#sunday weddings
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kitsunetsuki · 2 months ago
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Deborah Turbeville - The Rejected Wedding Gowns of Princess Diana, London Sunday Times Magazine, 1980, from Deborah Turbeville: The Fashion Pictures (2011)
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shopwitchvamp · 7 months ago
Witch Vamp is MARRIED
It's official, as of 7/28/24 Witch Vamp's business partners @jessdean & @themikeydeano are also partners for life 😎
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cinamun · 1 year ago
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All the luck we can get | Next
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purge-samauwu · 2 months ago
This is my whole thought on the love V dynamic between them. (I do think Vik and Mel wouldn't get along but they'd tolerate each other for Jayce. As they do a bit in the show.)
I call it a love V because Jayce likes Mel, Jayce like Viktor, Mel likes Jayce, Viktor likes Jayce. Mel wouldn't like Viktor and Viktor wouldn't like Mel. Hence, forming a V.
Which most "love triangle" media is just love V's.
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salty-dracon · 3 months ago
half the fun of writing sunday and dan heng interacting in the express is that they're like 70% the same, but in a way that makes them very aware of how similar they are if they're together in one area and there's no narrative tension
they're both protective older brother types, they both adore their family but don't say it very often, they're introverted, they're kind of nerdy, they have hidden power, and if they got trapped in a really silly situation they would hate it immensely.
so like, you can easily imagine march and the trailblazer(s) doing something incomprehensible in march's room (it sounds like they stole the chess board, and now they're holding a wedding between the knights and playfully arguing over which of the bishops should be officiating).
and dan heng's hanging out outside, and he notices sunday also hanging out in the area, and they're both strongly aware of each others' presence, but they're also curious about what the others are doing in march's room, wondering if they need to step in (that argument is getting intense), wondering if the other one is going to step in first, wondering if they'd look weird if they didn't step in first, lowkey wondering if they can join in the fun (can we call it that?), and just generally feeling uncomfortable that the other is standing there until one of them finally opens the damn door
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merlyn-bane · 2 months ago
WIP Tag Game Fill
I was tagged for some Sunday sentences by @lttrsfrmlnrrgby and a Last Line Challenge by @bluemaskedkarma, so y'all can have,,,,many sentences lmao. These are from my @codywanfirstkissbingo fill for the making out square, also known as the omegaverse wedding fic 😌😌
"Dude, are you checking fucking rugby scores on your phone right now?" Rex hisses under his breath, quietly enough not to draw attention to themselves. Cody glances sidelong at his brother and shrugs, unashamed. This wedding has been dull as shit so far, and they'd only had to attend the reception. The speeches had all been incredibly scripted and unremarkable, without even any real teasing or embarrassing anecdotes for entertainment (and Cody can hazard a few guesses why, considering the stern-looking old man that seems to be lording over the whole event and stared down anyone that happened to be holding the microphone at any given moment), and the food is…well. Cody's sure it was expensive. Their family takes up most of one table just by themselves, thankfully—he can't even imagine the sort of mind-numbing bullshit most of the guests here are willing to talk about—but even his brothers aren't enough to change the fact that he feels like he's watching paint dry. Especially when they've all been threatened into "good behavior". "If I get any more bored," he mutters back, "I might actually let Buir set me up with an alpha just for something to do." Rex scowls, his entire face screwing up with disgust. "Gross, man," he grumbles. He peers over at Cody's phone where Cody's holding it half-hidden under the table. "Who's winning?"
Hang in there Cody, don't worry, this wedding is about to get a whole lot more interesting and a whole lot more fun for you 😏😏
No pressure tags (for either Sunday sentences or last lines, whichever you wanna do) to @happybean17, @loverboy-havocboy, @snowywinterevenings, @raphaerolo, and @smoosey <3
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carobear16 · 3 months ago
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📸 : @behzingagram on insta!
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paulandjohn · 5 months ago
John’s Birthday + Paul & Nancy’s Wedding Anniversary (Reddit)
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Can’t believe I only just found out about this today (😭)
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Screenshot from the article (of course Paul would deny it 🙄)
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A funny comment at the end lol
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kitsunetsuki · 1 month ago
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Sandra Lousada - Wedding Dress by John Bates for Jean Varon, The Sunday Times, 3 June 1962, from Photographing Fashion: British Style in the Sixties by Richard Lester (2009)
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thesleepyskipper · 6 months ago
Six Sentence Sunday!
Well, I had a very productive Sunday and managed to finish this post-canon wedding one-shot WITH ALL THE FEELS today! This one's for @firenati0n ❤️ with a special shout out to @caterpills for helping me with it!
