#Good night Punpun Aiko
tepi-dmt · 1 year
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Aiko Tanaka
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avampbite · 11 months
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lola1thehotwhitegirl · 10 months
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I am literally Aiko Tanaka
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thatdeadmikey · 1 year
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Oyasumi Punpun
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conttlayer · 1 year
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Hello everyone, I'm sorry for not being active! I totally forgot about my tumblr account. Unfortunately, I'm not drawing that much lately, so you didn't miss anything. That's my study work of an Aiko's cosplayer from 2022.
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strawkcals · 1 year
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nana24appen · 5 months
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litturally me, sorr🤷🏻‍♀️
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c0re-m3 · 8 months
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I’m gonna post some nudity on here, this is your warning
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may you never forget me.
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kuribo4indahouse · 1 year
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lorehappy83 · 10 months
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[2017.07] Aiko-chan.
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daramkuu · 10 months
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the-macabre-goatman · 2 months
Traditional Stuff!
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Kinda meant to be Aiko Tanada from Oyasumi Punpun, but... well, you know... It dont resemble much. /:(
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Digital Stuff!
Anatomy, right?
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I'm trying to copy MossaCanibalis style cause' this guy is super duper good (and I'm not! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
Messy Stuff!
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Punpun fanart I guess... cause' this shit is all over my mind right now...
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And thatsss ittt! Bah ah ahhh (clap clap)
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She just didn't want to be alone...
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0thsense · 1 year
I finished Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. I definitely enjoyed reading it, though the characters were not super relatable. I'm trying to think of interesting insights I had reading the book because I feel self-conscious about writing a vapid review. I was not very convinced by Sadie and Sam's relationship towards the end. This unshakeable unbreakable bond they supposedly had and all the symbolism surrounding it was over the top for me, especially the part about them getting married in Pioneers. The beginning of the book was very compelling, with the jumps between the present and Sam and Sadie's complicated backstory. I'm not sure what to think about Marx as a character. As much as Sam and Sadie referred to him as an NPC, I also felt that he was an NPC in the role he played in the book. Some people like a book based on how much they like the characters. If I ever write a book, I want to write a main character who is purposely unlikeable. Anyways for how large of a role Marx plays in the novel, I'm not sure what the author wanted to communicate through his character. Clearly something with all the treatment she gave him but I guess I missed it. I enjoyed the parts about making video games though. I thought the details of the games were very convincing, and I'm impressed by the author's imagination for game design. And overall, it was an enjoyable read that kept me turning the pages. I also thought that the author's treatment of smart people in general was apt and accurate, and I appreciated that it didn't lean in too heavily in that aspect either.
Houseboating... I've been telling people it was just okay, and I guess that's accurate. If you gave me prior knowledge of how it would be, I'm not sure if I would go again. But I'm not positive that I wouldn't either. so I guess it was ok. I tried a little bit to meet people but I was too fucking tired most of the time. I kind of regret not talking to Winny on the first night. It's so dumb that I still just revert to omg hot asian girl on trip I need to talk to her mindset. So maybe it's a good thing I didn't initiate a conversation then, and just kept reading tomorrowx3 lmao. I drove and slept in a shitty bed anyways, but I don't feel too miffed about it, its truly whatever. In the words of George, "fuck you tommy". I appreciated when Catherine was nice to me I guess. Honestly I think I'm being a little uncharitable to 69 circle. I think they were nice for the most part and some of them helped and almost all of the rest wouldn't have minded helping. And Tom seemed like overall a really nice guy. I think having two boats just made it so it was way harder to get to know everyone, and with that large of a group people just stuck to who they were comfortable with. Also didn't help that Kevin and Sammy didn't really want to get to know people either. Meeting new people is hard compared to people who've been practicing their whole life.
Finally.. Oyasumi Punpun. This manga hit me kind of hard. I was hoping to relate more to the main character, but honestly I couldn't because things kept happening to punpun, good and bad, to push the storyline forwards while nothing happens in my life. Nevertheless, the themes of wanting to hold onto some ideal while your life turns out nothing like you wanted seemed very real. All the hurt characters just struggling and compromising through life, was a message that I wish people who had happy lives would understand. I didn't really understand punpun's actions after he killed Aiko's mom. I guess it's because i've never murdered someone or been in a similar situation of panic and disorientation. I wonder if the author somehow had insight into that. I really liked how the ending fizzled out. I think it's the best ending punpun could have hoped for. I feel like the author's view of life is darker than mine. I feel like I weigh everything down these days by forcing it to my standards of realism. I wonder how to regain that childlike suspension of disbelief with media. Did I ever really have that?
I have to message Abby about reading tomorrowx3 but I don't really want to. It's gonna be a boring superficial conversation between two people who don't really want to talk to each other. That's what it feels like to me. what if I don't really want to talk to anyone? that attitude is what's gonna get me killed.
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sh-igaraki · 3 years
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(ง'̀-'́)ง eu comecei esse manga, e sinceramente não tô entendendo nada.
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