#Gerudo hero
michoodles · 11 days
A chaotic duo
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If I'm doing my interpretation of the Ancient Hero of course I wouldn't leave them alone, bcs there is another one that can join the chain at their side
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smilesrobotlover · 4 months
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Love at twilight stuff. Some drama happens with Ilia when she finds out about Kori, and Kori is being a little child and I love him.
Also young Link and Rusl sparring cuz Link was fascinated by Rusl practicing with the sword and they’re so father and son vibes ahdjdhsksbsksbks
Around the time in the young Link and Rusl image, Link is being fostered by Rusl and Uli while they look for his parents
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limited-hero · 1 year
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Who could this new encounter be??!! Chapter 4 page 4-6 previous /// Next
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weepingtalecowboy · 18 days
Fanfic prompt: during the final fight of windwaker daphnes didn’t antagonize ganondorf
And he , wind and tetra all came to an agreement that he can bring his people to Hyrule (or what remains of them because he was gone for a while)
And he quickly realized that the Gerudo and hylians cooperated enough that now there is nearly no full blood hylians and Gerudo
Because both were people and in enough desperation to throw race separation into the Dead Sea
Because there is no way both could survive by themselves (inspired by wind waker's round but pointy ear art style like they are SO round )
And now he has to drag everyone into Hyrule because he did say all his people would find a safe haven in his kingdom
And all the people are happy to go because living room is getting smaller with the rising population and Hyrule has a ton of land to offer
So many people go to Hyrule and the triforce wearers build the government up again
Tetra still has problems with ganondorf but she is also under no circumstances giving up her freedom to rule
So they just go and drag wind into the position of heir so that ganondorf has to give up the throne to someone she trusts with her entire life
Because she doesn’t want to be Zelda so he can be princess Zelda if he is this obsessed with fulfilling the king’s wish of a new land (she established the new land she did her part already now leave her alone destiny)
She does sometimes appear to throw in her five cents in during discussions
The Rito are happy to make peace but only if their savior who has saved their great Valoo ends up as part of the leading group
Everything’s going well and a small settlement has already been made and trade with the islands is going well
Ganondorf is insisting on reviving cultural traditions of the Gerudo tribe
And phantom hourglass was over in 10 minutes anyway so it still can happen in this story
Then linked universe happens and with the heir of new Hyrule just gone
Everyone freaks out badly because without the “princess” all agreements and alliances would be in danger
And a massive search happens
Everyone is pinching in because the new settlement could fall apart and the people can’t afford to lose their new homes
The Rito who probably consider the hero of the winds the next best thing after sliced bread
Ganondorf has to give the throne to the one who holds the name Zelda to appease the king (who hasn’t left and stayed salty over ganondorf living in his land
And Tetra and her crew are not going to lose their baby crew mate and she also genuinely doesn’t want to be Zelda
So when the chain appears in Wind's Hyrule they immediately get arrested for stealing the heir of new Hyrule
And time and the chain flips out when seeing ganondorf as the king of Hyrule
Because that looks like an uprising in the making
Time and ganondorf officially hate eachother because they remember each other
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link-is-a-dork · 8 days
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Emri the Gerudo: "You're disrupting my business, Yiga. Get lost."
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rawliverandgoronspice · 4 months
anyways, still deeply invested into my read of Ganondorf being an immense bully to children partially because, in a way, he rationalizes that putting children through the grinder is baaaasically kind of helping them to grow up faster, in a throwing you into the river to teach you how to swim kind of way, and if they can't handle the grinder, they were weak and it's on them and they can either suck it up and try harder, or get wrecked and die
and obviously that says absolutely nothing about how his own upbringing may have been handled, right twinrova, nor anything about how he may have buried a profound bitterness about the fact he was never really allowed a childhood of his own, and it's not fair others, especially hylians, get to spend their own carefree.
of course not.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months
Gan: Ok but they said there are three people in this town named Link. How do you know one, or any of them, is the Hero?
Zelda: *intense observation of a pot* If the legends are true…
Kid: *runs by and knocks over pot as he passes*
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onefey · 1 year
it is so so SO funny how totk's reveal of the ancient hero leaves us with more questions than it answers
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lisanees · 1 year
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other characters Doing Things was one of my biggest wishes for this game, especially after how amazingly Age of Calamity fleshed out the new Champions, so I couldn't be happier rn!!!
these glimpses already seem to sell the fact the world is going to feel a lot more alive
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skyward-floored · 3 months
.... what's the brand look like?
also do the others ever see it? what's their reactions to it?
