#Giga City
lycorizz-pipis · 6 months
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I hope you're all ready for Nine's new album, "GAY SEX" !!! 🎉🤯🏄 (im his agent)
Go read city of blank by @66sharkteeth on webtoon!
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What happens behind the scenes in Command Mission.
Spider: Alright, which of you are going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?
Everyone: !?
Massimo: You're putting in COLD WATER?!
Spider: Yep, I thought for like 5 years that people just put it into hot water to speed up the “Tea-ification” process. Didn’t realize there was an actual reason for it.
Axl: You don’t have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes!?
X:…Why are you…putting it in the microwave to…boil it?!
Axl: Do you think you have the patience to boil water on the stove!?
X: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat. And it boils it down in like 2 minutes! Less than that, you use a saucepan!!
Axl: YOUR PUTTING THE WHOLE MUG ON THE STOVE?? IN MEDIUM HEAT!? Your stove is fucking enchanted!!
Nana: Everyone in this Base is a fucking lunatic…
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toweringlalonde · 1 year
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Man if I ever find out where that ladys home turf is i am NOT gonna be a pleasant lady
(art of course by @twisted-art-wounders who tumblr wont let me @!)
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satoshi-mochida · 8 months
Some games on the PlayStation Indies sale. Full list here, ends November 29th.
2064: Read Only Memories
A Light in the Dark A Little Lily Princess
A Space For The Unbound
Alchemic Cutie
ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos
Battle Princess Madelyn
Caffeine: Victoria’s Legacy
Coffee Talk Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly
Cotton Fantasy
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus
Fault -Milestone One-
Giga Wrecker Alt.
Idol Manager
Kaze and The Wild Masks
Mercenaries Wings: The False Phoenix
METAL MAX Xeno Reborn
Metal Wolf Chaos XD
Mighty Switch Force! Collection
Monochrome Order
Mothmen 1966
No Straight Roads No Time To Explain
Oddworld: Soulstorm
Panorama Cotton
Project LUX
River City Girls Zero
Shadows of Adam Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse Shantae: Risky’s Revenge – Director’s Cut
The Wild at Heart
Touhou Double Focus Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet Touhou Genso Wanderer Touhou Genso Wanderer Reloaded Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle
Umihara Kawase BaZooKa! Undead Darlings
Virgo Versus the Zodiac
When the Past was Around
White Day
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acsrandomstuff · 9 months
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Giga Chad Whistler
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*shoves The Owl House, Fairy Tail, Riordanverse, Tara Duncan, The Mysterious Cities of Gold, The Visitor From The Future, Hyper Giga Ultra Magical Quest, Gradalis, Not so Shoujo Love Story, Avatar : The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra and My Most Sincere Wish into a blender*
*blender does its job*
*pours the final product into a pool*
Behold! The perfect story of found family, craziness, insanely powerful characters, creativity, characters with awesome personalities, absolute fun, brilliant plot, heart shattering events, life lessons, not shoved-into-your face diversity, learning history/myths but it's soooo cool and heart-warming relationships.
*jumps into the pool and stays there forever*
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itoastedatoaster · 7 months
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Next drawing for @bobovember! Day 27: Favorite Villain :) Since the hell killers are villains too, theyd technically go here as well, but for variety i picked someone else . Yet another case of "So many to choose from but if I didn't go with the obvious i'd be dead where i stand" LMAO
Additional sketch including Babuu, LOVE and OVER because i also love those 3 so much i couldnt Not include them in some way
~ Commission Sheet | Ko-Fi ~
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smellyowl · 1 year
busch gardens is retiring its wild mouse to put in something else and people are speculating a gigacoaster....bg I'm begging u
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appledectomy · 1 year
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Stepping in Dirt
Make way Lil pip squeaks, pretty cute how their Lil screams tickle my ears, I'm coming through, whether you move or not~ Lovely YCH by HaziiDemon on Twitter
Posted using PostyBirb
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ultramantr1gger · 2 years
i like how in command mission people just come out of nowhere especially axl like how did he get here idk but hes in your party now
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vertexpanache18 · 2 years
How to Choose the Best Villa Plots for Sale in Tukkuguda?
Selecting a residential plot is not always that easy of a deal. Some of the best Villa Plots in Tukkuguda will provide all the necessary inputs that you need to know, in order to procure a villa plot, up for sale.
