#George Kerevan
realpeterabell · 30 days
A response to George Kerevan
It is not the new that threatens Scotland's cause. It is the old.
I come late to this having inexplicably missed George Kerevan’s column when it was published. No doubt he has been on tenterhooks awaiting my response to his comments about myself and New Scotland Party. Sorry, George! I very much appreciate being described as having a “distinctive voice” and am flattered to be thought an “iconoclast”. I’m not so sure about being a “national treasure”, though.…
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peterabell · 10 months
Did the minister's wife fart?
I find I can't get excited about the prospect of listening to the old guard of the independence movement talking the same talk they've been talking since 2012 while the movement itself fails to walk any kind of walk at all.
Does it make sense to “try to extend the constitutional reform debate to the English left”? George Kerevan says so. So, I guess it must be so. Although he might have put at least a token effort into explaining what sense it makes. That sense is not as obvious to me as it is to George. Elsewhere in this newspaper we have its editor, Laura Webster, pontificating that it would be “wise to consider”…
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christinamac1 · 3 months
Labour plans for nuclear expansion in Scotland are flying under radar
George Kerevan: LABOUR are planning a big expansion of nuclear power in theUK … and in Scotland. Of course, as with much else in the party’sintentions, this is being sneaked in under the political radar. However, aclose reading of the manifestos of both UK Labour and its Scottish branchoffice clearly gives the game away. And prominent candidates – such asDouglas Alexander in Lothian East – are…
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ferrolano-blog · 8 months
El año 2024 comienza con los mercados financieros globales sintiendo el nerviosismo por una esperada orgía de endeudamiento estatal en todo el mundo... El gobierno alemán está luchando con una crisis presupuestaria de miles de millones de euros que corre el riesgo de sofocar su visión de transformación ambiental e industrial. Y en todas partes, la burguesía financiera se está cagando al mismo tiempo por el miedo de que los gobiernos no puedan pagar mientras se frota las manos de alegría por la montaña de dinero que les espera... 2024 será un año problemático para el capitalismo global... El Banco Mundial sugiere que la economía global está en camino a su peor media década de crecimiento en 30 años... la conjunción de un mercado de valores en auge, la volatilidad de las tasas de interés, la inestabilidad internacional y una lucha de clases cada vez más profunda parecen ser una mezcla volátil e insostenible (George Kerevan)
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#HailCaesar #BirtherInChief #CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit
George Kerevan: There’s a new Scottish uppityness about – and it’s bringing indy closer
OK, Christmas has been cancelled (more or less), the British economy is about to fall off a Brexit cliff (more or less) and the physical world is caught between a pandemic and being fried by climate change (both actually). At this point I should really stop writing and pull the covers over my head. Yet there is a lot of reason for optimism in 2020. Here’s my case...
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Case of the Catalans: Clara Ponsatí in conversation with George Kerevan
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dr-treyf · 5 years
There is, however, another position, also claiming to be Marxist, which argues against an objective definition of class. Edward Thompson has given it its clearest expression: “And class happens when some men, as a result of common experiences (inherited or shared), feel and articulate the identity of their interests as between themselves, and against other men whose interests are different from (and usually opposed to) theirs.” Some writers have used this definition of class to argue for the essential similarity between the processes by which classes and nations are formed. In fact, Thompson’s original definition does not relate to the formation of classes at all, but to the formation of class consciousness, the process of becoming a “class for itself.” Nevertheless, with the necessary adjustments it does indeed become an excellent definition of how nations “happen”: “And nationhood happens when some people, as a result of common experience (inherited or shared), feel and articulate the identity of interests as between themselves, and against other nations whose interests are different from (and usually opposed to) theirs.” The point here, and the reason why I have stressed the objective nature of social class, is that where nations are concerned, the situation is reversed. Contrary to what is written by Stalin and all other objectivist theorists of the nation, there is no underlying reality of nationhood that can be brought to the level of consciousness. Consequently, to revert to the Marxist distinction between a class “in itself” and a class “for itself,” we can say that a national group becomes “a nation for itself” when members of the group learn to think of themselves and each other as members of the same nation, but there is no such thing as “a nation in itself.” As George Kerevan once pointed out, national consciousness “is materially determined by the external appearance of bourgeois society”; class consciousness is materially determined “by its essence.” Class consciousness arises through a process of recognizing real common interests, a recognition that is only possible as a result of social classes having a material reality prior to consciousness. National consciousness arises through a process of constructing imaginary common interests, a construction that can result in the establishment of a territorial nation-state, but only at that point will the nation have a material reality outside of consciousness. The resulting difference in aspiration may be summed up schematically by saying that a member of a social class may achieve class consciousness (bring their consciousness in line with reality), while a group with national consciousness may achieve statehood (bring reality in line with their consciousness).
