#Gemini Stellium
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Every Gemini and Sagittarius person I have known has dreamed of a van life or traveling forever.
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vampirae · 2 years ago
Stellium in the signs
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A gathering of three or more planets in the same sign or house in a person's birth chart is referred to as a stellium in astrology. Stelliums provide a concentrated energy in that specific sector of a person's chart, which can have a tremendous impact on their personality and life experiences.
Stellium in Aries: an individual with the Aries stellium is likely to be active, ambitious, powerful, and assertive. They are competitive, driven, and frequently assume the initiative in a variety of spheres of their lives. They might like taking the lead on new endeavors and have a strong desire for independence.
Stellium in Taurus: people with a stellium in Taurus exude a realistic, determined, and grounded spirit. They place a lot of emphasis on financial stability, security, and sensual pleasures. These people frequently have a deep connection to the physical world and are trustworthy, patient, and reliable.
Stellium in Gemini: the energy of a Gemini stellium is inquisitive, versatile, and intellectually focused. These people are adaptable, friendly, and enjoy talking to others and exchanging ideas. They could be very diverse in their interests and be very good at things that call for quick thinking.
Stellium in Cancer: those who have this stellium are perceptive, sensitive, and nurturing by nature. They appreciate their home, family, and intimate relationships and are very emotionally connected. These people may prioritize emotional security and possess strong maternal or protective impulses.
Stellium in Leo: people with stellium in Leo have a lively, assured, and expressive vitality. They enjoy being the center of attention, are naturally creative, and have excellent leadership abilities. These people adore spreading happiness and warmth to others, and they thrive on recognition.
Stellium in Virgo: denotes a practical, analytical, and attention-to-details energy. These people have a strong sense of duty, are organized, and strive for perfection. They are excellent problem-solvers and critical thinkers, and frequently have a strong desire to help others.
Stellium in Libra: a harmonious, diplomatic, and friendly temperament characterizes a Libra stellium. Fairness, balance, and harmonious relationships are things they appreciate. These people are highly aesthetic, like the arts, and perform well in vocations that need teamwork.
Stellium in Scorpio: people with a Scorpio stellium possess powerful, transforming energy. They have a keen emotional understanding and are frequently drawn to mysteries and uncovering secrets. These people can grow profoundly personally and have great instincts.
Sagittarius Stellium: a Sagittarius stellium denotes a spirit of adventure, optimism, and philosophy. These people are intellectually curious, love learning about other cultures and belief systems, and have a strong desire for personal freedom. They may succeed in subjects like as education, travel, or spirituality.
Capricorn Stellium: capricorn stellium people are realistic, disciplined, and ambitious. They cherish established organizations and regulations, have a strong work ethic, and aim for long-term success. These people are dedicated and frequently have a natural capacity to lead.
Stellium in Aquarius: those with an Aquarius stellium have a distinct, autonomous, and imaginative vitality. They are frequently ahead of their time, believe in progressive ideals, and love being a part of a community. These people may thrive in areas such as technology, social action, or humanitarian concerns.
Stellium in Pisces: denotes a sensitive, creative, and sympathetic spirit. These people are very intuitive, typically have psychic talents, and have a strong sense of empathy. They are spiritual and creative, and may be inclined to artistic or therapeutic professions.
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l3xistentialism · 9 months ago
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LIFE | hello Gemini stellium 😉 we got a lot going on in my 5th House rn. Growing a lil person while raising a not-so-little-anymore person while fostering my creative pursuits & just tryna get back to something that feels right & real is…exhausting.
I been feeling disillusioned & disconnected from things & people lately. Shit is pretty bleak on a grand scale & pregnancy is isolating af, even with people around supporting the journey. I miss my favorite vices but I’m also thankful that I’m having to do some unfinished inner work with sober mindfulness.
I wish these dreams would calm tf down though 😅
I’m utilizing this concentration of energy in my 5H to get back to what matters & is most fun for me, deepening my spiritual practice & just being a better parent overall.
