#Green knight au
wolfythewitch · 3 months
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marrow-and-bone · 9 months
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Green knight AU where Anakin and Padme set up an insane game to seduce Rex (ending in a throuple instead of Rex just going back to court)
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athymelyreply · 1 year
I'm sorry you're not feeling well!! Bringing you some soup and tea and a hug 🫂
Tell me about the Gawain and the Green Knight AU, I'm dying to know 👀
There’s sooo many ways a green knight au could go. Obviously Hob is Gawain in this au and it could go one of a few ways
I’ll finish one version here and reblog this post with the others
also thank you so much you really are the best and the soup, tea,and opportunity to be insane about this au means the world to me. <3
fist: hobletheros+dreamling
hob is at the knightly Christmas party or whatever, destruction comes in and hobs knees go weak because “oh my god I want him to rail me” when the game is proposed Hob does the whole thing with destruction’s decapitation and is conflicted about it but then, as with the og story destruction picks up his head and tells him that he’ll see Hob next year. He leaves with a wink and Hob covered in destructions blood and thinks he might be a little in love (the boy falls fast).
a year goes by and he sets out on his pilgrimage to the green knights home. Our dear Hob is exhilarated and terrified and all around conflicted. He’ll get to see destruction again but in the same breath it’s his death sentence. Hob loves life, but if he must perish, he thinks maybe death at the hand of the green knight isn’t the worst way to go, maybe he’ll even get a kiss before he’s dead. his journey takes him to the castle of a man named Oletheros and his wife. The man is oddly reminiscent of the knight from the party, however Hob writes it off as him just feeling something for both the knight and this man. the lord of the castle makes the same deal as the original story: Hob may have whatever lord oletheros catches while hunting, on the condition that Hob give him anything he receives during the day. hob accepts. The wife tries to seduce Hob, telling him she wants him desperately. For extra fun the wife is fem! Dream. She’s dark and alluring and Hob can’t help but be drawn to her, but he knows it would be wrong to disrespect his host in that way, restraining his desire and instead accepting only one single kiss from dream (and oh her lips are so sweet, tasting of white wine and stars and the feeling of flying)
when lord oletheros returns with a deer, Hob gives him a kiss in return, finding himself falling into the lord’s mouth, a kiss with the feel of oak and passion and campfire. The lord welcomes his lips, pulls him into the kiss. Hob pulls himself away with a gasp and tries to continue on, doing his best not to look shaken.
the next day Hob allows himself 2 kisses from dream, both to taste the lord’s mouth and hers but one more time. Selfish he knows, but he is a hedonistic creature, and if these are to be his last few days alive, let them be good ones. Lord oletheros returns with a boar this time. Kisses are traded and Hob feels as if he’s drowning with nowhere to turn. He cannot break hospitality but gods with dream staring like that from under her eyelashes, and oletheros’s rough hands on him he feels as if he might go insane. the last day dream approaches him with a look that has Hob burning for her. Three kisses. It’s so good he could cry. And he does, telling her that he goes to his death on the morrow, and he has no choice but to leave. Dream brings a green sash, saying it will keep him from harm, and not to tell her husband about it, so he wont need to give it to him. the lord returns yet again bearing a fox this time. Kisses exchanged and Hob feels all tied up in knots, awaiting his death at the hands of that strange and handsome knight, and readying himself to leave behind the lord and his wife, both of which he feels he could love, maybe already does, but he cannot admit that just to leave them the next day. he bids them goodbye the next morning, taking the sash and hoping against hope that it will protect him and he can return to them. In the clearing with the green knight he kneels and presents his neck, but when the knight raises his axe Hob flinches. He still wishes to live. The knight scolds Hob for his cowardice in that incredible voice of his and so Hob steels himself, picturing the the faces of the lord, the knight, and the lady. If he should die it will be with love. He prepares for the blade to fall and
A gentle tap at the back of his neck. Only a small trickle of blood. then he feels a hand reach to help him stand. Destruction helps him to his feet and caresses hob’s cheek, lifting the little knights eyes to meet his. He speaks gently, saying that “that’s it, darling, that’s all there is. Come now, we really must fix that cut of yours.” He bandages the nick on Hob’s neck, explaining that his name is destruction, and he was lord oletheros. He tells Hob what a darling boy he is, what a good little knight, he soothes him. And Dream emerges from the trees, takes Hob’s teary face in his hands and kisses him. then they both get to soft dom the shit out of him and Hob gets to cry with relief and joy.
