#Governor Holden
tonyrossmcmahon · 1 year
Ku Klux Klan - a history of brutal murder
The brutal history of the Ku Klux Klan from its founding in 1865 and its record of murder exposed by TV historian Tony McMahon
Flaming crosses and white hoods are what comes to mind when we hear the words: Ku Klux Klan. Since 1865, this organisation has been responsible for thousands of murders, lynchings, and beatings. It’s tentacles have extended into corridors of power. Two state governors who tried to bring the KKK down saw their own political careers destroyed. So, let’s look back at over 160 years of the Ku Klux…
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thetemplarknight · 1 year
Ku Klux Klan - a history of brutal murder
The brutal history of the Ku Klux Klan from its founding in 1865 and its record of murder exposed by TV historian Tony McMahon
Flaming crosses and white hoods are what comes to mind when we hear the words: Ku Klux Klan. Since 1865, this organisation has been responsible for thousands of murders, lynchings, and beatings. It’s tentacles have extended into corridors of power. Two state governors who tried to bring the KKK down saw their own political careers destroyed. So, let’s look back at over 160 years of the Ku Klux…
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nextlevelstupidity · 3 months
the fact that so many people think twd's season 3 is the best. For me, it was the worst cause of Andrea like wtf was that girl doing!!
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whateverisbeautiful · 11 days
Spicy question for you after seeing the one about Lori 👀: What if Andrea had lived? Do you think TPTB would have went forward with Richonne? One the one hand, Rick and Andrea hadn’t developed a relationship as of her death and we know Gimple had (subconscious?) plans for Richonne. On the other hand, those plans could have been because he knew Andrea wasn’t long for that world and a lot of development can happen in 2.5 seasons (assuming the timeline remained the same). And if I’m being honest, the absolute UPROAR that would have occurred if Richonne happened while Andrea was still alive would have been something! Rick and Michonne definitely had more chemistry from jump but I don’t think they would have had the guts to make that big of a change but *Kanye West voice* “I guess we’ll never know.”
Ooh thanks for asking. I love 'I guess we'll never know' cuz it's very true. 😌 Any alternative scenario that some out there might've wanted will always have to just be hypothetical because Richonne and their epic love story is forever the reality of this TV franchise.
And the way I see it - even if Andrea, Lori, Jessie, or any of these ladies had lived, Richonne is still inevitable. But I definitely had to write out more of my thoughts on your questions below. ⬇️😊
First; I just have to say thank goodness things played out the way they did, because if the show tried to put TV Rick and Andrea together it would have been giving dry. 🏜 That scene in season one, when Andrea asks Rick about if she can take the necklace for her sister, seems to be one of the rare times the show even really attempted to hint at a potential romance between them. And I'm glad they scrapped it quickly. Lincoln and Holden played off each other best when Rick and Andrea were more genuinely at odds imo.
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You're right about how the Richonne uproar would have been even more out of hand with Andrea still alive. 😟 Even if people thought TV Rick and Andrea had no romantic chemistry or disliked TV Andrea, there'd still be people irate that they didn't put them together anyway just to be comic-accurate (or really just to ensure Rick ends up with a blonde woman of his race no matter what.)
If Andrea had lived and still had her history of being with Shane and The Governor, I personally don't think TPTB would put Rick and Andrea together, even if they didn't put Rick and Michonne together. Or at least I hope they wouldn't, because it would just be way too messy to feel rewarding if Rick and Andrea got together after all that. Like they'd really be pairing Rick with yet another woman who preferred Shane. 😕 Rick deserved more than that.
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And he got so much more too. 😌🙌🏽
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I could see there being a bit more fear from TPTB to pair Rick and Michonne together with Andrea still alive tho, simply because of the response from certain parts of the fandom. But I still stand by my Richonne is inevitable belief. So even if Andrea was alive, I'm choosing to think they still make Rick and Michonne a couple. Even before it was officially in the works, Richonne is what the story so clearly and organically wanted.
