#Gilbert is just. Based off my friend
satyrcatartz · 1 month
u guys know those “giving my Italian husband (x) food/(x) American thing” tik toks. well yeah Hetalia Prumano semi-rare pair attack
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my friend and I have been. Obsessed with those. Why does she. Why. It’s like aggravating a chihuahua for views and it’s the most entertainment. Tbh. This art looks SO shitty but the Prumano brain rot is too real for me… Also I saw the pizza burger irl the other day and I don’t wanna talk about it
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deadboystims · 23 days
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🪦 ꒱ ) deadboy’s 300 follower event !
welcome to the graveyard..
thank u all for the support & patience !! this is genuinely a fun hobby & community that i’m glad to be apart of,, i wanted to celebrate this support & the stimblr community as a whole for my 300, so i’m deciding to do an event !! yahoo !!
use the tag “#deadboy300” ! i want to see everyone’s creations ! i’ll likely reblog every (sourced/credited) board that i’m tagged in !!
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now lets get onto the prompts,, i’m providing 2 options, mostly just in case ! do whichever one you want :)
DAY 001 : make a stimboard based off of your queer identities !
OR : make a stimboard based off of one of the general pride flags (progress pride, gilbert pride flag, rainbow pride flag, etc)
DAY 002 : make a stimboard based off your favorite song / album
OR : make a stimboard based off of your favorite musical artist / genre
DAY 003 : support each other ! make a stimboard based off of your favorite stimboard/stim gif creator ! or, use their original gifs !
OR : make a stimboard based off a friend, qpr, or partner ( they don’t have to be on tumblr )
DAY 004 : make a stimboard based off of your favorite spooky/halloween/horror movie !
OR : if u don’t like horror/halloween, make a stimboard based off of your favorite movie/show/book
DAY 005 : make a stimboard using your favorite kinds of stim gifs (ex : dice , slime , etc )
OR : make a stimboard based off your favorite fruit !
DAY 006 : make a stimboard based off your favorite aesthetic !
OR : spin a wheel(link) and make a stimboard based off of what you get! re-rolls allowed :)
DAY 007 : catch up day / free space ! do whatever you want !
OR : make a stimboard based off of yourself ( or your system, if so desired ) !
DAY 008 : make a stimboard based off of your favorite color combo !
OR : make a stimboard based off of your favorite color
DAY 009 : make a stimboard based off of your favorite ship !
OR : make a stimboard based off of your favorite duo / group
DAY 010 : make a stimboard based off of your favorite animal !
OR : make a stimboard based off of your favorite plant !
DAY 011 : make a stimboard based off of space !
OR : make a stimboard based off of the ocean !!
DAY 012 : make a stimboard off of your favorite season !
OR : make a stimboard based off of your favorite holiday !
DAY 013 : make a stimboard based off a character you kin !
OR : make a stimboard based off of a character you relate to
DAY 014 : make a stimboard based off of your favorite fashion style !
OR : spin a wheel(link) and make a stimboard based off of what you get ! re-rolls allowed :)
DAY 015 : make a stimboard based off of your favorite villain !
OR : make a stimboard based off of your favorite hero !
and.. thats all the prompts !
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thank you all to those who decide to participate in this ! i know some of the prompts are fairly basic but i hope they’re fun regardless !! i did my best to be inclusive nd all. also, feel free to apply these to moodboards or anything else! tho i’ll primarily be reblogging stimboards :)
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no pressure tags, feel free to ignore this and/or not participate - please let me know if you wanna be removed !!
@demolding @kurt-stims @sprinkles-stims @gaystims @talos-stims @garfieldstim @heartnosekid @stimboardboy @starstruckstufful @squishsquishy @clwnstim @nanmo-wakaran @sweet-stims @sponge-stims @sigmxnd @bloomics
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wormconsumer · 4 months
Based off a post I saw with the idea that Robert Smirke had fourteen friends, each falling too/representing a different entity, with Smirke himself being the Extinction.
To get the obvious ones out of the way: Jonah Magnus as the Eye, Mordechai Lukas as the Lonely, Maxwell Rayner as the Dark, and George Gilbert Scott as the Buried; these ones are all canon. Not directly canon but a pretty reasonable assumption is Simon Fairchild as the Vast; we know Simon had Maxwell Rayner help him with his Awful Deep ritual in 1853, which was only a few years before Smirke died, and Smirke hung out with Rayner a ton, so it makes sense for Simon to be part of the group (though by a different name; he only started going by “Simon Fairchild” in the 1930s). Another fairly reasonable assumption, in my opinion, is John Franklin for the Hunt. Franklin is canonically a Hunt avatar in The Magnus Archives, his real-life timeline overlaps with Smirke and the rest, and Rayner was canonically interested in his expedition, which was probably because he wanted to use Franklin’s knowledge of arctic exploration for his ritual, but could also imply they knew each other, and therefore, Smirke’s gang.
For the Corruption, my first thought was John Amherst, but he only became an avatar during the Second Boer War, which was about half a century after Smirke’s time. Instead, John Snow is a better fit. He was an English physician who lived during the same time as Smirke, and he had something going on; his descendant Neil Thompson has a syringe that belonged to Snow that had Corruption properties, so Snow fits. For the Slaughter, we could go with Charles Fleming. We know he was in China from at least the beginning of the First Opium War in 1839, and Smirke and Jonah and the rest were up and active on their supernatural studies since at least the 1810s, so it’s theoretical Fleming could have hung out with them, even though he didn’t become touched by the Slaughter until he went to China. Maybe he came back later, though he was in China at least until 1862. Alternatively, William Hall, the actual captain of the Nemesis, could be an option, his lifetime overlaps pretty well with Smirke’s, though there is no evidence he interacted with the Slaughter besides his interactions with Fleming and the Nemesis. Still, he was probably a bit more high-society that Fleming, so I kind of prefer him. Finally, for the more reasonable ones, we have Joey Grimaldi for the Stranger. Grimaldi’s timeline overlaps with Smirke’s, and we know he was affected by the Stranger even before he was turned into Nikola Orsinov. The reason I’m choosing Grimaldi instead of Gregor Orsinov or Nikolai Denikin is that we know for sure he was in England while Smirke was, unlike the other two.
Now for the more out-there guesses. For the Flesh, there are a few options. One is Eustace Wick, the Lutheran priest-turned-cannibal, who did live at the same time as Smirke, but he became an avatar in 1832, died in 1845, and has no evidence that he’d even been to England, considering he’s American. The other options would be Benjamin Carlisle, Benjamin’s unnamed wife, or possibly some other relative or descendant of theirs. I find this one the more likely choice, because Jonathan Sims specifically wonders how Benjamin Carlisle’s wife was able to give her statement to the Magnus Institute, considering she starved to death in a cave on the Oregon Trail in 1845, as well as the fact that an apparent descendant of her, Toby Carlisle, is living in England by the 21st Century and has enough of a connection with the Flesh to be pretty severely affected by the failure of the Last Feast ritual. The unnamed Mrs. Carlisle being the Flesh representative does mean she presumably gave in and cannibalized her husband, and the timeline only gives her about a decade to have hung out with the rest before Smirke’s death, but I think that fits, considering what Smirke said about just coming up with theories about the Flesh in his statement.
The Spiral has similarly not a lot to go on. I would just say the Distortion, seeing as it’s an immortal manifestation of the Spiral itself. We know that Ivo Lenshik’s father was tormented by the Distortion in a human form, and apparently Lenshik’s great-uncle did too, implying that the Distortion did assume a humanoid form sometimes, before it was forced to by the failure of the Great Twisting ritual. Plus, Jonah Magnus clearly knows who the Distortion is, which yes, he could have learned at literally any point from the past two hundred years, but seeing as we’ve got nothing else, I’ll choose to believe. For the Web, the only older avatars of the Web we’re aware of would be the historical owners of the house at Hill Top Road. We don’t know who owned it during Smirke’s time; the closest we have are the unnamed blackmailer who died during the English Civil War in the mid-1600s, and Walter Fielding, who died in 1923. Walter’s son and grandson both owned the house for about thirty years before dying, so with the same amount of time applied, Walter couldn’t be our Web avatar. Honestly, the answer might just have to be “whichever Web avatar was owning the house at Hill Top Road during the first half of the 19th Century.”
For the Desolation, we have even less. Diego Molina founded the Cult of the Lightless Flame at some point prior to World War II, but we have no idea when, and it couldn’t have been that long, considering what Eugene Vanderstock says about the immortality of Desolation avatars having some kind of limit. The same is true of the End. The only known End avatar who was alive during Smirke’s time was Nathaniel Thorp, who was a Death at the time, and didn’t become human again until 1970. It’s unlikely that Deaths got breaks to socialize.
So, in summary, we know for sure about:
* Jonah Magnus — The Eye
* Mordechai Lukas — The Lonely
* Maxwell Rayner — The Dark
* George Gilbert Scott — The Buried
We can make some reasonable assumptions about:
* Simon Fairchild — The Vast
* John Franklin — The Hunt
We can make educated guesses about:
* John Snow — The Corruption
* William Hall — The Slaughter
* Joey Grimaldi — The Stranger
We can make complete guesses about:
* Mrs. Carlisle — The Flesh
* The Distortion — The Spiral
* Owner of the house at Hill Top Road — The Web
And we have nothing for:
* The Desolation
* The End
If anyone has ideas or things I missed, let me know.
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sibsteria · 2 years
The Honorary Mikaelson
Warnings: angsty, fluff, smut, mutual pining, jealous!Kol, drug use, violence
Summary: Song fic based on Dove Cameron's Boyfriend because I have such a kink for that banger
Character: Kol Mikaelson x original!heretic!fem!Reader, platonic!mikaelsons x reader, Damon Salvatore x reader
this took me hours rip, I didn’t proof read so any mistakes pls comment and I’ll take care of it besties
Word count: 3000+
I can't believe we're finally alone
He had her in the confines of his arms, palming the wall beside her head, trapped by his body. The smooth fabric of his pants hot against her leg, which protruded from the slit of her gown.
