#Gender neutral Danny
caleism-1 · 3 months
After being gravely injured after his fight with Pariah Dark, Danny hangs up the proverbial cap and moves on with his life. Without being a ghost, space was now impossible due to his injury, so Danny puts to use the long hours he was forced to work in his parent's lab to use, gaining an internship at Wayne Industries. All he wants is to put his past behind him and move forward. But old traditions and new threats get in the way.
And another thing, why did his coworkers think he was about to be adopted? His parents weren't that bad, let alone the fact that he wasn't a minor anymore.
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that-one-weird-cloud0 · 6 months
Danny, dating one of the batfam:
Bat: *sighs dramatically while looking out the window* if only my boyfriend loved me
Danny, confused as they just had a conversation about who Danny’s favorite Gotham hero was: ??? I love you 🥺
Bat: *glances back at Danny* uggghhhhhhh if only my boyfriend loved me… 😪
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l0sercat · 2 years
I saw a movie where one of the protagonists kissed a bad guy to get him distracted enough to escape, and I’d like to request the same for Pyramid Head, Ghostface, Oni, Ji-Woon and Wesker. 🤭 If their mouth isn’t available then a kiss where their cheek would be. Whether it worked or not is up to you. 👀
Ooo I like that
Killers react to survivor who kiss them to distract them
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Pyramid Head
He gripped you by the neck about to mori you ...
You then bended over and kissed the tip of his helmet
He didn't even freeze he still continued to mori you
What did you think would happen? He's a being soly created to punish people
He had you cornered
You grabbed him by the neck and pulled him close
You pressed a big kiss on his mask leaving a lipstick mark(sorry if you don't wear lipstick)
He was stunned at first then grinned as you were able to slip away
He soon was able to catch up with you to have some fun time;)
You did not know how you ended up like this
He had his hand wrapped around your throat choking you
You had an idea that would most likely fail
You quickly kissed the nose of his mask
He froze and his grip loosened
You got away(for now)
He grabbed you when you tried to vault
You yelped and you're eyes widened
You spun around and without thinking you kissed him. Hard
He was taken aback for a split second before grinning
Of course you kissed him! He knows he too irresistible
Who wouldn't want to kiss him? He just so handsome and perfect 🥰
You did not get away only because he wanted to mori you <3(how romantic) it would have worked if he didn't have a mori
He had you pinned up on a wall by his tentacles (uroboros)
You tried squirming out but the grip got tighter
So you did the only thing logical.
You gripped his face and kissed his roughly
He backed up, letting you go
Face flushed
He just stands there broken asf
You do get away but a the end of the match he gets you (what happens is up to you ;) )
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rootsofdread · 8 months
request open *twirls hair kicking my feet giggling* could i request maybe ghostface and myers with a survivor who's also stealthy? like maybe they caught a glimpse of them but the moment they moved a little closer trying to get a jump the survivor is just POOF and gone
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Michael Myers / The Shape:
Michael had first seen you working on a generator all the way across the trialgrounds from himself. He figured you'd be busy enough that you wouldn't even notice him and he'd be able to grab you right off of it. All seemed to be going according to plan until he got there, and...there was no trace of you anywhere. It was like you had never even been there in the first place. But he knew he saw you. It'd be safe to say he'd never been so confused before.
He decided right then and there that he had to catch you. He knew wouldn't be able to sleep until he got to you at least once. He didn't find you that trial, and...he still can never get his hands on you during trials. He's always willing to throw an entire trial just to go after you, though. The second he realizes you're lurking around, he drops everything to track you down.
He always swears you're following him around. He can never see you, and you'll never give him a straight answer, but...he knows you're there. He doesn't much enjoy swapping roles. You're making this much harder than it needs to be...but, truthfully, he enjoys the challenge. He finds you fun, in a weird way.
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Danny Johnson / The Ghostface:
Danny first met you when he saw you weaving through a patch of trees at the edge of the trialgrounds. He'd been tracking you for most of the trial, and now you were all alone...he waited until you ducked behind a wall. He walked up, and lunged behind the corner, swinging for you. You can probably imagine his surprise when you were suddenly nowhere to be found. There was nowhere you could've gone. How in the hell...
Finding you slowly became more and more like a game to him. At first it was frustrating, but it started being fun for him after a while. Every trial he has with you, he gets excited, hoping this would finally be the time he catches you. He still hasn't, but he looks forward to every trial with you.
If you're still in the immediate area, you'll often hear Danny giggling to himself while he's looking for you, or him playfully calling out your name. He doesn't necessarily think doing either will help his chances, he just likes to have fun, especially around and with you.
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krypticcafe · 1 year
any chance for dbd killers (especially myers) reacting to a partner who wants to take the relationship real slow? how would they take it? would they push, or be respectful? patience? bonus for cuddle time 💜✨
DBD killers w/a partner who wants to take it slow
rating: teen
character(s): GN!Reader, Shape/Michael Myers, Ghostface/Danny "Jed" Olsen, The Executioner/Pyramid Head, The Cannibal/Bubba Sawyer, Legion/Frank Morrison
warning(s): suggestive themes, canon-typical violence and behavior, language
a/n: pardon the unannounced hiatus, cue the usual fanfic writer life drama, gonna be dusting off the request box :]
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Thank. GOD. He's not gonna say it, but Michael's beyond relieved because he's just not comfortable jumping into things, or anything at all. He likes consistency, not change, so he really needs the time to even just adjust to the fact that he's actually letting this relationship happen (no offense). Even the first time he let you live, he felt all irritated about it because it just felt wrong. But after he saw you leave med packs for him from time to time, lurk behind him while he was off chasing others, he started to grow a little more lenient towards you, much to your pleasure.
After you see the approval in his eyes, you're relieved, too. It's not that you thought Michael wouldn't take the suggestion well, it's that it was the first time you two were seriously discussing your relationship. Neither of you put a label on yourselves, you just both knew that you liked each other a little more than you did with other people. Kind of like a silent agreement.
But now you take confidence in knowing you can be as slow as you want with him, after all, you both have all of eternity to work it out, or at least until the Entity decides to do something about it. Though seeing as they haven't stopped you so far, you're probably fine for now.
It's a long time until you guys show any actual physical affection. The closest it's been is Michael getting revenge on people who use you as bait and grabbing your wrist to pull you to a safe spot while you help clean his gear during visits in between matches and lean on him or he holds you in his lap while sitting in comfortable silence (you've caught him falling asleep on a few occasions).
Expect it to take a while more if you guys actually want to get intimate, he's just too much of a 'business first' guy.
All in all, mission success.
"Like how slow?"
You should've expected this. While Michael is relieved, Danny, well, he doesn't take it as well. He's one of the clingiest of all the killers and makes it difficult not to be paranoid all the time of someone finding out. He's a hands-on type of guy and this... is kind of torture for him.
After some insistence and some pleading on your side, he'll give in, but it's not guaranteed. He has to resist his urges like some little kid trying not to open Christmas presents a day early. All day, every day, he's just thinking about smothering you in his touch, and it gets him frustrated (in both ways), so he has to take it out somehow.
You can literally see it in real-time when he's cutting through survivors like butter, not even bothering to act playful or make quips, just snarling and hissing at them like a feral cat. You make a mental note to give him a bit of something after the match, like a kiss or some cuddle time.
Other than that, he whines. A lot. Like it's so fucking annoying please make him shut up with a kiss or something, the killers can't stand hearing him bitch incoherently and you can only take so much of it as well. Also, he's a manipulative ass to expect him to be pushy and try to pressure you here and there.
It's kinda funny though, in a way you sorta conditioned him to feel even more euphoric when you do anything romantic with him. He's asking, no, begging for extra kisses, holding you real tight when you cuddle, and you swear you can feel him melting under your touch. Heart eyes and all, he's so obsessed with you.
