#Godwyn x you
trulyumai · 2 days
meeting the golden rays
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—pairing: Godwyn the Golden / reader
synopsis: accidentally stumbling upon the library, the lord comes across you. since then, he’s been smitten.
—warnings: nooooone. fluff!
a/n: another request fulfilled! thank you anonymous.
The grand library of Leyndell was a sanctuary of knowledge, its towering shelves filled with ancient tomes that told the stories of the Lands Between. As the Keeper of Knowledge, you spent your days immersed in the whispers of history, the aroma of aged parchment filling the air. you worked tirelessly, day and night. even opted to sleeping in said room every now and again just to fulfill the needs of the order.
One.. particular afternoon, as you meticulously sorted through a stack of books on the expansion of the Erdtrees, the heavy wooden door creaked open. You glanced up, surprised to find Godwyn the Golden just standing there, a look of embarrassment on his pale face.
“Oh! Apologies for barging in!” he blurted out, his voice carrying a hint of panic. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
Although he was a man of high stature the walls and corridors still confused him. not used to such a vast amount of entry ways, godwyn decided to go exploring. and now he was here.. bothering a knowledge bearer no less.
Caught off guard by the presence of such an esteemed figure, you felt your cheeks heat up. “N-No, it’s alright, my lord! I was just… um… working,” you stammered, scrambling to regain your composure. Your fingers gripped against your dress, meticulously working against the soft material before the man nodded his head.
What do you do… what do you say to such a figure of the order?!
In a moment of sheer impulse, you recalled a fact that had intrigued you earlier. “Did you know that the Moonlight Flower only blooms under the light of the full moon? It symbolizes the cycle of life and death in the Lands Between!”
Godwyn paused, eyes sweeping from the mirage of books to your smaller form. his expression shifted from surprise to amusement. He chuckled instantly. the sound warm and inviting. “I had no idea! I suppose even a prince can learn something new about the world.”
His laughter was infectious, and you couldn’t help but smile back, the tension in the room dissipating. “It’s a beautiful flower,” you added, feeling a little bolder. “Some say it even has the power to guide lost souls.”
“Perhaps I should seek it out,” he said, leaning against a nearby shelf, his golden armor gleaming in the light. “I could use a little guidance myself it seems.”
- - -
As the days passed, Godwyn became a regular visitor to the library, each encounter filled with laughter and light. He would share stories of his training and the weight of his responsibilities as a member of the Golden Order. In return, you offered insights and facts about the history and flora of the Lands Between, each exchange weaving a deeper connection between you.
One evening, while you both poured over an ancient text about the Golden Lineage, your fingers accidentally brushed against his while reaching for the same passage. Both of you froze, an apology already bursting out of your lips
“My lord!” you exclaimed, pulling your hand back as a blush crept across your face. What have you done, what have you— “I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s fine,” Godwyn replied, interrupting your stammering. a shy smile breaking through his surprise as he brushed his hair back with a light flick.
“I didn’t mind, such a lovely lady can touch me anytime she pleases, hm?”
What? You had to have heard him wrong.
As you both tried to resume your reading, the tension lingered, and you found yourself stealing glances at him. He caught your eye, smiling back at your flustered form with newfound confidence. His arm came around your chair, finding home upon the back of the wood before he leaned in once more, asking about Erd Flowers.
- - -
One fateful day, as dusk fell over Leyndell, you climbed a rickety ladder to retrieve a particularly old tome from the top shelf. “Just a little higher,” you muttered to yourself, stretching for the book. Suddenly, the ladder snapped, it wobbled dangerously, and you felt yourself tipping backward.
Godwyn, who was just walking in with a sack of goodies (most likely flowers and plants from his outing) bolted forward with protective purpose
“Careful, my love!” Godwyn shouted, panic surging through his voice. He dashed forward, arms outstretched, and caught you just in time. You fell into his embrace, the world around you fading into a comforting blur.
“Are you alright?” he asked, his golden eyes wide with concern.
“I.. think so ,” you replied, it came off as a question, as your hair tangled itself upon his armor. breathless from both the fall and the closeness of his presence you looked up, gasping at the man looking sternly down at you.
“What have I told you? Only in my presence can you climb on that absurd thing!” And although he was mad, fuming with impatient worry, you felt giddy, happy to be the stem of the man’s attention.
Without even thinking your neck strained upwards, a light kiss graced the man’s cheek and you pulled back quickly. Like a fire had spread out across your pink lips.
His eyes widened in shock, a deep blush already blooming across his face. “I—uh… that’s—” he couldn’t even remember what he was talking about. Only seeing you, and your flustered face, messy hair.
“I’m so sorry, godw— my lord!” you stammered, insulted by your own boldness. “I just wanted to thank you and— and you were really upset so I didn’t know what to do and.. and—.”
A hand, big and warm covered your mouth. his voice rang out shakily yet with dear earnest. “It’s.. alright. I liked it.”
“You did?”
He hummed. “I did.” His gloveless fingers swept away the hair that matted the front of your face. You could see him clearly now. Him and the loving stare that graced his features.
“Did you know erd leaf flowers are remembrance’s of—“
“Light,” Godwyn laughed, deep and warm to the core.
“Yes, love, I did.”
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wxnheart · 2 months
I love your yandere godwyn hc I just want to share some brainrot that I have so after godwyn death he become prince of death right but it's not the end of it he's love, obsession and devotion for reader was so strong even after his supposed death , the corpse tremendously taint the root of erdtree almost reaching all the land in between. This tainting can be seen among the death and living creature shown by the deathroot and the face of the prince of death in their body once it's visible enough his subconscious started to control all this being like a zombie hunting, searching hungrily , desperately but for who? It's his darling of course
Tldr : godwyn was too much of a simple for reader even in death his still find a way to be together with you Also can you imagines godwyn using the death crab and basilisk to give reader some shiny peble or beautiful flower or controlling the skeleton undead to protect reader if one of them is destroyed he'll just use another undead to protect you
You know what, nonnie, I read a comment on a YouTube video about a theory that the Erdtree is in something of a feedback loop because while it's trying to bring Godwyn back, it's actually replicating his body, leading to the... plethora of Godwyns you see around the Lands Between.
As an aside, there's also this tidbit where, if you confront Fia at the Deeproot Depths, the implication is that Godwyn is protecting her by attacking you when you go to attack her.
I can see that manifesting throughout the Lands, too, where it's both a feedback loop and Godwyn's (or rather, his body's) attempt to contact his lost consort.
I remember writing once in an ask, imagine actually seeing Godwyn's body in the Deeproot Depths for the first time, and until you laid eyes on his corpse, it's eerily silent. Now imagine hearing this hollowed... rattle. You look up and you realize that he's... staring at you. You thought it was some illusion (or perhaps you were too tired and paranoid) until you moved just to test that thought and realized that nope, it's the real deal. Godwyn is staring at you. And will KEEP staring and following you so long as the Erdtree continues to replicate his body.
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People playing Elden Ring and looking for the "good" demigod to root for are missing the point. Pick your favorite mass murdering war criminal megalomaniac with mommy issues and endlessly simp for them like the rest of us, cowards.
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sleepymaven · 2 months
Elden Ring/Dark Souls and the Sheer Lack of Fanfics. (A Slight Rant and Ramble.)
Alright, we need to talk, Elden Ring and Dark Souls Fandoms...
There are hundreds of thousands of you out there who love these games... So many, in fact, that they are both some of the most popular game franchises ever made...
So, pray tell, why is there such an atrocious lack of... fanfics!?
Come on, man! I. Want. More. Fanfiction!!
Give me a coffee shop au where Miquella takes Malenia to his favorite coffee shop and introduces her to the cute batista.
Give me a crossover ship between Messmer and Gwyndolin where they help eachother through their familial issues and trauma.
Give me a hurt/no comfort between Radagon and Rennala showing how the divorce went.
Give me an actor au where it shows the behind the scenes and/or bloopers for the character messing up or forgetting their lines.
Give me a Gwyndolin x Chosen Undead!reader with extra fluff and a side of gentle smut.
Give me Rennala x Carian Knight!reader where you help take care of her while she's in the library.
Give me a modern crossover au where Malenia is dating Gwynevere and going through the motions of being a cute, domestic couple before ending it with them being wife and wife and officially married. (I desperately want to see this one, I'm BEGGING.)
Give me a crack fic where Gwyndolin takes his snakes to the vet.
Give me a canon divergence au where you save Godwyn from being assassinated.
Give me Godwyn x Consort!reader where you and him are married.
Give me modern au Godwyn where he's a himbo who forgot his wallet at home to pay for his singular candy bar.
Give me a Godwyn x Tarnished!reader were you get to peg him. (I would also read this one, btw...)
Give me Godwyn with a breeding kink.
You know what...
Just give me any Godwyn fanfics!
Don't be shy people, make some more!
Make me some fanfiction or else I will ascend to godhood and place an eternal curse upon thee! 😡
..please? 🙏
Pretty please with a cherry on top..?
Just give me more Godwyn, please! 😭
(More Gwyndolin would also be IMMENSELY appreciated.)
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katyahina · 4 months
Godwyn and Fortissax fucked + I have an idea WHY Godrick's genes are so weak (his closest relatives' too)
Short post but I really like this topic hfhfdsf Okay so I double-checked the description of Draconian Tarnisheds and Godrick's dialogue, and:
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The notion about Tarnisheds with dragonic roots having shorter lifespans makes me think that this is the reason; dragons and human(oids) are not the best mix! Godrick's closest ancestors might have had actual connections with dragons! Since it IS possible:
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Dragons can shapeshift, so yeah.. existence of dragonian Tarnisheds likely implies that Godwyn and Fortissax fucked fsdhfdhs I assume her not just because of them being close, but also because she is unique amongst Ancient Dragons in being dark-colored and these Tarnished have coal skin,
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At first I wondered if Fortissax' color might have been an effect of corruption, but then, again: if all Ancient Dragons are just stone grey, Draconic Tarnisheds could have had stone grey skin then because whatever connection made Draconic people had to happen before Godwyn became Prince of Death! Her corruption should then be referring to her losing a lot of her skin, with so much more gold insides showing through, and dark skin of this type of Tarnished revealing her actual color! (+ also post ( x ) on WHY I believe Fortissax is a she)
As for Godrick's and his close relatives and ancestors like Godefroy! Whereas Ancient Dragons refers to the rocky dragons from Farum Azula, there is another kind of dragons - feathered Greyoll's kind of dragons!
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I used one of the babies around Greyoll and Agheel as volunteers, but you can see the dragon's body Godrick uses is certainly the same type of the dragon! Again, wings of Ancient Dragons for comparison, are also rocky and lack the feathers:
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This makes sense that the branch of dragons Godrick is apparently related to is that of Greyoll's! We never see him use anything bolt-like, however, he does use wind-based attacks, like the rest of the Stormveil. His children do so too!
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^ Worth to mention that Dragon Communion has connection with Godfrey (lion face is his mark), but the dragons laying in these churches are the Ancient types! These might be remnants of war with Gransax and others, since they did try to "defeat dragons by becoming them" as set of Dragonic Sentinels suggests! @fantomette22 offered another idea that maybe these Ancient Dragons instead were 'keepers' of these churches, and somehow had conflict with Greyoll's line of dragons. So, these churches came after Godwyn made peace between Ancient Dragons and Golden Order, and people were supposed to specifically consume hearts of Greyoll's dragons, not Ancient!
