#Grace answers 🌸
graceofgod777 · 13 days
Grace I.. didn’t know you were on here.
Richard. I wish I could say the same about you. I shouldn't be surprised you're on here unfortunately.
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Whew. For a second I was scared that Scaramouche did something bad to himself and that you were suffering the whiplash. Luckily I was very much off.
I apologize for the uh.. panic. And pressure. And the psychoanalysis.
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Helloo how are you? Can you write Jacaerys Velaryon and the female Snow reader? The reader may be Cregan's (older or not) sister. Thank you in advance 🌸
I started this one when the first images of Jacaerys from season 2 came out... I apologize for taking so long, but it's 3.5k words, so it should make up for the wait
Warnings: nudity (skinny dipping), implied cheating
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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The visit of a prince in the North was unusual, but necessary. The new-crowned Queen needed to know if the Lord of Winterfell — Cregan Stark — was supporting her claim. So, she sent her eldest son, Jacaerys, as messenger. 
Without surprise, the northmen were a little shaken when they saw the prince arriving on Vermax. Most of them had never seen a dragon. Some were afraid, others intrigued by the ‘large beast’, as they called it. The name made Jacaerys laugh. Vermax was nothing to be scared of in size, there were much bigger dragons. 
Ones they should be scared of.
The day of his arrival, Cregan kindly showed the prince around Winterfell — the courtyards, the horses. However, the visit ended rather quickly as he noticed Jacaerys was getting cold walking around in his riding clothes. The leather was thick enough to keep him warm through the winds when on dragonback, but not for the dry cold and snow. 
‘’Let’s continue the visit in the morrow,’’ Cregan suggested. ‘’We have a chamber prepared for you. I imagine you would like to retire and warm up before we gather for dinner. I hope you like boar. My men and I hunted this one only days ago. It’s not everyday a prince graces us with his presence!’’
Jacaerys nodded appreciatively, trying to suppress his shivers. ‘’Thank you, Lord Stark. I will let the Queen know of your warm welcome when I return.’’ 
Cregan chuckled. ‘’Speaking of warmth. I’ll have someone bring you warmer clothes — a cloak and gloves — to your chamber so you won’t lose a finger or two during your stay.’’ 
‘’That’s very kind of you,’’ the prince replied, smiling at Cregan’s humor. His breath formed small clouds in the cold air as he spoke. 
The Nortman walked him to his chamber, then left Jacaerys to himself. Looking around the room, he noticed how small and dark it was compared to the ones at the Red Keep or on Dragonstone. There was a large hearth already ablaze with a roaring fire, and the bed was draped in thick furs, promising a warm night’s rest. 
Before he could sit by the fire to catch some warmth, there was a knock at the door. 
It must be the clothes Cregan offered for him. 
‘’Come in!’’ 
The door creaked open, and you stepped in, the heavy wooden frame groaning in protest. The warmth of the fire hit you as you entered the chamber, holding a dark cloak lined with a fur collar. ‘’Prince Jacaerys,’’ you greeted, dipping your head respectfully. ‘’Here are the clothes my brother promised you.’’ 
Jacaerys turned, surprise flickering across his face. Brother? He didn’t know Lord Cregan had a sister.
He thanked you and took the clothes from you, your fingers brushing slightly, then set them down on the bed behind him. He’ll look at them later. 
‘’How do you like Winterfell so far?’’ you asked, trying to make conversation, and mask the sudden flush on your cheeks. You couldn’t deny, the prince was handsome. He also didn’t look much like a Targaryen with his dark curls and eyes, but you didn’t comment on that. 
‘’I have never seen snow before,’’ he admitted, glancing towards the frost-covered window. 
You chuckled softly, his answer common from someone from the south. ‘’It must be cold up there for a boy of the south.’’ 
Jacaerys nodded, rubbing his hands together. ‘’Dragons don’t like the cold.’’ 
‘’I heard my brother has planned a visit to the Wall. I suggest you double up on the layers and wear knit under your clothes,’’ you advised.
The fire crackled in the hearth, echoing in the small room, slowly warming up Jacaerys. He forced a smile, honestly not looking forward to this trip to the wall. To an even colder climate. ‘’I appreciate the advice. I'll make sure to stay warm.’’
‘’Don’t be afraid to ask for more. We wouldn’t like to be held responsible for a prince’s frostbites.’’
During dinner, politics were not discussed. Instead, Cregan bragged about the boar you were eating, which he himself hunted a couple of days ago. 
‘’Have you ever been hunting, Prince Jacaerys?’’ 
Jacaerys shook his head. He heard of the royal hunt, but never participated himself. He found it barbarous. ‘’I have not, Lord Stark,’’ he replied, his voice steady but polite. 
He didn’t want to sound privileged, but all meat was bought and brought to Dragonstone. There was no need to learn how to hunt when you were born in royalty. 
Cregan raised an eyebrow. ‘’All men should know how to hunt!’’ he stated firmly, slapping the table for emphasis. ‘’My father took me on my first boar hunt at fourteen. There's something primal about the hunt. The chase, the kill...it's in our blood. It’s part of becoming a man.’’
Jacaerys paused, taking a sip of his wine. ‘’We don’t hunt in the south, but my father taught me how to wield a sword.’’
On his first night, sleep turned out to be difficult to find. Jacaerys tossed and turned under the soft fur blankets, the crackling fire nearby providing warmth but no comfort. Frustrated, he slipped out of his bed, deciding that a walk might help clear his restless mind.
As he wandered through the quiet corridors of the castle, the cool night air coming through the windows brushing against his skin, he noticed someone else up and about, leaning against the banister. Jacaerys assumed it was a woman working for the Starks — a maid, perhaps —, but as he got closer, he recognized you. 
‘’Couldn't sleep either?’’ Jacaerys asked, his voice cutting through the silence of the night.
You jumped, pulling your cloak tighter around you. ‘’Prince Jacaerys.’’ Your heart was beating fast in your chest, startled by the prince. No one was ever up at this hour of the night. 
‘’I apologize, Miss Stark. I did not mean to scare you.’’ 
‘’All is well,’’ you assured, offering a small smile. ‘’Is the bed not comfortable enough for a prince?’’
Jacaerys shook his head. ‘’Nothing wrong with the bed, sleep just won't come,’’ he said, rubbing the back of his neck. ‘’You have not answered my question?’’ 
You exhaled a deep breath and sat on the bench overlooking the courtyard. ‘’Too much on my mind.’’
Jacaerys joined you on the bench, the cool night air brushing against your faces as you asked him about Vermax. You had seen him flying over the hills a few minutes ago, but had since gone to sleep somewhere close to the castle. Your curiosity surprised Jacaerys, but he was happy to tell you all about Vermax. How he hatched, how they bonded, and even his first ever ride. 
‘’Just because my parents are dragon riders doesn’t mean I wasn’t terrified on my first flight. Trust is important when riding a dragon. There are possibilities of falling off and dying. But I trusted Vermax,’’ Jacaerys explained.
You could sense the bond between him and Vermax was more than just rider and dragon. It was a deep, unspoken connection.
‘’How does it feel like?’’ 
Jacaerys' face brightened. ‘’Nothing compares to the feeling of riding a dragon. The sky is the best place in the world. It's a thrill and freeing at the same time. I could take you on a ride before I return to Dragonstone,’’ he suggested, a playful glint in his eyes. ‘’If you desire.’’
‘’I’ll hold you to that.’’ 
In the morning, Cregan Stark took Jacaerys on a full tour of Winterfell, showing him every corner of his ancestral home. They started with the horse stables, where the horses nickered softly in their stalls, then moved to the godswood, the ancient heart tree standing solemn and silent. They explored the crypt, with its long lines of statues of the Stark ancestors, before finally arriving in the courtyard.
As they walked into the courtyard, Jacaerys saw you sparring with one of the trainers of the castle guard. He paused, taken aback by the fluidity and force of your movements. He had never seen a woman wield a sword with such skill and confidence. Your strikes were precise, each motion flowing seamlessly into the next, and the determination in your eyes was unmistakable.
‘’My sister was born holding a sword,’’ Cregan said with amusement, following Jacaerys’ line of sight. ‘’She is more skilled than some of our knights in training.’’ 
A smile curled on the prince’s lips, watching you with amazement. His uncle Aemond would eat dirt if he were to duel with you in a tourney.
Cregan snapped Jacaerys from his staring. ‘’Ready for some training?’’ he asked, a playful challenge in his eyes as he took out his sword from his belt. ‘’Let’s see if Leanor Velaryon taught you well.’’ 
When he said his father taught him to wield a sword, Jacaerys meant Harwin Strong, not Leanor. But correcting Cregan would feed the bastard rumors about him and his brothers, so he kept his mouth shut. 
The following day was the dreaded visit to the Wall. Although the place sounded fascinating, Jacaerys was not looking forward to colder weather. He doubled on the layers as you advised him, and got on horseback with Cregan and a small group of men. They should be back in three days. 
As always, Winterfell would be in your charge during Cregan’s absence. 
‘’Is Vermax going to the Wall?’’ you asked, noticing Jacaerys struggling to secure his bag to the saddle.
‘’Yes. He will follow us. I could never leave Vermax behind. He goes wherever I go,’’ Jacaerys said, watching your smaller fingers deftly tie a knot to secure everything. ‘’Thank you for the help, Miss Stark.’’ His eyes lingered on yours for a moment longer than necessary.
‘’Your welcome, Prince Jacaerys.’’ 
Everyone got on their horses, ready to leave. 
As Cregan ordered the gates to be opened, Jacaerys looked down at you, his breath visible in the chilly air. ‘’I hope it is not as cold as you made it sound.’’
‘’Have a safe travel,’’ you wished, your eyes meeting his. "And never take your gloves off outside. You’ll lose a finger."
Jacaerys chuckled softly, a playful glint in his eye. "I'll try to remember," he said, before nudging his horse forward, leaving you with a lingering smile as they rode off.
Although you enjoyed being in charge of Winterfell, you counted the days until the men would return from the Wall. It had been difficult admitting it to yourself, but you had fallen for the prince’s charm and were impatient to see a green and red dragon in the sky.
He had promised to take you on a ride before leaving the North, and you will be holding him up to that when he returns from the wall. You had seen him talk to a few of the women around Winterfell, but Jacaerys hadn’t offered anyone else a dragon ride. Only you. It made you feel a little special.
Every time you passed the banister where you had spoken that night, you could almost hear his laughter and feel the warmth of his presence. The anticipation of seeing him again was a constant flutter in your chest.
You wondered if he thought of you while he was away.
Your question was answered when he seeked for you after lunch. You had been getting ready to train in the courtyard when you heard a knock on your door. Jacaerys had a nervous smile on his face, silently praying you would still be on board with that dragon ride. 
‘’How was Castle Black?’’ 
‘’Nothing like I expected. The Wall is very impressive. I have never seen anything this tall before.’’ 
‘’It was built by Brandon the Builder of House Stark about 800 years ago, with assistance from Giants,’’ you said, proud of your family history. ‘’But Cregan has probably already told you all about the Wall…’’ 
He had, but Jacaerys didn’t mind hearing it all again from you. 
Dragons were impressive when you were standing next to them. Very impressive. 
You stayed behind as Jacaerys approached Vermax, speaking to him in High Valyrian as it was the language used to train and command dragons. A small bubble of fear rose within you, knowing dragons only allowed their riders to get close. Would Vermax try to kill you if you got too near?
‘’Come,’’ Jacaerys encouraged, extending his hand to you. ‘’He won’t hurt you.’’ He was standing by Vermax’s face, introducing him to you. ‘’He’s been eating less since we arrived. It’s his way of saying he is unhappy. I don’t know if you have noticed, but Vermax doesn’t like the North. Dragons can tolerate the cold, but they prefer warm temperatures.’’
Jacaerys’s hand rested over yours as you gently touched Vermax's scaly skin. ‘’I apologize for our cold weather, Vermax,’’ you said, your voice soft as you addressed the dragon. 
Vermax’s eyes, large and intense, regarded you with a curious intelligence. You felt a shiver run down your spine, but not from the cold. Jacaerys’s reassuring presence gave you the courage to stand your ground. You trusted that he wouldn’t let anything happen to you. 
‘’He’s magnificent,’’ you whispered, marveling at the dragon's sheer size and power.
With a confident gesture, Jacaerys climbed onto Vermax’s back, then extended his hand to help you up. You settled in behind him, and he placed your hands securely around his middle. 
‘’Hold on tight,’’ he said, his own hands gripping the handles of the saddle as Vermax spread his massive wings. 
With a powerful leap, the dragon launched into the sky, the ground rapidly falling away beneath you. The cold wind whipped past, making you cling onto the prince. 
As Vermax soared higher, the place you always called home transformed into a breathtaking panorama of gray stones, snow-covered vales and distant mountains. The exhilaration of flight was overwhelming, filling you with a sense of freedom unlike anything you had ever experienced.
Jacaerys grinned and leaned forward, making Vermax dive as you approached a forest and hover over the trees. His feet brushed the tip of the trees, shaking off the snow covering them, before going up again with a powerful flap of his wings. 
You gasped and held onto Jacaerys tighter, the mix of fear and excitement making your heart race. ‘’Are you trying to make my heart burst?’’ you shouted, laughing despite the rush of adrenaline.
Jacaerys laughed, his voice carried away by the wind. ‘’I’m only giving you a true experience.’’
Vermax continued to glide through the sky, and you savored every moment — the rush of the wind, the closeness of Jacaerys, and the incredible feeling of soaring above the world.
An idea sparked in your mind as the scenery below began to look familiar. ‘’How do we land?’’ you asked. 
‘’Ilagon,’’ Jacaerys commanded, and Vermax dived down again. 
You climbed down from the dragon, your feet sinking into the marshmallow-like softness of the virgin snow. ‘’Follow me,’’ you said, glancing back at Jacaerys.
