#Goddess Harmonia
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harmoonix · 2 years ago
🌺 Harmony Astrology Observations 🌺
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Info Box: Asteroid Harmonia [40] in my opinion can repsent how to live a harmony life, how to find your harmony and peace and of course how peaceful your destiny might be
Harmonia is the daughter of Lady Aphrodite and Ares in some other stories the daughter of Zeus and Electra, she repsent the harmony all around the world, she has an very interesting story in the Greek Mythology, her opposite/shadow being the goddess Eris [goddess of discord]
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🌺 Asteroid Harmonia [40] in signs:
Harmonia in Aries - Having a very beautiful personalty and finding peace where there is chaos, very passionate about the things they love, someone who know their worth and confident/loyal
Harmonia in Taurus - Grace and gentle are what these natives are born with, very natural and very pretty they try to find harmony in everything around them
Harmonia in Gemini - Such a beautiful voice omg, calming voice, trying to find harmony in taking with others and making them feeling better
Harmonia in Cancer - Such a nurturing soul, very innocent and sensbile, they are very loving and caring with everyone trying to find harmony in their home and in others
Harmonia in Leo - Shinning like a star they are very sweet and very outgoing, trying to find harmony in their personality and having a good amount of confidence is always welcoming
Harmonia in Virgo - An empath soul full of kind energy ready to help those who need their help and supportive of others, trying to find harmony in their everyday life and in their thoughts
Harmonia in Libra - Balance and Peace are 2 things these natives always try to focus on, they can be very pretty and aesthetically pleasing trying to find harmony in their balance of emotions, something like brain vs heart
Harmonia in Scorpio - Such an mystic aura is around them, these natives are very curious of what is hiding in the dark and very possesive trying to find harmony in their emotions
Harmonia in Sagittarius - An free spirit, someone very wise, appealing and funny, they are always in the search for something new or something funny to do, trying to find harmony in their freedom and rules
Harmonia in Capricorn - Someone very gentle and noble, respectable and with a lot of charisma, they are trying to find harmony in their work, thoughts and society
Harmonia in Aquarius - Very authentic and creative, they are inovative and like to experience a lot of things, unique, finding harmony in their creations, socializing and being authentic
Harmonia in Pisces:Oooo this is giving the 2 fish ying and yang I'm sure a lot of people know about the symbol, they are empathic and romantic, finding harmony in their mediation and in their dreams
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🌺 Asteroid Harmonia in houses:
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Harmonia in the 1st house - Someone who can be very harmonious and peaceful, the native can be very calm and nurturing, native has this harmonious energy around them
Harmonia in the 2nd house - They love it when they go shopping and they spend money on the things they like, having an harmonious life and good mood while shopping and buying things will always be an interest for them
Harmonia in the 3rd house - Well darling, your voice is very sweet and calm, someone with a very harmonious voice and sweet manners, aswell someone with very beautiful siblings (In case you have)
Harmonia in the 4th - Your home might be your safety and the best place to be in, your family might be your biggest comfort and your healer energy fits everything in Harmony
Harmonia in the 5th house - The native lives their life at the fullest and enjoying everything, someone with a very harmonious energy and very playful to be around
Harmonia in the 6th house - A good state of mind,such an peaceful soul and someone very peaceful when it comes to meditation and working, they might adore to work alone, someone with a very peaceful way of thinking
Harmonia in the 7th house - The native is pretty charming and has a very harmonious love life (If they met the right partner ofc), someone very harmonious in relationships and love
Harmonia in the 8th house - Harmonious sensual life and harmony going around those who are trying to heal after they have been hurt,they have a special kind of harmony when they heal from everything that happens bad
Harmonia in the 9th house - The native has a very graceful way of believing in their own energies and powers, here we talk about someone with a very harmonious spiritual life and with very strong beliefs
Harmonia in the 10th house - Uuuu, someone with a very good reputation and an harmonious career, your job/workplace can feel like a home/safe place
