#Ghost!Bakugo x reader
anniebear-92 · 1 year
Part Seven - Nurse Bakugo
Summary: After you return home about ready to keel over Bakugo finds himself with a new temporary role. After taking care of you, it might be time to finally get to know the real him...
Warnings: Lots of tension/unrealized feelings, mentions of death/dying, this part does describe in detail a death so if you wish to skip this part it does not really add too much to the story you can skip at the --- and italics paragraph. until the -- again.
A/N: May contain spoilers for the manga: I would also like to note I wrote the majority this story PRIOR to the release of Chapter 362. So if you find this triggering I apologize that I had somehow predicted something similar. Here's hoping the bring him back soon!
Taglist: @browneyedgirl22 @simplybaconic @ghostsofscarley @optimisticprime3 @lukerycyja-reblogs @eyesforbkg @derangedmango @bakucumsackslut @jazzafaye5294 @lynnsqueendom @Iwannahaveaprettyaestetic @blackout-ice-biohazard
Katsuki's jaw cracked as it stretched during the largest yawn, his fist resting against it as he mindlessly fiddled with a string attached to the couch with his free hand. She had been gone for hours and he had watched several shows, some dumb movie from when he was a kid and he was over it. Now that he was able to interact with things the nostalgia had worn off after only a few days of running around and just touching… everything.
Photo frames on the walls, the texture of the paint, little décor objects she had laying around, food you name it. He was in need of person to person conversation and his stupid roommate was out "Working," who does that?
Speaking of the devil the door opened with a bang against the wall behind him and his neck popped as it turned. His roommate stumbled into the door, skin visibly a shade or two lighter than normal and sweat dripping down her exhausted looking face. She hunched over inside the door, heaving a breath or two before taking the moment to shut the door behind her.
He stood with a purpose and rushed over to her, "What the fuck Spooky? You look like you're the one with a foot in a grave!"
Giving him a sheepish smile you waved him off. "I'm fine, Just a bit of quirk usage I'm not used to." She tried to move past him only to stumble, his large arm looped around her costume covered waist and caught her easily. Her body went limp in his as he called her name with increasing panic. With no response, his hero training kicked in as if it had only been yesterday, hooking his bicep under her knees and rushed over to the couch to place her down as gently as he could. Her chest rose and fell with each labored breath, beads of sweat covered her face as she screwed her eyes shut tightly. "Okay maybe I'm not fine." Her words whispered weakly.
Katsuki began traveling around the apartment in a hurry, he had accessed she must have some kind of fever with the tone of her skin and the sheen of perspiration. She had mentioned a bad backlash with her quirk before, however he had never seen her in such a state it had put him into a panic for a moment before those hero instincts kicked in. He returned to her with a bowl of cool water, a rag, anti-nausea medication she kept in the cabinet, thermometer and a glass of fresh water. He had also found a pair of gloves from under the sink she wore when doing dishes from time to time that he hoped would keep her quirk at bay if he had to touch her. The last thing she needed right now was to feel the shitty death he experienced.
His fingers curled around the rag inside the bowl and rung out the excess water so he could lay it across her forehead to try lowering her body temperature. "Oi, sit up just a bit."
Her beautiful eyes finally cracked ever so slowly, watching as he held the rag above the bowl to catch drips until she complied. A giggle sounded from her in her delirium at the sight of this big burly man, elbow deep in Pink rubber gloves with visible concern on his face she had never seen before. Rolling his eyes he placed down the towel back into the bowl to assist her sitting up, his hands touched her gently only in places her costume covered skin. She flinched initially however in her weakened state let him guide her to a seated position. He ran the temple thermometer over her forehead and indicated she did in-fact have a fever, a high one at that. He placed the rag at the base of her neck and she immediately cooed at the cold feeling against her skin. She attempted to reach for the glass he had set on the table and with his help, drank in small gulps until the glass was completely gone.
"More?" He questioned and with her slight nod against the pillow he rushed to the sink to get her just that. Why he was going out of his way for this woman was beyond his comprehension, however he felt the urge to take care of her, be there for her when she had no one else in this time of need.
Round two was drained as quickly as the first, she took the nausea medicine just before collapsing into the couch with a blanket wrapped around her and soft snores passing through her lips. He sat with his back against the couch to listen to her snore, he had removed the gloves some time ago since he was no longer tending to her at the moment. His trained ears listening for any change in her breathing patterns as she slumbered behind him.
What had caused her quirk to go so haywire today? She had been out with stupid Deku that day, had something happened while on their patrol regarding their case? She used her gift every day while talking to him…interacting with him…
The television screen caught his attention as the pictures moved in silence, he had muted the object when she had burst through the door. Now seeing a professional photo of her along with Deku flash along while the announcer's mouth moved he turned up the volume slowly.
"A rare sight into the capture of a villain was caught today, by an armature videographer citizen who just happened to be bird watching when the events occurred."
The camera changed to the video the announcer spoke of, the view showing a small bird chirping as it hopped along a branch near it's nest. Down in the corner of the camera two figures began walking into the picture and the camera zoomed out to refocus on the street. Katsuki watched as Izuku and the female asleep behind him walked down the sidewalk chatting like old friends as screeching tires could be heard through the speakers. Both heroes sprung into action to save a mother and child duo who had been on the opposite side of the street.
He watched as she wrapped herself around the child and disappeared from view as the car passed where they had just been. As soon as the car left the view, they reappeared and the child ran off back towards their mother. He watched as the whole thing was captured on film, the take down and police arriving before the view was shut off when a policeman pointed up at the cameraperson that hurriedly shut off the device.
"As seen in the video the hero, now identified as retired hero "Phantom" was able to save the life of a poor child who would've been caught up in a string of hit and runs by the villain that calls himself "An Angel of Death." Assisted by the Number two hero Deku who placed the man in handcuffs before he could flee the scene. The Villian has claimed the lives of several children and has been finally identified as Mosu Ito, a former inmate at Tarturus prison who had escaped several years ago during the raid lead by Shigaraki Tomura that had left the area in shambles…"
Katsuki cut off the reporter by rewinding the video a few moments and watching the scene again. Seeing her in action was mesmerizing, she had acted with such a quickness that you arrived before the car was anywhere near hitting the boy as you held him tightly. He chewed his lip as his eyes found that familiar green lighting as his childhood friend took down the villain at his vehicle.
So Deku was number two now huh? Seems time flies when you're dead.
A groan broke him from his trance and he clicked off the screen with a flick of his thumb. Turning towards the couch he found himself staring into those tired eyes once again.
"Oh hey, how long was I out?" She grit her teeth as she sat up, running a hand over her stomach as it turned.
"A few hours, you stumbled in here like you drank a bar out of business."
She chuckled a bit before running her fingers over her damp hair from the sweat and grime of the street. Grimacing she wiped her hand on her suit, "You didn't have to take care of me, I would've been fine."
He huffed, crossing his arms as he watched her try to stand. "If I didn't you would've busted your teeth out on the floor. You could hardly walk, so I think not."
Giving a thankful smile she nodded and stood slowly, wobbling a bit his hands shout out to steady her. "Well shit, maybe I'm still not myself. I need a shower though, this costume is gross."
His cheeks burned at the implication, "I'm not bathing you!"
She laughed for a moment that turned into a heavy hacking cough, a hand flying to her mouth and covering it. "I didn't mean that you weirdo, I just need your help to the bathroom!"
Inhaling deeply he controlled the smart ass remark he wanted to let fly and decided instead to scoop his arms under her knees, a squeal leaving her as she attempted to hold onto hip for dear life as he held her in his sturdy arms. She gripped around his shoulders while avoiding skin contact, anxiety filling her from head to toe from the physical contact and nausea still rooting in her gut.
"Put me down you damn Poltergeist! I can fucking walk!"
He shrugged and carried her up the carpeted stairs to the closest restroom, which also happened to have the large jetted tub she enjoyed during her off hours.
"This is faster, you're also walking like a newborn baby deer so just deal with it."
Huffing she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms while in deep pout. She grumbled out insults that he could just hear when he set her gingerly back onto her own two feet. He pointed a finger into her face and her eyes crossed while looking at it before raising to his own. "If you need help, that sucks you're on your own. Don't drown." With that he turned and shut the door, hearing her turn on the water and he slid down the other side of the door. He placed his face into his large palms, letting out a deep sigh as he willed the stupid bugs in his stomach to stop fighting each other at the fact he had carried the woman in his arms a few times now and the fact she was undressing just behind the door he sat against.
He felt like a teenage boy again, getting all flustered over a good looking woman in his vicinity. Why did she have to be hot? Why couldn't she be a hag?
During Katsuki's little crisis, you slid into the bathwater with a groan. The hot water soothing the stress and soreness in your muscles from the quirk over use. As you soaked in the water, jets bubbling against your skin softly gave you time to think. You had barely used your quirk, why were you so sick? Could it be from quirk under-use?
Heaving a sigh you dunked your head under the water to wet your hair for a moment and leaned back against the headrest. Heat began rushing into your cheeks as the memory of your roommate's arms holding you tightly against him, careful to only hold you in places your costume covered your skin. What if he had touched you, would you actually feel his death? He was so strong for only being dead for five years, you could only imagine what his vision would feel like. After washing your hair and feeling as clean as you can be, you stood out of the water and pulled the plug for the water to drain. Realizing you were carried in here with no clean clothes, you'd have to haul ass to your room… in a towel.