His natural scent, a sugary concoction of honey with a champagne inflection, her favourite.
His words sending her head into a fuss of emotions. She made his heart hammer like a headboard on a honeymoon, and for all the decades he had kept his composure, he couldn't give it up now.
I can't believe I almost went home
He had been on the verge or retiring to his room, his solitary compound, more so to sulk. But seeing her get pushed around by him was the last straw. Disrespecting his family is punishable by death, but disrespecting his Y/n? You poor tortured soul. If you have her, the woman of every man's dreams, why jeopardise it? He just couldn't see the point.
What are the chances? Everyone's dancing
The ball was in full swing, silks and satins gracing the dresses that were soft to the touch, cashmere and cotton suit jackets that fit like a glove.
Partners of two, parading around the floor, a chandelier hanging low from the ceiling. Hues of gold and white painted the walls of the room, generous trimmings of rich fancy. Lights dim but not dark, complimenting the romantic ambience of the night.
And he's not with you
The brown haired sex pest, as he saw him, hand in hand with another woman. Those Salvatore brothers seemed to be on the verge of a sibling owned harem, reserved only for Elena Gilbert.
He had watched his best friend get neglected by both her boyfriend and his brother, as they had chosen to focus their efforts on twirling the crybaby around the dancefloor.
He would have heard her heart sink if she were still human, and he would have hated it, instead he saw the burning tears welling in her eyes- which was debatably worse.
He had her now, attempting to speak sense into the space between her ears, of which hung expensive diamond earrings.
''I need you to understand me.''
''I do, Kol, I just don't want to hurt him-''
''You won't hurt him, you are incapable of hurting him, because he doesn't love you.'' His undead heart hammering in his chest. The silence was a shot stake to their hearts. She was struggling to find the dialect, having kept such secrets for so long.
''It's killing me. Watching you be let down, all these years together and I still can't bare to see you get your heart broken.''
It was killing him that Y/n had never seen the eyes he would give her, the pure devotion, a sacred passion for only she.
''I...have suspected that he may not love me. It was obvious from the start the more I think about it.'' She whispers, eyes sullen and glazed over.
''I don't understand how you're upset about him, him!''
The universe must have divined this
''That's not why I'm upset. Am I so nauseating that I cannot be loved?''
Her eyes bore deep into his, he can feel her silent crying breaths hit his skin due to the intimate position.
''I don't understand what you're saying, darling.''
She looks off to the space behind him, choosing her words carefully. The nickname sending shivers down her spine.
''Must I spend every night alone? For all the centuries, I've never been graced with a genuine love. All my distractions, the men, a means to an end-''
''Distractions for what? There can't be something I don't know about you.''
''There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Mikaelson.''
''I simply don't believe it, we turned together. We have been daggered together, I know you inside and out. So please tell me, what is exactly is it that I missed?''
What am I gonna do
''Only my reason for living.''
''Which is?''
He had felt his chest tighten, the excitement of such a statement almost making him choke on his own spit.
''W-What are you saying?'' He had never been one to stammer.
''That I love you-'' She turned her head to the side, refusing to meet his eyes for the sure rejection. He removed his palms from the wall, she had assumed it was a disgusted urge to get away from her.
''Give me a moment. I need to get it all out or I fear I never will. I have loved you since we picked wildflowers for the first time, in the meadows that stretched for miles, probably in this very spot we stand in. You always did pursue the more confident women, my mind had convinced itself I never stood a chance. When we turned, when it all-'' she swallows, the memories of poor Henrik, ''-happened. I thought that eternity together may help you love me? But you had never showed interest, so I purged myself on wine and women and men that came along. I understand, if your wish is for distance, I can leave this manor and never speak to you again. After all, finding out that your best friend since birth has been in love with you all these years you may find...uncomfortable-'' she feels the hot tears running down her face, watching the smirk on his face cracked her open, ''I'm glad you find this funny-'' she pushes past his shoulder, to leave.
Not grab your wrist?
His hand reaches for hers, gripping her wrist. He uses his vamp speed to pin her back against the wall.
He's kissing her, with a fervour that no man could match, his body couldn't be closer to hers. Her eyes roll back into a closed position, she whimpers into the kiss. Her arms come up to secure themselves around his neck, his right arm is anchored around her waist. His left hand comes up to cup her cheek, wiping away the tears that stood angrily pouring.
I could be a better boyfriend than him
He parts from the kiss reluctantly.
''I'm yours.'' He's breathless.
''Since when?'' She's curious, a childlike innocence has returned to her eyes.
''Before you felt for me, I can say for sure. We were ten, you tripped and grazed your knee on that stupid rock-''
''The one in front of my home-'' She gasps at the memory.
''-you cried so hard, I remember I came running, it seems like nothing compared to what we've been through since then.'' His eyes gloss over, remembering how many times you had been daggered in front of him, although you were not apart of his family- Niklaus still saw you as a disobeying sister, or someone he must protect from the world.
''That was what did it for you? A crying coward?'' She laughs through her tears of joy.
''Darling, you were ten.'' He snickers.
''I...still have that bluebell you picked for me. I casted a preserving spell on that day, I hid it from your siblings, Nik would have teased me forever.''
''We were so innocent.''
''Dumb as doorknobs, too.'' She lets her head fall forward, resting on his chest.
''You must know, I've never...bedded a woman.'' Her head shot up at this.
''Are you serious?''
''Not because I haven't had the opportunity, because I didn't want it if it wasn't you.'' She felt riddled with guilt, having been around in her lifetime.
''I'm so sorry, oh my-'' Her heart drops, realising how he must have felt watching her sleep around.
''You didn't know. Like you said, you used distractions, I wallowed in self pity like a wimp.'' His sad laughter could have broken her.
''I wish I could go back.'' She chokes on her words, it dawns on her that he could have been her first, and only.
''We can't, but we can go forward. I'm completely in this, you, forever.''
''Not always and forever?'' She makes a light joke at their family motto.
''We've had always since we first lay eyes on each other, it's time for me to give you forever.''
''You make me insane.'' She shakes her head at her infatuation.
''I'm so in love with you.''
I could do the shit that he never did
''So do me a favour, darling, dump the imbecile.''
''I'll kill him if you want.'' She shrugs, nonchalant at the thought of murdering the eldest Salvatore.
''And shield me the fun?'' He raises his brows at her.
''I apologise, I forgot we share the same bloodlust.'' She rolls her eyes.
''That, my love, is why we are soulmates.''
She grins like a sly cat.
''Soulmates?'' She giggles.
''You have been a Mikaelson since my family met you. I mean, we might as well be married by default.'' He crosses his arms, a joking tone.
''Take me out for a drink first, my brother in christ.'' She flicks his shoulder, he pulls her in by the waist, pressing another kiss to her lips.
She chuckles into the kiss, pushing back with matched passion.
''What the hell is this?'' A stern, loud tone shot from down the hallway.
She gasps, pulling away, fighting back laughter.
''Good evening, mate. Meet my girl, Y/n.'' Kol bows to the brunette, storming his way towards them.
''This had better be a very funny joke that I don't understand.'' Damon growls.
''Oh, save the hostility, we both know you don't care.'' Kol rolls his eyes.
''About you kissing her? Aren't you two, like, practically siblings?'' He challenges him.
''Well, she'll have my dna in her tonight, I guarantee-'' He was just too cocky for his own good.
Damon tried to slam the original against a wall only to receive a snap to the neck from the girl who had been battling a fit of giggles.
''Now that was just too far, no one puts hands on you.'' She reveals, walking forward.
''You had better use yours, or so help me-'' His gruff statement drives her desire to have him up against the wall he was almost thrown against.
''Wanna say that again?'' She leans forward, giving lingering kisses to his neck. His head tilts back, arms wrapping lightly around her.
''If you carry on, I'll write lines on a chalkboard, darling.'' He releases a moan as she wraps her lips around a patch of skin, sucking a dark red mark that soon disappears.
''Why do that when I can scratch lines down your back?'' She whispers into his ear.
This is going to be a long evening.
Up all night
His hand pushed her head into the pillows, chest tight against the sheets.
''Fuck, Kol.'' She moans out, his hand wrapping around her hair, his other one grasping her waist.
She insisted on this position, a favourite of hers that she felt he'd enjoy.
His incessant railing driving her over the edge, she bit the pillow below her crying out in broken whimpers.
Kol's desperate whines racked from deep in his chest as he pounded his hips into her with a newfound chase for release.
He remembered what she had told him, his hand releasing her hair, snaking down her front. He presses his middle and pointer finger to her clit, circling tight with a steady pressure.
This spurs her on, pushing her hips back to meet the heaviness of his thrusts.
His body drops forward, his lips pressing kisses to her shoulder, leading up to the crook of her neck before coming back up.
I won't quit
She had switched their positions now, wanting to see his face when he came.
Simple missionary, a plush pillow underneath her lower back.
His hands gripped the low-rise headboard, it was cracking every second under the strain of his grip.
She had her legs loosely wrapped around him, head shooting back to press against the mattress.
She muttered a spell under her breath, a wave of pleasure manipulating the nerves of her clit.
The feeling of his absolutely over average cock hitting her deep pulled moans from her with each snap of his hips.
Her hands raised to grip his shoulder blades, his thrusts becoming incredibly fast.
''Oh, god, Kol.''
Hearing her moan his name again was enough to send him over, he let go, painting her from the inside with centuries of desire being fullfilled. She followed after, clenching around him, dragging her sharp nails down the skin of his back as she had threatened.