He was right on your heels as you led him to a cave. He was confused about what you were doing inside a cave, but let you lead the path. You’ve grown in the North, you must know where you were going. Right? 
‘’Where are we going?’’ 
‘’You said dragons don't like the cold.’’ 
The further you ventured inside the cave, the more you began to feel a gentle warmth emanating from deeper within. 
‘’So I’m keeping my prince warm,’’ you teased with a smile. You took another turn and then came to a halt. ‘’After your visit to the Wall, I figured you’d like to warm up.’’ You stepped aside, revealing a hidden hot spring, steam rising invitingly from the water.
Jacaerys's eyes widened in surprise and delight. ‘’This is incredible,’’ he said, his voice filled with awe. ‘’How did you know about this place?’’
‘’I got lost a few years ago during a hunt. The snow had turned into a blizzard and I could not find my way back to the campment. I was missing for hours. My father found me and took me here until the blizzard calmed down. My little hands and feet were almost frozen.’’ 
‘’You should not have left campment.’’ 
‘’I was a rebellious child.’’  
Jacaerys shook his head with a smile. 
Without hesitation, you began to undress, unbuckling your cloak and peeling off your gloves. You pulled at the laces of your boots, freeing your feet from their confine, and moved to the front of your dress, loosening the laces until it slipped from your shoulders. That hot water was going to feel amazing on your cold skin. 
‘’You need to undress before getting in the water, you know?’’ you teased, your eyes flickering to Jacaerys and seeing him still dressed.  
His cheeks flushed slightly. ‘’Yeah, I… I’ll…’’  
Slowly, he began to undress, his movements a bit tentative. His cloak fell to the ground along with his riding jacket and undershirt. You couldn't help but find his shyness endearing. 
You continued with your dress and socks, until you stood bare in the soft glow of the cave. As you waited for Jacaerys to finish undressing, you found yourself peaking at his smooth and slightly defined chest. You wanted to feel it pressed against you.
Before you could second-guess yourself, you stepped into the hot spring, the water swirling around from your movement. The spring was deeper than you expected, and soon the warm water was enveloping your breasts and shoulders. The heat was intense at first, almost too hot, but it felt incredible compared to the biting cold of the North. You were used to the cold, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t cold. 
You let out a sigh of relief. The steaming water was blissful after being hit in the face by the cold air during the ride. 
You glanced back at Jacaerys, who was finishing undressing, his bouncy curls moving around as he pulled off his socks. His back was to you, giving you a perfect view of his behind. You sank deeper into the water, trying to drown the inappropriate thoughts filling your mind.
‘’Careful, it’s hot,’’ you warned as Jacaerys was about to step in, standing naked at the edge of the spring, the steam rising around him. 
He dismissed your warning and stepped in without a sound. ‘’I have Targaryen blood. We tolerate the heat better than others,’’ Jacaerys said, sinking down until the water covered up to his neck. ‘’This feels amazing. I wish I could come and swim here everyday.’’ He basked in the warm water, closing his eyes as he floated. 
A soft smile grazed your lips. 
The moment of calm was disrupted as Jacaerys swam closer to you, a boyish grin on his face before he splashed water at you. You gasped in shock, and splashed him back, laughing with child-like joy. Ultimately, Jacaerys was the one to give in, raising his arms up to surrender. Your laughter fades away with the wind, leaving you both in a comfortable silence. A silence that didn’t need to be filled, nor did you want it to be. 
The two of you meet in the middle, a flutter of excitement filling your stomach. You felt his leg brush your tibia, the proximity making you acutely aware of your nakedness. The thought of sinking deeper into the water crossed your mind, but the clarity of the spring left little to the imagination. Your supple breasts and hard nipples were visible beneath the surface
‘’Prince Jacaerys?’’ you spoke softly, your voice almost a whisper.
‘’Jace,’’ he corrected gently. ‘’You can call me Jace.’’ He reached out and tucked your wet hair behind your ear with a tenderness that sent shivers down your spine.
You leaned into his touch, a small smile playing on your lips as you nodded. ‘’Jace?’’ 
His gaze dropped to your lips, battling his inner dilemma of kissing you or not. The chemistry between you was undeniable, a magnetic pull that neither of you could resist. Though he was a prince, the heir to the Iron Throne, he was still a boy first, and in this moment, all titles and duties seemed to melt away.
You opened your mouth to speak again, but Jacaerys leaned in, closing the distance, his lips meeting yours in a soft, lingering kiss. You had fantasized about sharing this kiss on more than one occasion while he was away at the Wall. Now, his lips were moving over yours — for real — and your dreams had not done justice to the reality of him. 
The heat of the spring seemed to intensify, wrapping around you as the kiss deepened, a mix of tenderness and passion. His hands caressed every spot of your body he could reach on you, your breasts pressing against his chest as you locked your arms around his neck and shoulders and wrapped your thighs around his waist. 
You pulled back to catch your breaths, and looked at him, admiring him. His hair was slowly getting its curl pattern back, a smile looking back at you. 
Jacaerys doubted that by ‘finding shared interests’ his mother meant falling for Lord Stark’s sister.
House of the dragon taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @domoron @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios @lover-of-helios @shine101 @tanyaherondale @mikariell95 @serrendiipty @lantsovheiress @gilliananderfuckme @shine101 @tetgod @clayzayden@memeorydotcom @tnu-ree @futuregws @blackravena @winxschester @mysteriouslydelightfulchaos @xxlaynaxx @secretsthathauntus @pilarxxxaguayo @emmavan39 @stargaryenx @erylilly @bbblackmamba @rainedrop97 @dreamer087 @gothicgay14 @ashlatano7567 @superkittywonderland @justaproudslytherpuff @evesolstice @buckysmainhxe @padfootsvixen @scarletmeii @evesolstice @dkathl @kaywsworld @tetgod @padfootsvixen @domoron   @weird-addiction @angeliod @xjennyx2 @adaydreamaway08  @mymultiveres  @secretsthathauntus  @puffycreamcakes @thirsty4nonlivingmen @naty-1001 @katiepie67 @moshpot24x @hc-geralt-23 @lovelynerdytraveler @saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10 @tabloidteen @timetoten @deekaag @wondxrgurl @aerangi @strmborns @astridyoo15 @daemonslittlebitch @queenbeestuffs @severewobblerlightdragon @agentstarkid @msliz @vane1999-blog @fairyfolkloresposts @todaywasafairytale07 @otomaniac @zgzgzh @thebeardedmoon @golden-library @kikyrizuki @hnslchw @camy85 @winxschester @armstrongscommentsection @withfireandbl00d @randomstory56 @JudgmentDays-Girl @darylandbethfanforever9
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff   @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity  @Anouk @nani-2305 @books0fever @papichulo120627 @qardasngan @ghostlyvoidydragon @M0rgans1nterlud3
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heaven444child · 4 months
What will be the first impression of your future spouse on you❤️
Pick a pile
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Pick one picture🌌 AND Read these readings mindfully 👻and if you want a personal reading then DM me✨🍀
Pile1 🤵🤵‍♀️
Pile 1 The first impression of your future spouse on you will be such that when you see him for the first time, you will find him very handsome👀 and charming 💕and when you see that he is not answering anyone's question, you will feel that he is as grumpy as he is handsome 🫣and I heard someone’s say emotionless. It is possible that you will find him emotionless👻 and it is possible that both of you may meet at someone's wedding or party where both of you will notice each other🫶 but it is possible that when you look at him, he will be looking somewhere else and when he looks at you, you will be looking somewhere else and it is possible that you may be wearing a white and sky blue combination dress that day🎀 but I can see the particular saree and whenever your future spouse will be looking at you, he will be smiling at you ☺️and as soon as you start looking at him, he must turn his eyes somewhere else .🫣🥹 Awww….so sweet your ✨🍀 future spouse is really very cute 😍 and his dress sense is also very good 👻
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Pile 2✨🍀
Pile 2 The first impression of your future spouse on you will be such that you will feel that he is missing 🧩something in his life and he is trying very hard to find that thing ♥️🥹 And you will find this person very disciplined and career oriented and financially stable and it is possible that when you meet this person, you will remember his words and you will not be able to forget them 🫣🫶 I am seeing angel numbers 66, 99 so it is possible that when you are about to meet your future spouse, you will see these angel numbers and this future spouse will be your soulmate 💜 And I also saw 96 mirroring numbers right now so it is possible that both of you mirror each other 👀 Just like you will remember one thing he said 🤪 Similarly, he will also remember every thing you said 👻 And for some people, it is possible that this person is your twin 🌸 And I heard that this is a destined connection 🫶 which your angels and God himself have chosen for you♥️🌼 And I loved this pile very much 😍✨
( I hope this pile resonates with you )
Pile 3 The first impression of your future spouse on you will be that he is very hardworking and very passionate ☄️ and you will find him just like a model 🤵 and you can meet him like this when you have travelled to another country 🌉 and it is possible that this is the place where you dream of going 💫 and you will feel that his skin and his body are absolutely perfect 🎀 just like a model and it is possible that your future spouse wants to make a career in modelling or it could be you 🤵‍♀️ and whenever you will see your future spouse for the first time, he will look different even in the crowd because he will shine in a different way even in the crowd 🫣His face will have a different grace or glow ✨❤️ and you will also feel that this person is very passionate about his career and it is possible that this person has a pet dog Or it could be a cat or you may have a pet🐶🐱 And I saw angel number 101010 then it is possible that when your future spouse will come in your life then there will be double blessings and double happiness in your life, whether it is emotional happiness or financial happiness🌸🍀 And it is possible that you may see angel number 1010 or 88, these dates may be important for you👀👻
Stay blessed ✨🍀 And thankyou for your support 🫶❤️
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
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astrologylunadream · 10 months
Who am I destined to love?💌☁️🔗 [Soulmate reading] (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream🤗 We will be doing a reading on your destined lover!💗 hope you find your message🌸💫
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the love you long for, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌸🌟
Pile 1🦊
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Pile 2🦢
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Pile 3🛋
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Pile 4🎹
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💌
Pile 1🦊
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Sign energy: Forgiveness, Anger, True feelings, Fame, Singer, 3rd house, Cancer, Moon, North node, Gemini, 🪐🧩🌃🛎
☁️Your energy: You guys have a fiery energy about you, very kind and fun loving. You are very emotional and tend to have outbursts if your emotional state is not safe or well taken care of. You could love singing and I'm getting a more specific message that someone in this pile has a famous parent/mom, a singer mom if there are any of you in my pile 1😆 You get frustrated easily but those feelings come from your true heart, and you express yourself openly and genuinely. I feel like this pile doesn't back down when angry💢 You could be a night owl, prefer the night time. I feel like you're more in touch with your emotions at night, like cinderella I'm hearing "when the clock strikes twelve" and suddenly you are your true self at night, your openly emotional real self.♡ You may feel inclined to become famous or a public speaker, sharing your thoughts and ideas with those who need it the most.
💘Who you're destined to love: Fox, Neck, Taurus, Gemini, Fix, Leo, South node, Air, Aries, Water, 🎡🦀🍭🚀 A very fun and gorgeous person awaits my pile 1, if you were drawn to the fox here it came out again so this is your confirmation this is definitely the pile!! This could be someone from your past, you will feel a sense of familiarity with this person. They have a more so direct approach to communication and think fast. Very witty, intelligent and a natural problem solver. Taurus, Gemini, Leo, or Aries placements, they may have Sun conjunct Venus or Mercury I feel. They have a very attractive neck, especially with the Taurus energy. As for the purpose of this destiny, I'm seeing as someone you are destined to fix, almost help in a way, your love is meant to heal this person on an emotional level. They will be so glad they met you, like you were fated to help them. It's giving heaven sent angel vibes <3 They will see you as an answer to their prayers, and things will only look up from there.😊 This destiny is an emotional journey for you both, connecting through mutual understanding and comforting one another is the true reason for this connection. It will heal and nurture your hearts greatly.♡ It will be a fun, pleasant and in some ways childlike relationship made of pure love and trust.
💌Messages from them: I'll never forget you, I finally get it, Our love is a game, I know exactly how you like it, I see you, Extra cards: Daily, Follower, Angel, Green, Crazy, 8th house, Earth, Chiron, Water, Sun, (Guardian angel vibes🥺💫)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the fox emoji~🦊 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2🦢
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Sign energy: Cafe, Long term, Endurance, Stomach, Hair, North node, Aquarius, Gemini, ⛵😂🌉🤍
☁️Your energy: You guys have such a graceful vibe, I see so much pure cleansed energy with this pile. Elegant swan energy for you guys <3 Most of you in this pile are looking for long term commitment, so you may be hoping that the one you are destined to love is someone you will be with for a long time. Some of you work as a barista/job at a cafe☕💕 Your hair is gorgeous and people talk about it a lot.💇‍♀️ Aquarius and Gemini placements overall air signs but I'm getting such indirect Virgo energy from this pile omgggg any Virgo's in my lovely pile 2??😂 Btw this emoji!!😂😂😂 Do you use it alot?? Could be significant for any of this pile, you may laugh a lot and your laugh is very light and beautiful. I'm seeing a future of laughing and happiness with this pile I feel like that is also your destiny to just, laugh and have fun. Just loosen up a bit and enjoy the little things that make you happy, being grateful is meant for you my pile 2's <3 You have such an angelic presence about you, so admirable and full of kindness and beauty. You may want to meet your future but don't like the steps to get there, but I'm hearing only of you endure the journey of your hopes can you arrive at the destination of fulfilling them. Haha maybe that resonates with some of you, I feel like you may drink coffee or tea often. Cafes are your jam!
