#Ghost Whispers ;; Dash Comm
all-fleshed-out · 4 months
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<- She who knocked out as soon as they landed.
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dreamsofalife · 3 months
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"Good. Now shut up and eat your damned ramen."
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rebelresolve · 1 year
tag dump 3: housekeeping/category tags
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spectres-n-soap · 6 months
Hand in Hand
Content Warnings - afab and fem reader, pregnancy, angst, hurt/comfort.
A/N - What I'm about to do in the next chapter will rip out my heart.
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His words echo in your head as you open the window. The smell of breakfast Simon is making wafts through the flat, its pleasant. Domestic in a way that twists the knife in your chest and shoves it deeper.
You close your eyes and take in a deep breath, the rain of early this morning fills your senses. You shut the window quickly, slam it closed as your eyes fill with tears. You lean your head with closed eyes against the glass, the coolness of it helps with the heat in your forehead. A few tears slip down your cheeks and you look at your stomach. Sometimes, as silly as it made you feel, you forgot you were pregnant. Its natural, second nature these days as you caress it and you immerse yourself into the fantasy that's been keeping you going.
Its his hand, warm and calloused, being gently placed onto your stomach where his baby resides. Johnny rests his chin on your shoulder and presses a kiss to your cheek, everything is okay. "Yer doin' amazin' bonnie." He whispers into your ear. "Ye look amazin'." One hand wrapped around your waist and the other over your stomach, you lean back into his touch.
"Breakfast is ready." Simon calls out. You open your eyes as reality closes in. There's no one to lean into, Johnny is dead and he didn't even know. The same questions that you've been asking yourself since the very start echo through your mind. Frankly, you're getting quite tired of those questions.
How would have he reacted? Would he have married you? Would he have wanted to keep it at all? No, he would have wanted to keep the baby. This wonderful creation of both him and you. You swallow down the lump trying to form in your throat and waddle your way, because these days all you can do is waddle, to the dining table. You sit in silence as Simon fixes you a plate and then sets it in front of you. Its a typical breakfast, sausage links with eggs, buttered toast and grilled tomato. You feel like a toddler as you push the tomatoes to the side but you can't help that they make you want to throw up. Eating in silence with Simon is easy, like breathing or making the mad dash for the bathroom after the baby kicks your bladder. Simon had always been quiet long before you knew him as Simon, back when he was just Lieutenant Ghost. Back when you were just a sergeant who cracks a few jokes with Soap on comms. 
Back before the kisses, the near death experiences or this. Whatever this was.
"I think you should see a therapist." Simon finally speaks.
Your mind careens, your thoughts are sent flying like a grenade just landed at your feet. "What?" The question slips from your mouth as you look up with what must be confusion or something equal to it because he winces. 
"That came out harsh."
"Do not baby me Simon." You snap, the words come from your mouth easily. Its a comfort, to snap at him or anyone really. "Why do you think I need a therapist? Better yet, why do you think you have the right to make such a comment at all?"
"I'll go to." Simon offers up automatically and that's when it clicks. Oh, he's been thinking about this you realize. "You- I; we've not been handling his passing well." You bite your tongue and swallow the bitter laugh and words that try to rise up your throat. "The baby is less then eight weeks away from coming into this world and maybe talking about it would help with stress?" Simon adds on and you narrow your eyes at him.
"Did a nurse suggest this?" You question, stabbing the eggs as the anger rose up like a tidal wave ready to wash everything away.
"Your doctor and Mrs. MacTavish." Simon whispers the last part and your shoulders sink.
"How is she?" Your eyes don't look up from the eggs you had impaled on your fork moments earlier.
"She's worried, love. Worried about you and the baby." Simon is looking at you, you can feel it. His gaze always holds this chest collapsing weight but in this moment its a comfort. It weighs you down softly, keeps you connected to the moment.
You gnaw on your bottom lip before you concede. "I'll go." You whisper and his shoulders sink. Why does it hurt? Why does the fact he was ready for a screaming match hurt? You push those thoughts away. "Do you have a referral?" You question and he nods.
"The doctor gave it to me while you filled out the discharge papers."
"Alright then." The rest of breakfast is silent.
You lay awake again that night with sleep far outside your grasp as you stare at the wall. Simon is sleeping on the couch again but you doubt the sleep part. You swallow and turn over onto your other side, readjusting the pregnancy pillow to support your stomach again. Your hand is open and hanging off the side of the bed, right where it was connected to Simon's that morning. You stare at the wall, the only thing that separated you from him and you knew you'd only have to ask and he'd sleep on the floor again. You'd only have to wander out into the living room, swallow your pride and ask.
Was it really that terrible? Putting aside your pride? You'd already done it once today, twice if you count the sleep dazed request from when the day was still in the early hours. You shut your eyes and sink into another fantasy.
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his warm chest. His body warms yours and becomes a beacon to you, a lighthouse that splits through the dark stormy night to guide you to shore. 
You launch out of bed, the fantasy wiping itself away as you wrap yourself in your blanket and wander into the living room. From your position, you couldn't see much of him but you did see his arms behind his head. Little tufts of blonde hair barely visible from behind the couch. You were right, he was still awake. The moment you step further into the territory of the living room he sits up. 
Simon sees you there, standing with a blanket wrapped around yourself like a shield and he doesn't need you to speak. He gets up from his spot on the couch and follows you into your room. He settles down by the side of your bed as you climb back into it, after listening to you get comfortable once again, your hand hangs off the side of the bed. He loops his fingers through yours and listens as your breathing slows as slumber over takes you.
He finds he can’t stay awake much longer either.
tag list - @pepsicolacoochie @http-paprika @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @snoopyee
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rpreaperperson · 10 months
Chapter 10: Anger
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“There’s more of them?” asked Price from his desk
“As I told you before we’ve been looking for their existence and found many evidence of them, but we got no luck..find the living one” explained Professor while wiping her glasses with her napkins
“until you found her...” Price lean back at his chair crossing his strong arms
“Indeed...” answer Professor, Price pursing his lips a lil' bit
“So..her parents..”
“Unknown but most likely they’re dead, I have found her unconscious in an abounded village none single life lives there, except for some animals there..and what I find it fascinating is..” she paused as she halted wiping her glasses, her dim eyes spark in interest remembering the days she met her dearest subject
“They seem to be protective of her... when I tried to approach her, they stare at me like I'm kind of threat..the deer, snake, birds, all of the kind animals there...by the way they all normal animals Captain”
“how do you manage to take her..?”
“with a little bit of persuasion of course..” Professor smirks emotionless at him putting back her glasses, Price stares at her indifferent
“You sure to share this information? Without asking her first?” he raised his eyebrow at her
“She’ll understand Captain..besides she is under your care now...and I think you deserve to know..but remember this Captain...”slowly she walk closer to his desk
“I’ll not hesitate to murder anyone who harms her.... physically or mentally.. that includes you and all of your team”
“You know in this line of of work she’ll got be-”
“then I will now...Captain..I have eyes everywhere...even here in this very secure base..”Professor stared at Price intimidated, but Price calmly smiled and nodded mockingly
“Of course madam” she just huffing and throw a flashdisk on his desk
“Heed my word Captain...you dont want to anger me...nor her”
Then she walked out from his office after she out Price smiled slowly gone furrowing as he took the flash disk and silently inspected it
 “Bonnie!” Soap tried to reach Claw but he got shot by one of Shadows instead and fell, then Ghost threw a knife at Shadow who holding Claw
“Master!” she cried to Soap dashing to his fallen form, placing her finger to his neck and feeling his pulse sigh in relief when found one, Soap groan then he sat upright
“Both of you! Get out of here!” Ghost growls
“But Maste –“ Claw whimper to Ghost her eyes filled with concern, and fear
“JUST GO!” Ghost yelled in desperation and anger, Claw flinched and with haste, she grabbed Soap’s vest dragged him to the concrete barrier, slid down to the slope covering his body with her small one to protect Soap
“Fuck!” Soap manages to get on his feet, and both of them flee to nearby town
Saw both Soap and Claw flee from them Graves halting the Shadows shooting at Soap
“Stop!” command Graves staring down the slope, silently cursing
“Should’ve used those catnip...” he mutter, pursing his lips
Dragging Soap bulk body with her slim one, her feet wobbly and shaking because of the weight she carried and the graze when she slid down the slope
“Stop a little bit Lass..” ask Soap when they reach in alleyway
“B-but..” she whimper
“Shh..it’s okay lass..”
 Claw gently put Soap down in an alleyway, as she checked her gear for medication while Soap tried to connect his comms to Ghost
Unfortunally he got no answer, he glance at Claw when she whimper at him
“I got a bandage in my gear, Master..” a tear fell from her eyes, her hands shaking to offer him a bandage, as much Soap wanted to console her warp his arm around her and whisper ‘it gonna be okay’ , but worried that Shadows would catch up to them any time
“Save it for later Bonnie..we gotta move now” he grunts as he stands up with Claw's assistance she holding his uninjured arm, as they limp their way to somewhere safe her nose smells so much blood two dead bodies lay in front of them
Claw accidentally trips and falls on the ground along with Soap, her wet ears slumping on her head
“ugh..you okay Lass?” grunted Soap
“m sorry!..Im sorry...” she whimpered sniffing, her wet shoes making a squelching sound tried to endure her pain
“Soap, This is Ghost how copy?” ask Ghost that finally answer his comms
“Johnny?” he assisted Claw in getting into her feet, Claw exhaled deeply when she heard Ghost's voice
“Johnny how copy?”
“Solid” answer Soap limping his way to the car in front of him
“Thought we lost you, Claw?” ask Ghost hopping for his little hybrid answer
“H-here..hiks” answer Claw still sniffing, wiping her face with her arms
“you injured?”
“M-master Soap got shot in the shoulder..” she inspect Soap injury
“What about you Claw?”
“...Im good” both Soap and Ghost know that it was a lie, but they don't have much time to get her to spit out the truth
As they sneak around from Shadows and Graves, they can also hear the Shadow's conversation and Graves's order to get information from civilian
“where are you Master?, are you hurt?” whisper Claw as she passes many of civilian dead body, clenching her into a fist
“Good, There’s a cruch. Im heading to it, let’s RV there”
When they found an empty house, Claw quickly bandaged Soap's shoulder she’ll get the bullet out of Soap's shoulder when they get into the safest place right now they were being hunted
“forgive me...” whisper Claw to Soap, her ears slumped against her head
“what for Bonnie?” Soap huffed
“..I couldn’t protect you, even Master Ale..is..captured...I should’ve done more”
“hey...Im still alive yeah? And I dont doubt Alejandro still fighting right now”
“still...” Claw leaned into his neck nuzzling and comforting herself with his scent, a sweaty , rainy, and bloody scent but still...she found it comforting unconsciously she licked his neck, Soap tried not to flinch at her intimate gesture his heart beating fast biting his lips Soap raised his arm to embrace her in his chest but he halt his arms when Claw growled
“I promise...I will protect you..” Claw growled, clenching her fist becoming territorial, her round pupils became slit
Soap gulped down his spit as he stared up at her for some reason something awakened inside him when he saw her anger for the first time, and so did Ghost the first time he heard Claw growl it was a pity that he couldn't see her
“You sure about this?”
“Hunting 141?”
“What chicken out already?”
“Hell no!, this is 141 we’re talking especially that skull mask guy”
“take ‘em out, before they take you out, and don't forget to catch the kitty Boss wants her alive, sedate her immediately she’s sneaky and slippery as fuck”
“Well cats hate water no?, she must be hiding inside the houses”  then  they split up one went into the alleyway and one into the house, unknown to them they became prey to the cat hybrid her eyes glowed in the dark She snatched a knife from her pocket without hesitation ambushed the Shadow, and dug her knife into his neck before he could react
“Forgive me....but it is for my Dear Master..” she whispers into his ear, putting the body gently to the floor she stares at his dead eyes emotionless
“the house clear master...” she talk to the comms
“Good, done ‘ere as well, theres a problem though”
“What is it?”
