#Georgetown Stables
ramonaboat · 1 year
More Alex Claremont-Diaz in NYU
Because if Casey was to write a book just about him navigating student life, having more of the college experience he didn’t get in Georgetown, while being Henry’s bf… I would read it hundreds of times over. So to fill in the need, I will supply my own headcanons
Alex gets a solid stable friend group throughout, and somehow he’s made friends with who many consider underdogs. One of them is the daughter of a plumber in NYC, who got into NYU for her undergrad under a full scholarship. One of them is a gay man who was disowned by his family, but is happily married now. His more privileged friends are more aware about the advantages they have and are not assholes about it. He himself is privileged guy after all
He does have classmates who he can sense want to use him for their own gain and social brownie points. His friends are protective about it
When it was apparent to the students that their friend group was a thing, all of a sudden the once underdogs became more popular just by association with Alex. Social climbers want in. Alex kinda feels bad about it but his friends reassure him
June and Nora are happy that Alex has friends from school and outside the Super Six
Alex’s NYU friends get close to Henry eventually, as the former hosts a lot of study sessions at the brownstone as soon as he’s sure he can trust them
Alex’s friends are fascinated by the fact that he can be so ordinary sometimes. Like yes, he’s a brilliant student, was summa cum laude for his undergrad, was a freaking prodigy, but he also gets toothpaste stains on his hoodie and forgets to shave his stubble when he’s busy. He also falls asleep in the library, waking up to one side of his curls flatter than the other. He trips and sneezes and makes mistakes and had to take several trips to the bathroom after insisting on eating his leftovers gone bad (he didn’t have time to get anything else that day, okay?) He was extraordinary but ordinary
They help him get through his fear of disappointing people, of always needing to prove that Alex Claremont-Diaz is deserving because of his own brilliance and not because of his parents (particularly his mother)
The friends also freak out when his Mom calls. They have moms that call them too but like.. hearing the President’s voice on the other line just talking to her kid and asking normal mother questions was a surreal experience. That they don’t quite get used to it.
For one of his friend’s birthdays he gives her an Apple Pencil, because she saved up to buy an iPad from her corporate job so she can annotate her readings from there but mostly used non-Apple styluses cause she didn’t have the budget for an Apple Pencil yet. When she received it she was shocked cause it was expensive for a stylus but Alex insisted. He doesn’t throw around his money, he doesn’t like to make his friends uncomfy with expensive gifts, but he knows when to help
They know Alex loves him when people genuinely don’t know things about him. There are loads of facts about him online and in the press, so when people ask him about things they know are out there and are public knowledge he gets excited. People often already know things about him, it gives him a semblance of normalcy
He still occasionally likes the spotlight though, he is ACD. He loves it most when he can use his influence to do good, like give spotlight to certain charities
He has a cool prof one semester that made them have a karaoke session during the last class. Used the class projector for it and everything. Alex sang London Boy and the class went wild
He once brings a tupperware filled with cookies to share. “My boyfriend baked them,” he said nonchalantly as if his boyfriend weren’t the Prince of freaking England. “He doesn’t have much kitchen experience but he’s been practicing and he’s pretty proud of this one” This was when his friends hadn’t met Henry yet so they were astounded
Eventually they get used to Henry making them tea, handing them drinks, serving them food (a lot of it takeout 😅)
Some study sessions end up being board game sessions, Henry’s included
Alex’s friends often tease him about how in love he is with Henry. Some fake gag when they’re being too sticky-sweet
Alex loves hosting dinners and study sessions and stuffing his friends. He knows a lot of them are struggling with scholarships and rent and jobs that barely pay the bills so he knows it helps them get their mind off a couple meals for the month. He also gets so much food that they all have leftovers to bring home and microwave for breakfast. He chalks it up not being good at estimating how much food they need, but really its his way of helping them. His friends catch on when they notice they always have their favorites ready.
This makes Henry love Alex even more
They discover Henry has a thing for when Alex uses legal jargon. They tease him about it. Henry threatens to throw them in the dungeon
His friends were once sharing horrible college dorm experiences. “Did you stay in dorms, Alex?” one of them asks even if they know the answer is now. “I, err, stayed at home” Home being the freaking WHITE HOUSE, one of them points out
His parents, June and Henry come during graduation. There was media coverage.
That’s it for today. To be honest with you I want to turn this into a fic in the POV of his classmates but I don’t have the time so let’s settle with this brain dump for now 😅
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @prince-buck-diaz @jesuisici33 @spotsandsocks @rewritetheending @wikiangela @hippolotamus @panbuckley @devirnis @roy-kents
Thank you my beloveds! 💖
I swear I am so close to finishing first son au, I can practically taste it, but I am admittedly breaking my heart a little on the journey, so uh, have this
Buck leaves Chimney in the living room, turning on his heel and walking towards the bathroom.
Silent. Careful. A roaming ghost only there because of unfinished business.
Everything around him goes fuzzy, or maybe it’s him that is blurring, his edges no longer defined or corporeal, stretched too thin by his devastation, now just a tormented thing that isn’t whole because his real body is still in the waiting room at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, caught in limbo, reaching for the heaven of Eddie’s embrace as he’s dragged down by the hell-crafted impossibility of living without him.
No amount of repeating Bobby’s words, Eddie is stable. He made it through surgery. They think he’s gonna pull through, does anything to reassure him.
Buck blinks and he’s in the shower.
Water slides down his body, a wet, sluggish crawl that adapts to the shape of him, its touch not as smooth or as clinging as Eddie’s. It drags away oil and dirt and blood, cleansing his body, but Buck doesn’t feel clean, not in the way he does when Eddie smiles at him or laughs at something he said or showers his son with praise and affection.
The water is tinted red.
Paler than what spilled across cobblestone.
Thinner than what sank into Buck’s skin.
Heavy droplets pound against his face, the spray relentless as it tries to wash away a stain that is stuck in Buck like gnarled roots of a gigantic tree, immovable and eternal.
The world turns to static.
Droplets of crimson heat splattering across his face and neck. Smearing. Caressing. Falling. Metallic. Thick. Holy life stricken, sent to another. An aberration of communion. Communion he took unwilling and undeserving, damning his soul for all eternity.
Everything shimmers back into focus. Warm water and pale grey tile.
Buck watches the clear water possessed with pink strains move down his body and splash down against the tile, rushing towards the drain, swirling, twirling, dancing before it disappears.
Reality wobbles again, what is real and in front of him twisting until it resembles choppy, blaring images that are forever imprinted on his eyelids.
Stickiness of stolen life pooling on skin and fabric. Red so dark it’s black seeping into cracks between the cobblestones. Life leaking out and reaching for Buck. Hurtling towards him even as it fades away. Helpless and frozen, standing still, already wishing he could drain his own heart dry of blood so that red life would stream in Eddie’s veins once again, just like the poet Keats said.
No pressure tagging: @spaceprincessem @elvensorceress @shortsighted-owl @oliverstaark @jamietarts @paranoidbean @anxieteandbiscuits @the-likesofus @911onabc @gayedmundodiaz @transboybuckley @transbuck @cowboy-buddie @honestlydarkprincess @heartbeatdiaz @rogerzsteven @buddierights @monsterrae1 @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @folk-fae @fleurdebeton @shitouttabuck @butchdiaz @housewifebuck and anyone else who wants to share!
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ofenvs3000semester · 6 days
Blog post 3
Privilege isn’t something I considered when looking into nature interpretation, but it’s something I am no stranger to. My working definition for privilege defines it as an advantage given to an individual or group by efforts beyond their own or by circumstances. I liked the description of it from the unit outline, so I included aspects of that in it. 
