#Girls PG in Electronic City
comforthomespg · 1 year
Girls PG in Jigani, Electronic City, Bangalore
Searching for a comfortable Girls PG in Jigani, Electronic City, Bangalore? If yes, Comfort Homes Ladies PG is best for you. We provide PG in Electronic City. For more information about Girls PG in Jigani visit the official website.  
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Shopping with Maxwell Lord
DAY FIVE: Shopping with Maxwell Lord [This is the one I really wanted to write for myself and my own self indulgent needs!]
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added!)
Permanent: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes
December Writing Challenge: @mandos-blaster @silent-and-resigned @valentinasubmarina
December Writing Challenge Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Warnings: allusions to sex, mention of orphanages and losing parents, Maxwell really wants a baby...
Word count: 2.7k
Rating: PG-13
Tumblr media
Maxwell stood there, front and centre of the living room, in front of the television, frowning. A crinkle in between his brown eyebrows and his arms crossed over his chest. "Max?" you asked, looking at him with bewilderment. He didn't reply. "Max, can you move? I'm trying to watch A Christmas Carol." Maxwell sighed, moving out the way and slumping on down on the couch next to you. You continued watching the black and white movie for only a few seconds before tossing your head back and pausing it. "What?" you asked Maxwell and he narrowed his eyes.
"What?" he repeated, his tone almost accusing.
"Why are you so miserable?" you asked him and he shrugged, looking away from you and back at the paused TV. "Hello? Cat got your tongue?" you quizzed, causing him to roll his eyes. "Talk to me."
"I just-" Maxwell took a deep breath. "I hate the time of year. I mean, since meeting you, it's been better. It's been so much better but still… it still feels tainted by my past." he revealed. You wrapped your arm around him and lay your head into his lap. He found his fingers smoothing out your hair, bringing him a sense of comfort and belonging. "I don't know what to do."
You thought for a moment, glancing back at the paused television and back up at your boyfriend. "You remind me of Scrooge." you said out loud.
"Excuse me?" Maxwell asked and you giggled, reaching over to grab the remote and press play on the television.
"Ebeneezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol," you clarified, pointing at the character on the television. "He was always miserable around Christmas. He made his business associate work in the cold and he never gave to charity… but then three ghosts came to visit him and he changed into a better, kind hearted and more generous man."
"Wow," Maxwell scoffed. "You really know how to make me feel better." he said sarcastically and you slapped his arm playfully. "I don't see the resemblance. I give to plenty of charities and I never make my employees work in the cold… and what is he wearing?"
"Maxie," you laughed. "It's set like, 100 years ago. Listen, I think you're wonderful. You give so much already. And I love you no matter what but… Christmas in particular is a time for giving back. Helping those who are less fortunate than ourselves. I think it could really bring you a kind of happiness. It'll keep you occupied and-"
"You have something in mind, don't you?" Maxwell sighed and your lips curled into a grin.
"Maybe…." you smirked, your eyes sparkling with excitement and desire. Maxwell loved to see you happy.
"Okay, what is it?" He asked and you sat up, taking his hands and giving them a gentle squeeze.
"When I was in the city the other day, I saw that the orphanage have been asking for donations. They're saying they'll accept anything. They just want the children to have a Christmas they'll never forget." you explained and Maxwell nodded. He was one of the biggest investors for the orphanage in DC. As a child, he knew how it felt to feel left behind. "So Max, what if we give them a Christmas they'll never forget?"
"Send more money?" he asked, already reaching for his checkbook.
"No. No that's...not what I meant." you shook your head.
"Well what do you propose?"
"Shopping!" you beamed and Maxwell sighed. "C'mon, it'll be fun." You grinned, pulling him off the sofa and wrapping your arms around him.
"It's Christmas Eve, the mall is going to be chaos." Maxwell shook his head in dismay.
"We are going shopping Maxwell." you said sternly. "Trust me on this one."
You pulled him over to the lobby and passed him his winter coat, scarf and gloves before swinging on your own faux fur jacket and wooly hat. "You can make up for this tonight." Maxwell told you, playfully smacking your ass as you opened the front door. You laughed and rolled your eyes before taking your boyfriend's hand and pulling him outside.
Maxwell was right. The mall was chaos, but luckily everyone was in a world of their own, too focused on getting their last minute Christmas shopping in before the big day tomorrow. "What's the plan?" he asked as you analysed the map of the mall, trying to figure out the most efficient route.
"We get toys and clothes and…" you looked up at Max. "100 kids live in that orphanage. We're going to do the absolute best we can for them, okay?"
"Okay." Maxwell agreed and you took his hand.
"Okay," you confirmed. "Let's go."
The first stop was a department store. It was bustling like you had never seen before. You and Maxwell both decided it would be best if you split up and went your separate ways before reuniting at the main entrance with your shopping. Taking control, like he always did, Maxwell told you to pick up toiletries while he'd look at the children's clothes.
You found yourself grabbing bubblegum flavoured toothpaste and princess pirate toothbrushes and washcloths, mermaid bubble bath and astronaut shower gel. You were practically pushing everything you could find into your shopping basket, trying your hardest to ignore the heaviness and the way your arm ached from the weight of it. You grabbed some fruity fragranced body spray for the slightly older girls and some deodorant for the preteen boys before heading to the checkout.
Maxwell Lord in the children's clothing section of the busiest DC department store was something else. He was surrounded by pink fluffy cardigans made for two year olds and onesies with little trains printed on them. Maxwell was someone who had a key eye for fashion, and while you were someone who wanted to grab everything you could, Maxwell really valued the quality. He strutted over to the designer brand section and picked out a dozen pairs of cashmere socks, winter UGG boots, Gucci jackets and white, frilly, made in Milan dresses.
But then his eye caught on something. It wasn't designer, it was a small, pale yellow babygrow with the words "Daddy's little princess" embellished in pink glitter writing. It was the smallest thing he had ever seen and he was enamoured. He stared at it for a few moments, before it was snatched away by a middle aged red faced woman with her hair scraped back into a ponytail.
"Hey!" Maxwell shouted, spinning around and pointing his finger at the woman. "That's mine." he frowned, angry that she had taken the last one.
"Finders keepers." she snarled.
Maxwell tore his hat from his head and removed his sunglasses. "Do you know who I am?" he quizzed bitterly, his hand taking place on his hip.
The woman gasped, her mouth parting slightly. "Oh- oh my god," she said with shock dripping from her tongue. "You're! You're Maxwell Lord! The King of Infomercials!!! I just seen you on the television in the electronics department!"
Maxwell smirked, satisfied with his reputation and influence he had over people. "Yeah, that's me. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to need that uh…" he didn't even know what to call the babygrow, instead gesturing aimlessly towards it.
"Okay!" the woman beamed, "But could I get an autograph and a kiss on the lips?"
Maxwell's frown deepened. "What?"
She scrambled around in her purse for a pen and handed it to him, rolling up her sleeve. "Sign me!"
"On- on your arm?" Maxwell asked and she nodded eagerly. Maxwell removed the lid and swiftly signed his name over her skin before handing her the pen back.
"Oh wow," she blushed, fanning herself before pouting her lips.
"Yeah, not happening." Maxwell sighed. "I'm not kissing you." The woman knotted her eyebrows together and straightened herself up, but before she could retort, Maxwell snatched the babygrow from her arms and ran to the elevator. "Nice doing business with you!" he grinned, waving his arms and running away."
After paying for the goods, you and Maxwell met back up and made your way, this time together, to the toy store. "Reminds me of when I was a kid," Maxwell smiled at the memory as he took your hand and looked up and down the shelves in awe. "My dad would take me here every year to pick out a new toy for Christmas. It was one of the only times we got to spend with each other." You hummed, leaning your head into his shoulder. Maxwell grabbed a few stuffed animals and threw them into the shopping cart. "I can't wait for the day I have kids." he announced.
"I thought you didn't want children?" you asked, your voice soft at the thought of your boyfriend being a father.
"I thought for so long I didn't want kids…" Maxwell admitted.
"I think you'd be an amazing father," you told him, squeezing his hand, only making his smile grow further. "Hey, we should get a few of these new electronic train sets! And the new Little Mermaid Barbies! What do you think?"
