#Grape Growing Zones
toadstoolgardens · 2 years
Low-Maintenance Gardening
There are so many reasons to choose a low-maintenance garden. Gardening should be a peaceful and fulfilling hobby, not something that adds stress or causes pain. A beautiful, bountiful, low-maintenance harvest is possible!
Annual Crops for the Low-Maintenance Garden
These set it and forget it crops have a long season, don't need a lot of babying, and usually get harvested all at once. Many of these can also be grown in raised beds, and some in containers (potatoes grow great in a 5 gallon bucket!!) if that's best for you.
Ideal Annual Crops: These can all go into cold storage for up to 8 months.
Sweet Potatoes
Winter Squash
Pretty Good Annual Crops: These need some attention after harvesting for them to last as long as possible.
Brussels Sprouts
Cabbage ^^^Refrigerate these 3
Watermelon (Go into cold storage whole and last 2-3 weeks)
Tomatoes (You can grow determinate tomato varieties for a bumper crop that's harvested all at once. Sit tomatoes at room temperature 2-3 days and then process. Freeze, can, make sauce with them, etc.)
Herbs for the Low-Maintenance Garden
Herbs are the ultimate low-maintenance crop. So many options and they don't mind being ignored and can easily be grown in containers.
Ideal Herbs: These herbs are perennials and come back every year with just a little work on your part. All you need to do is prune them down to 5 inches once in the late spring and once around August to keep them growing indefinitely!
Rosemary (If you live in hardiness zones 7-10)
Pretty Good Herbs: These are annual herbs so you'll have to plant them each year. Both of these are also favorites of pollinators and beneficial insects!
Basil (put basil sprigs in a glass of water in the kitchen, change the water every few days, and after a while they should root for easy planting)
Fruits for the Low-Maintenance Garden
If you have the space and means to grow fruit trees or shrubs, they're an excellent low-maintenance choice. They bear a crop year after year with a little pruning (prune once or twice a year) and adding some compost or organic matter (once a year).
Ideal Fruits: These have a long storage life and require little processing after harvesting.
Citrus Fruits
Pretty Good Fruits: These have much shorter storage life.
Berries (Grow a ton of fruit without much coaxing, but highly perishable so need to be eaten or frozen/processed after harvest)
Pawpaws (If you live in hardiness zones 5-9)
Some Tips for Low-Maintenance Gardening
Spend 15 minutes a day in the garden, whenever possible. This daily visit doesn't have to be spent working, especially if you're lacking energy, time, spoons, etc. It can be spent observing, enjoying, and just being in the garden, which is just as important as the doing!! Notice the changes as the days, weeks, and seasons change. Enjoy the plants, insects, birds, and other critters you've invited into your garden.
Mulch like a motherfucker. After planting, mulch that garden! A good mulching keeps weeds at bay, making less work for you.
Stagger harvest windows. Plan your planting times so you only have one or a few crops coming to harvest at the same time. This also allows for full appreciation and enjoyment of each crop, hopefully without burnout or overwhelm!
Put it on the calendar. Write down planting, harvesting, and pruning windows for each crop.
Most importantly, BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF. Gardening, even a low-maintenance garden, is hard! You will lose plants. You will lose crops. You will make mistakes and have failures. You weren't able to get to the garden and all your sprouts died? That's totally okay and you can always start them again! You weren't able to harvest in time and the birds got all your berries? You're welcome, birds! Do your best, do what you're able, and you're doing amazing!!💖
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 days
What are the nighttime routines for any characters you want?
• Take a shower, singing and practicing his award acceptance speeches.
• Do his extensive skincare routine.
• Get dressed. Put on silk pajamas. Realize he feels ridiculous and it's not like he has anyone to dress up for. Put on old Loveless T-shirt and pyjama pants instead.
• Try to have a bedtime snack.
• Have some grapes. Feel disgusted that the grapes aren't fresh and remind himself to order grapes from the good, expensive supermarket next time.
• Pour himself some wine and pick out a book.
• Briefly glance at his phone and wonder if Angeal and Sephiroth are still awake. Decide he shouldn't bother them.
• Spent the next 2 hours reading until he finally drifts off to sleep with the book on his face.
• Take a bath.
• Have an existential crisis in said bath.
• Zone out.
• Nearly drown.
• Wash hair.
• Finish two hours later.
• Try to have a bedtime snack.
• Have some grapes. Lament that the grapes aren't fresh. Feel existential dread creep in as he realizes he could have fresh grapes if he lived anywhere other than Midgar, but unfortunately, he works for Shinra.
• Turn on air purifier. Crawl into bed. feel discomfort. Crawl out of bed. Grab giant stuffed moogle Genesis gave gim as a gag gift but he sleeps with it sometimes. Try to sleep.
• Wonder if he should text Angeal and Genesis. No, they're probably asleep.
• Fail. Lie awake for two hours wallowing in existential dread, remembering memories that cannot be changed and the faces of people he couldn't save.
• Cover his head with a pillow and try to sleep.
• Wake up three minutes later.
• Realize he got 0 sleep and has a full day of work.
• Take a shower and spend wayy too long under the hot water.
• Shave and briefly entertain the idea of growing a mustache.
• Water his plants.
• Check his phone to see if Genesis and Sephiroth sent him anything. Nothing. They must be asleep.
• Start to cook but realize it's pointless to cook for one person. He has some grapes instead.
• Realize the grapes aren't fresh, but they're still edible. Have flashbacks to nights he went to bed hungry as a child. Feel so guilty he finishes all the grapes.
• Check his phone again because sometimes Sephiroth texts him when he can't sleep. Nothing.
• Turn on the TV and continue watching whatever show he's currently interested in.
• Fall asleep with the TV on.
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buckysgrace · 16 days
1. My Kink is Karma
Broken Hearts Club Steve Harrington x fem!Reader
Your friend convinces you to join her grand plan. Steve is surprised about your advances.
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Dividers by @strangergraphics :)
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The air was hot and muggy. Humid. It was so humid that the back of your neck was wet, leaving the strands of hair against your skin wet. The sun was even more miserable, beating down against your skin as you roughly pumped your feet against the pedals. You were almost there. 
You had no car, well not anymore. Patty had begged and pleaded with you to take one spin in it behind the wheel, which you eventually agreed to against your better judgment. Your car was currently busted up in a junkyard and you were spending the summer paying for the damage your friend had done. Not that it was truly her fault, you were the one that let her behind the wheel.
You shoved your bike into the rack, almost not caring enough to lock it up. But you did despite your legs and arms crying in protest. At least you had a bike, if you lost this you’d end up having to walk. Your grandparents had been very clear of what they expected from you after your mistake. It was fair. 
Orange Julius wasn’t that bad of a job, a bit boring; but you really wished you were walking around and shopping like the rest of your peers. Instead you were stuck behind a counter, gowned in an ugly orange apron and an orange cap to keep your hair out of the food and drinks. It was better than the hairnet you supposed.
And it was certainly better than the terrible Scoops Ahoy! Uniforms that you had the unlucky pleasure of viewing every day. The store was directly across from yours, such a great view when you zoned out. Patty certainly thought so.
“Look at him in his dumb uniform,” She commented as she loudly sipped from her drink, her second free one that you had gifted her, “How many girls do you think have rejected him today?” She questioned you, looking more than gleeful as she stared towards the large glass windows into the ice cream store. 
“Don’t know,” You told her as you shrugged your shoulders, working on getting the drinks ready for the couple that was waiting, “Maybe a few.” You added, trying to appear as interested in the conversation as she was. In all honesty, you were growing tired of the mockery of Steve. It felt like old news. You didn’t understand why she kept obsessing over it. 
Steve was a hard topic for you to discuss, to even think about. You had known him far before he had dated Patty and left her heart in a pile of broken pieces. Back before he ever cared about popularity and gaining the title of King Steve.
Your memories of Steve came with dirty, scraped knees and popsicle stained lips. Of playing popcorn on your trampoline and him teaching you how to dive into the deep side of his pool. It was catching fireflies and having your gran paint your faces on your birthdays. You were fond of them all.
Then high school rolled around and things changed. The two of you drifted apart and soon your gran had an overstock of grape popsicles in her freezer. Those had always been his favorite. 
Things didn’t end on bad terms though, so you supposed you were grateful for that. You still occasionally exchanged pleasantries and small conversations. The last time you’d actually interacted with him had been at your graduation party. Patty had thrown a fit, even though you’d been in the dark about him coming over. But your grandparents loved him.
“You know what would be really funny?” Patty asked you as she hopped up on the side of the counter, leaving one of your coworkers to grumble about it. You smiled sheepishly, sure that they were all annoyed with her hanging around. “What?” You asked as you quickly smiled towards the customers as you handed off their drinks to them. You happily accepted the leftover coins as your tip, happy for anything that would help with your car situation. 
“If you went on a date with him.” Patty’s sentence surprised you as you snapped your head towards her, watching the way her pouty lips had turned up into a smirk. 
“Me?” You looked at her in disbelief, eyebrows crinkling together as your eyes widened, “Are you joking?” You asked her seriously as you hesitantly approached, sure that she had to be pulling your leg. Go out with Steve? The same ex she hadn’t been able to get over? You were positive you heard her wrong. 