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Getting land over here is always considered to be a valuable part of living and also one way to save a lot of money. For saving a larger amount of money, it is always a necessity to invest in schemes. The value of a villa plot is pretty high and will keep on increasing with every passing day. So, the best real estate ventures are associated with plots for villas and are worth considering before making a final purchase. Read more
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hubristicassholefight · 2 months
Hubristic Assholes Tourney Round 1 Part 4b
Five Pebbles (Rain World) vs Achilles (The Illiad)
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Propaganda below cut (Beware spoilers)
Five Pebbles
Five Pebbles is an iterator, a city sized sentient and partially biological supercomputer. An ancient civilization built the iterators to essentially try to calculate a way for the Ancients to ascend beyond this mortal world and leave behind the cycle of reincarnation. He and the other iterators were left behind after their creators all disappeared/ascended. The iterators are as close to man made gods as anything can be, yet they are trapped - both by their huge physical forms, unable to move from the place they were built in, and by a taboo in their programming, which prevents them from attempting to self-destruct. Five Pebbles grew frustrated with his fate as a "bug in a maze". He was convinced that if he could just break the self-destruction taboo, he would find a way to ascend himself, thus escaping the mortal world. He started a series of massive experiements that consumed so much cooling water, the drought in the area destroyed his sister and fellow iterator Looks To The Moon. In her efforts to stop him, she distracted him. The experiement failed catastrofically. Five Pebbles had not only callously killed his own sister in the pursuit of his impossible goal, but he had also created a sentient, mobile disease growing inside his own body. The Rot would eat through his mountain sized body, no matter what Five Pebbles tried to do to stop it. It takes it thousands of years, but piece by piece the Rot breaks him down, until all that remains of Five Pebbles, once a mortal god, is a trembling, frozen puppet sitting alone inside the completely destroyed ruins of his own superstructure. It's a fate much worse than the death he was seeking; epic fail bug man lol
He is a city sized supercomputer who was built with one goal in mind; to produce a solution to the great problem, that being how to allow all things to escape the cycle of life and death without the use of void fluid. A different character claimed to have a solution, but died before they could say it. Five Pebbles believed that the death itself was the solution, despite the fact that it only effects the machine, and the inability to kill themselves is ingrained in every cell of their body(he's a meat computer btw). The culture that produced these supercomputers good high respect for their ancestors, so defying them is very heretical. In his attempt to break the self destruction taboo he drains all the local water, causing looks to the moon to also run out of water. Looks to the moon, being older than Five Pebbles, eventually used her seniority to force five Pebbles to stop trying to kill himself, after she was too damaged to survive for very long, and in doing so, gave five pebbles giga-cancer that world slowly, and I mean slowly, eat him alive, stopping him from trying again; He was artificially made with every cell of his body having a code that stops him from killing himself. When he tries to overcome it he accidentally kills someone else and gives himself giga-cancer.
No propaganda allowed to be used
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seat-safety-switch · 5 months
A lot of radio stations have gone away in my part of the world. Corporate greedheads decided that they're just too expensive to operate, so they shut 'em down. Nobody was left to leave by then, though. DJs in distant castles were running four, maybe five "morning zoo" programs at once. Harried technicians were on contract. The offices sat empty, unlocked, and available.
The first inkling we received that something had gone wrong was an ill-advised radio broadcast. Across the city, a bunch of auto-tuning FM radio receivers trying to avoid commercials latched onto the old, dead frequency, now very much alive. Alive with what? Alive with the sound of the microphone on a local DJ's vacant desk, left open to the elements while a magpie and a seagull fought over the decades-old remnants of the sandwich he was eating at the precise moment he was fired.
Somehow, through some trick of giga-corporate ultra-consolidation, they had simply forgotten to sell the offices to someone else. Maybe there was no one else who wanted a radio station. Soon, a community of weirds developed around the area. At first, it was just the usual kinds: poets, beatniks, scooter enthusiasts: people used to scuffles with the law and with, at best, a wilfully incomplete understanding of the law. We waited for them to get arrested, but it never came.
The cops didn't care. No corporation was screaming at them that their rights were being violated. The newspaper that would have bullied the Chief was part of the sweep of radio stations that died. More people followed into this great communal experiment, self-organizing themselves into a replica of the ancient radio schedules. Call-in shows. Top-40 pop music. Long discussions into the night about which recreational substances should be legalized. It was glorious, but then it ended.