Thank you to @suseagull04, @sophie1973, @tailsbeth-writes, @onthewaytosomewhere, @iboatedhere for today's tags
and @miss-minnelli who tagged me while I was writing this post!
Here's a little taste:
About five hundred of those five hundred and ten days had been spent planning how to ask Henry to marry him. Alex needed the perfect proposal spot, the perfect ring, the perfect plan. Henry was a prince, for fuck’s sake, and he certainly deserved perfection as far as their engagement was concerned. Alex was nothing if not a perfectionist by nature to begin with, so it should have been easy. He was also a workaholic who was willing to put in a hundred and twenty percent to make sure everything was exactly right. (One hundred and ten was enough for your typical run-of-the-mill overachiever, but not for Alex Claremont-Diaz.)
You can read the rest here on AO3: yours, forever by thesleepyskipper
Would love to see what everyone's been up to this weekend! So consider this an open tag and more tags below the cut!
@welcometololaland, @cricketnationrise, @myheartalivewrites, @kiwiana-writes, @orchidscript
@rmd-writes, @celeritas2997, @noahreids, @alasse9, @cha-melodius
@henryspearl, @tinyarmedtrex, @leaves-of-laurelin, @14carrotghoul
@three-drink-amy, @stereopticons, @smblmn, @lilythesilly, @blueeyedgrlwrites
@nontoxic-writes, @indestructibleheart, @maxbegone, @clockwrkpendrxgon, @piratefalls
@anincompletelist, @anchoredarchangel, @emmalostinwonderland, @littlemisskittentoes @sparklepocalypse,
@judasofsuburbia, @heysweetheart-writes, @bitbybitwrites
@jmagnabo92, @wordsofhoneydew, @run-for-chamo-miles, @zwiazdziarka, @getmehighonmagic
@hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @dragonflylady77, @agame-writes, @nocoastposts, @lightningboltreader
@inexplicablymine, @na-dineee, @notspecialbabe, @benwvatt, @cactusdragon517
@onetwistedmiracle, @ninzied, @porcelainmortal, @bitsnpisces, @theprinceandagcd
@kordeliafawkes, @stratocumulusperlucidus, @idealuk, @stellarmeadow, @eusuntgratie
@lizzie-bennetdarcy, @dreamtigress, @duchessdepolignaca03, @kj-bee,
@priincebutt, @stellarmeadow, @softboynick, @fullsunsets,
@firstprincefairytale, @rachelica9, @readstheroom, @anti-homophobia-cheese, @thighzp
@mikibwrites, @swearphil, @flowerfan2, @rarelyrad, @letloverule1111
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glorfindel-of-imladris · 11 months ago
The Case of Erestor Half-elven
It’s been a hot minute since my last fandom meta, but this one I accidentally stumbled upon gathering notes for—would you believe it—a Glorfindel meta I intended to write. Man, I’m not even going to question the process, so let’s just get right on to it!
I like to joke around that there are only six instances when Erestor was mentioned in the entire legendarium, and by this I mean in The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion (in which he does not even appear in the latter two). 
But let’s talk about the early draft of him that is often referenced in fandom. If one extends the search, in The Return of Shadow, which details the writing process of what ultimately would be The Fellowship of the Ring, Erestor does get a mention, and is described as follows:
“There were three counsellors of Elrond’s own household: Erestor his kinsman (a man of the same half-elvish folk known as the children of Lúthien), and beside him two elflords of Rivendell.” -- In the House of Elrond, The Return of Shadow 
By the final version of The Lord of the Rings, however, there is no more reference to Erestor as Half-elven. The final published version goes:
"Beside Glorfindel there were several other counsellors of Elrond's household, of whom Erestor was the chief..." -- The Council of Elrond, The Fellowship of the Ring
By this final version of the story, the Half-elven trait no longer made sense for Erestor, and was replaced instead by him being Elrond's chief counsellor. 
The nature of Half-elves
Tolkien acknowledges three unions of Elves and Men:
“There were three unions of the Eldar and the Edain: Lúthien and Beren; Idril and Tuor; Arwen and Aragorn. By the last the long-sundered branches of the Half-elven were reunited and their line was restored.” –Appendix A, Return of the King
One of the later themes Tolkien came up with surrounding the Half-elven line (which likely did not yet exist at the early stages of the story when he was first forming the fellowship) was how they united and reunited all the houses of the Eldar and the Edain. Beren was a descendant of the three houses of the Edain—the Houses of Bëor, Haleth, and Hador—while Lúthien was the daughter of a Sinda (Teleri) and a Maia. Idril was the daughter of a Ñoldo and a Vanya. Lúthien and Beren had Dior, who then had a daughter, Elwing, who wed Eärendil, the son of Idril and Tuor. Elwing and Eärendil then had Elros and Elrond, and the line was separated for many generations when Elros chose to be counted among Men, and Elrond among Elves. The two lines were reunited with the marriage of Aragorn and Arwen.