I don't know which idea I am leaning towards more, but I wanted to bring the Dragon Communion up just in case! Still, Godrick calls the dragon a relative and shows frail health, whereas act of eating dragon hearts gives you serpentine's eyes and makes you into a wyrm (most likely gradually lol). None is seen on him or his children, so I assume relation refers to mixing blood, not to the act of him or his ancestors consuming the hearts! In other words, if Ancient Dragons could turn into humanoids and have children (+descendants like Draconic Tarnished), maybe Greyoll's type could do this as well? 🤔
@val-of-the-north on the other hand, suggested an idea that rather than Greyoll's type of dragons being directly involved, it is all the same kind of genes of Ancient Dragons but having "evolved" into being like Greyoll's type! So, like her kind of dragons are more 'earthly' type, that evolved from Ancient Dragons straying further from perfection and divinity but instead adapting to whatever effects them (looking at you, Dark Souls!), similarly Ancient Dragon genes IN Golden Lineage changed too. And in roughly the same from-stone-to-feather manner, to mirror evolution (or corruption?) of the dragons themselves! I think this idea is very good in terms of how Fromsoft can't have enough of reusing the concepts!
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^ Grafted Scions are also showing grey hair, despite being very young! It is not all grey yet and original color is likely black; same as hair of wandering nobles, which would make sense for whatever women Godrick slept with apparently to be noble too. Early grey hair could be manifestation of this poor health and shortened lifespan! Maybe humans with dragon blood in mix die early because they age early, but for Demigods it is just early aging.
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(Video by Zullie the Witch ( x )) ^ At this rate I wonder whether these wings and feathers were actually grafted though, of they are sort of a side-effect of this "heritage" xd Like, sure, Stormveil is very much associated with the hawks, but modern Dragons ALSO having feathers makes me wonder! Especially since Godrick himself doesn't have any wings and feathers grafted on him, but the Noble Scions do.. Imagine feathers just showing on them because they are young, and maybe Godrick also used to grow feathers but they fell out by now due to simply his age!
Conclusion: don't have children with the dragons while Godfrey isn't looking or something they will turn out kinda sick and frail idk
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tasteofthedivine93 · 1 month
The Beauty of the Beast - Messmer x F!Reader - Elden Ring Fic - Part 14
TasteOfTheDivine // Masterlist
Ao3 Link: archiveofourown.org/works/57094387/chapters/148321888 Fic Rating: Explicit🌶️🌶️ (Chapter: Explicit🌶️🌶️) Category: F/M Fandom: Elden Ring // Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erd Tree Relationships: Messmer x F!Reader // Messmer the Impaler x F!Reader Warnings: Smut // Oral F! and M! receiving // P in V // Fingering // Somewhat first time // Words: 6319
MASTERLIST // <- Part 13 // Epilogue ->
Here's your smut ya filthy animals (affectionate) - you've been waiting long enough. I hope it's worth it!
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A week has passed since Messmer's transformation. You keep catching him staring into the golden mirror every now and then. You watch as he examines his new eyes, his ivory skin. Smiling, you tease him for becoming vain and pompous. 
“I am nay vain,” he defends, “Thou maketh me sound like Godwyn.” 
Scoffing makes Messmer's brows rise. 
“Art thou not impressed by my brother?” He asked with a smirk, a little peacocked, that you reacted in such a way.
“Well, no I am.” Messmer frowns at you. Your only recollection of Godwyn was the portraits found in the books in the library and the very geometric stained-glass window. So you couldn’t compare his looks, but you’ve heard of his heroic deeds.
“He’s just so…” you wave your hand trying to think of the word. Instead you make a disgruntled noise and slam the book in your lap shut. Messmer chuckles at you, before you could finish your thought, he takes your freshly bandaged hand into his and kisses the fabric. “He’s not you.” you mutter. Messmer chuckles softly, puffing air down his nose. 
Questions raced through your mind about his transformation and how he still remained serpentine. Unfortunately even he couldn’t answer all of them. He could only explain that the curse was only the Abyssal Serpent, that he had it under control until his mother sealed it away, causing it to fester and writhe. You ask if he recalls his appearance before he was brought to the Shadowlands. He merely shrugs and explains it had been so long, he cannot recollect. 
“How art they?” he mutters, checking the bandage. Tilting your head you weakly smile. 
“They’re fine, just sore.” you mutter. The burns you sustained that evening have started to heal, but are still painful. The rest of your arms and exposed areas aren’t better either, covered in scratches, tears, blisters and burns. Messmer helped you as best as he could, using herbs and medicine to aid your pain.
You cannot recall a single thing after the sun came up that morning. Messmer carried you back inside, Ophis and Fidi coiled on your lap, and took you straight to his (now uncharred) bedchambers. He paused with you in his arms, staring around the room at how pristine it looked once again. His chest tightened as he recalled the first evening in the room. He cried himself to sleep being away from his siblings. He ignored those feelings as he laid you onto his bed and treated your wounds. 
He demanded you remain on bed rest, but only in his bed. That you did, you shared his bed with him by your side the last few nights and you’ve never felt more comfortable. Messmer remained a gentleman, not touching you, hands hesitant to even coat your arms and sides in remedies. 
You slept, more than you’ve done in years, coiled into messmer’s arms, snakes wrapped around you worried you’ll be taken from them all again. Messmer would flinch at every little whimper and noise you made in your sleep, worried he’d hurt you more. 
After the initial bedrest period, Messmer would follow you around like a lost pup. Even as you bathed, he stayed in the room but behind the partition to give you some privacy. Even though you hoped he’d catch a glimpse at your naked body. He gave you time to heal, despite your yearning for more intimacy. 
Sharing a bed stated the desires, skin brushing against skin, kisses exchanged till you both passed out. But deep down you wanted more, you think about his touch on your core, how easily he brought you to pleasure. You knew he wanted you too, feeling his semi-erection press against your thigh during your tender moments or waking to it pressing into your back. But you both were patient with each other. 
A few more days passed, the pair of you sat in blissful peace reading together in the sun-room. However you are yet to read a single word. All the tension and emotions have finally bubbled to the service and you feel as if you're about to explode. You could feel your clit pulsing and your mouth turn dry as Messmer did nothing but sit reading, long fingers gently caressing the pages, occasionally he would lick his thumb in aid to turn the page, but seeing the little pink muscle made your stomach knot and bloom. 
You needed him like oxygen. Tonight was the night. Your wounds have healed, your scars already fading and you’ve waited long enough. 
Quickly, you spring to your feet and rush over to him, you grab the book out of his hands without a second thought and fling it across the room where it lands with a thud. Messmer looks up at you with a shocked expression, which soon falls when he can see the fire burning in your eyes, how you were biting your lip at him. 
His snake-eyes blow out, the slits expanding out and masking his golden iris. His brows drop and a smirk grows on his lips, he lunges at you, hoisting you over his shoulder. Laughing, you squeal his name as he carries you out of the room and up the stairs. 
Messmer practically throws you onto the bed, you bounce on the soft mattress, your hair flowing behind you. He leans over you, shadowing your whole body with his. His long copper hair tickles your face as he looks down at you. You smile at him, blush tinting your cheeks as you suddenly fall shy, your heart beating fast in your chest. 
As what has become his trait, he cups your cheek and you press your cheek into his palm. You miss the warmth of the char mark but refuse to tell him so, but his natural warmth matched your warm cheeks. 
“Art thou sure?” he asks softly, you nod and whisper yes. As soon as the last syllable leaves your mouth, Messmer leans down and captures your mouth with his. His soft, carved lips slot perfectly into yours. He starts off slow, tender kisses, moving over your jaw and down your neck. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, drawing him closer to you. Arching your back you press your chest into his, feeling the protrusions against your shoulders. 
“Messmer.” you whisper, hands clawing at his back. He pulls away from you to admire his work, your skin flushed and lips already wet and puffy. A growl escapes his throat, as distracted by your beauty, you reach down and you go to palm his hard cock already tenting his tunic. Grabbing your wrist he pulls you away from his stiffened cock and kisses your palm.
“Patience, my love,” he darts out his tongue and tastes your palm, “There is nay reason to have haste.” You bite your lip at how warm his tongue is. “I wish to taketh my time with thee.” 
You felt your clit throb, warmth drip from your core. He moves his kisses down your wrist, teeth grazing the sensitive skin. You felt like prey trapped by a predator, his gaze sharp and lustful. 
Ophis and Fidi hover around you both, you thought you’d feel uncomfortable with them, but you secretly enjoy it. 
Reaching over you, you tangle your fingers into his hair and scrape against his scalp, gently costing him back to you. Lips meet lips, you tease his lower lip with your tongue requesting entry. Tongues wrap together, both of you fighting for dominance. Messmer reaches down to palm your breast, his thumb swiping over your clothed nipple, already stiff and visible through your dress. You let out a whimper at the touch, a tingle shoots down to your throbbing clit. 
Pulling away, he sits back to look at your spread out for him. He wraps his hands around your waist, slowly gliding them up your body, over your breasts and to your shoulders. He tears the neckline of your dress and pulls it down slowly, revealing more of your soft skin. 
Impatient, you pull out your arms from the sleeves, leaving the neckline just covering the swell of your tits. Messmer lets out a shaky breath and pulls down your dress, uncovering your breasts. He stares at your perked nipples, letting his thumb swipe over the sensitive bud. Before you could speak, he dives down and captures the other in his lips. He sucks hard and you feel your back arch at the touch, fire shoots down to your core, wetting your folds. 
Moans leaving your lips at a quick pace, Messmer laps at you like a man starved, tongue swirling around the bud. He looks up at you through his lashes and you whimper, his new golden ivory skin shining with sweat already. He moves to plant a kiss to your lips before moving to the other nipple. He suckles and squeezes your tit, sending you into a haze of pleasure. 
Closing your eyes, you enjoy the sensation, before long you feel his long fingers drag your dress lower, your panting stomach now on view and he stops at your hips. His kisses continue south, between the swell of your breasts, over your plump stomach, teeth dragging over your shaking skin. 
Messmer reaches down and paws at the hem of your dress, hitching it over your knee. He teases you slowly, finger dragging over your calf, over your knee and tickling your inner thigh. In natural response, you squeeze your knees together and trap his hand, you squeak as he stares at you, eyes black and filled with want. He tuts at you as he palms your knees and slowly parts your legs, keeping his eyes on yours, he inches up higher and higher till he cups your outer hips, tips of his fingers grazing against the sides of your ass still covered by your dress. 
For a moment he watches your face melt as he kneads your soft curves. Smirking he finally grabs at the hem of your dress and slowly drags the material over your thighs and reveals your puffy wet pussy.
You wish you could capture the noise that escaped his lips and play it on repeat forever. 
“Divine,” he whispers, “Thee won’t require this.” He grabs the neckline of your dress now pooled around your waist and rips the fabric in two. 
You gasp at his brutish nature, your body now fully naked.
“Messmer!” you nervously laugh and sit up, trying to cover yourself. He merely tuts and takes hold of your wrists, pulling them over your head and pushes your back to the bed. Your tits bounce as you meet the mattress. He hovers over you, eyes dark and growling. 
“Stay,” he commands at you. He kisses you once again, down your jaw, your neck, between the swell of your breasts, hands trailing down behind his kisses, down your stomach and positions himself over your sobbing cunt. 
His snake companions move slowly down towards their master, their heads resting near your hips.
Messmer kisses your public hair, smelling like you. He growls this time, deep and animalistic. Fingers dig into your thighs, pulling you open for him.
