#Gave it a shine. The big ugly thing. But it does the job.
missbhaven · 1 year
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erodaficfest · 2 years
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A final wrap up and tremendous thank you...
To all the wonderful authors and everyone else along the way that made this first go of the Eroda Fic Fest a huge success--thank you, thank you, thank you! Congrats on a job well done. These are some truly wonderful and peculiar fics. Below you'll find the collected works from our authors for this year's fest. Readers, don't forget to show our authors some love for all their hard work by leaving comments and kudos on their fics. 🐟💙
🐟 have a heart, look into a heart (44K) by adoremelikeasunflower // @adoremelikeasunflower19 Harry is a lighthouse keeper on Eroda and Louis is his assistant, and they're in love. Living on a small, secluded Island does not make anything easy. The story of their everyday struggles, finding self-acceptance, and one's own place in the world. 🐟 crystal clear (9K) by finelinegynandromorph // @finelinegynandromorph Moss, rock, and algae blend together as Bilal paws forward, grasping at slick wet earth, skinning their knees on slices of shells hidden in treacherous cracks. The rain is whirling their poncho up around their hips, letting icy wind in to bite angry welts into their hips. The stranger moves swiftly over the hill, with far more grace than Bilal can believe possible, and they trip in their haste to keep up with her, still unsure where she’s taking them.
Lightning and thunder split the sky together, and Bilal shivers violently, hurrying forward as fast as they can.
Or, a fisher searching for lobsters and an exile hoping to protect them are thrown together in a storm. Tangled thoughts on crustaceans, immigration, and indignity.
🐟 stole my heart (with just one hook) (4K) by sitandadmire // @louistomlionson Five times Louis gets jealous of Harry and his new friend, and the one time he finally faces the truth. About who he is, what his heart wants, and what the future holds.
Or: An Eroda AU.
🐟 peculiar ugly duckling (4K) by LadyLondonderry // @londonfoginacupinacup Loowee is a fish. Loowee is a fish born to a family of FOUS fish. You’ve heard of FOUS fish, haven’t you, reader? Yes, of course you have. Fish Of Unusual Size Fish, of course. (There’s no need to tack the word fish onto the end of FOUS like that, but they simply do. It’s like having an ATM machine). FOUS fish are all quite big fish, unusually large in size compared to the average fish of the ocean. Loowee the FOUS fish hates being big.
🐟 put your love in a bottle (and send it my way) (3K) by tommokat // @tommokat Today was going to be a good day. Harry just knew it. He knew it was going to be a good day because today was the 28th day of the month. And the 28th days of the month were bottle days. And bottle days were Louis days.
🐟 only thing i'll ever do (4K) by KatnissPotter1 // @othercinemastantan The lighthouse keeper of Eroda retired, handing the responsibility to Louis. He’s on storm watch when the peculiar boy asks him for help to find the fish. Will Louis help, or is the boy’s reputation too daunting?
🐟 driftwood (51K) by justanothershadeofblue (zjofierose) // @justanothershadeofblue Eroda was all Harry knew. He lived there all his life, but he always knew he was peculiar. He had dreams that go beyond this small, cold, and lonely island. He wanted to leave; he HAD to leave. But that meant leaving Louis... Harry is a lonely and depressed pop star who sailed out of his hometown on Eroda years ago to chase his dreams. He comes back to the island only to find his shining childhood best friend Louis just as cold and dreary as the island they grew up on.
🐟 I gave up hope and found you instead (14K) by Cyantific // @cyantific The entire village warned him not to go. Still, the peculiar boy from Eroda set sail on an odd-numbered day and, without knowing it, headed straight into the OFMD universe. While being held captive aboard the pirate ship Revenge, the boy meets a fisherman named Louis. Tasked by the captain to teach the reluctant boy to fish, Louis struggles to hide his frustration and hold his tongue. As difficult as it was to deal with this clumsy stranger, the skilled fisherman had worse assignments and more unpleasant partners, but none of them with a smile as bright as this peculiar boy had. A moment of unexpected distress catches them off guard, and both soon find out it’s much easier to catch feelings than fish.
OR: Where the Adore You music video ends and the Our Flag Means Death story begins.
🐟 the marmonton hotel (15K) by jaerie // @jaerie For several months, The Marmonton Hotel had been dark. Harry walked past it on his way home and knew they had closed their doors pending some major structural repairs that needed to be made to continue to operate commercially. The last Harry heard, the owners were thinking of tearing it down, which Harry thought was a shame. Each night he looked at the building and thought about everything it had witnessed over the long history of the town. It stood over and watched generations of celebrations and tragedies.
One night, in the light of the moon, he looked up to see a figure standing in the vacant hotel. The emotion in the eyes of the stranger was too tangible for his brain to conjure it up, a mix of fear and shock that Harry couldn’t place. He looked conflicted about being seen, hovering in the space just out of full view, but not so much that Harry thought the man had broken in. It wasn’t that type of feeling.
The next night he returned, and this time, he was pulled to walk in. He finds more than he was expecting, and an unexpected history lost to time.
Or the story of the ghost at The Marmonton Hotel.
🐟 a sea of paper stars (14K) by creamcoffeelou // @creamcoffeelou The Isle of Eroda holds her secrets close and her magic closer.
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wishfulwithwine · 2 years
My (Husband)’s Back - Rooster
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x female civilian wife reader
SONG: “My Boyfriend’s Back” by The Angels
Photo from Pinterest
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He went away and you hung around
And bothered me, every night
And when I wouldn’t go with you
You said things that weren’t very nice
My boyfriend’s back and you’re going to be in trouble
You see him coming’ better cut out on the double
You been spreading lies that I was untrue
So look out now ‘cause he’s coming after you
Usually time flies when working at the Hard Deck with Penny. It was a fun time, working at the bar with someone who you thought of as another mother figure. The nights were always filled with laughs, and luckily this job wasn’t so serious that it ever had any stress. 
Except for rude gentlemen who couldn’t handle the word “no”.
You expected it, really, working at what could be basically considered a Naval bar. You grew up with a naval family, you knew first hand the egos that went along with being a Naval Officer. Top Gun graduates were a different breed altogether - the top naval pilots. You could almost recite their boasts of how they were selected to be at Top Gun because they were the best.
Some of them you wish you could just ban from the bar, but they were good customers.
“Hello gorgeous” 
Speaking of the devil…
“Hello Seresin. Your usual?” You asked, as politely as you could without showing your true emotions. You could feel the heat of his stare, racking up and down your body, as you finished another customer’s order. When you weren’t facing him, you rolled your eyes and shot a look to Penny who gave you a sympathetic smile.
“Yes, and a date with you?” He said, with a wink. You couldn’t help your eye roll here.
Lieutenant Jake Seresin wasn’t ugly in any case. No, he looked like a human Ken doll - blonde gelled hair, lean and muscular body, and a ridiculously flawless face. He was undoubtedly gorgeous, but his personality was absolutely shit. Uglier than rats in the sewer. 
“The answer is, yet again, no” You said, getting his beer and starting him a tab.
“Why not, babe? I know you feel the chemistry here. You can’t deny it any longer” He said, winking at you again, with a large smirk on his face. Taking a deep breath, you looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I have a husband, Seresin, or do you keep forgetting the ring on my finger?” You replied, before going to another customer to help them. 
“He’s not here. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him” He said, smirking widely, looking you over again, obviously staring longer on certain areas of your body.
“No, Seresin” You stated, annoyed and leaving to bring some drinks over to other’s tables, hoping he’d leave you alone. Unfortunately Jake Seresin was like a mosquito and wouldn’t go away. He just followed you, walking closely to you.
“I’m sure you’ve done it before when he was away. I can take all your sorrow away, make you scream in pleasure you’ll be coming to me even when your husband does come home” He said, and if you weren’t holding a tray of drinks, you didn’t think you’d be able to hold back from slapping him. 
He’s been gone for such a long time
Now he’s back and things’ll be fine
You’re gonna be sorry you were ever born
‘Cause he’s kind a big and he’s awful strong
You’re a big man now but he’ll cut you down to size
My boyfriend’s back he’s gonna save my reputation
If I were you I’d take a permanent vacation
Yeah, my boyfriend’s back
Look out now, yeah, my boyfriend’s back
I could see him coming’ so you better get a runnin’ alright now
My boyfriend’s back now
Know he’s comin’ after you because he knows I’ve been true now
All you heard was a whooshing sound and Jake was already on the floor before you could do anything. You looked down at the fallen man shocked, before looking behind you to see who was your knight in shining armor
“Bradley!” You all but shouted, putting the drinks down quickly, before jumping straight into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. He brought his lips to yours quickly and roughly, his mustache tickling your lips in the best way. You smiled widely in the kiss before leaning your head apart to look at him. You remembered that this was a place of work, despite Penny being the most lenient boss you’ve ever had. 
“You’re home” You said, softly, hugging him tightly, trying to familiarize yourself again with his body after being away for so many months. 
“I wanted to surprise you, sweetheart. I missed you so much” Bradley said, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Welcome back Rooster. If I was her husband, I’d never leave that woman alone” Hangman stated, and you felt Bradley’s body tense. You put your legs back on the floor, turning around to see Hangman getting back up from the floor, holding his nose.
“Fuck off Seresin” You said, all but holding your husband from beating the crap out of him.
