#Global handicrafts market
expobazzar · 1 year
Which Indian handicraft is most in demand in the International market?
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Discover the most sought-after Indian handicraft in the global market. From intricate textiles to ornate jewelry, explore the rich heritage and exquisite craftsmanship that make this particular Indian handicraft a highly coveted choice worldwide.
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determinate-negation · 7 months
“This raises the question: if industrial production is necessary to meet decent-living standards today, then perhaps capitalism—notwithstanding its negative impact on social indicators over the past five hundred years—is necessary to develop the industrial capacity to meet these higher-order goals. This has been the dominant assumption in development economics for the past half century. But it does not withstand empirical scrutiny. For the majority of the world, capitalism has historically constrained, rather than enabled, technological development—and this dynamic remains a major problem today.
It has long been recognized by liberals and Marxists alike that the rise of capitalism in the core economies was associated with rapid industrial expansion, on a scale with no precedent under feudalism or other precapitalist class structures. What is less widely understood is that this very same system produced the opposite effect in the periphery and semi-periphery. Indeed, the forced integration of peripheral regions into the capitalist world-system during the period circa 1492 to 1914 was characterized by widespread deindustrialization and agrarianization, with countries compelled to specialize in agricultural and other primary commodities, often under “pre-modern” and ostensibly “feudal” conditions.
In Eastern Europe, for instance, the number of people living in cities declined by almost one-third during the seventeenth century, as the region became an agrarian serf-economy exporting cheap grain and timber to Western Europe. At the same time, Spanish and Portuguese colonizers were transforming the American continents into suppliers of precious metals and agricultural goods, with urban manufacturing suppressed by the state. When the capitalist world-system expanded into Africa in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, imports of British cloth and steel destroyed Indigenous textile production and iron smelting, while Africans were instead made to specialize in palm oil, peanuts, and other cheap cash crops produced with enslaved labor. India—once the great manufacturing hub of the world—suffered a similar fate after colonization by Britain in 1757. By 1840, British colonizers boasted that they had “succeeded in converting India from a manufacturing country into a country exporting raw produce.” Much the same story unfolded in China after it was forced to open its domestic economy to capitalist trade during the British invasion of 1839–42. According to historians, the influx of European textiles, soap, and other manufactured goods “destroyed rural handicraft industries in the villages, causing unemployment and hardship for the Chinese peasantry.”
The great deindustrialization of the periphery was achieved in part through policy interventions by the core states, such as through the imposition of colonial prohibitions on manufacturing and through “unequal treaties,” which were intended to destroy industrial competition from Southern producers, establish captive markets for Western industrial output, and position Southern economies as providers of cheap labor and resources. But these dynamics were also reinforced by structural features of profit-oriented markets. Capitalists only employ new technologies to the extent that it is profitable for them to do so. This can present an obstacle to economic development if there is little demand for domestic industrial production (due to low incomes, foreign competition, etc.), or if the costs of innovation are high.
Capitalists in the Global North overcame these problems because the state intervened extensively in the economy by setting high tariffs, providing public subsidies, assuming the costs of research and development, and ensuring adequate consumer demand through government spending. But in the Global South, where state support for industry was foreclosed by centuries of formal and informal colonialism, it has been more profitable for capitalists to export cheap agricultural goods than to invest in high-technology manufacturing. The profitability of new technologies also depends on the cost of labor. In the North, where wages are comparatively high, capitalists have historically found it profitable to employ labor-saving technologies. But in the peripheral economies, where wages have been heavily compressed, it has often been cheaper to use labor-intensive production techniques than to pay for expensive machinery.
Of course, the global division of labor has changed since the late nineteenth century. Many of the leading industries of that time, including textiles, steel, and assembly line processes, have now been outsourced to low-wage peripheral economies like India and China, while the core states have moved to innovation activities, high-technology aerospace and biotech engineering, information technology, and capital-intensive agriculture. Yet still the basic problem remains. Under neoliberal globalization (structural adjustment programs and WTO rules), governments in the periphery are generally precluded from using tariffs, subsidies, and other forms of industrial policy to achieve meaningful development and economic sovereignty, while labor market deregulation and global labor arbitrage have kept wages extremely low. In this context, the drive to maximize profit leads Southern capitalists and foreign investors to pour resources into relatively low-technology export sectors, at the expense of more modern lines of industry.
Moreover, for those parts of the periphery that occupy the lowest rungs in global commodity chains, production continues to be organized along so-called pre-modern lines, even under the new division of labor. In the Congo, for instance, workers are sent into dangerous mineshafts without any modern safety equipment, tunneling deep into the ground with nothing but shovels, often coerced at gunpoint by U.S.-backed militias, so that Microsoft and Apple can secure cheap coltan for their electronics devices. Pre-modern production processes predicated on the “technology” of labor coercion are also found in the cocoa plantations of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, where enslaved children labor in brutal conditions for corporations like Cadbury, or Colombia’s banana export sector, where a hyper-exploited peasantry is kept in line by a regime of rural terror and extrajudicial killings overseen by private death squads.
Uneven global development, including the endurance of ostensibly “feudal” relations of production, is not inevitable. It is an effect of capitalist dynamics. Capitalists in the periphery find it more profitable to employ cheap labor subject to conditions of slavery or other forms of coercion than they do to invest in modern industry.”
Capitalism, Global Poverty, and the Case for Democratic Socialism by Jason Hickle and Dylan Sullivan
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Unknown Top Items That are Exported From Nepal
Do you know what items Nepal exports to other countries? Along with major exports like carpets and clothing, many unique and unknown Nepali products are exported worldwide. People from all around the globe have fancy items from Nepal. They are trusted with the most authentic items. Want to know what is the interesting Handicraft Export from Nepal? Let’s begin the journey through Nepal! Read on to find out!
Handmade Paper
Nepal makes beautiful handmade paper from the bark of a tree called Lokta. This paper is used for journals, cards, bags, boxes, photo albums and more. The Lokta paper is famous for its durability and texture. Nepal exports handmade paper products to many countries.
Beads and Jewelry
Delicate jewellery made from beads, silver and semiprecious stones is a key export item. Glass seed beads are produced and creatively used on necklaces, bracelets, earrings and more. The beadwork and jewellery reflect excellent Nepali craft skills.
Essential Oils
Nepal's aromatic herbs, flowers and plants extract essential oils like mentha, wintergreen, eucalyptus and chamomile oils. These pure and organic essential oils are exported for aromatherapy, personal care and food industries worldwide.
Pashmina Products
Luxurious pashmina shawls, scarves and wraps made from Himalayan goat wool are globally renowned exports of Nepal. Along with shawls, pashmina is also used for stoles, mufflers, fabric rolls and other woollen goods exported worldwide. If you want handicraft export from Nepal never miss out on these!
Incense Sticks
High-quality incense sticks scented with natural Himalayan herbs are hand-rolled and exported from Nepal. These incense sticks are used for meditation and prayer rituals. They provide income to Tibetan refugee communities in Nepal.
Hand Knotted Carpets
Beautifully hand-knotted wool and silk carpets are made in Nepal using traditional designs and motifs. Nepali carpets are valued globally for their quality craftsmanship. They are exported to many countries for home and office use. If you want a carpet that is perfect and shows quality work, you must get it from Nepal!
Iron Artifacts
Wrought iron tools, artefacts and decor items forged by skilled blacksmiths are exported too. Wall hangings, lamp stands, plant holders, furniture with ironwork and more have a market abroad.
Lokta Paper
The bark of the Lokta bush found in Nepal's mountains is used to make solid, handmade paper having a fibrous texture. This Lokta paper is exported to make lampshades, cards, tea bags, souvenirs and other products.