Your palm slapped against your forehead as you leaned over the sink, eyes meeting in the reflection as you took in your flushed expression. You still felt like dirt but the bath did help, some more sleep would most likely be in order but you needed to try and get something in your stomach to settle it. First however, you had to get past the poltergeist without being spotted. Hopefully he had returned to his perch on the couch and you could slip unnoticed.
Grabbing the fluffiest towel from the cabinet you wrapped it tightly around yourself and opened the door to peek out. Seeing no on in sight you smirked to yourself, home free!
Swinging the door open in order to tip toe out, the door seems to open a little faster than planned and you hopped back as something hit the ground at your feet. Lowering your eyes, you found your toes on either side of a very wide eyed blonde that laid on his back. A scream ripped from your throat that he echoed, closing his eyes and hopping to his feet. You watched as he rushed around the corner and out of sight.
"I didn't see shit I swear!" You heard his voice call from down the stairs while you leaned against the frame, face scortching at the embarassment.
"Why were you sitting against the door?" You hollered back at him and he peeked around the corner for a second. "I was making sure you were okay in there sicky-mcgee!"
You huffed and stomped into your bedroom. Not even caring what you threw on at this point now that you were… well acquainted with your house guest.
Now clad in some shorts and a tank top your feet pad down the stairs to find him with his face in his hands. The tips of his ears were thoroughly pink and he shook his head furiously while grumbling. You bit your lip to hide a smile knowing he was just as embarassed as he was.
"Come on I'm not that ugly."
His head shot up and shot you a sneer, "Shut the fuck up, The problem is you're the fucking opposite."
Feeling the heat return to your face at his grumbled final words you took a spot on the cushion beside him.
"Well regardless of… that. Thank you for taking care of me tonight. I haven't been that sick in a long time…. it's actually the reason why I retired from being a hero full time. I was getting violently ill and I couldn't handle it much longer."
He listened and nodded after you finished without meeting your eyes still, "Yeah well, don't let it happen again. Take care of yourself!"
You dropped your face to hide the smile that would not stay off your face, even snapping at you he was showing he cared. Turning yourself towards him you sat with your legs crossed, brushing your wet hair from your face.
His eyes met yours in surprise at actually using his family's name usually it was an insult or just poltergeist when you addressed him. "I think at this point we've lived together long enough and gotten to know each other enough… I'd like to, really get to know the real you. What do you think?"
He cocked a blonde brow, leaning back into the cushion on the arm rest. "You comin' on to me Spooky?"
Jaw dropped you raised your hand and let out a noise of annoyance.
"No you shit head! I was trying to be nice and offer to get to know you as a person? I've avoided this in the how long we've been able to interact but I was wondering if you'd be willing to share how you…died."
The last word he caught just barely as you whispered, eyes meeting your own that held apprehension, unsure of his reaction to wanting to see how he died.
You chewed your lip, not exactly sure how he had felt about your question. "I understand if you feel uncomfortable sharing that intimate memory with me, I just felt once it was out of the way we don't have to be so careful and I'd know more about yo-"
"You're sick, I'm not going to put you through that shit." His eyes became stern, turning to face you in the same manner. "The way I went was pretty shitty, from the way you've described what you go through, I wouldn't wish you to feel a moment of that."
Your expression softened, it wasn't that he didn't want to share that private moment with you… he just didn't want to have to experience it. Your chest tightened for a moment as you watched him closely.
"I am a strong girl Bakugo, I can handle it. Like I said before I have lived a few shitty deaths myself."
He frowned heavily, fiddling with his fingers as his gaze dropped. "I don't doubt that, but you've already over used your quirk and this was an… experience. I can't put you through that."
Raising your hands you placed them palm up, letting them hover as you watched his crimson gaze returned to yours in confusion.
"I think I can be the judge of what I can handle. I'm tired of tip toeing around the subject and I've already read about it. I may not even experience it…it doesn't always happen when I touch someone. I want to… get past my fears and I think you can help."
He inhaled deeply, his chest rising and falling while the gears turned in his head. Does he give in to you? He couldn't stand the thought of seeing you hurt any more than he already had seeing you fall ill. Finally his hands lifted from his lap and hovered over your own, his hands shaking softly as he took his lip between those sharp canines.
"Do… I feel anything? Or is it just you?" He asked with a shaky breath and you frowned. "You will see it as a third person, but I will be in your point of view. It won't be the same experience for you."
He nodded and watched as your own hands trembled slightly, pushing past your fears to being so close to his own. "Whenever you're ready." He breathed and you nodded, taking the leap you raised your hands and felt the rough pads of his fingers, the warmth of his palms spreading against your own.
"You're warm!" You whispered and he tilted his head just a bit, confusion filling his expression. A few moments passed as your fingers curled around his hands and his own followed close behind. "Nothing's happening." His gaze bore holes into your hands as you nodded. "Maybe it won't… it's not always instan-"
A bright flash filled both your visions as a gasp escaped your body.
----- (this is the description of a death, if you wish to skip, go down to the --- again.
You found yourself on a devastated street, head swerving back and forth to take in your surroundings.
'Where the fuck is that villain?' The deep male's voice sounded in your head, you raised your hands to find green and orange glove covered fingers that were definitely not yours. Large slim bracers that were similar in style to his original costume had been streamlined for his recent costume hung at your forearms.
"Over here Dynamite!"
Your head snapped at the manical laughter that followed the sing-song voice bouncing through the rubble. At top of the pile stood the object of your search, his hands splayed as violet energy swirled around his fingers.
"I think you finally met your match Mr. Future number one hero! I'm going to put you and every other hero six feet under and you'll never see the light of day again!"
The villain's lips split into a wide unnerving smile that chilled your blood to the core, "We'll just see about that dipshit!"
You found yourself yelling back at the villain before your body began moving of it's own volition, arms falling behind and a blast of heat filling your palms. The blasts of fire rocketed your body forward only to be slammed by an unseen force, body shooting back into the rubble you had been standing a moment before. Violet tendrils of every began shooting one after another into your chest, the searing pain as each ripped into skin and tore away. This continued for what felt like hours, but was only seconds before the barrage stopped.
The Villain stepped down with his clunky boots, his steps louder than the blood pumping in your ears. He clicked his teeth like a disappointed father, "Oh Dynamite, you always thought you were so much better than everyone else. But you bleed red just like the rest of us, look!"
He raised his fingers and you watched as blood that had been pouring from your chest just a few moment before began hovering in the air. Confusion filled you when the answer came from the back of your mind, Energy Manipulation. The Villain could manipulate any type of energy including the body's that would be inside the blood.
"Oh so pretty, maybe I'll take a sample for later." The sick fuck placed the blood into a vial and then turned his attention back to him. "The question now is how to send you to your grave my dear hero. Do I just cut you up like I did before? Crush you with the largest piece of rubble I can find? Oh! Maybe I can use your own quirk against you! Oh the irony to be killed by your own power…"
Your body shook in fear as those wild eyes looked you over and knelt down near your face. The man's face was familiar… where had you seen him before?
"I think that's what we're going to do." His words were a sinister whisper, your body not responding from all the severed tendons and pain in your limbs. Though you could feel the fight inside still trying to move and defend yourself as the villain stood back to his full height.
Raising his hand the violet energy started once again, slowly fading into a deep red. The searing pain returned that filled from head to toe as your veins felt as if they were on fire. It was as if small explosions were going off all over your body and the energy he began pushing through your body with force. Your voice failed you as cracking began sounding from your chest, a large snap finally made your body go cold.
You gasped in vain attempts to catch your breath, the taste of something metallic filled your mouth and you coughed in attempts to clear your throat. Hot liquid filled your mouth as you continued gasping for air.
Somebody help me! I can't die, I'm going to be number one! How am I losing to this extra?
The thoughts began to fill your head and started to fade away as the cold began seeping into your joints. Eyes staring up to the sky now as the Villian let out one more laugh, sirens and civilian's screams filling the empty space. Calling Dynamite's name to get up, keep fighting!
The villain turned on his heels, gravel and rock crunching under his boots he knew it was time to escape before the next wave of heroes arrived. Listening to the boot falls fade away you lay there, unmoving, unable to lift yourself and release the strain on your chest. Trying to access yourself and your racing thoughts were impossible as you listened to the fading last thoughts the hero had before his final moment.
Where was Deku? He was supposed to be here… I'm cold…. Hurts…
You found yourself now looking down from your own self, knowing Bakugo was gone now from his body. Your chest squeezed at his dull, unseeing crimson eyes stared blankly at the sky.
Leaning down you felt at his chest and found exactly what you knew, the explosions the Villain had forced had snapped his ribs and punctured his heart. There would've been no saving him.
"Deku? What are you doing here?"
The familiar voice snapped your attention to the familiar blonde standing with his ripped up hero costume. His memory showing his first moments as a spirit when the number two hero came into your view to pick up the body that lay at your feet.
"Kaachan…" The man whispered as he shook him in attempts to wake him, his voice following into a blood chilling scream at his realization he was gone.
With a gasp you found yourself back in your own body, hot tears fell down your cheeks when Bakugo's hands were snatched from your own.
"What the fuck?" He snarled, holding his hands against his chest.
"I knew it was bad but i didn't know it was that bad…" You whispered, eyes meeting his to find streaks of tears falling down his own flushed cheeks.
"Yeah well… Dying sucks. Also it takes a lot to kill someone like me so why wouldn't it be bad?" He snapped as you wiped your face from the falling water.