Whenever you let him know you're ready to move things forward, expect him to be a little overexcited about it. Like if you finally let him get in your pants, he's gonna work you like there's no tomorrow, all that pent-up energy is flooding out the door.
I'm sorry, but you're literally caging an animal by asking *the* Ghostface to take it slow. He's only gonna get more hungry over time.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think he cares. Like he's fine taking it as slow as you want, it's not a huge deal to him, and really, he has no room for judgment outside of killing people. You'll ask and he'll respond with the usual metallic grunt and boom. Problem solved.
In all honesty, it's probably good to take it slow with him if you want a nice, loving relationship with him. Because of his lack of experience, fast-paced relationships might just be too much for him to deal with, but taking your time lets him process how it even works. Dates, kissing, and anything beyond that aren't in his area of expertise, nor did he ever expect it to be, it's not his primary purpose.
This allows him to welcome something new in his life for once beyond the mundane life of Silent Hill and the matches in the realm of the Entity. He's not used to actually having personal priorities, so the adjustment period progresses along with your relationship. He's quick to find out that he really likes physical contact with you, too.
Most likely you'll be taking the initiative with him, teaching him the little things you like to do like cuddling and holding each other close. He really likes that, being able to just envelope you and keep you safe and close in such a comfortable manner.
I don't he exactly has a concept of... 'horny', it's more of a hunger I guess? A hunger to be close and in your presence, so he kinda has times when he'll stick to your side like a big old scary guard dog. If you wanna indulge him a little, go ahead.
Yeah, I can't really say much for him other than it is what it is.
He tries his best to be patient, he really does. Bubba's more than understanding about it, because he's already elated that you love him back in the first place! Though sometimes he just really wants to pepper your face in kisses and smother you in love, pick you up and swing you around in his arms, take you to some of the nicer parts of the Entity's realm, he almost forgets they all live in some sick game.
Horrible advice, but try not to be so... cute around him. I like to think he has cuteness aggression, so it's very hard to keep his hands to himself when you look so... so... nope, no, Bubba, focus, you're supposed to be chasing Ace right now- oooo but don't wanna just eat them up and make them yours!
He wants to do so much with you but it's kind of for the best to keep him from rushing into things. Even he's a little worried that he'll tire you out from his eagerness to get things moving. Hell, he even spooked himself when he found himself daydreaming about marrying you mid-match. He can't help it though, it's the southern love in him that gets him all antsy (he thinks you'd look very nice in a suit or dress if you're wondering).
Yeah, and don't think you don't know either, not when he's humming "Here Comes the Bride" while sawing up Kate in halves in front of you.
Oh, and you thought the wedding fever was bad? Wait until the baby fever kicks up. Since day one of falling in love with you, this man has been dreaming of church bells, vows, cribs, pacifiers, and all that. He's never told you it in full detail but you just know he does. Whether you want it for your relationship or not, he still loves you nonetheless.
Despite it all, you help remind him to appreciate what's in the moment, that you both have an eternity together in damnation to get to that point. So long as time and the Entity are on your side, he's more than happy to take things slow with you and he'll be sure to enjoy every moment you have together.
"You're joking, right?"
No surprise here either, Frank doesn't take it all too well. He's an impatient bastard and mostly thinks with his dick more than his head sometimes. To be honest, he never even anticipated getting into a relationship with you. He thought most of the survivors were annoying and unlikable in their own ways, he even found you irritating at some point just not as much as the others, or so he'd claim.
You try to explain to him why and unfortunately, it does result in a back and forth between you two, the other members of Legion even chiming in on your defense. It's until you point into his face that you both literally have forever in this endless hell so "what's the big deal about us taking our time" and for him to just think about it for a bit.
And yeah he does, but it takes a while for Frank to wrap his head around it. He's used to just getting what he wants, jumping into things headfirst, and figuring out the details from there. His whole philosophy defies normalcy, defies everything he hates about Ormond and the banal, suburban society it is. He lives for the rush, the excitement, the recklessness. Time and care in a relationship remind him too much of a "normal life".
But the others remind him there's nothing normal about where they are now. Hell, they get to wreak havoc and chaos in the trials, it's everything they dreamed of. Making a statement for themselves. And frankly (no pun intended), he likes you a little too much to let it go. So instead of rushing himself into things, he finds a new thrill in testing the limits. He teases you with lingering touches and suggestive remarks, leaves you wanting, craving just a little more of that.
He clicks his tongue, "I thought we were taking it slow?"
That little bitch. He's got you wrapped around his finger and you know it. But don't think you're the only one aching, no. Call him a sadomasochist because it's practically killing him too, how much he has to hold back. Yet it's such a rush, keeping his hands to himself and itching for the day when you let him do whatever. He. Wants.
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dragonofthedepths · 2 years
The Council of the Dead Would Like to Inform the Justice League that “Magical Girl” is a Gender-Neutral Term 16.2.23
DP x DC. Danny, Dani, Dan, Vlad, Clockwork, the Justice League. Redeemed Vlad, redeemed Dan, Ghost King Danny.
Amity gets suddenly transported to the DC universe, but that doesn’t mean anybody realizes it suddenly exists. Amity was already extremely liminal and under an information blackout, and both those things stay true making it really hard to think about for anybody that doesn’t already know about it.
Just be DC hasn’t noticed Amity does not mean Amity hasn’t noticed DC, which is why Danny is out exploring this world that’s absolutely full of heroes.
Unfortunately, DC is even more full of disasters, and he’s forced to transform to protect some people. He books it out of there immediately afterward and disappears.
Everyone assumes he’s a magical girl. A black-haired blue-eyed “civilian” had a whole freaking transformation, fixed everything with magic, and flew away. Was he Tim Drake? Related to the Superboys? A random teen? One of Bruce Wayne’s other children? No-ones ever seen a hero with a transformation before.
Danny finds out about this and is more than willing to play along.
He can make his transformation more dramatic, :) he can design some special attacks, :) Clockwork can he use a time medallion as a boost item?* (Clockwork says yes.) :D
With Vlad, Dani, and Dan playing along too they even have a pretty decent magical girl team, complete with Vlad playing the dark horse magical girl rival whose more rude and abrasive but ultimately on the same side for bonus Justice League trolling.
The Justice League is absolutely loosing their minds apparently living through a Magical Girl anime. Especially after threats from the Infinite Realms start getting involved.
*The ultimate boost item is, of course, the Crown of Fire.
Dani, Danny, and Dan introduce themselves as half-siblings. For the pun.
Day (626/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 16th of Feb
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angelbarelywrites · 6 months
first meeting (part 2) kisses! (part 2) sharing a bed (part 2) you’re almost a victim… (part 2) your first time together is…your first time let’s get kinky (part 2) y’all accidentally adopt a child (part two)
tommy gets jealous - thomas hewitt x reader
mine - thomas hewitt x reader (nsfw)
good one - thomas hewitt x reader
The Walking Dead
birthday (negan)
dating negan
The Boys
dating billy
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months
MORGAN DAVIES ; behind the scenes
summary ; childhood friends to lovers with actor pookies 🤞
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; idk specifically how the others act irl because I obviously don't know them personally, be aware that they might be a little out of character ; Conan Gray references, reader is described to have positive sensory experiences with hair and scratchy/fuzzy textures cause why not
requested by ; @callsignwidow
word count ; 1.2k
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"Hey Morg!" You smile, seeing your long-time friend leave the set, walking towards you. "How's it going?" You ask, handing him a bag of takeout food you'd just picked up for him.
