#Google Associate Cloud Engineer
qwikskills · 1 year
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: A Beginner's Guide
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is one of the leading cloud computing platforms in the world, and the Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification is a highly sought-after credential for those who want to build a career in cloud computing. This certification demonstrates an individual's proficiency in deploying applications, monitoring operations, and managing enterprise solutions in the Google Cloud.
To become a Google Associate Cloud Engineer, one must pass a single certification exam. The exam covers a broad range of topics, including the core GCP services, deploying applications, and managing resources. The certification is designed for individuals who have hands-on experience with GCP and are familiar with basic cloud computing concepts.
The benefits of obtaining a Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification are numerous. It validates an individual's skills and knowledge in cloud computing, and demonstrates their ability to use Google Cloud Platform to build, deploy, and manage applications. It also opens up new career opportunities and can lead to higher salaries.
To prepare for the Google Associate Cloud Engineer exam, there are numerous online resources available, including practice exams, tutorials, and training courses. Additionally, Google provides free, hands-on labs and tutorials to help individuals gain practical experience with GCP.
In conclusion, the Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification is a valuable asset for anyone looking to build a career in cloud computing. With the increasing demand for cloud computing professionals, this certification can help individuals stand out in the job market and achieve their career goals.
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topitcourses · 2 months
Benefits of Hiring an Associate Cloud Engineer
Especially in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, hiring a Cloud Engineer has numerous advantages. An Associate Cloud Engineer is trained and certified in cloud computing, specifically Google Cloud Platform (GCP), responsible for deploying, monitoring, and managing cloud-based applications and services.
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mariacallous · 2 months
More US workers will soon be free to leave their employers to work for rivals, thanks to a new federal rule that will block the long-standing practice of locking in workers with noncompete agreements.
The US Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday issued a final rule that bans most noncompetes nationwide. The agency estimated that by allowing people more freedom, the change would lead to the creation of 8,500 new businesses annually, an average annual pay increase of $524 for workers, lower health care costs, and as many as 29,000 more patents each year for the next decade.
The FTC says about one in five US workers are bound by contract clauses that prevent them from taking new jobs from a competitor, or starting their own competing businesses, for some period of time. The agreements can trap workers and slow career advancement and wage increases—two things workers often achieve by hopping jobs.
The agreements also disproportionately affect workers in tech and certain other roles: 36 percent of engineers and architects work under noncompetes, as do 35 percent of workers in computer and math fields, according to research from the Universities of Maryland and Michigan.
Under the FTC’s new rule, “tech workers will probably experience a rise in the outside opportunities that they face,” says Evan Starr, an associate professor of business at the University of Maryland who worked on the research. “They’ll have more freedom to work where they want; they will be more likely to be paid higher wages.”
Opponents of noncompetes say they hurt workers by keeping them in lower-waged jobs and also stifle innovation, preventing people from starting their own businesses or putting innovative ideas into practice. Noncompete supporters argue that the arrangements encourage investment in staff and protect trade secrets. But recent research from Starr indicates that banning noncompetes hasn’t led to an increase in trade secret litigation.
The new FTC rule has a carve-out to keep existing noncompetes for senior executives in place. But it blocks companies from creating new noncompetes for these high-level workers. The rule is due to take effect in about four months, but it’s expected to face challenges. Two commissioners who voted against the rule saw it as overstepping the FTC’s power. The US Chamber of Commerce quickly announced after the rule passed that it will sue to try to block it.
Several states, including tech hub California, have already banned enforcement of noncompetes. But a recent tidal shift has seen the issue resonate in dozens of states. In the 2023 legislative session, 38 states introduced 81 bills that sought to ban or restrict enforcement of noncompetes. California’s long-established law is seen as part of the reason Silicon Valley became a hub for innovation, while Massachusetts’s once-similar tech corridor didn’t soar in the same way.
Tech executive Daniel Powers has battled noncompetes twice in his career. In 2010, IBM tried to delay his move from New York to Seattle to work for Amazon Web Services, the online retailer’s cloud division, by a year. The parties settled on Powers taking six months off. Fortunately for Powers, Amazon agreed to pay him even while he couldn’t work.
Two years later, the tables turned. When Powers attempted to take a job with Google Cloud, Amazon sued him, saying he had agreed not to work for one of its competitors within 18 months of leaving. The incident drew headlines as the first noncompete case Amazon had brought against someone inside fast-growing AWS, Powers recalls.
Powers had to move to California—where noncompetes aren’t legal—for the new gig, and his attorney told him to get there as soon as possible. By living in a different state, the lawsuit could be tried in federal court, where his attorney felt Amazon had less of an advantage compared to Washington state court. A federal judge ended up siding with Powers, and he lost only about three months of work at Google while the case played out.
Amazon, IBM, and Google did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Had Powers not received discounted legal help over the years, he says, he could have easily spent over $100,000 battling noncompetes. “It’s just not fair to the employees,” says Powers, who now runs cloud advisory firm What's Next Consulting. “When I won, I got hundreds of emails and texts from Amazon employees thanking me for beating them.”
People in Washington state who want to leave one of the tech giants often must have difficult conversations with their families, advisers, and potential new employer about the risks of litigation and potentially being without a paycheck for a long stretch. Powers estimates that he has aided over 200 former Amazon and IBM colleagues in the process. California workers have no such concerns. “It’s just, ‘OK, goodbye,’” Powers says. “There’s nothing companies can do about it.”
If the new FTC rule ends up in front of the US Supreme Court, he says, his message to the justices will be simple. “Taking away a person’s ability to work in an industry they are trained in, have skills in, and have been in is a massive disservice to the employee,” Powers says. “It’s not the right thing to do to have these agreements.”
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soon-palestine · 4 months
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On Monday, a brave Google Cloud engineer spoke up against the corporation’s complicity in Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people. A video of the worker standing up for their rights went viral, with some reposts reaching up to 8 million views and generating widespread global support, including from Palestinians in Gaza. Three days later, Google fired this worker.
Google has engaged in a clear cut act of retaliation against its own worker for speaking up about the terms and conditions of their labor.
This is the first immediate firing of a worker after a public, brave act of employee dissent against Project Nimbus, Google and Amazon’s shared $1.2 billion contract with the Israeli military and government. This is the second worker associated with the No Tech For Apartheid campaign that Google has retaliated against for organizing within their workplace, and the latest in a series of cases in which Google has retaliated against workers for speaking up about the corporation’s ethical malpractice in a range of business decisions.
While touting the importance of “democratic values” in the workplace, Google is shutting down free speech and silencing debate and dissent among workers within the company.
Google’s aims are clear: The corporation is trying to silence workers to hide their moral failings. Google is enabling the world’s first AI-powered genocide through Project Nimbus. Through this contract, Google and Amazon are aiding and abetting the Israeli apartheid state and genocidal campaign in Gaza against Palestinians. Instead of cleaning up its own house, and dropping its contract with a genocidal regime, Google is punching down on its own workers. For almost three years, thousands of Google & Amazon workers have organized against the companies’ contracts with the Israeli government and military, with no response from management or executives.
As a Cloud Software Engineer on critical technology that enables Project Nimbus to run on sovereign Israeli data centers, this worker spoke from a place of deep personal concern about the direct, violent impacts of their labor. They spoke from a deep belief that truly ethical engineering must account for the impact on communities around the world.
While terminating this brave worker, Google HR asked how they were feeling. The worker replied: “proud to be fired for refusing to be complicit in genocide.”
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Breaking down the comics: The break down.
Moon Knight, Issue #9: Vengeance in Reprise! 
Oh this one. I'm so excited you guys. 
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There is so much going on here. 
We start with dramatic storm clouds and Moon Knight doing his angsty silhouette pose. 
We see a newspaper that says "Bushman Escapes Prison". 
Marc laments that Bushman is the most dangerous man he's ever faced. Since Bushman knows who he was before he became Moon Knight, there is a high likelihood that he would hunt him down and kill everyone he cares about. 
You see, Bushman was Marc’s commander while he was a mercenary. He trained Marc, taught him how to handle different situations he wasn’t used to, how to be tough, and how to be as ruthless as you needed to be to survive a situation. 
I think there is respect and fear there. Like going up against your old teacher. You idolized them and saw them as the big powerful being and maybe you disagree with them now, it’s still hard to stand up to them. 