“I’m being serious,” She grinned as she leaned over the counter, her green eyes sparkling with mischief, “Can you imagine how upset he’d be when you dump him?” She laughed at the thought, looking a little too gleeful for comfort. 
“Exactly why I’m not doing that.” You told her quickly as you shook your head. What Steve had done to her was shitty, but you were not a heartbreaker. You hadn’t ever broken up with anyone either, nor had you been in a serious enough relationship to pull off the act. 
“Why not?” She whined as she reached for your hands, “It would be the perfect revenge.” She added as she squeezed at your fingers. You looked at her oddly, wondering where she had gotten the impression that you were like that. This summer was supposed to be about working off your mistake, not about cozying up to Steve Harrington. 
“I don’t like Steve like that.” You dismissed her as you wrinkled your nose up. You’d never liked him like that. It irritated you to no end to hear about the girls in your classes talking about their romantic encounters with him. It had been unbearable during his brief stunt with Patty. You were secretly glad when it ended, not that you would ever tell her that. 
“You don’t have to,” She said as she shook her head, her blonde curls flying about, “You just have to make him like you.” She drew out more playfully as her grip around your fingers only tightened. 
“No,” You replied sternly as you pulled your hands away, “We used-,”
“To be friends, I know,” She finished for you, “But then he ditched you Freshman year for all of those cool people.” She waved her hand like it was no big deal, but you still felt the dull ache in your chest. But you were going to college, none of that mattered anymore. 
“Thanks.” You replied dryly as you shook your head, glancing back over towards the ice cream store. From this angle you could see Steve talking dramatically with his hands as Robin held up some sort of board in his direction. 
“You’re a nerd, but I love you,” She replied eagerly as she nodded her head, “See, it works out perfectly. You can get your own revenge too.” She laid it all out for you simply, as if it wasn’t a tricky task. It was all sort of bizarre to you. 
“I don’t want revenge,” You told her with a laugh, “That was years ago. I don’t care anymore. I’m going to college soon and forgetting about this dumb town.” That was if you could pay off your destroyed car. And get a new one. 
“You should do it for me anyways.” She whined as she bounced on the tips of her toes and smacked her palms against the counter, like she was a small child. You grumbled in response. 
“Why?” You asked her seriously as you rested your hand on your hip while you leaned on the counter. She rested her chin on her hands, pouting out her bottom lip as she fluttered her eyelashes up at you. 
“Because I’m your best friend. Maybe your only friend,” She added quickly, “And you owe me.” She added in a strict manner, narrowing her eyes slightly as if she was recalling a memory. You laughed. 
“What exactly do I owe you for?” You asked her seriously as you cocked your eyebrows, a little amused at the tantrum she was throwing. It wasn’t like you weren’t used to it. 
“You failed to tell me that Steve was such a heartbreaker.” She pointed at you, like it was all somehow your fault. You blinked slowly, knowing that she’d have to do better than that. You had told her many times that it wasn’t a good idea. 
“Everyone knew about that,” You responded with a laugh, “Nice try though.” You told her as you grabbed a spray bottle and began to wipe off the counter, purposely so she could move her elbows away. 
“Please,” She tried again as she pouted her lips out, “You know what he put me through, don’t you think he deserves a taste of his own medicine?” She asked you seriously, sounding more frustrated this time around. 
“I think that’s happening right now,” You responded as you crinkled your nose up, clearly able to hear him talking loudly to the group of girls that had just walked into the ice cream store, “Besides, he’d get suspicious. We’ve never been like that.” You couldn’t imagine being romantic with Steve or pretending to date him. It was outrageous. 
“We could cook up a cute story,” Patty declared, “You’ve been in love with him since you were little; he’s your childhood crush. Oh he’d fall for it.” She nodded her head, eyes still gleaming as she continued to plot out her awful plan. 
“He would not.” Lies. He definitely would. Being a hopeless romantic certainly fit Steve, even if he left behind shattered pieces of hearts in his path. 
“You go on a few dates,” She continued, “Just a few. Enough to make him like you. LIke really like you. You make him feel like he’s getting his groove back, that he can be happy and then you just dump him.” She smacked her hands against your wet counter, smiling wide as she squealed a second later. 
“Oh my God.” You groaned as you covered your face with your hands, feeling like she wasn’t listening to you. She was too much sometimes. 
“Just do this one little thing for me,” She whined dramatically again, “Please. Why won’t you do it for me? Your best friend?” She questioned you as you felt yourself huff all over again. It was ridiculous, that was why. 
“Just to be clear,” You started as you held your hands up in surrender and shut your eyes, “You want me to pretend to date your ex, be all sweet and romantic with him and then break up with him?” You asked her, being sure that you had the points correct. 
“Alright,” You huffed as you drifted your eyes up towards the ceiling, wondering if anyone could hear your inner pleas, “You’re sick, demented. A terrible person.” You told her seriously, trying to recall why you had become friends in the first place. 
“I love you too,” She cooed as she leaned forward to kiss your forehead, “I’ll start looking for something cute for your first date.” She replied cheerily as she walked away, blowing you a kiss as she left. 
“Patty!” You shouted, eyes wide in disbelief, “I’m not doing it!”
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You were true to your word, but that didn’t mean that Patty was happy with it. Her tantrum grew into dark, gloomy clouds and lightning flashes as she took to ignoring you in her usual manner. She did this every so often, making a point to show you that she wouldn’t speak to you again until you did whatever she wanted. You weren’t going to budge this time. 
“Where’s your friend?” The voice startled you, shaking you away from your thoughts as you munched on a carton of fries that were growing increasingly cold as your lunch break went on. You looked up curiously, almost dropping the fry from your mouth. 
“Steve?” You asked, sure that you were dreaming for just a moment. Of course it would be your luck to have him bump into you after your event with Patty. He did look dorky in his little uniform, but you’d noticed that he’d taken off his hat. 
“Yeah,” He said slowly, looking over his shoulder as if there was someone behind him, “That’s me. Why are you sitting alone?” He asked as he pointed his finger down to the free seat, like he was asking for an invitation to join you. You shrugged your shoulders. 
“Why do you care?” You asked him, not meaning for your tone to come out so snarky. But it was true. It wasn’t like he asked about you any other day. 
“I don’t,” He said at last, “Well sort of. You look like a bum.” He said at last, making your jaw drop as you stared up at him. You shifted, unable to help that your shirt was an ugly color and apron clutched so tightly to you. Perhaps you hadn’t cleaned up too well after the bike ride here either. Great. Just great. 
“This is my work uniform,” You huffed out, “I can’t control how it looks.” You replied defensively as you tried to straighten your clothes out, wondering why he was coming over to pick at you. Perhaps he thought you were an easy target like the kids in high school. 
“No,” He said as he furrowed his eyebrows together, “You look sad.” He declared with a nod of your head, leaving you just as confused as what he looked. 
“Bummed,” You corrected as you shook your head once you came to the right conclusion, “I think you mean that I look bummed.” You told him, blinking your eyes slowly as you laughed in response. 
“Yeah, that,” He replied as he rubbed the back of his neck, “Are you?” He asked you slowly, making you wonder once again why he even cared. You watched as he swung the chair around and straddled it, sitting across from you.
“I guess a bit,” You hummed as you ate another fry, eyes narrowing as he reached across and took a handful to shove into his mouth, “I think Patty dumped me.” You said with a shrug of your shoulders, feeling like there was no point in denying it.
“She’s a -,” He stalled for a moment, “She’s pretty nasty.” He decided on at last, as if that made it any better. You tilted your head, unsure of why he would stick that label on her. He wasn’t any better and was certainly a cheater amongst other things. 
“Uh huh,” You drew out slowly, “Is there a reason you came over here or?” You asked curiously as you raised your eyebrows, trying to gain knowledge of what he wanted from you. It was fairly suspicious that he had decided to speak to you now after your former conversation with Patty. 
“Just wanted to check in on you.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders, his tone softer as he drifted his brown eyes towards you. You felt your stomach clench in surprise before you quickly glanced away, unable to hold his gaze for very long. 
“I’m fine, Steve,” You replied tiredly as you pulled a tight smile onto your lips, “Does this look like a smile of a bum?” You asked him, unable to help yourself as a giggle burst free from your lips. It was silly, pleasant. Like it used to be. 
“Ha,” He replied dryly but smiled all the same, “I see why you got dumped.” He told you as he jerked his chin towards you, making a frown form on your lips. You supposed you shouldn’t feel so sensitive towards the manner, but you were fairly hurt over everything. Patty had been your only real friend for the longest time. It was shitty.
You sighed as you scooted your chair back, earning a confused look from Steve before you gathered up all of your trash. You dramatically tossed it into the bin before you turned on your heel, not letting him have the satisfaction of seeing you all upset. 
“I was kidding,” Steve shouted after you, stumbling over his chair as you headed back towards your store, “You know, just a joke!” You ignored him, not bothering to face his way before you flipped him off. 
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“What’s this?��� You asked as you held your back over your shoulder, resting a hand on your hip as you looked at the image in front of you. The mall was long closed and you had taken your time to get the store locked up and ready for tomorrow. 
