#Giuseppe Salvatore
schrutexbucks · 5 months
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I wouldn't beat myself up over it man. What did you think you were gonna find, huh? Isobel with a cigar and slippers?
The Vampire Diaries S1 E20 Blood Brothers
one gifset per episode 20/171
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slutisnotabadword · 9 months
Just saw a tiktok asking “who would you rather be raised by? Giuseppe or Mikael.”
And everyone picked Mikael.
And that just put into hindsight of how much I forgot how horrible Giuseppe was, and no one ever talks about it. Like I know Mikael always wanted to kill Klaus, but DAMN Giuseppe actually succeeded killing his children.
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splatooshy · 4 months
I don't want to sound too pushy (sorry if I do), but will you keep updating "I think I've seen this film before (and I didn't like the ending)? also, I love your portrayal of Damon and how you write him! Have a nice day! :)
yes!! uni’s been heckers as of late (turns out screenwriting is a lot more time consuming than regular writing… who woulda thunk it?), but i’m still working on it, hopefully it will start cooperating with me and i can get it up soon! here’s a lil bit to keep you going until then:
“Damon says… he says that Father is… c-cruel to- to h-hit me. T-that it wasn’t my f-fault.” Stefan sniffles, rubbing the irritated red splotch on his upper arm.
Lily purses her lips. “And do you believe that?”
“I-I don’t know….”
“Do you believe that your loving father is cruel? That he was not well within his right as a father to ensure you learn from your mistakes? To better you?”
“N-no! Of course not!” Stefan knows that Father only wants what is best. That he broke the glass, and therefore must be punished. It was a silly mistake, but now Stefan knows to be more careful. He’s learned his lesson; if he’s good, Father won’t have to discipline him again.
“Then you needn’t worry yourself with your brother’s lies. Damon… he will say and do anything to get what he wants. He will deceive you into blindly trusting his every word. I know you love him, Ange, but that’s the truth. He’s fooled himself into thinking he deserves lenience for his own wickedness, and he’ll do the same to you.”
Oh. So that’s why Father has to discipline Damon so often. He hasn’t learned from his mistakes, not like Stefan has.
There’s a few more minutes of sniffling, before Stefan leaves his mother’s rooms, wiping his red-rimmed eyes on his sleeves.
The boy looks up to see his brother waiting outside the door, and promptly looks away, muffling another sniff. Damon sighs.
“Are you feeling a bit better?” He asks, and Stefan nods stiffly, still not facing the teenager. It seems like Damon’s going to have to be the one to carry this conversation. “Would you like to go feed the ducks?”
Stefan doesn’t reply, biting his lip and decidedly not looking his brother’s way.
“Stef?” Damon’s tone is soft, and he kneels down to Stefan’s height.
“No,” the boy says, “I would like to be left alone for a while. Excuse me.” He strides off, leaving Damon crouched on the floor, dumbfounded.
Damon shakes himself out of it and barges into his mother’s rooms, no regard for proper etiquette. He looks to Lily with a hardened expression. “Why do you defend him?” He asks. “Why do you act like Father is some saint when you know just as well as I do that it’s the opposite?”
Lily sighs. “Of course you were eavesdropping.”
“Why do you defend Father?”
His mother rolls her eyes. “I do not wish to fill Stefan’s head with slander and lies. When I am gone, your father will be the only parent Stefan has. I cannot influence Stefan to turn against his own kin.”
Oh, the irony. Mother truly has a gift.
“You’re making it worse.” He glares at the frail woman. “These are lies you tell to convince Stefan that what Father does is okay. You’ve manipulated Stefan, for your own peace of mind. He’s a child. It was an accident.”
Lily just brushes off the words without a care. “Don’t pretend to be concerned for Stefan’s sake, Damon,” she says airily. “You’re upset that I’ve loosened your hold on your brother. That he is resistant to your influence. Once again, only ever thinking of yourself.”
Damon scoffs. “That little trick of yours no longer works on me, Mother. Speaking things into existence doesn’t make them any more true.”
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anewkindofme · 5 months
Forever thinking about the lost Salvatore brother.