"Do you understand now how you died?"
His eyes met yours once more and he nodded slowly. "Punctured my heart with my ribs, Used my fucking quirk against me."
Chewing your lip you affirmed and patted your hand against your own chest. "That really sucked." You chuckled the last words out and he followed with a chuckle of his own.
"Yeah… It really did." Your gazes met for a few moments, no words shared as the silence fell between you. It really did feel like a big barrier had gotten out of the way. You know knew what he experienced in his last moments of life, his skin was warm even in death most likely due to his quirk and his hands were surprisingly soft, yet rough in all the right places.
Standing suddenly to break the tension, you crossed to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Well now that's out of the way, are you hungry?"
"I'm never hungry… but I could eat."
Shaking your head you mumbled about knowing he could always eat but decided on a meal anyway. He joined in the prep in silence and once again shoved you out of the way as he did most times. The meal was ate in continued silence and you washed the dishes after out of fairness.
"Well after today I really need some sleep. What do you think?"
He stretched his body like a cat against the back of the couch, falling over to lay down with his head against the arm rest.
"Fuck yeah I need a ten year nap after that." Smiling you leaned over and poked his cheek, he turned in shock and caught that wide smile.
"It's over for you now ghost boy. I can touch you now."
"That's kinky." He winked and you let your palm come down on his cheek in retaliation.
"I was going to offer to let you sleep in my bed but not now!"
HIs eyes went wide and he pouted. "Don't be stingy, the couch is uncomfortable!"
"Should've thought about that before you were a pervert!"
Slamming the bedroom door, you closed your eyes and slid down the door to a seat. Crossing your arms over your knees you inhaled deeply.
His death had really been one of the worst you had ever experienced… and you had been shot, stabbed, and even buried alive once…
Climbing into bed you heard a soft knock on the door.
"What dammit?" You growled and he poked his head through the door without opening it. Seeing you were still decent he slipped through and stood like a kid about to tell his mom he "frew up."
"Can I sleep in here… please?" He grumbled and you hid your smile under the blanket you had pulled up around your lower half.
"I guess." You rolled your eyes as if it was a huge inconvenience for you.
Hopping over you he took his spot on the other side and curled into the blankets, you found yourself hissing at the cold when the blanket left your body.
"Hell no! Share!"
He smirked and shook his head, you whined at his stupidly handsome face and attempted to snatch the blanket back. Gripping the cloth he yanked back and forth until he finally gave it one final tug and with a squeal you found yourself over top the blonde.
You both froze as your hands held yourself above him, eyes meeting as his face flushed ten shades of tomato red. His large palms sat on either side of your hips fingers tightening just a bit into your skin, heat filling the where his met yours. The world stopped around you as butterflies found their way into your gut. His gorgeous eyes fell to your lips while chewing the inside of his own for a moment, you were only so far away… What would you taste like?
Before he could lift himself you gave him a swift apology and returned to your side of the bed. Curling the blanket over yourself you buried your flaming face into the material at the possibility of what could of been. He threw his arm over his eyes, hiding his pink ears and rosy cheeks.
Did he really just think about kissing you? Who the hell was he? How the hell did you of all people make him feel this way?
The both of you found sleep a little hard to come by that night.
We'll get to see more of the heroes from Bakugo's past in the next part! :)
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whatswrong7 · 2 months
Just got yelled at for smth stupid so here’s a man who would kill for you
you honestly didn’t even know what the issue was. You were happily chatting with your boyfriend when suddenly you heard a raised voice behind you. Unaware it was directed at you until your boyfriend fixed them with a cold stare. When you turned around, you were surprised to find some random woman scolding you. You couldn’t make out all her words, but you could tell her voice was raised, and that was enough to stir up your blood pressure and increase your heartbeat. You were nervous talking to people even if they weren’t assholes. You shyly apologized and quickly walked away, trusting your boyfriend to keep up. You didn’t notice how he stared at the woman after you had left. After a few seconds of silent eye contact, she looked like the one getting scolded, and she opened her mouth to apologize. Or well, she tried to, before her arm was encased in a strong grip as a fuming man dragged her kicking and screaming into an alleyway, where the protests and begging was quickly replaced with tearful cries and then, silence. Your boyfriend walked out with bloody knuckles as he texted you for your location, insisting that you go get your drink of choice from a nearby store. He stayed by your side the whole time, kissing your temple and telling you
“Of course you didn’t do anything wrong. Look at yourself, so beautiful, how could you be capable of anything bad?”
-Simon Ghost Riley, König, Sukuna, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, and all your favorites
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ghost-recs · 5 months
can we get some bakugou recs 😊😊 (written and smaus pleaseee)
hello hellooo! oh man do i ever have some! you have no idea the can of worms you are opening my friend.
but first i am so sorry for how late this rec is! i wanted to get this done days ago, but the semester has been crazy packed. i'm going to get through all my asks one by one. thank you for your patience! anyways let's get into this !!
Bakugou Recs
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Garden of Lungs (Hanahaki) by oweCrew [ao3]
synopsis: you have your whole life ahead of you, a promising future and jobs lined up after UA...but these stupid flowers are going to be the death of you, literally.
i flew through this fic so fast. it was the first time i had every heard of hanahaki disease and oof to my heart. i loved it!
Late Night Calls by fictionpls [ao3]
synopsis: much to bakugou's disdain, you skipped your meals again. tch, he's basically taking care of you at this point.
cute lil fluff oneshot with bakugou as your best friend...maybe more.
Nothing More, Nothing Less by @dekustowel
synopsis: bakugou made a big whoopsies. the only way to get out of it? fake date you, the internet's sweatheart, duh!
this smau idea has a hold on me. i'm a sucker for the fake dating trope. and i mean seriously, it's bakugou! [ongoing...]
Nerd (Affectionately) by @oniku-niku
synopsis: you're in love with bakugou, have been since you were kids. there was no use in hiding the truth. but did he have to be so rude about it??
most of this smau is a big ouch to the heart. but the drama gets heavier as the story goes on and i'm here for it! happy soft ending! :)
Speak by Kikyo851 [ao3]
synopsis: you could not believe that your soulmate was such a crude and violent person...just to spite the universe and him you decide not to say a word to your "soulmate."
soulmate au in which the first words that your soulmate says to you is written on your wrist. this fulfilled my needs of a bakugou soulmate au! so cute and it is complete!
Of Snowscapes & Explosions by sugarbun [ao3]
synopsis: you've been categorized as second to shoto todoroki ever since grade school. after a frustrated vent to bakugou and a few of his cracks revealing some of his own frustrations you realize that maybe you and him aren't so different after all.
guys....when i tell you this fic is the slowest slow burn. i feel like it's so accurate to how bakugou would actually fall for someone. sadly, this fic is unfished tho and hasn't been updated in a couple years😭 but you should read it anyways.
cover shot (through the heart) by @andypantsx3
cross posted on ao3 here! cover shot (through the heart) by andypantsx3
synopsis: you're the only one who can deal with bakugou's attitude in the industry. he hasn't found something that bothers you...until he starts flirting with you, hello??
model/celebrity au. super cute fic. i'm warning you this is much spicier than some of my other recs. mdni. (also check out this author's other works. they have a lot of top tier content!!)
Motherly Love by @kweenkatsuki-fics
synopsis: bakugou gives his mom a late night call to thank her. the reason why softens her heart greatly.
super soft lil drabble that just about brings me to tears everytime i read it. in love with bakugou fr.
déjà vu by @cashmoneyyysstuff
synopsis: bakugou thinks back to some oddly familiar memories with you. and one thing always stays the same, you both are together.
oneshot the made my jaw drop. hit me hard in the feels.
untitled oneshot by @honeypirate
synopsis: being paired with your number 1 enemy for a group project proved that the universe hated you. well might as well have some fun with this and make bakugou's life just as miserable.
college au oneshot. i am always down for a good enemies to lovers trope!
risky by @kusaka6e
synopsis: moving from another country to work as a pro hero in japan was not the easiest. and a certain hot headed hero only adds to your frustrations.
oneshot about the obvious grown tension between you and pro hero dynamite.
i hope you find something you like! sorry for the late rec, have a lovely day/night!
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dazaiscum · 8 months
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When everything goes wrong.....
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you know that one day when everything just goes so wrong in your life. could even be the littlest of things till eventually, a small incident causes everything to come breaking down. everything you've kept inside comes pouring out like water from a broken container. flows out even when you try to stop it. well, that's what happened to you today.
it started small. your clothes weren't ironed, then your coffee machine broke, then you started feeling the soreness in your throat so you couldn't even enjoy the coffee you paid 7 dollars for but it was all fine till you got late to work, had to run up 5 floors because the elevator broke down and even got scolded by your boss and just when you thought nothing could get worse, you reached home only to find out your leftovers had been eaten and while storming up to your room, the incident happen. the one small incident that triggers the breakdown. the door handle accidentally scraped against your hand, scratching it and that was it.
You try to hold it together, but inside, you feel like a busted container about to overflow. All the emotions and frustrations you've been hiding inside start pouring out like an unstoppable torrent. You try to fight it, but it's just too overwhelming.
you broke down and cried. cried so so hard but still the heavy feeling in your chest just wouldn't feel light, until of course, he came. your loving boyfriend.
he scooped you up in his arms, holding you close to his chest while running his fingers through your hair and whispering sweet nothings and reassuring words in your ear. the sweet sound of his voice, ringing like hymns in your ears. feeling the glide of his fingertips over your arm, stroking it. his fleeting touches over your face, cupping your cheeks, pressing kisses on the top of your head, holding you protectively against him.
