#General Supremo
princenothinq · 1 year
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something going on with the boss and our general
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cannoli-boy · 1 year
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new oc:3
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ozzies-perch · 1 year
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General supremo on paperwork duty
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generaldavila · 11 months
Sigo la lectura de Carlos Seco Serrano en un libro coordinado por Julián Marías 25 años de reinado de Juan Carlos I. De necesaria lectura para entender ese periodo de la historia en la palabra de los 25 autores que mejor podrían hacerlo. Se lo recomiendo para enderezarse en estos tiempos de tribulación para España. Carlos Seco Serrano en su aportación La monarquía, encarnación total de la…
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emsergipe · 2 years
Generais dão aval a Bolsonaro: “Chefe Supremo das Forças Armadas”
Generais dão aval a Bolsonaro: “Chefe Supremo das Forças Armadas”
Após reunião com chefes da Marinha, Exército, Aeronáutica, os comandantes deram o aval a Bolsonaro para que ele possa exercer de forma plena sua função de chefe supremo das Forças Armadas. Ontem (24), o general do Exército, Roberto Câmara Senna, fez duras críticas direcionadas ao ministro Alexandre de Moraes, segundo publicação do site Metrópoles.   O general afirmou que Brasil “vive um grave…
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gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 57: Gallifrey at War Part 8
Normal TWs for these parts apply: for war, death, injury, disturbing behavior
The Gramoryans were paradox eaters that used to be monitored by the Time Lords but began to run amok after the Last Great Time War. They collected important historical people and kill those who they deemed insignificant. They were attracted to Tudor Era England when the Monk disguised himself as King Henry VIII. (Audio: Divorced, Beheaded, Regenerated)
Paradox anxiety refers to the fear of falling under the influence of the Faction Paradox if someone caused a paradox. In more extreme cases, people might believe they had already caused a paradox and were thus already under Faction Paradox control. (Novel: The Book of War)
While not a declared "war" that Gallifrey took part in, the Quantum Archangel was created by fusing a human with the energy of the Lux Aeterna, the quantum foam making up reality. This resulted from the Master trying to use a TITAN Array to rejuvenate his body and destroy the Chronovores. The Quantum Archangel became basically an omnipotent goddess with the ability to create pocket universes and rewrite history. She intended to get rid of suffering by putting everyone in their own individual pocket universes and letting them live their best lives possible. (Novel: The Quantum Archangel)
The Quantum Archangel did not realize that the Chronovores would start to eat the small alternate timelines she had been creating. The perfect universes collapsed into nightmarish versions. (Novel: The Quantum Archangel)
To fight the Quantum Archangel, the Sixth Doctor bathed in the Lux Aeterna himself to get the same powers. He went to the higher dimensions and tried to make her see reason. This failed, so the two of them did battle on a truly cosmic scale, using entire suns and planets as weapons. The Doctor in his godly form and Kronos managed to revert the Quantum Archangel back into her human form (Novel: The Quantum Archangel)
The Ninth Doctor told Rose he was 900 years old because during the Last Great Time War, such as during the Battle of Rodan's Wedding, years became ammunition. The Doctor could remember being aged to five million years old when hit by one volley of shrapnel and then being de-aged to a baby by the next. Because of this mess, the Doctor could not be sure of his exact age but decided that he "felt" about a thousand years old, which he rounded to 900. (Short story: Doctor Who and the Time War) If you recall from TV: The Invasion of Time, Rodan was a Gallifreyan who was responsible for maintaining the transduction barrier.
The Bygone Horde was made up of all the species that had been erased from existence during the Last Great Time War, surviving only as a memory. They planned on returning to existence using the sacrifice of the human race, but the Ninth Doctor and Adam Mitchell stopped them. (Audio: The Other Side)
Ollistra attached an artron leash to the War Doctor, thus linking him to herself. These artron leashes were made by Gallifrey and forced the person on the receiving end - in this case the War Doctor - to stay close to the other. If they moved too far away, they would be given an intense electric shock. (Audio: A Thing of Guile)
The Fifth Doctor was forced to lead a military campaign against Morbius during the Civil War. He took on the alias the Supreme Coordinator (or the Supremo) and led a large army composed of Ice Warriors, Draconians, Sontarans, Ogrons, and Cybermen. The Daleks were not part of this Alliance, but the Doctor had a nightmare where they offered to help. (Novel: Warmonger)
The Ogrons had been the Doctor's bodyguards in this time in order to avoid jealousy that choosing one of the other species would have caused. (Novel: Warmonger)
Peri Brown had become a guerilla leader on Sylvana after the Doctor had sent her away to heal from a serious injury. She only met back up with the Doctor after he became general of his massive army. (Novel: Warmonger)
The Supreme Coordinator had such a big impact on those in his command that the Sontaran Battle Major Streg sacrificed himself to save the Supremo in battle. His last words were ones of thanks to the Supremo for giving him a glorious death in a legendary battle. (Novel: Warmonger)
An additional Time War was averted during the Eleventh Doctor's era. This clearly caused the Doctor a lot of distress, causing him to break down alone in his TARDIS and speak about how he didn't want to be a Warrior again. (Audio: Daleks Victorious)
A predicted timeline of this averted Time War suggested by a sentient Dalek time machine (named Tim) stated that the best end to this war (and the way to destroy the Daleks) would involve Valarie going back in time and changing her own personal history. Even in this best case scenario, however, the Time War would last billions of years and result in the Doctor’s death. (Audio: The Last Stand of Miss Valarie Lockwood)
The Loomstacks on Gallifrey 8 became so overworked during the War in Heaven that thick black smoke blocked out the sun over the Capitol. To create more troops for the War, Gallifrey would incinerate their dead soldiers, break their bodies into raw fabric, and reweave them into brand new troops. (Novel: The Taking of Planet 5)
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598 CE) was a Japanese military leader who, along with his predecessor Oda Nobunaga (1534-1582 CE) and his successor Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616 CE), is credited with unifying Japan in the 16th century CE. Hideyoshi rose from a humble background to become the country's military supremo, and he then reorganised the class system, instigated tax reforms, built castles, restored temples, and launched two invasions of Korea. Hideyoshi's foreign ambitions may have met with disaster but his restructuring of the state would establish the social and political norms which endured in Japan until the 19th century CE.
Nobunaga & Taking Power
Hideyoshi, originally named Kinoshita Hiyoshimaru, was born into a peasant family in 1537 CE. As a young man, he joined the army of the military leader/warlord Oda Nobunaga and rose through the ranks to eventually become a general and the most important military commander in Nobunaga's endeavour to conquer rival feudal lords and so unify Japan. Hideyoshi might have gained his overlord's respect as a commander but his small physique resulted in Nobunaga giving him the unflattering nickname of Saru or 'monkey.'
In 1582 CE Nobunaga was betrayed by one of his vassals, Akechi Mitsuhide, and obliged to commit suicide to avoid being handed over to his rivals. Hideyoshi, first killing Mitsuhide, then manoeuvred to gain the support of Nobunaga's relations and other important daimyo or feudal lords. He was thus able to install himself as the new military supremo in Japan, as yet, still only half of which was unified.
Hideyoshi, now commanding a force of some 200,000 men, successfully combined military campaigns with diplomacy amongst his rival daimyo to establish himself as the ruler of most of Japan in 1590 CE. In a five-year period beginning in 1585 CE, Hideyoshi had attacked western Japan, Kyushu and Shikoku. Success followed success, but there were some troublesome battles, notably the 100-day siege needed to take the castle of Odawara, the seat of the powerful Hojo family. The castle finally fell in 1590 CE and with it the last obstacle to Hideyoshi's rule. Other enemies had proved more amenable to negotiation and were offered to keep some of their lands. Notable amongst these were the Shimazu of Satsuma and the Mori of Choshu.