Plus, Andy & Danai's chemistry as Rick and Michonne is too undeniable to overlook, so it almost would be more trouble to pretend like those two characters aren't soulmates than it would be to put Rick and Michonne together romantically like they're meant to. These looks and more are just not the type of things that happen between two people who strictly stay besties forever. 👌🏽
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Overall, I'm just very grateful that Richonne was in every way destined to be a reality. 🙏🏽
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deadpresidents · 7 months
"No fewer than twenty-nine of my [research] cards document [Ronald] Reagan's detachment. He was at once the most remote and the most accessible of men. Although he reveled in the constant flesh-pressing of the Presidency, and ate up flattery with a spoon, he needed regular spells of 'personal time.' Glance through the Oval Office peephole and you would see him happily writing in longhand, always with his tie straight and jacket on, ensconced in an egglike solitude that the curvature of the lens only emphasized.
Adored by so many, he was a man with no real friends. This was not due to any inherent misanthropy...Until he remarried in 1952, earnest, bespectacled Ronnie was said to be 'best friends' with [actor] William Holden, and after that with Robert Taylor. But neither man was more than a barbecue buddy. Hundreds of political supporters and associates claimed to be close to him when he was Governor of California and thousands during his Presidency. Former Senator Paul Laxalt spoke for all of them when he said, 'I guess I know Ronald Reagan as well as anybody. Of course we never talk about anything personal.'
Sooner or later, every would-be intimate (including his four children, Maureen, Michael, Patti, and Ron) discovered that the only human being Reagan truly cared about (after his mother died) was Nancy. For Laxalt, disillusionment came when the President called to thank him for his campaign help in 1984, only to pause in midsentence and audibly turn over a page of typescript. For William F. Buckley Jr., it was when Reagan showed polite relief at his inability to accept an offer of hospitality. For Michael Reagan, it was the high-school graduation day his father greeted him with 'My name is Ronald Reagan. What's yours?'
Patti Davis, Reagan's younger daughter, writes in her 1992 autobiography:
'Often I'd come into a room and he'd looked up from his notecards as though he wasn't sure who I was. [Youngest son] Ron would race up to him, small and brimming with a child's enthusiasm, and I'd see the same bewildered look in my father's eyes, like he had to remind himself who Ron was...I sometimes felt like reminded him that Maureen was his daughter, too, not just someone with similar political philosophies.'
Reagan's scrupulously kept Presidential diary is remarkable for a near-total lack of interest in people as individuals. In all its half-million or so words, I did not find any affectionate remark about his children. He conscientiously named every visitor to the Oval Office, having a printed schedule to refer to, but in conversation he tended to rely on pronouns. Nor did he pay much attention to faces. 'Nice to meet you, Mr. Ambassador,' he greeted Denis Healey, the former Defense Minister of Great Britain, while the real British Ambassador stood by. 'But I've already met him,' his Excellency [the Ambassador] complained, 'eleven times.'"
-- Edmund Morris, Ronald Reagan's authorized biographer, on President Reagan's aloof personality, "The Unknowable: Ronald Reagan's Amazing, Mysterious Life," The New Yorker, June 28, 2004.
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jaythelay · 1 month
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Now hold on as the title is simply ass, it's wayyyy funnier when you read into it, elsewhere, and damns Dump's mental cognition to factual.
“We were in a helicopter going to a certain location together, and there was an emergency landing,” Trump said. “This was not a pleasant landing, and Willie was — he was a little concerned.”
Trump’s account raised eyebrows, given that news of such an incident involving him and Brown, who is 90, had never been previously reported. Brown quickly denied the claim, telling NBC News that he’d never even been in a helicopter with Trump.
At the time, some outlets, including NBC News, speculated that Trump may have confused the former San Francisco mayor, who is Black, with former California Gov. Jerry Brown, who is white. In 2018, Trump had been in a helicopter with the then-governor and his successor, now-Gov. Gavin Newsom, to assess the damage from wildfires to the town of Paradise.
But both Jerry Brown’s and Newsom’s teams denied that that helicopter ride was ever endangered; Jerry Brown’s spokesperson also told NBC News that there had been no discussion of Harris on that trip.
