#George The N1
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NWC 4: George And The Trucks
Written By NorthBritishAtlantic
Once upon a time. When the North Western Railway was still young. Many engines were loaned from Railways on the mainland.
One of these engines was called George, he was a big red tank engine from the same railway as Edward. However, unlike Edward, George was rude, cocky, and had too many ideas above his station.
One evening Edward was sitting in the sheds, when George came puffing in with a smug look on his face.
‘Good evening George’ said Edward. ‘you’re in a good mood this evening’.
‘oh I am indeed Edward’ George said. ‘I was on time’. ‘the passenger’s sang my praises’. ‘And the Fat director said I was a really useful engine’.
‘Well, that’s good’- ‘And another thing’. Said George cutting off Edward mid-sentence. ‘The Fat director said that I’m to pull a special train tomorrow to Tidmouth’.
‘Most likely’ he continued. ‘It will be a special passenger train’. ‘Or one of those SLS railtours that have been going around as of late’.
‘Well, I’m sure you’ll find out in the morning’ said Edward. Soon after, the two engines fell asleep.
‘A WHAT?!!!’. screamed George in the yard the next morning. ‘YOU WANT ME. ‘A FINE EXPRESS ENGINE’. ‘TO PULL A GOODS TRAIN?!!’.
‘Yes’ said the yard foreman uncovering his ears. ‘The Fat director wants you to take this goods train of fruit & veg to Tidmouth for the Saturday market’.
‘b-b-but’ stammered George.
‘No but’s’ said the Yard foreman. ‘It’s Fat Director’s order’s’.
George muttered something under his breath as he puffed away to collect his trucks.
Every Friday, a goods train consisting of fruit & veg vans leave Vicarstown bound for Tidmouth for Saturday Market. Usually, it’s pulled by either Eagle or David. However, Eagle was at the works following an accident involving a chicken coop & a bike. And David had burst his cylinder while at Tidmouth. So much to George’s dismay he was the only engine available.
George coupled up to the trucks with a bump, unaware that this had made the front brake pipe loose.
Engines have these things called Brake pipes, they connect to brake pipes on trucks or coaches, to provide braking through the whole train. If they are not connected correctly, the train will have trouble braking.
Neither George nor his crew noticed this as they puffed out onto the mainline.
‘Come along’ ‘come along’ said George to the trucks as they sped down the line.
‘Driver.’ said George ‘these trucks seem to be a bit heavy today’.
‘I wouldn’t worry about it, old boy,’ said his driver. ‘we’ll check the brakes after we get over the hill’.
Soon they came to the Hill between Wellsworth & Maron which had recently been named Gordon’s hill.
‘Come on’ Come on’ said George as he struggled up the hill. ‘Hold back’ hold back’ said the trucks. Finally, George made it to the top of the hill. ‘ha-ha’ said George triumphantly. ‘I knew I could do- SNAP
George went pale & looked back, the brake pipe between him and the first van had come off. ‘oh no’ said George. As he felt himself Going faster and faster.
‘ahhhhhhhhhh’ he screamed as he sped down the hill and came flying off the curve And crashed into a field full of cows.
The fat director came down to inspect the crash.
‘I am very cross with you George’. he said, ‘you and your crew should have checked the brake pipe sooner’.
‘I’m sorry sir’. Said George sadly.
‘Well sorry won’t cut it George’. Said the fat director sternly. ‘When you are mended you shall be sent back to the Furness, ‘have I made myself clear?’
‘very clear sir’ Said George sadly.
George was sent to the works. He had a lot to think about. After two weeks in the works, he returned to the mainland. A safer and wiser engine.
The end
This is my first story on this website. Any constructive criticism is allowed.
Any questions. Just head to the "Author's Mailbox" - NBA
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toomuchracket · 1 month
glasgow matty i miss u baby
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abiiors · 7 months
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still… at their very best
glasgow n1 — 08/02/24
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ceofjohnlennon · 8 months
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The Beatles for The Beatles Monthly Book n°1, August/1963.
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thesilverlady · 1 year
I love how Grrm made Aegon&Rhaenyra so similar, both are handsome/attractive,vain,cruel,proud, quick to anger, slow to forgive, driven to madness/paranoia by the loss of their children and dragons etc..
But nah grrm thought it wasn't enough so he made their dragons have similar color and start with the same letter as well Yellow/Gold, Syrax/Sunfyre ♡♡
It's just a good day to remember that Grrm has validated our delulu rhaegon agend♡
that man isn't afraid to play in the sandbox and I respect that 😂
i kinda get the vibe he enjoys toying with different possibilities that didn't happen but could have.