As with other military leaders before and after, Hideyoshi might have dominated the field of battle but he still sought legitimacy from the monarchy. To gain royal favour from the emperor who had no real power of his own, he gave money for court ceremonies and rebuilt the palace at the capital Heiankyo (Kyoto). Hideyoshi added another, much more bizarre claim to his legitimacy to rule by stating his belief that he was descended from the Shinto sun god. There were even performances of Noh theatre telling this story which Hideyoshi himself performed in. The cherry on the cake came when Hideyoshi adopted the prestigious family name of Fujiwara, began to call himself Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and ultimately awarded himself the title of Taiko ('retired regent'), which was higher than that of the shogun, the title his military predecessors had taken.
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armatofu · 10 months
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Al comienzo de los años 20 del siglo XX, (1924) la cocaína y la morfina eran de consumo  habitual en cabarets y locales nocturnos  de ciudades como Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia. Francia parecía ejercer una perniciosa influencia sobre nuestras fronteras. Se temía un contagio de una modernidad sobre la que poco se sabía realmente.
 Sexo y droga, una combinación difícil de superar, ni siquiera para el dictador Miguel Primo de Rivera que no supo librarse de sus embrujos y fue capaz de destituir a un juez que detuvo a su amante favorita, una prostituta andaluza conocida como La “Caoba” que además mercadeaba con la cocaína.
La “Caoba” frecuentaba el tablao flamenco, Villa Rosa, que nació de la mano de dos banderilleros y un picador como freiduría de” pescaito” y finos, entre la calle Gorguera y el callejón Álvarez Gato en 1911, y que en 1924 contaba con buenos cantaores como Antonio Chacón.  En los reservados del Villa Rosa solían perderse la elite política, militar, burgueses y el rey Alfonso XIII.  
Pero el protagonista del escándalo fue el  general Miguel Primo de Rivera, que sirvió en Marruecos, Cuba y Filipinas, estuvo seis años casado y tuvo seis hijos, su esposa Casilda Saenz de Heredia  murió precisamente de parto.  En su viudez, el general se convirtió en asiduo de casas de juego,cabarés, music halls, se rodeó de numerosas amantes como la cupletista Raquel Meller,  prostitutas, sobre todo, de la ya nombrada, la “Caoba” que fue detenida y procesada por tráfico de drogas y chantaje a un empresario.
Fue procesada por el juez, don José Prendes Pando. Es entonces cuando el dictador Primo de Rivera indica al magistrado que deje libre a su amante,  aduciendo que él era protector de jóvenes alegres. No cejó  hasta que el juez fue enviado a Albacete, expulsado de la carrera judicial y el  presidente del Tribunal Supremo, don Buenaventura Muñoz, que respaldó al magistrado,  fue jubilado anticipadamente.
 Hubo quien se atrevió a criticar abiertamente al dictador, como El Colegio de Abogados de Madrid, quien en junta general alzaron sus voces enérgicas y condenaron la intromisión del Dictador, emitiendo una nota de protesta. También se criticó en los círculos intelectuales alrededor del Ateneo de Madrid. Así lo hicieron su presidente, don Rodrigo Soriano y un miembro tan destacado como don Miguel de Unamuno, entonces vicerrector de la Universidad de Salamanca.
La “Caoba” salió de la cárcel y a ambos ateneístas la crítica les costó el destierro a Fuerteventura. Dicen que la última frase del catedrático en su clase de la Universidad de Salamanca fue: “Para el día próximo, lección siguiente”. El Ateneo fue clausurado.
 El Heraldo de Madrid, habló tambien sobre el tema, pero para evitar represalias contó que el suceso se había producido en Bulgaria y el protagonista era el primer ministro de este país. 
Unamuno al año del exilio publicó De Fuerteventura a París. Diario íntimo de confinamiento y destierro vertido en sonetos por Unamuno, una colección de textos y referencias a una España que se le negaba. También habló de La Caoba :
«Famoso se hizo el caso de la ramera, vendedora de drogas prohibidas por la ley y conocida por La Caoba, a la que un juez de Madrid hizo detener para registrar su casa y el Dictador le obligó a que la soltase y renunciara a procesarla por salir fiador de ella.
Cuando el caso se hizo público y el Rey, según parece, le llamó sobre ello la atención, se le revolvió la ingénita botaratería, perdió los estribos — no la cabeza, que no la tiene — y procedió contra el juez tratando de defenderse en unas notas en que se declaraba protector de las jóvenes alegres.
Aquellas notas han sido uno de los baldones más bochornosos que se han echado sobre España, a la que el Dictador ha tratado como a otra ramera de las que ha conocido en los burdeles. Se ha complacido en mostrar sus vergüenzas y en sobárselas delante de ella«.
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nikovlai · 3 months
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ꕤ ꕀ XU FAMILY ( + bonus )
HABILIDAD: manejo de armas (1/3).
la familia XU se mudó desde china a alemania, asentándose en la ciudad de berlín cuando nikolai todavía era muy pequeño. vivió toda su niñez y adolescencia en un vecindario acomodado, hasta que finalmente se mudó al centro una vez cumplió la mayoría de edad. luego, se hizo con una casa en la periferia apenas contrajo matrimonio para vivir junto a su esposa.
AUGUST XU (padre): 55 años. fiscal, trabaja en la Bundesanwaltschaft (Fiscalía Federal General del Tribunal Supremo de lo Civil y Penal), un hombre frío y calculador que siempre pone sus objetivos por delante. sus contactos a lo largo de los años lo han vuelto una figura sumamente poderosa. tiene una relación sumamente conflictiva con nikolai, y no se hablan desde hace años.
IVONNE XU (madre): 58 años. se considera a sí misma una socialité, desde siempre pasando el tiempo en eventos más que en su propia casa. por ello, su relación con nikolai ha sido distante desde siempre. su matrimonio con august fue arreglado por su familia.
IRYA XU (media hermana mayor): hija de una relación anterior de august antes de que tuviese que comprometerse con ivonne. vivió en china gran parte de su vida, pero en su veintena, viajó y se instaló en berlín para conocer a su hermano menor. allí se dedicó al arte. su relación con nikolai se volvió inmediatamente cercana y estrecha, el mismo considerándola su familia más cercana. se encuentra desaparecida desde hace dos años, y su caso fue cerrado por su propio padre.
GRETEL XU, antes GRETEL YI (esposa): conoció a nikolai gracias a su trabajo, durante la persecución de un criminal. solía desempeñarse como interrogadora y tenía basto conocimiento en psicología, además, parecía disfrutar de la pintura y escultura como pasatiempo. falleció hace dos años en extrañas circunstancias, embarazada del hijo de nikolai. su muerte lo dejó devastado.
[ _______ ]: ERROR. no se puede acceder a esta información.
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profesor-javaloyes · 25 days
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En mi "molesta" opinión.-
Delito de odio.
“Yo acuso” (Emile Zola). “Yo me acuso” (viejo Profesor Javaloyes).
Queridos niños, el viejo Profesor se presenta voluntariamente y acusa así mismo (autoacusándose para que entienda el vulgo) y solicita -¡qué digo, exige!- caiga sobre él y se le aplique todo el rigor y peso de la ley pasada, presente y la futura que se anuncia (amenaza) por el Gobierno de España.
Me incrimino como responsable, autor intelectual y material del injustificable documento gráfico que se acompaña. Una vergüenza, un atentado al respeto del derecho a la imagen ajena y más grave aún cuando en ella se incluye a alguien en el que se refleja su placidez venerable y que si bien cuenta con detractores, es estimado y adorado por sus capacidades y aportación al mundo en general. Alguien que se desprende de todo en beneficio de los demás.
El otro, un ser inmundo, sucio y embarrado por una mierda adquirida y acumulada en el lodazal en que se mueve y que desea e impone como su morada y estilo de vida, la de sus hijos y descendientes y el resto de mortales en general.
Asumo íntegramente pequeñas criaturas, la responsabilidad del daño y el menoscabo demostrado y exhibido como el ente cínico, abyecto, malvado y sin alma que soy, carente de ningún derecho a la compasión tras poner en un mismo plano al líder supremo de la República Islámica de Irán, susantidad ayatolá Alí Hoseiní Jamenei con un cerdo anónimo.