“gotta find somethin’ to clear the path to the church ,those fuckers hoarding it”
“...I’ll clear it”
“You sure Lass?”
“Dont make a ruckus Claw, they after you”
“Im sure..” without a moment of hesitation Claw rushed into the place where three Shadows guarding it, gripping her knife tightly in both of her hands she threw it at two shadows, one remaining Shadow couldn't even react because Cla rushed into his back and swiftly snapped his head
“Stemin’ Jesus...” Soap softly curses at Claw action
“Enjoying the show Johnny?”quip Ghost
“Very much LT” Claw took her knife out from the body, and she cleaned it with the rain slowly watching the water wipe out the blood then flicked it putting the knife back on her vest and taking a gun from the Shadows
“All clear” confirm Claw as she give Soap a gun
“Nice..Lets go before LT got tantrum” Soap smirk at her and ruffles her hair
“I heard you there Johnny” snide Ghost at the comms
They arrived at the church and met Ghost there, He climbed out the church gate while both Soap and Claw shooting at Shadows, as much as Ghost wanted to wipe all out the Shadows they had to flee and find a safe house
Ghost alerted them that he found a pickup for them to escape, Claw closely followed behind Soap shooting as many Shadows as she can
“C’mon Bonnie!” command Soap ripping the door open then Claw steps into the vehicle first crammed by Soap and Ghost who threw himself to the driver's seat
“Get back!” yell Soap while he slamming Claws face into his chest, he shot at one Shadow who sneak beside the vehicle
“Omphff!” Claw muffled on Soap vest
“Thanks” nod Ghost in graditude
“Drive I’ll cover us” Soap lets go of Claw from his chest as she shakes her head wiping her face off, then hanging on the dashboard when Ghost slams the pickup through a vendor
Taglist : @lilpothoscuttings @unicorngirly1 @kaoyamamegami
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ramrage · 1 year
“fitting a square peg into a square peg” or “and they both were tops”
Chapter 1: It was a challenging day
“I can’t wait to feel your pretty arse around me,” Ghost all but growled. Fuck that was hot.
Fuck that was a problem.
Soap pulled away. “Sorry?”
And then Ghost pulled away, too. “What?”
“I was under the impression that uh,” Ghost fixed him with a baltic fucking stare. “That I would be feeling your pretty arse around me.”
“Fucking hell.”
work rating: E
chapter rating: G
characters: Simon “Ghost” Riley, John “Soap” Mactavish, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick cameo, John Price cameo
tags: Sexual Tension, terrible flirting, Masturbation, First Time Bottoming, Fantasizing, first time fingering ones butt
ao3 link
It was a challenging day.
Many, many challenges.
Of course, there were the normal ones—dodging some bullets, sending some out, knocking down doors, blowing shit up, et cetera, et cetera.
And then there were the fun ones, starting with crafting a quippy response to a comment courtesy of Ghost: “Move out, Johnny. Are you fucking dense, the building’s about to blow.”
Soap thought he did pretty well, all things considered. How’s this for a counter: “Given how you look in that pretty little tacvest, the building ain’t the only thing that’s gonna blow”?
Dirty, but just jocular enough to pass as an innocent—no—silly, heterosexual joke. Ghost had him though. All it took was a breathy laugh and gentle admonishment, and then Soap was saddled with the challenge of concealing his hard on all the while exchanging blows with some poor bastard on the wrong side of things.
This challenge, however, was really fucking trying. Why?
Every step he took brought him closer to his Lieutenant’s office, towards the filthy promise whispered in a half-rubble room. He had to get there, yes, and he had to look fucking normal. Easier said than done, of course, because he was most certainly not feeling normal. Adrenaline surged through his veins, detouring to skip-dance in his stomach—all in a good sort of way—as he replayed the scene for the nth time in the past few hours.
It smelled like dust, smoke, chaos, and sweat, and Ghost was indeed looking awfully dashing in that tacvest. He was also looking awfully pissed. Or something.
“You think it’s a good idea to say shit like that to me over comms,” he asked, stalking forward, all drawn up and intimidating. Christ, he was a fucking dream on legs.
Soap kept it together, looking unaffected despite his intestines dropping out of his ass that very moment. “What shit?” he asked, knowing very well the shit in question, adding a shrug for that extra touch of nonchalance.
Ghost crossed his arms, and if they were visible, Soap would see one of his brows raise.
“Ohh, that shit, right,” Soap said, nodding with a laugh, “Just a bit of teasing, Lt.” He hazarded a step forward and moved to pat Ghost on the shoulder, but the other man caught him by the wrist before he could make contact. Ghost had an awfully strong grip.
“I’m not terribly fond of being teased,” Ghost said, before adding a pointed “Sargeant.” His gaze was burning a hole through Soap’s eyes, probably lasering a hole into the wall behind them, too. Soap was just about to offer some stupid apology when Ghost continued, “You only say that kind of shit to me. Why?” His tone suggested he had an inkling of the answer. Soap stammered, distracted by the sight before him–terrifying as it was exciting–and the hand that tightened around his wrist. “Why am I the one to get the come-ons, hm? Dancing around something, are we?”
Soap swallowed hard. He could go about this in one of two ways: pussy out, come up with a lame excuse and go back to their weird rapport. Or he could fucking commit. Fuck it.
“Dancing, sir.”
Ghost released his wrist and stepped back, Soap almost shitting himself as a result. He’d fucked it, he’d gone too far as per fucking usual. But then Ghost hummed which was notably different from fleeing or decking him, so that was as good a sign as any. Ghost crossed his arms again. “I’m not terribly fond of dancing, either. How about you sack up and say what you have to say to me?”
“It’s more of a doing thing, really,” Soap admitted around the heart in his throat. He was still standing, still breathing, still unstabbed by one of Ghost’s many knives. He’d been shut down enough to know Ghost took little issue with exiting a situation he disliked, and he was still there, waiting expectantly and standing a little too damn close.
With a crumb of self-preservation still intact, Soap stepped forward carefully. Ghost didn’t reclaim the lost ground. That was sufficient invitation, so Soap tossed the pesky self-preservation into a pile of featureless rubble and drove forward, hands reaching for somewhere deliciously grabbable, maybe a shoulder–
And then there was a hand around his neck.
“Grabby,” Soap noted, amused. Ghost just hummed in response. He tried to press forward, but Ghost held firm. Weird. “I thought you wanted me to sack up, sir.”
“Wanted to see what you were willing to do,” Ghost explained, voice low and obnoxiously sexy. Bastard. His hand, the rough of his glove, dug into the soft flesh of Soap’s neck and squeezed. The way his eyes burned, how his body bowed ever so slightly to close the distance between them said that this wasn’t just some test, some game. Ghost wanted more.
Luckily, the feeling was mutual.
“You don’t even know the half of it,” Soap said in a desperate, urgent whisper. The hand around his neck pulled him closer. The man attached to it groaned, and Soap could feel it echo through his chest.
“Show me later. My office.”
So yeah, back to walking to Ghost’s office, maintaining an outward semblance of sanity. That part. If appearances suddenly stopped meaning shit, he’d be running. Or skipping. Simultaneously too soon and not soon enough, his knuckles were rapping against the door separating him from Ghost.
After a few devastating moments highlighted by muffled shuffles, the door pulled open. The sight of Ghost, the knowledge of what the hell they were there for, all of it had Soap thrumming with energy. He directed it into a cocksure smirk. “I heard you were expecting me, Lt”
Ghost scoffed but stepped back to grant entrance nonetheless. “That was corny, Johnny, even for you.”
“All a part of the appeal,” Soap shot back with a shrug. He scoped out the room, just briefly, before sauntering in with the relaxed charm of a man who was resolutely not bricking it.
“Unfortunately so.”
A little light banter, none of it belied the fucking tension. Several months worth of back-and-forth, the most devastating foreplay, and there they were.
It was a mystery who moved first, but in the end, it didn’t matter. It could’ve been the holy fucking spirit that shoved Johnny forward or Ghost up , but in a heaving rush, Ghost’s mask found itself half-way up his face, and the room shrunk down, borderless, defined only by hands, and tongues, and teeth, and lips, lips, lips.
Soap wasn’t a praying man, but he felt moved to start, to thank the higher power(s) for bringing him there.
“I can’t wait to feel your pretty arse around me,” Ghost all but growled. Fuck that was hot.
Fuck that was a problem.
Soap pulled away. “Sorry?”
And then Ghost pulled away, too. “What?”
“I was under the impression that uh,” Ghost fixed him with a baltic fucking stare. “That I would be feeling your pretty arse around me .”
“Fucking hell.”
All that heat fucking gone, awash under a metaphorical bucket of water.
Ghost all but tossed him backwards, turning away momentarily to pinch the bridge of his masked nose and groan. “So you’re a top, too?”
“Why are you saying that like I did it to piss you off?” Soap asked incredulously.
“Do I look like I bottom?”
“Do I ?” Soap shot back. Ghost groaned again, pacing now. “The fuck does a bottom even look like, Ghost? Hm?”
Well, this wasn’t going according to plan at all. Someone should’ve had a mouth full of dick by now—no preference as to whom—but instead, they were wedged into this uncomfortable impasse.
“I think,” Ghost began, suddenly sounding exhausted, “we need to reconsider things.”
Soap frowned. “So, uh. No head?”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Soap. Fucking hell.”
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all-archived-out · 3 years
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                             “Napsh keep y’from.... urghhhh... time out-” 
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darkbanquet · 4 years
Tag Dump - my crack tag will never not make me laugh
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stressedoutcanary · 3 years
Hold On - Jason Todd x Batgirl!Reader [PART 3]
What this includes: Violence, a combo of angst and fluff, and just to be on the safe side I’d say language.
Word count: 3.1k
A/N😋: I am so glad it’s finally finished, now it won’t be sitting in my drafts staring at me all day. Also forgive me for any mistakes, half of it is written at 3 AM
Part 1 , Part 2
“This is it”, you breathed out, stopping your bike near a bush making sure that place was obscure enough. You placed the helmet on the handle and hopped off the bike. After taking a few steps forward and scouting the area, you clicked your comms back on.
“O care to give me the layout of what I am getting myself into, ‘cause we all know the last time didn’t go so well”
“Nightwing said you might call me for backup and now I owe him 20 uggh! Anyways onto the problem at hand, I’m picking up a few heat signatures from the basement area and the schematics of the building indicate a vent on the other side which might help you get in.”
“Is there anything else I should know?”
There was no reply on the other end and you assumed she was looking into it. To your bad luck, it was far from it. You heard an all too familiar grunt and mentally cursed yourself for forgetting that it was an open line.
“(Y/N), I thought I made myself clear”, Bruce’s modulated voice came through which low-key made you want to strangle him with your bare hands.
“Oh come on B! Didn’t Alfred teach you that listening in on other people’s conversations is bad manners”
“We are 10 minutes out you will not be going in till we get there”
‘Like Hell I won’t’
“Hello? B? Your voice is breaking up. I can’t hear you! there is some interference in the signal. Batman?”
“Don’t- ” you clicked the comms off before he could finish his sentence and breathed a sigh of relief. ”Note to self after what you just did, avoid showing your face to anyone in the fam for at least a week.”
Snooping around, you came across the vent Babs told you about and you smirked to yourself, “Bless those idiots who decided to make an excess amount of vents throughout Gotham, plus no dumbass to shoot open the lock on any door, huh I’d say it’s going pretty good for me.”
After going through a very, very dusty vent, you silently dropped down to floor behind a goon and cleared your throat to draw his attention. As soon as he turned around, his jaw was met with your right hook, making him plummet to the ground. Grabbing him by the collar you inched closer to his face, which was yet again fully covered by a white mask.
“Alright no-face, tell me where Pyg is right now”, you made use of your deep modulated voice, making the man dart his eyes towards the far right corner of the room. You knew what that meant and without wasting any more time, you knocked him out and scurried over, finding a heavy door at the end. Somehow managing to push open the door, you were faced with a circular stairwell leading down.