“Take it outside gentlemen” Penny shouted.
“Your wife was so lonely without you, so I kept her company” Jake said, smirking widely as he tried to insinuate that I would ever cheat on Bradley. 
I didn’t even try to stop Bradley, as he just picked up Jake by the front of his collar, and hauled him outside, throwing him forcefully into the sand. 
“You even look at my wife again, you won’t be able to see any more” Bradley threatened, punching him a few times, before getting up and standing over him. Although not a fan of violence in any fashion, you were relieved your husband was home, and so when he came back to the bar, you gave him a big kiss before heading back around the bar to work. You grabbed some ice, putting it in a small bag before handing it to your husband to ice his knuckles.
“Oh no, go home Y/N! Your husband’s here. Seresin still have his tab open?” Penny asked, with a smirk on her face, as she watched Jake come back into the bar, going off to the side. You nodded, cocking your head to the side confused, as you got your bag and stuff ready to leave with Bradley.
Suddenly, you heard the bell ring, seeing Penny ring it loudly so she can gain everyone’s attention.
“For disrespecting a woman, my employee, drinks on Seresin” Penny shouted, as everyone in the bar cheered, the sound of clinking glasses drowning out the sound of Seresin’s groan. 
“Thank you Penny for looking after her while I was away” Bradley said, before we left the bar, as I snuggled into his side. She smiled at us.
“Any time, Rooster” She said, waving us out.
“You’re home” You said, still surprised as you both hopped into the Bronco you drove here. You assumed he took a cab here, as you had the car and you didn’t see your bike anywhere in the parking lot. Running a hand over his cheek, you gazed at his face, trying to memorize it. The months away from him were hard, and as soon as you got him home again, you did your best to commit everything about him to memory.
“I’m home, my sweet girl. I love you” Bradley said, reaching over with his right hand and squeezing your thigh and pulling you as close to him as he could, keeping his grip firm on your thigh.
“Take me to bed or lose me forever, hubby” You said, smiling widely, staring unabashedly at your husband. He caught your glance, chuckling as he gave your thigh another squeeze.
“Show me the way home, wifey” Bradley replied, a grin spreading on his face as he stole a quick kiss, speeding to our home. 
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tamayosclinic · 3 years
Hellooo love biggest congratulations soo proud of you for reaching this milestone
May I request
I always said I'd die for you." "I didn't think you meant literally."
For nemi pleaseee ^^
With comfort at the end 😭
"I always said I'd die for you." "I didn't think you meant literally." | Sanemi x GN!Reader
Warning(s): Angst
Author's Note(s): Thank you for all the support Mochi. I was not sure how angsty you wanted this to be so I made it light. I hope you enjoy this oneshot.
Word Count: 767
100+ Followers Event [Closed]
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There is nothing better than a whole night of slaying demons, at least from Sanemi’s standpoint, that is. His hate for every living demon made missions a favorite pastime, even if it made him seem deranged. But what other people think of him does not matter. Well, there is one exception.
Sanemi turned in the direction of approaching footsteps, hand poised over his blade in preparation for an attack. A silhouette materialized through the dark depths of the woods. Then, in a flash, a demon was right in front of him. He cackled at the panicked expression it gave him—a look he was given each time a demon realized he was a Hashira.
“You know you fucked up, didn’t you,” He snickered, wasting no more time to decapitate the demon. “Good riddance.”
“Well, that was quite the show.”
“Huh? (Y-Y/n)! How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to see you get the job done. That coward of a demon ran when it realized it didn’t stand a chance against me,” (Y/n) explained proudly. “But I guess I have it to thank for leading me to you.”
Remember how there is one exception? That exception is (L/n) (Y/n). Sanemi could not help feeling self-conscious of his abrasive demeanor ever since they met. In front of anyone else, he let it shine. In front of (Y/n), he was unusually mellow and sweet in his own way.
The other Hashira thought something was wrong with him. Still, it was quickly dismissed when Shinobu gave him a different diagnosis—a big fat crush.
“Forget what you saw here," Sanemi huffed in embarrassment.
(Y/n) pouted dramatically, feigning disappointment. “Oh man, and I was starting to like this side of you.” Sanemi deadpanned, and (Y/n) explained further, “People talk. I’m sure you can imagine what they say about you. Not that I believe it all. Still, I know it cannot be easy to pretend you’re someone you’re not. So, why do you do it?”
Guess I should come clean, Sanemi surmised. “I just want to make a good impression on you.” Because I like you.
“Impress me? If you want to impress me, then be yourself. Facades will eventually crack, so be honest with me, okay.”
“Okay, but I better not hear you complain!” Sanemi exclaimed, unable to stifle a blush as (Y/n) beamed at him.
The two became a couple a year later, and the cruel world decided to toy with Sanemi again. A joint mission ended with (Y/n) shielding Sanemi from an incoming attack.
“Nemi, run. Leave me behind.” (Y/n) hissed in pain.
“(Y/n), why the fuck did you do that?! I made you promise me to run if a fight ever got ugly.” Sanemi blurted, kneeling beside them to provide first aid. The wound is not deep, but a vein had been severed, judging by the flood of blood gushing out.
“Nemi,” (Y/n) beamed at him momentarily before hacking a bloody cough. “I always said I’d die for you.”
Shit, I can’t wait for help, or (Y/n)’s chances will decrease, Sanemi concluded as he finished wrapping some gauze around the wound.
Tenderly Sanemi cradled (Y/n) in his arms and instructed his crow to guide them to the nearest wisteria house. The butterfly estate is too far. “(Y/n); whatever you do, don’t fall asleep. I wouldn’t be able to handle it if I lost you.” Sanemi wept, despair urging him to sprint faster.
Sanemi could have sworn that he merely blinked, and the next thing he knew, he was handing (Y/n) over to the staff for treatment. He spent the next hours either seated down, tapping his foot, fiddling with his thumbs, or pacing the hall.
Time seemed to pause when the doctor stepped out of the operation room. “They are okay for now, but once they are stable enough, they will be transferred to the butterfly estate. You can see them in the meantime,” He answered before Sanemi had the chance to ask.
Sanemi was led to the room before (Y/n) was settled in. Even though they were still out cold, they were still aware of Sanemi’s presence if their hand reached out to him was anything to go by. Sanemi sighed in relief, slowing his rapid heartbeat significantly.
“I always said I’d die for you.” (Y/n)’s words echoed in his mind.
“I didn’t think you meant literally,” Sanemi muttered and raised their hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the back. “But thank you for loving me so much that you would protect me.” He smiled inwardly when he received a squeeze on the hand in response.
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leossmoonn · 3 years
can i request a stefan imagine where bonnie locks you both into a room because you guys fight to hide your feelings, and when you're inside, you both finally talk it out and then when the next day the room is unlocked everyone makes fun of you because you fell asleep on each other
yes! this is such a cute idea :))
warnings / includes - mild language, casual sex talk, underage drinking (you all are 18 tho), fighting, kissing, ugly crying (lol)
“i thought he was supposed to be the smart one,” you grimaced.
“boys are often enchanted by half-naked girls,” elena stated. “yeah, but not stefan,” you said, taking a big gulp of your beer.
“well, contrary to popular belief, stefan is like other boys. he got turned at 17, he didn’t have much time to mature.”
you gave elena a ‘are you serious?’ look before turning back to the man whom you were hopelessly in love with. it shattered your heart to see him dancing with another girl.
she was wearing a belly top with a skirt you knew that not even vicki donovan would approve of. she had her back facing towards stefan, running her hands through his hair as she moved up and down on him, obviously trying to get him riled up and fuck her in the bathrooms. meanwhile, his hands were on her waist, following the movements her body made. he had a big smile on his face, winking at her as he told her dirty little nothings.
the red solo cup crushed in your hand, beer running down your arm, some getting on your jeans. you didn’t even realize until elena started to wipe your skin with napkins, taking your attention off of the vampire for a few seconds.
“you had an accident,” elena snorted. “oh,” you frowned, helping her. “oops.”
“why don’t you just go and replace her? i bet stefan then would actually get hard,” elena suggested.
“please, it’s not like he’d even notice me. i mean, look at her, she’s gorgeous.” your insecurities took over your brain, and you couldn’t help but think of how many other pretty girls stefan could have.
“please, she’s below average, and she’s had herpes two times in the last four months. i know stefan is immortal and his body heals fast and all, but no guy, supernatural or not, wants to get involved with a girl like that,” elena assured you.
“then why is he letting her use him as a stripper pole?” you frowned. “maybe to make someone jealous?” elena raised her brow, looking at you and hoping you caught onto the hint.
“like who, you?” you smirked.
“he doesn’t like me anymore! and trust me, before we even got together, he was in love with someone else. he just used me as a jealous device,” elena shrugged, taking a sip of her beer.
“ouch. who did he love instead of you?” you asked, completely clueless. “oh, it doesn’t matter, but it’s okay. i was in love with damon, anyways, so really, it was fair. and he did love me, he just wasn’t in love with me, you know?” she asked.
“yeah, i guess there is a difference,” you nodded. “yep, and stefan definitely does not like that girl, so go and talk to him! you’re his best friend, and if you pull him aside to confess your feelings for him, he definitely won’t mind,” elena nudged you.
you looked back at him, your heart racing at the thought of you actually telling him you’re in love with him, and have been for the last year and a half. you shook your head, looking down at your shoes.
