#Green Ammonia Size
karan777 · 19 days
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shrutirathi226 · 1 month
Green Ammonia: Challenges and Opportunities in the Renewable Energy Sector
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Green ammonia, which is created from renewable energy sources like solar, wind, or hydroelectric power, is a sustainable substitute for conventional ammonia. Green ammonia is created by electrolyzing water to make hydrogen and combining it with nitrogen from the atmosphere, in contrast to traditional ammonia, which is derived from fossil fuels. As a result of this method' substantial carbon emission reduction, green ammonia is essential to the world's shift to clean energy. It has the potential to completely transform sectors like energy storage and agriculture, where ammonia is frequently used as fertilizer. It also offers a carbon-free fuel source for a more environmentally friendly future.
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researchrealmblog · 5 months
Understanding the Significance of Green Ammonia 
Agriculture is a major contributor to environmental pollution. Moreover, it is a very hard sector to decarbonize. In the meantime, emissions from maritime transport are surging all over the world. Though, there is a somewhat surprising method to reduce the climate impacts of both agriculture and shipping, the good old ammonia, produced in an innovative sustainable technique.
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Ammonia is a chemical compound formed with hydrogen and nitrogen. Not only it is widely utilized in making agricultural fertilizers, but it is also an important chemical for different sectors. The production of hydrogen, and therefore, of ammonia, is generally grounded on natural gas. 
Ammonia produced with traditional approaches is known as grey ammonia. Green ammonia, in order, is the ammonia made with zero emissions from renewable energy sources such as solar or wind energy. The outcome is a compound with an exact composition and utilized as grey ammonia.
A Sustainable Alternative for Different Energy Necessities
Ammonia is carbon-free. As a result, combusting it doesn’t lead to carbon dioxide emissions, only water vapor and nitrogen. This makes ammonia a favorable alternative for energy production as its large-scale application can have substantial advantageous climate impacts by reducing the need for fossil fuels.  
Now, let’s explore some major applications of green ammonia. 
As An Energy Carrier 
One major benefit of ammonia is its capacity to store energy. Moving hydrogen for wide distances can be challenging, however, ammonia can be utilized as a hydrogen carrier. On a molecular level, hydrogen is bound in ammonia, and hence ammonia can be employed in transporting as well as storing hydrogen.
In Agriculture
At least 80% of industrially produced ammonia is utilized to produce nitrogen fertilizers. Such fertilizers improve the quantity of nitrogen in the soil since nitrogen is a key nutrient for the growth of plant. Ammonia is and will remain to be an irreplaceable raw material for producing food. 
Moreover, different countries are now dependent on imported ammonia. Producing green ammonia via renewable power will be a footstep toward becoming entirely self-sufficient in fertilizers. Also, domestic production can lead to fresh export opportunities.
In Shipping 
Green ammonia potentials have been discussed mostly based on the idea of shipping as the maritime industry is constantly looking for novel approaches to allow carbon-neutral transportation. Maritime transport accounts for nearly 3% of world greenhouse gas releases. 
Green ammonia, in the maritime industry, is considered an alternative to replace diesel fuel. Before this becomes possible, clean energy production as well as innovative technology is essential for refueling stations & ships. 
Fuel must be widely accessible, mainly at detailed locations and later in each port across all countries. This is necessary to guarantee the solution's efficiency as well as the working of long-distance vessels.
To Wrap It All Up
With the growing count of industrial projects for making green ammonia and the advancement in the agriculture sector, the demand for green ammonia will reach USD 6,559.1 million by the end of this decade.
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futuretonext · 1 year
The Global Clean (Blue & Green) Ammonia Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 23.56% during the forecast period, i.e., 2025-30. The Global Clean (Blue & Green) Ammonia Market is in its embryonic stage since the historical period, owing to the major focus on research & development & not much commercial application of clean ammonia among end-user industries. However, with the increasing investment by the companies towards the setup of clean ammonia production facilities, the market is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast years.
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The global green ammonia market size reached US$ 154.2 Million in 2022. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 3994.6 Million by 2028, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 67.50% during 2023-2028. 
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alt-wannabe · 3 days
MCSR As Chemical Compounds
idk either man. expect very little actual explanation and a lot of chemical yapping from a very big nerd
Silverr as Silver Nitrate:
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the above is the crystal structure
appearance is just a white crystal kinda like sugar
it took everything in me to not just make silverr plain Ag
silver nitrate is the most common precursor for all other important silver salts
also an extremely important compound in the development of photography! (and iirc silverr is a film major)
Feinberg as Ozone:
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produced during lightning strikes
pale blue at high ppm
only leaves gas state at cryogenic temperatures
naturally occurring in the stratosphere and absorbs UV rays from the sun
Fruit as Nickel(II) Chloride Hexahydrate:
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the non-hydrate form is a sort of olive-y yellow color
used to absorb ammonia in gas masks
Raddles as Potassium Permanganate:
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Sometimes referred to as Purple Potion Powder
goes CRAZY purple when dissolved and is lowkey my favorite chemical
very strong oxidizing agent
one time i stained my hand purple through my glove with this shit idk how it happened
if made in specific solvents can look extremely similar to dragon's breath in minecraft imo
K4 as Octathio[8]circulene:
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also referred to as Sulflower (like sulfur and sunflower haha get it)
planar which is fairly uncommon for molecules of this size
can be stacked together to make sheets of sulflowers
Cube as Cubane:
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yeah this is self-explanatory
what is interesting though is that ring strain in 4 membered rings/squares is really high, so cubane existing is a bit of a chemical anomaly
i havent read into it enough to know for sure but i suspect that ring strain is why cubane is a precursor to a HELLA STRONG explosive compound
Reignex as PPTA:
Poly-p-paraphenylene terephthalamide
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the name is complicated as shit but this is just kevlar!
aka bulletproof vest material
looks fluffy when not woven completely together
aligning of polymer chains w hydrogen bonds creates EXTREMELY high tensile strength
Mime as Phenylmagnesium Bromide:
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a common grignard reagent aka a compound that can be used in a grignard reaction, an extremely important reaction in organic synthesis as it creates new C-C bonds
another fun fact about grignard reagents is that if water is added to them- or even if they're handled in particularly moist air- they fucking explode
extremely strong nucleophile and base
Poundcake as Xenon Hexafluoride:
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Noble gases don't react unless you REALLY make them
so a compound containing xenon is really interesting
colorless as a solid but sublimes (aka skips straight from solid to gas) into a bright yellow gas
fun fact a lot of instances where typical chemistry rules are broken (noble gases not reacting, octet rule in general, etc) involve fluorine to the point ive heard it referred to as a "batshit electron thief"
Fulham as Iron Hexacyanidoferrate:
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also known as prussian blue
extremely common pigment in paints and the first modern synthetic pigment
used extensively in The Great Wave
another one of my favorite molecules bc im biased and like inorganic chem aka things that contain metals
used as an antidote for heavy metal poisoning which is interesting bc it contains cyanide ligands!
