#Golden Order
skyburkson · 2 years
Leyndell Royal Capital Paper Miniature [Elden Ring]
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made by hand primarily from paper + bits of basswood, toothpicks, clear resin, floral wire, & wool batting. set on a hardwood base
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inspired by the illustrations of Luis Melo and Kevin's Computer this took on a collage style bashing of regional components to capture Leyndell in a single composition
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lulila-safu · 3 months
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I made something...
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ohara-scholar · 2 months
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noralei-shrine · 1 year
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Finally, finished this first Elden ring fanart ! As always, studies blend and some fantasy then. Radagon crush :3
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artmill-danaan · 3 months
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Queen Marika the Eternal
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defnotkanyewest · 7 days
Ranking the Golden Order by how willing I'd be to work under them pt.1
10. Miquella
I am NOT blowing myself up with holy magic for the miquellester 😭😭😭 also working side by side with a putrid tree spirit and rot kindlings cannot be good for your health
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9. Godrick
Some of the strongest armour as far as foot soldiers go which puts him just barely above miquella but I'm probably getting my arms cut off and stuck to him so I'm not to keen on that also he has no aura so thats another thing
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8. Rykard
Basically the same as Godrick but with the added bonus of insane drip and I'm less likely to get eaten since realistically gonna be weak ash
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7/6. Morgott/Godwyn
Basically the same force but I cant really put them higher than this since idk much about Morgotts leadership or Godwyns
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monkele-art · 3 months
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Messmer The Impaler
Other socials:
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skeleetrom · 2 months
Okay so hear me out...
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Toxic yuri
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entermynightmare · 7 months
Estrogen could have saved her
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blackblooms · 3 months
I've noticed that Elden ring may be one of the first game where i was really invested in doing a faith build. I think the main reason for that is that in most fantasy game, Fromsoft included, the clerics aesthetic and story kind of just consist on generic light themes and off-brand Christianity which isn't very compelling to me. Elden Ring through gave me a set of religions that were a lot more compelling to learn about. There is already a lot to like about the Golden Order and its heavy tree aesthetic and complex history, but we also have the flame cultist of the fell god, and if you dont mind dabbling into arcane, the blood dynasty of Mogh, the heretical recusants who rebelled against the erdtree and even the followers of the frenzied flame are all options you can take. There a flavor of faith for every kind of people. It's also notable that the DLC expanded options further by including the fire knights of Mesmers and the hornsents with their crucible-themed holy magic. The latter is particularly interesting as both the hornsent and golden order using the holy element create a peculiar connection between them. Despite being enemies, the two religions seem to be very alike and may even have been united at some point.
Those are the kind of question that got me invested into faith builds in elden ring in the first place.
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purrcelot · 3 months
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Recent commission 🖤
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geminialchemist · 3 months
This is a theory I crafted up about the Golden Order, the Crucible, and the Frenzied Flame shortly after I beat the dlc the first time. I wrote it down, and forgot about it until just now, so it’ll be a little bit less well researched, seeing as it’s from waaay before the wiki had info to pull from, and so is probably shaky by our understanding of the dlc today, but I still wanted to share.
Spoilers for Shadow of the Erdtree below!
The Golden Order, the Crucible, and the Frenzied Flame are all the same thing.
So, this is one of the wilder theories, though hopefully not Pepe Silvia levels of conspiracy. If Marika can be Radagon, and if Miquella could be St. Trina, why can’t the Greater Will be the Frenzied Flame?
Throughout Elden Ring, we find out that that the Golden order assimilated a lot of things into it, even things that seem contradictory to the teachings of the Erdtree, like Carian sorcery. One of its primary teachings is that all things can be conjoined.
(Mirial dialogue upon getting a book o’ miracles)
“Oh, what have we here? Very well, let us both learn together. Heresy is not native to the world; it is but a contrivance. All things can be conjoined."
Now, this alone doesn’t mean much, the Golden Order is just branching out and adopting other cultures teachings like a lot of religions do to assimilate more followers, rather than fusing everything by melting it down with flame.