“I have desired to taste thee for too long,” his breath hot against your core, teasing your throbbing clit. 
Your chest feels like it could burst, your heart beating so fast and heavy. He lingers for a moment, staring up at you as you whimper without him even touching you. 
“Please,” you beg, sucking in your lower lip between your teeth. Daringly, you rest your leg over his shoulder, mindful of the snake body. Watching through half closed eyes, he let his tongue slither out of his mouth as if in slow motion, he hovers, teasing you for a moment before swiping a long nearly painful lick up the seam of your cunt. Tip flicking at your clit. 
The moan that erupts from you was embarrassing, already you clamp your thighs around his head at the first touch. He chuckles at your intense pleasure, pulling you apart again. He doesn’t give you time to process, instead he dives in, he covers your sopping cunt and laps at you. His tongue covers you entirely, tasting every drip of your sweet nectar. He grunts and sighs, his eyes already rolling to the back of his skull. 
He sucks your clit between his lips, letting his tongue tease the bud. You felt as if you passed out from pleasure already. His hot mouth and talented tongue already bringing you to your orgasm. He continues to devour you, his chin and lips coated in your slick. Looking down at the huge man between your legs your heart skips a beat. You watch as he slowly humps the bed in time with his licks. 
Over your hip you feel his companion snakes slowly inch their way over your body, one gently slithers around your calf still over Messmer’s shoulder and around your thigh close to Messmer’s tight grasp. While the other over your stomach and between your breasts. You shiver as he inches towards your face but you smile at them. They feel heavy on your chest but you embrace the weight. Messmer looks up at you with fire in his new eyes and smirks as you welcome Ophis and Fidi into your intimate moment.
Your clit is swollen and puffy as he lets it go with a pop. Before moving lower and teasing your hole with the tip.
You squeak at the new sensation, your hips move without you controlling them, as you seek out his tongue. He chuckles at your eagerness and pushes further in. His strong nose pressing against your puffy clit. 
The core in your stomach feels close to snapping, you writhe and grind into his face with such fervour, his fingertips will leave bruises in your skin from holding you down. 
“Messmer please,” you’re not sure what you’re begging for. 
He pulls away from you, leaving you cold, he kisses your clit tenderly and your hips shudder. Then you feel his finger slide up between your lips, collecting some of your silky wetness and circles your clit, so featherlight it gives you a moment to relax. Looking down you catch his still blown out eyes, his new features still send flutters throughout your body. 
Without saying a word, you feel his finger drag towards your hole and press through the threshold. You suck in a breath already feeling full despite it only being one finger. He inches the digit in slowly, reaching his second knuckle he presses upwards, adding delicious pressure to your sweet spot. You see flashes of sparkles before your eyes, your back arches off the bed and you let out the sweetest moan. Messmer smiles at your pleasure, grinding into the bed and letting out a groan himself. 
You pant heavily, enough to suck out all the oxygen in the room. Your entire skin feels on fire. He pulls the finger out slowly, teasing your entrance and pushes it back in faster this time. He can feel you clamp around him so tight already. Messmer dips his head against your thigh, pressing kisses to the soft flesh and groans. You’re so tight, he’s already dizzy on the thought of you around his thick cock. 
“Thou art so wet and tight for me.” He says breathy, “I will need to stretch thee out more.” 
His words remind you of that evening in the library, your hand barely wrapping around his thick cock. You try to sit up, but Ophis’ weight on your toros keeps you down. Tilting your head you look down at him.
“Is it… still the same?” you ask timidly, unsure if his manhood has also altered in his transformation. 
He smiles so devilishly, flashing teeth and his tongue wets his lips. 
“Aye, my love.”
A whimper escapes your throat and you flop back onto the bed. Messmer runs his hands up your body, he palms your exposed breast and pinches your nipple, distracting you from your thoughts. 
Another kiss warms your thigh and he circles your hole with two fingers, slowly he sinks into your core, curling them straight away to catch that sweet spot. 
You swear under your breath, feeling the pinch of the stretch. You’re no virgin, but a quick fuck in the field with the neighbour boy years ago doesn’t compare to how you’ll be fucked by Messmer. It has been so long you’d forgotten the touch of another. Only your own slender fingers keep you company (as Messmer also knows) but could never compare to his warm slender fingers. 
Slowly he fucks you with his fingers, occasionally leaning back down to circle your clit with his tongue. He can feel you relax enough that he retreats and inserts a third.He already starts to scissor his fingers, you suck in a breath. His kitten licks continue to draw you to your orgasm, with the increased pressure inside you, you start to vibrate. 
“Me-mess-Messmer,” you stutter, “I’m close.” 
Without a word he pumps into you faster, rubbing your spot over and over, he can feel you flutter around his fingers. Tongue still lapping at your clit. Other hand is still pawing at your breast. 
You feel your whole body come undone. You orgasm hard, your walls clamping down on his slender fingers inside you, you feel yourself gush around them as he sucks in your clit. Your hips violently jerk, your thighs shake around his head. You’ve never felt such pleasure. Tears line your eyes at the intensity of your climax, toes curling and fingers fly to tangle themselves with Messmers coppery locks. Once the sensation gets too much, you grasp his hair and pull him off your painfully sensitive clit. 
With half closed eyes, he looks inebriated, mouth and chin shimmery with your slick. He looks at you with such desire. You too look intoxicated, cheeks flushed red, your chest matching, eyes closed and struggling to stay open, your mouth agape and panting heavily. 
Messmer pulls out his fingers from your core, you mewl at the emptiness they left behind, but know you won’t stay empty for long. 
He kisses your thighs once more before crawling back up the bed to shroud over you once again. He kisses you softly, you tasting yourself on his lips. He lowers himself and you can feel his erection pressing hard against your puffy cunt. You look down at it tenting his tunic, along with a small patch of wetness darkening the fabric. 
Cupping his face, you kiss him hard, you wrap your legs around his hips and force him over onto the bed. He lets out a huff from the motion, he smirks at you at your bravery and strength. You straddle his hips and grind your obscenely wet pussy onto his clothed cock, adding wetness to the fabric. 
He grunts at the sensation. 
“I wish to taste you too.” You flash him a devilish grin. 
Ophis and Fidi slowly slither around his shoulders and you kiss both of their noses. Their tongues tickle your cheeks. 
Messmer cups your chin in his hand and pulls you back for another kiss. As you let your tongue dance with his, you reach behind his neck and unclasp his tunic, pulling the velvety fabric from his body. You let it pool around his hips as you feel him become nervous. 
You shuffle back and sit patiently on his thighs. You hold his shaking hand and kiss his finger tips. 
Messmer looks away and nods, his cheeks and chest flushing deep rouge, he closes his eyes as you pull his tunic off his body, leaving him naked. 
You look down at his thick cock standing between his hips. It bobs and twitches, it remains at a slight decline under its own hefty weight. Your eyes grow wide at his shape and thickness. Slick drips from your sopping cunt into the bed between his thighs, you moan at the sensation. 
It looks exactly as you imagined from that time in the library, two cocks in one, thick and veiny, the tip slightly pointed, red and already oozing with pre-cum. You reach over and take hold of his cock with both hands, gently squeezing at the base. His hips jerk upwards and he whimpers, bringing his hand to his mouth. 
“Messmer”, you whisper, pleading with him to look at you. “It’s incredible.” 
He shudders at your praise, he cracks open his eyes, fluttering his lashes and looks at you. Such a pretty delicate little thing, perching angelically on his thick thighs, naked and blissed from your orgasm, hands grasping around his thick twitching cock. It was like he’d dreamed about. 
“I love you Messmer.” you smile at him and slowly drag your hands up his shaft. Both your hands look tiny around his thickness, both hands covering three-quarters of its length and fingers barely touching at the girth. You understand why he needed to stretch you with 3 fingers, even then it didn’t feel it would be enough. You feel your stomach ache and flip at him filling you up and stretching you wide. 
He groans at the touch, fingers coiling into the bedsheets till his knuckles turn white. He already felt so close from humping the bed when locked between your thighs. You can already feel him writhing.
You reach the sensitive red swollen tip, you gently glide your thumb around his leaking slit and coat the head in his precum. Glistening and begging to be tasted. 
Fluttering your lashes at him, you slowly lean over lick at the glistening slit. He puffs and utters incoherent words and it makes you smirk. You lap at the tip, kitten licks mimicking his own on your clit. Bravely you suckle down the entire head, your jaw slack and tongue swiping over and over tasting him. He tasted warm and musky, a flavour you cannot describe but you wanted more. Slowly you descend down his thick shaft, hands still squeezing and covering where you knew you’d never reach. 
You take him into your mouth slowly, spit coating his length and a little escapes the side of your swollen lips. You feel his hand gently on your head, he doesn’t push nor pull, just provides you with comfort. 
“Don’t hurt thyself, please” he mutters, hissing as you go as far as your jaw can let you. Tears line your eyes as the pointed tip touches the back of your throat and you gag just a little. You pull back till just the head resting on your tongue. Messmer strokes the side of your head with his thumb and you bob up and down over just the weeping head. 
He drops his head back in pleasure, hips gently rocking upwards but not enough for you to notice. You pop off him, gasping for breath, a string of spit still connecting the two of you. He looks back down and could orgasm at the sight of you alone, swollen lips, half lidded eyes, skin red and glistening. You trail down the shaft, coating thick two encased cocks with wet kisses all the way down to his thick tuft of red hair. 
Moving your other hand you spread your fingers wide and trace up his abs, nails raking over his shimmery skin. Holding him, you swipe your tongue all the way up the underside in one long lick and flick the tip beading with more pre-cum. You lap at him again, hungry for more as the bitter taste of him dances on your taste-buds. 
Messmer pulls you off him, cheeks and chest red and his breathing heavy.
“If thee continues like that…” his voice shuddered. He didn't continue, but you understood. You kiss the tip once more and crawl up his body, planting kisses over his bony hips, his taut abs, his chest. You even kiss the newly healed lesions on his chest. Face to face, he cups your ass and pulls you closer to him. He kisses you deeply, tongues entwining once more. You feel the soft scales of the snakes over your back and shoulders, pulling you closer. You let out a giggle at the sensation. 
Lips parted, you look deep into Messmers new eyes, still blown out black from lust but also shimmering gold and amber. 
“Doest thee still desire this?” he asks so softly your stomach flutters. Tears line your eyes and you nod.
“Yes, I want you.” You kiss him again, his hand cups your cheek and you nuzzle into his palm, your signature traits. 
“I think it might be besteth for you to…” he swallows thick and heavy. “To be on top for your pleasure.” 
Parting your lips you nod. “Yes.” You turn away blushing, the flush growing down to your heaving chest. Messmer tilts you to look at him.
“There is nay a rush,” he coos, pulling you close to him. “Take as much time as thee needeth.” He presses his forehead against yours. 
“I love you.” you mutter, pecking his lips once more.
“And I adore thee.” He smiles so sweetly you could drink down the nectar. 
Moving his snakes from your body, they reposition their weight off you and press against your calves resting on the bed. You inch backwards till your still wet cunt bumps his thick cock. You both moan in unison at the heat of each other. Messmer grabs your hips and waist and aids you upwards, your thighs already burning and shaking. You lean forward, resting your palms flat on his stomach, nails digging into his flesh already.
His thumb rubs against your skin, soothing you. Cautiously, you line yourself up with his red dripping tip and gently roll your hips, coating it in a thin sheen of your slick. Looking up at him, you see Messmer staring intensely at your pussy and his cock, watching you both join together. 