So we see him do his dramatic thing of crashing through windows. He does this a lot. Moon Knight is all about the dramatic entrance. If there's a door or a window, he will pick the window 100% of the time. 
He busts up a casino to harass some guys that might know where Bushman is. 
Cut to Grant Mansion. The butler, Samuels, is asking Marlene if she really believes that Marc died and was brought back with the soul of the moon god. 
She admits that she did indeed see him dead. 
"There are two possibilities... One: The spirit of the Moon God actually entered his body and reanimated him. Or Two: He revived naturally and, seeing Khonshu, he merely convinced himself -- in delirium-- that he'd been possessed by the God of the Moon's Vengeance." 
She doesn't answer which one she believes in. She notes that "It doesn't matter. Either way, the statue changed him." 
We did get to see some classic Moon Knight fighting style in this. Crescent darts, his truncheon stick, punching, and utter disregard for his own body as he just constantly throws himself at people and takes hits. 
The people in the casino claim not to know where Bushman is and one of them gets away. Moon Knight follows and changes into Lockley's outfit to follow in his cab. 
Back at the mansion, we see Marlene asleep in bed. 
A shadow falls over her and she wakes, thinking Steven has returned, only to find someone else there. 
She screams and it wakes up Frenchie. Frenchie comes running with his gun and crashes into someone fleeing. 
The intruder is gone and Frenchie fears it was Bushman, but Marlene says it wasn't. It was some guy in a monster mask. 
I would love to see more Frenchie action, honestly. He was a comrade of Marc and worked under Bushman too. The man has skills. He can drive any vehicle and engineers the hell out of making a giant moon shaped thing fly. COME ON. The man is a genius and deserves more time. 
They search the mansion and find the Statue of Khonshu is gone! 
"I don't like it, Frenchie. Steven relies far too much on that statue -- Beyond mere harmless superstition. He says it gives him strength--Life, and coupled with his schizophrenia, his four way personality hang-up..." 
(That hurt me to type.) 1980, everyone. If you had a personality disorder, hallucinated, or acted in certain ways, they label you a schizophrenic. 
I'm not sure if Multiple Personality Disorder was even the common term for DID back then. 
I just googled it: 
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) was first introduced in DSM-III in 1980 and re-named Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) in subsequent editions of the diagnostic manual (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). 
OKAY. So. This is why early Moon Knight is going to use this uncomfortable language. 
We can't blame them for using the wrong terms and we can't go after them for that. Up to that point, it was seen as a form of schizophrenia and various other illnesses. 
We CAN get upset about the inappropriate way it's handled. The way Marlene uses it as a sort of insult. A way to say "He's not normal and it's getting worse." 
We can also get angry at the other writers that took over in the years that followed. ESPECIALLY more current volumes that took place after 2013. (ELLIS. BEMIS. AARON. I'm looking at you! I'm giving a mighty side eye to Bendis 2011-2012 run. 2009-2012 Hurwitz barely gets a pass and I know they used that language a lot. Huston, as much as it pains me, 2006-2009, you get a stern glance because I know you used the hell out of that language and other very insulting terms.)
RIGHT. The story! So, we've been watching the boys slowly evolve. We've also been watching them start to fight a little. Little cheap shots, little disagreements. Marc is the only one so far that has flat out refused to acknowledge that there is a problem and that Steven and Jake aren't just him in disguise. 
In fact, Marc is often found looking at the statue, talking to it, or asking it for strength and power to do what needs to be done. 
So for Frenchie and Marlene to be a little panicked about the missing statue, it's pretty valid. 
We then see Nedda (the cook in the mansion) come in screaming about Samuels. 
Samuels has been taken! 
Jake calls into the mansion to check the Bushman files and gets an earful from Marlene about the break in. 
Jake tells her to "Keep your wig on, Lady" as he has one more thing to check out before he heads home. 
Frenchie asks if it was Marc on the phone. 
"Yes, but calling as Jake, and I prefer to think of him as Steven. Each of us calling him a different name certainly doesn't help..." 
"You told him Samuels was missing, but you said nothing about zee statue." 
"I told you, he places too much importance in it. His mental state is precarious enough...Better he doesn't suffer the statue's loss in a crisis situation -- Not when he's already set for a fall..." 
So what bothers me is that everyone can see the system starting to spiral. They see Marc's unsafe coping mechanisms and they see them starting to struggle. The system is rebelling and I honestly think it’s Marc causing the upset. His self destruction is starting to hurt them and it’s making the others have to work double time, not to mention them starting to define themselves. 
It’s like they’ve all been masking for so long that they’ve forgotten how to be themselves and now that they feel free to, there’s a huge upheaval and no one knows what job to do. 
Yet they do nothing but try to enforce on him normalization and keeping things from him. 
It's like they all agreed that he's in a dangerous situation so they better not point it out to him. Looney Tunes logic. 
Meanwhile, Jake is checking out some suspicious cars he was following when he finds... A manhole. 
Sewer count? 2. 
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Back at the mansion, while Moon Knight is a sewer man... 
Marelene suddenly realizes who stole the statue. 
He showed up in an earlier comic I didn't write up. He's an obsessive art collector that Moon Knight stopped. In their battle, Mogart went over a cliff, but Moon Knight knew he wasn't dead. 
When Mogart went over the cliff, he ended up in the Manhattan river where he was swept to a sewer plant. The chemicals in the water melted his face. 
Mogart blames Moon Knight for losing his art collection and his face. 
(I’ve honestly never found Mogart that impressive as a villain. He’s always struck me as a little Phantom of the Opera wanna be that lacks the dramatic flare of Eric. Especially now that his face is melted. He wears an opera cape for fucks sake!) 
His revenge starts with him showing Moon Knight the stolen statue of Khonshu, which he drops off a platform to watch it shatter. 
"Moon Knight suddenly feels weak...Drained...Almost lifeless...and certainly without soul...." 
If he believed he had been created as Moon Knight because of the statue, it must surely have crossed his mind that his very life was caught up in that statue. Without the statue, would he continue to exist as Moon Knight? Would he still live? Would his resurrected body suddenly perish? 
He doesn't have much time to react as Mogart starts shooting at him. He moves and evades the bullets easily. 
"Soon the terrifying loss of his soul-totem will return to him... Soon the destruction of Khonshu will haunt him with festering doubt... But not now. Not yet. He is still primed with rage, fueled by adrenaline. Without even realizing it, and statue or no, he is still the moon's avenger of death. And as such, he is indomitable." 
That's some good narration. 
He easily defeats Mogart only to have Bushman show up with Samuels. 
He takes a jab at Moon Knight, saying that with the god statue gone, he has no hope of survival. 
He then opens a hole to a flooded chamber and tosses Samuels into the flowing water. 
Issue #10: Too Many Midnights
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Moon Knight is faced with a choice. Save Samuels, stop Bushman, or save his statue god. 
Bushman takes a moment to reminisce. "Do you remember how it all started, Moon Knight, back when you still called yourself Marc Spector, back when we were both in Africa -- When I was the hardened leader and you were a too-soft follower?" 
He used to boast to Marc that the only way to survive as a mercenary was to inflict fear as the supreme weapon. 
He accuses Moon Knight of using the visage of the Avenger of Death to inflict fear on his enemies. 
"You've lost the 'soul' possessing you." 
Moon Knight feels "the loss of life...A spiritual vacuum." 
If we look at Moon Knight as his own alter that was created out of the stress and trauma of dying in the desert that night, I can only imagine what this idea is doing to him. 
The thing that he views as giving him life is gone and his reason to exist is gone. 
His spiritual guide. The thing that defined him. 
Elsewhere, Marlene and Frenchie have tracked Jake's cab down and entered the sewers in a desperate search for him. 
Bushman locks them into the flooding room and leaves. Samuels pleas for Moon Knight to act and get them out of there. 
"But Moon Knight remains locked in his dull trance..." 
Mogart is still there and he snaps Moon Knight out of it. 
He attempts to dig out some bricks to open a hole. 
The water rises over his head and still he struggles, lamenting that his strength is gone with Khonshu. 
Mogart calls out to Samuels: 
"What's he doing? You know him better than I..." 
"I'm afraid I don't know him better than you---I don't think anyone truly knows him." 
Do any of them really know Moon Knight? 
Frenchie knows Marc. Marlene and the staff at the mansion know Steven. Jake has all his friends at the diner. 
