colorfulskeleton · 9 months
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 I feel like every time he gets angry he turns blue because well blue fires is more hotter than humidifier so I was like “why not draw him angry with blue fire”
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slocotion · 2 years
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Todo the Toadstool, Gillby the Amethyst Deceiver and Bopeep the King Bolete
4.5′’ dreaming clown mushrooms, handmade using cotton mix fabrics and wood, over a wire armature to allow basic posing. These dolls are part of a patreon exclusive shop restock I'm doing  as a thank you to my patrons for all the support over 2022! (link to the secret shop is now available to all tiers on my patreon page). 
These mushrooms, and two other jesters (link) will be going up on Saturday 7th Jan, 18:00 GMT. Worldwide shipping from Ireland.
Instagram / Patreon
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east-archive · 5 months
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Decided to give her an updated design - this my girl Iris, she is a water/air elemental! She is kinda like fog and uses green magic!
Part of Gillbys Squad during the war. Although she is a very peaceful being, don't be fooled by her innocent looks and behaviour - she can be pretty darn deadly if she wants to <3
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Em uma certa epoca do tempo os humanos e mosntros estavam brigando por etinia, ambos se odiavam por conta que os humanos achavam que os monstros eram aberraçoes e os mostros achavam os humanos muito egocentricos e egoistas.
Porem os humanis tinham medo dos monsrros ja que eles era anormais e que eles ficassem poderosos o suficiente , entao eles iniciaram uma guerra militar, ela se estendeu por muito e muito tempo ate 2022.
Murffet, alphys, undyne, asgore, papyrus, Gillby e metatton foram para a guerra e sans, papyrus e e metatton morreram nela .
Apos a guerra ambos os lados fizeram um acordo de se separarem em continetes os humanos preferiram o continete sul ,por conta de ser uma terra farta e rica. Ja os maonstro fucaram com o coninente norte , conhecida como terra estranha, porem os monstros descobriram a magia nesse lugar, e com ela conseguiram desenvolver melhor seus equipamentos e artilharias, os humanos descobriram isso e ficaram com inveja, porem o mosntros ja eram fortes o suficiente para se defender,os monstros agora tebtam porteger a sua magia dos humanos ambiciosos
Nesse meio tempo toriel terminou com Asgore porque ele so se interesava pela guerra nesse meio tempo ele fez amizade com **Esmeralda** (esposa de sans e nao ela nao é humana ela é uk esqueleto) ele deixou dois filhos para traz Puzzle e TAP (mas seu nome mesmo é Jr.Sans, foi o pai que trocou na sertidao porque ele queria fazer uma piada sem graça com tap code )
Catergoria dessa au: ação/aventura/suspense/guerra.
Classificaçao: +16
Lider: Asgore
Co comandante: murffet
Recruta: gillby
Comandante: alphys
Recruta:kid monster
(O co comandante morreu ) ele foi substituido por Asriel
Co capitao: Jr.Sans (chamam ele te TAP)
Navegador: puzzle
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undercurrentau · 2 years
You know, water can get pretty hot to give nasty burns. Grillby would steam and bubble when mad.
Hm hm- I'll avoid a ramble about my theories on monsters being made of things and consider THIS!
He has a small jellyfish casually swimming through him (pet? or it just won't leave?) and there is some great heavily implied angst if I say he avoids any strong emotions to make sure it doesn't get hurt
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erinharman · 3 years
Merry Christmas, happy new year and gay rights, everybody!
Here’s your milkshake, sweetheart (don’t worry, it’s lactose free)
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maiuoart · 4 years
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Swapfell Gillby and lil’Fuku ♥
Been a while since I drew these two... Still too cute ♥
Hopefully a back story for these guys come soon; I got the main ordeal down and though it’s dark, it explains why Fuku is so young and why Gillby’s so protective ♥
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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Official Reveritale ROLES 
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sansby-art · 6 years
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areirsayfencat · 5 years
As and Tem of Aritale
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Alfis of Arifell.
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Grollby and Gillby of Underinfluential
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arstudios2000 · 5 years
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Drinkioli Pg. 5
Previous https://www.deviantart.com/arafridi2000/art/Drinkioli-Pg-4-778428445
Next: https://arstudios2000.tumblr.com/post/188598712192/drinkioli-pg-6-uh-oh
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itsjustascarecrow · 5 years
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birth. Gillby Norcius, born on Elona 23rd, 43 BBY.
Erika’s husband and Antolemy’s dad he’s an Imperial engineer who was working on Scarif when the Death Star plans were stolen, so needless to say, that’s when he met his end.
~one year later...
after reading over my tags, honestly he just gives off vibes as the kinda dude who’d forget he even had a son in the first place, ghsdghjk. so not like this is an actual update or anything, but i guess just extrapolating off of that, he feels like the farthest removed from this whole family. which is saying something.
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aviandebyrd · 8 years
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Best of Magfest Day 3 We were worn out from making videos and running around the arcade se we skipped Sunday. Had a blast and I hope you enjoy all the pictures. ^v^
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Well, Flowey hates everyone now that they were stained by that filthy mustard. Anyway, his advice is pretty useful!
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saturdazesstuff · 2 years
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