And after being on a Rookie kick where James Remnar (aka the older Giuseppe) plays Tim’s abusive dad, I can now see Eric Winter as Archer Salvatore.
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justanoutlawfic · 1 year
Very late thoughts to the Lily discussions as I only finished the show last year…
I can forgive her not being able to do much when she was married to Giuseppe. She was a woman in the 1800s, also abused. I don’t think it was right to let Damon take the fall for the money, but I can almost see her thinking “better he gets a burn vs my abusive husband kills me for trying to leave, then they’re alone”. (Again, don’t agree with this at all, but trying to put myself in her shoes)
But that all goes out the window when she found an escape as a vampire and could’ve easily took them, killed Giuseppe and protected them from it all.
She didn’t. She abandoned them and started a new family, leaving them to be abused.
And then she had a chance to redeem all that…and let it happen twice.
Damon wasn’t wrong when he refused to give her a heartfelt goodbye.
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hacked-wtsdz · 2 months
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The Vampire Diaries, s1ep2 “Blood Brothers”
Yves Olade, “Bloodsport”
Japanese Breakfast, “Boyish”
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thefandomchaos · 6 months
I’ve read a lot of ‘Character’s dead bad/abusive parent comes back to life for a few days’ or fics around those line, I even wrote one with John Winchester.
But now I just can’t help but think of Giuseppe coming back for a few days. And is even more perfect is he is a few weeks before he guessed Katherine was a vampire/everything happened. Just imagine his suddenly transported into the Salvatore Boarding house and everything is strange because his from 1864 and is around 2009, and he finds Damon and Stefan who are instantly on edge, Damon absolutely hates the man and Stefan literally killed him. And it probably wouldn’t take long for Giuseppe to figure out their Vampires and probably try to kill them.
The potential there is for this to go anywhere. And also the Defan content potential. Damon instincts to protect Stefan going haywire because his back? Stefan always staying close to Damon because he realized how Giuseppe really treated him? Them protecting each other? So much potential and I’m so sad I’ve never seen a fic like this before
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gameofthunder66 · 13 days
'Baaria' (2009) film
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-watched 9/9/2024- 3 stars- on Plex (free) with English subtitles
55% Rotten Tomatoes
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freudianblunders · 1 month
Cinema Paradiso, 1988
Cinema is Life, and Life is Cinema
Cinema Paradiso is a film about the magic of cinema and one that is closest to my heart. This nostalgic coming-of-age story explores the relationship between Toto (Salvatore Cascio) and Alfredo (Philippe Noiret), the cinema projectionist in the small Sicilian town of Giancaldo in the years following World War II. The narrative unfolds in flashback from Toto's point of view, structured around three stages of his life: childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Directed with a great heart by Giuseppe Tornatore, the story is drawn from his childhood memories and was shot in Bagheria, Sicily, his hometown. The film went on to win several awards, including the 1989 Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.
Many people attribute this film to igniting their cinephile journey, which is true for me as well. At its core, Cinema Paradiso is about love—love for family and love for cinema. It captures what cinema meant as a collective social experience and serves as a poignant reminder of why we fell in love with it in the first place. It is one of those rare films that can genuinely be described as cathartic. While many people visit Sicily for their love of The Godfather—a trip that’s certainly on my bucket list—I also wish to visit the place for Cinema Paradiso.
Widely considered one of the best Italian films ever made, the film features incredible performances by Philippe Noiret, Salvatore Cascio, Marco Leonardi, Jacques Perrin, and Pupella Maggio. Not to mention, the exquisite musical score by Ennio Morricone is one for the ages and will remain etched in my heart forever.
As with every piece of entertainment, Cinema Paradiso eventually comes to an end, and it does so in the most soul-stirring way possible. While finishing this review, I can’t help but ask myself: Will any film ever make me feel this way again?
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misssalvatore1904 · 9 months
The Original Faery
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I make my way reluctantly downstairs to where the party has already started. I hate dressing up for parties, but it’s worse now, I am expected to smile and dance and act like my brothers - Stefan and Damon Salvatore - are not dead and my best friend was not burned to ashes for being a vampire.