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valyrfia · 10 months
I’ve been thinking about it, and I now firmly believe that Charles signed a pre-contract with Red Bull in the week before COTA. Initially, he did it with the intent of putting pressure on Ferrari but then over the course of the triple header he slowly started to realise that maybe honouring that pre-contract MIGHT be his best chance at a WDC. This is heavily reflected in the socials and PR of Red Bull, Ferrari, and Charles himself and ties together all the Lestappen interactions of the past couple of months from Max’s answers at press conferences to the infamous padel date. Buckle up, because it’s going to be a ride.
So I believe to pinpoint the start of the current PR wave/movement that we've coined as Lestappen Gate 2023 we have to look all the way back to Monza. Around Monza, there were numerous rumours that a huge Charles contract renewal was imminent and it was going to be announced, etc. etc. Charles did put these rumours to bed by saying if there were a contract like the one that had been rumoured, he would've signed it immediately. Now, I believe that with Charles confirmed to be unsigned (at around the same time that the George/Lewis and Oscar renewals would've been happening), Red Bull Racing approached Charles to reopen talks.
But I think Charles stalls them, isn't open to talks, until Singapore where Carlos Sainz wins. This throws Ferrari into complete disarray as Fred suddenly can't open talks with Charles as it would then be clear that he will not be re-signing Carlos Sainz. I think it then becomes obvious to Charles and his team that in order for the contract talks to begin they need pressure to negate Santander and the Sainz family breathing down Ferrari's throat. So Charles actively enters talks with Red Bull with the intent of putting that pressure on Ferrari. Also worth noting, Singapore also marked Charles as something special, a generational talent who is also willing to be an exception n2 driver when the team requires it of him, especially when his teammate starts on pole. I think this makes Red Bull even more eager to begin talks with Charles. Interestingly, this is where we get the first Red Bull Lestappen post of this current era, the Lecstappen alert.
This brings us through Suzuka to Qatar, Max winning his 3rd WDC, Charles congratulating him and then effuse about Max and Red Bull in interviews. Seeing the level of success that Max has had is what pushes Charles to decide that he is going to sign a pre-contract with Red Bull for a seat in 2025 because either way, he wins. He either manages to put pressure on Ferrari to get a contract with all the clauses he wants (external brand deals, his own branding, car development to suit him, etc.) OR he gets the MOST talked about seat in F1.
Now this is a key point. I believe the padel date was an excuse to get Max and Charles in the same room. Specifically, for them to have a frank and honest chat about whether they could work as teammates and two n1 drivers on the same team. This is probably the first serious heart to heart that these two have had, which then explains their attitude and closeness in the triple header and them being more ready to be vulnerable and honest with and about each other. Then, in the week before COTA, satisfied that he could be teammates with Max if push came to shove, Charles Leclerc signs a pre-contract with RBR for 2025.
(It's also worth noticing that in the week before COTA, the Lando Norris to RBR rumours and talk noticeably died down, despite Oscar winning the sprint in Qatar).
Now this brings us to COTA, where Charles instantly starts to make PR moves to build a brand for himself. His first big move is signing with WME, a talent agency, and something that Ferrari drivers typically aren't allowed to do. The WME signing solidifies in my mind that a pre-contract exists, because if there is one thing Charles wouldn't do, it's jeopardise his chances of racing in F1. If there's a chance that Ferrari would drop him for this, he just wouldn't do it. However, if he has a guaranteed seat in 2025 no matter the outcome, he would totally do it. It must be said, I believe that Charles is using the pre-contract fully as leverage against Ferrari at this point UNTIL the strategy fuck up. After the strategy fuck up, Charles is noticeably angry and outspoken about it, and Fred starts to freak out a little bit. RBR in the mean time, are starting to try and change the Lestappen narrative from rivals to a duo, with Charles starting to feature heavily on RBR socials.
Moving on to Mexico, Charles does well, considering. But what's important about Mexico is that this is the first time that Charles has truly been treated like a villain by the fans at the track. This is key, not only because of RBR's reaction to it (which I will explore), but also because this is Charles's first taste of what a move to RBR could be like, of what it would feel like were he to become the antihero rather than the golden boy of F1. However, the real clincher is that rather than RBR playing into the narrative of Charles the villain, even despite him literally being involved in the DNF of their own driver (Checo) at his home race, they instead make sure to capture all angles of Charles and Max interacting and one of their own pays special attention to Charles on the podium. In a way, this is the weekend that shows Charles that even though Red Bull and Ferrari are completely different, Red Bull can still be as much of a family to him as Ferrari has been if he wants them to be. Moreso, in fact, considering Ferrari didn't even bother showing up to Charles's P3 podium.