"It's okay, sweetheart. It's okay. Everything is fine now. I'm here, and I'll keep you safe. You know I love you, my sweetest girl."
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Dazai, Simon, PRICE, GOJO, ranpo, aizawa, Nanami, CHUUYA, konig, SOAP, shoto, bakugo, MIDORIYA, wakasa, SHINCHIRO, ALEJANDRO.
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883 notes · View notes
writingwhileblvck · 1 year
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This man will say the most out of pocket things to you, like just out of the blue, completely unprovoked, and then just go on about his day like nothing happened?
Like yall could be grocery shopping, right? And your just minding your own business, trying to find something to make for dinner, and then this fucker comes up behind you talking about some
"your ass looks so good in those shorts babygirl, and when we get home it'll look even better when it's bouncing on my dick"
Then he'll just kiss your cheek and walk away, LIKE????? Sir what am I suppose to do with this information?? We are in public can we please have some decorum.
Or like y'all could be studying, and the location doesn't matter because this man is a menace. He'll just be leaning back in his chair just dead locked staring at you, and when you finally ask him why he's staring he'll say some shit like,
"Cause I'm imagining eating that sweet little pussy right here on this table"
HUHHH??? Like how am I suppose to finish what I was doing now? Now we got to go home so you can deal with this problem you created.
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Bakugo, Kirishima, EREN JEAGER, Simon Riley,
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1K notes · View notes
warnings - can be taken as some toxic thinking. hair-pulling, slight dacryphilia, manhandling, and mating press. fem!reader.
men who encourage you to keep the attitude with them. it was fun for them to fuck a brat back into their place. folding your body into a mating press - his cock buried inside of you. the squelching sounds your body made as his thrusts had you tightening around him. his eyes lingering on the sight of your cunt taking his cock, doing so well for him but your attitude? he’d smirk as soon as he noticed the sharp tone you decided to have with him when he’d entered your apartment. honestly, at this point, he’s wondering if you only do it to make him more encouraged to be rougher with you. 
he’d manhandled you down to your own bed. listening to your whining and complaining as he stripped you bare. ripping your panties off as you started to squawk a complaint about that too. not replying - he didn’t have to. you’d be too cock drunk to be a smartass soon. he only speaks after your moans mixed with the unmistakable sound of you sobbing - reaching a hand up to your hair as he gripped a fistful. he’d use the leverage to guide your head to face him - looking down at your pitiful tear-stained cheeks as he just keeps thrusting. a grin on his lips as he shakes your head a little - your breath hitching as you squeeze your eyes shut at the disorienting action. 
“now, where’d all tha’ fucking attitude go? just needed some fuckin’ dick to bring ya back to your senses, didn’t ya?”
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connorsui · 13 days
Just listening to any of hoziers songs in any kind of fanfic of a man who fucking loves you
Makes me feel so much more immersed into the world the author is creating
It doesn't even fucking matter which specific fic can match on it!?
It could be from an entirely different community with a whole different man
In a fluff .. or a smut ..or hell in a fucking angst
Hoziers songs are gonna fucking hit smoother than anything that has touched this heart
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247 notes · View notes
mirukosbitchywife · 2 years
saw on tiktok someone saying like "would you Really call a character babygirl to their face if they were real"
and i would just like to say. abso fuckin lutely i am. and i'm taking that ass whooping from most of them like a champ with pride in my heart.
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3K notes · View notes
jupiterredolent · 2 years
yes, you will make moodboards and playlists for your fanfictions. yes, you will be unapologetically self indulgent. they can go piss off, those bitter fucks.
442 notes · View notes
kyunzin · 9 months
𝐈𝐟 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
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𝐊𝐞𝐲:𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖽 | 𝗇𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗅𝗒 𝖽𝗈𝗇𝖾 | 𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝖺𝗀𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗀
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bsf!katsuki has fun with you at a party (fem!, nsfw)
taking home a brat!hawks to play with (fem!, dom!, nsfw)
virgin!simon (fem!reader, nsfw)
after nanami’s shift (sfw, black!fem!reader)
what did you say- nanami, choso, sukuna, geto, gojo, toji (nsfw….)
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last updated 27.4.24
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76 notes · View notes
battyfics15 · 4 months
Hello People! 🙋‍♀️
You've fallen right into my trap. 👹
Behold, your SUSTENANCE. (The first hit is free).
AUs/Stuff I'll write about:
(Regular humans) G/T, A B O, Hybrids.
I can write fics that wont cure your daddy issues, but perhaps fill that father sized hole in your heart for brief moments.
I can write fics for people who wanna frick fictional characters. (I get it)
I can write fics for wholesome moments after the guilt of wanting to frick fictional characters starts to eat at your soul.
I can write fics that make you hate me as a writer (angst, sad endings, bc what is happiness anyways it's a myth)
Who I take Requests For;
(These lists may be altered so maybe check on them every now and then)
SFW Platonic (Child!reader allowed)
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (Reboot)
Trailer Park Boys:
- T (Tyrone)
-Hulk (Or bruce!)
-Black Widow
My Hero Academia:
-AllMight (or Smallmight)
-Mr Aizawa
Transformers (Bayverse):
Transformers (Prime):
SFW 'Romance'🌹:
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (Reboot)
Trailer Park Boys:
- Loki
My Hero Academia:
NSFW 'Romance' (Aka the frickzone)😏(This can only be found on my patreon but you are more than welcome to request here too!):
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (Reboot)
Trailer Park Boys:
(Patreon Coming Soon!)
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anniebear-92 · 1 year
Part Six - A little boy's hero
Summary: Apologizing to your Poltergeist you now know as Katsuki Bakugo, you try to make the best of the situation for the both of you. Going surprisingly well until you get a call that brings you back into the case you had asked to be removed from...
Warnings: Cursing, adult jokes, talks of death/dying, harm of a child. Dark themes this part.
Tag list: @browneyedgirl22 @simplybaconic @ghostsofscarley @optimisticprime3 @lukerycyja-reblogs @eyesforbkg @derangedmango @bakucumsackslut @jazzafaye5294 @lynnsqueendom @Iwannahaveaprettyaestetic @blackout-ice-biohazard
You awoke that morning with the bright sunlight bullying it's way into your eyes, a groan leaving you as they finally crack open from losing the fight. The sight before you made you shrink back for a brief moment, something you never thought you'd see.
The poltergeist living in your house was laying peacefully across from you in the bed, not one frown line in sight. His stupid handsome face was slack with rest, soft puffs of air passing through those soft looking, pink lips. Though ghosts technically don't require to breath any longer, it was a habit from living most continued after death.
You took the rare opportunity to take in his features that you would otherwise not be able, either a scowl, yelling or annoying the living piss out of you in the meantime would fill this moment. The last time you knew he had been in the bed was the second time you saw him, the first time officially meeting. His messy bangs fell gently onto his forehead, making you wonder if they were as soft and silky as they looked.
Your gaze fell lower to be met with those pools of crimson, blinking slowly at you as a soft frown set into his lips and his brows furrowed.
"Good Morning." You offered with a soft smile, shaking off the embarrassment of being caught watching him sleep like some creeper. He grunted in response while you stretched your limbs out like a cat, groaning from the ache in your muscles from being curled up all night.
"How did you sleep?" You tried again in an attempt at civil conversation after the period of his cold shoulder, a few moments of silence you let out a soft sigh before slipping out of bed and expecting yet another day of silence.
"Like the dead."
Your head whipped back to him, watching as he pulled the blanket up over his nose so only those surprisingly relaxed eyes were visible. He watched as you broke into light laughter at his sudden joke, turning to find clothes for the day.
The clock advised it was later in the afternoon, since you had been up most of the night looking up everything possible about the man... ghost? Whatever he is a man.
"Any plans for the day?"
A grin to yourself knowing full well he couldn't leave, a stuffed toy hit the back of your head as you turned quickly to see him smirk in triumph.
"I can do that now."
Huffing you leaned down to pick up the thrown object, he was really embracing that Poltergeist nickname.
"I have to go shopping for some groceries this afternoon, I was hoping after we could sit and talk?"
You shot him a hopeful look while hugging the stuffed toy to your chest, he rolled his eyes and snuggled back down into the blankets.
Pursing your lips you cocked your hip to the side, "You're really going to talk to me this morning and then go back to ignoring me?"
He shrugged and flipped his body away from you as he loved to do.
"Fine! Be that way... Bakugo."
His body tensed visibly, turning slowly back towards you with his eyes narrowed into pinpoints. "How the fuck did you learn my name?"
You shot him your best shit eating grin, "Guess you'll have to talk to me later to find out huh?"
Turning on your heel you hid away in the bathroom in order to get ready to pick up essentials needed for later. You had planned out what you wanted to try and wasn't even sure if it would work or not. After your discussion with Mitsuki, you had found out a few things that you hoped would help out with your plan.
The trip to the grocery store was a short one, only throwing in what you needed one at a time. Since you planned to make this short you decided any major grocery shopping would be done another day so you could return quickly.
Once back home you found him no where in the direct vicinity, dumping out your haul on the counter. Placing the items where they belonged that you didn't need and leaving out the fixing for dinner you were about to make.
"The fuck did you buy? Half the store?"