Y en un intento de reparar, así sea de forma testimonial, mi inexcusable actuación sin esperar indulgencia alguna pido sinceras disculpas públicamente al perjudicado:
¡Perdón por mi insolencia, desfachatez y descaro… Señor Cerdo!.
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eliasmendoza · 1 year
HPHL Character Sheet - Elias Mendoza
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Oh hey hello! I would like to introduce my boy, Elias, to the world. I must point out that everything is still a work in progress, especially the plot but here we go.
Information under the cut!
Name: Rafael Elias Anastacio Mendoza y Mangubat Nickname: Elias Gender: Male Birth Date: 31 May Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISTJ Species: Human Blood Status: Half-blood Sexuality: Gay Alignment: Neutral Good Ethnicity: Asian Nationality: Filipino Residence: Laguna, Philippines / Brighton, England
Wand: Elder, Phoenix Feather, 14 1/2 inches, Hard
 The truth is that only a highly unusual person will find their perfect match in elder, and on the rare occasion when such a pairing occurs, [Ollivanders] take it as certain that the witch or wizard in question is marked out for a special destiny.
Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn hair or dragon heartstring cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.
A wand of [hard] flexibility is very difficult to work with and its loyalty is not won easily. Hard wands are great for complex and advanced levels of magic, so beginning wizards and witches may find extra difficulty with this wand when it doesn’t perform well for simple magic. As such, this type of wand is best suited for wizards and witches who are gifted, stubborn, and never give up. Owners of this wand also have a tendency to view things in absolutes; black or white. Some people may find them intimidating or difficult to approach.
Animagus/Patronus: Philippine Eagle
Patronus Memory: Christmas in the village with his mother
Bogart: The deaths of his friends and family in the hands of the Spanish friars and militia
Ridikulus: Lavish and hearty parties with his friends and family
Miscellaneous Magical Abilities:
Legilimency and Occlumency Legilimency and occlumency have long been hereditary powers passed down each generation of the Mendoza family. Elias was able to harness his abilities to its full potential by the time he turned 12 years old.
Animagus (Philippine eagle) It becomes tradition in the family and the village that every successor to the title of Supremo becomes well-versed in every type of magic detailed by the predecessors of the title. One part of this tradition is to become an Animagus by the age of 10.|
Wandless magic Elias, like the rest of his family, learned to harness their magic without wands at an early age. However, at Hogwarts, he was required to use a wand, which he had initial difficulty with but managed to use.
Celestial divination Every Supremo aspirant has to be a master of the art of divination. Elias’ best application of the craft is in the field of celestial divination. Living in a mountain village grants him wider access to the nightsky compared to living in the city.
Amortentia (What Elias smells like vs. what Elias smells):
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Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: Atom Araullo
Singing Voiceclaim: Josh Groban Singing Vocal Type: Tenor Height: 6'0 Weight: 175 lbs. Physique: Mesomorphic Eye Colour: Brown Hair Colour: Black Skin Tone: Tan Body Modifications: None Scarring: Scar on his right eye area from his escape with his mother from their village during the Revolution
Intelligent - Elias is intellectually gifted with a natural need to satisfy his thirst for knowledge, which comes especially handy when it comes to wanting to explore various aspects of magic.
Charismatic - Elias's gentlemanly charm and aura somehow draws people to him (even the people he doesn't care for very much *ehem Leander Prewett ehem*) but
Gentle - Around people he’s closest with, Elias comfortably shows the kind and gentle person he is. He does the same thing with his patients whenever he volunteers at the Hospital Wing alongside his mother. The head matron of the Hospital Wing once told Ma. Aurora that Elias’ bedside manner was admirable for someone his age and that could be a great Healer one day if he chose to become one because of it.
Self-Reliant - In order to help his mother worry less about him at Hogwarts, Elias self-enforces a self-reliant attitude to make sure she worries less about him. He does, on rare occasions, show light frustration about his seeming inability to indulge. On the other hand, during troubling times, he tends to close off his problems from others so that he doesn't bother others with his problems. Elias tends to repress his emotions in order to put something else that he believes is more important first like his duties to learn and to help his mother when he can. It comes to a point that he forgets that being able to be in touch with how he feels is part of taking care of himself. At worst, his emotions bottle up until they blow up and he lashes out at others.
Hardworking - In relation to his self-reliance, Elias works hard whenever he has a goal he wants to achieve. He maintains his dilligence constantly and does all that he can to make sure his goals are met ethically.
Grateful - Because he was given refuge at Hogwarts with his mother, he makes it a point to excel in his education at school as a sort of debt of gratitude for the Board of Governors allowing him and his mother to reside at the school. This “debt of gratitude” ideology and can at times push Elias beyond his limits to a point that he forgets to take care of himself.
V. ALLEGIANCES Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Affiliations/Organizations: Ang Konseho ng Mahika ng Nayon ni Maria (Tagalog, lit. “The Council of Magic of Maria’s Village”), previously
Volunteer at the Hospital Wing (during Hogwarts years)
Curse-breaker for Gringotts
Class Proficiency: Astronomy: ★★★★★★★★★★ Charms: ★★★★★★★★★★ DADA: ★★★★★★★★★★ Divination: ★★★★★★★★★★ Flying: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ Herbology: ★★★★★★★★★★ History of Magic: ★★★★★★★★★☆ Magical Theory: ★★★★★★★★★★ Potions: ★★★★★★★★★★ Transfiguration: ★★★★★★★★★★
Electives: Alchemy: ★★★★★★★★★★ Ancient Studies: ★★★★★★★★★★ Arithmancy: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ Care of Magical Creatures: ★★★★★★★★★★ Music: ★★★★★★★★★★
Best Subject: Defence Against the Dark Arts His adeptness at martial magic can be credited to his skill and learning from back home. He uses his knowledge from then to build on what he learns now to come out with more powerful offences and defences.
Favourite Subjects: DADA, Charms, Transfiguration, and Magical Theory
Favourite Teacher: Professor Eleazar Fig. Fig has been with Elias since the start of Elias' journey in Hogwarts. In a way, Fig became a sort of paternal figure to Elias, which the latter deeply appreciated.
Worst Subjects: Flying Elias isn't bad at flying on a broomstick, but it's not his best class either. He's just meh.
Least Favourite Subject: History of Magic As much as Elias understands the importance of history in any field, the way this class is taught throws this course right to the very bottom of his list.
Least Favourite Teacher: Professor Cuthbert Binns. Enough said.
Mother: Ma. Aurora Leonor Mendoza y Mangubat Ma. Aurora is the current Supremo and shaman (also known as babaylan in Tagalog) of the village coven who taught Elias everything he knew about magic. Ma. Aurora is extremely proficient in charms, transfiguration, divination, herbology, potions, alchemy, martial magic, and most especially, healing. Medical magic has been her greatest strength as a wielder of magic.
Ma. Aurora is a single mother. Her husband Victor Saturnino Mendoza y del Rosario, died in action when he succumbed to his wounds mere minutes after being severely injured by Spanish guards in a battle to free one of the nearby non-magical towns when Elias was only a toddler. (NOTE: ”Ma.” is short for “Maria”)
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Love Interest: Sebastian Sallow
Best/Closest Canon Friends:
Sebastian Sallow
Anne Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Amit Thakkar
Natsai Onai
Poppy Sweeting
Garreth Weasley
Imelda Reyes
Samantha Dale
Best/Closest OC Friend: Cassius Shade (made by my closest friend uwu)
OC Friends:
Daniel Gibson (@catohphm)
Maya Catapang (@sallowslytherin)
William Sherrot (@thisconfusedginger)
If you guys want to be friends with Elias, hit me up! I'd love that. Elias is a sweetheart who deserves friends. 🥹
Other Acquaintances:
Leander Prewett NOTE: Elias doesn't particularly care for Leander, to put it lightly; Leander has an unrequited crush on Elias.