My privilege? I am white and a Canadian middle class citizen, with a very good education. While my ability to attend at university is due in part to my hard work at school, paying for my tuition was primarily done by my parents, who had saved money since I was younger. I speak English, which as the unit discussed puts me in a very good place academically (not to mention I’m privileged enough to be able to borrow my parents car to drive to school every day). Likewise, I have a very stable part-time job in the form of a Lifeguard, and although this took me lots of time and training, I was privileged enough to be signed up for this at a young age and driven to training.
But how does this influence nature interpretation? Another privilege I hadn’t mentioned was my accessibility to the outdoors. Living in the suburban neighborhood of Milton and later Georgetown, I was still surrounded by plenty of greenery, and not far from any of these towns were plenty of green space- Rattlesnake Point, Hungry Hollow, and many more. I was privileged enough to not only have access to these wonderful locations, but to be taken there by my parents. Likewise, I was privileged enough to have had many other getaways into nature, such as at a cottage off of lake huron and at numerous different summer camps in the Muskoka region.
What I am getting at with all this is that even exposure to nature can be considered a privilege. As an interpreter, I cannot allow MY familiarity with nature to lead me to assume everyone I interpret for is at the same level- I need to interpret at a level that’s welcoming to all. That said, as mentioned in the example on the units page, I also cannot assume that everyone is immediately comfortable in the outdoors not perfectly equipped to face any challenge it might throw at us. Part of being an interpreter may include preparing those we interpret for with the skills and equipment necessary to find their sense of place, safely.
I believe the purpose of the “risks” section of the unit 3 page was, in part, to stress exactly this- we can’t assume that everyone has the same abilities and strengths as the rest of us, due to our own strengths and, most importantly, privilege. Preparing for the worst, just in case, is a sure way to prevent tragedies from occurring.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Canada mulls expelling China diplomat for targeting lawmaker (AP) Canada’s foreign minister said Thursday the country is considering the expulsion of Chinese diplomats over an intelligence agency report saying one of them plotted to intimidate the Hong Kong relatives of a Canadian lawmaker. Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said her department was summoning China’s ambassador to a meeting to underline that Canada won’t tolerate such interference. She said the intelligence agency report indicated that opposition Conservative lawmaker Michael Chong and his Hong Kong relatives were targeted after Chong criticized Beijing’s human rights record. “We’re assessing different options including the expulsion of diplomats,” Joly said before a Parliament committee. Many governments, the United Nations, and human rights groups accuse China of sweeping a million or more people from its Uyghur community and other predominantly Muslim ethnic minority groups into detention camps, where many have said they were tortured, sexually assaulted, and forced to abandon their language and religion. China denies the accusations, which are based on evidence including interviews with survivors and photos and satellite images from Uyghur’s home province of Xinjiang, a major hub for factories and farms in far western China.
Smaller Banks Are Scrambling as Share Prices Plunge (NYT) A cluster of regional banks scrambled on Thursday to convince the public of their financial soundness, even as their stock prices plunged and investors took bets on which might be the next to fall. The tumult brought questions about the future of the lenders to the fore, suggesting a new phase in the crisis that began two months ago with the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, and was punctuated on Monday by the seizure and sale of First Republic Bank. PacWest and Western Alliance were in the eye of the storm, despite the companies’ protestations that their finances were solid. PacWest’s shares lost 50 percent of their value on Thursday and Western Alliance fell 38 percent. Other midsize banks, including Zions and Comerica, also posted double-digit percentage declines. Unlike the banks that failed after depositors rushed to pull their money out, the lenders now under pressure have reported relatively stable deposit bases and don’t sit on mountains of soured loans. The most immediate threat the banks face, analysts said, is a crisis of confidence.
Oil boom starts to transform Guyana (AP) Villagers in this tiny coastal community lined up on the soggy grass, leaned into the microphone and shared what they wanted: a library, streetlights, school buses, homes, a grocery store, reliable electricity, wider roads and better bridges. “Please help us,” said Evadne Pellew-Fomundam—a 70-year-old who lives in Ann’s Grove, one of Guyana’s poorest communities—to the country’s prime minister and other officials who organized the meeting to hear people’s concerns and boost their party’s image ahead of municipal elections. The list of needs is long in this South American country of 791,000 people that is poised to become the world’s fourth-largest offshore oil producer, placing it ahead of Qatar, the United States, Mexico and Norway. The oil boom will generate billions of dollars for this largely impoverished nation. It’s also certain to spark bitter fights over how the wealth should be spent in a place where politics is sharply divided along ethnic lines: 29% of the population is of African descent and 40% of East Indian descent, from indentured servants brought to Guyana after slavery was abolished. Change is already visible. In the capital, Georgetown, buildings made of glass, steel and concrete rise above colonial-era wooden structures, with shuttered sash windows, that are slowly decaying.
Beyond King Charles (Washington Post) Though the British monarchy attracts the most global attention, there are wealthier, more powerful royals among the 28 monarchs around the world. Seventeen of them are kings. Margrethe II of Denmark is the only queen. The microstate of Andorra has co-princes, the president of France and a Spanish bishop. Japan has an emperor. Brunei and Oman have sultans. Liechtenstein and Monaco have princes. Qatar and Kuwait have emirs. Luxembourg has a grand duke. And the United Arab Emirates has a president, though he is a monarch. Although Charles is estimated to have a personal net worth between $750 million and $1.44 billion, others far surpass him. Leaders in Thailand, Saudi Arabia and Brunei are estimated to be worth well over $10 billion.
Italian foreign minister calls off Paris trip after French ‘insults’ (Reuters) Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani called off a trip to Paris on Thursday, saying the French interior minister had offended Italy and its Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni with unacceptable “insults”. Earlier, the French minister, Gerald Darmanin, told RMC radio that Meloni was “unable to solve the migration problems on which she was elected” and accused her of “lying” to voters that she could end a crisis over growing numbers of boat migrants. News of his comments came as Tajani was preparing to fly to Paris to see his French counterpart—a trip that was aimed partly at improving relations between the two European Union countries that have grown increasingly brittle. France swiftly issued a statement in which it sought to reassure Rome of its willingness to work closely with Italy, but it was not enough to persuade Tajani to catch his plane. It was the latest in a series of clashes between Paris and Rome since Meloni took office last October at the head of a nationalist, conservative government which has a very different world vision to that of French President Emmanuel Macron.
Kremlin accuses Washington of directing drone attack on Putin (Washington Post) The Kremlin spokesman on Thursday accused the United States of ordering what Moscow alleges was an assassination attempt on President Vladimir Putin with two drones that were sent to attack the Russian president’s official residence. “We know very well that decisions about such actions, about such terrorist attacks, are made not in Kyiv, but in Washington, and Kyiv does what it is told,” Dmitry Peskov told reporters Thursday. John Kirby, the spokesman for the U.S. National Security Council, said Peskov “is just lying.”
Russian mercenary chief Prigozhin says his forces will leave Bakhmut next week (Reuters) Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of Russia’s Wagner Group mercenary force, said in a sudden and dramatic announcement on Friday that his forces would leave the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut that they have been trying to capture since last summer. Prigozhin said they would pull back on May 10—ending their involvement in the longest and bloodiest battle of the war—because of heavy losses and inadequate ammunition supplies. He asked defence chiefs to insert regular army troops in their place. “I’m pulling Wagner units out of Bakhmut because in the absence of ammunition they’re doomed to perish senselessly,” Prigozhin said in a statement. Prigozhin has vented increasing anger at what he describes as lack of support from the Russian defence establishment. Earlier on Friday he appeared in a video surrounded by dozens of corpses he said were Wagner fighters, and yelling and swearing at Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov. He said they were to blame for Wagner’s losses because they had starved it of ammunition.