Turns out that Uncle Ted's Copper Theft Hour got one of its guests a little bit too worked up, and he decided to do a live demonstration right in the studio. The transmitter was down for two weeks, until someone could steal enough metal from Home Depot and an overturned self-driving drycleaning van to bring it back to life. By then, though, the passion had gone out of it. All the weirds, now unable to force their opinions on others without response, had scattered to the four winds, starting lawn care businesses and mimeographing crank newsletters at the public library.
It was the end of an era, but I don't regret anything about it. I got like seven dollars in wire out of that place, which was enough to buy a working stereo from the Pick N Pull so I could listen to the show.
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deltavember · 8 months
Howdy! If you couldn't tell by the name, Deltavember is a 30-day drawing (or writing, or music, or anything creative) challenge based around Deltarune, taking place on the month of november!
This year it's based around Chapter 2.
Here is the calendar!
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And here are the prompts in plain text:
29. FAVORITE SHIP (If you don't like shipping, this is a free day!)
30. FREE
And here are the rules!
- Please don't misgender the characters
- No AI content
- Tag posts as #Deltavember 2023! Nothing bad happens if you don't, I just probably won't see and reblog the post.
- You may also tag it as #Deltavember 2023 Day (Number) for each day, if you so choose.
- And, of course, there's the obvious - no NSFW, no incestuous or pedophilic ships.
P.S. It's never too late to start! If you're discovering this halfway through the month, you can just start from there! If you miss a day, you can make it up, or just skip it! This is all for fun :]
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featheredcritter · 4 months
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i have....new guys i made....expanded lore under the cut cause its quite a bit...
lore is like. at some point, a fair amount of time ago, these big guys known as "wanderers" (based on the fact they just kinda wander around doing fuck all) or Gigas personatus (for scientific name) just appeared out of nowhere. Humanity pretty much bunkered down immediately cause they would Not Die, no matter what you threw at them. So human scientists observe these creatures from afar and cities have a very strict curfew, since wanderers are nocturnal and will go into cities just to look around. At which time every citizen must stay hidden and quiet.
Despite this fear wanderers are like. very chill guy. they are big and scary and horribly curious but incredibly gentle and they looove humans (they are aware they are intelligent, they just think they are so cute and cool to look at, while on the other hand most humans belive wanderers are just very large beasts), even if they barely see them, they are never around when they come looking :( for that reason both creatures are aware of each others presence but face to face encounters are not super common.
There quite a few "species" of wanderers (their biology is not clear) based off different hazard suits, gas masks etc etc.
Wanderers do not have the speech similiar to humans, and usually communicate in grunts, wheezes and mask breathing noises or even the squeking of their coats and suits
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they do have one bad habit tho. they like to put things they find interesting in their mouths
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Mouth is usually hidden^^ the mask is not actually a mask but their face.
And also they are og godzilla sized
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Ethan is a sad guy with life problems who one night got real drunk and stayed out past curfew, immediately got found by a wanderer who had never seen a human this close before and got snatched right away. But it's ok cause they grow to become friends :)
good morning ^_^
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epicspheal · 1 year
Where's My Sister's Purrloin!? A Hugh Analysis
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"Yeah… OK! Let's go get your Pokémon! There's something I have to do! And to do that, I need someone I can trust besides my partner Pokémon. A person I can trust! That's right! I'm talking about you! You seem like you've got good instincts!" <- Meeting Hugh outside of Aspertia City
Oh Hugh! Definitely one of the most misunderstood rivals. Also one of my favorites (also that seems to be a trend with the characters I like but that's a topic for another day). Hugh is our sole rival in BW2 and he's a rival with one of the most unique motivations for a rival character in the franchise.
Let's start by looking at Hugh's name which is rather straightforward. In all of the translations it's a homophone for the word Hue which is a major property of colors in color theory. He follows the naming conventions of Cheren and Bianca in that there all color themed which harks back to gens 1 and 2 where the main characters have color names (which makes sense as gen 5 was a bit of a soft reboot to the franchise in some respects). Of note his German, Spanish and French names of refer to the famous painter Henri Matisse who was known for his Fauvism style which opted for strong colors, again reinforcing the color symbolism. Interesting to note that Hugh as a given name that has mix of Irish and Germanic origin meaning "mind, intellect and spirit" with it actually being an anglicized version of Gaelic "Aodh" which means "fire". Hugh is certainly very intellectual, spirited and fiery especially when it comes to getting his revenge on Team Plasma and getting his sister's Purrloin back.
