#Golf Equipment report
markettrend24 · 2 years
Golf Equipment Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2028
Golf Equipment Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2028
The Golf Equipment Market research report 2022-2030 provides an in-depth analysis of the changing trends, opportunities, and challenges influencing the growth over the next decade. The study includes a detailed summary of each market along with data related to demand, supply and distribution. The report examines Golf Equipment market growth strategies adopted by leading manufacturers which…
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“The rise of plantation capital spawned the drying of the west side of Maui,” said Kamana Beamer, a historian and a former member of the Hawaii commission on water resource management, which is charged with protecting and regulating water resources. “You can see the link between extractive, unfettered capitalism at the expense of our natural resources and the ecosystem.” Drawn to Hawaii’s temperate climate and prodigious rainfall, sugar and pineapple white magnates began arriving on the islands in the early 1800s. For much of the next two centuries, Maui-based plantation owners like Alexander & Baldwin and Maui Land & Pineapple Company reaped enormous fortunes, uprooting native trees and extracting billions of gallons of water from streams to grow their thirsty crops. (Annual sugar cane production averaged 1m tons until the mid-1980s; a pound of sugar requires 2,000lb of freshwater to produce.) Invasive plants that were introduced as livestock forage, like guinea grass, now cover a quarter of Hawaii’s surface area. The extensive use of pesticides on Maui’s pineapple fields poisoned nearby water wells. The dawn of large-scale agriculture dramatically changed land practices in Maui, where natural resources no longer served as a mode of food production or a habitat for birds but a means of generating fast cash, said Lucienne de Naie, an east Maui historian and chair of the Sierra Club Maui group. “The land was turned from this fertile plain – with these big healthy trees, wetland taros and dryland crops like banana and breadfruit – to a mass of monoculture: to rows and rows of sugar cane, and rows and rows of pineapple,” she said.
In Hawaii, water is held in a public trust controlled by the government for the people. But on Maui, 16 of the top 20 water users are resorts, time-shares and short-term condominium rentals equipped with emerald golf courses and glittering pools, according to a 2020 report from the county’s board of water supply. The 40-acre Grand Wailea resort, the island’s largest water consumer, devoured half a million gallons of water daily – the amount needed to supply more than 1,400 single-family homes.
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terrence-silver · 4 months
“It’s not a ‘trigger’! I don’t have ‘triggers’! There’s nothing wrong with me! I’m perfectly normal!” sounds to me like something KK3 Terry would say
The Elevator.
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It was easily considered the biggest architectural eccentricity of the decade.
A fifty two story building looming over the skyline of LA reconstructed in such a way where each of its respective elevators were to be widened --- made bigger --- the shaft dimensions along generously altered from their usual 1850x1500 in diameter to a staggering 2000x1800, which meant of course, that perhaps the entire skeleton of the building itself, from top to bottom, its rebar, its wires, its reinforced concrete blocks, all had to be re-measured and rebuilt, notwithstanding the fact that an entire Skyscraper's worth of furniture and and staff had to be temporarily moved out first before the building could be virtually torn apart right down the middle. Gutted with the precision of a surgical knife. Reconstrued. Re-done. Re-calibrated. Re-fitted into place. The entire infrastructure of Dynatox's HQ remodeled, dissembled and re-assembled, solely to accommodate what they all claimed was a capricious whim --- blowing money for the sake of blowing money; a project that could go into the Millions. Tens of Millions for starters. That would require countless engineers. Man-power. Workers. Coordinators. Equipment. Shiploads of cement. Plans. So many plans. Journalists. News reporters. Pesky protestors outside of his building carrying signs saying how once again, Terry Silver's endeavors have not only polluted the planet but somehow managed to lead to urbanistic chaos amidst renovations, throwing the nearby city neighborhoods into disarray, shutting down entire streets and uglifying the vista for fuck knows how long. Did he at least have a permit for that, they asked? He was first name basis friends with Tom Bradley and they tended to golf together. He didn't need a permit, but if he genuinely wanted it, he could get it. He didn't give a shit either, though. In fact, all of it amused him profoundly. He wanted to ride around in more spaciously comfortable elevators and he would have his desire appeased too. He had the money to fund his own whims, and he would too.
Never thought much of it, until Margaret said what she said.
And then his desires began to itch.
-"Mr. Silver, sir. Forgive me if I inquire, but on the basis of employer-employee confidentiality, taking into consideration the vast sum of investment that'll go into this project ---"-
She adjusted the rim of her glasses perched atop of her nose and he already knew he had to brace himself for what she'd say next and prepare an even wittier comeback; finding his smile prematurely fading from his lips before he could even properly crack a chuckle across the precipice of his tongue. His secretary, like the incarnation of all wisdom and logic itself, looks at him, knowingly, similarly to how someone's grandmother or an aunt would've from across all the stack of building plans sprawled across the empty conference table, save for the two of them. -"But, it's not claustrophobia, is it?"- What? Without breaking a sweat, Margaret Spencer holds his gaze, one of the few people who could, as she clarifies. He knew what the fuck it was, but she chooses to explain anyway, giving him a clear definition with the precision of a Thesaurus, drilling the point home. Something pierces Terry's brain then, like a spiked, hot rod. He knew Margaret didn't do this to pin holes inside of him intentionally, but it happens anyway. He bleeds inwardly. Sees jungle red. -"The irrational fear of confined spaces. It is quite the serious trigger for some."-
On instinct, he finds his tone of voice growing low and dangerously cold.
