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umapalavraqueajude · 2 years ago
27 de agosto...
Dia da Independência da Moldávia (da URSS em 1991)
Dia do Psicólogo, aniversário da regulamentação desta profissão através da Lei Federal 4.119/62
Dia do Corretor de imóveis
Dia da Limpeza urbana
Aniversário de:
Americana -SP
Candói -PR
Correntes -PE
Ielmo Marinho -RN
Imaruí -SC
Itobi -SP
Matão -SP
Mauriti -CE
Minador do Negrão -AL
Palestina -AL
Santa Cruz de Goiás -GO
Santa Quitéria -CE
São Vicente Ferrer -MA
1828 Império do Brasil e Províncias Unidas do Rio da Prata reconhecem a soberania da República Oriental do Uruguai no Tratado do RJ.
1840 Criadas as Companhias de Aprendizes Nacionais, q + tarde se tornaram as Escolas de Aprendizes-Marinheiros do Brasil.
1883 Erupção do Krakatoa: quatro enormes explosões destroem a ilha de Krakatoa e causam anos de mudança climática.
1939 1º voo do Heinkel He 178, com motor turbojato, o 1º avião a jato do mundo.
1962 A missão espacial não tripulada Mariner 2 é lançada p Vênus pela NASA.
1964 Campanha da Legalidade: O marechal Lott é preso. O governo federal fecha rádios de Porto Alegre. Leonel Brizola, governador do Rio Grande do Sul, requisita a Rádio Guaíba.
1972 O 1º trecho da Rodovia Transamazônica é inaugurado pelo presidente Médici.
1991 A Comunidade Europeia reconhece a independência dos Países Bálticos da Estônia, da Letônia e da Lituânia.
1991 Moldávia declara independência da União Soviética.
2003 Marte atinge a menor distância da Terra em quase 60 mil anos: aproximadamente 55 768 006 quilômetros.
Confúcio 551 a.C.-479 a.C.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770-1831
Ira Levin 1929-2007
Ticiano 1490-1576
Maria Bárbara de Bragança 1711-1758
Le Corbusier 1887-1965
By (Insta) @dracmore1 (👈🏽 Follow!)
✧・゚* ✧・゚✧・゚*✧✧・゚* ✧・゚✧・゚*✧
@dracmore1 -RJ
@na_companhia_da_poesia -PR
@daliiatavaress -RN
@pocaodruida -RJ
@thalesimplesmente -SE
@loucura_condescendente -SE
@lulacapistrano -RN
@jacksonpadd -SC
@brito.raffael &
@rafaelgamboa.ft -SP
@pedro.vale.1293 -POR
@libriano.sn -BA
@dayvton_almeida &
@editoraserpoeta -PE
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galintisi · 5 years ago
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"Zekasını beğendiğin birinin görüntüsünü merak etme. Zekasını kullanmayan birinin ise görüntüsünden etkilenme." Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
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aydus · 2 years ago
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Zarathustra iiii Author Schopenhauer antagonizes Friedrich Nietzsche Author Schopenhauer argues with Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel #Art #aiart #dream #sketch #painting #anime #animationart #artai #ai #friedrichnietzsche #nietzsche #georgwilhelmfriedrichhegel #hegel https://www.instagram.com/p/CmrbIdKOPxH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blog-aventin-de · 3 years ago
These Antithese Synthese
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These Antithese Synthese ⋆ Hegel ⋆ Dialektik
These Antithese Synthese ⋆ Hegel ⋆ Dialektik
Von der Entstehung der Dialektik - Anekdote Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel malte einmal während seiner Heidelberger Zeit einen Punkt auf ein Blatt Papier, faltete ihn nach allen Regeln der Kunst in ein gleichseitiges Dreieck, und nannte es These, Antithese und Synthese. Weil ihm das so gut gefiel, fiel ihm ein, dass er ja auch diese drei Begriffe noch einmal falten könnte. So wurden weitere drei Dreiecke daraus. Erschrocken erkannte Hegel, dass das Ganze nun einem Drudenfuß glich oder wie ein Pferdefuß aussah. Damit dies nicht aufkäme, nannte es Hegel dann Dialektik. These Antithese Synthese ⋆ Hegel ⋆ Von der Entstehung der Dialektik Read the full article
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omniavincitamor33 · 6 years ago
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#portugal #westernwall #georgwilhelmfriedrichhegel #asabovesobelow #jerusalem #sufidance #christianity https://www.instagram.com/p/B1rO8w6oOhY/?igshid=1j1v96vegahpk
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michaelfreeze · 8 years ago