I disagree with my father often, but when he said that Katherine Pierce was an evil blood sucker, I was ready to kill him. She was kind and understood me in a way no one else did. And for her to be punished for what she is, is wrong. And to kill Damon and Stefan, his own children, for becoming vampires to be with Katherine was so horrendous. I haven’t spoken to Giuseppe Salvatore since the incident.
My anger at my father is not helped by the itchy, monstrous dress a maid forced me into. And the fabric cages that were the shoes that were already chaffing my feet. And when I see him standing at the foot of the stairs, with his cold glare piercing through me, all the anger at my father resurfaces.
“I’m pleased to see you can do one thing right.” He hisses at my as I come to a stop in front of him. He grabs my arm harshly and pulls me close so he can whisper in my ear: “ Embarrass me this evening and I will make sure it is the last thing you do.”
And with that we enter the ballroom as if nothing was wrong.
I sit down on a chair in a dark corner of the room as I let my feet take a break. I had been dancing with young boys my age and my feet were screaming at me to sit down.
I heave a sigh as I sit and think.
“Rough night?”
I whirl at the voice and see a gentleman sitting in a chair close by. He chuckles lightly.
“My apologies. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
He had a faint European accent, dark brown hair and eyes of a soft hazel green. He looks expectant and I realise dumbly that I have been silent for a good two minutes.
“Sorry. Yes, it’s been what you call a rough night.” I say the last few words bitterly, glaring over at my father. I see him gaze at me curiously out of the corner of my eye. Then he chuckles again.
“Something funny?” I snap, furious that this man finds humour in my discomfort.
“I just thought that you American women were supposed to be well mannered mouth breathing idiots. In no way do you fit this description.”
I can’t help but laugh at this. “ Well I’m not a woman yet, so just you wait.” I reply with a grin. He returns it with a smile of his own, though it’s shaky, as if he hadn’t smiled in a long while.
“I’m Finn Mikaelson by the way.” He says, extending his hand.
“Cassiopeia Salvatore.” I reply as I shake his hand.
I spent the rest of the night sitting and talking with Finn, until my father pulled me away, claiming that I should get to bed, but he was not subtle in the way he looked at me.
He dragged me upstairs to his study and locked the door behind him.
“What did I say about embarrassing me tonight?”
I knew he didn’t want an answer, he was already cemented in his belief that I had somehow tarnished the name Salvatore, but I answered anyway.
“I didn’t do anything wrong, Father.” I state.
“You were supposed to be mingling with the boys your age so that I could fix the public image of our family, that your brothers destroyed!” He all but yelled the last words, coming closer with each declaration. “You were supposed to fulfil your only purpose, which is to marry into a rich family and produce heirs. That is all you are good for.” He was right in front of me now and I tried desperately to hold back the tears threatening to fall at his words. “You are however also good at destroying everything you touch!” He shouts at me.
“I’m ten years old!” I shout back. “I shouldn’t be expected to marry, or even fix what you broke. Not Damon or Stefan. But you! You broke this family!”
Then, he slaps me. I cry out in pain.
In a whirlwind he is ripped off me and thrown into the wall. I gape in shock as he falls to the ground, along with the now shattered remains of a few pictures.
Standing before me was Finn Mikaelson, with veins beneath his eyes and the elongated canine teeth. Vampire. But I couldn’t care less about what he was I ran at him and hugged him, burying my face in his chest.
“Thank you” I whisper into his shirt.
“You are not afraid?” Finn asks. He seems scared of what my answer could be.
“There are worse monsters in this world.” I mumble. He holds me close as I cry.
Finn compelled my father not to remember this altercation. To only remember me dancing with all the young boys, then retiring to bed for the night.
While my father didn’t remember our argument that night, it didn’t stop him from finding other reasons to punish me.
It only got worse, midnight visits in my room after getting drunk at the bar and claiming that I had embarrassed him or somehow deserved to be punished. So he would take off his belt, and whip my back with it, until my skin hung in ribbons, and the maids had to bandage me up.