You sink down slowly, feeling your wet hole stretch sweetly over the pointed tip. It only took a moment, but it felt like an eternity till he was partially inside, slotted perfectly in that first curve of your hole. You could feel him twitch at the tightness of you. Panting gently, you pause, and look back up at Messmer, smiling at you.
“Thou feels so divine,” he squeezes your plump hip. 
Taking in a breath, you sink down more, starting to feel the sharp sting as you slide down his thick shafts. You feel him brush against that sweet spot inside of you and your hips shudder at the sensation. The pressure inside of you burned but felt incredible. You stop midway, letting out the breath you were holding and keep yourself still. Your thighs begin to shake under your own weight. You arch your hips to soothe the burn and gently lift yourself upwards till just the tip remains inside of you. Messmer grunts at the motion, his fingers twitch and you feel a warmth in your chest bloom. 
Glancing up at messmer through your lashes you see him blushing and biting his lip, he doesn’t ask but you nod at him, telling him you’re alright. You knit your brows together as you slowly sink down on him again, going a little further. You feel so full, his two shafts moulding your walls perfectly and rub against your most sweetest spots perfectly. 
You feel him let go of your waist and move down to where you both connect, he gently thumbs your clit, circling the bud slowly and your walls flutter around him. He grunts at the sensation of you getting tight around him, you feel him twitch.
Shaking, you ease down till you feel your thighs meet his, your clit grazing against his thick copper curls and he pulls away from your clit. A breath escapes from your mouth, chest heaving, tits rising and falling so wonderfully. 
You couldn’t believe you took him all in. Dropping your head you sit still for a moment, letting yourself get used to his girth and size. Looking at his abs, you move your hands and notice a littering of crescent moon shaped indents in his skin from where your nails dug into his skin. You whimper at the site and he cups your cheek, soothing you.
“Thou did amazing, my love.” He purrs at you. “I wish to stay inside thee for eternity.” 
“Oh, Messmer.” you feel tears threatening to fall from your lashes at his praise and romantic words. You feel smooth scales on your arm as Fidi nudges you with his snout, tongue flicking on your cheek. Ophis slithers over your thigh and onto Messmers stomach. 
Messmer lets out a puff of air from his nose and moves his thumb from your cheek and swipes your lower lip. You let your tongue slip out and taste his skin. Messmer shudders as you flutter around him, your walls tightening as you gently lap at his thumb. 
After another moment, you felt moulded to him inside you. Gently you start to grind your hips into his, feeling him inside you and giving your clit a burst of satisfaction. The pointed tip gently rubs your cervix in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Despite the burn in your thighs, you tenderly rise up on his cock, and slam back down. The obscene sound of skin on skin echoes around the room, along with your breathy moans. 
Each thrust his thick girth rubs gently against your sweet spot, making your second orgasm bubble and grow in your stomach already. The warmth soothing your aching muscles. You feel a drop of sweat glide down your back as you continue to ride him with passion. Messmer rests his head back, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of you. 
Messmer removes his hand from your cheek and trials his finger down your throat, over your collarbone and between your breasts, softly bouncing on each thrust. He cups one and swipes his thumb over your stiffened nipple, sending a shooting warmth straight to your clit. You dig your nails into his skin.
What felt like hours, your thighs start to shake and your muscles give out. You pant loudly, trying to catch your breath, you lean forward on your arms and stretch them out, wrapping them around Messmers neck. You could feel the soft scales on the snakes still on your thigh and now on your back and wrapping around your bicep. You hear him chuckle, his breath tickingling the shell of your ear. 
“Thee did so well.” He kisses the side of your head and slowly hooks his arms around your waist and pulls you closer and tighter to him, on instinct you wrap your legs around his hips. Before you could protest you weren’t done, he hoists you up, still on his cock and gently lays you onto the bed. Your hair fanning behind you like a halo. Messmer looks down at you with such love and devotion. 
Deep down you were grateful for him taking over. Your muscles will ache in the morning. 
Leaning down, Messmer captures another kiss and tucks a few loose sweaty strands back behind your ear. Ophis and Fidi slither around you both, coiling themselves around limbs, tongues flicking out to taste salty skin.
He smiles at you and slowly pulls his cock out of you till just the tip remains, shaft glistening in your slick. You whimper at the loss of the stretch and feeling full, taking in a breath before he thrusts back into you. You let out a hiccup at the sensation, arms pulling at his neck and legs shaking and tucking your head into his chest, breathing in his sweet musky scent. 
He repeats the move, slow but powerful thrusts rock your body. Each thrust ending with a small breathy moan from you as you feel the tip rubbing over your spot, growing your orgasm closer. He looks down and watches your tits bounce in time with his thrusts. He lets out a deep groan making your walls flutter around him.
You let your legs flop from his waist and onto the bed, opening you more for him. The new position gives Messmer more room, as he thrusts deeper inside of you and hits a spot you didn’t know you had. You gasp out sharp and Messmer stops, looking at you with worry.
“Did I hurt thee?” he asks panicked, cupping your cheek and turning you to look at him, eyes glazed over, cock drunk and bursting with pleasure.
You shake your head, mouth curved into a tipsy smile.
“No, no my love, you didn’t, you feel amazing, please don’t stop.” you breathe out. 
He nods and returns to his heavy thrusts. He catches that spot again and you throw your head back in pleasure. Messmer catches on and doesn’t change, continuously slamming into you faster and faster. You couldn’t feel your legs, they began to shake and your hands paw at his shoulders, nails leaving more crescent shapes in his skin. 
You moan louder as you feel your orgasm reaching its peak, you lock eyes with Messmer and your heart swells, warmth bursting over your body. You try to speak but you only let out squeaks and whimpers. You match his rhythm and thrusts, gently rocking your hips trying to give your much neglected clit some attention. 
“I need…” you manage to breathe out. 
You feel Messmer move his hand between your sweaty bodies and play with your throbbing clit. Your stomach blooms with warmth, your orgasm was on the brink. He moves his other hand and cups yours, fingers entwined together. 
“Messmer…” you whisper, “I’m gonna cum.” 
He nods, still pounding into you, thumb swirling your clit.
“Prithee, my love, I can feel thee.” he bites his lip as he tries to hold back his own orgasm. “So tight and made for me.” You could feel his hips falter, his body shudder as he holds back. “I want to feel thee, my love.” 
“I-I- Oh my lord. Mess-Messmer!” 
A few more deep sharp thrusts and you throw your head back, your stomach tightens and you snap. Your orgasm washes over you, pumping endorphins into your bloodstream. You clamp down and suck in Messmers thick cock into your tight cunt with such might, you feel him struggle to pull out of you. Your walls clench and flutter and you see white spots in your eyes and tears flow down the sides of your face. 
Seconds after your burst, you feel the snakes around your arms and torso constrict you and Messmer slams once more into your hot cunt and fills you with his thick seed. His orgasm intense and overpowering his brain shuts off for a moment, he can only feel you on his cock and phantom through the snakes. Nothing but you, overwhelmed by you. 
He grinds his twitching cock into you, watching some of his cum seep out around his shaft. A small fluttering “phew” escapes his lips as he lets the last few pumps of cum leak out his overstimulated tip. 
Slowly but carefully his arms give out and he flops on top of you (as much as the snake body’s give). Sweaty skin sticks together. Your legs shake from overuse and you press your forehead to his shoulder, the pair of you panting, gasping for any molecule of oxygen in the air now filled with the musky scent of sex. 
With the last of his energy, he leans upwards and hovers over you, pressing his sweating forehead against yours. You let out a gentle sob, overwhelmed with emotions and chemicals swimming in your bloodstream. 
He pecks your nose, your cheeks, mutters praise and affection. You feel Ophis and Fidi uncoil themselves from your skin and lie on the bed next to you both.
“I am greatly in love with thee.” He whispers, “Thee was incredible.” 
You open your teary eyes, his face blurry but just what you needed to see. He smiles at you sweetly, his amber eyes also glistening with tears. You let out a laugh between sobs, stroking his hair with your shaking fingers. 
“Oh Messmer,” you coo. 
It took a moment to realise he was still inside you, you could feel him slowly deflating. Messmer shudders as he pulls out of you, your swollen cunt oversensitive and a little sore from the stretch. You’re left feeling empty as you feel his cum slowly ooze out of you onto the bed. Messmer strokes his long fingers over your shaking thighs, soothing your aches. 
You feel your sobs dye out and your left in your afterglow, skin tingling and mind in a haze. You smile at Messmer as he continues to caress you. 
“One moment, my love.” he leans down and captures your lips in a tender kiss before rising from the bed. You inspect his new body, still lanky and thin but skin ivory and devoid of scars. He was the same man you fell in love with, but just slightly different. Shoulders still broad, thin waist and cute tiny bum. You giggle to yourself and Messmer turns to you, narrowing his eyes with a smirk. 
He returns from the side of the room with a damp cloth. Carefully he cleans between your legs. You hiss as the rough fabric scratches your swollen lips. He mutters his apologies but you shake your head. Once finished, he scoops you into his warm arms, cradling you and repositions you both on his, no, our bed. 
Messmer gently lays you onto the mountain of pillows, cuddling up next to you and bringing you close to him. You kiss his chest and feel Ophis and Fidi return around you, tongues flicking on your shoulder and arm. 
You both hold one another, sharing warmth and basking in your afterglow. 
“I love you.” you whisper. He cups your cheek, eyes meeting eyes. 
“I love thee.” 
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One more "chapter" to go which is an epilogue of random drabbles/short stories of their future. Can't believe I wrote this. I've been amazing. Love you all.
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val-of-the-north · 7 months
More observations for the trailer I am going insane!!!
I can't claim the original observation of this candle tree detail is mine, but it's from a Japanese Twitter user, here's a screenshot of the post and a link to it as well [x]
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The rest of this observation IS mine though, so let's get to it:
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With all the talk of cardinal sin, Messmer having a few parallels to Lucifer as pointed out by some friends of mine [x] I have to wonder if he is the cause of a speculated first burning of the Erdtree.
If this is the first time you have heard about this concept, I'll give a short summary. You know how Leyndell is covered in ash by the time we reach it in-game, and how that goes unexplained? We know for a fact that must be the Erdtree's ashes because after we claim the Rune of Death and the Erdtree burns even more, the capital is entombed in it.
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We are also told that the Age of Plenty, an age in which the Erdtree gave physical blessings from its sacred sap, swiftly came to a close and the tree had to be changed to simply an object of faith...
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So the theory claims that the reason why the Age of Plenty ended so swiftly was due to the Erdtree being set on fire. In theory spaces, the go-to culprit for this speculated action has often been the Gloam-Eyed Queen, with her connections to fire (Blackflame specifically) and Destined Death, but now there's the possibility that this was all Messmer's doing after all. Promotional material and dialogue seems to really denote his affinity for scorching and setting things ablaze.
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This probably also means he is the inventor of that scary flame construct that according to Miyazaki as per this interview [x] was an old war machine, no doubt used during this "unsung battle".
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Another important part of Messmer's design is the two snakes, which point us back to the Age of Plenty! Godfrey likely ruled during and directly after that time, and the arenas were likely built because of him. It had to be during Godfrey's rule because by the time Radagon became Elden Lord the practices of the colosseums had died down, as told to us by the Ritual Sword and Shield Talismans:
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One of the more interesting aspects of the gladiatorial battles that once took place is the snake symbolism on the gladiators' armor.