“Well Oracle did say she got heat signatures down in the basement.”, you sighed and started taking calculated steps, making sure to check for any traps. ‘Why keep only one person to guard your supersecret creep-house? Either Lazlo is way too overconfident or way too crazy... Probably both.’, you thought, wheels turning in your head, hoping to make sense of the situation. As you went down, you could catch a faint sound of music. ‘Is that Opera?! Well at least it fits his M.O.’
The end of the stairwell opened into a large room. You hid behind one of wooden crates as your mind swiftly accessed the grim ambience; Pyg was sharpening his knife swaying along with opera music playing in the background but Jason was nowhere to be found. Your breath hitched and your blood ran cold, it felt as if the world around you was spinning.
‘What if... what if it’s too late’  Crouching down on the ground with your back to the crate your took in several deep breaths to calm your racing heart. You couldn’t think like that, not when you’re so close. You wiped the stray tear which escaped the tightness of your cowl and had trailed down your cheek. You tried to focus instead of jumping to conclusions.
You frowned upon noticing something odd on the wall in front of you, placing your palms on it, you gave it a slight push. To your surprise it paved way for an attached corridor which clearly didn’t come up in the schematics Oracle told you about. You slipped into the corridor, making sure that nobody saw you. Your feet froze for a slight second on the sight you were met with; cages like prison cells lined up in a row with people inside of them.
“The people who went missing”, you whispered to yourself, still reeling in the shock of it all. Upon hearing a familiar groan you sprinted across the pathway to the source, eyes scanning every inch of the person you found, the person you were here to rescue. You fumbled with the lock for a while, muttering curses under your breath until it clicked open. You dashed to his side and took a batarang out to cut the binds he was in.
“Jay if you die on me again, I swear I will kill you.”
“Been there, done that princess and honestly not a fan of it”, Jason croaked out, his reply came out weaker and voice barely above a whisper. It made your heart clench in a way it hasn’t in a long, long time. You lifted your head up, you gave him a soft smile, gently brushing off the matted hair on his forehead, 
“Jason I..”
‘Just tell him you love him you coward, It’s really not that hard’
“Jason I’m glad you’re okay”, you blurted out in way which was far from normal but he seemed way too tired to noticed. 
“How did you get free?”, he inquired, thankfully interrupting your internal yelling.
“I didn’t? I literally just walked in here to get you out.”
“But I thought-”, Jason looked utterly confused as he rubbed his wrists to ease the pain caused by the rope.
“Well long story short. You got captured. I was saved by Harley and Ivy, had a nice chat with them, and then I might have been responsible for Batman’s high blood pressure, and then I emotionally blackmailed Nightwing into giving me your location and then here I am”
“Wha...Yeah I will just pretend I totally understand whatever the hell you just said.”, Jason sighed, he tried to stand up but his feet wobbled and if it wasn’t for you catching him on time h would’ve staggered to the ground.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Mmhmm”, he hummed lightly leaning his weight on you. “Just a little dizzy, probably from the dehydration, It could also be because of the blood loss from the stab wound I got”
“The WHAT?!”, you looked at him like he was crazy.  
“Oh yeah I think I kinda forgot to tell you that the creepy dude tried to cut me open but my armor got in the way so he stabbed me instead and went away saying he had to sharpen his knife or something like that”, he started to slur and you knew you had to get him back to the cave as quickly as possible. You helped him get up on his feet, slinging one of his arms over your shoulders and wrapping one of your arms around his waist.
“Oh my God! Jay, you don’t just bring this sort of thing up in casual conversation!”, you shook your head and started taking small steps with him towards the way you came from. Suddenly a loud crash was heard followed by a couple of screams making the both of you share a nervous glance.
“What was that?”
“Only one way to find out”, you said as you walked through the door back into the large room. 
It was pure chaos, more like a free-for-all. Nightwing jogged up to you. 
“We did say we were 10 minutes out didn’t we?”, he gave you a bright smile and swung Jason’s free arm over his shoulder to help you support him better.
“Good, now since you are here, hold him”, you shifted Jason’s weight towards Dick.
“Don’t even”, he glared daggers at his elder brother, “What are you even doing? I feel like a baby being passed around”
You ignored Jason’s whining in the background and fixed your gaze on the one person in the room who would soon face your wrath. The rest had already cleared up the goons and Pyg was the only one left. You narrowed your eyes and cracked your knuckles, making your way over to him.
By the time you reached Pyg he was already backing away from Batman and one murderous looking Robin, turning around he tried to make a run for it but was ultimately met with your fist, a sickening crack was heard and no one was quite sure whether it was from his mask, his jaw or both. Pyg was out cold and you shrugged at the duo in front of you while Dick and Jason made their way over.
“Remind me never to get on her bad side ever again.”, Jason whispered as both the boys looked completely terrified of you. You walked over to Bruce and held out your hand. He didn’t seem to catch the drift, for being the world’s greatest detective, he was quite dumb sometimes.
“The keys to the batmobile, unless you want Mr. surprise-I-got-stabbed over here to bleed out.”
After placing Jason into the passenger seat you hopped into the driving one. 
“Also there are people in the back, you know, the missing ones, so good luck with the clean up I guess.”, you called out before before closing the hood of the batmobile. 
You were on the road heading straight for the cave when you realized Jason wasn’t answering your questions anymore.
“Jason?”, you stole a glance at him and he was as pale as a ghost, “Shit!”, you yelled as you jammed your foot on the accelerator. 
Jason woke up to the dull beeping of multiple monitors and by the looks of the place, he concluded he was in fact in the batcave. As he regained some control over his senses, he saw you sitting on a chair beside his bed. You were sound asleep but he could see worry etched on your face even in your slumber. Looking at you, Jason wished he had the courage to say what his heart felt instead he just went ahead taking your hand in his, giving it a little squeeze. You stirred awake at that.
“Hey! You’re up!”, you stood up abruptly and hugged him tightly. To him it felt as if you were actually afraid of what might happen if you let go of him.
“I told you I don’t do dying anymore. It sucks.”
You finally pulled away from him, a smile tugging at your lips. Jason glanced at your hand, taking it in his once again, he ran his thumb over your bruised knuckles.
“I knew you had a mean right hook, guess I just forgot how mean”, Jason said smirking at you. You didn’t pull away from him as he had expected in his head instead you just scoffed at the statement. 
“The next time you forget that, allow me to give you a reminder by demonstration Bird-Brain”, you called him by the name you often used back then. At first it was to annoy your very annoying best friend but then it stuck around but hadn’t used that nickname ever since he came back. You both realized that. A silence fell over the once playful conversation, his eyes found the celling and yours found your lap. After a while you cleared you throat to get his attention and he looked at you, his expressions were borderline unreadable.
“Jason I-I should go now, but don't worry I’ll get Alfred back here”, You got up and moved towards the door of the med-bay, scrunching your eyes shut you released a shaky breath.
‘It’s now or never (Y/N)’ 
“Jason when you get better, there is this place I have been meaning to take you to, with me of course.”
“Sure I’ll go”
“So tomorrow sounds good?”
“Tomorrow sounds good”, he repeated after you breaking into a grin. Your cheeks flushed and you had to take a sharp turn to hide the blush on your face. You mentally smacked yourself for behaving like a teen asking her crush out on a date for the first time. 
The next night Jason met you on the roof of the Wayne tower.
“Please tell me this isn’t the place you wanted to see with me”, he chuckled behind you and you turned around to give him a quick hug.
“It’s not that bad of a place, plus I can throw you off here too if you get on my nerves”, you laughed at his faux scandalised face.
“You wound me”
“In case you forgot you are already wounded, drama queen, plus its your lucky day, this is not where we will be spending our evening. Just follow me and don’t get lost on the way”, you winked and jumped off the edge, him following the suit.
When you both reached the place you had in mind, the place Jason cherished when he was Robin, the expression on his face was priceless. It was like a mixture of awe and surprise with a hint of sadness.
“How did you find out about this?”, Jason inquired after a while of reminiscing. 
“Gee how indeed, ‘cause it cannot be the fact that I am detective who’s life is influenced by at least a dozen detectives and it’s most definitely not the fact that for me, you aren’t that difficult to figure out”
Jason chuckled at your usual playful sarcasm, his eyes were twinkling with something which felt more than just momental adoration and you couldn’t help but crack a small smile of your own. You made your way over to him, looking at the visible skyline for a brief moment, Jason watched as you sat down on the ledge with your legs dangling off, patting the space beside you gestured him to join you. 
“I have a feeling we’re gonna be here for a while, so might as well sit down and get comfortable”, you shrugged as he nodded and sat down beside you, placing his elbow on his bent knee. You both enjoyed the few minutes of comfortable silence, watching cars pass by below and the moon lit starry sky above.
“I am starting to see why you liked it here”
“Alfred told me”
“Huh?”, Jason looked at you dumbfounded, trying to process your words.
“After you...were gone, Alfred told me, he told me that this was your happy place, though I still can’t believe you had a favorite gargoyle”, stifling a laugh you somehow managed to continue, “Anyway so as I saying, ever since I found out about it, I used to come here every night when I got free from patrol, come to think of it I still do, sometimes”
You could feel his heavy gaze boring into you making you immediately regret bringing up this conversation. 
“Why?”, he finally inquired. You didn’t know whether to feel relived or be tense, but it was now or never, releasing a shallow breath you glanced at him, words flowing out on their own accord. 
“Even back then I knew everyone dies at some point and all we can do is try and find some meaning in it, in the memories they leave behind and I guess me wanting to be here, it was a part of me trying to do that and it made me feel somewhat connected to you so I kept doing it; Coming here, spending any time I could spare and leaving before the crack of dawn and before I knew it, it had become a habit.”
“So you did miss me”, he gave you a sad smile and wrapped his hand around your shoulder, giving you a light squeeze. 
“Of course I did you dumbass, I was best friend.”, you gave him a nudge and leaned your cheek on his chest, sighing deeply.
“The reason I avoided you after you came back was because I was scared”, you whispered, hoping it would sound less real that way. Jason pulled back a bit to take in your features and you could hear the strain in his voice, a hint of sadness in it.
“Scared of me?”
“Jason I wasn’t scared of you, I can never be, I was scared for you. I was afraid of losing you again. Every time you come back I lose you all over again and I am honestly tired of it and I thought that maybe if I kept my distance I--”
“Won’t get hurt again?”
“Yeah, something like that”
A moment passed where no one spoke anything, both of you running the scenarios of what might happen next in your brains. An idea clicked in your head and you abruptly got to your feet startling Jason in the process. Offering him your hand and a sheepish smile, you got him to his feet.
“I am tired of being scared Jason. I want this. I want us and for that I am willing to take a chance, are you?”, he stepped closer to you, his scent invading your senses.  
“For you (Y/N), anything. You should know that by now, plus I feel the same way, I have for a while now”, Jason breathed out as he pulled you in for a deep kiss leaving you dizzy for a while after you pulled away for air. Placing your foreheads together, you found yourselves grinning like idiots yet again in the two successive nights. Jason’s stomach growled, sending you into a fit of laughter.
“You really gotta ask?”, raising an eyebrow, he tried to look offended but ultimately melted against you as you pressed your lips on his for a brief moment.
“I know a place”, you murmured, lips brushing against his and before he could register what was happening you already had a grapnel gun in your hands, smirking as you jumped off the ledge.
“Last one there is a rotten egg hoodie!!”
“Hey! But I don’t even know where it is!”
“Not my fault Bird-Brain!”
Jason jumped on after you, smiling to himself. Both of you were thinking the same thing ‘maybe this was finally the start of a new chapter; something new, something scary and something beautiful altogether’
Tags: @ladyperceval
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a-lil-perspective · 4 years
Your chest fills with a soft gasp. You uncurl your sleep-infused joints, shifting on your back within the bed. Full, tranquil breaths usher you along. You flicker your gaze over to the chrono. Your lashes bat away a lingering bleariness as you acclimate to your obsidian-colored surroundings. You become acutely aware of a calloused hand nestled in your hairline, a thumb now smoothing away the furrow manifested between your brows.