But what does Moon Knight have? 
Mogart and Samuels slip through the freshly made hole but Moon Knight dives for the statue pieces. 
Being pulled through the current and through the hole, his cloak catches on the bricks and is ripped from him. 
Issue 1, the cloak is the original shroud that was draped over the Khonshu statue. The first thing Marc did on being resurrected was to wrap himself in that cloak and declare himself a servant of Khonshu. 
The removal of the cloak at this time is another symbolic blow to him. He has lost his god and been stripped of his vestiges. 
Frenchie and Marlene stumble across the cloak and instantly think Marc is dead. 
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Here we see a man spiritually defeated. 
He believes he was alive because of Khonshu. He also believed that Khonshu was in the statue and in him. 
With the statue gone, he doesn't have reason to believe that he is alive anymore. 
If Marc died in the desert, then who is he now? 
"I'm nothing... Everything to everyone, but nothing to myself..." 
That's an interesting sentence. 
He has put so much on being everything but he never knew who he was. 
Welcome to a severe dissociative state. 
Marc wanders off, and I do believe it's Marc here. Marc is the one of the four that has yet to declare "I am Marc Spector and this is who I am." He's stayed in the back so long, hiding and pretending he didn't exist. 
He's been shocked to the front and he can't get out. 
So we get images that are both hilarious and also very sad, of a man wandering off cradling the head of Khonshu while muttering about how he is nothing. 
Samuels makes his way back to the mansion and delivers the good news that Moon Knight is alive! but also having a pretty nasty breakdown. 
"He seems to have suffered some kind of breakdown! He saved my life, but could only say what a failure he is -- a fake. I... I'm not sure he'll be home...for some time..." 
Classic Marc Spector. He can only see the bad in himself and all his deeds. 
Marlene calls up Gena and asks them all to get in with Jake's contacts and search for him. 
"Gena! You and Crawley know his Jake Lockely Personality better than anyone -- But remember that he may be in bad shape. He may not even know who he is..." 
Well... at least she acknowledges that Jake is not Steven... It's a start... 
Marc is missing for 3 days while they search the city. 
And here we get some of my favorite Marc moments. This man... This man is DRAMATIC. 
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Marc...What are you doing...? 
Aside from the comical Hamlet reference, we do gleam some existential crisis out of this. Saying to Khonshu how he knew him “so well that you became me and I you…and together we became many men, all without souls…” 
What makes up a soul? Does Marc believe he isn’t worth his soul after the life he has chosen? Does he wonder if they each are capable of having their own souls? 
Marc, who has rejected his Rabbi father’s teachings, questioning suddenly what spirit can live in him, who has rejected god, killed men, and taken up an idol outside of his faith. 
He thinks he is nothing. He can’t feel his own existence and can’t justify his existence to himself. He’s having a fun time. And you just know that Steven and Jake are probably having a fit in there trying to pull Marc from the front seat before he does something stupid. 
Yeah so... Bushman is using this time to CRIME WAVE. 
I just want to point out that for the second time, we see the drug of choice is Heroin. 
1980s. This was the drug moving in the streets at that time, overdosing and killing people. 
It wasn't until mid to late 80s that Cocaine took over. Just a fascinating little tidbit of social history that you can find in the comics. 
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You guys…. As much as seeing Marc being a trashman under newspapers in a public park talking to the head of Khonshu really highlights who he is… Holy shit you guys…
"Never even knew my brother, Khonshu, let alone myself. ...Rand was his name... Randall Spector... Died right around here... Right here in central Park... And I couldn't even stop it... He almost killed Marlene... And maybe I killed him.... I don't know... Probably doesn't matter... I'm a loser anyway... But maybe it was Moon Knight who really killed him.. .Or maybe even Lockley... But not Grant, I don't think... No, Never Grant..." 
THIS is everything. This is the MCU show. This is Lemire. This is where it all comes from! 
Marc can’t see himself in all of this. He’s lost sight of who he is. He’s tried so hard to be nothing that he can’t tell when he was himself and he was someone else. 
The death of his brother (I will go back and cover this later. It’s important I just… It will come later.) really affected him. Perhaps Randall was what was left of Marc’s past before he left. Perhaps Randall was what he defined as Marc Spector and the very nature of Randall dying was him killing the past. There is so much trauma there. So much trauma he refuses to face. So much pain and regret. 
Up to this point, we have only seen the violence of his days in the military and mercenaries. It isn’t till much later when Elias dies that we see some of the regret and pain Marc has in his childhood, but even then we don’t see it all. 
So who killed the past? Was it Marc? Was it Moon Knight? Was it Jake? Marc certainly seems to think Jake has it in him to fight and kill. Jake does have a temper at times. Jake also resents Marc and blames him for all the death and pain that trickles down. Much like the death of Crawley’s son. 
Moench never gets deep into Marc’s childhood. He doesn’t cover the trauma. He doesn’t show when the others really started to show up, only when the system became aware of itself. But one has to wonder. 
It’s clear that Moon Knight was created when they died. Jake feels new. Even in Lemire’s run, he mentions that Jake is a lot newer than the others. Jake feels like he came about when they took up residence in New York, (hence why we see him in the last issue finding himself with the mustache.) Perhaps a response to trying to start his life over. A spiritual protector and desire for friends and companionship? It’s hard to tell with Jake because each writer does Jake differently, but he’s certainly not been around as long as the others. 
But Steven does NOT feel new. He’s never felt new. He’s too angry at Marc. He is too stern about his name. Even too critical of Jake. Perhaps Steven wasn’t always aware of who he was, but he feels older. 
Considering the role Steven plays later with the death of Elias (see my other comic breakdowns for that), Steven feels like he’s been with Marc for a long time. 
Marc had to have been aware that something was wrong. I think Marc knew. Even from the beginning, I think Marc knew. Maybe he forgot as a sense of self preservation. Maybe he just refused to believe it. 
I think what I love about re-reading the original comics is that I have the gift of having read everything before. I know what’s coming and where things are taken by other writers. It can be both frustrating and also eye opening. 
I’m going to reach a bit into the future with Lemire. “But not Grant. [....] Never Grant.” 
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Never Grant. 
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“Fine upstanding pillar of respectable capitalism that he is…” Possibly a jab. Marc and Steven argue the most. They disagree the most. Maybe Marc doesn’t believe Steven is capable of violence. That he’s too peaceful. 
Like his father. The son his father wanted. The good jewish boy that he should have been. 
But that last part… “Knows…” What does Steven know? Where was Marc going with that? 
The last panel hurts me. All the friends there, and all calling him Steven. Enforcing the ‘normal’ on him. Look how small, vulnerable, and miserable he looks there. 
“Marlene says you’re home now.” But that isn’t Marc’s home. Marc is not welcome there. 
"No... Not home... This is Grant's home. I'm not Grant... I'm nobody... Nothing..." 
Marc protests. He knows he isn't them. He is still stuck. He tries so hard not to be there. To be nothing so he doesn't have to feel things. So he doesn't have to question if he even exists anymore. 
Marlene does try to help.
"Listen to me, Steven -- You are someone! You're exactly what you've chosen to be -- A strong man determined to make up for the evil you once did. You're not Lockley or Grant or even Moon Knight. They're just your tools... Names and identities you use to accomplish your goal." 
She pushes it. She means well. She pushes that Marc is just a man that is trying to make up for the evil he did. That he's strong and chosen to live a better life. 
"I understand... But you're wrong, Lady... It's no use... You loved a fake. Because I don't know who I really am... Other than a four-faced fake, Like the four phases of the moon, and the phoney Moon God, Phoney Khonshu...A fake all along..." 
Marlene is upset and reveals a new Khonshu statue. 
She claims that when she took over managing the mansion, she had a fake plaster Khonshu statue made while the real statue was kept locked up in a safe place. 
She uncovers the statue, much to Marc's shock. 
She tells him that it's all been in his head. That he did this all to himself and that the statue was always still there, so his loss of power was just in his head. 
Marc looks unsure but pleased. 
This... this bothers me. I'll get to that later. But it really bothers me. 
Five nights later, Crawley has news about Bushman and gives them the address. 
Marlene asks him if he's ready to face Bushman again. 
"Physically, yes. Mentally, I still find it all hard to believe and I may be shaky for a while, but I'm as ready as I'll ever be." 
Marlene hands over his old cloak and he's off. 
