeping bags rolled out, belly full but slumber not yet come knocking, and Jack asks if you want a nightcap with a twinkle in his eyes - you decide that’s your favourite time of the day.
He puts a kettle on the fire, and pulls a tin of cocoa from a saddlebag. ‘You want a hot chocolate? We can make it Irish.’
You chuckle. ‘Sounds good, cowboy.’
Steaming mugs in hand, Jack carefully makes his way to your sleeping bag, the fire tracing his silhouette in bright orange. You take one, legs crossed and elbows on your knees, thanking him before taking a ginger taste. 
A violent cough racks your frame, the potency taking you by surprise. ‘Jesus Christ - is this three-quarters whiskey?’
Jack cracks a roguish grin in your direction. ‘Maybe. But I bet you can take it, darlin’.’
Holy fuck. 
Heat creeps up the back of your neck and spreads over the planes of your cheeks, and you duck behind your drink. Under the cover of night, in that gravelly Southern drawl, his words wield an unholy power.
Not ready to spar yet, you take a steadying inhale and a long sip, the alcohol burning on its way down. You grab the camera that’s been lying closeby all evening and say, ‘Let’s go over the photos I took today. I might even let you choose which ones to use for your profile.’
He snorts in jest, but shifts closer so that he can see the screen. ‘Sure, I believe you, darlin’.’
For such a good-looking man, Jack doesn’t seem to have a vain bone in his body. He is complimentary of your photography, stopping you when you want to zoom past the reel of your scenic shots. Instead, he takes the time to politely appreciate the composition, framing and lighting. But whenever one of him shows up, it’s he who wants to fast forward, uncomfortable with the attention of seeing himself on film. 
When your drinks run low, Jack gets up to get more cocoa and hot water. You two are in the middle of an argument about the merits of (or according to him, the lack thereof) candid shots, after he vetoes one that you propose for Tinder.
‘Why that one?’ he disputes, collecting your mug. ‘I’m not even looking at the camera!’
‘That’s the whole point!’ you rebut. ‘It’s natural and in the moment. It’s a great photo of you!’
You ignore him as he grumbles while he mixes the cocoa. You click all the way through the reel, reaching the last photo of the day - the selfie of the two of you at sunset. Glancing up to make sure Jack is still occupied, you steal a moment to really study at the shot. 
It’s a flattering take, the lighting and angle kind on you. You admire the way Jack’s eyes crinkle warmly at the corners, one side of his moustache tilted up with his smile, tidy teeth peeking out from behind that wicked mouth.
This damn cowboy.
Accidentally, your finger brushes a button on the dial, taking you to the top of the SD card. What comes on screen first appears innocuous enough - but when your gaze focuses, you freeze and your jaw drops.
Jack’s just poured a tall measure of whiskey into each mug when he notices you’ve fallen completely motionless, camera still in your hands. With a frown, he leans over to see why.
‘Jesus Christ!’ he swears loudly, leaping forward to snatch it away from you, nearly knocking over both drinks in the process. He just about tosses the machine away as if it burns him. ‘Shit, fuck, shit. Fuck!’
You haven’t heard him cuss much yet on the trip, and you’re not sure if that’s what triggers it, but suddenly you’re laughing so hard that your chest heaves and your lungs ache. Tears sting the corners of your eyes as you gasp for breath, what you saw on the screen seared into your memory.
It’s a photo Jack took of himself in what you assume is a bathroom mirror, his left hand holding the camera. Something about him is different, maybe his hair is a bit shorter, more slicked back. A flannel shirt hangs unbuttoned on his firm body, just like yesterday when he was undressing at the lake. It’s innocent enough up to this point.
Lower still, his belt with the now familiar flask buckle dangles undone, jeans shoved carelessly just past his pelvis. His large hand - which you’re now used to seeing deftly grasping the reins or resting on his thigh as he rides next to you - is wrapped around the base of what appears to be a very generously sized, very hard cock.
You just wish you’d been granted a few more seconds to peruse before Jack ripped the camera from you.
Finally, you wheeze, ‘Who takes nude pics on a DSLR?’