One important detail here is that before the “Choice of the Half-elves” that was later gifted to Eärendil, Elwing, and their children, the children born out of an Elf-Man union led lives akin to Men. Dior was able to rule Doriath at age 33, and Eärendil and Elwing married at 22. These, as we know, would have been too young for Elves, given:
“Children of Men might reach their full height while Eldar of the same age were still in the body like to mortals of no more than seven years. Not until their fiftieth year did the Eldar attain the stature and shape in which their lives would afterwards endure, and for some a hundred years would pass before they were full-grown.” -- Laws and Customs of the Eldar, Morgoth’s Ring
“The Eldar wedded for the most part in their youth and soon after their fiftieth year […] Those who would afterwards become wedded might choose one another early in youth, even as children (and indeed this happened often in days of peace); but unless they desired soon to be married and were of fitting age, the betrothal awaited the judgment of the parents of either party.” -- Laws and Customs of the Eldar, Morgoth’s Ring
After the events of the War of the Wrath, Eärendil, Elwing, and their sons Elrond and Elros, for their deeds in the war, were gifted with the choice to be counted either among the Eldar or the Edain. Eärendil, Elwing, and Elrond chose to be counted among Elves, and the choice continued on to Elrond’s children: Arwen, Elladan, and Elrohir. Elros chose to be counted among Men, but in his case, the choice no longer extended to his descendants; every descendant of Elros was mortal. 
The only thing I can conclude for why Elros’ line did not get to choose is because the Gift of Ilúvatar—that is, a death that transcends the world of Arda—trumps all other gifts. It is a blessing that followed the line of Elros—never mind that the latter Númenóreans did not all agree that this was a blessing at all.
A similar sentiment can be found in earlier versions of the Quenta Silmarillion, where Manwë said to Eärendil:
"Now all those who have the blood of mortal Men, in whatever part, great or small, are mortal, unless other doom be granted to them; but in this matter the power of doom is given to me." -- Quenta Silmarillion, The Lost Road and Other Writings
Although this was no longer included in the published Silmarillion, Christopher Tolkien still considered this in judging that Dior, son of Beren and Lúthien, would have been mortal, regardless of whether Lúthien was Elf or mortal when she begetted him.
Bonus extra: The fourth case of Elf-Man union
Despite the excerpt from Appendix A, there is another case of Elf-Man union that we know: Mithrellas and Imrazôr. This was alluded to in Return of the King when describing Prince Imrahil: 
“...and with him went the Prince of Dol Amroth in his shining mail. For he and his knights still held themselves like lords in whom the race of Númenor ran true. Men that saw them whispered saying: ‘Belike the old tales speak well; there is Elvish blood in the veins of that folk, for the people of Nimrodel dwelt in that land once long ago.’” The Siege of Gondor, Return of the King
Although it seems as though this was only a rumor among Men, in the wider History of Middle-earth, Mithrellas is indeed mentioned to have been the spouse of Imrazôr who bore him children, of whom Galador was the ancestor of the princes of Dol Amroth. Of their line, it was said:
“But though Mithrellas was of the lesser silvan race (and not of the High Elves or the Grey) it was ever held that the house and kin of the Lords of Dol Amroth were noble by blood, as they were fair of face and mind.” The Heirs of Elendil, The Peoples of Middle-earth
The princes of Dol Amroth, of course, are mortal, and this does not contradict anything that has already been established. It is easy to imagine how, in a world where Elves and Men co-exist, there could be many other undocumented cases throughout the years. But what we do know is that no other Half-elf outside of Eärendil’s line would have led a long life by choosing the path of Elves. Therefore, if there were any other Half-elves in the Council of Elrond, aside from Elrond himself, they would have been not much older than Aragorn or Boromir. 
Erestor’s age and role in Rivendell
We now return to Erestor. One of the clearest things in “The Council of Elrond” is the Elves’ reluctance to take the One Ring. Erestor is one of the most vocal about this, and this is one of my favorite themes to explore about his character in the Third Age.