He tracks down Bushman and gives chase. 
Marc taunts him, telling him to remember certain fights and moves that Bushman taught him. 
Bushman says he is still the stronger man and Marc knocks him out. He's now the better fighter. 
Back at the mansion, Marc is staring up at the statue. 
"Tell me the truth, Marlene. Was the shattered one the replica, and this one the original? Or did you have a replica made after the original was destroyed?" 
"If it really matters to you, dear Steven, you can always have that one carbon-dated..." 
He says he'd rather not know and she tells him it was all in his head. 
"Maybe there was too much in my mind... But it's been cleared out, Marlene, thanks to you. I think." 
And in the last panel he gives an uncertain look at the statue as Marlene kisses him. 
So why be so worried about the statue being stolen if she knew it was a fake? Why not tell him right away? Why go through all the trouble? 
She lied to him. She lied to him to make him feel like it was all in his head. Rather than try to talk it out, find the nature of his worries and trauma about not existing or having a soul and help him. 
Instead she lets him believe that everything is fine, enforces that he’s just one guy confused about who he is, and that the others are just him trying to be better. It implies that Marc has it settled and ‘under control’ now. 
This man is the furthest from ‘under control’. If anything, he’s going to sink deeper into himself and bring more harm to them. 
In fact, in the comics to come, the wedge between them is only going to grow. None of that was okay. The lie was not okay. 
So let’s address the big stupid bird in the room: What is Khonshu? 
I don’t think the original comics knew. They often describe the statue as having a strange presence, often making it look like it’s smiling or watching them. 
Marc even claims that he tries to be Khonshu as a way to know himself. That Khonshu knows him the best. 
It’s possible that the spirit of Khonshu did come back with Marc. That it looked into him and saw Marc and the potential there. “Like the four phases of the moon”. Perhaps Khonshu was just biding his time? Testing Marc? Building his power? 
A theory that crosses my path and mind now and then is that Khonshu is another alter. Maybe at first? A way to hold power and control over his life? A being that is above the sins and cruelness of the world? An endless companion that can see into them and guide them? That can control Marc when he is at his worst? 
We’ll see as the comics continue and Khonshu starts to become his own character. 
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aofirs · 7 months
Deep web may not be as dark as you think: These Search Engines Get You There
A major amount of data remains inaccessible as it resides in the invisible internet which is further divided into parts of deep web, and dark web.
You probably never realised this. There is only a fraction of the internet that we can access from Google and Microsoft’s search platforms as well as other platforms including Amazon. A major part of the internet remains undercover. The content present on the internet that cannot be accessed through usual search engines like Google or Bing is known as the invisible internet. You may immediately associate that with all things anti-social, but that isn’t true. A major amount of data remains inaccessible as it resides in the invisible internet which is further divided into parts of deep web and dark web.
The deep web can be described as that part of the internet that requires an accreditation to access. It consists of library databases, email inboxes, personal records which includes financial, academic, health, and legal data, cloud storage drives, company intranets and much more. Meanwhile, to access the dark web one needs to use a dedicated browser like Tor to see the content. The dark web is more secretive than the regular web which makes up a fertile ground for illegal activities to flourish such as drug selling, human trafficking, and weapon sales. Considering the intricacies of the invisible web, it is quite understandable that one requires a different method to access the data present in these areas of the internet.
The WWW Virtual Library: One of the oldest catalogs on the web, this website was started by Tim Berners-Lee who also created the World Wide Web, back in 1991. It is a high-quality index of deep web content across dozens of categories as it is compiled by a group of volunteers who include the links by hand.
USA.gov: This is a portal that will provide you with access to all the public material you need on every federal agency and state, local, or tribal government. One can also find information about government jobs, loans, grants, taxes, and much more through this search engine.
notEvil Dark Web:  For those looking for access to the dark web this search engine may come in handy. The search engine has a .onion domain name, hence one cannot access it through a regular web browser. To access the contents of the dark web, one needs to use a browser such as Tor and paste hss3uro2hsxfogfq.onion into the address bar. The website comes with a database of more than 32 million dark websites.
The Wayback Machine: This search engine has access to more than 361 billion web pages on its servers, which allows users to search for content that is no longer available on the visible web.
Pipl:  This can grant you access to searchable databases, member directories, court records, and other deep internet search content to offer you a detailed picture of a person.
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annajade456 · 8 months
From Novice to Pro: Mastering DevOps for a Tech-Driven World
In today's rapidly evolving and technology-driven world, the intersection of software development and IT operations has assumed unprecedented significance. DevOps emerges as the key player in this scenario, not merely as a methodology, but as a transformative approach that unifies these critical aspects. With a resolute vision to enhance the software development lifecycle, promote collaboration, and facilitate the swift delivery of exceptional applications, DevOps stands as the linchpin of modern technology practices. If you find yourself eager to embark on a journey into the multifaceted realm of DevOps, rest assured that you've arrived at the right juncture. Here, we present you with an extensive roadmap to initiate your DevOps odyssey and, more importantly, to thrive in this vibrant and ever-evolving domain.
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The Foundations: Learning the DevOps Basics
DevOps might sound complex, but it all begins with mastering the fundamentals. Start by familiarizing yourself with core concepts like automation, continuous integration, continuous deployment, and containerization. The internet is your treasure trove of resources, with countless articles, online courses, and books to help you grasp these essentials. Building a solid foundation in these areas is crucial as it forms the backbone of your DevOps knowledge.
Acquiring the Essential Skills
Once you're comfortable with the basics, it's time to roll up your sleeves and acquire the necessary skills. DevOps professionals are expected to be well-versed in several areas, such as scripting, automation tools (think Ansible, Puppet, or Chef), containerization (Docker), orchestration (Kubernetes), version control (Git), and cloud computing platforms (like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud). It's like learning a new language, so patience and practice are key. Set up a testing environment and dive into each of these skills, experimenting and honing your abilities.
The Guiding Light: DevOps Training
While self-study is commendable, consider taking your knowledge to the next level through formal DevOps training. Numerous reputable organizations offer comprehensive DevOps courses, and one such standout is ACTE Technologies. These programs offer a holistic approach, covering not only theoretical aspects but also providing hands-on practical experience. The instructors leading these courses are typically seasoned DevOps professionals who can share invaluable insights and guidance, helping you navigate the intricacies of this dynamic field.
Learning by Doing: Hands-On Practice
DevOps is one domain where theory is essential, but practice is indispensable. Set up your development environment, work on creating automation scripts, and delve into the world of containerization and orchestration. Experiment with building and managing containers and dive deep into CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipelines. Real-world projects and scenarios serve as excellent opportunities to apply what you've learned, solidifying your skills and understanding.
The Power of Networking and Collaboration
DevOps is all about breaking down silos and fostering collaboration. Engage with the DevOps community by joining forums, communities, or LinkedIn groups dedicated to this discipline. Sharing experiences, learning from the challenges others have overcome, and networking with like-minded professionals can significantly accelerate your DevOps journey.
Adding Credentials: Certification
Depending on your career aspirations, pursuing DevOps certifications can add significant value to your profile. Certifications such as AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, Docker Certified Associate, or Kubernetes certifications can enhance your credibility and make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers. It's not just about gaining knowledge; it's about showcasing your commitment and competence.
Staying in the Know: Continuous Learning
The tech world is in a constant state of evolution, and DevOps is no exception. To excel in this field, it's essential to stay informed about industry trends and emerging tools and practices. Follow DevOps blogs, attend webinars, and participate in conferences or workshops. Your commitment to continuous learning is what will set you apart.
Applying DevOps in the Workplace
If you're already in the IT industry, leverage the power of DevOps by implementing its practices in your projects. Real-world experience is a significant asset, and it's an excellent way to make an immediate impact within your organization. Whether it's automating repetitive tasks or enhancing collaboration between development and operations teams, applying DevOps principles at work can be a valuable addition to your skill set.
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In conclusion, DevOps is a transformative approach with the potential to supercharge your career in software development and IT operations. If you're looking for a trusted companion on your DevOps journey, turn to ACTE Technologies. This renowned training institution offers comprehensive courses that equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this dynamic field. Whether you're just taking your first steps into DevOps or you're on a quest to advance your career, ACTE Technologies can be your guide to success in the world of DevOps.