“no, no, it’s too risky. what if he doesn’t like me back? i can’t risk losing your friendship over some silly little crush.”
elena rolled her eyes, setting her drink down and taking ahold of your shoulders. she looked you in the eyes, causing your own eyes to widen.
“it’s not just a “silly little crush”, okay? you are in love with him, and it’s not going to get any better for you if you just stand here and push your feelings down. and look, he likes you, too. i know you don’t believe it, but he does. in fact, he’s also in love with you. just take a chance, y/n.”
“but what if he doesn’t like me and you guys have just been rallying me up for no reason?” you frowned.
“that’s not going to happen. now, go and be with your soulmate!” she pushed you towards him.
you glanced to her and gave her a glare, but complying once you faced stefan again. you walked over to him confidently, tapping his shoulder. he immediately turned to you, a bright smile lighting his face. oh, how you loved that smile.
“hey, y/n, what’s up?”
“i wanted to talk to you,” you prompted. “okay, sure,” he nodded. he abandoned the girl, letting you lead him to a quieter part of the grill.
“so, what’s this about?” he asked.
“um, well…” you weren’t sure you could just flat-out confess, so you decided it was best to have him confess first. “do you like anyone?”
stefan’s eyes widened, a flash of fear clouding his eyes. he shifted his weight, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets.
“u-um, no. why would you think that?”
your heart fell at his response, but you kept up hope. he was probably just scared because he didn’t know you liked him back, right?
“well, a little birdie told me that you liked someone. and me being your best friend and all, i thought it would be fitting for me to know. you know, i can help by getting you and her together.” you flashed him an eager smile.
“well, i don’t like anyone. and if you don’t mind, i’d like to get back to -“
“you’re really leaving me to dance with that slut?” you cocked your brow.
“n-no, well, yeah, but -“
“c’mon, stefan, i won’t judge. just tell me who you like.” you slipped your hand into his, interlocking your fingers together.
stefan’s dead heart dropped in his chest, giving him that somersault affect your touch often gave him. he looked into your eyes, seeing the desperation and pain that they held. he knew that he should tell you that it’s you, but he wasn’t 100% sure you even liked him back. like you, the thought of losing you was too risky for him to take the leap. so instead, he deflected.
“you don’t have to know everything about me! i know you’re my friend, but i have my own private life outside of our friendship. just leave me alone and let me dance with her.” he pulled his hand away from yours, the loss of warmth and comfort disappearing from you both.
you looked at him incredulously, not believing the words that came out of his mouth. you open and closed your mouth multiple times, not sure how to respond. you didn’t even know how to feel, really. you just felt your heart break for the millionth time that night.
he looked at you helplessly, guilt filling his chest as he saw the struggle you had with choosing to leave, or choosing to stay and work it out. he hoped you would choose the latter.
“you’re an asshole, stefan,” you spoke.
your words cut him like a knife.
“you’re right, you do have a personal life outside of our friendship, but you have always shared everything with me. you once told me that i’m the one that you trust the most, that you can tell anything that, that i’m your bestfriend. and-and what now? i-i’m only a friend? someone who you can’t even tell who you like? you told me that you liked elena, and i helped you with that. what is so different about this girl, huh?” you argued.
“nothing! i-i just… you just don’t need to know everything, is all.”
you looked at him good and hard, trying to decide if he was telling the truth or not. was elena wrong? did he really not like you, but like someone else?
“i don’t believe that,” you shook your head, speaking to yourself more than him.
“why not? you are never this… grueling.”
“because i… i just…” you couldn’t tell him that you really thought.
“you what? you think you know who i like? please, enlighten me,” he taunted.
you gritted your teeth, your hands balling into fists. you lifted your first up, ready to hit him, but bonnie and elena came over, restraining you.
“okay, let’s calm down, yeah?” bonnie suggested, pulling you back.
you started to cry as bonnie led you to a different part of the restaurant.
“you-you guys are wrong. he doesn’t like me,” you sobbed.
bonnie sighed. “he does, we swear. he just doesn’t know you like him.”
“are you serious! what is he, blind?” you scoffed.
“guys are pretty clueless, even immortal ones.”
“yeah, that’s what elena said,” you sniffled. “well, what do i do now? we can just resume being friends.”
bonnie pursed her lips, thinking for a moment. “here, let me show you something.”
she took your hand, leading you to the storage room. you went along with her until you saw stefan there.
“what? bonnie, what are you -?”
“have fun you two,” elena winked as bonnie closed the door.
you heard the lock click. you ran up to the door, banging on it and begging for your friends to let you out.
“hey! this isn’t funny! i’m claustrophobic, you know this!”
“no can do! work it out, you two!” bonnie shouted from the outside.
“here, let me,” stefan said.
you moved away, crossing your arms as you watched him try to kick down the door. he took ahold of the handle, pulling it off. he then tried to open the door, but it didn’t budge.
“well, good job. you’re a genius, you know that?” you remarked.
he turned to you with a glare. “as if you could do anything else.”
“well, maybe if you let me find something to unlock the lock, then there would still be a door handle!” you hissed.
“don’t blame me for trying to help!”
“well, it’s the truth! you always think you can fix things. just accept the fact that you can’t.”
“woah, when did this turn personal? if i remember correctly, you once told me that my determination was admirable. why the sudden change now?” he hummed, crossing his arms and looking at you like a smart ass.
you sighed deeply, your eyes filling with tears as you answered him.
“because you hurt me. i-i’m hurt, okay?”
he softened up immediately, his arms falling to his side, his smirk disappearing. remorse shined in his eyes as he tried to reach out to you.
“i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to hurt you.”
you stepped back, putting your head down. “it’s fine.”
“no, it’s not. you don’t deserve it.”
you turned your back to him, your eyes settling on the boxes full of kitchen supplies. you sniffled multiple times, your shoulders shaking as you tried to keep your weeping to a minimum.
you heard stefan sigh behind you. his feet dragged along the steel floor, his hand coming up to gently rub your back.
“please, look at me, y/n,” he whispered.
you turned to him slowly, the sorry pit in his stomach growing. you looked at him, your eyes drooping, tears lining your cheeks. your lips were swollen, your nose running. you sniffled once again, trying to calm yourself down.
stefan walked away for a few moments, bringing back a towel. you looked at him, heart fluttering as he wiped the snot that surrounded the bottom of your nose. he wiped your tears away, running the cloth carefully under your eyes to capture the remaining moisture. you watched him as he kept his eyes on yours the whole time. you felt yourself falling for him again.
he set the rag on a shelf, taking your hand and slipping his into it. you couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. stefan smiled with you, looking at you sweetly.
“i’m sorry. you are my best friend. you are the person i trust the most. i will continue to tell you everything and anything. i just… i was just scared to tell you who i liked,” he explained.
you nodded, understanding his explanation. “no worries. i get it. i don’t like being interrogated either.”
“you didn’t interrogate me.”
“oh, please,” you snorted. “we both know i did.”
he shrugged with a little smile. “well, i know you mean well.”
you nodded, “i do. i really do.”
“i know, y/n, i know,” he reassured you.
you looked away from him, the tension in the room weighing on your shoulders.
“you know, i think bonnie also put a spell on the door,” you stated.
“i was thinking that, too,” he sighed.
“well, what do we do now? we’ve made up,” you asked, looking back at him.
“i don’t know. are you hungry?” he asked.
“no. i am tired, though,” you said. “wanna lay down? i can be your pillow,” he suggested.
you smiled and nodded. “yeah, sure.”
he took your hand, getting on the ground. he laid flat on his back as you put your head on his chest. your heart hammered against your ribcage as he slipped his arm around you, holding you close to him. you fisted his shirt in your hand, closing your eyes and breathing in deeply.
his scent filled your nose, making your mind foggy and muscles relax. he smelled of sandalwood, leather, and jasmine. jasmine was something most guys didn’t smell like, but he did, strangely. it was a sweet, yet musky smell. it fit him very well, and you loved it.
your heart stopped as you felt him rub your back. his fingers scratched your clothed skin softly.
“so, can i ask who you like now?” you hummed.
stefan laughed. you felt the rumbling in his chest, making you smile.
“what?” you looked up at him, batting your eyes innocently.
“why do you want to know so bad? i thought i told you i was done dating for a while,” he stated.
you looked away and back at your hands that held the material of his shirt. “just wondering. and we both know that you’d love to have a girlfriend. one that isn’t in love with your brother.”
stefan laughed again, making you smile to yourself as his chest came up and down in multiple breaths.
“i mean, yes, but i don’t want to just date someone to prove that there are people that like me and not damon.”
“i know, but… what if the girl you like likes you back?” you suggested.
stefan stopped breathing for a second, his hand that was scratching your back stopping to a halt.
“you sound so sure of that,” he said.
you shrugged, looking up at him, hoping he could read the look on your face. “it’s because i am.”
he looked at you, his eyes giving away his emotions. he looked uncertain, but you knew that he understood what you were hinting at. he just couldn’t believe it.