Andrew Larson
Everett Clopton
Victor Rookwood
Theophilus Harlow
Cassius Shade
Amit Thakkar
Everett Clopton
Andrew Larson
Pets: Cesar, a stray kneazle he found on rainy day at Hogsmeade in Year 3.
Elias developed a liking for hot chocolate in Britain as it reminded him of tsokolate tablea from back home in the Philippines. (More on it in the miscellaneous section).
Elias is a talented musician. He's especially gifted on the piano, guitar, and the bandurria (as in Marcin Patrzalek levels of gifted). Elias also has an incredible tenor singing voice. He trained in music as a child but still plays music once in a while to release stress. He'd never admit to it, but he uses these talents to make potential lovers swoon. *ehem Sebastian ehem*
Speaking of Sebastian and music, Elias once played music for Sebastian on his guitar. He played Frederick Chopin's Nocturne Op. 9, No. 2 on the guitar because Elias thinks this song describes the joy and love he feels for Sebastian. 🥹
WARNING: Canon revisionism and mentions of the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines are in effect. If you feel strongly against it, well, kindly submit a complaint to 1-800-I-DONT-CARE.
Elias Mendoza was born and raised in the village of Ang Nayon ni Maria (Tagalog, lit. “Maria’s Village”) located in Mount Makiling in Laguna, Philippines. His mother, Ma. Aurora Leonor Mendoza y Mangubat, the current Supremo (Tagalog, lit. “Supreme”) of the coven of the village, was among the last magical users of their village and the keeper and teacher of the knowledge of the ancient magical arts of their ancestors. Ma. Aurora, his mother, acted as his teacher in the various disciplines of magic.
At an early age, Elias was capable of using magic and was able to develop his powers. Manifesting those powers and being the only child of the family meant he would one day take over for his mother and bear the responsibility in his village and his bloodline of being the next Supremo. At this time, he was taught various fields of magic that would be essential to his ascension to Supremo, such as transfiguration, potions and alchemy, divination, healing magic, caring for magical beasts, charms, and even the dark arts and how to defend against it.
Pre-Philippine Revolution
When Elias was 10 years old, the foundations of the Philippine Revolution were being put into place. This was putting everybody in danger, even the village his coven was part of. Because any sort of “witchcraft" and "magic” was persecuted by the Catholic clergy, Elias and Ma. Aurora became targets. (The erasure of these parts of the country's precolonial culture and beliefs were kindling to the motivations for the eventual Revolution in 1896.)
The village council heard that soldiers from opposing and oppressive Spanish forces against the Filipinos were planning to kill Elias and Ma. Aurora,. they decided it was best to have mother and son flee the country and seek refuge with allies abroad.
Before they left, Elias and Ma. Aurora packed some of their most valuable items and memorabilia from their house, including multiple volumes of manuscripts on Philippine magic, family trinkets and tokens, and many more. Elias also chose to save his father's glasses and use them as his own.
While they were escaping, Elias sustained an injury on the area of his right eye after he was shot at by a Spanish soldier. The soldier missed and shot a window by accident, but the glass from the window scratched Elias' face and left him with a permanent scar. His eye did not sustain any injuries.
Life in England
Elias and Ma. Aurora were taken in by their coven ally Marcelo Roman de la Iglesias y Alonzo. Marcelo is a newspaper illustrator, and Herbology author specializing in the magical properties of Philippine flora. Marcelo was also an Ilustrado, a member of the Filipino educated class during the Spanish colonial era, who was living in Brighton, England.
It took 3 years for Elias and his mom to adjust to life in England but they learned the British ways of life enough to get by from being able to use British currency to speaking basic English. To pass the time in refuge, he spent his time in Marcelo’s library, reading all the books he could find on herbology, ancient history, and everything about magic. He also helped out his mother with taking care of Marcelo’s greenhouse while Marcelo took good care of them.
Another Filipino and coven ally residing in Madrid, Fernando Realonda de Guzman, visited Elias, Ma. Aurora, and Marcelo to deliver the grave news that the village has been destroyed by the Spanish militia and that there were no survivors.
When Marcelo realized that he can no longer keep Elias and Ma. Aurora safe in his residence because rumors were afloat of the Mendozas’ survival and whereabouts in Brighton, he reached out to friends in the British Ministry of Magic and in the Hogwarts Board of Governors to help secure refuge for the mother-and-son duo at Hogwarts, believing that they will be safe at the castle while Marcelo began to pack up and move to Madrid with Fernando for the time being.
Hogwarts Years:
Year 3
When Elias turned 13, the Hogwarts Board of Governors granted refuge to Elias and Ma. Aurora, thanks to Marcelo’s connections to the school. In exchange for refuge, Elias must enroll at Hogwarts and complete his education all the way to Year 7 without failing his classes, while Ma. Aurora must use her abilities in healing as an assistant matron in the Hospital Wing.
Hogwarts sent Magical Theory Professor Eleazar Fig to help Elias adjust to western magic and even with the use of a wand. Elias only had a few weeks to learn before he, his mother, and Professor Fig departed for Hogwarts.
Elias was the last to be sorted in the Sorting Ceremony as he was the oldest and was sorted into Ravenclaw.
In the first few months of Hogwarts, he had a hard time adjusting to life at Hogwarts. Sure, he managed to even defeat a classmate (*ehem Sebastian Sallow ehem*) on his first day of class at Defense Against the Dark Arts but it was still difficult to manage using a wand. He also had a difficult time making friends as well since he entered his Hogwarts education very late. He even felt like none of the three years he spent adjusting to British life prepared him for what life at Hogwarts would be like. On the plus side of things, he was on amicable terms at first with his dormmates, which grew into a brotherhood he needed to keep going at Hogwarts.
Anne Sallow was actually one of Elias' first friends. She made the first move and pretty much integrated Elias into all of her friend activities with her twin brother Sebastian (whose ass Elias whipped in a duel quite earlier) and her other best friend, Ominis Gaunt. Initially, Ominis was rather guarded around Elias but warmed up to him when Elias was playing some rather beautiful Ave Maria in the music room one day. Elias and Ominis bonded over classical music and eventually became friends.
Year 4
The news of Anne Sallow's cursing broke Elias' heart. Anne was such a dear friend and a kind soul that he couldn't understand what sort of monster would want to harm Anne. Anne's absence from school left a hole in Elias' friend group that was noticed by everyone.
Elias realized that he was falling in love with the charming, intelligent, and charismatic Slytherin by the name of Sebastian Sallow. Sebastian was his best friend ever since Elias bested him within 10 seconds during their first duel at DADA on Elias' first day. Sebastian was one of the few people kind enough to reach out to Elias and be friends with him right off the bat. It was also Sebastian who made the most effort to get to know Elias and spend time with him as much as he could.
One fall afternoon from a trip to Hogsmeade, as they sat near the waterside and enjoyed some sweets, Sebastian and Elias had a conversation that led to an accidental revelation of love (from Sebastian). Elias was scared, knowing that he felt the same for Sebastian but didn't know if reciprocating was the best idea. For once, Elias chose to act with his heart and kissed Sebastian. Sebastian kissed the boy back as they held on to each other, not wanting to let each other go. After a while, they decided to give the idea of them a shot and become boyfriends.
Because Anne was still ill from her curse, Elias felt a bit of guilt for, as he would put it, indulging in a relationship with his friend's brother who was worrying over Anne on another level. Anne, however, had a feeling Elias and Sebastian would somehow end up together. Her being right was perhaps what made her crack a smile the day that her brother and her best friend visited her in Feldcroft.
Ma. Aurora knew of Elias’ relationship with Sebastian through her mother's intuition and the fact that Sebastian suspiciously started volunteering at the Hospital Wing after the two boys got together. He expected his mother to berate him for such a taboo, but was surprised that his mother did not care that Elias fell in love with a man. She knew that her relationship with her son mattered more over what society had to say about Elias and Sebastian, especially during a time when she knew she could lose her son at any time. She chose to be there for her son no matter what.
