#Goten Son of the Legendary Super Saiyan
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Special Iconic Picture "Trunks & Goten Adults"! The Son of the Prince of the Saiyan, "President & CEO of the Capsule Corporation" & The Son of the Legendary Super Saiyan, Lawyer & Legal Advisor, Owner of the law firm "Son Goten & Associates"!
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tightjacketkidda · 1 month
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jazzystudios82 · 4 months
His Lovely Rose - Chapter 10: Shenron Appears
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"Bulma, I need you to lend me the Dragon Balls" Goku said. "Huh?" "What do you mean 'huh'? Aren't they here as some kind of prize for that bingo game or something?" Goku asked. Not waiting for Bulma to answer, the Saiyan looked at Goten and Trunks.
"They are, aren't they?"
"Yup! All seven of them are hidden on the ship!" Goten told him. 
"Trunks! You didn't happen to sneak into the prize room, did you?" Bulma asked her son. "Sorry mom, Goten and I just wanted a little peak." Trunks said, apologetic. "Yeah. We're really sorry, Bulma." Goten said. "For goodness sake you two!" 
"Wait a goddamn minute!" Vegeta exclaimed, joining the conversation. "Just how long have you been watching us, Kakarot?" Goku smiled nervously and looked away from Vegeta to avoid his gaze, whistling while doing so.
"Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" 
"Let's worry about that later, Vegeta!" Goku finally said. "Bulma, I'm sorry to ruin the fun, but please let me use the Dragon Balls!" Bulma glanced over at Beerus and said, "If it's to beat that big idiot who hit me, then you can use them for whatever you want!" 
"H-Hey! You can't call him a big idiot!" Goku exclaimed. He then leaned closer to Bulma and whispered, "He's Beerus the Destroyer. He's a God of Destruction and the strongest being in the whole universe!"
"The strongest being. . .a God of Destruction!?" Bulma whispered frantically. She then looked at Beerus and Brier. Thankfully for her, neither of them seemed to have heard what she and Goku were talking about. 
"What about Brier? Is she a scary god like Beerus?" Bulma asked. "I don't think so. To be honest, I'm not even sure what she does." Goku answered. "All I know is that according to King Kai, Lady Brier and her friend Whis are the only ones that Lord Beerus will listen to." 
"I. . .I see." was all Bulma said. Now she's really thankful that she apologized to Brier earlier. She then pulled herself together and gave Trunks and Goten an order. "Boys, go to the prize room and bring back the Dragon Balls immediately!" "Right!" they both said as the flew towards the prize room. 
It barely took the boys a minute to bring them all back to the others. They placed the small orange orbs on the floorboards in a circle formation. "Thanks boys!" Goku told them with a smile on his face. 
Beerus, Whis, and Brier looked at the Dragon Balls with interest. “Those look like wish orbs.” Beerus muttered. “Well, Earth’s guardian is a Namekian after all.” Whis said. “Is it my imagination or did the wish orbs used to be a little bit bigger?” Brier asked her companions. “Hmm, perhaps I’m wrong.” 
“No my lady, your mind isn’t playing tricks on you, Earth’s wish orbs are on the smaller side.”
"Oh, I see. " was Brier's response as she got closer to her husband as he placed an arm around her.
Beerus offered her a sip of the fruit punch he had someone bring him. After she politely refused, he took a sip from his glass and looked back at the Z Fighters to see Goku summoning the dragon Shenron.
Goku took a deep breath and shouted out loud: 
"Come forth, Shenron! And grant me my wish!" 
The sky above them darkened when large clouds appeared. Golden yellow light from the Dragon Balls flew into the air and brought the legendary dragon. “I am Shenron. I shall grant you any wish, now speak!” the dragon declared, his voice deep and booming. “I’m sorry to cut to the chase, but I was wondering if you heard of anything called a “Super Saiyan God”? And if you have, I want to use my wish to bring him here.” Goku said.
“I am aware of the God that you have described.” Shenron answered. “Awesome! Now we don’t all have to be destroyed by Lord Beerus, which is kind of a load off.” Goku said to the dragon. “Wait, what?! Did you say Lord Beerus?!” Shenron asked, looking around nervously. “?” The mortals were all shocked by the fact that the intimidating Shenron knew who Beerus was, and that he was scared by him as well.
Shenron’s glowing red eyes made contact with Beerus, who was laying on a foldable white chair. “Hey.” was all that Beerus said while Brier and Whis simply waved at him. “H-Hi, Lord Beerus. It’s nice to meet you, big fan. Please don’t get mad at me for looking down at you from way up here. I don’t think that I’m better than you, I just-” 
“Don’t worry about it. Now hurry up and summon this “Super Saiyan God” for me, I’m getting bored.” Beerus interrupted
“Well, the truth is I can’t exactly summon one at the moment, I’m afraid. It’s kind of a whole. . .thing, you know?” Shenron said. “?!” Everyone was surprised at the news. What did he mean by that? Nearly reaching his limit, Beerus stood up from his chair and walked to where the others were, with Brier and Whis not far behind. “What was that?” he asked. "I-I. . ."
“Beerus, stop it! You're scaring him! Let the poor thing finish!” Brier scolded. ‘Are you still mad about me slapping that woman?’ Beerus asked telepathically. ‘What do you think?’ Brier answered, giving him a certain look. 
“I'll take that as a yes. . .I’m sorry Shenron, please go on.” Beerus said, sounding apologetic. This surprised everyone, especially Shenron. “T-Thank you. . .? Anyway, L-Lord Beerus, the problem is that, and I regret to inform you of this, but the Super Saiyan God you spoke of is part of Saiyan mythology. No such deity exists in the present day, unfortunately.” Shenron revealed, and quickly added, “However, if you want me to create one, then it will be my great honor.”
"Create one? What do you mean by that, Sir Shenron?" Brier asked politely. "The Namekian book of legends states the following: 'When five Saiyans with righteous hearts join hands. . .and pour their spirits into another righteous Saiyan, he shall become the God of Saiyans.' In other words, the Super Saiyan God." Shenron answered. 
“I have given you the knowledge that you desire. Your wish has been fulfilled. Now, if there’s nothing else, may I please be excused?” Shenron asked Goku. “Uh-” “Very well then, farewell Lord Beerus. It’s been a pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to meeting you again sometime. Granted, as long as your wife is there with you.” Shenron said, muttering the last part to himself.
“Now I bid you farewell.”
The Dragon Balls flew up into the air in a brilliant golden color, each and everyone of them flying into different directions. “Wow, Shenron sure was in a hurry to leave.” Krillin muttered, feeling sorry for the dragon. “Yeah, poor guy.” Gohan agreed. “Well, get on with it, already.” Beerus commanded, going back to sit in his seat.
“Hey wait, did anyone follow all that stuff? Cause I kind of got really confused half-way through it.” Goku said. 
“Basically, Shenron said that five Saiyans have to hold hands with each other and combine their energies together to channel them into another Saiyan who’ll supposedly transform into some sort of deity.” Gohan explained. “And that’s one of those 'Super Saiyan God' things, the one Lord Beerus asked us for?” Goku asked, just to be sure. “Yes, I think so.” Gohan confirmed. 