In the pitch black, you feel his eyes cast heavily over you.
“Can’t sleep?” Your voice is still weak with slumber. You reach out a drowsy hand, intuitively finding his jawline and cradling it. There’s a pause, and then you feel his features rearrange with a smirk underneath your fingertips.
“Distracted by something beautiful is more like it.”
“At this hour?” You hum. “Must be a real work of art.”
“Mhm,” his hand slides down from your hair, tapping your nose on the way before ghosting over your now slightly part lips. “You certainly are.”
Something like a giggle escapes you, and you drape the back of your free hand across your face to hide the silly blush he can’t even see in the shadows inking the midnight room. His warm breaths grow closer, peppering across your skin. You gather yourself, hollowing your cheeks. “Well don’t stay awake on my account. You should rest.”
“Trust me...” his knuckles stroke along your cheekbone with a tenderness that nearly makes your heart give out. “It’s a good reason to be awake.”
“But not the only reason.” You scale his words footnoted by affection, bypassing directly to the underlying meaning while he proceeds to mouth your neck in lieu of an explanation.
“You had a nightmare,” you whisper after a moment, stifling a shiver and gliding your fingers through his hair unbound from its usual crimson accessory.
He shakes his head, forcing a reassuring smile. “They don’t visit me when I’m with you.”
“Lies,” you accuse gently, eyes softening as you unravel his plight. Your hand wanders from his jaw to the nape of his neck, in which you collect your evidence in the form of a cold and clingy sheen of sweat that’s clearly been settled for some time. You listen to his deep, burdened inhale that manifests from your discovery. If you squint hard enough you can make out his broad chest swelling with the intake. You mentally count the seconds his breath is held in stasis, and the heady silence that flanks. Four. And then his exhale billows heavily and he’s pressing his forehead to yours in defeat.
Your heart aches for him. You part the dark curtain of hair spilling over the both of you and imprint a sweet kiss to the corner of his lip. “It’s alright, Hunter; I’m here.”
He makes a pained sound against you.
“Was it the boys?”
His silence speaks for itself, waxing the anguish.
“Wake me next time.” It’s a useless plea, you know. You can never remove a soldier from the battlefield, nor stop the tape of death that rolls infinitely behind his closed lids.
From his glued position, he manages a fervent shake of his head. “Seeing you sleep peacefully... it’s soothing to me.”
You frown, fingers threading through his saturated scalp. You peel away from his face and crunch upward into a sitting position.
“I’ll be right back,” you murmur, loving lips tacking against his earlobe as you gently detangle. Hunter’s grip tightens in protest.
“I promise; right back,” you plant a chaste kiss to his cheek and roll out of his hold and off the bed, dashing to the refresher. The faucet shoots on, and you’re back seconds later with a wrung cloth monitored thoughtfully; not too hot or cold. You’ve long learned the extent of Hunter’s restlessness that flourishes in the wake of direct heat, and similarly, an unanticipated chill proves catastrophic to his sensitized nerves and he shoots into overload in no time flat. You, ever the attentive companion, fortunately discovered the most ideal temperatures to coat items before application.
You gingerly drape the rag over the back of his neck, and his shoulders slope at the contact. He nods his thanks and you take up your spot beside him on the edge of the bed.
His head remains cast downward, eyes presumably skimming the dark floor where he no doubt is attempting to shrug off all his troubles onto. You rub between his shoulder blades.
“Do you want to call them?” You ask.
He takes a shaky breath. “I think... that might help. Yes.”
You twist your body around, flopping ridiculously across the bed to reach the nightstand you could’ve just gotten up and walked around to. You fumble briefly for the comm seated there before straightening back up and activating a sequence. The light on the device blinks silently in working to establish a connection. A tremor burgeons from the mattress, a byproduct of Hunter’s bouncing knee. You still his disquiet with a reassuring squeeze. A voice finally crackles to life on the other end.
“Hello?” The greeting is interrupted by a seismic yawn.
“Hey Wrecker,” you greet gently. “Sorry to wake you.”
“Oh, hiya!” Sleep quickly disbands from the large man upon recognition of your voice as he inflates with something more peppy. “What’s up?”
“Oh you know, checking in,” you pause, glancing over at Hunter. “Sarge and I just wanted to say hi.”
“Hey vod!” Wrecker addresses his brother then. “Everything good?”
“Everything’s fine, Wrecker,” Hunter does his best to withhold the weariness lacing his words. “Just wanted to hear your voice. You can go back to sleep now, bud.”
Wrecker hums contemplatively. “Y’sure that’s all? Ain’t sounded like ya slept a wink.”
“I‘ll get there, don’t worry about me.”
“Need a good Wrecker cuddle?”
An unfiltered chuckle sounds through Hunter, and you relish the closest thing to at ease he’s sounded all night. “Maybe later, Wreck. But I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Ohhhh,” Wrecker drawls cheekily, his wicked grin palpable as he recalls that Sarge is already occupied with a warm body. “Well ‘f ya change your mind lemme know! Nighty night you two.”
“Goodnight, Wrecker.” You can’t help your own splitting grin.
Hunter snorts softly as the comm ends. “Feels like I’ve been caught in something scandalous.”
“Yeah, but he’s loyal,” you snicker, contacting the next member.
“Present.” It comes as no surprise that the engineer’s voice rings through with an unnerving level of chipper. Absolutely preposterous, this man. “Where am I needed?”
“In bed,” Hunter grumbles. “Get to sleep, Tech.”
“And yet you are the one who called me,” Tech glides right over the explicit command, the sound of his trinketing flooding the background. “Anyway, I look forward to showing you my newest creation—”
“Goodnight, Tech,” you sever his impending presentation with a snort. “Thanks for picking up. Puts Hunter’s mind at ease. He’s restless tonight.”
“Ah, yes. We will need to work on his subpar development regarding healthy sleep patterns.”
Hunter’s face twists with a frown that doesn’t hold that much weight. “If that ain’t the pot callin’ the kettle black.”
“Indeed. I just thought you might enjoy the humor in that.”
Hunter flashes a smirk he figures his younger brother is probably matching. “You know yours is my favorite, vod’ika.”
“That is good to hear.” A pause. “Goodnight, Hunter. Should you still find yourself restless in the coming hours, I’m happy to assist with my ‘useless trivia’ that inevitably puts you to sleep.”
“By that point you should find yourself asleep,” the ori’vod points out.
“Very well,” Tech relents. “I shall, for you.”
Hunter just shakes his head, unconvinced he won’t discover a sleepy genius slumped over the nearest workbench here within the next few hours.
Another round of brotherly charges are exchanged and then you’re left with one last call to make.
The last member acknowledges in a far less amiable manner.
“Crosshair.” You innately grow solemn with it. “Got a second?”
“Don’t really have a choice now,” he responds curtly, a lingering husk of sleep in his voice.
“Sorry Cross,” Hunter interjects. “My doing. Just wanted to check in on you boys.”
“At two in the morning.”
Hunter manages a wry smile. “Can’t say hi to my vode whenever?”
There’s silence on Crosshair’s end for a moment.
“What’s going on.” He’s returned bearing more sage.
You feel Hunter straighten beside you. “Nothin’, vod. Don’t worry about it.”
“That doesn’t work on me, Hunter. Try again.”
“I’m fine,” Hunter said rushingly. “Promise. Just gets a little stuffy in my head sometimes. But you boys always make it better, y’know?”
Crosshair quiets. “Get some rest. I’ll be here if you need me.”
“Thanks vod. Appreciate it.”
You imagine Crosshair’s eyes searing into you through the comm as his attention shifts. “Keep me updated.”
“I will,” you assure. The connection ends. You eye Hunter, grazing your fingernails along the side of his head, tucking inky strands behind his ear. “Did that help at all?”
Hunter huffs a tired laugh. “Think it just made it worse. Now none of ‘em will sleep because of me.”
“They’ll be just fine,” you begin guiding him back under the covers. “Now to make sure you are.” He resists you for the briefest of moments.
“I am fine, honey.”
“You will be,” you agree, lying back. Hunter soon follows and sprawls out over top of you, wriggling until he’s positioned ideally with his head on your chest yet within proximity of your neck to plaster kisses with ease when the mood strikes.
Hunter makes a little choked sound, and you realize he’s clearing his throat. “Thank you... for doing that for me.”
You flatten his head to your chest with something fiercely protective. “I would do anything for you.”
“Which, by and large, is entirely unnecessary.”
He earns himself a long-suffering sigh at that.
“It is necessary. Because you are my everything.”
“Shh,” you rebuke him. “Dammit, Hunter—just let someone take care of you.” You chew your lip. “Let me.”
He inhales deeply through his nose. It is entirely plausible for Sergeant Hunter to be bested in a battle-of-the-wills on the rarest of occasions; this being one of them. You spread your hands across his back and begin a deliberating massage. He groans lightly, his neglected aches and pains woven into the limelight by your touch. You quickly get caught up in your administration. When your breath suddenly hitches, Hunter lifts his head in curiosity.
“I’m just… you...” Words feel thick on your tongue. “You are a remarkable man, you know that?”
The corded muscles of his back tense. Anyone else would bask in such awestruck reverence but not Hunter, who makes haste to override his obvious discomfort with a thoughtful hum.
“I know that’s what you believe,” he answers neutrally.
“Because it’s true.” You reposition the wicking cloth at his neck. “Your brothers and I... we would all be lost without you.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.”
A pinch to his bicep. “Maybe you’re too hard on yourself.” Too damn stubborn, you nearly add.
His demeanor is colored with remiss. “All in a Sergeant’s work.”
One-hundred percent success rates and elite statuses aside: Hunter carries his tediously bashful disposition in total part.
“You don’t have to be Sergeant around me, you know,” you cup his face, tilting him up to meet yours. “You can just be Hunter.”
He can just be himself.
He shrugs with that pained, dutiful smile. The smile that follows him into adversity, the wry humor that is as much his shield as any. “Guess I don’t know how to separate the two.”
Your eyes well all of a sudden as you gaze upon this beautiful and troubled man with so much love in your heart it sends a keeling pang through you. Of course he doesn’t know how. He’s never known how to truly feel distinguished outside the focal point of soldiering. He’s always been so different, but never an individual. Never his own man. Preordained for responsibilities since before his decant, conducive in parental devices and sibling undertakings and leadership skills interchangeably. Always carrying others but who carries him?
You choke on a verklempt breath.
“I can help you.” You sound so small and desperate, sobbing quietly underneath him as your heart breaks alongside his. “Please let me help you…”
In the dark he captures your salty, stray tear with his lips—he always knows—before moving down and swallowing your mouth. Tenderness blooms from his textured lips, soft and sultry and seeping into every capillary. A soft love note pings from you against him when he’s got you like this, cast in a smelter of dire adoration and the overwhelming need to nurture. His touch, his kiss, is a burning ember that brands you even when he pulls away.
“You already do,” he murmurs sweetly against your lips.
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes
It's Task Force 141's first mission after gathering intel about the whereabouts of Samantha Coleman. Gary and the rest of the team proceed to briefing and would probably head straight to their rescue mission. Do these mini summaries even make sense? Find out soon.
Chapter 3 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
Previous Chapter : Soap - F.N.G.
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"Run Through the Jungle"
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Task Force 141
Task Force 141 - Mess Hall
Gary was almost done with his raccoon story when the PA system alerted them of an immediate briefing. Simon nodded to him and got up making his way to the briefing room. Gary also noticed the rest of his squad from earlier walk to the door, and was France crying on Alex? Much to his curiosity, he went to John who was still sitting by the chair.
"Anything you want to tell me, Soap?" he asked, patting his comrade's shoulder. 
"Bugger off, mate. Let's just go to the meeting." he replied, Roach couldn't tell if he was sad or disappointed or mad, but it may have something to deal with France crying.