💘Who you're destined to love: Comfort, Love, Shame, Present, Blind, 12th house, Lilith, Eros, Neptune, Air, 🤣🤒😤🧲 Okaaay my pile 2's we have some interesting energy going on with this 👏person👏 You are definitely destined with this person romantically, I'm hearing fated connection. This is someone who is seemingly new or not experienced with love, they make mistakes and don't know what they're doing most of the time.🥺 They also have so many fantasies about it some that they are shameful of or embarrassed to meet, they have a some darker needs too in a romantic connection. Many of their turn on's in a partner are subconscious fears aswell. I get the vibe this person isn't the best at communiting their desires, it makes them feel vulnerable and out of place like a fish out of water. Pisces/12th house and air placements are possible. They are a dreamer, they have this "where am I? Who am I?" type of vibe😂😂 like they are just one with the energies, I feel like this person is very in tune with the spiritual side of life themselves. Your person is very attractive in a soft aesthetic way, ethereal and beyond physical charms that rope you in like a buoy in the crashing waves of the sea🌊 You are destined to love this person with all your heart, to cherish eachother on levels deeper many can experience. A soulmate connection is likely, and this is such a deep and contemporary romance as well as passionate. You will fulfill many desires with this person, because they take you to higher places you can't explain. I was also getting some "spicy"👀 messages coming out in this pile but since this is not an 🔞 reading I was like 👁👄👁 "not today-" LOL it will not complement the soft/dreamy vibe of this reading lol😂👌 So for my pile 2's that are interested, your person has some intense desire for you for sure maybe check out my dark pac readings for some messages in that😅😳 :'> Overall this is a very intuitive and romantic person, they are all giving and all consuming in this destined love with you.💗
💌Messages from them: I don't look at other people, I'm addicted to your love, You might get hurt, I have nothing to give, I'm not okay (🥺🥺💔) Extra cards: Alien, In, Fantasy, Shopping, Age, 12th house, 9th house, Sagittarius, Jupiter, 6th house (Destiny calls to heal this person and their fantasies, to either restrict or enhance their deepest desires.)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the swan emoji~🦢 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 3🛋
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Sign energy: Try, Activity, Library, Unicorn, Keep a secret, Chiron, Gemini, Vertex, Sun, 3rd house, 😫👿🕯⛓
☁️Your energy: Alright my pile 3's could be Gemini, Leo, Virgo or prominent 3rd house energy. I'm getting some heavy vibes with this some, something is telling me that many in this pile are new to tarot or giving it a try for the first time or for some could have quit for a while and come back for some answers. If you felt this way this definitely could be your pile. I am sensing some worried energy, my pile 3's are not telling anyone what they have been up to recently🤫🙊 You have been keeping this to yourself, and maybe even the idea of loving someone is something you are not ready to share just yet. You guys are very unique and smart, you have a talent for knowing things and speaking well. Sometimes you have a dark side that you don't want to show, and it is your deepest worries and thoughts that hold you down. You may read a lot, there could be many book lovers in this pile. I feel as if you are afraid of fate hence why you are trying to see the future you are uncertain of.😟 My pile 3's are very cautious people especially when it comes to life and fate. You are heavily drawn to the occult, but also fear those practices. You see fate and destiny as chains that weigh you down, and you wish to break free to finally reach the clouds above. You are an independent and spiritually wise thinker.
💘Who you're destined to love: Fight, First, Honey, Spring, Skin, 4th house, Cancer, Water, Moon, Capricorn, 🛎🤞☔🍑 Okay my lovely pile 3's I keep getting an anxious energy, this could be about love itself. I hope this may ease my pile 3's uncertainties of the future.😞💖 This person you are destined to love has a strong personality, one that somehow compliments yours. Okay but like when you guys first meet??😍 I'm getting some passionate and bold conflict turned into something really sweet💞 I feel like you argued with this person a lot when you first met, but then after you set aside your disagreements you realized how caring and loving they can be.😢 You may have gotten very defensive about yourself or things they told you, but you soon learned to listen to their words as they hold truth and only wish to help you. They may be born in spring. Cancer and Capricorn energy is strong for this pile's person, you are destined to meet them. This connection will show you to be less skeptical and afraid of conflict and disagreement, and to learn how to understand those who seem cold or not "good" on the surface. I'm feeling this person wasn't nice to you at first, only after you loosened up from the emotional shell you tried to protect yourself with. They finally started being nice to you without reason, or perhaps you didn't realize their kindness until then. This connection is meant to shift perspectives, and hold security in trusting others. This is such a powerful lesson within this fated love omggg😭💗 Some of you might marry this person!!💍
💌Messages from them: Are you attracted to me? Don't talk to me, You can't control me, I'll only distract you, I'll never forgive you (My pile 3 your person really cares about you and they tend to push you away and it seems like they're brushing you off but that's how they show their love for you by removing themselves from the situation to let you heal and take your time😭🤍) Extra cards: One of a kind, Feminine, Hold on, Style, Juno, Moon, Eros, 9th house, Scorpio, Taurus (Omgg they see you as a devine feminine to them, their other half. They want to marry you for real!!🥺)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the sofa emoji~🛋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 4🎹
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Sign energy: Find, Desert, Quiet, Winter, Hands are tied, Eros, 7th house, Sagittarius, Pisces, Earth, 🖌🕯💘🥊
☁️Your energy: Ohh I'm loving the energy of pile 4 we have some prominent Jupiter placements here!! Could be a Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces somewhere in your charts <3 earth signs are possible. I'm definitely getting Sag/Pisces vibes from you guys😇 Creative dreamers searching for self expression and love~ some of you may be more on the quiet/shy side or more submissive in relationships. But outside of them you are a free spirit with a wild heart, you just love having fun and doing the things that make you happy. You want to find a soulmate, someone who is spiritually tied to you... who's heart is locked to yours eternally. You are looking for a person who will appreciate your creativity and spirituality, your soft and illusive dreamy self with a passion to explore life and everything you love. You may be an artist/painter or enjoy those activities, or physical sports like weight lifting or going to the gym. Could be interested in boxing. You are a fighter and a lover because you fight for love. May be born in winter, also I'm getting specific middle east vibes so some of you could be from there.💫💕
💘Who you're destined to love: Soulmates, Forgiveness, Backwards, 11th house, Date, Mars, Cancer, Venus, 1st house, Lilith, 🤕🍳🍂🏷 This is someone from your past, now I'm getting some past lover vibes. For some of you this is an ex, or someone you had an argument with. I'm sensing someone you will meet online, or have possibly already met before. I am seeing that in the beginning of this connection, you or them were too impulsive or quick to complain about the way things started off between you two. After some time I'm seeing the work of fate brings you back to this person, and you will be surprised how much they held on to this connection.😦 Like you will be shocked how much this person really cared (maybe you thought they would be angry/distant with you) but like this person will be on their knees for you omg.😖😳 This person is very emotional and honestly so deeply in love with this pile and they just want a second chance😞💕 They regret their past decisions and the way they treated you, and fate is calling you to accept and love them, this is after all who you are destined to love. There may have been a misunderstanding in the beginning or a first impression that affected your judgement of them, but there will be clarity with this person finally and my pile 4 you will see the truth about them. They are genuinely attached to my pile 4's and have just so much love and respect for you.🥺 You are destined to love and cherish them aswell, as it is very likely you will find this to be your soulmate.💗
💌Messages from them: To me, I feel so confused, It's all fake, Why would you want me? Our eyes have met (They are so scared of loosing you because they feel in their heart you guys are meant to be soulmates😫💞) Extra cards: Despair, Cuddle, Backwards, Previous, Love at first sight, 9th house, Libra, Water, 6th house, Neptune (They would be sad without you pile 4 they feel as if the work of fate brought you together😭😖💖)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the piano emoji~🎹 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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psychics4unet · 24 days
What Your Shoes Say About Your Psychic Energy?
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Ever wondered what your favorite shoes reveal about your spiritual vibe? 👠✨ Turns out, the type of shoes you wear can say a lot about your psychic energy and even your future! Heels? You’re channeling some serious boss energy, ready to take on the world. Flats? You’re all about staying grounded and keeping it real. Sneakers? You’re adaptable, always ready for life’s next adventure. Boots? You’ve got a strong, protective energy, ready to face any challenge.
Got questions or need some insight into your life? I'm here to help with personal psychic readings! For just $7, you can get answers to up to 7 questions! More info at:
Here’s a detailed look at what different types of women’s shoes might reveal about your psychic and spiritual energy:
Stilettos – 👠 Stilettos often reflect a strong ambition and drive for success. They suggest that you’re ready to face challenges head-on and climb the ladder of success with confidence and poise. 🌟
Ballet Flats – 👡 Ballet flats indicate grace, balance, and a down-to-earth nature. They symbolize a grounded and serene personality, someone who finds comfort in simplicity and elegance. 🌸
Ankle Boots – 👢 Ankle boots show a blend of practicality and fierceness. They often signify that you are both practical in your approach and ready to face challenges with a bold attitude. 🔥
Sneakers – 👟 Sneakers suggest versatility and adaptability. They indicate that you are always ready for new adventures and are adaptable to various situations, showing a dynamic and energetic personality. ⚡
Wedges – 👠 Wedges symbolize a steady ascent toward your goals. They reflect confidence and a strong belief in your abilities, helping you maintain balance while pursuing your dreams. 🏆
Kitten Heels – 👠 Kitten heels are associated with subtlety and elegance. They reveal a gentle and sophisticated approach to life, embracing beauty and grace without overwhelming others. 💫
Gladiator Sandals – 🩴 Gladiator sandals represent a warrior spirit. They indicate that you are prepared to fight for what you believe in and have a strong, determined character. 🏹
Loafers – 👞 Loafers reflect comfort in tradition and staying true to your roots. They signify a reliable and grounded individual who values stability and practicality. 🛤️
Thigh-High Boots – 👢 Thigh-high boots convey empowerment and a daring attitude. They show that you have a bold, confident personality and are not afraid to make a statement. 💪
Moccasins – 🥿 Moccasins suggest a deep connection to nature and inner peace. They reflect a person who values comfort and harmony and is grounded in their spiritual beliefs. 🌿
Platform Shoes – 👠 Platform shoes indicate boldness and confidence. They show that you stand tall in your beliefs and are not afraid to showcase your unique personality. 🌈
Mary Janes – 👠 Mary Janes are associated with nostalgia and simplicity. They reveal a love for classic style and a playful, yet straightforward, approach to life. 🌻
Espadrilles – 🩴 Espadrilles represent an easygoing and carefree attitude. They suggest that you embrace life’s pleasures and are in tune with the joy of living. 🌞
Mules – 👠 Mules signify open-mindedness and a willingness to explore new experiences. They reflect a person who is ready to take on new adventures with a positive outlook. 🌟
Chelsea Boots – 👢 Chelsea boots are linked to reliability and readiness. They show that you are dependable and prepared for any situation that comes your way. 🚀
Flip-Flops – 🩴 Flip-flops symbolize a relaxed and easygoing nature. They indicate that you go with the flow and are content with the simple pleasures in life. 🌊
Cowboy Boots – 👢 Cowboy boots represent independence and a love for adventure. They show that you have a strong, free-spirited personality with a taste for exploration. 🌵
Pumps – 👠 Pumps are associated with confidence and power. They signify that you are ready to take charge and assert your presence in both personal and professional settings. 🚀
Peep-Toe Heels – 👠 Peep-toe heels reflect curiosity and openness. They show that you are open to new experiences and have a playful, yet sophisticated, side. 🎉
Slides – 🩴 Slides suggest a laid-back and content approach to life. They indicate that you find joy in the simple things and have a relaxed attitude toward challenges. 🍃
Combat Boots – 👢 Combat boots symbolize resilience and strength. They reflect a person who is prepared to face any battle and stands firm in their beliefs. 💥
Oxford Shoes – 👞 Oxford shoes represent intellectuality and attention to detail. They indicate that you have a love for learning and are meticulous in your approach to life. 📚
T-Strap Heels – 👠 T-strap heels blend tradition with modernity. They show that you appreciate classic styles while also incorporating contemporary elements into your life. 🌟
Clogs – 🥿 Clogs reflect practicality and comfort. They suggest that you value a grounded, straightforward approach to life and find joy in simplicity. 🛋️
Sock Boots – 👢 Sock boots indicate a trendsetter with a unique style. They show that you are confident in your individuality and willing to stand out from the crowd. 💃
Slingbacks – 👠 Slingbacks signify precision and elegance. They reflect a person who pays attention to details and carries themselves with grace and sophistication. 💫
Rain Boots – 🩴 Rain boots represent preparedness and adaptability. They show that you are ready for any situation and handle life’s unpredictable moments with ease. ☔
Jellies – 🩴 Jellies suggest playfulness and nostalgia. They indicate a fun-loving spirit who enjoys the whimsical and carefree aspects of life. 🧩
Kitten Slingbacks – 👠 Kitten slingbacks combine sophistication with a practical approach. They show that you balance elegance with comfort and practicality. 🌹
Pointed-Toe Flats – 👡 Pointed-toe flats represent precision and directness. They indicate a sharp mind and a straightforward approach to life. 🗝️
Velvet Heels – 👠 Velvet heels symbolize luxury and sensuality. They show that you appreciate the finer things in life and have a refined, elegant nature. ✨
Boat Shoes – 👞 Boat shoes reflect practicality and a love for adventure. They suggest that you enjoy exploring and have a grounded, yet adventurous spirit. 🚤
Monk Strap Shoes – 👞 Monk strap shoes signify discipline and tradition. They show that you value structure and have a strong moral compass. ⚖️
Quilted Boots – 👢 Quilted boots represent comfort and security. They indicate a protective nature and a love for warmth and coziness. 🔥
Corset Heels – 👠 Corset heels combine strength with femininity. They reflect a focus on detail and a balance of power and grace. 💪
Espadrille Flats – 🩴 Espadrille flats suggest a laid-back vibe with a connection to nature. They indicate a love for simplicity and natural beauty. 🌻
Teddy Boots – 👢 Teddy boots symbolize warmth and comfort. They reflect a nurturing personality that values coziness and security. 🧸
Loafers with Tassels – 👞 Loafers with tassels indicate a playful yet sophisticated nature. They suggest a balance between fun and tradition. 🎩
Platform Sandals – 🩴 Platform sandals show confidence and a love for making a statement. They indicate a person who stands tall in their beliefs and style. 🌟
Over-the-Knee Boots – 👢 Over-the-knee boots represent boldness and a daring spirit. They show that you are unafraid to push boundaries and stand out. 🚀
Slip-On Sneakers – 👟 Slip-on sneakers reflect ease and comfort. They suggest a relaxed and casual approach to life, valuing convenience and simplicity. ☀️
High-Top Sneakers – 👟 High-top sneakers indicate a dynamic and energetic personality. They suggest that you are always on the go and ready for new challenges. ⚡
Espadrille Wedges – 🩴 Espadrille wedges combine comfort with a touch of elegance. They reflect a love for relaxed, yet stylish, living. 🌿
Brocade Flats – 👡 Brocade flats symbolize a taste for luxury and tradition. They suggest an appreciation for classic styles with a sophisticated twist. 💎
Lace-Up Sandals – 🩴 Lace-up sandals represent a free-spirited nature. They indicate a love for exploration and a connection to personal freedom. 🌈
Moccasin Slippers – 🥿 Moccasin slippers reflect a cozy, homey personality. They suggest a preference for comfort and a nurturing, relaxed environment. 🛋️
Pumps with Ankle Strap – 👠 Pumps with ankle straps show confidence with an attention to detail. They indicate a refined, yet bold approach to style. 💫
Glitter Boots – 👢 Glitter boots represent a love for glamour and sparkle. They show that you have a fun, outgoing personality with a flair for drama. ✨
Chelsea Ankle Boots – 👢 Chelsea ankle boots symbolize versatility and style. They suggest a person who is fashionable yet practical in their approach. 🌟
Platform Sneakers – 👟 Platform sneakers indicate a modern and trendsetting personality. They suggest that you are confident in your unique style and always ready to make a statement. 🚀
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kingofbodyrolls · 8 months
Sprout | knj | four (fin)
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← previous | s.masterlist | m.masterlist |
Summary: You love your plants, you love your garden, you do not love your new neighbor. You hate him with all your might— he wrecks everything you hold dear so you do the only reasonable thing: retaliate. 