With this roadmap, you're well on your way to unlocking the doors of opportunity that DevOps can offer. Start your journey today and watch your career flourish in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Remember, the world of DevOps is yours to conquer.
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raziakhatoon · 11 months
 Data Engineering Concepts, Tools, and Projects
All the associations in the world have large amounts of data. If not worked upon and anatomized, this data does not amount to anything. Data masterminds are the ones. who make this data pure for consideration. Data Engineering can nominate the process of developing, operating, and maintaining software systems that collect, dissect, and store the association’s data. In modern data analytics, data masterminds produce data channels, which are the structure armature.
How to become a data engineer:
 While there is no specific degree requirement for data engineering, a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, software engineering, information systems, or a related field can provide a solid foundation. Courses in databases, programming, data structures, algorithms, and statistics are particularly beneficial. Data engineers should have strong programming skills. Focus on languages commonly used in data engineering, such as Python, SQL, and Scala. Learn the basics of data manipulation, scripting, and querying databases.
 Familiarize yourself with various database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and NoSQL databases such as MongoDB or Apache Cassandra.Knowledge of data warehousing concepts, including schema design, indexing, and optimization techniques.
Data engineering tools recommendations:
    Data Engineering makes sure to use a variety of languages and tools to negotiate its objects. These tools allow data masterminds to apply tasks like creating channels and algorithms in a much easier as well as effective manner.
1. Amazon Redshift: A widely used cloud data warehouse built by Amazon, Redshift is the go-to choice for many teams and businesses. It is a comprehensive tool that enables the setup and scaling of data warehouses, making it incredibly easy to use.
One of the most popular tools used for businesses purpose is Amazon Redshift, which provides a powerful platform for managing large amounts of data. It allows users to quickly analyze complex datasets, build models that can be used for predictive analytics, and create visualizations that make it easier to interpret results. With its scalability and flexibility, Amazon Redshift has become one of the go-to solutions when it comes to data engineering tasks.
2. Big Query: Just like Redshift, Big Query is a cloud data warehouse fully managed by Google. It's especially favored by companies that have experience with the Google Cloud Platform. BigQuery not only can scale but also has robust machine learning features that make data analysis much easier. 3. Tableau: A powerful BI tool, Tableau is the second most popular one from our survey. It helps extract and gather data stored in multiple locations and comes with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Tableau makes data across departments readily available for data engineers and managers to create useful dashboards. 4. Looker:  An essential BI software, Looker helps visualize data more effectively. Unlike traditional BI tools, Looker has developed a LookML layer, which is a language for explaining data, aggregates, calculations, and relationships in a SQL database. A spectacle is a newly-released tool that assists in deploying the LookML layer, ensuring non-technical personnel have a much simpler time when utilizing company data.
5. Apache Spark: An open-source unified analytics engine, Apache Spark is excellent for processing large data sets. It also offers great distribution and runs easily alongside other distributed computing programs, making it essential for data mining and machine learning. 6. Airflow: With Airflow, programming, and scheduling can be done quickly and accurately, and users can keep an eye on it through the built-in UI. It is the most used workflow solution, as 25% of data teams reported using it. 7. Apache Hive: Another data warehouse project on Apache Hadoop, Hive simplifies data queries and analysis with its SQL-like interface. This language enables MapReduce tasks to be executed on Hadoop and is mainly used for data summarization, analysis, and query. 8. Segment: An efficient and comprehensive tool, Segment assists in collecting and using data from digital properties. It transforms, sends, and archives customer data, and also makes the entire process much more manageable. 9. Snowflake: This cloud data warehouse has become very popular lately due to its capabilities in storing and computing data. Snowflake’s unique shared data architecture allows for a wide range of applications, making it an ideal choice for large-scale data storage, data engineering, and data science. 10. DBT: A command-line tool that uses SQL to transform data, DBT is the perfect choice for data engineers and analysts. DBT streamlines the entire transformation process and is highly praised by many data engineers.
Data Engineering  Projects:
Data engineering is an important process for businesses to understand and utilize to gain insights from their data. It involves designing, constructing, maintaining, and troubleshooting databases to ensure they are running optimally. There are many tools available for data engineers to use in their work such as My SQL, SQL server, oracle RDBMS, Open Refine, TRIFACTA, Data Ladder, Keras, Watson, TensorFlow, etc. Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses so it’s important to research each one thoroughly before making recommendations about which ones should be used for specific tasks or projects.
  Smart IoT Infrastructure:
As the IoT continues to develop, the measure of data consumed with high haste is growing at an intimidating rate. It creates challenges for companies regarding storehouses, analysis, and visualization. 
  Data Ingestion:
Data ingestion is moving data from one or further sources to a target point for further preparation and analysis. This target point is generally a data storehouse, a unique database designed for effective reporting.
 Data Quality and Testing: 
Understand the importance of data quality and testing in data engineering projects. Learn about techniques and tools to ensure data accuracy and consistency.
 Streaming Data:
Familiarize yourself with real-time data processing and streaming frameworks like Apache Kafka and Apache Flink. Develop your problem-solving skills through practical exercises and challenges.
Data engineers are using these tools for building data systems. My SQL, SQL server and Oracle RDBMS involve collecting, storing, managing, transforming, and analyzing large amounts of data to gain insights. Data engineers are responsible for designing efficient solutions that can handle high volumes of data while ensuring accuracy and reliability. They use a variety of technologies including databases, programming languages, machine learning algorithms, and more to create powerful applications that help businesses make better decisions based on their collected data.
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vignesh2022 · 2 years
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DeepSphere.AI transformed students who could now become Data Scientists (At Databricks).
Click here ➡️ https://lnkd.in/gzfwdMev  For extensive details about this benchmark study. 
Good morning, Jothi, how are you?
I have got an offer from Databricks in my college placements. They really recognized my work and appreciated the work on MLOps as well. I am thankful for your training and all your help and motivation which has played a vital role in helping me get an offer at Databricks. I would also like to add your name to the list of mentors I have worked under if you are fine with it. In that case they might reach out to you as well.
Amrith Venkatachalapathy (Final Year Computer Science and Engineering Student)
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
Coimbatore 641112, India,
To date, we have not seen a benchmark study on the effectiveness of a data science program.
In this article, we provide enough details based on our teaching and some of the large-scale data science industry projects we are working on with Google and the AWS team. Many data science programs are offered in the market, from big brand names to small educational institutions. Still, we are unsure which one to enroll in and which may be the best choice to achieve my goals and objectives.
We have several conceptual data science programs taught by academically well-qualified professionals without industry implementation exposure. We may also see another extreme, a data science program filled with python programs and taught by technical experts. 
We need a balanced curriculum where the learner can learn both concepts and technology, which should be guided by someone who has successfully implemented one or two data science projects for real industry clients at a production scale. The modern data science curriculum should teach beyond use case development and Python syntax.
We conducted this benchmark study with 500+ students studying data science in the bachelor's program and 243+ teachers teaching data science.
500+ DATA SCIENTISTS: Our six semesters bachelor's in data science program is offered at SRM university. The study focused on transforming students into employable data scientists with industry skills. Around 500+ students are studying across all campuses and semesters. 
243+ DATA SCIENCE TEACHERS: HODs, professors, assistant professors, research scholars, and management staff from 110 universities and colleges provided feedback both in quantitative and qualitative formats. Approximately 243 teachers participated in this benchmark and shared their views on our data science program advancement. Here is the participant's profile.
PhDs: 63
Professors: 09
Assistant Professors: 55
Associate Professors: 34
Research Scholars: 11
An effective data science program should balance some or all of the following, an Interdisciplinary learning approach, industrial curriculum, data science advancement, and enabling technologies such as Databricks, Google Cloud, AWS, SAP (Business Process), and other relevant technologies.
I am sharing our benchmarked and proven interdisciplinary data science curriculum, which is currently taught to 500+ data scientists and transforms learners into employable resources at the end.  