“i love you, stefan,” you spoke, sitting up in his lap.
stefan’s face shone brightly as his lips upturned into a smile. you could physically see all the weight lifted off his shoulders. the hot tension in the room filtered out, being replaced with a cool breeze of relief. he sat up, putting his arm back around you, reaching his hand up to cup your face. he looked deeply into your eyes, his pupils running into his emerald irises. your hands went up to his neck, your fingers entangling in his hair.
“i love you, too, y/n,” he spoke, as if he had said it a million times before.
both of your reactions were minimal, but spoke a thousand words. the words felt natural, right.
you leaned in, eyes flickering from his lips to his eyes. your chest heaved up and down in anticipation, your heart ramming itself against your ribacage. stefan was the one to close the gap.
tingles shot up your spine, goosebumps lining your skin. you pressed into him - no space was between you now. you kissed him quicker now, opening your mouth and taking initiative.
he caught on in an instant. his hand that was on your cheek was now on your neck, cradling your head closer to his. he pulled you impossibly closer to him, sparks flying between you two as your chests rubbed against each other. you pulled on his hair that was at the nape of his neck as his hands reached further below your lower back.
his tongue ran across yours deliciously. you explored his mouth, tasting the bourbon and fries he had eaten earlier. you took a shallow breath as your lungs were gasping for air. you would’ve passed out if it weren’t for him.
“did you really like that girl dancing against you?” you blurted.
stefan tilted his head, chuckling. “no, i did not. and also, that’s really the first thing you’re going say after our first kiss.”
you shrugged. “a girl’s gotta ask.”
“well, then, no, i did not. i was trying to make you jealous.”
“well, good job, because it worked,” you snorted.
“yeah. i’m sorry again for making you cry. that was unfair.”
“it’s okay. i now know that you were just being a scared jerk,” you smirked.
“yep, that’s me,” he chuckled.
you hummed contently, placing your head on his shoulder. stefan resumed rubbing your back, setting back onto the floor again. it only took a few minutes for you two to doze off. you awoke again to the sound of laughter.
you opened your eyes, confused as you saw your friends standing over you.
“man, i thought you two were going to have sex, but this is worse!” damon cackled.
you grimaced, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“shut up, damon. at least i know how to treat a girl right,” stefan muttered.
everyone but damon snickered. damom crossed his arms, glaring at his younger brother.
“i do know how to treat a girl right. right, elena?” damon asked.
“mm, i’m not so sure,” elena said with a shit-eating grin.
“okay, you all suck. i’m out!” damon walked out of the storage room, leaving only you two with elena and bonnie.
“so, did you two make up?” bonnie asked.
“yep,” you nodded. “and we are going on our first date tonight,” stefan added.
your head whipped up to him in surprise. “really?”
“yeah, if that’s okay with you.”
“oh, it’s more than okay,” you grinned.
“well, just don’t fall asleep on each other during the date,” elena smirked.
you rolled your eyes. “we aren’t rabbits like you and damon!”
“okay, and like damon, i am out!” elena exclaimed, walking out of the storage room.
“they’re children,” you rolled your eyes.
“so were you two last night, but i’m glad you made up,” bonnie said.
“thanks. us, too,” you smiled at stefan.
stefan returned the expression, leaning in and kissing you softly.
“ew, okay! i, three, am out. please don’t have sex on this dirty floor,” bonnie stated before leaving.
“wanna have sex at my house?” stefan whispered.
“buy me dinner first!” you scoffed. “what about breakfast?” stefan cocked his brow.
you pursed your lips in thought. you couldn’t help but grin.
“i think that would be lovely.”
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Hands Off
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for the request: The world lacks Lou Miller x reader fics!! Can you do one where Lou gets mad and defensive over reader 
Summary: Lou’s friendly biker gang always welcomed you with open arms, except one.
Characters: Lou Miller x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,551
Warnings: fluff but defensive & angsty >:( Lou, harassment, swearing and a lil bit of physical violence (all within good reason I promise)
For the longest time, you thought Lou only really hung out with Debbie, some of the Ocean’s crew, and colleagues from her club. But a couple months into dating she casually slipped in how she hadn’t seen much of her biker gang lately.
“What?” you shrieked from the couch, dropping your book in your lap. She jumped and looked at you from the kitchen, nearly spilling her beer.
“You’re in a biker gang?”
“Well, yeah,” she said, rather matter-of-fact like, “I’ve got a bike. It’s only a matter of time until you’re in a group for bikers.”
“Really? What do you guys do, rob stores and terrify regular home-owners?”
“Yes to the second, no to the first,” she laughed, coming over to sit with you. You threw your legs over hers on the couch, still rather flabbergasted at this revelation.
“So you haven’t seen them in a while, you said? Why not invite them around?”
“You don’t know them, baby. They’re a bit intimidating.”
“Uh, yeah, not yet. Come on! I wanna know your friends, please?” you grinned, wiggling your toes. She caught one of your big toes between her fingers and held you still.
“Fine then, but you’ll have to get some proper biking attire.”
So now, after multiple trips and a few drink nights at Lou’s club, you were heartily welcomed into the biker gang even though you didn’t have a bike yourself, and mostly just tagged around with your girlfriend. And even then you didn’t come on all their trips, finding the cramps of sitting on the back of the bike for too long unbearable sometimes.
Mary was an older, chubby-faced biker, with the face of the neighbourhood grandma who bakes, yet covered from the neck down entirely in tattoos. Paul was her husband, with an afro as white as winter snow, and chains hanging from every pocket and belt loop.
The two of them chatted, joked and laughed with you when in slower traffic or making a much-needed burrito pit stop whenever you went out. The rest of the group was around Lou’s age or younger, and though you felt welcomed by them, you kept to the three of them mostly. It felt nice and familial to hang around, and Lou seemed the most comfortable around Mary and Paul as well.
Then there was one member of the club who would come and go, and you didn’t often see him around, but when you did you weren’t the most chuffed at the sight of him. Tommy was a middle-aged balding man who didn’t seem to really like anyone in the group, but was still there for reasons unknown.
Your distaste was clear to Lou, and you managed to successfully avoid him.. most of the time. On one trip you had taken a well-deserved break near Central Park, lounging in the cozy late-evening weather, with Lou donning her iconic all-black leather outfit and heeled boots that made you swoon.
You were wearing a pink leather jacket yourself. Lou had chortled with glee at the sight of you trying it on, so contrasted to her black leathers and jewel-toned fabrics. Perhaps the rosy coloured leather wasn’t something you would’ve bought for yourself, but every time you wore it, Lou would grin to the point where her eyes would shine nonstop. So you wore it almost every time you went out on her bike together. It was a little bit Pink Ladies-esque, but you quite liked the way it looked.
But Tommy had been looking at you quite.. harshly, somehow. But you could tell he wasn’t checking you out, rather just judging you and your look. He seemed set on being around Lou, who couldn’t be bothered to give him the time of day, only having eyes for you and talking to you as you relaxed by the park.
“Lou,” you began, watching him scamper off to the other side of the group. One of the nice things about being in a biker gang is no one seems to want to bother any of you, letting you hang around in peace.
“Hm?” one of her hands was running through your hair.
“Does Tommy like you?”
She slowly blinked at you in baffled amusement, “like me?”
“Yeah.. I mean either he likes you and is sizing me up cause I’m your girlfriend, or he just despises me as a person.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Don’t give him the time of day, love.”
“Why is he in the gang anyways?”
Lou shrugged, “him and Paul go way back. I don’t mind much, he’s usually not around anyways.”
You pursed your lips in worry, so Lou grasped you close in a tight embrace,
“Don’t worry about him, baby. He isn’t bothering you, is he?”
“No, just his annoying face.”
Lou looked over and saw that indeed, Tommy was giving you a repeated once-over, lingering on the small studs of the pink leather jacket, and her expression immediately soured.
“If he comes close again, I’m gonna clock him,” she growled.
“Hey now, don’t say that,” you giggled.
The rest of the time spent at the park seemed to be going fine, if it weren’t for the constant tugging at the back of your mind from Tommy’s incessant stares. The silent harassment from his eyes were making you uneasy, and Lou noticed.
“I am definitely going to clock him,” she said to you again. 
“Don’t,” you whined, but not very convincingly. 
Later on, Mary started a warm conversation with you, helping your nerves a bit.
“You’ll have to tell me where you got your jacket,” she said, “I have never for the life of me found a jacket with a colour like that. Only browns and blacks, and it’s so boring.”
You laughed, enjoying the way Lou absentmindedly rubbed your waist with her thumb.
“We’ll go shopping then,” you said, barely noticing Tommy walking in and joining in on the conversation, “I’m sure we can help you find something, Mary.”
“I don’t think pink is quite your colour, Mary,” Tommy piped up, eyeing you again, openly now that all focus was on you. You blushed, not from shy happiness like when Lou looked at you, but rather from sickening dread.
“Where’d you get this anyway, a cheap community theatre production of Grease?” Tommy grinned, tugging at the buckle of one of your shoulders. Your eyes flashed, and you slapped his hand away, every hair on your body standing up at his toothy smile, the ugly flash of a worn golden tooth growling back at you.
The tough crunch of Lou’s well-jewelled hand landing on Tommy’s cheek caught you by surprise.
He stumbled back into his parked bike, knocking it over as he landed on the ground, letting out a filthy curse as his nose began dripping blood.
“You broke my nose,” he cried out, “you bitch!”