"Whatever mate. I'm always here if you want to talk it out." he assured, and he was in fact true. It's been a month since the Task Force was created and Gary was the team's therapist, everybody's friend and ally no matter what. He always felt that he could feel everyone's emotions and believes he could be a sponge for someone who's unable to deal with the trauma. Ghost was one of his customers, he had a lot to deal with and Gary was always there for him.
"Few hours ago, our informants intercepted with a group of armed men on a safehouse near the borders of Germany. They told us that there was a man named Augustus who happens to be our step closer to Nero." Gary took note of the information General Shepherd relayed, his scribbles became faster as the General continued.
"We also received word that our hostage, Samantha Coleman is with them in one of these houses. We have to proceed with caution as this area may be rigged with traps or surrounded with tangos." he added.
"As for rules of engagement, fire only when fired upon. This is a local settlement and civilians may be anywhere. We don't want to create unnecessary civilian casualties just to retrieve a single person." he instructed. Gary took a quick survey of the room, everyone looked at the screen intently, he could see MacTavish's eyebrows furrowed in anger, France's eyes were downright sad and Alex, despite being a CIA agent, actually looked worried.
"As for assignments, I'll let your captain take the floor." Shepherd concluded and exited the area, Price then stepped forward and began briefing.
The silent chirping of the crickets echoed from the nearby forest. Gary took a cold exhale and leaned on the railings just outside their quarters. 
"Big day tomorrow, huh?" Ghost surprised Roach as he spoke.
"Yeah, it's been a long time since I spotted, but I still know the basics." Gary answered. He and Ghost were assigned for sniper support a few clicks away from the Alpha Team lead by Alex and the Bravo Team lead by Captain Price.
"Your math is good and fast?" Ghost asked, chuckling at the question. Gary inhaled before he answered the question.
"Yeah. Try me." he dared, glancing at the masked man.
"Suppose there's a target about 516 meters far, the wind is one half value." Ghost planned out the situation. Gary's gears started turning as he scratched his freshly shaven chin.
"Five degrees. Descending." he muttered. Ghost thought about it and agreed.
"Yeah. Your math is still on point." he mused laughing at him.
"What do you think Nero is up to? I mean it all doesn't add up. And what's with erasing memories?" Gary flooded the man with questions. Simon just pondered without saying any words.
"I dunno mate. I'm as baffled as you are." he replied, waving to Alex and France who were out on a late night walk.
"Say Gary, what's the deal with the new girl? One minute she looks tough as nuts then the second Soap comes in she's fucking crying?" Ghost rambled. Gary could feel a hint of jealousy but not entirely. It's as if he's mad and jealous at the same time.
"Well, we were too far from their table and I couldn't hear anything. Maybe they had an argument while Soap was out with her on the training room?" Gary speculated, he saw Simon's fists clench as he left his side.
"Eh. Not that I care anyway. Get some rest, spotter. Big day tomorrow." he remarked and went to his room.
"Yeah yeah." he replied waving at the two walking around the oval. They both waved back and Gary yelled good night to them before entering the quarters himself.
Gary plopped on his bed and closed his eyes. He was actually nervous enough that he could hear his own heartbeat, he took deep breaths and lulled himself to sleep. He wanted to see to it that they save the hostage tomorrow and a perfect sleep is what he could contribute right now.
Gary hated the ghillie suits. It was heavy, uncomfortable and animals sometimes land on you, but it does the job well. Treading the dense forestry just above the safehouse, Gary and Simon head out to look for a perfect spot.
"This one's got a view of the houses." Ghost whispered, signaling Roach to move forward.
"This is Echo Three One, we've cleared the two houses on the right, all empty. Over." Alex reported over their comms.
"Bravo Six copies that and the two houses here are also clear." Price reported.
"Looks like it's going to be the one on the far side." Soap concluded.
"I've got eyes on the safehouse. There's no activity on all windows. Proceed with caution." Ghost reported.
"Rog." Price replied.
"Copy that, eye in the sky." Alex replied.
Gary put out his spotting scope and placed his eye behind the lens.
"I've got my eyes on them, Ghosty. Alpha Team is on its way." he whispered.
Ghost rolled some knobs on his sniper making a soft clicking sound as he spins it.
"Don't call me that, Bug. I have eyes on Bravo Team. Still no movement from the safehouse." 
"This is Alpha Team, approaching the left side of the safehouse."
"Bravo Team is Oscar Mike as well."
"Roach, did you see that?" Ghost whispered.
"Yeah. The winds are shifting." Gary noted, sticking out a tool that detects wind speed.
"Three Fourths value at 400 meters. 15 miles per hour. Adjust to 15.3" he informed, calculating on Ghosts still shoulder with a pen. Decimals are too dangerous to calculate mentally. Ghost's sniper clicked once again to adjust with the wind, he took a deep breath and his targets stabilized once again.
Leaves rustled behind them, Roach quickly held on his rifle and slowly turned back to check if it was an animal. Nothing, but before turning back on his scope, he saw a black figure from the corner of his eye.
"Bollocks. We've got movement on our Six." Roach reported. 
"Remember our ROE, Roach. Fire only when fired upon." Price reminded.
"I'll take care of it from here. You go check on that." Ghost said as he turned back to his scope.
"Roger that. Be safe." Roach quickly ran to the direction if the rustling.
He couldn't make out much of the figure, but he was sure enough it was human. He tried to look for areas where the leaves were disturbed but with the wind picking up, he was clueless. Then there it was again, movement. He quickly dashed to it's direction, not wanting to get lost again. His boots slapped the fresh soil as he made his wauy to a clearing.
'Left, right then left by the rocks.' Gary mentally noted his each turn so he could easily remember but when he's chasing someone whom he felt like it doesn't know where it goes, then it's a whole different story.  
Gary was alone in the windy forest, in pursuit of a person who's out on the woods at five in the morning. He wanted to go back but there's something that bothered him and convinced him to keep chasing it.
"Roach, you okay? They're almost in the safehouse." Ghost pointed out.
"Yeah haaaah… I'm still haaaah… hot on its trail." Gary panted. He suddenly turned when he heard a yelp.
"It's a girl. It might be our hostage." he radioed and followed the direction of the sound.
Soft sobs and English curse words could be heard from where Gary emerged. This alerted the injured female and she plead at the British solider.
"Please. I'm not an enemy. I'm I'm- I don't know who I am or where I am… Please. Don't hurt me." She was an American girl, possibly around 20-30 years old and had blonde hair wearing a black tank top and grey sweatpants, there were a few bruises on her arms and she was threatening him with a stick.
"Maam, put down your weapon and calm down. I will not hurt you." he dropped his weapon slowly on the ground stepped forward, his hands both raised.
"Good good. I need help." she whimpered, looking at her sprained ankle.
Gary immediately took his ghillie off and ripped a piece of his sleeves to wrap around the sprain, treating it with something from his medical kit.
"There you go… You're feeling better now? Maam?" Gary accommodated. The unknown blonde nodded in agreement.
"So.. you don't know who you are?" Gary asked.
"All I know is that I'm with another girl, Brunette." she added.
"I located the one out on the woods. She's American but I can't ID her. She's about 20 - 30 years old, short blonde hair." Gary informed.
"Is that Maxine?" Alex and France simultaneously replied over comms.
"Excuse me. Do you go by Maxine?" Gary asked politely. The girl quickly covered her ears and screamed.
"Aaaaaah! My head hurts!" She yelled. Gary was quick enough to cover her mouth as soon as she opened it as to not give away their presence.
"I don't know if that's a yes or a no guys. But that definitely is a reaction." Gary said over the comms. He assisted "Maxine" and lifted her up as he tries to get back to Ghost.
"Thick trees everywhere. Any Idea where you are Ghost?" he asked over the secure radio.
"I'm at the same spot I've been since we got here. Can't you retrace your steps?" he replied.
"I could try." he muttered, carrying an unconscious woman on his shoulders across the jungle.
Next Chapter : Déjà vu
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all-fleshed-out · 5 months
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"Nana wuz on dat' show one times!"
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hailbop1701 · 4 years
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25 Days of FicMas
December 19th prompt: The Magical Adventures of the Santa hat
Word count: 1,581
A Kirkian Christmas Set Up
Sort but cuuuute. Read it, love it, write songs about it. It would have been longer if I didn't feel the strong need for sleep. Remember to drink water and love yourself. Cause I love you. I need you so...now you can't leave me. No returns.
No one knew where it came from. The damn thing just showed up a few days before Christmas, and of course Captain James. T Kirk had to wear it. The crew snickered and grinned at the little decoration, “Nice hat sir!” one ensign called out when Jim entered one of the rec rooms with Spock following behind; it was a Tuesday night and Tuesdays were always chess days. Kirk grinned at the young ensign, “It’s in the spirit of the holiday,” he bowed his head a tad letting the ball of the Santa hat sway over his shoulder. You sat in a large comfy chair in the corner with an old fashioned book in your hands, you watched as The Captain and The Commander set up at a table right next to you, “Hey Lieutenant, good read?” Kirk asked casually sending you a kind smile. You shrugged glancing at the front of the book, seeing the title was faded somewhat, “Just some Dickens sir. Like you said the spirit in the holiday and all that,” 
Kirk gave you a look, “Jim, (Y/N). Call me Jim when we’re off duty,” he ordered. You rolled your eyes good-naturedly, “of course sir,” you said almost teasingly making Jim groan annoyed. “We’ll get there,” he muttered moving a piece on the chessboard, “Which ghost are you at?” he asked not taking his eyes off of the Commander’s movements. “Present,” you answered absentmindedly as you read; Jim smirked making another move, “Most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom unless the writing be erased,” he quoted like he was reading over your shoulder. Raising a single eyebrow you breathed out a laugh, “I’m impressed sir,” you said honestly and Kirk shrugged. “Gotta love the classics, isn’t that right Mr. Spock?” 
The Commander looked up from the game in front of him toward his superior, “Yes Captain. I too enjoy old Earth literature. I find the works of George Orwell and Oscar Wilde fascinating,” he said as he moved a rook to the next level of the board. Jim narrowed his eyes in thought, “I love Tolkien personally,” he murmured. You chuckled and nodded, “I knew it! I totally pegged you as a Lord of The Rings fan. Ginly owes me fifty credits,” you grinned at the prospect. Kirk barked out a laugh, “Well I’m glad I could help you out. Let me know if I can do anything else for you,” he winked. You huffed mildly amused but not exactly surprised; Kirk was a known flirt so you didn’t think anything of it. You certainly didn't notice him check the time. 
The conversation lapsed into a comfortable silence until Sulu and Chekov collapsed into the chairs by you to watch the ‘exciting’ game going on between The Captain and Commander. “Nice hat sir,” Sulu complimented flicking the white puffball so it swung and smacked Kirk in the face, the man scrunched up his nose in response. He took off the Santa hat and threw it in Sulu’s face with a huff, he moved another piece on the board calling “Check,” 
Sulu pulled the hat from his face and secured it on his head with a snicker, “Checkmate,” Spock announced making Kirk curse under his breath. Spock raised a single eyebrow but otherwise said nothing and began to reset the board. Glancing up from your book you saw that Kirk was whispering lowly to Sulu who was grinning madly, ‘Oh this is going to end badly,’ you thought with a snort. Shifting in your chair so your legs were now over the arm you looked up again when the rec room door swished open. Scotty and Uhura were walking through talking about upgrades for the comms relay, Kirk jerked his head toward the CE smirking. Sulu bounced up and whispered hurriedly into Scotty’s ear, “What are you planning Jim?” Uhura asked dryly walking to Spock’s side, arms crossed over her chest she leaned against her boyfriend. You gave her a little wave in greeting before getting back to Dickens. 