Piccolo walked up to the others and said, “We’re screwed. He specifically said Saiyans with 'righteous hearts'. Even if you include the half-earthlings, we’ve only got four.” “I think you miscounted there, pal. There’s five of them, Vegeta’s really cleaned up his act. His heart is plenty righteous now.” Master Roshi said. “Yeah, I’m not so sure.” Piccolo muttered.
“Hold on! You’re being prejudiced, he’s a great man and a great father! And he takes his family on lavish vacations!” Chi-Chi told him. Vegeta didn’t know how to feel about what the others were saying about him. Should he feel proud or embarrassed? He shook that thought away.
There was no time to be thinking about this, the fate of the goddamn planet is at stake! "All right Vegeta! Let's give it a shot!" Goku declared, bringing Vegeta back to reality. 
Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, and Goten formed a circle, with Vegeta and the younger Saiyans joining hands, with Vegeta and Gohan placing one free hand on Goku’s back to transfer the energy. "Why does Kakarot always have to play the hero in these situations?" Vegeta mumbled, slightly bitter. "Hey, don't be like that Vegeta. I'll let you do it next time, if this goes well anyway. Promise." Goku told him, looking back at his comrade. 
Vegeta scoffed, rolling his eyes in the process. He then focused on the ritual. 
Everyone involved transformed into the first level of Super Saiyan, causing items that weren’t heavy or nailed down to be blown away. This made parents hold onto their children so that they didn’t get hurt or fly off, or others to hold onto something to keep themselves steady.
“Well, Kakarot? Are you feeling any different?” Vegeta asked. “I'm feeling something, that’s for sure. But I don’t really know if I feel like a deity though.” Goku answered. “What does that even feel like?” 
“Dad, your energy is currently the most intense it’s ever been! I’ve never felt anything like it before.” Gohan told him. “Yeah, it’s strong, I won't deny that.” Goku said. They kept trying to see if there would be any physical differences or if Goku felt different, but so far nothing happened.
“You know, that isn’t quite right.” Whis said. The Saiyans looked at the angel, waiting for him to explain. “Was I the only person listening to Shenron’s explanation? Now then, I want you all to think very hard about this; it takes five Saiyans to give their energy to another, then that means that you need five plus one Saiyans. Or six plus one, anyway.”
“Huh, we need six? AAAH! OH NO, THAT’S ONE MORE THAN WE HAVE HERE, RIGHT?!” Goku shouted. Everyone stopped the ritual and turned back to normal. “If there are only five of you Saiyans, then it seems like your luck has run out.” Beerus said ominously. “Kakarot, I was a fool to expect anything other than failure from you.” Vegeta said.
“Sorry about that, my bad.” Goku apologized. “Math was never really my strong suit.” 
Beerus, Whis, and Brier flew up towards the sky, with Beerus raising his arm once more and creating an orb made up of destructive energy. Just as he was about fire it at the ship, Videl stood in between the Saiyans and the God of Destruction. “Excuse me, Lord Beerus? It’s just, I wanted to know if the Saiyan in my belly would work under the circumstances? At least a quarter Saiyan?” 
“. . .WHAT?!” Everyone shouted, shocked. “Wait Videl, do you mean that you’re. . .are we really going to have a baby?! Like for real for real?!” Gohan asked her, wanting to make sure he heard right. His wife looked at him and nodded with a smile, confirming that he did hear correctly.
“AWW YEAH, I’M GONNA BE A DAD!!” Gohan exclaimed happily. Mr. Satan and Chi-Chi had walked up to Videl and congratulated on her pregnancy, momentarily forgetting about the potential destruction of Earth. “Hey wait, does this mean that I’m gonna be a grandpa?” Goku asked. "Of course it does, congrats buddy!" Krillin told him. 
“Excuse me everyone, I hate to interrupt this tender moment, but I’m afraid that my husband doesn’t have a lot of patience right now.” Brier announced, reminding everyone of what’s at stake. “Oh yeah right, sorry Lady Brier.” Goku apologized. “Wait, even if the baby inside of Videl is a quarter Saiyan, I just don’t know if it’ll be enough to make a difference here.”
“Dad, if there’s even a chance that this could save Earth, we might as well try.” Gohan said. “Ok, let’s do it.” Goku agreed. “Alright everyone, focus on channeling your inner energy into Dad.” Gohan told the others. Everyone got back into their positions, this time with Videl, and tried again. 
And like last time, nothing happened. 
“I don’t get it, why isn’t anything happening? Maybe Vegeta hasn’t changed as much as we thought he did.” Goku said. “Don’t put the blame on me!” Vegeta nearly shouted. “Ok, well maybe it’s the unborn baby’s fault. Maybe its heart isn’t all that righteous.”
“Hey, don’t say that about my kid!” Gohan exclaimed, offended.
“Yeah, it’s rude!” Videl agreed.
“R-Right, I’m sorry!” Goku apologized. “Let’s just try again a little harder this time.” Gohan sighed. Goku nodded and everyone tried again for the third time. 
Suddenly, a small golden glow appeared from Videl’s stomach, and she was surrounded by a bright aura like the others. Bright yellow clouds gathered in the sky above, swirling above the cruise ship. There were even small spirals forming in the ocean water. Nearly everything in the area was turning golden in color.
Goku’s body started to tingle in a way that was slightly painful, but it wasn’t something that he couldn’t manage. The deities can sense that Goku’s aura was changing. So far, the ritual was working. 
The aura turned into a bright shade of cyan, and casted a glow so bright that the Earthlings had to shield their eyes from the blinding light. Strangely, the weather had begun to change, it would be either sunny or raining, or boiling hot to freezing cold. Until finally, Goku’s whole body was engulfed in a crimson light. 
Vegeta, Gohan, Videl, Trunks, and Goten’s hair turned back to normal and the aura surrounding them went away. “Kakarot’s done it. . .” Vegeta mumbled.
"Videl, are you ok?!" Gohan asked, concerned. "I'm fine, just a little tired." she assured him. 
“So, I finally get to meet a Super Saiyan God.” Beerus said with a grin. “It appears so.” was all Whis said.”It seems that I was wrong about your premonition after all.” “Honestly, this is quite unbelievable.” Brier muttered, in shock. "It's good that the prophetic dream is coming true." Whis told Beerus.
"And why's that?" Brier asked Whis, since Beerus was too busy watching Goku's transformation. "Because we won't have to deal with Lord Beerus whining about how he was wrong for awhile." he whispered jokingly. 
"Whis. . ." 
"It's just a joke, my lady! But still. . ."
The aura surrounding Goku went from crimson red to a pure white, and disappeared, revealing his new found appearance in this transformation. Goku’s hair maintained its original style, but it was now the same shade of red as the aura from earlier. The same applied to his eyes. His body was slimmer, and his face was more youthful. 
“Goku?! Is that really you? He looks so much younger now!” Chi-Chi exclaimed, astonished. “Well Dende, what do you think?” Piccolo asked the young Namekian beside him. Dende nodded, confirming that Goku’s mortal energy has changed. Piccolo smiled as he looked back at Goku. 
Beerus began to clap, while he and his companions descended back to the ship. “Well well, seems that this was worth the wait after all.” Beerus said. “Yeah, sorry it took me so long, Lord Beerus.” Goku told him with a smile. Beerus grinned, and he couldn’t wait to battle Goku to test his newfound godly strength. 