Pairing: Namjoon x female reader 
AUs: neighbors au, gardening au, non!idol au → strangers to enemies (mostly one sided) to friends to lovers 
Genres: slice of life, smut, humor
Rating: explicit
Word count: 8.2K
Warnings: (somewhat) rough smut; degrading name calling (bitch), hair pulling, spanking, very brief anal fingering, some cockwarming, throat fucking, breast and nipple play, sexual tension, stupid innuendos, oral (both receiving), multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (please don’t be stupid), praise kink, begging, exhibitionism, slight dom/sub themes 👀 big dick Joonie, creampie, aftercare — I think that’s it!
Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸
Author’s note(1): time for smut!!!! 😝
Taglist: @svnbangtansworld
It’s been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there 🙂
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You jolt awake to the insistent rhythm of a knock on your door, your senses instantly heightened as you wonder about the unexpected visitor. With a sense of urgency, you practically sprint down the stairs, only to be greeted by a wide-awake and smiling Namjoon at your doorstep.
“Good morning,” he greets with a voice that's too cheery for the early hours, making you grunt in response while you run one hand through your tousled hair, attempting to rub the sleep from your eyes. Your gaze lingers on him, clad in a loose-fitted black shirt that hints at the impressive contours of his chest, paired with beige shorts and sandals. In stark contrast, you become acutely aware of your own appearance, standing there in your revealing sleepwear—a slutty top with your breasts on the verge of spilling out and extremely short shorts that do nothing to hide your ass.
As you glance down at your attire, the realization of what you're wearing hits you. A subtle chuckle escapes Namjoon, and his eyes briefly trace the curve of your breasts before meeting your gaze once more.
“What are you doing here?” you inquire in a gruff tone, adding, “And this early?” You rub your tired eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.
“I was thinking we could hit up the plant store, just like we discussed? It opens at 8,” he suggests, flashing you a wide smile that showcases his dimples – the kind of smile that should be declared illegal.
“‘Joon, it's 7:30, and I'm not even awake yet,” you sigh, fully aware of what your answer is going to be, “but sure, let's go. I just need to get dressed and maybe caffeinate myself first.”
His eyes sparkle, eliciting a soft smile from you. “Come in and make yourself comfortable,” you invite warmly.
You guide him into your home, shutting the door gently as he slips off his sandals. Leading the way to the kitchen, you sense your shorts riding up higher on your ass. In your tired state, you don't care much, pressing forward into the kitchen.
You motion for him to take a seat, the worn chair creaking slightly beneath his weight as you get ready to brew some coffee. “Care for a cup?” you inquire, your voice warm and inviting.
He offers a gentle shake of his head, a smile playing on his lips. “Not today, but I appreciate the offer,” he responds, his eyes reflecting a grateful glint.
“Mind finishing up the coffee? I'll go change real quick,” you request, a smile gracing your lips as you set the water and kettle in motion. “Absolutely,” he responds with a nod and a warm smile, prompting you to dash upstairs to your room.
As you hurry into your room, grabbing clothes in a rush, you dive into the bathroom for a quick shower, slipping into a simple yet chic mini dress. Emerging from the bathroom, you almost collide with Jungkook.
“Woaw, you’re up early,” he chuckles, deftly avoiding a collision with you amidst your swift movements. “Yeah, Namjoon’s waiting in the kitchen,” you explain in a hurried tone as you dart past Jungkook and descend the stairs, but not before catching the suggestive dance his eyebrows perform, a mischievous tease lingering in the air.
You descend the stairs and enter the kitchen, announcing, “I’m ready now,” accompanied by a warm smile as you assess Namjoon. He gestures toward a pot, indicating the ready coffee. Swiftly, you grab a to-go cup and fill it with the aromatic brew, expressing your gratitude, “Thank you.”
As you head towards the entryway together, the anticipation lingers in the air. With synchronized movements, you slip into your shoes and jackets, and you grab your purse, the door creaking open under your anticipation.
“My car is more spacious; we can take that,” he suggests, gesturing towards his sizable SUV. Despite the practicality of his choice, you can't resist a playful eye roll and a theatrical sigh. Nevertheless, you follow him towards his car.
You settle into the car as the engine roars to life, and he skillfully maneuvers out of the driveway and onto the road. It becomes evident rather quickly that driving might not be his forte. He chuckles, breaking the silence, “Apologies for the driving skills; I’m not behind the wheel often,” he confesses, taking a turn down a road. You can't help but chuckle to yourself. “I usually opt for my bike, better for the environment, you know. The only downside is the limited space.”
Your laughter grows louder, imagining Namjoon on his bike, attempting to navigate with an armful of plants. The mental image paints a comical scene, and you find yourself amused by the thought of him juggling between green companions and handlebars.
Your laughter continues, and you playfully suggest, “I can take the wheel on the way back, unless you trust your driving skills with the precious cargo.” Namjoon grins, “Maybe that's a good idea; I wouldn't want to risk any harm to my leafy companions.”
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The plant store is a vibrant kaleidoscope of nature's wonders, with a plethora of beautiful specimens beckoning you both. From delicate baby plants to towering giants, the colors span the spectrum – a mesmerizing dance of greens, reds, purples, yellows, and blues. Armed with a cart, your excitement and giddiness know no bounds as you traverse the aisles, eagerly exploring the rich tapestry of botanical treasures the store has to offer.
With swift determination, Namjoon seizes bundles of essential soil packages, and inspired by his decisiveness, you follow suit, eager to replenish your own gardening arsenal.
As your gaze flits over the indoor greenery, nothing quite captures your interest. However, Namjoon's discovery of a tempting citrus tree triggers thoughts of the fruit trees lingering in your mind. Eagerly, you venture outside to explore the vast array of possibilities. Amid the selection of fruit trees—apples, pears, cherries, and beyond—you hone in on the apple varieties. With purpose, you seek out two distinct types, envisioning a harmonious pollination dance between them.
Namjoon eagerly adds to his haul with a selection of berry bushes, opting for the exquisite allure of blueberries and the tantalizing vibrancy of raspberries.
After a rewarding three-hour exploration through the vibrant aisles of the store, your shopping adventure concludes with a car filled to the brim. Grateful for Namjoon's spacious vehicle, you navigate the challenge of fitting an assortment of soil packages, fruit trees, and bushes. Some of the taller trees find refuge in the backseat, a testament to the abundance of greenery that now accompanies you on the journey home.
Namjoon casually passes you the keys, muttering, “It's better for the plants that way.” Amused, you respond with a chuckle, taking control of the wheel. Upon reaching home, a collaborative effort unfolds as both of you unload the treasures acquired during your plant-filled escapade.
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Namjoon's housewarming party looms ahead, and you find yourself both excited and slightly jittery at the thought of mingling with his rowdy and boisterous friends—individuals you've been quietly cursing under your breath since he first moved in all those months ago.
You've spent hours contemplating what to wear for Namjoon's housewarming party, seeking Jungkook's fashion expertise. He meticulously evaluates every dress in your closet, categorizing them from boring to sexy. Jungkook insists on opting for something enticing to captivate Namjoon's attention, and thus, here you stand, navigating the fine line between alluring and elegant.
Maintaining a deadpan expression, Jungkook casually throws you a bold question amidst his dress scrutiny. “Do you know if Namjoon’s an ass or tits man?” His gaze remains fixated on the dresses, and you're momentarily taken aback by his crude inquiry. However, given the unfiltered nature of your friendship, you offer a nonchalant response, “I don’t know. I’ve seen him staring at both before,” accompanied by a shrug, unsure if that tidbit helps him in any way.
Jungkook continues his quest through your closet, finally emerging triumphant with a suggestion, “Then I suggest a bodycon; tight fit that shows everything.” After thorough searching, he presents a black dress that strikes the right balance, revealing just the perfect amount of cleavage and boasting a midi length that adds a touch of elegance.
You let out a groan of frustration as you eye the bodycon dress on the bed. “You know I hate bodycon dresses,” you sigh. Jungkook chuckles, “I guess that’s why you only have one of them,” he teases as he throws the dress onto your bed. Undeterred, he continues rummaging through your closet, emerging with a pair of purple glitter boots. “Since your dress is black, pair it with these purple glitter heels,” he suggests with a mischievous grin.
You share a laugh with Jungkook, realizing that the vibrant purple glitter heels add a playful touch to the overall look. The dress, initially exuding a somewhat somber vibe, now seems to embrace a more lively and celebratory feel, thanks to Jungkook's unconventional styling suggestion.
Jungkook playfully teases, his eyes dancing with mischief and a mischievous grin revealing his adorable teeth. “I think you’re gonna get laid tonight,” he adds, punctuating the statement with a suggestive wink of his eyebrows.
“It's a party, Guk,” you reprimand him, a playful glint in your eyes as you try to hide the hopeful anticipation that bubbles beneath the surface. You don't entirely dismiss Jungkook's playful prediction, secretly hoping that amidst the lively atmosphere and Namjoon's friends, a spark might ignite between you and Namjoon.
“You never know what's gonna happen,” he shrugs, leaving you to prepare at your own pace. While he swiftly readies himself – donning a simple white tee that accentuates his sculpted physique, showcasing biceps and muscles chiseled in hours at the gym, paired with leather skinny jeans that emphasize his powerful thighs – you can't help but admire the effortless appeal he exudes.
“Planning to seduce someone?” you chuckle, your gaze roaming over him. “That outfit is killer, you know.”
“Nah, maybe. You never know,” he laughs, reveling in his undeniable charm. Jungkook has been the same ever since you met him when he moved in. Always drawing attention, and over the years, he's become your trusted fashion advisor, helping you enhance your outfits to capture the spotlight. You cherish him like the brother you never had.
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You knock on Namjoon's door, but the pulsating beat of the music suggests he won't hear it. Rolling your eyes, you glance at Jungkook, who chuckles and casually swings the door open, ushering you inside the lively atmosphere.
The crowd is surprisingly small, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and warmth among friends. As you navigate through the living room, you exchange greetings with familiar faces, some of whom you remember from that memorable BBQ where Namjoon inadvertently wreaked havoc on your fence and garden bed.
Several of his friends cast you a knowing glance, a silent acknowledgment of the shared memory when Namjoon accidentally wreaked havoc on your fence, and you didn't hesitate to give him a stern scolding.
You stride into the kitchen, boldly interrupting the banter between Namjoon and his friend who's manning the stove. “Hey,” you greet, causing both Namjoon and his friend to pivot and direct their attention toward you and Jungkook.
“Oh, hi,” his friend, Yoongi, greets you, offering his hand. As you shake it and share your name, you detect a subtle recognition flicker in his eyes. It clicks. “Ah, you're the one Joon has been telling us about,” he observes, scrutinizing you from head to toe. In that moment, you feel strangely exposed, wishing you had chosen a more modest outfit. The realization that Namjoon has been discussing you raises a mix of curiosity and uncertainty within you.
Namjoon pivots fully to meet you, and as his eyes roam your entire figure, his steps stutter to a halt. From your face down to those ridiculously purple glitter heels, he takes in every detail. The noticeable gaze sends a tingling warmth across your skin, and you're acutely aware of his thorough inspection. In a breathless, warm tone, Namjoon greets you, “Hi, I'm so glad you came,” his words hanging in the air. Yoongi chuckles, Jungkook joins in, and the atmosphere seems to shift with Namjoon's lingering gaze.
“Dinner’s almost ready, you can take a drink if you want,” Namjoon gestures toward the assortment of beverages as Yoongi orchestrates the final touches to the meal.