Couriway as Bullvalene:
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in a state of constant resonance
aka the double bonds are CONSTANTLY shifting and reforming bullvalene into... itself but moved around a little
the bonds fluctuate so rapidly that in nmr analysis each carbon and hydrogen in the entire molecule is read as equivalent (for my non-chem people that's very uncommon and very cool)
formed through photolysis (aka using light/photons to fuel a reaction)
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"A new community housing development in the Bronx will feature a cool piece of kit: an on-site aerobic digester that can turn 1,100 pounds of food scraps into 220 pounds of high-quality fertilizer every single day.
Built by Harp Renewables, it’s basically a big stomach filled with bacteria that breaks down food scraps and wasted food into their component parts, and in the future could be a standard part of all apartment units as the amount of food waste in American reaches 30% of the total mass of all trash collection.
The Peninsula, organized by Gilbane Development Company, will feature 740 units of affordable housing, 50,000 square-foot light industrial space and equal sized green space, and 15,000 feet of commercial space, all of which will send their castaway comestibles right into the digester...
Fast Company reports that Christina Grace, founder of a zero-waste food management company, helped plan the design and implementation of the digester into The Peninsula, and helped organize a 40% grant from the city to pay the $50,000 upfront cost.
“The goal is for this material to work its way into the community garden network in the Bronx,” [Christina Grace, who helped plan the design] told the magazine, adding that she expects it to pay for itself over just a few years. “We see this as highly replicable in both commercial and residential venues. We know there’s a need for fertilizer.”
Producing fertilizer right there in the city reduces the need for it to be trucked in from afar, chipping away, even if just a bit, at NYC traffic.
Big problem solver
Perhaps uniquely beneficial to New York City compared to other spots in the U.S. is that the digester will have a significant impact on the Bronx’s share of the city’s rodent problem.
Those who’ve watched the Morgan Spurlock documentary Rats will understand why that’s significant—while those that haven’t will have to imagine what living in a megacity where rats outnumber people by around 8 or 10 to 1 looks like.
Another big problem the bio-digesters could potentially help is pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Fertilizer is a big emitter of all three of the most-targeted GHGs. Fertilizer, like quarry dust and ammonia is, like so many commodities, often imported from countries who specialize in its production, such as Norway, but also Russia and Ukraine, whose conflict has recently highlighted the fragility of the supply chain with sharp increases in prices...
Bio-digesters by design keep the CO2 and methane in the fertilizer produced, rather than it entering the atmosphere.
For these reasons and more, the aerobic bio-digester is slowly making its way into residential and industrial spaces around the country.
GNN reported on an enormous bio-digester at the heart of the D.C. advanced resource (sewage) recovery center outside the capital, and on the use of bio-digesters on Australian pig farms which are helping reduce the environmental and psychological impact of the effluent produced from such operations.
Harp Renewables tweeted how happy they were to have installed their bio-digester in the town of Cashel, Ireland.
Expect to see more stories like this pop up around the globe."
-via Good News Network, March 17, 2022
Note: Obviously gentrification bad and "affordable housing" is sometimes nowhere near as affordable as it should be, etc. etc. That said, this is such a fantastic use case that I felt I had to post it anyway.
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chipped-chimera · 5 months
Time, yet again, to wade into a pit of contradictory information as I try to determine what I should do about my nuked tetra population while I'm still doing ich treatment.
(if you have some ideas/opinions about what I should do context below)
This is my first tank, so please be nice 🥺
I have a heavily planted, 20gallon (76L) freshwater aquarium which I had probably researched for about 3 months, then ran empty/with plants for about a month or so? before fish introduction. So absolutely cycled, bombproof setup that I have not seen a whiff of ammonia or nitrates in since I started testing (probably a month after it being cycling empty when my kit arrived).
I introduced 10 green neon tetra, which grew confident very quick within the new tank, like within the next day stopped schooling behaviour, bopping around and doing their own thing. But then I saw white spots appearing. In my delay of trying to determine if it was actually ich and conflicting info about it being 'stress ich' that could minimize in time with the stress reduction - probably me delaying it too because the meds were expensive - I probably doomed them.
I'm angry and sad at the same time, in part towards myself but mostly because I'm mad at the contradictory info leading to delay on a situation that was more time critical given the size of these little fish. Which I think led to their deaths.
I know quarantine is important but given my tank is heavily planted, I was struggling with bioload - as in not enough - so on the day I started ich treatment I put in 6 corycats which have been absolutely fine. So fine in fact I've noticed their barbels getting much longer! They're having a great time in there, and while I've seen some showing sign of being itchy, I've never seen a spot appear. Same with the Starlight Bristlenose, who was actually the first resident - she's weathered the ich outbreak pre-treatment fine (yeah I know it's hard to tell given she's a starlight but I've had a good look at her when I could, she's clear) and while she hides a lot during the day, I think she's happy - there are a stupid amount of tunnels and hidey holes in my setup, the centerpiece is a huge slab of driftwood so she has plenty to rasp on too. All the food is also the best quality I could get, and they get blanched veggies twice a week.
Unfortunately though, the delay was too late for the Tetra. First I lost one. Then more. I went from 10 to 3 today, if I am lucky it will stay at 3. Two of them look very good. One of them has minor body spotting. Worst comes to worst, it'll be 2. I think it'll stay that way, nothing new has been appearing.
What I am worried about now is I know the minimum for tetra is 8. While these guys I think know fairly well the tank is safe, and the presence of the corycats might help in terms of them having another grouping fish around to help them feel more confident, I don't want to be causing them unnecessary stress that might make the situation worse. Two of them left are grouping together, the one I am uncertain about is often hanging out on it's own which is making me worried I'll lose it too.
I am early on in the treatment at full dosage (I spent more time cranking up the dosage slowly since this is a planted tank with inverts, so that probably didn't help the ich situation) 25%~30% water changes daily.
Naturally online opinion on 'should I add fish during ich treatment' is about as confusing as it was when I was just trying to find info on ich. Some say hard no. Some say it's always in tanks anyway, it's the stress, may as well chuck them in during treatment. I'm going to have to grab another bottle of the stuff (so bleeding expensive) and I don't want to use more of it on a quarantine tank - right now anyway.