AN: I think I have like, four more chapters left of the Beerus arc to put on here?? Though I think that the last few are basically just the filler episodes from the anime that also have some lore about Brier and her family added in.
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megamattzx · 1 year
Dragon Ball New Frontier: Tales of the Time Patrol
The Time Patrol was enjoying a day of peace and quiet that they didn't usually get. One conversation going was consistent with the guys of the Time Patrol's best group, the multiversal Dragon Team, talking about their scars.
"No," Xeno Bardock explained. "This isn't the worst scar I've got."
GT Present Trunks then began to pull his shirt slightly, showing a massive stab wound scar on his left hip. "He's talking about one like this, right?" He asked.
"Yeesh!" Gohan responded with. "Whoever gave you that, got you good!"
Future Gohan then began showing the massive scar still present from the left side of his upper body. Much worse than the one over his left eye, the entire shoulder area as well as the armpit area were most definitely scarred. "This was given to me by my original versions of Androids 17 and 18, when I originally lost my arm," he said as he told the story. "Although I eventually got my arm back, the rest of the scar is still intact, as you can see."
Vegeta Jr, aka Vegeta the fifth the shows a scar on the top part of his right arm, all the way to the entire shoulder. "This was a gift from the evil Legendary Super Saiyan, Z Broly himself", the Clone and Adopted son of Vegeta proudly boasted. "Though we eventually defeated him, he was most definitely a worthy foe!"
Super Broly went next, showing his Achilles heel, which had a huge burn scar, that went up his lower leg. "A gift from Demon God Demigra, himself!" He said. "Out of commission for months afterwards so that it healed properly."
Goten then went next, removing his shirt and showing various scars on his upper body as he started looking for a specific one. "I've gotten plenty over the last hundred years," he said as he then began touching a scar on his right hip near his stomach. "But the worst that I've gotten has gotta be this one, right here. Impaled by a clone, similar to Copy Vegeta, of me. Everything I gave, he delivered right back."
Everyone looks at Goku Jr, causing him to sigh before he starts to remove his own shirt. "Alright, fine." He finally said as he struggled to take off the weighted shirt.
"Atta boy!" GT Present Trunks said. "Here, I thought you'd be sensitive and emotional about this stuff!"
"Really?" Goku Jr responded with. "So that's how you think of me...."
"Do you have any scars to show, before Kaka out does us all?" Xeno Goten asked GT Goten.
"No, not really," GT Goten said. "Plenty of stories, but nothing to really show for it."
Once Goku Jr removed his shirt, everyone could see various scars across his back and front areas of his upper body and even parts of the arms that the shirt was covering. Some of them are scars from getting slashed or stabbed, others being actual burns. "It's hard to say which one I've gotten is the worst in my opinion," Goku Jr said with honesty. "Although some of these, I don't remember much, mainly cuz I passed out or died shortly after obtaining them."
"Damn....." Most versions of Yamcha, Krillin, Tien and even Hercule simultaneously said.
"Did it hurt!?" Beat was heard asking.
"Again, little Bro," Goku Jr. answered. "I don't remember much with many of these."
"Judging from looking at these scars with my own eyes, that's probably for the best," GT Gohan declared bluntly.
"I got you beat!" Cabba declared. Causing everything to look at him. Cabba then placed his hand on Goku Jr's shoulder before he continued. "A Saiyan Princess as beautiful as the setting sun, shattered my heart like a mirror into a million pieces."
Everyone then began laughing as even Goku Jr was seen chuckling a bit.
"In that case, then I definitely got all of y'all beat," Present Trunks said. "Boy all the Ladies, I've met."
"Oh brother!" Goten said before everyone continued laughing.
"Joking aside," Goku then said. "He's Right. The worst scars can't be seen."
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Broly movie semi-liveblog because of reasons
I only ever watched the original Broly movie once or twice cus of the suuuper long fight scene ending (and I think it came out, or we borrowed it from Blockbuster, around the time I was losing interest in DBZ)…which is great cus watching it now after the reboot movie has me going in almost totally fresh
Krillin’s puppy song (and how he just pauses then keeps singing after the ship lands X’D so you just hear him wailing in the background during Paragus’ big speech)
Paragus: I’m starting a new planet and I want you to be king Vegeta: :/ Paragus: Uhh…there’s also this big strong bad guy and only YOU can stop him! Vegeta: :/ Trunks: Dad, don’t go with him Vegeta: DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! *goes out of spite*
Vegeta gets to the planet, gets his ear talked off by Paragus, sees Paragus’ whole army, doesn’t react to anything, but takes one look at the big buff shirtless dude covered in jewelry and decides “I want to be alone with that guy for a while” (Trunks: “DAD NO” Vegeta: “DON’T KINKSHAME ME”)
Son “cat trying to convince you it didn’t just eat five minutes ago” Goku
“Golly, who could the Legendary Super Saiyan be?” *shows a whole flashback of Broly being the Legendary Super Saiyan and names the movie “Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan”*
Still gets me that the fan-favorite His Power Is Maximum villain’s weakness is that he flips out at the sight of the guy who cried in the crib next to him when they were babies
I’d still fight Master Roshi if I could risk getting within ten feet of him but thanks man for deflating the tension every time it gets serious here. And more importantly, giving my boy Oolong an actual reason to be here (designated driver). Which kinky freak on staff came up with that sequence of the two of them in bed together though?? XD
Realizing I haven’t seen the old DBZ movies since before my dad got his giant TV, and watching this thing in HD on a huge screen with surround sound blasting the doofy 2000s grunge rock songs shoehorned into the soundtrack just feels so wrong X’D
With Paragus’ whole thing being about trapping Vegeta on this planet so a comet can smush him, how much funnier would it have been if Goku had just shown up and immediately IT’d everyone back to Earth
This version of Broly is SO annoying, OMFG. Hulked-out glowing guy cackling about how he was gonna kill a child, “What do you expect from a true freak?! Wahaha~” Like 100% one of those guys who saw The Dark Knight and went “the Joker’s so dark and edgy, I wanna be just like him” Shut up already
Actually Broly’s fixation on hurting Gohan to upset Goku plus the Trunks-Vegeta dynamic could’ve made for an interesting subplot about father-son relationships, but nope I guess. Gohan and Trunks aren’t even in the reboot movie where they really dig into Paragus’ abuse of Broly (just a brief scene of Goten and Trunks calling Bulma for two seconds to tell her plot stuff)
Piccolo dragging Vegeta to the battle by his hair
I also actually love sad scared Vegeta because it makes him so much more interesting. Goku’s an excitable child whose relationship with martial arts is basically like a good work ethic, so he hears about someone stronger than him and gets all excited cus he wants to test his strength by fighting them. Vegeta’s an arrogant jerk generally used to getting his own way, so he hears about someone stronger than him and his first instinct is to go “pff, no way,” then when it’s clear the person IS much stronger he just shuts down. Probably a remnant of being terrorized and probably physically beaten by Frieza or his minions as a kid, cus you KNOW he wasn’t gonna just start taking orders from some guy who isn’t even his king dad
The classic DBZ squeaky foot noise when Broly walks...bless
“I’m the prince of all Saiyans, even you, Broly” “Then please try your best to make me kneel before you” Get a ROOM
“Did he really think I would die just because this planet is about to explode?”