Steve had a pitiful grin as he stood in front of you, a bowl filled with ice cream resting in his palms. You tilted your head, noticing the bananas and extra cherries. His hat was resting awkwardly on the side of his head, his hair sticking in different directions as if he’d messed with it for too long.
“I feel like a dick,” He said at last, “I really was just trying to check on you. Here. You can have this.” He pushed it out towards you, nearly dropping it on you before you caught it upright. He moved his hands towards you to balance it, his slender fingers brushing against your now warm skin. 
“Thanks,” You replied with a laugh, “I don’t think I can eat this on my bike though.” You told him seriously as you looked down at the messy toppings, almost as if a child had set it up. He had never been the artistic type. 
“We could share it here.” He suggested with a shrug of his lips, frowning his lips out softly like he wasn’t quite sure what you’d suggest. You placed the bowl down on the table before you rested your hand on your hip, thinking over his suggestion. 
“Are you asking me out?” You questioned with a cocked eyebrow. Bold. It was far too bold for you. He must’ve thought the same as he snapped his head towards you so quickly that his head almost toppled off of his head. 
“I-,” His lips stopped moving for a moment, his cheeks turning a bright red as his brown eyes widened in shock, “No. I mean. Yes. I uh, if you want it to be? No. I’m asking you out. Yes.” He furrowed his eyebrows tightly together, looking as confused as you felt for a moment. You laughed, trying to ignore the way your heart fluttered in your chest. It was sort of cute. Just sort of. 
“Real smooth, Harrington,” You responded as you pulled a chair out, “You’ve always had a way with words.” You teased him as you sat down, mirroring the way he’d found you earlier. He snorted as he pressed a hand through his messy hair. You watched, wondering if it had grown lighter from the summer sun. 
“I do,” He replied more confidently as he took the spot across from you, “I just wasn’t expecting you to ask me.” He said as he pointed the spoon towards you, then back to himself. You rolled your eyes as you stole the spoon from his fingers.
“Is that a problem?” You questioned as you took a large scoop from the ice cream, securing a piece of banana before you munched down on it. He watched you for a moment before he stole the spoon from you to take a bite of his own. At least neither of you cared about germs anymore.
“No,” He said as a cheesy smile pulled onto his lips, “I always knew you were into me.” His revelation shocked you, making your jaw drop in surprise.
“I was not,” You squeaked out, completely forgetting what Patty wanted you to say, “I bet you were the one that was into me.” You teased him back as you took another bite, then another just to spite him. 
He chewed on his bottom lip as he watched you, eyes warm and filled with amusement. He softened though, his features relaxing into something you deemed as being vulnerable before he adjusted in his seat.
“A bit,” He admitted, leaving you stunned as you pressed your lips together. You could feel your pulse racing, the butterflies forming in your stomach from his words. That was certainly a surprise. You never picked up any of those feelings from him, “I always thought you were pretty.” 
You felt a warm feeling grow inside of your chest, your heart thumping as you tried to comprehend his compliment. You parted your lips, your positions quickly changing as you suddenly couldn’t find the words to say.
“Oh,” You watched as he licked the bottom of the spoon clean, your knees twitching together, “I didn’t know.” You said at last, unsure of what else you could say. You felt guilty suddenly, even though you weren’t technically doing anything wrong. Not yet. He could totally be messing with you at this point. 
“You still live in the same place,” He stated, but then quickly coughed as he spoke again, “Right?” He flushed once again, a soft smile pressing onto his lips. He reminded you of the boy you once knew.
“Born and raised,” You told him in agreement, “I don’t suppose you’d invite me to go swimming?” You questioned, deciding that you might as well go ahead and take the lead. He laughed.
“We could do that,” He nodded his head in agreement, “Tomorrow. It’s a date.” 
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brightgnosis · 4 months
As usual I went to Lowe's for one thing and came back with twelve instead- though I think today's haul may have actually been my smallest one ever: 2 German Chamomile plants, and a Common Rosemary (plus the bag of Moisture Control Soil we intended).
Came home, transplanted half the Yarrow to the other side of the bed and uprooted the rest (why did no one tell me that "one" Yarrow plant is actually like 20 sprouts), and planted the Chamomile on the same side. Got the spent tags from last year mostly pulled up from where they weren't necessary- and marveled at the fact that my Virginia Mountain Mint not only survived the Winter, but spread about a foot from its original planting site (I'm overjoyed! I can't wait to plant the Hairy Mountain Mint now!) and is purple when it sprouts (would have never anticipated that from what it looked like when I planted it last year. How beautiful)!
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🕯️“ Blessed are you, Adonai, Creator of the Universe, who has created such diverse things. Amein. „🕯️
Decided at that point I was tired and exhausted, and so I came inside to rest. I may get to the Grape Vine and Lily / Iris pot today, or I may not. I don't think I will; I think I should call it good for the day and chill just to make sure I don't flare. But 👀 The garden. It's calling to me.
«Oklahoma - Region 2» ⬩ «Grow Zone 7a» ⬩ «Heat Zone 8»
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Part 1: a economic overview of Ancient greece
Greece had pretty poor soil. They relied heavily on agricultural trade for food and their economy was reliant on imported goods. They grew olives and grapes, which were complimented by herbs and vegetables. Husbandry was badly developed, consisting mostly of sheep and goats while bees were kept for honey, which was the only source of sugar known to the greeks. Up to 80% of the Greek population was employed in the agricultural industry. Agricultural work followed the rhythm of the seasons: they harvested olives in autumn while trimming and keeping grapevines during the autumn seasons and the end of winter, while settings aside fallow land(land set aside so that it can recover nutrients) in the springs, harvesting cereals in summer and cutting wood, sowing seeds, and harvesting grapes into autumn, where the cycle would repeat. Greece had fairly mild but wet winters with hot and dry summers: typical of other mediterranean countries.Craftsmanship in greece was very much a big part of their domestic sphere(social circle), at least early on. Later around the 8th and 4th century BC(800 BC – 701 BC and 400 BC – 301 BC respectively), it moved to a more commercialized zone. Things like weaving and baking were done solely by women before the 5th century BC, before slaves were used after the expansion of commerce. Workshops were mostly family-operated and employed up until around 429 BC, following the death of Pericles, when a new class of wealthy owners and managers of workshops emerged.
Another aspect of greece’s economy was pottery. The greeks used the same method of pottery used since the bronze age. The potter's work consisted of selecting the clay, fashioning the vase, drying and painting and baking it, and then applying varnish. Part of production went to domestic use in things such as plates, containers, and lamps, commercial use for selling, and the rest served an artistic function. Pottery was often done by slaves and a few skilled artisans.
Greece practiced free trade, though later regulations were put in place to manage the trade of grains, flour, and bread. Maratime trade in greece was conducted by class of traders known as Emporoi. The state collected a duty(tax) on the cargo of Emporoi, which at Piraeus, the main port of Athens, was set to 1% or higher. One of the main drivers of trade in Ancient Greece was colonization. As larger city states set up colonies, there would be trade between the founding city and its colony. Furthermore, different climates in these colonies created a comparative advantage in goods. The growing amount of trade in greece led to new financial techniques being developed. Most merchants lacked sufficient cash assets to fund their expeditions, and as a result, had to borrow money to finance part or sometimes all of their expeditions. A loan for a large venture in athens was generally a large sum of cash(usually less that 2000 drachmas, the greek currency of the time), lent for the duration of the voyage, which typically lasted several weeks or months, and had a high rate of interest. This interest rate was often set at 12% but could reach up to a 100% interest rate. These terms were always laid out in writing. The lender bore all of the risks; in exchange, the trader committed all of their cargo and fleet. These were often seized upon arrival to Piraeus as a precautionary measure.
Greece's main exports were olive oil, wine, pottery, honey, and metalwork. Imports included grains, pork, fine pottery, eels, and pulses from Sicily, Arabia, Egypt, Ancient Carthage, and the Bosporan Kingdom. While peasants and artisans often sold their wares, there were also retail merchants known as kapeloi. They grouped into guilds and sold fish, olive oil, and vegetables. Women would sell perfume or ribbons, and merchants were required to pau a fee for their space in the marketplace. The general population viewed them poorly. Aristotle labled their activity "a kind of exchange which is justly censured, for it is unnatural, and a mode by which men gain from one another.” Greece also apparently didn't directly tax their people. The Eisphora was a tax on the very wealthy, usually only levied in wartime. Particularly large fortunes were subject to liturgies: the support of public works. The Diaspora was another form of tax which only applied to the wealthiest. The citizens could reject the taxation, however, if they believed someone else was wealthier and not being taxed. The wealthier would have to pay for the liturgy. On the other hand, indirect taxes were quite important. Taxes were levied on houses, slaves, herds and flocks, wines, and hay, among other things. Shopping centers in greece were known as Agoras. early in Greek history free-born citizens would gather in the agora for military duty or to hear statements of the ruling king or council. Every city had its agora where merchants could sell their products. Prices were rarely fixed, so bargaining was a common practice.
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gardeningforfun0714 · 25 days
Hi everyone,
For those that may not recognize my username, I’m Maisy. My main blog is @mabrego0714 I’m an artist and often post Star Wars art (along with other fandoms). I also have a writing blog @writingforfun0714 where I write fanfics (I’m not a writer and just do that for fun).