You and Jungkook make your way to the kitchen table, where he expertly pours the two of you drinks. As you head back to the living room, the hubbub of the gathering surrounds you, and you notice the diverse crowd filling Namjoon's space with laughter and conversation.
He teases you with a sly grin, “He was totally checking out your ass,” as you both approach a group of people you greeted upon arriving. You respond with a playful chuckle, dismissing the comment but secretly reveling in the idea that Namjoon's attention might be focused on you.
An audacious man points his finger at you with a big boxy smile and declares, “Hey, you're that bitchy neighbor, right?” The desire to react with anger simmers within you, but instead, you offer a forced smile and reply, “Yeah, that's me.” The guy's friend beside him shoots him a disapproving look, muttering something about politeness.
“Don't mind him, I'm Jimin,” the guy who intervened extends his hand for a shake. You grasp it firmly, exchanging names not only with him but also with Jungkook, who lingers at your side.
“I'm Taehyung,” the guy who boldly labeled you the ‘bitchy neighbor’ introduces himself, still wearing a wide grin. Unfazed by his straightforwardness, you flash a warm smile in return, appreciating the honesty.
“I'm Hoseok,” the guy beside them chimes in, a radiant smile lighting up his face.
Before you know it, Yoongi, the guy crafting the delicious dinner, sets the final masterpiece on the dining table. As you all converge around the table, you find yourself seated next to Jungkook and Taehyung. Conversations flow effortlessly, everyone sharing stories about how they know Namjoon – college buddies, coworkers, childhood friends. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, making you feel surprisingly at home in this new circle of acquaintances. Despite the brief encounter, these individuals excel at weaving a sense of inclusion and hospitality, effortlessly transforming strangers into companions.
Despite the lively chatter and delicious food, you can't help but catch Namjoon stealing occasional glances in your direction. Determined to maintain your composure, you divert your attention to savoring the flavors on your plate, pretending not to notice the warmth of his gaze lingering on you.
As lively conversations intertwine with the clinking of cutlery and empty plates, you gradually become aware of the music's subdued presence. Jimin initiates the plate-clearing ritual, and you join in to assist. Meanwhile, Hoseok, with a mischievous gleam in his eye, strides into the living room and cranks up the volume, signaling an imminent eruption of rhythmic movements, suggesting he's ready to unleash some dance-floor magic.
With a playful smile, you turn to Jimin and inquire, “Is it always like this?” Your gaze follows the fluid motions of Hoseok, who has seamlessly transitioned into a mesmerizing dance routine, eliciting a spontaneous chuckle from you.
“Pretty much,” he replies with a chuckle, arranging plates in the dishwasher.
“It's a pity that Taehyung's girlfriend and Hoseok's couldn't make it today. Hoseok's girlfriend loves to dance, and watching her and Hoseok dance is always a blast!” he shares with a smile. Jungkook has now joined Hoseok in dancing, while Namjoon and Yoongi unwind on the couch. Taehyung is pitching in, helping you and Jimin clean up.
“Your friend Jungkook, what's his story?” Jimin inquires, his eyes tracing Jungkook's muscular frame as he effortlessly matches Hoseok's dance moves.
You chuckle, and then Taehyung interjects, “He's wondering if Jungkook is single.” He clarifies for Jimin, who blushes as he shuts the dishwasher.
You turn to Jimin, “Well, he is single. I've never seen him with a man before, but you should give it a shot,” you say, smiling at him. His face brightens, a wide smile forming until his eyes disappear into small slits. Both you and Taehyung chuckle as Jimin heads into the living room to join the dance.
You both follow him, seamlessly joining the dancing crowd. You instantly locate Jungkook, who winks suggestively with his eyebrows as he grips your hips, swaying you to the beat of the music. You understand his intentions – to help you grab Namjoon's attention. It seems to be working, as you feel a pair of hazel brown eyes igniting your skin with warmth.
Jimin effortlessly joins the dancing, grinding up against your body. With the attention of the two men, you can't help but laugh as they're on a mission to make Namjoon jealous.
You catch sight of Namjoon on the couch, his fists clenching intermittently as he struggles to maintain eye contact with you, alternating his gaze whenever he senses yours on him.
Worn out from the lively dance and the touch of both Jungkook and Jimin, you retreat to the kitchen for a much-needed break. Amidst the array of alcoholic beverages, you choose a refreshing sip of water to rejuvenate your senses.
A soft “Hi” catches your attention from behind, and as you turn, there stands Namjoon. It seems like Jungkook's strategic plan to capture his interest might just be unfolding before you.
“Hi,” you reply to Namjoon, turning gracefully to face him, a soft smile playing on your lips as your eyes meet his.
He envelops your personal space in an instant, but the proximity feels electrifying rather than intrusive. His gaze sweeps down, the height difference smaller because of your heels. “You look incredibly sexy,” he murmurs, his words sending a subtle shiver down your spine.
“Thank you, so do you,” you reply, your eyes tracing the contours of his fitted gray shirt, the black dress pants accentuating his silhouette, and his hair styled in a soft undercut. A subtle gulp betrays the sudden rush of arousal that courses through you. Damn, he looks more than nice; he looks irresistible.
His lips brush against your ear as he leans in, his husky whisper sending a shiver down your spine, “I bet you look even sexier without those clothes on.”
A barely audible, breathy moan escapes your lips, your agreement conveyed through a subtle nod. His intoxicating scent envelops your senses, electrifying every inch of your body. Yet, the hunger for more lingers, an insatiable desire pulsating within you.
With a teasing and audacious tone, you declare, “There's only one way to find out.” 
As a provocative invitation, you lower the neckline of your dress ever so slightly, offering him a tantalizing glimpse of your cleavage. His gaze quickly descends, and he licks his lips in response, muttering a husky “Damn.”
He leans in again, gently nibbling on your ear, his breath hot as he pants, “Fuck. I want you so much.” A mischievous glint in his eyes, he adds, “Do you want to take a look at my seedling collection in my room?”
A playful chuckle escapes your lips, yet your body responds with a cascade of tingles, every inch of your skin on high alert. “Yes,” you moan, pressing your body against his, acutely aware of the undeniable evidence of his erection.
He seizes your hand, a magnetic pull guiding you out of the bustling kitchen and into the mysterious path leading, you presume, to his bedroom.
Surprised, you stammer, “What about the others?” as he whisks you away from the lively gathering.
Confidently, he declares, “They have their music, and they won't mind us disappearing for an hour,” pulling you through the hallway with a mischievous grin, “or two.”
You can't help but chuckle, but as his words finally penetrate your foggy mind, a new surge of arousal courses through your core. You gulp, groaning at the anticipation of what his words imply.
In no time, you reach his room. He swiftly opens the door, pulling you inside, and without hesitation, he pushes you against the nearest wall, hovering over you. His eyes search yours for any sign of hesitation, but finding none, he dives into a kiss. It's a blend of softness and intensity, his lips feeling inviting as you instinctively open your mouth, welcoming the dance of his tongue with yours.
The kiss lingers until you both reluctantly break apart for a much-needed breath, chests heaving in sync with the rapid beat of your hearts. His gaze, now hooded, remains fixed on your lips, and his hands firmly grasp your hips, the intensity between you growing with each passing moment.
He breathlessly murmurs your name, his desperation palpable, “You have no idea how much I want you.”
It sends shivers down your spine as you bite your lower lip, anticipation building. “Show me,” you pant in a ragged voice, yearning for the intensity that awaits.
He pulls you towards his bed, the air thick with anticipation as he slowly eases you down onto the soft sheets. Your gaze locks with his, desire burning in your eyes; an unspoken plea for him to ravish you, to consume the hunger that has been building between you for so long.
His fingers trail over your body, igniting a symphony of shivers that course through you, causing a hitch in your breath as he explores the landscape of your body.
His voice, laced with a hunger that mirrors the intensity in his gaze, whispers a question that sets your skin ablaze. 
“Can I taste you?” 
The air thickens with anticipation, and you're certain that if he doesn't touch you soon, you might just combust.
“Please,” your plea, drawn out in a breathless moan, echoes in the room, and you feel your toes curl with anticipation, a symphony of desire playing between every gasp and heartbeat.
He wastes no time, swiftly dragging your dress up your hips to your stomach. A pause lingers as he appreciates the sight of your black lacy underwear, before he skillfully tugs them down your thighs and lets them pool at your feet and drags them to the floor.
“What about my shoes?” you playfully remark as you attempt to kick them off, but he swiftly captures your legs before you can make much progress.
“Keep them on. They're cute.” 
He murmurs, a low, seductive tone that sends shivers down your spine. Your breath catches, and a wave of need tightens your core, leaving you aching for more.
He pulls you to the edge of the bed, spreading your legs with a hungry gaze, absorbing the sight of your glistening pussy, ready to explore every inch of it.
“Fuck, you're already so wet,” he groans, his hands kneading your thighs, eliciting moans of delight as his skilled fingers inch closer to where you need him the most.
He inches closer and closer with his hands, teasingly tracing the contours of your thighs, but then, with a seductive glint in his eyes, he redirects his attention to your core. Your gaze locks with his as he licks his lips in anticipation before finally sealing the deal, his mouth enveloping your slick, pulsating pussy.
His tongue skillfully explores your folds, sending a shiver down your spine as you involuntarily arch your back off the bed, caught in the electrifying sensation. As he moves to your clit, a wave of tightness starts to coil in your stomach.
His expert mouth engulfs your clit, creating a tantalizing suction that has you gripping the sheets, your mind teetering on the edge of bliss. He hasn’t even done much yet  an overwhelming sense of ecstasy washes over you, pushing you to the brink of sweet surrender.
Simultaneously, his skilled fingers continue their rhythmic massage on your thighs. “Fuck, don't stop,” you moan, lost in the intoxicating blend of sensations that envelops you.
He devours your clit with an insatiable hunger, his tongue moving with an expertise that leaves you breathless. Every flick and swirl sends shockwaves of pleasure through you.
Then he pulls off, “You like that?”
“Fuck, yeah.”
He returns to his task with newfound determination, his tongue expertly dancing over your throbbing clit. Your fingers entwine in his hair, tugging at the strands as he skillfully sucks and laps, each deliberate move coaxing euphoric sounds from your lips, punctuated by the desperate call of his name.
Embarrassment is a distant thought as pleasure courses through you, driven by the divine dance of his tongue on your sensitive bud. Wetness coats your core, and in the throes of ecstasy, you abandon all reservations. “I'm so close, Joon,” escapes your lips, a raw admission of the impending climax.
As his tongue continues its tantalizing assault on your clit, a single finger joins the sensual ballet, probing the entrance to your pussy. Your walls eagerly envelop the intruding digit, the dual stimulation propelling you perilously close to the edge of climax.
Your moans cascade into the air like a melody as he rhythmically thrusts his finger in and out of you, a symphony of pleasure coursing through your body. The withdrawal of his digit leaves you yearning, but the anticipation peaks as his slickened finger teases your untouched hole. Shivers dance along your spine as you feel the subtle pressure against the resistance of your muscles, inviting an exhilarating mix of pleasure and anticipation.
You whimper, unable to tear your gaze away from the sight below. His eyes are darkened pools of desire, mirroring the intensity of the sensations he orchestrates with his skillful tongue. The explicit symphony of wet, rhythmic sounds reverberates in the room, a sinful melody that only adds to the fire between you both.
His insistent finger nudges at your hole, and you instinctively clench, a mix of anticipation and slight discomfort coursing through you. Yet, his agile tongue at your clit becomes a captivating distraction, a skillful dance that forces your focus away from the pressure building elsewhere. As you struggle to ease the tension in your body, your breath quickens, and you transform into a panting, quivering mess beneath his intoxicating touch.
In a haze of pleasure, you're suddenly aware of the delicate pressure of his teeth on your clit. The sensation is subtle yet electrifying, sending shockwaves through your body. Your voice echoes in a cry of his name, the walls of your core clenching around the emptiness, while your senses blur in a whirlwind of ecstasy. As you struggle to regain control of your breathing, the world around you fades into a euphoric abyss.
As your climax courses through you, he withdraws his finger from your tight hole, but his fervent attention on your folds persists. His tongue dances with expertise, devouring the sweet juice that envelops his taste buds.
“You taste so sweet.” 
Savoring the lingering taste of your sweetness, he licks his lips lasciviously as he withdraws from your core. Gazing upon your breathless and flushed figure sprawled on his bed, he can't help but chuckle, a low and satisfied sound, at the intoxicating impact he's already had on you.
“Dammit, Namjoon.”
Frustration and desire intertwine as you sit up, urgently pulling Namjoon between your legs to seize his lips in a passionate kiss. In the heat of the moment, you inadvertently taste yourself on his lips, but you don’t mind.
With a sultry gaze, you break away from his lips, locking eyes with him as you confess, “I want to suck your dick.”
As your seductive words hang in the air, you notice his pupils dilate even further, and he inhales sharply, taking a deliberate step back, visibly affected by the promise in your desire-laden confession.
“I don't know,” he begins, and you raise an intrigued eyebrow at him. 
“You haven't exactly been a good girl,” he adds, his tone taking on a tantalizing edge. You gape at his unexpected words, your mind racing to comprehend the sudden shift in his demeanor. 
“Why should I let you suck my dick when you’ve been so bad?”
Your jaw actually drops, and you're left perplexed by the sudden change in his demeanor. “I don't know what you're talking about. I just want to make you feel as good as you made me feel,” you respond, your voice a mixture of confusion and desire, trying to navigate the unexpected turn in the conversation.
A mischievous smirk graces his lips, and he offers a soft smile. “If I remember correctly, you glued my mailbox together,” he utters, and as the words escape his mouth, a realization hits you like a ton of bricks — is he still holding onto your past antics from when he first moved in?