*gives you my power, but in a tsundere way*
I’d been wanting to watch the first bunch of movies for a while since they use clips from em in the Ocean dub opening, but wound up with the 2nd movie set cus I found a good deal and the Broly reboot made me curious to revisit the original…now I’m torn between going on to Return Of Cooler & Super Android 13 my dumb funny beloveds, or going back to the 1st movie set and working my way up to truly Earn them XD
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duhragonball · 4 months
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (215/?)
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball,  which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made  on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: This story This story takes place about 66 years after the events of Dragon Ball Z.
[9 May, Age 791. The Tuffle Planet.]
Son Goku was the Legendary Super Saiyan, perhaps the last, depending on how the legend was interpreted. The stories said that one arose every thousand years, but after Son Goku's ascension, there were many other Super Saiyans who arose in the next few decades. Were they any less legendary for it? Or was the timing all that mattered?
None of that was important to Goku now. The legend, his Saiyan heritage, his recent recruitment into the Time Patrol, the lore behind his present location. All of it was secondary to his current problem: He was fighting the previous Legendary Super Saiyan, and she had him on the run.
With incredible speed, he darted through a vast industrial complex, slipping between buildings and computer stations and leaping through gaps among the tangle of cables and pipes. When necessary, he would smash his way through an obstacle, but he tended to any course through the woods that didn't slow him down.
Behind him, a swarm of ghostly creatures chased after him. Their bodies looked like they were sculpted out of mochi, with mitten-like hands and blobby tails instead of legs. But their heads were more defined, and each of their cackling faces bore the likeness of Goku's opponent, the Super Saiyan Luffa.
Goku wasn't sure how many of the ghosts she had made. Counting wasn't something he excelled at, and there were so many of them that he couldn't spare the time to get an accurate tally. Also, the ghosts exploded whenever they touched anything, which was why he led them through the deserted complex. Every so often, a ghost would run into a retaining wall, or a fence, or one of her comrades. Each collision set off an explosion, which potentially caused other ghosts to get knocked into something else and set off additional explosions. And so there was no point in trying to count, since the number kept changing anyway.
Another issue was the yellow fog that continued to spread across the ground. Goku was unfamiliar with the technique, but he had enough combat experience to hazard a guess. It seemed like means to track Goku's location. He could sense Luffa's unique power in the fog, just as he could sense it in the ghosts. But the fog wasn't attacking him. At worst, it accumulated on his boots and pant legs as he ran. So if he concealed his ki , as he was doing now, then she could still track him by sensing her own ki, which was emanated by the fog. Any disturbance would represent her target, and the ghosts could follow Goku's wake.
It was a brilliant application, and Goku couldn't help but imagine how useful this would have been during the conflict with Dr. Gero and his androids. The ghost swarm also might have helped, as the energy constructs were just independent enough to search a large swath of territory. The only downside Goku could find was that both techniques used a great deal of power to implement. He doubted that he or Vegeta could have accomplished something like this back when Gero was causing trouble. As for the ki ghosts, they were a favorite technique of Gotenks, the fusion of Goten and Trunks. In the boys' hands, it was little more than a childish prank, and Goku had never seen either of the boys try to use it separately. Gotenks had the power to spare on such flashy techniques, but Goten and Trunks did not.
All of this meant that Luffa seemed to be operating on a different level. Whether or not she was on a higher level remained to be seen. Goku looked forward to putting that to the test, but he was still taking her measure. For now, though, it seemed she was much more willing to unload costly ki techniques to overwhelm an opponent. As powerful as her ghost swarm was, most of that power was being wasted on stacks and cooling towers and other inanimate objects that couldn't fight back. It suggested that Luffa was either reckless or overconfident, or she really did have the kind of power in store that would justify these tactics. Goku was very interested in seeing which it would be.
As he contemplated all of this, his next leap brought his foot down on a rusty pipe, and his weight caused it to burst apart into pieces. This gave him an idea, and he quickly turned around in the middle of his next jump and held out his hands. With a "Kiai!" shout, he produced a shockwave in the air, one powerful enough to blow the broken fragments along the path he had traveled. Before he spun around to continue on his path, he saw the ghosts were starting to catch up to him.
"Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo- hoooooo !" came the ghosts' mocking laughter.
Then came a fresh round of explosions, followed by shrieks of panic.
"Heh-hee!" Goku chuckled to himself as he ran. The forest was doing most of what he needed without any help, but that didn't mean he couldn't help things along.
His best guess was that Luffa was flustered by the hit-and-run tactics he had used against her earlier. She kept increasing her ki , while he maintained a certain level, and she was impatient to know what he was up to. The fog and the ghost swarm were her attempt to force his hand, but what she didn't realize was that this was Goku's hand. He was used to fighting at a disadvantage, and holding back at the start of a fight was a terrific way to gauge an opponent's strengths and weaknesses.
And… all strategic considerations aside, Goku just enjoyed fighting this way. Battles like these were few and far between, and he had no interest in wearing himself out before things got really good later on. He believed that Luffa could understand that sentiment, since there probably wasn't a great deal of competition in her own era, but she seemed to have a different approach to that.
This fight was clearly important to her, in many ways. Goku didn't think he understood completely, but he understood enough. For her, it was more than just a battle with a worthy adversary. She saw in Goku a kindred spirit, someone who understood what it was like to be what she was. She wanted to make a good impression, and maybe that was affecting her judgment. She was trying too hard to make this moment live up to her expectations.
That troubled him somewhat. Goku felt she deserved to have a worthwhile experience from all of this. At the same time, however, he recognized this as a vulnerability that he could exploit.
As he ran, he snatched something from a catwalk that looked like a toolbox. Wrapping both hands around it, he crushed it, then charged a small amount of ki into his palms. When he threw the pieces over his shoulder, they launched from his fingers like bullets, which spread out in all directions behind him. The explosions that followed were further away than before, suggesting that the ghost herd had thinned out a little more, or perhaps they had learned to keep their distance.
There seemed to be a clearing up ahead, and Goku considered doubling back to stay under the relative cover of the facilty. Then, as he got closer to the edge of the complex, he could see another one that lay just beyond it. He would only be exposed for the short time it would take him to cross the clearing, so it seemed like a risk worth taking. Goku had lived in the woods around Mt. Paozu for most of his life, and he reasoned that if Planet Vegeta's terrain was anything like Earth, then the space in between was probably a creek or a river. With any luck, he could get a drink as he crossed.
But as he reached the edge, he soon realized that he had miscalculated. There was a stream running between the two complexes, but it was at the bottom of a deep ravine. By the time Goku was close enough to see this, he barely had time to grab hold of a guardrail to stop himself from going over a cliff.
"Whoa!" he exclaimed as he took a closer down the ravine. The water at the bottom looked like a thin blue ribbon along the rocks. It would be easy to fly across, but that would risk giving away his position to Luffa.
Whatever he did next, he would have to choose quickly. The ghosts were still on his tail, and they showed no signs of slowing down. As Goku considered it, he noticed the yellow fog was drifting over the edge, and dissipating as it fell down the ravine. That gave him an idea.
"Here goes nothing," he said as he stood on the edge with his back to the ravine. He held out his hands and raised them over his face. "All right," he called out. "Come an' get me!"