Given the character's history in Tolkien's drafts, Erestor's narrative role seems to have always been to drive the Council of Elrond to its conclusion. Where people strayed from the topic (which then allowed Tolkien to expound more for world-building), Erestor's purpose even in early drafts was to bring everyone back to the task at hand. In addition to this though, thematically, I think Erestor eventually also represented the fading of the Elves. He is most known for his quick suggestion to give the Ring to Tom Bombadil. This tells us:
The Elves do not want anything to do with the Ring anymore, a sentiment that would be especially potent for one who was there during the Last Alliance, in the Second Age when Sauron was at the peak of his power; and 
The time of the Elves is ending, and there is little more they can give to Middle-earth.
Granted, Legolas remained a member of the Fellowship and thus represented the Elves, but by Elven standards, Legolas was young, and did not have the weariness that someone older would have. Erestor reads to me as someone older, even older in spirit in comparison to Glorfindel. 
‘We know not for certain,’ answered Elrond sadly. ‘Some hope that the Three Rings, which Sauron has never touched, would then become free, and their rulers might heal the hurts of the world that he has wrought. But maybe when the One has gone, the Three will fail, and many fair things will fade and be forgotten. That is my belief.’ ‘Yet all the Elves are willing to endure this chance,’ said Glorfindel, ‘if by it the power of Sauron may be broken, and the fear of his dominion be taken away for ever.’ ‘Thus we return once more to the destroying of the Ring,’ said Erestor, ‘and yet we come no nearer. What strength have we for the finding of the fire in which it was made? That is the path of despair. Of folly, I would say, if the long wisdom of Elrond did not forbid me.’ -- The Council of Elrond, The Fellowship of the Ring
Erestor has a weariness to him that is even notable especially beside Glorfindel's vitality, whom we know was reborn in Aman as though young again, with "the primitive innocence and grace of the Eldar" (Peoples of Middle-earth). Glorfindel, however, is a special case even among all Elves in the Third Age, while Erestor arguably would have been more representative of them, at least of the ones that remained in Middle-earth.
Another case to be made about Erestor being one of the oldest in Rivendell is by virtue of his status as chief among Elrond’s counsellors. Considering the population of Elves in Rivendell, this is no small feat. As Gandalf told Frodo:
‘Here in Rivendell there live still some of [Sauron’s] chief foes: the Elven-wise, lords of the Eldar from beyond the furthest seas. They do not fear the Ringwraiths, for those who have dwelt in the Blessed Realm live at once in both worlds, and against both the Seen and the Unseen they have great power. [...] Indeed there is power in Rivendell to withstand the might of Mordor, for a while: and elsewhere other powers still dwell.’ -- Many Meetings, The Fellowship of the Ring
So what is he?
The last quote about the Elf-lords of Rivendell is one of the main reasons why I say Erestor is likely of the Ñoldorin Calaquendi. This makes the most sense given his position in Elrond’s household and given the sorts of Elves that dwell there. Fortunately, this still gives us many options: he could be an Elf from Gondolin, from Nargothrond, even among one of the many houses of the Fëanoryn. 
Could he have been any other kind of Elf? Sure! I even particularly have a soft spot for Erestor being Sindarin, but again, given his position, I would guess one of the older lines. Doriath, in particular, would make sense. Given how Elves seem to be “ranked” by wisdom defined by their exposure to the Valar and the rest of the Ainur, Doriath, with Melian’s influence, would have been a special kind of place. 
Could Erestor still be Half-elven? My easiest answer would be that it’s unlikely. But! Do not despair! With fiction, really anything is possible. Erestor could be an exceptional Half-elf and that is why he is chief counsellor. He could still be a kindred of Elrond’s by some obscure line, such as an unrecorded child in the line of Beren and Lúthien, or as a popular fanon, either Eluréd or Elurín survived. Or he could just be the son of some other Elf and Man. But whatever version it is, Erestor Half-elven would not have had the choice of the Half-elves, and so likely would not have been alive beyond the lifetime of a Númenórean.
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unopenablebox · 1 month ago
lmao i have a call with a wedding venue coordinator tomorrow?? lots of things about this place are appealing but it also has a massively overpriced mandatory caterer and a very late event start time (who has the ceremony start at 6:30pm?? don't people want dinner????) so i kind of just wanted, you know, a quote and contact info in case we wanted to tour later if other things don't pan out. but the person who reached out to me was so confident that we were going to call this week that i guess... i'm going to call her? and ask about chair rental prices or something? idk man. i wasn't prepared for this. i'm not even the one primarily planning this wedding and also we're not even planning yet i just had time to send idle emails this week
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bangpop91 · 2 months ago
Tommy fiddles with the cuff links in his fingers, getting it through the button hole but struggling to get the damn thing to clasp, he blames his nerves. Donovan rolls his eyes affectionately snatching the birthmark from his twin, and taking over for him.