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So the snake was a symbol of a generic "traitor to the Erdtree", and it predated Rykard's blasphemy by an entire age at least... so what if it wasn't generic at all and it represented Messmer himself? He might have been the perpetrator of a betrayal so foul that Marika removed all traces of his existence from her empire's history, but kept the symbol of the snake as a spiteful reminder of him and all other subsequent traitors. After all, she does seem to have power over which one of her children gets remembered or not, and if not her, then the collective of the Golden Order:
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Do note that we don't know when she said this. It could have been while she was still at the height of her rule or right before the Shattering. What we do know for a fact is that the soulless demigods inside the Walking Mausoleums have no known history to speak of, which is quite unlike Godwyn, one of the more accomplished members of the family. So yeah, being forgotten by history might be something the Golden Order does to those they deem unfit, so Messmer could be a likely candidate for such treatment... except instead of doing nothing noteworthy he did TOO much lol.
Now I gotta wonder if Marika hated him more or less than her Omen babies. One could argue that locking them down in a sewer close to where she lives was done more as an obligation than any true resentment. She could have sent them to the Shadow Lands if she really wanted them gone and unaccessible, as that place seems filled with Crucible-related things...
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I am not saying she was a good mother to them because she didn't kick them to the Shadow Lands, but perhaps she DID have some small affection for them that she really couldn't follow through with.
Of course, maybe she just couldn't banish them anymore after banishing Messmer for whatever reason (maybe she cut-off a connection to that realm?). However, the most likely possibility is that he WAS known like the many soulless demigods and that Mohg and Morgott predate him. It's just that while those two were born undesirable through no fault of their own and were thus only hidden away, he BECAME undesirable which was worse in Marika's eyes so he gets the extra banishment and the removal of all of his history... there are so many possibilities...
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wraith-caller · 1 month
I don't really buy into the "Godwyn was a willing sacrifice" theory. Granted, there's not a lot of info about him, so it's hard to say what his personal beliefs were. We know he fought for the Golden Order against the dragons, and that rather than eradicating them he chose to make peace with them. I think him being able to have a former enemy set up its own cult among the people of Leyndell says a lot about how trustworthy he was, which is notable given how Marika typically treats her enemies. This is an indication that he was quite faithful, otherwise Marika may have seen such a maneuver as a threat.
Of course people's minds can change over time, so it could be argued he at some point became disillusioned with the GO. However, I don't feel there is much good evidence to indicate that. He's hailed to his death as "the Golden", and was mourned so deeply that he was buried at the foot of the Erdtree, an honor reserved only for him. None of the other demigods killed during the Night of the Black Knives, or any subsequent fallout, were treated to such burial rites. To that, some might say, "Well, he just kept his rebellious beliefs a secret, sharing them only with Ranni as they devised their coup together."
But if he was working with Ranni, why did the Assassins themselves have to go to Leyndell to kill him? If Godwyn was in on this plan with Ranni, why chance it being disrupted before it could even begin by forcing the Assassins to come after him in such a tightly guarded place? Wouldn't it be easier to have Godwyn meet with Ranni? There's no reason that would raise any suspicion, being that they are half-siblings, both demigods, and important figureheads within the Golden Order. And it's way simpler to sneak one dude out of a city than it is to sneak x number of assassins into one.
There may have been other demigods in Leyndell targeted by the assassination plot, but none were as vital to Ranni's plans as Godwyn. So even if some of the Assassins needed to get into Leyndell anyway, you still run this massive risk of being stopped before Godwyn can be killed.
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toweringclam · 3 months
If the leaks turn out to be true (which I'm skeptical on), it would pretty much upend most lore theories about certain characters. However, it actually fits in pretty well with my own theories.
Spoilers below the break.
So Radahn was meant to be Miquella's consort. Probably.
This... actually works.
First off, my theory has always been that the Empyreans all had designated consorts. It's the best way to explain the connection between Malenia and Rykard, as shown by the Shaded Castle. Probably not a very good relationship, given all the abductor virgins he gave her are broken and stuck in a cave guarded by her soldiers, but a relationship nonetheless.
I had previously assumed that Miquella and Godwyn were betrothed, as they are the two favored children, but I realize that doesn't make much sense in hindsight. Ranni came about long before Miquella, so it only makes sense that the favored son of the Sun and the favored daughter of the Moon would be wed.
Ranni clearly took exception to this.
And that leaves Radahn x Miquella. Now, some people think that there was a conflict between Miquella and Radahn, but that's not the case. It's kind of a thing that Miquella got along with everybody. Why would Radahn be the one exception?
Instead, it's likely that Malenia found he was missing and her twin sense pinged in Caelid. She made some very reasonable conclusions about what had happened and demanded answers from Radahn. Radahn didn't know wtf she was talking about, but instead of sorting this out like a reasonable person, he felt insulted by the question and demanded an apology. One thing led to another, neither one could back down without losing face, and soon you have the last and most devastating battle of the Shattering.
It makes sense.
It's probably wrong because the leaks are pretty dubious.
But it makes sense.
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mrsshabana · 8 months
Mkay, so hear me out. I wanted to ask if you could write about gyutaro and the reader being in a fantasy universe that's similar to final fantasy or the legend of zelda, but Gyutaro is part dragon and maybe even the guardian of like a temple or something along those lines. Be creative with it, I know whatever you come up with will be great :> You can make it NSFW or more fluffy, all up to you!
Either way, I hope you have a great day ^^
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭
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꒦꒷‧₊ Summary You are a Princess of a crumbling kingdom. Desperate for help, you set out to free an ancient dragon in hopes that he will be able to restore order to the land. But you were naive to think he would be so gracious. Things take a turn for the worse and you have no choice but to rely on each other.
꒦꒷‧₊ Content Dragon!Gyutaro x Female!Reader, violence, gore, death
꒦꒷‧₊ Note 3k words. A lot of the lore for this story is based off of Elden Ring. I know you asked for other games but I'm not familiar with them so I hope this is ok. I absolutely adore Elden Ring so this was very fun to write. I'm sorry that I ended up making this way more complex than it needed to be but I couldn't help it! I was having too much fun coming up with lore for this universe. I have so many ideas for this so if you'd like me to continue this story then please let me know!
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Finally after days of searching through the Swamp of Aeonia, narrowly avoiding the toxic scarlet rot that infects these lands, you found the ruins only spoken of in ancient legends.
It is said that deep within the heart of Caelid there is a place where Gyutaro, the son of the Lichdragon Fortissax, has been imprisoned for the last 100 years.
Legend says that he was forsaken for being the most hideous creature in all the land. While his twin sister was worshiped for her beauty. He was born corrupted by the scarlet rot, consuming him from the inside out. And Gyutaro was known for his jealousy. He would destroy and devour things that were beautiful or more fortunate than himself. He brought great suffering to The Lands Between, so a knight was sent to imprison him.
You don't know for certain if the legends are true, but you sure hope they are. Growing up you've always been incredibly fascinated by dragons and the tales your mother would tell you. But since you are a princess you were never allowed around such ferocious beasts. But now you have no choice.
Your kingdom is crumbling and your mother has fallen ill. As the war across The Lands Between rages on, your soldiers dwindle. You feel helpless as more and more of your soldiers die. More innocent lives.
But you remembered the tales your mother would tell you and it gave you a glimmer of hope. It is told that the Lichdragon Fortissax was defeated in battle by Godwyn the Golden. But instead of death, Godwyn offered his friendship to the Lichdragon. Fortissax was loyal to Godwyn ever since, protecting him even after they both succumbed to corruption.
You thought that perhaps the rumored son of Fortissax would be just as loyal as his father. If you were to free him from his imprisonment then perhaps he would return the favor by protecting your kingdom.
It's a long shot but it may be the only shot you have.
You cautiously descend into the ruins of what appears to be a dungeon, slowly decayed by the scarlet rot. You're careful not to touch anything as you make your way down a long staircase.
At the bottom of the staircase lies a corridor. A deep rumble can be heard as you walk through, your footsteps echoing through the passageway. As you get closer to the end of the hall the rumbling gets louder and louder.
Finally, you make it to the end, welcomed by a giant chamber. And there he is.
Gyutaro, the son of the Lichdragon.
As soon as you lay your eyes upon him you are stricken with a combination of fear and amazement. His beauty takes your breath away.
His large form lays sleeping in the middle of the room. But as soon as you step foot into the chamber he begins to stir. His eyes shoot open, slit pupils surrounded by glowing yellow stare wildly at you. With a deep growl, he rises to his feet, towering at least 20 feet over you.
His body is covered with black scales, accented with green. Though his beautiful scales are interrupted by dark splotches scattered across his face and body, these scales don't shimmer like the others do. They appear dull and corrupt in some way. Razor sharp claws adorn his paws and two large horns sit atop his head.
Though his body looks different than you had imagined. He is very muscular but his stomach is hollowed out and you can clearly see his ribs and spine. You imagine he doesn't get much to eat here, so perhaps that would explain his emaciated stature.
He spreads his massive wings, blocking the light from the torches behind him. And his long tail sways behind him as he glares down at you. And that's when you hear it. A deep rumble coming from within his chest as he begins to open his jaws, revealing a bright red light glowing from within him. He's about to envelop you in flames.
"G-Gyutaro!" You immediately get on your knees and bow before him, "Son of Fortissax! I have come to free you!"
The rumbling stops, and you feel the ground shake as he begins to circle you. Too afraid to look up, you stay staring at the cobblestone. Hoping that he spares you and gives you a chance to explain yourself.
He leans closer to you, inhaling your scent. "Human... you are of royal blood," he rasps. The sound of his voice sending shivers down your spine.
"Y-yes," you stammer, "I am Princess Y/N."
"Princess?" he smirks, "What is a princess doing in the Swamp of Aeonia?"
"I came searching for you," you finally muster the courage to look up. Staring into his golden eyes. "The Lands Between suffer greatly these days. W-we need the ancient dragon to return balance to the land," your voice shakes as you muster a half-truth. It is true that the world hasn't been graced by an ancient dragon in many years and their presence could help restore the world to order. But you also seek his aid in restoring your kingdom.
"You are quite bold for a human," he scoffs, "Attempt if you must. But these are no ordinary binds."
He lifts his legs, jingling the chain that wraps tightly around his ankle. You were too enamored by his magnificence to notice them before.
You shakily get up onto your feet to examine the chains. A glowing blue tint shines off of the thick metal. These chains must be enchanted somehow. For if they were ordinary he would easily be able to break free. But you came prepared.
Gyutaro doesn't know how to break the spell that binds him to this place, but you do. As a princess, you have access to all of the records and literature you could ever want. You know what will free him.
A kiss from a beautiful maiden of royalty.
The knight that imprisoned him, an ancestor of Lord Tengen, was smart when he enchanted these chains. He thought of something that could never possibly happen, something that Gyutaro would surely never allow even if someone had tried. Especially since when Gyutaro was free he set out to destroy all beauty.
You clear your throat, "I know what will set you free. But you need to trust me."
Gyutaro narrows his eyes at you. What could possibly be your angle here? Are things really that bad that you came to free him? You do know his history, do you not? He is no peaceful creature, always leaving violence and death in his wake.
He doesn't understand what your motives are, but he isn't afraid of a mere human. He figures that if you try anything funny then he can just devour you. But, he's been imprisoned here for so long that he's willing to hear you out.