The ghosts obliged, and as they raced toward him, Goku shouted "Taiyo-ken!" and dropped over the edge.
The bright light he created could be seen for kilometers in all directions. As he had hoped, many of the ghosts, dazzled by the effect, veered off course and ended up colliding with each other. Others continued on their path, crossing the ravine only to run into the trees on the other side. Then there were some who managed to track Goku's movements. These pursued him down the ravine as he fell, but most of them were unprepared for the uneven surfaces along the sides. There simply wasn't room for all of them, and as the walls of the ravine narrowed on the way down, they found it even harder to avoid one another.
As Goku fell, he saw the ground above beginning to collapse from all of the explosions. Soon, he had an avalanche bearing down on him instead of a swarm of exploding ghosts.
"Yikes!" he cried. "I guess I didn't think this through so well after all!"
Angling his descent, he added just enough power to fall faster than gravity would allow. When he finally splashed into the stream at the bottom, he was mostly clear of the rockslide, and from there he could allow the current to carry him the rest of the way to safety. Satisfied, Goku floated along for a few more minutes before swimming to a bank to regroup.
He could still hear explosions in the distance, but he believed the worst of the ghost swarm was over. As for the fog, he could still sense traces of Luffa's ki on his clothes and in the air, but it was not nearly as concentrated as it had been up above. There seemed to be a limit to her ability's range. If he kept his distance, he could avoid detection.
"She must not be able to sense it when it's this diluted," Goku said as he looked over his boots. "Either that, or she's not looking for anything this far away. The ki from the water and plants is enough to drown it out. Hey, wait a minute…"
He snapped his fingers and a broad genial grin crossed his lips. "Yeah!" he said. "It just might work!"
Above the ruined industrial complex, Luffa surveyed her handiwork. There was no sign of Son Goku, and no indication that he had used his ki to escape the scene either. Frustrated, she turned her head and spat.
"This is really starting to piss me off," she muttered to no one. "Oh, it's impressive, sure, but we didn't go to all this trouble to play hide and seek! If I wanted to match wits in some sort of asymmetrical wargame, I would have set something up with the other Time Patrollers, or…"
The moment suddenly reminded her of training sessions with a band of Saiyans on Nat-Chezz II. Maybe it was the smell of burning buildings, or the lack of an opponent who could just stand and fight. Whatever it was, Luffa found herself thinking about her wife again. If she had been here for this, Zatte would have been rooting for Goku.
"You'd be proud of him, Zattie," Luffa said. "I'm proud too, but if that big orange goof doesn't start taking this seriously, I'm going to beat him within an inch of his life!"
"Looking for me, Luffa? Well, here I am!"
She turned to find Goku floating nearby. To her surprise, he was back in his base form.
"What the hell is this ?" she demanded. "Are you giving up already? We've barely gotten started!"
"Sorry, but you won't win this fight so easily, Luffa," Goku replied. "You did a lot of damage down there, but I didn't get a scratch. If you're not careful, you'll wear yourself out."
"Save your concern, Kakarot," Luffa said. "I've got all the power I need to put you down. Now get back into Super Saiyan and let's continue, unless you'd rather teleport back to your hiding place again."
"You fight your way, Luffa," Goku said, "and I'll fight my way. Just because I can turn into a Super Saiyan doesn't mean that's always the best move. I'll use it when I'm good and ready."
"Fine," Luffa said. "Have it your way. If this is all you've got for me, then I might as well wrap this up!"
With that, she charged Goku, ready to strike, though expecting him to teleport to safety. Instead, he backed away, and when she caught him with a punch, he rolled with it.
"You would have been better off surrendering, Kakarot!" Luffa shouted. "At least there's some dignity in that!"
She caught up to him and hit him again. This time, Goku dodged, but she caught him with a kick, and then punched him again. Every time she hit him, he cried out in pain.
"You're not even trying anymore!" she snarled. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Goku recovered and caught his breath. Then he raised his arms in front of his face. "Are you gonna talk, or fight?" he asked.
Luffa screamed as she pummeled him again. To his credit, Goku was able to block or avoid the first few strikes, but Luffa was too skilled and the gap between their powers was too great for him to last long. Soon, she was picking him apart with precision blows on his arms, chest, and abdomen. When she was satisfied with this, she readied a ki blast and fired. The resulting explosion sent Goku sailing through the air until he crashed to the scorched earth where the industrial facility had once been.
He lay there in a heap, not moving until Luffa alighted near him and grabbed him by the collar of the blue shirt he wore under his gi . Then he began to make a giddy chuckle, as though he were too delirious from the beating he was taking.
"What is the meaning of this?" Luffa demanded. " You challenged me , and then you go and make a mockery of our fight?! Now you won't even defend yourself? And you call yourself a Super Saiyan ?!"
"Heh… Heh-heh," Goku gasped. "Well… it seemed like the best way… but I gotta admit, I'm starting to wish I'd come up with a better distraction."
"Distraction?!" Luffa growled. "Distraction from what?!"
She saw it in his eyes. There was a glow reflected in his brown irises, one that Luffa might have mistaken for the sun, except the angle was all wrong. And it was getting bigger and brighter. By the time Luffa turned, it was nearly on top of her, and she barely had time to fly out of its path.
Then it turned and followed her .
She had seen the Spirit Bomb before. On past Time Patrol missions, she had seen Goku deploy it against Vegeta, then Frieza, and finally Majin Buu. Each time, the Spirit Bomb had proven exceptionally difficult to assemble and launch. The Tuffle Planet was abandoned, and yet somehow Goku had made a Spirit Bomb as big as a house, and in a fraction of the time it should have taken.
She had forgotten about the auto-tracking feature of the Spirit Bomb, but this didn't seem to pose much of a problem either. With her power, she could outrun it with little trouble, and its power probably wasn't enough to make it a threat. And yet, Goku had gone to a lot of effort to spring this little trap. What was his plan?
Then she heard the scream. For a man, he had a rather high voice. There was nothing wrong about that, and he sounded quite pleasant in casual conversation, but when he raised his power level, his voice became almost frightening, like a cat howling in pain.
She felt his transformation before she spotted it. The Spirit Bomb was big enough that she had difficulty keeping him in her line of sight, but Luffa was sure now that Goku was back in his Super Saiyan form. It was as though he had never turned it off in the first place. Luffa was impressed. Over the years, she had gotten better at controlling her transformations, but she still found it difficult to switch on and off in rapid succession. Goku had gone from high power to minimal power and back with a horrifying ease. That, along with his unorthodox tactics, made him dangerous.
More dangerous was the fist that suddenly collided with her jaw. She didn't even know if he had teleported or flown to her at super-speed. The Spirit Bomb kept getting in her way, and it still followed her, even as Goku's punch carried her through the air and into the dirt. Luffa scrambled to her feet, ready to confront them both, when suddenly the Spirit Bomb seemed to… open fire on her?
It was a barrage of ki blasts, not unlike any of the countless attacks she had dealt with in the past, but it took her a moment to realize that it was Goku firing at her from behind the Spirit Bomb. She deflected the shots, but this left her wide open to the Bomb itself. And while she believed its power was manageable, she knew that Goku would be ready to capitalize while she took the time to deal with it.