Scotty grinned at the little plan Kirk had cooked up and gave Sulu a little salute. Hikaru deposited the Santa hat on Scott’s head and watched him scurry out the door. You didn’t notice Sulu casually get close to your chair before it was too late, the helmsman snatched the aged book from your hands and raced out the rec room doors like a bat out of hell. “Damnit Hikaru!” you shouted floundering in your chair. You flipped out of the thing landing on your hands and knees, jeans getting dirty on the floor and mild stinging on your palms didn’t stop you from chasing the man out the door. Uhura stood there shocked and wide-eyed for a moment, “Okay Jim seriously what have you cooked up!” she scolded. She stopped abruptly noticing Spock hadn’t said a word or did his customary eyebrow raise, “you’re in on it,” she accused looking between the Captain and his second in command. “Let’s just say we know a couple of people who need...a little push,” Jim explained moving a knight on the chessboard. He looked up at Uhura with a cheeky grin and nodded at Pavel who pulled out a PADD with Enterprises schematics. It took a moment for the comms officer to catch on but when she did she couldn’t help but grin, “I can’t believe I’m saying this but damn Kirk you’re a genius,’ she said gracefully plopping down in your vacant chair. Jim grinned and held out his arms in a “Ta-da” motion. 
Scotty dashed through the corridors of the Enterprise like his life depended on it; mostly because it did. He poked a bear and now he was running from said bear; that metaphorical bear was the ship’s CMO Leonard McCoy. “Damnit Scotty come back here!” McCoy shouted eyes blazing. Montgomery Scott refused to say that he was afraid of anything but at that moment he practically screamed like a “Wee lass,” as he ran through his lady. Glancing over his shoulder he saw McCoy gaining on him, yelping Scotty picked up the pace hoping to get to the drop-off point in time. 
Scotty whooped when he saw Sulu at the end of the corridor running toward him with you hot on his heels. “Drop it, Scotty!” Sulu shouted passing by the man dropping the book he was holding on the floor before continuing like hell itself was after him. Scotty bent down and gently dropped the object he was holding before sprinting past you. Santa hat flying off his head he dove into an empty turbo lift laughing hysterically as the doors closed him in. You skidded to a stop before you tripped over the object Scotty dropped on the floor, panting you picked up the hat and what looked to be a holo frame. Looking down you saw a smiling little girl with a missing front tooth, “I think this belongs to you,” you said holding up the picture. McCoy huffed and picked up your book from the ground, “Dickens?” he asked impressed. You blushed and held out the picture frame, “ I like the classics,” you mumbled nervously. Leonard smirked as you traded items, “My daughter just finished To Kill A Mockingbird,” he said weighing the frame in his hands. You grinned, “I loved that one when I was little,” you said excitedly. “How did she like it?” you couldn’t help but ask. McCoy chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, “She loved it if I could guess by the video message she sent me,” 
You were walking back down the corridor with Doctor McCoy when suddenly the lights dimmed and Christmas lights sprung to life lining the walls with holiday cheer. You laughed nervously, “Is it me or are we being set up?” you asked rubbing the back of your neck. Leonard raised an eyebrow, “now darlin’ whatever gave you that idea?” he asked dryly making you giggle. “So this is what he was up to,” you murmur with a shake of your head, “I’m not sure if I’m gonna kill him or…” McCoy trailed off muttering curses under his breath. You bit your lip to keep from smiling, “Well better make the most of it, “ you said and placed the Santa hat on your head. Leonard laughed a wide smile breaking across his face; you couldn’t help but follow suit. Your smile caused Leonard to pause his walking, his heart thudded in his chest and his breath caught. He had to admit he had always thought you were beautiful, smart, funny, and genuinely kind but he never dared to ask you out or even if he should. The divorce was such a messy painful thing he didn’t want to experience something like that again.  You cocked your head to the side curiously, Leonard cleared his throat nervously. “I uh I’m running out of book titles to recommend to Jo, I was wonderin’ if you could help me make a list…” he trailed off clutching the holo frame in his hands tightly. You beamed, “Of course I’ll help! Does she have a favorite genre?” and with that, you were both off again. You and Leonard talked for a good portion of the night, neither minding waking up tired for shift the next day. For the future was bright and full of new stories to tell. Like the one, Joanna McCoy would ask for every Christmases to come: “The Magical Adventures of the Santa Hat,” 
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eirabach · 4 years
beneath the lightning and the moon
With apologies to Coleridge, the Navy Hymn and the Submarine Service, a very quick Halloween story.
“Sea monsters.” Scott pinches the bridge of his nose. “Actual sea monsters."
“I know it sounds pretty crazy but --”
Buddy twists, his hologram beckoning out to someone out of frame, and Scott takes the opportunity to roll his eyes in Virgil’s vague direction. His actual view of his brother is blocked partially by the Pendergasts, but mostly by Gordon who’s leaning forward like an over excited pup facing the prospect of a particularly juicy bone.
“Hey, Gordo!” She waves. “Buddy filled you in?”
“Yeah, about that.” Scott holds a hand out, palm up, to keep Gordon from jumping right out of his seat. Just like puppy training. Kinda. “Thunderbird Five’s been scanning the area since you called it in, we can’t find anything untoward.”
“I know what I heard.” Buddy shakes his head. “Ellie took a recording, didn’t you love?”
“Sure did, hold on.” She taps at her tab, and Scott calls up John.
“This again?” he mutters, side eyeing the Pendergasts who are pressing their heads together over the tab. “I’ve run every scan --”
“Ah ha! Here, listen to this!”
Gordon practically falls off the sofa in his eagerness, Virgil catching at his belt loops to hold him in place. John is already turning away, his concentration already caught by something far more interesting than Buddy Pendergast’s --
“Report. Report.”
“Crikey! Did you hear that? What in the --”
The roar that echoes round the villa has Gordon flying back in his seat, brings Alan to the top of the stairs with his fingers in his ears. It’s a deep, awful sort of sound, muffled by water and distance, but there’s a sharpness  to it that reminds Scott of sheering, screaming metal. Of blood and flame and dust. It is not the sort of sound the Pendergasts ought to have been party to in a bathyscope. Sea monsters or not.
“Lion?” Alan yells. “‘S new!”
“Not a lio --!” Scott bellows back, but then the sound cuts off as sudden and as awful as it had begun. On the recording the only sound is the panicked panting of the Pendergasts, the gentle, steady beep of the sonar, and;
“Report. Report. Report.”
“Ya hear that?” Buddy shakes his head, and Ellie pats his arm. “I’ve heard some things in my time -- the cry of the Ozarks Howler, a Yowie party but this --” His eyes drop. “Was something else.”
Ellie’s arm wraps around his shoulders, and she turns a pleading expression on Scott.
“There’s something out there, you heard it.”
“Most of New Zealand heard it,” grumbles Alan, dropping down to sit next to Scott. “But -- I don’t get it. If you’re looking for sea monsters -- maybe you found one?”
John scoffs, but Buddy’s already shaking his head again, his gaze fixed to his feet.
“That’s not the issue,” Ellie insists. “Could be a Kraken, could be a Pleido -- either way --”
“I’m sorry.” It’s Virgil’s turn to interrupt, though at least he's more polite about it than John’s likely to be. “If you’re not calling us about the Sea Monster --”
“Either way,” Ellie continues, eyebrows pulling together. “Since when do sea monsters ask you to report?”
“You there yet, mate?”
“I think he means status, Thunderbird Four?”
“No drama, status Gordo?”
Gordon grins down at the twin holograms. John’s arms are tightly folded across his chest, but Buddy’s bouncing on his toes, his eyes bright.
“I’m good, coming up within range now. No sea monsters yet.” Buddy deflates slightly. John rolls his eyes. "Anything on the scans, John?”
“Clean as a whistle, I might find you some nervous clams if you’re --”
The words come again in a steady, heavy monotone. Male, probably. Human, anyway, and John’s eyebrows disappear into his hairline, his hand flying over his equipment as Gordon grabs for the comm. 
“Kilo Whiskey Lima Foxtrot Zero Three Four, this is Thunderbird Four.” He glances briefly at Buddy who’s biting at the skin of his thumb. “Report.”
Static blares through the comm. John scowls. “Nothing! How can --”
“I’m nearly five kilo deep, John. Whatever’s down here is not having a fun-- shit!”
The sound is worse down here, down deep in the dark where the only thing Four’s running lights catch on are the rising peaks of underwater mountains. It’s a scream, a shriek of metal and men and the thundering roar of water where there should not be and Gordon ducks, throwing his arms over his head in a frantic attempt to protect himself from -- from --
He peers out into the blackness. Four bobs gently in the current, unbothered and untouched. 
“Report,” pleads the comm and every hair on the back of his neck stands to attention.
“Nothing’s -- What --” He hits the comm, fingers slipping slightly even through the neoprene. “Zero Three Four, state your position!”
“Report, LR5.” Definitely human, definitely scared. “LR5? Do you read me?”
Gordon’s nose crinkles, “LR -- must be interference. Hang on. John I’m gonna send a pulse you ready?”
“Might as well,” John grumbles. “Nothing else is -- Eos! Have you been rearranging the databanks again?”
“Launching Ultra Sonar.” Gordon hopes that John’s too preoccupied with whatever Eos has done to the communication array to notice the way he squeezes his eyes shut before pressing the button. He doesn’t believe in sea monsters -- not Buddy’s kind of sea monsters anyway -- not any more than he believes in mermaids. 
But there’s something out there. Something loud. Something loud and invisible to human eyes and John alike, and the last surprise the Ultra Sonar turned up had really not ended well for him at all.
Lights flare into life across the dash as the Ultra Sonar sweeps through the crevices, dips down toward the distant trench bottom, and Gordon finds himself holding his breath, waiting, waiting --
“Roger that Zero Three Four, I am receiving you loud and clear what is your status.”
The static fizzes again, louder, more insistent, and over it, through it, the clang clang clang of what sounds like a hammer against a hull. His hull.
“Jesus fuck what is that? John!”
“I’m getting nothing from here!”
The noise grows louder, closer, and he can feel it through his seat now -- any second -- any second and it’ll be beneath his feet, right where the running lights reflect his own sheet-white face in the plexiglass.
Until they splutter, stutter. Die away to nothing and the darkness left lit only by the faint, static laden glow of the comm symbol and two pale, watching faces.
The silence is perfect.
The silence is awful.
Buddy opens his mouth; Gordon presses a finger to his lips, and he snaps it shut.
The comm symbol flickers, red to amber.
“Zero Three Four,” Gordon hisses, “God damn --”
“-- ur power evermore whose arm doth reach the ocean floor --” the voice on the comm warbles, unsteady and growing much, much higher. A boy's voice, almost. Clear of static and as pure as though the singer were sat beside him, and Gordon listens, enthralled, as the running lights flicker back into life.
Or at least, someone’s do. Someone huge and black, rising from beneath him with running lights turned green with age and a hull torn and tattered. Colours not used for a century flying from a mast that hangs limp, a looming blackflashed conn tower where someone -- someone still sings.
“Virgil! Virgil I need you now!”
A dozen someones, no, more, two dozen, a hundred, and Thunderbird Four’s engines howl in displeasure as Gordon throws himself backward, heaves himself towards the surface, sweat in his eyes and blood in his mouth and his ears -- his ears ringing with a hundred voices, clear and bright and impossible as they beg:
“-- dive with our men beneath the sea.”
Buddy hovers over him, generously letting him finish puking his guts up against the wall of the module before he says anything. He’s good like that. “Not sea monsters, then?”
Gordon shakes his head weakly.
"Not unless season 17 is heading in a very different direction, no."
Virgil hands him a towel.
“Deep sea pressures can lead to hallucinations, there must be some --”
“Pardon me Virgil mate, but I heard --”
“Me too.” John is quieter than usual, his grip on his arms unusually tight. “There was nothing on the scans but --”
“M-mass hysteria,” Brains concludes, popping out of Virgil’s wrist comm to tut at the state of Four’s post-dive. “It’s the simplest --”
“General quarters.” Gordon doesn’t look at any of them as he wipes his face with a shaking hand. “The hammering -- they were calling me to General Quarters.”