The treatment I am doing specifically targets parasites (Seachem Paraguard) but I also have Melafix and Pimafix, though I haven't really been dosing either since the smell of it I think irritates the tetra, and Paraguard supposedly has antibacterial elements that also target finrot. If I were to add new fish, I'd probably start adding both during the day, Paraguard goes in at night after a waterchange because it's lights-off after that (degrades under light).
If I added new fish, I'd be doing that for 14 days + maybe one more week just in case. But yeah, I have no fucking clue what to do and I very much want to not fuck this up anymore.
I'm also honestly kind of put off by tetra at this point - compared to the corycats they are very, very nervous and twitchy I think which didn't help their stress levels, even with me trying to make it as stress-free as possible. But also know I'm probably stuck with them if I want them to feel better.
Any thoughts/opinions would be good. I don't really have other treatment options available either btw, either because products are literally not available or the risk of killing plants/hurting other fish is too high (heat is NOT an option, corycats upper-limit is 26C so that's what the tank is set to)
My gut says it's probably okay to add fish, if I keep up treatment. But idk anymore :C
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Hi folks! I come today with a long, emotional and painful scene. ❤️
There was no emotion on Tommy's face. He didn't even have to bother pretending to be impassive. It was not isolation and not detachment. It was what it looked like: he had torn off the feelings as if they had never existed. As if he were not a human being. As if he knew himself not to be, that he could never be fully that again, and now he was showing it to her. He wanted her to see him through his transformation, Grace realised in disbelief. To make her disgust by it.
"The Germans. Soldiers just like me. The same toys on the blackboard, the size of which can never be comprehended by reason. Among them was the boy with the green eyes. They found their way out of the tunnels, through the mud, through the filth, took me back into the darkness, no matter how I fought with them. I looked down at my hand. It was covered in blood." His eyelids fluttered as if he wanted to look down at his hands resting palms up. Finally his gaze stayed where it was. By then the nihil of destruction had reached him. Everything was happening in his eyes. "I thought: whose hand is this? It cannot be mine. I can’t exist in a reality, where these hands belong to me just as any other parts of my body. A terrible, burning wave of pain washed over me from my shoulder. I was shot. I thought: finally. Finally I can lie down on the ground and die. All it need was a little bit more. But that little suddenly become too much." Hollowed-out, frozen dread, and burning fright like the fire that heats the blast furnaces of factories. "I opened my eyes, I was there again. Just me, Danny and Freddie. We fight for our lives like rats for the last piece of raw meat. I was writhing on the ground, in my nose a mixture of ammonia, gunpowder and some sludgy, sticky, disgusting mass, crawling to the ladder. Danny screamed, Freddie… I had no idea what had happened to him. I couldn’t make out anything in the darkness, not the shapes of people or the walls of the tunnels, I could only hear the voices and smell the smells. It was as if I had become blind. I begged with the last shreds of my faith for someone to gouge out my eyes, to save me from the ability to see this… I kept crawling and crawling, after a while I began to think that my legs were torn off, that I had no body anymore, but even then I didn’t give up. I clung to the pain, digging my nails into it through the darkness to stay conscious. Ever since Greta’s death, I’ve had this tainted, bile-tasting smell of sickness and death with me. "He shuddered, his face contorted in disgust. "I wanted to vomit. I think I did. I opened my mouth and then some hideous, unnamable taste filled my throat. I couldn’t breath he gasped. My shoulder was on fire. I wanted to die. All my prayers were for a German soldier to plunge his bayonet into me and bring me death. I wanted to give up, yet I dragging myself forward, because somewhere nearby was a ladder. If I could take my hand on it, I could climb to the surface and get out. In the end I never reached it" he breath out the last words.
Before Grace was aware of what she was doing, she was already observing that she had started a determined protest.
"Yes, you did! You left the tunnel behind. It feel’s like you still there, like you’re being swallowed up by the darkness, but you’re already here with me, in this actual, concrete reality." Both her hands were on Tommy's cheekbone, causing Tommy to blink rapidly. "Can you feel that? Because I feel you." Resisting the demand in her blood to put Tommy's face on a level with her own, to give him no choice but to look into her eyes. The words rolled from Grace's lips with a wild freedom. "You are warm and alive. The pain is gone. The bullet wound is here without looking," she traced with her fingers the bruised skin behind his shoulder, its jagged unevenness reminding them both of its origins. Tommy sucked in air, his chest rising. Grace's palm found its way back to his face. "This is real, Tommy. The tunnels, the suffering, the heat, the taste in your mouth, the green-eyes soldier boy can’t touch you. Those things can’t hurt you anymore, because I’m here. You and me, this place is real, safe and constant. We made it that way. You can touch it, you can feel it," she said urgently. "Everything else is in the past. Memories and fears."
Tommy squeezed his eyes shut, shook his head. "They'll come for me again. I know they will," he repeated, his voice hushed. The shaking of his head stopped, his eyelashes fluttered open. "Whenever I close my eyes, they are already there."
"And I am here!" Tommy stared at her in bewilderment, and as she glanced into the irises surrounding the dilated pupils, Grace took the opportunity. She locked their eyes commandingly, blocking the chance of looking away from her, he couldn't even try. Her hold tightened on Tommy's cheek. She leaned toward him with a blazing glare. "In front of you, in your arms. If they want you, they'll have to ended me first! I will not give you without a fight!"
Tommy stared at her in a dazed stupor. "Would you fight them for me?"
Any other time the question would have left his lips with a hint of mocking, making it clear that the irony was as much his own as Grace's. But now it sounded as if it freed in him genuine hope, yearning, trust and fear. He didn't believe anyone would fight for him, Grace understood that early on. He knew that there was no one in the world who would dare to go with him to the field littered with the dead. Until now.
I'd fight the whole world for you, Grace thought. She managed a smile.
"No one's scarier than me when I'm in a rage."
The sound Tommy made was the equivalent of a snort and a sniffle. "My personal experience compels me to confirm this." A brilliant light flickered in his eye. His gaze warmed, but Grace kept her belligerent expression. She replied in an undertone of intimidation.
"Anyone irresponsible enough to hurt someone I'm trying to look after will learn very quickly, at the cost of a hard lesson, why that would be a terrible idea."
A shadow of a smile appeared on Tommy's lips to match his sparkling eyes. Grace relaxed against her will. The convulsive force of gripping Tommy's face in the palm of her hand was no longer tense in the joints between her fingers. Released from the grip of tension, she was still a little afraid that her gratification was premature. Caressing the skin of Tommy's cheekbone, her hesitation disguised as self-control.