Now I’d like to start a gardening blog where I basically just journal what I have, what I use for my plants, harvests, and maybe even share some garden/plant art as well.
I AM A NOVICE/BEGINNER. I’m still learning and am definitely open to any tips, tricks, and/or hacks to any of my plants but full on hate/condescension/general assholery will not be tolerated because I want this to be a safe space for everyone including:
—disabled/nd folks
—other beginner gardeners
—literally anyone interested in gardening
So here’s some info about my garden/area.
USA: Zone 9 (a)
Normal climate on an avg day: warm to hot/dry/arid with few days of rain though we’ve gotten more rain than normal this year. Can get windy. I do get hurricane and tornado warnings during those respective seasons.
Soil in my area is incredibly rocky and clay-like so my garden is split into 2 parts: direct-sow and container garden. Also I’ve had plants that require full sun in my yard die due to the intense heat of summer and fall. So that means some full sun plants might need protection and/or partial sun in my area.
Both gardens get sun but direct-sow garden is full sun. Potted plants get morning sun along with partial afternoon shade thanks to my house.
Now for the fun, listing what I already have and the status of them as of this post 6/4/24:
Container garden:
Apple tree—new tree/adding new growth and is currently ~7-8ft tall.
Peach tree—new tree/ has 4 small golf ball sized peaches and is currently ~6-7ft tall.
Olive tree—new tree/new growth and is ~4.5ft tall.
Fig tree/bush?—small but new growth.
Blueberries—I have 4 blueberry plants that range from a small fruiting bush to plants that are recovering from a fungal infection. I originally got 3 of them when they were packed in clay soil and developed blueberry blight (they were on clearance) and thought I could save them despite no knowledge of gardening/taking care of any kind of plant. I got some organic fungicide and changed the soil, adding in organic soil acidifier. They are currently recovering and adding new growth which I’m extremely proud of cuz I thought they would all die—which led me to buying the 4th one just in case the others didn’t make it. I’ll make a whole post about them later.
Raspberries—new plants with small buds growing. Currently ~2ft-3ft tall. I have 2 for pollination.
Blackberries—thorny vine producing fruit. I also have a thornless variety that is a small plant with new growth on it.
Elderberries—small bush that hasn’t flowered despite it being 2yrs old. Maybe it needs a pollinator?
Potatoes—I have 2 5gal buckets of potatoes. One has the plants yellowing/dying off and almost ready to harvest while the other bucket still has new growth.
Tomatoes—Lots of varieties that range from seedling, new growth to producing. Will make a tomato post as well.
Carrots—new growth and all carrots have their secondary leaves.
Onions—Chives specifically, rather small but still green and healthy.
Peppers—seedlings (we grew all our peppers from seed this year which takes longer and my dad and I started a bit late).
Chile pequin—established, flowering and producing small bush. Native plant in my area.
Green beans—producing
Cucumbers—flowering, about to produce
Native wildflowers—just past seedling, also doing great since I planted these way too late.
Radishes—They were doing well but we had high winds recently that wrecked them so I’m hoping they’ll come back.
Grapes—1 small 4ft vine from an online nursery and 2 fruiting vines about 6ft-7ft tall from Lowes. All green grapes.
Direct-sow/Ground Garden:
Corn—new growth, ~2ft tall with 1-inch thick stalks.
Tomatoes—Lemon boy hybrid, Super Sweet 100 hybrid, that are both flowering.
Pole beans—producing
Yellow Lantana—FLOWER. it migrated and exploded in my direct-sow garden. Doing great.
Melon patch—Mostly watermelon with cantaloupe. Everything is doing incredibly well and the watermelon have started to vine. I’ve got classic red sugar baby watermelon along with orange watermelon and yellow golden honey watermelon. Different color watermelon is common where I’m at. Will make a separate post for my melon patch too.
Exotic/Tropical/Cacti and Succulents/Unusual: I believe zones 9+ can grow lots of tropical fruit (but not all)
Pineapples—grown from tops. New growth but no flowers. All 3 are in a clay pot.
Pink Lemonade Blueberries—small plant with new growth. No flowers. Bought from online nursery early May ‘24.
Golden Raspberries—small plant with new growth. No flowers. Bought from online nursery early May ‘24. I have 2 for pollination.
Papaya—new tree with new growth but no flowers. ~3ft tall. I have 2 for pollination.
Pink Guava—new tree with new growth but no flowers. ~3ft tall. I have 2 for pollination.
I believe that’s it. So I think that’s all the important stuff I’ll include for my intro post but feel free to message me if you have a question or just wanna talk about gardening🌱🌿💚
Have a pic of one of the big grape vines I have. For reference it’s taller than me (I’m 5’3”). I will make posts about each plant this summer so get ready for that. If anyone has something they wanna see from the list, lemme know💚
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Below the cut is a bit about me, how I got into gardening, why I’m doing it now, what I hope to achieve and future plans for my garden. Thanks to those that like/reblog this and it’s never too late to plant. Happy gardening🥰
I was lucky enough to grow up with a garden during my early childhood years thanks to my dad. My dad had me late in life (he was 45) and he grew up around his farmer grandparents, and his green-thumbed mother who could make anything grow but mostly grew flowers in her garden. Our garden wasn’t much but it produced a lot. It consisted of cherry tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers and corn, at least at first. Then my dad added sunflowers, melons, and peppers. It was great and I loved going out with my dad and helping him. Sadly life got in the way when I was 7 and I experienced a lot of trauma. My parents divorced and that was the end of the garden because my mom had no time or interest in the upkeep of the garden. I had tried myself but things started to die one by one.
Years and years would pass that I wouldn’t even consider gardening. I was too busy with trauma/family/school etc to focus on gardening. It wasn’t until I graduated high school that I really started to think seriously about gardening to produce food to survive. In college I started to research gardening in my spare time (being an artist, I was in school for animation and illustration) and after dropping out, I decided to pursue gardening as a way to get up and outside especially with the pandemic.
I think around the time of the pandemic, I started researching different kinds of gardens and fell in love with the idea of a food forest. I told my dad about my new interest in gardening and I think that also inspired him to also get back into it as well and now it’s our shared activity we do.
I’d love to eventually get a large enough harvest to share with friends and family and I will definitely be expanding my garden this year as well. There was lots of construction last year in my neighborhood which drove all the pests and insects towards my garden and discouraged me so lots of my plants (all the trees/most of the berries) I bought this year are new and I haven’t grown 95% of what I have now so I’m super excited.
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Greece: Economy
Greece had pretty poor soil. They relied heavily on agricultural trade for food and their economy was reliant on imported goods. They grew olives and grapes, which were complimented by herbs and vegetables. Husbandry was badly developed, consisting mostly of sheep and goats while bees were kept for honey, which was the only source of sugar known to the greeks. Up to 80% of the Greek population was employed in the agricultural industry. Agricultural work followed the rhythm of the seasons: they harvested olives in autumn while trimming and keeping grapevines during the autumn seasons and the end of winter, while settings aside fallow land(land set aside so that it can recover nutrients) in the springs, harvesting cereals in summer and cutting wood, sowing seeds, and harvesting grapes into autumn, where the cycle would repeat. Greece had fairly mild but wet winters with hot and dry summers: typical of other mediterranean countries.Craftsmanship in greece was very much a big part of their domestic sphere(social circle), at least early on. Later around the 8th and 4th century BC(800 BC – 701 BC and 400 BC – 301 BC respectively), it moved to a more commercialized zone. Things like weaving and baking were done solely by women before the 5th century BC, before slaves were used after the expansion of commerce. Workshops were mostly family-operated and employed up until around 429 BC, following the death of Pericles, when a new class of wealthy owners and managers of workshops emerged.
Another aspect of greece’s economy was pottery. The greeks used the same method of pottery used since the bronze age. The potter's work consisted of selecting the clay, fashioning the vase, drying and painting and baking it, and then applying varnish. Part of production went to domestic use in things such as plates, containers, and lamps, commercial use for selling, and the rest served an artistic function. Pottery was often done by slaves and a few skilled artisans.
Greece practiced free trade, though later regulations were put in place to manage the trade of grains, flour, and bread. Maratime trade in greece was conducted by class of traders known as Emporoi. The state collected a duty(tax) on the cargo of Emporoi, which at Piraeus, the main port of Athens, was set to 1% or higher. One of the main drivers of trade in Ancient Greece was colonization. As larger city states set up colonies, there would be trade between the founding city and its colony. Furthermore, different climates in these colonies created a comparative advantage in goods. The growing amount of trade in greece led to new financial techniques being developed. Most merchants lacked sufficient cash assets to fund their expeditions, and as a result, had to borrow money to finance part or sometimes all of their expeditions. A loan for a large venture in athens was generally a large sum of cash(usually less that 2000 drachmas, the greek currency of the time), lent for the duration of the voyage, which typically lasted several weeks or months, and had a high rate of interest. This interest rate was often set at 12% but could reach up to a 100% interest rate. These terms were always laid out in writing. The lender bore all of the risks; in exchange, the trader committed all of their cargo and fleet. These were often seized upon arrival to Piraeus as a precautionary measure.