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Next to look at his team. Like many rivals, he gets a traditional starter, but it's one that he raised from an egg. One that's actually stronger than your starter on the type chart. But honestly I think his signature Pokemon (based on what we see in Pokemas) is his Bouffalant. Bouffalant is described in a few Pokedex entries as be wild and reckless charging at everything. Which is quite reminiscent of Hugh during much of the game when it comes to Team Plasma. Indeed when you take a look at the rest of his team members you'll see that often times Hugh opts for high-risk, high reward moves such as Wild Charge on his Eelektross and Bouffalant (which gives recoil), Giga Impact on his Unfezant (forces the user to not use any move after atacking, leaving it vulnerable), Fire Blast/Hydro Pump/Leaf Storm on his starter (high powered but not 100% accuracy).
Which when you look at his character overall, makes a lot of sense. He's very passionate but the passion veers into recklessness in many respects.
Hugh gets a lot of flak from the community for going on and on about his sister's Purrloin. But people do that forget this is his driving motivation. And also most Pokemon characters tend to repeat themselves (which is less a symptom of them being bad characters, but of the writers not knowing how to vary dialogue that gets the point across without being repetitive).
But yes Hugh's very unlike most rivals in that he really isn't concerned about the rivalry. It's not that Hugh is a jerk. He's very kind to the player and generally respectful of others outside of Team Plasma (to whom he does not show a lot of mercy to in the beginning). It's just his primary goal isn't besting the protagonist. Rosa/Nate just so happen to be friends that he challenges to see if they can keep up with him while he takes down Team Plasma. In many ways he expands on the role carved out by Silver, who also was more concerned strength for the sake of defying his father than dealing with the protagonist but just didn't mind antagonizing them when they crossed paths. And Gladion and Marnie also fall in this trend as being more concerned about a goal that's not just "I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was".
"You're a little worried? Are you KIDDING me?! Your Pokémon might be lost forever! Whatever! I'll look! ! Help out!" <- On Flocessy Ranch
This a line that sticks out to me as it occurs when the owners of the Floccessy Ranch lost their Herdier and Hugh is extremely upset…more upset than Herdier's actual owners. At this point in the story he hasn't revealed the whole bit about his sister's Purrloin but this line is good foreshadowing to the eventual reveal. He's seen the trauma first hand of a stolen Pokemon can do and it causes an immediate reaction
"Shut it! You guys are the worst! You talk about saving Pokémon, but you're just Pokémon thieves! Don't think I'll ever forgive you!" <- Meeting Team Plasma in Virbank
Now I know Pokemon isn't known for writing but I honestly feel like they were doing a good job in slowly revealing more about Hugh and his motivations as we continued to encounter him during the journey. Once again we're adding more to Hugh, that not only has he probably seen a Pokemon get stolen, but that Pokemon was stolen by Team Plasma. But more importantly you can see a major flaw of his. That he is struggling with forgiveness as we see that he constantly references not forgiving Team Plasma throughout the game
"Five years ago… Team Plasma stole my little sister's Purrloin. It had been given to her as a present. I was only a little kid… I couldn't do anything… So… So that's why I have to get stronger!" <- Nimbasa City
And here's the big reveal. Now what sticks out to me is how powerless he felt. Of course this is a common trope with young characters who have been in serious situations to feel powerless and become hellbent on getting stronger to the point it kind of blinds them in a way (cough Paulo cough). But it's nice to see this in Pokemon with Hugh. It fits into the underlying theme of BW2 that deals with progression and how the region of Unova as a whole progresses from the events two years prior.
Given that Hugh states that Purrloin was taken 5 years ago that means that Team Plasma had been starting their public operations 3 years prior to the events of the original Black and White Games (we know of course N had been groomed by Ghetsis to be king as a young child but this gives us confirmation of them starting more public operations earlier in the timeline). Hugh, his sister, and countless others in Unova had been suffering the loss of their Pokemon for half a decade and that's heartbreaking.