He felt embarrassed at the pitch of his whines, but couldn't fight the noises he was making.
Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him
Downstairs, the blue eyed vampire stirred, groggy from his state of knock out.
He pushed himself up from the floor, steading against the wall. His ears tuned in to the sounds, not enjoying what he picked up.
The lewd groans of his now supposed ex-girlfriend and Kol Mikaelson.
''Gross. So gross.'' He puts a hand against his forehead, still fuzzy from his forced slumber.
I could be such a gentleman
She lay there, a sheet of sweat glazed her skin, chest heavy.
He rested his head down next to her, nuzzling his face into her neck, pressing soft kisses to the area.
''I love you, we should shower.'' She spoke, blunt and easy, a pause between the statements
A chortle escapes his lips, vibrating against her.
I could be a better boyfriend
''I love you too, maybe a shared bath wouldn't be too awful.'' He takes her earlobe between his teeth, grazing it lightly before getting up, a lustful sigh leaving her lips.
''Hey, you do not get to do that and walk away!'' She picks up a pillow, throwing it at the man, he catches it without even looking back.
''Well, we have every minute of forever for me to make it up to you.'' He winks, throwing the pillow back on the bed.
He entered his adjoined ensuite, putting in a plug before running the hot tap, he thinks back to the start of the gala.
I don't need to tell you twice
It was the beginning of a dance, Klaus had suggested guests in attendance should switch partners, adding some spice to the dusk.
He watched as her face lit up, beelining towards Rebekah, of course.
She took the blonde's hand, pulling her into an embrace before inaugurating the waltz.
Kol's eyes didn't once land on the lady who had clung to him, instead, lingering on his beauty and the happy moment she had found.
Rebekah loved the girl like family, they all did.
All the ways he can't suffice
He watched as her once beaming face dropped, smile leaving the pretty features.
He looked in the direction that had caught her eye. Of course, the filthy Salvatore had the hybrid blood bag in a close cradle.
If I could give you some advice
He wanted so desperately to heal her wounds, her aching heart. He knew how she had been taken advantage by the man, he knew that she knew he was doing it. The worst part was that she didn't care it was happening.
I would leave with me tonight
He remembers his pleas to the gods, from the second he had switched his dancing partner to his beloved Y/n, for her to have a moment alone with him.
He had promised flutes of champagne before whisking the girl off to an abandoned section of the mansion.
The universe must have divined this
He watches as the bubbles rise to the top of the tub, turning the knob to stop the water overflowing.
The sounds of his padding feet alert her to his presence, she exhales the smoke currently swirling around your mouth.
''Are you smoking without me?'' He teases, as if he didn't smell the smoke from the bathroom, choosing to let her have a moment alone.
''Want some?'' She holds her hand out for him to take the pre-roll, courtesy of Jeremy Gilbert's suit jacket she had raided, delighted to find the piece of heaven.
''Do you need to ask?'' He sits on the mattress, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he took the joint from her. She watched as his lips wrapped around the roach end, his hand coming up to lay against her thigh.
He craned his neck down, kissing her as he blew out the smoke, letting it bounce between their mouths.
''Bath is ready.''
Ladies first, baby, I insist
He trailed his fingers up and down her thigh as she sat, back to his chest, the water at a perfect temperature.
It felt so natural to be so close, as if they hadn't been only friends just hours ago.
Sure, she had kissed him many times, at the expense of games between her found family but this was different. There was heart in it.
Her eyes were closed and he couldn't help but admire her at ease face, you were at peace in this moment, he smiles to himself.
I could be a better boyfriend than him
Back at the party, Damon can't help but break the news to anyone who would listen, after all, he doesn't exactly love betrayal.
''Hey, big bad wolf, did you know that your sibling is upstairs railing the ever living fuck out of my girlfriend?'' His annoyed tone brings a grin to the hybrid's face.
''Oh? Which one, I wonder, has taken her on?'' He teases, of course he knows in his heart, exactly who.
''Take your guess.'' Damon is snide, a sarcastic fake smile slaps him across the facce.
''Finn? No, much to boring for our darling Y/n. It can't be 'Beks as she is over there hanging off the arm of that waiter. Ooh, my money would be on Elijah but he's much too noble to drop his trousers for a taken woman.'' He reaches out, picking up a glass of something from a passing busboy.
''Stop playing games. I'll kill him-''
''Will you?'' Klaus objects.
The Salvatore is silent.
''Because to me, it seems like you never cared for her at all, it takes me all of my will to not stake you where you stand- per Y/n's request. My thought is that she'll want to do it herself now, having found a reason to drop you and your...poor attempts of love and compassion.'' He takes a sip from his expensive crystal ware, his Mikaelson smirk still adorning his smug features.
I could do the shit that he never did
Being in Kol's arms felt so right, at long last.
Her heart skipped a beat every moment she realised it was real, that she wasn't dreaming in the discomfort of her past lovers bed.
Up all night, I won't quit
She knew the eve wasn't over, the pair still had a millennia of lost time to please.
Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him
Kol was proud at his efforts and success of getting his paws fangs on her, finally getting what he wanted.
He was growing tired of the pining and swooning.
I could be such a gentleman
His hands linger as he wraps the crisp white towel around her, hugging her from behind, nose pressed into her hair.
I could be a better boyfriend than him
Him. Who stood, defeated and angered.
I could be a better boyfriend
Memories sparked in Kol's mind, of all the times he could have stopped it.
I never would have left you alone
It was a party at the Salvatore boarding house, in late august.
She sat on the couch, legs and arms crossed watching her then boyfriend dance around with the girl she hated. Not because she wanted him and often tried to swipe him from her, no, because she was such a whiny crybaby. She read through old messages in the Mikaelson family group chat.
Here on your own, glued to your phone
Kol watched, a sad smile playing on his lips as you scrolled through whatever it was you had focused your attention on, shaking his head at the audacity of the ripper's worst half.
Never would have left you alone
He never would have left you alone.
For someone else to take you home
After all that, he still had to watch you disappear to sleep in his bed, for months on end.
He spoke up, snapping out of his thoughts and memories.
''I will worship you for eternity.'' The sincerity of his voice making you smile.
''And I, you.''
I could be a better boyfriend than him.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 5 months
Hello To All!
Hope you all are enjoying your weekend! I read on my phone and I’m not able to find stories. If there’s a way, please tell me how.
Please suggest adult stories for me with a great/happy ending. I prefer chapter stories of adult Klaine. Any suggestions are welcome. Need something to read tonight. Thank you for all you do!
Hello, when I search from my phone, I go onto our libary blog and into the "magnifying glass/search" at the top. I type in a particular word like "adult" or "enemies to lovers" and then a whole lot of previously recommended fics appear. Alternatively download A03 app, and you can search and filter on it.
Also on AO3 check out our 2023 Klainebingo which has 191 tagged stories written 2016-23 that fandom have recommended - not all adult klaine, but definitely worth looking at.
What I've done is made a list of recommendations here of some of Klaine fics I've enjoyed, where they are adults, or mostly post college age. Some newer, some older. ~ Jen
Seven by @scatterthestars
How far would you go for someone you love? For Kurt, that means doing the unimaginable. But if it means saving his dad, he's willing to take that risk. A risk that has him leaving his home to go states away to spend a week with the last person he ever expected to meet. Over the course of the next seven days, things don't go as planned, or thought.
Can seven days change everything?
Feel my heart's intention by @kurtsascot
Blaine started to hate Kurt on his first day. And it was a shame, really, because they could have been cute together. 
Falling for You By @caramelcoffeeaddict Coffeeaddict80
A fic written based off a mash-up of these two prompts from the @gleepotluckbigbang prompt page -- Prompt1: During rehearsal I tripped and fell into the orchestra pit and landed on you Prompt2: I have to share a dressing room with the most obnoxious, self-centered jerk; and when you sent flowers to our dressing room, they took them assuming they were for them but they were really for me Featuring: Broadway!Kurt, PianoPlayer!Blaine, Obnoxious!Broadway!Sebastian
Rock, paper, scissors by @gleefulpoppet
Kurt and his seven-year-old daughter are moving from the hustle and bustle of New York to the Rocky Mountains for a fresh start. On a connecting flight from Atlanta, they meet a warmhearted man who captures their attention with his enthusiasm. Will they ever see him again? And even if they do, how will he fit into their new life?
Nashville! by @hkvoyage
Kurt lands the lead role in a new musical, but it flops during the previews. However, his performance captivates Nashville’s newest country music sensation. They share an instant connection and it grows deeper as they get to know each other. Will Kurt be able to save the musical and keep the man of his dreams? An AU meeting featuring country singer!Blaine and Broadway!Kurt.
Made to keep your body warm by @quizasvivamos
Blaine is a meteorologist who works as a weatherman for a local New York news station where he's especially well-known for predicting storms. But, when a huge nor'easter blows in and the news crew is trapped at the station for three days by snow, can he predict what happens when he meets a young new intern?
If music be by @blurglesmurfklaine
Kurt’s just trying to survive his last semester of college, which means making it through student teaching in one piece.
In my place by @heartsmadeofbooks
Blaine has always been shy and introverted, so after his father dies, he looks for comfort into his childhood dream - owning a bookstore. But then Kurt Hummel walks into his life, turning his dream into a complicated affair.
These inconvenient fireworks by @redheadgleek
After an unexpected Tony award, Kurt Hummel is Broadway's hottest up and coming star, which comes with expectations and some admirers that won't take a hint. When his best friend Elliott Gilbert suggests that they pretend to date to get the leeches to back off, Kurt takes him up on the idea. It's all working out great - until Kurt starts to fall hard for the dark-haired music director of his latest musical.