The voice behind you made you turn quickly, finding him standing a little close for comfort. He had been peering over your head at what you were digging out of the bags, your hands gripped the counter behind you.
"You really need a damn bell sometimes!" You spat, turning back as heat found it's way into your cheeks from the proximity.
"I'm not a fucking cat, Those shits hate me." He moved to your side now, picking up a head of lettuce and eyeing a few other things as he simply ran his fingers over some of them in what seemed to be experimentation. Not being able to touch simple objects for several years had to be fustrating.
Snatching the vegetable from his fingers while managing to avoid touching him as a scowl deepened onto his face.
"I suddenly have the urge to get a cat."
To be honest Toshi had an older cat he had adopted back in high school. It had passed not too long before our lease had come due, we had discussed adopting another down the road once settled into our new place. However their mission had put the thought on hold, getting your own now that you knew they 'hated' the ghost that annoyed you was sounding like a wonderful plan.
He was in for a rude awakening when the roommates returned.
Ignoring your words, he placed two large hands on the counter and leaned beside you while watching you prep ingredients.
"The hell you makin'?" His voice finally broke the silence as you let a breath of air leave your lips.
"Mapo Tofu." His brow quirked in interest, his hand reaching over to slide a knife from the block.
You eyed him from the corner warily, "You designed to kill me now?"
He scoffed and snatched the item you had prepared to cut from your hand and sliding the cutting board his direction. You blinked in surprise as you watched how he purposely avoided skin contact.
"Not yet." He responded as his arm began moving up an down in soft chopping motions. The whole ordeal felt strangely domestic as both of you stood arms almost brushing but far enough apart while working on your own part of the meal. Silence drifted between both of you until not being able to stand it any longer, you flipped on the radio hanging under the counter. Your favorite station filling the space instead.
Words were not shared as he finished placing the now chopped up ingredients into the waiting bowl, watching him with interest as he began digging into your spice cabinet. Setting out the spiciest ones you owned.
"Did you cook often... before?" Deciding to try and start conversation he froze for a brief moment, hand holding a chili pepper over the pan. His eyes dropped towards yours.
"Sometimes, Fast food is shit for you. Prefer to make my own, I'm a damn good cook." A soft smile crossed your lips at his taking part of the conversation. "You don't cook a lot."
You nodded at his observation, adding your own ingredient into the pan to simmer. "Honest, I get lazy. It's sometimes easier to just pop something in the microwave or oven and move on."
He huffed as if that was the stupidest thing he had ever heard, "You should try more often, it's healthier for you." Shrugging your shoulders in response, "Maybe."
He bullied you from the pans, adding his own spices and a few other things he pulled from the fridge you had not originally set out or planned to add. Deciding to let him take over since that was his clear intent, you hopped onto the counter and kicked your legs back and forth while watching him work.
"I spoke with your mom."
His back stiffened, his hand stirring the sauce froze as those vermillion eyes met yours over his broad shoulder. "And?"
Fidgeting with your fingers and contemplating how much you wanted to admit about looking him up or asking his mom.
"She told me a lot about you."
His face softened into a look you had never seen on him before, though brief, you could see a sadness creep into his features before settling back into his stoic face.
"Like what?"
You sat there swinging your legs for sometime, recounting some of the things she told you while he tended to dinner. Some of the embarrassing stories had him visibly cringing and huffing in annoyance that his mom had revealed his deep dark secrets to you.
You actually found yourself laughing at his off handed comments he made, openly discussing in more details about some of the things she had told you.
He told you about the time he got his quirk, he had been playing ball in the back yard with a friend who jumped out of a bush to scare him. He had pushed his hands out to defend himself when sparks had lit up his fingers.
You heard about his meeting Izuku Midoriya who became "Deku" because it was the nickname he gave when they were kids.
The burner turned off with a click as he turned to inform you after his last story, "Dinner is done Spooky."
Chuckling softly you hopped down and collected plates from the cupboard. He eyed you with a cocked brow when you grabbed enough for him as well.
"I can't eat all of this by myself can I?" You offered a plate to him as he raised a hesitant hand to grip it, his eyes then trailing to the stove longingly.
"I don't know if I can." His voice was surprisingly soft and barely there as you grabbed a utensil and added some to his plate.
"Of course you can, you don't have to, but you can eat." Serving yourself and handing him his eating utensils with a reassuring smile.
Leading him to the island you sat down and placed your hands together in the traditional prayer as he occupied the seat beside you. HIs palms rested on his thighs or a few moments before he finally picked up the spoon and took a small bite. An audible groan left him as you smirked, watching him from the corner of your eye.
"You're fucked now." He spoke as you coughed on a mouthful. "What?"
He grinned at you after finishing his next bite, "I'm going to eat you out of house and home."
Sighing deeply, you knew he would do just that out of spite. "That's Great."
Taking a piece of tofu you placed it inside your lips as your own groan involuntarily left your lips. A deep chuckle beside you made you freeze.
Did Bakugo just laugh?
"Told you I'm a good fucking chef." He took another bite as you followed along, a smile on your face from the flavorful meal he had prepared. Fuck being a poltergeist, he could be your personal chef!
"You should do this more often, I'll love you forever." Shoving another bite into your mouth as yet another chuckle left him.
"Careful what you wish for Darlin'."
A piece caught in your throat as heat filled your face, watching his devilish grin cross those lips. "Don't say shit like that!" Swiping your spoon at him he ducked easily with a laugh.
"Oh, you don't like that one? How about... Angel?" He leaned forward, breath softly brushing the skin of your nose, you leaned back with a squeak.
He let his head fall back in full belly laughter that was music to your ears. It was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard, even at your expense it was something you wanted to hear always. A soft puff of air left your nose affectionately as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
"Your face is just too good when embarrassed." He caught hold of himself as you rolled your eyes and finished up the last bit of your meal. Thanking him for the meal as you stood to take the plate to the dishwasher.
Afterwards you turned back to see he still had a few left himself. "This is much better than arguing you know."
He eyed you with a slight tilt of his head in confusion, reminding you of a puppy and pulling at your heart strings.
"The fuck you mean?"
Then he has to open his mouth.
Shrugging and leaning back against the sink, "Laughing, sharing a meal and joking with each other. Not annoying the other to death just to see them upset?"
He chewed thoughtfully on his last bite, pushing himself back a bit. "Yeah, too much fun though." Shaking your head with a smile he leaned past you to place his dishes in the sink. "I cooked, you wash the damn dishes."
His voice was soft, relaxed even as his eyes matched with not a hint of annoyance or malicious intent. Your own eyes dared to glance up into his, the moment stretching longer than planned as neither of you spoke. Clearing your throat after realizing just how long you had been staring before turning from the handsome man so close. You could almost feel his body heat, strange even though the man was dead. It was something you could not explain.
"Anyway, I hope we can be friends since we're going to be living here together as Roommates basically."
He nodded slightly before passing by into the living space, flopping onto the couch as he reached for the laptop you had brought out before leaving for the store.
You had just flipped on the sink to wash the pans when you saw what he was reaching for, knowing you had yet to close out of the pages from your search. Rushing into the room you tried to grab the object as he hit a button to wake it, His reflexes still fast as ever he snatched the object out of your reach when he saw you reach for it.
With a whine you watched as his face lit up in amusement, looking at the posts you had been reading. "Doing some reading on me huh?" His eyes met yours with that devilishly handsome grin that made your head fuzzy.
"Your mom told me your name so I thought I'd get to know who you wer- Are." Grumbling you fidgeted with your fingers as he snorted, reading a bit into the articles.
His amusement quickly faded the more he read, that same sadness settling back into his features.
"You don't... have to read them you know."
He nodded and clicked on an article about the dedication ceremony UA had for renaming the battle center in his honor.
"They have my fucking suit!" He growled, looking over the photo showing the display case. After a moment he continued reading and then eyed you from the corner.
"Don't you have the water on?"
A gasp from you as you realized he was correct, rushing over and turning it off. Hanging your head over the sink you gave a short memorial, RIP your water bill.
Dishes could wait, you returned to the couch and found Bakugo paused in scrolling with his eyes squeezed shut. Sitting beside him you let him know you were there gently.
He shoved the device away from onto the table with a clatter, leaning back into the couch with a far away stare.
"I don't want to be dead."
Chewing your lip you watched as his gaze fell to the floor, narrowing in obvious frustration. His jaw tensed as he ground his teeth, after a brief moment you cleared your throat and his eyes met yours once again.
"I don't know what it means to be dead, though I have a connection to the spirit world... it's different. I haven't experienced what you've been through, I do know hearing from the Reapers though that passing on is like a paradise."
He huffed and rolled his eyes, "You sound like Grim, I ain't passing on."
Nodding you laced your fingers in your lap, "That's your choice, though I do think sitting here and thinking on everything you lost isn't going to help. Just hurt in the end."
He leaned forward and clasped his own hands as he glared holes into your table. "Yeah, well what else is there to do? I've only got a few fucking months left and then it'll be all over."
Cocking a brow your interest was peeked. "Is this about your deal?"
His eyes snapped to yours, "The fuck you know about my deal?"
Shaking your head softly you continued, "I don't know the terms, wasn't even sure if it was you I heard about but this confirms things. Other than that I know things are not in your favor."
A growl sounded from his throat, lip curling into a snarl. "Yeah, Fucking Grim gave me a doozy of a deal. Then left me with shit terms so it makes it damn near impossible for me to win."