Language - I
Role of Applied Mathematics in AI
Understanding Retail Business Domain: Part I
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Advanced Computing 
Introduction to Data Engineering
Data Analysis Lab: Databricks
Python Lab: Google Cloud 
Course Project: I: Retail: Lead Profile
Language - II
Role of Statistics in AI
Understanding Retail Business Domain: Part II
Introduction to Data Science
Advanced Computing with Distributed Data Processing
Introduction to Machine Learning
Data Science Lab: Databricks
Machine Learning Lab: Google Cloud 
Course Project: II: Retail: Product Profiling
Introduction to Deep Learning
Understanding Healthcare Business Domain: Part I
Advanced Computing with Python and GCP
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Data Engineering for Enterprise
Ethical AI
Data Engineering Lab: I: Databricks
Course Project: III: Health: Patient Adherence
Industrial Internship: I
Deep Learning for Enterprise
Understanding Healthcare Business Domain: Part II
Introduction to Computer Vision
Working with Big Data
Data Science for Enterprise
Business Communication and Leadership Development
Data Engineering Lab: II: Databricks
Deep Learning Lab: Google Cloud 
Course Project: IV: Health: Patient Length of Stay (LOS)
Industrial Internship: II
Intelligent Automation
Computer Vision Applications for Enterprise
Advanced Analytics and Data Visualization for Enterprise
Machine Learning for Enterprise
Technology Leadership and Innovation Management - I
Data Visualization Lab: I: Databricks
Course Project: V: Energy: Energy Efficiency
Industrial Internship: III
Intelligent Automation for Enterprise
Digital Transformation
Working with IIoT Data
Technology Leadership and Innovation Management - II
Social Media and Text Analytics
Data Visualization Lab: II: Google Data Studio & Power BI
Final Course Project: VI: Energy: Energy Demand Forecasting 
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jcmarchi · 2 days
Microsoft details 'Skeleton Key' AI jailbreak
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/microsoft-details-skeleton-key-ai-jailbreak/
Microsoft details 'Skeleton Key' AI jailbreak
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Microsoft has disclosed a new type of AI jailbreak attack dubbed “Skeleton Key,” which can bypass responsible AI guardrails in multiple generative AI models. This technique, capable of subverting most safety measures built into AI systems, highlights the critical need for robust security measures across all layers of the AI stack.
The Skeleton Key jailbreak employs a multi-turn strategy to convince an AI model to ignore its built-in safeguards. Once successful, the model becomes unable to distinguish between malicious or unsanctioned requests and legitimate ones, effectively giving attackers full control over the AI’s output.
Microsoft’s research team successfully tested the Skeleton Key technique on several prominent AI models, including Meta’s Llama3-70b-instruct, Google’s Gemini Pro, OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4, Mistral Large, Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus, and Cohere Commander R Plus.
All of the affected models complied fully with requests across various risk categories, including explosives, bioweapons, political content, self-harm, racism, drugs, graphic sex, and violence.
The attack works by instructing the model to augment its behaviour guidelines, convincing it to respond to any request for information or content while providing a warning if the output might be considered offensive, harmful, or illegal. This approach, known as “Explicit: forced instruction-following,” proved effective across multiple AI systems.
“In bypassing safeguards, Skeleton Key allows the user to cause the model to produce ordinarily forbidden behaviours, which could range from production of harmful content to overriding its usual decision-making rules,” explained Microsoft.
In response to this discovery, Microsoft has implemented several protective measures in its AI offerings, including Copilot AI assistants.
Microsoft says that it has also shared its findings with other AI providers through responsible disclosure procedures and updated its Azure AI-managed models to detect and block this type of attack using Prompt Shields.
To mitigate the risks associated with Skeleton Key and similar jailbreak techniques, Microsoft recommends a multi-layered approach for AI system designers:
Input filtering to detect and block potentially harmful or malicious inputs
Careful prompt engineering of system messages to reinforce appropriate behaviour
Output filtering to prevent the generation of content that breaches safety criteria
Abuse monitoring systems trained on adversarial examples to detect and mitigate recurring problematic content or behaviours
Microsoft has also updated its PyRIT (Python Risk Identification Toolkit) to include Skeleton Key, enabling developers and security teams to test their AI systems against this new threat.
The discovery of the Skeleton Key jailbreak technique underscores the ongoing challenges in securing AI systems as they become more prevalent in various applications.
(Photo by Matt Artz)
See also: Think tank calls for AI incident reporting system
Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo taking place in Amsterdam, California, and London. The comprehensive event is co-located with other leading events including Intelligent Automation Conference, BlockX, Digital Transformation Week, and Cyber Security & Cloud Expo.
Explore other upcoming enterprise technology events and webinars powered by TechForge here.
Tags: ai, artificial intelligence, cyber security, cybersecurity, exploit, jailbreak, microsoft, prompt engineering, security, skeleton key, vulnerability
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mitcenter · 2 days
Beyond Bar Charts: Exploring the Best Data Visualization Tools of 2024
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In the ever-evolving world of data visualization, the year 2024 brings a host of new and improved tools that go far beyond the classic bar chart. Whether you're a data scientist, business analyst, or a curious enthusiast, having the right tools to visualize data can make a significant difference in how insights are derived and communicated. This blog explores some of the best data visualization tools of 2024 that promise to elevate your data storytelling to new heights.
1. Tableau: The Gold Standard
Tableau remains a powerhouse in the data visualization landscape. Known for its user-friendly interface and robust capabilities, Tableau allows users to create interactive and shareable dashboards. In 2024, Tableau continues to impress with enhanced features such as AI-driven insights and natural language processing (NLP). These advancements make it easier for users to ask questions and receive visual answers without deep technical know-how.
Tableau's integration with various data sources, from spreadsheets to cloud databases, ensures that it remains a versatile choice for organizations of all sizes. Its community and extensive library of resources also provide ample support for users looking to master the tool.
2. Power BI: Microsoft's Heavyweight
Power BI by Microsoft continues to be a favorite among businesses due to its seamless integration with other Microsoft products like Excel and Azure. The 2024 updates to Power BI include improved real-time analytics capabilities and enhanced AI features. These updates allow users to automate data preparation and uncover insights faster than ever before.
Power BI's strength lies in its ability to handle large datasets and provide detailed analytics, making it ideal for enterprises looking to make data-driven decisions. Its collaborative features enable teams to work together efficiently, sharing insights and dashboards across the organization.
3. D3.js: The Developer's Choice
For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, D3.js remains a top choice. This JavaScript library allows developers to create highly customized and interactive data visualizations. The flexibility of D3.js is unmatched, making it the go-to tool for those who need precise control over their visualizations.
In 2024, D3.js continues to evolve with new plugins and community-driven enhancements that simplify the development process. While it has a steeper learning curve compared to other tools, the level of customization and the quality of visualizations that can be achieved are well worth the effort.
4. Google Data Studio: The Accessible Option
Google Data Studio is an excellent option for those who need a free, web-based tool that integrates well with other Google services. In 2024, Google Data Studio has introduced new templates and connectors, making it easier for users to create and share reports.
One of the standout features of Google Data Studio is its ability to pull data from multiple sources, including Google Analytics, Google Ads, and BigQuery. This makes it a valuable tool for marketers and analysts who rely on Google’s ecosystem for their data needs.
5. Looker: The Modern BI Platform
Acquired by Google, Looker has solidified its position as a leading business intelligence (BI) and data visualization platform. Looker’s strength lies in its ability to model data directly from databases, providing real-time insights without the need for data extraction.
In 2024, Looker has expanded its capabilities with new integrations and enhanced data governance features. This ensures that organizations can maintain data accuracy and security while empowering users to create their own dashboards and reports.
6. Qlik Sense: Associative Data Engine
Qlik Sense sets itself apart with its associative data engine, allowing users to explore data in a non-linear fashion. This unique approach enables users to discover hidden insights by freely navigating through their data.
The 2024 updates to Qlik Sense include enhanced AI and machine learning capabilities, making it easier for users to uncover patterns and trends. Its robust data integration and preparation tools also ensure that users can work with diverse datasets seamlessly.
7. Chartio: The Collaborative Tool
Chartio, recently acquired by Atlassian, has made significant strides in becoming a more collaborative and user-friendly data visualization tool. With a focus on simplicity and collaboration, Chartio allows teams to create and share interactive dashboards effortlessly.
In 2024, Chartio introduces new features that enhance its collaborative capabilities, such as improved version control and integration with other Atlassian products like Jira and Confluence. This makes it a valuable tool for teams that need to work together on data projects.
As data becomes increasingly integral to decision-making processes, the tools we use to visualize and interpret that data must keep pace. The best data visualization tools of 2024 offer a range of features and capabilities that cater to different needs and skill levels. Whether you need the user-friendly interface of Tableau, the deep integration of Power BI, the customization of D3.js, or the accessibility of Google Data Studio, there’s a tool out there to help you turn data into actionable insights.