He accepts it graciously with a smile. He's dressed in a blue sweatshirt and black pants, a few droplets of fake blood splattered across his blonde hair. "Thank you! And good, you wanna come up?" He asks, pointing back at the apartment complex where the movie was being shot in.
You nod with a shrug, "Yeah, let's go enter the demon possessed apartment complex"
He pats your shoulder, pulling you inside to hide away from the scorching New Zealand heat. You walk up the multiple flights of stairs, reaching the filming floor. You're happily greeted by Gabrielle and Nell, the two having been eating lunch in the hallway. Alyssa and Lily were finishing up a scene inside, prompting you to take a seat with them and Morgan.
He opens the bag and shares the chips and gauc with the girls, and opens up the styrofoam box to reveal his quesadillas.
"Those are the greasiest quessadillas I've ever seen" Gabrielle chuckles, watching Morgan use one of the shitty napkins in the bag to dab away some of the grease.
"It's Taco Bell, of course it's greasy!" He exclaims, taking a bite of the cheesey tortilla. "Right, Y/n?"
You quickly nod, rushing to his defense.
"What point are you trying to prove?"
"I dunno"
"You showed up just to ruin shit for me! I tried leaving all of you in the past for a reason! I wish you'd just stay in my memories, go away!" You shout, "There's no reason to think we could ever exist again. Get over it!"
Tears run down your cheeks and neck, dark, artificial circles under your eyes. Tear stains cover the outer corners of your eyes. Your hands were balled into fists, fingers clenched so tightly that your knuckles were turning white.
You exhale, shaking hands with your costar as you step off the set. Your familiar blonde friend rushes to your side to hug you, cheering on your performance.
"That was crazy! You're so like, it's surreal when you act like that, really." A smile painting his face, arms slung around your shoulders.
The shorter, faded sides of his mullet scratch your jaw a bit, a weird comfort you found in his hugs. His hugs were always so warm and welcoming, so scratchy and fuzzy, like that childhood nostalgia of TV static. He didn't mind your hands getting lost in his hair, he knew the sensory was a positive stimulation for you, something that grounded you.
"That was so good! Holy fuck!" He smiles, patting you on the back as you fully exit your character's state of mind and thoughts, and separate theirs from yours. "That's impressive, really. You on-command cry so well!" He chuckles, patting your cheeks a few times to show you some physical love.
"Thank you, thank you" You lightly smile, accidently looking down at his lips a little too long before looking back up at his eyes.
The directors, producers, and cameramen all had their backs facing you, giving some sense of privacy as you two talk. You'd finally finished the day around nine, your tiredness apparent to Morgan. You stand far off to the side, out of everyone's way.
"C'mon, I'll take you home" He offers, leading you outside as you nod.
You'd walked here. You wanted to go home with him and just jump in your bed and sleep. You'd been up since nearly four this morning to finish up the final scenes of this movie you were working on. Finally, though, it was over.
On the car ride home, which was luckily within two hours of the final set you were on for the passion project movie you were starring in, it was relatively quiet. You couldn't sleep in the car, you rest your head against the seatbelt, and stare out the window, watching all the trees and lamp posts on the side of the highway pass by.
The blonde, driving, let you connect your phone to the radio to play music. You'd been playing some calmer music, considering you were tired and weren't in for anything upbeat.
Morgan knew the location of your home like the back of his hand, like you were his second home, because you were. Being so close for so long created a weird string between you two, something so lovely and fuzzy inside the both of you.
You drink the bottled love water out of the cupholder in the center console, which he'd brought just for you. Even though it was still cold from being in the fridge, it bubbled a warmth inside your stomach. A warmth that reminded you of the person sitting next to you. The person who gave you unconditional love and support through everything.
You end up falling asleep halfway through the drive, which he notices quickly. As you arrived at your destination, however, he had to make a decision. Either wake you up, or ruffle through your belongings, get your house keys, and carry you inside as carefully as possible.
Of course, he picked the latter.
Luckily enough, the interior lights turning on as he parked the car didn't awake you, clearly fallen into a deep slumber. He opens the door to your residence, then carries your backpack of belongings inside, then finally, you. He carefully lays you on your bed, then covers you with a light blanket that sat at the foot of your mattress.
He runs a hand through his hair before you stir, catching him off gaurd. He fills with worry and guilt, not having wanted to wake you up at all.
"Thanks, Morg" You mumble, hiding your eyes in your arm, shielding yourself from the light pouring in from the hallway and the lamp nearby. "You can spend the night if you wanna"
"Okay" He nods, "I'll be out on the couch if you need me" He turns around, walking towards your door before you stop him.
"No, like-" You speak, rubbing your eyes a bit before he quickly turns off the lamp for you. "-You can lay in here. You don't have to sleep on the couch. We've been friends for like, ever, it's fine"
"That's the problem" He mumbles
"Huh?" You hum, squinting your eyes as they adjust to the lighting, looking up at him.
He lightly sighs, "I don't wanna be just friends. Okay? And that's awful of me to say, considering you probably won't remember this because you're exhausted and we've been only friends for so long. Anyways, I'm... I'm gonna go sleep on the couch, if you need anything"
"Come lay down, you dork"
You roll your eyes and flop back down onto your pillow. "Get your ass to sleep next to me before I knock you out myself"
"Loud and clear," He replies, quickly scurrying to your side after turning the hallway light off. He toes his shoes off at the end of the bed and climbs into it with you, keeping distance. "So about..."
"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight, love" You reply, pulling the covers over your shoulders.
Astonished, only a singular select word is able to leave his lips.
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froggywritesstuff · 5 months
abed's rom-com | abed nadir
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pairing: Abed Nadir x g/n!reader
fandom: Community
request: @lilfartbox1 (i am so sorry for the wait 😭) : please any abed nadir comfort / fluff pieces like theres a little angst of them miscommunicating their feelings for eachother and then find out theyve both been doing the same thing of trying to make the other jealous etc
content warnings: not proofread, fluff, angst if you squint extremely hard
word count: 910
A/N: yikes this is rushed but i recently started watching community again and this had been in my drafts for too long so i wanted to finish it
Abed knew he wasn't the best at dealing with his emotions, often turning to his favourite sitcoms and movies for help. Especially when it came to romance. He hadn't had as much experience with it as he would've liked, so when he realised he started liking you in a romantic way, he quickly became panicked. You were part of the study group, meaning if he started liking you it could potentially ruin the dynamic of the friendship. But when Annie told him you felt the same way about him, he knew exactly what to do. Except he didn't. It wasn't working the way he had planned. He'd been reenacting an age old trope; person a makes person b so jealous that they eventually confess their feelings for person a. He started off small, making sure you'd see him catching glances at some random student in the cafeteria, and zoning out as if he'd been thinking about someone else. That was half true. To make it realistic, he'd always think about you when he pretended to zone out. When someone - normally Annie, who Abed told all about his plan - would catch him staring at someone and begin to tease him about it, he noticed how quiet you would get, how you wouldn't engage in any other conversations and would even leave because you were 'late for something else'. He didn't like it. The last thing he wanted was to know he made you upset. But no one in the movies ever stopped their plan halfway. As much as he wanted to, he didn't stop his plan.
He suspected that his plan was working when you started doing the same thing he did and made him jealous. It was either that, or his plan had backfired and you thought he didn't like you so you moved on. Either way, he still felt insanely jealous of whoever you began to like- whether they were real or not. He needed you to confess to him soon. Very soon. Being so jealous as well as not being sure if he had any reason to be jealous was driving him insane, he couldn't even focus on studying. Not that much studying was happening though.
"Abed, is everything ok?" he barely even registered the question, and was not able to recognize who's voice that was.
"What?" he mumbled back, his mind still elsewhere as he spoke with the group.
"We asked if you were ok." Annie began speaking, "You seem kind of out of it today."