Jack runs a palm over his face and sighs. ‘You saw the state of my phone, the camera doesn’t work. The pictures were for my ex, she lived two states away and we didn’t see each other much. I thought I deleted them ages ago.’
You make grabby hands at the fresh hot chocolates, which he passes to you. You squeak, ‘I’m not drunk enough for this.’
Even in the dark, you can see the tips of his ears turning beet red, and you don't think you're imagining the insecurity in his tone as he mutters, ‘Sorry, that was embarrassin’.’
‘Why are you sorry? I didn’t see anything you should apologise for,’ you reply truthfully, swirling your drink, the hot steam warming your nose as you take a sip. 
Jack peers at you with a bemused frown. ‘No?’
His gaze follows as you lick an errant drop of chocolate from the corner of your mouth. You add slyly, ‘I don’t see anything to be embarrassed about, either.’
‘Is that so?’ He hums thoughtfully, a self-assuredness squaring his broad shoulders as he leans towards you. ‘Does that mean you liked what you saw then, darlin’?’
It’s a loaded question. You give him a lopsided smile, and with more bravado than you feel, you quip, ‘I don’t know - I’ll have to take a closer look, cowboy.’
He holds your challenging stare when he knocks back a mouthful of his drink, and smacking his lips, he grins, ‘All you have to do is ask.’
Batting your eyelashes ironically, you half-joke, ‘Do I have to say please, too?’
Jack breathes out hard through his nostrils, a strangled laugh caught in his chest. He chides, ‘Behave, darlin’.’ 
And with two little words, he turns the tables on you and shoves you up a metaphorical wall. The shudder that ripples through your body at being told to behave by this cowboy doesn’t escape his keen observation, and his lips quirk in a cocksure manner. 
Jack opens his mouth as if he’s about to say something, but he’s interrupted by a quick succession of pings from your phone, which has been silent since the start of the trip. The sound is alien in the quiet of the mountains.
Your brow wrinkles in confusion. ‘Uh - what’s happening?’
It might be wishful thinking on your part, but disappointment seems to flash across Jack’s features as you change the subject.
‘There’s a weather station nearby. Sometimes we get the splash off,’ he explains.
You give him an enquiring look. ‘You know what I’m going to do now?’
Jack sighs in resignation. ‘I won’t be able to get away with this Tinder business, will I?’
‘Don’t be so glum about it, cowboy, it’s fun,’ you wink. ‘First things first - do you have a Facebook account?’
Lying on your stomach, your pillow tucked under your chest and your socked feet up in the air behind you, you look like you’re settling in for the long haul. Jack rearranges himself accordingly, rolling up his sleeping bag and reclines into it like it was a beanbag. With a deep drag of his drink, he takes stock of the situation. 
First, Champ tries to set him up with you. 
And now, you’re trying to set him up with an online dating account.
If questioned a few moments ago, he would still have thought that he was the cause of your little show last night. Right now - he’s not so sure anymore.
He’d been on the cusp of sleep when he heard you - a whimper that would’ve passed him by if the fire had cackled, or if a breeze had rustled the leaves in the trees. But in that window of perfect silence, he heard you. It paralysed him, sending blood rushing everywhere but his head, and he was up for hours, until his erection was eventually forced to dissipate from literal exhaustion.
Today has been something of a struggle, but he has bouts of sleeplessness every now and then, and even when it gets really fucking bad - he copes. He knows for a fact that you haven’t noticed. Hell, even his own team can’t pick up on it unless it’s been three nights and he literally trips over his feet walking on the fourth morning.
On the upside, at least the fatigue has forced him to keep his head on whatever task is at hand, sparing no room for thoughts about what he heard in the dark. But when you said ‘yes, sir’ earlier with such casual nonchalance, and the way you so boldly met him blow for blow just now - it took him all he’s got to fucking physically hold it together.
He’s not sure how it’s gone from that to you setting him up on Tinder, and by extension, with other women - in so fervent a manner.
Has he been reading you wrong this whole time? He’s barely taken a break from flirting with you, and he knows he’s not imagining your reactions to him when he pushes you a bit harder - just so he can see your eyes widen and hear your breath hitch - for him.