Along with major exports like clothing and carpets, many unique Nepali handicraft products also have markets worldwide. Metal crafts, jewellery, Lokta paper, pashmina goods, felt items, beads and essential oils are some unknown top exports from Nepal. The exports highlight the diversity and high skills of Nepali craftspeople.
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awesomechsblog · 7 months
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Exploring the Rich Cultural Tapestry of Chinatowns Around the World
Chinatowns are vibrant and bustling neighborhoods that offer a fascinating glimpse into the rich tapestry of Chinese culture and heritage. Found in cities around the world, these enclaves are known for their bustling markets, delicious cuisine, and colorful celebrations.
The history of Chinatowns dates back to the mid-19th century when Chinese immigrants began to settle in various parts of the world. These communities served as a melting pot of different Chinese dialects, traditions, and customs. Over time, they have evolved into dynamic cultural hubs that continue to attract visitors from all walks of life.
One of the most alluring aspects of Chinatowns is the wealth of cultural attractions they offer. From ornate temples and traditional Chinese gardens to lively festivals and parades, there is never a shortage of things to see and do. Visitors can also immerse themselves in the arts by exploring galleries showcasing Chinese calligraphy, paintings, and handicrafts.
No visit to a Chinatown is complete without indulging in its delectable cuisine. Whether you're craving dim sum, Peking duck, or spicy Sichuan fare, you'll find a wide array of authentic restaurants and street vendors ready to tantalize your taste buds. The lively atmosphere and tantalizing aromas make dining in a Chinatown an unforgettable experience.
Chinatowns are not just tourist attractions; they are home to thriving communities with rich traditions. From traditional Chinese medicine shops and martial arts studios to family-owned businesses that have been passed down through generations, these neighborhoods are a testament to the resilience and enduring spirit of the Chinese people.
Chinatowns offer a captivating blend of tradition and modernity, and a visit to one is an opportunity to experience the essence of Chinese culture on a global scale. Whether you're interested in history, art, cuisine, or simply soaking up the vibrant atmosphere, there is something for everyone in these dynamic enclaves.
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travelblog88 · 9 months
Journeys of Ladakh: Family Trips and Solo Ventures Unraveled
In the mesmerizing realm of Ladakh, where high passes, rugged landscapes, and spiritual sanctuaries converge, it calls out to travelers globally. Whether you plan a Family Trip To Leh Ladakh, craving shared adventures, or embark on a Solo Trip To Ladakh, seeking personal growth, Ladakh unfurls its wonders in multifaceted ways. Within this exploration, we unveil the distinctive journeys of Ladakh, delving into the rich experiences that eagerly await both families and solo adventurers alike.
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Family Trips to Ladakh: Creating Shared Memories
Ladakh, with its mesmerizing vistas and cultural richness, is an ideal destination for family trips. The region offers a blend of adventure, spirituality, and natural beauty that caters to diverse interests.
1. Leh: The Cultural Hub
Begin your family journey in Leh, Ladakh's cultural hub. Explore the Leh Palace, a historic marvel that offers panoramic views of the city. Wander through the bustling markets filled with traditional artifacts and handicrafts, providing a perfect introduction to Ladakh's rich cultural tapestry.
2. Pangong Lake: A Family Picnic Spot
Pangong Lake, with its azure waters surrounded by majestic mountains, is an ideal spot for a family picnic. Engage in activities like boat rides or simply revel in the tranquility while sharing stories by the lake. The ever-changing colors of Pangong create a magical backdrop for family photographs.
3. Nubra Valley: Camel Rides and Sand Dunes
Nubra Valley adds a touch of uniqueness to family trips. Enjoy camel rides amidst the sand dunes of Hunder, creating memorable experiences for both parents and children. The valley's surreal landscapes and monasteries add an element of adventure and spirituality to the family journey.
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Solo Ventures in Ladakh: A Journey Within
For those seeking solitude and self-discovery, Ladakh offers a canvas for solo ventures. The barren landscapes and serene monasteries become companions for introspection and exploration.
1. Tso Moriri: Serenity by the Lake
Embark on a solo journey to Tso Moriri, a high-altitude lake that exudes serenity. The pristine surroundings and the solitude of the lake create an atmosphere conducive to introspection. Watch the migratory birds and let the tranquility of Tso Moriri inspire moments of self-reflection.
2. Hemis Monastery: Spiritual Solitude
Hemis Monastery, one of Ladakh's oldest and largest monasteries, provides a spiritual retreat for solo travelers. Attend the annual Hemis Festival or simply immerse yourself in the quietude of the monastery, finding solace amidst ancient rituals and the mesmerizing Thangka paintings.
3. Magnetic Hill: Reflecting on Life's Forces
Visit Magnetic Hill, a natural wonder where the magnetic forces seemingly defy gravity. This surreal location becomes a metaphor for life's forces and challenges. As a solo traveler, reflect on the symbolic journey of overcoming obstacles and finding balance.
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Shared Experiences: Ladakh's Common Threads
1. Ladakhi Cuisine: Family Feasts and Solo Culinary Adventures
Whether you're with family or solo, Ladakhi cuisine becomes a common thread in the Ladakh experience. Enjoy momos, thukpa, and butter tea with family members or savor the flavors on a solo culinary adventure. The local cuisine becomes a bridge connecting diverse Ladakh journeys.
2. Shanti Stupa: Contemplation for All
Shanti Stupa, overlooking Leh, becomes a symbol of contemplation for both family trips and solo ventures. The panoramic views of the surrounding mountains inspire moments of introspection and awe, creating a shared experience for all who visit.
3. Stok Palace: A Glimpse Into Ladakh's Royal History
Whether explored with family or as a solo traveler, Stok Palace offers a glimpse into Ladakh's royal history. Marvel at the artifacts, explore the museum, and immerse yourself in the cultural heritage that unites all Ladakh journeys.
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Conclusion: Ladakh's Endless Tapestry
In conclusion, Ladakh weaves an endless tapestry that accommodates both family trips and solo ventures. The region's diverse landscapes, cultural richness, and spiritual sanctuaries offer a unique experience for every traveler. Whether you're creating shared memories with family or embarking on a personal journey of self-discovery, Ladakh's allure is boundless. Let the journeys of Ladakh unfold, creating stories that resonate across generations and echo in the hearts of solo adventurers.
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daimonclub · 9 months
Christmas Markets in England
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London Christmas markets Christmas markets in England, the best wonderful Christmas markets in London, and in Bath, Bristol, Chester, Winchester, York, Leeds, Birmingham and Manchester The festive period is fast approaching and what better way to celebrate than with a trip to a Christmas market in England? Christmas markets in England mean sparkling lights, gorgeous presents, carol-singers, ice rinks, and mugs of mulled wine, making the winter holiday season a delightful time of year. Every big city has a Christmas Market when the time is right. England’s Christmas Markets are fun, they’re festive and the fragrance of mulled wine on the airwaves keeps the punters coming. Best Christmas markets in London The locations below annually host some of the top Christmas markets in London, which usually stay open until the New Year. Christmas by the River at London Bridge City Christmas By The River at London Bridge City is set against stunning views of Tower Bridge and the Tower of London, offering wooden huts packed with original presents, handmade crafts and plenty of delicious snacks. Indulge in mouthwatering food from an array of pop-up stalls and admire one of London's most iconic skyline views with a steaming cup of mulled wine. Selfridges Christmas Market The Selfridges Christmas Market returns to Edwards Mews again this Christmas. Enjoy sizzling street food from vendors curated by the founder of Street Feast, Dominic Cools-Lartigue, including waffles dripping with chocolate, Filipino treats and pie and mash. This outdoor market brings fairground rides for kids and adults, personalised wreaths made in front of you and heaps of stalls selling Christmas goodies. Winter Wonderland Christmas market The annual Hyde Park Winter Wonderland is situated in one of the city’s most spectacular parks. You’ll find over 100 illuminated wooden chalets decorated in Bavarian style selling handicrafts and fantastic gifts from around the world, including handmade crafts and beautiful pieces of jewellery. You can also enjoy traditional German street food and mulled wine. Winter Follow the lights to Hyde Park and immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere of Winter Wonderland, one of the biggest Christmas markets in London. You can also get your skates on at the UK's biggest outdoor ice rink, see London sparkle from the Giant Observation Wheel, or sit back and enjoy one of Winter Wonderland's top Christmas shows.