So entering the weekend in Brazil, Charles is pictured wearing his own clothing line that it was rumoured Ferrari forced him to discontinue and Fred Vasseur is starting to get shit scared and starting to talk to anyone from media who will listen about how talented Charles is. Charles does put it on the front row, but there's no real Forza Ferrari about it, and Charles has stopped wearing Ferrari merch in the paddock. A Red Bull employee (Max's PT Brad) is the first person to congratulate Charles on the front row.
Then, the DNS happens. A completely avoidable thing that happened due to Ferrari incompetency, and all hell breaks loose. Charles leaves the paddock before he can finish his Ferrari PR duties like a post-race video, and makes it very clear that he is FURIOUS in all his interviews. Now, laughably, at this point is when Ferrari-Charles contract negations began, or at least, that's what was leaked to the media. In my mind, Charles communicated very clearly to Fred at this point that his pre-contract with Red Bull is a very real threat, and Charles himself is beginning to seriously consider honouring it, and if Ferraro don't get together, they WILL lose their Il Predestinato to Red Bull. At this moment, Fred Vasseur is absolutely terrified. The world is very obviously on Charles's side and sympathetic after the DNS, while being at best apathetic and at worst hostile toward the Scuderia. Meanwhile, Red Bull continue with their Lestappen antics across all social media channel, again publicising the idea that Max and Charles are close and may have once been rivals but are buddies now, like in their tiktok of Max doing the "just an inchident" trend.
Now I haven't mentioned the onboards yet, which were spotted by some eagle eyes fans during the Mexico and Brazil GP weekends, in which Charles's onboard was displayed very clearly alongside their actual drivers, Max and Checo. But the existence of the onboards on the Red Bull pitwall make perfect sense if Charles did sign a pre-contract. Red Bull are gathering data to sway Charles further, almsot a "yeah so here's exactly where Ferrari fucked your race, and here's is what we would've done differently."
The break in the triple header, Charles is noticeably refraining from Forza Ferrari-ing. Rather, he calls the paps on himself on more than one occasion and make sure he is seen with several high profile celebs, strengthening his public image and building his own narrative. Meanwhile, Ferrari is in full damage control mode, taking responsibility for the DNS, acknowledging Charles in a way they haven't fully done since Singapore. There are more leaks of contract negotiations, but Charles does not engage with them. Meanwhile, Red Bull are keeping up their Lestappen propaganda. Charles is making it clear to all parties that this pre-contract that he initially intended to just be a bargaining chip has suddenly become a serious threat to Ferrari.
Finally, this brings us to last weekend, Vegas. Charles, again, refuses to Forza Ferrari. Ferrari PR have put Charles and Red Bull content on absolute LOCKDOWN with not a HINT of Lestappen anywhere, and Max is making comments about the choice of team being important in winning even for generational talents while Charles fidgets and looks away. Fred praises Charles to hell and back again, implying that Charles will obviously be prioritised over Carlos by diminishing Singapore, but in the post-race, Charles still gives nothing. Just a thinly veiled comment about how good it feels to be fighting at the front again. Meanwhile, Red Bull amp up the Charles content even more, even fully posting a picture just of Charles's car. There are also not one, but two questions about Max and Charles's karting past. In discussion with my academic colleagues (@tsarinablogs, @thearchercore, @gaslightgirlsummer (further thanks for all three of them, for entertaining a much rougher draft of this essay a few days ago)), we've talked about the possibility that these questions might have themselves been planted in the media rooms, in order to further cement the idea and control the narrative of Charles and Max, childhood rivals turned dynamic duo. The sort of narrative one might find intriguing around teammates.
So this concludes my essay. I am almost sure that Charles has a pre-contract with Red Bull, which is why he is suddenly so outspoken about the problems and failings of Ferrari. Although this pre-contract originally began as a bargaining chip, I believe that Charles is seriously considering honouring it. Ferrari are desperate, and Red Bull have the upper hand and are starting to pave the way for a media shift in how Charles and Max as a pairing are perceived.