"I like how you think." Maxwell replied, pressing a kiss into your forehead as you picked out the dolls.
It was around 2 p.m. on Christmas Day. You and Maxwell had just finished your dinner and you had slipped into a fleecy elf dress you had purchased at the mall a day prior. You revealed yourself to Maxwell who was laying on the sofa watching the television has his stomach settled from all the food he had enjoyed.
"Check me out!" you grinned, giving him a little twirl, the bells on your elf hat jingling. Maxwell's jaw dropped as he drunk in your appearance.
"Where on God's great earth did you get that?" he asked, looking slightly mortified.
"The costume department at the mall!" You laughed. "I thought I could wear it for when we visit the orphanage. Don't worry, I got you a little something too so you don't feel left out." You presented Maxwell with a full body Santa Claus costume. "Ta da!"
"Not a chance." Maxwell sighed.
"Come on!" you growled playfully. "I'm sure the kids would love Maxwell Lord giving them presents, they'd be star struck. But Maxie, they're kids. I think they'd love it even more if the presents were delivered by Santa Claus." Max grimaced, knowing you were absolutely right. "Please." you pouted, fluttering your eyelashes.
Maxwell sighed again, this time deeper. He could never deny you. "Fine," he grumbled. "I'll get changed and then we can go."
You squealed excitedly, kissing his cheek. "I love you so much Maxie," you said, and Maxwell felt a blush creep over his cheeks. "I just know you're going to be a great dad one day."
"My back hurts." Maxwell moaned as he adjusted the sack of presents over his shoulder. You chuckled, shaking your head as you carried bags of clothes and toiletries of the orphans.
"Proud of you," you assured him. "Almost there."
You practically melted when you saw the delight of the screaming children hurry over to your boyfriend and wrap their tiny arms around him. "Ho ho ho," Maxwell bellowed and you watched with complete adoration as he dropped the sack of presents and interacted with the children. "Have you all been good this year?" he asked and the kids screamed in affirmation.
"Santa Claus!" A little girl gasped, reaching her hands out and making grabby fists. "I thought you weren't coming this year." she admitted, her eyes glossy. Maxwell kneeled down so he was level with the child.
"My elf told me how good you had been this year," Max smiled, pointing at you. "What's your name darling?"
"Maxine," she smiled and you saw Maxwell soften.
"I like that name." Maxwell replied, pulling her into a hug. "Merry Christmas Maxine."
"Thank you Santa, will I see you next year?"
Maxwell looked at you and you nodded your head. "Of course, as long as you be a good girl, I'll come back next year."
Maxine grinned, before hugging Maxwell tighter, refusing to let go. Just then, a boy who you estimated to be about thirteen or fourteen tapped you on the shoulder. You spin around with your best elfish smile, but frowned when you saw the magazine he was holding. It was a tabloid with your face on the cover. You winced at the bad angle. "You look like Max Lord's girlfriend." he deadpanned.
Maxwell's head snapped towards you and the boy and he strolled over. "Well well well who is that beautiful lady?" he asked, taking the magazine from the boy and checking it out.
"Max Lord's girlfriend." the boy replied. "Your elf looks like her."
Maxwell pinched your cheek. "This elf? No, not a chance." Maxwell laughed and you gave the child an apologetic look. "This lady in the magazine is far too beautiful to look like my head elf."
You weren't sure whether you should feel offended or not. Little Maxine gasped, racing over. "You can't say that!" she squealed. "What about Mrs Claus?"
You smirked, leaning into Maxwell. "Yeah Santa, what about Mrs Claus?"
"Uh- well! Mrs Claus… I do love Mrs Claus very much and she's at home baking Christmas cookies so I better be on my way… but it was lovely to meet you all!" Maxwell waved and you stifled back a laugh.
"Please don't go." Maxine cried, hugging Maxwell's legs.
"Be good and I'll be back next year." Maxwell promised, patting her on the head.
"Promise you'll come back?" Maxine begged, tears in her eyes. You wondered how many times little Maxine had asked a parental figure to come back to her and been let down. Maxwell wondered the same, his heart breaking at the thought.
"I promise." Maxwell affirmed, raising back to his feet and placing a hand on the small of your back.
"Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy your presents and remember to be good children. We hope to see you next year!" you said farewell with a cheery smile and the children waved back.
When you got home that evening, you slid out your elf shoes and took off your hat. "Can you help me get out of this dress?" you asked Maxwell, holding up your hair so he could reach the zipper.
"Actually…" Maxwell trailed off, biting his lip. "Maybe you could wear it for bed?" he suggested with a smirk.
"An elf? Really Max? You want me to be an elf?" you laughed in disbelief.
"Could be fun." he shrugged and you rolled your eyes, opting to leave the elf dress on as you clambered into the warm king sized bed, watching Maxwell as he got undressed. "Oh I almost forgot," Maxwell said, reaching into the bag from the department store yesterday. "Close your eyes." You followed his instruction as he dived into the bag and took out the pale yellow babygrow he had fought for. He padded over to the bed and sat down, placing the outfit in your hands. "Open."
Your lips parted slightly as you took in the embellished words 'Daddys little Princess'. You glanced back up at your boyfriend and gave him a questioning look. "I'm confused." you admitted and he took your hands, rubbing circles into your skin.
"I really want a kid," he whispered, looking into your eyes. "I know you do too, and when we've talked about it I've always shut you out but… damn it, I really want one. Do you think… I mean. What do you think-"
You cut him off by pressing a kiss into his lips and holding him tight. "Okay," you nodded, your voice croaking with all the pent up emotion, rubbing your nose against his. "Let's have a baby." you smiled and Maxwell grinned, pushing you into the bed and climbing on top of you.
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sammy8d257 · 4 years
Masterlist For Object Head Media
LAST UPDATED: April 1st, 2020
Google Doc: HERE
Welcome! Ever wanted to find out if there’s any types of media that feature Object Head characters that aren’t just one-off or background characters?
Well you’ve come to the right place!
Here I hope to create a comprehensible list of all types of media that contain Object Headed characters!
But I’m only one person who doesn’t know every piece of Object Head media out there
SO IF YOU have a suggestion for a piece of media that would fit on this list
Send me a message through my Tumblr @sammy8d257 ​  
or on Twitter under the same name
With your help, I hope this list becomes very long with all sorts of amazing Object Head media!
Other than that, have fun exploring to your heart's content!
- Sammy
(List under “Keep Reading”)
Saga - written by Brian Vaughan, illustrated by Fiona Staples
Gene: Space/fantasy
Rating: M+
Language: English
Status: 54 issues, On Hiatus (as of 4/1/2020)
Read On: Physical Comic
Description: Saga is an epic science-fiction/fantasy drama about two lovers from long-warring extraterrestrial races, Alana and Marko, fleeing from authorities from both sides of a galactic war as they struggle to care for their daughter, Hazel.
Object Heads: TV Heads, in Saga there is a whole race known as Robots Kingdom that are made entirely TV Headed characters.
Character Status: The object head characters turns from side to supporting character in the main cast
Warnings: Nudity, Sex, Death, Violence, its a war setting, blood, drugs, etc.
MyStereoBot - by bioatomic
Gene: Sci-fi, Romance, Comedy
Rating: M
Language: English
Status: 537 pages + 24 page Epilogue, Completed on 6/6/2017
Read On: Smackjeeves or Tapas
Description: Infinity, a stereo head robot, finds himself conflicted with his worth as a person, as a partner, and as a friend. Having trouble with feeling at home on Planet Ribbon and finding happiness, his boyfriend, Cloudburn, and his cousin, Ohm, do the best they can to help him feel worthy. Things seem to go downhill when Quence, a new friend, worries Cloudburn about Infinity’s motives towards him. That is, until an outer-worldly encounter changes all of their lives, for better or for worse, and may just show Infinity what home really is.
Object Heads: Stereo heads, radio heads, tv heads, box heads, etc. There's a lot of different Object heads in this comic
Character Status: Main characters and other side characters are object heads
Warnings: Swearing, partial nudity, drugs
Notes: You can find more information on Tumblr - @mystereobot
Sebastian - by Amanda Heard
Gene: Slice-of-Life, Romantic, Comedy
Rating: pg-13 to M
Language: English
Status: On-going, 80+ pages (as of 4/1/2020), Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays
Read On: http://www.sebastiancomic.com/, Tumblr: https://sebastiancomic.tumblr.com/ or @sebastiancomic
Description: Sebastian is about a pessimistic thief and a happy-go-lucky dork finding each other through unexpected circumstances and learning about forgiveness, love, and loss. Also CRIME!