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Winterville Christmas Market Leicester Square Christmas market Experience festive fun with Christmas in Leicester Square, which gives the home of blockbuster film premieres a yuletide makeover. Browse the traditional market filled with a wonderful array of crafts and tempting treats. Afterwards, head to the Belgian spiegeltent to enjoy a brilliant lineup of comedy, cabaret and magic shows. Southbank Centre Winter Market See the South Bank's riverside transformed into a wintry wonderland, where global cuisine and an artisan Christmas market come together in one sparkling location for Southbank Centre's Winter Festival. Amble past the traditional wooden chalets lining the banks of the Thames and pick up gorgeous stocking fillers from the Winter Market. Or, tuck into cheese-based food, cocktails and mulled wine surrounded by the glow of neon artworks, as part of the Winter Lights display. Eccleston Yards Christmas Market Explore the buzzy open-air mall which makes up this stunning courtyard. Browse stalls filled with trinkets and unique gifts at Eccleston Yards Christmas Market, which brings festive cheer, new traders and live music to this open space during the countdown to Christmas. Treat the special people in your life to London vouchers for top spots or browse luxury Christmas gifts and experiences in the city. Borough Market Tour the historical arches of Borough Market, decked out with lights, decorations and twinkling ornaments, as you source the finest seasonal foods while listening to choirs and buskers singing jolly tunes. Indulge in An Evening of Cheese (15 Dec), or pick up foodie tips and tricks during three days of Festive Kitchen demonstrations (7-9 Dec). From 16 Nov Greenwich Christmas market Tick items off your Christmas shopping list while browsing Greenwich Market's 150 stalls and shops, selling a range of stocking fillers, fashion items, crafts and original artworks. Make sure to also wander around the ancient maritime neighbourhood of Greenwich, which is decked out with lights and festive goodies. Plus, watch as brightly coloured lanterns parade through the area during the Christmas lights switch on.
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Christmas markets in England Christmas under the Canopy at King's Cross Get hands-on at craft workshops at Christmas under the Canopy, a covered market found in King's Cross. Following your creative work, browse the array of stalls to find live jazz, carol singers, food tastings, mulled wine and masterclasses at Canopy Market, which welcomes a number of independent, ethical and sustainable vendors. Kingston Christmas Market Venture over to picturesque Kingston upon Thames, where you can search the riverside town's Ancient Market Place for unique Christmas gifts at the Kingston Christmas Market. The cosy cabins are packed with a range of handmade arts and crafts, beautiful decorations and stocking fillers. Afterwards, enjoy seasonal entertainment while tucking into some specialist street food. Other Best Christmas Markets in England Manchester Christmas Markets Birmingham Frankfurt Christmas Market Leeds Christkindelmarkt Bath Christmas Market York’s St Nicholas Christmas Fair Bristol Christmas Market Chester Christmas Market Winchester Christmas Market Manchester Christmas Markets Manchester is home to some of the best Christmas markets in the country and is known as one of the best markets in Europe. There are more than nine of them scattered throughout the city centre, which makes it a true paradise for Christmas enthusiasts! You’ll find a diverse range of food and drink stalls at all of them, each offering a unique experience. The largest market is in Albert Square, which features a German village packed with food and drink stalls. If you’re visiting Manchester in December, it’s a must do!
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Manchester Christmas market Birmingham Frankfurt Christmas Market In Birmingham, you can find the largest authentic German Christmas Market outside of Germany. Anyone looking for some Christmas gifts will find beautiful decorations and handcrafted items to choose from, but the real reason to go is for the fab food and drink. Victoria Square is filled with the most delicious smell of Christmas as stalls sell traditional German food. You can sample authentic bratwurst, pretzels, schnitzels, and hot chestnuts. You can even get half-metre sausages, if that sounds good to you – and if you’re thirsty there are four pint jugs of beer or sweet little mugs of flavoured gluhwein too. Leeds Christkindelmarkt Leeds Chrsitkindelmarkt is one of the oldest German Christmas markets in England. Throughout the square are wooden stalls selling beautiful toys, jewellery, crafts, decorations, and other items. A jingling carousel ride with lively music and vibrant coloured lights creates a festive mood throughout the entire Christmas village. The fairground style rides for children and its ‘Breakfast with Santa’ experience are among its most popular attractions. This is a ticketed event that happens on Saturday and Sunday. The Bavarian style restaurant Alp Chalet is in the centre of Millennium Square, and during Christmas, families and kids are invited to enjoy a Christmas breakfast with Santa in traditional German style. Bath Christmas Market Bath hosts one of the most beautiful Christmas markets in England every year. During the winter months, Bath isn’t only wonderful due to its gorgeous architecture, but even more beautiful thanks to its festive atmosphere, and the excellent Bath Christmas Market. A day out in Bath is always a good idea, particularly in winter when it’s definitely one of the best festive days out in the Cotswolds. “With over 130 twinkling chalets, soak up the sights and scents of Christmas as you meander through the cobbled streets surrounded by some of the South West’s most talented crafters. Enjoy a festive experience like no other, surrounded by some of Britain’s iconic architecture. Christmas Markets with stalls are spread all over Bath, on its streets and in small squares surrounding Bath Cathedral.
