#Gemma Atkins
letterboxd-loggd · 5 months
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Wicked Little Letters (2023) Thea Sharrock
May 6th 2024
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2ndaryprotocol · 2 years
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The hellaciously fun action/horror hybrid ‘Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters’ hit theaters this week 10 years ago. 🍬🧙🏼‍♀️☠️
“𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘, 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏*𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗' 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚢.”
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Wicked Little Letters (15): You'd have to be a ******* **** not to enjoy this one.
#OneMannsMovies #Film Review of "Wicked Little Letters". #WickedLittleLetters. Sweary comedy genius from Olivia Colman and Jessie Buckley. 4/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Wicked Little Letters” (2024). It always gives me great joy to walk into a cinema screen and see that virtually every seat in the place is taken. A gasp-inducing joy! That’s what happened to me yesterday afternoon seeing “Wicked Little Letters”. This sweary but lovable tale is hitting a sweet spot with the ‘silver-dollar’ audience and I think word of mouth might…
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twenty-words-or-less · 7 months
Wicked Little Letters
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Summary: Edith Swan (Olivia Colman) is one of a handful of residents who is on the receiving end of a string of obscene letters. Suspicion falls on her neighbour, Rose (Jessie Buckley), who must fight to clear her name.
Fizzy, sweary comedy ultimately about repression with unleashed Buckley and tightly-wound Colman.
Rating: 3.5/5
Photo credit: The Guardian
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watchingalotofmovies · 5 months
Wicked Little Letters
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Wicked Little Letters    [trailer]
When people in Littlehampton begin to receive letters full of hilarious profanities, rowdy Irish migrant Rose is charged with the crime. Suspecting that something is amiss, the town's women investigate.
The characters are not particularly subtle but they are portrayed by first-rate British actors which makes it more interesting. Who doesn't enjoy listening to Jessie Buckley and Olivia Colman having a swearing contest.
Especially Buckley is a lot of fun. Anjana Vasan as Gladys Moss also left a memorable impression.
Side note, apparently the information provided on the text insert at the end about the real Rose and Edith is factually incorrect. Which makes the insert rather pointless and leaves a bit of a bitter aftertaste.
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ulrichgebert · 6 months
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Es ist kein Whodunit, sondern ein Who wrote it, schmutzige kleine Briefe nämlich, die das kleine englische Seebadstädtchen Littlehampton in Aufruhr und Empörung versetzen. Verdächtigt wird natürlich die irische alleinerziehende Mutter in Gestalt der wieder hinreißenden Jessie Buckley. Es ist aber komplizierter. Und ganz entzückend, wird aber aufgrund der beherzten Verwendung von unflätigsten Schimpfwörtern wahrscheinlich nie im amerikanischen Fernsehen gezeigt werden. Alles ist genau so passiert.
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thecraggus · 7 months
Wicked Little Letters (2024) Review
Wicked Little Letters is a quaint seaside whodunnit of the kind Agatha Christie might have written after taking a bong rip while binge-watching a SOUTH PARK box set. #Review
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milliondollarbaby87 · 7 months
Wicked Little Letters (2023) Review
When letters full of profanities cause mayhem in the small town of Littlehampton, rowdy Irish migrant Rose is charged with the crime which is mainly against Edith Swan a deeply conservative local. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Wicked Little Letters (2023) Review
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magiccruumbs · 1 year
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A proper introduction for Gemma since she’s officially part of the family!
Here is Gemma Atkins!
Traits: excitable, green thumb, loves the outdoors, never nude, unlucky, and a level 10 nerd!
Favorites: geek rock, grilled cheese, pink 
LTW: perfect garden
Career: education (and since she has a science and medicine degree, I imagine she’s a science teacher)
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silverslipstream · 1 year
Flash Fiction Friday!
So yeah, I decided to enter @flashfictionfridayofficial this week! I decided to write something completely off the top of my head - I've been reading David Levithan's Boy Meets Boy recently and was inspired to write a little smidge of queer romance. It ended up being a lot longer than I envisaged, but it's still under 1,000 words, so... Result!