Watching you type on your phone with gusto, shooting questions at him - what’s your email address? How old are you? Do you want to link your Tinder account to your Facebook? - he wonders if he's lost his touch without realising it.
It’s been a couple of years since he broke up with his ex-girlfriend. She was sweet but his heart wasn’t in it, and the long-distance didn’t help. It’s been the odd one night stand here and there since, and while he’s not one to brag, his record is pretty damn near perfect.
Not that there’s much competition in this neck of the woods - well, Tequila puts up a good fight if they’re on a night out together. But right now, he’s the only man for miles and miles, and somehow, he’s still losing.
So he tops up his mug (it’s mostly just whiskey now), and he drinks until you reach out and poke him on the knee, grinning from ear to ear. Jack bites the inside of his cheek and wishes you wouldn’t smile at him like that. Not when he can’t figure you out.
You wear the fireside glow so well, like you’ve always spent your days in the saddle, traversing the Wyoming hinterland, and ending your nights at the warmth of a campfire. 
Like you belong here.
‘What do you think?’ you prompt him, tipping the screen towards him.
He takes your phone and studies it. It’s a photo of him that you took this morning, with his age and job listed on top of it in the bottom left corner. He shrugs. ‘I don’t know, you tell me. I have nothing to compare this to.’ 
Undaunted by his uninspired response, you swipe through enthusiastically, showing him the other uploads. ‘Look, I took some pictures from your Facebook page too. Trust me, you’ll be knee deep in pussy before you know it, cowboy.’
He chokes on his drink, which draws a chortle from you. He shakes his head, but he’s smiling. ‘Are you always so crass, darlin’?’
You salute him with your almost empty mug. ‘Only when nefarious cowboys spike my hot chocolate with way too much whiskey.’
He huffs a laugh. ‘One more or should we call it a night?’
‘We can’t go to bed yet, setting up your account is only step one. I still have to show you how to swipe right,’ you protest, but the screen abruptly goes blank when you tap on it. ‘Shit, the connection’s gone!’
‘Praise the Lord,’ Jack proclaims, turning his palms heavenward in relief. His knees creak when he gets up to add more wood to the fire. ‘What do you want to do now, then?’ 
You put your phone away reluctantly. ‘I don’t know. What do you usually do with guests?’
‘Depends,’ he grunts when he sits down, close to you. ‘If the Kingsman were here, we’d play poker and darts.’
‘I got to say I’m glad they’re not here, then,’ you say with a wrinkle of your nose. It’s getting colder, so you sit up and drape the cosy blanket across your shoulders. When the idea comes to mind, you almost leap up from your seat in excitement. ‘Oh I know! How about a game of never have I ever?’
Jack scoffs. ‘Are you fourteen?’
‘It’s a classic. Please? It’ll be fun,’ you needle, waving the now half-empty bottle at him. ‘We still have to finish this off.’
He pins you with a stern look. ‘We’ll get wasted.’
You shrug with a cheeky grin. ‘So? I’m on holiday, and we’re halfway there already.’
‘Just don’t blame me for your inevitable hangover tomorrow, darlin’,’ he replies in capitulation.
‘I’ll give you a get out of jail card,’ you assure him. Rubbing your hands together, you jump right into it. ‘Ok, I’ll start - never have I ever had a dog.’
Jack drinks, repositioning his long limbs so that he’s sat with one leg outstretched, and the other bent at the knee. He asks, ‘You’re not a dog person?’
‘I love dogs, just never had the space in the city,’ you answer. ‘I’m the designated dog sitter for all of my friends and neighbours though.’
Setting the bottle down between you, Jack continues, ‘Never have I ever had a cat.’
You drink and muse, ‘I miss having a cat - haven’t had one since I was a kid. Maybe I’ll look into adoption when I get home.’
Travel comes up next. You drink at his never have I ever been to Asia (you went backpacking all over for two months after graduation), and he drinks at your never have I ever been to Europe (he travelled to Greece for the Olympics when he worked as a groom for a short stint). 