“Wish I had done more than that,” Lou snarled, her hand still clenched in a fist. Mary and Paul had rushed forward to hold her back, but she didn’t seem too interested in punching him again.
She reached out for your hand and looked you up and down, as if he had given you a kick to the stomach rather than just bully and tug at your shoulder.
“Are you alright?” she asked, while your jaw was still a little unhinged.
“Y-yes, I’m fine,” you replied, a bit lost for words, “but what about you?”
She shrugged, but you noticed her tightly clenched fist and the redness of her skin. As you inspected her hand, Tommy had got up, managing to stop the bleed and gave a rude gesture towards Lou who simply glared back.
“Fuck you,” he said, hoisting his bike back up straight. No one else bothered to check on him or lend a helping hand as he clumsily sped off down the street, leaving the rest of your small group to hang around on the street. Paul sighed in disappointment, but didn’t seem bothered by him leaving. Hopefully for good, you thought.
Mary was the first to break the silence, clapping Lou on the shoulder and congratulating her on a job well done.
“I never liked him anyways,” Lou muttered, as you lifted her hand and kissed her reddening knuckles.
“I think we should get some take-away burritos, don’t you, Mary?” Paul suggested, locking down his bike.
“Oh, yes, come on all of you, on the house,” Mary grinned, taking his hand and heading down the street to the nearest burrito place, the rest following.
“Burritos?” you waggled your eyebrows at Lou, and slowly the anger dissipated from her eyes, because you shoved your hands in the pockets of your pink leather jacket, and with your combat boots and jewelled belt, she thought you had never looked more like a biker, while somehow being the cutest thing she’d ever seen.
“Alright,” she hooked here arm through yours, “but maybe don’t get the spicy one again? You didn’t seem to enjoy it much last time.”
You shoved her playfully, “yeah well, you said that I could take it, and I trusted you completely, which I never will again.”
“You wound me,” she gasped in mocked pain. You lifted her hand again and pressed it against your mouth,
“Only when you sucker punch creeps to defend my honour.”
A/N: Defensive girlfriend Lou Miller to the rescue? yes please!
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anonil88 · 4 years
Malcolm and Marie live blog
I don't usually do liveblogs for movies but yea.
Spoilers ahead!!
I love that its modern timed but very 70s stylized.
A tune indeed.
When you are high and drunk on success and
How the white critic reacts is why I feel like gatekeeping my scripts. At the same time some things I do make are about race or involve.
Marie sitting on the patio smoking is a mood whenever men are talking.
So he's pretentious and unaware.
Whoever chose the music for this, I feel like we would be Spotify mutuals.
Can this nigga stop pacing.
Also can he stop talking;
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Marie is so tired and unimpressed.
Also little booties matter and are to be bitten.
Oooo the tension and the jazz.
Title Card over mac and cheese.
Shitty boxes mac and cheese but still mac and cheese.
Tbh i always wonder if spouses/significant others get upset when their spouses don't acknowledge them during speeches.
John sounds so much like his dad but I really hope his acting style differs from his dad a lot.
Guilty confession?
He did not profit off of his partners backstory and then not even acknowledge her.....I.....
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If that ever happened to me catch me cussing my partner out during the beginning credits, the end credits, in the car, and at home.
The way I'm excited for Zendaya to give me some, oooo can she work with Regina King. Please on my knees I pray.
Um no that's not your job to coddle your lead.
He's a dick and the type of dick who makes himself look like a good person around other people.
If Sam Levinson is trying to make his viewers more of misandrist, it's working.
I feel like Marie has her flaws probably a lot of them and we will surely see as this continues, but Malcolm needs to learn how to apologize sincerely.
70s vibes! 70s vibes!
Them kissing and talking about criticism and dreams makes me miss a partner. A partner that I've had and haven't had.
Women really are behind every great man.
Yea sir you fucked a happy moment.
Oh visual allegories for looking in from the outside and cat and mouse chasing and looking from the outside in.
She's saying she doesn't feel noticed by you.
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Gas lighter :0 he called her an emotional support dog, bruh.
I would LOVE to co-write or take a writing class held by Sam Levinson. The fights i write are very much in this same realm of reflection and anger and monologue.
Sam.....sam.....are all the sides inside of you doing okay sir?
The ugly side of dating and being in a relationship with someone who struggles with their own demons.
Honestly I could close my eyes and listen to this script being read without seeing these characters visually. Just close my eyes and get a sense of these characters like it was a radio story.
Oh. Oh this is a new wheelhouse of Zendaya acting; a different voice is like breaking through here and her expressions aren't the same we are used to. You can literally hear another character in there....hmm.
Mans is outside really fighting with his invisible demons lmfao.
Selfish ass, how after everything she said you came out of it thinking about your own craft and self instead of how you hurt her.
So she's conditional.
Me: did sam (a white man) say nigga this many times in his script or are the actors adding their own inflections. Not just the lingo used but the topic of race and directing etc. being written by a white writer about black characters is always gonna be a critique when you're writer is a white person.
Alexa play Broken Girls by Saba
He is so hurtful.
A clown nigga a clown look in the fucking mirror you bozo head ass looking like you need some Mehron clown white and a size 16 in clown shoes.
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John is doing a really swell performance and reading of these lines.
He is reading her for her insecurities by bringing up his experiences with other women and that.....is yikes.
Arguments can get messy like this in real life but it takes a lot of maturity and control to either not let it get to this point or have a healthy conversation afterwards.
This film is really shot on some very crisp lenses.
They sitting there like 🚬🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️.
Leftover Mac and Cheese and unfinished cigarettes.
The nyt etc. pay walls are so annoying, but there is a work around look at the articles on incognito or add a period at the end of the url.
He sounds like his daddy so much here, weird, this is the only part I'm eh on the dialogue it feels real but a bit out of pace in how they are bouncing off one another.
Nail scissors? So the end is not the only part he based off of Marie. 🙄
ITS A GOOD REVIEW YOU DINGUS but also its a full review they are going to critique things. She isn't wrong though he did profit off of a woman's story that was not his own to profit from.
Yes Malcolm because unfortunately all marginalized people look through a lens of life that is inherently political because of the world they live in.
He is so mad and upset and had a lot on his chest. But I think he Malcolm and Sam are talking about something thats an issue and a non issue. Being critiqued for you art is hard but also Malcolm is not super self aware. He's like a stand in figure of for example rich depop sellers who wanna be oppressed so badly they yell at others instead of examining their own personal behaviors and ethics.
Oh Marie, when you know the spark is gone and you pick fights because.
He ain't even ask her to read?
One critic I have for most of hollywood actors is they learn their cry and that is it. A change from this is Margot Robbie, I adore her fluctuations of crying being similar but the crying is carried differently for each character. If I had to say any actor that does a cry scene amazing its this woman right here (Amy Adams)
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You stole her story from her and gave it away, she has a right to be upset and angry and a rubber band ball of emotions.
Citizen Kane, not the cinematography, but the story is it even that good? (Unpopular opinion but meh, maybe in my rewatch it will be better.)
But that is what people want authenticity and whatever authenticity means to them. What is real for one is false for another.
To be honest look at the criticism of Euphoria, well earned, but a lot of people were like this isn't real even though he literally wrote about his own life. People said it was inauthentic like....wtf.
Ahh the smoking is just a habit, he quit and she didn't.
CAST ZENDAYA IN A HORROR MOVIE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. Get Lupita and Zendaya and some more black actors preferably less known ones in a horror movie. One with a interesting script and story, directed by Regina King. Please and thankyou.
I love Marie yep that was amazing.
Behind every great man is a greater woman, one that deserves her credit for how she has stood behind. I wonder the stories of those women, what they have sacrificed or not sacrificed. Their thoughts and feelings when the world is surrounding their partner and views them as a plus one. (I'd write a short script about this but I think do I have the time, can I, or am I equipped ?)
He is a shitty person for bringing up his exes, like she even said I don't wanna know any of that.
Imagine being on anti depressents and rarely having a sex drive and then when you do your partner starts talking about their exes and tearing you apart for all your faults.
I love when you see peaks of Zendaya's cadence in roles.
Tension, what if's and he didn't even bring her up in his speech.
Marie to herself and the audience:
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He is not afraid that he will loose her but as my character says in my unreleased story, "i can't wait til you give me a fucking reason to leave your ass." Malcolm expects everything in order for not even doing the bare minimum and she is only asking him for something as simple as consideration. She just wants him to be considerate. He wants to get married and considers their relationship like rolling down a hill at full speed and he cannot apologize, he cannot be considerate, and he cannot admit his wrongs. He can only offer her I love yous that he probably does mean but he does not back up outside of what he's done for her in the past. The past which was more of her experience than his and he sees his part in it as a burden. He doesn't use his own vantage point of the past to further his career he uses her. He does all of these things without a real apology or thankyou because he is not afraid to loose her.
The restrictions of quarantine and the panorama have made Sam's writing very no frills. I wonder how other films from other directors and writers that are filmed in small contained crews like this will be structured. But this was a very good movie gonna add to my letter box 3.3-3.5
Oh shit this is my song,
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Ratings/overall thoughts:
Script is like a C+, B- : I could go into my heavier big brain thoughts on the script but I don't feel like it. You catch hints of it above it centers conversation on race and privilege, mainly the writers and questions i have that won't be answered but Sam did make me grow disdain for Malcolm over a short time. Which is sometimes hard to do because im one sympathetic person but the sympathy i have for Malcolm is at 0. Maybe a 2 at some scenes but then it quickly goes back to 0. Some parts of the dialogue miss the mark or hit the are off balanced. While some of it like Malcolm's bathroom speech albeit mean is really strong or their conversation when he comes back from peeing really shines for me.