She couldn't help but smile. Goku had turned a one-on-one match and turned it into a double-team. It was only fair after her assault with the ki ghosts. What she still didn't understand was how he had managed to neutralize her fog, the technique she called Golden Duster. It was a mist of tiny globules of her own ki , spread across a large surface area, and yet somehow it was all gone, as though Goku had soaked it all up with a towel--
"Oh no," she said as she realized the truth. "No wonder he got that bomb ready so fast. Curse me for a fool! I practically handed him all that energy!"
Then, suddenly, the Spirit Bomb accelerated, and Luffa found that she couldn't move fast enough to get out of its way. She quickly caught it in her arms, and planted her boots in the dirt to brace herself. Frieza and Buu had done the same, with little success. Her only advantage was that she was reasonably certain this Spirit Bomb didn't have enough power to knock her out if it exploded. She still didn't want to take the chance, which left her pinned down as she tried to understand how to push it back.
There was still Goku to contend with as well. Luffa cast out with her senses, trying to locate him. As it turned out, he was still behind the Spirit Bomb, and wasn't moving. Then it all began to make sense.
"He's pushing it!" Luffa muttered. "Just like he did with Buu! That little twerp was strong enough to overpower Kakarot, and strong enough to throw the bomb back in his face, but when once Kakarot pushed it back, it was too much for him! He's using this damn thing to close the gap between our powers!"
"Ka… me…!"
Luffa heard him, and knew exactly what that meant. He knew the Spirit Bomb alone wouldn't be enough to beat her, so he was going to throw fuel onto the fire. Growing desperate, Luffa charged her own ki and fired an energy blast from her mouth. If she couldn't repel the bomb, then maybe she could destroy it.
But no. The golden beam from her throat was absorbed harmlessly into the Spirit Bomb. Any ki attack would only feed it. And without a trick like Instant Transmission up her sleeve, Luffa couldn't escape.
"Ha… me…!"
"No! There is a way!" Luffa said when the solution finally hit her. "Dammit, I should have figured it out sooner!"
Above, Son Goku had nearly completed his attack. Luffa was trapped, and his Kamehameha would drive the Spirit Bomb to deal her a critical hit. He had worried that she might find a way out, but now it was too late.
"Haaaaa!" he shouted as he released the energy gathered in his hands. A column of blue light spilled forth from his arms and down to the white globe below.
Or it would have, except the Spirit Bomb began to move…
"What?!" Goku cried out. "Where'd she go?"
He spotted her flying away from Goku and the Spirit Bomb. The bomb was giving chase, but Goku's Kamehameha was still firing down at their original location. But as the wave hit the ground, he felt something resisting it down below.
It was like there were two Luffas, one leading the Spirit Bomb away, while the other fought the Kamehameha. And then the Spirit Bomb exploded. Goku was so confused that he failed to notice that something was wrong with the Kamehameha. By the time he realized it, it was too late.
"Hah!" Luffa shouted as she emerged from the beam, just inches from Goku's hands. Before he could react, she slammed her fist into his face, knocking him head over heels through the air.
When he landed, he gathered himself up and found her standing over him.
"Nice try," she said. "I thought you almost had me."
"What went wrong?" Goku asked. "It seemed to be going so well!"
"I coughed up another ki ghost," Luffa said. "It couldn't destroy your Spirit Bomb, but I could put enough Golden Duster mist onto it that the Spirit Bomb would follow it, thinking it was me."
"Wha--?" Goku asked. "I didn't think you could fool a Spirit Bomb like that…"
"I wasn't sure it would work either," Luffa said, "But it probably helped that I let go of the thing and put the ghost in front of me. As for that Kamehameha, well, it was never going to do the job by itself. You kept it weak so it wouldn't damage the planet."
"Ha ha… yeah, I did," Goku said. He rose to his feet and faced off with her. "So, where do we go from here?"
"Seems pretty simple to me," Luffa said. "You've got a lot of sneaky moves and fancy techniques, but so do I, Kakarot. So why don't we just cut the crap and hit each other as hard as we can until one of us drops?"
"Maybe you've got something there," Goku said. He brushed the dust from his clothes and slapped his hands together. "All right, we'll do it your way. Ready?"
"Always," Luffa said.
They each drew back their dominant hands, and then punched each other simultaneously.
The ground trembled from the impact.
NEXT: Go Beyond.
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ao3feed-gochi · 2 years
by blitzohorseman
Gohan and Videl never married, a drunken one-night stand leading to the birth of their beloved Pan. As Goku and Vegeta train with Beerus and after Freeza makes his grand debut back from Hell only to be sent right back, Gohan resumes his training with Piccolo and begins to realize why romance never blossomed with the mother of his child.
The situation only complicates even further when the legendary super saiyan, Broly enters the scene and seems to become infatuated with anything green.
Words: 7152, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Ball
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Son Gohan, Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Videl Satan, Son Pan, Son Goten, Hercule Satan, Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball), Beerus (Dragon Ball), Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Frieza (Dragon Ball), Broly (Dragon Ball), Bulma Briefs
Relationships: Piccolo/Son Gohan, Chi-Chi/Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Bulma Briefs/Vegeta, Son Goku/Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Android 18/Krillin (Dragon Ball)
Additional Tags: Hermaphrodite Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Jealous Son Gohan, Top Son Gohan, one-sided videl satan/son gohan - Freeform, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Baby Pan, Bottom Piccolo (Dragon Ball), piccolo is the best babysitter ever, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Interspecies Romance, Interspecies Relationship(s), Namekian Biology
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42204291
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federationanimeu · 3 years
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twilitetriforce · 7 years
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DBZ dump
Credit: Wizyakuza
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zamasuwu · 7 years
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dragon ball z + the onion (2/?)
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jacquardwyse-blog · 6 years
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So the scans for goten and trunks for the DBS Broly Movie came out and.....well let me just show you 👇 https://youtu.be/jr4faALxeho
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Special Picture ''Trunks & Goten Adults'' DBGT!
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dbzebra · 2 years
"Z broly > Super Broly as a character"
Explain. Elaborate.
Oooh thanks for the ask!! Lol this got long, apologies ahead of time
Okay so first all, people COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTAND Z Broly as a character. Like, they take what he became in movie 10/Second Coming, with no context, meme on that, and think that’s his entire character. When that is sooo far from the truth.
First of all, Z Broly in movie 8/Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan is very subtle as a character. They don’t outright spell out things for you about him or why he does what he does(ex, attacking Gohan, but I’ll get to that later), the backstory especially is very metaphorical.
Broly doesn’t hate Goku because of crying. Broly is a Saiyan and what are Saiyans first and foremost? Fighters. And Broly “lost” against Goku for being hurt by his crying. That’s why right before Goku has that final punch, he flashes back to that moment of when he was a baby, not only being left for dead as Planet Vegeta was being blown up, he remembers being “defeated” by Kakarot just as he’s about to beat him again. He gets punched in the exact same spot he was stabbed as a baby.
People like to criticize Z Broly as “he hates Goku cause he cried” or “all he says is Kakarot” which both are false. Similar to Vegeta, Broly hates Goku because Goku bested him. One way or another, despite him being so weak, Goku “beat” the Legendary Super Saiyan.