Scenes from December by @spaceorphan18
An exploration of Kurt's life throughout various Decembers. The story of family and how the definition of family changes over time.
Home away from home by @lilyvandersteen
Cooper buys a hotel sight unseen and asks Blaine to run it for him over the summer. Only, the hotel is a health and safety hazard and Inspectors Hummel and Abrams are hell-bent on closing it down. Can Blaine spruce the hotel up in time and save Cooper's investment?
Living Haphazard by anna_timberlake @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion
Have you ever thought of getting cheated by a house broker and getting to know that you had to stay with another stranger who was also cheated? What if you are getting stuck up with the stranger in the apartment due to unavoidable circumstances? What if you hate him as well as have a crush on him? What if you had to fight your inner self and the stranger? What if he agreed on helping you which can only happen in dreams? This is a real living haphazard, isn't it?
~~~~ Someone like you by @iconicklaine
Kurt and Blaine keep up their very own version of "When Harry Met Sally" for years, a friendship fraught with sexual tension and longing, until the agendas of Adele (yes, THE Adele), a bored NY socialite and a super-sweet hetero couple bring our boys together. The only problem is... they're both in committed relationships.
Note: This story is AU after "Sexy" and assumes Kurt and Blaine graduate from Dalton in the same year. In this future fic, set in 2025, Blaine is based off of Season 2 Blaine. Originally posted on LJ and S&C.
The Journeying By @flowerfan2
Freshly graduated from music school, Blaine is thrilled when he is chosen to stay in the cast when the production of Into the Woods he was lucky enough to be part of in Boston moves to Broadway. He knows it’s going to be hard returning to New York City – the scene of his epic breakup with his fiancé and the emotional meltdown which cost him his place at NYADA. But he’s determined that this time, everything will be different. Little does Blaine know that out of thousands of potential castmates, his director has chosen none other than Kurt Hummel to play the part of Jack. Blaine has worked hard to recover from their breakup three years ago, and struggles to find a new way to relate to Kurt and simultaneously protect himself, especially when tragedy strikes.
This story looks at what would have happened if Kurt and Blaine had reacted differently to the break up in 6x01 than they did in canon; if events hadn’t brought them back together as soon, and if forgiveness hadn’t come so easily.
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icarusbetide · 2 months
my friend just said that the washingdad & alexander dynamic in a non-military, met-when-alex-was-younger setting would be joel and ellie from the last of us.
snarky protege & grumpy old man hitching their wagons together? protege showing some ride or die tendencies both out of self preservation and begrudging loyalty?
protege going off the rails at the death of the grumpy old man?
full disclosure i haven't played these games myself and all this is based off of her word and the knowledge i've absorbed via contamination but hmmmmm.
would gilbert be the dead biological daughter in this scenario or
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burningvelvet · 10 months
More thoughts about The Tenant of Wildfell Hall after finishing it…
1 good movie adaptation WHEN?
2 the themes of universalism and the idea that everyone can change if they want it bad enough and nothing is permanent and we have the ability to make choices and self-destruction has social repercussions bc it affects the ppl around you… yeah, my heart is full!
3 helen successfully microdosing her own child with poison to give him a pavlovian response to alcohol so he wouldn’t end up as an alcoholic like his father and grandfather because she intuitively knew he had a genetic predisposition to addiction despite having no modern knowledge of science or psychology. excellent.
4 the shit helen goes through in this novel is unreal. our girl is basically trapped in a frat-house — complete with the booze, drugs, laughter, fraternizing, sportsmanship, anti-intellectualism, infidelity, and rape culture.
5 as a sad aficionado of the romantic era & byronic studies i can 100% without a doubt say that not only is arthur based on some popular victorian conceptions of lord and lady byron and their marriage, but the brontës must have been familiar with biographical writing on byron’s life! i’ve found several academic texts to support this and it’s 100% true.
6 also, as a person who grew up with relatives who suffered from severe substance abuse and mental illness, i’m pretty confident in saying that the brontë sisters must have had some inside knowledge to spark their sustained interest in writing about these subjects. there are specific details and feelings pertaining to these topics which are documented with so much acuity it must have been personal to them. it seems a lot of academics theorize this as well — however, i still don’t know enough about the brontë family biography to form my own opinions on this topic yet!
7 helen is such a progressive mother (considering her circumstances and level of education, and the non-harmful drugging aside which is questionable today but within the narrative understandable) and her theories on education and parenthood are so advanced.
8 i think arthur’s friends (especially mr. hargrave and annabella) are as bad as he is, considering the fact that they enable him and they could easily use their influence to try and sway him considering but they choose not to — only partly because he’s the “leader of the pack,” but partly because they also have zero respect for helen and enjoy openly bullying and abusing her in her own household
9 big shoutout to the servants in this novel who are the real heroes. all throughout the novel (especially starting from Gilbert’s POV considering he and his family are a little poorer off than those of the Huntingdon circle) we see the lower-classes and smaller owners gradually triumphing against the upper-classes, gentry, and larger land owners. i love the line about rachel having to sell helen’s fine gowns for cheaper ones, and how helen notices that rachel still looks decent while dressed like a more common woman.
10 the very ending with everyone’s resolutions was a bit choppy and rushed but i don’t mind because everything went how i wanted it to go lol. but the ending for arthur/helen — the fact that he never repented, but helen still believes in universal salvation nonetheless, and still took care of him even though she didn’t have to, after everyone else abandoned him — the person he treated the worst still cared for him when no one else did — she fulfilled all her marital vows and he fulfilled none of his — his fear of death — her letter of december 5th, her holding his hand until the very end — his last words, “pray for me!” don’t leave me!” — all the unspoken words on her part, her feelings of helplessness, her telling him that she cannot save him, his crying and cursing the world — her fainting from exhaustion — him continuing to act like a brat on his death bed — her taking control, her cleverness with the contract — her lack of closure — aahhhh! just so heart wrenching and frustrating and angsty yet also cathartic and realistic.
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animehusbandharem · 7 months
I’m curious of other’s opinions on this: out of all the suitors, who is the most believable and least believable for “Belle” to actually fall in love with? Basically, how realistic would it actually be for her to fall in love with one of them?
I based my rankings based off a mix of Belle’s personality and the actual story and how it plays out - i tried to be as least biased as i possibly could lol
My ranking would be:
1. Leon: i picked Leon as most believable because of how quickly she warmed up to him and how compatible their communication styles are. They’re honestly almost too perfect that it makes me wanna gag (sorry Leon lovers lol)
2. Keith: He comes in 2nd similarly to Leon, the nice Keith and Belle get along so well and it seems like she has a soft spot for him from the get-go. It’s believable to me also because of how his story was written and i could definitely see MC ending up with him.
3. Rio: The boy next door has to be believable. Poor Rio lol. I put him 3rd because she has to get past seeing him as a friend which is a small obstacle, but it is totally believable because theyre already super close and it would make sense.
4. Chevalier: the “true” route. I love their story, and given their personalities, i think it was very well written for both of them to compliment each other. They have just enough in common to keep the stability, but also love languages to help learned and keep the spark alive.
5. Gilbert: the “bad boy”. He is believable to me because the slow progression makes sense, and you can see how both of them compliment each other and pique their interest of the other as well. It seems like a natural progression, and it’s one that we can see coming.
6. Clavis: the class clown. One of my favorite routes 🥰. I think the dynamic between Belle and Clavis are so quirky, that it works. It makes sense once she learns more about Clavis that she would fall for him.
7. Licht: Sweet emo baby. My first love. I put him lower on the list because he’s harder to actually get to know, so the likelihood of her truly being interested in him at first is likely low, but once she finds out he’s a sweet baby - she will be smitten and will fall.
8. Sariel: Daddy issues. I actually really like his route and i genuinely believe this could happen, the only reason hes lower on the list is because i think it would be less likely that Belle would sacrifice her “professionalism” but i do still think it’s a believable story!
9. Silvio: Loveable asshole. Okay, listen - i’m sorry Silvio stans… i ranked Silvio lower because it would take a lot longer for her to warm up to him… especially the way he talks to her - and quite frankly, with all the other options around, why would she fall for him when theres so many other princes?? BUT… i do think his route is very believable for what it is and i did enjoy it personally
10. Nokto: emo playboy. Let’s be real, she would be so turned off by his bullshit, i find it hard to believe she would even think twice about wanting to get to know him. When she does, i don’t think she would want to be more than friends.
11. Luke: Baby bear. I cant picture them together because of how young he seems honestly 😣
12. Jin: Titty idiot. His route felt so wrong and weird to me… it felt forced and awkward. This just doesn’t feel like a good match and it doesn’t seem like a natural progression to me. He doesn’t have much of a personality, and they both just don’t seem to fit
13. Yves: Baby girl. I cant take him seriously as a lover when even the game suggested that Belle questioned he may be queer. (Nothing wrong with this at all, just doesnt fit the narrative they are selling). I LOVE YVES and everyone needs one in their life, but he’s not believable as a lover… and we all know why 🙃
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websitewizard2005 · 4 months
A guide to my OCs!
hey guys, figured i’d make this post because i have a shit ton of OCs that i post a lot of and i haven’t really explained most of them. they’re all part of different stories/universes, so i’ll be listing them based off of that.
Rex Sucks at Bass
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Rex Sucks at Bass, or RSAB, is my webcomic. as of making this post, i’ve posted the entire first chapter! i’ve been planning this comic since late 2021 and i’m holding myself accountable to finish it no matter what. it’s a supernatural/coming of age story that takes place in 2009 about young adult named Rex who has to deal with relationship issues, worries about his future, sexuality crises, and of course, the impending apocalypse. also all the characters are anthro animals but that’s mostly because they’re easier to draw than people. some prominent characters from RSAB are Rex Xavier, Frederick Zhansky, Henri Bal, Sylvia Rose, Alex “Cowboy” Lorenzo, Lola Ramon, Scott “Spott” Simmons, and Marvin Xavier.