Greece's main exports were olive oil, wine, pottery, honey, and metalwork. Imports included grains, pork, fine pottery, eels, and pulses from Sicily, Arabia, Egypt, Ancient Carthage, and the Bosporan Kingdom. While peasants and artisans often sold their wares, there were also retail merchants known as kapeloi. They grouped into guilds and sold fish, olive oil, and vegetables. Women would sell perfume or ribbons, and merchants were required to pau a fee for their space in the marketplace. The general population viewed them poorly. Aristotle labled their activity "a kind of exchange which is justly censured, for it is unnatural, and a mode by which men gain from one another.” Greece also apparently didn't directly tax their people. The Eisphora was a tax on the very wealthy, usually only levied in wartime. Particularly large fortunes were subject to liturgies: the support of public works. The Diaspora was another form of tax which only applied to the wealthiest. The citizens could reject the taxation, however, if they believed someone else was wealthier and not being taxed. The wealthier would have to pay for the liturgy. On the other hand, indirect taxes were quite important. Taxes were levied on houses, slaves, herds and flocks, wines, and hay, among other things. Shopping centers in greece were known as Agoras. early in Greek history free-born citizens would gather in the agora for military duty or to hear statements of the ruling king or council. Every city had its agora where merchants could sell their products. Prices were rarely fixed, so bargaining was a common practice.
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As a resident brown thumb, and beginner gardener I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to invest in perennials.
Yes it takes longer for a perennial plant to mature, (about 2 to 3 years if it's in a pot) but you can definitely grow annuals while you wait and won't even notice, I am TELLING you it is so so worth it guys trust me.
You'll have Fruits/nuts/berries/herbs/leafy greens for years to come after one install and very minimal upkeep.
Perennials also tend to be hardier and more forgiving when it comes to beginner gardener's in my experience as well.
My method is to always purchase 1-2 perennial plants On Sale for every 5-8 annuals i plan on growing that year. It may be a little expensive if ur just starting out, so 1 perennial + 3-ish annuals would suffice.
Plants do well when they're companion planted so it saves u time, energy, and pesticides to get recommended combinations.
My first year didnt count, I only planted a solid block of irish potatoes of the same variety. It was a plague of bugs and disease. Don't do that, always get Companion Plant combos.
So let's go over a 4 year garden plan to get an idea, when you know what you're doing.
The 1st year I started with: a blackberry bush kit. The kit had 2 blackberry plants in it, I got it from Sams Club. I planted them in cheap plastic pots.
-a grapevine kit (Red seedless and Concord pair I also from the same Sams club). I didn't know what a mycellium network was so I thought the roots molded and threw them away, I still feel the sting from that waste but i was able to buy a Disease resistant grape variety online and plant it in the same pot. But dont be like me.
-And for my annuals that year I went with a salsa garden combo kit (peppers, cilantro, tomatoes, basil) that I got from Lowes. I harvested the salsa ingredients that whole summer.
-The second year
i bought an Italian plum tree, and for my annuals, I planted a Salad kit.
By that time, the Blackberries were mature and I was able to harvest blackberries for the first time.
This year, the 3rd year I've expanded my kitchen garden to include a salsa garden, and the 3 sisters combo (squash, beans and corn planted in the same place).
The grapevine I planted is now mature and will give me grapes in the late summer.
I'm on my second year of blackberries.
The Plum tree will be ready next year. And I haven't decided on what to plant yet.
The fourth year It will probably be a greek salad combo kit (tomatoes, red onion, basil, parsley, garlic) with a tea garden kit (rosemary, lemon balm, chamomile, lavender, mint). By this time My plum tree will be mature and I will harvest my first year of plums, my third year of blackberries, and my second year of grapes. And for my two new perennials, I will go with two apple trees for $10 each online.
By That Time I will harvest my 3rd year of blackberries, my 2nd year of grapes and my 1st year of italian plums.
So that's how it works!
Grapes, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are cheap and widely available from big box stores during planting season, whereas fruit trees are cheaper and healthier when ordered online outside of planting season but pre-ordered for the next year, in my experience.
(this could be berry bushes, a fruit tree, a nut tree, a fruit vine, or a perennial herb you just have to shop around) They mature faster when you plant it in a pot, and you grow however many annuals you want that growing season.
I'm so focused on the routine spring radishes and summer tomatoes, that two adhd business days (seasons) later and boom
"now I have fresh blackberries this season too."
"Oh what's this? Now I have grapes to go along with this year's harvest"
COCAINE can't beat that high, check your growing zone and buy that f*cking dwarf tree.
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mintymemesandrpshop · 4 months
Tips from a grocery worker/foodsafe certified waiter!
The temperature 'danger zone' for food and drink is 40-140F, with 2 hours being the limit without refrigeration/cooking.
Open container, Public Intoxication, and Driving Under Influence are all separate broken laws. Establishments that serve alcohol in the US are required to cut you off the moment you are visibly drunk. 'Open container' can also be a misnomer and vary by state- bottles and cans in anything less than a glued blox may need to be in a bag.
Raw flour has E. Coli bacteria, factory farmed eggs will have salmonella due to poor hygiene (sitting in their own shit).
Speaking of eggs, grocery eggs are 2 weeks old due to needing to properly settle to a baking standard. Eggs from a local farmer may be safer, but will also be somewhat different and not have enough air for baking until they are also that age.
Steak is safe to eat rare due to its thickness and proximity away to any nasties in the body waste; hamburger is not. Burger is ground up with various cuts and intestines so needs to be cooked properly well done. Chickens are too small to have this effect, so salmonella is a risk no matter what. Pork is somewhat in between, as there is a risk for trichinosis, but the larvae are much easier to spot, making this start to go extinct in domestic pigs.
Dogs and Cats in general cannot have spices or seasonings, grapes, chocolate, or milk.
Most creatures are lactose intolerant due to the fact that they will not grow up into 1000 lb animals. Goats however, are closer to human size so their milk and cheese is more digestible. Smaller animals will need dilluted goat's milk, into a custom formula. (your grocery store may have this in a can, powdered.)
Pasta noodles mainly exist to hold sauce flavor in proportion; thicker noodles like rotini are usually recommended for thicker sauces such as tomato/marinara.
It is safer for pizza chefs to not wear gloves, actually! Gloves cannot be washed, only changed, and they are trained anyways to not touch someone's food once cooked. Cooking trays/pans, industrial sized knives, spatulas, and boxes all make this possible.
Humans are very dense and weighty creatures proportionally, that they can essentially tank a lot of poison damage that other animals cannot. This is one of many reasons we are not picky eaters as a whole!
Kids instinctively dislike bitter foods due to not having grown up into this said tankiness; vegetables and things that may be good for them can taste like poison, and they cannot tell the difference yet.
Electric Kettles are more efficient at boiling water than stovetops. I'll let the video guy speak for himself, but they boil water directly rather then heating a pot/pan which then heats the water. This is great for things such as small meals, partially unclogging drains, or heating bathwater.
Keurig or similar machines do not boil the water for your coffee! They heat to 100 degrees, so if your town has a boil order up, do not pour unboiled water into their tanks!
Large packs of water and soda often have bar codes on the top- you may not have to lift them if a laser-gun can get involved!
chicken nuggets from the golden arches are beer battered, the way fish are. They're fish-fried chicken.
Grocery Register Belts can have some really dumb design- with the computer /register itself taking up half the width of the goddamn belt. Keep your food safer by loading the belt heavy to light if you can- or light to heavy. Also, putting your food in a straight line towards the checker. You cannot trust the infared camera to stop the belt unless your items are opaque- your beer will crush your bananas in front of them unless they can slide over the scanner zone. You will prefer a fixable scan error until we can perform alchemy.
Fruits and Vegetables have 4 digit international trade codes! unless you know what breed your apple is or are bad with numbers, these are probably easier to input if you happen to be ringing these up yourself. It is perfectly possible for a self-check system to sell you the wrong kind. Same thing with the numbers on a bar code- they also work, if your code is faded or corrupted. (or, for whatever fucking reason a brand decides, light colors like silver, or cute shapes. those suck. looking at you, bud fucking weiser with your fucking ribbon.) The laser guns are a bit more accurate than the belt as a second resort.
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thestudentfarmer · 3 months
Hello hello~
I've got some garden pic updates :)
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New sunflower patch, I'm only doing a small patch here as It's to tide over till I get some more scaping/zoning planned up. These are from 4th gen mix seeds (I got them from some friends and classmates)
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Same row, I purchased some jalapeno starts as the peppers I seed started are still super small currently.
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Same tows, some super late starting spinach. I'm letting it grow to see if I can see what seeding for spinach is like and share that with you all :)
In the white line/square is a wild seeded chamomile plant. I pulled it and gave it to the chickens as a treat.
Further up is the remaining carrots and some tomato starts we purchased, now interplanted with them. There's 2 slicer types and a grape variety. I don't remember offhand if they are determinate or indeterminate. Unfortunately the ones I seed started died off once they were returned outside.
:( thankfully we've all agreed to go light on tomatoes this year due to that.
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In ground some direct seeded squash, these are a patty pan/Starburst variety and a couple zuchinni. With luck this year we avoid the squash bugs!
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The direct seeded nasturtium in the back and front is careless wildseeded chamomile (I swear it's the best way to grow it and will be sowing another patch like this)
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The few eggplants I've left for now have flowers, pointed to by the white arrows.