Tilting your head he shook his own, "I ain't telling you about my deal so don't ask."
Shrugging you chose to turn on the tv and offered him the remote. He eyed it as if you had spit on his ancestor's grave. "I won't ask, it's not my business. In the meantime, Friends?"
He simply stared for sometime before taking the device and turning his attention to the connecting object so he could choose the program.
"Sure, Friends."
The next few weeks flew by quickly now that Bakugo and you were on "Friend" terms. There were less angry words and pranks against one another, though from time to time they continued out of pure boredom. You heard from Hitoshi a few days ago that their mission continues to go well; However they would still be gone for some time.
You were now a few months in the house without them... well as alone as you can be with a roommate that rivals the ghost of an angry porcupine.
Ending your current call with a huff you set the phone on the couch cushion a bit rougher than necessary. Bakugo narrowed his eyes at you for disturbing his peace of watching a documentary that had been released on him. He loved to watch and critique like some movie critique, what they got right, what they got wrong.
You rubbed the bridge of your nose, no cases have come up within the last few weeks and since your poltergeist had decided to eat everything in sight once he knew he could, money was starting to run low. Rent would be due in a few days, where Hitoshi had sent you their portion, you were running a little low. The call had been to the precinct to see if they had any current cases that would benefit your services, hell you even considered calling some local hero agencies to see if they needed a backup for patrols, someone who was out on leave etc. There was a reason you held onto your hero license.
"The fuck is wrong with you? Over here huffing like a damn cow." His crimson stare bore into the side of your head as he awaited your response. His arms raised to easily block the pillow swung for his insult, sticking his tongue out at you as you discarded the object between you at the failed attempt.
"First off, Fuck you. Secondly no cases to speak of, the only one would be a follow up on an old case. It still involves kids and I told him I was done with those."
A cocked brow was your only reply and you rolled your eyes knowing he wanted the details. "I took a case a couple weeks ago about this little girl that had been hit by a car... She was one of a string that had occurred so I went and checked it out to see if I could find the culprit. I got some good evidence but it sounds like this guy is thorough, no sign of his car or anything. But last night another kid got hit, same car description and plate."
Sinking back into the couch your fingertips began massaging your temples now, "Kid lived, thank the stars. They're in bad shape but still gave a full description that matched perfectly with what we know. Law enforcement has been unable to locate it. Shit news is If I want to pay rent and for your food habits then this is the only case right now."
He nodded remembering the few cases he had to take on involving crimes against children. It had always turned his stomach when he knew a minor was involved. He could only imagine her feelings in the fact that with dealing these types of situations the child didn't make it. In his interactions at least most times the kids were going to be okay... eventaully.
"So what do they need you for if the brat lived?"
You rolled your head to look at him against the couch, "The kid I spoke with passed onto the afterlife, however there are still past victims out there I could contact. They want someone familiar on the case and since I was able to actually get people to talk last time they want me to join the facilitator of the case... Deku."
Bakugo's jaw set, visible annoyance filled his face. "Fucking Deku?" Nodding to confirm before explaining he had been leading the investigation for some time so naturally he would be the one to team up with.
Low grumbles continued to fall from his lips as you picked up your device once again to reluctantly accept the case. Message was sent between the inspector and the green clad hero in a group message, immediate responses from both of them showing their excitement you had agreed to come aboard. Your phone's keyboard clicked as you requested where you would be meeting up while continued curses sounded from the ghost beside you. They finally silenced when yet another chime of your phone cut him off, his lip curling into annoyance.
"Who the fuck are you texting that's got you grinning like a freak?" His long fingers snatched the device from your hand as a whine of annoyance slipped from your throat.
"Do you exist to give me gray hairs?" He snorted while thumbing through your screen, how he was able to activate the item was beyond your comprehension but finally the device was tossed back into your lap with the flick of his wrist.
The last message came in from Deku himself stating that he was going to revisit one of the crime scenes shortly should you be interested in joining. You shot a quick message you'd be there shortly and pocketed the device. Leaving the bane of your existence on the couch to make your way upstairs and locate your costume case once again from the closet.
Finding the case on the top shelf you heaved a sigh, all the crime in the world and not a single case besides this one you could work.
In the costume now you glanced over yourself in the full length mirror, running a hand over your curves. You tilted your head, Is it too late to become a stripper?
Now fully decked out in your costume you styled your hair and applied a bit of makeup around your eyes to go with the mask and finish the look. Once back in the living room you found the blonde still perched on the couch, arms crossed to show off his hard earned muscles. His eyes wandered over to you and widened ever so slightly but enough that you caught it. His eyes began slowly lowering down your entire frame and then raising back up to meet yours, heat filled your cheeks as the attractive man checked out your costume that fit you in all the right places.
"That's your hero suit?" He lip curled into a faux sneer, secretly wishing he could put his own on at least one more time. He had originally been in his costume however Grim had thought he would be more comfortable in something he wore daily so she had taken his suit somewhere never to be seen again.
"Yes, simple but sleek for a ghost quirk hero. Why? You don't like it?"
His shoulders rose and fell in a shrug, biting his tongue to keep from vocalizing what he actually thought about the hot woman he enjoyed terrorizing. So he simply went with, "Mine was cooler."
A loud laugh erupted from your chest, raising your hands to splay your fingers wide on either side. "Sorry my costume doesn't have cool hair extensions like yours did."
"That was my original costume you absolute fuck! When I was a damn teenager! I got rid of those my second year."
He pouted as your phone went off in your hidden pocket. Deku was on his way to the site so you quickly grabbed a light snack from the fridge and placed your mask on the bridge of your nose. The Poltergeist named Bakugo began digging into the fridge for something of his own when you caught his attention above the door.
Placing your hand under your chin you wiggled your fingers at him, "Don't wait up honey I'll be late." Sticking your tongue out at him for full effect he scoffed and stood to his full height.
He returned your gesture of waiving his fingers under his chin with a "Be safe you spooky bitch."
"You know I will."
Your eyes rolled when he leaned down, face hovering just over yours. His voice lowered into a tone you had never heard come from him before.
"Good girl."
Heat filling your cheeks once again you tossed the wrapper of your treat into his face while he threw his head back into full on laughter.
"Fucking tease!" You squealed while hauling ass out of the door.
The drive to the meeting site was short, finding yourself back in the lower end neighborhood of your city. Darkness started to creep into the sky when you saw the tall hero waiving his arm frantically in your direction.
"Hi Phantom!" His thousand-watt smile blinded you as you waived your hand. "Tone down the enthusiasm sir, it's too early for this."
He cocked his head with confusion spreading into his features. "It's eight in the evening?"
Shrugging you began walking next to him down the sidewalk, "I said what I said."
During your stroll down the walk he ran you through what you had missed since the last time you worked the situation. Apparently the car had resurfaced finally even if unfortunate circumstances. He hoped we would find one of his other victims around so we could try to get more information since none of the living were still willing to help. In the meantime, wandering around the area would at least get more hero patrols in the area that rarely sees hero attention.
The patrol was mostly in silence and you finally broke it after awhile. "So how is your fiancé and the wedding preparations?"
A fond smile crossed his features, soft freckles lining the apples of his cheeks as they glowed in the street lights above. Too bad the hero had been taken, he really had grown into quite the handsome man. Generous, honest and closing in on that number one spot, he really had taken the "Symbol of peace" seriously once had graduated our alma matter.
"Aw they're great! We booked a venue the other day, decided on fall of next year when the leaves are just turning colors. They absolutely adore fall, and I... well I adore them. So I plan on giving them their favorite time of year."
Your lips spread in a smile as he went on and on about the wedding. They had chosen muted colors to stay with the theme of fall, little handmade center pieces his mother insisted to make. Everyone would be getting their own little treat bags as thanks for joining them on their special day.
He shocked you when he mentioned even All Might himself would be making an appearance, even after being wheelchair bound now with his body catching up to him a few years ago. The former her would be his best man, since his first choice was... no longer available.
Your heart sank as you watched sadness fill the heroes eyes, knowing exactly who he was referring to. His childhood friend taken too soon.
You found yourself wondering if he was still here, would he have said yes? Hearing his stories of "Deku" he spoke with annoyance in his voice, but getting to know the man you could tell it was a front for his fondness of his childhood friend.
A screech of tires snapped both of you out of your funks as a car skirted around the corner, clearly in a hurry for something. A mother and her young child were walking on the opposite sidewalk, hand in hand with bright smiles as she listened intently on how his school day went.
"Deku!" You managed a call out, noting the make and model of the car matching the description as the vehicle everyone had been searching for. Both of you sprang into action with practiced speed as the car quickly gained ground, suddenly swerving into the path to take out the oblivious young child.
The boy was light in your arms as long black tendrils wrapped around the mother's waist, yanking her out of the way of the speeding vehicle. Your hand curled around his small back and the other placed on top of his head as you knelt, the moving car passing straight through while screams filled your ear drums.
Tires screeched once again as the vehicle came to a halt, your head raising to quickly appraise the boy for any signs of injuries. Fat tears rolled down his rosy cheeks, his wide eyes taking in your costume.
"Avery!" The woman's voice rang across the street as she clung to your partner, her arms opening wide as he tore himself from your own. Standing quickly you turned attention on the vehicle that was now sitting idling nearby. Dark eyes returned your glare above the roof of the vehicle.