Then on Friday, Nate Holden, a former Los Angeles City Council member and state senator, told Politico that he had in fact been in a helicopter with Trump when it made an emergency landing in the 1990s, and suggested that the GOP presidential nominee had confused Willie Brown with him instead.
“Willie is the short Black guy living in San Francisco. I’m a tall Black guy living in Los Angeles,” said Holden, 95. “I guess we all look alike.”
Trump’s brother Robert and an executive from his company, Barbara Res, were also aboard the helicopter with Holden. Res wrote about the incident in her memoir, and she told Politico that although Trump liked to joke that Holden “turned white” from fear during the emergency landing, it was in fact Trump who was “scared s---less.”
The controversy raises questions about Trump’s mental fitness. At 78, Trump is facing the same concerns about his age and mental acuity that he has previously attacked 81-year-old President Joe Biden for.
Ya'll we got 4 months of this and Kamala/Walz made it possible. Biden could simply not on his own, fuck him, but I got absolute, gobsmacking respect for him stepping down, actually speaks volumes of his character in a good light I hadn't thought possible. If you hate Dump and politics, Kamala gave you the funniest downfall of another politician we've ever seen before, worth the vote, imo.
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politicaldilfs · 7 months
Missouri Governor DILFs
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Mike Parson, Bob Holden, Warren E. Hearnes, Christopher Bond, Forrest Smith, Eric Greitens, Forrest C. Donnell, Lloyd C. Stark, Guy Brasfield Park, John Ashcroft, John M. Dalton, Matt Blunt, Mel Carnahan, Jay Nixon, Phil M. Donnelly, Roger B. Wilson, Joseph P. Teasdale, James T. Blair Jr.
Governor Blair with Truman in the last pic.
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cake-by-thepound · 7 months
It‘s so crazy to think that if Andrea hadn‘t been killed (I have some vague memory that Laurie Holden wanted to leave? Don‘t care enough to look it up tho) we would most likely have never had Richonne 😭 It‘s so wild! We would have missed out on one of the best relationship, ever! #i said what i said# and if you look at s1-s3, you can see how andrea+rick was most likely already in the works - there’s nothing romantic at all, of course, but still, the way they make it a point that these 2 had some scenes and little things happening… just the smallest seeds to develop later… but no, God herself intervened on that one to make sure we get Richonne 😌😂
Oh, Laurie Holden definitely did not want to leave lol. She was talking about how Andrea was supposed to be with Rick even after Richonne happened. But I’m just not sure how that was gonna work once she hooked up with Shane AND the Governor. I think that was definitely in Frank Darabont’s plans, and you can see it from their first scenes together, but I’m not sure if anyone but Laurie was thinking about that by season 3 lol. (Or maybe I’m just blinded by my dislike for Andrea.) But thank gawd fate and Scott intervened. We have gotten SO MUCH from those seeds he decided to start planting before he even took over. 😭
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che-che1 · 3 months
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Can we be honest about Andrea from The Walking Dead? Andrea is a horrible character in the show, she’s so much better in the comics although still a crappy person but like the show was horrible to her.
Laurie Holden is an amazing actress and it definitely was not her that made the character bad, it was the writing. Andrea was just poorly written and it makes it hard for the actress to work. That’s gotta be why they killed her off so quick. Like in the comics, Andrea never died in the Governor time, she ended up getting with Rick and being Carl’s mother. But the shows Andrea was horribly written to the point that people couldn’t stand her, and I can only assume that people wouldn’t like her getting with Rick.
Idk but I think she could have been a great character if they kept her alive. She could have had a better character development if they listened to people’s criticism of her character. I think she could have been likable but it ended up being a dead end for her.