Readings are open with the intention of working thru my registry 🩵
The intention with this offering is to get back to what I love while working on bringing this new life earth side as smoothly and comfortably as possible.
Free Palestine, Happy Pride, nobody’s free till we all free.
For inquiries on Readings, feel free to DM me.
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northopalshore · 3 months ago
As leo mercury retrograde 27 degree in 11H
I'm virgo sun mars Jupiter so im ruled by mercury does that affect?
What's the best way to learn a language
English is my second language but the language just slipped in my mind and I can't explain it 😭
♀ Hello
I think that could definitely be the case.
The Logic of Language genius placements in astrology
Key characters: Gemini & Sagittarius
I always found that Gemini moons & mercuries are the best when it comes to learning new languages; it's very natural to them. Like my mother has Sun, Mercury & Saturn in Gemini in the 11th house & she speaks 5-6 languages.
My late grandfather is the type to learn languages as fast as memorizing lyrics to your favourite songs; super quick. My family has always had this amazed look in their eyes whenever they told me stories about his language crusades (he used to be a political advisor) lmao. Though, I've never met him his stories never seem to bore me. I only wish my grandmother kept some of his cameras he used to love photography. He took pictures of my mother often. Although I don't have his chart, I'm certain there is a lot of Gemini & Sagittarius influence in it.
My friend has Gemini stellium in the 1st house (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn 💀) she literally has a different accent from the once she had at birth; state dialect. She's the only one who sounds different in her family, she speaks 4-5 languages. Quick to catch other languages as well.
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However, when it comes to the level of proficiency of languages I always found that Sagittarius placements tend to mean their reach or language understanding gets much deeper; they tend to speak fewer languages compared to Gemini placements, but they really know the language, different slangs & all. They copy slangs & pronunciations very quickly as well.
& In the case without Gemini or Sagittarius placements:
I know Lisa doesn't have any prominent Gemini or Sagittarius placements in her natal chart, but she has Virgo in her third house & mars (°22 Capricorn) here. She literally had to learn a language to survive ( when she first flew to South Korea for her training with YG). Like they say about the 22 degree; it's killed or be killed. I recall reading something from a post somewhere years ago that YG literally banned her from speaking English ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠•̥⁠`⁠ʔ.
Her 3rd house ruler ( Mercury) is in the 10th house in Aries & a Sagittarius degree so it still tracks, just not as obvious as the other examples.
Honestly the best way to learn a language fluently is by
1) Having interest
2) Being able to communicate with someone who speaks that language natively or get real-time feedback
3) Having fun with that language & watching media/memes from that languages' speaking community.
But that's just how I prefer to learn it. Of course learning the basic rules, expanding your vocabulary & understanding grammatical functions are important, but remember that LANGUAGE COMES WITH THE CULTURE IT'S ATTACHED TO you can't have one without the other.
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Hope this helps!
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astrojulia · 2 years ago
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Relaxed and self-directed: Geminis do things on their own time and don't get stressed about sticking to a rigid schedule. They prefer to do things their own way and don't worry about conforming to other people's agendas.
Strategic thinkers: When Geminis are quiet, they are usually planning their next move. They have a tendency to counterattack, and if they feel wronged or challenged, they will strategize on how to develop an offense. If they can't let it go, they may ruminate until they come up with a resolution.
Thrive in action-packed environments: They enjoy places that are bustling and vibrant, offering a variety of things to see and do. They don't like sitting still for too long and prefer environments that provide constant stimulation and activity.
Quick-minded and intellectually curious: They have agile minds and dislike being in situations that lack mental stimulation. They have a natural curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. If something no longer interests them, they have no qualms about moving on to something new that captures their attention.
Value their freedom: They cherish their independence and need space in all types of relationships. They dislike feeling tied down or restricted by commitments and prefer to have the freedom to explore different paths and experiences.
Observant and empathetic: They have a keen sense of observation and can discern the emotions and characteristics of others. They possess a natural instinct for understanding people and can sense when something is happening around them.