"Do I enjoy your protection?" Tommy questioned. Curiosity accompanied the enquiry.
"I am your captain." The sentence followed the announcement included a raised eyebrow. "Do you dare question your superior officer, Sergeant Major?"
Without real devotion, Tommy smiled faintly. He stopped his rising hand in the air between their faces. He eyed Grace with reservations, concerns. Whatever he saw in her, and Grace really couldn't tell what it might be, she supplemented with a nod of agreement.
Tommy ran the back of his hand over her chin. On her cheek, he continued the endearing strokes inspired by kindness, affection and gratitude.
"I wouldn't do that. It is forbidden by military protocol. However, allow me to make an observation. Since you hold the rank of captain, shouldn't it be the other way around? The differences between our ranks dictate that my duty and purpose in life is your service and protection."
Grace had a more flexible view than that.
"No one in my jurisdiction can lay a hand on my people. Unconventional leadership is combined by peculiar principles." She lowered her voice and, tilting her head to one side, motioned toward the other side of the room. "Come back to bad!"
Tommy paused between stroking motions. "You say that like a commander to a member of her team?" There was something about the way he handled the words. It was as if he was testing the limits of this new formation, with which he had made friends at first sight.
Grace projected a seriousness worthy of it.
"I ask you as a woman who wishes to embrace her lover." Then, after a moment's thought, with half-lidded eyes, she approached Tommy. Her hand trailed down the side of his neck, evaded his mouth, touched her lips to his ear. "I miss your warmth," she murmured softly, invitingly.
Tommy's eyes closed. His resigned sigh had an amused theatricality that made them chuckle quietly.
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bleachanimefan1 · 2 months
The Midnight Masquerade Part 1
Dead Men Tell No Tales,
The smell of ammonia filled the air. Vibrant green eyes blinked open as Cassandra woke up. Her wavy platinum hair moved slightly from her shoulders as she sat up, stretching her arms. She blinked, looking around her room trying to adjust to the sunlight in the dark colored room, but everything was blurry. She never could see well ever since she was little from what she can recall. Cassandra reached over to her nightstand, picking up her glasses and putting them on. There were various dolls and stuffed animals, such as teddy bears but most were rabbits, sitting on the shelves. A few stuffed rabbits were made by the Funtom Corp, had an eye patch and were dressed in suits and top hats while some had different colored dresses. 
Cassandra got up and started to make up the bed and put on her work clothes to get ready for today. She pulled out a long black dress from the closest that reached her knees and dark stockings and shoes. Her friend must be up already. Cassandra stepped out of her room. There were many jars on the shelves filled with organs and body parts and chemicals. Sitting on the corners of the room were some candles and skulls and cobwebs on the ceiling. Lined up on the walls were many coffins ranging from large to child size. In front of her was a person lying on the table, dead. As Cassandra walked over to look, she saw that it was a woman probably almost around her age. Her body was covered head to toe in stitching as she was sewed up. Her skin was pale and cold to touch. But where was her friend?
"Hey, where are you?" Cassandra called out to them but received no response. Cassandra looked around the room, wondering where her friend was until she saw a coffin that was slightly opened. She quietly walked over to it and placed her hand on the lid. The lid flipped open with a loud bang. Cassandra stood still, smiling a little, as she saw the face almost close to hers, giggling. A man with long grey hair and long bangs, covering his eyes. There were also scars on parts of his body. One on his finger, another around his neck and half a scar on the right side of his cheek, heading up to his covered face. He was wearing a mortician outfit, heeled boots, and a dark top hat that had a long ribbon hanging off of it. The Undertaker.
"About time you woke up? Did I scare you?" The Undertaker laughed, giggling some more.
"That trick might have worked when I was younger, but, no, you didn't. Nice try, though." Cassandra smiled.
"You're no fun, Cassie. I love to hear that lovely scream of yours." The Undertaker whining a little. Cassandra ignored him and walked over to the table.
"So, who's the latest victim?" Cassandra pointed out. Undertaker walked over, standing beside her.
"Such a pretty thing. Unfortunately, she came to an untimely end. She was found in the streets, completely hacked up to pieces. But I managed to put her back to together again!" The Undertaker smiled. 
"Hacked to pieces? Don't tell me Jack the Ripper did this...This is happening a lot lately. The poor thing." Cassandra frowned, looking down at the woman, sadly.
"That is why I must ask you. I want you to be careful on your walks." The Undertaker told her.
"I'll be fine-" Cassandra spoke before she gasped when a hand was placed on her cheek. Her eyes blinked wide, blushing a little, as she felt the cold hand of the Undertaker's. His expression had a stern look but still had a small smile.
"I know. But promise me that you will be careful." He told her. "I can't always be around to protect you. I promised your father before his death that I would look after you. You are precious to me, and I can't lose you. I won't have anyone take you away from me."
"I-I promise." Cassandra swallowed. The Undertaker pulled back his hand and grinned widely.
"Now off with you. Go and have your fun and I'll finishing preparing for this woman's funeral." He told her. Cassandra blinked and walked away and looked back at the Undertaker one last time and left the shop.
After a while of walking in the streets, Cassandra noticed the sun was starting to go down. Maybe it was time to head back. From the news, Jack the Ripper only strikes at night. The streets were dangerous during that time. As she turned around the corner to head back to the Undertakers, Cassandra bumped into someone. It was a young man.
"Oof!" Cassandra stumped back, almost losing her balance. The man fell back landing on his butt, dropping some boxes, that sounded like had some fragile items in them as they crashed to the ground. His round rimmed glasses fell off from his face landing on the ground. He quickly scrambled around on the ground trying to find them.
"I'm terribly sorry! I didn't see you!" He sputtered, frantically, still looking for his glasses, while trying to pick up the boxes as well. Cassandra got a better look at him. He was kind of handsome she had to admit. He had green eyes, long brown hair tied up with a red ribbon, in a ponytail. He was also wearing a butler's uniform underneath a dark coat, a red and white striped ribbon tied around his neck, and white gloves.
"What are you apologizing for? I was the one who wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into you." Cassandra bent down and picked up the glasses that were lying near her feet and walked over to him. "Here." She handed him his glasses and he took them from her, putting them back on.
"Thank you." The man blinked and paused, looking at Cassandra, staring at her. He was completely awestruck by her beauty. Who was she? Cassandra quickly moved away from him and began to help pick up the boxes from the ground. 