Without further ado, here's the story of two best friends ringing in the New Year together in an unexpected way. Enjoy! (Note: Owen and Elliott are named after the poets Wilfred Owen and T.S Eliot. Just an interesting little detail!)
Prompt: Can We Kiss?
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Owen isn’t quite sure when he started feeling like he’d been cast adrift from his own body, but surely this house party is responsible. Shawn Mendes’s new hit is blaring from some nebulous middle-distance: he can’t tell whether it’s inside this house or inside his head. He takes another sip from the glass of cranberry vodka in his hand. The alcohol is sharp and sour: it rolls like a fist down his throat, and it’s all he can do not to gag.
Suddenly, like a lighthouse after weeks at sea, Elliott appears at the end of the hall. Owen lurches forward toward his best friend, ignoring the chorus of indignant complaints from the partygoers around him. Elliott sees him and snorts.
“You’re drunk.” It’s not a question. Owen can’t remember ever thinking about it, but suddenly drunk seems like the perfect word.
“As a glass of water,” he answers confidently, and a ripple of laughter shudders outward like a shockwave across the room.
Elliott shakes his head and claps him on the shoulder.
“C’mon, O. You stumble around all night, you’re gonna miss the countdown, and it’s not long now. In fact,” he says, checking his watch, “we’ve got thirteen minutes. You can’t come to a New Year’s Eve party and not celebrate the countdown. What would be the point?”
“Wait—since when was it New Year’s?”
Elliott side-eyes him with a lopsided grin, as if holding in a laugh, and Owen can’t tear his eyes away from those lips. For some reason, he doesn’t care if Elliott notices. He doesn’t care if everyone notices.
“Fucking hell, you’re properly wasted, aren’t you?”
Sometime later, Owen’s sitting on an armchair in the living room. How long has it been? He can’t remember exactly how he got here, but it can’t have happened too long ago, because nobody’s counting down yet. Countdown. That’s important!
The living room is traditional suburban British fare: family photos on the mantelpiece, a hideous red and white patterned rug, a flat screen TV nestled between two DVD shelves. It’s much too small for the amount of people in here. Try as he might, he can’t remember whose house this is supposed to be.
As if by magic, Elliott appears next to him, perching on the arm of the chair. His thick black hair is mussed at the back, and he’s wearing an oddly exposed expression. Something that got caught between satisfaction and confusion and doesn’t know which one to hide behind.
“Gemma Atkins decided she couldn’t wait for the stroke of midnight,” he says wryly, an embarrassed flush colouring his cheeks.
“You gonna go find her again for a second round? Y’know, at the countdown?”
“Nah. She’s probably saving the countdown kiss for Josh.”
Owen snorts derisively. “Yeah, her and every other girl within five miles.”
All the weight in Owen’s skull seems to have moved to the back of his head. Suddenly, he’s looking at the pockmarked pattern on the roof, watching the strobe lights play over the bumps and ridges, leaning back into the comfiest headrest he’s ever known. The fingers of his left hand find someone’s knuckles, and without thinking, he slips his thumb under the other hand’s palm, tracing little circles into the warm and slightly sweaty flesh.
Elliott looks at their joined hands with a quirked eyebrow, like it’s a toddler asking a particularly foolish question.
“Well, that’s a bit gay, isn’t it?”
It’s probably meant to sound sarcastic, maybe even mocking, but Owen can’t detect any malice in Elliott’s tone. Instead, it sounds drily observational, like an affirmation.
His head feels like it’s full of pins-and needles; there’s a strange sensation of being pushed into the armchair. Elliott’s hand is still warm in his, and for some reason, his best friend isn’t pulling away. Some joker starts counting down from thirty, and gradually people join in.
“Aren’t you gonna… y’know, find someone to ring in the New Year with, Elliott? I’m good here. This chair’s super comfy.”