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Bath Christmas Market It’s possible to find independent producers selling their products on many stalls. It’s a great place to find all kinds of handcrafted gifts and decorations, as well as some of the best food and mulled wine. Festive streetlights are strung on the town’s most iconic buildings and streets. A major feature of Bath Christmas Market is the Victorian merry-go-round, suitable for children and adults on the horses or in carriages. York’s St Nicholas Christmas Fair York’s Christmas Market is one of the most picturesque Christmas markets in England. Wooden, alpine-style chalets border York’s pedestrianised city streets, selling locally manufactured crafts, art, food, and drink. Shoppers can enjoy a range of tantalising free samples to try as well as one-of-a-kind presents to purchase. A big, decorated Christmas tree, live entertainment, and beautiful night time illuminations help to create a bright festive mood. Thor’s Tipi, a massive canvas tipi specially created for the Christmas season, is the show-stopper at the Christmas market. Foot-sore customers can relax on soft blankets in front of a roaring log fire and sip mulled wine or creamy hot chocolate and soak up the atmosphere. York Christmas Market is one of the best Christmas days out in Yorkshire! Bristol Christmas Market Bristol Christmas Market in England is more about spending time to appreciate the ambiance and allowing yourself the opportunity to relax or see friends. The Bristol Christmas Market takes place in Broadmead, the city’s Shopping Quarter. It’s a compact but well structured market with a well-planned assortment of booths offering something unique, ensuring you’ll discover the ideal one-of-a-kind Christmas gift. The bar at the heart of the market attracts families with a singing reindeer at the entrance, and while they do serve alcoholic drinks, you can also get a reasonably priced hot chocolate to keep you warm while listening to your favourite festive tunes and watching the frantic last-minute shoppers running past. “Located in the very heart of Bristol City Centre, the Christmas market is home to over 50 unique stalls, as well as entertainment from the likes of Santa and reindeer visits in December. Visitors can enjoy heated seating, delicious drinks and live music in our Jäger Barn Bar, and also try their hand at the much-loved sport of curling for some competitive fun.“
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Christmas markets in the UK Chester Christmas Market This mediaeval city in northwest England is notable for its Roman fortifications and walls, as well as Tudor-style timber houses. Then there’s the magical Chester Christmas Market. This is one of the greatest English Christmas markets to visit if you’re looking for something a bit more traditional. Over 70 traditional wooden chalets are situated on the city’s Town Hall Square, with the magnificent Chester Cathedral as a backdrop. Visiting makes for a great day out in Cheshire. Pick up some mulled wine or a tasty hog roast bap after browsing the stalls for handmade crafts, clothing, jewellery, and local produce. Stop by the Real Ale Bar for a Christmas drink or a local cask ale and take a photo in front of the spectacular Christmas tree to really make your Chester Christmas Market experience. Winchester Christmas Market What better way to immerse yourself in the Christmas spirit than at Winchester Cathedral? The monumental Gothic cathedral, in the centre of Britain’s former capital city, towers imposingly over the quaint English Christmas Market, which promises tidings of joy. Winchester has one of the best Christmas Markets in Hampshire, if not England. Follow your nose to stalls touting fine food and drink. Mulled wine in hand, then follow your ears to join the gathered crowd singing along with the carolling choir. And, full of golden festive spirit, mooch around the stalls and support local craftspeople and traders whilst you do your Christmas shopping. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4jsR5PXidU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAJYkO3G8VU Read also our other posts on Christmas  ; Christmas markets in America ; Christmas markets in Italy and Germany ; Christmas quotes ; 60 great Christmas quotes ; Christmas tree origin and quotes ;  Christmas short stories ; Ella Gray A Christmas short story ; Traditional Christmas Carols ; Christmas jokes ; Christmas cracker jokes ; Funny Christmas Stories ; Amusing Christmas stories ; Christmas food ; Christmas thoughts ; Christmas story ; Christmas in Italy ; Christmas holidays ; Christmas songs ; Christmas poems ; An Essay on Christmas by Chesterton ; Read the full article
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babalmaghrib · 1 year
" Moroccan handicrafts are highly prized in the global market due to their superior quality, originality and authenticity, testifying to the expertise of Moroccan artisans. "
—Stanford Graduate School of Business Research
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mortraveling · 2 years
5 Best Cities for Shopping in Africa
5 Best Cities for Shopping in Africa Last year I set off on an adventure to Africa. I thought that I had it all figured out and that I knew exactly what I could expect. But this mysterious continent took me by surprise. Apart from its natural beauty, the continent boasts some great shopping locations. If you are a fashion enthusiast like I am, you should definitely pin these cities to your map. 1. Johannesburg, South Africa It seems to me that no matter where in Johannesburg you happen to be, there is always a great shopping center just around the corner. You’ll find the Jo’berg shopping centers, such as Sandton City and Rosebank Mall, are on par with any world-class mall. If you’re looking for a unique shopping and dining experience head to the Neighbourgoods Market in Braamfontein where you’ll find independent designers selling fashion items alongside homemade cakes and specialty cuisine. 2. Cairo, Egypt The Khan El Khalili Market in the Hussein District in Cairo is the most remarkable attraction of the city – for tourists and Egyptians alike. If you wander deep into this 500-year-old maze of narrow streets, stores, and workshops you will find treasures like wonderfully crafted jewelry, glass, copper, and brassware. The deeper you venture, the better goods and bargains you will find. If you do not fancy the atmosphere of the souks, Cairo also has large modern shopping centers like City Stars, Nile Mall, Geneina Mall, and Nile Hilton Mall, where global brands can be found. 3. Lagos, Nigeria Nigeria has just a handful of shopping malls, but this situation is rapidly changing, with several large malls being under construction, mostly in the capital – Lagos. The Palms Shopping Mall is the second largest shopping center in Nigeria, with 21,000 square meters of shoppable space. Some of the most recognizable brands found here include Apple, Mango, Nike, Puma, and Hugo Boss. 4. Rabat, Morocco Perhaps Rabat’s medina and kasbah do not offer such a fashionable shopping experience as the more famous souks of Fes and Marrakech, but it is equally rewarding. The shops are stocked with the same delicious foods, fine clothing, and beautiful handmade leather goods. The only difference is that in Rabat most shopkeepers are selling their goods at a fixed price. Rue des Consuls is Rabat’s main shopping street. It is dotted with shops selling local handicrafts like colored-hide lamps, babouches, jellabahs, and carpets. Carpets from Rabat are traditionally made in the workshops within the medina, where every Monday and Thursday they still hold a carpet auction. 5. Tunis, Tunisia Bring an extra suitcase if you are going to Tunis as it’s a shopper’s paradise! Emerge into the lavish world of Tunisian markets with the scents of spices and mint tea. There is nothing you can think of that they do not sell here. From high-quality rugs and carpets to jewelry, colorful ceramics, perfumes, henna, and gold. One important tip though – learn to haggle. via Blogger https://ift.tt/dfWGVYr March 22, 2023 at 10:26PM
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mia-studyhaus · 2 years
Knowledge Castle 1 - Corporate Social Responsibility
Welcome to Knowledge Castle - a series where I talk about many different issues from both sides. The aim is to mainly voice out my thoughts and trigger the reader's thinking. Do give me feedback so I can improve in subsequent posts :)
According to Investopedia, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is "a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public."
This framework makes businesses consider other aspects of their work other than creating profits to benefit from such that they contribute towards making a positive impact in society rather than continuing to inflict harms on the environment or people.
Why is this concept important?
The United Nations' Emission Gap Report released this year has shown that the time left to avoid catastrophic consequences of global climate change is becoming dangerously narrow. Significant and immediate action is required, especially knowing that the world is going through an unstable phase in its economy and geopolitical stability. We cannot just care about the environment anymore - all of humanity is at risk. With the income gap between the richest and the poorest not showing signs of improvement, it is not far-fetched to say that we could possibly face a very disparate world compared to status quo. The top tenth of wealthy people might end up being the only ones able to afford basic human rights and necessities. What makes things worse is that space (seen as a popular solution to the world's environmental issues) is mainly being explored as a way to bring profits rather than to benefit all mankind. It is being seen as a competitive field to dominate, especially when you consider that the demographics of space investors constitute mainly private companies who are helped on by their government.
As such, companies are major stakeholders in helping to resolve this problem. CSRs are not from the heart - it is important to understand that they are carefully-thought business methods that mainly aim to benefit the corporation's revenue. A common example of CSR in the fashion and beauty industries is a strong stand against animal cruelty. This means that companies transparently show that they do not make products from animal-derived materials. On the front side, this looks like a very noble cause. It feels good not only as an announcement but as a choice for consumers to make. You see the psychological impact here? It contributes towards driving sales because it can take out the guilt from their shopping and also can make them feel like they are participating in good and moral behaviour. CSR hence greatly improves a company's prospects in terms of outreach, consumption and reputation. However, the real doubt is whether CSR is truly achieving its stated goals. Corporations can be big and so, as customers, we cannot exactly track down every process they carry out. Sometimes, CSR can be a magic show to distract us from ineffective action. A popular case to show this is the concept of greenwashing. Wikipedia defines it as "a form of advertising or marketing spin in which green PR and green marketing are deceptively used to persuade the public that an organization's products, aims and policies are environmentally friendly." Some companies may present a sustainable or circular business framework while not presenting the whole picture. For example, a toy company could talk about reusing materials in the manufacturing process while hiding the intensive energy consumption that goes into making this possible (which is obviously the problem that they need to think about - how can they make their processes sustainable from the very start?). The company could even be exploiting child workers but covering up the truth with a false show of "handicraft to save the Earth" in their products. However, consumers would not be able to identify this if the corporation bombards them with campaign videos or certification marks.