A sly grin plays on his lips. “And threw eggs on my windows,” he teases, and you're left dumbfounded. His arousal is evident with a prominent bulge in his pants, leaving you puzzled as to why he's resurrecting this conversation now.
“Wanted to blow my tire,” he chuckles, his hand casually finding its way to his erect cock, inviting your gaze. “If you want this,” he gestures to his throbbing dick, “you'll need to apologize and beg like a proper bitch.”
You inhale sharply at his audacious demand, a shiver coursing down your spine. The challenge is clear. Two can play this game, and you're more than ready to meet his provocative request head-on.
You bat your eyes at him, rising to meet him at the foot of the bed, a playful smirk dancing on your lips. “So it's going to be like that, huh? What if I don't want to apologize, because I already have?” Your voice drops to a sultry whisper as you tease him, fingers boldly grabbing the outline of his cock outside his pants, eliciting a sharp hiss from his lips.
His tone oozes mock disappointment. “Fine, I suppose I'll just go join the others,” he declares, a smug smile playing on his lips, leaving you to wonder if he's bluffing or genuinely preparing to walk away.
“With this tent in your pants?”
With a teasing smirk, you glance down at the noticeable bulge in his pants and then meet his eyes again. Chuckling nervously, the realization dawns on you that he might just be speaking the truth.
“I don’t mind,” nonchalantly, he shrugs his shoulders as he backs away from you, and a sense of panic creeps in because, damn, he wasn't kidding about walking away!
But an overwhelming desire surges through you, an urgent need for him, for his intimacy. You crave to taste him, to feel him deep inside. Damn it, you'll have to surrender to the yearning and beg for the pleasure you so desperately crave.
Your voice is a breathy plea, eyes locked onto his, a mixture of desire and vulnerability. 
“Please,” you implore, the longing in your eyes laying bare your desperate craving to taste him.
“Please let me suck your dick.”
He saunters over, a playful glint in his eyes. “And?” he drawls, his gaze lingering on you, leaving you biting your lower lip in a mix of anticipation and frustration.
You take a deep breath, your admission hanging in the air, “I'm sorry, I was a bitch to you.”
His satisfaction evident, he swiftly lowers both his pants and underwear in a single motion, unveiling his impressive cock—long, thick, with a captivating crimson hue at the tip. Your breath catches at the sight, a gasp escaping your lips as it comes into full view.
“Good girl. Then suck it.”
He commands, and you gracefully descend to your knees. Your tongue darts out, tracing your lips as you fixate on the glistening bead of precum adorning the crown of his cock.
With purposeful intent, your hands envelop his pulsating cock, eliciting a guttural groan of longing from him as your fingers methodically traverse its rigid length.
“Don't toy with me,” he cautions, his voice imbued with a mixture of desire and command as he utters your name.
You playfully scoff at his attitude, but your boldness shines through as you extend your tongue, sliding it beneath the swollen tip of his dick. Locking eyes with him, you tease away the glistening droplets of precum. His sharp intake of breath transforms into a low moan when you engulf the head of his throbbing cock with your warm, wet mouth.
You skillfully trace your tongue around his frenulum, causing a visceral reaction. His head arches backward, and his fingers instinctively weave into your hair, applying a gentle, insistent tug as if he’s unable to contain the escalating pleasure.
You release his cock from your mouth, allowing saliva to pool and gather as you sensually prepare for another round. With deliberate intent, you envelop him once more, eliciting breathy pants from him as your wet, warm mouth expertly glides up and down, leaving his dick coated in a glistening sheen of your saliva.
With a firm grip on his hips, you delve into the art of pleasuring him, expertly creating a vacuum with your lips that draws out moans of pleasure. As you suck him, the wetness between your thighs intensifies, a tangible manifestation of your arousal responding to the symphony of his reactions.
“Fuck, you feel so good.”
As his moans echo in the room, his praise serves as a potent catalyst, igniting a fiercer desire within you. Eager for more, you boldly take more of his cock, skillfully deep-throating him until the meeting point of your nose and his coarse pubic hair.
“Ah, fuck.”
As you skillfully relax your mouth, the enticing vibrations of your hum reverberate around his throbbing dick, eliciting a deeper response. His hands, entwined in the makeshift ponytail of your hair, tug with a mixture of urgency and pleasure, amplifying the intensity.
Breathless and with desire darkening his gaze, he implores, “Fuck. WIll you let me fuck that pretty mouth of yours?”
His eyes linger on your face, adorned with the evidence of your oral prowess, your lips glistening with your saliva by being filled to the brim with his thick cock.
You echo your consent with a sultry hum around his dick, your subtle nod accentuating the deliberate relaxing of your throat and jaw, inviting him to explore the depths of your mouth.
“God. You’re such a good girl for me.” 
He forcefully tugs at your hair, eliciting a hiss around his cock. With a firm hand, he guides your face deeper into his pubic hair. You concentrate on relaxing, taking slow breaths to stave off the impending gag reflex. Just as you feel the sensation building, he withdraws, leaving you to glance up with anticipation, wondering what's wrong.
“You’re doing so good.”
His tender reassurance, accompanies a gentle brush of his fingers, wiping away a lone tear cascading down your cheek. A genuine smile graces your lips in response. The warmth of his praise sends a delightful flutter through your stomach, your core responding with an involuntary clench.
“I’ll fuck you real good after this,” his promise hangs in the air like an electrifying vow, resonating with a potent mixture of desire and anticipation. The command in his pull at your hair is met with your compliance, as he deftly aligns his dick with your waiting mouth. A mutual understanding passes between you, and you intentionally relax, allowing him to dictate the rhythm and intensity.
The tempo of his movements becomes an immediate onslaught, a relentless pace that leaves you breathless. His thrusts into your mouth are a whirlwind of intensity, each one demanding your full attention and challenging your ability to keep up.
The room resonates with a symphony of wet, slurping sounds, a visceral accompaniment to the mingling of your tears and saliva that forms a slick, glistening sheen on his cock. The dance of his relentless thrusts is now an unhindered glide, running smoothly over your lips.
Amidst the ecstasy, he moans appreciatively, “You've been a real bitch,” yet his words carry a tone of undeniable pleasure. “But, fuck, you look divine like this.” 
He continues to thrust into your mouth, a sly smirk playing on his lips. “Can't talk back with your mouth full, huh?”
Damn, his menacing words send a shiver down your spine, igniting a wild fire of arousal pooling within your core. Attempting to respond, only a muffled hum escapes your lips against his pulsating cock, prompting him to moan your name in ecstasy.
“Fuck. I’m so close.”
His thrusts intensify, desire burning in his eyes as he seeks permission, “I really want to come inside your pussy, can I?”
Your muffled hum around him ignites a primal response, “Fuck. You’re so good for me, baby girl. I want to fuck you so bad, you won’t be able to walk out of here.”
Your pussy tightens in response to his words. Fuck, the thought alone sends a shiver through your body. You can already sense the wetness trickling down your thighs, aching for more of his intoxicating touch.
As he withdraws from your mouth, you gasp for air, inhaling in rapid breaths. His gentle touch caresses your cheek, accompanied by a soft smile. Transitioning from the kneeling position, he releases his hold on your hair, bringing you to a standing position before him. A hiss escapes your lips at the pull, yet it ignites a torrent of arousal, leaving you groaning in pleasure.
His command slices through the air, “On all fours,” he orders, a subtle gesture guiding your movements toward the bed. Swiftly, you comply, positioning yourself on hands and knees, anticipation coursing through every nerve.
His breath catches as he admires the breathtaking sight, “Fuck, your ass is incredible.” 
A pause lingers as he indulges in the moment, his hands gently caressing the curves before a sharp slap echoes through the room, eliciting a moan from you—a sound that draws a light, satisfied chuckle from him.
As he sheds the last of his clothes, standing there in raw vulnerability, he motions for you to rise and shed the remnants of your dress. With a swift motion, he pulls the fabric away, revealing a matching lace bra that barely conceals the anticipation underneath. Skillfully unhooking it from behind, he lets it join the growing pile on the floor, laying bare the desires that crackle between you.
His hands envelop your breasts from behind, skillfully rolling and tugging at your sensitive nipples, coaxing a hiss that transforms into a sultry moan. 
“Get down,” he commands, releasing your breasts, and you obediently return to your hands and knees, anticipation coursing through your veins like an electric charge.
As you arch your back, pressing your ass into him, the electric jolt of sensation courses through your body, the meeting of your ass with his throbbing cock igniting a fervent desire within. The yearning for him to fill you overwhelms your senses, aching for the ecstasy that awaits.
With a firm grip, he parts your cheeks, molding them as though shaping the most exquisite sculpture, and a prolonged moan escapes your lips, echoing the building tension between you. His touch, both commanding and sensual, sends shivers down your spine.
“You like it when I grope your ass?” 
His teasing tone resonates with the intimate caresses on your backside, creating a delicious interplay of sensations. As he playfully gropes your ass once more, a moan, laden with desire, spills from your lips.
“Yes, Joon.” 
As his hand connects with the curve of your ass, a jolt of both pain and pleasure surges through you, a visceral reminder that each spank is a tantalizing dance between ecstasy and a hint of sting. You can't help but release a breathy exclamation, caught in the intoxicating paradox of pleasure and the fiery imprint of his touch.
His fingers trace the tender spot left by the impact, a gentle contrast to the impending intensity. The warmth of his touch lingers just long enough before the other cheek receives the caress of his firm hand. With a husky promise, he murmurs, “Such a good girl. I’m gonna fuck you so good.”
In response to his tantalizing vow, a needy moan escapes your lips, fueling the building desire within. Eager for his touch, you press your ass further toward him. He complies, his hand skimming over his throbbing cock before parting your slickened folds. With an electrifying precision, he guides his dick to the brink of your quivering entrance.
Sensations surge through you as the velvety tip of his cock teases your folds. Surrendering to the impending ecstasy, you bury your breasts and head into the bed, anticipating the irresistible intrusion. With a deliberate and tantalizing pace, he eases himself into the welcoming warmth of your eager pussy, setting off a cascade of pleasure that envelops you both.
“Fuck! You’re so big, ugh!”
Ecstatic moans escape your lips as the sheer magnitude of his size overwhelms your senses. You're acutely aware of the delicious stretch coursing through your core, a blend of pleasure and challenge. Summoning every ounce of willpower, you command your body to yield, coaxing it to embrace the monumental intrusion and paving the way for him to delve deeper into you, transforming lingering discomfort into a symphony of desire.
“Damn. You’re so tight,” his grip tightens on your ass, fingers sinking into the flesh as he thrusts himself deeper into the velvety warmth of your pussy. A guttural moan escapes his lips, resonating through the room as he relishes the tightness that envelops him. With each inch, a shared ecstasy unfurls, culminating in a breathless admission, “Your little pussy is taking me so well.”
An electrifying fullness courses through you as he seamlessly integrates into the heated embrace of your slick folds. The initial stretch fades into a delicious satisfaction, a testament to the perfect fit between your bodies. His whispered inquiry, “Are you good?” hangs in the air, a prelude to the rhythmic dance about to unfold.
“Fuck, yeah. Please fuck me Joon.”
Your impassioned plea reverberates through the room, a desperate cry into the sheets. Almost in response, he retreats, teasingly withdrawing before plunging back in with a force that elicits an unrestrained cry, the fusion of pleasure and intensity echoing in the air.
He propels into a relentless and rapid rhythm from the outset, causing your fingers to curl tightly around the sheets. As the pace intensifies, a thin sheen of saliva from your parted lips marks the bedding.
His voice, rough and primal, reverberates in the room as he plunges into you with unbridled intensity. “Fuck. You feel so nice around me, babe,” he rasps, each forceful thrust hitting that exquisite spot, setting off a symphony of moans that escape your lips in a relentless, intoxicating cadence.
Your uninhibited moans echo in the room, a symphony of pleasure that drowns in the pulsating beats of the music. In the haze of passion, you're blissfully unaware of how loud you are, and with each intense thrust, you find solace in the hope that the music's thunderous rhythm conceals your shared symphony from the prying ears of his friends—although, in this heated moment, who gives a fuck?
“Namjoon, shit!” you pant, surrendering to the primal rhythm, arching your back and meeting his dick with fervor. Every thrust becomes a shared dance, an intimate symphony where your movements mirror his, creating a crescendo of pleasure that resonates through the room.
“Fuck. You’re such a good girl for me. Fucking yourself on me like this, fuck.”
His hands, explorers on a sensual journey, traverse every curve of your body with a possessive grace. With a firm grip on your hair, he elevates you onto your knees, commanding your body like a masterpiece. His skilled hands then trace a tantalizing path, cupping your breasts, and his fingers dance over your nipples, coaxing forth a symphony of pleasure.
“Oh, fuck.” Your moan harmonizes with the relentless rhythm of his hips, each thrust orchestrating a crescendo of pleasure that leaves your core drenched in a fresh cascade of arousal.
His fingers dance on your sensitive nipples, an exquisite melody that resonates with the building intensity of your pleasure. You're on the precipice, teetering on the edge of ecstasy, breath hitching. 
“Shit— I'm close!” 
As he releases one of your tender breasts, that liberated hand embarks on a journey south, landing at your aching core. His skilled fingers find your swollen clit instantly, tracing circles that send electric shocks of pleasure through your body. A raw, uninhibited moan escapes your lips, a testament to the sweet agony he effortlessly orchestrates.
His voice, a low and husky melody, reverberates in your ear, electrifying your senses. “Just like that, babe,” he moans, each word a caress, sending shivers cascading down your spine. “Cream my cock,” he implores, his desire echoing in the air like a sultry command.