Earthquake-Proof, Not Corruption-Proof: Turkey’s Needless Deaths (NYT) The building began convulsing at 4:17 a.m. Firat Yayla was awake in bed, scrolling through videos on his phone. His mother was asleep down the hall. The region along Turkey’s border with Syria was known for earthquakes, but this apartment complex was new, built to withstand disaster. It was called Guclu Bahce, or Mighty Garden. Mr. Yayla’s own cousin had helped build it. He and his business partner had boasted that the complex could withstand even the most powerful tremor. So, as the earth heaved for more than a minute, Mr. Yayla, 21, and his 62-year-old mother, Sohret Guclu, a retired schoolteacher, remained inside. At that very moment, though, Mr. Yayla’s cousin, the developer, was leaping for safety from a second-story balcony. What Mr. Yayla and his mother had not known was that the system to ensure that buildings were safely constructed to code had been tainted by money and politics. A developer won zoning approval for the project after donating more than $200,000 to a local soccer club, where the mayor is an honorary president. The building inspector said that, even after the project had failed its inspection, the developers used political influence to get the doors open. The Feb. 6 earthquake revealed the shaky foundation on which so much growth was built. More than 50,000 people died as buildings toppled, crumbled or pancaked. Guclu Bahce, the mighty earthquake-proof complex, was among them. An estimated 65 people died there.
8 Are Dead in Shooting in Serbia, a Day After School Massacre (NYT) The Serbian police arrested a suspect early Friday after an hourslong overnight manhunt for a gunman who killed eight people and injured at least 14 others near Belgrade, according to Serbia’s Interior Ministry. The attack late Thursday was the nation’s second mass shooting in two days and rattled a country still reeling from an attack at a school that killed eight students and a security guard. Hundreds of police officers had gone door to door in the search for a 21-year-old male suspect, according to RTS, Serbia’s public broadcaster. They deployed helicopters and surrounded the area where they believed he was hiding, the report said. The gunman, who was in a moving vehicle, used an automatic weapon and fled the scene, according to RTS, which said the attack took place around Mladenovac, a municipality in the southern part of the capital, Belgrade.
Press group: China biggest global jailer of journalists (AP) China was the biggest global jailer of journalists last year with more than 100 behind bars, according to a press freedom group, as President Xi Jinping’s government tightened control over society. Xi’s government also was one of the biggest exporters of propaganda content, according to Reporters without Boarders. China ranked second to last on the group’s annual index of press freedom, behind only neighbor North Korea. The ruling Communist Party has tightened already strict controls on media in China, where all newspapers and broadcasters are state-owned. Websites and social media are required to enforce censorship that bans material that might spread opposition to one-party rule.
Israelis call out perks for ultra-Orthodox in latest protests (Washington Post) Israel’s protest movement, having forced the government to pause its attempt to overhaul the national judiciary system, pivoted to other targets in demonstrations across the country Thursday, including the exemption from military service and other special privileges long granted to the growing ultra-Orthodox community. Thousands marched for a “Day of Disruption to Demand Equality” focused on the unequal burdens of citizenship and status of the ultra-Orthodox, or Haredim as they are known in Israel. Ultra-Orthodox citizens are largely shielded from the country’s mandatory draft and educational standards and their families benefit from heavy public subsidies that allow boys and men to devote years to religious study instead of working and paying taxes in the mainstream economy. Demonstrators blocked roads, lined bridges and picketed the homes of cabinet members. While many still chanted against the judicial overhaul, which some ministers are seeking to revive, most focused on other concerns, including spiking inflation and rising crime. The anger against the special status of the Haredi has long been a dynamic in Israeli politics, but it has grown more intense as the community has ballooned to roughly 13 percent of Israel’s total population, making them the country’s fastest growing demographic.
Fighting rages in Khartoum, civilians complain of being forgotten (Reuters) Heavy gunfire echoed around Khartoum again on Friday as civilians trapped by fighting in the Sudanese capital said the army and rival paramilitary forces were ignoring their plight. “It’s been four days without electricity and our situation is difficult... We are the victims of a war that we aren’t a part of. No one cares about the citizen,” said Othman Hassan, 48, a resident of the southern outskirts of Khartoum. Despite multiple ceasefire declarations, the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) appeared to be battling each other for control of territory in the capital ahead of proposed talks. The sudden collapse into warfare has killed hundreds, triggered a humanitarian disaster, sent an exodus of refugees to neighbouring states and risks dragging in outside powers, further destabilising an already restive region.
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brickandfortune · 4 months
Real Estate is a Good Business to Start in Guyana
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Guyana, with its rich natural resources, strategic location, and developing economy, presents a fertile ground for various business ventures. Among these, the real estate sector stands out as a particularly promising opportunity. Here’s why real estate is a good business to start in Guyana and how you can capitalize on this burgeoning market.
1. Economic Growth and Development
Guyana’s economy has been on a steady rise, particularly with the recent oil discoveries that have attracted global attention. The influx of foreign investments and an expanding middle class have spurred economic activities, leading to a growing demand for both residential and commercial properties.
Key Takeaway: Economic growth translates into increased demand for real estate, making it a profitable venture.
Guyana Real Estate
2. Urbanization and Infrastructure Development
With urban areas like Georgetown expanding and infrastructure projects underway, there’s a significant push towards modernizing the country. This urbanization trend is driving the need for new housing projects, commercial spaces, and infrastructural developments.
Key Takeaway: Investing in real estate now allows you to be part of the country’s urban expansion and modernization efforts.
3. Tourism Potential
Guyana’s tourism sector is growing, thanks to its rich biodiversity, cultural heritage, and adventure tourism opportunities. The rise in tourist numbers necessitates the development of hotels, resorts, and other tourist accommodations.
Key Takeaway: Real estate catering to the tourism industry can yield substantial returns due to the growing influx of visitors.
4. Diversifying Investment Portfolios
For investors looking to diversify their portfolios, real estate in Guyana offers a relatively stable and appreciating asset. Property values are expected to rise as the country continues to develop, providing both rental income and capital gains opportunities.
Key Takeaway: Real estate investment in Guyana offers a hedge against inflation and a means to diversify investment portfolios.
Guyana Real Estate
5. Government Support and Policies
The Guyanese government is supportive of foreign investments and has implemented policies to facilitate real estate development. Incentives, tax benefits, and simplified processes for property acquisition make it easier for investors to enter the market.
Key Takeaway: Government incentives and policies favoring real estate development enhance the sector’s attractiveness to investors.
How to Get Started in Real Estate in Guyana
1. Conduct Market Research
Understanding the local market is crucial. Identify high-demand areas, types of properties in demand (residential, commercial, tourism-related), and the target demographic.
2. Legal Considerations and Compliance
Ensure you understand the legal framework governing real estate in Guyana. Work with local legal experts to navigate property laws, zoning regulations, and any other compliance requirements.
3. Financing and Investment Planning
Determine your financing options. Whether through personal funds, loans, or partnerships, having a clear investment plan will guide your real estate ventures. Consider working with local banks that offer mortgage and construction loans.
Guyana Real Estate
4. Building a Network
Establish connections with local real estate agents, contractors, architects, and other professionals in the industry. A strong network can provide valuable insights and facilitate smoother transactions and developments.
5. Marketing and Sales Strategy
Develop a robust marketing strategy to attract buyers or tenants. Utilize online platforms, social media, and local advertising to reach potential clients. Highlight the benefits of your properties, such as location, amenities, and potential returns on investment.
The real estate sector in Guyana is brimming with potential. With the country’s economic growth, urbanization, and government support, starting a real estate business here could be highly profitable. By conducting thorough market research, understanding legalities, planning your investments, and building a strong network, you can successfully tap into this promising market. Now is the time to seize the opportunities in Guyana’s real estate industry and build a prosperous future.