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evermoredeluxe · 3 months
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Prince William is attending The Eras Tour in London (N1) on June 21, 2024 along with his kids - George, Charlotte, and Louis (x) (x)
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milder-manners · 4 months
Which challenge was your favorite from Dream? (I'd say bar manhunt but maybe it's actually not your n°1)
I personnaly really liked the random item challenge and the death swap
- V
(Manhunt is def my n1, don't worry I'm pretty standard)
My non-manhunt favorites change pretty often but at the moment ...
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Minecraft Random Item Challenge VS 2 Hunters my Beloved!!
Like you V, I fricking love this video. The Drama, the unintentional thematic items, the situational comedy, (the story fic potential)!!
The video starts off with pretty standard stakes, Sapnap and George vs Dream. An unfair match, but no one’s upset, the audience knows how easily Dream can turn the tables if the circumstances turn juuust right. And despite what the title says, Dream is a Hunter like Sapnap and George. They all only have one life, and are fighting to the death.
But then, not even 5 min in, the power levels get completely skewed. George and Sapnap both receive diamond weapons and George gets a diamond chestplate, and Dream gets his iconic turtle helmet. Suddenly, the fight becomes a chase, and Dream has to run for his life until a new item spawns in to even the tides. (He finds a ruined portal underwater, and inside its chest is a flint and steel.)
Dream then gets some good armor and a trident, and the dynamics change once again.
The video kind of takes a turn for the comedic here. It’s a 2v1, yet Dream becomes the aggressor. He’s starts initiating fights, the one who chases down Sapnap and George with his dozen tridents, and it’s the duo who begins running off, building up a tower to get away. And this goes on even when George gets netherite boots and chest plates, and Sapnap gets an elytra and rockets; they still mostly engage in guerrilla tactics to basically harass Dream. Dream literally begins yelling at them to come here and fight him.
And that tickles me so much because this is basically a culmination of how the manhunts conditioned George and Sapnap to treat Dream; a guy who’ll prevail against all odds.
And this over precaution is what ultimately does them in in the end. It gave Dream enough time and space to prepare a TNT trap that kills them all.
Man, it’s such a fun video. I didn’t even mention all the little moments between everyone, like “OH GEORGE” “IT’S OH SAPNAP!”, “You have better stuff than us” “Pff—how?”, “George, I know you can’t drive but you need to do a u-turn baby”; and how the items eventually gained a theme with each hunter, creating a pseudo narrative of a sky spirit and rock/metal spirit harassing a sea spirit. It’s such a good mix of tense competition, and silly fun.
Minecraft Hostage Simulator
Another 2v1 video but also a muffinteers video! This one is such a classic for me, I genuinely hope they revisit this one.
The gradual development of Bad becoming a complete menace. The long trek of the horn passing between George and Sapnap and eventually to Bad. That hilarious point in the Nether where the two beat the shit out of Bad while he hangs off the cliff as retaliation. Dream embracing his inner trickster archetype, setting a deal with Bad with specific conditions to loophole around them. Sapnap and George pulling off that incredible boat trick and snatching Bad from Dream. Dream getting murdered by dolphins, a complete turnaround from their usual grace. The dynamic shifting midway in the video to a 3v1 when the Hunters decide to work together to Get Bad.
And that epic fight/chase after the Nether!!! Oh My God!!
The improvisation, the lying, the music with the chase, the buildup of tension from the editing! The sudden introduction of the reason behind Bad being a hostage was that he’s a sacrifice to feed the dragon?!?! Chefs kiss. Incredible ten out of ten.
Again, I hope this video comes back but with a way for Bad to win. He was literally the star of this show.
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pickingupmymercedes · 1 month
Oh honey, George is f*cked. No seriously, if I was him I would start asap to make some contacts in other teams.
Toto is not hiding his excitement for Kimi, like someone said on twt, George is Toto's project but Kimi is Toto's son and the way Red Bull is declining I can see Max moving to there sooner or later. George better start praying Red Bull get their shit together or at least make Jos and Max happy or Kelly gets pregnant, otherwise he's gonna get Sainzed.
I have a feeling he has been looking around lately. At least there has been some changes in midia approach (although his is still one of the weakest). And the Audi rumors also suggest something, but realistically, I think Merc is still his best chance at a wdc (remains to be seen if Merc sees him in their plans).
As for Toto, I don't believe Russell has been his main project for a while now, but then again, I don't trust Toto to manage any driver's career (I haven't forgotten Gutierrez and why he couldn't even be considerated for that Racing point seat in 2019/20).
Also, I'm always at odds on what I think Max will end up doing, sometimes I'm sure he wouldn't be able to live without f1 and others I truly believe he's done with the whole circus and ready to move on to something else?!