A medical mask covered the bottom of his long face, greasy hair hanging in tendrils around his shoulders as his eyebrows scrunched up into pure rage.
"You bitch! I had him!" His crooked finger pointed in your direction as you raised your own middle in response, showing exactly what you thought of him.
"Sucks to be you shit head! You're going to Tartarus for killing those kids!"
His raspy voice resonated through the dark, empty street. A cackle that chilled every last drop of blood in your body.
"You'll have to catch me first, whore."
Green lightning crackled loudly as it replaced his ugly laugh, lighting up the street. The dark eyes of the villain widening when he realized who stood just behind you.
"I don't have to... He will."
The man barely got back inside the driver's seat when the speed of the number two proved too much for him, pulling the scum from his seat. He now sat on the curb with quirk cancelling cuffs around his wrists while you radioed to the police that the hit and run villain had finally been caught.
The man sat glaring holes into a suddenly interesting rock at his feet while both of you stood guard until the authorities arrived.
"That was anticlimactic, I thought he'd at least give a better chase." Crossing your arms you kicked said rock from the villain's view.
The hero huffed a soft laugh, "Sorry about that, I think I was a little angry seeing him almost take the life of another."
A grin crossed your lips as a soft tug at your suit caught your attention. "Miss Hero?"
Your eyes lowered to find a violet colored pair, the young boy who had been in your arms not moments prior trying to get your attention. You lowered yourself to his level, balancing on the heels of your boots. Barely stabilized little arms suddenly flung around your neck, a squeak of surprise leaving you as he squeezed on as tight as he could. Letting out a low sigh you slowly returned the hug and squeezed him back.
His little thank you in your ear had hot tears staining your cheeks, grateful you had been fast enough to grab the boy before the unthinkable could happen again.
"You are so welcome little man."
Releasing the boy just a little bit your hands hovered over his sides as he ran his short, stubby fingers over your cheeks to try and collect the tears as they fell.
"Don't cry! You're my hero! You know what helps when I cry? Ice cream!"
A short strangled laugh left your throat and left a smile as Deku placed a large, gloved hand on the boy's head. "I'll make sure she gets ice cream young man, I think in the mean time your mother is waiting for you over there. We need to get this bad guy to the police."
He nodded and thanked your green clad partner as well, the mother giving him the biggest hug before she made her way over and threw her arms around you as well.
"Getting all the hugs today." You mumbled so softly that the words were lost on the mother. Lights filled the area as police cars pulled in one by one in a hurry, uniformed officers stepping out and taking the man into custody.
Inspector Tsukauchi exited his personal vehicle, clad in his casuals as he crossed over and clasped Deku on his back. "You two did amazing. We finally got the son of a bitch and they'll never hurt another child again!"
"Good because I never want to experience that ever again." Crossing your arms and narrowing your eyes into a glare towards the dark eyed man who sent you a hateful look. He was pushed into the car and his mask fell, revealing long needle sharp teeth he bared in your direction.
"Don't think this is over bitch!" His voice muffled as the car door slammed into place, making him jump back a bit.
"He'll never see the light of day again if I have anything to say about it." The salt and pepper haired inspector patted his badge attached to his night shirt.
"That's quite the look sir, trying for a new uniform?" You teased and he swatted at you playfully, dodging his weak attempt you giggled.
"I was at home relaxing and reading a good book when the call came in, I figured this was more important."
Once again you were informed to stay on standby for the trial in the event they wanted you to testify since he was finally in custody. The man had taken the lives of three children and hospitalized one more before this final last ditch attempt. A pair of little eyes peeked around an officer who was taking the mother's statement.
His hand clasped another pair of stubby fingers as the other came into view. You sucked in a deep breath upon recognizing their faces from the photos from the original briefing with the inspector. They both waved their opposite free hands and mouthed a 'Thank you' in your direction.
They both turned to each grab a hand of the waiting man in a suit, one on either side as they faded from view while no one else but yourself watched.
Leaning back into the brick building you inhaled to keep the tears away once again with your eyes screwed shut.
Your eyes opened once more to find those of your temporary partner.
"I just wanted to thank you for your help on this today... and to give you this."
He pressed something into your hand with his bright smile and turned away to answer the questions of another office as you looked down.
In your hand was a card with very expensive feeling texture, you flipped the item over to read;
"You are cordially invited to the wedding..."
A soft chuckle left your lips as you pocketed the card and strode towards your car.
You're damn right you're going to that wedding.
Yay! Glad we were able to close that case out because whew! Sorry that this was not released yesterday as I promised, had some family matters that reared their ugly heads I had to deal with and just couldn't find a chance to finish this up. We'll be seeing more of Katsuki's former classmates in the next few chapters so keep an eye out ;) Smooches! <3
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levislui · 2 years
does anybody know any good character x black reader fics where the reader isnt a bimbo obsessed with pink with the innocence of a damn 5th grader😭
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doodlenoodleboi · 1 month
Does anyone one want to see the behind-the-scenes of my writing I'll include my draft's mood boards and stuff like that. I'm working on a Sal request right now.
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misdeliria · 1 year
can literally ANYONE send me some requests or brain rots or WHATEVER, my inbox is sad and lonely
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lovra974 · 1 year
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Chapter 1 : The hero on the screen.
Be indulgent, it's my first fic in English. I'm not sure of what I'm doing.
You are an underground Pro-Hero who need to take back the case the Commission robbed you, because it's linked to a personal case that you swore you would close.
You didn't expect to have to team up the #6 Pro-Hero Dynamight to keep the case, but at least the guy looks okay...
Bakugo didn't expect Hawks to put him up with his hero crush when he went to the top 10 meeting. Damn, it wasn't even in his plan to ever meet you. You were supposed to be a fantasm. The untouchable hero on a screen that he admired from afar. And now you are here, in his personal space talking about a case he should be focused on.
Y/N = your name
L/N = last name
Reader has a quirk, it's explained in the story. I know it works like Lemillion.
No Warning for this chapter, but maybe for others. Pinning Bakugo.
Please comments and reblog are appreciated. Happy birthday to Katsuki Bakugo! Have a nice read !
The planes roar was deafening. Y/N L/N pulled her suitcase with a sigh. She was relieved to be back in Japan, but she knew she would need some time to really relax. 
She was back from a six month mission in Europe. The Commission said it was a success, like always. They gave her her paycheck and sent her back to Japan. Y/N didn’t agree with the said success of the mission. Indeed, the children were all safe and sound. Indeed, most of the villains were arrested. However, one was still free. He was probably helped by someone. 
She thought her mission would continue with the tracking of the last members and the chief. But the Commission took back the case and sent her home. She still had a bitter taste in her mouth that wouldn’t go away. 
In the airport hall, she recognized Hitoshi. The purple hair" head hero was texting when he heard her approach. He smiled. He didn’t wear his costume, but a black puffy coat and a scarf, probably knitted by Eri. 
They hugged for a short time, familiar thanks to the years of working together. She worked for EraserHead agency for two years alongside him. She was the underground hero they favoured with international cases. 
The man asked how Europe was. What did she eat ? The weather ? It’s only when they closed the car door that he dared ask about her case. 
"That’s bullshit ! She grunted. I did everything ! The tracking, the proof checking, the rescue operation and the arrest ! I should have the right to finish the job myself.”
"You wrote everything in your rapport ?”
She nodded. Oh yes, she had the time to fill her rapport with black during the flight. She poured her heart into it. From her point of view, the flight was too short for all she had to say about the case. She will file it with their agency tomorrow. 
She worked with Shinso at EraserHead Agency. It was one of the rare agencies with only underground heroes. She was employed two years ago, after working for the Commission for two years. It was a very welcome change of pace. 
She felt better at the agency. Her job was far more rewarding than before. She was the International Underground Hero of the agency. The IUH, the representative of the agency for worldwide missions. 
Not gonna lie, the pay was good too. 
"Hey, began Hitoshi with his fingers playing on the wheel. I have friends from UA that want to do a get together party. You wanna come with me ?”
"I’m not from UA.“
"Doesn’t matter, it’s just for fun !“
She turned to him. "MindJack, you hate, partying.“
"There will be free food and alcohol !” 
She looked at her friend. He was a very laid back kind of guy. Most of the time. He doesn’t express his emotions, he’s very talented at bottling them up. But the hero was twiddling his fingers on the wheel.
"Why do you want me to come ?“
"I need emotional support.“
She laughed. "Sounds like a joke ! Hey, what's worse than one introvert who’s forced to socialise ? Two introverts forced to socialise !“
She managed to make him crack a smile. 
"Jane will be there, and I… I promise to come before knowing this.“
"Ooooh… So I’ll be the shield.“
She thought about it. Parties were not really her scene, even more if she doesn’t know the people here. She guessed it would have most of the top 40 in Japan because well… They all were from UA. But, at least she will be distracted from the stupid mission in Europe.  
She thought about Mindjack’s relationship with the said Jane. She never met her officially, only passed by when the girl came to the agency after she left the Commission. She was a Pro Hero too. And for years, Hitoshi and she kept breaking up and coming back together. Eraserhead said it was a “one way” relationship and an absolute waste of time. 
"But what do you want from me, exactly ?“
"I must not talk to her, at least not alone. You will… Guard me ? I guess. To prevent me from doing something stupid.“
"I’ll be a menacing guard dog then… I can work with that.“
The man sighs and thanked her. He felt relieved. 
"But you pay for my next visit to the hair salon, she added.”