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manue-ringo · 7 months
Chapitre 102 : L'implant partie 1
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Quelques minutes plus tard à l’hôpital Universitaire de Georgetown :
Dans les couloirs froids et impersonnels de l’hôpital, l'agent Skinner se précipita vers le médecin. Son visage, habituellement impassible, était marqué par l'inquiétude.
Docteur, comment va l'agent Parker ? Qu'est-ce qui lui est arrivé ? Demanda-t-il, la voix tremblante d'angoisse.
Le médecin, un homme d'une cinquantaine d'années aux cheveux grisonnants, le regarda avec gravité.
Elle est stable, mais elle a eu beaucoup de chance. Elle a fait une hémorragie interne causée par un corps étranger dans son organisme. Répondit-il d'une voix posée, mais teintée de préoccupation.
Skinner fronça les sourcils, tentant de comprendre l'ampleur de ce qu'il venait d'entendre.
Un corps étranger ? De quoi parlez-vous ? Demanda-t-il, la confusion se mêlant à son inquiétude.
Le médecin hocha lentement la tête et lui tendit une série de radiographies.
Regardez ces radios. Vous voyez cette forme ovale dans son abdomen ? C'est un implant. Il a été inséré chirurgicalement dans son corps, sans son consentement.
Skinner sentit une vague de colère monter en lui, mêlée d'une profonde incompréhension.
Un implant ? Quel genre d'implant ? Murmura-t-il, son cœur s'accélérant sous l'effet de l'angoisse.
Nous ne savons pas exactement. Il semble être composé d'un matériau inconnu, très résistant. Il émettait des signaux électromagnétiques qui perturbaient le fonctionnement de ses organes internes. Nous avons dû l'extraire en urgence. Expliqua le médecin, son regard perçant scrutant la réaction de Skinner.
La stupeur se lisait sur le visage de Skinner. Il peinait à croire ce qu’il entendait.
C'est une plaisanterie ? Comment est-ce possible ? Lâcha-t-il, la voix brisée par l’incrédulité.
Le médecin secoua la tête.
Nous l'ignorons. Peut-être que l'agent Parker a des ennemis, ou qu'elle a été impliquée dans une affaire sensible. Elle n'a pas encore repris connaissance, mais peut-être qu'elle pourra vous en dire plus quand elle se réveillera. C'est un miracle qu'elle soit encore en vie après ce qu'on vient de lui retirer. Cette chose aurait pu faire beaucoup plus de dégâts. Nous allons la garder en observation encore quelques jours par prudence.
Skinner inspira profondément, essayant de reprendre le contrôle de ses émotions.
Oui, je comprends. Merci, docteur. Je vais rester à son chevet. J'espère qu'elle se remettra vite. Et qu'elle pourra m'éclairer sur cette affaire. Dit-il, encore secoué par l’ampleur de la situation.
Le médecin acquiesça.
J'ai demandé une analyse en laboratoire de toute urgence. Je vous enverrai les résultats au plus vite. Dit-il en s’éloignant.
Merci infiniment, docteur. Répondit Skinner, lui serrant la main avec gratitude.
Skinner entra ensuite dans la chambre où reposait Parker. L'air de la pièce était lourd de silence. Il observa son agent, allongée et inconsciente, son visage pâle contrastant avec le blanc des draps. Une douleur sourde envahit son cœur. Comment avait-il pu passer à côté de ça ? Cet homme avait réussi à le duper une fois de plus. Qu'est-ce que Parker avait enduré ?
Des souvenirs refirent surface, ce fameux sérum expérimental… Peut-être que cet implant avait été placé à ce moment-là. Un frisson glacé lui parcourut l'échine. Il se trouvait face à un mystère qui menaçait de tout remettre en question. Il devait faire preuve de prudence, maintenant plus que jamais.
Ses pensées furent interrompues par l’arrivée de Mulder et Scully. Ils entrèrent silencieusement, leurs regards préoccupés se posant immédiatement sur Parker.
Merci d'être venus si vite. Dit Skinner d'une voix rauque, tentant de dissimuler son émotion.
Scully, les traits tirés par l’inquiétude, prit la parole :
Que s'est-il passé, monsieur ?
Skinner leur expliqua ce que le médecin venait de lui dire. Mulder, sous le choc, ouvrit la bouche en premier.
Comment a-t-on pu passer à côté de ça ? Qu'est-ce que ça signifie ? Demanda-t-il, sa voix trahissant un mélange d'étonnement et de colère.
Scully, incrédule, secoua la tête.
Les médecins auraient dû s'en apercevoir il y a longtemps, c'est tout bonnement impossible. Ajouta-t-elle, sa voix emplie de frustration.
Je n'ai rien inventé, Scully ! J'ai vu les radios, les médecins ont été formels. Cette chose était dans son corps depuis un certain temps déjà et personne n'a rien vu. Répondit Skinner, la voix teintée de perplexité.
Scully croisa les bras, sceptique.
D'accord, mais comment expliquez-vous cela ? Demanda-t-elle, cherchant une logique à cette situation inexplicable.
Mulder, le visage tendu, intervint, la détermination brûlant dans ses yeux.
Personne n'a rien vu, car cet objet est sûrement doté d'une technologie bien trop avancée pour nous. C'est la seule explication possible. Ça peut paraître fou, mais je parie que cet implant vient des expériences qu'ils lui ont fait subir. Nous devons découvrir pourquoi et surtout trouver l'origine de cet implant.
Skinner acquiesça, sa voix grave résonnant dans la pièce.
Oui, en effet. Nous devons savoir à quoi nous avons affaire, car la survie de Parker est en jeu à présent.
Scully ajouta, son ton devenant pressant :
Il nous faut au plus vite un rapport d'analyse. Sans cela, nous ne pourrons pas…
C'est en cours, agent Scully. Vous aurez tout ce qu'il vous faut très bientôt. On doit régler ça rapidement. Intervenu Skinner, l’urgence dans sa voix devenant pressante.
Je vous laisse un moment avec elle. J'ai des coups de fil urgents à passer. Prévenez-moi quand elle se réveillera.
Il quitta la pièce, encore sous le choc, laissant Mulder et Scully seuls avec leurs pensées.
Parker ne s'était toujours pas réveillée. Elle avait l'air paisible, presque fragile. Mulder s'approcha d'elle, son cœur lourd de chagrin. La voir à nouveau allongée dans un lit d'hôpital le brisait de l'intérieur. C'était comme s'il perdait une partie de lui-même à chaque fois. Ce moment résonnait douloureusement avec ce qu'il avait déjà vécu par le passé avec Scully. Le sort semblait s'acharner sur lui, le forçant à se demander : au nom de quoi ? De la vérité ? Tout cela en valait-il vraiment la peine ?
Les pensées tourmentées de Mulder étaient un tourbillon de questions sans réponses. Il n'était plus certain de vouloir continuer ainsi. Pourtant, en voyant son amie étendue là, si vulnérable, il savait qu'il ne pouvait rester inactif. Il devait se battre, se battre pour elle, pour mettre un terme à cette folie. Cet acte ignoble résonnait comme une déclaration de guerre à ses yeux. Le Fumeur était allé beaucoup trop loin. Il fallait que tout cela cesse, et vite.
À son plus grand soulagement, Parker sembla enfin revenir à elle. Elle ouvrit doucement les yeux, son regard encore voilé par la confusion. Mulder sentit son cœur bondir dans sa poitrine. Il s'approcha d'elle, passant une main tremblante dans ses cheveux, un geste tendre et protecteur. Sa voix était chargée d'émotion lorsqu'il parla.
Bon sang, Andréa, si tu savais comme j'ai eu peur. Je croyais t'avoir perdue pour de bon.