On the first point, Broly is clearly mentally unstable. The power was too much for him even at a young age and turned him into a psychopath. He was stabbed as an infant and left to die along with Paragus cause he was too powerful. Then that same day Planet Vegeta explodes practically on top of them. The rest of his life hes basically either being controlled or on a rampage. He likes destruction. He likes fighting, loves it actually. You can see it during his fights in Movie 8.
On the second point, Broly was already mentally unstable in movie 8 when Goku punched a hole in him. Broly literally exploded cause he had so much power in him. and then nearly dying, getting caught in the explosion of a SECOND PLANET. and then being frozen for seven years, near death. It’s like that final cord snapped.
Once again, woken up by the cries of Goten (aka being defeated by Goku AGAIN). He’s so blinded by his rage of beating Goku that it’s all he cares about. And when Goku actually shows up in Second Coming, the dude smirks and starts laughing.
Z Broly has really awesome moments and there’s a reason why he’s a popular villain. Just watch the scene of him blowing up the planet of those little alien guys. “I bet you look up at your silly little planet, hoping you can go back there some day….WELL ITS JUST A DREAM!!” And then boom. It’s really dark and I love it.
He shows a lot of personality and cunning, like when he senses the hidden power of Gohan, stares at him for a moment and then purposely attacks Gohan to take him out first. “Kakarot, how much do you love your son??”
The way he kills Paragus is also sick. “Where do you think you’re going dad?” And then turns the pod into a javelin with him in it and throws the thing into the fucking comet. 💯
Unrelated but I think it’s cool how Goku seemingly absorbed Broly’s LSSJ power for a moment. When everyone gives him energy his hair flashes the green tint for a moment while Broly loses the green, and just has the normal SSJ yellow
Then we have DBS Broly. It’s kinda the same, with being tossed away to die cause King Vegeta is a bitch, but removes any connection to Goku and makes it more tragic. And according to most fans, if background is a sobstory, that equals better character.
NO. Tragic backstories are so common nowadays they’re boring.
sure it could, but that trope was so worn out so long ago I hate it. “waaa his life was bad, hes not a bad guy” bruh i dont care thats not Broly. just make an OC if you wanna do that. but nope. gotta use the marketing! (More on that later)
New Broly is legit a man-baby. People talk about old Broly having no personality and this new version having a deep character, but I dont see it. He acts like a child when hes with Cheelai and Lemo. There’s no real personality traits beyond “doesnt understand society.” basically just made him Saiyan Tarzan with anger issues, which isn’t addressed he just gets mad and loses control and turns SSJ after seeing Paragus die. They basically took Gohan’s rage boosts and gave it to him lol
They kept Paragus being a bastard which was cool, but DBS Broly being uwu-fied and then shipped with Cheelai (who literally has no reason to exist beyond waifu bait) never appealed to me
Hey remember when people say Z Broly does nothing but scream?
In Super Broly, once the fighting starts, he doesnt say a single word but yell. Aka for over half the movie, Brolys dialogue is nothing but RAAAAAAAAAH. Even the actual dialogue DBS Broly has is minimal
But he gets a pass because the canon police says so right??? Nah
New Broly is boring. They brought him back and made him fight Gogeta because of fanservice and marketing.
Sorry for the rant lol but yeah this is how I feel
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sundove88 · 3 years
Every Dragon Ball Movie in Ten Words or Less:
Curse of The Blood Rubies: Couldn’t Penny just throw them away?! (52/100)
Sleeping Princess in Devil’s Castle: They could’ve just grabbed the princess and hightailed it out! (52/100)
Mystical Adventures: They just reuse the manga. (56/100)
Dead Zone: Mr. Popo handled it way better. (53/100)
The World’s Strongest: Why couldn’t they just use the Abridged plot?! (60/100)
The Tree of Might: Apparently Turles is a hottie nowadays.. (54/100)
Bardock- The Father of Goku: At least it wasn’t a dream this time! (78/100)
Fight For Victory, Son Goku!: And here we step into the Live Action Territory! (50/100)
Lord Slug: Don’t Blame me, Blame Guru! He caused this! (55/100)
Cooler’s Revenge: Brotherly Love Hurts, Right? (67/100)
The Magic Begins: Puts The Last Airbender to Shame. (65/100)
The Return of Cooler: Veggie’s gonna need some Senzu Beans after THAT kick. (67/100)
Super Android 13: And there goes Goten! (79/100)
The History of Trunks: No! Not our Time Traveling Husbando! (94/100)
Broly- The Legendary Super Saiyan: Don’t even SHIP him with Trunks! (83/100)
Bojack Unbound: Gohan Needs More Time on screen. (87/100)
Broly- Second Coming: And Now he’s got Beta Cheelai. (45/100)
Bio Broly: This is what happens when you screw around with cloning, kids! (14/100)
Fusion Reborn: It’s Invasion of The Body Snatchers, but anime flavored. (86/100)
Wrath of The Dragon: Hyaaaaah! (79/100)
The Path to Power: How much of a Recap do you want? Yes. (88/100)
A Hero’s Legacy: Bad Movie for An Already Medicore Series. (23/100)
Battle of Gods: Quite a Comeback from that DISASTER called Evolution, eh Toriyama? (95/100)
Resurrection ‘F’: You thought it was a new enemy, but it was I, FRIEZA! Ohohohohoho! (95/100)
Dragon Ball Super: Broly: THE FANSERVICE IN THIS MOVIE IS OVER 9000! (100/100)
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megamattzx · 1 month
Dragon Ball New Frontier Main Story Arcs:
These are the Current Arcs planned for the main story of New Frontier. These do not include any prequels. These are also subject to change with the story as it progresses.
Filler arcs may also occur. some of these are filler arcs. Arcs can also be merged and added, or removed as the story progresses
Red Ribbon Army’s Revenge Arc
Demon Realm Invasion Arc
Demon War Arc
The Return of Zamasu Arc
Kings of Destruction Arc.
Dark God Tournament Arc
Omniveral God Tournament of Power Arc
Inner Demons Arc
Nightmares of Trauma and Regrets! Goku’s Personal Hell Arc
Darkest Times Remembered! Goku Jr’s Inner Demons Arc
Scars Never Truly Heal! Ghosts of Vegeta’s Past Arc
Saiyan Civil War Arc
Frieza Force Invasion Arc
Paradise at a Price. Saiyans of Themescyra Arc
Battle for the Omniverse’s Future Arc
Frieza War Arc
Big Gete Star War Arc
Universal Tree of Might Arc
Ultimate Broly, Legendary Super Saiyan’s Revenge Arc
Cult of Zamasu Arc
Assault of the Demon Realm Arc
Second Omniversal God Tournament of Power Arc
Time and Reality are forever rivals! Reality Troopers, meet the Time Patrol Arc
Blood-Stained Obsession of the Dark Princess Arc
Journey into The Unknown Regions Arc
The Persistence of a Saiyan Amazon. Son Goku Jr’s Predicament Arc
Goku and Chi-Chi’s Grandson, Son Gohan Jr Arc
Goten vs. Goku Jr. The Feared Saiyan Pranksters arc
Son Family and Briefs Family’s unexpected discovery Arc.