Interested in human relationships and current affairs: Geminis are drawn to subjects that involve practical aspects of life rather than purely theoretical concepts. They enjoy discussing human relationships, current events, and expressing poetic visions.
Skilled at charming others: They have a knack for winning people over by engaging in conversations about each other's lives. They create a light and enjoyable atmosphere, which can make others feel captivated and seduced by their charisma.
Avoid negative energy: They actively avoid spending time with individuals who constantly complain or have a negative outlook on life. They prefer to be surrounded by people with vibrant energy and enjoy engaging in conversations that uplift and inspire.
Socially approachable: They emit an approachable energy that naturally draws people to them. Even on quieter days, they often find themselves approached by others. No matter where they are, if they stay in a place for at least an hour, they are likely to strike up a conversation with someone.
Spiritually curious: They have a deep admiration for and interest in various spiritual practices. They are open to exploring different spiritual paths and are often drawn to learn about rituals, crystals, and other metaphysical aspects. As a suggestion, they could try palmistry to further expand their spiritual knowledge.
Motivators and supporters: They genuinely care about people and have a profound respect for the human experience. When they see someone in need, they offer words of encouragement and guidance, speaking to what the other person truly needs to hear, even if it may not be what they want to hear. Their motivation stems from a desire to uplift and support others.
Slow to forgive: They have a hard time forgiving those who betray their trust or speak ill of them behind their back. They know how to navigate life as if they've never met the person, and forgiveness does not come easily to them.
Love for adventures and novelty: They are always seeking new experiences and thrills. Whether it's trying out the newest roller coaster or exploring a newly opened Chinese restaurant, they are eager to embrace the next adventure that comes their way.
Reserved about personal matters: They can be discreet when it comes to sharing details about themselves. They tend to hold back and only open up once they have resolved their own internal conflicts. While they speak positively about the lives of others, they may have their own inner complexities to navigate.
Desire for deep connections: They are drawn to developing meaningful relationships with others. They seek to deepen their bonds rather than constantly seeking new romantic partners. After a relationship ends, they often take time to heal and reflect before fully reengaging in the dating scene.
Sarcastic sense of humor: They often use self-deprecating humor to bring laughter and joy to others. They have a knack for sarcasm, but this can sometimes lead to challenges, as not everyone appreciates their lighthearted and witty approach.
Adaptability to change: They embrace change and find stimulation in new experiences. They don't get overly attached to specific work or living environments and are open to moving, rearranging their living space, or seeking new perspectives to keep their minds engaged.
The life of the party: They are known for their outgoing and fun-loving personalities. They don't easily feel embarrassed and enjoy making jokes and dancing to lift the spirits of the group. They excel at creating a lively and vibrant atmosphere, allowing others to feel more relaxed and free in their company.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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astro-tag-9 · 6 months ago
Hi, how is your day going? I would love to know if a female character is reminding you of my chart :)
Aries Rising 8° and Aries Mercury 24°
Taurus sun/moon (both still in 1st house)
Venus-Mars-Lilith conjunction in Gemini (3rd house)
Saturn in Cancer (4th house)
Chiron in Capricorn
Especially tight aspects in my chart:
Asc square Saturn | Venus trine Neptune | Mars and Lilith opposite Pluto
Thank you in advance✨
💛Bianca Stratford❤️
( 10 things I hate about you)
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astral-lucy · 6 months ago
I noticed you have a gemini stellium! I do too (my chart is air/water heavy). How do you feel it effects you?
hi love!
well, maybe this isn't the most positive thing to say so i apologise but, i really don't like it.
do i resonate with how it's described? mostly, yeah, but i wish i had different placements.
(also keep in mind my stellium is in my 12h so that might be why lol)
but it does affect me in the sense that i can't decide on anything ever, i loooooove to talk, i actually do like to learn and can easily have conversations with strangers. my mars is in gemini so it absolutely affects my energy levels, they how from a 0 to a 100 real quick.
i also tend to obsess over things, and i blame it on this stellium.
hope this was what you meant!