Parker resta silencieuse un moment, ses yeux cherchant à comprendre ce qui l'entourait. Elle semblait désorientée, comme si elle émergeait d'un cauchemar encore trop présent dans son esprit.
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andersonjoy384 · 7 months
Finding Your Ideal Investment: Commercial Properties for Sale in DC
Introduction: Investing in commercial real estate can be a lucrative venture, offering opportunities for wealth accumulation and portfolio diversification. Washington DC, with its vibrant economy and dynamic real estate market, presents a multitude of options for investors seeking to capitalize on commercial properties. From office buildings and retail spaces to industrial warehouses and mixed-use developments, DC offers a diverse range of investment opportunities. In this article, we'll explore the essential factors to consider when searching for your ideal investment in commercial properties for sale in the nation's capital.
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Understanding the DC Market: Before diving into specific properties, it's crucial to understand the broader market dynamics in Washington DC. The city's robust economy, fueled by government institutions, technology firms, and a thriving hospitality sector, creates a strong demand for commercial real estate across various sectors. Understanding market trends, vacancy rates, rental rates, and supply-demand dynamics is essential for making informed investment decisions.
Property Types and Investment Strategies: Washington DC offers a diverse range of commercial property types, each with its own unique characteristics and investment potential. Office buildings in prime locations such as downtown DC or emerging neighborhoods like NoMa can offer stable rental income and long-term appreciation potential. Retail properties in vibrant corridors like Georgetown or Capitol Hill present opportunities for retail investors seeking high foot traffic and strong consumer spending. Industrial properties in areas like Ivy City or Anacostia are in high demand due to the city's growing logistics and distribution sector. Mixed-use developments, combining residential, retail, and office spaces, offer opportunities for investors seeking diversified income streams.
Location, Location, Location: In real estate, location is paramount, and this holds true for commercial properties in DC. Proximity to transportation hubs, amenities, major thoroughfares, and key business districts can significantly impact the value and desirability of a property. Additionally, zoning regulations and future development plans in the surrounding area should be carefully considered to ensure long-term viability and potential appreciation.
Financial Considerations: When evaluating commercial properties for sale in DC, it's essential to conduct a thorough financial analysis. This includes assessing the property's cash flow potential, operating expenses, financing options, and projected returns. Working with a financial advisor or real estate professional can help you crunch the numbers and determine the feasibility of your investment. Additionally, consider factors such as property taxes, insurance costs, and potential renovation or maintenance expenses when estimating your total investment costs.
Due Diligence and Risk Management: Before finalizing any investment decision, conducting due diligence is paramount. This involves inspecting the property, reviewing lease agreements, analyzing historical financials, and assessing any potential risks or liabilities. Environmental assessments, title searches, and property inspections are also critical steps to uncover any issues that may impact the property's value or future performance. Additionally, consider working with legal counsel to review contracts and ensure compliance with local regulations.
Market Trends and Future Growth: Finally, consider the broader market trends and future growth potential of the area where the property is located. Research demographic trends, economic indicators, and development plans to gauge the area's growth prospects and potential for appreciation. Investing in areas undergoing revitalization or redevelopment can offer opportunities for future appreciation and value creation.
Finding your ideal investment in commercial property for sale in dc requires careful consideration of various factors, including market dynamics, property types, location, financial considerations, due diligence, and future growth potential. By conducting thorough research, leveraging the expertise of real estate professionals, and assessing risk factors, investors can identify opportunities that align with their investment goals and risk tolerance. Whether you're seeking stable rental income, long-term appreciation, or a mix of both, Washington DC offers a diverse range of investment opportunities for savvy investors looking to capitalize on the city's dynamic real estate market.
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zumpietoo · 9 months
15 minutes on google and I can tell you his parents are def well to do and he has well to do grandparents . His parents both work white collar upper end jobs. He did in fact graduate Georgetown in 2019 - If he said otherwise in a podcast it’s was him mocking or joking like he does. He himself is not poor, he’s like any other entitled millennial /gen z with white collar parents. He’s and his family are not rust belt trash from VA. I’m not feeding you any details. You know how to research people, you know how to use google and stalk people or better yet go bully and pay someone to do it for you. Laugh all you want and debunk away I will waiy
They are way better off than you, and still married and can keep jobs and they don’t stalk celebrities to run hate blogs on tumblr they are mentally stable successful adults with successful happy children who don’t dress in doll cloths to go in public.
Ummm…..are they, unlike yourself, able to read? Nobody said he was rustbelt trash (Virginia isn’t even part of the rustbelt, ignoramous) or an evolllll Poor.
In fact I pointed out most peeps, including sweatboi, are neither. Plus “white collar jobs”? Is it 1923 in your world? To say nothing of plenty of “white collar jobs” (eg publishing) pay abysmally.
That said, once again, why is this so important to you? And why can’t you prove it?
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myaztecadventure · 1 year
Annotated Bibliography
Atwood, Roger. “Under Mexico City.” Archaeology 67, no. 4 (2014): 26–33. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43825230.
Roger Atwood received his B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts Amhurst, an M.A. in International Public Policy from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and an M.A. in History from Georgetown University. Atwood is an accomplished independent writer and consultant, he lived and worked for many years in Latin America. He is a published author and his writing has been featured in numerous newspapers, literary journals, and academic journals. Atwood’s article, Under Mexico City, was published in 2014 by a magazine called Archaeology. In Atwood’s article, he writes about Mexico City and the vast history that lies underneath the current city. The article provides information about the Aztecs and the city of Tenochtitlan, as well as their contact with Cortés and the Spanish. Atwood details the struggles that archaeologists face when attempting to dig for Aztec artifacts and showcases some of the found artifacts in the article. This article helps make a connection between the current Mexico City and the once great city of Tenochtitlan.
Cortés, Hernan. Second Letter to Charles V. From Oliver J. Thatcher, ed. The Library of Original Sources, Vol. V: 9th to 16th Centuries, pp. 317-326. https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/1520cortes.asp.
Hernan Cortés, or simply, Cortés, was born in 1485 and lived until 1547. Cortés was born in Medellín, Spain to a family of minor nobility. He studied in Salamanca and then spent several years as a farmer and notary to a town council in Hispaniola. In 1511, Cortés traveled to Cuba with Diego Veláquez, a conquistador and the first Spanish governor of Cuba, and became the mayor of Santiago. Cortés was a man of many accomplishments, but he was best known as the Spanish conquistador who led the expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire. During his expedition to Mexico, Cortés wrote five letters to King Charles V that detailed his accounts of the land and the Aztecs. I have chosen The Second Letter to Charles V because it provides Cortes’ incredible perceptions of the city of Temixtitlan. The letter describes the layout of the city, the surrounding terrain, various buildings and temples, the Aztec people, religious practices, and much more. Cortés is very thorough in his letter and the letter provides insight into the customs and daily life of the Aztec people in this area. Aside from providing details of Cortés feats, the letters were also meant to portray his actions in a positive light to the Spanish monarchy. This specific letter provides accurate imagery and details inside the Aztec community which will be very helpful for the descriptions in my travel log.
Cortés, Hernan. Letters From Mexico. Translated by Anthony Pagden. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986. http://web.archive.org/web/20000304002237/http://www.humanities.ccny.cuny.edu/history/reader/cortez.htm.