"Deep breaths, the wedding is just one day, what comes after is the important part." This is why Tommy had chosen his twin to be his best man; maybe its the twin thing, but Donny has always known just the right thing to say to ease Tommy's nerves. Plus he knows Donny would make sure Tommy makes it down the aisle, would not let Tommy's anxiety get the better of him.
"I still can't believe Evan agreed to marry me." Donny sighs calling Tommy over-dramatic, playfully punching his shoulder telling Tommy that he is a catch. Finally he is dressed, and it's time for him to meet Evan for their joint walk down the aisle.
"Let's get you married." Donny says with a smile and a hug.
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sunnyaliceart · 11 months ago
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Wedding Weekend! Sunday is the Big Day! ☀️🌔
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thedrowsydoormouse · 10 months ago
So I’ve been doing a little bit of thinkin’ after the two new episodes of Who about Susan Twist and I had a lightbulb moment I haven’t really seen anyone else talking about just yet.
Spoilers ahead for Wild Blue Yonder, Church on Ruby Road, Space Babies, and the Devil’s Chord. Ok, onto the theory!
We all know Susan Twist is going to be more than just an Easter Egg, but I think everyone is taking the actress’s name too literally. She’s not playing Susan.
She’s The One Who Waits.
She’s there. Always in the background. On the periphery. Watching. Waiting. Because everything leads back to her.
And the first time we see her is in the scene that has the first major world shift in the episode that set up this entire plotline about invoking superstition at the edge of the universe and letting something through.
And who do we encounter pretty much immediately after? The embodyment of Play (Toymaker). And then a little later in we meet the embodyment of Music (Maestro).
Which raises the next part of my theory: What is The One Who Waits the embodyment of?
Death just sits, and waits, and watches, biding their time because everything has its time and Death comes for everything in the end.
And every time we’ve seen her, things start going really wrong. In WBY, she was one of the last people we saw before the Tardis landed on the spaceship, Donna almost died, and the Doctor almost let a NotWe loose on the universe. In Ruby Road, she’s watching Ruby and her friends perform the same night they nearly get crushed by the giant snowman head. She was one of the crew in Space Babies who were forced to leave the station and abandon all those babies to die. And in Devil’s Chord she was in the cafeteria when Paul and John are talking to the Doctor and Ruby about music before getting angry and leaving which, had the Doctor not intervened, would’ve lead to literal nuclear winter.
I feel like too many people are focusing on just the previous lore from the past 60 years which, for any other context makes sense. But this isn’t your granny’s Doctor Who anymore. The tone shift started in WBY means we need to think outside the Blue Box (that’s bigger on the inside) to figure it all out and for once, I think being into SuperWhoLock may have finally paid off! The NotWes are shapeshifters. The Bogeyman was basically a thought form (tulpa). The literal baby eating, musical goblins. The Toymaker and Maestro are both functionally gods. And which god waits patiently in the background?
It’s not a perfect 1 to 1 with Supernatural but if you find the midpoint between the two everything starts to click into place.
The final Big Bad of the season is The One Who Waits which is Death and not even the Doctor can fully cheat death, they can just keep running. So in the end the Doctor doesn’t actually defeat Death. He just traps them or delays them enough to get away so he can just keep running.
(Also Mrs. Flood is just a normal human who’s past was changed by the Doctor. In the start of the episode, before the Doctor properly meets Ruby (I don’t count the encounter at the club) she has no clue what the Tardis is. But as soon as the thing happens on the roof her past changed to include an encounter with the Doctor when she was younger (I think it’s going to be the episode with the slug things we’ve seen in the trailers because there’s a girl with blonde bangs in a season where coincidence is the driving force behind everything so it has to mean something) which is why her entire personality shifts by the end and she becomes nicer and suddenly knows about the Tardis and knows that Ruby has to go with the Doctor. She’s not Susan or Ruby’s mom. She’s just someone they save along the way.) 
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jellybeanium124 · 4 months ago
happy asexual sunday thinking about ed and stede on their wedding night sort of awkwardly like "so..." "do ya..." "would ya..." "uhhh..." "well if..." and then ed's like "mate the only traditions I was concerned about was the chuppah, ketubah, getting lifted in the chairs, and most importantly stopping on glass. we don't have to do anything else :)" and stede's like "yeah :) you looked like you really had fun stomping on that glass." and ed's like "I've been waiting to do that for like 40 years, so, fuck yeah I enjoyed it." "awww I'm so glad you finally got to do it." and then they cuddle and fall asleep.
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