He cocks his head to one side, assessing the word.
Like a dog assesses the bone between his teeth.
He seethes.
The term is unfamiliar.
Akin to a weird blank. Yet he doesn't like it. He loathes it.
Wants to tear into like, like a punching dummy.
Hit it until it collapses dead underneath his feet.
Was she implying what she was implying? That he was doing renovations, importing material, flying in engineers from as far as Korea, ready to blow the budget of a smaller country and all because he was too chickenshit to get into an elevator that felt slightly too small? Because it reminded him of 'Nam? Of the cage? She was infuriatingly right, of course, like someone who knew him for far too long could only ever be, and he hated it. Felt bared and seen by it. Felt the need to fight. Get defensive. So he does. -"It’s not a ‘trigger’!"- He hisses, getting up from his leather rotating office chair in a haste, sensing his own jaw tightening, finding he was speaking to the older woman through painfully gritted teeth. He relished the pain though, seeking more of it, because a soldier didn't do pain. He didn't do triggers either. Who invented that anyway!? What would John say about that if he knew!? Bullshit! Suddenly, his anger flares up to volcanic degrees. He's there, furiously pointing a ring-bejeweled finger at her, every trace of humor long since gone. -"I don’t have ‘triggers’, Margaret!"- He stands firm in that fact, but she sits there --- not judging --- but seeming stoic. Unconvinced. Folders and files neatly in her lap, the picture of professional poise and experience. Tricking Margaret Spencer was like trying to trick one's own mother; they always seemed to know better. He would've fired anyone else on the spot and issued a lawsuit their way, destroying every prospect of any further career anywhere, but with her? He felt the need to justify himself somehow. Convince her, from a strictly business standpoint, that they weren't sinking Billions into a building solely on the basis of him being afraid. He didn't do afraid either. There was no fear in this dojo. In this unit.
-"There’s nothing wrong with me! I’m perfectly normal!"-
He shouts suddenly, spittle flying from his mouth.
Once he realizes the outburst, he stops just as abruptly.
Straightens himself out. Halts. Re-takes control.
Stops pacing around the office like a feral animal.
It was technically her job to ask these things. Man, he was overreacting.
All of this seems funny out of nowhere, even though he was furious just a second ago.
Terry chuckles. Then, he cackles. His eyelids ache. He forgot to blink.
-"I'm fine. Lighten up, Margaret."-
He brushes it off, going for nonchalance, not feigning a single part of it, though, feeling it, in fact, in every part of his body; this unbearable lightness of being, filling his head with the high of an unexpected euphoria. He was fine. He truly was. By the end of year two since commencing the master plan programme, in a Herculean effort of unprecedented proportions, his vision is complete and his project done. Of course, Forbes writes about it extensively. So does Architectural Digest at a ribbon cutting ceremony. He rides a private elevator out of spite to commemorate the occasion, one of many and newly designed according to his specifications, going to the top floor of his building, right to the spire, where his office was overlooking Los Angeles, deciding to overcome himself once and for all forget what fear ever even meant by definition.
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Damita Menezes at NewsNation:
(NewsNation) — A man who allegedly pointed an AK-47-style rifle through the fence at Trump International Golf Club West Palm Beach on Sunday, while the former president was golfing nearby, has been taken into custody, authorities say. The man, identified to NewsNation by a law enforcement source as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, is described as a white male. He is believed to be the suspect who was crouched in bushes near the golf club perimeter, armed with a weapon equipped with a scope. Two backpacks and a Go-Pro camera were also found with the firearm near the perimeter from which the suspect had fled. Local authorities said the gunman was about 400 yards to 500 yards away from Trump. Routh was convicted in 2002 of possessing a weapon of mass destruction, according to online North Carolina Department of Adult Correction records.
Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg told NewsNation that the suspect was not previously on local law enforcement’s radar. Routh, who reportedly has ties to North Carolina and Hawaii, had made “bizarre” social media posts about Ukraine before the incident. Federal authorities have taken over the case, with Aronberg’s office standing down. The state attorney anticipates Routh will face charges related to domestic terrorism and weapons offenses, though specific charges have not been announced. At approximately 1:30 p.m. local time, authorities received a call reporting shots fired at the golf course where Trump was playing a round of golf. A witness told police the suspect fled the scene in a black Nissan and provided investigators with photos of the suspect’s license plate. Using that photo, authorities say they put out a “a very urgent BOLO (Be On the Lookout) for the suspect’s vehicle and plates. [...]
Routh’s social media posts
Social media posts allegedly belonging to Routh indicate he was a believer in COVID-19 conspiracy theories, and he had posted that he had voted for Trump in 2016 but was disappointed with him after the fact, expressing support for Tulsi Gabbard in various posts. Records show Routh moved in 2018 to Kaaawa, Hawaii, where he and his son operated a company building sheds, according to an archived version of the webpage for the business.