He laughed. He knew about her weird ritual. After an overseas mission, she went to the hair salon. When he asked her why she did it, she explained it felt good to change her face. He thought it was weird at first, but it became a habit to see her metamorphose herself.  
"Alright, but what are you gonna do this time ?“
She played with a long blue braid. She was looking for shorter hair. But she had no definite idea yet.
"I’m still thinking about it.“
Bakugo didn’t like the top 10 meetings. The first time, he felt pride at being invited. But the feeling faded really quickly. 
Because those meetings were absolutely chaotic. You anticipated excellence and professionalism, you got excited kids on a school yard. It was exhausting.
Who thought it was a good idea to put the ten heroes in the country, who are closest to the ultimate dream ? Being number 1. Obviously, chaos and fights would ensue. 
You could say whatever you wanted about Endeavor, Bakugo hated him, but the guy knew how to lead these meetings. He knew how to be listened.
Which was not the case for Hawks. He became Number 1 when Enji Todoroki retired. These meetings were a bunch of disorganised explanations he could have gotten with a mail. But no, Bakugo had to come and lose two hours of his time when he had better things to do. He always left with a beating headache and ringing ears. 
He opened and closed his fists. Three heroes were arguing for a reason he didn’t really care about. Deku, who always sat next to him, observed the exchange with big eyes. His head turned each time somebody shouted. Again, he could have watched a tennis match at home…  
They had been there for ten minutes and he was already seething.Hawks tried to take back the attention, but he got cut each time. The noise was becoming hurtful for Bakugo’s ears. A strident sound rang around his eardrums. 
Everybody turned to him, surprised he manifested himself. Dynamite stayed in the back during those meetings. He only spoke when he had a question about the topic. He kept his fire when on patrols and missions. He shot down the people who tried to contact him. Hawks took advantage of the baffled silence. 
"Let’s begin, everyone ! Before we reviewed last month, the Commission asked me to share some news with you.“
He tapped on a computer. A video with the Commission’s Archive was projected on the white board.
Immediately, Dynamite looked at the top left corner. He smiled. He was satisfied when he saw the name of the hero who took the video. Hawks showed them most of the time. 
"This video was taken two days ago. They are from Switzerland.” explained the number 1. 
The Hero Phantom wore a camera on her costume. The video was edited with other videos from other heroes. 
It began during a fight inside a big warehouse with a school bus inside. Phantom was using her trademark weapon against the villain. It was a telescopic metal pool, Bakugo knew there was a knife inside one edge and some catch nets in the other. She used it to tie up her assailants.
On the video from another hero, they saw Phantom running for the bus to take the children out. Dynamite noted she had long blue hair this time. He thought it suited her better than the blond one he saw last time. 
"All the kids were saved and sent back to their home. The villains are called the Hell’s Wounded. They do child traffic for their particular quirks.“
"If everybody was saved, what’s the problem ?”
"Because not everybody was arrested.”
He clicked on a button. A man appeared on the board. He looked tall, around the thirties with grey hair and eyes globe completely black. The image was also signed Phantom.
"This is Henry Blecker, the Hell’s Wounded boss. They work all around Europe, mostly in the West. Unknown quirk. Nobody has ever managed to arrest him. But two days ago, he was in this warehouse in Switzerland.”
A new video began, shorter than the last one. Phantom followed Blecker alone. But three men cut her way and forced her to stop. Bakugo knew he would watch the full videos at home. He could access the Commission’s Archive with his hero account. His ranking in the top 10 gave him access to most of the secret archives, like the international ones or the underground ones. He would not confess even under torture that he watches Phantom videos quite often.
The first time he saw one was three years ago. It was during one of these meetings. He didn’t pay much attention to the name. Then the name came more often, during meetings, and even inside some rapports. Phantom was like a promise of truth when working with undergrounds. 
And one day he saw her in action. It was over a year ago. The Press Director from Tokyo’s Journal was held hostage by two villains. Twenties heroes were waiting in front of the journal’s building where the villains were. Phantom came and used her quirk to go inside the building without being seen. She could become like a ghost, invisible and intangible. The police kept track of her position thanks to the camera in your costume and a screen. She “possessed” one of the villains to release the director, another use of her quirk. 
Bakugo was impressed by the efficacy of her quirk. So out of curiosity, he typed her name inside the Commission’s Archives. He didn’t get disappointed. 
He watched her fight, most of the time in fast or surprised attacks. A video followed, then another one and quickly all he could find. He had sworn when the website refused him access to some. 
Admiration was born. He kept it for himself. She was only known by some top heroes and governments. Which in his eyes made her even more precious. She didn’t have a fan club like him or goodies. She didn’t do interviews, which really saddened him. Damn, he was ready to pay just to hear her talk about herself ! All he had was those videos.
"Blecker was seen in a plane for Japan yesterday, revealed Hawks with a serious face. So we think his accomplices must be here too. I’m asking you to keep your eyes open wide. When the first kid disappeared, we sent out a research group.”   
The meeting lasted more than an hour. They talked about last month's event and they could leave after. 
Bakugo didn’t stay to chat. He didn’t have to go back to his agency, All Might be blessed. He went straight to the apartment he shared with the shark head named Eijiro Kirishima. 
They have been roommates since they left UA. Bakugo directly began his own agency and his best friend joined him directly. It was practical for the two of them. They knew each other, they trusted each other and none of them had to come back to an empty apartment with himself to distract the dark thoughts. 
The negative point, for Bakugo, was the others. The first years, they lived in a little seedy apartment, barely large enough for them both. Then they began to rank higher, their agency got bigger. They made a name for themselves. They could hire more people, interns and staff. Then they bought a better apartment. This is when the said Bakusquad invited themselves more often. Too often for Bakugo’s taste. 
They had to change the couch four times since they moved in. Those stupid extras they called friends broke the three preceding ones. 
But tonight, tonight there was nobody. The calm reigned. The apartment was dark and peaceful. Kirishima must have told them Bakugo had a meeting tonight, they all knew what it meant. 
He got out of his costume and showered himself. He warmed up the cooking he had done last weekend. Kirishima was on a night patrol, he thought. He wouldn’t be there before morning. He ate while typing things on his phone. Once finished, he opened his computer and sat in his living room. 
He connected his account inside the Commission’s Archive and looked for the videos Hawks showed them. There were two. He charged the first.
Phantom was talking to two heroes in sign language. She rarely talked, barely a grunt or sometimes a swear word. The sign language was more used by underground heroes. 
Phantom possessed a guard to open the door. She was in the guard’s head, controlling his body, possessing his being. 
He was so absorbed in the video that he didn't see Kirishima coming. The blond jumped when his best friend appeared and turned on the light. The red head, still in his hero costume arched a brow. 
"What the hell are you doing here this early ? Grunted Bakugo. Didn’t you have a night patrol ?”
" I was on the evening patrol, not the night one. And you ? What were you doing alone in the dark…?”
Kirishima looked at the computer and took three steps to see the screen. Bakugo closed it before he could see anything. He shot a dark look at the redhead who was grinning. 
"Oh… what were you looking at ? Phantom ?”
Bakugo’s reaction was immediate. He felt like somebody threw ice at him. His eyes widened and the tip of his ears became red. 
“Wait… How do you know that ? Are you watching me, Shitty Hair ?”
At this, Kirishima had the decency to look a little ashamed. 
“Bakubro, your Commission’s ID is ‘dynamight’ and your password is ‘greatexplosionmurdergoddynamight’.“
Bakugo threw the couch pillows at him. Kirishima caught one to block the other. His best friend was getting enraged. 
“Come on ! It’s no biggie ! I promise I won't tell anybody about your crush…”
“Then why are you stalking her ?”
Bakugo was out of pillows, so he took the TV remote and threw it at Kirishima. By instinct, Red Riot hardened his skin and the remote exploded.
They stopped. The living room was a mess and now they didn’t have any remote. Bakugo stayed silent. Kirishima understood with the scowl and shifting eyes to drop the conversation.
He didn’t want to cross his best bro intimacy. It was kinda an accident. He had noticed, obviously, how stupidly he was smiling when looking at his computer. He thought it was porn at first. And one day, Kirishima really needed to find their oven reference to buy the exact same thing before the blond discovered he broke it. Again. 
He had seen the website repeating itself multiple times. It was from the Commission, nothing extraordinary there. And he saw the name “Phantom”, and he thought the worst. 
Their apartment was haunted. And Bakugo didn’t tell him to not freak him out. It thought it was logic, okay ? Everything got broken way too easily in this stupid apartment. 
A few minutes only were needed to find the blond password. Kirishima needed the truth because Bakugo could be damn sure that if their apartment was haunted, they would be moving out the same night. He didn’t get it when he found videos about international cases and the same hero in each one. Then, he understood. 
He closed the computer and didn’t watch more. What he had done was absolutely not manly. He felt terrible and guilty about it. 
But it explained some things that happened over the past year. 
Like Bakugo's bizarre obsession with the sources of the report, he agreed to use his social media - which he usually delegates to his media team - likely to find Phantom. And the cherry on the cake, that he suddenly finds sign language cool, after Kirishima talked about it for months to ease the tired eardrum of his best friend.
That crush was a great thing. An excellent one! Kirishima was so glad Bakugo finally took an interest in somebody. Even though that person was related to ghosts... but Kirishima seemed to be mistaken on one point. Just because Bakugo was interested in anyone doesn't mean he accepted it.
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