Elliott looks at him and chuckles. It’s a light, soft sound, like windchimes, and Owen feels like he could dance to it, pirouette through a ballroom forever if only Elliott would keep laughing.
The countdown reaches fifteen: now every kid in the room is chanting. Owen leans in.
“Well, if you’re not gonna go find some girl to kiss, can we? Kiss, I mean?”
“Well… yeah, go on then,” Elliott says. “Only because you’re drunk, and because you couldn’t kiss a girl if your A-levels depended on it.”
“Wow, do you tell that to all the boys you kiss?”
“Only you, O.”  
“C’mere, then.”
He slides one hand around the back of Elliott’s neck, and the other snakes around the small of his back, turning Elliott to face him. His best friend leans in, and Owen can’t help but catch a whiff of cologne. This is the closest they’ve ever been. He wonders briefly if Elliott can hear the blood thumping in his ears.
“FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE…” screams the room.
And suddenly Elliott’s closed the gap between them, and the kiss is simultaneously gentle and electrifying, and Owen feels like he’s floating through the roof. Elliott tastes of Kopparberg and rum, and for some stupid, intoxicating reason, it’s the best kiss he’s ever had.
It’s over before it’s really begun; Elliott breaks the kiss and almost headbutts him by whipping his head around. Owen lays a hand on Elliott’s. The other boy stares back, questions flaring in his eyes.
“It’s all right, mate. Nobody’s watching,” he says, and relief washes over Elliott’s face.
“Yeah, well… don’t get used to it, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah. We both know you’ve been dying to snog me all night.”
They laugh again, and Owen could swear they’re sitting in another dimension now. Someplace he can’t name.
“Whatever, O. Happy New Year.”
“Happy New Year, Elliott.”
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k00288552 · 2 years
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Anna Atkins| Artist research
was introduced to us in Tus during the cyanotype workshop with Tutor Gemma Dardis. Anna is a pioneer as she created the first Photograph book of cyanotypes.
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Anna Atkins was an English botanist and photographer. She is often considered the first person to publish a book illustrated with photographic images. Some sources say that she was the first woman to create a photograph.---WIKI
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Sometimes as I take photographic images of my own work I often relate to it as a continual documentation of my progress aiding my own collection of work and being able to use it as a document for future reference and development of my ideas. I relate more to the visual documentation of a process rather than a written documentation of events.
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marastriker · 2 years
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huntsvillehq · 2 years
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Someone is missing! ELIJAH ATKINS (aaron tveit) is looking for their WIFE. Please, if you see them, you must contact @wanderinglcst. We’re all extremely worried.
Name: UTP Atkins
Age: mid-late 30s
Town/Commune: Town
Resident/Visitor: Visitor
Faceclaim Suggestions: Blake Lively, Constance Wu, Gemma Chan, UTP
Further Information (required):
Elijah and his wife met when he was looking into a missing persons case, her sister. They hit off quickly and started to spend more time together while he worked on her case, he knew that he shouldn't be so close to her but he felt an immediate attraction to her and decided to try his luck. That was two years ago and they've been married for six months. At the moment, it's a great marriage, they're still very much in love but when Elijah asked her to come with him on this case in Huntsville, she was hesitant because she's had to leave her job and family behind due to her husband blindly following a lead. Now they're stuck, this could be a good or bad thing for them.
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k00283051 · 2 years
Anna Atkins
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English botanical artist, collector and photographer Atkins was the first person to illustrate a book with photographic images. Her 19th century cyanotypes used light exposure and a simple chemical process to create detailed blueprints of botanical specimens.
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I found her work inspirational for my Monday workshop with Gemma, where I made my own prints using artificial light to create blueprints in comparison to Atkins who used the sun as her source of light.
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rpgadverts · 25 days
Please take a look at our subplot for Riverwalk Town on our tumblr. Unhallowed is searching for the following characters as our first event, All things Devour, rolls around!