Hernan Cortés or simply, Cortés, was born in 1485 and lived until 1547. Cortés was born in Medellín, Spain to a family of minor nobility. He studied in Salamanca then spent several years as a farmer and notary to a town council in Hispaniola. In 1511, Cortés traveled to Cuba with Diego Veláquez, a conquistador and the first Spanish governor of Cuba, and became the mayor of Santiago. Cortés was a man of many accomplishments but he was best known as the Spanish conquistador who led the expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire. During his expedition to Mexico, Cortés wrote five letters to King Charles V that detailed his accounts of the land and the Aztecs. The Letter from Mexico is a firsthand account of Cortés’ first interaction with King Moctezuma. His letter portrays Moctezuma and the Aztec people as welcoming, offering any resources and things they have to Cortés as a show of good faith. Cortés goes on to describe the view, the Aztec attire, and Aztec customs. This letter will allow me to describe the generous nature of Moctezuma and the interactions between him and Cortés.
Graulich, Michel. “Miccailhuitl: The Aztec Festivals of the Deceased.” Numen 36, no. 1 (1989): 43–71. https://doi.org/10.2307/3269852.
Michel Graulich received a degree in the history of antiquity from the University of Ghent, a degree in art history and archaeology, as well as a doctorate in art history, from the Free University of Brussels. He was an accomplished Belgian historian that specialized in the study of ancient American cultures, especially relating to Aztecs. Graulich wrote many publications that interpreted Aztec rituals, including a book titled, Human sacrifice among the Aztecs, and contributed to various academic journals. In 1989, he wrote an article called Miccailhuital: The Aztec Festival of the Deceased in Numen, a journal dedicated to the academic study of religions. In this article, Graulich presents an interpretation of the Tlaxochimaco, also known as Miccailhuital, and Xocotl Huetzi festivals. In order to give some more context to these festivals, Graulich also explains the structure of the year and other Aztec festivals. Graulich provides a very descriptive account of the Aztec rites, ceremonies, and offerings that were made at numerous festivals. The article is particularly focused on the festival of the dead and the reasoning behind why the Aztecs celebrated them. Graulich’s work allows us to investigate which Gods the Aztecs worshipped, why they honored in certain festivals, and insight into these intricate Aztec ceremonies.
Katz, Friedrich. “The Evolution of Aztec Society.” Past & Present, no. 13 (1958): 14–25. http://www.jstor.org/stable/649866.
Friedrich Katz received a B.A. from Wagner College in New York and a Ph.D. from the University of Vienna. Katz was an anthropologist and historian who specialized in the history of Latin America. He wrote a thesis on Aztec society titled, Socio-economic relations of the Aztecs in the 15th and 16th centuries, which helped place available research on Aztec civilization into historical context. Katz received numerous awards for his work, including the Order of the Aztec Eagle from Mexico. In 1958, Katz wrote an article on Aztec society in a British historical academic journal, Past & Present. The article is titled, The Evolution of Aztec Society, and touches on a few aspects of Aztec society. Katz writes about three main points in this article: 1. The social organization of the Aztecs and how their society evolved into a class society, 2. How the evolution into a class society mainly impacted foreign subject peoples, which allowed for the stronger Aztec systems to survive and the calpullis to occupy a larger part of the land, and 3. The evolution of this social order had no link to the old world and the Aztecs did not entirely change their way of life, allowing them to be more productive because of their advanced agricultural systems. Another area that Katz discusses is how annual tributes worked in Tenochtitlan, including what items were given, which helps explain why Tenochtitlan specifically was so prosperous.
León-Portilla, Miguel. The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico. Boston: Beacon Press, 1962. https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/aztecs1.asp.
Miguel León-Portilla was a Mexican anthropologist and historian that specialized in Aztec culture. He attended the Instituto de Ciencias in Guadalajara, where he earned a B.A. and M.A. summa cum laude, and the Jesuit Loyola University in Los Angeles. León-Portilla went on to attend law school, taught at a Mexico City College, and began his studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). While attending UNAM, he completed his doctoral dissertation, La Filosofía Náhuatl estudiada en sus fuentes, which began his career as a scholar. León-Portilla worked to translate many Aztec and Spanish texts. He published The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico in 1959, which translates Aztec accounts of the Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire. I have chosen two of the translations from his book, The Speeches of Motecuhzoma and Cortés and The Massacre in the Main Temple. These accounts describe eyewitness accounts of the meetings between the Aztec and Spanish people, as well as the horrific attack that the Spanish carried out against them. The translations will allow me insight into the relationship between Motecuhzoma and Cortés, provide details of Aztec festivals and celebrations, and describe traditional Aztec attire.
Moctezuma, Eduardo Matos. “Archaeology & Symbolism in Aztec Mexico: The Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 53, no. 4 (1985): 797–813. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1464276.
Eduardo Matos Moctezuma received a M.A. in archaeology from the National School of Anthropology and History, as well as an M.A. in anthropology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Matos Moctezuma is a well-known Mexican archaeologist and directed excavations at the Templo Mayor from 1978 to 1982. The excavations led by Mato Moctezuma have unearthed incredible Aztec artifacts and locations that help us to understand Aztec culture, religion, and the Aztec empire. Matos Moctezuma has written numerous books and contributed to historical journals like The Journal of the American Academy of Religion. In 1985, he published an article titled, Archaeology & Symbolism in Aztec Mexico: The Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan which provides an in-depth look into his excavations of the Templo Mayor. In his writing, Mato Moctezuma attempts to uncover the relationship between economic structures and ideological forms. He wants to offer his interpretation of the symbolic order of the Templo Mayor and the society that the temple represented. This article also details the history and origins of the Aztecs, what surviving Aztec documents can tell us, Aztec structures, and details archeological findings.
Smith, Michael E. “Life in the Provinces of the Aztec Empire.” Scientific American 277, no. 3 (1997): 76–83. http://www.jstor.org/stable/24995914.
Michael E. Smith received an M.A. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a B.A. in Anthropology from Brandeis University. Smith is an archeologist that specializes in the Aztec archeology and currently holds the position of Professor of Anthropology in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University. Smith has directed numerous fieldwork projects at Aztec sites in the Mexican state of Morelos and in the Toluca Valley. He is a published author and has written several books about the Aztecs, journal articles, and other publications. In 1997, Smith wrote an eight-page article titled, Life in the Provinces of the Aztec Empire, in The Scientific American Magazine. This article talks about excavation work that Smith and his team performed, attempting to unearth Aztec artifacts that tell us more about Aztec lives. Smith believes that it is very important to explore historical Aztec sites that were previously looked over and forgotten. In this article, Smith touches on the hierarchy of the provinces and what life was like for the various nobles and commoners that lived there. There are numerous pictures of the Aztec artifacts that were found during the excavations and artistic renditions of what the provinces may have looked like. The examples and descriptions from this article will help me create an accurate portrayal of Aztec markets, goods, peasant, and their homes in my travel log.
Tenochtitlán. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified, 1550] Map. https://www.loc.gov/item/2021668313.
This is a topographical map of Mexico City and the surrounding terrain from around 1550. The map was painted three decades after Hernan Cortés’ conquest of Tenochtitlán, the Aztec capital. When looking at the map, you can see many physical changes that were made by the Spanish but there are still characteristics of the former Aztec city that survived. The layout of Tenochtitlán remains the same apart from new Spanish buildings. In the center of the map, the Iglesia Major cathedral can be seen along with numerous Spanish style buildings where former Aztec temples once stood. The artist who painted the map is unknown but based on the construction of the map and familiarity with the area, it is speculated that the map was made by an Aztec with European schooling. This speculation is accurate because the map demonstrates knowledge of Aztec life, plants, animals, and certain areas are labeled in Nahuatl, which was the language of the Aztecs. This map provides us with insight into city life post-Spanish conquest and the various changes that were made to Tenochtitlán.
The Codex Quetzalecatzin. [Mexico: Producer no identified, 1593] Map. https://www.loc.gov/resource/g4701g.ct009133/.