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And the broccoli currently, the seeds aren't ready quite yet, but I pulled a pod the birds got to to check them, still pretty green but the seeds are of good size. Still lots of lovely flowers for the various pollinators of the area. Unlike carrot flowers, broccoli seems to attract mostly bees (the honeybees) I haven't seen too many butterflies, moths, flies or otherwise.
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Just a bee enjoying some broccoli pollen~
For pest report,
So far I've seen flies and stink bugs.
No ants, aphids and thankfully no squash bugs so far.
Beneficial bug report,
I did see some ladybird gators while doing maintenence cleanup. Some small soil roachs in a few of the beds earthworms while trimming off roots to old sunflower stems.
Mixed bugs:
What I believe to be praying mantis egg cases, I don't know how old or how new they are though.
Pillbugs in some of the beds.
Our parrot visitors have stopped coming by, unfortunatly we no longer have any sunflower heads available for them. When more sunflowers come in I hope they will visit again, or perhaps even when the hollyhocks start seeding. Plenty of the smaller birds of the area still visiting though. I find the thought they might get broccoli seed and wild seed it elsewhere very funny.
This week I plan to work on getting a water line in and some more deep beds set up for growing more sweet potato vines/spuds. As well as getting some melon seeds direct seeded if I can (I may need more soil first to refill the bed).
Started some new spuds to vine for the sweet potato's and ordered some sunchoke tubers and seeds to start out some new herbs/spices and teas.
That's it for today's post and update 😊
🌱🌻Happy homesteading and Urban Farming🌻🌱
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
Fantasia LOVE&KISS: Introduction
yay worldbuilding ig
Legend has it that, in a northern mountainous land, there exists a jewel that is guarded by a dragon. That jewel has the ability to grant a single wish, no matter what it may be.
As of the present, there exists not a single soul to pass on the tale to future generations. That tale has since become a long-forgotten legend of the distant past.
If one were to venture to that far-off land, descend upon their knees before the fair maiden who would welcome them in with open arms, and place a kiss of a vow upon her, she would bestow good fortunes and blessings upon their very hands.
This is a story that would lead to the world of “Hopes”—
The flames of the candles atop the round table flickered in the breeze.
Several patrons were seated throughout the pub, conversing softly with each other as they downed their beverages.
Usually, downtown pubs like this would be filled with joyful, tipsy patrons. However, the patrons of this particular pub were visibly gloomy, without emitting a single laugh from their throats.
All they did was cast wary glances at the traveller, who was seated at the counter.
Ever since Yujiro set foot into that town, he had the nagging feeling that there was something strange about the place, which had only seemed to grow exponentially stronger with each passing moment.
Not only was that town a small country town that seemed to be rarely visited by travellers, it was also the royal capital of a small country. He had been able to catch a glimpse of a castle with a spire that was erected beyond the city gate, after all.
Despite having heard that it was a country with prosperous trading opportunities that many travellers and merchants would frequent, Yujiro had found that most of the stores along the main street were closed, with nothing but old signs blowing in the wind. Furthermore, the streets were fairly devoid of pedestrians as well.
When he had stopped by the marketplace in the daytime, the only things that were being sold were shrivelled up vegetables. He had been befuddled when he had not even been able to hear the voices of local children.
“I heard rumours that this town is rather lively, but it’s pretty quiet around here, no?” Yujiro commented casually to the barkeep as he took a sip out of his drink.
The man eyed him suspiciously, even as he continued to pour sake out from a barrel, but he shook his head in response. “It’s not like that at all. It’s just that the roads have become impassable thanks to some demons. Things became this way all because they decided to appear.”
“I see…”
(Demons, hm…)
Such stories were not uncommon. In fact, demon encounters, however rare, were just part and parcel of travelling. Even so, encounters with wild beasts, which resided in the mountains, and with bandits, who would attack travellers in their attempts to rob them of their money and goods, were more far common than encounters with demons.
In any case, weapons for self-defence were undeniably a necessity for one’s travels. If one were to take a single step out of the city gates, they would thus find themselves in a danger zone, where they could be attacked at any given time.
“Things were fine during the reign of the previous king. But after the princess ascended to the throne…” the barkeep suddenly fell silent, a complicated expression marring his face. “Well, you should get out of here as soon as you can too…”
With that, the man turned his back to Yujiro, as though he was closing himself off from further questioning. Finding it pointless to continue to press him for answers, Yujiro placed a single silver coin upon the counter, alongside his half-empty cup of diluted grape wine.
He picked up his longbow, which was wrapped in some cloth, from where it had been leaning against his chair. Slinging it over his shoulder, he departed from the counter.
“Thanks for the food.”
The other patrons suddenly fell silent as they stared at Yujiro as he made his way out of the pub.
A damp breeze blew into Yujiro’s face as he stepped outside the pub, closing the door behind him as he went. Rain poured down from the overcast skies above, pelting against the cobblestone pathways, which were completely devoid of other people.
“I didn’t get to hear anything of note, huh…”
Donning his wide-brimmed hat, Yujiro began to walk along the streets, which were gradually getting wetter thanks to the rain.
He had talked to a few people since he had arrived in the town, however, they were all rather tight-lipped and refused to tell him much. Considering the nature of the townsfolk, he figured that he would have to stay in town for a few days and gather information patiently if he wanted to get anywhere.
(Guess it can’t be helped… Even so, there’s no one else around.)
Yujiro looked around the quiet, dark streets, but not even the lights of the houses seemed to be turned on. It was rather eerie, almost as though it was a ghost town. Despite the fact that the sun had just set for the day, it was probably still too early for anyone to turn in for the night.
Upon hearing the soft creak of a door, Yujiro turned around to meet the gaze of a child, who was peeking out of the doorway, only for the child to immediately withdraw into the house with a loud slam of the door the very second their eyes met.
“Didn’t I tell you not to go outside?!” the child’s mother scolded from behind the door.
(It’s not like there’s anyone outside, though.)
Yujiro continued to walk, donning a rather perplexed expression across his face. Some of the greyed clouds above him had the slightest tinge of red, which was probably due to the light of the moon, which was concealed by said clouds.
Just as Yujiro was crossing a stone bridge that extended over a river, he noticed a faint figure of a person, who was appearing to be following him from behind. Glancing at their reflections on the surface of the water, he deliberately slowed down his walking pace.
The person continued to pursue him even as he walked through a narrow street, where a drunken old man was lying fast asleep against the wall, cradling a bottle of liquor in his arms.
As Yujiro rounded the bend in the street, he tossed a single glance over his shoulder before sprinting forth. The sound of the footsteps of his pursuer also quickened in turn, as though he was in a hurry.
With the rainfall having intensified without him realising it, Yujiro found that his cape and hat had somehow become completely soaked through.
A wall at the end of the street sealed it off as an evident dead end. Yujiro drew a dagger he had kept concealed by his waist as he turned around. The blade of his dagger sliced through the air, edging real close to the throat of his pursuing opponent. However, the reflexes of said opponent were slightly faster, as he ducked to dodge the blade, seemingly on instinct.
Upon seeing the momentary unsteady state of his opponent, Yujiro kicked the ground as he tried to go for a roundhouse kick.
“Ho-hold on!” his opponent hollered in a panic, raising his arms in a gesture of peace.
Judging from his height and facial features, he looked to be of about the same age as Yujiro. With a wide-brimmed hat pulled over his head, and a cape draped around his shoulders, he seemed to be a traveller as well. His broad shoulders, coupled with his strong-looking limbs evoked the impression that he was a well-built young man. His hair was tied back with the use of a ribbon, and rainwater was dripping off the brim of his hat.
“Don’t spring an attack on me without any warning. Ain’t that unfair?!”
“There’s no need to show courtesy to hooligans who sneak after others, no?” Yujiro smiled with a smug scoff, still clutching his dagger in his hand.
“I’m not a hooligan. Can’t you tell just by looking at me?”
“You look pretty much like a hooligan to me, though.”
“Huh?! How so?!”
“Your face and the air you give off. Though, if you’re not a hooligan, just what are you? A bandit? A robber? A mugger?”
“Aren’t all of those the same things?!” he heaved a sigh of resignation.
Suppressing a laugh at his opponent’s ever-changing expressions, Yujiro returned his dagger to its sheath at his waist. He figured that his opponent was not lying about not being a hooligan. With that being the case, he was now somewhat curious about why said opponent was even following him in the first place.
(I guess I wouldn’t mind hearing him out for a bit…)
“So… What did you want with me?”
He looked up at Yujiro and levelled him with a serious gaze. “It’s because I heard that… there’s a guy in this town who’s looking for the only jewel in the world that can grant a wish. Just like me.”
The sound of the raindrops thudding against the ground of the alleyway overlaid his soft-spoken words.
The two of them fell silent for a few seconds as they looked at each other.
“Yujiro” slowly tugged the brim of his hat downwards, a mutter of “I see…” being the only thing to slip past his lips.