You slowly reach up towards his face. He doesn't know why he feels so drawn to you, but he lowers his head and you gently place your hands on his cheeks.
"You will be free," you whisper as you look into his eyes.
You lean forward and kiss him. Pressing your soft lips to his scaly ones. He feels something warm blossom within him as he closes his eyes.
The chains slowly disintegrate into dust, effectively ending his 100-year imprisonment.
His eyes widen in surprise, "I-I'm free..."
Your heart beat quickens as you slowly step away from him. Fear overtakes you as you stand before this mighty dragon, now completely free. Will he return the favor to you? Or will he devour you now that he's gotten what he needed from you?
His lips curl into a smirk as he puffs out his chest and lets out a mighty roar. So loud that it shakes the entire dungeon, echoing throughout the infected lands of Caelid and possibly beyond.
The walls of the dungeon begin to crumble as debris falls from the ceiling. This place is on the verge of collapsing.
Quickly, Gyutaro scoops you up in his arms. Holding you against his chest as he lunges upwards, bursting through the ceiling of the ruins.
He flies into the sky, marveling at the rot-ridden swamp below him. The sun hitting his scales for the first time in 100 years, he's filled with vigor.
You hold on for dear life, though he has a firm grip on you. Gyutaro flies above Caelid, triumphantly roaring to alert everyone that he is back. You aren't sure if his return will cause hope or fear amongst the people of The Lands Between.
He flies east, a safe distance away from the scarlet rot, and into a nearby forest. Carefully landing, he gently sets you down on the ground.
"Princess..." he lowers his head, "You freed me from that accursed prison. Thank you..."
You feel a surge of relief and power course through you as this all-powerful creature bows before you. Reaching out to him, you gently lay your hand on his snout. "You're welcome. I'm glad to have helped."
He quickly recoils from your touch, feeling an unfamiliar emotion stir within him. His brows furrow in discomfort. This feeling doesn't sit right in his stomach, and he doesn't enjoy it.
With a sour taste in his mouth, he launches back into the sky. Leaving you behind.
"W-wait!" you shout, trying to run after him but there's no point. He's already long gone.
Gyutaro couldn't take it any longer. The attraction towards you that blossomed within him was too foreign to him. Though after being imprisoned for the last 100 years it was nice to have some company. Especially that of a beautiful princess. But he pushes those thoughts aside and focuses on more important things. Like reuniting with his sister.
You have no choice but to go back to your kingdom alone and empty-handed.
。o°✥✤✣    ✣✤✥°o。
Weeks pass and things only get worse. The war wages on and your mother's health worsens. You don't see or hear from Gyutaro. You only hear about the occasional sighting of a massive dragon or about a beast wreaking havoc on small villages.
That is until one day you hear a commotion outside your castle.
Gyutaro lands on the bridge before your castle, digging his massive talons into the cobblestone. Then a loud rumble stirs within him, he opens his jaws to spew crimson red flames across the other side of the bridge. Blocking the path of anyone that intends to visit the castle. Engulfing it in flames that spread the scarlet rot that harbors within him.
The castle guards rush out towards him, readying their crossbows and shooting arrows at his back. They bounce off of his tough scales, but one of them pierces his wing.
"Pathetic humans," he growls. Turning around and letting out a powerful roar that shakes the bridge beneath him. Gyutaro bares his fangs and lunges forward, catching one of the soldiers in his mouth. He closes his jaws, impaling the soldier with his many teeth before swallowing him whole.
Gyutaro lets out another roar, a clear warning to anyone who dares to attack him again.
"Cease fire!" You shout, running out of the castle and towards Gyutaro. The guards try to warn you that it's dangerous and you should stay inside, but you don't listen.
"Princess!" his eyes widen when he sees you, wasting no time and coming towards you.
Your guards point their crossbows at him as he approaches but you hold your hand out to signal that it's ok.
"Gyutaro, what are you doing here?" you say in shock.
"Your castle will come under attack shortly," he looks behind him briefly before turning back to face you, "My flames should hold them off for a while but it's not safe here."
"Wait what? What do you mean?" you begin to panic.
"There's no time to explain!" he growls, "I'm getting you out of here."
"No! I can't leave my mother behind! And what about everyone else?" your eyes begin to well up with tears.
"Fine," he huffs, "I'll carry you and your mother to safety. I couldn't care less about everyone else..."
"I refuse," you say sternly, "We will not leave our kingdom behind."
"Insolent human!" he roars, "I'm not giving you a choice!!"
Gyutaro opens his maw and swoops forward, catching your coat in his mouth before you can run away.
"Let me go! Let me go!" you kick and scream.
He doesn't know why he even bothered coming to help you. The old Gyutaro would never do something like that. But ever since you saved him he's been longing for your touch again. Longing to be in the presence of someone who didn't see him as a hideous beast. And perhaps he craved more of your affection.
Whatever the case, he needs to get you and your mother out of here as soon as possible. Even though he honestly doesn't care about your mother's well-being, he charges through the entrance of the castle anyway. Guards shoot at him as he passes, but the arrows aren't strong enough to penetrate his scales.
The large castle doors are just big enough to fit him if he collapses his wings to his back. While still holding you in his mouth, he bursts through the castle doors and into the foyer.
It's ginormous and filled with elaborate decorations and luxury furnishings. Your mother sits frail and weak on the throne.
"What is the meaning of this?" she calls out in a strong voice despite her sickly appearance.
Gyutaro's eyes go wide and he stops dead in his tracks, gently setting you down on the lavish rug beneath his feet.
You huff and straighten your coat as he releases you from his grasp. Giving him a stern look before moving your attention to the queen.
"Mother, the kingdom is-"
"I know," she cuts you off and stands from her seat, walking towards you and Gyutaro.
"I've known they would come for our kingdom," she passes you and walks straight towards Gyutaro.
He feels his blood run cold, and a strange sense of tranquility wash over him as she approaches. He lowers his head to show respect and that he isn't a threat.
Your mother stands in front of him, looking into his eyes.
"Gyutaro, son of the Lichdragon Fortissax," her voice is soft yet commanding as she places a hand on Gyutaro's head, "You will be my daughter's guardian. Protect her at all costs."
His eyes widen as he feels something change within him. He doesn't understand what's going on, but he suddenly feels as light as air. A strange golden mist forms around him, enveloping him.
You stare wide eyed and in complete shock. Your mother wouldn't hurt him would she? What in the hells did she do to him?
His body seems to shrink and become completely concealed within the mist.
It seems like forever but it's only after a few seconds that the mist begins to disappear. Revealing... a man?
He's hunched over on his hands and knees, breathing deeply as he feels his human lungs inflate for the first time. A familiar tail sways behind him, and a set of horns sits atop his head.
"G-Gyutaro...?" you whisper, slowly coming closer to him.
His body trembles as he tries to stand. You reach out to him hesitantly but are interrupted by a loud rumbling sound as the ground beneath you quakes.
"You must leave at once!" Your mother yells to you.
"I'm not leaving! I won't leave you behind!" you cry, tears flowing down your cheeks.
The front walls of the castle begin to crumble.
"I'm sorry my dear," your mother says in a somber tone, "I love you."
She raises her hand, then slowly lowers it. You can feel your eyes closing with the motion of her hand as she casts a spell on you.
All you can do is whimper, "I love you too," as you drift off to sleep.
。o°✥✤✣    ✣✤✥°o。
You wake up to the sound of heavy footsteps and someone cursing.
"Fuck this! Aaaaaahhhgg!!"
Slowly opening your eyes you see Gyutaro in what appears to be a humanoid form, thrashing about in a fit of rage.
"How dare I be reduced to the form of a mere human!!" he roars up into the sky. Birds flying out of the trees that surround you. "I am an ancient dragon!! I will not attune to this form!!"
He stomps around angrily before your soft whimpers catch his attention. His scowling visage faces you. And all of the anger of this ancient beast fades away when he sees your huddled form. Crying in agony.
"Princess?" his features soften as he approaches you. He kneels beside you and puts a hand on your shoulder.
"She's gone," you sob, "I'll never see her again."
Gyutaro feels yet another foreign emotion swell up within him. Could it be sympathy? He remembers when his father died and how hard it was for him. His heart aches as he recalls similar emotions to what you're feeling now.
He's not good with words, let alone emotions. So he just leans forward and wraps his arms around you. Wrapping you in his warm embrace.
You cling to him and sob into his chest.
"I know Princess... I know," he consoles, "Your mother entrusted me to protect you. And I'm going to do just that."
Knowing that you'll have him by your side gives you a glimmer of hope for the future. Though you both don't know what to do or where to go.
Gyutaro is determined to find his sister who he hasn't seen in 100 years. But first, he needs to find a way to transform back into a mighty dragon. He can't stand this pathetic form he's currently in. And you need to find a way to stop the war that rages across The Lands Between. And possibly recover whatever is left of your kingdom.
Neither of you knows what's to come. But at least you have each other.
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wxnheart · 1 month
Hear me out hear me out
Yandere godwyn x yandere reader
Cus imagine that reader is absolutely obsessed with godwyn even after godwyn died and turned into that weird fishy thing and is creepy as hell.
I just love obsessed x obsessed tbh (also the background characters are definitely weirded out lmao)
Don't tell me the Tarnished would make Fia look like a saint in comparison, nonnie! lmao!
And yes, I can imagine Godwyn being absolutely obsessed with his consort in life. No, consort dearest, he wants your eyes on him and him alone. Godwyn practically kept you sequestered in your shared chambers, you two were under each other at every opportunity you could get.
Godwyn asking Fortissax to watch over you whenever he was away.
Godwyn himself watching over you. Even in death.
Fia birthing the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince but Godwyn considers it your child. Yours and his.
His obsession still persists. Why do you think you attract all those wonderful deathblight creatures? With his eyes and face on them? Surely they aren't for aesthetic purposes, consort dearest.
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lullinglily · 16 days
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pairing: malenia x gn!reader
notes: again, moved from my ao3 because i think the tumblr format just fits this better.
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 Malenia champions over lust. She can control herself just fine. She always gives you a chaste kiss on the forehead before setting off to wage war in lands far beyond your tranquil home. It’s only when she returns, awash in the crimson blood of her vanquished enemies, does she get all touchy.
You both tend to each other. Malenia takes great care to keep you safe, and you check in on her mental and physical health daily.
“You are more than just your rot," you tell her, “You are more than just your brother’s sword.” She perks up at your words, and responds in her typically stoic tone of voice.
      “Of course. I am your sworn blade as well.” 
      “That is not what I meant, my love.” 
While she herself is infested with rot, she keeps you safe from such a fate. She adorns you in various accessories forged with unalloyed gold and gently strokes your hair as she administers the needle into your skin, valiantly warding off the rot’s influence. You can be sure the wedding gift she gives to you will be made of the same glittering material.
Malenia would shiver as you carefully removed her prosthesis, allowing herself to be vulnerable in your presence alone. You brought the soaked cloth up to her rotted limb, gently cleansing the scarlet rash and brushing away the budding flowers that grew there. She was always silent during these times, but not in the serious and intimidating way that her silence typically was. No, she was at peace. Your tender touches and soft spoken murmurs would often lull her to sleep, and you’d have to flail beneath her weight to keep her from crushing you. Once the wound had been thoroughly cleaned you’d reattach her arm dexterous, raising her golden knuckles to your lips in a lighthearted and sweet gesture. She’s touched of course, but now she’s also extra drowsy. You'll have to escort the lovesick demigod to your shared chambers without getting distracted by her affectionate words. Malenia is surprisingly verbose when describing her love to you. With how melodic her voice is it's a grand shame she doesn't speak more often. 