The Codex Quetzalecatzin is an incredibly rare Mesoamerican manuscript from 1593. The manuscript is written in Nahuatl, the Aztec language, and features stylized graphics and hieroglyphs. The codex is very colorful, using pigments from plants and materials that reflect all other Aztec documents. The manuscript is written in Nahuatl, the Aztec language, and features stylized graphics and hieroglyphs. This specific codex depicts land ownership and properties of the “de Leon” family during this time period. The de Leon family were descents of Lord-11 Quetzalecatzin who was a major political leader in 1480, which is also the name featured in the codex. The codex also features some Spanish names for places and images which shows how the Aztecs adapted to Spanish rule. Another important part of this manuscript is that it features the names of indigenous leaders, which shows that certain Aztec elites were granted Spanish titled of nobility. The Codex Quetzalectzin is a crucial piece of history that helps when studying European contact with indigenous people. This specific codex is incredibly important because there are less than one-hundred Mesoamerican manuscripts that pre-date 1600.
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lolas-laundry · 1 year
What Are The Different Types of Laundromats?
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The type of laundry business which needs to be run is a laundromat with big washers in Georgetown, KY. There are several reasons to choose the wash, dry, and fold laundry business in this region. The laundry business can provide stable income, and the risk of failure is lower than any other business. Read more here:- https://qr.ae/pyU6Me
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
A look at re-elected Prince Edward Island Progressive Conservative Leader Dennis King
A look at Dennis King of Prince Edward Island's Progressive Conservatives, who led the party to a majority government Monday night.
Age: 51
Early years: King was born Nov. 1, 1971, in Georgetown, P.E.I., to Catherine (Cattie) Rachel Stevens and Lionel MacKenzie King; he has three brothers and four sisters.
Education: He graduated from Montague Regional High School in 1990, and after studying journalism in Ontario, he returned to P.E.I.
Career: King has worked for various media outlets, including as a reporter with P.E.I.'s The Eastern Graphic and The Guardian. Before starting his own public relations company in 2013, he served in several communications roles, including as communications director to former premier Pat Binns and to the Mi'kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island.
Family: King married Jana Hemphill in 1999. They have three children -- Jacob, Camdyn and Callum. The couple operate Storybrook Stables, a horse farm in Brookfield, P.E.I.
Quote: "We haven't shied away from challenges over the last four years, and we're certainly not going to shy away from them for the next four years," he told supporters Monday night. "Tonight we party, tonight we celebrate. But tomorrow we get back to work rebuilding this province and making it the best place to live," King said on April 3 after his party's victory.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published April 3, 2023.
This story was produced with the financial assistance of the Meta and Canadian Press News Fellowship.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/f6XOCa0
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deltagroup · 2 years
Delta Group Shoring Services
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Construction projects often require excavation, which can sometimes lead to unstable soil conditions. This is where shoring services come in. Shoring involves the installation of temporary structures to support the sides of an excavation, ensuring a safe and stable work environment. At Delta Group, we offer reliable and efficient shoring services to our clients in various cities, including Brantford, Burlington, Etobicoke, Georgetown, Hamilton, Milton, Mississauga, Niagara Falls, North York, Oakville, Toronto, Vaughan, and the surrounding areas.
Our team of experts has years of experience in the construction industry, and we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality shoring solutions to our clients. We use the latest technology and equipment to provide customized shoring solutions that meet the specific needs of each project. Our shoring services are designed to ensure the safety of our clients and their workers, as well as to protect the surrounding environment.
We offer a range of shoring services, including soldier pile and lagging shoring, secant pile shoring, and sheet pile shoring. Our services are suitable for various construction projects, including the construction of high-rise buildings, tunnels, and subways.
At Delta Group, we prioritize safety, and we adhere to strict safety protocols and guidelines. We understand that construction sites can be hazardous, and we take every precaution to ensure the safety of our team and clients. Our shoring services are completed efficiently and to the highest standard, ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.
We also prioritize environmental responsibility and ensure that all our shoring services comply with local regulations and standards. Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in every project we undertake.
If you're looking for reliable and efficient shoring services for your construction project, contact us at Delta Group. Visit our website at https://delta-group.ca/ or call us at 905 849 9900 to discuss your project needs. We'll work with you every step of the way to ensure that your project is completed safely and efficiently.
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nwbeerguide · 5 years
Seattle Fresh Hop at the Georgetown Stables
beer tasting
fresh hop
beer fest
It’s all about the beer.
The Pacific Northwest is the home of hoppy beer and the Yakima Valley is home to 75% of the hops grown in the United States! Seattle Fresh Hop™ is the place to celebrate it all.
Our current brewer list (stay tuned for additions):
Fremont Brewing
Hellbent Brewing Company
Jellyfish Brewing Company
Ghostfish Brewing
Bellevue Brewing
Sunriver Brewing Co.
Hop Capital Brewing
Chainline Brewing Company
Fort George Brewery
Farmstrong Brewing
Mazama Brewing
Sumerian Brewing Co.
Diamond Knot
Finnriver Farm and Cidery
Everybody's Brewing
Buoy Beer Company
Two Beers Brewing/Seattle Cider Company
Lumber House Brewery
Flycaster Brewing
Burke-Gilman Brewing Company
Best of Hands Barrelhouse
When and where?
Seattle Fresh Hop™ is celebrated on October 12, 2019 at Georgetown Stables • 980 S Nebraska Street •. Seattle, WA 98108
Two sessions, one mission.
Seattle Fresh Hop™ has two sessions: Session 1: Noon - 4pm - Fido Friendly! Session 2: 5:30pm - 9:30pm
Our mission is to give back to our community, so you can feel good knowing that drinking good beer = doing good. Seattle Fresh Hop is a benefit for Chump Change Foundation.
How it works.
Seattle Fresh Hop™ is a tasting event that uses script. Tastes are served only into official Seattle Fresh Hop™ souvenir tasting glasses which is included with your online ticket. Designated Driver tickets are sold at the door. Food will be available for purchase onsite. 
Additional Script may be purchased onsite: 1 5oz taste:       $3.25 8 5oz tastes:   $20.00
What is fresh hop anyway?
Fresh hops (also referred to as green or wet hops) are un-dried, raw hops picked from the bine and used in the brewing process usually within 24 hours. Hops are a perennial plant thus fresh hops are only available during the hop harvest season which lies around mid- August to late September in the northern hemisphere.
Trust us, it’s delicious.
Seattle Fresh Hop. You bet your ass its fresh.
Boring FAQ’s:
All guests must be 21+ with valid ID on site, even you granny!
No Outside Beverages or Alcohol allowed No Aggressive Behavior
No weapons (duh-doy)  No Standing or Dancing on the Tables, Benches, or Chairs No Behavior that is Disruptive to other guests enjoyment of the festival
Bags will be searched at entry No Children or Babies allowed Cash and Credit Accepted
No dogs during session two
 Absolutely no marijuana use on site.
Don’t be a dick. 
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RWRB, A Comprehensive Timeline
I wanted to make an extremely detailed for rwrb since some of the ones currently floating around online are missing an event that I consider important or the dates of firstprince's texts/emails. But since it's comprehensive its also long as fuck so everything is below the cut. MAJOR SPOILER WARNING
All of the dates are either based on direct book information, the 2019-20 calendar, plus a couple of inferences on my part. The dates that are based more on speculation are marked with an asterisk*.
