#God is an oxymoron
Oxymorons are guiding your life and you don't even know it....
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Ya know,..... sometimes I think oxymorons consume to much of our day because stupid people are in charge.........
An oxymoron is a literal 'figure of speech', in which contradictory terms appear side by side stupidly,..... like a statement that seems to go against common sense but people like it because it's silly-stupid logic actually makes sense to them.
Writers and poets have used oxymorons for centuries as a literary device to describe life's inherent conflicts, and being out of whack of normalcy and logic.
Because the Human race has been that way ever since Religion started to organize and teach people through the use of Oxymorons,......
Ya see, ; the word "God" is actually an oxymoron itself, because it's open to more than one interpretation (equivocal). Making the fundamental uses of ''God'' often confused to followers,...... and it's hard enough to understand all the mystical, magical fairy-tale uses of religion without it's whole nature being ambiguous too.
The Greeks had it right,.... oxymoron" is itself oxymoronic, which is to say contradictory, so it's no wonder religion adopted it to pull off the greatest Hoax on earth about a supreme being you can't really see, hear, or even touch, but must have faith it's real,....a God figure. The word is derived from two ancient Greek words: oxys, which means "sharp," and moronos, which means "dull" or "stupid, and that's they kind of people religion sought after, those who would BELIEVE without Proof, but just their say-so it was true........
William Shakespeare was famous for sprinkling oxymorons throughout his plays, poems, and sonnets. Which is why the church hired him to write their Bible to confuse people into accepting the faith they really didn't understand without the priest in charge of the church to define it for them.
We see oxymorons every day in society, such as "original copy," "poor health,"old news,",...... and two of the most famous oxymorons used by organized religion are "Holy War", and "Sweet Sorrow"....... The primary reason oxymorons can be confusing is that they seem illogical on the surface but make sense in context.
Oxymorons make a stupid and chaotic world seem normal to inept people.
Just sayin, your being made to be suckers and ya don't even know it because you don't question the reality your being presented with, and instead are accepting someone else's version of reality according to their mental mind, which is an artificial reality to achieve dominance over your livelihood they are profiting from.
It's like me as an artist convincing world governments to pass laws requiring everyone on earth to own a painting of mine and you all agree with that logic without question???
Wake up people, your living someone else's reality, and your liking it!!!
Ok, I feel better now that i got that off of my chest, please feel free to continue living someone else's reality.................
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donna-medusa-gorgon · 5 months
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Here’s a VERY shittly done meme about the Eve craze
I want to be clear-I’m not making fun of any of these theories. I’m glad everyone is having fun and looking for clues, this is just lighthearted humor about how everyone is Eve-which yes I love go ahead and make everyone in Hazbin Eve
Okay but the whose Eve hits on even a funnier level to me because I am guilty of this-when I first made Donna, I was making her to be Eve. For like a week, then I wrote a snippet of that idea, realize it was stupid, and made her a fallen angel that was in love with a cannibal overlord (side note, can you tell my bias for the whose Eve’s theory lol)
But despite the fact we have not seen any Eve, I am SO invested in her. I really do love all the theories everyone is making about her and I love all the different designs and concepts people have. It’s so creative and so much fun.
So keep guessing whose Eve and keep drawing her I love it all
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hahnsplatinum · 2 years
Having completely normal thoughts about kim kitsuragi and how his seemingly meticulous presentation is also wildly contradicting. And how all of it ultimately feeds into his repression and denial of self. He describes himself as a “regular, garden variety Revacholiere” but is obviously anything but (racial minority, member of “the homosexual underground”, police officer, etc). Does he really believe himself to be “regular” or is that just the framework he’s molded himself to fit into over the years. If you say it long enough maybe it will eventually be true
Its implied by some of his pre- and in-game interactions that kim utilizes the authority/power of being a cop for not entirely “just” actions (taking the spinner hubcaps from a suspect pre-game, he joins in on bullying the would-be skulls for their jackets, etc). He’s a “moralist” because it allows him to follow commands and enforce the moralintern’s laws without taking full blame for the larger ethical picture of his and the rcm’s impact. He resents his time as a juvie officer, especially the “kimball” case, because it undermined and threatened the carefully curated image of authority he’s built for himself as a cop.
But in the same breath kim is also patient and often outright kind to harry with his mental breakdown and amnesia. He doesn’t disrespect The Smoker on the Balcony or harry’s obvious bisexual awakening despite his own tight lipped, reserved position in regards to his own place in “the underground”. Kim is kind to lilienne’s little kids and encourages harry to be as well. He fights against the mercenaries at the tribunal despite the fact that they are also throwing around their power not unlike the rcm is known to do (re: mention of harry’s pre-game shootout in a church)
God just, imagine being a war orphan looking around at the world. Your parents died due to their involvement in political movements. People view you as less than or even subhuman due to your race. No one gets married anymore, you’ll never see anyone like yourself out in the open or forget the colorful words people have for boys like you. If someone offered you the opportunity to have more authority over your own life and interactions with others than youve ever known, a community of brothers in arms willing to die for you, access to places and things and knowledge you couldnt get otherwise—what reason do you have not to take up that offer?