Troy nodded, "Yeah, you and Y/N." Abed's head perked up at the sound of your name, suddenly giving Troy his full attention, "Neither of you have laughed at anything I've said today." he said, looking quite sad.
Abed looked over to where you were sitting, the two of you meeting eyes. You looked at each other for a moment, before announcing to the group you had to leave, not knowing that Abed was following behind you. You stood in one of the more secluded halls, startled when you saw Abed next to you.
"Shit, you scared me." 
"Sorry," he said, making less eye contact than usual, "I wanted to tell you something."
You nodded, signalling for him to go on.
"I like you, Y/N." he was quick with his confession, after hiding his feelings for long he wanted to get straight to the point, "I know you like someone else, but I need you to know how I felt." as he spoke, the situation became more and more real to him. No matter how cliche the plot between the two of you was, it wasn't a cheesy rom-com movie. It was real life. And in real life, there wasn't a guaranteed requited love story. There was a chance you could reject Abed's feelings, and his friendship with you would be ruined. "I'm sorry if this makes things awkward between us," he said, a frown taking place on his lips, "You're one of my closest friends, but I couldn't keep this from you, that wouldn't be fair to you."
You watched and listened to his confession intently, seeing how genuine his expression and words were. He wasn't playing a character, or just reenacting a scene - no matter how much his confession sounded like it was taken straight out of a rom-com - it was real.
"Abed," you began, "There's no other person. I made that up." you explained, though a part of you figured that he guessed that already, "I only acted like I liked someone else because I thought you liked someone else."
He couldn't help the smile forming on his lips, "I made that up too,"
His smile was contagious, as you quickly felt your lips turning upwards into a smile as you laughed softly, "You should start making romance movies."
"I have no interest in doing that. I could but I don't think I'd find it very enjoyable." he paused, "But I appreciate the sentiment."
"Speaking of movies, would you wanna see a movie with me sometime?"
"I would like that. We can look at session times together when we're finished studying. We should also get back to the library."
You nodded, unable to stop the smile growing on your lips as you asked, "Do you wanna hold hands when we walk back or...?"
He smiled softly and held out his hand for you to hold, "I would like that."
"Cool." you took his hand.
"Cool cool cool."
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My brain keeps running back to the idea of Danny's first time having sex sooo
Gender neutral reader, nsfw, incredibly brief mention of overstimulation that doesnt even go into detail. Probably has typos and probably isnt formatted too well but I'm just getting thoughts down.
I imagine he wouldnt be too focused on it during school. Seeing as his dad sounded super strict and awful he was probably more focused on school work. Not to mention he was most definitely a loser. Is he pretty? Sure, doesnt change the fact that he was too quiet and got caught staring all the time but once he graduated and was free from the pressures of his father- y'know.
I imagine he would be nervous but wouldnt show it. He wouldn't admit that he's never had sex before so hes sloppy, incredibly sloppy. He doesn't know how to move his hips, where to put his hands- not to mention his doesnt know where the clit is at this point. He is incredibly touchy though, not even in a groping kind of way. In a just barely grazing their skin with his fingertips kind of way. Until it's not. He gets more used to it and starts to get a bit more bold, using his full palm, getting more and more greedy. He starts groping eventually of course but he's starting to want to taste. He uses his mouth. Soft kisses that get hungrier until hes biting, not knowing exactly how to give hickies but hes leaving marks regardless. Hes groping at their thighs, holding them close while he nips at their throat, imagining bitting a chunk out of it. That's what gets him going. Now hes not thinking right. Hes thinking of another design about the person hes with, thinking about killing them and leaving them on display for everyone to see. Thats what's really giving him a hard-on. Not the shitty porn star-ish moans that are reverberating in his ears, no, hes imagining them gurgling, choking on their own blood but- ah. His thoughts are interrupted by the slightest touch on his cock, eliciting a slight grunt of surprise from him.
He tries to take the lead but his movements are so sloppy and poor that he ends up being the bottom, getting ridden instead. He's fussy and loud, scratching at their thighs as he holds back tears from overstimulation. Hes not thinking about his partner during this at all, mind completely blank, only ever thinking about himself. He's muttering useless pleas under his breath that are coming out as incoherent nonsense, tilting his head back and groaning deeply- he doesnt last that long. Maybe 7 or 8 minutes. He doesnt feel bad. Hes ready to go another round but his partner is ultimately left unsatisfied anyway.
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ectoplasmic-entity · 8 months
How about a platonic Dark Danny and a sweet, naïve ghost child Reader who is fascinated with Dan, grows attached to him and is affectionate towards him and over time Dan finds himself starting to care about the child and becomes like a big brother or father figure to them.
This was a bit of an interesting request anon, considering that I had to write from the perspective of a child. I generally don't write child characters.
I'd put the child reader in the 6, maybe 7 to 8 range. Kids are smart, but they're not the best decision makers and as you said it, naive.
So, this was good practice .3.
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Genre: Gen
Rating: K
Content Warnings: N/A
Words: 3.1k+
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Dan didn’t notice you the first time.
He’s quite distracted, all in his lonesome, with just the eeriness of the Ghost Zone for company. He hunches over on a huge chunk of rock, balancing perfectly on the edge. Dan’s cape drapes down behind him. Teetering back and forth with abandon, and the cape wavers ever so elegantly with his motions.
It cascades down his body, shrouding him in shadow. Hiding Dan from the rest of the world. The haunting essence of the Ghost Zone doesn’t help matters much. Infinitely spiralling as far as the eye can see. Few ghosts rarely stray off the beaten path.
No one else is here besides Dan. Isolating as it may be, it lets him unwind and be alone with just his thoughts.
He hears it first. A loud shuffling of fabric twisting around. Loud and clear, right behind him.  It startles him, but he doesn’t react… yet. Slowly, Dan turns his head around. His ears twitch, searching for any sounds to alert him to unwanted visitors. His hair flows calmly with the occasional crackle. Posture tense and guarded.
There’s nothing there. An innocuous emptiness taunts him.
Dan grumbles softly, annoyance flashes across his face. Everything seems so distracting when it usually isn’t.
Carefully reassuming his original position, Dan bows his head down and slowly closes his eyes. His body slants down as he relaxes, the faint rumble of his breaths expel from his mouth. Calm and steady as can be, which are infrequent moments for Dan.
Several minutes of quietude pass. Eventually, Dan begins to relax, his limbs going slack and his muscles easing the tension. He tunes out his surroundings, nothing more than a white noise in the background. The thrum of his ghost core nearly brings him to a lull, pulsing a soothing rhythm through his body.
Then, again, another loud shuffling ensues. Ruffling and rumpling without a care. Dan twitches, his facial muscles pull slightly. Who could possibly be making such a noise?
He turns his head again. Red eyes narrow and wandering. Little by little, his lips slowly curl back to bare his fangs in warning.
A flicker of movement catches his eye. Something very small scuttling around, right below where he’s perching. It leads his eyes to a curious shape that forms under his cape. It’s long enough to drag on the ground, naturally something may have gotten trapped under it. Dan blinks, he thinks he sees what looks like a pair of spectral eyes glowing under the fabric.
Frowning in suspicion, Dan reaches down with his fingers splaying out. Grabbing a fistful of fabric, he swiftly strips it away without a thought. His eyes widen in surprise, the fabric slips from his hand and flutters to the craggy surface of the rock. Dan’s breath shakes lightly as he stares down at you, too surprised to speak.
You stare right back with wide eyes and a tiny grin that forms on your face. You then turn your attention to the cape and, taking a handful of fabric, you pull on it.