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ahn1zos · 11 months
⚠️Character death⚠️
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this is the nice version, if you want the original, dm me (the original is quite disturbing, have that in mind)
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bojangos · 7 months
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drew reference for my revan, verus raan, for my very. extensive "revan trains tarre vizsla" au.
it eventually devolves into a 'revan in the clone wars' au thanks to @glimjack (this is all your fault)
if anyone.... wants to know more about them or this au..... speak to me...
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cali-kabi · 3 months
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~ Starry Night🌟💫
I have so much fun with the galaxy background and stars it’s another redraw of a older piece I made from 2022 Meta Knight and Gala look quite the same xD while Sword, Blade, Tiff, and Tuff look different yeah I drew my au designs of thems <3💫🌟
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¨Why does father lie…?¨
I'm still waiting for these two to meet and become brothers!
I wonder if Ironside or Mortlach ever told Diodora about Varguese...
alts under the cut
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migraine-sky · 1 year
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5/9 - The Green Knight AU
Pic 1 Pic2 Pic 3 Pic 4
also on AO3
The next morning, Julian sets off on a hunt, while Geralt sleeps late. Yennifer sneaks into Geralt’s chambers and attempts to seduce him. Geralt rejects her advances, but she steals one kiss from him. That evening, when the host gives Geralt his gain, Geralt kisses him, since he has won one kiss from the lady.
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batneko · 1 year
Knight and Lord AU
based on my second idea from this post, here is a short fic about what happens after the first time Bowser saves King Luigi’s life.
The gouge on the breastplate was at least two hands wide, cutting across where Bowser’s left pectoral would have sat while he was wearing it. Right now he was unclothed except for the spiked bands around his neck and wrists that he favored, and Luigi couldn't see so much as a scratch on the natural plating that covered his chest.
"You need something?" Bowser said. He'd turned away from the armor stand when Luigi came in, but hadn't moved to greet him. For anyone else this would be almost unfathomably rude, but it was part of the package with Bowser. If he started being formal now it would feel unnatural.
"I just…" His eyes drifted to the armor again. “I wanted to…” The gash was thicker than Bowser's fingers, he'd been sticking a claw through it when Luigi walked in.
"No?" Bowser said. "Hey, how do I get a new one of this?"
"Oh, um, I'll talk to the armorer."
The knight contingent had a supply sergeant who should be in charge of all this, but he hadn't exactly been enthusiastic about fitting Bowser the first time. Luigi had needed to give a direct order to get Bowser's armor ready in time for his knighting - and even then the smith toad had refused to put him ahead of anyone else and worked all night to finish the other repairs instead.
It wasn’t a surprise that the other knights didn’t welcome Bowser immediately, but Luigi knew not being surprised by something didn’t mean you weren’t still disappointed by it.
“Good,” he said. “Now if that’s all, I’m off the clock.”
“I wanted to thank you,” Luigi blurted.
Bowser gave him a side-eye. “You already did. Like, six times.”
“I know, but, I mean it.”
“You didn’t before?”
“That’s not what I…” Luigi took a breath. It was hard to remember his elocution lessons when he was rattled, and today had definitely rattled him. Rattled both of them, probably, though Bowser would never show it. “Thank you, I appreciate what you did. I’d be dead if it wasn’t for you.”
“Yeah,” Bowser muttered. He didn’t sound proud of that, for some reason. “I’m hearing a ‘but’ coming.”
“But,” Luigi said.
“There it is.”
“I don’t… I don’t want you to sacrifice yourself for me.”
“Wasn’t planning on it,” Bowser said, almost automatically. Then he frowned, slightly, and his head tilted to look Luigi in the eyes. “You know that, don’t you? You said-”
“I know, I meant it, I won’t hold you to your vows. It’s just that the attack today-”
“I knew I could survive that.”
“I’m the one who begged you to take this job, so if something happened to you-”
“You think I’d take a battleaxe to the chest for you?”
“-it would be my fault and I don’t think I-”
“I have a son!”
They both stopped, staring at each other, and Luigi felt his mouth hanging open. He couldn’t remember how he’d been about to finish that sentence. He couldn’t even remember how he started it.