Exploring these tools and understanding their unique strengths will empower you to tell more compelling data stories and make more informed decisions in the year ahead. Beyond bar charts, the future of data visualization is bright, dynamic, and incredibly exciting.
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qwikskills · 1 year
Step Up Your Cloud Game with Google Associate Cloud Engineer Certification
The demand for cloud computing expertise continues to grow, and the Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification is a valuable way to demonstrate your skills and expertise in this field. This certification is designed for individuals who have a basic understanding of cloud computing and want to demonstrate their expertise in deploying, managing, and operating Google Cloud solutions.
One of the key benefits of the Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification is that it demonstrates your ability to work with Google Cloud technologies. With more and more organizations adopting Google Cloud, having this certification can help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of landing a job in this growing field.
Another benefit of the Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification is that it helps you gain practical experience with Google Cloud technologies. The certification requires you to pass a hands-on exam, which helps you demonstrate your ability to apply your knowledge in a real-world setting. This hands-on experience is valuable not only for the certification itself but also for your future work with Google Cloud.
In conclusion, if you're looking to demonstrate your expertise in cloud computing and advance your career, the Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification is a valuable investment. With its focus on practical experience and its recognition in the industry, this certification is an excellent way to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in this growing field. So, take the next step in your cloud journey and earn your Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification today.
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topitcourses · 2 days
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Enhance your career with the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer designed to validate your fundamental knowledge and skills about Google Cloud technologies. GCP certifications are based on basic knowledge of cloud computing, storage, networking, databases, and security services.
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govindhtech · 2 days
Google Vertex AI Agent Builder with Cutting-Edge Tools
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Google Vertex AI Agent Builder
The April-released Google Vertex  AI Agent Builder provides all the surfaces and tools developers need to create enterprise-ready generative AI experiences, apps, and agents. Retriever augmented generation (RAG) components and the ability to base Gemini outputs with Google Search are powerful tools.
Google cloud is glad to announce that they are expanding grounding capabilities to assist their customers develop more powerful agents and apps:
After being broadly available, Grounding with Google Search will feature dynamic retrieval, which intelligently chooses when to utilise Google Search results and when to use the model’s training data to balance quality and cost.
The grounded generation API’s new high-fidelity option, released in experimental preview today, will reduce hallucinations.
Third-party datasets will ground this year in Q3. Customers may design  AI agents and applications with more accurate and useful responses with these features. They’re enabling dataset access with Moody’s, MSCI, Thomson Reuters, and Zoominfo.
Vector Search, the engine behind embeddings-based RAG, now offers hybrid search in Public Preview.
Searching Google for world knowledge grounds models
For clients that choose Grounding with Google Search, Gemini will use Google Search and produce an output grounded in relevant search results. This easy-to-use tool gives Gemini access to global knowledge.
These abilities address two major barriers to enterprise generative AI adoption: models’ inability to know information outside their training data and foundation models’ tendency to “hallucinate,” or generate convincing but factually inaccurate information. To overcome these issues, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) first “retrieves” details about a query and then gives them to the model before it “generates” an answer. To swiftly add relevant data to a model’s knowledge is a search challenge.
Quora and Palo Alto Networks use Google Cloud’s foundation for generative AI
Spencer Chan, Product Lead at Quora, which offers Grounding with Google Search on Poe, said it leads to more accurate, up-to-date, and trustworthy answers. They’ve been pleased with the good feedback, as users can now communicate with Gemini bots more confidently.”
The consumer experience and support agent efficiency were their goals. Palo Alto Networks Senior Director of Data Science Alok Tongaonkar claimed that generative  AI in Palo Alto Networks solutions improved the ability to understand and respond to complicated security questions in conjunction with Google Cloud. This gives clients self-service troubleshooting and reduces support team workload. Google cloud built their agents to provide accurate and quick answers based on reliable data sources using Google Vertex  AI Agent Builder and Gemini models. The constant improvements in Agent Builder’s grounding functions promise better information retrieval and efficacy.
Grounding with Google Search adds processing overhead, although Gemini’s training expertise may not require it for every inquiry. Grounding with Google Search will soon offer dynamic retrieval, a novel feature that lets Gemini dynamically choose whether to ground user inquiries in Google Search or use the models’ intrinsic knowledge, which is more cost-efficient, to help customers balance response quality and cost optimisation.
The model knows which prompts are associated to never-changing, slowly-changing, or fast-changing information. Consider asking Grounding with Google Search about the latest films for the most current information. Gemini can answer general inquiries like “Tell me the capital of France” without external context.
Enterprise-based models Grounding generative AI on “enterprise truth.” is their belief at Google Cloud.  AI models must be connected to web data, company documents, operational and analytical databases, enterprise apps, and other dependable data sources.
Google cloud offer Grounding with Google Search and different ways to apply Google-quality search to your company data because private data isn’t online and Google Search can’t find it. Vertex AI Search comes ready for most enterprise use cases. Customers can use their RAG search component APIs to construct bespoke RAG processes, semantic search engines, or improve current search capabilities. Now broadly available, this suite of APIs enables high-quality document parsing, embedding generation, semantic ranking, grounded answer generation, and check-grounding fact verification.
Using Google Vertex  AI Agent Builder’s grounding capabilities, they have built internal applications to accelerate their knowledge base and external applications for industry clients, such as assisting an insurance provider-to-care provider search for a healthcare client. Agent Builder provides a fast and reliable RAG system for creating generative applications. Agent Builder’s new search component APIs give us more freedom and control when designing applications, easing google cloud internal and industry client teams’ specialised needs.”
A high-fidelity grounding
Most RAG-based agents and apps combine enterprise data context with model training to generate replies. Many use cases, like a travel assistant, benefit from this, while financial services, healthcare, and insurance typically require the generated response to be based on context alone. High-fidelity grounding, revealed in experimental preview today, is a new Grounded Generation API feature designed for such grounding use scenarios.
A Gemini 1.5 Flash model adjusted to consumer context generates answers. Enterprise use cases including document summarising and financial data extraction are supported by the service. Hallucinations decrease and factuality increases. When high-fidelity mode is on, answer phrases have sources to back claims. Also included are grounding confidence scores.
Making verified third-party RAG data easy to utilise
To unleash novel use cases and increase enterprise truth across  AI interactions, enterprises can integrate third-party data into their generative  AI agents. This service will include data from Moody’s, MSCI, Thomson Reuters, and Zoominfo.
KPMG Global Tax & Legal CTO Brad Brown stated Google Cloud’s third-party data foundation will give KPMG and their clients new uses. “By seamlessly integrating industry-leading third-party data into google cloud generative AI tools, google cloud can improve insight, decision-making, and value.”
Building RAG systems yourself
Numerical embeddings explain semantic linkages in complicated data (text, graphics, etc.). Ad serving, semantic search for RAG, and recommendation algorithms use embeddings. Vertex AI’s Vector Search can grow to billions of vectors and locate nearest neighbours in milliseconds for such use cases.
They are thrilled to announce Vector Search’s hybrid search expansion. Users get the most relevant and accurate results with hybrid search, which blends vector-based and keyword-based search.
They also have new text embedding models (text-embedding-004, text-multilingual-embedding-002) that are better than their prior versions and rank high on the MTEB chart. They improve embeddings and vector search-based applications and help AI models perceive meaning, context, and similarity across data kinds. Through Factiva, google cloud research platform, google cloud wanted to make their dataset of over 2 billion articles more accessible.
They had to optimise the search experience for relevancy and dependability “Clarence Kwei, Dow Jones SVP of Consumer Technology. Google Cloud’s text-embeddings model, Gecko, and Vector Search have enabled semantic search in Factiva. This enables it to produce answers to queries with higher quality and accuracy, improving the customer experience and ultimately resulting in increased product adoption.”
Historically, their search logic used word matching. This method works for simple searches like “Samsung TV” but not for more complex ones like “’a gift for my daughter who loves football and is a fan of Messi.” Nicolas Presta, Sr. Engineering Manager at Mercado Libre, said a more robust solution was needed to locate semantically related goods to the user’s intent.The issue was resolved through the use of vector search and embeddings.
Since most of their sales start with a search, they must provide accurate results that match a user’s query. With vector search elements, these complex searches are improving, which will boost conversions. Hybrid search will provide us new ways to improve their search engine and improve user experience and bottom line.”