Dan hardly acknowledges it, only flicking his gaze to the side for a moment. Instead, he reaches down for you, imposing himself to be huger than you think. You squeal in excitement when he picks you up, your hands cling tightly to his cape and your body dangles in the air. Dan holds you close to his face.
“Where’d you come from?” Dan asks, one brow rises.
You only smile up at him, your body swings back and forth with increasing momentum. He’s certainly sturdy enough to be used as a swing.
“Not much of a talker, are you?” Dan says, tilting his head.
You look up at him again, your eyes lock into a stare with his. You’re both silent, waiting for the other to break contact. At one point, you hold your breath under Dan’s intense gaze. You can’t help but grin widely at him.
Only one thought ran its course through Dan’s mind. Why, of all things, is a ghost child doing here? He never picked up on your presence the first time. Though, the longer he observes you, the more he thinks you’re at the age where you aren’t fully capable of using your powers yet. Your ecto signature isn’t strong enough for him to sense it.
You stop propelling your body, slowing down to a gentle rocking. Dan’s flowing hair mesmerizes you, bright and calm to your eyes. It seems magical to you. Curious, you try to reach out to him. Just to brush your hand through his hair. You keep your eyes on Dan as you do so, silently taunting him.
Dan inhales deeply and sets his jaw. He stares back, his eyes glowing a bit brighter. He holds his arm out, creating a distance between the two of you, and prevents you from reaching towards him. Your jaw hangs open in surprise, you were expecting a far more vibrant reaction. Dan grins down at you, a shadow casts over a portion of his face. You hang there with a pout appearing on your face, your cheeks puffy and lips turn down slightly.
Bending over, Dan lowers you back down to the rocky surface and, with some light shaking, makes you let go. You land with a soft thud, forcing a small grunt out of you. You look up at him defiantly, huffing and puffing.
Dan’s face twitches. He’s a little put out by the entire interaction, his lips move, but no sound comes out of him.
How is this kid not scared of him?
Finally, “Go away, kid,” he says, standing up straight with a stretch. “Who knows what’ll… happen if you stick around.”
Without as much as a glance back, Dan seamlessly takes off in a flight. His dark form blurs as he blends into the chaos of the Ghost Zone. Twisting, grotesque amalgamations amass around him. Hopefully this will be more than enough to discourage you from following him into the depths. 
No ghost child would be so daring.
Time is of little matter to him. With how this realm operates, it’s as useful as trying to make out what colours the ‘sky’ is to determine what day it is. It’s easy to get lost, which more than suits Dan to be alone with his thoughts. It’s eerily quiet as well, something that reaches far too deep into his ears for his liking. He doesn’t mind the quiet for the most part, he does get a bit fidgety at times.
Oddly enough, his thoughts keep wandering back to you. You aren’t the first, but one of the very few who didn’t actively show fear of him. Dan snorts softly in amusement, a small child has bigger guts than even the hardiest soldier. He supposes that does say something about you.
Dan does wonder if your parents are looking for you. Or, if you even have parents at all. 
His chest aches dully with the sudden change of thought. He slows down to a stop, floating aimlessly in the vast darkness. Controlled breaths slowly blow through his mouth, Dan’s hands turn into fists like he’s trying to crush such emotions from within. His head falls back a bit in contention, he blinks several times. That you even approached him in the first place persistently nags at him, and now he can’t shake it.
Looking back, Dan is clearly no longer in the same proximity where you first came upon him. No ghost ever did, not with the Zone constantly shifting around. You might still be there, without a way to get around.
Dan hardly moves a muscle before he hears a small sound behind him. That same shuffling of fabric twisting about. He freezes on the spot, and waits. His body unusually tense.
Could it be?
No. You couldn’t have.
Although… you probably did.
With a turn of his head, Dan spots you almost instantly. Most of your body is hidden behind his cape, you pull it up to your face, hiding half of it. You avert your eyes, pretending you don’t see him. You smile to yourself now that he’s seen you again.
“Were you following me the entire time?” It isn’t a statement.
You move the cape from your face, tucking it under your chin, and beam a huge smile at him. He’s honestly quite funny with all these small reactions, even if they aren’t as enthusiastic as you want them to be.
Dan sighs heavily and folds his arms, eyes not quite hard, but not entirely friendly either. He doesn’t necessarily hate kids, they’re just small and get in his way. You following him is especially bothersome. Credit is given where credit is due, Dan has to admit.
You must be pretty resilient to stand being in his presence without being overwhelmed. And to physically keep up with him for such a long time.
“Better you with me than anywhere else, I guess,” Dan says to himself in resignation.
Still, he doesn’t want to drag you around with him forever. The notion has Dan rolling his eyes, at the very least, he can keep you in one piece long enough to find someone to hand you off to. If… he can, that is, ghost children are incredibly vulnerable without their parents.
That’s probably why you’re so insistent on following him. You feel safe in Dan’s powerful ghostly aura. You’re less likely to be noticed by unsavoury individuals that way, too.
Dan perks up at yet another small, but softer sound this time around. A quick glance reveals you yawning widely, the tips of your tiny fangs barely visible. A soft groan emits from your throat. You hastily wipe your eyes to keep the sleepiness away. It’s in vain, as you yawn again, and your eyes droop a little. Your hand relaxes its grip on Dan’s cape, and you stumble forward, your body heavy with exhaustion.
Dan tenses slightly, wondering if you’re merely just seconds from collapse. He didn’t consider that you’d expend all your energy keeping up with him. The sight of your tiny form teetering tugs at… something in Dan’s chest. A deep inhale, he lets it sit for a moment, he knows what that feeling is. He’d rather ignore it for now and focus on the situation at hand.
He turns around just as you start to sway, no longer having the energy to keep yourself upright. You’re too out of it to register your surroundings, except for what’s in front of you. Namely, a vast sea of darkness. You hardly notice a large dark shape approaching you, nor do you notice you curl up comfortably in a pair of arms, close to someone’s chest. You yawn once more and mumble incoherently, a protective aura washes over you.
For a moment, the Ghost Zone seems to sit still. It amazes Dan with how small you actually are, easily fit right in the crook of his arm. You curl up more, huddling into his chest, where the aura of his ghost core gently pulses.
“Okay… that was easy,” Dan mutters to himself.
Carefully adjusting the position of his arm, Dan makes sure you’re secure before he goes on the move again. Dan looks around, eyes shifting suspiciously. Somewhere discreet enough to hide the two of you to allow you a chance to rest. 
A big rock or…
A cave. A huge rock-like structure sits nearby, a singular gaping entrance inviting. The inside is pitch black, no problem for Dan as he can light it up with ecto fire. He inhales deeply to steel himself for whatever may come, despite that his ghost sense hasn’t gone off at all. Dan slowly glides towards the structure; the eeriness encroaches in on him. Touches down his spine in a cold shiver and shadows whisper in his ears.
He doesn’t realize it yet, but he holds you more closely to his chest. Your presence seems… to ground him, keep focus.
Blissful relief floods him as soon as he’s within the confines of the cavern. It’s a strange feeling. Hiding himself, it’s a bit lonely. With you, it’s out of harm’s way. All there is with the two of you is the occasional drip, echoing out in a tune.
Dan leans against the wall and slides down to the ground, cradling you in his arms. He peers from the corner of his eye; the faint glow of the Ghost Zone scarcely lights up the entrance of the cavern. An uncomfortably bright green glow. Either way, he’d still see who’s coming before they ever realize Dan is even there.
Sitting back to relax, Dan lets his head fall back to ease the tension. Your weight on his chest continuously brings him back to why he’s doing this in the first place. He… sees a bit of himself in you if he’s being honest with himself. A lost, scared child.