You trade several more benign questions until, with an impish grin and a rush of alcohol-induced adrenaline, you tilt your head to one side and change the direction of the game. ‘Never have I ever - sent nudes.’
‘That’s not fair!’ complains Jack as you giggle, thrusting the bottle towards him.
‘I’m the guest, I don’t have to play fair,’ you retort.
‘Two can play this game,’ he shoots back, narrowing his eyes playfully. ‘Never have I ever used Tinder.’
‘Well played, cowboy,’ you smirk, grabbing the whiskey from him and taking a sip. After a moment’s consideration, you divulge, ‘Never have I ever had a one night stand.’
His eyebrows reach for his hairline, his voice deep as he comments, ‘So you’re one of them good girls, huh?’
Teeth catching your bottom lip, your answer echoes so clearly between your ears that for a moment, you thought you’d said the words out loud.
I can be. For you.
‘Always been a relationship kinda girl,’ you admit, somewhat belatedly, as he takes a sip.
He smiles, then with a wriggle of his eyebrows, he fires his next shot. ‘Never have I ever - fancied a cowboy.’
Your mouth hangs open in bewilderment, your heart threatening to hammer its way out of the confines of the ribcage. Is he drunk? 
Well, you both are.
He’s watching you, his posture loose and relaxed. There’s no deviousness in his gaze, not even the playful kind. If anything, he appears - genuinely curious?
You suppose you could lie, but… you don’t want to. Keeping your eyes on him, you pluck the whiskey from his grasp. You add high-handedly, ‘Just so you know, I’ve met a lot of cowboys before you. So many, you wouldn’t believe.’
A lazy smirk curls his lips as he watches you take a swig. ‘Sure, darlin’ - what with all the ranches you’ve been to.’
Dangling the bottle in front of his face in a challenge, you retaliate. ‘Never have I ever fancied a guest.’
Instead of reaching out with his fingers, Jack drags himself across the sleeping bag so he’s practically hovering over you to grab the whiskey. Echoing your words, he says, ‘Just so you know, I’ve met a lot of guests before you.’
You watch his Adam’s apple bob when he swallows. He’s so close you’re tempted to count the whiskers on his neatly trimmed beard.
‘It’s your turn, darlin’,’ rasps Jack, but you’re immobilsed by the brush of his calloused fingers against the tips of yours, planted on the sleeping bag.
You stammer, coming up blank. ‘Um - uh - never have I ever - ever -’
Jack gives you a crooked grin. ‘Need some help?’
Throat dry, you can only nod.
He leans in, his exhale hitting the shell of your ear, and he delivers the coup de grace. ‘Never have I ever touched myself thinking of said cowboy.’
Your eyes widen and you stop breathing. Oh fuck. He heard you. He knows. 
Turns out you weren’t quiet enough after all.
And yet - you can’t bring yourself to be ashamed, not when he’s staring you with something that looks a lot like reverence.
You realise you haven’t addressed the gauntlet he’s thrown down at your feet. Bringing the whiskey to your lips, you confess with a wet gulp of whiskey, the liquid sloshing hollowly in the almost empty bottle when you place it down next to you.
The tension thrums between the two of you like some quantum disturbance, one that’s been building and ebbing for the last forty-eight hours. The air grows thick, his eyes dropping to your mouth the same time his rough palm moves to cover the back of your hand, startling you. Misjudging his proximity, your nose knocks into his cheek when you turn your head, and a quiet gasp slips past your lips when you feel his hot breath brush the hollow of your neck -
So caught up in the moment, it takes you three long seconds to realise that the two of you have suddenly broken apart, and three more for your head to grasp why. 
The ringtone blaring from your phone is deafening in the tension-laden silence. Across the bright screen, your ex’s name flashes clearly. 
Motherfucking cockblocking asshole.
Before you can unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth to protest - or ask him to please stay - Jack has gotten onto his feet with a rueful smile and a shake of his head. Scooping up his sleeping bag and tucking it under one strong arm, he reaches for a bottle of water that he filled up earlier and places it next to your pillow, knowing that you’ll need it in the morning.