"So where are you headed?" She asked him.
"The Phantomhive Manor. I was picking up a delivery for my mistress and meet her there." He told her and picked up some of the boxes.
"I can help you take them there, if you want. There are a lot to carry and some of them sound broken. I can explain to them that it was my fault, so you won't get in trouble. I sort of know the Phantomhives, considering they are our regular clients."
"Your clients? What sort of business do you do?" He asked her.
"Well, I don't run it. My friend does. He works in a morgue, you know, dead bodies and such." She told him. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"
"My name is Grell Sutcliffe." He told her, nervously, before he quickly bowed a little. "What is yours?"
"I'm Cassandra. Cassandra Gravesfield." She told him.
"That's a pretty name." He told her.
"Thanks." She smiled.
The two walked carrying the box as they headed over to the Phantomhives mansion.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Study finds health risks in switching ships from diesel to ammonia fuel
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/study-finds-health-risks-in-switching-ships-from-diesel-to-ammonia-fuel/
Study finds health risks in switching ships from diesel to ammonia fuel
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As container ships the size of city blocks cross the oceans to deliver cargo, their huge diesel engines emit large quantities of air pollutants that drive climate change and have human health impacts. It has been estimated that maritime shipping accounts for almost 3 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions and the industry’s negative impacts on air quality cause about 100,000 premature deaths each year.
Decarbonizing shipping to reduce these detrimental effects is a goal of the International Maritime Organization, a U.N. agency that regulates maritime transport. One potential solution is switching the global fleet from fossil fuels to sustainable fuels such as ammonia, which could be nearly carbon-free when considering its production and use.
But in a new study, an interdisciplinary team of researchers from MIT and elsewhere caution that burning ammonia for maritime fuel could worsen air quality further and lead to devastating public health impacts, unless it is adopted alongside strengthened emissions regulations.
Ammonia combustion generates nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas that is about 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide. It also emits nitrogen in the form of nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2, referred to as NOx), and unburnt ammonia may slip out, which eventually forms fine particulate matter in the atmosphere. These tiny particles can be inhaled deep into the lungs, causing health problems like heart attacks, strokes, and asthma.
The new study indicates that, under current legislation, switching the global fleet to ammonia fuel could cause up to about 600,000 additional premature deaths each year. However, with stronger regulations and cleaner engine technology, the switch could lead to about 66,000 fewer premature deaths than currently caused by maritime shipping emissions, with far less impact on global warming.
“Not all climate solutions are created equal. There is almost always some price to pay. We have to take a more holistic approach and consider all the costs and benefits of different climate solutions, rather than just their potential to decarbonize,” says Anthony Wong, a postdoc in the MIT Center for Global Change Science and lead author of the study.
His co-authors include Noelle Selin, an MIT professor in the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society and the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS); Sebastian Eastham, a former principal research scientist who is now a senior lecturer at Imperial College London; Christine Mounaïm-Rouselle, a professor at the University of Orléans in France; Yiqi Zhang, a researcher at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; and Florian Allroggen, a research scientist in the MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The research appears this week in Environmental Research Letters.
Greener, cleaner ammonia
Traditionally, ammonia is made by stripping hydrogen from natural gas and then combining it with nitrogen at extremely high temperatures. This process is often associated with a large carbon footprint. The maritime shipping industry is betting on the development of “green ammonia,” which is produced by using renewable energy to make hydrogen via electrolysis and to generate heat.
“In theory, if you are burning green ammonia in a ship engine, the carbon emissions are almost zero,” Wong says.
But even the greenest ammonia generates nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogen oxides (NOx) when combusted, and some of the ammonia may slip out, unburnt. This nitrous oxide would escape into the atmosphere, where the greenhouse gas would remain for more than 100 years. At the same time, the nitrogen emitted as NOx and ammonia would fall to Earth, damaging fragile ecosystems. As these emissions are digested by bacteria, additional N2O  is produced.
NOx and ammonia also mix with gases in the air to form fine particulate matter. A primary contributor to air pollution, fine particulate matter kills an estimated 4 million people each year.
“Saying that ammonia is a ‘clean’ fuel is a bit of an overstretch. Just because it is carbon-free doesn’t necessarily mean it is clean and good for public health,” Wong says.
A multifaceted model
The researchers wanted to paint the whole picture, capturing the environmental and public health impacts of switching the global fleet to ammonia fuel. To do so, they designed scenarios to measure how pollutant impacts change under certain technology and policy assumptions.
From a technological point of view, they considered two ship engines. The first burns pure ammonia, which generates higher levels of unburnt ammonia but emits fewer nitrogen oxides. The second engine technology involves mixing ammonia with hydrogen to improve combustion and optimize the performance of a catalytic converter, which controls both nitrogen oxides and unburnt ammonia pollution.
They also considered three policy scenarios: current regulations, which only limit NOx emissions in some parts of the world; a scenario that adds ammonia emission limits over North America and Western Europe; and a scenario that adds global limits on ammonia and NOx emissions.
The researchers used a ship track model to calculate how pollutant emissions change under each scenario and then fed the results into an air quality model. The air quality model calculates the impact of ship emissions on particulate matter and ozone pollution. Finally, they estimated the effects on global public health.
One of the biggest challenges came from a lack of real-world data, since no ammonia-powered ships are yet sailing the seas. Instead, the researchers relied on experimental ammonia combustion data from collaborators to build their model.
“We had to come up with some clever ways to make that data useful and informative to both the technology and regulatory situations,” he says.
A range of outcomes
In the end, they found that with no new regulations and ship engines that burn pure ammonia, switching the entire fleet would cause 681,000 additional premature deaths each year.
“While a scenario with no new regulations is not very realistic, it serves as a good warning of how dangerous ammonia emissions could be. And unlike NOx, ammonia emissions from shipping are currently unregulated,” Wong says.
However, even without new regulations, using cleaner engine technology would cut the number of premature deaths down to about 80,000, which is about 20,000 fewer than are currently attributed to maritime shipping emissions. With stronger global regulations and cleaner engine technology, the number of people killed by air pollution from shipping could be reduced by about 66,000.
“The results of this study show the importance of developing policies alongside new technologies,” Selin says. “There is a potential for ammonia in shipping to be beneficial for both climate and air quality, but that requires that regulations be designed to address the entire range of potential impacts, including both climate and air quality.”
Ammonia’s air quality impacts would not be felt uniformly across the globe, and addressing them fully would require coordinated strategies across very different contexts. Most premature deaths would occur in East Asia, since air quality regulations are less stringent in this region. Higher levels of existing air pollution cause the formation of more particulate matter from ammonia emissions. In addition, shipping volume over East Asia is far greater than elsewhere on Earth, compounding these negative effects.