“I don’t know --”
“Battlestations,” he rounds on Virgil, panic curdling into anger in the last of the bile he spits onto the ground. “No one -- no one came to help them. They wanted me to help them. And I ran.”
“Gordon --” 
"You don't get it!"
"Gordon, I do, I understand but -- there's no such thing as ghosts."
Buddy and John let out similarly uncertain little noises. Brains presses the heel of his hand into his forehead. Gordon just scowls, and jabs at his comm.
“Kilo Whisky Lima Foxtrot Zero Three Four, do you copy?” The line hangs, Gordon’s fingertips white with the force of pressing it down, the balric shaking under his hand. “Repeat, do you copy? I’m sorry.” It’s a whisper, a plea. “Zero Three Four, stand down. All clear, I repeat. All clear.”
“Gordon, there’s no one --”
It’s different up here. A thin, ready warble. Distant and skittish, as though being played through some ancient radio frequency that skips with every heavy breeze, but it comes all the same. Plays through Gordon’s comm and echoes off the carbon fiber frame of Two, wraps itself around Four’s still dripping nose. 
“ -- keep them safe from peril in the deep.”
Someone -- John -- whimpers, but Gordon grits his teeth, stares out at the churning ocean and swears, "Roger that."
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Fucks not Found
Ch1 Ghosts | Ch2 Florence | Ch3 A Matter of Seconds | Ch4 I need a Backdoor | Ch5 Die Hard | Ch6 White Flag | Ch7 Haunt the Living | Ch8 One, but not done [end]
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Who had this fucking idea?
One had refused that you got out the truck since Italy was were you lived. Apparently for Six it was okay, since he was in the car moving at 160per hour. That’s how you ended up in that stupid espresso truck Three had rented. Feet on the dash, trying to concentrate on your laptop, unfortunately Three was trying to learn Italian next to you.
“I’m gonna kill him!” You said through greeted teeth, he was shamelessly butchering your mother tongue.
“Be nice Eight.” Five chuckled over the comm. The mission was going smoothly at first, exchanging jokes with Six, Four sending pictures on the group chat from his view up there. 
Eventually everything went south real quick. It distracted you from the urge to shoot at Three.
“You hit one more person and I’m walking?” you heard Five in the comm link, your eyes widened.
“You’ve hit someone?!” you yelled at Six. 
“Grazed him really ..” he tried to convince you
“Totally smashed him, One added, 10/10!”
“Imbecille!” your Italian resurfacing when in stress.
Four scoffed in the comm link "How come she can speak Italian and you cannot?
"She's always been the better twin" Six hissed avoiding another walker
“Definitely.” Four answered in a hushed tone.  
Brushing away Four’s comment you got impatient "One, I need access to that phone!"
One growled  "Bossy, ever so bossy!"
“What did you guys do in there? Why are you covered in blood?” Six inquired, you could hear the disgust in his voice, between cursed and screeching tires, as obviously they were chased by the lawyer’s own TAC team. 
“ The head, neck, and face are very, very vascular. So it’s a lot of blood.” One vaguely tried to explain.
“Oh Eight I think they kill a mafia guy in Italy! You pressed your temples at your brother’s words. 
The lawyer’s phone needed facial recognition more specifically retina recognition… so naturally Two scooped his eye out. What a first mission!
“One for Four?”
“Yeah, go for Four.”
“ We need you.”
“ Of course you need me. I’m here.”
“Remind me, where the fuck is here?” 
“ Here here. Like, here?” Four continued, his evasive answers made you grin.
“Specificity.” One added
“ Here. Right effing here! Top of the Duomo, like we talked about. Look up. Where you going?”
“In the wrong direction. Please help them.” You sighed, Three spun his revolver your way.
“Get that thing away from my face Three!” he grimaced returning to his book
“Oh shit, coming down! Four announced… Coming up North, down on Via de ..via de ..there’s so many fucking vias in Italy!  
“Via De Cerretani.” you cleared
“Yeah, yeah” he sighed annoyed
At some point you momentarily removed your earpiece since your brother was screaming and cursing. Mammà would disapprove.
“You gotta lose that police chopper!” Four was perched on the Sagrestia Vecchia following the Alpha Romeo through Florence’s alleys.
You hacked the chopper on board cam “I have eyes, I’ll tell you when they lose you.”
“dov'è il bagno? …. dov'è il baaagno?..” Three repeated 3 TIMES, you glanced at him really annoyed, fingers itching to unsheathed.
“Buongiorno Uno” he answered at the sizzling talkie.
“Shit’s gone, we’re supper fucked, Four needs an Uber!”
“Way ahead of you, papi!” a loud bang coming from above the truck startled you.
“Buongiorno Quattro” Three started the truck.
His accent really made you cringe. Removing your feet from the dash you dip your head catching a glimpse of Four on the top on the truck.
After a few seconds, he got down and squeezed himself by the passenger window, you scout next to Three with a huff.
Gunshots, and cussing resonated in the comm link.Unconsciously biting your thumbnail, you kew your brother was a good driver but it was stressful. Four leaned in watching the chopper cam on your laptop. His blond hair falling into his eyes, you spotted brown flakes in the emerald green of his eyes. He was so close you thought your heartbeat had sync with his because you felt like adrenaline had rush in.
For a second you locked eyes, he smirked at you, immediately self aware of your agape state you nudge him away from your laptop. One was screaming at everyone in the car, Two was screaming back at him, her French accent even more pronounced. Five lost it in Spanish against Six and One. 
“Ok, the chopper lost sight on you, make the best of it little bro.”
All of sudden “Wannabe” blasted into your ear, you chuckled at your brother’s music taste, until Three announced two black suburban were tailing the green Guila Quadrifoglio. Four reloaded the grenade launcher, you eyed him apprehensive, he just smiled at you like a kid on Christmas day.
“Six fake ‘em out mate, I’m coming to you!” reaching for his skateboard behind you.
Few explosions later you urged them to make in on time at the rendez-vous point.
“You got a superhero on the squad!!” your brother praised Four, these two really got along real quick.
Focused on your next escape route aka arguing in Italian on the phone with the docker you didn’t hear the commotion in the car, the tires screeching, shattering glass.
“Whoa, shit!” Six screamed.
You gasped, feeling something was wrong, a deep pain in your chest you couldn’t explain, furrowing your brows you breathe in trying to chase it away, thinking it was the adrenaline rushing out.
Three stopped the truck at the construction site where you had to meet, him and Four got out gun’s at point.
You got out the truck a second later, your own gun in hand, still feeling weird “Ok let’s get the fuck out of my mother land bef..” you freezed, your eyes landing on the green car.
A deafening silence invaded your ears, the sound of you gun hitting the concrete resonating until your brain caught up, you understood the sudden unknown feeling. 
“NOOOOOO” you cried out running to him, feet skidding on the debris. “Come on baby brother, no, no, no, no” you cradled his face in your shaking hands, your vision blurry with tears, you pushed your forehead onto his, hands bloodied. “please, please” you begged sobbing, murmuring prayers.
 He was gone. You were unable to feel his presence, unable to feel his emotions through that unique bond twins have, you felt lost, incomplete.
 The harbor was the final way out, no one said a word as Four and One put Six in a transparent body bag.
The boat drifting away, Three came out with a bottle of booze and some pizzas, like, the fuck man pizzas right now? You denied the drink, if you were to drink you knew you were not going to stop until you black out. You sat on the edge of the stern, eyes glossy a blank expression on your face. One stood by your side, his behavior cold but uneasy.
“Here’s a toast to a kid I liked.” Three lift his glass
“Are you crying?” Two mocked him
“We didn’t even know his name.”
“We don’t know any names.”
“What was his name?” You didn’t want to say his name, you didn’t want to burst in tears just by saying his name. 
“It doesn’t matter. He was a good man.”
You didn’t expect One to say that, yes he was but in the end what did he knew about your brother.
“I thought I managed the risk. I’m sorry.” One softly concluded not looking at you
“Did you guys had anyone else...family?”
“I think you’re looking at it.” Two told her nodded your way cautiously
They all look at you gravely, please stop you screamed internally; I don’t need your pity, I need my brother.
“Risposa in Pace Fratellino” you whispered as they toss his body into the unforgiving Adriatic Sea. Here you were, the only one left of the Y/L/N family.
After giving One the last update on the phone they’d got, you went to the cabin, to steal a moment alone, cry without a bunch of strangers around. But you bumped into Four.
“Hey ..” he hesitate, searching his pocket he lifted his hand, showing the Cross necklace Six had attached to his stir.
Four didn’t know how much this cross meant to your family, and that did it, bawling you let all your sorrow out clutching at the cross.
Tears you hadn’t shed for your parents, as you try to be tough for your mother when papà disappeared, and then for your brother when mammà died. And now for him.
Carefully Four wraps his arm around your frame, offering some warmth and comfort. Something you thought you had definitely lost an hour ago. Muffling your cries in his white sweater, he held you tighter as he too felt his pain, you heard him exhale and breathe in trying to contain his own tears.
After that it was not the same with Four. Two said once that you did what she called a “transfer”. Meaning you were treating Four as your little brother, but it was definitely not like that, it was something else. Something One had prohibit.
Back at the Haunted House in the California desert, you hadn’t slept all the way ‘home’, you busied yourself packing Six stuff and bring them back in your trailer.
One was standing in the cargo plane, in front of the metal storage cabinet, in which each one of us had to store personal effects, will, things like that, if you happened to die.
He handed you Six’s key.
“Hold on to it, will you? he furrowed his eyebrows retrieving his hand, When that mission is over, I’ll open it. Well if I’m still here.”
He nodded understanding.
“I brought him into this, ...”
“… He said there was nothing he’d rather be doing with his life. That prick.” One was oddly compassionate
You shook your head trying to hold back tears, if you hadn’t hack that asshole back in your hometown, your brother wouldn’t be dead. Two’s French saying was in loop in your head, “Avec des si, on mettrait Paris en bouteille” “With Ifs, we could put Paris in a bottle.” but your guilt was still there, hanging tight.  
 Wally’s head on your thighs you couldn’t care less about his drool staining your jean, watching the nightfall on the California desert, the scolding sun giving place to the starry night, the sky virgin of light pollution you could see so much of the vault. Wally barked scaring you and made his way inside. “Ok big guy, good night.”
Passing by the empty pool you sat on one of the old lounge chairs, when you arrived it became your hangout with your brother and Four, even though it was mostly Four’s area. 
Sometimes Five would pass by on her way to the “gym cargo” as they called it. Four would settle on the edge of the bowl, while you lean on a lounge chair, your brother in the bowl tossing a tennis ball to each of you, tonight was the exception, your brother was not here, tears were, only Four didn’t stay on his side. 
He didn’t ask anything, he squished himself between you and the armrest. Wrapping his arms around your shoulders, face again his chest you sobbed. Being held by him was foreign at first, only used to your brother’s hugs since you’d left your hometown. As he brushed away your hair from your wet face, you looked at him, his mouth slightly opened, brows furrowed slightly, your hand reached for the crease between it, easing it with the pad of your index, his gaze locking with yours at your gesture. His hand brushed a last strand away, burying itself in your hair. He kissed the same spot on you, lingering, nose nudging his sharp jaw, his breath grazed your cheek. Lips hovering each other’s, there was a flash of hesitation that crossed his features, your lips closed on his before you could think. He tightened his grip on your waist, bringing you closer, your cold fingers brushing his cheek. Suddenly shame struck you.
Jerking away from him, stumbling on your two feet, you pressed the heel of your hands into your eyes. Kissing Four while mourning for your brother felt so wrong.  
“Eight..wh ?”
You cut him “If this is coming out of some misplaced sense of guilt, don’t bother.”
He opened and closed his mouth “What the.., you kissed me Eight ..!”
“I .., your voice wavered, I’m not myself right now… “ You had kissed him first, what were you trying to say, yeah he kissed back but argh the fuck was happening in your head. Avoiding his pained look you turned around, fleeing the situation.