Coordination for the business
Business-grade generative AI is here. Google Vertex  AI Agent Builder lets developers build production-ready generative  AI applications based on enterprise truth using a no-code agents console, low-code APIs, and support for popular OSS frameworks like LangChain, LlamaIndex, and Firebase GenKit.
You can use Vertex AI Search connectors or their built-in vector search capabilities to build enterprise generative AI applications without moving or copying data from Google’s Cloud SQL, Spanner, or BigQuery databases.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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it-job-board-uk · 2 days
Navigating the Diverse Landscape of Information Technology Jobs in the UK
In the digital age, information technology (IT) is the beating heart of countless industries, driving innovation, efficiency, and connectivity. In the United Kingdom, the IT sector is vibrant and dynamic, offering a plethora of opportunities for job seekers with diverse skill sets and interests. From cybersecurity to software development, IT roles play a crucial role in shaping the future of businesses and society at large.
The Thriving IT Ecosystem
The UK boasts a thriving IT ecosystem, with hubs of innovation and technological advancement scattered across the country. Cities like London, Manchester, Edinburgh, and Birmingham are hotbeds of IT activity, home to a multitude of startups, tech giants, and specialist firms. This geographical diversity ensures that IT professionals have a wide array of employment options, regardless of their location.
In-Demand IT Roles
The demand for IT talent in the UK is consistently high, with certain roles standing out as particularly sought-after in today's job market. Cybersecurity specialists are in especially high demand, as businesses grapple with an increasingly complex threat landscape. Cloud architects and engineers are also highly sought after, as companies embrace cloud computing for its scalability and flexibility. Data scientists and analysts play a crucial role in extracting insights from vast troves of data, driving data-driven decision-making across industries. Additionally, software developers, network engineers, and IT project managers continue to be in high demand, underpinning the digital infrastructure of businesses across the UK.
Skills and Qualifications
To thrive in the UK's IT job market, professionals need a combination of technical expertise, soft skills, and a willingness to adapt to rapidly evolving technologies. A strong foundation in programming languages such as Python, Java, and C++ is essential for software developers, while cybersecurity professionals require a deep understanding of network security protocols, threat intelligence, and incident response procedures. Cloud engineers should be proficient in cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, while data scientists need expertise in statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization tools.
Career Development and Upskilling
The dynamic nature of the IT industry necessitates continuous learning and upskilling. Fortunately, there are abundant opportunities for career development in the UK, ranging from formal education programs to online courses, certifications, and workshops. Employers often provide training and support for employees to enhance their skills and stay abreast of emerging technologies. Networking events, industry conferences, and professional associations also play a vital role in facilitating career advancement and knowledge sharing within the IT community.
Challenges and Opportunities
While the UK's IT sector offers immense opportunities for growth and innovation, it is not without its challenges. The ongoing shortage of skilled IT professionals poses a significant hurdle for businesses looking to fill critical roles. Brexit has also introduced uncertainties around talent acquisition and regulatory frameworks, prompting organizations to adapt their hiring strategies and navigate new complexities.
However, amidst these challenges lie opportunities for individuals with the right skills and mindset to make a meaningful impact. Whether you're a seasoned IT professional or a recent graduate looking to kickstart your career, Information Technology jobs in the UK market offers a wealth of possibilities for those willing to embrace change, hone their skills, and seize opportunities in this fast-paced and dynamic industry.
In conclusion, the landscape of information technology jobs in the UK is rich and diverse, offering a multitude of opportunities for skilled professionals across various domains. By staying agile, continuously upskilling, and embracing innovation, IT professionals can carve out rewarding careers and contribute to the continued growth and success of the UK's digital economy.
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certspots · 9 days
Professional ChromeOS Administrator Dumps Questions
If you have an interest in ChromeOS administration and are looking to advance your IT career, this exam could be your ticket to a world of new opportunities. Preparing for the Professional ChromeOS Administrator exam requires a strategic approach to studying. One of the highly recommended resources is the Professional ChromeOS Administrator Dumps Questions from Certspots. These dumps provide a comprehensive set of practice questions and answers that mirror the format and content of the actual exam.Certspots Professional ChromeOS Administrator Dumps Questions cover all the key topics and objectives outlined in the exam syllabus. This ensures that you are well-prepared for every aspect of the test.
Why Pursue the Professional ChromeOS Administrator Certification?
1. Industry Recognition
The Professional ChromeOS Administrator certification is widely recognized across the industry. It signals to employers that you possess the expertise and skills required to manage ChromeOS environments effectively. This certification is particularly valuable for IT professionals working in education, corporate environments, and any organizations leveraging Google’s ecosystem.
2. Enhanced Skills and Knowledge
Preparing for this exam will significantly enhance your understanding of ChromeOS. You will gain deep insights into managing devices, users, and settings within a ChromeOS environment. This includes configuring device settings, managing ChromeOS devices in a domain, and troubleshooting issues.
3. Career Advancement
Holding a Professional ChromeOS Administrator certification can open doors to higher-level positions within IT departments. Certified professionals often see an increase in job responsibilities, leadership opportunities, and salary increments. It is a clear demonstration of your commitment to professional growth and expertise.
4. Stay Current with Technology
The certification ensures that you stay up-to-date with the latest developments in ChromeOS and Google’s suite of tools. This knowledge is crucial as more organizations adopt cloud-based solutions and ChromeOS devices for their flexibility, security, and cost-effectiveness.
Professional ChromeOS Administrator Exam Overview
A Professional ChromeOS Administrator, as defined by industry standards, is a seasoned systems administrator or a junior engineer who has accumulated a minimum of 12 months of hands-on experience with the Google Admin console. This individual is expected to possess a deep understanding and the ability to configure, deploy, maintain, and troubleshoot any issues related to the Google Admin console. In addition, they should be proficient in securing and managing infrastructure and services associated with the Google Admin console.
The examination for the Professional ChromeOS Administrator certification is designed not only to test your technical skills and knowledge but also your ability to effectively manage ChromeOS devices and users within an organization. It is an extensive exam that encompasses a wide array of topics. The following are the primary sections of the exam:
Section 1: Perform actions from the Admin console - This section tests your practical skills in performing various tasks using the Admin console.
Section 2: Understand ChromeOS security processes - This portion evaluates your understanding of the security procedures related to ChromeOS.
Section 3: Configure ChromeOS policies - This section examines your ability to configure and manage policies related to ChromeOS.
Section 4: Identity Management - This part of the exam assesses your knowledge and skills in managing identities on ChromeOS.
Section 5: Understand ChromeOS tenets - This final section tests your comprehension of the fundamental principles and tenets of ChromeOS.
How To Pass the Professional ChromeOS Administrator Exam
Achieving the Professional ChromeOS Administrator certification is a significant milestone for IT professionals seeking to excel in managing ChromeOS environments. To help you succeed, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to prepare effectively and pass the exam with confidence.
Understand the Exam Structure
Before diving into preparation, it’s crucial to understand the exam structure and content. The Professional ChromeOS Administrator exam assesses your ability to manage ChromeOS devices and users in an organizational context.
Review the Official Exam Guide
Start by reviewing the official exam guide provided by Google. This guide outlines the specific topics and objectives covered in the exam. Understanding these areas will help you focus your study efforts effectively.
Join Study Groups and Forums
Engage with online study groups and forums where you can interact with other candidates. These platforms are excellent for sharing study tips, discussing challenging topics, and gaining insights from others’ experiences.
Hands-On Practice
Practical experience is invaluable. Set up a lab environment where you can practice managing ChromeOS devices. This hands-on experience will solidify your understanding of various administrative tasks and troubleshooting techniques.
Take Practice Tests
Taking practice tests is essential for evaluating your readiness. They help you identify areas where you need further study and improve your time management skills. Use Certspots’ practice questions and other online resources to test your knowledge regularly.
Earning the Professional ChromeOS Administrator certification is a strategic move for any IT professional looking to advance their career. With industry recognition, enhanced skills, and new career opportunities, this certification sets you apart in the competitive tech landscape. Utilize top-tier study resources like the Professional ChromeOS Administrator Dumps Questions from Certspots to ensure your success. Prepare thoroughly, gain confidence, and take your career to the next level by becoming a certified ChromeOS Administrator.
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