Harmonia in the 11th house - Wow, someone who can connect very harmoniously with people and making a bound with them can happen with this placement, someone with a very peaceful and happy friendships
Harmonia in the 12th - The native has a very harmonious spirit/soul, someone who can connected easily with their spiritual gifts and aswell natives with these placements tend to be really shy/innocent and kinda quiet at some points because their heart talks for them instead
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🌸 Some little aspects observations;
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An prominent Harmonia asteroid in someone's chart can make the native to live and be harmonious. They can be very pleasant and peaceful aswell as having harmonious relationships
Harmonia trine/sextile/conjunct Ascendant can give the native a very pleasant personality someone who wants peace and wants to live peacefully
Harmonia square/opposition Ascendant can make the native to be in search for that harmony, someone who might want to live in harmony but ends up in chaos
Harmonia square/opposite Moon can make the native to not be aware of their harmony around them or might be hard for them to have a peaceful mind/soul that's because they could have been hurt and it takes hard to heal
Harmonia trine/sextile/conjunct Venus makes the native effortlessly beautiful and pleasent, very peaceful in love relationships and someone with a good heart, aswell it can bring harmony in love relationships since Venus is Aphrodite and is her mom (I luvvv these aspects)
Harmonia square/opposite Venus can find it hard to find harmony in their lives or relationships,it may because they always met the wrong partners or end up hurt by someone, try to have standards and to wait for the right partner to come in your life
Harmonia opposite/square/ Jupiter can lack harmony when it comes to their lives because they might be too focused on other things and would rather let the chaos to come in. Jupiter doesn't take the harmony away from them but it might be restrictive if they don't know how to live in harmony
Harmonia sextile/trine/conjunct Mercury can have a very nice voice, someone who can talk very gracefully and in good manners,
Harmonia square/opposite Mercury can be prone to shyness or to anxiety while talking and that can disturb their harmony, your voice is so calmy and different from others, you need to learn how to use it in good moments
Harmonia conjunct/trine/sextile Sun makes the native to embrace more harmony and peace in their lives and aswell trying to be peaceful and positive
Harmonia opposite/square MC might have an chaotic job/workplace, please don't enter in conflicts or in contact with bad people just try to focus on yourself and on your job 🫶🏼
Harmonia trine/sextile/conjunct Pluto can transform chaos in harmony, they can change it if they want to, all you have to do is to be an open minded and to not let any negative energy to come in your area
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So how could I, Harmoonix to not make a post about harmony... wouldn't make sense to not make a post about this one since is my topic 💅🏼.
The Goddess Harmonia has a very interesting story in the Greek mythology, she has to embody this harmony traits in her life in order to make it good or bad, to create or to destroy. And is very interesting since her opposite/shadow figure is Eris the Goddess of chaos and from here a lot of things happen 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
🙏🏼🤍 I hope everyone reading my posts has a good day full of blessings and warm energy 🤍🙏🏼
Harmoonix 💋
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threeserenegoddeses · 14 days ago
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Taking Them With Me
The mini altars are proving to be a very convenient way to have my altars with me while away!
The place we were staying at had these interesting bedside shelves that fit everything perfectly!
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orinene · 8 months ago
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Harmonia I literally downloaded the OSP chibi pic of Harmonia, and I will give you what I had on my clipboard, Harmonia Wikipedia page
In Greek mythology, Harmonia (/hɑːrˈmoʊniə/; Ancient Greek: Ἁρμονία /harmoˈnia/, "harmony", "agreement") is the goddess of harmony and concord. Her Roman counterpart is Concordia. Her Greek opposite is Eris, whose Roman counterpart is Discordia.
Harmonia and the serpent
According to one account, she is the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite.[1] By another account, Harmonia was from Samothrace and was the daughter of Zeus and Electra, her brothers were Dardanus and Iasion being the founder of the mystic rites celebrated on the island.[2][3]
Almost always, Harmonia is married to Cadmus. With Cadmus, she was the mother of Ino, Polydorus, Autonoë, Agave, and Semele. Their youngest son[4] was Illyrius.[5]
Polynices giving Eriphyle the necklace of Harmonia. Attic red-figure oinochoe, ca. 450–440 BC. Found in Italy.