In June 2020, he made a post on X directed at then-President Trump to say he would win reelection if he issued an executive order for the Justice Department to prosecute police misconduct. However, in recent years, his posts suggest he soured on Trump, and he expressed support for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. In July, following the assassination attempt on Trump in Pennsylvania, Routh urged Biden and Harris to visit those wounded in the shooting at the hospital and to attend the funeral of a former fire chief killed at the rally. Voter records show he registered as an unaffiliated voter in North Carolina in 2012, most recently voting in person during the state’s Democratic Party primary in March 2024. Federal campaign finance records show Routh made 19 small political donations totaling $140 since 2019 using his Hawaii address to ActBlue, a political action committee that supports Democratic candidates.
Routh’s Ukrainian ties
The New York Times said it interviewed him for a feature on pro-Ukrainian foreign fighters last year. The Times said Routh traveled to Ukraine in 2022 to recruit ex-Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban to fight for the embattled nation. Routh frequently posted on social media about the war in Ukraine and had a website where he sought to raise money and recruit volunteers to go to Kyiv to join the fight against the Russian invasion.
The 2nd Trump assassination attempt shooter was Ryan Wesley Routh.
Routh has expressed political views across the spectrum, such as COVID conspiracies, support for Ukraine and Taiwan, and backing of Donald Trump in 2016 before turning against him in favor of Tulsi Gabbard in 2020 and this year, a Vivek Ramaswamy/Nikki Haley unity ticket.
See Also:
HuffPost: Authorities Begin Probing Life Of Suspect In Apparent Assassination Attempt Against Trump
The Guardian: Who is the man reportedly detained in the Trump ‘assassination attempt’?
Axios: What we know about the suspect in the Trump golf club shooting incident
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louisupdates · 11 months
The Habit He Can’t Break 3/4
IQ 123 | Gordon Masson | 9.11.2023
We Made It
Making sure that the Faith in the Future tour delivers Tomlinson to his growing legion of fans, PM Sherwood’s first long association with the artist manager, Vines made him the obvious choice when the artist first began his solo career.
“I remember doing a lot of promo dates around the UK and US before we started touring properly,” says Sherwood of his work with Tomlinson. “In fact, one of the first shows I remember doing with Louis was in Madrid when he played in a stadium, and I could see it was a taste of things to come.”
The partnership between Sherwood and Vines is crucial. 
“In terms of the show growing, our biggest challenge is keeping costs down, because we’re extremely cautious on ticket pricing,” says Vines. “We don’t do dynamic pricing, we don’t do platinum ticketing, we don’t do paid VIPs, we don’t increase ticket prices on aisle seats – all those tricks that everyone does that most fans don’t know about: we don’t do any of those.”
“So, when it comes to the production side of things, we need to be incredibly careful. But I’ve been working with Craig for a decade, and he knows the importance of trying to keep costs as low as possible. For instance, we’ll run the show virtually a number of times, so Louis can watch it with the show designer, Tom Taylor, make comments and tweak things. Then we’ll go into pre-production. But we try to do as much in virtual reality as possible before we take it into the physical world.”
Sherwood states, “Basically we started out with two or three trucks, but now we’re up to nine, and things seem to be getting bigger day by day.”
Thankfully, Sherwood has amassed a vastly experienced crew over the years, allowing them to handle even the most unexpected scenarios. “I’ve been touring since the dawn of time, but the core crew I work with now has been together since about 2010, and I trust them implicitly, so I’ll leave it up to them who they hire, as long as they think I’m going to like them, and they all get along with everyone. So far, it has worked well,” Sherwood reports.
And the veteran crew has dealt with some terrifying weather extremes on the current tour, including a show at Red Rocks in Colorado, where the audience were subjected to a freak, storm with golf ball-sized hail stones injuring dozens of people. 
Elsewhere, the crew has had to act quickly when the threat of high winds in Nashville caused problems on that outdoor run. “We didn’t want the video screens blowing about above the heads of the band, so it must have been amusing for the audience to see us taking them down,” Sherwood reports. 
Indoors in Europe, the environment has been more controllable. The production itself involves an A-stage set 180° across the barricades, although Sherwood says that on occasion, a catwalk is also used by the perimeters. 
“It’s a great lighting show and fantastic for audio, as we have phenomenal front-of-house sound engineer – John Delf, from Edge Studios – who makes life very easy for the rest of us,” says Sherwood. He also namechecks Barrie Pitt (monitor engineer), Oli Crump (audio system designer), Tom Taylor (lighting designer), Sam Kenyon (lighting technical director), and Torin Arnold (stage manager), while he praises Solo-Tech for supplying the sound, and Colour Sound Experiment (CSF) for taking charge of lighting, video, and rigging equipment.
Indeed CSE has 10 personnel out with the Faith in the Future tour. “We have eight screens on the road – six on stage plus two IMAGS that we use wherever appropriate, the company’s Haydn Cruikshank tells IQ.
“We need to tweak the rigging on a daily basis, as we move to different venues, but other than that, it’s a fairly smooth process thanks to Craig Sherwood. He is old school and planned and worked on the production very far in advance, which is a great scenario for all involved. Craig is definitely one of our favorite production managers to work with.”
Garry Lewis at bussing contractors Beat The Street is also a fan of PM Sherwood.