Performances: B+ to A- because they carried the script further than it could of gone with less talented actors. The monologues do well to showcase their current skill levels which are already high af and leave room for anticipation in where these actors go next.
Zendaya holding a knife: A+ with a gold star. That switch on and off and on is delectable.
John being a shitty boyfriend but following Marie like a lost puppy: B+ with a good job written at the bottom of the paper, Malcolm being nervous a frantic dialed up with more realistic nervousness would have sold me completely on Malcolm's anxious waiting.
Cinematography: A and a participation award.
The mac and cheese: A+ for the easy mac. Wish it was like Annie's or Velveeta.
Cigarettes: Participation award and their picture hung up for student of the month. Why the grill lighter? Everytime Malcolm opened up his mouth Marie was like sparks fly.
The music: A++ with a prize. Whoever picked the music probably makes good Spotify playlists.
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miyaniacs · 4 years
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Christmas Eve
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a/n: I wish you all of you who celebrate Christmas a Happy Christmas and I hope event this year was horrible, you all find at least a bit of joy and peace. If any of you needs to talk because they have to deal with some family or personal issues during this time, I'm here for you. At those how don't celebrate it: It isn't, besides Bokutos, really themed about religion, it’s just to hopefully make all of you laugh ❤️ 
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form: total shitpost
characters: Atsumu, Osamu, Sakusa, Oikawa, Kuroo, Bokuto x gn!reader
warnings: lowkey nsfw (just some suggestive stuff I’d say 16+), bdsm mentions (but in a funny way - there’s nothing really sexual), mentions of sex toys and Bokuto’s is just wholesome
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Let’s set the atmosphere okay?
The tree is lit up, the decorations are sparkling, all the other presents are illustrated by the lights on the tree, it’s dark outside, soft snowflakes can be seen, in the background you can hear some beautiful old Christmas songs being played
The little bell rings calling you in the room 
Yet, you prepared a small surprise too 
With you, his family is walks into the room 
They originally couldn’t make it in time and it was visible for you that this really saddened Atsumu - he’s used to spend Christmas Eve with his parents and his brother - playing silly card games, him and Osamu almost knocking over the tree etc
You all walked in saying a loud : SURPRISE 
Which turns into a loud scream as soon as they see Atsumu laying under the tree with a sexy present costume
it’s literally just a big red band wrapped around his body with the bow right over his thingy 
Head rested on his elbow, one of his legs swung over the other in a rather sexy way 
The screams of you and his family mix together with his screams 
The only one who was still able to think fast was Osamu - that’s why now a video of the whole thing is sending to the MSBY groupchat (also to the chat they got with their old Highschool team) 
While trying to escape the whole situation Atsumu got also caught in the tree
Now there’s a red fabric hanging in the tree and a naked Atsumu running upstairs 
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Osamu was stressed the whole time before Christmas 
He got so many jobs for some big companies to deliver his onigiri 
Besides that his shop was full af with all the friends that met up again due to them being back home during the holidays 
He was a mess 
So you managed all the household: cooking, cleaning, making sure he at least relaxed a bit, decorating etc
You’ve barley seen him anyways
Fast forward to Christmas Eve:
You received an emergency call from Atsumu, so you’re on your way to his, mentally cursing him since you still have to make the last preparations for tonight
At his - it was just some : how do I clean this or that emergency 
Annoyed af you make your way back home
Unlocking the door, you’re greeted with some ‘all I want for Christmas’ and the apartment being all dark, just illuminated with the sparkling Christmas lights 
“Osamu?” You call out for him walking through the apartment, the music getting louder and louder 
Opening the door to your living room, you’re greeted with the sight of Osamu, dressed in a sexy butler costume, his torso completely revealed, and a bow around his neck 
“Sit down my love.” He says and pulls out one of the chairs for you 
You sit down and look over the beautiful decorated table, filled with all kinds of mouth watering food
Looking back at him, your eyes rest on his toned chest “Was... was this all planned?” 
“Yes, I thought I’d give you something back for all your support the past weeks”  he smiles and leans down to give you a kiss 
“Then I’ve been a bitch to Atsumu for no reason..” you mutter 
“ There’s always a reason to be a bitch towards him” he laughs, “now, my dear - what can I serve you?” He bows
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You in a maid uniform with lots of cleaning utensils that are sex toys Dom reader like 
As soon as Sakusa enters his home on Christmas Eve, a big black fabric is pulled over his head and he’s dragged into the living room and pushed onto a chair
“Only good guys get presents right?” You say teasingly  and your hands run over his chest , starting to unbutton his shirt 
Slowly you pull the blindfold off his head
His eyes widen, then darken and then he looks at you with an eyeroll 
“Are you serious right now?” He huffs
You’re wearing a sexy maid costume, the feather duster in one hand and the other one placed on your hip 
“Nahhhhh - dirty boys aren’t allowed to talk.” You lean forward and place your finger on his lips, “how are we supposed to celebrate and enjoy Christmas when we’re both not clean?” 
Leaning to the right you grab a bottle tilted “Mr Clean - hand sanitizer” rubbing it on your hands, you walk behind him and start massaging his shoulders with the body oil. 
After that, you walk back around him and bend down, the skirt moving upwards, exposing everything to him 
“You’re pretty clean now, but could you help me cleaning myself?” You ask and hand him a little present. 
Unwrapping it, he rolls his eyes yet s smirk appears on his face 
“For the really stubborn ones” he reads out looking at the lube in his hands 
You look at him innocently “Yes,..., we can’t let any dirty germs touch our preciously wrapped gifts, can we?” 
He nods in response and gets up, walking over to you
“No, no we can’t... let’s get you all cleaned up now ... shall we?” He asks in a husky voice and throws you over his shoulder carrying you to the bedroom 
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Getting tied up he’s exited a male dom getting into the room destroying 90% of his closet while degrading him and his style => presents a whole new closet from you and his friends and family 
His clothes are horrible 
Besides sports wear his taste is ... a whole catastrophe
so together with his friends you planned a surprise for him
Oikawa knew something was up- but he expected a different kind of surprise- he hoped you’d be his present tonight and that you’d strip for him, since he’s basically begging you to do so the past weeks
When it rings on his door that evening, he opens the door fully expecting to see you standing there 
Quickly his smile drops when he’s got pushed back inside by a man wearing a leather mask 
“Go to your closet.” He demands and makes the whip in his hand more visible 
With a small Wimper oikawa hurries to the room
The man towers over him 
“Open” he underlines his words with a loud whip and oikawa does as he’s told to 
“Now put all your clothes in this here!” He throws a black plastic back to oikawas feet 
“Strip and put them into it to.” Another whip echos through the room and oikawa whimpers again, eyes wide open and he slowly begins to pull off his hoodie 
“Now put this on!” He hands him a collar with a leash on it
Grabbing the black bag and the leash he drags oikawa back to the front door
“Wait wait - what are you doing !!” He finally complains 
The man stops and takes out a gag and quickly fixes it around oikawas head
“MH- MHHHH HHMMM” he cries out
Opening the front door, the man drags Oikawa outside where a few people are already waiting, filming the whole thing
“Here.” The man throws the bag to the ground and hands you the lash 
“Have fun.” 
“Y/N MHLNG Y/N!” Oikawa ‘says’ shocked
“You didn’t listen to us ... so we had to force you.” Iwaizumi says, standing next to you
“Your clothes were horrible.” Mattsun complains 
“New ones are already laying under the tree , love.” You smile and pat his head, the leash still in your hand 
“Well... have fun with him - I think we should go now.” Iwaizumi laughs
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Yes. Yes Bokuto still believes in the Christkind (just look it up - the translation is so ugly so I’m using the German word)
And it’s way too precious so non of you ever told him the truth 
So here you are, getting dressed, putting on a white loose dress, white wings, soft golden eyeshadow and curling your hair / putting on a blond wig
Akaashi, Kenma and Kuroo - who will celebrate Christmas with you two - enter the house, together with Bokuto 
Kuroo is talking EXTRA loud to make sure you hear them coming back 
“Huh? Why is there light in the living room?- Y/N shouldn’t be home by now.”  You hear Bokuto ask confused 
Grabbing the small bell, you take a quick glance into the mirror and ring it 
“A BELL??? OMG AKAAAAAAASSSHHHIIIIIII IS IT - OMG OMG OMGGGG!“ Bokuto screams and runs to the room 
Opening the door his eyes lay on you, the angel standing next to the tree, about to place a small gift under the tree, ready to ‘leave’ again 
Bokutos eyes shine like the stars, his mouth wide open, whole body shaking 
“You ... you ... you’re real!?!” He mutters 
‘Shocked’ you spin around, the gift still in your hands and look at him 
You smile softly and walk towards him 
Your hand takes his and you place the gift in his hand, get on your tip toes about to give him a small kiss on his cheek, but he moves away
“No, I’m sorry, but I got a beautiful s/o.” Your heart melts at his words, the real angel in this room truly is Bokuto himself 
You smile and look at Akaashi, telling him to distract Bokuto so you can leave again - which he does 
A few minutes later you open the front door, dressed as usual 
“OMG Y/N - YOU WON’T BELIEVE IT!!! THE CHRISTKIND WAS HERE !!!! HERE AND IT GAVE ME THIS PRESENT!!!! ITS A PICTURE OF US ON OUR FIRST DATE!!” He rushes over to you and shoved the framed picture into your face
“I’m sorry Bo” you mutter and give him a quick kiss 
“But ... I have to admit ... besides all their beauty, you’re way prettier than them... I can’t call you angle anymore knowing that your beauty outshines them.” A soft smile forms on his lips and you feel tears forming in your eyes. 