Dates with Malenia will really only be in or near the Haligtree, as it isn't safe enough for you anywhere else. On occasion the both of you walk along the beach the Haligtree was grown upon, the sound and smell of the sea grounding your beloved to her senses. It reminds her of the beginning, how the Haligtree grew alongside your relationship - blossoming into something both sublime and sacred. Such love was always certain to flourish underneath the Haligtree's canopy. 
Another date spot Malenia would enjoy is Elphael. She isn't very talkative, and chooses to show her devotion in actions rather than words. So, of course, she's going to train in front of you for hours on end. You still have a delightful time despite how mundane the activity may seem, how could you not when witnessing your Malenia disarm so many knights at once? The pride that overwhelms you almost rivals the pride Malenia feels when she turns toward you after a long sparring session, knowing she is fit to safeguard someone so wonderful. 
I imagine the both of you first meet somewhere in Leyndell, before the rot had peeled away Malenia's eyesight. Perhaps she finds you in some part of the capital and begins to frequent that area in hope of catching sight of you again. Maybe you were once a part of Godwyn's entourage, and suddenly so was she. Either way, Malenia is especially reserved. She'll take her time picking you apart, turning you over, letting her gaze wash over you again and again. 
You notice, of course. Even the most dense of mortals could feel the searing holes Malenia's stare burns into the back of their heads. She can sense that you've discovered her, and it's only a matter of time until one of you begins to speak to the other. No matter who it is that starts the conversation, it never seems to end. Crowds dissipate, the stars begin to show themselves, and before you know it you've been chatting up a demigod for almost the whole day. You're terribly embarrassed, but Malenia couldn't be happier. This was her first taste of victory - and how sweet it was! 
From then on she's quite clingy, and wishes to please you as best she can. It's fitting then that she'd ask her brother Miquella for help before every date with you. From what to say to how to say it, Miquella encouraged this compassion that guided his sister towards the object of her affection. It was this same heartfelt compassion that compelled Malenia to ask you to abscond with her to a land far beyond Leyndell. She'd asked you to leave all you've ever known for her brother's purpose, and yet you kindly agreed - a mercy upon her heart that she would forever honor. 
Nightly activities include reading aloud to her, discussing each other's days, sickeningly sweet flirting, and lying in bed together cuddling in absolute silence. The last item tends to be the most common way of spending time together, naturally. 
While Malenia is typically quiet, she can be quite the charmer when need be. When she lost her eyesight she had perfectly wiped away your tears, showcasing how well your face was etched into her memory. She traced each and every distinct feature on your body to prove how the loss of her vision changed nothing, and how she'd perfectly recall your visage even in death. 
Malenia is an extraordinarily loyal and devoted partner. She treats you with the upmost care, afraid of causing harm to you no matter how strong you are. She prays for your safety each day, to whom she is not sure, slaying hundreds of enemies with your protection in mind. No matter what great feat it is she had accomplished, to pull you into her embrace at the end of it all is reward enough. For what is a valkyrie without a precious soul to hold?
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sillovn · 2 months
Marika, Messmer and the Hornsent World
OK, finally collected and wrote up SotE lore thoughts. Specifically, want to talk about godhood and details of Marika’s ascension. There's a lot to cover...
1. Divinity and Order
Godhood and the Elden Ring now appear to be entirely separate concepts (though it’s still likely that only gods can use the Elden Ring). Ascension to godhood seems related to accessing a skyward divine paradise, the ‘Higher Spheres’ as the Grandam states. Meanwhile, the Elden Ring appears to “only” be a tool a god uses to create Order.
This is significant, as it now appears that Marika is the first god in many ages (possibly ever) to wield the Elden Ring. The pre-Erdtree Hornsent make no reference to it in their belief systems or visual culture. Her ascension thus represents a major shift in the world’s history, rather than simply being the passing of ages (which was a fair idea pre-SotE).
As a side, SotE also introduces a new class of divinity; the ‘Old Gods’ who seem to be long buried and gigantic in size. The single known weapon related to them appears inspired by IRL stone-age arrow points? (Yes, I know it’s referred to as meteoric ore. But AFAIK, the practice of using meteoric metal seems to predates the ‘formal definition’ of metal ages.)
2. What is the Original Sin?
It is something kept in the Land of Shadow and then what? Marika’s Gold-Shadow creation event would make thematic sense as the Original Sin, again lending credence to the idea that Marika represents a significant break with tradition.
Its notable that Enir-Ilim remains untouched by the razing of the surrounding country, also it was already shadowed at the time of the crusade. As others have stated, there’s an intentionally concealed past here.
3. Marika and the Hornsent
There is a specific relationship here – abandonment and betrayal (ie. Marika was known to the Hornsent and they expected her to uphold something). This is to say that narratives where Marika is ‘a survivor who slipped away and returned with vengeance’ don’t add up.
Instead, Im going to suggest that Marika’s godhood was supported by the Hornsent. Firstly, Enir-Ilim is held by the Hornsent to this very day, Marika ascends using their rituals and Divine Gate. Next, note the religious similarity between the Hornsent and Marika.
Tree Worship and accompanying ideas (gold is holy, sap blessings, fear of Fire Giants).
Note how compared to the present day Erdtree, the Scadutree is a physical sap-dripping tree.
Crucible worship (fades away in the Erdtree faith over time)
Jar Sacrifice. The Hornsent create Saints, the Erdtree followers use gladiators to make gargoyles (again, fades after Godfrey)
Shared motifs with dual meaning (punishment vs. fertility). Barbs vs. Arcs, Crucifixion vs. Dripping sap.
Marika’s braids and jewelry are spirals
Point Im trying to make is that the Erdtree religion is an evolution from the Hornsent one – especially when considering the initial ‘Age of Plenty’ of Marika x Godfrey.
Maliketh’s existence also complicates any idea where Marika and the Hornsent were enemies from the start. A Shadow is tasked with safeguarding their Empyrean; Marika’s only use for Maliketh was to seal Destined Death, suggesting the path to the Divine Gate had little resistance. Lastly there is also no mention of any Hornsent divine candidate, so consider – it was always meant to be Marika. As you can imagine, this changes the relationship between Marika and the other Shamans significantly (but note how Godwyn’s assassins were Numen).
So, what did the Hornsent want out of their god? Perhaps it was the ability control the Elden Ring?
The Scadutree’s asymmetrical shape is blamed on a lack of ‘capital O’ Order. The Elden Ring as is known, can be used to create Order. I bring this up because there is a symmetrical ‘Spiral Tree’ motif that appears in Hornsent culture.
Did the Hornsent plan to create a god because the Scadutree failed to achieve its prophesized form? Was the hope that Marika would succeed with a new order-infused tree? If true, then the Serosh-Godfrey conflict was likely about claiming the Elden Ring from Farum (note; you can find Crucible Knights and Beastmen fighting there).
The elephant in the room for this theory is whether Marika was ever subject to the Jar-Saint ritual? It certainly gives a neat explanation for Radagon’s origin (a Lord is needed for a god to incarnate, and Marika stands alone at her own ascension). I don’t have a good answer, but (as stated earlier) we can rule out ideas where violence was forcibly inflicted on Marika. This leaves 2 options…
Marika was the only Shaman never put in a jar. She rose to power off the sacrifice of her kin.
Marika willing chose the jar. Which sounds completely insane, but religious ordeals seem commonplace in pre-Erdtree religion (see. Curseblades, Lamenters, Tutelary Deities).
4. Messmer’s Crusade is later historical event
Consider the following.
Messmer is familiar with Tarnished as a concept
Messmer is a demigod, but has no Great Rune
Messmer’s relationship (in terms of seniority) to Rellana, Gaius and Radahn
Messmer’s army includes troops that are standard of later eras; Perfumers, Omenkillers, Tree Sentinels, Abductor Virgins and various Carian troops. Which could be over-interpreting game-assets, but eh?
Ritual combat exists in the Land of Shadow
This is to say; Messmer’s Crusade occurs after Godfrey’s exile, but not too far into the Marika-Radagon era.
If revenge was the motive, why wait for the passing of an entire age and the exile of the land's foremost military leader?
5. Messmer’s Crusade is about Purity
Its explicitly stated that Messmer’s Crusade was about purity (see. Crusade Insignia, Queelign and the various ghosts). With regard to the timeline above; the rationale for exterminating the Hornsent is simply the emerging Crucible taboo put into action (see. Crucible Talismans). This also explains why the Hornsent were not attacked during the Godfrey era.
So what changed? Perhaps Radagon returning to Marika created Golden Order Fundamentalism and all its present-day taboos?
In fact, the crusade as a whole seems to be a bloodbath between the Golden Order’s rejects - Messmer the serpent, Gaius the Albinauric and the Crucible worshipping Hornsent.
Couple more points...
Prejudice vs. Albinaurics might be an emerging opinion at this time, Gaius is both second in command but also a subject of mockery.
Messmer and the crusade are such a dishonor in Leyndell that it is later covered up. Again, if the motivation was to avenge Marika, then why such attitudes?
Belurat does not have a standing army. Sure, the tower has guards, but Ritual Dancers had to be repurposed to fight the invaders.
What Im saying here is; rather than being a foreign nation, Belurat was simply a city within Marika’s empire. Purged for practicing the ‘old ways’ (ie. Crucible worship).
6. Messmer’s Curse?
What is the Abyssal Serpent? What is Messmerfire? Other than the general Erdtree taboo, each of the other ‘flames’ have a distinct property (both in gameplay mechanic and lore) - Blackflame can kill divine beings, Frenzied Flame melts anything into primordial elements.
Messmerfire has a unique aesthetic, and that’s it?
7. A Tower to Heaven
Some ideas about the nature of Divine Ascension.
As per SotE; there seems to be an implication that the sky above holds a tangible divine paradise; the ‘Higher Spheres’. Ascension to godhood quite literally involves reaching into heaven via. Divine Gate.
The building of a Divine Gate also seems to merely be the final step in the process, establishing a connection between Higher Spheres and the mortal world.
Enir-Ilim provides a template to how the whole process might have worked. Firstly, the Divine Gate must be positioned to reach the sky – in the case of the Hornsent, a tower was used (though there might be other options). Vast amounts of sacrifices are also needed, potentially related to the earlier point as throughout Enir-Ilim, architecture is blended with bodies (are corpses used to make buildings fly?). Given that the Divine Gate continues to function at present, long after becoming petrified; Id’ argue that the sacrifice was about creating said gate, rather than a repeated ritual necessary for achieving divinity. I think it’s also safe to say that the main reason for making Jar-Saints was to provide said sacrifices.
The main point however, is that this ‘Corpse Architecture + Sky’ template can be found in 2 other instances – Farum Azula and The Eternal Cities.
This is not a comment on timeline, just shared goals in creating divinity. In Farum Azula’s case, it suggests that the city has always been airborne, flying due to the numerous Dragons and Beastmen entombed within the city (as opposed to meteor aftermath). Also note that Maliketh’s room (which holds a depiction of the Elden Ring and a statue of an unknown woman) sits at the top of a vast spiral stair where the lower part has since been lost.
As for the Eternal Cities? They seem to be attempting divine ascension without finger influence (see. Fingerslayer Blade), with the sky and lord both being ‘created’. Recalling the Nox-Numen-Black Knife-Marika connection, the Eternal City version of this ritual might very well be direct response to Marika’s own ascension.