“Craig split the European tour into different runs. So, from Hamburg to Zürich, we had two super high decker 12-berth buses for the tour party and two 16-berth double-deckers for the crew,” says Lewis. “After the show in Athens, we still have the two super high-deckers, as Louis knew them – he prefers to spend time on the bus, rather than in hotels – but we also have two 12-berth super high-deckers for the crew, as well as another crew 16-berth double-decker.”
Lewis continues, “We’ve worked with Craig for a good few years, and we have a great relationship with him. He plans everything way in advance, so it means it’s all very straightforward for us with no issues. So, we use single drivers for each bus, except on the longer runs, or when our drivers are scheduled for prolong breaks, and then we’ll fly an extra drivers as needed.”
1/4, 2/4, 4/4
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foreverlogical · 5 months
This week, as the Stormy Daniels hush money trial kicked off, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman noted the presence of a figure in court whose job responsibility sounded like a joke, writing that her job was to carry around a "wireless printer" to provide the former president with an "ongoing stream of good news from the internet."
But it turns out that the aide is very real. Her name is Natalie Harp, a former One America News anchor who joined Trump's communications team in March 2022. According to reporting that year by the Washington Post, Harp would even accompany the former reality TV host on golf trips in a cart "equipped with a laptop and sometimes a printer to show him uplifting news articles, online posts, or other materials."
This is nothing new, this is from 2017:
Twice a day since the beginning of the Trump administration, a special folder is prepared for the president. The first document is prepared around 9:30 a.m. and the follow-up, around 4:30 p.m. Former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and former Press Secretary Sean Spicer both wanted the privilege of delivering the 20-to-25-page packet to President Trump personally, White House sources say.
These sensitive papers, described to VICE News by three current and former White House officials, don’t contain top-secret intelligence or updates on legislative initiatives. Instead, the folders are filled with screenshots of positive cable news chyrons (those lower-third headlines and crawls), admiring tweets, transcripts of fawning TV interviews, praise-filled news stories, and sometimes just pictures of Trump on TV looking powerful.
One White House official said the only feedback the White House communications shop, which prepares the folder, has ever gotten in all these months is: “It needs to be more fucking positive.” That’s why some in the White House ruefully refer to the packet as “the propaganda document.”
The process of assembling the folder begins at the Republican National Committee’s “war room,” which has expanded from 4 to 10 people since the GOP won the White House. A war room — both parties have one regardless of who’s in the White House — is often tasked with monitoring local and national news, cable television, social media, digital media, and print media to see how the party, its candidates or their opponents are being perceived.
Beginning at 6 a.m. every weekday — the early start is a longtime war room tradition — three staffers arrive at the RNC to begin monitoring the morning shows on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News as they scour the internet and newspapers. Every 30 minutes or so, the staffers send the White House Communications Office an email with chyron screenshots, tweets, news stories, and interview transcripts.
White House staffers then cull the information, send out clips to other officials, and push favorable headlines to a list of journalists. But they also pick out the most positive bits to give to the president. On days when there aren’t enough positive chyrons, communications staffers will ask the RNC staffers for flattering photos of the president.
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the-bar-sinister · 1 year
Saturday Morning S.T.A.R.S: The Animated Series
Episode 17: Mini-golf Madness
A-plot: Despite warnings of stormy weather, Chris, Barry, Jill and Wesker go minigolfing on their day off to settle a bet between Chris and Wesker.
B-plot: New recruit Rebecca is in the office manning the phone lines, and dealing with increasingly ridiculous antics of the RCPD.
Act one:
Rebecca comes into the office and reads notes on procedure left by Wesker. Turning on the radio she hears a weather report about a massive thunderstorm warning for Raccoon city later that afternoon.
Under a grey sky, Chris, Barry, Jill and Wesker show up at the Raccoon City Family Fun Center Mini-golf course.
Barry insists on bringing his real golf clubs from home and is bragging about his swing.
Jill is giggling and excited talking about how she hasn’t been to Mini-golf since she was a kid.
Meanwhile Chris and Wesker are deadly serious about the competition to a ludicrous degree.
In the background of the course we see another family golfing with their young, disruptive son.
In the office, Chief Irons tells Rebecca to turn off the damned radio and get serious. Flustered, she turns it off, only to get a call from downstairs, the RCPD officers want her to order them some pizzas.
Act two
The golf teams are Wesker and Jill vs Chris and Barry.
Barry is a total show off, talking up how much he knows about the game but comically overshoots every hole, or has his swing disrupted by hazards.
Jill turns out to be an absolute ace at Mini-golf, promoting Chris to playfully call her a traitor and demand to know her secret. Wesker jokes about having her ‘specially enhanced’ for the mission.
The kid with the golfing family is messing around, forcing his parents to chase after him.
At the S.T.A.R.S office Rebecca is juggling calls from RCPD officers hazing and taking advantage of her. We see her grow increasingly frazzles and frustrated, running around the department, cleaning up spills, finding lost keys, accepting pizza deliveries etc. Meanwhile the phone won’t stop ringing.
At the golf course the teams are neck and neck going into the final hole, which is an enormous, elaborate set piece styled like Castle Dimitrescu.
Over the last few scenes it’s started to rain, but Chris and Wesker insist to keep playing. Thunder rumbles. They have to use their police clout to be allowed to stay while the Center closes.