“I… did not know that,” Luigi said at last.
Bowser folded his arms and turned away, head pointed resolutely at the wall. “Didn’t tell you.”
“What… what’s his name?”
“Bowser Jr.”
“Oh. That’s nice?” It would be easy to remember at least.
“Yeah. It is,” Bowser said firmly.
“How old is he?”
“He’ll be seven in two months,” Bowser said, his mouth softening into a smile. Luigi hadn’t been sure he could smile, unless he was mocking someone, or gloating, or mocking someone while gloating.
Bowser was living here in the knights’ quarters with all the others. If he had such a young son, then…
“Are he and his mother living somewhere else?”
Bowser snorted. “That’s technically true. His mom’s not around, though.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“She’s not dead, she just doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore.”
“Oh, then I’m really sorry.”
Bowser laughed, mocking again. “More sorry than if she was dead?”
“I- I don’t know. I’m sorry I brought it up.”
The smile was still mocking, but it was better than the frown, or that thoughtful way he’d been looking at his armor…
“So, yeah,” Bowser said. “Your life is not more important to me than making sure my son still has a father.” He shrugged. “No offense, your majesty.”
He still said it like an insult, when he said it at all. Anything else would feel unnatural.
“Good,” Luigi said.
“I’m serious.”
“So am I. We’re both in agreement here.”
There didn’t seem to be anything else to say, so Luigi shifted his weight back, preparing to make his goodbyes and leave Bowser to get some rest.
“Hey, what you said earlier,” Bowser said. One hand lifted, almost reaching toward Luigi to stop him.
“Which part?”
“About how you apparently think that if I die on the job my blood will be on your hands?”
Luigi hadn’t thought he was listening. “I didn’t say it like that.”
“It’s what you meant, though.”
It was, more or less. “Am I wrong?” Luigi muttered. “You’re only here because of me.”
“I’m here because I chose to be. Every day I choose to stay, and believe me, when I get tired of it you’ll never see me again. So stop beating yourself up.”
Luigi looked up at him. Was Bowser… trying to make him feel better?
“You’re not that important to me,” Bowser added.
Maybe. In his own way.
But it almost didn’t matter, because Luigi hadn’t been honest. Yes, he felt responsible for putting Bowser in danger, but Bowser had been doing a lot more dangerous things before Luigi came along. And yes, he would feel guilty if Bowser got hurt in the line of duty, especially now that he knew about Bowser’s son, but that wasn’t the real reason he was so shaken.
Mario had been missing (Luigi refused to even entertain the thought he might be dead) for months, they lost their mother when they were kids, and their father the king a few years back.
If Luigi lost one more person he cared about he wasn’t sure he wasn’t going to snap.
“Thank you, Sir Bowser,” Luigi said. “For… everything.”
“Yeah yeah,” Bowser said. He sounded unconcerned, but Luigi knew he wouldn’t have said anything if he didn’t mean it. He could have let Luigi walk away, could have let Luigi’s admission slip by without comment.
“Goodnight, then.”
Bowser grunted in acknowledgement, then said, “You’re gonna talk to the armorer, right?”
“I will,” Luigi said.
That got him eye contact and a nod, so Luigi decided to leave before he said something he shouldn’t. Like how much he enjoyed Bowser’s company, or how valuable his advice was to him, or how when he saw that axe hit Bowser’s chest he was pretty sure his heart stopped…
Luigi almost tripped over a toad right outside the door, the small knight carrying a pile of chainmail that was taller than his head. He didn’t bow since he couldn’t see Luigi, which made a nice change, and Luigi was about to walk away when he heard the knight knock on Bowser’s door.
Didn’t the other knights mostly ignore Bowser? What was he doing? Luigi hung back and listened.
“Did you forget your-” Bowser sounded amused as he opened the door, but stopped once he saw it wasn’t Luigi coming back. “Oh. Uh.”
“Good evening Sir Bowser!” The chainmail jingled as the toad held it up. “The supply sergeant put this together as fast as he could. If you layer it over leather it should still protect you from just about anything.”
“Uh… thanks?”
“Your new breastplate will take a few days, but the smith said to tell you he’ll make sure you have a spare this time.”
“Oh… kay. Great.”
“I heard what you did today was amazing!” the toad said eagerly. “Was it really a battleaxe?”