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saturniandevil · 9 months ago
June 2024 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's June Forecast. Cohost Austin Coppock is back, now as a new father!
Notable mundane alignments in May: through May 10th-13th we had intense geomagnetic storms from solar radiation cause auroras over a huge area in the world, happening right as the Sun in Taurus conjoined Uranus (electricity/unexpected) and Jupiter (expansion). On May 19th the president of Iran died in a helicopter crash due officially to poor visibility in foggy mountains (but with assassination suspected), the day Mars conjoined the North Node in Aries (with the Moon opposing them)--a date that Chris & Diana singled out last forecast as hitting eclipse points affecting world leaders & Iran specifically (during the April eclipses Iran fired back at Israel to retaliate for the destruction of its embassy). The ICC arrest warrants were also issued during this Mars-Node conjunction, a continuation of the eclipse story (both in April and October). In the sign of Aries, this is the time when hostilities became overt, and generally the Aries April eclipse was an exalted Sun being eclipsed, boding ill for leaders and heads of state. The North Node is also called "the head of the dragon," so it's fitting that leaders of three countries were affected--especially since these leaders were born under eclipses as well.
In celebrity news, Kendrick Lamar and Drake released a series of diss tracks at each other from late March to early May, also aligning with eclipse season this year. The precursor to this was a line from Like That, released March 22nd under an eclipse in Libra--Kendrick's rising sign. Drake was born after an Aries eclipse, and it was just after the April eclipse that this heated up with his track release. Mars joined the fray entering Aries and that's when the beef really heated up. Mars-Rahu (North Node) contacts indicate fights where parties cross the line because they can't see it, and indeed these shots went below the belt.
On April 30th the DEA announced it may reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III drug, which Chris connects to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus as a sudden change around a medicinal plant. Austin also connects int to Neptune in Pisces--he's been wondering if marijuana will finally be legally recognized before Neptune leaves. Also Uranus in Taurus: BitCoin and Etherium have approved ETFs now, bringing crypto to mainstream investment like retirement funds (Pluto's last peek into Capricorn is connected too, as it was invented when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2009). Also in currency, the BRICS group of nations are discussing bringing in a new currency as an alternative to the US Dollar and cryptocurrency is on the table--these talks also first began in 2009. The next BRICS meeting is in October in Russia, around the time of another eclipse. In other Saturn in Pisces finance news, Red Lobster has gone bankrupt, possibly because they gave away too much free shrimp (limits and seafood; the discussions were taking place during Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces even though the announcement was under an Aries Mars).
We're going into the month of June just as many planets shift into Gemini, a key signature for the month. We've had one stellium after another this year, but that trend will change as June wraps up.
June 2nd - Jupiter trine retrograde Pluto In Gemini this is good for travel, such as Boeing launching a new spacecraft (right before Mercury enters Gemini). This aspect is great for enabling Pluto's Aquarian endeavors like transformative new technologies or sci-fi...but mileage may vary for Jupiter. Chris relates this to voice AI translations opening up communication as Jupiter transits Gemini. With Mercury nearby, this month has a tone of trying a little bit of many different things, generally with positive growth and stability in the Gemini parts of our charts. Jupiter is also bound, decan, and triplicity ruler of the early part of the Gemini and has lots of power here. It's a great time to learn enough of something to do what you need with it, rather than pursuing deep expertise.
June 3rd - Mercury enters Gemini, Auspicious election
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Taking advantage of Mercury in Gemini this chart is at about 12:05PM local time. You'll want early Virgo rising and Mercury on the degree of the Midheaven at 0-1 Gemini. This places the Ascendant ruler (most important planet in elections) both in domicile and applying to a conjunction with Jupiter at 2 Gemini. In the 10th house this emphasizes career, reputation and work. Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto form a trine which bodes well for communication and technology, and is furthermore close in date to the Venus cazimi (exact conjunction to Sun) in the middle of Gemini. The Moon is exalted in the 10th house and applies to a trine with Saturn in Pisces. Overall this is great not only for career matters, but also communication, short travel, and other Mercury matters. This is one of the last days this week while Mercury will be visible, so there's a small window to take advantage of this auspicious Mercury-Jupiter conjunction.