In the future, the researchers want to continue refining their analysis. They hope to use these findings as a starting point to urge the marine industry to share engine data they can use to better evaluate air quality and climate impacts. They also hope to inform policymakers about the importance and urgency of updating shipping emission regulations.
This research was funded by the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium.
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“A Potentially Habitable World Over 8 Times Bigger than Earth”
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Webb telescope has detected carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere of exoplanet K2-18 b, a potentially habitable world over 8 times bigger than Earth. Webb’s data suggests the planet might be covered in ocean, with a hydrogen-rich atmosphere
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The abundance of methane and carbon dioxide, and shortage of ammonia, support the hypothesis that there may be a water ocean underneath a hydrogen-rich atmosphere in K2-18 b.
These initial Webb observations also provided a possible detection of a molecule called dimethyl sulfide (DMS). On Earth, this is only produced by life. The bulk of the DMS in Earth’s atmosphere is emitted from phytoplankton in marine environments.
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The graphic shows Webb's spectra of the exoplanet K2-18 b. Magenta, red and green vertical columns across the plot indicate signatures of methane, carbon dioxide, and dimethyl sulfide. Behind the graph is an illustration of the planet and its star.
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Pacman Frog
Never house them together, they are very aggressive to other frogs.
A 20 gallon or 30 x 12 x 12 inches can house one frog comfortably
They need heat and this can be provided through heating lamps (no under the tank mat as it may burn them)
UVB is not needed, but has lots of benefits and a day and night cycle is certainly needed
Have enrichment and hides for them like leaf litter, branches, cork bark, live or fake plants, moss (good for humidity), 
Substrate can be coconut fiber and needs to be about 3-4 inches deep for them to burrow. Should be damp, not wet.
Humidity needs to be around 80%
They need a shallow water dish that should be scrubbed at least weekly and have fresh water daily
They need a daytime temperature of about 77-83 and nighttime temperature of 70-75
Spot clean daily and completely disinfect every 2 weeks (Bioactive enclosures are also something to look into)
Diet/Feeding habits:
Opportunistic eaters (carnivores and insectivores). They like to sit and wait for food to come by
They are scavengers in the wild and wait for prey to come to them as they hide in leaf litter
They can eat pinky mice  and feeder fish (Occasionally), earthworms, dubia roaches, crickets, waxworms, mealworms, etc.
Every meal needs to be dusted with calcium powder and vitamins
Growing frogs should eat about 5 insects daily or as much as they’ll eat in 15 minutes
Adults need to be fed every other day and the same amount
If feeding pinky mice, then feed one and wait 2 weeks before feeding anything again
Age identification:
Most live about 5 years, but some can live up to 15 years
Physical traits:
They have a very round, but circular body 
Their eyes have small horns above them, but not sharp
They have a huge mouth for their body
They typically come in a bright green color with brown or yellow spots with black outlines
Their bellies are white
Their colors will develop as they age
Morphs widely exist including albinos, strawberries, etc.
Hatchlings grow into their colors
They have teeth
Females grow to about 7 inches long, maybe 9-10 inches
Males grow to about 5 inches long
Hatchlings start at about the size of a quarter, but most are sold as juveniles
Most weigh about half a pound, but some weigh a full pound
They like to burrow
Sedentary, but territorial 
Very territorial
They are most active when it is raining in the wild
They may move a lot for the first few weeks in their new enclosure in order to find a good burrowing spot, then they will just burrow
Loves to eat and may mistake your finger for food, so be careful
They are happy when burrowing
They will bite if threatened
Health concerns:
MBD- caused by lack of calcium and vitamins; abnormal bones and general weakness
Red leg syndrome and flavobacteriosis are both caused by a dirty environment and extra stress (skin starts to deteriorate)
Vitamin A deficiency- rough skin, swollen eyes, buildup of fluids, etc. Can be fixed by feeding gut-loaded insects
You can mistake a live frog for a dead one if there is not enough food or humidity. If they lack those things, then they will encase themselves in a tough outer layer of skin and not move at all.
Check for parasites if your frog isn’t eating and it isn’t a temperature issue
Ammonia poisoning occurs when the tank isn’t cleaned regularly
Let them adjust at least 3 days, maybe a week, before handling
They may bite, so make sure not to handle them while they are in food mode
Always wash hands before and after handling
Hold them only when needed as they absorb through their skin
Hold them like a hamburger and make sure they can’t jump too great of a distance
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snehagoogle · 7 days
By the way, these gaseous giant planets etc
By the way, these gaseous giant planets etc. are also called Jovian
Gaseous giant planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Why are planets called Jovian
What does Jovian mean
The planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called Jovian planets because they are all huge and gaseous, and are similar to Jupiter: 
The Jovian planets are much larger than Earth and are located beyond the asteroid belt. 
The Jovian planets are made up of mostly hydrogen and helium, with some trace gases and ices. 
The Jovian planets have dense cores surrounded by thick layers of gas, and do not have solid surfaces. 
The term "Jovian" comes from the ancient Roman king of the gods, Jupiter, and anything related to Jupiter was called "Jovian". 
Although the Jovian planets are similar in many ways, they are also distinct from each other. For example, Jupiter and Saturn are much larger than Uranus and Neptune, and each pair of planets has a somewhat different composition. Uranus and Neptune are sometimes called "ice giants" because they are made up of more water and other ices than the other Jovian planets. 
"Jovian planet" refers to the Roman god Jupiter and was intended to indicate that all of these planets were similar to Jupiter.
The Jovian Planets
NASA Science (.gov)
https://smd-cms.nasa.gov › uploads › 2023/07
The Jovian Planets
These images of the four Jovian planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune — hint at some of the remarkable attributes that set them apart from the
smaller, rocky terrestrial planets. Also called “giant planets,” the Jovian planets
occupy orbits in the outer solar system at distances ranging from 5 (Jupiter) to 30 (Neptune) times the Earth’s distance from the Sun.
Unlike the terrestrial planets that make up our inner solar system — Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars — the Jovian planets do not have solid surfaces. Instead, they are composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, with traces of methane, ammonia, water, and other gases in their atmospheres. These gases make up a deep atmosphere and become tightly compressed around relatively tiny cores of rock. At great depths within Jupiter, for example, the hydrogen gas is compacted so tightly that it exists in a rare metallic form.
