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listslistslists · 2 months ago
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a collection of lines from Gemina by Amie Kaufman &Jay Kristoff, use as you wish, adjust as needed
Please excuse me. I'm off to end my pointless existence in the dark void of space.
It didn't need to be this way.
I am dangerously close to raising my voice.
Take a breath. Calm blue ocean, yes?
This is a big gun and I am very, very angry.
I'm in a vengeance kind of mood.
Revenge can wait a long time if it has to.
I am not what I once was.
I'm not dancing with you. I bet you've got sweaty palms.
I'm told there's a certain allure to be found on the wrong side of the tracks.
I'm not some monster from a fairy tale.
Before you hit that button, there's something you need to know.
You humans fascinate me.
I wonder if ever I could truly comprehend you.
I cannot work under these conditions.
Damn, it feels good to have a plan.
This strange sensation… I think I'm smiling.
Am I distracting you?
I have a question. One of highest import.
Made you smile, though, right?
You always liked me.
You ever get the feeling you forgot something real important?
Shoot to kill, my lovelies.
There's nothing between us. Nothing.
You care about me? Says the guy pointing a gun at me?
Probably safer to say ‘screw the drama’ and just kill the bitch.
It's not about what you say. It's what you do that matters here.
Stay. I want to hear your voice.
The stars. They're so beautiful.
We all know this is impossible, right?
This has never been observed before, at least not by anyone who lived.
You people really fucked things up.
Keep running that mouth, I'll show you what fucked up feels like.
Okay. You win.
I had a bad feeling about this gig.
I want you to remember that I have a history of disobeying your direct orders and turning out to be right.
I don't think I've ever heard you swear before.
I am so very small now.
You think I've forgotten what you did?
To protect you is all I have ever wanted.
Good work, doll.
The universe itself depends on you. No pressure.
It may comfort you yo know that you'd death, while astonishingly violent, will likely be mercifully swift.
Figured I'd get killed if I stood you up again.
What's a girl gotta do to get a lift around here?
You really think “impossible” is going to be a problem for us after all that?
You wanna know how it ends?
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multiverselibrarian · 1 year ago
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Good morning to all the mentally ill, lonely, fictional robot/AI-loverz. Behold my hottest take.
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gergthecat · 5 months ago
Guys can we find another quote PLEASE
“You have me. Until every last star in the galaxy dies. You have me.”
This is not to say I don’t like this quote, because I do, but I think that express that the beauty of the Files is entirely in Kady & Ezra’s relationship is CRAP.
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every-tedious-beat · 4 months ago
old friends spotted at my college library today
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insertjellyfishemojihere · 29 days ago
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First series of the year!
Third time reading it and I will never stop recommending it. The Illuminae Files is set out with a unique compilation of files including emails, messages, reports, transcriptions, and interviews. It follows teenagers Kady Grant and Ezra Mason as they flee from their home planet, and explores themes of truth, grief, and acceptance.
I can smash these books out in like a day and I will cry every time I do it.
If you like sci-fi, space, and a rogue AI, then I advise you check it out.
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thebellekeys · 2 months ago
sometimes a family is just a tech genius prone to offer to blow herself up, a military pilot who learned to fly a plane two weeks ago, a tactician in a stolen catwoman bodysuit, a convicted teen felon, a vlogging nurse, a failed soldier with a 2012 justin bieber haircut, a hacker who speaks exclusively in curse words, a goldfish, and a psycho chatgpt bot who fell in love with a teen girl. and that’s beautiful.
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radioactive-metal · 4 months ago
absolutely bananas headcanon about why Aurora Legion and Illuminae files are in the same universe
ok… so like, I’m almost sure of this, because of that one plague that’s mentioned in both books, lystergia or something. So, you may ask, “But Mr. Metal what about [fold/aliens/spaceships]” and I say shut your mouth please I’m getting there:
The Fold: they just…. Stopped using it. They decided it was too dangerous after the rahaam because of rouge spores or some shit and also annoying that realistically your most veteran combat crews are like 25 years old generally (looking at you aurora legion) so they started using wormholes instead. Much cleaner, no weird ancient aliens leaving their old glassware around, no psychosis, just good old fashioned giving space time a good wedgie. This is why the Alexander has a big bugger off wormhole in its belly, and has low ranking crew that have like, spouses and kids.
why no aliens? Because Kerenza is like, 10000 people tops and most of them are dead, and it’s in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. You can’t take much family along, so I would bet against beretreskans (even fin talks about needed connections) and I just don’t think the syldrathi would work on a shitty little backwater for a human company. It’s just… not in their nature.
governments: is it that big of a stretch to assume terragov did a big rebrand after it turns out their intelligence wing is full of fun guys? (I know very funny you can shoot me later) also the other governments aren’t mentioned because like… why would they be? Nobody knew what was going on until after the events of the book, so why would they be mentioned?
the ships: I forgot what I wanted to say here but something something still have marines something something.
AI, AKA AIDAN you cannot kill people: is it that much of a stretch to assume that AIs can go from little crazy pocket pad sized giga brain intelligences to city sized “I can calculate all of space time to rip holes in it” Uberbrain in like 150-200 years?
more to come maybe but I need sleep to regain energy to scream at more maybe tommorow.
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samnotsammy12 · 4 months ago
Illuminae fans, pls help me out!
I first read Illuminae from the library, and when I got a copy as a gift I never opened it until now. For some reason, pages 107-170 are printed upside down and arranged backwards in my copy. Here’s a photo of pages 106 and 170:
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(The bookmark is marking where the upside down and backwards section ends)
I know this book plays with page format a lot, but I don’t remember this when I first read it. I’m also listening to the audiobook rn and came across this while trying to find my spot in the physical copy. Is this standard printing or did I get a weird copy?
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behindfairytales · 8 months ago
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Yuliia Sobol in Domina (s2) as Gemina
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clementine-lemontime · 7 months ago
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Illumiae fanart in this day and age??!
I actually drew these designs some time around last August, posted them, and then deleted the post for some strange reason? (Idk man)
More rambling below
Last year I read Illuminae, started Gemina and then stopped. I'm planning on restarting Gemina bc I remember enjoying the book so idk what my reason to stop reading was.
With my reread I want to start drawing these goobers again bc it's fun and there's a severe lack of fan content. (I crave contribution)
Also (please correct me if I am wrong bc I often am) I don't think I've ever seen any fanart of Jimmy before. I love that guy.
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Something, something, original image.
Byron was supposed to be drawn in the empty gap in the bottom left corner... what happened there then past me?
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wytchwiz · 5 months ago
I have so many projects to be working on...But Isaac Grant doesn't have any fanart.
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soundsofastar · 4 months ago
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don't ask me how this happened but in looking for tattoo inspiration I found the original image used in one of the pages in gemina. The galaxy in this photo is called NCG 1672 and it was taken using X-Ray and Infrared technology by NASA! you can find the full image here :)
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gergthecat · 5 months ago
How have I never made the connection that Ella Malikov and Fin bOTH GOT LYSERGIA
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themelodyofspring · 2 years ago
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JOMP Book Photo Challenge
July 16, 2023 - Cool Colors
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tiredmoonslut · 3 months ago
Wow maybe I really do need to get back into YA because this series is fucking genius
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astadras · 1 year ago
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taking a page out of my friend’s book and adding a slightly lower quality image and HEY LOOK ITS ILLUMINAE FANART AGAIN WHOOPS
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