June 4th - Mercury conjunt Jupiter, Sun conjunct Venus Also known as a Venus cazimi, the Venus-Sun exact conjunction marks a reset point in Venus's synodic cycle and a new epoch for Venusian themes, including women in society. Interestingly, Mexico's election is in early June with two female candidates (spoiler alert: a woman won!), and the Venus synodic cycle was been central to Mesoamerican astrology in the past--the 2012 news was due in part to a calendar marking these calculations. Mexico's inauguration takes place in September on a Mercury cazimi in Libra (Venus-ruled sign) and the day before a solar eclipse in Libra. Four years ago in June 2020 the Sun conjoined Venus during Black Lives Matter protests after George Floyd's and Breonna Taylor's murders, connecting Venus cazimi to questions of equality and fairness in society. However, a square from Saturn in Pisces days later brings obstacles to our hope. In fact, all the Gemini planets will go through this optimism & speed before hitting Pisces Saturn's big melancholy iceberg this month. The last Venus-Sun conjunction in Gemini was June of 2016, so it's a good time to look back and see how far we've come over the past 8 years, as well as to sow the seeds for a new cycle. With Venus invisible during a cazimi, much of this work is internal; similarly, often the biggest advancements made possible during these times isn't visible until later.
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On this graph of Venus's synodic cycle we're at the superior conjunction, where Venus is obscured from us by going behind the Sun. Her conjunctions when retrograde are also important turning points--April 2025 is the next conjunction (in Aries).
June 6th - New Moon in Gemini
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At this point Mercury is already separating from the conjunction with Jupiter but is still close, while the Sun, Moon, and Venus are all conjunct at 16 Gemini. Thus the Gemini stellium is really concentrated at this lunation. We have so many new beginnings in Gemini on different scales at this time; the events set into motion here won't go away when planets move into Cancer. Whatever was brought up by the cazimi on the 4th will continue here, though in mid-Gemini the lights & Venus are poised to square Saturn. Venus wants to connect people, while Saturn wants to push away, so the immediate aftermath of the New Moon may see cooling in relationships. Communication is important; can we address the obstacle hanging over us? Sometimes you can't talk your way out of the emotions freezing each other out. On a positive note, this can be productive for setting boundaries and expectations. Saturn in Pisces generally can indicate emotional, professional, or spiritual exhaustion: now's the time to take a rest and a step back. Darkness and silence are often needed for mental healing to begin.
June 9th - Mars enters Taurus This brings a tone shift, as Mars was activating eclipse points while he traversed Aries in April in May. On the 11th he'll immediately square Pluto (1♒), raising issues like the abusive of power, going overboard in conflict, and crossing the line because we can't see it. We can see disproportionate escalations where the person doesn't even really know why they did it, but also the very real power of those who aren't in the public eye, pulling strings behind the scenes. Mars-Pluto brings up control, manipulation, power plays, and covert actions--and the paranoia that makes us worry about these things when they're not there. Though an unpleasant introduction, this doesn't last for most of the sign.
As soon as he enters Taurus Mars also approaches a conjunction with Uranus (culminating in mid-July). We've had Jupiter transiting Taurus for the past year bringing a positive spin on events, but now we have the explosive tension on its own. A famous Mars-Uranus conjunction without Jupiter there was January 6th events. However, there are about 20 degrees between the Pluto and Uranus aspects, during which time Mars will make some nice sextiles to Mercury and Venus in Cancer, so we'll have a chill period for some time. Mars in Taurus is also generally less fiery (in detriment), which can be an advantage for us.