A Saiyan’s Romance Arc
Rise of the Dragon School Arc
A Contest of Gods! Champa and Beerus’ Challenge Arc
New Cell Games Arc
3rd Omniversal God Tournament of Power Arc
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catbowserauthor · 5 years
Dragonball 30 Day Challenge: Day 21 Favorite Movie
So I actually really like most of these movies. I’ve never been bothered by the “it wouldn’t fit into canon” argument. I view them as fun AU adventures so I just judge them based on their individual traits. I won’t be including the specials in here as I think that’s a different topic.
So, let’s do a quick countdown to my favorite, from the worst to the best!
16: Resurrection F: Sorry, I have never been a huge fan of Freeza. He was fine as a villain in the Namek saga and his unexpected return until he was killed by Trunks was interesting. Beyond that, I don’t find him an engaging bad guy. He’s a Bond villain. He’s not fun for me to watch and him growing that much stronger in four months is stretching my sense of disbelief even for Dragonball. Vegeta getting robbed of that kill was crap and introducing Whis’ ability to rewind time killed any tension for future battles for me.
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And I don’t wanna talk about what they did to Gohan.
15: Lord Slug: There’s nothing “wrong” per say with this movie but it’s just...well, it’s Piccolo Daimao all over again. So, it’s kind of boring. I do like seeing the colder climate as Toriyama didn’t draw that very often (claims he hates the cold so it’s usually summer or spring in his manga) so we didn’t get to see it as much. I also love the brief interaction Goku has with Gohan during the battle and Gohan and Icarus are way too adorable.
14: Bio Broly: Okay so I don’t hate this movie. It’s not good but I don’t think it’s utterly horrible like some people do. But the reasons I like it might be different than others. I like this one because you get to see Goten and Trunks’ friendship. You see them pal around, you see them argue but then when they’re close to getting killed you also see Trunks refuse to leave an unconscious Goten to die alone. I freaking LOVE that.
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13: Return of Cooler: I think my issue with this movie is the same issue I have with Super in general. It’s focused on Goku and Vegeta almost the whole way through. We get small cuts to the others but otherwise it’s just them. I like both these characters but I like to see a mix of the cast so that’s why it falls lower.
12: Dragonball Super Broly: Okay so I really like the adaption of Dragonball Minus. It turned out way better than I hoped and the animation in this movie is absolutely amazing. I’d recommend it just based on that alone. I really enjoyed the new characters. But again, not a fan of Freeza and the fact it was really only Goku and Vegeta—again—really hurts it for me. Still a fun movie though.
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11: Wrath of the Dragon: This one has a really fun plot and it’s neat to see Trunks really bonding with someone. I think the brief interactions at the BBQ are some of the best. The downtime in this movie has some of my favorite moments. The final battle is fun but I think it would have been better if someone other than Goku got the finishing blow.
10: Super Android 15: This one, again, I really love for the downtime! Seeing Goku’s family shopping, going out for lunch—I love that kind of stuff! The Androids themselves are interesting enough and while I know a lot of people don’t like it, I really like they gave 15 a redneck accent in the dub. Gave him some character. I also love Gohan and Krillin trying to help even though they are completely outmatched. Gohan throwing himself in front of a blast to protect his father who is creating a spirit bomb is one of my favorite small scenes.
9: Broly Second Coming: The interactions between Videl, Goten and Trunks are pure gold. I’d love to see them just...shooting the breeze with each other. The battle against Broly is fun but I love the ending where Goku pops in from the Other World (presumably) to lend his aid. That entire family Kamehameha is just brilliant.
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8: Battle of Gods: So this is going to sound weird because Beerus and Whis are some of my favorites in DBS. I did not like them here. No idea why, just didn’t. The Super Saiyan God ritual is kinda weird but I love all the character interactions before this! This is what I really love about Dragonball, all these interesting personalities working off one another. I like how Goku and Beerus’ fight goes and the animation is really well done. Pretty solid. And Vegeta defending Bulma—awesome.
7: Bojack Unbound: This is how I pictured Gohan growing up into after Cell—still studies but plays outside and still trains and ChiChi being okay with it. This is the personality I love Gohan with—confident but not overly confident, shy but with pride in himself and a great blend of his human and Saiyan sides.
Freaking. Love. It.
The rest of the movie is meh. Save one element—Goku saying “screw it” to the rules and intervening to save his son
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and Gohan utterly owning everyone with SSJ2.
But I have to rank it high with having my absolute favorite characterization of Gohan.
6: Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan: Yes, I’m ranking the old one higher than the new one. I don’t care. I watch this one more.
I like the aliens, I like all the other characters being involved. I love the fact that Gohan is a kid in this one. I love Vegeta’s being utterly and completely terrified. I love Piccolo coming in for the save, I love Goku forgetting about the battle and Broly and rushing to try and save his kid. And when Broly threatens his son...
“Kakarot, how much do you love your son?”
“Gohan, leave.”
“But Father—“
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I think having more characters and introducing peril to all of them makes it more engaging.
5: Dead Zone: Quick trivia fact, this is the movie that got me into Dragonball. I caught the end of it on Cartoon Network and was intrigued from them on. I really like that this has a younger Goku. Goku from the Saiyan Saga to the Android Saga is probably my favorite characterization of him. That really shows here. He doesn’t care what beef Kami and Garlic Junior have. He’s there for his kid. “Return my Gohan!” There’s so great choreography in this one too and more martial arts than just ki blasts which I always love seeing.
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4: World’s Strongest: Little Gohan is fun. I love seeing him interact with Goku’s friends and an enemy that still thinks Roshi is the strongest makes for some great throwback scenes. I like seeing Goku’s friends get involved in the action. Goku intervening to protect his son against a brainwashed Piccolo and Gohan having to watch the two men he admires most in the world fight makes for great drama.
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3: Fusion Reborn: This movie is just fun. It’s wacky, it’s crazy, the fights are insane, the dialogue is hilarious, it’s bright and colorful and Goku and Vegeta while being the main heroes don’t completely dictate the plot. There’s enough fun stuff going on with other characters that I can enjoy any aspect of this movie.
2: Tree of Might: The scents between Goku and Gohan are why I love this movie. Them playing in the tub, Goku letting him keep Icarus in a cave in the yard...the ENTIRE scene of Goku trying to break through to Gohan once he’s become a giant ape just breaks my heart. “Gohan! It’s Daddy!”
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Then having time cut off his own son’s tail to save him and ooo, Goku’s “I’m so done” glare to Turles. I adore that when Goku is at his lowest, it’s his son’s voice that gets him to stand back up.
1: Cooler’s Revenge: I like these slice of life moments and this movie has lots of them. I love Goku and his friends and son just wanting to go on a camping trip. I love that Cooler comes not to avenge his brother but because Freeza being beaten by a Saiyan looks bad on their entire family. That is brilliant.
This scene:
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Daddy Goku for the win here. I love how they show his relationship with Gohan in this movie. They’ve always been my favorites so I’m biased by nature. I love how the battle against Cooler goes. I love how they have to struggle not to use their ki when they’re tending to Goku. The characters and scenarios in this movie really make it for me.
One thing I noticed as I did this list is that most of my top movies have Gohan as a kid. I don’t think that’s random. I much prefer his characterization at that age and I like it when the others can still contribute to the plot. But as I said, except for my top most disliked one, I really like all of these in some manner. They’re always a fun time!
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