Overwhelming sensations surge through your body, a symphony of pleasure orchestrated by his skillful touch. The relentless rhythm of his thrusts, the expert manipulation of your nipples, and the teasing strokes on your clit become a sensory overload. It's an intoxicating concoction, pushing you past the edge. The coil within you finally unravels, your walls contracting around his cock, squeezing him tight. In the symphony of ecstasy, he releases a strangled moan, a harmonious blend of desire and fulfillment.
Your body becomes a vessel of pleasure, every gasp for air feels like an accomplishment. Namjoon relentlessly maintains the pace, a symphony of passion playing between you. “Namjoon,” you whimper in a strangled voice, the intensity leaving you sounding distant even to your own ears. Your vision blurs with white spots, a kaleidoscope of sensations overwhelming your senses. The weight of ecstasy takes hold, your body feeling both heavy and weightless. 
Unable to sustain yourself on your knees, you surrender to the intoxicating euphoria, slumping your head onto the bed, finding solace in the soft embrace of the sheets.
Namjoon holds your ass up, his thrusts becoming a frenzied dance, each movement a passionate punctuation in and out of your convulsing pussy.
“Almost there, babe. Fuck. You just clenched around me even tighter.” he seizes your hips with a firmer grip, plunging into you with more depth, and you muffle your moans into the sheets, desperately clinging to the sensations coursing through you.
He trails his fingers along your spine for a fleeting moment, and then, with a sudden slap to one of your ass cheeks, he accentuates the contrast by tenderly stroking the very spot he just struck. “You're incredible,” he breathes, his touch a symphony of pleasure and pain.
With a final series of deep, powerful thrusts, he slams into you, releasing a torrent of warm, white fluid that coats the walls of your pussy. His subsequent thrusts, though slowing down, maintain a sensual rhythm, drawing out the euphoric connection between your bodies.
“Fucking hell. That was mind-blowing,” he pants, his hands finding a temporary refuge on the curve of your ass as he endeavors to catch his breath. A few beads of his sweat cascade from his forehead, tracing a path down onto your skin. You tilt your head, still recovering your own breath, and respond, “Yeah it was.”
He tenderly strokes your ass cheeks, his softened dick still nestled within you. The gentle caresses feel exquisite, though you become aware of his essence gradually seeping out, tracing a languid path down your thighs.
He remains embedded within your warm pussy until you murmur, “Joon, I'm too exhausted to stay like this.”
He chuckles, his fingers tracing patterns along your ass and spine before withdrawing his cock, leaving you to groan in the void it creates. A cascade of your combined releases trails down your thighs, and as Namjoon spreads your ass cheeks, he admires the aftermath. 
“Damn, you look incredible,” he murmurs, his lips descending to kiss the intimate blend of his essence and your arousal on your pussy.
You moan, your body still tingling with sensitivity, and you slump onto the bed, utterly spent. Namjoon chuckles, joining you in a languid sprawl beside you.
Lying side by side, you both catch your breaths while Namjoon spoons you. The intimacy is soothing, his rapid heartbeat against your back almost lulling you to sleep. Suddenly, you feel his hand trace a path from your hips down your thigh, sending a shiver through you. 
“I'll clean you up,” he murmurs, breaking the post-passion silence with a promise.
He ascends from the bed, retrieving towels from a drawer to delicately cleanse the intimate aftermath between your legs. Each touch elicits a moan, and you're grateful for the tender care he showers on you. 
“Thank you” you sigh, the words carrying a weight of appreciation and a lingering sense of intimacy.
“No problem,” his response comes effortlessly, and he settles onto the edge of the bed, a casual ease in his demeanor.
He breaks the silence, a hint of nervousness in his voice as his hand grazes the back of his head, then he pops the question, “I was actually thinking... if you want to go out on a date with me?”
You shift your body to face him, a tender smile playing on your lips as you reply, “I'd absolutely love that, Namjoon.”
As your fingers intertwine with his, a genuine smile lights up his face, revealing those adorable dimples. “Great. You can call me Joonie by the way,” he says, and seals the moment with a soft kiss on your temple, leaving you breathless once again.
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Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I appreciate every like, comment and reblog, and please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think;  your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜
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niuniente · 4 months
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PICK A CARD WITH NIU Choose an image (or more than 1) and read below a message meant for you from The Spiritual Realm. Only take what resonated with you and leave the rest.
I thought that since I can't keep up with the Youtube channel, I can allow some simple pick a cards here.
☕ 1: Tea and Pulla Sweet Bun 🥐
A saving grace is right on the horizon. This is the famous 11th hour, when the door finally opens and the solution arrives just when you have given up. To reach this liberation you're seeking, you need to allow yourself just to be. It's OK not to know. It's OK not to have the answers. This is a card of a positive surrender where you throw your hands up in the air and admit that you've done all you can - now the rest is in the hands of some higher power. Once you surrender and allow currents to take you, you can finally get your solutions, answers and have the doors opening. Imagine this as a situation where you try to pull a door open. You have been trying too hard. You've tried all you can imagine to get that damn door open. Finally, all tired and frustrated, you give up and just toss yourself against the door with a shout "I give up!". And, you know what? That door was a push door. It was never going to open by you pulling it but you were so busy telling yourself that you have to get this door open and giving all you've got and some beyond to get the door open that you never realized that it was a push door. 
Same kind of letting go is needed now. Letting go of the reins is scary but worth it. If your life has already been in chaos and you have already surrendered, then know that it will pay off. Likely faster than you realized.  This need to let go of control and trying too hard can fall into any area of life; work, school, relationships, love, hobbies, interests etc.
Remember that no matter how many setbacks you've had, no matter how often you have failed, no matter how hard you have tried, you have not been abandoned. You're on the right track. The Universe will step in and set things for your favor, no matter how impossible it would seem to you. Relax and let this storm pass, as you can't tell a storm to stop or go away. You've got this. Be more gentle with yourself and give yourself credit for; life has been hard but you've gone so far. It will get better. If it didn't, you wouldn't be reading this message now.
If you want a personal private reading, order one from my Etsy.
🐤 Picture 2: Bird and Cherry Tree 🌸
Congratulations are in order! A lucky strike is about to hit you! Things will turn into your favor and you can literally see some sort of a figurative spring arriving to your life, maybe after a figurative winter. This is a good time to take risks, gamble and most importantly remain optimistic and positive. Have a sense of ease and fun, as things will work out for your favor, in a way or another. This lucky strike can fall on a certain area of life or on multiple areas of life at the same time; health, work, study, relationships, love, finances, move etc. If you are an adult and hoping to get pregnant, this is a good time for pregnancy. For singles, go out there and mingle!
You are asked to feel the thrill of victory and gratitude towards this win of yours, even if it wasn't here yet. Just like a child on a birthday or some other occasion, where you know something wonderful will definitely happen and you don't even second guess it. Allow yourself to take this good luck, this golden ticket from Lady Luck. Don't feel guilty for being victorious and having things working out for you. If you are in a situation where all is at ease and life is easy, fun and abundant to you, don't feel guilty or ashamed of this. You feeling miserable because someone else is miserable and unlucky will only have two people - you and the other - feel miserable.
This win feels very personal. It is possible that you can't share this with others, like for example the pregnancy I mentioned earlier; only you or your partner can be pregnant with the baby meant for you. Only you can get that job. Only you can graduate now. Only you can take that trip. Only you can win something meant for you. If you get a financial windfall, invest into your own self first. Be generous towards yourself. You've earned this!
If you want a personal private reading, order one from my Etsy
🌏 Picture 3: The Planet and Stars ⭐
You might have set your eyes on a goal (or plan to do so) which will require hard work and loving discipline. Hard work and patience is needed with this goal, and it is possible that this goal is either a bit hard to reach, takes a long time to reach or it's rare in a way that not many have gone after it. Such a goal can be anything from saving money for a big purchase, learning a new skill or a new language, exercising for a certain body, painting a gigantic mural, transitioning, wanting to cover yourself with tattoos, or even just growing your hair really long.
You are asked to have a sense of success and abundance as you go towards this goal; I can do this! I've got what's needed to obtain it! I can make it! It's worth it! This goal might be something which has been on your mind for a long time and perhaps you have tipped your toe in its waters but now, the time seems to be right for this journey - all the way to the victorious end goal. You've grown, you've planned, you've investigated, you've given yourself time to consider this. This card gives me a feel of a mature decision, whether this goal of yours is a new style or a business of your own. Whatever is calling you, it is calling you for a reason. This call is positive.
You might need to let go of something or someone to obtain this goal, because it's going to ask for either a bigger transformation or more of your time and resources. If you, for example, learn a new language you need to clear space from your daily schedule for it. Or, if you are going to save money for something big, you have to cut down your expenses. Or, perhaps you want to obtain a job, a home or an education which is available in a different city/state/country and it requires you to move. Also, moving from singlehood to a relationship or from a bad relationship to a singlehood is this kind of a shift this card is talking about. Don't hesitate to let go of things and make room for this change. Keep going, you can do this and in the future, you will be happy that you kept going and allowed yourself to explore this option.
If you want a personal private reading, order one from my Etsy
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bright-side20 · 10 months
Elriel 🌸🗡️
"The argument that Rhys knows Az better, that's why he was right to tell him to stay away from Elain."
First, I do think that Rhys knows it's not just lust, and his reaction was purely political. However, the way he attacked Az emotionally shows that he doesn't really know him the way he thinks he does. Here is the most obvious example throughout the series :
_In silver flames, Nesta noticed Az's behavior after he tortured people to get information :
Azriel went on, “In the week I’ve been watching her, I … learned what her next steps are.” The way he hesitated before he said learned said enough: he’d tortured it out of someone. Many people. Nesta glanced at his scarred hands, and Azriel tucked them behind his back, as if he noted her attention.
_Then we learned that Az thinks of himself as a sort of monster because of what he does in his job :
"She looked up at him, her face so trusting and hopeful and open that he knew she had no idea that he had done unspeakable things that sullied his hands far beyond their scars."
"Such terrible things that it was a sacrilege for his fingers to skin, tainting her with his presence."
_Back in ACOMAF when they captured the Attor and Az had to torture him :
“Break its legs, shred its wings, and dump it of the coast of Hybern. See if it survives.” The Attor began thrashing, begging".... " "The Attor was already screaming beneath Truth-Teller’s honed edge when I left the cell."
_After a while, Feyre asked Rhys about what Az thinks about his job torturing, and that's what Rhys answered :
“Does he mind what he does? Not the spying, I mean. What he did to the Attor today.”
Rhys loosed a breath. “It’s hard to tell with him—and he’d never tell me. I’ve witnessed Cassian rip apart opponents and then puke his guts up once the carnage stopped, sometimes even mourn them. But Azriel … Cassian tries, I try—but I think the only person who ever gets him to admit to any sort of feeling is Mor. And that’s only when she’s pestered him to the point where even his infinite patience has run out.”
Rhysand doesn't even know what Azriel thinks of himself doing that job. In fact, every time Feyre asked Rhys something about Az, he would respond with 'Well, Az doesn't speak that much.' Yet, when Az tried to express his feelings to him, Rhys emotionally attacked him to silence him, told him to go to the pleasure house, and questioned whether he thinks he deserves to be Elain's mate. Meanwhile, Azriel is already dealing with self loathing. Regardless of the political pressure, the way Rhys handled the situation was clearly WRONG towards both Az and Elain no matter how the antis try to makes it fit into their narratives.
_I want to mention the building up of Elriel:
Despite Azriel suffering from self hatred connected to his hand, he consistently offered it to Elain, and she always accepted:
Azriel, graceful as any courtier, offered her an arm. I couldn’t tell if she was looking at his blue Siphon or at his scarred skin beneath as she breathed, “Beautiful.”
“I can help her,” said Azriel, stepping to the table as Elain silently rose. No shadows at his ear, no darkness ringing his fingers as he extended a hand'... 'Elain took his hand, and out they went.
"Azriel, gently taking Elain’s hand in his own, as if afraid his scars would hurt her."
"The occasional brush of their finger."
_The way Elain wants him to touch her that she asked him "put it on me?", the way she "shivered" at his touch, the way "she pivoted into his touch", the way she "drifted so close one deep breath would brush her breasts against his chest".
But he called it a mistake 🗣️
Yeah, that's exactly what they do in the forbidden love trope. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
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look both ways,
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before you cross my mind.