Object Heads: Pumpkin Heads
Character Status: Main characters are object heads
Warnings: Swearing
Notes: Created by @batberryboo on Tumblr
The Property of Hate - by Sarah Jolley
Gene: Fantasy/Adventure
Rating: Pg 13
Language: English, translations in French, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Japanese, Norwegian, Dutch, Portuguese, Breton, Brazilian, Tagalog, German, Chinese, Swedish, Spanish, Esperanto, Latin, Korean, Italian, Hebrew, Greek, Czech
Status: On-going, 400+ pages(as of 4/1/2020), Updates Sundays
Read On: http://jolleycomics.com/, Smackjeeves
Description: When offered a chance to be a hero by a strange figure with a TV for a head, a young girl is whisked away to a whimsical land in desperate need of a hero. This journey will take them across the lands where emotions manifest into physical forms and the inanimate becomes animate.
Object Heads: Tv Head, Radio Head, etc.
Character Status: One of the main characters and a few secondary characters are object heads
Warnings: None
Notes: Created by @modmad ​ on Tumblr
The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn - by Tri Vuong
Gene: Fantasy, slight horror
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: 100 Chapters, Completed on 5/21/2019(maybe on Hiatus?)(as of 4/1/2020)
Read On: Webtoons
Description: Follow the journey of the world's greatest paranormal investigator - Oscar Zahn. Friend to lost souls, enemy of evil, he may lack a body but that doesn't mean he's missing a heart!
Object Heads: Skull Head
Character Status: Main character is an object head
Warnings: Some disturbing imagery
Robot Dream - by Robot Dream, written down by Paulie Godbout, illustrated by Sandra Grygier
Gene: Action, Drama
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: On-Going, 70+ pages (as of 4/1/2020) No Solid Update schedule
Read On: https://www.robotdream.com/mystory (up until page 73), Tapas (up until page 70)
Description: When a lonely human-robot-hybrid refuses to live a life of seclusion, he discovers a community of outcasts in the world of electronic music. But, when he begins creating his own remixes, and discovers they somehow have the power to heal broken hearts and minds, he must learn that revealing who you truly are comes at a price before he is captured by the people who “created” him.
Object Heads: TV Head
Character Status: Main Character
Warnings: References to manipulation and abuse
Notes: You can also read it on Webtoon under the same name but it is only up to page 32
Third Shift Society - by Meredith Moriarty
Gene: Supernatural, Adventure
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: 24 Episodes, On Hiatus(as of 4/1/2020)
Read On: Webtoon
Description: Life’s funny. One minute you're jobless, deep in debt and on the verge of eviction; the next you’re in a fight with a monster and getting a job working for a Paranormal Detective with the head of a Jack-o-Lantern. It’s an age-old story. Now the financially-challenged Ellie (who’s just discovered she has strong psychic powers) and her Pumpkin-headed boss Ichabod have to team up and fight the things that go bump in the night.
Object Heads: Pumpkin Head
Character Status: Secondary Main Character
Warnings: None
Notes: Created by @meredithmoriarty ​ on Tumblr
Rice Boy - by Evan Dahm
Gene: Surreal fantasy, Adventure
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: 439 pages, Completed as of 2008,
Read On: http://www.rice-boy.com/see/, or on Soft/Hardcover Graphic Novels,
Description: Rice Boy is a simple creature torn from his mundane life by an immortal “machine man” called The One Electronic, who suspects that Rice Boy may fulfill an ancient prophecy. Now tasked with trying to fulfill a prophecy he did not choose, Rice Boy must explore the vast, fantastical, and surreal world of Overside and encounter the dangers that it hides.
Object Heads: Circular TV Head
Character Status: Secondary Main Character
Warnings: Chapter 19 contains one page of suggestive incest, Slightly disturbing imagery, violence, drug use
Notes: Dahm also runs a Rerun blog of Rice Boy where he does commentary on the pages as he posts them on Tumblr: @riceboycomic ​
FLCL (also known as Fooly Cooly) - written by Yōji Enokido, directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki
Studio: Gainax
Gene: Comedy, drama
Style: 2D Animation
Rating: PG 13
Language: Japanese, with an English sub and Dub
Status: 1 season(6 episodes), Completed as of 2001
Description:  A boy's humdrum life turns upside-down when he encounters a maniacal girl who causes strange things to grow out of his forehead and draws him into conflict with a mysterious, otherworldly organization.
Object Heads: TV Head Robot
Character Status: Side Main Character
Warnings: Sexual innuendos
Notes: There are 2 more seasons of FLCL known as FLCL Progressive and FLCL Alternative, I haven’t watched them but I don’t believe there are any object head robots in them
The Amazing World of Gumball - created by Ben Bocquelet
Premiered on: Cartoon Network
Gene: slice of life, comedy
Style: Mixed Media Animation
Rating: PG
Language: English,
Status: 6 seasons(240 episodes) + a 6 episode miniseries, Completed as of December 2019
Description: The series revolves around the misadventures of blue cat Gumball Watterson and his adopted goldfish brother and best friend, Darwin. Together they spread mischief across the weird and wacky city of Elmore.
Object Heads: Bomb Head, Boombox head, whatever rob was
Character Status: Secondary and background characters
Warnings: None
Notes: This one really shouldn’t be on the list but I added it because I literally could not think of another show or film that has Object Head characters
Video Games:
Cuphead by StudioMDHR
Gene: Classic Run and Gun
Style: 2D Handpainted Visuals
Rating: E
Language: English
Released: 9/29/2017, DLC (coming soon 2020)
Playable On: Steam, Xbox, Windows 10, Mac, Nintendo Switch
Price: $19.99
Description: Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game heavily focused on boss battles. Inspired by cartoons of the 1930s, the visuals and audio are painstakingly created with the same techniques of the era, i.e. traditional hand-drawn cel animation, watercolor backgrounds, and original jazz recordings.
Play as Cuphead or Mugman (in single player or local co-op) as you traverse strange worlds, acquire new weapons, learn powerful super moves, and discover hidden secrets while you try to pay your debt back to the devil!
Object Heads: Cup Heads, Apple Head, Dice Head, Fork Head, etc.
Character Status: Playable Main Characters, some secondary characters, and some of the Bosses
Warnings: Cartoony violence
BattleBlock Theater by The Behemoth
Gene: Platforming, comedy
Style: 2D Graphics
Rating: E
Language: English
Released: Xbox Live-4/3/2013, Steam- 5/15/2014,
Playable On: Steam, Xbox, Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, Macintosh operating system
Price: $14.99
Description: Shipwrecked. Captured. Betrayed. Forced to perform for an audience of cats? Yes, all that and more when you unlock BattleBlock Theater! There’s no turning back once you've started on your quest to free over 300 of your imprisoned friends from evil technological cats. Immerse yourself in this mind bending tale of treachery as you use your arsenal of weapon-tools to battle your way through hundreds of levels in order to discover the puzzling truth behind BattleBlock Theater.
If solo acts aren't your style, go online or bring a buddy couch-side to play a thoroughly co-optimized quest or enter the arenas. The game also includes a level editor so you can craft your own mind bending trials!
Object Heads: Heads are customizable but the main game gives you many heads to choose from. Block heads, Shape Heads
Character Status: Playable Characters
Warnings: Cartoony violence, crude humor
Pumpkin Noir by PumpkinNoirDev
Gene: RPG Adventure
Style: Pixel Graphics, RPGMaker
Rating: E
Language: English
Status: Demo as of 6/19/2017
Play On: PC, demo link - https://rpgmaker.net/games/9817/
Price: Not available
Description: Stop, Drop, Noir!
Perched on the precipice of endless void-- a single seedy city. Detectives “Smoke & Fire” Rem and Wednesday face a puzzling situation as the curtain lifts on Halloween night. Go broke, or investigate a rollickingly risky mafia mystery? The answer is clear.