- hero-of-the-wolf
Darn it wolf you’re so good at making me want to write things /pos. Mostly because I think of an answer and realize it would take a while to type out, and I decide just writing it would be faster lol. Another short scene bhdgbkgdgjhd
Wind knew he shouldn’t be eavesdropping.
But he couldn’t sleep, not after the day he’d had, and he’d snuck into the kitchen to ask if he could have something to eat, but instead he found Legend and Hyrule and Twilight all talking together in whispered voices.
And Wind could never resist whispered voices.
“...glad we got you out,” Twilight was saying as Wind crept to the doorway. “The capital is going to be hopping mad after all this, and they deserve it.”
Hyrule almost smiled. “Can’t say I’m sorry to hear that. Wish I could see the looks on some of my supervisor’s faces. They wouldn’t expect me to actually escape.”
“Didn’t you ever fight back against them?” Legend asked, and though his tone was sharp, Wind thought he just seemed confused, like he couldn’t image anyone not trying to escape from the situation Hyrule had been in.
“I used to,” Hyrule said softly, and the room quieted.
Hyrule looked at his lap, and exhaled, tugging the blanket around his shoulders a little tighter around himself.
“I got found pretty young, I was... two, I think. Don’t remember my family. But yeah, I got scooped up and put into training before I can remember. It wasn’t so bad at first, learning how to use my powers, and help people. This nice lady named Mipha taught me about healing, and I was happy to be able to help the people they sent to us sometimes. But...”
Hyrule’s voice dimmed.
“I don’t know when it happened exactly. I was maybe seven? But one day Mipha was gone, and suddenly I was seeing dozens of hurt people a day, and I was expected to heal all of them. I had to heal even tiny scratches, and after I started passing out regularly, I realized I couldn’t stay. I made a break for it.”
“You didn’t make it though,” Legend realized quietly.
“...No. I got caught and dragged back. I just got a warning for some reason that first time, and I tried a bunch more times, even when I started actually getting punished and put under higher security. And I didn’t stop trying to get away until... Dark stepped in.”
“You met Dark?” Twilight gaped, and Hyrule nodded.
“Only for a few minutes. He wanted to see the troublesome healer himself. He was awful, honestly. Took one look at me, and... and then he sent me away for branding,” he finished in a whisper.
The room was stunned into silence.
“I thought that was a myth,” Legend finally said, his face white.
Hyrule visibly swallowed, and lifted up his sleeve, revealing an angry red mark burnt into his shoulder. Wind felt his breath catch, and couldn’t help leaning in to try and look at it better. Cruel lines were burned deep into Hyrule’s skin, ones that looked like they stretched down his back and onto his chest as well, and even though Wind couldn’t see it the best, his stomach lurched.
“It’s not,” Hyrule whispered. “And they said next time I tried to escape, they’d do it on my face too.”
Legend abruptly stood up and stalked away, slamming the door to the backyard as he left. Hyrule startled, but Twilight patted his arm.
“He’s not mad at you, kid. He’s mad at the situation, and the people who did this to you,” he explained gently, and Hyrule looked away, pulling his shirt up and blanket over his shoulders.
Twilight glanced at the doorway where Wind was hiding, and Wind had a feeling he knew he was there.
“We should head to bed anyway. We can talk more tomorrow.”
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"Too many Kings don't see the value in a scholar. But I do. You are a rare prize. It would be a waste to leave you for dead."
Models: Shad, Ganondorf, Gerudo Desert, Pose
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smilesrobotlover · 2 months
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This ship template but for Zelda ocs 🤯
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dalooneylass · 8 months
A personal tweak to the Zelda Timeline
So basically I’ve been thinking about LinkedUniverse and been doing some sorta LU fanart and THAT had me thinking about the Zelda Timeline, and more specifically how it would make more sense if Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures swapped Timeline placements. And that’s what this post is about.
Why I feel FS would work better if it came after FSA in the Timeline and vice versa.