Those who described Harmonia as a Samothracian related that Cadmus, on his voyage to Samothrace, after being initiated in the mysteries, perceived Harmonia and carried her off with the assistance of Athena. When Cadmus was obliged to quit Thebes, Harmonia accompanied him. When they came to the Enchelii, they assisted them in their war against the Illyrians, and conquered the enemy. Cadmus then became king of the Illyrians, but afterwards he was turned into a serpent. Harmonia, in her grief stripped herself, then begged Cadmus to come to her. As she was embraced by the serpent Cadmus in a pool of wine, the gods then turned her into a serpent, unable to stand watching her in her dazed state.[6]
The cursed necklace[edit]
Harmonia is renowned in ancient story chiefly on account of the fatal necklace she received on her wedding day. When the government of Thebes was bestowed upon Cadmus by Athena, Zeus gave him Harmonia. All the gods honored the wedding with their presence. Cadmus presented the bride with a robe and necklace, which he had received either from Hephaestus or from Europa.[7] This necklace, commonly referred to as the necklace of Harmonia, brought misfortune to all who possessed it.[2] Other traditions stated that Harmonia received this necklace (ὅρμος) from some of the gods, either from Aphrodite or Athena.[8]
Polynices, who inherited the necklace, gave it to Eriphyle, that she might persuade her husband, Amphiaraus, to undertake the expedition against Thebes.[9] Through Alcmaeon, the son of Eriphyle, the necklace came into the hands of Arsinoe (named Alphesiboea in some versions), next into those of the sons of Phegeus, Pronous and Agenor, and lastly into those of the sons of Alcmaeon, Amphoterus and Acarnan, who dedicated it in the temple of Athena Pronoea at Delphi.[10] The necklace had wrought mischief to all who had been in possession of it, and it continued to do so even after it was dedicated at Delphi. Phayllus, the tyrant, stole it from the temple to gratify his mistress, who is married to Ariston. She wore it for a time, but at last her youngest son was seized with madness, and set fire to the house, in which she perished with all her treasures.[11]
Hyginus gives another version. According to him, the thing which brought ill fate to the descendants of Harmonia is not a necklace, but a robe "dipped in crime", given to Harmonia by Hephestus and Hera.[12] The necklace gave peace and held Harmonia's powers in it, which is what made it cursed.
Harmonia is also rationalized as closely allied to Aphrodite Pandemos, the love that unites all people, the personification of order and civic unity, corresponding to the Roman goddess Concordia.[2]
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do it :3
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parwatisingari · 9 months ago
Zen In the Art of Organized Space.
A Blessing From Goddess Harmonia. Picture this: you’re diving into the world of organizing, but it feels like you’re swimming in a sea of confusion. That’s where Goddess Harmonia steps in, ready to help you ride the waves of chaos and turn them into streams of order. With Harmonia by your side, organizing isn’t just about tidying up—it’s about creating your own zen paradise. She’s all about…
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enixamyram · 4 months ago
I have such a strong adoration for the idea of Ares and Aphrodite as a couple.
First, you have Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. She is literal desire and could have practically any mortal or immortal she wanted, yet it's Ares that she wants in the end. And while Ares is described as being handsome, it's pretty clear that is not what draws Aphrodite to him. There's something about him, something deeper than his good looks, and the idea that she loves him even when it's said that the others on Olympus (even his own parents) all hate him. It's just such a powerfully romantic idea.
And then you have Ares, the God of War, described as being brutal and bloodthirsty. Yet despite all of that, there is a softer side to him that not many people really take in and yet it makes itself clear every time for Aphrodite. She's beautiful, yes, but there's obviously more to it than that. He's not simply in lust with her, he's in love with her, meaning like her, he sees past the basic attractiveness and there's something much deeper that draws him in. They're both judged for their outter appearance but see each other on a much deeper level than that.
(You also have the fact that Aphrodite is/was a War Goddess which again makes their connection all the more fascinatingly sweet.)
And you know one of the other things I love about them? Their unhealthy moments are somehow just as (twistedly) sweet as their healthy ones: I mean Aphrodite was so jealous of Ares relationship with Eos that she cursed her with insatiable lust for men. Meanwhile Ares was so jealous of Aphrodite's relationship with Adonis that he killed him. They're perfectly imperfect together!
Not to mention their whole general story - falling in love, forced to seperate when Aphrodite was given to his brother instead, sneaking around behind her husbands back so they could be together, having children including a daughter who is literally the Goddess of Harmony and a son who is the God of Reciprocated Love - you can't get more of a classic love story than this!
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sarnai4 · 5 months ago
I want to see more stories with Ares as a dad. Particularly with his divine kids. I mean, consider this AU: Ares has his twins and Harmonia. Whenever they have a problem, they know they can go to their dad. He might not have the answer, but he's willing to search with them and isn't that scary "war god" everyone thinks he is when he's around them. He even checks on them regularly...which is why they notice when this suddenly stops. When the Aloadae capture Ares, his kids are the ones who notice first and come looking for their dad. Just like he's always made sure they were okay, they're returning the favor.