Year 5
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At age 15, the world around him began to change as he started developing (quite rapidly) a different form of magic that had been rather latent: the use of an ancient magic that has never been seen for centuries. He learned that he had this ability on his journey back to Hogwarts after visiting London with Professor Fig to help secure his school supplies for his fifth year.
When Anne Sallow, Sebastian's twin sister, was teetering into a critical medical condition and was losing her life slowly but surely, Sebastian was at a tipping point and was close to using an ancient dark relic that may or may not have the ability to save Anne at the expense of Sebastian's humanity.
Ma. Aurora, Ominis, Amit Thakkar, and Natsai Onai, through the ancient manuscripts that the matron was able to save, found an ancient Filipino ritual that would allow a curse to be transferred back to its caster as long as the caster is living. Elias chose to participate in the ritual with his mother in order to save Anne Sallow, while Sebastian and Ominis waited outside the Hospital Wing anxiously. The ritual produced a specter of an dark and mangy street dog, ridden with ticks that carried the curse that haunted Anne. Ma. Aurora commanded the dog to find Victor Rookwood and infect him. The curse was successful, given how Victor Rookwood was constantly in pain upon his final confrontation with Elias outside Olivanders.
Solomon Sallow was obliviated, removing any memory he had of the battle at the catacombs, to protect Elias' and Sebastian's enrollment status at the school. Matilda Weasley was made aware of the situation but chose to shelf the incident, happy that Anne Sallow was saved but concerned over Elias and Sebastian's journey to achieve it. Professor Weasley granted mercy to the boys but warned them that she will not take future dalliances with dark magic as leniently next time.
Elias' final battle with Ranrok was watched by Sebastian (who was anxious the entire time and frustrated over not being able to do anything to help), Amit, Ominis (who relied on Amit's narration of events), the wheelchair-bound Natty, Poppy, and Garreth in the Map Chamber with the other professors. When the professors moved in to help battle the goblin armies, Herbology professor Mirabel Garlick and Deek the house-elf were tasked to watch over Elias' friends as they all watched the battle unfold on the floors of the Map Chamber. It seemed all hope was nearly lost when Elias sustained a critical hit from Ranrok's dragon, but Elias was able to strike back and win the battle for good.
To this day, nobody knows if Elias took the power of the repository for himself or if he let it lie where it lay.
Elias' victory over Ranrok in the final battle of the repository cost him his mentor, Professor Fig, who died peacefully in Elias' arms. The professors found them and were shocked and heartbroken to see their colleague and friend dead. Elias grieved, feeling as if his only father figure has been ripped away from him.
Eventually, Elias and Sebastian found time to process all the events that happened to them together and talk about their future. After everything they went through, they decided to stick together and keep going.
Elias eventually graduated at the top of his class and found a job as a Curse-breaker for Gringotts. He and Sebastian eventually decide to move (with Ominis) to London to be closer to work. The trio, along with Ministry poacher hunters Natty and Poppy, astronomer Amit, chaser Imelda, and the rest of the gang, would get together once in a while to catch up and have fun like they were kids again.
Given how he and his mother no longer had the Village to return to, they decided it was best to have new lives in England. Ma. Aurora stayed at Hogwarts and continued her work as an assistant matron and eventually became the head matron of the Hospital Wing. She couldn't place a finger on it, but working as a healer seemed to give her more peace than when she was the head of the coven; and so, she chose the more peaceful path in her life. She eventually tutors Anne Sallow, who chooses to become a healer herself at Hogwarts after much work experience at St. Mungo's. Elias still kept in touch with his mother.
Elias eventually married Sebastian and they had three children: two boys (Eleazar Alfonso and Santiago Vittorio) and a girl (Leonora Anne), with the latter two being named after Eleazar Fig; Elias' father, Victor; Elias’s mother, Ma. Aurora Leonor; and, Anne Sallow, respectively. Eleazar and Leonora were sorted into Ravenclaw while the middle child Santiago was put in Slytherin.
After exciting careers that took them around the world, the two settled in Brighton. They settled in the home that was previously owned by Elias' old family friend, Marcelo de la Iglesias, after the latter chose to settle in Paris, France permanently.
When life calmed down for Elias and Sebastian as the kids grew up, It was during this time that Elias decided to turn all of what he learned of the ancient magic he learned from his former coven and from his time as a Keeper of ancient magic at Hogwarts into a book, supported by Sebastian and his intensive habit cross-referencing. The notes have been completed and a manuscript was finished, shelved away with hopes to turn them into a book.
Elias’ village, Ang Nayon ni Maria (Maria’s Village), is hidden remotely away in Mount Makiling in the province of Laguna. The village acted as a place of refuge for many magical families. The name Maria is a reference to Maria Makiling, the mountain guardian and deity who protects the aforementioned mountain and its bounty.
Elias developed a liking for hot chocolate in Britain as it reminded him of tsokolate tablea from back home in the Philippines. Tablea are (literally) tablets of roasted, ground, and molded fermented pure (100%) cacao beans. Preparation for tsokolate tablea is different from European hot chocolate, in which the end result of tsokolate tablea is a thicker and richer beverage compared to the European version.
Elias’ “debt of gratitude” is a reference to a common Filipino trait called “utang na loob”, which literally translates to “a debt of one’s inner self”. In Filipino psychology, “utang na loob” is an “accomodative surface value” wherein one accommodates what the world wants. “Utang na loob” is rooted in the essence of obligation to repay a debt that is beyond an ordinary debt or the Western notion of owing a favor. In Elias’ case, he’s attempting to repay debt that is impossible to quantify (ie. his being granted refuge at Hogwarts).
The ancient Filipino ritual Ma. Aurora uses to heal Anne is inspired by the 2022 Filipino-Irish psychological thriller film, Nocebo, directed by Lorcan Finnegan and starring Eva Green and Chai Fonacier. The film revolves around a children's fashion designer being plagued with an unknown illness and turns to a Filipino nanny who uses traditional folk healing methods "to reveal a horrifying truth" to her illness.
Hi all! So, thank you for making it this far. I’m sure to edit a bunch of stuff along the way so yeah. Plus, I’m literally fucking with the timeline here because I… honestly could not care enough about it lol.
I also couldn't bear the thought of Anne Sallow dying without a cure. I don't have the heart to just let her die like that so I did research on possible ways to cure Anne in Philippine mythology.
Again, if anyone wants their HPHL be friends with Elias, just hit me up or reblog this post and let me know!
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cannoli-boy · 1 year
the man ever
elcome to me uh General Supremo posting
H idk what to say rly i dint wantbto be active here anymore
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anyways i want ti do unspeakable shit to this old fuck🥰🥰🥰🥰
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46snowfox · 9 months
Kino Chaos Lineage Capítulo 4
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[Capítulo 3]
“El día siguiente tras explorar la mansión de Carla-san.
Reiji-san reunió a todos en el living y empezó a hablar en base a la información que Kino-kun le otorgó.”
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Lugar: Mansión Scarlet, living comedor.
Reiji: Según la información de Kino, Carla y sus hermanos nos atacarán mañana.
Reiji: Y si ese es el caso, entonces debemos tomar la iniciativa y efectuar un ataque sorpresa durante esta noche. Primero les explicaré el plan general—
Yui: (Explica su plan sin interrupciones… Puedo escuchar como menciona palabras tan tétricas como “derrotar” o “aniquilar”.)
Yui: (La batalla para ser el rey supremo… Si esto sigue así los hermanos acabarán matándose entre ellos.)
Yui: (Pero yo no puedo detenerlos.)
“Le imploré a Reiji-san que pusiera fin a esta batalla, pero inmediatamente le bajó el perfil a mi plegaria.
Pasó lo mismo con Shu-san y Yuma-kun. Ninguno de ellos quiso escucharme.
Para convertirme en el rey supremo he de aniquilar a cualquiera que me estorbe— ninguno de ellos puede escapar de esas memorias implantadas.
La única persona en la que puedo confiar— es Kino-kun.”
Reiji: Eso es todo, asegúrense de cumplir sus respectivos roles al pie de la letra.
Yuma: Sí, confía en mí.