So reason number one is how Vaati is characterised in FSA & MC vs how he’s characterised in FS. In the former games, Vaati is shown to be power hungry and Cunning, like when he imprisoned and then impersonated the king in order to both find the Light Force, and stop Link in MC. And while he’s not the MAIN villain and is being manipulated by Ganon in FSA, I think it’s save to say that he’s still in control of his own actions, and was likely scheming up his own plans independently of Ganon, and I might add that in never of theses games has he ever shown interest in Zelda, never even called her pretty. Then we get to FS and suddenly Vaati has gone insane and is suddenly girl crazy and wants to marry Zelda, like, do I need to say more? He goes from Intelligent & Power Hungry, to Insane & Girl Crazy, and then back to Intelligent & Power Hungry. This Sudden change in character makes a lot more sense if FS came after FSA, as then he would be going from Intelligent & Power Hungry in MC, then staying that way in FSA, only to go mad from being sealed in the Four Sword for so long that he can’t even remember who he used to be in FS. Plus the new Timeline placement means that the fairytale mentioned at the beginning of FS suddenly becomes a reference to FSA, in which Vaati is partially implicit in Zelda’s and the Shrine Maidens kidnappings.
Reason number two is how the Gerudo are characterised in FSA vs OoT & BotW/TotK. Again It’s the issue of them going from Fierce Warrior Women in OoT, to Peaceful Desert Dwellers in FSA, and then back to being Warrior Women in BotW / the ancient past of TotK. This would, again, make more sense if FSA swapped Timeline placements with FS, because then the Gerudo are going from Peaceful Desert Dwellers, to Warrior Women, and then staying like that for all their later appearances in the Timeline, and since Twinrova is at least 360 year old, they very well may be the reason for this shift, as they have been manipulating the Gerudo tribe for a long time. This would also mean that FSA is now the game in which Ganon gets his Trident weapon that he uses in most of his future appearances.
And speaking of Ganon the third reason is Ganon’s reasoning for invading Hyrule + Shadow Link’s actions in FSA. In the Hyrule Encyclopaedia, the reason given for Ganon’s invasion of the kingdom of Hyrule is that he’s bitter over his defeat at the hands of the Hero of Twilight at the end of TP, and that Shadow Link, is a being born from that bitterness and brought into the world using the Dark Mirror. Now this is, in my opinion, kinda stupid. Cuz not only is the Ganon from FSA a different incarnation of Ganondorf than the Ganondorf that appears in TP and therefore shouldn’t be able to recall those events, but Shadow Link, (a being born from Ganon’s resentment) actions in FSA don’t really lend themselves to this explanation ever. Shadow Link, or I should say the Shadow Links in Four Swords Adventures only attack Link in certain stages, and when they aren’t doing that, their off harassing the citizens of Hyrule, smearing Link’s good reputation in the process. To me, if Shadow Link was born from Ganon’s resentment of being defeated in TP, then Shadow Link should be more focused on defeating the Colours, and not off tormenting the rest of Hyrule. Shadow Link’s actions DO however make a lot more sense if Ganon is invading Hyrule for similar reasons as to WW Ganondorf. That being he resents how the people of Hyrule get to live in a fertile, prosperous land, while the Gerudo have to endure living in the harsh, unforgiving Gerudo Desert, and want the kingdom for himself, this makes Shadow Link’s actions in FSA make more sense, since in this instance, Shadow Link is born from Ganon’s resentment of how easy Hyrule’s citizens have it, thus Shadow Link spends most of his time giving the people of Hyrule a hard time. And making FSA come before FS makes this explanation make more sense.
I feel like there’s probably more I could go into, but these are the 3 main points I wanted to talk about. I hope I’ve explained my reasoning well enough and that you have a nice day/night.
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lithi · 1 year
So the eight hero(ine) (the ancient hero??) helped the Gerudo of ancient times in a time of need but was denied entry to the city, which the seven heroines regretted… And then now Link came to help the Gerudos again, but was this time, he is allowed to get inside the city which everyone is fairly happy about… mmhh… Mmhh…
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link-is-a-dork · 1 month
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Saula the Gerudo: "Oh. Um, I'm sorry to tell you this... The shop is closed for the day. Why don't you go on home now, Yiga Clan?"
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kingofinsight · 9 months
I love being a zelda fan bc we’ve been making twink and fairy jokes since the 80s and nintendo was finally like “yknow what? fine” and gave us triforce heroes and the gerudo vai outfit in botw like the government finally legalizing mj I love it
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