! will be pretty inactive and won’t interact as much, sorry beloved mutuals 😞🙏
you can call me evvy, teo, dorian, ruth, or any variation of those names. i use they/he/she pronouns (in order of preference) and i am genderfluid, sapphic and maybe ace :)
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ and i ran, i ran so far away, i just ran ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
i do have some personal obsessions on this blog that you’ll find
music (as on record): abba grandes exitos vol. 2 (abba) ✦ the returner (allison russell) ✦ outside child (allison russell) ✦ aretha’s gold (aretha franklin) ✦ self-titled (carpenters) ✦ “awaken, my love!” (childish gambino) ✦ visions (grimes) ✦ self-titled (hozier) ✦ wasteland, baby! (hozier) ✦ grace (jeff buckley) ✦ self-titled (kc & the sunshine band) ✦ be the cowboy (mitski) ✦ bury me at makeout creek (mitski) ✦ greatest hits (queen) ✦ i am the dog (sir chloe) ✦ sawayama (rina sawayama)
tv/movies: bullet train ✦ arcane ✦ spider-verse trilogy ✦ knives out film series ✦ brooklyn 99 ✦ jurassic park ✦ the brothers sun
what’s the screen playing? [jujutsu kaisen.]
i spend my time writing, playing drums, pacing around my room, listening to music, and doing fuck-all with my life ❤️️
☂︎ oh, come on, angel, come on, come on, darling ☂︎
my silly little peoples you’ll find around this blog <3
my official unofficial bandmates: @literatureisdying ✦ @bassguitarinablackt-shirt ✦ @gently-decaying-flowers
mutual list:
@bassguitarinablackt-shirt — asher 🌊
@gently-decaying-flowers — goobie 🛸
@iwouldkickahorse — innocent sin’s no. 1 fan
@rapidlydecayingcorpse — decay 🪦
@takeutothemoon — sun li ☀️
@literatureisdying — attie 🎶
@catinasink — cat 🌸
@dumdumdumsalot — deedee 🧐
@browngirl-inthering — cool mutual ⁉️
@arcangelise — coco ⭐
@talesfromtheunknowable — noorie 🍄‍🟫
@eden-has-rotted — ed 🎸
@gayoticbeing — moth 🐌
@serendipititties — wren 🪶
@ringhoarder — cal 💍
@starryeyeddarlings — cristie ⚜️
@my-lady-macbeth — thea ⚔️
@blood-slushy — taz 👻
@waitingforthesunrise — ari 🪻
・༓☾ so if you need a hero, just look in the mirror ☽༓・
my tagging system:
#ruth speaks — answering asks/joining tag games
#dorian talks to the void — random (usually) text posts
#evvy still uses wired headphones — music related posts
#ruth engages in media consumption — posts about what i’m enjoying at the moment
#teo is typing — stuff about my writing projects
#innocent sin — band stuff
don’t go wasting your emotion, lay all your love on me
eventually i will have a sideblog for writing, but for right now just know that i have two WIPs, Made Of Our Own Storms (#mooos) and Way Down On The River (#wdotr).
mooos is about a group of teenagers doing their best to survive 100 years after the apocalypse while also struggling to balance their mental health and the burden that comes with being alive in the post-apocalypse. tags: (#mooos, #art o’cahan, #arun nidhi, #cy segal, #daya da silva iglesias, #azi tyali, #domi larieux morais, #naia zorita.)
wdotr is about a collection of serial killers that all manage to find themselves on the same riverboat, heading to the same destination. it only gets complicated when they set their sights on each other as their next victim. set in an almost-Earth, wdotr takes place in a steampunk-y world with parallels to earth, but it’s not exactly the same. tags: (#wdotr, #anastasia marie, #cheli malviya, #sam malviya, #zexi malviya, #the triplets, #akachi moriai, #moriai toyoko, #the brides, #ruhi arana, #don nekvasilová, #ash vanich.)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
lyrics used in this post:
‘look both ways before you cross my mind’, george clinton featured on wesley’s theory by kendrick lamar.
‘and i ran, i ran so far away, i just ran’, i ran by a flock of seagulls.
‘oh, come on, angel, come on, come one, darling’, running up that hill (a deal with god) by kate bush.
‘so if you need a hero, just look in the mirror’, after the storm by kali uchis ft. tyler, the creator & bootsy collins.
‘don’t go wasting your emotion, lay all your love on me’, lay all your love on me by abba.
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graceofgod777 · 13 days
W-. . . What is that??
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can you talk more about deity worship? esp with aphrodite !!!
My experience with Aphrodite as my matron 🌷
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As I previously mentioned before in this post, I first began doing witchcraft when I was 17 years old. I had a reading done about which deity wished to work with me and Aphrodite wanted me. I was hesitant because I was a tomboy + alternative in high school so I didn't feel like the Goddess of beauty and love was for me. I questioned her choice in choosing me even though I was seeing signs from her (white doves landed on my windowsill for a year straight). What I didn't realize was that Aphrodite was known more for her beauty and grace, she was also the goddess of war. Over the years Aphrodite has been nurturing, loving, and caring towards me. She has given me the strength and guidance when I needed it the most. Very much so like having a relationship with a mother.
My character development
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Working with Aphrodite has given me a "inner glow up". Meaning - I reconstructed my view on what being feminine is, what kind of feminist I am, and acknowledging when I was misogynistic in the past. As well as helping me heal my mother wound and allowing me to be able to see things from her perspective when I was angry with her for her constant mistreatment towards me. I can for sure say thanks to Aphrodite, I am more patient, I am more wise, and I am learning to be soft. In a patriarchal society, being soft, sensitive, or gentle is looked down upon. Living in a society where you have to always be tough or "realistic" is so depressing. It's as if you're not allowed to have dreams, hopes, or desires. Independence is a wonderful thing, but you have to be able to depend on your loved ones at some point, because then you'd be just wearing yourself thin. Since beauty is a popular topic when it comes to Aphrodite, I also noticed a lot of physical changes in my appearance (clear skin, longer hair, fuller lashes, etc) 😳
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As for doing spells with Aphrodite, the process is quite simple, I just ask for help and I feel the job gets done. I also give her offerings (she loves apples!!!) when I can and pray to her. From my personal experience, Aphrodite enjoys doing spells that involves quality time. For example, I often include Aphrodite when I do glamour magick or recite my affirmations. For example:
"Thank you, Aphrodite, for blessing me with the most beautiful, glowing clear skin."
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I hope that answers your question 🌸🌊💖!
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allisluv · 8 months
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grace, she / her, infj, scorpio, lesbian, irish, avid rachel zegler lover, finnick odair brain rot.
guidelines below the cut <3
things i will NOT write about
— noncon, sexual assault, abuse, pedophilia, self/harm and / or certain disorders that i may not be experienced to talk about
nsfw thoughts are allowed but please note that i’ll only write what i’m comfortable with
if there’s any questions about my boundaries or you just aren’t sure if something falls under a category, please just send me an ask!! if i’m not comfortable with a topic, i’ll just let you know, no hard feelings!
i’m currently hyper fixated on my original characters and the hunger games so those requests would likely be answered quickly <3
characters i write for:
the hunger games universe: finnick odair, katniss everdeen, annie cresta, johanna mason, lucy gray baird, sejanus plinth, peeta mellark, tigris, cashmere
teen wolf: allison argent, malia tate, scott mccall and isaac lahey
criminal minds: aaron hotchner, derek morgan, jj, emily prentiss, spencer reid and penelope garcia
top gun maverick: natasha “phoenix” trace, jake “hangman” seresin and mickey “fanboy” garcia
marauders: james potter, remus lupin, lily evans, and narcissa black
misc: tyler owens (twisters), casey novak (svu)
all of my ocs
these are the characters i will write for but i will talk about any characters from these fandoms!!
if you’re coming from my wattpad /tiktok please send me any thoughts you may have about my ocs /realationships that you may have been to afraid to ask! the whole reason i’m making this account is to reach out with more people <33
🪐🌺🌞🕸🫀💜☀️🫐🪥🐬 🟡🐁🌸💙🦇💛🐱🍓⚜️🦊🫥
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onmyo-jin · 10 months
For the fic meme: Pangzi & Hei Xiazi, pirate AU. Gen or romantic, idc. Will love you forever if you give one of them an (unnecessary) eyepatch :D (or if you don't feel like writing these two, then maybe some heihua?)
"Wang Pangzi, my best First mate, what brings you here this fine evening?" The evening wasn't particularly fine, though the storm that has buffetted their sails all morning had finally passed over them. Wang Pangzi was of course not just the best, but also Captein Hei Xiazi's only first mate, though Pangzi wasn't about to point that out. The captain might get ideas, and appoint a Second First Mate or something equally daft.
Captain Hei Xiazi lowered the spy-glass from his one good eye, and faced Pangzi. Pangzi knew this was just the captain being polite, because with one eye he really only needed... hang on.
The Blind Captain was feared across the seven seas, though the name wasn't quite correct. He still had one good eye, having lost the other in some way. Depending on who told the story he'd lost that eye to a giant be-tentacled sea monster (according to the captain himself). Ship rumours had it he'd lost the eye when he won his famous sea battle, his one ship the Flower of the Sea versus one ship or possibly one whole fleet of the East India Trading company. The ladies in their various ports swore he'd lost the eye in a duel for his true love (though this lover's identity was unknown). Wang Pangzi personally suspected the Captain may have been born with a bad eye, because he never seemed to have had any other name than 'Hei Xiazi'. That's what Pangzi had thought up until some moments ago.
"Captain, wasn't your bad eye your left?" The question escaped him before he could think better of it. In the blood-red light of the post-storm sun Captain Xiazi blinked twice in confusion (with his left, apparently functional??, eye). Then he grinned his most worrying grin: the one that spelled bad news, the one that made ships surrender as soon as they saw the feared Blind Captain. The one that had graced his face that morning, as he'd sailed them into that blasted storm, because the Captain had pronounced the weather 'not hardly that bad, Pang-ye, don't fret so much'.
"Aye, so it is!" His captain answers, like Pangzi has asked if it's sunset. Then Hei Xiazi takes off his hat, rearranges his eye patch from his right eye (also functional??) to his left, puts his hat back on, and turns back to watching the sea. "What did you need me for?"
If his captain wishes to act like nothing happened, then who is Pangzi to argue? He'd like to keep his skin in one piece, thanks. "Err, I came to relieve you Captain- Cook says assumin' no more storms surprise her dinner'll be ready soon."
"Great!" The captain pronounced, and passed his spy glass to Pangzi, and with it the shift. Pangzi quickly snuck a look through the glass, but all seemed perfectly ordinary. "All this sea-staring makes a man hungry, huh?"
Pangzi couldn't help but wonder if that sea-staring might not be less hungry work without the eye-patch, but he's not fool enough to voice that to his captain.
Thank you for the request! I have not yet received any heihua requests so I may take you up on the second part as well 🌸 but I'll get some other requests filled first for now^^
Send me an ask with a pairing and an AU and I'll write you a ficlet!
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xpiece-ws · 3 months
Imma hit chu with ALL THE QUESTIONS
📷 current lock screen?
🍫 cheese or chocolate?
🙃 strangest fact you know?
🧡 least favorite color? (Why they choose orange)
💎 most prized possession?
🍃 describe your facorite outfit please
🎤 song you know all the lyrics to?
🌸 best compliment you've received?
Sorry if they're worded differently than the game, i tried to connect jist of the question to emoji 😅
@myscprin 🥹🥹🥹 Missed you really much, my old friend 🥹🥹🥹 Of course I'll answer, but wanna hear your answers too, okay??? 🤩♥️
📷 It's a futuristic one, from the ones the phone had on "free options". It's cool cause it let you to switch your music when the phone is locked. Here's the sample.
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🍫 Hard decision… However, as I don't like all the chocolates (because some of'em are way too sweet) I'll rather cheese, as I like all the cheeses I've ever tasted (and I'm interested on keep on tasting all the new cheeses people can show me).
🙃 Insuline can rather be a savior or a foe. Nurses shouldn't ever mistake a dose of a diabetic patient, nor using the "fast one" with the dose of the "slow one". (I love my career, but sometimes I got into mental trouble because of the infinite "double-checks" I need to do before attending a patient).
🧡 Lime green, cause it's too flamboyant for my like. PS: Now I think I know your favorite one, my dear (🧡).
💎 My princess: Dark Flame (I miss my bike, my granma got ridden of it, a while ago 😔💔).
🍃Emo-style would never die! (It brings me nostalgia, as I was bornt quite before '00s, so, when I went to the High School, it was the most common style you could see around).
🎤 Any song you wanna pick from Three Days Grace. It was my favorite rock band since I was 20, and didn't lessened my addiction to'em until I was 25, so I still remember all their lyrics, but also the album and position inside, of every song. Guess I got a pretty too obsessed with'em, back those days…
🌸 "You've got pretty eyes". I'm quite thankful that people appreciate'em, as that made me appreciate'em too, over the time. I used to not like'em, as I constantly compared'em with sunflowers (they're honey, but in direct exposition of the sun, they look almost yellow), so I used to relate it with my emotional dependance towards the people (Suns) around. Now that I am mentally stronger, I rather compare'em with feline eyes, so learnt to appreciate'em.
Now I also wanna your answers, I'm curious about it!!! PS: Miss youuuu!!!
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psychics4unet · 2 months
Will Your Future Mother-in-Law Adore You? Pick a Pile to Find Out! 🌟👰✨
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Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected. 🌠💖
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Pile 1:
The Empress 🌸
The Lovers 💑
Ten of Cups 🌈
The Empress card represents nurturing and abundance, suggesting that your future mother-in-law may see you as someone who brings warmth and care into the family. The Lovers card shows a strong connection and harmony between you and your spouse, which could earn you her admiration and respect. The Ten of Cups symbolizes happiness and fulfillment, indicating that she might view you as a key to her family’s joy and unity.
In summary, these cards together indicate that your future mother-in-law may see you as a loving and caring partner who brings harmony and happiness into the family. Your presence could be a source of great joy and fulfillment for everyone involved. 💖👪✨
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! 🌟🔮✨
Pile 2:
Queen of Pentacles 💎
Page of Swords 🗡️
Four of Wands 🎉
The Queen of Pentacles suggests that your future mother-in-law may see you as a stable and reliable partner, someone who values family and security. The Page of Swords shows that she might also view you as intelligent and sharp, someone who can handle challenges with grace. The Four of Wands represents celebration and harmony, indicating that she might see your relationship as something to be celebrated and cherished.
In summary, these cards together suggest that your future mother-in-law may admire your stability, intelligence, and the joyful energy you bring into her family. She may view your relationship as a cause for celebration and feel proud to welcome you into the family. 🎊💍🌟
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! 🌠💖🔮
Pile 3:
The Star ⭐
Knight of Cups 💌
Six of Pentacles 🎁
The Star card represents hope and inspiration, suggesting that your future mother-in-law may see you as a beacon of positivity and light in her family. The Knight of Cups indicates that she might view you as a romantic and loving partner, someone who truly cares for her child. The Six of Pentacles shows that she may appreciate your generosity and willingness to give and receive love openly.
In summary, these cards together suggest that your future mother-in-law may see you as an inspiring and loving presence, someone who brings hope, romance, and balance into her child’s life. She may value the kindness and generosity you offer to her family. 🌟💞🎁
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! ✨🔮💫
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity! 🌠💖
Paid readings are also available for more in-depth insights and personal guidance! 🌟💫
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