“Yeah,” Bowser said. Then, “Yeah,” again, some of the braggadocio coming back to his voice. That’s what had been missing earlier. “Wanna see the damage?”
“Can I?” the toad said eagerly, then the hinges creaked and Luigi heard the door shut.
The armorer had gotten to work on Bowser’s replacement without being asked, the supply sergeant had made sure Bowser would be protected in the meantime, and random knights were praising Bowser’s bravery. It sounded like he was finally part of the team.
Whether he liked it or not.
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mysterious-v4nus · 1 year
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Long ago in the territory of the kingdom of green heights arose a war that devastated the land, the god of this kingdom looked upon the carnage and weeded and form their tears sprang seeds of primordial life, the god created a forest on the scale of giants with plants so high they obscure the sky itself.
The god then created trees of true might that sprang towards the heavens and on them they rebuilt their kingdom, safe, forever more.
However, war had changed them and so they cried tears of flowers that sprang mighty beasts to defend their kingdom from the forest floor.
These beast roam the forest and while they are a sight to behold, beware, for if you come a warrior or a god they will come, and they will kill.
A theory I always had about hollow knight is that greenpath and unn could've been a lot more powerful if they could be above ground since that's where the sun is (in my au at least) so I thought why not make a kingdom like that but with megafauna made from plants and this was the result.
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Hello peoples
Welcome to @sora-the-air-wubbox's Kirby AU Ask blog!
We have most of the Kirby Characters, if i dont know what Character and you send an ask about him/her, i will tell you i dont know that one!
there is slight gore in this au, injures, fights/spars.
OCS are allowed!
Other Fandoms are allowed!
Canon Kirby AU and other AUs are ALLOWED!
NO NSFW! Sora (creator) is a minor.
Kirby- a small puffball with a scar across his face, still happy as usual!
Meta Knight- stern knight, sorta anti-social, scar on his face from under the mask
King Dedede- big ol' goof. sometimes gets possesed
Bandanna Waddle Dee- only one out of all of them who keeps track of things
Marx- crazy jester.
Magolor- smart mechanic, extremely good technology.
Susie- smart and easily annoyed gurl.
Taranza- always nervous spider like creature, has two extra eyes under his main eyes.
The Three Mage Sisters- Francisca, Flamberge, and Zan Partizanne.
Hyness- still much as the canon Hyness, just a bit more protective.
Dark Meta Knight- scar across his face from a spar with Meta Knight. large wings and claws under them gloves.
Shadow Kirby- scar on eye, that scar causes his eye to go blind, half blind, very shy.
Galacta Knight- confused after he got out of his seal, cant fly properly after being locked up for a long time.
Morpho Knight- calm, gentle butterfly knight. has a whole hidden colony in ruins in the rainforest, large colony, three rankings; Gold (Royal) Silver (gaurdians of the royals) and Bronze (Citizen). Morpho is in the Gold Ranking.
Shadow Dedede (i think i got the name right)- CURRENTLY DONT HAVE ANYTHING FOR SHADOW DEDEDE!
Dark Taranza (i think i got the name right)- more cocky verson of Taranza, very tricky to deal with.
Red Kirby- calm, harsh, red puffball, protective over Blue Kirby
Blue Kirby- calm, gentle one out of the other kirbys
Green Kirby- scientist, goofy, and slightly crazy.
Yellow Kirby- crazy, goofy, yellow ball.
(yes i added the other colored Kirbys)
Prince Fluff- a organized Prince.
Kato (KIRBY OC)- a mage who can mix elements together, tall, fluffy, clawed-pawed hands.
Nova (KIRBY OC)- the fifth knight, forgotten, failed dark matter creation, siblings with DMK
Crizalist (KIRBY OC)- light blue shiny waddle dee with wings.
--------------------------------------\( ̄︶ ̄*\))
Thats all! Still a wip Blog! thanks for visiting!!
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shadowlinktheshadow · 7 months
blah blah blah new au or something
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his name is steel
also ref + some notes
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albentelisa · 11 months
Here's an interesting idea. What if Jim had actually been born a member of the Arcane Order, but eventually switched sides like Nari due to Bellroc and Skreal resurrecting Arthur who he couldn't stand?
Well, I'm rather fond of a juvenile deity archetype, so...