Dan breathes softly, his chest rises up and down evenly. His ghost core thrums in parallel with yours, your own core pulses against his chest. He watches your expression as you slumber away. Your brows quirk now and then, your breaths soft and wispy. The ideal visage of a relaxed, content ghost.
With a sudden breath, Dan fights back a yawn that nearly escapes his mouth. Grumbling under his breath, Dan concentrates on his hand. For a few seconds, there was nothing. Then, with a quiet crack, a small ball of green fire sparks to life. It hovers dangerously above his hand. In a brief motion, Dan pushes the fireball out to the open. Its spectral green glow lights up the surrounding area.
Huffing in satisfaction, Dan sits back, and after he makes himself comfortable. Or, well, as comfortable as he can be with all these rocks. Casting one final gaze at you, Dan’s mouth twitches as his eyes slowly close. Allowing the darkness to lull him into a deep sleep.
You awaken with a full body shudder. 
First, bleary looks have you jolt fearfully. Your core hammers as you attempt to regain control of yourself. Breathing deeply, you blink several times until your vision clears the sleep away. You find yourself staring at Dan’s calm visage, his throat rumbling quietly with small sounds.
You smile widely in anticipation and happiness. Likewise, you remember now – Dan sure helped you out yesterday. Was it yesterday? The time is pretty weird here. Sure, a lot of ghosts say Dan’s pretty scary. Maybe he is. But he’s scary enough to keep the other ghosts away from you.
You sit up straight, staring at him curiously. Unlike his grumpiness from before, Dan seems quite calm here. It’s like a whole new person.
Shifting your eyes around in thought, you hold a hand to your chin to focus. Since Dan technically doesn’t see anything right now, perhaps you can surprise him. Nothing too surprising. Maybe just show him you’re glad to have him around.
You shake with excitement, before you stop and hold your breath. You carefully watch Dan as he mumbles quietly and shifts around. He doesn’t show signs of awaking from beyond the morning stir. You breathe a breath of relief. Getting up on your knees, mindful of where you place them, you get up close to Dan’s face.
With a shaky breath, your eyes hyper vigilant, you slowly lean forward with both of your arms spread out. You slowly ease them around his neck, in awe of just how big he is. Your hands link together behind him with little effort. Your mouth twitches into a small, victorious smile.
A spike of bravery hits you, and you lay your head down in the crook of Dan’s neck. Again, you hear the quiet rumble emitting from his throat. It reverberates throughout his body. Your smile widens, you close your eyes in content.
Before you know it, your eyes snap open as Dan sits upright. You hear a loud yawn right in your ear, making you freeze up.
The first thing Dan notices is something clasping around his neck. In a sleepy confusion, he stretches his body out before he massages the space between his eyes with his knuckles. Dan then blinks a few times, his eyes still heavy with sleep. He turns his head, and is met with the sight of you clinging around his neck.
Dan blinks again to be sure he isn’t seeing things.
“Woken up by a hug of all things,” Dan says out loud, “that’s a new one.”
Without another word, he moves to stand up. You’re forced to let go of his neck lest you end up awkwardly dangling from it.
The mystical glow of the green fireball casts a beautiful glow over Dan. You stare up at him in an admiring awe. You’re sure you can see his ghostly aura glowing.
Furthermore, you grab his hand and tug on it, making him turn his attention to you.
“Hm… what should we do with you kid?” Dan says, cocking his head.
You continue tugging at his arm.
“Still not speaking, huh?” Dan grumbles in annoyance. “Do you… want something?”
Upon hearing the magic words, you stop pulling and hug his leg. Dan steps back in wariness when you do so. You breathe shakily, focusing on the protective aura that wraps around you. Your hold on him tightens.
“You want to… stay with me?” Dan asks, surprise flickers across his face. His hair flows in intensity with the brief spike of emotions.
You haphazardly nod. The corners of your mouth turn downward in a pleading pout.
Dan stops to consider the possibility. His mind works around in a whirlwind.
On one hand, you don’t seem that bad. Endearing, even. But you’d definitely slow him down, and judging by how you already seem attached to him, Dan would have to keep an eye on you in some capacity.
On the other hand, however, you show no fear of him. That already says a lot about you. Besides, ghosts might leave him alone if they see a ghost child with him. And well… there’s already one of Dan in this world. There doesn’t need to be another.
“How about this?” Dan kneels down when you let go of his leg. “You can come with, I keep you in one piece, and you can tell the other ghosts to… uh, leave us alone?”
He feels a bit silly for phrasing it that way. But you’d understand what he means.
You do a little jig on the spot and bob your head so violently it's surprising it doesn’t make you dizzy. You raise up your arms at him. Dan seems to get what you mean and picking you up, he settles you on his shoulders. His hands on your feet to keep you steady. You look around in exhilaration, you feel like you’re at the top of the world.
Dan turns to the ghostly fireball he made the night before. He stares into its flickering green void for a few seconds. He blinks and with the flick of his hand, the flame goes out.
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l0sercat · 1 year
So i may ask for wesker an ghostface and 2 other killers that you like against the godlike survivor in chase but now they are wearing high weels in chase and they noticed while chasing them and the unusual sound
Imma stick to just the two (sorry) trying to get my motivation up,<3
Killers react to god-like survivor in heels
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He was chasing you and for the love of all things not holy he couldn't hit you
His pride was hurting especially when he discovered you were wearing heels
The sound of your shoes hitting against the concrete was annoying
He gritted his teeth and lunged forward trying to hit you but couldn't
You ran off your heels making the clacking sound with each step you take
Wesker swore by the end of the match he would have you hurt
When he realized you were in heels he grinned
Was it annoying you were avoiding all his attacks? Yeah, but it was amusing to find out that you were kicking his ass in heels
His face hurt with all the smiling he was doing but he couldn't help it you were to damn adorable
He was amazed how you didn't sprain an ankle in those heels or fall
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rootsofdread · 1 year
Hi! Can I request Trickster, Michael, Ghostface and Skull Merchant and Bubba with a survivor reader basically being goofy with the other survivors and fucking up gens every 5 seconds because their laughing and can't focus and when they get hooked they make jokes and try to annoy the hell out of the killer? And when it's time to escape they drop their stuff for the killer and leave cause they thought it was a fun match? GN reader pls :)
my first bubba request!! i loved writing him for you 🥺🥺
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Bubba Sawyer / The Cannibal:
Bubba knows being in the Entity’s realm isn’t pleasant; it’s been a long time since he’s seen anyone have fun. So in all honesty — he kind of enjoys seeing you all have some fun. He’s the first to run over when he hears several explosions in a row from a generator, because he’s almost certain that it’s you, and he could always use a good laugh. You’re the first person in an even longer time to really make him smile, he loves getting to spend time with you during trials and he especially loves getting to laugh with you. For one trial, he can forget that he has a job to do. He can focus on you instead. His favorite thing is getting your gifts after the trials — he gets so excited seeing you leave something for him. He especially loves toolboxes, so he can work on his chainsaw, but he loves everything you give him. He always looks forward to seeing you again.
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Michael Myers / The Shape:
Michael doesn’t really understand how or why you’re so comfortable being so…yourself in trials. It’s such a foreign concept to him. Everyone else is so focused on staying alive, but you, you’re…you’re out in the trials having fun, and laughing. He likes to sit and observe you from afar. You usually try to get him in on the joke, come on over here, Mikey, we’re all having fun, but he just shakes his head. Sometimes he gets closer to you and just looms while you and your fellow survivors cry laughing over your antics, exploding the generator you’re all working on at any possible turn. You’ll never get that done. He may seem judgemental, but really, he’s just…watching. He finds it entertaining, in a way, seeing some of you have fun here. He even feels a bit special when you take the time to leave him your things; he doesn’t necessarily have a use for them, but…it’s nice.