Search for the void’s greatest criminal minds, uncover the shocking secrets of the underworld!
Object Heads: Pumpkin Head
Character Status: Main Character
Warnings: None
Notes: This game is still under development, for more information visit the dev’s blog- https://pumpkin-noir.tumblr.com/ or @pumpkin-noir ​
Object Head Zine - hosted by @potentialforart on Tumblr
Style: Mostly 2D Illustrations and short comics
Gene: Genes differ per year
Rating: PG-PG 13
Language: English
Status: On-Going Project, This zine is a yearly thing
Read On: Tumblr- https://objectheadzine.tumblr.com/ or @objectheadzine, Buy Physical/Digital Copies here - https://gumroad.com/objectheadzine
Price: Prices Vary
Description: The Object Head Zine is a collection of artwork from different artists coming together for a common love of object heads. The Object Head Zine is a yearly project with a new theme chosen for each year. Such themes include Forks and Utensils, Spooky, Flora and Fungi, Superstitions, and Science and Technology.
Object Heads: Yes
Character Status: Main Focus
Warnings: None
And if you have any more suggestions for this list, please let me know!!
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How To Choose The Best PG Accommodation In Electronic City?
The idea of PG accommodation is gradually gaining momentum. Where a hostel was the well-liked choice among students and immigrants, PG In Electronic City Near Infosys has appropriated the entire scenario. Hostels did have their share of recognition with most of the scholars staying in hostels. However, with the shift within the generation and therefore the safety concerns, most like better to stay as a paying guest.
The paying guest accommodation comes with a variety of options that have a whip hand over the traditional hostel facilities. Flatmates are relieved of the cleaning also because the cooking in such an accommodation while it also includes furnished rooms, parking, and good food, alongside enhanced safety. With the rise within the popularity of the paying guest mode of accommodation, property dealers have also been offering the accommodation at convenient rates which will suit the immigrant working population.
On the contrary, for ladies and girls, a ladies hostel still stands out as a far better option when it involves safety. Being with a gaggle of roommates will ensure better security when during a new city. However, a gaggle of girls and girls can easily find safety during a paying guest accommodation also. The thought is to see through the paying guest facility before enrolling themselves.
Tumblr media
The following are the essential criteria that ought to be checked and made sure before choosing a paying guest accommodation during a different city.
Location: the situation of the PG facility is vital. Prefer a residential complex rather than a billboard locality. The place should even be on the brink of the workplace or the school you go to, which betters you’re traveling. Having transport facilities almost you’re paying guest facility is another important criterion that has got to be checked. Confirm that you simply also confirm with the prevailing roommates about the facilities at the house.
Convenience: A PG Near Wipro Electronic City facility is sure to offer food, which is included within the rent. However, checking these little things will offer you a far better understanding of the facilities.
Restrictions: Get radical information about the restrictions that the owner may implement. Just in case of any, you'll want to present your situation with them so as to clear any of the discrepancies which will arise afterward.
Rent: The rents for many of the PG accommodations are almost like that of a hostel. However, confirm that the food and therefore the other basic amenities come under the rent, barring, which might not serve the aim of a PG.
Moving to a replacement city could seem an awesome idea, but with the accommodation facilities solved, the remainder of the problems will become alright with time.
For more info :- PG In Electronic City Near Infosys
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lovehugsandcandy · 5 years
Four Words, One Reply (Colt x MC)
A/N: I haven’t written anything recently because my muse was GONE after prom on Friday. Muse said that she needed a break because she got everything she wanted. Back now, for better or worse. Here’s a bit of fluff, a bit of wish fulfillment for me and PLEASE let this offering of fluff atone for the angst I posted earlier.
Pairing: Colt x MC, ROD
Length: 1556 words
Rating: PG-13 (Swearing, probably, because I swear a lot.)
Summary: Ellie graduates from Langston.
Tags:  @deimosensblog @alegria1580  @choicesarehard @thefarrari @client-327 @moonlit-girl-wonder @going-down-downtown@soniadotalves@jolietmaraud @hazah @flowerpowell@poeticscolt @powdesiree1986
Ellie dreaded the day that the letters stopped coming. The worst of it was the terror, deep in her soul, that she would never know. Would he stop writing when he fell out of love? When he was sentenced to jail? Worse?
Her roommate thought it was romantic. "No one writes letters anymore, Ellie. It's sweet." Little did she know that it was likely a necessity, a way to avoid being tracked. Electronic communication could be dangerous and she was certain she didn't even have Colt’s current phone number. All she had were the letters.
They came unexpectedly, with no rhythm. Some months, she would get a letter a week, with varying return addresses, some with stamped return envelopes, to varying cities, so she could write back if she wanted. She always did.
Some months, there were no letters. The worst was four months, spanning the summer and start of fall semester of junior year. Ellie was in a panic, barely able to sleep until, finally, a thin envelope in her mailbox, no details, no explanation, only an "I love you, Ellie." She cried, sobs in the middle of the campus center, oblivious to the stares around her.
Sometimes they came with money, always cash. Never a ton, but enough to make her worried about what he was doing. Always earmarked for something, $400 for new school books, $100 for her "first legal drink at Flanagan's and a cab back home." At first, she sent it back; she didn't want his money (she wanted him) and felt bad taking it. He would return it to her, quickly, with a gentle admonishment that it was his way of feeling connected, a way of being there with her in spirit. She took it more often than not now but, when the nights were long and the nightmares were strong and the terror wouldn’t subside, she would send his money back, knowing it was the fastest way to get letter in return, to know that he was still ok. And, though it made her uneasy, she did let him buy her first legal drink.
She knew, with their last conversation in LA, that she was signing herself up for a bit of loneliness. He told her that he needed time, he couldn’t be in LA, he needed to get away. She understood, she got it. She knew the memories this place had for him. She asked him to come with her; wasn’t Boston far enough away? She still remembered his sad eyes, the last kiss. He told her he would wait for her, but he didn’t expect anything, said he didn’t know when he would see her next, but he would, one day. She didn’t know if he was trying to outrun his grief or hide from it, but she prayed he succeeded.
And now this, a month before her graduation, a cryptic note, barely a letter, on the back of a photograph. She could recognize the image, the Bean (he was in Chicago?) and pored over the picture, looking for a hint of him. She couldn't find Colt, no smirk, no leather jacket but, in the corner of the reflecting mirror, warped in the curve of the monument, she finally spied what he wanted her to see. A sleek bright pink European import, looking amazingly like her car back in LA. And on the back, four words and a return envelope, addressed to PO Box in Pittsburgh. She read those words, over and over and over again, in class, in bed, memorizing Colt’s scrawl as if it would bring him back to her, in the flesh. Finally, three days later, she printed a picture of herself, a selfie in front of the magnolias blooming by the library, her fiercest look on her face, graduation cap in her hand. She wrote one word, on the back, and sent it, kissing the envelope as if it would make it travel faster.
In the meantime, she finished classes, hung out with friends, and went on with her life, trying to live enough for both of them.
It was ungodly hot for Boston in May and Detective Wheeler shifted in the shitty folding chairs the university had rented for graduation. He was nothing but grateful to be here and so happy for his ambitious daughter, graduating Summa Cum Laude from her dream school. He was just so proud and had told her as much at breakfast this morning, with her and her roommate and some friends, all celebrating their achievements and simultaneously scared of what was ahead. He was just ecstatic that they all made it this far, intact and whole, willing to take nothing for granted.
He remembered being terrified, after the months senior year when she was lost to him, terrified she was gone, terrified he had failed her, his wife, himself. He still remembered the relief when he opened the door that morning and she was there, two kids in tow, asking for help from a horror they never should have been involved in. Who would have thought the crew he was supposed to be hunting was more Lost Boys than Mafia? And who would have thought they would have been influential in bringing down an actual, organized crime unit in the LAPD?
After, his prodigal daughter had returned, and then gone to school, and things had generally returned to normal. She studied hard, came back for breaks, and confided in him, every detail of college. The all-night studying sessions, the boys who seemingly had their eye on her, even a few snippets about the parties she attended. There was only one thing she didn’t share with him, one thing too personal, too close for her to divulge to her old man. He saw the letters, sometimes, and ached to read them, but he trusted her. Giving her this space was important to him, a way of redeeming himself for watching too closely for years. She had earned her freedom.