— Neil Davidson, Nation States, Consciousness and Competition
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realpeterabell · 1 month
A response to George Kerevan
It is not the new that threatens Scotland's cause. It is the old.
I come late to this having inexplicably missed George Kerevan’s column when it was published. No doubt he has been on tenterhooks awaiting my response to his comments about myself and New Scotland Party. Sorry, George! I very much appreciate being described as having a “distinctive voice” and am flattered to be thought an “iconoclast”. I’m not so sure about being a “national treasure”, though.…
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peterabell · 1 year
The missing plan
Imagine yourself in the position of being the leader of a pro-independence party that genuinely does prioritise Scotland's cause.
George Kerevan sees Alba holding out a small olive branch to the SNP. I see Alba picking up a big stick with which to beat the SNP. The real issue here is that BOTH Alba and the SNP are playing party-political games at a time when Scotland’s cause urgently requires the undivided commitment of the entire independence movement. There are no innocents here. Scotland’s entire political class is…
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christinamac1 · 3 years
Scotland could be dragged into an accelerating nuclear arms race
Scotland could be dragged into an accelerating nuclear arms race
 George Kerevan: How Scotland could be dragged into an accelerating nuclear arms race. ON Saturday, All Under One Banner will hold a demonstration against nuclear weapons at the Faslane naval base on the Clyde, home to Britain’s nuclear submarine fleet. This will be the first major anti-nuke demo since the outbreak of Covid-19. The protest by a group best known for its big independence marches is…
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#HailCaesar #BirtherInChief #CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit
George Kerevan: How the Holyrood election may be used to negotiate independence
...Across the Atlantic, 2021 will see Joe Biden shuffle into the White House on the arm of vice-president Kamala Harris, and a disgruntled Trump do anything but retire gracefully. The old Republican Party is as dead as Marley’s door knocker, replaced by Trump’s army of grassroots populists determined to win back Congress at the mid-term elections. America is a divided republic and nothing in 2021 suggests this division will heal...
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scottishdreams · 7 years
Fife | Scottish independence: Budget deficit raises £13bn question
In the pro-independence newspaper The National, George Kerevan argues that "without independence, Scotland lacks the ability to break the control ... http://ift.tt/2xuOyBK
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iamdanw · 7 years
When the SNP MP George Kerevan asked in the House of Commons whether the Department for International Trade had any plans to negotiate access to Galileo for the UK, trade minister Mark Garnier told him: “The use of spectrum is incredibly important and that spectrum is a very valuable asset for this country and we will work with Ofcom to ensure that we get our fair share.”
UK could be shut out of super-accurate EU GPS system it helped to build
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anonymousslovensko · 7 years
Jaderný útok, jenž zabije 100.000 nevinných schválím
Jaderný útok, jenž zabije 100.000 nevinných schválím
9.5.2017  První zprávy “Jaderný útok, jenž zabije 100.000 nevinných schválím“.Takovou odpověď dostal v červenci roku 2016 v britském parlamentu od nové ministerské předsedkyně na svou otázku poslanec za Skotskou národní stranu George Kerevan (The Guardian, 18.7.2016). Theresa May ve svém prvním parlamentním vystoupení ve funkci britské premiérky, do níž byla jmenována krátce poté, kdy mírně…
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