In this AU, Jim was born (well, more like 'created' by the Arcane Order) during the times when the Arcane Order started giving up on humanity. He was meant to be a 'judge' kind of deity (his element is lightning), so he is capable of destroying humanity - back then, the Order was reluctant to unleash the titans and overwrite the world, so creating someone who would correct mistakes of the world they created, seemed like a better solution.
Jim was still a child (despite being several centuries old) during the Camelot times, and his views about the world were pretty much black and white. He was deadset that humanity was bad and should be eliminated (like it was his role to do that eventually) and Arthur was pretty much the embodiment of all the worst traits humans possessed. Jim not only couldn't stand him, he absolutely loathed Arthur (well, Merlin as well, but we'll reach that point later).
Nari's betrayal hit Jim a lot, but unlike Bellroc and Skrael, he was absolutely convinced that humans had deceived and corrupted her. He wanted to 'save' her from them. Moreover, when Bellroc and Skrael resurrected Arthur, claiming it was for the better outcome, Jim got his own idea about what exactly had happened. From his point of view, Bellroc and Skrael had also fallen and were manipulated by Arthur. So Jim planned to escape and save his family.
And, at first, he didn't manage to escape, unlike Nari. Jim may know a lot about the Arcane Arts (way above even skilled wizards), but it's still below the level of any adult Arcane Order member, not to mention that he has no outside allies (unlike Nari who went to Merlin). So he was brought back and scolded - several times actually as he kept making attempts, adjusting his plans each time.
Jim comes to the conclusion that Bellroc and Skrael can track his magic signature, and attempts to mask it. It backfires and Jim somehow ends up in the body of a mortal human kid around five years old. It's when Barbara and James find him.
At that point, Jim thinks that his outright humiliating position won't last for long and that he can revert it (spoiler - he can't). He doesn't care that much about any cover story, and he just picks James's name (as any name would do, honestly, and he isn't that versed in human names). Initially, Jim ends up in the police and after a lot of misfortunes (and nobody being able to locate his family) Barbara talks James into adopting Jim.
James, however, doesn't like Jim at all (well, simply because Jim is uncannily creepy). The dislike is mutual, to be honest. On the other hand, Jim takes a liking to Barbara (to the point that he is willing to admit that there is ONE good human in the world). James and Barbara start to drift away, and James leaves(though, to be honest it would happen in any case).
Meanwhile, Jim tries to get his deity form and powers back without any success. The only good thing is that Bellroc and Skrael can't find him now (so he technically got what he wanted). Jim befriends Toby (and good human status goes to the second person), then he gets attached to Nana... The list keeps expanding (including his eventual crush on Claire) and Jim starts to genuinely appreciate his mortal life.
Growing up as a mortal human gives Jim another perspective, and he realizes that Nari actually tried to save the world when she ran away. Now Jim feels he should try to find a way to create a world where humans and magical creatures can coexist. However, he still thinks that Bellroc and Skrael are manipulated by Arthur.
No one knows Jim's secret though. He doesn't believe that sharing his secret will change a thing.
And then the amulet happens - which is, surprisingly, a lot. Jim has nothing against trolls (he's supposed to be magical creatures' protector), but being Merlin's champion is the bitter pill to swallow. Jim tries to tinker with the amulet a bit to break any connection it may have with Merlin (especially 'for the glory of Merlin' command - that one is like a major insult to Jim). Unfortunately for him, the amulet is more connected to stones' magic which is more of Nari and Bellroc's domain. Jim simply doesn't have enough knowledge, which leads to the amulet malfunctioning for him a lot - he might know enough not to break it for good, but it still lacking to make it function like intended).
When the lightning hits Jim during the incident with stalking, he recovers some of his control over electricity. Blinky mistakes it for Jim having some wizard ancestry. And Jim wonders if he can fully reverse his curse (as he feels he could do more in his original body).
Angor's curse doesn't work on Jim, which makes him curious. Angor deduces that Jim has to be a more powerful being, but he keeps the knowledge to himself. Later he makes a deal with Jim - and Jim agrees to liberate him as he feels sorry for Angor. From that point, Angor Rot is Jim's secret ally - and he fakes putting a binding spell on Barbara.