This does not render CSRs completely useless. Rather, it highlights the important changes needed to improve their transparency, effectiveness and commitment. CSRs are beneficial only if there are tight regulations present to ensure that they are followed through. Additionally, incentives and capacity building by governments for corporations to benefit more from implementing such models are necessary. Lastly, SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) would also require support for them to be able to afford implementing such measures because the market, capital and resource access for them are drastically different. With the urgency of this issue being stressed enough and influential stakeholders being strict with their action, one could expect optimism in the way CSRs change our world. We need this change.
All credits given in links highlighting relevant words or phrases.
Pondering questions: Is the ideal situation for CSRs achievable? How does the concept of CSR link to green fatigue?
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eccexports · 1 day
English Creations Craze WOMAN ACCESSORIES
English Creations Craze is Scarves Manufacturer, Exporter, Wholesaler, Scarves Supplier at wholesale prices. Buy scarves in bulk from India. Wholesale Scarves at factory prices as we have our factory for production of scarves. Our product range includes all fabrics such as Cashmere, Wool, Silk, Cotton, Modal, Linen, Viscose, Acrylic, Polyester and Blended fabrics. As its name refers; the company is inspired by 'Passion for Creations beyond imaginations'. We have a huge collection as we are a wholesaler of Clothing Accessories, Fashion Accessories, Women Accessories and Men Accessories according to fashion and standards of all international markets. We provide worldwide shipping services at reasonable prices to all countries viz. USA, France, Italy, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Australia, UK, Canada, Japan, UAE, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Turkey, Sweden, Mexico, Greece, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, South America, other European countries etc.
Overseas clients buy Wholesale scarves in bulk quantity at factory prices as ENGLISH CREATIONS CRAZE is a manufacturer from India, wholesaler, supplier, exporters of scarves, shawls, stoles, bags, ponchos, kaftans, kimono , printed scarves, jacquard scarves, beachwear, beach towels, pareos, sarongs, wraps, throws, home furnishing items at wholesale prices. We specialize in custom designing and custom printing on different kinds of fabrics. Our efforts remain consistently focused upon innovation and continual improvement, making us a globally acclaimed brand.
Today, we are 100% export oriented business house witnessing massive international market base spread worldwide over different parts of Europe, Australia, North America and South America. Clients from all over the world rely on us as we offer them a refreshingly new and unique shopping experience; offering distinguished quality products at some great prices.
Our company is a recognized member of The Indian Silk Export Promotion Council and Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH). Besides product quality, we are well known in the industry for our efficient customer care services and our strict adherence to prompt product delivery schedules.
Our Product Range Focusing on international tastes, demands and preferences, our products are a melange of contemporary and ethnic art, showcasing creativity and uniqueness in every single piece. The unique quality and exquisitely designed products manufactured by English Creations Craze can be categorized as the following : • Scarves & Stoles : In fabrics such as silk, cashmere, pashmina, wool, cotton, modal, viscose, acrylic, polyester, rayon, organza, chiffon, crepe, geogette etc. In patterns such as jacquard, print, embroidery, jamawar, woven, knitted, crochet etc. • Shawls: In fabrics such as silk, cashmere, pashmina, wool, cotton, modal, viscose, acrylic, polyester, rayon, organza, chiffon, crepe, geogette etc.
In patterns such as jacquard, print, embroidery, jamawar, woven, knitted, crochet etc. • Ponchos and Kimonos : In fabrics such as silk, cashmere, pashmina, wool, cotton, modal, viscose, acrylic, polyester, rayon, organza, chiffon, crepe, geogette etc. In patterns such as jacquard, print, embroidery, jamawar, woven, knitted, crochet etc. • Kaftans : In fabrics such as silk, cashmere, pashmina, wool, cotton, modal, viscose, acrylic, polyester, rayon, organza, chiffon, crepe, geogette etc. In patterns such as jacquard, print, embroidery, jamawar, woven, knitted, crochet etc. • Wraps : In fabrics such as silk, cashmere, pashmina, wool, cotton, modal, viscose, acrylic, polyester, rayon, organza, chiffon, crepe, geogette etc. In patterns such as jacquard, print, embroidery, jamawar, woven, knitted, crochet etc. • Home Furnishings
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ritiktraffictail · 3 days
Small Business Ideas in Bihar: Opportunities for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Bihar, a state known for its rich history and agricultural strength, is now emerging as a hub for small businesses. With growing infrastructure, supportive government policies, and increasing entrepreneurship, the state offers numerous opportunities for individuals looking to start their own ventures. If you're considering starting a business, here are some of the best small business ideas in Bihar that have the potential to succeed.
1. Organic Farming
Bihar’s agricultural roots make organic farming one of the most promising small business ideas. With a rising demand for chemical-free and pesticide-free produce, you can start an organic farm that grows vegetables, fruits, or even grains. This business requires moderate investment but can yield high returns, especially with a focus on healthy and sustainable products. Organic produce is increasingly sought after in both local and metropolitan markets, making this a profitable venture.
2. Dairy Farming
The dairy industry in Bihar is booming, and starting a dairy farming business can be a lucrative opportunity. With a growing demand for milk and dairy products, there is plenty of scope to set up a small dairy farm. The investment in cattle, feed, and infrastructure may vary, but with proper care and management, dairy farming can generate consistent revenue. Additionally, producing value-added products like cheese, yogurt, and ghee can further increase profitability.
3. Mobile Repairing Services
With the growing use of smartphones and digital devices, starting a mobile repairing service is a great small business idea in Bihar. You can set up a repair shop with minimal investment and offer services like screen replacement, software installation, and hardware repairs. Since the demand for mobile repairs is constant, this business has the potential to attract a steady stream of customers, especially in urban and semi-urban areas.
4. Retail Grocery Store
Opening a grocery store is a reliable business option, particularly in rural or semi-urban areas of Bihar. Essentials like food items, cleaning products, and personal care products are always in demand. With a modest investment, you can start a small grocery store and expand over time. To increase customer loyalty, offering a home delivery service can set you apart from the competition. As the population grows and consumption increases, a retail grocery business can be very rewarding.
5. Handicrafts Business
Bihar is known for its traditional handicrafts, such as Madhubani paintings, terracotta products, and silk weaving. Starting a handicrafts business can tap into both local and global markets. You can work directly with local artisans to produce and sell handcrafted items through an online platform or at local fairs and exhibitions. With the growing demand for eco-friendly and artisanal products, this business can be highly profitable, especially if you focus on promoting local art and culture.
6. Poultry Farming
Another agriculture-based business with high growth potential is poultry farming. Raising chickens for meat or eggs requires relatively low investment but can yield high returns. With proper management, housing, and feed, poultry farming can become a sustainable source of income. The demand for poultry products is consistently high in both urban and rural areas, making it a viable small business idea in Bihar.
7. Mushroom Farming
Mushroom farming is gaining popularity in Bihar due to its profitability and low space requirements. You can start with a small investment and produce mushrooms for local markets, restaurants, or even for export. With the right training and equipment, mushroom farming can yield a substantial income within a few months. The demand for mushrooms as a healthy food option continues to grow, making this an excellent small business opportunity.