And that freedom brought him here, to graduation, from one of the best universities on the East Coast, sitting in the heat and fiddling with a program. Riya would have come but her graduation was the same day so he was here, alone, bringing best wishes from LA.
Well, almost alone. A shadow fell over him, a soft clearing of a throat and, when he looked up, he dropped the leaflet, turning back to watch it sway to the ground.
“Is this seat taken?”
He stood, eye to eye with the boy, no, the man, next to him. He hadn’t seen him in four years and stared; his shoulders had broadened, visible in the short-sleeved dress shirt, eyes still intense, jawline and cheekbones seemingly sharper with age. The last time he had seen Colt Kaneko, he was broken, mourning a father he barely knew and a life he never would live. Now, he seemed more at ease, as if time didn’t erase all wounds, but made them easier to deal with. He still looked like he would never truly relax but that he was, for now, at peace.
Colt extended his hand and he shook it, then gestured to the chair. “Sit down.” He picked up the brochure, watching Colt settle in, putting a bouquet of flowers under his chair. “I didn’t know you were coming.”
A small smile. “Yeah, Ellie doesn’t know either. I don’t know if she’s going to hit me or hug me.”
Wheeler grinned; he knew his daughter better than that. “My money’s on neither.”
Ellie couldn’t stop laughing and smiling and celebrating. She felt alive. After the ceremony, she desperately ripped off her gown, sweltering in the heat. She couldn’t stop handing out hugs, to professors, friends, her roommate. The crowd was crushing, families and loved ones, all fighting to get to the graduates; she couldn’t find her dad. She knew he was here, somewhere, but the mass of people made it hard to see six feet in front of her.
Finally, it was like the crowds parted and there he was. She dashed, sprinting towards him, laughing and wrapping him up in a hug. They were flying back to LA in a few days, once things calmed down and she was packed, but she wanted to see him now, in the midst of one of the biggest celebrations of her life. She pulled back, looking at the joy in his face and laughed. 
“Love you dad!”
He kissed her cheek. “Congratulations. I am so proud of you.”
She went to smile at him again when she saw something, someone, over his shoulder and froze with a gasp. He dad smiled and stepped aside and there, alive and whole and in the flesh, Colt stood, clutching a bouquet and looking painfully out of place. She stared at him, time stopping, the crowd a dull roar around her as they stared at each other.
She took a step, then another, and was soon running, leaping into his arms, her lips finding his, the flowers falling as he clung to her, desperately. It was all she could do to hold on as he kissed her like he was drowning, four years of missing each other communicated through touch.
Finally, he pulled back, stars in his eyes as he looked at her. “I love you, Ellie.”
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Top Engineering Colleges in Jharkhand
In India, the engineering discipline in education has famous and on top priority among parents, when it comes to career growth. Also, with tremendous growth in IT department, the interest for gifted IT workforce has developed to an extent. Thus, there has been a flood to anchor confirmation in the best private engineering colleges in Jharkhand, India, like AISECT University. In this article, we will examine  Top Engineering Colleges in Jharkhand.
AISECT University, Hazaribag: AISECT University is one of the top engineering colleges in Jharkhand. This college was set up 31 years back with a novel idea of spreading Computer education and innovation preparing in provincial mass in their native language, is presently the main national system of ICT empowered administrations with more than twenty thousand focuses incorporating 28 states and 3 association domains of India. In these years AISECT has augmented its region of activity from professional preparing and computer proficiency to expertise improvement exercises, budgetary incorporation, content advancement, e-learning and e-administration ventures, advanced education organizations etc.
Kohlan University, Chaibasa: Kolhan University is one of the leading university in the State of Jharkhand that has been set up so as to take into account the necessities and prerequisite of the neighborhood individuals. The college was laid in the year 2009. The college offers different courses at UG and PG level. At present, the college has enlisted more than 80, 000 students in the different courses. It has built up different cells like placement cell, quality affirmation cell, etc for observing and resolving each and every issue identified with the students.
Arka Jain University, Jamshedpur: Arka Jain University Jamshedpur was previously known as Jain College. It is one of the main private college in Jharkhand. This administration perceived establishment is additionally a piece of the JGI Group, Bangalore. The college offers UG, PG, Diploma, and   in courses like Management, Engineering, Science, Computer Application and Arts. There is a 5% reservation in each course for SC/ST. It is a center point of co-curricular and sports exercises concentrating on by and large improvement. Grants are likewise accessible.
Amity University, Ranchi: Amity University, Ranchi is one of the private college set up by one of the main instructive gatherings in the year 2016. It is affirmed by UGC. Amity University is an instructive center which gives various undergrad, postgraduate and research programs in different specializations. Amity University is setting up another dimension of advanced education in Ranchi.
Sarala Birla University, Ranchi: Sarala Birla University is a private college, enlisted under Sarala Birla University Act. 2017— by the Legislative Assembly of Jharkhand in 2017, situated in the Birla Knowledge City, in Namkum square, Ranchi locale, Jharkhand, India. The University offers numerous Diploma, UG, PG and Doctoral dimension courses in different streams under various offices, for example, Engineering, Commerce, Management, Humanities, Applied Science, Mathematics and so on.
Government Engineering College, Chaibasa: Government Engineering College is established in Chaibasa in Jharkhand territory of India. Set up in 2013, it is certified from AICTE and it is subsidiary to Kolhan University, Chaibasa. GEC, Chaibasa offers 5 courses. GEC grounds are spread more than 40 Acres.
Ramgovind Institute of Technology, Koderma: Ramgovind Institute of Technology is arranged in Koderma in Jharkhand. Set up in 2004, it is authorized from AICTE and it is associated with Vinoba Bhave University. RIT KODERMA, Koderma offers 4 courses over 1 stream in particular Engineering and crosswise over 1 degree like B.Tech. Hostel office isn't accessible for its students. Other Infrastructural facilities, for example, Canteen, Computer Lab, Medical Facilities, Cls. Room, Placement, Sports, Residential Institute, Residential Zone, Residential Faculty Zone are additionally there.
B.A College of Engineering and Technology, Jamshedpur: B.A. School of Engineering and Technology is arranged in Jamshedpur in Jharkhand territory of India. Set up in 2007, it is authorized from AICTE and it is partnered to Kolhan University. BACET, Jamshedpur offers 5 courses over 1 stream to be specific Engineering and crosswise over 1 degree like B.Tech. BACET grounds are spread more than 20 Acres. Hostel facility is accessible for its understudies. Other infrastructural facilities include Academic Zone, Boys Hostel, Canteen, Girls Hostel, Guesthouse, Gym, Mess, Library, Medical Facilities, Placement are likewise there.
Al Kabir Polytechnic, Jamshedpur: AL-Kabir Polytechnic (prominently known as alkabir Polytechnic) was built up in the year 1990. It is one of the main private foundations, kept running by Kabir Welfare Society, arranged in the steel city of Jamshedpur, the modern heart of Jharkhand, India. The school is perceived by the State Board of Technical Education (SBTE), Jharkhand and endorsed by The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Govt. of India. The school gives three years of full-time confirmation programs in building in different streams including Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Automobile Engineering.
R.T.C Institute of Technology, Ranchi: R.T.C Institute of Technology is arranged in Ranchi in Jharkhand territory of India. Built up in 2008, it is licensed from AICTE and it is partnered to Ranchi University. RTCIT, Ranchi offers 9 courses over 1 stream in particular Engineering and crosswise over 2 degrees like B.Tech, Diploma. Hostel facility isn't accessible for its students. This college provides all facilities like Academic Zone, Boys Hostel, Canteen, Computer Lab, Girls Hostel, Mess, Library, Medical Facilities, Cls. Room, Placement are likewise there.
Apart from this list, there are several colleges and universities in Jharkhand. We will advice you to make a complete analysis before settling down.