(He’s just like me, huh…)
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candispice · 1 year
"Since the fifties, the American public has heard a great deal about background radiation in cities such as Denver, though background radiation has little to do with the hazards of ingesting fission products.  In the United States, the public also heard that nuclear power is 'green.'  In the sixties, nuclear power saved fish that might have perish in hydroelectric dams.  In the 21st century, nuclear power promises a carbon-free future.  Soon after the Fukushima catastrophe, public relations agents dusted off a five-year-old report on the dangers of the coal industry.  It was a maneuver that had been seen before:  The Atomic Energy Commission first trumpeted the hazards of coal mining in the mind-sixties.  In the decades before the Fukushima disaster, the Japanese government and corporate proponents of nuclear power censored the Chernobyl disaster from textbooks and spent millions on advertising an image of nuclear safety.  Meanwhile, Japanese power companies glossed over accidents, doctored safety reports, and failed to purchase emergency equipment for fear of alerting workers of the danger of the industry.
Another important way to neutralize the plutonium disasters has been to naturalize them.  In the last decade, officials have repurposed the Hanford, Maiak, and Chernobyl territories as wildlife preserves.  The Chernobyl zone, open to tourism, features a breathtakingly beautiful terrain of forest, lakes, and streams.  Journalists and scientists describe it as teeming with wildlife.  Tim Mousseau, an evolutionary biologist, however, tracked birds in the Chernobyl zone and found a zone  of ecological calamity.  Even in areas of moderate contamination, 18 percent of the birds he followed had deformities; 40 percent of male barn swallows were sterile, and the total number of swallows was depressed by 66 percent.  Mousseau could not find in the hot spots bumblebees, butterflies, spiders, or grasshoppers.  Whole zones in the Zone are dead.  In eastern Washington, the territory around the Hanford Reservation is promoted as the last stand of original shrub-sage habitat in the Colombia Basin, yet periodically deer and rabbits wander from the preserve and leave radioactive droppings on Richland's lawns.  In the eighties, the Hanford Reach gained recognition as the last free-flowing stretch of the Colombia River.  Watching the river's water level rise and fall with demands for electricity in Portland while measuring the radioactivity of Mulberry tree on the graded gravel banks of the Colombia makes calling the Hanford segment 'wild' a reach indeed.
Wine production in the Colombia River's region's latest diversification project.  Tourists are encouraged to tour tasting rooms located in a large arc around the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, which figures as an unnamed area on the vineyard tour map.  As I tasted a few wines, I mentioned to a vintner that a lot of Wanapam Indians down the road are sick with cancers, and that a Centers for Disease Control study found local Indians had a one in fifty chance of getting cancer, in part because of there traditional diet of Colombia River fish.  If the study is correct, I asked, how did she feel about growing wine grapes so near the mothballed plutonium plant?"
-- Kate Brown, Plutopia
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okay, this is super random and incredibly inconsequential to probably everyone but ive noticed these boulevard trees all over the city that i thought were really interesting looking. i had just assumed they were elm trees, and i wasn’t actually that far off.
celtis occidentalis
these are the leaves;
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these are the fruits;
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and that is the common hackberry! it is closely related to the elm, but the elm population has been devastated by something called dutch elm disease. this kind of thing actually happens a lot to trees, you may have heard Alexis (blackforager on insta and tiktok) talking about the american chestnut which is critically endangered due to chestnut blight. both of these tree diseases are fungal infections and learning about them is very sad and very interesting.
ANYWAY! the common hackberry has filled the niche left by the elm and it’s a very cool tree. it is incredibly hardy and it grows anywhere east of the rockies from southern canada down to florida! that covers growing zones 3-9
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that is most of the united states! of course climate change and infrastructure related fluctuations will continue to effect these growing zones, but such a broad growing range gives the hackberry a potential edge.
the thing that initially caught my eye when i was seeing all of these trees lining the streets was all the bug eggs!
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every single specimen was absolutely COVERED in these guys. they’re called “gall” structures and in the hackberry there are several insects that do this. pictured above is an example of a hackberry nipple gall (heehee) which is caused by a kind of plant lice. they’re totally harmless to people and it would seem mostly harmless to the tree as well, in extreme cases these growths can lead to a premature leaf drop.
another weird thing about this tree that makes it stand out is that the fruits don’t always drop when they’re ripe. in fact ive seen entire trees full and drooping with these fruits hanging on through the middle of winter (in minnesota) until they are eaten by the nonmigratory birds that certainly benefit from having a continuous food source through the winter.
but don’t let the birds have all the fun! hackberries are safe for humans to eat and apparently pretty good in jams. some folks even claim hackberries to provide a convincing dupe for grape-nut cereal. why on earth you’d be searching for such a thing absolutely baffles me, but i’ll include a link to that article in the notes!
i will include a couple links in the notes, i’m not able to embed them for some reason, and i’ve had a really fun time reading about this very specific tree species. 😊
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orchardgardensseniors · 2 months
Marching into Spring: Outdoor Activities for Seniors at a Retirement Community in Kelowna, BC
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As the days grow longer and the weather starts to warm, it’s the perfect time for seniors to embrace the beauty of nature and enjoy outdoor activities. At VRS’s retirement community in Kelowna, BC, Orchard Gardens, we understand the importance of staying active and connected with the outdoors, especially as spring approaches. In this blog post, we’ll explore a variety of outdoor activities tailored for seniors, from bird watching to gardening and outdoor walks, providing opportunities for residents to immerse themselves in the rejuvenating spirit of spring.
Embracing Nature: The Benefits of Outdoor Activities for Seniors
Spring is the season of new beginnings, and spending time outdoors offers a plethora of benefits for seniors, encompassing physical health, mental well-being, and social engagement. From improved cardiovascular health to reduced stress and enhanced cognitive function, outdoor activities play a vital role in promoting overall wellness among seniors. Additionally, the opportunity to connect with nature fosters a sense of tranquillity and connection with the world around us, contributing to a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment in life. 
bird watching: a delightful pastime for seniors
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gardening: cultivating joy and connection with nature
Gardening is a timeless and rewarding activity that allows seniors to cultivate joy and connection with nature right outside their doorstep. Whether planting flowers, vegetables, or herbs, gardening offers a sense of accomplishment and purpose as residents nurture and care for green spaces. Looking for blooming inspiration? Here is a list of some of the best flowers to plant in Spring! We encourage you to reference where Kelowna, BC is categorized on the plant hardiness zone map as a guide to successful garden growth.
Gardening also provides physical exercise, mental stimulation, and opportunities for social interaction, making it a beloved pastime for seniors to enjoy together. With many opportunities to adapt the accessibility of gardening, it is an activity many residents at Orchard Gardens get to enjoy.
outdoor walks: exploring the scenic surroundings
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Additional Outdoor Activities for Seniors
picnics and outdoor dining
Picnics and outdoor dining provide seniors with the opportunity to savour delicious meals amidst the beauty of nature. Whether enjoying a leisurely picnic in the garden or gathering with friends for an alfresco meal on the patio, outdoor dining offers a delightful sensory experience that stimulates the appetite and lifts the spirits. 
picnic meal ideas and inspiration
Looking for Spring picnic meal ideas and inspiration? Here are a few great meal ideas that many residents of Kelowna, BC’s senior community love:
Finger sandwiches: Prepare an assortment of bite-sized sandwiches using soft bread and fillings such as egg salad, chicken salad, cucumber and cream cheese, or tuna salad. Cut them into small, manageable pieces for easy eating.
Fresh fruit platter: Create a colourful fruit platter featuring ripe, easy-to-eat fruits like grapes, berries, melon cubes, and sliced oranges. Consider adding a dollop of yogurt or a sprinkle of cinnamon for extra flavour!
Cheese and crackers: Offer a selection of mild cheeses (such as cheddar, Swiss, or brie) paired with whole-grain crackers. You can also include some sliced apples or pears for a sweet and savoury combination.
Deviled Eggs: Prepare deviled eggs filled with a creamy mixture of egg yolks, mayonnaise, mustard, and seasonings. These protein-packed treats are easy to eat with a fork and can be made in advance for convenience.
Mini Quiches: Bake mini quiches filled with ingredients like spinach, mushrooms, cheese, and ham. These savoury bites are both nutritious and delicious, providing a satisfying option for picnics.
Pasta Salad: Whip up a light and refreshing pasta salad using small pasta shapes like penne or fusilli, mixed with fresh vegetables (such as cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, and cucumbers) and a tangy vinaigrette dressing. Add some diced chicken or shrimp for extra protein if desired.
Lemon Bars: Bake a batch of lemon bars for a sweet and tangy dessert option. These citrusy treats are light and refreshing, making them the perfect way to end a picnic meal on a delightful note.
Herbal Iced Tea: Quench your thirst with a refreshing herbal iced tea made from fresh herbs like mint, lemon balm, or chamomile. Infuse the tea with slices of lemon or cucumber for extra flavour and serve chilled in individual cups or thermoses.
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outdoor yoga or tai chi sessions
Outdoor yoga or tai chi sessions offer seniors the opportunity to practice mindfulness, gentle movement, and relaxation in the serene setting of nature. Whether practicing yoga poses amidst the tranquillity of our garden or performing tai chi movements in a peaceful outdoor space, these ancient mind-body practices promote physical health, mental well-being, and inner harmony. At VRS retirement community in Kelowna, BC, we have a beautiful outdoor courtyard which allows our seniors with access to practice their outdoor yoga or tai chi sessions. 
painting or sketching in plein air
Painting or sketching in plein air (the act of painting outdoors) allows seniors to unleash their creativity and express themselves through art while immersed in the beauty of the outdoors. Whether capturing the play of light and shadow on a garden landscape or sketching the intricate details of a blooming flower, plein-air painting offers a unique and enriching artistic experience. At Orchard Gardens in Kelowna, BC, we have outdoor courtyards where residents gather inspiration, allowing them to explore various painting techniques, experiment with different mediums, and unleash their artistic talents. Spring is the perfect time for senior residents living in a VRS retirement community in Kelowna, BC to gather inspiration from nature.