As the center closes, the father of the golfing boy is seen talking to the course staff, saying that he can’t leave because his son ran off and vanished.
Chris and Wesker stop bickering momentarily as the pay attention to the conversation about the missing boy.
The storm picks up and a strike of lightening hits the fake castle. There’s a scream. Everyone looks up to see the missing boy in the top of the castle– which has caught on fire
Act three
Chris and Wesker put aside their grudge match to rescue the boy in danger.
The team works together, despite not having their equipment, to find a way to scale the burning building and rescue the kid.
Chris grabs a hold of the child, but it looks like they’re both going to be hit with falling debris, only to be pushed out of the way by Wesker at the last second.
At the RCPD, an officer tries to get Rebecca to clean the men’s room for him. She finally has had it up to here and let’s off a little tirade before playfully whacking him with a plunger and stomping back to the office.
Returning the child to his parents, Chris and Wesker agree that the bet has ended in a tie– for now.
Jill calls them both ridiculous, but is seen bandaging Wesker’s burns with a sigh.
Barry laments that he wasn’t able to show them his hole in one.
Final scene
The crew comes into the office the next day. Wesker and Rebecca each ask one another how the day went, and both claim to have had a completely normal day.
S.T.A.R.S. says!
Standing around the coffee machine in the office, Chris and Wesker explain to the audience that competition is all well and good, but not to let it go too far. Be a good sport, and make sure you’re never in a situation that will get someone hurt!
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leviathangourmet · 1 year
A series of government reports have documented how much of the trillions of dollars purportedly spent on “Covid relief” went to waste — ranging from the hundreds of billions in fraud (i.e., the “Great Grift”) to extravagant local government expenditures (e.g., renovating a minor league baseball stadium and replacing irrigation systems at golf courses).
But out of all that waste, most Americans would consider money spent on countering pandemic learning loss a legitimate use of government resources. (Mind you, many Americans, including this one, would question why public school unions insisted on keeping schools closed for endless periods of time, but that’s a separate story.) 
Now several new data points suggest that much of this money has likewise been frittered away, leaving a generation of American students far worse off.
Wasteful School Spending
An in-depth investigation by the education organization The 74 demonstrated that much of the $190 billion in federal funds has gone to projects that often will not directly help students learn. A series of public records requests discovered just some of the ways districts spent their federal relief dollars.
To begin, in Colorado, a charter school network “spent about $70,000 for an exterior fence at its Aurora campus so students and staff could eat outside despite concerns about proximity to the community’s rising homeless population.” While this expenditure says much about social policy in Colorado, it has practically nothing to do with reversing learning losses.
In California, Oakland’s school district used $1.6 million for a payment on a $100 million loan the district took out from the state of California in 2003 — well before the coronavirus hit. What’s more, the district in Stockton, California, “spent over $2 million on high-level central office positions, like a facilities director.”
Youngstown, Ohio, frittered away $5 million on equipment and supplies to provide free WiFi from utility poles — a project the district could never implement because the city didn’t own all of the utility poles in question.
And in Utah, the Granite Public Schools spent $86,000 on “accommodations” for a conference held at — wait for it — Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.
Call me crazy, but when the federal government gave out money to help public schools, I don’t think that sending a bunch of administrators to meet Donny Osmond was at the front of most taxpayers’ minds. What’s more, the school district publicly advertised and bragged about this extravagant expenditure of government funds, which demonstrates that public school employees need some lessons in political science — either that or they just don’t care.
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In some respects, it’s a miracle that The 74 could even compile these examples of wasteful public school spending. In many states and districts, citizens can’t even track where districts’ share of the $190 billion in federal funding went — let alone how (if at all) it is countering the effects of pandemic learning loss. 
As one Fairfax County, Virginia, parent noted, districts’ reports on their spending are often “full of jargon and gobbledygook.”
Poor Quality Teaching
An even more troubling sign came in the form of another recent report, this one by the Center for Reinventing Public Education. Its study focused on in-depth interviews with leaders at five public school districts and found that even in districts that have dedicated resources toward stemming Covid-related learning loss, teachers and administrators faced an uphill battle to regain lost ground.
Broadly speaking, the report indicated that districts cannot keep up with the current curriculum, let alone try to undo the effects of Covid closures. Many teachers have left, substitutes and replacements remain scarce, skills have atrophied, and administrators lacked the time or ability to supervise teachers’ instructional methods until very recently.
Consider the following quotes from the report:
“$500,000 for tutoring, basically. Are you kidding me? That’s a lot of money. And nothing to show for it [in terms of impact on student learning].”
“We spent a lot of money on retention bonuses and ‘please stay’ payments. … You might as well burn that money because it didn’t bear out. People left anyway.”
“All these [tutoring] companies … accelerated their hiring and probably didn’t have time to appropriately train people up or go in and coach people on the job. They’re just placing people. And so we’re probably getting some B Team members.”
“I do think the first and foremost issue is ‘Do we have enough high quality teachers in our schools to do this work?’ And the answer is no right now for us.”
“There’s been a lot of protectivist [attitudes among district staff], like we can’t ask teachers to do anything else.”
“[We have teachers who lack] expectations for kids; that kids can be excellent.”