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jadeseadragon · 1 year ago
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Harmonia Rosales @honeiee
"A small portion of a larger painting. This is Olokun, the god of the primordial waters. Angered that Obatala created the lands without her consent, Olokun sought to reclaim her dominion with a great flood. To stop the floods Obatala chains her to the bottom of the ocean…this is the very moment before she is imprisoned within her own kingdom. She stands as a symbol of the chaos that bubbles beneath our calm surface, a profound reminder of the lesser-known parts of ourselves we often retreat from."
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allmythologies · 1 year ago
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mythology parent & child: ares & harmonia
ares is the god of war, battlelust, courage and civil order. harmonia is the goddess of harmony and concord.
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thelonelylemonsquare · 2 years ago
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Harmonia 🌊✨
A daughter of Aphrodite the goddess of beauty, standing in a similar fashion as her mother her expression at peace signifying her association with harmony and concord.
However it may interest you that’s harmonia, the goddess of peace and harmony, is the daughter of Ares God war. She was adored by him and at her wedding is one of the few times the god of war is described to be “joyful”.
Harmonia, also was associated with bad luck, a curse given to her by her uncle Hephaestus. Which would bring much destruction and heart ache for the goddess…
Anyways I always wanted to design Harmonia and I am happy (for now) with her design, I wanted her to look more like Ares having his skin tone and hair color, which would’ve made Harmonia less “perfect” by ancient Greek beauty standards, but I think this makes her look more like the average woman of Greece perhaps?
Harmonia to my understanding isn’t actually associated with jellyfish, I just saw it when I googled it and liked the idea for this illustration lol
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bespectacled-bookwyrm · 7 months ago
Anthea: Colress and N got into a fight with Ghetsis.
Concordia: Ooh, that's bad.
Concordia: Did they win?
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threeserenegoddeses · 1 month ago
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I have created a community for sharing and reblogging information and appreciation for these three beautiful deities.
I will be posting my personal posts regarding The Three Serene Goddesses here from this point up
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mystic-silvermoon · 3 months ago
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The New Dedicated Space
There is a dedicated space in my workspace for the goddesses Nyx, Selene, and Harmonia.
Nyx - goddess of the night 🌌
Selene - goddess of the moon 🌕
Harmonia - goddess of peace 🕊️
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I feel like all combined are a lager picture of me and how I wish to exist in the world.
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sarafangirlart · 4 months ago
The myth of Cadmus makes me so mad because like what do you mean they had like misfortune after misfortune and then Cadmus gets turned into a dragon but the only thing his god wife does is also become a dragon like ma’am.
Maybe she just didn’t have the power to reverse the curse lmao
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bugwolfsstuff · 9 months ago
I have a headcanon that Dionysus's aunt, Ino (+her kids) is in Elysium and just takes in all of her nephew's kids that show up there and that Castor is okay and among family and isn't completely alone there.
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aliciavance4228 · 4 months ago
Thoughts on Harmonia?
I think that I've already talked about her but:
I consider Harmonia to be a tragic character in her own way, in the sense that she had to suffer for others' (more specifically her parents') mistakes. She didn't know that the necklace Hephaestus gave to her was cursed so she simply received it, because in the end it wasn't her fault that Aphrodite cheated on him, nor that she was fathered by Ares.
When her husband got turned into a snake not only that she still loved him, but asked the other gods to be cursed and turned into a snake too. It's the type of act people do when they're desperate to live with their beloved ones no matter the circumstances (even if that means suffering along with them), so I don't think that the possibility of her being afraid of loneliness is impossible.
It's kinda ironic that the goddess of harmony had anything but a harmonious relationship and family, especially considering the fact that she herself didn't do anything wrong in order to deserve this. At least one can hope that life as a snake isn't that bad, and that her and Cadmus eventually encountered more peaceful days now that there are no gods or mortals to bother them.
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jade-green-butterfly · 3 months ago
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Because...😌'ahem'...Eveeeerybody's doing it~!🎶😃...again!😆Besides, the meme ninjas urged me too...~🥷🏻Hehe, wow...it’s really been a whole year since I did this meme (how time flies!😮) and it still looks like a Mega Man stage menu after a year!🤭✨ Enjoy as always, my dears~✌🏻😚💕xoxo.
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