We’re Just Young
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We’re Just Young is a fake sitcom about teenagers making bad decisions and friendship. it has a bunch of storylines i’ve planned out, but i mostly just draw the characters out of context. its main character is Gilbert Quarters, who is a gay bass player just like every single other character i’ve ever created. its main story takes place in 1997-98, during the characters senior year of high school. there’s also a “spin-off” to We’re Just Young, which follows Gilbert and a few others in college as they form a band called The Halloween Goats and gain some mainstream success as both musicians and ghost hunters. some prominent characters in We’re Just Young are Gilbert Quarters, Gerry Dawson, Marzy Lee, and Jackson Jefferson. some more prominent characters in the spin-off are Raymond Emerson, Wallace Waxman, Leo Hall, Jimmy Nickel, and Sebastian Ingalz.
Untitled Space Story
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when i was 13 i read The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and thought “I need to write my own sci-fi story” and then this past summer i got really into Star Wars and ELO and decided to revamp the whole thing. Untitled Space Story follows the adventures of a small crew assembled by infamous space pilot Sonya Blasmo, who is essentially the butch lesbian version of a cross between Zaphod Beeblebrox and Han Solo. she was “retired” because she accidentally turned her wife into a robot but nobody knows that! all they know is that she’s taking to the skies again! the other characters in Untitled Space Story are Alexis “AL3X15” Goldberg, Mindinoma Lycentine, Mariella Young, Sheldon Spinelli, and Casper “Capers” McFarlin.
Max Dallas is Not a Lesbian
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a really shitty, simple love triangle story about lesbians at some sort of shitty boarding school in the mid-2000s. the only three characters are Maxine “Max” Dallas, Phoebe Jean Weathers, and Francesca “Frankie” Knight. i created this one like a week ago.
Friends of Daisy Harrisson
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Friends of Daisy Harrisson is a musical i wrote, and i don’t draw the characters too often, but i figured i’d still put it on this list. it’s got a really vague story, essentially Daisy goes missing and her wife (Freyja Windsnap), ex-husband (Jim Hartley), and childhood best friend (Barneston Williams) are all brought together through her disappearance.
i have a few other miscellaneous OCs that i draw on occasion, but those are all the main ones! thanks for bearing with me on this long post. if you’re curious about these guys/their stories, feel free to check out their tags! i’ve posted a lot of other character/story info outside of this post. also feel free to send me asks about them like please send me asks about my OCs that is my dream.
fun fact: Rex Sucks at Bass, We’re Just Young, Friends of Daisy Harrisson, and Max Dallas is Not a Lesbian all take place in the same town! mostly because i do not want to create another town. the only reason Untitled Space Story does not take place in that town is because it takes place in space.
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olympeline · 6 months
I've definitely been bitten by the writing bug for Hetalia. I just started a FrUK superhero AU fic based on a certain mid-00s movie. Going well, but I'd still love to have a beta look over it. Especially since I've been out of the fandom for so long and am rusty on details. My usual beta isn't into Hetalia so she can't help me, which is a bummer
So yeah, if you're a beta who's available and might be interested in taking a look over this fic, maybe get in touch? I'd be super grateful!
If not, please just enjoy some FrUK fun :>
Mr. & Mr. Bonnefoy-Kirkland
He was going to be late.
Francis rolled back the silk sleeve of his costume and checked his watch. Night had fallen outside the dingy warehouse where he and his allies were waiting, but on the ceiling a light blinked weakly. Providing just enough illumination for Francis to see the numbers on the face of his rolex. Scratch that, he was already late. Arthur would not be pleased, and Francis’s husband was never one to be shy about sharing his displeasure. Especially recently. Francis wasn’t foolish enough to have his phone on him at times like this but, if he had, he knew it would soon be blowing up with texts from his rightfully irritated spouse.
They’d quarreled about Francis’s lateness just last night when he’d come in long after dark. Francis’s excuse was work as always. Arthur hadn’t been in the mood to hear it.
“Too many nights in a row, Francis! For God’s sake, tell someone else to do it!”
“I can’t, cher. We are just so busy with the new line. They need me.”
“You’re telling me there’s not a single designer at Saint Bonnefoy who can fill in for you for one sodding night?” Arthur’s angry tone was laced with disbelief. “What the bloody hell did you hire them for, then?!”
“Forgive me, mon amour. This is too important. I will try to be home sooner tomorrow.”
Arthur had glared at him, eyes narrowed to green slits. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but had stomped back to the kitchen to stress bake instead. A plate of charcoal scones for his dinner was a fitting punishment, Francis supposed. He also supposed that Arthur might not have let Francis off the hook so easily if not for the fact he often worked late himself.
“Sorry, love. Had to look over Lovino’s latest before leaving. Needed a lot of revisions.”
“Of course, lapin. I understand.”
Francis was a fashion designer with his own label and a permanent slot on the roster of every catwalk in the world. Arthur worked as a journalist for the French branch of a world renowned London newspaper. Both of them put in long hours and had done so ever since they’d met. They each knew the demands of the other’s career and Arthur, like Francis, usually showed a lot of understanding. Usually. His patience had frayed recently from night after night spent alone in their apartment. Missed dates, dinners, and outings galore. Guilt gnawed at Francis along with deep seated irritation and regret that he couldn’t just explain his constant absences. His other life had been making great demands on his time as of late.
What was Francis’s other life? An outsider might have guessed an affair but Francis would never. No, no, nothing so gauche as cheating. The truth was that Francis Bonnefoy-Kirkland was a supervillain. A deviant with an alter-ego known and feared throughout Paris and beyond. By day, he was Francis: the gorgeous, chic, undisputed king of couture. By night, he was Rose Noir; florakinetic, thief, and - before he met Arthur - gentleman seducer extraordinaire. Sometimes he worked alone, sometimes as one third of Night’s Europa: a villainous trio composed of himself, Matador, and the Teutonic Knight. Or Antonio Fernandez Carriedo and Gilbert Beilschmidt to their friends.
For three years Francis had balanced his marriage, his job, and his heists with the practiced ease of a multi-tasking, metropolitan CEO. Recently, this had changed and Francis suddenly had far less time to devote to Saint Bonnefoy and, more importantly, Arthur. Antonio and Gilbert were in the same boat and often brought gloomy tidings of the diminishing harmony in their respective personal lives. 
All thanks to the man who had become the default leader of Night’s Europa for the last half a year: General Winter. The villain that all members of the trio now had to listen to whether they liked it or not.
And Francis most certainly did not.
Neither did Antonio or Gilbert but unfortunately there was nothing they could do. Not if they wanted to go on living. Life had been so much sweeter when they were a simple team of three out for riches. Then one day Matador walked into their hideout with a strange, tight expression that Rose Noir and the Teutonic Knight could see even through his mask. He told them he’d been approached by Killer Frost (one of the General’s subordinates) with a “request” from the big boss: an alliance between the Blizzard gang and Night’s Europa.
From a tactical standpoint it made sense. Many villains had migrated to Paris in recent years, which in turn led to a surge in heroes arriving to try and control them. Once heavy hitters like Freedom’s Eagle and the Jade Dragon arrived and started throwing villains in jail left and right, the writing was on the wall: making friends was a good idea if you wanted to stay free. Francis, Antonio, and Gilbert all wanted to refuse the alliance even so, but they couldn’t. Everyone - hero, villain, or civilian - knew what happened to those foolish enough to cross General Winter. Even Freedom’s Eagle, the world’s current no.1 hero, struggled when up against the General. Feared him too, if villainous scuttlebutt was to be believed.
Saying “no” was off the table. So the three villains reluctantly sent their acquiescence back with Killer Frost, and Night’s Europa entered an uneasy alliance with the Blizzard gang. They met with them soon after in the dockside warehouse that the four Eastern Europeans used as their base.
“I am very glad you all are agreeing.”
The General’s voice was high-pitched for a man of such huge stature. His blank, white mask hid his face completely, but Francis could hear the smile in his voice.
“I am thinking we will be very good together, da?”
Francis, Antonio and Gilbert nodded in silence. Da.
Everything had changed after that. The alliance between the Blizzard gang and Night’s Europa was supposed to be an equilateral one. General Winter had promised that they would decide on the details of each heist democratically. Technically, he had told the truth: they did vote. The reality was that Killer Frost, Snow Warning, and Ice Winder all voted however General Winter did. Not out of loyalty, but because they were simply too terrified of their leader to do otherwise. They’d seen his brutality up close.
Night’s Europa had that pleasure not long after the first meeting. A bank job interrupted by a naive, suicidally stupid, young hero trying to punch far above his weight. Heroes were enemies and Rose Noir took pleasure running rings around them, then leaving them bruised and humiliated. That didn’t mean Francis would ever forget the look in the young man’s eyes as he died. The sounds of his screams as the General slowly broke and tore him apart, inch by inch.
“You are very naughty boy,” the General cooed over all the pleading and sobbing. “Very naughty. Naughty children must be-” a wrench, a snap, a shriek of agony. “-taught.”
By the time the hero was dead, the white of the General’s costume had been dyed a deep red all the way up past his elbows.
They’d been forced to watch the entire sadistic spectacle. Afterwards, once alone, Francis had staggered to the nearest alleyway, pulled up his mask, vomited everything in his stomach, and kept retching long after that. Then he went home and clung to Arthur all night. As a supervillain, Francis was certainly no angel, but this was something else. This was evil. This was sick.
“Don’t,” Killer Frost said when Matador and the Teutonic Knight had confronted him after that first murder. “I know what you’re going to say. Just don’t. Please…just do what he says. Just obey him.”