A demoralized workforce that cannot keep pace, and in many cases lacks the initiative to demand high standards of either its students or itself — that’s what $190 billion in federal funds has bought the American people.
Of course, teachers unions have no one but themselves to blame for the problems in public education post-Covid, having lobbied extensively to keep schools closed for most (if not all) of the pandemic. But the next generation of Americans deserves far better from their educational system. 
Some are getting it, even if they have to go outside the traditional public school system to do so. Here’s hoping that states will continue to expand school choice — a far better investment of taxpayer resources — to give people more options other than a sclerotic, wasteful, and ineffective public school bureaucracy.
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regallibellbright · 2 years
We open on Aoi getting off her plane in Japan and IMMEDIATELY wanting to return to Nafrece because Eve made it to the airport and that means she does care, after all. Amane says she can’t, because “you need to report to your mother - I mean, your sponsor - about your win” in the big tournament. And then speak to the press, of course.
It’s an EXTREMELY telling thing, and says a lot about the way Aoi’s life has been structured up to this point, and is why I am 100% convinced the final antagonist of this show will actually be CEO Mom and company. (I know she has a name, I know what it is vaguely, I will continue calling her CEO Mom.)
Aoi is an amazing golfer, the child of two extremely talented golfers in their own right who was raised for golf, trained under the best possible teachers and given the best equipment. (The family’s brand, of course.) But her mother doesn’t just want her to be a golf prodigy to shake up the world in her own right - she wants Aoi to be, essentially, a walking advertisement for Athena sporting goods. Anything that makes her less of a perfect PR princess is a problem - something Amane, hired by Aoi’s mother to keep her on track and just as perfect, already worries about with regards to Eve. Not only can Eve match Aoi, maybe even show her up, but the facets she brings out of Aoi aren’t the photogenic, effortlessly perfect precision that CEO Mom wants to cultivate. She has a blatant crush, and a competitive streak a mile wide to match Eve’s. Worse, Eve makes Aoi rebellious. She’s about to break her schedule and fly right back to Nafrece for this girl! This isn’t going to do, and once Eve represents a true threat, I think Athena’s going to try and take her out once they realize they can’t make her a palatable accessory for Aoi and market her the same way.
And because this is Birdie Wing, I obviously assume that’s going to involve attempted assassination. I’m still holding out hope it occurs in Nafrece so we get the Golf Mafia showing up again, and it just turning into a total shootout on the golf course in the middle of a tournament that continues unabated. You know these golfers won’t notice.
Anyway. I remind everyone once again that I once wrote about how the end credit sequence uses mannequin imagery to represent the girls and ends on the line “If I’d never met you I’d have lived in a cage deceiving the world,” and how I feel this applies to Aoi at least as much as it does to Eve (for whom Aoi showed her a world where golf could be a true sport played for the joy and skill of it, not just a hustle. But I get ahead of myself here.)
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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See how was the secret mission that made Joe Biden arrive in Ukraine without Air Force One
Surprisingly, the U.S. president visited the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. For the last part of the trip, Joe Biden renounced plane transport.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/21/2013 - 12:40 PM in Military, War Zones
The world was surprised on Monday (20/02) when U.S. President Joe Biden visited Kiev, Ukraine, for the first time since the beginning of the war, almost a year ago. Biden did not land at Kiev airport, arriving in the Ukrainian capital through a well-planned operation and executed in a few hours.
Biden did not fly to Kyiv-Boryspil Airport or any of the other airports in or around the Ukrainian capital because he is very risky in the country that has been covered by the war by Russia for almost a year.
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According to several news agencies, Biden took off from Andrews Joint Air Base, southeastern Washington with a Boeing C-32 at 04:15 local time, on February 19 - with the so-called "SAM060" (SAM for Special Air Mission) instead of the usual "Air Force One".
In addition to the employees on board the modified 757, there were only a few journalists selected on board who previously had to deliver their mobile phones. They were informed on Friday and instructed to wait for details on Saturday, with the subject: "Arrival instructions for the golf tournament".
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They were instructed to arrive at Andrews air base at 2:15 a.m. local time on Sunday. Both were prohibited from reporting any details for 24 hours.
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Several hours before Biden's visit, the sky over Poland was visited by two U.S. Air Force AWACS E-3B Sentry jets and a single Boeing RC-135W 'Rivet Joint' signal intelligence (SIGINT) aircraft. Routine air traffic scanning can easily be interpreted as preparations for the announced visit of the President of the U.S. (POTUS) to Poland, which was announced to take place between February 21 and 22.
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A whole series of aircraft is available to the U.S. government. At the Munich security conference last weekend, Vice President Kamala Harris and her delegation traveled with two jets - a Boeing C-32 and a Boeing C-40 Clipper, a military version of the 737-700.
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U.S. President Joe Biden on the right and his national security advisor Jake Sullivan on board the train to Kiev. (Photo: AP/ Evan Vucci)
The flight made a stop to refuel after about seven hours in Ramstein, Germany, then landing at Rzeszow-Jesionka airport in Poland, at 7:57 p.m. local time. From there, Biden drove in a car convoy to Przemysl Glówny, where he got on a train that took him to Kiev on a trip that lasted It is the same route used to transport large amounts of aid and hundreds of thousands of refugees going in the opposite direction.