But, either way, even if Max doesn't ever even come close to that seat, even if Merc's line up for the next 5 years is Russell and Kimi, getting Lewis to formally and publicy hand over the seat that has been where he achieved so much (and also the seat Michael left for Lewis) is a LOUD statement as to who is the n1. Even if they say there's no such thing with them.
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demonstars · 2 months
like thank god he just redirected it to george N1 dnf warrior
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seeminglyranch87 · 3 months
Taylor & Travis Timeline
June 2024 - Part 2
June 13 - The Eras Tour, Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, UK N1 - 100th show (x) During the ATW speech, Taylor says that the tour will end in December.
I Can See You x Mine (guitar) & Cornelia Street x Maroon (piano)
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Travis at Chiefs Training camp meeting kids sponsored by the Make a Wish Foundation. The little girl is wearing a "Go Taylor's boyfriend" t-shirt that Travis signs.
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The Chiefs Super Bowl LVIII Ring ceremony is held in Kansas City. Travis attends with his team and receives his 3rd Super Bowl ring.
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Travis below with Quarter Back Patrick Mohomes. The boys are chasing a three-peat!
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Taylor is in Liverpool, UK and after her show watches and comments on Chariah Gordon's livestream. I think Taylor really wanted to be there. Travis is pictured below with Chariah Gordon and Mecole Hardman (x)
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Travis came up with the winning play of the Super Bowl (x) called the "Tom & Jerry"
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Travis likes an IG post from the Pat McAfee Show talking about Travis' future with the Chiefs and his contract extension, while finishing with
"I bet he's inspired as hell by Taylor Swift and what she does. She does all this s***" (x)
June 14 - The Eras Tour, Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, UK, N2
This is What You Came For x Gold Rush (guitar), The Great War x You're Losing Me (piano)
Taylor sings "I survived the Great War" (instead of "we")
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ET article about making long distance work for Tay & Trav (x)
The source adds, "They prioritize each other and do anything and everything to make each other happy. Their relationship is genuine and they both want to make it work, so it does."
"Taylor and Travis definitely see a long-term future together and things are continuing to move in that direction," the source tells ET. "Their shared values and love of family keeps them connected."
June 15 - The Eras Tour, Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, UK N3
Carolina x No Body No Crime (guitar) … the murder mashup 😜 & The Manuscript x Red (piano)
June 17, 18, 19 - Tight End University (x)
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June 18 - The Eras Tour, Principality Stadium, Cardiff, UK
I Forgot That You Existed x This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things (guitar) a message for a certain ex (YB) who has been crying boo hoo to the media perhaps ?? & I Hate It Here x The Lakes (piano)
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Travis liked this IG post of Taylor's ; )
June 20 - Travis and Jason Kelce attend 2024 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in Cannes, France.
Travis and Jason promote their New Heights podcast with a panel. The Kelce Effect: Exploring New Heights with Travis and Jason Kelce 
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Gracie Abrams releases "Us" written with and featuring Taylor Swift. Gracie shares how Taylor had put out a fire in her kitchen the night they wrote this song see footage (x)
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June 21 - The Eras Tour, Wembley Stadium, London UK N1
Travis, Jason & Kylie Kelce, Andrea & Scott Swift, Ross Travis, Liam Hemsworth, Erin Andrews, Charissa Thompson and other friends attend. Prince William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte are in attendance.
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This is the first photo Taylor has posted of Travis on IG!!! (x)
Travis captured singing along to Lover looking smitten. Taylor playing it up with Travis in attendance and looking over at him throughout the show (x). She appears to be having a brilliant night and leaves back of stage arm in arm with Travis.
Hits Different x Death By A Thousand Cuts (guitar) & The Black Dog x Come Back Be Here x Maroon (piano)
June 22 - The Eras Tour, Wembley Stadium, London UK N2
The VIP tent is packed - Travis, Jason & Kylie Kelce (Jason wearing TS t-shirt) Tom Cruise, Greta Gerwig, Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, David Foster.
ThanK you aIMee x Mean (guitar) & Castles Crumbling feat. Hayley Williams (piano)
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June 23 - The Eras Tour, Wembley Stadium, London UK N3
Travis Kelce makes a surprise appearance on stage at Wembley night 3 (x)
Is this real? Did Travis really come out on stage in the intro to "I Can Do It With A Broken Heart"???? I need 13 business days to recover!