Even in the shadows, you can discern his eyes sliding over your face. His whispered words barely reach you as he turns on his heels. ‘Good night, darlin’.’
You let the call ring out.
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It’s still dark when you feel a hand grip your shoulder, pulling you out of a shallow slumber.
‘Jack?’ you croak, rubbing your eyes that are sticky with sleep. ‘Is something wrong?’
He shakes his head with a reassuring smile that you can barely see in the din. ‘No, I just wanted to show you somethin’. Put on your shoes and bring your blanket, darlin’, it’s cold.’
Even wrapped up in fleece, you huddle into yourself as you follow him. He leads you past the dying fire and snoozing horses, a thermos in one hand, the other tucked into the pocket of a battered thick denim jacket. 
You stumble when your feet catch on knots in the grass, and Jack reaches out to steady you, his reflexes fast even in this ungodly hour.
When your sight slowly adjusts to the darkness, you see that you’re approaching what you presume is Jack’s sleeping bag on the ground. He nudges you gently towards it with a quiet, ‘Make yourself comfortable, darlin’.’
You do, hugging your knees to your chest, your icy fingertips trying to find warmth under the  blanket. Jack settles down next to you, and noticing your shiver, he wraps his extra quilt around your shoulders.
‘Yes please.’
The thermos warms your hands as you hold it, hot steam hitting your face as you drink carefully so you don’t burn your tongue. You’re too groggy (and more than a bit hungover) to try to figure out what is going on, and Jack doesn’t enlighten you, happy to sit in the silence as you pass him the bottle. The tea burns a comforting trail down to your stomach, warming you from the inside.
You don’t have to wait long for what comes next.
It starts with the faintest of glows. The ghost of your breath misting in front of your face. The distant, backlit profile of the Bighorn. The outline of bush and flora, then the textures fill in as the light swells. And without warning, the dawn breaks, colour spilling across the field of wildflowers, like a light has been switched on. 
A light fog hangs in the air, gently refracting the morning rays into an iridescent sheen. In every direction, the ground is carpeted by a sea of summer blooms. It looks like a page ripped straight out of a book that starts with the age-old refrain of once upon a time. 
You turn to Jack. He’s watching you closely with a smile, hair sleep-mussed, the sunrise casting him in rose gold.
It might have been you. It might have been him. It might not matter in the grand scheme of things. 
The next thing you know, your shoulders bump and your lips meet. A sigh catches in your throat when he takes your lower lip between his, dragging slowly and sweetly, the wet friction and the tickle of his moustache on your Cupid’s bow chasing a shiver down your spine. 
When he pulls back, he traces the tip of his nose across your cheek before tucking it behind your ear, his arm closing in around your waist.
‘Happy birthday, darlin’.’
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More notes: They're going to get to the Halfway House next chapter. Just FYI 👀 I've really made you guys wait for the smut for this one, I swear I didn't plan it this way, but here we are. In the meantime, I'm going to try not to psyche myself out because I haven't written any smut since Consent ended. But I'll worry about that later, for now, thank you for reading and for the wonderful feedback so far - comments and reblogs are so appreciated as always!
Horsey notes (optional reading): This part is a bit thin on horses so this is quite random. Horses love treats - carrots, apples and polo mints will all be devoured. Make sure the treats aren't cut too small to encourage horses to chew before they swallow. Carrots can be broken into 2 or 3 pieces, and should be fed horizontally instead of vertically, to encourage chewing. Apples can be quartered or halved. When feeding, stretch out your hand flat, don't curl up your fingers or you can accidentally get bitten!
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ecargmura · 5 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Episode 4 Review - The Sparkling Star's Little Baby Sun
A new member joins the Fujiyoshi family! There are some people that are a bit upset that Masaki’s pregnant belly didn’t show, but that’s the case of some omegaverse stories; they skip the belly and go straight into the post-birthing time skip. Why is that? Risks, perhaps.