Angor also 'accidentally' drops the shadow staff as a handicap. Claire picks it up. Angor warns Jim that shadow magic is dangerous and corruptive, but Jim dismisses the warning (he has seen Morgana, but somehow missed her unstable state).
Angor gets his soul back in this AU and Jim captures Strickler (he talks him into changing sides eventually. However, Jim still goes to the Darklands alone - simply because he believes he shouldn't needlessly endanger any of his allies (and everyone will give piece of their mind about it later).
Much like in the canon, Jim gets Enrique out but gets captured and the bridge is destroyed. As Aaarrrgghh never temporarily dies here, Angor is the one who offers his body as a vessel for Kanjigar (as having no soul for some time made him a fitting candidate for a medium.)
Gunmar is still out, and eventually, the time comes to contact Merlin. It's something that Jim is heavily against. Merlin is on his shit list, much like Arthur. Jim begrudgingly agrees in the end, but only after Claire gets possessed by Morgana.
Speaking about the possession, Jim unwittingly creates a telepathic link with Claire after traveling to the Shadow Realm and now they both can sense each other's emotions. Claire figures out that Jim is hiding something from her and others and talks Jim into confessing his true identity. And somehow, without the burden of that secret, Jim feels much better.
The team finally goes searching for Merlin as Jim steels himself for the meeting. He doesn't plan to reveal himself to Merlin, hoping that somehow everything will be fine, but Merlin learns his identity at once, sensing the Arcane Order energy in him.
Merlin doesn't trust Jim in this AU, thinking that Jim fakes the love for humanity. Merlin has known only past Jim who was full of destructive urges and he believes that nothing has changed.
Jim is willing to swallow his pride and actually ask Merlin for help. He feels that he needs his full power to fight Gunmar, but Merlin tells him it's impossible to break the spell that turned Jim into a human. Jim suspects it's a lie and Merlin simply doesn't want to cooperate (which is true as Merlin believes that full-power Jim is a way bigger danger for humanity). Merlin gives a different suggestion - he will help Jim temporarily unleash more of his magic, but as a side-effect, his abilities will be sealed for good afterward. It's not an easy decision for Jim, but he agrees.
The thing that neither Jim nor Merlin has anticipated is that when the Green Knight attacks and Jim is hit with the obsidian shard, both Merlin's seal and Jim's spell start to deteriorate, bringing Jim's original form and powers back (ironically, it happens when Jim comes in terms with his new mortal status). Moreover, when Jim cast the spell he was a child deity, but now he is close to an adult one and is even more powerful. The Green Knight has no control over him, but Bellroc and Skrael actually can manipulate his mind, seizing control and bringing Jim back to the Order.
Nari prompts Claire to use the telepathic link to reach Jim and she manages to help him break free.
Now it's two Order members vs two. Nari goes against Skrael and Jim fights Bellroc, while the team deals with the Green Knight.
Jim doesn't get Excalibur here - he leaves it for someone who will be humanity's champion. He and Nari decide to work together and actually build a world where humans and magical beings live together.
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athymelyreply · 1 year
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Slut. Like what’s with that thigh slit bro… dude… your neck is showing seductively… um why are you kneeling like that homie…
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ahn1zos · 11 months
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So… RK!Penny
Jaune ended up not killing Penny, choosing to try to save her. It not ended up well, Cinder defeated Weiss and went for Penny. Jaune tried to protect her, choosing to stand between the two. He died in front of Penny, who was almost fully healed.
Penny saw no other option (since her strength was still not fully recovered) but to jump into the void, believing she would die and then be able to give the power to Winter. Cinder saw her intentions, grabbing her arm and burning it almost to the bone.
Weiss woke up from the shock of watching one more of her friends dying, by Penny’s screams of agony. She summoned a Nevermore towards Cinder, being able to get Penny freed. But then she jumped with no second thought, leaving Weiss alone.
she decided to join her friends at the so believed death.
When Penny arrived at the Ever After, almost dying because of her arm, to stop any other infection or suffering, she amputated it.
She was in shock, starving, she never felt hunger before. She thought it was a fruit. She ended up going back in time. She was alone and never felt so lonely before. Penny became cold, distant, untrusting. A shell of who she was before.
that didn’t stop her from trying to help others, no matter what. She was know as a protector, even without her happy mood she once had. Penny defended those who couldn’t defend themselves, with everything she got. She got better at using her powers after years to master it.
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