One more thing to keep in mind for later before we leave the Golden Order side of things, the DLC revealed something interesting about the Two Fingers, and the Golden Order. That even before the time Marika became a god, the Fingers had stopped receiving word from the Greater Will to guide them. The entire order is built on a lie, and no one in the Lands Between have communed with the Greater Will in a very, very long time.
Meanwhile, the DLC has the Hornsent, people who worshipped the Crucible, which came before Marika’s Golden Order. Anyone who has entered the various gaols knows the horrors they inflicted. The Hornsent believed that blending life together was a holy act, and massacred Marika’s people to put them into jars as saints, because of how easily their flesh melded with others. Now we’re getting closer to the premise of this theory. But take a look a this:
(Aspect of the Crucible: Breath description)
This is a manifestation of the Erdtree's primal vital energies - an aspect of the primordial crucible, where all life was once blended together.
The Erdtree seems to have some ties to the Crucible’s energies, which ties the two together on some level. Conjoining all things, and blending life together. And do you know what a crucible is? A crucible is a container used in smithing that you melt things in to blend them into one, heated over an open flame.
Hyetta has some interesting dialogue as well at the end of her questline:
(Hyetta dialogue)
"All that there is came from the One Great. Then came fractures, and births, and souls.
But the Greater Will made a mistake. Torment, despair, affliction... every sin, every curse. Every one, born of the mistake.
And so, what was borrowed must be returned. Melt it all away, with the yellow chaos flame. Until all is One again."
Note that she says the Greater Will made a mistake, in a way that implies that it’s something the Greater Will is fixing. It broke one into all, now it has to be made one again through the yellow chaos flames. The same Greater Will that the Two Fingers can no longer contact. Except for the Three Fingers, who seem to have found a different god to listen to. Or perhaps they found the same one, and are just doing what they were made to do, follow the Greater Will’s orders, and help burn down the world.
The Greater Will is order, and the Frenzy is Chaos, and I think they came from the same place. Two sides of the same coin, two halves of a whole being, and one of them isn’t listening or reaching out anymore. Much like Miquella stuffed St. Trina in a cave at the deepest part of the world, The Frenzied Flame has cut off the Greater Will to fix their mistake and melt it all down, back into one. It just needs a way to worm its ideology into the minds of men. Perhaps a religion is introduced that familiarized people with the concept of conjoining things, until it gets more and more extreme, and the frenzy appears, ripe in their minds. In the Shadow Lands, a place where physically conjoining flesh is the norm, the Frenzied Flame seems to have considerably more influence in comparison to the Lands Between, infecting an entire region of the map of the DLC, and even having a failed Lord of Frenzied Flame as a boss.
I swear I’m not a conspiracy nut, but if I come off as mad, well… MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD! AHAHAHAHA!
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deeponedagon · 1 year
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La Sagrada Familia
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tarnishedinquirer · 6 months
Person of Interest: Marika
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Name: Marika Title/Alias: Queen, The Eternal Race: God Gender: Female Occupation: Missing Affiliation: Godfrey (former?), Radagon (former?), the Golden Lineage, the Golden Order, the Elden Ring, The Greater Will, the Demigods Notes:
For some reason, I hadn't created this entry until now. Totally slipped my mind.
Worshiped both in and outside the Lands Between.
Exiled the Tarnished and stripped them of grace.
This included Godfrey, her Lord (title: lower than queen?)
Has been missing for some time.
Statues appear defeated/cruciform. Contrast with older "stakes"
The most important person in the world, yet very little information about her yet.
Her soulless forsaken children are in the Walking Mausoleums
Master Hewg prays to her. Only person I've seen offer prayers to her directly, rather than to the erdtree or the golden order.
Remarried Radagon after exiling Godfrey
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izar-tarazed · 7 months
lore question, regarding the Nomadic Merchants:
"These merchants once thrived as the Great Caravan, but after being accused of heretical beliefs, their entire clan was rounded up and buried alive far underground.