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girlspginnoidasblog · 3 years
The PHS Girls PG in Noida
A family-run girls PG in Noida committed to provide healthy and secure environment to you. A kind of PG for girls in Girls PG in Noida  Noida where your favorite street food market, Kanchanjunga, and your bank, are as convenient as stepping outside. Where all you have to do is cross the street to shop at Shopprix mall. Our goal is to provide a healthy and secure environment to our residents so they concentrate on their academic and professional goals without worrying about basic needs. GIRLS PG IN NOIDA - THE PERFECT PLAN You could start with rooms. Followed by what it’s like outside the room. Then the amenities both inside and outside the room. A lot, basically. But if that seems like a lot, just check if that Girls PG in Noida gives you the home feeling. If you’d rather not do that either, just pick PHS Girls PG. Making you feel at home, is our specialty. The best campus facilities We create a safe and secure relaxed stay at the most suitable location in Noida to lead a happy, active work-life balance for you. This provides women staying in out girls PG in Noida achieve a warm, welcoming environment to concentrate on the job while staying away from home. Frequently asked questions 1. What is the tenure for staying at a paying guest accommodation for women in Delhi? Paying guests can choose to rent an accommodation for either one day, one week, one month, six months, a year, or more. 2. Do paying guest accommodations for women in Noida have mess facility? Yes, our girls PG in Noida has a fully equipped kitchen with a cook. Food cost is additional Rs 2000 and is not included in the rent. Tenants are free to use kitchen for light cooking. 3. Do paying guest accommodations for women in Noida have electronic appliances installed? Our PG is fully furnished paying guest rooms and have all electronic appliances and other necessities pre-installed. 4. Can I rent a single room at this girls PG in Noida? You can choose between shared or single room occupancy when saying as a paying guest. We have both options available. 5. What charges will I need to pay for when staying as a paying guest? This will depend on the room plan you choose to stay at. We have double occupancy @Rs 7,000 and Rs 12,500 in single room. 6. What is the rent charged by paying guest accommodations for women? This will depend on the room plan you choose to stay at. We have double occupancy @Rs 7,000 and Rs 12,500 in single room. 7. Which are the best girls PG in Noida? At our Girls PG in Noida we make sure every residence upholds our very high standards. So whichever room plan you’re living your best life. Moving to Noida and looking for PG for girls in Noida? When a female member of the family or friends group relocates to a new city, the majority of close friends and family members often recommend staying in a paying guest accommodation for the first few days because it provides more security and a good opportunity for networking in the new unknown city. If you're looking for 'girls PG in Noida' on the internet, there are a few things you should look for such as past tenants' reviews of that PG accommodation, the women's PG accommodation's location to the market, city, commute, the rent charged by the women's PG accommodation, and so on. With the dispersed list of details available on the internet, all of this information may be difficult to locate. Visit us today and get all your questions answered. Business Name: PHS Female PG Paying Guest And Girls Hostel Noida Business Email: [email protected] Business Contact Number: 9811920118
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ayushi180121 · 3 years
PG in Electronic City for Working Professionals: Best PG in Bangalore
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Electronic City offers the best PG in Bangalore for working professionals. Get a brief idea on which PG in Electronic City is in demand.
Electronic City in Bangalore is considered as one of the top IT hubs of the city. The area is located in the Bangalore South Taluk. Spread over an area of 3.2 sq. km (800 acres), it is considered as one of the largest Tech Parks in India.
People working in companies located in electronic city look for the best PG in Electronic City for their accommodation. It is said that the Electronic offers the best PG in Bangalore at genuine rates. In this article we have listed some of the best and top rated PG’s in Electronic City Bangalore.
Zolo Carnations- PG in Electronic City Phase 1 for Ladies
The Zolo Carnation is a PG in Electronic City Phase 1 for Ladies located in 59, 8th Cross Rd, Neeladri Nagar in Karnataka - 560100.
From the reviews of the people who stayed here for a long period of time, we came to know that it is a very superb place to stay and staff was very friendly.
According to some people it is a great property with 24*7 cleaning services available. Zolo Carnation ensures that all its residents are safe and sound for which they keep security guards in 3 shifts and 24*7 surveillance camera.
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Zolo Atlantis- PG in Electronic City Phase 2 near Tech Mahindra
The Zolo Atlantis is a PG in Electronic City Phase 2 near Tech Mahindra. It is a boy’s hostel located in Electronic City Phase 2, near Tech Mahindra, TCS, Schneider Electric and other major IT companies.
The overall rating of the Paying Guest Facility is 3.8 out of 5. One of the working professional who stayed there, mentioned that he is completely satisfied with the services (room cleaning, repair work etc.)
If any kind of difficulty was faced during the stay in Zolo Atlantis then he used to raise a ticket in Zolo app and the problem got fixed within 4 hours. Ample parking space is available for people with bikes and cars.
Naggachaittanya PG – PG in Electronic City Phase 1 for Ladies
The Naggachaittanya PG in Bangalore is a PG in Electronic City Phase 1 for Ladies. It is a girl’s hostel located in plot no.198, 3rd Cross Road, Neeladri Nagar, Electronic City Phase-1 in Karnataka -560100.
The overall rating of this paying guest accommodation is 4.3 out of 5. The rating is given by 46 users who stayed in this PG for a period of time.
According to some ladies it is the best ladies PG in Electronic City Phase 1 located near Wipro. The PG is well maintained, has hygienic environment and is available at an affordable price range.
To see more options for PG in Electronic City for Working Professionals, visit Cifiyah.com. Cifiyah is a classified website which provides best deals on real estate in Bangalore and across the country.
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comforthomespg · 1 year
Ladies PG near Infosys Electronic City, Bangalore
Are you looking for a comfortable and secure ladies PG in Electronic City? Your search ends here. Welcome to our top-notch ladies PG facility, nestled in the heart of Electronic City. Our PG is designed exclusively for the modern, independent woman who seeks a hassle-free living experience. Convenience is our priority, and we provide a range of amenities to ensure your stay is nothing short of exceptional. We understand that a comfortable living environment goes hand in hand with a conducive studying or working atmosphere. That's why we provide high-speed internet connectivity, allowing you to stay connected with your studies, work, or loved ones. Living away from home doesn't mean compromising on nutritious meals. Our in-house kitchen serves delicious and wholesome meals, prepared with utmost care and attention to cater to your dietary preferences. Say goodbye to the hassle of cooking and enjoy scrumptious food without lifting a finger. At our Ladies PG in Bangalore, we believe in creating a vibrant and inclusive community. Engage in various recreational activities, participate in workshops, or simply unwind with your fellow residents. We strive to foster an environment where you can thrive and build lasting friendships. Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience the best ladies PG in Electronic City. Contact us now to book your spot and embark on an incredible journey of comfortable living, convenience, and camaraderie. Welcome to your new home away from home. For more information about Ladies PG near Infosys visit the official website. 
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goingfullnerd · 4 years
New Post has been published on GoingFullNerd
New Post has been published on http://goingfullnerd.com/justice-society-world-war-ii/
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BURBANK, CA (February 4, 2020) – The Flash speeds into the middle of an epic battle between Golden Age DC Super Heroes and Nazis in Justice Society: World War II, the next entry in the popular series of the DC Universe Movies. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, DC and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, the feature-length animated film will be released on Digital starting April 27, 2021, and on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack and Blu-ray on May 11, 2021. The film is rated PG-13 for violence and some bloody images.
Justice Society: World War II will be available on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack (USA $39.99 SRP; Canada $44.98 SRP) and Blu-ray (USA $29.98 SRP; Canada $39.99 SRP) as well as on Digital. The 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack features an Ultra HD Blu-ray disc in 4K with HDR, a Blu-ray disc featuring the film in hi-definition, and a digital version of the movie. The Blu-ray features a Blu-ray disc with the film in hi-definition and a digital version of the movie.
Justice Society: World War II finds modern-day Barry Allen – prior to the formation of the Justice League – discovering he can run even faster than he imagined, and that milestone results in his first encounter with the Speed Force. The Flash is promptly launched into the midst of a raging battle – primarily between Nazis and a team of Golden Age DC Super Heroes known as The Justice Society of America. Led by Wonder Woman, the group includes Hourman, Black Canary, Hawkman, Steve Trevor and the Golden Age Flash, Jay Garrick. The Flash quickly volunteers to assist his fellow heroes in tipping the scales of war in their favor, while the team tries to figure out how to send him home. But it won’t be easy as complications and emotions run deep in this time-skipping World War II thriller.