8. Great Chain of Being
Next, I want to talk about the nature of the paradise. Rather, the idea that Paradise, The Crucible and the Primeval Current are elements within a larger system (if not entirely synonymous).
SotE gives a glimpse into the Crucible’s appearance: it’s an outpouring of ‘golden stuff’ (see. Divine Bird Feathers) that can be stabilized into a spiral column that links gods and humans (see. Spira). With this in mind, take note of the form of Elden Stars. Compare with the creation account (both Ymir and Hyetta versions); The Greater Will fractures the One Great, spilling stardust (carrying life and souls) across space.
Sure, this is *very handwavy*, but one can imagine a cosmology where life is carried in stardust (Primeval Current), reaches physical worlds and pours from sky to earth (Crucible current, also Bird Warriors are closest to the Crucible). A chain linking back to the very origin of all things.
As commonly noted, ER is known to homage old ideas with regards to philosophy/science. Consider here the ‘Great Chain of Being’, an idea that classifies things on a descending scale of God>Angel>Human>Animal etc. Under this classification scheme, a chain/ladder motif is used to depict these relationships (see. Spira), but more importantly; Angels are thought of as beings of pure spirit (more on this below).
Usual disclaimer that history is not my expertise.
9. God Incarnates
Given the Divine Gate does not seem to lead anywhere physical, are the Higher Spheres a realm of pure spirit? The Sculpted Keeper custom (incl. Lion Dancers, Bird/Beast Warriors) involves the invoking/possession of mortal beings by spirits from the Higher Spheres. The whole practice of horn cultivation exists to enable this.
Going further back in time, the Rauh society had a practice of carving stones to act as homes for spirits. Rauh also seems associated with Golems, Ruined Forges and Divine Towers (details on this culture are for another time) 
You could argue that invoking divinity is the connection across time between Rauh, the Hornsent and then finally Marika.
The passage of history is: God inhabits a statue (Idols), God can be channeled (Mediums), God walks among man (Messiah).
Thanks for reading.
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katyahina · 2 months
Marika had grey/ashen hair in her past?
So, I was taking a closer look at Marika's cut braid,
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JUST like I was suspecting, her golden hair is not actually her color, but something she gained! You can see it is actually grey hair "painted" with gold, especially at the ends!
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^ ( x ) The Shamans in Jars do have grey hair, too, despite what seems like a young age! I also was seeing something like looked a speck of gold hair in Jar Innards, but again, I looked closer, and I don't know anymore...
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It is... something golden, but not hair? Maybe? Instead of hair, maybe this could be a thread of gold, something connected with the threads she pulls out in the second DLC trailer:
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Both Grandam and the Hornsent NPC we interact with mention "Marika's betrayal", suggesting some sort of long planning and social games on her end in order to claim whatever power from the Divine Gates she claimed to have her Erdtree and then go with the Crusade at them! I will link a post from @val-of-the-north here ( x ) delving more into it, but yeah..
Seems like the Hornsent had no idea what hit them, and Marika stole some sort of golden threads naturally being an essence of people who were born in Shadow Realm... Or maybe, the gold thread found in jars IS the product of failed "ascension", since shamans (and not only they) were stuffed into jars TO become holy from how Hornsent saw it? :^) fun stuff.. So, Marika claimed that gold to herself when she became a God, painting her hair permanently this way now!
This is more headcanonish, but additional support for this might be an idea that Dominula are descendants / close culture to Marika's Shamans! Hear me out:
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This is a new item found in the Shadow Realm, and.. not only it is called festive, not only it uses bone shards to be made and Celebrants have many bone shards on hands, but also the feature of creating runes (!) on landing attack is a trademark feature of all weapons of the Celebrants!
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(etc etc...)
Additionally, the celebrants seems to have copied Marika's trademark hairstyle (2 braids and the third one cut), as well as her specific iteration of Erdtree incantation:
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But as for the grey hair, they're all just old, right....? WRONG!!!!!!!
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They might be not necessarily all old! Instead, they might be shriveled up because of a long time alive, kind of like the wandering nobles that left the Leyendell after the Shattering! It is implied that they are not able to die from old age, even though they all look very """old""" at the first glance:
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So, age of the Celebrants is a non-factor, as they are not old, they are undead! It seems to be the fate of the most Golden Order - affiliated people, after Marika disappeared and thus no one could die normally anymore!
However, copying hairstyle, doing the runes thing, copying her version of the Erdtree sigil, and even sharing the blue clothing with golden embrodery like her/Radagon and Godwyn all might point towards cultural proximity! Maybe they are descendants of the Shamans that were not slaughtered in the village (evacuated in time, lived in another place than the village and then were taken, etc)! So, them having grey hair even as 'young maids' could just be this genetic!
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lockawayknight · 3 months
biggest project i have ever done... is FINISHED!! hey all, ✨i wrote an elden ring fan musical!!✨
follows an au me and my buddy shen have where alberich follows the path to lordship, and shows a simple version of the events that led to him making that choice. it's mostly a love story x]
features alberich, godwyn, mohg, gideon, rogier, ranni... and a few other cameos~
all art, music, vocals, & etc were done by me. godwyn's dialogue was written by my buddy shen, and is taken from some of our rps :]
this project took a lot out of me, but i hope you enjoy!! ty friends!!
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fufuheheii · 2 months
Pre-SoTE! Messmer x KnightinTraining!F! Reader
Notice: This is just a (potential) snippet of my Messmer/Reader Fic! For now, please enjoy this lack-of-context short!
The colosseum is crowded as usual, all anticipating the bloody fight that is to come. Gladiators prepare themselves, putting on their gloves and greaves. All fight to be seen, to be heard, to be championed.
For Messmer, it is one in which he can witness the ambitions and fighting prowess of all who dare to display it in front of the people of the Erdtree. There is no greater honor.
He sits above in the pulvinar, studying the gladiators who stand near the blocked entry into the fighting area. Some are familiar faces, others new and jittery. There will be much competition this time, and more blood will be spilled.
“I do not understand the meaning behind these fights,” Godwyn, who sits next to him, sighs as he rests his chin on his palm. “We live in peace, yet the people seem to favor bloodshed more than anything.”
“It is a battle of glory,” Messmer responds, tossing a look at his brother. “Thou should hold pride for these men.”
“I would rather focus on the noble ladies that wait outside the colosseum for their fathers and brothers,” the golden man only mutters, to which Messmer ignores. “Thou’rt not a man of brute violence either, lord brother. Participating in these spectacles will not curry favor with our mother.”
“I am not doing this to impre–”
“Oh, it’s starting.”
The gates are pulled open, and in stomps the first gladiator. He is a champion in the arena, his helmet still not washed from the blood of his victims. He pounds at his chest, roaring for the next opponent to enter the arena. The crowd cheers and chants for the next contender to come out. Messmer tilts his head forward, his red braid falling over his shoulder as the gates open again. When he sees who it is, he immediately leans forward with one wide eye. Godwyn raises an eyebrow before he laughs. “Is that who I think it is?”
“Jeffrey, you are to be brought to the name of justice!”
Your voice bounces off the walls of the arena, and the said gladiator only stares as you enter in, in your rusty apprentice armor and dull blade. The only thing standing out from your appearance is your shiny new helmet, which you must have bought recently as it lacks any scratches. The crowd boos at you, throwing food and shouting for you to get out.
“I am here–oof!” you get knocked to the ground when a whole cabbage smacks your helm. “What is this hostility,” you cry out in shock as you grip your helm. “I am here to arrest this man!”
“Get outta here!” the audience roars in anger. “This is no place for a knight!”
The gladiator roars, and before you can get back on your feet he runs towards you, smashing his whole body against yours with full force. The air escapes your lungs as you are sent flying off, meeting the wall with a loud crack. The audience cheers and the gladiator lifts his arms to bask it all in.
You groan and wheeze in pain with no doubt some of your ribs broken. You left your flask in the saddlebag with your horse, and now you will have to fight with your bones rattling inside you.
Godwyn stops laughing and starts to look concerned over your current situation. “Lord brother.”
Messmer knows what he is thinking and grabs his spear and gets up. He peers down at you, watching you get to your feet. The uneven steps and limping form tells him you won’t survive the next attack.
However, he waits.
The gladiator notices you, and cracks his neck as he waits for you to approach him. You don’t do as he predicts, choosing instead to just stand there. He growls, and starts jogging before he makes a full dash at you. Just as he puts forward his arm, ready to slam into you again, you disappear from his field of vision. You roll to the side just in time, making him fly past you and into the wall. The audience roars, half in glee, half in shock at the scene. You make a hurried run over to your sword, wincing at each step sending a stab at pain to your ribs. The gladiator removes himself from the broken wall, glaring at your limping figure before he cracks his knuckle and takes his axe out from behind. He starts rushing at you, and you look back before quickly getting to your knees and grabbing your sword. However, you won’t make it in time. You quickly turn, ready to strike your sword–!
Flames distort your vision as the gladiator is pushed back by it, and a red cape eases your eyes. You stare in surprise as Messmer stands before you, his spear in hand pointing at the frightened man. The arena instantly silences.
“Sir Messmer?” You call out, your lips curving into a grin of relief. “What are you–”
“The fight is over,” Messmer declares, his smooth voice as loud as the silence. “Guards, arrest this man.”
Instantly guards embroidered in silver and gold trudge into the arena and grab the gladiator.
Murmurs arise in the crowd, slowly forming into protests. However, with one glare from the demigod all shushes back into silence. He turns to you, his irritated gaze brushing over you. He starts to say something, but it is lost in the blurry reality that has set upon you. Darkness follows and you faint away.
You awaken inside an empty infirmary, on a bed that is softer than any bed you have laid upon. A small stinging pain stabs at your ribs again and you hiss.
“Thou’rt awake.”
You blink and see Messmer standing next to the window, spear in his crossed arms. “Sir Messmer! What art thou doing here?”
He expels the heavy sigh at your energetic voice. At least you’re well enough to be shouting. He signals the perfumers to leave before approaching your bed. “I should be asking thee the same question. Thou shouldst have gone to the knights to have the man arrested.”
“I–how did you know I was here to arrest the man?”
“Thou spokest of it, didst thou not?”
“...oh! I did,” you laugh weakly and attempt to sit up. “Yes, that man was on a bounty list. I figured had I gone after him myself I would be a step closer to knighthood. Then, I can serve under you!”
Messmer furrows his eyebrows, the deep lines creasing between them as he attempts to make sense of your words. “Thou’rt not serving under me.”
Your smile instantly drops. “But–but you said I can if I prove myself!”
“I said I will teach thee, not take thee under mine commands.”
Your shoulders droop, but you cling onto his words. “So you will still teach me?”
“That is what I just said.”
You beam, instantly forgetting the disappointment. “I will take all of your lessons to heart, Sir Messmer.”
The demigod’s gaze softens and he places his spear against the wall before sitting down on the rather small chair. You listen to the roaring cries outside, and turn to the demigod who takes a rowa fruit from the table next to your bed. “Sir, are you not going to watch the game?”
“No,” Messmer pops it into his mouth. “I am not a man of brute violence.”
“Jokes are meant to be funny, sir.”
That is all for the very short snippet for now. Still writing the main one, and hoping I don’t get any of the lore wrong. Messmer’s speculative timeline in the Lands Between is wonky, but it leaves a lot of creative options open. Hope you enjoyed the snippet, expect more to come soon!
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