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Kuroo saw your google history 
He saw that you kept on looking for videos of a sex swing and how it works etc
So he knew the perfect present for you for Christmas 
On the box it only said Swing - red, silk
So no biggie 
Well... your parents invited themselves over to yours for Christmas Eve. 
Together with your little cousin
Before it comes to opening up the gifts, traditionally you had dinner first. 
Michale Buble was playing, your parents and his dad ( who got invited by your parents ) already had too much to wine, your little cousin bouncing on the chair, waiting to finally  open up the presents. 
If Kuroo knew, that your family’s would come, he wouldn’t even placed the swing under the tree, but they just appeared on your door with food and presents 
So now - the swing was the biggest present 
“Y/n... Y/NNNNNN” your little cousin asks you while already sitting under the tree eying all the presents
“Yes?” You laugh
“Can I open your presents????” She asks
“Sure.” You smile, knowing how much she loves opening them 
Next to you, Kuroo’s heart stops, cold sweat running down his neck 
Your cousin hands you the two small presents on top of the big one
“Here I just want to open the big one” 
“Are those yours?” You ask and look at Kuroo, who just nods
“Babe... what’s wrong?” You ask him, but before he could answer, the ripping sound of the wrapping paper is heard 
(Insert : oh no- Oh NO - OH NONONONOOO)
Your eyes widen.
All blood  leaves yours and Kuroos face 
Your mum takes a big sip out of her glass
Your dad glares at Kuroo 
His dad looks ashamed at Kuroo 
While your cousin opens the package and fiddles with the red silky stuff 
“At least the color fits in the room.” Your mum laughs taking another sip of her wine 
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tagging: @kenmasgameboy
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
About that Fox post: i absolutely love you for writing it, thank you for that
Also, for your consideration:
- Where were you during the zillo beast attack?
- throwing a surprise birthday party for him?
- going shopping together
- I have a scenario that him dating an investigative journalist would be very chaotic, any thoughts?
- what's the friendship with his brothers like?
- why do i fell he would be good with kids? Like your nephew or something
- on that note, does he get the dad genes from Jango?
- post-war AU? in the timeline where Palpatine chokes and dies like he's supposed to
- Getting!! Married!! (eventualy)
many Fox thoughts today, many thoughts
sorry this is so long, I have little self control and a lots of love for fox. i love u so much for asking this and letting me explore what a life with fox would be like.
also I apologize for being a h*rny bitch and not controling myself, so nsfw thots are marked like this so if u wanna skip that's fine.
and uh, first I'm gonna answer the investigative journalist hc and base everything about this in that solely thought because that's a galaxy brain thing to say.
I have a scenario that him dating an investigative journalist would be very chaotic, any thoughts?
AHDJSJ I LOVE THIS. okay okay but I feel like because of this job this is exactly why you guys met, like you needed some info and you asked some shiny but he didn't know a thing and you were like "is there someone I can talk with about this?" and when he's about to reply, Fox enters in action and he's like "need anything?" but sO COCKY.
he hates journalists mostly because some of them treat the clones very badly and never talk about the casualties or that kind of stuff about war, right.
like, it would turn into this-- banter filled with sexual tension that would've ended up in a make out session if 1. fox didn't have that much of self control and two if he weren't wearing his bucket.
it'd be like
"listen man-"
"it's commander for you." a pause, "or sir."
or like
"i need to do other things if you don't mind."
"i can think of a few you could be doing right now." and the way your eyes run through his entire body, even if he's all covered in plastoid but damn you if he isn't the hottest man walking, and he actually shivers, and gulps, because it's not like he wasn't thinking about that either, pushing down your pants and railing you right then and there in that fucking filthy alley. he is well aware how his suddenly codpiece feels too tight, but you only smirk and go, "you know, like giving me the information I need?"
it'd be so ridiculous, but you also caused this impression on him that when you turned away to go on your business he was dEVASTED, but he didn't want to let u know he actually liked you. He's stubborn, that man.
So by some miracle when you're investigating something, you guys run into each other bc he's on patrol or something and he's GIDDY. but also frozen in place bc he didn't think he would ever see you again, mostly because Coruscant is big and has too many people in it. and you're like
"ah, commander fox, isn't it?" and he quickly resumes to say something that shows how aNNOYED he pretends to be, but he ends up tagging alone because "these parts are not safe"
"you'd need protection."
and the smirk you have is sO ARROGANT because it's not your first rodeo.
"you wouldn't want to have a civvie getting killed or something on your watch now, would you?" and he clears his throat and nods sharply. and you give him this innocent eyes and bat your lashes, "my hero."
and if you think those words didn't do aNYTHING to him, you're mistaken u hear me, he's instantly hARD.
so anyways after that YOU ask him out, and he's like, stuttering and saying yes and all.
now some random thoughts on this magnificent hc.
• if it can't be himself, he would always have the men he trusts the most going on patrols around the zone you're around in case something happens.
• he lOVES when you rant about something new you discovered, and when he asks for mOre info bc he's a, how do you say chismoso?, he loves gossip??? anyways and you're like "nu huh, you gotta wait till tomorrow, foxie"
• he aLWAYS makes sure to read/see your job, either if you work for some newspaper, magazine, etc or if you're on the TV he nEVER misses it.
• if you work for the TV, his brothers are always like "fOX YOUR GIRL IS ON THE HOLONET LIKE RN!!!" and he gives them this bitch face because he kNOWS THANK YOU.
• alright but imagine going on dates with him and being like "did you know there was an investigation last year around this part that–?" ROMANCE AT ITS PEAK.
• if his shift ends before you even think of going home, he definitely joins you on your investigations.
Where were you during the zillo beast attack?
uhh, I think you'd be home, like maybe you turned in early and fox maybe didn't know, so he was almost in tears when he called you after the whole thing happened because he was so worried.
of course, during the attack, he tried to push the thought aside, bc I think all clones have this, uh, switch, that makes them not worry during missions that much? just like, have this thought here and there but nothing serious that would make them paralyzed and have a panic attack right there. but every second he thought of you and hoped you were alright.
unlike you, that were worried sick because you saw the chaos unfold, the troopers arriving in shuttles and the jedi doing whatever they were doing and you just heard destruction. you DID cried a bit and when fox called you, you cried even harder. and he was like "it's alright, I'm alright baby."
that night he hold you SO tight, whispering sweet nothings on your ear and never stopped kissing you once. you barely got any sleep because you were so afraid of waking up only to find out the other died on the attack and it was all a dream.
throwing a surprise birthday party for him?
now, clones don't exactly have a birthday???? but he did all these nice things for your birthday (he and the boys baked you a cake that was sO UGLY and tasted a bit weird) so you thought you could surprise him too.
it's most likely he gives you the date when he graduated from Kamino or something and for all the years you're with him, you never miss his "birthday" at first you did something quiet, like a dinner at your place, bought him something nice, gave him a bath or something and spoiled the shit out of him.
so for the second year, you threw him a party in his office, made him this cake or whatever and decorated with red and white balloons and invited a few troopers that wanted to help you and he was stoic for a moment, but then you were like "hAPPY BIRTHDAY!" and hugged him so tight and he relaxed under your touch and whispered this small "thank you baby"
everyone congratulated him and he was a bit awkward but when they start telling all these stories of them and fox on the job, he starts to loosen up a bit, so while everyone is eating cake he hugs you from behind and chuckling lowly in your ear as he listens to his brothers.
he dOESNT like pda like I said but he forgets for a moment because he just loves you sO SO SO SO MUCH. it's also easier for him to whisper filthy things into your ear and mumble how good you are for him, that he doesn't deserve you, that he can't wait for everyone to leave cause he wants to have his present (you) nipping your earlobe and making u all hot and bothered and would def fuck you nice and hard on his desk. yup
going shopping together
imagine, jUST IMAGINE, he'd look like your personal bodyguard 😭😭 like, he'd be behind you carrying most of your bags and people would look at you wondering who are you, why are you sO important to have the commander of the Coruscant guard with you???
but like, you don't care and fox doesn't even notice, and he'd be so attentive, faking to be both annoyed and uninterested but he'd see this nice shirt or dress or whatever and grumble something like "you'd look good on this" i just-
and like when you pass by the lingerie store, dUDE, he'd make you model for him, him sitting like he fucking owns the place, getting harder and harder every time he sees you in a new pair of underwear and when you show off this cute little red set. damn.
if you go to the market or something, he'd always love to show you these things like "look at that" or just pull you towards this stall and you'd adORE to show him stuff like, "ohh, fox here try this" or "what you think about this?" and stuff like that.