Stana Katic (Castle, Absentia, A Call To Spy) and Matt Bomer (Doom Patrol, White Collar, The Boys in the Band), who made their DC Universe Movies debuts as Lois Lane and Superman in the 2013 film Superman: Unbound, return to the popular animated film series in the lead roles of Wonder Woman and The Flash for Justice Society: World War II. The star-studded cast includes Geoffrey Arend (Madam Secretary, Batman: Hush) as Charles Halstead/Advisor, Armen Taylor (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind) as Jay Garrick, Elysia Rotaru (Arrow) as Black Canary, Liam McIntyre (The Flash, Spartacus, Justice League Dark: Apokolips War) as Aquaman, Omid Abtahi (American Gods, The Mandalorian) as Hawkman, Matthew Mercer (Critical Role, Overwatch) as Hourman, Keith Ferguson (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Overwatch) as Dr. Fate, Darin De Paul (Overwatch, Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge) as Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Ashleigh LaThrop (The Handmaid’s Tale, Utopia, The Kominsky Method) as Iris West, and Chris Diamantopoulos (Episodes, Silicon Valley, voice of Mickey Mouse) as Steve Trevor.
Jeff Wamester (Guardians of the Galaxy TV series) directs Justice Society: World War II from a screenplay by Meghan Fitzmartin (Supernatural, DC Super Hero Girls) and Jeremy Adams (Supernatural, Batman: Soul Of The Dragon). Producers are Jim Krieg (Batman: Gotham by Gaslight) and Kimberly S. Moreau (Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). Butch Lukic (Superman: Man of Tomorrow, Constantine: City of Demons) is Supervising Producer.  Sam Register is Executive Producer.
Justice Society: World War II Special Features
4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack, Blu-ray and Digital
DC Showcase – Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth! (New Animated Short) – Jack Kirby’s beloved DC comic creation features the last civilized teenage boy on a post-apocalyptic Earth ruled by talking animals. In this short, Kamandi and his friends Prince Tuftan of the Tiger Kingdom and humanoid mutant Ben Boxer are kidnapped by a gorilla cult dedicated to finding the reincarnation of their god, The Mighty One. Golgan, the cult’s leader, puts Kamandi’s team through a series of deadly tests to find if any of them know the secret of … The Mighty One.
Adventures in Storytelling: Justice Society: World War II (New Featurette) – The film’s creative minds chat about the methods used to produce the touchstone sequences in Justice Society: World War II.
A Sneak Peek at the next DC Universe Movie – An advance look at the next animated film in the popular DC Universe Movies collection, Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One.
Look Back – Justice League vs. Teen Titans (Featurette) – A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Justice League vs. Teen Titans, a 2016 thriller that follows Damian Wayne’s induction into the Teen Titans. Complicating his training is the growing presence of Raven’s satanic, world-conquering father Trigon, whose escape plan from his inter-dimensional prison includes spreading his demonic forces across the globe, infiltrating the minds and bodies of the Justice League to do his bidding. To save the universe and prevent a literal hell on Earth, the Teen Titans must rescue – or defeat – the Justice League, and intern Trigon for all eternity.
Look Back – Wonder Woman: Bloodlines (Featurette) – An intriguing glance into the production behind 2019’s Wonder Woman: Bloodlines, which finds Amazon Princess Diana helping a troubled young girl enlisted by a deadly organization known as Villainy, Inc., whose criminal members have their sights set on invading Themyscira. The expansive adventure is packed with brutal battles, mysterious mythology, and endless wonder!
From the DC Vault: Justice League: “Legends, Part One”
From the DC Vault: Justice League: “Legends, Part Two”
Justice Society: World War II will also be available on Movies Anywhere. Using the free Movies Anywhere app and website, consumers can access all their eligible movies by connecting their Movies Anywhere account with their participating digital retailer accounts.
On April 27, 2021, Justice Society: World War II will be available to own in high definition and standard definition from select digital retailers including Amazon, the Apple TV app, FandangoNOW, PlayStation, Vudu, Xbox and others. On May 11, 2021, Justice Society: World War II will be made available digitally on Video On Demand services from cable and satellite providers, and on select gaming consoles.
Movies Anywhere is a digital movie platform that enables movie fans to discover, access, and watch their favorite digital movies in one place. Movies Anywhere brings together a library of nearly 7,500 digital movies from Sony Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox Film, The Walt Disney Studios (including Disney, Pixar, Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm), Universal Pictures (including DreamWorks and Illumination Entertainment) and Warner Bros., and will continue to expand the consumer experience as more content providers, digital retailers and platforms are added. By connecting participating digital retailers that include Amazon Prime Video,  the Apple TV app, FandangoNOW, Google Play, and Vudu, movie fans can now bring together their digital movie collections (whether purchased or redeemed) in one place and enjoy them from the comfort of their living rooms, and across multiple devices and platforms, including Amazon Fire devices; Android devices and Android TV; Apple TV, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch; Chromecast; Roku® devices and popular browsers. Movie fans can also redeem digital codes found in eligible Blu-ray and DVD disc packages from participating studios and enjoy them through Movies Anywhere. Movies Anywhere – your movies, together at last.
Digital movies or TV episodes allow fans to watch a digital version of their movie or TV show anywhere, on their favorite devices. Digital movies or TV episodes are included with the purchase of specially marked Blu-ray discs. With digital, consumers are able to instantly stream and download movies and TV shows to TVs, computers, tablets and smartphones through retail services. For more information on compatible devices and services go to wb.com/digitalmoviefaq. Consult a digital retailer for details and requirements and for a list of digital-compatible devices.
PRODUCT                                                                 SRP
4K UHD Blu-ray Combo Pack                                   $39.99 USA, $44.98 Canada
Blu-ray                                                                        $29.98 USA, $39.99 Canada
Blu-ray Languages: English, Spanish, French, German
Blu-ray Subtitles: English, Spanish, French, German, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian
4K Blu-ray Languages: English, Spanish
4K Blu-ray Subtitles: English, French
Running Time: 84 minutes
Rated PG-13
About Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, Inc.:
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) brings together Warner Bros. Entertainment’s physical and digital distribution businesses in order to maximize current and next-generation distribution scenarios. An industry leader since its inception, WBHE oversees the global distribution of content through packaged goods (Blu-ray Disc™ and DVD) and digital media in the form of electronic sell-through and video-on-demand via cable, satellite, online and mobile channels. WBHE distributes its product through third party retail partners and licensees. 
DC, a WarnerMedia Company, creates iconic characters, enduring stories, and immersive experiences that inspire and entertain audiences of every generation around the world and is one of the world’s largest publishers of comics and graphic novels. As a creative division, DC is charged with strategically integrating its stories and characters across film, television, consumer products, home entertainment, interactive games, DC UNIVERSE INFINITE digital subscription service and community engagement portal. For more information visit dccomics.com and dcuniverseinfinite.com.
JUSTICE SOCIETY: WORLD WAR II © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. JUSTICE SOCIETY and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.
About Warner Bros. Animation
Warner Bros. Animation (WBA) is one of the leading producers of animation in the entertainment industry, producing and developing projects for multiple platforms, both domestically and internationally. WBA’s current series include Animaniacs for Hulu, Green Eggs and Ham for Netflix, Aquaman: King of Atlantis, Batwheels, Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai, Harley Quinn, Jellystone!, Little Ellen, Looney Tunes Cartoons, Tiny Toons Looniversity and Young Justice for HBO Max, DC Super Hero Girls, Teen Titans Go!, ThunderCats Roar for Cartoon Network,  Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, Scooby-Doo! and Guess Who?, The Tom and Jerry Show and Yabba-Dabba Dinosaurs! for Boomerang.  WBA’s full-length theatrical film, Teen Titans GO! to the Movies, was released in summer 2018. As home to the iconic animated characters from the DC, Hanna-Barbera, MGM and Looney Tunes libraries, WBA also produces highly successful animated films — including the DC Universe Movies — for DVD, Blu-ray® and digital media. One of the most-honored animation studios in history, WBA has won six Academy Awards®, 35 Emmy® Awards, the George Foster Peabody Award, a BAFTA Children’s Award, an Environmental Media Award, a Parents’ Choice Award, the HUMANITAS Prize, two Prism Awards and 20 Annie Awards (honoring excellence in animation).