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A little fun fact about Hikari in this episode. Did you notice how his face looks chubby and round in the first half? Now take a look at him in the second half, his face is less chubby and round, but it’s still babyish. Hikari was two years old in the first half of the episode but after the time skip, he’s three now. How do I know? The official website lists Hinata’s birthday as January 7. Hikari’s birthday is April 14. The time skip was 6 months after the cute scene with the family before her birth. While Masaki said that he had Hikari in his womb for 10 months, Hinata seems to be around the same? The pregnancy announcement was exactly on Hikari’s birthday on April. Count 10 months later, it’ll be January. That means the first half took place around July. The second half is probably several months after Hinata’s birth, meaning that Hikari’s birthday had already passed and now he’s three. Hinata can crawl, meaning that she’s around six months? Hikari’s growing too fast, honestly; look at him! He can speak more articulately now, albeit still having the baby lisp.
Hinata is adorable! I love how each baby look like one of the parent but not completely. Hikari looks like Hiromu, but has Masaki’s hair curls. Hinata looks like Masaki, but has Hiromu’s straight hair and long eyelashes. I love that they’re not a 100% carbon copy of one parent, but maybe like a 98% copy? I love how Hikari was the one who inspired them to name her Hinata. The scene where they were in bed and Hikari explains how the sun is the baby and how the baby would pop from the sky and come to them was super adorable. It’s also very innocent in a way! His innocence moved Masaki; it was a sign that told him everything would be alright and that Hinata would be a healthy baby regardless of her type.
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Hinata is voiced by Konomi Kohara! If you watched Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End, Kohara voiced the little mayor girl from the Sword Village. Hikari’s voice actress also voices Frieren, they’re reunited in a way. Kohara is actually doing a really good job with the baby babbles. She was in Gakuen Babysitters as Kirin, so she’s like a professional baby voice actress alongside Tanezaki!
I do love that there are ups and downs in this episode. While the entire episode is diabetes-inducing, there are some dark aspects like Masaki considering abortion for a brief moment. He doesn’t go through with it, but just having such thoughts is rather surprising because of the things he had endured growing up. I like how human this is. No one knows what their child looks like inside the womb and how it’ll grow up. He has human worries and it feels realistic in a sense, but sprinkle in omegaverse. There’s also the part where that acquaintance of Hiromu told Hikari in front of Masaki “Aren’t you glad you were born an alpha?” Argh, conservative old farts are just the worst.
The Hiromu and Masaki scenes are so wholesome. They’re seriously an ideal couple. Seeing Hiromu just scooping Masaki into a tender embrace was super sweet. Just seeing them lovey dovey makes me feel like I’m third wheeling as hard as Hikari and Yuuki. I also liked the part where Hiromu pops up and pins Masaki to the bed as the latter was lying down. It shows that Hiromu really likes spending time with Masaki whenever he can without the kids whether it be brief. Hiromu is seriously an ideal partner to have. He’s not a green flag or a forest, he’s an entire meadow. Why can’t be real men like him? 
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As someone who was super into this story back when it was still just a manga, there are a few little details that casual viewers and BL fans that just got into this story might not know, so I’m here to fill them in for you. These were just things I remember reading on the author’s Twitter page a long time ago. I don’t know if these are still true on the author’s part, but they most likely are.
Masaki’s parents. I don’t remember if the manga ever pointed this out, but the author did mention that Masaki’s parents were females and most likely beta because his relatives, who will appear in a few episodes, are betas. Whether this will be told in the anime is unknown, but hopefully because the anime does make some changes from the manga like the Matsuo and Yuuki scene in the post-credit scene.
Hinata’s type. While Hinata’s type is speculated by Masaki while she was still in her womb, her type is not specified at all. I assume that if babies turn one years old, they’ll know their type? Because Hikari was specified to be an alpha and he was turning two at the time. The author reveals on their twitter that Hinata is also an alpha.
The post-credit scene with Matsuo and Yuuki shows the start of a romance flag. What do you think about this ship? I think they’re cute in a way like how Yuuki isn’t all shy and nervous around Matsuo from the moment he met him.
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I feel like I wrote way too much for this review. Um, I hope you enjoy and what are your thoughts on it?
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