Shu: Aah… que pereza…
Reiji: Tan desmotivado como siempre. ¿Acaso es imposible preocuparte?
Shu: Déjame en paz. Aún queda tiempo antes de partir. Hasta entonces estaré en mi habitación.
Reiji: …Que retorcido es.
Yuma: Esto no es propio de ti, relájate un poco. Descansemos en nuestras habitaciones para ahorrar energía.
Reiji: Sí… lidiar con ese bueno para nada solo sería gastar energías en vano.
Yui: (Reiji-san… parece ansioso.)
Kino: Nosotros también regresemos. Oh cierto, hay kompeito así que me lo llevaré como bocadillo.
Yui: Ah… Sí, es buena idea.
Lugar: Mansión Scarlet, habitación de Kino
Yui: Oye Kino-kun. Si nos dirigimos a la mansión Violet el conflicto terminará siendo inevitable.
Kino: Sí… es verdad.
Yui: ¿Crees que podamos detener a Reiji-san y los demás antes de que eso ocurra?
Kino: No sé.
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Yui: Ehm… Kino-kun, lamento interrumpirte mientras comes tu bocadillo, pero estamos hablando de algo serio.
Kino: ¿Acaso también quieres kompeito? Si me lo pides puede que te comparta.
Yui: No. Eso no es de lo que quiero hablar ahora—
Yui: ¡¿Nnn?!
Yui: (¡Me… me acaba de meter algo a la boca! ¿…Es kompeito?)
Kino: Es una de nuestras preciadas reservas de comida, así que asegúrate de disfrutarla. Mira, voy a ayudarte.
Yui: (¡¿Está sujetando mi boca…?! Me cuesta… respirar.)
Yui: ¡—!  ¡Nn…!
Kino: Estás llorando. ¿Tanto te duele? ¿Quieres que te suelte?
Yui: ¡Nn! ¡Nn!
Kino: Que remedio. Parece que te lo comiste, así que te soltaré.
Yui: Aah… ah, ah…
Kino: ¡Jaja! ¡Tu rostro es una obra maestra! Ahora agradece la comida.
Yui: No… aah… ¡No voy a decir eso…!
Kino: Je, y eso que te di algo, que grosera eres. Parece que los Sakamaki no te adiestraron bien.
Yui: No… ¡Suelta mi cara…!
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Kino: …Oye, ¿por qué te preocupas tanto por el resto?
Yui: ¿Eh? Pues—
Yui Porque son hermanos y no quiero que peleen entre ellos…
Kino: Esa es tu ideología, ¿no? ¿No te has parado a pensar que ellos no piensan igual?
Kino: Puede que incluso si recuperan sus recuerdos estén dispuestos a matarse entre ellos con tal de demostrar que son mejores que el resto.
Yui: ¡Jamás harían eso!
Yui: No sé cómo se habrían comportado en el pasado…
Yui: Pero los Sakamaki actualmente han empezado a cerrar la brecha que existía entre ellos.
Kino: Hmm.
Yui: Además, los Mukami siempre han sido muy unidos— Lo notaste cuando fuimos a la mansión Violet, ¿no?
Yui: Incluso con los recuerdos alterados, Kou-kun y Azusa-kun se llevan de maravilla.
Kino: Les hicieron creer que son hermanos de sangre, es normal que actúen así.
Yui: Pero parecía haber cierta confianza entre ellos.
Yui: Incluso si sus recuerdos son alterados, no pueden cambiar ni los sentimientos ni el fuerte vínculo que tienen.
Kino: —Eso no existe.
Yui: …
Yui: (Que expresión tan fría… es la primera vez que le veo así.)
Kino: Un vínculo entre hermanos, ja. ¿Te atreves a hablar de algo así ante un hijo ilegítimo como yo?
Yui: Ah…
Yui: (Es cierto, Kino-kun es el hijo ilegítimo de Karl Heinz-san.)
Yui: (Por algún motivo no fue criado junto a los Sakamaki…)
Kino: Soy hijo de Karl Heinz, pero hasta ahora he vivido solo.
Kino: ¿Y le hablas a alguien como yo sobre vínculos? ¿Intentas burlarte de mí? Aah, que dolido estoy.
Yui: ¡L-lo siento! Tuve muy poco tacto… Pero no lo dije con la intención de hacerte sentir mal.
Kino: No quiero que te disculpes solo con palabras.
*la empuja*
Yui: Agh…
Yui: (¡Me arrojó al suelo…! ¿Acaso va a succionar mi sangre…?)
Kino: No voy a beber tu sangre. Quiero castigarte de otra forma.
Kino: Oh… ya sé. Oye, ¿tanto deseas detener la batalla?
Yui: ¿Eh…? Sí… Quiero detenerla.
Kino: Entonces… te daré un dato interesante.
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Lugar: Mansión Scarlet, pasillo
Yui: Shu-san. ¿está adentro?
Yui: (No responde…)
Yui: (No parece haber cerrado con seguro. No tengo tiempo para dudar, debo decírselo cuánto antes.)
Yui: (¡Debo darle a Shu-san la información que Kino-kun me entregó…!)
Lugar: Mansión Scarlet, habitación de Shu
Yui: Con permiso…
Shu: …
Yui: (¿Shu-san está dormido…?)
Yui: (Ya casi van a salir a atacar y no se ha preparado para nada.)
Yui: (Aunque bueno… hablamos de Shu-san.)
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Shu: Tienes muchas agallas para entrar sin permiso.
Yui: ¡¿Kyaaa?! ¿E-estabas despierto…?
Shu: Desperté cuando entraste.
Yui: (¡Uh, como perturbé su sueño ahora está de mal humor…!)
Yui: Lo siento… pero se trata de algo importante.
Shu: ¿De qué se trata?
Shu: Como voy a tener que moverme un montón quería aprovechar de dormir hasta el último instante.
Yui: (Debo transmitírselo adecuadamente… Necesito que la estrategia de Kino-kun sea un éxito—)
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Kino: Oh… ya sé. Oye, ¿tanto deseas detener la batalla?
Yui: ¿Eh…? Sí… Quiero detenerla.
Kino: Entonces… te daré un dato interesante.
Kino: Es imposible que Reiji te haga caso.
Kino: Por eso necesitamos que alguien más detenga a Reiji. ¿Qué opinas? ¿Se te ocurre alguien?
Shu-san ♙
Yuma-kun ♟
Yui: De entre nosotros, Shu-san, definitivamente.
Kino: Lo dices con plena confianza. ¿En qué te basas?
Yui: En que son hermanos de sangre.
Yui: Aunque sus recuerdos hayan sido manipulados esa realidad es inalterable.
Kino: …Je, mencionas justo lo que más me molesta.
Yui: Ay, no lo decía con esa intención…
Yui: ¿Qué tal Yuma-kun?
Kino: ¿Por qué él?
Yui: Porque Reiji-san y Shu-san no parecen llevarse muy bien.
Yui: Y puede que Yuma-kun sea capaz de aligerar la tensión que hay entre ellos.
Kino: ¿Vas a depositar tu confianza en Yuma? ¿El mismo Yuma al que le encargaron traernos de vuelta y que al final se fue a inspeccionar la mansión de Ruki?
Yui: …Lo siento. Déjame pensarlo mejor.
Yui: …Aunque tampoco debo pensarlo tanto, solo me queda Shu-san.
Fin de las opciones
Kino: Bueno, entonces solo debes darle a Shu un motivo suficiente para convencer a Reiji.
Kino: Incluso si eso implica darle información falsa. Si lo haces podrás detener el ataque de hoy.
Yui: ¡¿Información falsa?! No podría, si se llega a enterar—
Kino: ¿Provocarías la ira de Shu? Y a saber qué te haría. Un paso en falso y también enfadarás a Reiji.
Yui: ¡…!
Kino: Pero tienes una oportunidad. ¿Qué harás? ¿La utilizarás…?
*Fin del recuerdo*
Yui: (Estoy segura de que esta estrategia… Kino-kun la ha planeado en mayor parte para molestarme, pero es cierto que hay posibilidad de que resulte.)