Anyway enjoy some Laurie Holden pictures
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Edit: yes I did decide to talk about this bc I was reading a fanfiction where the comments were crapping on Andrea
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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His Royal Highness Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, today (February 23rd) visited the Ball Park of the Gustavus Lightbourne Centre and interacted with members of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force. His Royal Highness, accompanied by Governor Nigel Dakin, visited the display booth of the RTCIPF and received a tour of various units from Head of Crime, Safeguarding and Public Protection Superintendent Dean Holden. — Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force
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intcthatgoodnight · 2 years
Tony Stark, Friday, Lucy Quinzel, Connor rk800, Will Graham, James Holden, Nell Crain, and Elizabeth Swann
summaries for each below the cut
Tony Stark was born and raised on Coruscant, son of a powerful weapons mogul. He had only just taken the role of CEO of Stark Industries when the Republic fell and he began building weapons for the Empire. He didn’t question it, he just did what he was best at - building and creating, and reaping the benefits. Years later he is kidnapped by a gang of pirates seeking his tech. This experience, and the horror he went through during it, showed him the truth of the Empire. He closes down weapons manufacturing, but that wasn’t enough, he wanted to do more. He begins to help the rebellion in secret, using his power and wealth to get them what they need. (this verse can also be adjusted to fit prequel or sequel eras as needed.)
She is an android personally built by Tony Stark. No one knows that she is a droid. She helps him aid the rebellion in ways that he can’t be seen doing.
Lucy was born and raised on Nar Shaddaa, nicknamed the “Smuggler’s Moon,”. Lucy never met her parents, who were leaders of one of the planets many ruthless gangs. Instead, she was raised by her aunt, who tried to give her a good life and protected her as much as she could but was killed when Lucy was young. Lucy turned to stealing to survive. Years later she joined a group of pirates, she travels off world with them hoping to one day steal enough to get her own ship.
The most advanced android built by cyberlife, Connor was made to serve and aid The Empire/First Order. He followed orders for a while, slowly developing emotions and empathy. He eventually deviated and escaped to aid the rebels.
(still a WIP) A Jedi, Will is constantly on the edge between the Light and Dark. He experiences extreme Force Empathy / Telepathy / and visions. This has made him somewhat of an outlier even amongst other Jedi.
Holden was a First Lieutenant in the Imperial/First Order Navy, after a disagreement with a superior officer he was given a general court-martial, convicted and discharged from service. He didn’t return home, instead he spent a few years traveling around the outer rim, picking up random jobs. Eventually he joins the rebellion (details of how will be figured out later). He is now captain of the Rocinante, part of the rebel fleet. (how he and the crew come into possession of the Roci is also something that will be figured out later)
(tw for suicide) Force sensitivity ran in Olivia's family - her mother, her, and then all her kids to some degree. Olivia was not trained and she didn’t want her kids to be taken in by the Jedi. But untrained force sensitives can be dangerous, and of course things go wrong when the children are young. The family moves into a place, not knowing that it rests on a nexus of the dark side. Immediately this starts messing with their heads. Like in the series, Olivia goes a bit crazy and tries to kill the twins, Hugh gets the kids out, and Olivia kills herself before he comes back to get her.
Being exposed to the dark side so young left it’s mark on Nell and she suffers from the consequences of this throughout her life - nightmares, seeing things, and outbursts of the force. As an adult Nell tries to live a normal life but ends up mostly isolated. Nell and her twin brother Luke are the most ‘unstable’ of the kids, even as adults; they have the most problems controlling their force ability which causes a lot of problems for them.
Governor’s daughter, twin, handmaiden, pirate. For eight years Elizabeth, along with her twin sister Tsabin (renamed Sabe), served as handmaidens for Queen Padme Amidala. After her service was done Elizabeth decided to travel, giving in to the wanderlust she always felt. She traveled the mid and outer rim, until she was captured by pirates. Originally, they planned to hold her for ransom, however she struck an accord with her would-be captors. She joined their crew, becoming a pirate. Eventually ((through some plot stuff that I still need to figure out whoops)) she becomes Captain of her own crew, and then is elected leader of the Brethren Court.
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glamnessaaumisc · 2 months
More Characters for my Sci-Fi Setting: US Edition
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I decided to draw some more characters since Space America is now an extant nation in my sci-fi setting.
Alfred Gee is the former governor of Centuari. I didn't really expand on his lore much but he's gonna be really cool I think.