June 14th - Mercury conjunct Sun (cazimi) At 24 Gemini, this is the fourth and final peak/reset point in Gemini. In his home sign, Mercury really locks in the preceding resets. This also really marks the second half of the year where we won't have all these massive pileups in one particular sign. He also brushes past a square to Neptune (29♓) while conjoining Venus in the last 10 minutes of this sign. Beware of miscommunications.
June 17th - Venus and Mercury enter Cancer, Mercury conjunct Venus Venus and Mercury enter Cancer together, bringing communication and relationships together. Both planets are invisible at this point, but are working their way out from under the Sun's beams as evening stars and will be visible by the end of the month. Mercury-Venus connects our minds with the arts, giving us the technical know-how to implement aesthetic ideas and the charm to communicate our ideas in a beautiful way. Diplomacy and agreements are also signified here.
June 20th - Sun enters Cancer
June 21st - Full Moon in Capricorn
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This lunation occurs just a day after the Sun's ingress into Cancer and right after Mercury & Venus sextiling Mars, bringing a great directness and mental acuity. Once in Capricorn the Moon begins applying to Venus, though Neptune's proximity to the cardinal signs means its square to all the Cancer/Capricorn planets weighs in on things. Saturn has also begun to move within conjunction distance of Neptune, bringing questions around what's real and what's not to the end of June and into July. Some of the clarity we had before will seem to dissolve. We saw a lot of new tech developments earlier this month, but now it's muddied the waters.
June 29th - Saturn stations Retrograde This will likely activate news stories around danger in the water, water-borne pathogens, and events like the submarine disaster (A/N: or naval blockades). Jupiter will also square Saturn and later Neptune later this summer (Saturn entering Pisces corresponded with a spike in inflation) so continued issues with inflation and economy will likely come into play. Neptune stations within a week of Saturn as well, intensifying these issues and bringing what Austin calls season 2 of the Saturn-Neptune story--though season 3 is where things will get really crazy. This is another indicator of what kinds of contraction we'll experience in the Pisces parts of our charts. Saturn doesn't leave Pisces until next year, and even after entering Aries he'll retrograde back into Pisces for a bit.
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avizaishi · 1 year ago
all of my nieces’ big threes ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
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this is going to be interesting because i actually grew up with them so idk how accurate this interpretation is going to be but we’ll give it a shot! also, i’m going to preface this by saying, i do this for fun! in no way am i saying these are concrete facts, but just my research and from my personal experience (ノ*°▽°*)
☉ in gemini @ 17°
☾ in gemini @ 27°
⇧ in gemini @ 2°
all in the 1st house!!!!
she’s a gemini stellium okayyy! a stellium is basically having 3+ placements in the same sign or house indicating a heightened level of focus on the sign/house. so having these gemini placements suggests that her mind is constantly full of thoughts and ideas; she’s probably really curious about a lot of things possessing an agile mind. gemini is ruled by mercury which is the planet of communication, thinking, and learning. one of my best friends who’s teaching me more astrology asked if she was a chatter box and surprisingly enough, she’s not! she’s actually quite reserved and i’m trying to figure out why. it gotta be other placements because the degrees aren’t really- in any position to be introverted. 17° is a leo degree, 27° is a gemini degree, and 2° is a taurus degree…none of which really scream secrecy or- i guess taurus gives off a reserved vibe being an earth sign but the degrees can only affect the placements so much, yk? and leo is a fire sign and is ruled by the sun which is the ego, vitality, energy, it gives extrovert. same with a gemini degree being an air sign, known to be social butterflies. i mean, i guess she do be hanging out with her friends outside of school, but does that really mean she’s extroverted? or a social butterfly? i don’t think soooooo, lolz. she’s probably really knowledgeable in areas she’s interested in. since her whole big three is in the first house, this’ll be kinda easy to wrap up—sun, moon, and rising all being in the first house typically means there’s a sense of unity and cohesion among the major facets of her personality with consistency. but i guess just bc she has all this gemini energy doesn’t necessarily imply she’ll relate to every single characteristic of a gemini possibly redefining what a traditional gemini would act like and help people gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a gemini.