Yui: (No me gusta mentir, sin embargo— ¡Tengo que hacerlo!
Yui: La verdad es que anoche vi a un murciélago, que probablemente era un familiar, volando alrededor de la mansión…
Yui: Y creo que era un familiar de Ruki-kun…
Shu: ¿De Ruki…?
Yui: Sí. Es probable que estén vigilando nuestros movimientos.
Shu: …
Shu: ¿Cómo sabes que es un familiar de Ruki?
Yui: Ehm… pues…
Yui: (Esto es malo… Va a descubrir que es mentira. ¡Tengo que pensar en algo…!)
Yui: Los vi cuando fui a hacer reconocimiento con Kino-kun. Lo sabe, ¿no? Que los familiares también tienen características individuales.
Yui: ¡Y ese era uno de los murciélagos que estaba con Ruki-kun! No tengo dudas.
Shu: Hmm…
Yui: (Shu-san me está mirando fijamente. ¿Acaso me descubrió…?)
Shu: Si lo que dices es verdad y Ruki nos está espiando.
Shu: Entonces sería peligroso reducir la seguridad de la mansión ahora. Eso intentas decir, ¿no?
Yui: ¡…! ¡Sí, eso mismo!
Yui: Por eso hay que avisarle también a Reiji-san.
Yui: (¡Así podremos cancelar la salida de esta noche…!)
Shu: En tal caso deberías decírselo directamente a Reiji.
Yui: (¡¿Qué?! ¡Es porque yo no puedo que se lo estoy pidiendo a Shu-san!)
Shu: Si ya acabaste, entonces vete. Voy a dormir un rato más.
Yui: (¿A-ahora qué hago? ¡Tengo que… convencerlo…!)
Yui: (Es inútil, no se me ocurre nada…)
Shu: ¿Sigues aquí? Ya lárgate.
Yui: …Pero si atacan la mansión Violet alguien terminará herido.
Shu: ¿Ah?
Yui: ¿Realmente creen que ganarán lanzando un ataque sorpresa?
Yui: Incluso si siguen la estrategia de Reiji-san, ¡nada garantiza que ninguno de ustedes acabe muerto!
Shu: Oye, no grites, es molesto…
Yui: ¡No! ¡¿Por qué necesitan arrojarse a la batalla?!
Yui: (…Es verdad. Reiji-san suele ser cauteloso, él normalmente no haría algo como esto.)
Yui: (Normalmente, al saber que el enemigo atacará el se prepararía para interceptarlo.)
Yui: …Reiji-san no se comporta como de costumbre…
Shu: ¿De qué hablas?
Yui: No importa si está en peligro de ser atacado, Reiji-san normalmente no se apresuraría tanto.
Yui: Además, la información se la dimos Kino-kun y yo. Sé que no debería decir esto, ¿pero y si le hubiéramos dado información errónea?
Shu: …Es cierto que él preferiría esperar a que el enemigo actuara primero, no es propio de él…
Yui: Antes también parecía ansioso. ¿Por qué será…?
Shu: Es probable que esté ansioso por convertirse en el rey supremo.
Shu: Él es quien más desea ese título.
Yui: (Ya veo…  Está tan impaciente que no puede pensar fríamente…)
Shu: …
Yuma: ¡Oye, Shu!
Yui: Ah, es Yuma-kun…
Yuma: ¡Despierta de una vez! Ya es hora.
Shu: Aah… Está bien. Ya voy.
Yui: Ah… ¡Por favor espere, Shu-san…!
Yui: (¿Y ahora qué…? ¿Fallé en persuadirlo…?)
Yui: (Todos se han reunido en el living, parece que han acabado las preparaciones…)
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Kino: Te ves bastante mal. ¿Acaso el plan fracasó?
Yui: Kino-kun… ¿Qué haremos…?
Kino: Llegados a este punto ya no hay nada que hacer. Va a empezar una sangrienta batalla entre hermanos.
Yui: ¡N-no…!
Reiji: Parece que ya todo está listo.
Yum: Sí, ¡todo listo!
Shu: …
Reiji: ¿Qué sucede Shu? Si tienes algo que decir, entonces habla.
Shu: …No vayamos hoy.
Kino: ¡…!
Yui: ¿…Eh…?
Reiji: ¿Qué…? ¿A qué ha venido eso?
Yuma: Eso, eso. ¿Acaso te acobardaste?
Reiji: Explica por qué deberíamos desistir. No pienso aceptar que solo digas que es porque es un fastidio.
Shu: Ruki está vigilando esta mansión.
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Shu: Si nos alejamos es más que seguro que aprovechará la oportunidad para robarnos a Eva.
Reiji: ¿Ruki de los Orange? Imposible…
Shu: Yuma, tú fuiste a la mansión de Ruki anoche, ¿no?
Shu: ¿No viste algún movimiento extraño de su parte?
Yuma: Ah… Ahora que lo dices, había varios tsukaima de Ruki en los alrededores, no pude acercarme mucho.
Reiji: Yuma. ¿Por qué no me informaste de eso ayer?
Yuma: ¿Ah? ¡Pero si tú fuiste el que se enojó conmigo por hacer algo de más!
Reiji: ¡Pues…!
Yui: (Reiji-san por favor. No te apresures… mantén la calma.)
Yui: (¡Solo estás siendo manipulado por los recuerdos que te han implantado…!)
Shu: Nada bueno pasará al apresurarnos. Tu especialidad es tomar decisiones con calma… Reiji.
Reiji: …Ya veo. He entendido vuestros puntos.
Reiji: …En vista de esos movimientos lo mejor será reconsiderar nuestra estrategia.
Yui: ¡…!
Reiji: Tal y como dijo Shu, cancelemos la operación de hoy.
Yui: (…La canceló… De verdad la canceló.)
Yui: (¡Genial! ¡Pude detenerlos!)
Kino: …Je…
Reiji: Sin embargo, hay algo que me gustaría preguntar. ¿Dónde conseguiste esa información?
Shu: …Me pregunto de dónde.
Reiji: …Entendido.
Reiji: No preguntaré por más detalles.  Les avisaré cuando haya trazado un nuevo plan. Pueden retirarse.
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Kino: No imaginé que de verdad lograrías detenerlos. Eres más habilidosa de lo que pareces.
Yui: Aunque la verdad se siente como si los hubiera engañado y no es algo que me alegre…
Yui: Pero lo importante es que los detuve.
Yui: (Si fallaba habría comenzado una sangrienta batalla entre hermanos.)
Yui: (Uuh… De verdad me alegro de haberlos detenido…)
Kino: Ni yo me lo esperé. ¿Cómo lograste que creyeran una historia tan sospechosa?
Yui: Creo… que es porque Shu-san estaba preocupado por Reiji-san.
Kino: ¿Preocupado? ¿Shu?
Yui: Es cierto que Shu-san pareciera tratar a todos como molestias, pero la verdad es que se preocupa mucho. En realidad parece que siempre está pensando en varias cosas.
Yui: Y estoy segura de que si siente que sus hermanos menores correrán el más mínimo riesgo él hará lo que sea para evitarlo.
Yui: Es por eso que quiso detener a Reiji-san, ya que se estaba impacientando.
Kino: Otra vez con el tema de la hermandad.
Yui: Aah…
Yui: ¡Kyaa!
Yui: (Agarró mi brazo… duele. ¿Acaso está enojado…?)
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Kino: Parece que te tomas todo a la ligera, no puedes pensar ni callarte. Ya deberías saber que hablar sobre hermandad me pone de mal humor.
Yui: L-lo siento mucho…
Kino: Parece que necesito adiestrarte en base a dolor para que entiendas.
Kino: Además, te envié a la habitación de Shu para castigarte.
Yui: M-me duele… Suelta mi brazo…
Kino: Oye… Tus muñecas se ven fáciles de pulverizar.
Yui: ¿Q-qué…? ¿Qué planeas…?
Kino: Voy a comprobarlo mordiéndote… ¡…!