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U.S. President Joe Biden after arriving by train in Kiev. (Photo: AP/Evan Vucci)
The train arrived around 8 a.m. in Kiev, where Biden met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
On the morning of February 20, Kiev was surprisingly quiet. Public transport was partially interrupted in the city center and public spaces released.
Finally, around 12 p.m. local time, the first filming of President Joe Biden leaving the monastery of São Miguel along with President Volodymyr Zelensky was published on social networks.
Zelensky and Biden honored the Ukrainian soldiers killed during the conflict, since operations in Donbass in 2014, at St. Michael's Monastery and took a short tour of the city.
The leaders held a joint press conference where strong words were shared by Biden condemning the Russian aggression and emphasizing Western solidarity with Ukraine. Biden said:
"When Putin launched his invasion almost a year ago, he thought that Ukraine was weak and the West was divided. He thought he could survive us. But he was completely wrong.
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President Joe Biden leaves Air Force One upon arriving at a military airport in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, February 20, 2023. (Photo: AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
The visit also announced promises of delivery of new equipment totaling US$ 500 million. The U.S. will provide more artillery equipment along with HIMARS ammunition and new sanctions will also be imposed on individuals and companies still operating in Russia, supporting their invasion of Ukraine. Biden also announced other “critical equipment”, including anti-shielded systems and air surveillance radars. But no combat jets yet.
The media audience was only allowed to make the itinerary public when Biden had already left again - again by railroad towards Poland. On the night of the 20th, Biden landed in Warsaw with the C-32 aircraft.
The White House national security consultant told the American media that Russia was informed “some hours” before Biden’s trip to Kiev. This was done "to mitigate the situation". He did not go into detail about how accurate or vague the information was and how Moscow reacted.
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Overview of a Boeing C-32 Air Force One aircraft at Jasionka Airport, Poland, on February 20, 2023. (Photo: Patryk Ogorzalek/Agencja Wyborcza.pl via REUTERS)
POTUS' visit to Ukraine signals the West's continued support for Kiev. With the official statement of the White House noting that “last year, the United States built a coalition of nations from the Atlantic to the Pacific to help defend Ukraine with unprecedented military, economic and humanitarian support – and that support will last.”
Tags: Military AviationC-32AUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air ForceWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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digitrenndsamr · 5 days
Mining Automation and Its Impact on Workforce Dynamics
Allied Market Research, titled, Global Mining Automation Market by Technique and Type: Global Opportunities Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2017-2023, the mining automation market was valued at $2,193 million in 2016, and is projected to reach at $3,810 million by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 7.9% from 2017 to 2023.
Mining automation involves use of process and software automation, and incorporation of robotic technology in mining vehicles and automation. In 2016, the underground mining segment dominated the market, in terms of revenue, due to increase in investment on automation and infrastructure.
Asia-Pacific was the highest revenue contributor to the golf cart market in 2016, accounting for around 31.41% share, owing to surge in demand for mobility for automation and increase in transition from manual work to automated work.
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The report features a competitive scenario of the mining automation market and provides a comprehensive analysis of key growth strategies adopted by major players. Key players operating in the global mining automation market include Autonomous Solution Inc., Atlas Copco, Caterpillar, Hexagon, Hitachi, Komatsu Ltd., Mine site technologies, RPMGlobal Holdings Ltd., Sandvik AB, and Trimble. These players have adopted competitive strategies such as innovation, new product development, and market expansion to boost the growth of the market.
Key Findings of the Mining Automation Market:
The underground mining segment accounted for the highest share in 2016.
Equipment segment generated the highest revenue in 2016.
Asia-Pacific is expected to dominate the market, in terms of market share, during the forecast period
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sheetalblogs · 11 days
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thenewsymedia · 15 days
What happened to Volkswagen after the scandal
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The trial, consolidated from two separate cases, will commence on September 3 and is expected to span 89 court sessions through September 2025. Winterkorn, now 76, has consistently denied any wrongdoing, citing health issues that have previously delayed proceedings.
In a conflicting narrative, Czech automaker Skoda Auto has announced plans to strengthen its strategic partnership with Volkswagen Group Technology SolutionsIndia. This alliance between Volkswagen Group Technology SolutionsIndiaand Skodaaims to advance app portfolio, artificial intelligence, data analytics, and technology services. However, amidst Volkswagen’s history of fraud and misconduct, critics argue that such partnerships highlight broader ethical concerns within the automotive giant.
Winterkorn resigned shortly after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a notice of violation on September 18, 2015. This followed revelations that Volkswagen had equipped vehicles with software capable of detecting emissions tests and adjusting performance to appear compliant, while emitting excessive nitrogen oxide during regular driving conditions. The scandal affected about 500,000 cars in the U.S. alone.
In addition to charges related to the “defeat device,” Winterkorn is accused of failing to promptly inform stock markets about significant financial risks emerging in early 2015. Volkswagen paid more than 30 billion euros ($32.8 billion) in fines and settlements, marking one of the largest corporate scandals in automotive history.
Recently, Volkswagen sparked controversy with a marketing stunt in the U.S., falsely announcing it would rename its U.S. operations as “Voltswagen of America” to promote its electric vehicle efforts. Critics swiftly condemned the move, pointing to Volkswagen’s past misconduct and years of misleading regulators and consumers.