As spring unfolds and nature bursts into bloom, there’s no better time for seniors to embrace the outdoors and enjoy a variety of outdoor activities at their retirement community in Kelowna, BC. From bird watching to gardening, outdoor walks, and beyond, these activities offer endless opportunities for seniors. Hoppy spring! Let’s carrot on with the festivities at the retirement home! If you’re looking for a vibrant community where you can embrace the joys of spring alongside like-minded individuals, why not inquire about our retirement home today? Discover the warmth of community, the beauty of nature, and the comfort of home at Orchard Gardens. Contact us at 250.979.0600 to get more information and hop into a new season of life with us! If you’re looking for a VRS Seniors Community retirement home that offers a fulfilling community, we are here for you. Feel free to contact us with any questions you have. Call 250.979.0600 to arrange a tour at VRS’ warm and friendly Orchard Gardens.
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sunnysidemanorseniors · 2 months
Marching into Spring: Outdoor Activities for Seniors at a Retirement Community in Surrey, BC
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As the days grow longer and the weather starts to warm, it’s the perfect time for seniors to embrace the beauty of nature and enjoy outdoor activities. At VRS’s retirement community in Surrey, BC, Sunnyside Manor, we understand the importance of staying active and connected with the outdoors, especially as spring approaches. In this blog post, we’ll explore a variety of outdoor activities tailored for seniors, from bird watching to gardening and outdoor walks, providing opportunities for residents to immerse themselves in the rejuvenating spirit of spring.
Embracing Nature: The Benefits of Outdoor Activities for Seniors
Spring is the season of new beginnings, and spending time outdoors offers a plethora of benefits for seniors, encompassing physical health, mental well-being, and social engagement. From improved cardiovascular health to reduced stress and enhanced cognitive function, outdoor activities play a vital role in promoting overall wellness among seniors. Additionally, the opportunity to connect with nature fosters a sense of tranquillity and connection with the world around us, contributing to a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment in life. 
bird watching: a delightful pastime for seniors
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gardening: cultivating joy and connection with nature
Gardening is a timeless and rewarding activity that allows seniors to cultivate joy and connection with nature right outside their doorstep. Whether planting flowers, vegetables, or herbs, gardening offers a sense of accomplishment and purpose as residents nurture and care for green spaces. Looking for blooming inspiration? Here is a list of some of the best flowers to plant in Spring! We encourage you to reference where Surrey, BC is categorized on the plant hardiness zone map as a guide to successful garden growth.
Gardening also provides physical exercise, mental stimulation, and opportunities for social interaction, making it a beloved pastime for seniors to enjoy together. With many opportunities to adapt the accessibility of gardening, it is an activity many residents at Sunnyside Manor get to enjoy.
outdoor walks: exploring the scenic surroundings
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Additional Outdoor Activities for Seniors
picnics and outdoor dining
Picnics and outdoor dining provide seniors with the opportunity to savour delicious meals amidst the beauty of nature. Whether enjoying a leisurely picnic in the garden or gathering with friends for an alfresco meal on the patio, outdoor dining offers a delightful sensory experience that stimulates the appetite and lifts the spirits. 
picnic meal ideas and inspiration
Looking for Spring picnic meal ideas and inspiration? Here are a few great meal ideas that many residents of Surrey, BC’s senior community love:
Finger sandwiches: Prepare an assortment of bite-sized sandwiches using soft bread and fillings such as egg salad, chicken salad, cucumber and cream cheese, or tuna salad. Cut them into small, manageable pieces for easy eating.
Fresh fruit platter: Create a colourful fruit platter featuring ripe, easy-to-eat fruits like grapes, berries, melon cubes, and sliced oranges. Consider adding a dollop of yogurt or a sprinkle of cinnamon for extra flavour!
Cheese and crackers: Offer a selection of mild cheeses (such as cheddar, Swiss, or brie) paired with whole-grain crackers. You can also include some sliced apples or pears for a sweet and savoury combination.
Deviled Eggs: Prepare deviled eggs filled with a creamy mixture of egg yolks, mayonnaise, mustard, and seasonings. These protein-packed treats are easy to eat with a fork and can be made in advance for convenience.
Mini Quiches: Bake mini quiches filled with ingredients like spinach, mushrooms, cheese, and ham. These savoury bites are both nutritious and delicious, providing a satisfying option for picnics.
Pasta Salad: Whip up a light and refreshing pasta salad using small pasta shapes like penne or fusilli, mixed with fresh vegetables (such as cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, and cucumbers) and a tangy vinaigrette dressing. Add some diced chicken or shrimp for extra protein if desired.
Lemon Bars: Bake a batch of lemon bars for a sweet and tangy dessert option. These citrusy treats are light and refreshing, making them the perfect way to end a picnic meal on a delightful note.
Herbal Iced Tea: Quench your thirst with a refreshing herbal iced tea made from fresh herbs like mint, lemon balm, or chamomile. Infuse the tea with slices of lemon or cucumber for extra flavour and serve chilled in individual cups or thermoses.
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outdoor yoga or tai chi sessions
Outdoor yoga or tai chi sessions offer seniors the opportunity to practice mindfulness, gentle movement, and relaxation in the serene setting of nature. Whether practicing yoga poses amidst the tranquillity of our garden or performing tai chi movements in a peaceful outdoor space, these ancient mind-body practices promote physical health, mental well-being, and inner harmony. At VRS retirement community in Surrey, BC, we have a beautiful outdoor courtyard which allows our seniors with access to practice their outdoor yoga or tai chi sessions. 
painting or sketching in plein air
Painting or sketching in plein air (the act of painting outdoors) allows seniors to unleash their creativity and express themselves through art while immersed in the beauty of the outdoors. Whether capturing the play of light and shadow on a garden landscape or sketching the intricate details of a blooming flower, plein-air painting offers a unique and enriching artistic experience. At Sunnyside Manor in Surrey, BC, we have outdoor courtyards where residents gather inspiration, allowing them to explore various painting techniques, experiment with different mediums, and unleash their artistic talents. Spring is the perfect time for senior residents living in a VRS retirement community in Surrey, BC, to gather inspiration from nature.
As spring unfolds and nature bursts into bloom, there’s no better time for seniors to embrace the outdoors and enjoy a variety of outdoor activities at their retirement community in Surrey, BC. From bird watching to gardening, outdoor walks, and beyond, these activities offer endless opportunities for seniors. Hoppy spring! Let’s carrot on with the festivities at the retirement home! If you’re looking for a vibrant community where you can embrace the joys of spring alongside like-minded individuals, why not inquire about our retirement home today? Discover the warmth of community, the beauty of nature, and the comfort of home at Sunnyside Manor. Contact us at 604.531.7470 to get more information and hop into a new season of life with us! If you’re looking for a VRS Seniors Community retirement home that offers a fulfilling community, we are here for you. Feel free to contact us with any questions you have. Call 604.531.7470 to arrange a tour at VRS’ warm and friendly Sunnyside Manor.
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apexart-journal · 3 months
Jevijoe in Tbilisi, Day 21
In the morning, I went to the yoga class that focuses on energy flow, a different type of yoga in which the stomach is the main concern and the instructor emphasizes that the stomach, like our second brain, is an independent thinker. Most of the postures we have done were about how to increase blood flow to our digestive system to combat stress and anxiety.
Then I headed to Gold Market, a shopping center offering a diverse selection of jewelry. Here I met Tamara Khoshtari, an accomplished contemporary jewelry designer. She used to live in New York and was well-traveled. She guided me into the world of jewelry making, and together we explored the silversmith's workshop spaces located underground in the gold market building. I had my first-hand experience witnessing jewelry design and making; the process is similar to casting a sculpture, but on a small and intimate scale. I was beginning to love the process of making it, from the designing using a 3D computer app and 3D printing to the actual fabrication, which is a lot of manual labor and refining. I felt like this would be my second career in the future!
I visited Tamara's studio, which was located in the main central area of Tbilisi, and told her that I was familiar with the area as I watched a documentary on YouTube about the Georgian civil war in the 1990s, where the area was a war zone and many buildings were destroyed by heavy artillery. We chat briefly about that horrific phase in the history of modern Georgia, in which her family was deeply affected.
Tamara offered me homemade wine, and I was fascinated by homemade wine, which is common here since a lot of residential homes in the city have grapevine backyards. She suggested I visit Tbilisi in different seasons between September and October to witness grapes growing and harvesting. I would really love to visit the city again soon!
After my productive adventure on jewelry making, I attended the event called Brainwashed: Sex-Camera-Power, organized by Doca Film Club and held at Amirani Cinema. It was a film showing the politics of cinematic shots and how mostly Hollywood movies frame the female body, followed by a group discussion.
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