Finn and I still saw each other often. Going for lunch or just sitting in the town square and talking. I never mentioned my father’s wrath, or the reason he believed I deserved it.
But I asked Finn to talk about his life. And he regaled me with the stories from when he was human. He told me all about his family and how they became vampires. He told me how his half brother, Niklaus, was the original hybrid, and how he used these mystical daggers on his siblings when he got mad at them. Finn also told me how he had been entrapped by this dagger for almost 700 years before Niklaus decided to free him.
I did tell Finn about what happened to the vampires in this town, and how my brothers were killed for being sympathisers. He was empathetic, revealing that he too has lost a brother and understood my pain.
I was happy. Finn was my escape from the harsh reality I faced when I was at home. And it continued like that for six years. Until Finn disappeared without a trace.
At first I was angry, Finn was my best friend and was always there for me, how could he disappear without at least saying goodbye? But I soon realised that Niklaus must have come for him.
After this revelation, I dedicated my time to tracking Niklaus down. Looking to the witches that lived in the town. But when they couldn’t help me, I turned to the power that ran in my veins, the reason my father hated me. But that too failed me.
As I sat in my room, staring dejectedly out the window, my father came in.
“While you are utterly useless and unlovable, the young Gilbert boy appears to think you a worthy wife.” I must have been going insane because I thought I heard a note of pride in his voice. “His family will be coming over for dinner to discuss.. Arrangements.” He sneers at me “You will finally serve your purpose.”
“No.” My voice was quiet but firm. I wouldn’t let him tell me what to do anymore. “I will not marry a Gilbert.”
“You will do as I say.”
“Why should I? You will never see me as anything more than a reminder of what you have lost. You will never love me, never be proud of me. So I am done. Find another mindless puppet to play with.” As I try and walk past him, he grabs my arm so hard I cry out.
“You will not disobey me.” The pure rage in his eyes scares me to my core. I pushed him too far this time. In my panic I didn’t notice my magic surface, but I could feel it now, like electricity crackling beneath my skin. I felt powerful.
As my father shoved me back to my seat at the window, I exploded. Pure energy escaped me, rushing at the cause of my fear. As my magic made contact with is body, it engulfed him in a storm of fire.
His screams echoed through the house alerting the servants. They rushed up the stairs and they assumed it was the house and not my father that was on fire, they ran at me and helped me out in front of the house.
As I watched my home burn down, with my monster of a father trapped inside, I thought I would feel peace or safety now that the root of my troubles was dead, but all I felt was emptiness. Nothing. I was alone in this world and I had only myself to blame.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story😁
I think I’ll be making a second part to the prologue….
So stay tuned😉
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CINEMA PARADISO (1988, dir: Giuseppe Tornatore)
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filmy420 · 10 months
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anewkindofme · 7 months
Giuseppe's love child having the Salvatore last name is a little farfetched. There's no way that would've been bestowed back then, not without marriage anyway.
I think a better way to introduce this would've been for Giuseppe to remarry and have his new wife get pregnant shortly before Damon and Stefan are turned. It'd add another layer to their story.
But no, it's a throwaway to explain how they had descendants without either of them being able to have kids.
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Ferdinando Salvatore Maria Giuseppe Giovan Battista Francesco Luigi Gonzaga Raffaello Ranieri Gennaro, Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Austrian vintage postcard
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stylestream · 6 months
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Jennifer Lopez | Salvatore Ferragamo Spring 2012 dress • Giuseppe Zanotti sandals | American Idol | 2012
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adrianomaini · 7 months
Con tutto il male che ne ho detto, "I magliari" penso che dobbiate vederlo
Il primo film di Francesco Rosi che può essere qui osservato attraverso gli occhi e il giudizio di Marotta è La sfida (1958), recensito in Eccellenti fotografi delle cose, privi di nozione e di sentimento delle cose <299. Gran parte dell’articolo è occupata da divagazioni su fatti d’attualità e da un accenno alle vacanze estive del critico, appena concluse, mentre al film venne dedicato uno…
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