8. Fish Farming
With Bihar's abundance of water bodies, fish farming is a highly profitable venture. By setting up a fishery and breeding popular varieties like Rohu, Katla, or Prawn, you can cater to both local and national markets. This business requires moderate investment in ponds, feed, and infrastructure, but it offers high returns. As the demand for fresh fish continues to rise, fish farming has the potential to be a sustainable and rewarding small business idea in Bihar.
9. Tailoring and Embroidery Services
Starting a tailoring and embroidery business is an ideal option for those with a creative flair and stitching skills. With a growing middle-class population, there is a constant demand for custom clothing, especially for women’s and children’s apparel. You can offer services like garment alterations, custom-made outfits, and even specialized embroidery work. With the right marketing strategy and quality service, this business can thrive in both urban and rural areas.
10. Solar Energy Installation Business
With the increasing demand for clean energy, starting a solar energy installation business in Bihar can be a great opportunity. The state is investing heavily in renewable energy, and more households and businesses are looking for solar power solutions. You can provide services such as solar panel installation, maintenance, and consultation. As energy costs rise and sustainability becomes a priority, this business has the potential for significant growth.
11. Agarbatti (Incense Stick) Manufacturing
Incense sticks, or Agarbatti, are used in almost every household in India for religious and spiritual purposes. Starting a small-scale agarbatti manufacturing unit in Bihar can be a profitable business with minimal investment. The demand for incense sticks is constant, and with easy access to raw materials and labor, you can produce and sell to local markets or even export them.
12. Educational Coaching Center
Bihar has a strong focus on education, and starting an educational coaching center can be a rewarding business. With a large number of students preparing for competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, and state-level exams, there is always demand for quality coaching centers. You can offer courses for school students or focus on exam preparation for entrance tests, government jobs, or professional courses. With the right faculty and marketing, this business can grow rapidly in both urban and rural areas.
Bihar offers a wide range of opportunities for small businesses, thanks to its growing economy, agricultural base, and increasing focus on entrepreneurship. Whether you’re interested in agriculture, manufacturing, or services, these small business ideas in Bihar can help you start your entrepreneurial journey. With proper planning, market research, and dedication, you can turn any of these ideas into a successful venture and contribute to the economic growth of the state.
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expobazzar · 1 year
Indian Handicrafts in USA and Global Markets : Rising Demand
Learn more about Indian handicrafts and which ones are most sought-after on the global market. India provides a wide variety of exquisite and one-of-a-kind goods because of its extensive tradition of traditional crafts, which range from stunning fabrics and intricate needlework to elaborate pottery and woodwork. Find out what makes the best handicrafts so popular and why they are so in demand from shoppers around the world.
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neelamexports · 4 days
Manufacturers and Suppliers of Handicraft Marble Home Decor Table from Jaipur – Neelam Exports
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Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, is not only known for its rich history and culture but also for its exceptional craftsmanship in marble products. Among the top names in this industry is Neelam Exports, a renowned manufacturer and supplier of Handicraft Marble Home Decor Tables. With years of experience and a strong reputation, Neelam Exports brings the beauty of traditional Rajasthani artistry to homes around the world.
In this blog, we will explore the key features that set Neelam Exports apart as a leading name in marble home decor, the types of tables they offer, and why Jaipur is a hub for this exquisite craft.
Why Choose Neelam Exports for Marble Home Decor Tables?
Neelam Exports has carved a niche in the marble home decor industry by offering high-quality products that combine traditional craftsmanship with modern design elements. Here’s why they are the top choice for buyers:
Unmatched Craftsmanship: The artisans at Neelam Exports are highly skilled in the age-old techniques of marble carving and inlay work. Each table is meticulously crafted to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that reflects the essence of Jaipur's rich artistic heritage.
Premium Quality Marble: Neelam Exports uses only the finest quality marble for their products. The marble is sourced from Rajasthan's famous quarries, known for producing some of the best marble in the world. This ensures that each table is not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and long-lasting.
Customization Options: Understanding that each home has a unique style, Neelam Exports offers customization services for their marble home decor tables. From design patterns to color choices, clients can personalize their orders to fit their specific decor needs.
Wide Range of Products: Neelam Exports specializes in a variety of handicraft marble home decor tables, including center tables, side tables, and coffee tables. Each product showcases intricate marble inlay work, making it a stunning addition to any living space.
Global Reach: With years of experience in exporting marble products, Neelam Exports has built a strong presence in international markets. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has made them a trusted supplier of marble home decor items worldwide.
Read More :- Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Exporters of God Statues from Jaipur
Types of Marble Home Decor Tables at Neelam Exports
Neelam Exports offers a wide variety of handcrafted marble tables that suit different tastes and home styles. Here are some of their most popular offerings:
Marble Inlay Coffee Tables: These tables feature intricate inlay work using semi-precious stones like lapis lazuli, turquoise, and mother-of-pearl. The detailed designs often depict floral patterns or traditional motifs, making these coffee tables perfect for adding a touch of luxury to any living room.
Marble Center Tables: As the centerpiece of any room, these tables are designed to be both functional and visually stunning. The artisans carefully craft the marble to highlight its natural veins and colors, ensuring that each table is unique. The center tables are available in various shapes like round, oval, and rectangular.
Marble Side Tables: These smaller, elegant tables are perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to corners, bedrooms, or hallways. The marble top is often combined with metallic or wooden legs, creating a blend of modern and traditional styles.
Customizable Marble Tables: If you have a specific design in mind, Neelam Exports allows you to collaborate with their artisans to create custom marble tables. From the choice of marble to the design of the inlay work, you can have a one-of-a-kind table made just for your home.
Jaipur – A Hub of Handicraft Marble Work
Jaipur has long been associated with marble craftsmanship, and Neelam Exports continues this tradition by employing artisans who have honed their skills over generations. Here’s why Jaipur is considered the center of marble artistry:
Rich Heritage of Marble Art: Marble carving and inlay work have been integral to Jaipur's cultural heritage for centuries. The city is home to some of the most talented artisans who have inherited this skill from their ancestors.
Rajasthan Marble: The marble sourced from Rajasthan is known for its superior quality, durability, and beauty. The natural patterns and colors of the marble make it ideal for home decor items like tables, statues, and flooring.
Tourist Attraction: Jaipur is a major tourist destination, and its handicraft markets are filled with beautiful marble products. The global demand for marble decor from Jaipur has led to the growth of companies like Neelam Exports, which cater to both local and international clients.
Innovative Designs: While Jaipur is steeped in tradition, its artisans are constantly innovating and blending contemporary styles with traditional techniques. This fusion makes marble products from Jaipur versatile, fitting seamlessly into both modern and classic interiors.
Why Marble Home Decor Tables are a Timeless Investment
Marble home decor tables are not just functional pieces of furniture; they are timeless works of art that add elegance and luxury to any home. Here are some reasons why investing in a marble table from Neelam Exports is a great choice:
Durability: Marble is a natural stone that is extremely durable and can withstand the test of time. When properly cared for, a marble table can last for generations, becoming a family heirloom.
Aesthetic Appeal: The natural veining and colors of marble give each table a unique look. Marble tables are perfect for creating a statement piece in your home decor, instantly elevating the ambiance of any room.
Versatility: Marble tables can blend seamlessly with various decor styles, from classic to contemporary. Whether you're decorating a minimalist home or a traditional one, a marble table can fit right in.
Eco-Friendly: As a natural material, marble is an eco-friendly choice for home decor. It is also recyclable, making it a sustainable option for environmentally conscious buyers.
If you're looking for high-quality, handcrafted marble home decor tables, Neelam Exports from Jaipur is your go-to destination. Their combination of traditional craftsmanship, premium quality marble, and innovative designs makes them a leader in the industry. Whether you’re looking for a statement center table or a custom piece that fits your home’s decor, Neelam Exports has something to offer.