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Voted temporary and acting mayor when Sturgill Atkins was murdered. Vincent is considered a neutral party, as he has no known affiliations with other political parties within the town. He is also thought to be caring, charismatic, attuned to the communal needs, and yet… still, there are those in Riverwalk that have questioned his ulterior and unknown motives, seeing his volunteering as a power grab. This role requires admin discussion!
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The primary editor and journalist of the Sweller Scrolls - he works directly with the Riverwalk Town Council in order to vet and run articles for publication. This paper is regarded as the primary source of information and truth, but recently their refusal to run certain stories has called their integrity into question. Face is open, as well as gender. Suggested is Rhys Ifans.
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Miguel Cabrera was a former member of the Sweller Scrolls who was eventually elected onto the council. He was recognized after a successful story ran covering the credit slips (introduced by the Richmond Safe Zone) which brought the practice to Riverwalk Town. Of course, many blame his article covering the currency for Riverwalk's corrupt relationship with the safe zone. As opponents point out, the affiliation makes sense considering he moved from the capital city to Riverwalk Town only a few years ago.
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This councilman is on his second term, and is the primary overseer of Riverwalk Town defense. His duties include proposing laws that help the guards of Riverwalk, as well as determining when and where the town will move next. When the location changes, he is also in charge of alerting their primary vendors to ensure those that are trusted are capable of finding them once more. He handles relations with the Richmond Safe Zone guards as well, and may have an extensive military history prior to outbreak. Face is open, as well as gender. Suggested is Jon Bernthal.
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This councilman is on their second term, and oversees the town's food sources. Riverwalk Town's primary market is seafood and self-farming and she was the one that suggest the community take after the Richmond Safe Zone's idea for credit slips. Because of this, she has come under fire by the those within the town. Still, she is a renowned farmer and keeps the boats dedicated to farming flourishing. Face is open, as well as gender. Suggested is Gemma Chan.
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unhallowedrp · 29 days
Please take a look at our subplot for Riverwalk Town. Unhallowed is searching for the following characters as our first event, All things Devour, rolls around!
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Voted temporary and acting mayorwhen Sturgill Atkins was murdered. Vincent is considered a neutral party, as he has no known affiliations with other political parties within the town. He is also thought to be caring, charismatic, attuned to the communal needs, and yet… still, there are those in Riverwalk that have questioned his ulterior and unknown motives, seeing his volunteering as a power grab.
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The primary editor and journalist of the Sweller Scrolls - he works directly with the Riverwalk Town Council in order to vet and run articles for publication. This paper is regarded as the primary source of information and truth, but recently their refusal to run certain stories has called their integrity into question. Face is open, as well as gender. Suggested is Rhys Ifans.
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Miguel Cabrera was a former member of the Sweller Scrolls who was eventually elected onto the council. He was recognized after a successful story ran covering the credit slips (introduced by the Richmond Safe Zone) which brought the practice to Riverwalk Town. Of course, many blame his article covering the currency for Riverwalk's corrupt relationship with the safe zone. As opponents point out, the affiliation makes sense considering he moved from the capital city to Riverwalk Town only a few years ago.
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NOW TAKEN. This councilman is on his second term, and is the primary overseer of Riverwalk Town defense. His duties include proposing laws that help the guards of Riverwalk, as well as determining when and where the town will move next. When the location changes, he is also in charge of alerting their primary vendors to ensure those that are trusted are capable of finding them once more. He handles relations with the Richmond Safe Zone guards as well, and may have an extensive military history prior to outbreak. Face is open, as well as gender. Suggested is Jon Bernthal.
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NOW TAKEN. This councilman is on their second term, and oversees the town's food sources. Riverwalk Town's primary market is seafood and self-farming and she was the one that suggest the community take after the Richmond Safe Zone's idea for credit slips. Because of this, she has come under fire by the those within the town. Still, she is a renowned farmer and keeps the boats dedicated to farming flourishing. Face is open, as well as gender. Suggested is Gemma Chan.
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