☉ in aquarius in the 9th house @ 12°
☾ in sagittarius in the 6th house @ 11°
⇧ in gemini in the 1st house @ 13°
crazy her sun is in the 9H at 12° bc my sun is in the 9H but @ 15° b-BUT my ascendant is @ 12°. her ascendant is in gemini too like her ate awww they understand each other. but anyways! aquarius is ruled by saturn being the traditional ruler but also uranus which is the modern ruler. as mentioned in previous posts, saturn is the planet of restriction, maturity, order, time, etc. whilst uranus is the planet of rebellion, freedom, originality, unpredictability, etc. lemme tell ya, she be unpredictable asf! i feel like—my best friend is more influenced by saturn from my previous post, and my niece is more influenced by the modern ruler. in the 9th house, it’s all about travel, wisdom, philosophy, higher education, law & religion, etc. as it is a sagittarius ruled house. so she probably has strong faith, which i’m sure she does; passionate, smart, probably loves to travel. at a pisces degree, 12° she’s supposedly enigmatic but like in the most not mysterious way possible. moon is in sagittarius and her younger sis is a sagittarius rising, that’s so wild to me. but anyways, the moon is your sense of security, your emotions, your instincts, your roots, etc. in sagittarius, she’s really enthusiastic, very energetic, upbeat, and cheerful—she needs her freedom like her aquarius sun—i would argue she’s a free spirit forsure. sagittarius is ruled by jupiter, the planet of expansion, optimism, good luck, etc. at 11° which is an aquarius degree, she probably tries to find a reason for everything dealing with emotions and feelings as aquarius is quite rational and analytical. just a hunch! it also doesn’t help that her moon is in a virgo ruled house which also tends to be on the analytical side, all about health fitness, systems, analytical nature, pets, work habits, organization, sense of usefulness, and service given. that’s the 6H. ascendant in gemini means she comes off as a gemini when you first meet her, and i can see that! because if anything! she’s the chatter box instead of her ate! lmao! laf out loud! at 13°, an aries degree, she’s probably struggled with her appearance growing up or possibly got bullied for it. she’s an athlete! a student athlete at that, they also have a whiff of authority to them. aries is a cardinal sign after all.
☉ in virgo in the 10th house @ 24°
☾ in leo in the 9th house @ 27°
⇧ in sagittarius in the 1st house @ 3°
sun in virgo! finally some earth sign! in the 10th house, ooooo i like that. so the sun in virgo would imply they have a sense of order- or- she’s very practical. a perfectionist maybe?? i’m not too close to her so i can’t really say much about how she is. she is pretty introverted, i will say which is never a bad thing. she may be good at organization. @ 24°, a pisces degree, she’s very mysterious i will say, a lot more than her ate or both her ates/older sisters. aw her sister’s sun is a pisces degree as well, that’s so cute. being in the 10th house, which is a capricorn ruled house, i will say she’s probably really calculated with her career, long-term goals, status, reputation, public image, etc. she’s a virgo sun, ofc she’s like five steps ahead- probably. her moon is in leo, she may have an emotional need for recognition or acknowledgment. i’d say she’s quite motivated and inspiring, she plays the piano and she’s into basketball. big heart awww, and her moon is in the 9th house awww she gets along with her ate closest to her age, the sister i just talked about in the last paragraph. she probably understands her the most, maybe. i don’t wanna jump the gun. @ 27° is a gemini degree, which deals with a lot of twos! she has two older sisters! and lastly, her ascendant in sagittarius @ 3°. already, i talked about how i like sagittarius risings, they’re passionate about what they do, being a mutable sign as well, they’re understanding, open-minded, and thinkers! they adjust well to change as well. @ 3°, is also a gemini degree which rules communication. she probably has trouble speaking her mind a little bit but once you’re close to her, she’ll definitely show that passion, that drive, jupiter doing it’s big one with her!
and fin!