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indiatravelpackage · 9 days
Discover the Best of India with a Golden Triangle Tour 3 Days
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The Golden Triangle Tour is one of the most popular tour circuits in India, imparting an unforgettable enjoyment of India’s wealthy cultural history. Covering the cities of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, this golden triangle tour 3 days is right for travelers seeking to explore India’s historical landmarks and architectural wonders in a short period.
From the bustling streets of Delhi to the majestic Taj Mahal in Agra and the royal palaces of Jaipur, this journey promises a completely unique combo of history, tradition, and culture.
Day 1: Arrival in Delhi and Sightseeing
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Your Golden Triangle excursion starts offevolved together with your arrival in Delhi, India’s vibrant capital. Upon arrival, you will be greeted with the aid of a professional guide who will take you on a sightseeing tour of the metropolis.
Your first stop is India Gate, a outstanding struggle memorial built in honor of Indian squaddies who died in the course of World War I. Next, you’ll visit the Rashtrapati Bhavan (President’s House), a beautiful example of British-technology architecture. Following that, explore Qutub Minar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the tallest brick minarets inside the global.
In the afternoon, take a walk thru the bustling lanes of Chandni Chowk, where you could take pleasure in nearby avenue food and enjoy the old-global charm of Delhi. Visit the Red Fort and Jama Masjid, large Mughal systems that replicate the grandeur of Mughal structure.
After a day full of exploration, enjoy a cushty in a single day stay at your inn in Delhi.
Day 2: Delhi to Agra and Agra Sightseeing
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On the second day, you will drive to Agra, a town acknowledged for its outstanding Mughal monuments. Upon arrival, check-in at your hotel and freshen up.
The spotlight of your day is a visit to the Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Built by Emperor Shah Jahan in reminiscence of his cherished spouse Mumtaz Mahal, the Taj Mahal is an image of eternal love and one of the most lovely architectural masterpieces in the world. Take some time to appreciate its complicated marble design and lush surrounding gardens.
After touring the Taj Mahal, head to Agra Fort, any other UNESCO World Heritage Site. This large crimson sandstone fortress turned into the residence of Mughal emperors and offers a charming glimpse into their royal life-style. The fort also offers tremendous views of the Taj Mahal from positive points.
In the evening, you have the choice to visit Mehtab Bagh, a garden placed across the Yamuna River, which offers a breathtaking view of the Taj Mahal, specifically for the duration of sunset.
Overnight stay at your motel in Agra.
Day 3: Agra to Jaipur and Jaipur Sightseeing
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After breakfast, go away for Jaipur, also referred to as the "Pink City" for its awesome pink-colored buildings. Of course, you'll visit Fatehpur Sikri, an ancient metropolis constructed by Emperor Akbar that now stands as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here, you could discover the grand palaces, mosques, and courtyards that once fashioned Akbar’s royal capital.
Upon arrival in Jaipur, check into your hotel and get ready to discover the town’s royal history. Begin with a visit to the Amber Fort, a beautiful hilltop fortress recognized for its tricky architecture and breathtaking views of the encompassing hills.
Next, visit the City Palace, a royal residence that now serves as a museum showcasing a collection of artefacts from the royal circle of relatives. Close byway is the Hawa Mahal, or Palace of Winds, a unique structure with masses of small home windows, originally constructed to permit royal ladies to examine road festivals without being seen.
In the nighttime, walk via the local markets of Jaipur, well-known for traditional handicrafts, textiles, and jewellery, before heading back to Delhi or your onward vacation spot.
The Golden Triangle Tour 2 nights 3 days is an excellent introduction to India’s wealthy history and lifestyle. It offers a glimpse into India’s royal beyond at the same time allowing travel to experience its colourful gift. With visits to several of India’s most iconic landmarks, this excursion promises an enriching and unforgettable revel in.
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upits2024 · 11 days
UP Trade Show 2024: A Global Platform for Uttar Pradesh’s Industrial Excellence
The UP International Trade Show 2024 (UPITS 2024) is surely going to be a landmark event, building on the momentum of its successful debut. Scheduled to take place from September 25 to 29, 2024, at the India Expo Centre & Mart, this grand trade show promises to be a game-changer for Uttar Pradesh's economy. The event will showcase a vast array of products manufactured across Uttar Pradesh, offering immense potential for both domestic and international markets. With a strong focus on B2B and B2C engagement, the UP Trade Show is designed to bring together stakeholders from across the globe, including government agencies, investors, buyers, and industry leaders.
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The Growth and Impact of UP Trade Show
The UP Trade Show has quickly established itself as a premier event, reflecting Uttar Pradesh's economic dynamism and industrial diversity. The first edition of the show laid a strong foundation, and UPITS 2024 is set to expand its reach even further. This year’s event aims to attract a wider audience, offering greater business opportunities and fostering new partnerships.
The UP Trade Show is more than just an exhibition; it is a platform that bridges the gap between local manufacturers and global markets. The event will feature products across various sectors, including agriculture, automotive, electronics, textiles, and more. By providing a space for these industries to showcase their innovations, the UP Trade Show is playing a crucial role in positioning Uttar Pradesh as a key player in the global economy.
Bringing Uttar Pradesh’s Best Products Under One Roof
One of the highlights of the UP Trade Show 2024 is the diversity of products on display. From traditional handicrafts to cutting-edge technology, the show will feature an impressive range of products that reflect the rich industrial heritage and innovative spirit of Uttar Pradesh. Here’s a closer look at some of the key sectors represented at the event:
Agriculture & Allied Sectors: Uttar Pradesh is one of India’s leading agricultural states, and the trade show will highlight its contributions to this vital sector. Products related to agriculture, including modern farming equipment, agri-tech innovations, and allied sectors like animal husbandry and dairy, will be prominently featured.
Automobile/EV/Auto Components: The automotive sector in Uttar Pradesh is rapidly growing, with a particular focus on electric vehicles (EVs) and sustainable auto components. The UP Trade Show will showcase the latest advancements in this industry, attracting interest from domestic and international buyers.
Handloom, Handicrafts & Textiles: Uttar Pradesh is renowned for its rich tradition of handloom and handicrafts. The show will provide a platform for local artisans to display their work, from intricate textiles to beautifully crafted home decor items. This sector is particularly important for promoting the state’s One District One Product (ODOP) initiative.
Health & Wellness: The health and wellness sector, including AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy), pharmaceuticals, and naturopathy, will also be a significant part of the event. As health consciousness continues to rise globally, this sector is expected to attract considerable attention.
IT & Smart City Mission: With the Smart City Mission gaining momentum, Uttar Pradesh is at the forefront of technological innovation. The UP Trade Show will feature developments in information technology, smart city projects, and digital infrastructure, showcasing the state’s progress in building future-ready cities.
Renewable Energy & Sustainability: In line with global trends towards sustainability, the trade show will highlight Uttar Pradesh's advancements in renewable energy, including solar, wind, and EV-related technologies. This sector represents the state’s commitment to sustainable development and its potential as a hub for green energy solutions.
Tourism & Hospitality: Uttar Pradesh, home to iconic landmarks like the Taj Mahal, has a thriving tourism and hospitality industry. The UP Trade Show will present opportunities for stakeholders in this sector to explore new partnerships and promote the state’s rich cultural heritage.
A Platform for Global Business Opportunities
The UP Trade Show 2024 is designed to attract a diverse range of visitors, including Indian and international business leaders, buyers, and investors. The event will provide an ideal platform for networking, exploring new markets, and forging valuable business connections. Key visitor categories include:
Buying Agents and Corporates: Representatives from leading corporations and buying agents will be present, scouting for new products and suppliers that align with their business needs.