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Out of the Woods x Is it Over Now x Clean (guitar) & Us with Gracie Abrams (guitar & piano)
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Travis and Taylor head out after the show with friends. They are seen leaving at 4am
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June 24 - ET online (x). Referring to Travis' Eras Tour stage debut, a source tells ET ...
"Taylor and Travis have recently discussed Travis making an appearance onstage at the Eras Tour, when timing was right, and they finally made it happen, Travis was so excited to support Taylor onstage, and Taylor couldn't be happier to feature him, especially during such a fun, pivotal scene in the show. Travis only had one night of rehearsal, the evening before he performed onstage, and didn't miss a beat. Taylor was beaming from ear to ear as Travis took on the dapper role. The two are hoping he can make a cameo again in the future."
Go to previous update -> June part 1
Go to next update -> June part 3
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georgesgazetteer · 5 months
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Just Added! The breakdown of all #Lockwood&Co locations for Episode 6. We've laid it out in a filmstrip so it's easier to follow. Clicking on most of the shots will take you to the information page for that location.
Go to the George's Gazetteer to find a similar location listing for episodes 1-5. (7&8 will follow).
(With thanks to Ed for his continued efforts!)
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abiiors · 7 months
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still… at their very best
london n1 — 12/02/24
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itspyon · 8 months
sapnap and george in diffrent’s twitter likes we’re winning so hard
LIKE REALLY GOOD FOR US MAN we didn't even have to do anything they did it all for us diffrent n1 latino dteamolo
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valyrfia · 3 months
and a lot of stans(and some of them even stans of max??????) excuse Lando’s behaviour with “it’s just a friends thing, you obviously don’t have friends irl and any sense of humour». Well but how it’s always Lando with those “jokes» and never Max? Tbh Lando was a weirdo to Max since last year. No one jokes as much as him about “Oh Max ruined everything, I wish Max wasn’t here” bla bla bla like girl let it go, no one laughed except you and Max for some reasons. It’s in Max to stay being friends with that ugly smurf but look how Lando never trying his jokes with his others mates on grid-never with Carlos, never with George, never with Charles (I doubt they even talk outside of paddock now but I think they were pretty close back then). It’s always Max for him.
Yep to all of this. It's always non-British people defending him as well and going 'oh well that's just British humour!'...no? I'm British, I'm very sharp witted with my friends and like taking the piss out of them, but I would very rightfully get called a twat if I tried to pull half of the shit that Lando pulls with Max.
I don't like to be parasocial over it because Max can surround himself with who he wants, but Lando does not help his case when people in general, not just Max but those like Seb as well, are nothing but gracious and complimentary towards him and Lando acts like an airheaded bratty teenager. Like you're 24, you've been doing this for SIX years now and you are indisputably the n1 driver at McLaren, grow the fuck up. He acts like a complete teenager, taking the praises of WDCs for granted, taking his teamplayer teammate for granted, taking the fact that McLaren currently has the fastest car for granted, taking his fans for granted, taking his family's wealth and the fact that he's a white British driver for granted. I just genuinely want to shake him like, grow the fuck up!
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flyingwea · 7 months
hi hi hi, first of all i'm sorry if this ask comes off as insensitive 🥹
would you mind sharing the mods & cc you used to make your george sims? i've been searching and trying out tons of them but my george is nowhere near accurate 😭💔
it's totally ok if you don't want to though and either way, thank you in advance 🥹❤️ i love your george sims sm
Hello!! :D not insensitive in the slightless here!
first of all for the skin I like using an skinblend, I use Fabienne Skinblend for almost all of my sims (x)
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Obscurus eyebags N7 (x)
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Obscurus overlay nosemask N1 (x) This works kind of like a nose contour
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Pralinesims mouth corners n03 (x)
it accentuates the corners gives him a more notorious :] smile in my opinion
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Delicate moles (x) (Download the merged pack of moles)
The merged pack has placements for forehead, freckles, mouth and left dimple, you can layer them whoever you want but I use these two
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GPME-GOLD Blush CC02 (x)
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Obscurus lips N12 (x)
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Peachyfaerie eyebrows (x) (it’s the #1)
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Nonoqy’s george hair :D (x)
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plus nonoqy’s the chain!!!!! very important never forget! (x)
And also make sure to have references by hand! when I made my sims I gathered lots of pics especifically from the front and side profile (having some in ¾ is very useful too, so you can see the cheeks and cheekbones) as well as some pics where you can clearly see details like the eyes, nose and lips :) good luck and hope these help :)
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