The “diesel dupe” scandal erupted when the EPA uncovered Volkswagen’s use of software to cheat emissions tests, affecting popular models like the Audi A3, Jetta, Beetle, Golf, and Passat, totaling 11 million cars globally. The company also faced allegations of tampering with software in 3-liter diesel engines, impacting thousands of vehicles.
Separately, Volkswagen Group of America Finance (VWGAF) was ordered by the Securities and Exchange Commission to pay $48.8 million for misleading statements during corporate bond offerings in 2014 and 2015.
Volkswagen Group India reported that about 323,700 cars from Volkswagen, Skoda, and Audi were implicated in the emissions scandal, prompting recalls and substantial global penalties.
Winterkorn’s impending trial highlights Volkswagen’s ongoing legal battles and underscores the gravity of corporate malpractice in the automotive industry.
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pixoneyereviewsuk · 16 days
Elevate Your Golfing Experience with Flightpath Golf Tees
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For avid golfers, every detail matters when it comes to enhancing performance on the course. One often-overlooked element that can significantly impact your game is the golf tee. Flightpath Golf Tees offer a revolutionary approach to tee design, promising to elevate your golfing experience with their innovative features. Here’s how Flightpath Golf Tees can transform your game:
1. Precision Engineering for Optimal Performance
Flightpath Golf Tees are meticulously engineered to provide unparalleled accuracy and consistency. Unlike traditional tees, which may vary in height and stability, Flightpath Tees are designed to maintain a consistent tee height, ensuring that each shot is hit with the same precision. This consistency allows golfers to focus on their swing mechanics rather than adjusting their tee position. Click here for more information pixoneye
2. Enhanced Durability
One of the standout features of Flightpath Golf Tees is their exceptional durability. Constructed from high-quality, resilient materials, these tees are built to withstand repeated use without breaking or bending. This durability not only extends the life of the tee but also reduces the need for frequent replacements, making them a cost-effective choice for dedicated golfers.
3. Innovative Design for Improved Ball Flight
Flightpath Golf Tees incorporate advanced design elements to improve ball flight. The unique shape and aerodynamics of the tees are engineered to reduce friction and drag, promoting a more efficient transfer of energy from the club to the ball. This results in longer, straighter drives and improved overall performance on the course.
4. Customizable Options
Recognizing that every golfer has unique preferences, Flightpath Golf Tees offer customizable options to cater to individual needs. Golfers can choose from various heights, colors, and styles to match their playing conditions and personal preferences. This customization ensures that each tee is optimized for the golfer’s specific requirements, enhancing both comfort and performance.
5. Eco-Friendly Materials
In addition to their performance benefits, Flightpath Golf Tees are also environmentally friendly. The tees are made from sustainable materials that minimize their environmental impact. By choosing Flightpath Tees, golfers can enjoy high performance while contributing to the preservation of the environment.
6. Easy Setup and Use
Flightpath Golf Tees are designed for ease of use. The tees feature a user-friendly setup process, allowing golfers to quickly adjust the tee height and position. This convenience ensures that golfers can spend more time focusing on their game rather than struggling with tee adjustments.
7. Proven Success
Flightpath Golf Tees have been tested and endorsed by professional golfers and enthusiasts alike. Their performance benefits are well-documented, with many players noting improvements in their game after incorporating Flightpath Tees into their routine. The positive feedback from the golfing community underscores the effectiveness and quality of these innovative tees.
Elevating your golfing experience involves paying attention to every detail, including the equipment you use. Flightpath Golf Tees offer a blend of precision engineering, durability, and innovative design that can significantly enhance your game. By choosing Flightpath Tees, you can enjoy more accurate, consistent, and longer drives, while also benefiting from customizable options and eco-friendly materials. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a weekend golfer, incorporating Flightpath Golf Tees into your game is a smart move towards achieving better performance and enjoying your time on the course.
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120 Regent St., London W1B 5FE, United Kingdom
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golfsimulatorguide · 25 days
EYE XO Golf Launch Monitor by Uneekor
The Uneekor EYE XO is a high-speed camera-based overhead launch monitor that includes non-marking ball technology allowing you to use any ball you choose – a huge upgrade over the Uneekor QED which requires marked balls.
Featuring real-time clubhead and ball data, the Uneekor EYE XO is everything you need to work on your golf game.
The dual high-speed camera system comes equipped with an upgraded version of Club and Swing OPTIX, Uneekor’s validation photographic technology, and provides a recorded replay of the clubhead striking the ball through impact.
The Uneekor EYE XO is a sophisticated launch monitor that offers a high level of accuracy and detailed data for golfers. Here’s a concise summary:
Dual Camera System: Uses high-speed cameras to capture detailed data on both the ball and club.
Comprehensive Data: Measures essential metrics like ball speed, launch angle, spin rate, and club path.
Real-Time Feedback: Provides immediate insights into your swing and shot performance.
High-Definition Display: Offers clear visuals of your ball flight and swing mechanics.
Simulator Integration: Compatible with golf simulators for an immersive practice experience.
Advanced Analysis: Provides detailed reports to help track progress and refine technique.
If you need more specific information or have particular questions about its features or setup, let me know!
Click Here to Read More
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