Each of the Jovian planets has several characteristics in common. While Saturn’s bright rings are the most visible and well known, fainter and darker rings have been seen around Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. The Jovian planets also are distinctive for having many moons. Saturn and Jupiter each have more than 60 moons, Uranus has more than 20, and Neptune has more than 10. The planets
also have fierce winds and storms, and a rapid rotation.
When compared to Earth, the Jovian planets are enormous. Jupiter is 11 times larger than Earth in diameter and is the biggest planet in our solar system. Saturn is the next largest, at nine times bigger than Earth. Uranus and Neptune are both roughly four times larger than Earth. Despite their size, the Jovian planets have low densities because of their gaseous composition. Saturn, for example, is made
of materials lighter than water. If it could be placed in a giant swimming pool, the planet would float.
The Jovian planets’ colors differ due to their temperature, composition, and cloud height. For example, the brown clouds on Jupiter are deeper in the atmosphere than the planet’s white ammonia clouds. Neptune’s pinkwhite methane ice clouds are higher in the atmosphere than its blue gaseous atmosphere.
Surprisingly, it is the trace gases in the Jovian atmospheres — not the hydrogen or helium — that give the planets’ clouds their color. For example, Uranus and Neptune are blue-green because they have a small amount of methane in their upper atmospheres.
Density: The amount of mass per volume in an object or region of space.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Goddard Space Flight Center
8800 Greenbelt Road
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars are terrestrial planets
And the gaseous giant planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Mercury is the first planet among terrestrial planets, similarly Jupiter is the first planet among gaseous giant planets
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वैसे यह गैसीय दिग्गज प्लेनेट वगैरह को जोवियन भी कहा जाता है
गैसीय दिग्गज प्लेनेट बृहस्पति शनि यूरेनस न्येपचून ग्रहों को जोवियन क्यों कहा जाता है
जोवियन का मतलब क्या है
बृहस्पति, शनि, यूरेनस और नेपच्यून ग्रहों को जोवियन ग्रह कहा जाता है क्योंकि वे सभी विशाल और गैसीय हैं, और बृहस्पति के समान हैं:
जोवियन ग्रह पृथ्वी से बहुत बड़े हैं और क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट से परे स्थित हैं।
जोवियन ग्रह ज़्यादातर हाइड्रोजन और हीलियम से बने हैं, जिनमें कुछ गैसें और बर्फ़ भी हैं।
जोवियन ग्रहों के घने कोर गैस की मोटी परतों से घिरे हैं, और उनकी कोई ठोस सतह नहीं है।
"जोवियन" शब्द प्राचीन रोमन देवताओं के राजा, बृहस्पति से आया है, और बृहस्पति से संबंधित किसी भी चीज़ को "जोवियन" कहा जाता था।
हालाँकि जोवियन ग्रह कई मायनों में समान हैं, लेकिन वे एक-दूसरे से अलग भी हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, बृहस्पति और शनि यूरेनस और नेपच्यून से बहुत बड़े हैं, और ग्रहों की प्रत्येक जोड़ी की संरचना कुछ हद तक अलग है। यूरेनस और नेपच्यून को कभी-कभी "बर्फ के दिग्गज" कहा जाता है क्योंकि वे अन्य जोवियन ग्रहों की तुलना में अधिक पानी और अन्य बर्फ़ से बने होते हैं।
"जोवियन ग्रह" रोमन देवता बृहस्पति को संदर्भित करता है और इसका उद्देश्य यह इंगित करना था कि ये सभी ग्रह बृहस्पति के समान हैं।
जोवियन ग्रह
NASA विज्ञान (.gov)
https://smd-cms.nasa.gov › अपलोड › 2023/07
जोवियन ग्रह
चार जोवियन ग्रहों - बृहस्पति, शनि, यूरेनस और नेपच्यून - की ये छवियाँ कुछ उल्लेखनीय विशेषताओं की ओर इशारा करती हैं जो उन्हें छोटे, चट्टानी स्थलीय ग्रहों से अलग करती हैं। "विशाल ग्रह" भी कहे जाने वाले जोवियन ग्रह बाहरी सौर मंडल में पृथ्वी की सूर्य से दूरी से 5 (बृहस्पति) से 30 (नेपच्यून) गुना दूरी पर कक्षाओं में रहते हैं।
हमारे आंतरिक सौर मंडल को बनाने वाले स्थलीय ग्रहों - बुध, शुक्र, पृथ्वी और मंगल के विपरीत - जोवियन ग्रहों की ठोस सतह नहीं होती है। इसके बजाय, वे मुख्य रूप से हाइड्रोजन और हीलियम से बने होते हैं, जिनके वायुमंडल में मीथेन, अमोनिया, पानी और अन्य गैसों के अंश होते हैं। ये गैसें एक गहरा वायुमंडल बनाती हैं और चट्टान के अपेक्षाकृत छोटे कोर के चारों ओर कसकर संकुचित हो जाती हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, बृहस्पति के भीतर बहुत गहराई पर, हाइड्रोजन गैस इतनी कसकर संकुचित होती है कि यह एक दुर्लभ धातु रूप में मौजूद होती है।
प्रत्येक जोवियन ग्रह में कई विशेषताएँ समान हैं। जबकि शनि के चमकीले छल्ले सबसे अधिक दिखाई देने वाले और प्रसिद्ध हैं, बृहस्पति, यूरेनस और नेपच्यून के चारों ओर फीके और गहरे रंग के छल्ले देखे गए हैं। जोवियन ग्रह कई चंद्रमाओं के लिए भी विशिष्ट हैं। शनि और बृहस्पति में से प्रत्येक के 60 से अधिक चंद्रमा हैं, यूरेनस के 20 से अधिक और नेपच्यून के 10 से अधिक हैं। ग्रहों में भयंकर हवाएँ और तूफान भी होते हैं, और वे तेजी से घूमते हैं।
पृथ्वी की तुलना में, जोवियन ग्रह बहुत बड़े हैं। बृहस्पति व्यास में पृथ्वी से 11 गुना बड़ा है और हमारे सौर मंडल का सबसे बड़ा ग्रह है। शनि अगला सबसे बड़ा ग्रह है, जो पृथ्वी से नौ गुना बड़ा है। यूरेनस और नेपच्यून दोनों पृथ्वी से लगभग चार गुना बड़े हैं। अपने आकार के बावजूद, जोवियन ग्रहों में उनकी गैसीय संरचना के कारण कम घनत्व है। उदाहरण के लिए, शनि ग्रह पानी से भी हल्के पदार्थों से बना है। अगर इसे एक विशाल स्विमिंग पूल में रखा जा सके, तो यह ग्रह तैर जाएगा। जोवियन ग्रहों के रंग उनके तापमान, संरचना और बादलों की ऊँचाई के कारण भिन्न होते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, बृहस्पति पर भूरे बादल ग्रह के सफेद अमोनिया बादलों की तुलना में वायुमंडल में अधिक गहरे हैं। नेपच्यून के गुलाबी-सफेद मीथेन बर्फ के बादल इसके नीले गैसीय वायुमंडल की तुलना में वायुमंडल में अधिक ऊँचे हैं। आश्चर्यजनक रूप से, यह जोवियन वायुमंडल में मौजूद ट्रेस गैसें हैं - हाइड्रोजन या हीलियम नहीं - जो ग्रहों के बादलों को उनका रंग देती हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, यूरेनस और नेपच्यून नीले-हरे रंग के हैं क्योंकि उनके ऊपरी वायुमंडल में मीथेन की थोड़ी मात्रा है। शब्दावली घनत्व: किसी वस्तु या अंतरिक्ष के क्षेत्र में प्रति आयतन द्रव्यमान की मात्रा। नेशनल एरोनॉटिक्स एंड स्पेस एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन
गोडार्ड स्पेस फ़्लाइट सेंटर
8800 ग्रीनबेल्ट रोड
ग्रीनबेल्ट, मैरीलैंड 20771
टेरेस्ट्रियल है बुध शुक्र पृथ्वी मंगल
और गैसीय दिग्गज प्लेनेट है बृहस्पति शनि यूरेनस नेपच्यून
टेरेस्ट्रियल प्लेनेटों में शुरु है बुध ग्रह वैसे ही गैसीय दिग्गज प्लेनेटों में है बृहस्पति ग्रह की शुरु
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cleaningitemsblogs · 9 days
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How to Choose the Right Natural Cleaning Products for Your Home