“Why stay with the psycho?” Gilbert demanded. “You saw what he did! He’s fucking insane!”
“I know,” Killer Frost replied in an accent Francis guessed was Lithuanian or close. “I know that. How could you think I don’t?”
“Then why listen to him? Why not fight back? It’s three against one!”
“Six with all of us,” Antonio put in.
“Ja, totally! Come on, freezer burn, we could take him!”
But Killer Frost just silently shook his head and would not be moved. Neither would Snow Warning or Ice Winder. Without their support, what could be done? Francis wasn’t confident they could take on the General even with their help. Without, it was suicide.
“If you try to leave over this, he’ll kill you,” Frost said dully. “It’s you or them. And if he can’t get to you, he’ll get to someone you love.”
“He doesn’t know who we are,” Francis argued.
“He’ll find out. Trust me, he’ll find out somehow. And then…”
Killer Frost’s breath hitched.
“Just…don’t make trouble, Rose. Please. Please just don’t.”
Francis wanted to brush off Frost’s words, but they had sparked a sickening fear in him in spite of himself. Francis thought of Arthur. Winter getting to him may have been an empty threat, but could Francis really afford to take that risk? He pictured coming home and finding their apartment wrecked, the General waiting for him in the rubble, his costume once again soaked with blood.
Blood staining the carpets. Blood splattered on familiar furniture. A body on the floor. Blond hair turned scarlet hanging limp over a caved in skull. Green eyes open but seeing nothing.
The terror was too much. Francis decided to behave himself. Antonio and Gilbert must have felt the same fear because they didn’t raise any more objections. Just kept quiet and pretended not to see or hear what they could never hope to forget.
What bitter irony that the man who called himself their ally was giving Francis more turmoil and sleepless nights than his nemesis ever had.
Francis heard the metallic creak of the door opening and pulled himself free of bleak thoughts.
“We are here! And look: I bring someone for a visit.”
The General was back at last. Back and dragging another unfortunate victim. A very familiar looking victim. Francis did a double take.
Speak of the devil.
The man General Winter dragged was a hero. One that Rose Noir knew well; from the white plume on his hat, down to the hem of his famous red coat:
The Pirate Gentleman.
One of Europe’s premier superheroes and a member of the international J7 team led by Freedom’s Eagle. Famous in equal parts for his aquakinetic powers, his checkered past as an ex-supervillain, and his hot temper complete with salty mouth and angry tirades that would put the most ornery sailor to shame. He also happened to be Rose Noir’s arch enemy.
“Though not a very nice guest, I am fearing. So rude. Very uncooperative, also.”
General Winter shoved the Pirate Gentleman out in front of him and the smaller man staggered and then went down hard, unable to keep his footing. Francis saw blood matting the back of his hair. This and the way he moved suggested a concussion. The Pirate was bloody all over: battered and bruised like he’d been set on by a heavyweight boxer. Which wouldn’t be far from the truth if he’d been brawling with General Winter. Who was nearly as strong as Freedom’s Eagle on top of his infamous cryokinetic abilities.
“But then we talked,” the General suddenly giggled, high pitched and chilling. “Talked and talked and talked, yes, yes! YES!”
He drew back a steel tipped boot and slammed it into the Pirate Gentleman’s unguarded ribs. The hero choked, heaved and spat out a glob of blood mixed with saliva. Francis tried not to wince and risk drawing attention to himself. That kick had to have cracked a few bones. Those that weren’t cracked already.
These last four years, the Pirate Gentleman had been, if you’d excuse the irony, a real thorn in Rose Noir’s side. Ever since he’d left his native London to help combat the French capital’s rising supervillain problem. Prowling the streets looking for trouble, he’d soon bumped into Night’s Europa and, rather than wait for backup, jumped into the fray to take on all three himself.
“Fucking ballsy,” Gilbert said afterwards. “Gotta admit it. I’m gonna break every bone in the shitty limey’s body next time I see him, but still. Gotta say it like it is: guy’s got a pair on him!”
Francis and Gilbert had to grudgingly agree. Grudgingly because they’d just lost the night’s jewels to their pop-up foe and giving him any kind of compliment stung, however deserved. Such beautiful specimens of emerald. Much better to be adorning Rose Noir’s elegant hands than cooped up in some stuffy museum. Francis still might have forgiven the Pirate Gentleman and allowed him to slip down into the category of “easily ignored irritation” like most of Paris’s other heroes. If the foul mouthed rosbif hadn't had the bare faced nerve to insult Francis’s professional pride the next time they met.
“Didn’t realize I was still in the West End! Who designed your outfit, frog? Andrew Lloyd Webber?”
Francis’s jaw had dropped. Worse, he was so distracted by the hero’s appalling remark that he’d let his focus slip enough that the Pirate had almost pinned him. If not for Matador and the Teutonic Knight, Rose Noir would have ended the night in jail.
After that it was on. Oh, it was on.
Rose Noir’s gift gave him power over plants, including the ability to grow them fully from seed in seconds. Meanwhile, the Pirate Gentleman’s gift was controlling water. A substance in plentiful supply thanks to the pipes and canals that ran through the city. Butting heads, scuffling, and brawling, they soon found out they were evenly matched. All over Paris they’d played their game of cat and mouse and Francis lost many a treasure to the Pirate’s exasperating dogooder ways.
Even so, Francis would not have wished this on him. The man was a foul mouthed, uncultured, pest, but even he didn’t deserve what was surely coming to him. All he had left to hope for now was a quick death.
“But perhaps all is too hasty. Perhaps our friend has been thinking it over and now has a new perspective, hm?”
General Winter rolled his prey onto his back and pressed his boot down on those wounded ribs. The Gentleman Pirate gasped and wheezed, a line of blood bubbling and trickling from the corner of his mouth. He probably had a punctured lung.
“Perhaps he reconsiders the Blizzard gang’s kind offer? Perhaps he remembers his past and knows the leopard isn’t changing its spots so easily? Perhaps he sees friends of snow all stronger and better together, rather than sad and alone…?”
Ahh, so that was it. The General took pride in the fact that all the snow and ice based supervillains were part of the gang he’d founded. Making them part of his twisted family whether they wanted it or not. The Pirate Gentlemen’s power over water gave him some cryokinetic skills. He’d be a perfect addition to Winter’s little “collection.” General Winter must have approached him the way he did Night’s Europa, but the Pirate Gentleman would have turned him down flat. Everyone in the hero/villain community knew he was reformed, ferociously so. Too bad for him the General obviously hadn’t taken the rejection well.
The Pirate’s lips were moving. General Winter bent down and cupped a hand to his ear.
“Sorry? You are saying what?”
“F-f-fuck you…”
The General slammed his boot down. They all heard the sickening crack. The Pirate Gentleman jerked forward as much as he could while still pinned, mouth open in a silent scream. Then he fell back; twitching, jerking, and choking on red froth. Even Gilbert looked nauseated.
“You are very silly man,” General Winter said serenely.
He reached down and pinched the corner of the Pirate Gentleman’s mask between his forefinger and thumb. Francis’s eyebrows jumped up in shock. Surely, he wasn’t going to-?
“Silly, silly, silly. Let’s see the silly, silly face.”
The General tore off the Pirate mask in one fluid motion. Revealing the bloody and bruised face beneath.
Francis’s heart stopped.
Arthur. It was Arthur. Francis’s husband. The man he’d pledged his life to and promised to love till the end of his days. The Pirate Gentleman was Arthur. His Arthur.
He had been all this time. Every time they’d fought, it had been Arthur under that mask.
Francis couldn’t take it in. It was like he’d stumbled into a dream, it was-
General Winter’s hand was wrapped around Arthur’s throat. Francis had seen him snap necks like toothpicks many times.
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megafreeman · 5 months
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The Bloodhounds
Okay so I've been procrastinating on making this introduction post for a while, but I wanted to make a post about Bloodhound; a gang I made for my Saints Row The Third paraquel story, Rose of Stilwater.
The gang is lead by three siblings: Anabelle (eldest, left), Gilbert (middle) and Arron (youngest, right); who hail from a small canadian town. With a base in a biker bar located between Barrio, Industries and Docks district.
The story starts well before they're formed with Arron, he was a member of the Third Street Saints in 2006 under Julius. He was really close with Playa (Lina), which put him near the main storyline of the game. Fast forward to SR1's ending, and when the Saints started falling apart after the Playa went into a coma, Arron ended up being one of the Saints that got arrested.
He was sentenced to 7 years in prison (lowest sentence for gang association, I assume with him being close to the main narrative and not as dangerous of a criminal as Gat or Playa, Troy would probably know him and argue for a shorter sentence), where he became rather popular with his inmates and formed close friendships with a lot of gang members.
Six years into his sentence, which would put it slightly after the events of SR2, he was eventually found by his siblings, who have been trying to track him down for years, and busted him out.
A lot of Arron's prison friends followed through with the escape, with over a dozen of them making it off the island in the process. The prisoners ended up being ex-Brotherhood members, the ones who managed to escape the Saints wrath by being imprisoned during the time. The ex-Brotherhood members reached out to their contacts in mainland Stilwater, eventually leading them to finding a refuge to lay low in a run down bar belonging to one of the former members.
With Brotherhood leadership being long gone, the escapees regrouped under the siblings, which essentially reformed the gang under a new management, and a new name, the Bloodhounds. Anabelle was the leader, dubbed as "The Alpha", while Gilbert, who made a name for himself in Stilwater's Underground Fight Club (known as Diesel), was her second in command. They were a lot more biker oriented now, but still rocked the red color of their predecessor (Maroon Red specifically). The gang was smaller than any other gang Stilwater ever had, with only couple of dozen people in it, which made them more family oriented this time.