Kim kitsuragi wants to blend in with every other citizen in revachol. And yet, he dons his bright orange jacket and police issued ID card every morning. He listens to Speedfreaks FM on his way to work. He’s killed 8 people. Regular, garden variety Revacholiere
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snozzlefrog · 2 months
Extremely out of context spoilers for book 3
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manofthepipis · 8 months
I was rereading chapter 12 of system rebooting please standby and I found it just a little sweet that spamton was excited to see Kris (even tho it wasn’t them lol). tho he mostly was hoping for Kris to save his hide, I also think he was just happy to see his friend since he’s so lonely at that point
im rlly glad you liked that bit!! :D spamton will always have his more selfish motivations, and i've tried writing him so that if he ever does want/need something from someone else he goes into salesman mode, playing nice and innocent enough to get what he wants. But like they're his friend!! his buddy!! :D!! they're a puppet just like him and they helped to free him even if it was obvious he was up to no good in the first place! someone like that to return to him in his extreme loneliness and confusion would be a godsend, but he doesn't get those often. so whoops it had to be an addison lmao
I'd imagine if kris were to return, he'd be hanging around them and their friends to the point where it got annoying but only because he genuinely cares now and they've given him a new purpose in the world he's forever fated for. Though it would genuinely surprise me if he appeared again in canon (i think he's just gonna get the jevil treatment and be a quiet close-to-nonliving item in your inventory), but in this au hed be harder than hell to get rid of (akin to actual spam) hfjsksksk.
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anyone else have a playlist of just a few songs that in the context of the dragon prince emotionally wrench them like a lot or just me 😃
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isawthismeme · 2 months
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calypsolemon · 10 months
consistently torn between "nanami and saionji should just never speak to touga again" and "touga finally recognizing he wants genuine connections and putting in the effort to fix what he's broken and the three of them reaching some sort of catharsis with each other Despite It All"
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chelleisamazing · 2 months
I finally listened to The Bolter carefully and i think that's my TTPD anthology song
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aaronandthecrew · 6 months
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January 15 - Koujiro
Happy birthday, you loudmouth gourmet idiot!
...I could go for some fried eggs, tbh...
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elfyprincess · 2 years
Islam: *Allows men to rape their wives. Permits men to have sex slaves. Says that a woman’s testimony is half that of a man’s. Doesn’t allow women to travel w/o her husband or a male relative.*
Liberal Muslim women when Muslim men are misogynistic: 😱😱😱
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Oh boyyy here another one, ex-lesbians Christians I always wondered why people think lesbians could be "turned" straight but look another problem beside sneakdickers, ex-lesbians prove them ""right"" too.
People would rather listen to ANYTHING else about lesbians instead of you know..actually lesbians.
Lesbians have been complaining since the dawn of time that they aren't attracted to men, some even force themselves to be in relationships with men, hating it, But nah fuck them Imma listen to "insert anything that isn't a lesbian*
Some are clearly bi, but I notice others are actually homosexual forcing themselves to be in heterosexual marriage, it breaks my heart they are smiling but their eyes looks so sad and/or empty. They are clearly looking for love and acceptance.
These women who would sacrifice their happiness and dignity to be "with God" obviously weak minded women and no self respect,Its not just lesbians I see a lot of gay men too.
This video was 9 months ago with 888k view so it's VERY recent. it's so sad that this is still going on even today.
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a possum... for you....
many thanks… i shall pop it in my pocket…. another one for the collection…..
a possum… from me to you….
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Gotta love those realisations that cause you to stand stock-still in your bathroom and take a long shuddering breath
#just realised that in.. maybe a year? idk fhe exact time frame. my stepdad will have been in my life longer than my actual father was#and there is no remedying that because my dad is dead#even if i **** ****** to get to him (and believe me the thought has crossed my mind before) i can’t even guarantee we’ll end up in the same#place. i don’t know if there Is a place to go. i like to think my dad is in maybe a field or a nice room somewhere#with our old dogs and his mom and anyone else he knew and lost#and that one day i’ll go there too#but deep down i don’t believe it. i don’t believe there’s a god or an afterlife. i think we just. stop.#and there’s a part of me that’s never accepted that i’ll never see him again even though i know it’s true#and that’s why this is so difficult of a realisation#like i have been fatherless at this point for way longer than i’ve had a father. that’s.. i mean i had to start coming to terms with that#five years ago. so i think i’m just about there now#but the fact that this man. my mom’s partner. who has never even tried to be a father figure to me (and thank god because i would scream#and scream) has now been in my life nearly as long as my dad was… FUCK THAT#calling him my stepdad is honestly an oxymoron because they’re not married and he’s definitely not a parental figure to me#he showed up when i was 17 and has treated me more like a random acquaintance than anything else#which suits me just fine don’t get me wrong#i didn’t WANT another father figure. my granddad stepped up and he’s been great. if my mom had brought a man home during the worst part#of my angsty teen phase (age 12-15) i think i would have stabbed him. so like. robert (not his name) is honestly the best case scenario#if my mom had to find a new man. like in terms of time frame and his approach to me#but i still feel weird about the fact that here is this man and my mom has been with him nearly as long as she was with my dad#i have no further notes. i’m just not doing great tonight. sorry for the word salad#personal
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mundifinis · 2 years
may go on a star wars marathon again and watch the shows included since its not a lot plus i still have not seen book of boba fett or kenobi
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okawarihappylife · 20 days
considering rewarching shuffle so i can write a meta post on why kaede is not a yandere and you people dont deserve her
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