Hugh: "Wait! I just remembered. Clay… Why? What's the reason? Why have you forgiven Team Plasma?" Clay: "There's always room for folks to grow and change, ain't there? And, if ya only go after what ya think is right, ya might end up rejectin' all thoughts and opinions other than yer own. That's mighty dangerous." Hugh: "Hmph… Is that one of those compromises adults are supposed to make? Whatever! I'm gonna fight Team Plasma! Oh yeah, what were you wanting to show us?" <- Clay and Hugh after the player wins the Quake Badge from Clay
This exchange is really important as while Hugh at the moment isn't truly ready for forgiveness from Team Plasma…it's shows he's not so closeminded to the idea as if he were, he wouldn't have even asked Clay why he had forgiven them. He's still resistant to the idea of forgiving Team Plasma as we see in later moments he's vary wary of working with ex-Team Plasma members to fight off Neo Team Plasma, but all hope is not lost. This is an important first step in his overall growth.
"That's the ONLY Purrloin in the world that my late grandpa caught for my little sister!" <- On the Plasma Frigate for the second time
This is a huge line for me. I've seen one too many people joke over the years "It's just a Purrloin, LUL. Why can't he just go get another one for his sister" and it lowkey irks me. Like his late grandfather went out of his way to catch that Purrloin for his sister. That's special. And even if their grandpa was still alive, or if someone else had of caught it, it doesn't change the fact that Hugh's sister bonded with that Purrloin. That's not a bond you can simply replace. Who knows if another Purrloin and his sister would've bonded the same way. It shows a great deal of maturity on Hugh's part to understand what that Purrloin meant to his sister compared to those (both in-universe and out) who say it's just as easy as replacing the Pokemon with another one.
"Wh-what? Don't mess with me… That's someone else's Pokémon!" "Sorry… This situation is messing with my head… I just don't know what to do… I finally found my sister's Pokémon, but now it's glaring at me… Why?!" "… … Hey… … If we let Team Plasma do whatever we want… There'll be more sad Pokémon like Purrloin and Kyurem…" <- On the Plasma Frigate for the third time upon finding his sister's Purrloin
This is such a poignant moment in BW2 for me because Hugh finally finds his sister's Pokemon…only for it to glare at him because it's now used to being under the Shadow Triad's control. You can feel his hurt through his words because this was his goal. This moment. And now he's not even sure he can bring this Purrloin back to his sister. Give Hugh a hug because he deserves it.
"Thanks to you, I accomplished what I set out to do during my journey! I wish I could've shown you my little sister's huge smile! This is my thanks!" <- Victory Road
We get a chance to meet Hugh in Victory Road and we get to hear some good news. His sister and Purrloin have been reunited! It's really touching to see such a good ending for him and his family. Hugh's dialogue is also much more relaxed in Victory Road now that his mission is over. It's good to see him more at ease after him being so wound up the majority of the playthrough
"What? I heard that Team Plasma left many Pokémon behind when they fled. And I'm helping find their real Trainers… That aside… Since you're here, you should have a battle with me before you go!" <- In Driftveil for postgame rematches
And even better? Hugh's begun to forgive Team Plasma (well at least the part that was genuinely following N). This is a huge step forward for someone who was pushing Team Plasma grunts out the way earlier and being hellbent on vengeance. Hugh honestly has one of the most satisfying conclusions for a rival in my opinion. He gets his goal, he learns a valuable lesson in accepting that (some) people can change, and he doesn't have to feel inferior to the player who is constantly beating him.
But Hugh's not done there! When he arrives in Pokemas we get to see him featured in two prominent stories. The first one is Revel In Rivalry where he gets into beef with Bede. It shows that while he has grown he still is a bit quick tempered seeing how easily provoked by Bede he was. But he learns to calm down and come to a truce much faster than he did with Team Plasma (granted there were more dire circumstances there) showing how he had grown from his journey.
Then of course there's the Unova Villain arc where this time it's Hugh that has his partner Bouffalant stolen. And to make matters worse he's been captured alongside N. What I loved about the Unova Villain arc is the focus on Hugh's growth. Yes, he's still very hotheaded. But he's learned to trust and forgive seeing as how he figured out N's identity well before Ghetsis told him in an attempt to break the partnership the two had formed while in captivity. Pre-character development Hugh would've flipped his shit on N. But hearing him talk about the people who spoke so highly of N (referencing the fact that Hugh works with the good part of Team Plasma to get the stolen Pokemon back to their trainers) and him saying he trusts N shows how much he's grown. It's really heartwarming to see him and N team up against Ghetsis' sorry ass.
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So yeah, Hugh's a great character that I feel like needs more love in the fandom.
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