Then, they chanted a curse of despair, and summoned the flame of frenzy." (item description of the Nomadic Merchant's Finery)
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... so, do we have any indication of when that happened, in relation to other events on the timeline? (I'm basically trying to figure out whether it had already happened by the time Godfrey was banished.) I would assume that when the merchant clan was buried alive–down in Leyndell's Subterranean Shunning Grounds, apparently–, the Golden Order was already in place, likely being the power structure responsible for declaring and prosecuting "heretical beliefs"? Was the Great Caravan still around during the "early" age of the Erdtree? After all, the notion of thriving merchants would pair nicely with a period that is said to be of flourishing and abundance, and getting rid of them because their beliefs were perceived as a threat to the Order might also very well align with Marika's and Godfrey's policies? I mean: At that point in time, apparently it's all about establishing the Erdtree as a dominant concept and the source of blessings and abundance. And then there's a whole lot of merchants doing very well but apparently not adhering to the Order's principles? Implying that there might be other ways to thrive than by following the dominant ideology? That's not what you want to see as a ruler trying to establish the absolute authority of your principles. If the Great Caravan was still around at that time, it would make a lot of sense that their existence was perceived as defying the predominant set of beliefs and thus the Order's power structures, so of course they'd have to be sealed away. I haven't paid too much attention to the whole Frenzied Flame thing in game (and lore) so far so I might very well be missing something, and maybe the Great Caravan was buried alive way before Marika and Godfrey (Leyndell might already have been a place of power before them)?
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driften-sea-snake · 6 months
there was only one strike
marika’s shattering of the elden ring and radagon’s attempt to repair it were not two separate events. it was the same hammer strike, done for two different reasons by two different people. though they shared one body, they did not share the same individuality. it’s the perfect culmination of marika and radagon’s story.
radagon is something like a fragment, clone, or bud separated from marika. however, the nature of subjective consciousness meant his journey turned him into a distinct person with his own experiences, desires and character. when he returned and rejoined marika’s body it was not the reunion of two halves of the same person. in this way it's an example of elden ring’s exploration of consciousness and individuality. regression is the pull of meaning, and all things share a yearning to converge. yet, just as life cannot return to the shared unity of the crucible, marika and radagon could not simply merge again. their different memories, emotions and relationships combined with the passage of time to create distinct individuality. when they reunited they did not find the comfort of one’s self, but all the intimacy and horror that goes along with the mortifying ordeal of being known.
marika’s story is defined in large part by a key contradiction. she wished to free herself of the golden order, disillusioned with the elden beast as its promises of eternity and a larger plan in the universe were called into greater and greater doubt. however, the golden order was also the source of her godhood. even if she was only a figurehead to exploit, the people of the lands between worshipped her because of it. to separate herself from the golden order and the power of the erdtree controlled by the elden beast would mean losing this status. based on their different personalities and histories, marika and radagon came to reflect the opposite sides of this contradiction. marika represented the possibility of rebirth, that destroying the elden beast and/or usurping its power would allow her to be an eternal god in truth. radagon embodied the ostensible safety of stagnation, which would mean coming to terms with the golden order and trying to save it. to do so would mean continuing to be trapped within those confines, but it would preserve her place as revered god. there is a comfort in misery, especially one that is known for a long time; the unknown can offer the hope of change and rebirth, but also uncertainty and the possibility of something worse.
this all ultimately led marika and radagon to bring their hammer down on the elden ring, but contained within that strike were the contradictions of two people and two goals. for marika, becoming a god in truth by usurping or destroying the elden beast, for radagon strengthening or reforming the elden ring in an attempt to allow the golden order to persist. marika yearned out of hope and ambition that she might become a god in truth while radagon trembled at the thought of losing the power and stability of her current position. it was an attempted resolution of their contradictions, both within themselves as distinct individuals and the golden order that empowered and trapped them.
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