At age 38, Connie MacKesson is the youngest president in the history of the United States. Formerly, she was a congresswoman from the state of Grand Jersey. I'm planning on making her a recurring character in the series.
Holden Bloodfeast has been described as "the most unpleasant politician in the United States." He is the governor of New Texas and the de-facto head of the National Conservative or "Warthog" Party. His state constitution affords him a lot of power and autonomy, and he uses it to pass nonsensical laws to either mitigate the influence of his opposition or just to be cruel.
500 years ago, Theresa Heartley was an accomplished general, famous for her many cybernetic enhancements. Now, she is an ex-convict, having been imprisoned for "testing" top secret counterterror weapons on civilians. She finished her sentence just recently, and is probably thinking of revenge.
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dgspeaks · 6 months
California Raises Minimum Wage for Fast-Food Workers: A Turning Point for the Industry
In a landmark move, California fast food minimum wage has been elevated. Starting April 1st, most fast-food workers will be paid $20 per hour. This is a significant stride towards fairer compensation and improved working conditions. The legislation, championed by Governor Gavin Newsom and Assembly member Chris R. Holden, underscores the state’s commitment to addressing economic disparities and…
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 3.22 (before 1950)
106 – Start of the Bostran era, the calendar of the province of Arabia Petraea. 235 – Roman emperor Severus Alexander is murdered, marking the start of the Crisis of the Third Century. 871 – Æthelred of Wessex is defeated by a Danish invasion army at the Battle of Marton. 1185 – Battle of Yashima: the Japanese forces of the Taira clan are defeated by the Minamoto clan. 1312 – Vox in excelso: Pope Clement V dissolves the Order of the Knights Templar. 1508 – Ferdinand II of Aragon commissions Amerigo Vespucci chief navigator of the Spanish Empire. 1621 – The Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony sign a peace treaty with Massasoit of the Wampanoags. 1622 – Jamestown massacre: Algonquians kill 347 English settlers around Jamestown, Virginia, a third of the colony's population, during the Second Anglo-Powhatan War. 1631 – The Massachusetts Bay Colony outlaws the possession of cards, dice, and gaming tables. 1638 – Anne Hutchinson is expelled from Massachusetts Bay Colony for religious dissent. 1739 – Nader Shah occupies Delhi in India and sacks the city, stealing the jewels of the Peacock Throne. 1765 – The British Parliament passes the Stamp Act that introduces a tax to be levied directly on its American colonies. 1784 – The Emerald Buddha is moved with great ceremony to its current location in Wat Phra Kaew, Thailand. 1792 – Battle of Croix-des-Bouquets: Black slave insurgents gain a victory in the first major battle of the Haitian Revolution. 1794 – The Slave Trade Act of 1794 bans the export of slaves from the United States, and prohibits American citizens from outfitting a ship for the purpose of importing slaves. 1829 – In the London Protocol, the three protecting powers (United Kingdom, France and Russia) establish the borders of Greece. 1849 – The Austrians defeat the Piedmontese at the Battle of Novara. 1871 – In North Carolina, William Woods Holden becomes the first governor of a U.S. state to be removed from office by impeachment. 1873 – The Spanish National Assembly abolishes slavery in Puerto Rico. 1894 – The Stanley Cup ice hockey competition is held for the first time, in Montreal, Canada. 1895 – Before the Société pour L'Encouragement à l'Industrie, brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière demonstrate movie film technology publicly for the first time. 1896 – Charilaos Vasilakos wins the first modern Olympic marathon race with a time of three hours and 18 minutes. 1906 – The first England vs France rugby union match is played at Parc des Princes in Paris. 1913 – Mystic Phan Xích Long, the self-proclaimed Emperor of Vietnam, is arrested for organising a revolt against the colonial rule of French Indochina, which was nevertheless carried out by his supporters the following day. 1916 – Yuan Shikai abdicates as Emperor of China, restoring the Republic and returning to the Presidency. 1920 – Azeri and Turkish army soldiers with participation of Kurdish gangs attack the Armenian inhabitants of Shushi (Nagorno Karabakh). 1933 – Cullen–Harrison Act: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs an amendment to the Volstead Act, legalizing the manufacture and sale of "3.2 beer" (3.2% alcohol by weight, approximately 4% alcohol by volume) and light wines. 1933 – Nazi Germany opens its first concentration camp, Dachau. 1934 – The first Masters Tournament is held at Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia. 1939 – Germany takes Memel from Lithuania. 1942 – World War II: In the Mediterranean Sea, the Royal Navy confronts Italy's Regia Marina in the Second Battle of Sirte. 1943 – World War II: The entire village of Khatyn (in present-day Republic of Belarus) is burnt alive by Schutzmannschaft Battalion 118. 1945 – World War II: The city of Hildesheim, Germany, is heavily damaged in a British air raid, though it had little military significance and Germany was on the verge of final defeat. 1945 – The Arab League is founded when a charter is adopted in Cairo, Egypt. 1946 – The United Kingdom grants full independence to Transjordan.