“It’s not, just so you know, some misplaced guilt.” he watched you disappear into the night, your trailer alight few meters away.
Third chapter - A Matter of Seconds 
A/N: don’t forget to double tap if you liked it. 🙏
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changingourdestiny · 4 years
Beyond Light Part 2: The Gift
Rae, Blaze and Tif head to Eramis’s base of operations, Riis Reborn, to learn more about Eramis and the power she wields - Stasis. But they quickly learn defeating her and her house may not be as easy as they thought.
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Previous Part: Here
Next Part: Here
The weather had cleared up a bit as Rae, Blaze and Tif entered the abandoned building where Variks was hiding. It looked like it hadn’t been used for centuries and items were strewn about the room, except for a wet floor sign that was still standing upright. ‘Did Variks put that there?’ Rae thought to herself before continuing to where Variks stood in front of a control panel with a window above it. “You do not trust Variks, yes? But leave your distrust, your blame, for later.” Variks began before noticing the third member behind Rae and Blaze, “Hmm…you dress like a captain, yet you are human.”
“Captain Tifawt Kariuki of House Light. Tif to my friends.” Tif greeted with a smile, “You’re Variks of House Judgement, right? Misraakskel has mentioned you before when talking about his time at the Reef.”
“A Guardian captain of Misraaks. A welcome ally.” Variks gave a nod to Tif. “With formalities out of the way,” Blaze interrupted, “Who was the Eliksni that tried to turn you into a popsicle?”
Variks tilted his head in confusion. “What’s a…pop-sik-el?” Tif asked, sharing Variks’s confusion. “It’s flavoured ice that people eat.” Rae explained. “Oh, that makes sense! I think…” Tif smiled. “The Eliksni who attacked me – she is Eramis, Shipstealer.” Variks explained, “A new Kell of Kells, unifier of the houses – and she seeks to build an army of Eliksni, powered by Darkness.”
“Great. Skolas 2.0.” Blaze muttered. “So that ice power she used was the Darkness you sensed earlier.” Rae said as Ghost appeared beside her. “Sounds about right. If the Eliksni weren’t already a threat, they certainly are now.”
“If she is not stopped, she will destroy us all.” Variks added, “You must go! Variks will help you find your way.”
 Rae and Blaze sped across the snow on their Sparrows with Tif beside them on their Pike. “Hey, Variks.” Rae began, “Anything we should know about that power Eramis was using?”
“We call it Stasis.” Variks began, “Power in opposition to your Light, given by the Pyramid. It led Eramis astray. Europa was to be a haven for Eliksni. But Stasis corrupted her. With it, she turns obsession into opportunity, working in haste to empower Eliksni with the Dark gift. If Eramis is not stopped, she will build an army capable of snuffing out the Light, once and for all.”
“We won’t let that happen.” Blaze smirked, “Dark or not, ice stands no chance against fire. And we have three Guardians who specialise in Solar plus a Guardian who can turn into an inferno. We got this handled.”
“Let’s not get cocky.” Rae warned, “We don’t know what Stasis is capable of, or Eramis for that matter. We need to play this carefully.”
“I’m with Rae. I don’t wanna be a pop-sik-el!” Tif added, “Hey, am I saying it right? Pop-sik-el?”
“Close. Popsicle.”
“Pop…sik-il…popsicle! I think I got it!” Tif cheered, “I’ve been with House Light for a lot of my life so I’m not too familiar with some human stuff.”
“You should come to the Tower after we’re done here.” Blaze suggested, “We can show you around!”
“Ooh! Yes please!”
Rae couldn’t help but chuckle at Tif’s excitement. It made her feel a little less antsy about this mission.
 The trio emerged from the tunnels into an area filled with ruins of old buildings. “What is this place?” Tif asked. “No clue.” Berhane replied. “This is what remains of Eventide.” Ghost answered, “Clovis Bray’s Europan colony. Built to house those who came to build Exo…and to become them.”
“You think Cayde was made here?” Blaze asked. “Cayde, Banshee, Ada, Shiro…probably every Exo we know was made here.” Rae replied, a grim expression on her face. “Why do you make it sound like a bad thing?” Tif asked, sensing the atmosphere drop. “Clovis wasn’t a good person.” Rae replied, “He was a genius, but was also egotistical and a megalomaniac. He was responsible for a lot of deaths while making the Exos. From what I’ve been able to read up on, the first people went insane upon becoming Exominds. We’d be here all day if I listed off all the stuff he did.”
“That’s awful…what happened to him?”
“He made AI and Exo version of himself.” Blaze replied, “Nobody really knows what happened to them though. Frankly, I hope they’re dead too.”
“Let’s focus on the mission.” Rae sighed, “Any more talk of Clovis and I’ll be temped to blow up what remains of this place.”
“Well if we’re changing the subject,” Ghost began, “Variks, why did you come to Europa in the first place? Hiding from the Vanguard?”
“Variks knows of the ‘elephant in the room’. Cayde-6’s death was not my intention.” Variks replied, “No day passes without regret. I will answer for these crimes. But not before my people are safe from Eramis.”
“I don’t blame you directly for what happened to Cayde.” Rae replied, “Though you are responsible for the release of the Scorn. I’ll try to see if I can organise something with Zavala, but I promise nothing.”
“Variks appreciates this.”
“What’s an elephant?” Tif whispered to Blaze as they pulled up to a building. “I’ll tell you later.” Blaze replied, “Let’s go scope out Eramis’s place.”
 The three Guardians crept through Riis Reborn until they arrived at a bridge with a window peering down into a large room. There a large gathering of Fallen stood around a large Pyramid shard with Eramis stood with a large servitor and several other Fallen. “You’re all here for the same reason.” Eramis began, “Because you desire freedom for our people. And I can give you just that. Chains! For centuries, we have been bound by them. Servants to the so-called ‘Great’ Machine.” Eramis motioned to the servitor, “We even built idols in its image. We have become pawns of our own devices. No. Longer.” Eramis summoned an orb Stasis in her hand before using it to completely freeze the servitor. “Whoa…” Tif muttered as Eramis continued, “Today…we begin breaking free from our chains.” Eramis punched the servitor right in the centre, causing it to shatter. Tif flinched at the sight as did some of the Fallen below. “This power is a gift.” Eramis said, holding up her upper hand, “One I will share with all of you, in time. Phylaks!” Below Eramis, a baron stepped up towards the shard. “No way…!” Tif gasped.
“Do you know her?” Blaze asked.
“I know of her. Phylaks the Warrior. According to Misraaks, she used to be with House Devils and was famous at Twilight Gap. She’s super strong.”
“And she’s with Eramis. Greeeaaat.”
The shard began to glow orange as Eramis began to speak again, “One by one, we will rise again.” A small blue splinter emerged from the shard and Phylaks took it in her hand and placed it in a slot on her gauntlet as an icy mist emerged from her arms. She slammed her arms down and large spikes of stasis emerged from the ground. The Fallen began to cheer as Eramis raised her hands, “This is our future! Our enemies stand no chance against this power. The Great Machine will finally know our pain!”
 As the cheering continued, Rae’s expression turned grim, “This is bad. If they have access to Darkness this easily, they could be more of a threat than we thought. We need to-”
Rae turned to Tif who wore a scared expression on their face as they pointed at the window. Rae looked back down to see a dreg pointing up at them while Eramis stood beside them…staring directly at them, “It would appear our enemies have arrived, eager to test us. Let’s not keep them waiting.”
“Oh crap…” Blaze muttered, before the sound of many footsteps began to approach them. “Time to go! Run!” Rae called out as the trio ran back the way they came. “I’m calling our ships now. Don’t stop. Keep moving!” Ghost called out.
 “They actually have Darkness. The Eliksni. This is really bad.” Ghost muttered as he helped Rae set up the comms relays outside Variks’s hideout with Tif and Blaze standing guard. The trio had narrowly escaped Riis Reborn and were setting up a secret network to reach out to defectors of Eramis’s house. “We’ll figure something out. Panicking won’t do us any good.” Rae replied as they finished setting up the second relay. “You’re right. I’ll let Variks know we’re nearly done up here.” Ghost replied, “Okay, Variks, that’s two-” Ghost was cut off as Rae suddenly hear whispers echo in her head. As they faded, she turned to Blaze and Tif. Judging by their unnerved faces, they heard it too. “Did you…hear that?” Ghost asked, “Sounded like voices.”
“S-scary!” Tif whimpered. “What? Who?” Variks asked. “The one’s who spoke through me.” Ghost replied quietly. “The Pyramids…” Rae sighed, remembering their time on the Moon a year ago. “We must hurry then. There’s one more relay.” Variks replied. The three Guardians left the roof of the base and made their way over to the last relay. Ghost scanned over it and within a matter of seconds, it was up and running. “And done! Now let’s-”
“Uh…Rae?” Blaze pointed beyond the relay where a shard had taken form and had began to glow a bright orange. “That doesn’t look-” Before Tif could finish their sentence, the orange glow exploded outwards and everything briefly went white. “Oh no.” Ghost exclaimed as the whispers returned, “It’s them. They’re here. They’re…beckoning us.” Rae flinched upon hearing the last part, recognising Ghost’s change in tone as the Pyramids talking through him. “Not again…” Rae muttered, “Come on. Let’s see what it wants.” Rae glided over to where the shard was. “You’re joking right?” Blaze asked in disbelief. “Hey, wait up!” Tif dashed after Rae as Blaze let out a frustrated sigh before following them. But as they approached, the shard disappeared and reappeared in the distance. “We beckoned. You answered. We’ve kept you waiting long enough.” Ghost’s distorted voice began, “Come to us; salvation awaits.” Rae sighed as she muttered, “Not this bs again.” Under her breath before motioning for the others to follow her, “Come on. Let’s see what it wants.”
“You’ve dealt with this before?” Tif asked as the three Guardians carefully made their way down the cliff towards the shard. “You could say that. Remember when you helped us on the moon?” Blaze began, “Well it turns out that Pyramid was related to the Darkness and it began talking through Ghost when we got near it. I feel really bad for him.”
“He’s not the only one who’s sick of it either.” Rae sighed as she took out Ghost who was just floating with a blank expression, absolutely still, “Hey. I get you’re trying to get our attention, but can you do so in a way that DOESN’T involve possessing my Ghost? Neither of us really appreciate it.”
Absolute silence.
Rae sighed as she dismissed Ghost, “Figured.”
 As they made their way over a large gap in the ice, the Darkness spoke through Ghost again, “The Light believes you thankless. Nothing more than a soldier asked again and again to do its bidding. So we want to thank you. With a gift. To help you finally take control.” The shard teleported again down an icy valley. “A gift?” Tif raised an eyebrow, “Do you think it’s…?”
“Only one way to find out.” Rae replied as they trekked through the snow until they arrived at a large plain of snow and ice, a Pyramid barely visible in the distance. A large object emerged from it and flew across the plains, shifting as it went, until it landed on the ice and seemed to form some sort of temple. “What is-?” Rae was cut off by the sound of a Captain’s roar followed by the sound of battle. “Are there other Guardians here?” Blaze asked as the trio rushed to where they heard the commotion. “Possibly. But I think we were the only one assigned here-” Rae suddenly ground to a halt and put her arms out to stop Tif and Blaze as a loud boom echoed around them followed by a cloud of snow blowing past them. As the snow cleared, Rae heard a familiar voice that she hadn’t heard in many years.
“And here comes our Guardians. Right on time.”
The snow cloud cleared to reveal Eris Morn, Drifter, and Marcia standing beside a familiar white Exo. “It’s you…” Rae muttered as she stared in disbelief. Tif peered past them and gave a wave along with a grin, “Hi, Marcia!”
“S’up, Tif?” Marcia waved back. Blaze just glanced between everyone, the Fallen corpses around them, and the temple nearby before eventually letting out a sigh, “I say this a lot…but Traveller this is the weirdest mission I’ve ever been on.”
 To Be Continued…
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