Yui: ¡Ah…!
Kino: ¡Ajajajaja! Mira, mis colmillos quedaron marcados en tu muñeca.
Yui: …No da risa…
Kino: Je, así que vas a reclamar. Eres muy buena a la hora de hacerme enojar.
Kino: Aah, la sangre se está desbordando, que desperdicio… Nn…
Yui: Ah… Nn…
Yui: (Ah, me duele mucho en dónde me mordió…)
Yui: (Además, se siente extraño…)
Kino: Tu cara está roja. No me digas que te excita ser castigada.
Yui: ¡…!
Kino: Aah, no puedo creerlo. Mira que emocionarte por esto.
Kino: Ahora ya no es un castigo…
Yui: ¡Duele…!
Yui: (¡¿Ahora en mi cuello…?!)
Kino: Vamos, discúlpate conmigo… Nn.
Yui: Ugh… L-lo siento mucho…
Yui: (Me escuece… Me siento mareada pese a que no está succionando mi sangre…)
Yuo: En serio, detente… lo siento. Me arrepiento de lo que hice.
Kino: Que remedio. Si quieres que te disculpe, entonces ve por kompeito antes de que termine de contar hasta diez.
Yui: ¿Eh…?
Kino: Si no lo haces te morderé durante toda la noche. Diez, nueve…
Yui: ¡Ah…! ¡Espera, espera! ¡Iré de inmediato!
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Kino: Quería jugar porque estaba seguro de que fallaría. Jamás imaginé que haría dudar a Reiji.
Kino: Aunque tampoco está mal. Ahora sé que esa chica puede ser útil. Las cosas se pondrán divertidas.
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Reiji: Sin embargo, hay algo que me gustaría preguntar. ¿Dónde conseguiste esa información?
Shu: …Me pregunto de dónde.
Reiji: …Entendido.
*Fin del recuerdo*
Kino: Estoy seguro de que lo que pasó hoy ha hecho que Reiji dude de Shu.
Kino: Vínculos… eh.
Kino: Ahora van a desmoronarse, esos dichosos vínculos entre hermanos…
[Capítulo 5]
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generaldavila · 1 year
DAMA CADETE DOÑA LEONOR DE BORBÓN (I) Rafael Dávila Álvarez. General de División (R.)
Este es un artículo largo, muy largo, demasiado corto para la larga historia de nuestra Corona y sus avatares que para bien o mal siempre han ido al lado de la historia militar de España, porque todas las naciones, se oculte o no, se han construido y destruido con las armas o como consecuencia de ellas. El ingreso de la Princesa de Asturias en la Academia General Militar de Zaragoza no ha sido la…
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xjulixred45x · 2 months
Ohh imagina en Hazbin Hotel a una lectora basada en María Félix (La diva de México) 💅🏻💅🏻 esa aura bien imponente, no dejando que nadie pase por encima de ella (Las frases icónicas y escenas de María Félix ufff mi diosa)
No es petición, solo un mini escenario bien perro 💋😩
Uhhhh eso sería interesante! Definitivamente creo que solo personas con carácter fuerte pueden sobrevivir en el infierno, mucho menos prosperar, ¿pero alguien como La Doña? Conquistaría el infierno en menos de una semana lol.
Creo que podría ser una lectora Overlord(me niego a decirles "señores supremos" como en el doblaje latino hecho por Amazon 😑) que justamente domina y controla completamente el aspecto de teatro o actoral del anillo del Orgullo. Podría ser alguien benevolente si te le acercas de forma adecuada ¿Pero faltarle el respeto? Ese compa ya está muerto.
Pero bueno, todo el mundo se sabe equivocar solo :) por eso ella no da consejos.
Por lo mismo, creo que sería difícil hacer que ella coopere con la idea del Hotel, quiere que Charlie aprenda mediante la prueba y error. Pero obviamente no está en contra de un buen espectáculo para variar ;) suele contar historias de su fama en vida y en muerte cuando está por ahí, es casi como una abuela Divaza✨💅
En general, toda una experiencia.
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"Transmitiendo a través de las energías del NUEVO NACIMIENTO. . " . RENOVACIÓN DIVINA . . . y de AMOR DIVINO.
Hoy y todos los días podemos permitir que nuestra UE respire profundamente y conscientemente para recibir estos preciosos regalos.
¡LOS CAMBIOS que tienen lugar en nuestro mundo están invocando las habilidades del ALMA para permitirlo!
Permitiendo que desaparezcan fraudulentos y falsos. . . y permitiendo lo que es Verdadero. . . Limpio. . . Divina. . . Inmaculada. . . Preciosos. . . y Estimado al CREADOR, FUENTE DIVINA, para fluir la Experiencia de la Humanidad en esta Gran Edad Cambiante.
La asignación requiere fe. . . Fortitud. . Confianza . . y rendirse a la Divina Voluntad dentro de ti ~ permitiendo que esto entre en tu mundo interior y en tu Esencia interior, lo que permite que esto se ancla aún más en todo el planeta.
¡Para cada uno de nosotros es una Conducta de esta DIVINA Gracia Permite!
Y esta será una habilidad de ALMA profunda que cada uno de nosotros aprovechará. . . ¡Busca y aprende mientras pasamos por los próximos TOURS en todo el mundo en 2024!
Así que vamos a tomar un respiro profundo y consciente juntos. . . Permitiendo que este aliento sagrado LLENO DE AVIÓN fluya en cada lugar dentro de nosotros. . . en cada cuerpo de ENERGÍA. . . EN CADA CÉLULA DE NOSOTROS. . . y en cada ASPECTO de nosotros. Buscando fortificación multi-dimensional. . . L I E R I E . . . . Sanación. . . Limpiando. . . Fortaleciendo. . . y Visión del ALMA DIVINA!
Permita que esta respiración consciente FLUYA en cualquier lugar y lugar que nuestro DIOS ALTÍO necesita en estos tiempos SER y respirar Mayor Gracia. . . Una fe y confianza más profundas. . . y UNIÓN DIVINA con FUENTE!
Para no soplar. . . Nuestra ALMA DIVINA sabe lo que es la LUZ. . . Quién es Dios... ¡Y lo que es REAL!
Y cuando respiramos conscientemente de esta manera. . . Nuestra Esencia del ALMA se ofrece la Mano y el Corazón de DIOS para guiar nuestra Visión. . . nuestra fuerza vital. . . nuestro propósito. . . nuestro SERVICIO. . . tierra . . ¡Y su grandeza!
¡Todo FLUYE dentro de nosotros a través de este ARTE SAGRADO de permitir!
Y NOSOTROS tenemos el honor de ser Mensajeros de este precioso regalo de la FUENTE. . . que todas las formas de vida en todos los Reinos del Universo reciban esta invitación ATEMPORAL para conectarse. . . para unificar. . . y canalizar la LUZ de la FUENTE en todo lo que decimos. . . Siéntelo. . . Echa un vistazo... ¡Piensa y hazlo!
¡El diseño DIVINO es un país de las maravillas brillante y supremo de la FUENTE de la perfección!
Y aquí estamos... Respirando conscientemente la LUZ VIVA de su perfección. . . AHORA y Siempre. . . tanto como NOSOTROS podemos elegirlo conscientemente. . . Permíteme... ¡SER así!
Dentro del AMOR DIVINO de UNO"
• Pars en el perro
• Imagen: Amuletos antiguos
"Escarabajo egipcio usado para protegerse contra el mal y promover la salud general. Dice que también mantiene al usuario alejado de accidentes.
En el antiguo Egipto el escarabajo estaba asociado con el dios Khepri, simbolizando el renacimiento. El khepri egipcio proviene de la raíz "Jeper", que se puede traducir como "nacimiento" o "exist".
Esta es la razón por la que con el tiempo la Escarlata se convirtió en la representación del poder y la vida
(Ipissísimo - quien conoce a sí mismo) Conoce y es responsable de ti mismo; dirige su propia vida y tiene la capacidad de resucitar. "
• Encanto Ancestral
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