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Danny Johnson / The Ghostface:
Danny is likely the only one that would be willing to join you in your antics; he seems to love a good laugh just as much as you do. Particularly, he loves either sneaking up on you by ending up just behind your shoulder and waiting to see how long it takes you to notice him, or by sneaking up on a teammate and not only waiting to see how long it takes them to notice, but also making gestures with his hands to try to get you to laugh, too. He loves how much fun you are — everyone else is such a buzzkill, he can’t imagine why, of course, but you just love to have fun here. You’re always laughing and smiling and making everyone else do the same, and it has him utterly smitten with you. You’re his favorite survivor to hang out with, and it absolutely delights him when you leave him your items at the exit gates. He takes everything you give him, and it’d be safe to assume he’s amassed a collection…somewhere.
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Ji-Woon Hak / The Trickster:
Ji-Woon is a loose canon — for a long time, you were never sure how he would react to you, because it was almost always different. Sometimes he seemed annoyed by your antics, or amused, sometimes he completely ignored you and went for someone else; sometimes he was particularly bloodythirsty and you were his first target. It was always a toss-up. Over time, he gets more used to you and your shenanigans — he less feels the need to kill you for them and more just lets you have your fun. As long as you’re not specifically giving him problems, he doesn’t seem to really care. Sometimes, even, when he passes by you looking for someone else, he gives you a little smile or giggle, indicating he may just be amused by you now. And every time you leave him an item, you see him take it, and later, when he sees you outside of a trial, he hands it back to you with a genuine autograph.
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Adriana Imai / The Skull Merchant:
Adriana, truthfully, will have none of it. She knows you won’t give her a challenge and she seems to not care much for that fact — she tends to leave you alone during trials and let you have your fun, slowly picking off your team members instead. Sometimes, she’ll give you a look when she passes by you, silently telling you to do something. Run, scream, hide, give her something to hunt you for. Yet, she seems almost flustered when you look back at her with that big grin on your face. She tends to let you go, too, always responding with you’re no fun if you ask her why, but you’ve always considered, perhaps, she has a soft spot for you. She’d never admit it. She does accept your items at the end, though. She knows she can find uses for them.
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Girls... I am having the most IMPURE thoughts about this man.
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On this episode of Max Zooms in on Photos and Hurts Her Own Feelings
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skylarsblue · 2 years
billy loomis / stu macher x reader with autism? tysm! and if you can’t do it no worries ^^
(Autism gang, let's go! Also, I added Danny for my own enjoyment, forgive me.)
✦Ghostfaces With a S/O That's Autistic✦
✦Content; No warnings that I can think of, fluff, GN!Reader with nothing specified physically✦ ✦Stu; He/Him, Billy; He/Him, Danny; He/They✦
✧Stu Macher✧
I'm fairly certain Stu is neurodivergent, ADHD specifically. You look at this man and tell me he has a neurotypical brain, I dare you. Yeah, no, you can't.
Now given this is 1995-1996, the concept of people having ADHD & Autism wasn't super accepted. Honestly, people treated it like a devastating blow most of the time. (Sadly, not a whole lot has changed) I imagine Stu doesn't really understand what being neurodivergent really means. Like, he knows what autism is, but he's got a bit of a warped view of what it means for you. You can blame media for the majority of it, but don't worry! He's not gonna go Anti-Vax Mom™ on yo ass.
He'll actually listen to you, even if he doesn't fully understand. You'll have to break it to him that Autism isn't a life-destroying thing. It just means you process things a bit differently, have sensitivities, etc. He'll grab the concept pretty quickly.
When you explain stuff like sensory processing issues, he'll actually relate really hard. Stu's lived his whole life thinking he was just weird for his reactions to certain stimuli, but when you describe your own experiences, it makes him question.
Bringing up that he might have ADHD won't make him want to get tested, he doesn't see a need, it won't change anything about him and he's not huge on the idea of medications. But, he will ask you more questions. Autism & ADHD are different but they do have a decent amount of overlap and you know more than he does so he trusts your judgment.
"Wait is that why I feel like I wanna tear my skin off when I feel velvet?! ...YOU MEAN NOT EVERYONE HEARS ELECTRICITY? IT'S JUST US?!"
Mans has an epiphany every five seconds while you're talking.
When it comes to him helping you, he tries his best, but he's spacey and forgets certain things. Still, he does his best to keep it all in mind. If he knows there's one food you absolutely can't stand, he'll keep it off your plate. Even if it means scraping it all onto his own and making a mess.
Is there a sound that makes it feel like your head's about to explode? He'll cover your ears, put his head on your head/shoulder and hum something.
Sometimes, if you two share a sensitivity, he'll loudly express his hatred for it and insist you both leave/get rid of whatever's causing it.
Has probably broken something that was making a noise you both hated. "Ugh, finally. Look, see? Problem solved! Aren't I a genius, babe?"
Stu absolutely understands the consumption of hyperfixations and he supports you completely. If it's something he can't get into, sometimes he comes across a bit aloof to it, because it doesn't give his brain the dopamine rush it does for you. Still, he's glad you have something you enjoy and he'll still listen to your rants. As long as you do the same for him.
If you both are hyperfixating on the same thing at the same thing? Bro, y'all annoy the shit out of everyone and he does not give a single fuck.
If anyone makes you feel like shit for talking about it, he's gonna rip them a new one. He makes fun of their biggest insecurities if he feels they deserve it. Is it cruel? Yes, but he, doesn't, care. If you don't wanna feel his wrath, you sit there and listen intently to his baby's ramblings, damnit.
Stu's a pretty intense dude and he likes a lot of stimulation. But he understands if you get overwhelmed sometimes. His tolerance for lots of stuff going on is a lot higher than most people. Again, he'll cover your ears if it's a lot of noise. He'll cover your eyes if it's too much visual stimuli, keep you close to his body in a crowd. This also helps if you're shorter than him because he can surround you completely, helps feel like you're disconnected from the stressors around you.
He's hella rich, he'll get you all the fidget toys you want. All the shit you want for a hyperfixation. Best believe you get the best headphones and music player the market has to offer for those times you need to drown shit out.
He's a touchy-feely person and he's likely to forget your physical boundaries sometimes if touch is a problem for you. But he'll always apologize when you correct him. If touch isn't a problem, he's super cuddly. And if you're the type to be only okay with touch from specific people, he gets a huge ego boost from being that person.
He's a bit boney & fidgety but makes a decent human blanket.
An overall 10/10 for a Neurodivergent Partner.
✧Billy Loomis✧
I'm gonna be real with you, chief. He's not the best. He's not terrible! But not the best. I'm not saying he's gonna bully you for the things you do, no, he's an overall sweet partner in all honesty. He's patient and understanding.
Still, if he doesn't understand a thing you're doing, he might come across a bit annoyed. Like if you have an audible stim that you keep repeating, his tone comes across a bit snappy when he asks why you do it. He's not trying to upset you, his temper's just a bit shaky.
Sitting him down and explaining that you're autistic might get you a few annoying questions. He's not an asshole, he means well, but the questions come across rude. Ex; "But you don't act autistic.", "But you do (insert stereotypical thing).", etc. If you tell him that most of the stuff he knows is basically all poor representation and rumors, he'll give you a pretty basic apology and he'll stop. Billy will also ask what else is a result of shitty ideas of autism so he knows better. (You'll need to tell him that the R-word is a slur. He doesn't really use it but it's good for him to be aware.)
I personally see Billy as neurotypical, but he's been friends with Stu for a long time. If you have behaviors that overlap with Stu's, he'll handle it perfectly. He's a veteran at it.
Sometimes he'll think you're being a bit too sensitive about sensory stimuli, but when you explain it's not just that you dislike something, he'll be more willing to understand.