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i miss them sm, even tho they’re literally like half an hour away from me rn HAHAHAHA and i just saw them a few days ago fr. this was fun to do! it was very interesting researching their placements. i hope to dissect their whole birth charts soon! but yeah, i love them, they love each other it’s so cute. :3 thx for reading! i’ll be posting more soon so, stay tuned >:D
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astroismypassion · 2 years ago
could you possibly give me your take on gemini stellium in the 12th?
mercury 11th gem
venus 12th gem
mars 12th gem
saturn 12th gem
nn 12th gem
i haven’t heard any specifics on this placement!
& if you wouldn’t mind sharing your thoughts on venus gem in the 12th that’d be awesome!
Woww haha, are you even real? 12th house Stellium and in Gemini?! Haven't seen anything like this before.
You feel more indulgent when you are alone. You like to workout out a lot. You also overwork yourself and you sleep less because of that. You have rather inconsistent sleeping schedule. You like to spend a lot of time on social media when alone or reading, reading a blog, magazines or news. You are indecisive about your career. You dislike to be working in solely one career field. You could also possibly have a chronic health condition. You might also be more passive-aggressive. People might be more prone to stalk you, because you are so enigmatic and private, mysterious about yourself. A lot of people see you as unattainable and they like to admire you from afar.
Have an awesome lunch,
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moonsquaremars · 1 year ago
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flighty and petit. will know how to make good conversation, unless you have chiron in3rd or virgo moon like i do. passionate, and a sharp tongue. insult is an art. forgetful. indecisive. curious.
mars 11h w merc + venus. square moon. opposite pluto. guess that means i’m intense. woof.
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Gemini Home Pt.2
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vampirae · 1 year ago
About stelliums
Not be a critic or just turn down your special snowflake vibes, but as a person with a stellium (who hated it for most of her life and studied them meticulously), personally I wouldn't consider outer modern planets in a stellium (as they're not as influential as people want to make them appear). Stelliums are considered so, only if you have at least a triple conjunction in the same sign or house (whole sign not placidus baby).
But why so meanie? Easy, stelliums are considered rare patterns in a chart. Again rare, it means few people have them, really few, those (un)lucky ones. You should have at least three planets in the same sign or house that are in conjunction (max at 10°orb degrees), mostly composed by personal and/or social planets, if you want to use outer planets or take them into account at least 4 to 5 planets. The same rule applies to planets that aren't in conjunction but still in the same sign or house.
Another specific reason is, the latest planets movements, think about young millennials and gen Z, who had Uranus and Neptune both in Capricorn or in Aquarius, it's already 2 "planets", just because you have another placement in those signs it doesn't automatically means you have a stellium, or think about placidus system which often happens to have uneven houses, which literally makes no sense.
Plus, usually stelliums as many other rare patterns tend to be considered negative in a person's chart, it does make you "special" but it comes with difficulties and hurdles.
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kryptoniteastrology · 2 years ago
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"I miss the grass and the flowers more than the people"
Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Rising, Gemini Stellium in 10th House, INTJ
Requested by @fakeplasticandroids
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l3xistentialism · 9 months ago
Under the Gemini New Moon 🌑:
I say it with my whole heart.
Speaking my truth is valid, but so is keeping information close to the chest.
Even when I’m playin, I’m not.
I heal my inner child while I raise my own children.
My words mean & make great things.
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taratarotgreene · 10 months ago
It's Doubly Gemini season and Year
May 20 starts a very double double plus Gemini Big Think debating, charm, sales, communicating, finding it hard to choose, opposing ideas and non stop monkey mind season promises flirty social butterflies, great for marketting and lots of changes of mind. May 20 Sun enters Gemini at 5:59 am PDT, 8:59 am ED,12:59 pm GMT May 23 Venus enters Gemini at 1:30 pm PDT, 4:30 pm EDT , 8:30 pm PDT May 25…
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