Distributors and Domestic Buyers: The show offers a unique opportunity for distributors and domestic buyers to discover new products and establish direct connections with manufacturers.
Exporters and Overseas Buyers: With Uttar Pradesh’s growing export market, the trade show will attract a significant number of overseas buyers and exporters looking to source high-quality products from the region.
Investors and Institutional Buyers: The event will also appeal to investors and institutional buyers who are interested in exploring investment opportunities in Uttar Pradesh’s burgeoning industries.
E-commerce and Retail Stores: As e-commerce continues to grow, the UP Trade Show will be an important venue for online retailers and brick-and-mortar stores to discover products that cater to the evolving tastes of consumers.
Think Tanks and National & International Traders: The event will also serve as a gathering place for think tanks, policymakers, and traders who are involved in shaping the economic landscape of Uttar Pradesh and beyond.
Strategic Importance of UP Trade Show 2024
The UP Trade Show is not just an exhibition; it is a strategic initiative aimed at boosting Uttar Pradesh’s economic development. By bringing together a diverse range of industries and stakeholders, the event helps to create a more integrated and dynamic business environment in the state.
Enhancing Market Access: For local manufacturers, the UP Trade Show provides an invaluable opportunity to access new markets, both within India and internationally. The presence of international buyers and traders at the event ensures that products from Uttar Pradesh can reach a global audience.
Promoting Investment: The trade show is also a platform for attracting investment into Uttar Pradesh. With various government agencies and large corporates in attendance, the event offers a conducive environment for exploring investment opportunities in sectors such as infrastructure, manufacturing, and renewable energy.
Showcasing Uttar Pradesh’s Economic Potential: The UP Trade Show plays a crucial role in highlighting the economic potential of Uttar Pradesh. By showcasing the state’s diverse industries and innovative products, the event helps to enhance its reputation as a key player in India’s economic growth.
Event Highlights and What to Expect
Visitors to the UP Trade Show 2024 can expect a dynamic and engaging experience, with a wide range of activities and exhibits to explore. Some of the key highlights of the event include:
Live Demonstrations: Several sectors, including education (with live demos on STEM), health & wellness, and e-commerce, will feature live demonstrations, allowing visitors to experience the latest innovations firsthand.
Sector-Specific Pavilions: The event will feature dedicated pavilions for key sectors such as defence, aviation, IT, and renewable energy, providing a focused platform for exhibitors to showcase their products and services.
Networking Opportunities: With business hours from 11 AM to 3 PM and public hours from 3 PM to 8 PM, the UP Trade Show offers ample opportunities for networking with industry leaders, government officials, and potential business partners.
Exhibitor Diversity: The trade show will feature exhibitors from a wide range of industries, ensuring that visitors can explore products and services that cater to their specific interests and needs.
The UP Trade Show 2024 is set to be a landmark event that will significantly contribute to Uttar Pradesh’s economic development. By bringing together a diverse range of industries, products, and stakeholders under one roof, the event offers unparalleled opportunities for business growth and market expansion. Whether you are a local manufacturer looking to expand your reach, an investor seeking new opportunities, or a buyer in search of innovative products, the UP Trade Show is an event that should not be missed.
Mark your calendar for September 25-29, 2024, and get ready to explore the future of business in Uttar Pradesh at the UP Trade Show. This is more than just an exhibition; it is a gateway to global business opportunities and a testament to the economic potential of one of India’s most dynamic states.
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hayaam1230 · 12 days
Top 8 activities to do in Global Village Dubai
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Global Village Dubai is one of the city’s most popular attractions, offering a unique blend of culture, entertainment, and adventure. This multicultural theme park brings the world together, showcasing over 70 countries through pavilions, food stalls, and live performances. Visitors can experience different traditions, shop for unique souvenirs, and sample international cuisines, all in one place.
With its exciting rides, captivating shows, and diverse cultural offerings, there’s something for everyone in Global Village. Whether you’re a family looking for fun, a foodie eager to explore global Flavors, or a traveler in search of a cultural journey, Global Village promises an unforgettable day. Don't forget to secure your Dubai Global Village tickets in advance to avoid the long queues and enjoy hassle-free entry to this remarkable attraction. Global Village is a must-visit for anyone exploring the vibrant city of Dubai.
Here are some activities to do in Global Village Dubai.
1. Take a look around the cultural pavilions: Dubai's Global Village is well-known for its varied cultural pavilions that showcase numerous nations from throughout the globe. A variety of experiences, such as local crafts, regional cuisine, and cultural performances, are available at each pavilion. You may get a taste of several cultures by meandering around these pavilions without ever leaving Dubai. To experience a little bit of different cultures and customs, make sure to visit each pavilion.
2. Savor Global Cuisine: Global Village, which offers a vast variety of various cuisines, is a food lover's delight. The food stalls offer a wide variety of options to suit every palate, including Middle Eastern shawarma, Asian dumplings, and Indian curries in addition to Italian spaghetti. Take advantage of the opportunity to try cuisine from throughout the world, cooked by skilled chefs in enticing food courts.
3. Take in Exciting Attractions and Rides: Global Village has a ton of exhilarating thrills and attractions for adventure seekers. All ages can enjoy thrilling attractions such as Ferris wheels and roller coasters at the amusement park. Experience an exhilarating day with loved ones while taking in the thrills of a variety of rides and attractions.
4. Enjoy magnificent live shows: Over the course of the season, Global Village presents an amazing schedule of live acts. These consist of international theatrical productions, dance events, and musical concerts. Visitors should not miss the enthralling entertainment that will feature both foreign and local talent on the stage.
5. Purchase handcrafted items and souvenir: Global Village offers a wealth of distinctive handicrafts and souvenirs for shoppers. A diverse range of products, such as handcrafted items, traditional clothing, and unique trinkets, are available at the market booths and businesses. These things are ideal as gifts for loved ones or as mementos of your visit.
6. Appreciate family-friendly activities: With a variety of family-friendly activities, Global Village is geared toward being a family-friendly vacation spot. Take advantage of family-friendly performances, interactive play areas, and kid-friendly attractions. A wonderful experience is guaranteed for guests of all ages thanks to the park's lively environment and assortment of attractions.
7. Go to festivals and themed events: Global Village celebrates many cultures and holidays all year long with festivals and themed activities. These gatherings frequently include parades, unique acts, and themed décor, which heightens the excitement of your experience. To enjoy these unique celebrations, check the event schedule before your visit.
8. Unwind by the Gorgeous Lake: There is a lovely lake in Global Village that provides a calm diversion from the busy attractions. Enjoy the beautiful scenery, take a leisurely stroll along the shoreline, or just unwind by the lake. The serene ambiance offers an ideal location for relaxing and taking in the splendor of the surroundings.
Visitors of all ages are guaranteed an unforgettable time at Global Village Dubai, which offers an intriguing blend of cultural experiences, exhilarating attractions, and family-friendly activities. Global Village has something for everyone, whether your interests are discovering different cultures, indulging in delectable cuisine, or seeking adventure.
Global Village Dubai offers a truly unique and immersive experience for visitors of all ages. From thrilling rides and entertainment shows to cultural pavilions representing countries from around the world, there’s something for everyone. Whether you're looking to explore global cuisines, shop for unique products, or simply enjoy a night out with family and friends, Global Village promises endless excitement.
For a smooth experience, it’s essential to secure your Global Village tickets ahead of time. Additionally, keep an eye out for Global Village Dubai ticket offers, which can provide great value for money, especially for group or family visits. With so much to offer, Global Village is a must-see attraction, combining the best of entertainment and culture under one roof. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience when visiting Dubai.
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