"It's just a bit of corn, it's not that bad." "Billy, when I bite into a single kernel, it triggers my fight or flight response, my body goes into panic mode, and I wanna tear my hair out and throw up. It is that bad." "...oh. Aight, here, trade me."
When it comes to overstimulation caused by stuff like noise and people, he actually understands. He's an introvert and large crowds exhaust him, which makes him irritable. If he sees you starting to get antsy and uncomfortable in a loud environment, he'll give you his walkman headphones and find a reason for you both to leave. He's excellent at manipulation, he'll find a way.
If you have skin sensitivity, he'll start keeping things on him that help alleviates it. Scissors to cut tags out of your clothes, a spare shirt(that's his because he totally has a kink for that), hand sanitizer, etc.
Best believe he's ready to throw hands with anyone who gives you shit. He will whoop ass, no hesitation. Billy's a very possessive & protective partner most of the time, he's ready to defend your honor at the drop of a hat.
He's got his hobbies and likes, but he doesn't have anything he'd consider a hyperfixation. Still, he'll be perfectly happy for you that you've found one. Sometimes he has to ask you to stop talking when you're rambling about it, but he learned after the first two times to specify it wasn't personal. He just needs quiet every now and then and he knows you'll get sad if he isn't actually listening to you.
Like Stu, he'll be very happy if your hyperfixation has anything to do with his own interests. Billy will actually be impressed if you know more niche facts and nuances than he is, this is often the easiest way to hold his attention when you're in a long info-dump.
He's not as rich as Stu, but he's got some decent money, plus a part-time job. His spare money will definitely be spent on your interests, no matter what it is. It could be a hyper-specific brand of toys and he'll buy the most expensive one they offer. He wants you to be happy! (And the terrible part of him wants to have the leverage to keep you loyal to him, no matter how terrible his actions get)
Despite his struggle to understand sensory processing disorder, he actually offers some pretty decent suggestions to get around it. Using myself as an example, I often struggle to brush my teeth because it'll feel like bugs are in my teeth. If you had something like this, he'd come up with a potential solution on the spot. "What if you brushed them in the shower? That way you can focus more on the water than the brushing."
Again, similarities between you and Stu will catch his attention and he'll make a mental note of it. One, he'll see if he can use his experience with Stu to handle your symptoms better. Two, he'll definitely consider asking you if Stu's neurodivergent.
Not the best, but he's trying his best. Solid 7/10.
✧Danny Johnson✧
I headcanon that Danny has AuDHD, which is both Autism & ADHD. Once he was diagnosed (well into his twenties), it was like they had opened pandora's box. Researching it made them go "OHH THAT'S WHY" every five seconds.
He grew up in rural Utah with a shitty dad who would definitely not treat Danny well if he knew about his son's neurodivergence. But that doesn't matter cause the bastard's dead. Letting Danny have the freedom to research the topic to his heart's content, which he does. It helped them immensely in terms of lifestyle.
When you come into his life and explain that you're autistic, he's completely accepting right off the bat. That's also assuming he wasn't stalking you for months prior to your relationship and that he didn't already know to begin with.
He's probably the most equipped to handle things like sensory overload & sensitivities, given he has so many himself. He's also, ironically enough, got the most patience for things like stims & info-dumping. Danny's a tempermental hypocrite but on this list he's the most chill with these things, funny eh?
They absolutely pick up on some of your stims and you pick up on his. It makes them so much worse, but it's cute. His main stims involve his hands and little sounds with his mouth, like whistling or humming.
Your food sensitivities don't need to be explained to him, he's got a million. It's aggravating because he wants to be a foodie so bad but then they have all these damn sensory problems. If a single piece of broccoli will ruin your entire meal, broccoli will be essentially banned from the house. He's a romantic like that.
Pre-cuts tags from your clothes, picks out things from pre-made meals that you hate before he even gives it to you, has a plethora of scented candles you like to cover up troublesome smells, and he's got a million versions of headphones/earbuds. They all work he just loses them constantly, buys more, then finds the originals again. Honestly, they have a whole drawer dedicated to music players.
Your ability to stick to a schedule helps out with his ADHD experience. He's got a pretty decent routine himself, but sometimes he'll fuck it up and find it hard to get back on track. For example, they've misplaced their meds and it's fucking up their whole morning? There you are with the correction and they're back on track. He'll jokingly call you a saint for it.
Sometimes his temper gets touchy and he'll get snappy at something you do. (This is more a general thing and less an Autistic thing) He gets real guilty when you look at him with sadness and quickly apologizes. Which is baffling, given they were pretty sure they were incapable of guilt for a long time.
"I'm sorry, sorry, it's not you. Not mad at you. Mad at this other thing, it's not personal, doll, sorry."
If you're overstimulated, Danny's got you covered, rest assured. He's got earbuds, at least three fidget toys, and he's always ready to give you comforting pressure. Whether it's by acting like a weighted blanket or a tight hug. They also really appreciate when you return the favor when they've had a bad day at work.
They get a huge ego boost if you consider him your main comfort, or if your comfort object is something of his. Like a gift they gave you or some article of their clothing.
Actively researches your hyperfixation so he can engage in conversation with you about it. They like seeing you get all excited when they bring it up. Most of the time, he ends up having a hyperfixation on it as well. If you do the same for him? You're asking for a cuddly bitch of a man.
Feels their cold heart melt when you do something to help their AuDHD. Remembering his safe foods, his fidgets, etc. If he wasn't obsessed before, he is now.
Anyone who gives you shit for being autistic is dead by morning, that's a basic rule. If you defend him against bullshit? He's fucking the shit out of you.(/hj)
Considers you a hyperfixation, honestly.
100/10, you caught a winner with Danny. If you don't mind obsessive behavior, possessiveness, and murder. But c'mon. You're here. Of course, you don't mind.
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
I saw u did a Danny phantom one so I was wondering I could request a scenario similar. As in Wukong,Macaque, and Mk with a S/O who basically has Danny’s powers? Maybe similar situation as in the kinda dead part but also not quite some how. If not that’s ok as well ty for your time!
yess when I was a kid I always wanted Danny's powers! Enjoy!
Wukong, Macaque, and MK x GN!Danny Phantom!Reader (Romantic Headcanons)
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Wukong - loves when you show off your skills to him! I think he would like the flight power the most just so you two could mess around; him on his cloud and you in the air. If you use your overshadowing power on a demon y'all fight, he's gonna laugh his ass off if you make them do stupid stuff. He'll also find it really funny if you go through walls, ceilings, or floors to surprise him or prank others. If you happen to be half-undead like Danny is in the show, he will definitely be curious about what might've led to your almost demise. You don't have to tell him if you don't want to, but until then he'll throw around theories in his head.
Macaque - oh buddy he can relate. he most likely has a near heart attack the first time he sees you use your powers--after all, he totally thought you were just a human--but after you explain the situation, he understands. He might offer to train you or spar with you; not only to see what you can do, but to see if you want to develop those skills. I think that some of his shadow powers are similar to the ghost powers in Danny Phantom, so maybe he'd also learn something in the process. You two also engage in a lot of portal shenanigans--it's his favorite thing ever. Similar to Wukong, he won't force you to tell him your story. But he'll be more okay with sharing his story with you.
MK - thinks you're so cool!! definitely asks you to show him all your powers so he can see how strong you are! Calls you his "boo" because c'mon, it's hilarious! expect a lot of puns, actually. also takes you to cool abandoned places to see if there are any ghosts--Mei comes along too, and probably livestreams your ghost-hunting adventures. MK would encourage you to open up to him about your backstory, but obviously it's your choice. He'd be super proud of you if you told him, it probably took a lot of guts(ok ok i'm done--)
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