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Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without #PASSION #WordOfTheDay #GeorgWilhelmFriedrichHegel #HappyMonday #Work #Goals #Grind #Gains #GETAFTERIT #BeBetterThanYesterday #BeBetterThanLastWeek (at Plain Township)
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tomokicoach · 6 years ago
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MOTIVATION AND MORNING WORKOUT - DAY 604 Challenge yourself to achieve better things in life. I can do it, you can do it too! Come join the fun together! Coach Tommy +60162408705 #coachtommy #motivation #inspiration #meditation #selfdevelopment #loseweightfromhome #slimnfit #goodmorning #workout #earlymorning #wakeupearly #sleepearly #dream #achieve #nutrition #healthy #weightloss #loseweight #workfromhome #tomokicoach #tommychiu #gratitude #grateful #magic #goodness #achieve #little #power #nature #GeorgWilhelmFriedrichHegel
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galintisi · 5 years ago
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"Tarihten öğrenebileceğimiz tek şey; insanların asla tarihten hiçbir şey öğrenemeyeceğidir." Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
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aydus · 2 years ago
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Zarathustra iii Author Schopenhauer antagonizes Friedrich Nietzsche Author Schopenhauer argues with Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel #Art #aiart #dream #sketch #painting #anime #animationart #artai #ai #friedrichnietzsche #nietzsche #georgwilhelmfriedrichhegel #hegel https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmra29QOT3M/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chungitaylor · 8 years ago
Nothing great in the #world has ever been #accomplished without #passion . #georgwilhelmfriedrichhegel Please like, share and, follow Snapchat/chungitaylor facebook.com/chungitaylor instagram/chungitaylor twitter.com/chungitaylor youtube.com/chungitaylor tumblr.com/chungitaylor vine.com/chungitaylor (at Lake Conroe)
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montanalocal · 10 years ago
Great Falls woman scores $10K in Montana Lottery | montana.allembru.com
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tomokicoach · 7 years ago
via Instagram
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aydus · 2 years ago
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Zarathustra Author Schopenhauer antagonizes Friedrich Nietzsche Author Schopenhauer argues with Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel #Art #aiart #dream #sketch #painting #anime #animationart #artai #ai #friedrichnietzsche #nietzsche #georgwilhelmfriedrichhegel #hegel https://www.instagram.com/p/CmraqFwOSaz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aydus · 2 years ago
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Zarathustra ii Author Schopenhauer antagonizes Friedrich Nietzsche Author Schopenhauer argues with Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel #Art #aiart #dream #sketch #painting #anime #animationart #artai #ai #friedrichnietzsche #nietzsche #georgwilhelmfriedrichhegel #hegel https://www.instagram.com/p/CmrafqDupnC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aydus · 2 years ago
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Author Schopenhauer antagonizes Friedrich Nietzsche Author Schopenhauer argues with Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel #Art #aiart #dream #sketch #painting #anime #animationart #artai #ai #friedrichnietzsche #nietzsche #georgwilhelmfriedrichhegel #hegel https://www.instagram.com/p/CmraIpPOc1w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aydus · 2 years ago
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Nietzsche & Zarathustra Author Schopenhauer antagonizes Friedrich Nietzsche Author Schopenhauer argues with Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel #Art #aiart #dream #sketch #painting #anime #animationart #artai #ai #friedrichnietzsche #nietzsche #georgwilhelmfriedrichhegel #hegel https://www.instagram.com/p/CmrXB1Kukx_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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