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himanisingh1312 · 4 years
Bangalore is famous for tourist places, street food, shopping, good residential areas, job opportunities, good education and what not. If you are a bachelor or student who is about to live in Bangalore, should know which place is the best and why. You will get numerous accommodations to live and pg in electronic city is one good option to consider. Here is why Electronic City is best place to live-
1.     Electronic City is a very good residential area. The neighborhood is excellent.
2.     The connectivity is top-notch, and you will never find difficulty in transportation.
3.     You can get lots of affordable options in pg in electronic city.
4.     There are so many places for entertainment here such as – Restaurants, theme park, Tarang arts, Hand laser tag, good nigh clubs etc.
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bhavnanegi · 4 years
Bangalore or Electronic city is now hub for IT companies and renowned educational institutes. For these obvious reasons it is continuously inviting people from different states. The first thing for every migrant is a thought of place to live. Marathahalli in Bangalore lies in the eastern area of the city. It is becoming hub for rental houses. It is one of the safest yet most affordable places in Bangalore. You can easily find pg in Marathahalli under all budgets. Here are reasons to live in this place –
1.       There are so many IT spaces and educational institutes nearby so if your destination lies somewhere near, you can easily manage to get good pg in Marathahalli.
2.       Good connectivity is one strong aspect where you will never face difficulty in travelling.
3.       Be it an IT professional or student, if you are looking for affordable yet beautiful PG, Marathahalli is the place.
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comforthomespg · 1 year
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Are you looking for a Girls PG in Jigani? Comfort Homes Ladies PG provides Girls Pg in Jigani. For more information visit the official website. 
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begueat · 4 years
Beaguest PG in Koramangala - The most balanced place to live in Bangalore.
Koramangala, Bangalore, India. Koramangala is located in the south-eastern part of Bangalore city. The Koramangala has a mix of luxury apartments, colleges, Startup companies, and largely cosmopolitan. The good infrastructure place with good road transport that connects intermediate ring road, Airport road, Hosur Road, Electronic city road, and MG road.  Also, Koramangala is one of the luxurious places and is considered by Bangaloreans as one of the better places to live.
Beaguest offers luxurious PG in Koramangala for both boys and girls with all the amenities and a good living environment. They provide facilities like hygiene food, Non-stop water facility, Parking, individual alamari, security, and more. Beaguest mainly focuses on providing accommodation for students in Koramangala and provide paying guest service near Christ University, Jyoti Nivas College, St.johns medical college, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, T. A. Pai Management Institute and SVKM's NMIMS University.
Also, Beaguest provided there accommodation service near several software companies in Koramangala, including, Toshiba, Wipro, NDS Group, Tally solution, Mindtree, Microland, Software India Pvt. Ltd, Tavant Technologies, Paytm, Flipkart, and much more.
About Beaguest:-
Beaguest is one of the accommodation service company that helps students and working professionals by providing best pg in Bangalore with a good living environment. They have more than hundreds of verified PG's listed in their online platform. Also, you can choose your pg online that fit your needs and requirement. For more information, Email - [email protected].
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sandiegodjstaci · 5 years
Francisco & Liesel's Gringo/Mexican Patio on Goldfinch Wedding
Francisco & Liesel's Gringo/Mexican Patio on Goldfinch Wedding
Of all the San Diego wedding DJs calling America’s finest city home, Liesel & Francisco chose me to DJ and MC their Patio on Goldfinch wedding on Sunday, 10-7-18. The following write-up is based on San Diego DJ Staci’s crazy organized & detailed outline for this restaurant wedding.
Processional (walk in together) ➔ Piano Guys – Can Help Fallin in Love
Recessional ➔ “Signed Sealed & Delivered,” Stevie Wonder
While San Diego DJ Staci offers couples pre-set cocktail & dinner playlists to choose from, Francisco & Liesel opted to hand-select their background music for their Patio on Goldfinch wedding.
Cocktail/Dinner Music ➔ Stevie Wonder – For Once In My Life, Elvis Presley – Can’t Help Falling in Love, James Taylor – How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You, Ben E King – Stand By Me, Louis Armstrong – La Vie en Rose, Nat King Cole – When I Fall In Love, Leon Bridges – Coming Home, The Temptations – My Girl, Jack Johnson – Better Together, Michel Bublé – Everything, Natalie Cole – This Will Be An Everlasting Love, Frank Sinatra – The Way You Look Tonight, Norah Jones – Come Away With Me, Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell – Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, Etta James – At Last, Sam Cooke – What A Wonderful World, The Righteous Brothers – Unchained Melody, Bobby Darin – Beyond The Sea, Nat King Cole – Unforgettable, Frank Sinatra – I’ve Got You Under My Skin, Etta James – A Sunday Kind of Love, Louis Armstrong – A Kiss To Build A Dream On, Andy Williams – Moon River, Los Panchos – Quizás, Quizás, Quizás, Los Panchos – Cien Años, Guantanamera – Celia Cruz, Leon Bridges, Spanish music of the same vibe
Welcome ➔ “Good evening! Welcome to Francisco & Liesels wedding reception!!! I am the Master of Ceremonies, DJ Staci. Please take your seats. Lets take a minute to acknowledge all of the out of town guests….raise your hand if you traveled here today from out of state? From out of the country?”
➔ First Dance ➔  “Mi Verdad,” Mana & Shakira ➔ fade early: ➔ “Now we welcome the newlyweds to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife. This song talks about finding refuge in love in the midst of a harsh world.”
➔ Newlywed Brief Welcome/Thank You Speech➔ yes
➔ Toasts➔ whatever already drinking ➔  “Ladies & gentlemen, may I have your attention please for the toasts. Please welcome our first speaker:”
➔ Friends of the Bride, Lauren & Heidi
➔ Sister of the Groom, Celina
➔ Friends of the Bride, Mial & Kaitlin
➔ Sister of the Groom, Brenda
7:00 pm ➔ Meal Served: Buffet
➔ Shoe Game ➔ yes ➔
Group Photo on Dance Floor
➔ Open Dancing
9:55 PM➔ Last Dance
➔ Send-Off ➔ “You Are the Best Thing,” Ray LaMontagne
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci, the Track Star
Dance Music Rating ➔ PG-13 early then few
Swears ➔ OK later
Priority During Dancing ➔ read the crowd, use my expertise, maximize dancing
Genres ➔ Top 40/Pop, 80s Pop/Rock/New Wave, 90s RB/Boy Bands/Pop, Oldies, 70s/Classic Rock, Motown/Funk, Electronic Dance Music, 2000s
50% English ➔ use my expertise
50% Spanish ➔ Cumbias, Salsa, Bachata, Merengue
♥ M U S T – P L A Y S ♥
1. I Got A Feeling – Black Eyed Peas, 2. Bailando Spanish Version feat. Descemer Bueno & Gente de Zona, 3. Shape Of You – Ed Sheeran, 4. Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond when BG present), 5. In The Mood – Glenn Miller, 6. Shut Up and Dance – Walk The Moon, 7. All Of Me – John Legend, 8. Living On A Prayer – Bon Jovi, 9. Perfect – Ed Sheeran, 10. Then – Brad Paisley
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci, the Track Star
  ♥ P L A Y     I F    Y O U    C A N ♥
Alegres de la Sierra – Mi Yaquesita, The Proclaimers- I’m Gonna Be 500 Miles, Gipsy Kings – Bamboleo, Smooth – Rob Thomas/Santana
♥ D O   N O T    P L A Y S ♥
Not much banda if any, EDM
Here is the amazing team of San Diego wedding vendors I had the pleasure of working with on this Patio on Goldfinch wedding:
Venue Contact/Caterer ➔ Patio on Goldfinch Restaurant
DJ/MC/Lighting ➔ DJ Staci, the Track Star
Photographer ➔ Isaac Valencia
Officiant ➔ Dan & Israel (friends)
Cake Bakery ➔ Extraordinary Desserts
Florist ➔ Costco
Again, I was honored to be the one and only San Diego wedding DJ Liesel & Francisco trusted with their Patio on Goldfinch restaurant wedding. Thank you!
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  Like DJ Staci's vibe? Stalk her wedding DJ services below! shshsh...
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