Choosing the right cleaning products is crucial for maintaining a safe and healthy home environment, especially when it comes to selecting natural options. With so many products on the market, it can be challenging to know which ones to trust. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing the right natural cleaning products for your home, ensuring they are both effective and safe for your family.
1. Check the Ingredient List
The first step in choosing a natural cleaning product is to check the ingredient list. Look for products that use plant-based ingredients and avoid harsh chemicals like ammonia, bleach, and synthetic fragrances. Brands like A Clean Home Company are transparent about their ingredients, using only high-quality, natural components that are safe for both people and pets.
Example: Pure essential oils, such as lemon or lavender, are great natural alternatives for fragrance and antibacterial properties. These ingredients provide a pleasant scent and effective cleaning without harmful side effects.
2. Look for Eco-Friendly Certification
Eco-friendly certifications can give you confidence that the product meets specific environmental and safety standards. Certifications like USDA Organic, Green Seal, or EPA Safer Choice indicate that a product is environmentally responsible and free from harmful chemicals. When shopping for natural cleaning products, keep an eye out for these labels.
Example: Products from companies committed to sustainability, like A Clean Home Company, often use biodegradable ingredients and recyclable packaging, making them a responsible choice for your home and the planet.
3. Consider Effectiveness
While safety is essential, cleaning products must also be effective. Look for natural products that have been tested for their cleaning power. Reading reviews and trying sample sizes can help you find options that balance effectiveness with safety. A Clean Home Company’s line of natural cleaners, including their All-Purpose Cleaner, offers powerful cleaning without the need for harsh chemicals.
Example: Products that can tackle grease, grime, and bacteria while being gentle on surfaces and skin are ideal for family homes.
4. Choose Products Tailored to Your Needs
Different areas of the home may require different types of cleaning products. All-purpose cleaners, dish soaps, and floor cleaners should be chosen based on the specific needs of your home. For example, a natural glass cleaner should leave windows streak-free without harmful fumes. A Clean Home Company offers a range of natural cleaning solutions that cater to various household needs, ensuring comprehensive cleanliness and safety.
Example: Selecting a specialized natural cleaner for the bathroom can help prevent the buildup of mold and mildew without introducing harsh chemicals into the air.
Making Informed Choices for a Healthier Home
By carefully choosing natural cleaning products, you can create a home that is both clean and safe for your family. Look for trustworthy brands like A Clean Home Company, which prioritize transparency, eco-friendly practices, and effective cleaning solutions. With the right products, maintaining a healthy and welcoming home environment is simple and stress-free.
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organicmachine555 · 10 days
Fertilizer resources are the value deduction of fertilizer production machines
In the grand picture of agriculture, fertilizer resources are like colorful pigments, adding vitality and vitality to the robust growth of crops. Fertilizer production machines are the key brush for transforming these valuable resources into the power of agricultural development.
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Fertilizer production machines play an important role in the development and utilization of fertilizer resources. First of all, for natural mineral resources, such as phosphate rock, potassium salt, etc., mining and processing equipment is the key to open the treasure house of resources. Machines such as crushers and grinders crush large chunks of minerals into the right particle size to prepare them for subsequent chemical reactions. For example, in the processing of phosphate rock, advanced crushing equipment can improve the crushing efficiency of ore and increase the utilization rate of resources.
In the field of industrial synthesis, fertilizer production machines show a strong strength. Large machines such as ammonia plants and urea production plants convert raw materials such as nitrogen and hydrogen into nitrogen fertilizer resources through complex chemical reactions. The efficient operation of these equipment ensures a stable supply of nitrogen fertilizer and meets the huge demand for nitrogen in agricultural production.
At the same time, with the improvement of environmental awareness, organic waste as an important source of fertilizer resources has also been paid more and more attention. Fertilizer production machines play a key role in the treatment and conversion of organic waste. Fermentation equipment, dryers, etc., can convert organic waste such as livestock manure and crop straw into organic fertilizer. By controlling conditions such as temperature, humidity and ventilation, these machines promote the fermentation of microorganisms, breaking down organic matter in waste into nutrients that can be absorbed by plants.
In addition, the continuous innovation and development of fertilizer production machines also provide a guarantee for the sustainable use of fertilizer resources. The new energy-saving equipment, environmentally friendly production process and intelligent control system not only improve the production efficiency, but also reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution, and realize the efficient and green utilization of fertilizer resources.
In short, fertilizer resources are an important cornerstone of agricultural development, and fertilizer production machines are powerful tools to transform these resources into harvest hopes. By continuously improving the technical level and performance of fertilizer production machines, we can better develop and use fertilizer resources, and inject a steady stream of power for the sustainable development of agriculture.
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