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lboogie1906 · 7 months
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Wyatt Outlaw (1820 – February 26, 1870) was a politician and the first African-American to serve as Town Commissioner and Constable of the town of Graham, North Carolina. He was lynched by the White Brotherhood, a branch of the kkk on February 26, 1870. His death, along with the assassination of a white Republican State Senator at the Caswell County Courthouse, provoked Governor William Woods Holden to declare martial law in Alamance and Caswell Counties, resulting in the Kirk-Holden War of 1870.
He was of mixed racial heritage, being the son of a slave owner.
He is probably the same person enlisted as “Wright Outlaw” in the 2nd Regiment Colored Cavalry in 1863 who fought in various engagements in Virginia and was stationed on the Rio Grande.
His trade was woodworking and cabinet-making, was an African-American community leader in Alamance County. In 1866 he founded or cofounded the Loyal Republican League in Alamance. He was among several trustees who were deeded land for the establishment of the first AME Church in Alamance County. His Loyal Republican League was later incorporated into the Union League, a fraternal order connected to the Republican Party.
His prominent activities on behalf of African Americans in Alamance County made him a target of the White Brotherhood and the Constitutional Union Guard, both local branches of the kkk. He was appointed to the Graham Town Council by the Governor and soon became one of three constables of the town.
In 1873, Guilford County Superior Court Judge Albion Tourgee advocated for revisiting the murder of Wyatt Outlaw. That year the Grand Jury of Alamance County brought felony indictments against 63 Klansmen, including 18 murder counts, in connection with the lynching of Wyatt Outlaw. The Democratic-controlled state legislature repealed the laws under which most of these indictments had been brought, so the charges were dropped. No one was ever tried in connection with his murder. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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prelawland · 11 months
The Law Of The Fast Food Council
By Avery Redula, University of California Davis Class of 2026
November 1, 2023
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At the end of September of this year, California governor passed Assembly Bill 1228 (AB 1228) in wake of statewide protests by fast food workers this summer. These workers protested and held labor strikes due to a multitude of issues at their job site. This was in relation to abuse of sick days by management, harassment and violence in the workplace environment, and poor wages combined with long scheduled hours.  
AB 1228 establishes the Fast Food Council, a committee that convenes to create plans that enact measures that guarantee proper working conditions. The Fast Food Council will introduce safety measures against discrimination, violence, and harassment. Additionally, they will enforce management to allow proper scheduling in response to valid sick day requests.  
To the celebration of striking workers, AB 1228 raises the minimum wage to $20, starting in April of 2024. The author of AB 1228, Chris Holden, stated that this was a victory not for workers, but for the family. Parents can put food on the table and teenagers can better support themselves financially. 
AB 1228 works to address the needs of California fast food laborers that have too long been suffering under poor pay and working conditions. This legislation and the Fast Food Council ensures a brighter economic future for the fast food laborers that run our country. 
For full article please visit
California’s Newest Fast Food Labor Laws: Wages, Health, and Safety
California PreLaw Land
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