With Saints being busy building their celebrity careers, Bloodhounds managed to quietly take criminal control over the Truckyard District, and the territories formerly controlled by the Brotherhood. They simply were trying to do crime just enough to support their big family and bar, looking to stay out of the Saints way not to build any tension between the two factions. Luckily for them, Saints were too busy being pop culture icons to ever bat an eye towards their direction, especially since the gentrification of Shivington and Projects.
They are involved in my Rose of Stilwater storyline, I mentioned their endgame in reboot sequel premise post.
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koolkat9 · 8 days
Coincidental Meeting
Rating: T
Pairing: ScotGer (though they don't get together in the fic. Just a lot of pining)
Word Count: 852
Author's Note: Based loosely on this TikTok my friend shared with me
Read on AO3
“What are you doing here?”
Ludwig in Munich, chatting up both Germans and Scotsmen who had gathered for the Euro Cup, in the middle of a campground. Okay, him being in Munich and talking to fellow football fans wasn’t that much of a surprise. But he expected him to be home prepping for the game, if not already at the arena, considering how punctual he liked to be.
Ludwig blinked, freezing in the middle of handing a sausage to one of their fellow campers. He seemed to relax when he noticed it was just Alastair.
“What a coincidence?” Ludwig mused, slightly slack-jawed.
Alastair laughed shortly, the kind that came from the throat and was a bit too loud. Warm splotches bloomed under his skin. Hopefully he wasn’t as red as he felt.
“Didn’t expect to see you here,” Alastair explained awkwardly. “Thought you’d have a place out here, or you’d drive from one of your places.”
Ludwig shrugged. “Gilbert thought a change of scene for a bit would be good for me. And I like doing things like this. Might I say your people have been surprisingly warm and even entertaining despite our opposing teams.”
If his face wasn’t noticeably red before, it definitely was now. It may not have been a compliment towards him directly, but pride swelled in Alastair’s chest, and coming from Ludwig, he was left flustered.
“Are you alright, Alastair?”
“Yeah…Yeah. Just a little warm is all.”
Ludwig gestured to a nearby table. “Sit, sit. I’ll get you a drink and something to eat.”
“Ludwig, you don’t–” But Ludwig took matters into his own hands, wrapping an arm around Alastair’s shoulder and forcing him over to the table.
“Sit,” Ludwig commanded, not harsh, but firm. Like he always sounded controlling the meetings before he lost his patience. Alastair had to obey, especially with the way the tone made his legs feel like jelly.
Ludwig went back up to the grill to collect food. Alastair watched from a distance as he exchanged some words with the man who was helping him on the grill. Even from this far away, Alastair caught the red creeping along Ludwig’s cheeks. What had him flustered now?
In the end, it didn’t matter, for when Ludwig returned with food and drink in hand, his cheeks had gone back to their regular, pale colour, and his expression in its normal, neutral position.
“So…” Alastair began as they both dug in, “You like camping?”
Ludwig nodded. “Mhm. It’s a nice way to get away from everything. Like a whole other world without having to travel very far.”
“It definitely is nice. Camping reminds me of my childhood. There were a lot of times we were moving around without a stable home, especially after Mum…disappeared…”
Alastair was pulled out of his thoughts when Ludwig touched his hand. Alastair flinched but suppressed it enough not to pull away.
“I’m sorry.”
Alastair swallowed saliva that wasn’t there. If he had been getting misty-eyed about his mother, it was quickly forgotten and replaced by the fluttery feeling set off by the warm touch against his hand. “It’s fine. Really. I brought that up to say I get joy from it too. It’s nostalgic. And like you said, a great escape.”
Ludwig’s brows remained knitted, but he didn’t press further. And he didn’t let go of Alastair’s hand.
“Um…L-Ludwig?” Alastair stuttered out after a moment of enjoying the feeling of Ludwig’s hand in his.
Ludwig gave him a confused look before he noticed that he still had his hand over Alastairs. He pulled away quickly.
“S-Sorry,” Ludwig muttered.
“It’s okay.”
Awkward silence. At least it gave them a chance to get back to their food. Not that Alastair had much of an appetite now, with his heart pounding so much that it rattled his stomach until he felt nauseous.
“Sorry…I made things awkward,” Ludwig finally said once they finished. Cheeks pink, eyes darting off to the side in uncertainty.
Alastair smiled softly. It was easy not to notice the soft soul that lay beneath the tough, self-assured soldier. Ludwig seemed to make sure no one did. And Alastair, blinded by his admiration for Ludwig’s leadership and desire to impress him to join the EU, failed to notice it for a while despite the constant attention he gave to him. But when he finally did, Alastair realized he was in love.
“It’s okay,” Alastair assured him. He went to reach for his hand again, though stopped short, just hovering over it. “I…um…”
In the end, Alastair pulled his hand away. Ludwig made a noise. Tight, high pitched. Disappointed? No, it couldn’t be.
Alastair cleared his throat. “It’s nice to spend time with you outside of business. And frankly, I’ve made things awkward between us many times, so let’s just say we’re even.”
Ludwig blinked slowly before a small smile rippled across his lips. “I suppose so.”
“With that cleared up. Want to head over to the arena together?”
Ludwig paused for a moment, brows knitting once more.
“Okay,” he finally said. “I’d…I’d like that very much.”
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mildew-dread-mold · 1 year
finished season 1 of anne with an e
i based my entire personality off of anne shirley as a child so i have large feelings about this and i’m making it other peoples problem
i hate that they gave marilla and matthew love interests, especially when marilla is all into nathaniel. she would not do that. matthew is explicitly stated to have not been interested in romance, and i remember this because i texted my friend saying matthew aromantic. so i am pissed about that
i hoped for more of a sitcom feel where it’s more anne’s escapades and coming of age adventures. i’m not mad about the more angsty storyline, but i’m eagerly awaiting more of anne’s shenanigans in other seasons
building off of that last point, they’re missing a lot of anne and gilbert’s rivalry at the beginning. there’s not a lot of gilbert actually trying to win anne over after the slate-incident (the candy heart and apple on her desk??? and much more) building up to when they actually have a falling out because gilbert is pissed that anne is pissed at him and anne feels all guilty and has her italicized *oh* moment. tl;dr i think anne deserves to be infinitely pettier and more grudge-y and stubborn. and gilbert deserves to have a little butthurt yearning moment.
love that they gave gilbert more backstory instead of having him just be a kind of cocky lovable asshole. wish he wasn’t on that boat mostly because i miss seeing him in direct sunlight. guy of all time tbh.
also actually did appreciate the notes of feminism and such which weren’t really present in the books for obvious reasons. i fully believe that if anne existed now she would do feminist slam poetry and kill sexist men with her bare hands.
one thing that was funny to me about that was how marilla is portrayed as forward thinking while rachel lynde is more close-minded, and then it is mentioned that marilla is conservative and rachel liberal. the second part was in the book which is probably why the line was added but funny to me. so
the casting was flawless i’m on the floor for the casting director, huge fan of their work. that is exactly how they look. the one thing i noticed was that josie pye is described as chubby in the books but i think some fatphobia went into that so i don’t mind at all. also props to amybeth mcnulty for being queer just because i am a queer girl who modeled my third grade self after her so that’s just cool.
love jerry’s character he’s very darling to me and i’m glad he’s been developed in the show
i wish there was more involvement with the girls form school. in the books they all loved anne immediately (josie pye exempt) and i think show!anne deserved that too. but this is not a huge gripe considering the nature of the show
also not a huge gripe but i wish anne had met miss josephine barry the way she had in the books, by engaging in tomfoolery and scaring the absolute shit out of everyone involved. i think it speaks some about the nature of their relationship.
also, josephine barry was meant to be lesbian-coded right?
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caffedrine · 2 years
Gilbert von Obsidian - Public or Private Persona – Which Do You Prefer? The Private Persona Event Summary
Gilbert confuses me. I don't know if my summary is way off base of what happened or not, and you should definitely not trust it.
Accuracy is not guaranteed - you should definitely pick up this event when it reaches the English server.
Continued from the Public Persona event
The Obsidian Prince, Gilbert von Obsidian, was feared by many. His mere presence made people fade away, and those who remained would spontaneously beg for forgiveness. His name carried a weight that was not lost on Emma, and his presence frightened her beyond measure, which made this scene all the more bizarre.
Emma sits on a bench in the garden, listening half-heartedly to Gilbert moving through the roses, and suddenly finds an armload of petals raining down on her. Gilbert laughs delightedly and without a hint of guilt at the scene she makes surrounded by falling petals in the night.
As a thank you for his ‘help’ at the party, Gilbert had asked Emma to accompany him on an evening stroll through the rose garden, so Emma joined him without protest.
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(I call this the 'Betcha Thought I was Going to do Something Evil' expression)
Gilbert explains that while Emma was not paying attention to him, he took the opportunity to gather rose petals off the ground. He warns her that he’ll escalate if she becomes distracted away from him again. Emma defends herself – she was distracted by Gilbert himself.
Interested, Gilbert asks for details, and Emma asks him if it was really a coincidence that he happened to stop by the party earlier. Gilbert agrees that such a coincidence would be far too convenient. As Emma ponders this, Gilbert kneels down and begins gathering rose petals again. Emma asks him why he came to the party.
Gilbert asks if he needs a reason to help a friend in need. Emma thinks his ‘help’ is hindering her in the long run. Right now, rumors confirming her supposed relationship with Gilbert must be spreading all through Rhodolite. That scene at the party must have confirmed the suspicions people had about her. In the past, Gilbert has tried to deliberately drive a wedge between her and noble society, and she wonders if this party was a part of that ploy.
 Gilbert wonders if Emma has forgotten that he’s the evil prince. Her wants and opinions on the matter have no effect on him.  He felt like helping her out, so he helped her.