September 2019
Start of book
Flight to England
Royal wedding
The White House Trio and the HRH Prince Henry Fact Sheet
That weekend: Alex's solo trip to England
Saturday: Alex arrives and meets Henry at the stables, late night ice cream
Sunday: This Morning interview, Cancer Ward visit and the Medical Supply Closet
A Friday: Alex visits Rafael Luna
Alex forgets to meet June for dinner but they end up eating together for Family Pizza night
October 2019
Henry texts Alex for the first time
Over the next few weeks: back-and-forth banter over text, sharing snippets of their lives
Wed, Oct 30: extended texting about Henry's tie, "you are the thistle in the tender and sensitive arse crack of my life"
November 2019
Sun, Nov 17: Claremont campaign buttons, "tell shaan I said hi and I miss that sweet sweet ass"
Wed, Nov 27: The Great Turkey Calamity
December 2019
Sun, Dec 8: the bond marathon
A day or two prior to Christmas: Oscar arrives at the White House
Tues, Dec 24: Alex spends time with his dad, tense Christmas dinner, Alex calls Henry to spill about nutso family stuff, June teases Alex about making a new friend
A few days later: the White House Trio plans the New Year's Eve party
Tues, Dec 31: New Year's Eve party, Alex kisses Nora at midnight, first prince New Year's kiss outside in the garden
January 2020
Alex's sexuality crisis as he starts the final semester of college
Wed, Jan 8*: June forces Alex out on a run
Mon, Jan 13*: Alex starts his campaign job
Sat, Jan 18* or later: The Coming-Out Convo with Nora
Thurs, Jan 24* (night): Alex is late for his review session, he gets a little pissy over Henry kissing a mysterious blond then is sad when he realizes it's probably interference, then he calls Liam
Fri, Jan 25* or later: the state dinner, makeout session in the Red Room, then Alex invites Henry up to his room
February 2020
Sat, Feb 9*: The Charity Polo Match
March 2020
Mar 3-4: first emails about Paris fundraiser
Weekend of Mar 6-8: Paris shenanigans, "he forgets they don't spend the night so they do"
Weekend of Mar 27-29: New York birthday celebrations
April 2020
Alex learns about Henry's dark moods
The two of them talk about gay history
Zahra catches Alex with a hickey
Last names, Nixon, baby, Henry's family, Alex's high school experience, I miss you
The Texas binder and conversation with June
May 2020
Alex's final week of classes while Henry and Pez holiday in Wales and work on their philanthropy projects
Alex finishes his finals
Sat, May 16: Alex graduates summa cum laude from Georgetown, graduation party at the White House
Weekend of May 29-31: Super 6 karaoke night and after
June 2020
Sun, June 8: you are a dark sorcerer emails
Things get ugly with Richards leading the ticket
Alex misses DC Pride
Texas on the path to become a Battleground state
WASPy Hunter being an ass about flipping Texas
Mon, June 23: 3 Geniuses and Alex group chat
July 2020
Sun, July 6: Wimbledon and Henry's apartment
A few days prior to DNC: Richard's campaign rally at Vanderbilt
July 13-16: DNC
Tues, July 14: Zahra has a boyfriend, Luna is the independent that joined Richards, Henry visits Alex at the Berkman, "you are good"
Wed, July 15: Zahra discovers Alex and Henry in the hotel room
After the DNC: Alex comes out to his mom, Ellen makes a PowerPoint about it and kicks Alex off the campaign
August 2020
Sun, Aug 10: A Mass of Fools and Knaves email about Hamilton, "see attached bibliography" and "history huh", "shall I tell you that when we're apart your body comes back to me in dreams", they start to include quotes from the letters of gay historical figures, Henry's story about The Prince and the Sorcerer
Weekend of Aug 21-23: The Texas Lake House
Day 1: the White House Trio drives down and meet Henry, Oscar brings up Luna then Henry, "Alex is so in love he could die"
Day 2: Alex makes breakfast and reflects on loving Henry, they all go swimming, Alex thinks about roots, the I love you and the aftermath
Day 3: Henry is gone when Alex wakes up, the note in the kitchen the last message Henry sends him
Mon, Aug 30: Alex flies transatlantic and storms Kensington Palace
Tues, Aug 31: Alex and Henry talk it out, how long, "it had better be forever"
September 2020
Wed, Sep 1: (2 AM) The V&A night
Thurs, Sep 2: Henry gives Alex has signet ring, Alex returns home, Hometown stuff email
Sat, Sep 4: Henry comes out to Philip, metaphors about Buckingham Palace, list of things Alex loves about Henry
Mon, Sep 13*: Zahra is engaged, photos from the DNC of Alex and Henry leak, June offers to take the heat
Alex and Nora go on a date
Alex and Henry meet in a security car and kiss
Thurs, Sep 24: "Seria una mentira, porque no seria el"
Mon, Sep 27: Bad Metaphors about Maps email, THE SECRET IS OUT
Tues, Sep 28: Zahra takes Alex to London to see Henry and she reveals that Shaan is her fiance, Bea gives Alex some advice about Henry's grief
Wed, Sep 29: meeting with the queen, mural of Alex and Henry as Han and Leia
October 2020
Alex returns from London
Nora barrels in with the evidence against the Richards campaign
Bills, Bill's, Bills show transcript
Fri, Oct 2: Alex's Address from the White House
Alex and Luna talk
End of October: Alex and Henry's Royal photo Shoot, Bea spills the secret of the youth shelters
November 2020
Alex and Nora have a conversation about everything that happened and plans going forward, June gets her book deal
Tues, Nov 3: election night, Alex gives a speech, Texas goes blue and they win, Alex brings Henry to his childhood home
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andersonjoy384 · 8 months
Capitalize on DC's Market: Commercial Properties for Sale
In the heart of the United States, Washington, D.C., stands as a beacon of opportunity for commercial real estate investors. With its vibrant economy, diverse industries, and robust infrastructure, the nation's capital offers a myriad of opportunities for those looking to capitalize on the market. Whether you're seeking office space, retail storefronts, or industrial warehouses, DC boasts a range of commercial properties for sale that cater to various investment goals.
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One of the key drivers of DC's commercial real estate market is its status as a global hub for government, finance, and technology. The presence of numerous federal agencies, multinational corporations, and leading tech firms fuels demand for office space and drives property values. Additionally, the city's thriving tourism industry and cultural attractions contribute to the demand for retail and hospitality properties.
Investors looking to capitalize on DC's market should consider several factors when evaluating commercial properties for sale. Location is paramount, with areas such as Downtown DC, Capitol Hill, and the emerging neighborhoods of NoMa and The Wharf commanding premium prices due to their accessibility and amenities. Additionally, understanding zoning regulations, market trends, and economic indicators can help investors make informed decisions and identify properties with strong growth potential.
Furthermore, DC's commercial real estate market offers diverse investment opportunities across various asset classes. Office buildings present stable income streams and long-term appreciation potential, particularly in submarkets with high demand from government and tech tenants. Retail properties benefit from the city's affluent population and robust consumer spending, with prime locations along bustling corridors like Connecticut Avenue and Georgetown attracting both locals and tourists alike. Industrial properties, including warehouses and distribution centers, are also in high demand due to the city's proximity to major transportation hubs and the growing e-commerce sector.
Moreover, investors should pay attention to emerging trends shaping DC's commercial real estate market. The rise of mixed-use developments, which combine residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, reflects changing preferences among tenants and residents for live-work-play environments. Additionally, sustainability and green building practices are becoming increasingly important, with environmentally friendly properties attracting both tenants and investors seeking to minimize their carbon footprint and operating costs.
When considering commercial properties for sale in DC, investors should conduct thorough due diligence to assess the property's financial performance, tenant quality, and potential risks. Engaging with experienced real estate advisors and brokers who possess local market expertise can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the investment process. Conclusion
In conclusion, commercial property for sale in dc offers an array of opportunities for investors seeking to capitalize on the commercial real estate market. With its strategic location, strong economic fundamentals, and diverse property offerings, the nation's capital remains a top destination for savvy investors looking to grow their portfolios and achieve long-term success in the dynamic world of commercial real estate.
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