Once again, an armload of petals descends on Emma. The rose petals dancing in the moonlight are quite beautiful, but Emma is starting to get buried in them.
Gilbert chuckles and asks if Emma agrees that the sight is beautiful. Emma agrees that it is, but she would really like Gilbert to stop right about now. Smiling, Gilbert sits down next to Emma, close enough for their shoulders to touch, and Emma stiffens at the contact.
Gilbert asks why Emma didn’t ask anyone at the party to stop. Back when the water was splashed on her gown, she had kept quiet and was planning on running away. Emma tells him that she just didn’t want to make a scene, and Gilbert calls her an idiot. If she accepts people treating her like that, everyone will think it’s normal to start treating her like that. Instead of quietly accepting it, she should have escalated and made a scene.
Emma wonders if Gilbert is genuinely worried about her. Back at the party, Gilbert had been as dangerous as the grim reaper, but now his kindness was poisonously sweet.
Gilbert advises Emma that if someone dumps water on her, next time she should just retaliate. Or was she worried because the person at the party was a high-ranking aristocrat? Emma admits that he’s right, the couple confronting her had held a lot of power amongst the domestic faction’s supporters.
Gilbert sighs and looks up at the night sky. No matter what kind of rank nobles have, they are still human. Their position does not give them a right to dump water on Emma, nor does it mean that she has to swallow her grievances toward them. He tells her not to worry, no matter how many fights she picks with the nobles, no one will kill her. While he’s at court, he’ll be watching her too, and if she’s not careful like last time, he’ll intervene again.
Gilbert’s words spread over Emma’s heart like black ink on paper, and Emma has a sensation of falling. Emma asks if this is him ‘trampling’. Maybe it’s because Gilbert is a master manipulator, but his words seem to sink into Emma’s mind. She wants to accept them, even though she knows she can’t. She may have decided to treat Gilbert not as a monster but as a human, but she knows better than to let her guard down.
Gilbert has a sad expression on his face, and sinks down, covering his face with his hands. He mutters that he has good intentions, but to his sorrow, no one can feel them. He makes a soft sound, and Emma realizes that she has just made the Arch-Villain who is planning on conquering her country cry.
Emma knows that this has to be a trap, but her heart hurts at the sounds Gilbert is making. She tries to cheer him up, apologizing for her rudeness. In a broken voice, Gilbert notes that it is easy for anyone to speak apologetic words without meaning them.
Emma gets an idea, and steps away from the bench and Gilbert, gathering as many rose petals as her arms can hold. Just as Gilbert raises his head from his hands, with a remarkably dry and not crying expression, Emma unleashes the petals over Gilbert’s head.
As red, white, and orange petals rain down over Gilbert’s head, Emma explains that this seemed to make him happy. Though in retrospect, this probably isn’t the apology he was looking for. Gilbert looks genuinely surprised for a heartbeat before his expression changes into a soft smile. Seeing that expression, Emma thinks that she can relax.
Gilbert asks if Emma is seriously doing this to a distinguished guest. Does she think that he will forgive her for this affront to his person? Emma points out that he just said that she should retaliate in kind when people do things to her.
Gilbert tells her that it doesn’t count when it comes to him. Humans are equal, but there are laws and formalities for foreign guests.
Emma recalls what Gilbert was like back at the party when he was truly angry. There is no bloodlust, no murderous intent, and that oppressive atmosphere around him is missing. Instead, he’s just smiling innocently.
Gilbert announces that if Emma is going to be rude to him, she can’t complain if he has no mercy towards her. He grabs her hand and pulls her towards him. He pulls her wrist up to his mouth and sucks down on the skin. It hurts, but it’s a sweet hurt with the scent of roses all around them. Gilbert stops, pulling his face away from her wrist, leaving behind a red mark.
Gilbert asks if Emma is into this sort of thing. At Emma’s confusion, Gilbert explains that there was a scene like this in the novel she had been reading. Emma flushes and Gilbert looks forward to the rumors that will arise from this mark. Emma can only imagine how wild and ridiculous this new rumor will be.
Emma asks why he does this kind of thing to people. Gilbert asks if she honestly thinks that he’s some sort of man-slut. Smiling as brightly and sweetly as usual, Gilbert tangles his fingers into her hair and says that he can only do this if it’s with her.
Emma is confused, Gilbert doesn’t lie, but what was that? Is this a new tactic to catch her off guard and control her? But this isn’t a method she’s heard Gilbert using before.
She’s used to him trampling, like what he did at the party earlier. It doesn’t mesh with the sweet and gentle expression he has now. If he wants to isolate her or turn her into a puppet, there must be a quicker method than the one he’s using right now. Why is she suddenly the person who is ‘special’?
Gilbert says that in the first place, he came to Rhodolite because Emma . . .
Emma prompts him to continue that thought, and Gilbert laughs and tells her not to worry about it. If she wants to, she can think that he’s here because he wants her to like him. Laughing still, Gilbert leaves with Emma staying behind to stare after him.
Gilbert is sweet and kind, with a somewhat sad expression. Even though he is the prince of the enemy country, Emma cannot bring herself to hate him.
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locamotivednp · 22 days
are there any quotes/movie scenes/youtube videos or what have you that have rewired your brain chemistry in a profound way? things that you find yourself thinking about often or basing your life off
mine is the short film "let it be" y bertie gilbert, and and also the dan and phil mukbang video
The serious answer to this is Myth of Sisyphus by Camus. Was… uhhhhhh going through it in 2017 and an old friend came back in my life just long enough see I was drowning and recommend I read it. Fr fr saved me.
And of course BIG means so much to me.
Cringe by contrapoints is def a video I think about all the time and it came out in a time where I really needed to hear it. (Same with envy actually)
The dnp muckbang video is top tier comfort content. Same with Jenna marbles doing anything but especially her nails 🥰
Send me asks pls I’m stuck in the airport 🙏
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iantimony · 1 month
yay tuesday is back
return of tuesday! i had two weeks in the UK which was very fun but i am definitely vacationed out - i miss my routine. longer trips like that are only fun towards the end if you have a home base that isn't just a hotel room.
listening: newest coral bones ep is very chill. it's only three songs and they're all very vibey but i think my favorite is 'seatac'. i wish they were still posting on bandcamp. alas.
SeaTac - Coral Bones
also got back into listening to the altogether - their album 'when we were kids' is very travel-coded to me for some reason, it was on loop my entire train ride from london up to edinburgh. (i'm also pretty sure brian david gilbert of all people is featured on this album haha)
Billy & Anne - The Altogether
finally, i saw st. vincent live in london this past weekend!!! it was a really good concert, lots of fun, interesting venue. she's definitely got an insane stage presence. the opening act (heartworms) was fun too, my brother and his friend weren't interested and described it as 'moody goth bullshit' and i was like well. that is right up my alley. you boys enjoy the bar im gonna go be moody and goth. it was good!
i think if i do standing room tickets again i need to invest in some platform shoes, at least two or three inches, because some of that was a struggle to see Anything ... i did manage to find a spot where i had a decent little corridor between heads to see the stage, however i was directly behind a guy in a bowler (?? fedora?? idfk) hat and his boyfriend who kept moving around and dancing (fine) and gyrating (also fine ?? i do not consider st. vincent particularly gyrate-able music but what do i know) so i also had to do some leaning side-to-side to see around them. one of her songs has a line about jumping off the london bridge and the way they both looked at each other and pointed gleefully at themselves while going "meeee" was very funny. i bet they're on tumblr, they had the vibes. hello gay guys at the london st. vincent concert, if you're reading this.
reading: i read 'when the angels left the old country' by sacha lamb in the two days that i was alone in edinburgh before my brother came! it was good, speedy read, i enjoyed the characters and overall conceit well enough. probably not on the to-buy list, i'd just rented an ebook for my trip.
some miscellanous articles from my pocket emails:
How to Coexist With a Belligerent Catbird by Caitlin Gibson (<3)
The Last Kid in Ninth Grade Without an iPhone by Liz Kreiger (this was relatable as a kid whose parents did Not let her get anything more complex than a flipphone for emergencies until i got myself one as a senior in high school and i think i was better off for it)
The Case for Doing Laundry Every Day by Rebecca Onion (insane, IMO)
watching: mostly fallow, did watch one of the dunmeshi eps that came out when i was gone with the boy yesterday and will probably watch the second one tonight.
i have Opened the jenny nicholson star wars hotel video, not yet watched, but saw in my patreon emails from friends at the table that the tablefriends did a related episode on their star wars podcast, which, i then noticed like [leo decaprio pointing meme] xeecee spotted in the credits for the cover art ?? i'm not surprised they are aware of each other but i thought it was funny
playing: fallow! completely, for once! no ttrpgs, no video games, etc. i guess i played a Lot of solitaire on my flight back from the uk, maybe that counts lol
making: i did a lot of sketching on my trip! i made a watercolor travel journal that somehow doesn't have enough pages so i'll have to rebind it but oh well. no watercolor pics for now but i'm excited to share those as i go! in the meantime, some sketches i did in the east princes street gardent, the scottish parliament, and the victoria and albert museum in london respectively:
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i think once i finish the travel journal ill try to do a higher quality scan of it and upload a pdf somewhere, i feel like that will be fun.
eating: ough i ate a lot of good food in the uk. mostly the non-british food unsurprisingly but i Did have some really good fish & chips moments. last meal of the trip especially we got a recommendation from one of my brother's friends who goes to cambridge and ouuuugh that shit was So good.
misc: it's good to be back ... now i'm back in The Grind (work) but i don't mind it. despite the jetlag i'm feeling refocused and excited to get moving on stuff again. i liked a lot of stuff about the uk (trains, vibes) but i also did not like some stuff (why are the cold meds So weak there lmfao) and overall i'm glad to e home :)
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