what's the friendship with his brothers like?
i think it'd be very easy-going and light, they would tease you sometimes, but they really like you, mostly because they see fox isn't as stressed as before and they see how happy he is when around you.
they think he deserve it, to have somewhere where he's free and loved, so yeah.
they sometimes ask him about you and never miss a chance to say hi when you stop by the office.
the boys absolutely ADORE you.
why do i fell he would be good with kids? Like your nephew or something. does he get the dad genes from Jango?
like, I think at first he'd be very hesitant when it comes to children, like he'd be nervous when you introduce him to your niece and when you ask him if he wants to hold her, he says a quick no and just prefers to watch you, heart feeling funny when you make faces at the little baby in your arms.
at some point he dOES hold her, with such care and a gentleness that makes your heart flutter, and he coos softly as she sleeps soundly in his arms, rocking her with a delicacy you thought impossible from such hard man, and when he looks at you his eyes shine with this flash of something you can quite place but makes your heart skip a beat and think of how much you'd love to have this, with him, a little family, a baby that has his curls and maybe your eyes, a mix of your skin color with his and maybe his stubbornness completed by your charisma. a perfect little thing for you two to hold and care and love.
he'd be such a good dad, but then again every clone would be the most fantastic dad bc it's literally in their genes.
if you have a nephew that is, u know, older but still a kiddie, like 5 or 6, the lil boy would be aMAZED by fox, he'd love him so much, like imagine, always asking for the commander, wanting to play with him, asking fox to carry him eVERYWHERE, and at first fox would be like, shy and uncertain and he wouldn't know how to act until he accepts the fact that this little boy really likes him and looks up to him and fox becomes The Cool Uncle™
post-war AU? in the timeline where Palpatine chokes and dies like he's supposed to and Getting!! Married!! (eventualy)
well, in my post-war AU, clones get Rights™ and get paid and have vacations and stuff, sO, maybe you get to have Fox for a little more time and his schedule isn't as bad as it was during the war, so maybe after the war you get home to a nice dinner and fox using this silly apron and sometimes you come home early just so you can cook with him.
maybe you go on holidays to these nice places, going to the beach or the woods and finally settling somewhere quiet, start a family in this nice house or if you don't want kids then it's just the two of you and maybe a few pets.
i think the wedding would be officiated in Coruscant, of course, so his brothers and your fam can go, he'd definitely cry when he see you walking down the isle or when you put the ring on his finger and he'd be so so so happy, dancing with you all night, being so clingy because he's just Over the moon, y'know, kissing your cheeks and neck, whispering how lucky he is and how much he loves you, and how good you look, never leaving your side and always leaning over with pouty lips for you to kiss him.
when he proposed it was during one of your sweet, soft times with him, maybe in the aftertaste of your sexy times, as he holds you close to his chest, fingers running up and down your skin, as he stares at the ceiling and the question comes out as if he were talking about the weather, his heartbeat is slow and steady and it's one of those times he feels confident and sure.
you have talked about a future together, so he knows you'd say yes.
it's more a statement than a question, really.
"marry me." he would say, so quietly, almost a whisper. and when you look up you only find this beautiful emotion filling his eyes.
"what?" you just want to make sure you heard right, he'd smile softly, cup your cheek and as his thumb caresses your skin he'd whisper.
"will you marry me?"
you oBVIOUSLY say yes while ugly sobbing.
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poison--ivory · 4 years
Haikyuu! Hc’s (Inarizaki/Fem!Reader)Quirks
Characters: Ren Omimi, Aran Ojiro, Hitoshi Ginjima, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya, Rintaro Suna, Heisuke Riseki and Michinari Akagi
(I did Kita on the captains one I did. The link is down below)
Warnings: Fluff, Cursing and NSFW
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Omimi- Thunder Valley
Omimi’s quirk was an accumulation quirk, which means he has to build up his power in order for his quirk to work. His quirk was much like All Might’s, but with less force involved with it
He didn’t ask you out up front, but Atsumu did. The Miya twin literally walked right up to you and told you in front of everyone in your classroom
 He thinks the way you snort when you laugh is pretty cute in of itself
Even if he’s not going to be a hero he still trains his quirk on the down low, so that later in life it doesn’t become an inconvenience
Cuddles with him are always warm doesn’t matter what position he’s in, little spoon or big spoon, there’s always a great amount of heat
When sex came into the question further down the line of your relationship he made sure to take every precaution into question. His quirk ran on emotion (mostly anger) and he wanted to make sure that it didn’t go off during any sexual acts
Fingering was always a iffy subject, anything dealing with his hands were
Ojiro- Electric Fist
Aran’s quirk an emitter quirk allowing him to electrify anything and anyone, downside is that only his hands are the ones emitting the electricity
Your in one of his classes and he would be lying if he said he didn’t noticed you. In fact he paid close attention to every tiny thing you did, from taking notes, speaking, walking, etc.
The type of person to deny that he even had a crush on you. But, only confessed when the Miya twins got involved, especially Atsumu. He did it in the form of a medium sized gift basket
Likes that your laugh is kind of strange, it makes you sort of special in a sense
Always makes up an excuse to hold your hand. “I had to get you out of the crowded hallway.” He’s a pretty bad liar, can’t come up with a good excuse to save his life
His quirk goes off too easily when he gets ‘excited’, so he buys specialized rubber gloves in order to touch you properly
He loves it when you ride him backwards. He’s kind of an ‘ass man’, so facing away from him really gets him going
Ginjima- Spirit Whip
Ginjima’s quirk is also an emitter quirk his quirk allows him to throw his soul out of his body and into other living being; dogs, cats, birds, humans, etc.
 Gin knew he had a major crush on you and it was completely obvious to everyone and you
He didn’t really confess more like you had to bring it out of him. Celebrated to his teammates that he finally got a girlfriend
Goes on long dates with you, even after a grueling session of practice he takes you out for lovely date. Nearly overdid himself to the point of passing out, so now you both just laze around for most dates
Loves to show off his quirk to impress you. But, gets scolded by Kita for taking over Atsumu’s body 
His quirk gets compared to Ino from Naruto, and gets pretty insecure about it. So, be wary on how you talk about his quirk
His quirk went off during his first time with you. As soon as he climaxed his soul flew out and into his pet fish
Atsumu- Pyromancer
Atsumu’s quirk is an emitter type, permitting his quirk to shoot out flames from any part of his body. Cocky as hell when fangirls tell him is quirk is one of a kind, his brother says otherwise
Atsumu asked you out without any dithering. He wasn’t ashamed at all that he purposely asked you out in front of the whole volleyball team
Girls would sneakily use their quirks on you as payback for going out with Tsumu
He didn’t really do anything until he actually saw it happening with his own eyes
Your boyfriend is more than just cocky chiefly about his quirk. Like you could be laying on his chest and he just brings up his flame quirk and then brags about it non stop
Since he always brags about his quirk, he makes sure that he could back it up. Exercises his flames on a daily basis, so it not likely it would set off during sex
Except for the one time his hands got too hot riding him and he had to take you to the emergency room for third degree burns
Osamu- Hydromancer
Osamu’s quirk is also an emitter type, and just like his twin can squirt water out of any body part. Cool thing about his quirk is that he can spray his brother whenever he gets a hot head
Osamu was up front about liking you, too. Gave you a weirdly made bento that spelled, “Will U Go Out With Me?” 
Spends most of his free time with you. His favorite thing to do is cook with you or for you. Only makes enough for you and him, so when Atsumu comes in to eat there’s nothing left 
Loves to spray you with his quirk, but doesn’t his own strength. Like the one time he blasted you in the back so hard it left a dark bruise in the center of your shoulders
Expect to see quirk fights between the twins. The whole room steams up rapidly like a full on sweat sauna in under thirty minutes
Kisses are usually long and sweet. He’ll try to rub his sweat off on you after practice, so you both have to take a shower afterward
He tried having sex in the storage room at school and his quirk set off as you gave him head. Leaving you dripping wet and people questioning you why you switched uniforms
Suna- Lethargy
Suna’s quirk is an accumulation quirk allowing himself to get tired  on a daily basis builds up his strength. If he were to take a hero path this is his excuse for sleeping during class
He wasn’t going to tell you his feelings until Osamu started pressuring him into exposing them
He’s a lazy lover, so assume that a lot of dates are inside or close by. However, if your more of an energetic person he’ll try to be a little more open minded
Cuddles with you before practice and after practice. If your in another classroom he’ll sit you on his lap before class starts to get in his daily affection
Kisses your neck a lot even if other see him, he doesn’t care. Did it in front of a teacher once and had to clean the classroom by himself
He likes it when you spend time with his friends, maybe not Atsumu, but Osamu and Aran watch over you when he not around
Suna’s quirk wouldn’t go off after of during sex. Yet, he does tend to pass out after any type of sexual favor
Riseki- Diamond
Riseki’s quirk is a transformation quirk covering his whole body in a diamond layer, eats a lot of barbeque to keep up his hardening. Accidently blocked off his airways in his full body transformation
It’s quite ironic that his quirk harden the outside, but can’t harden his feelings
His reputation isn’t quite the best with most of his classmates, so when you asked him out he thought you were making a joke. Especially after his screw up at their last game. The whole school booed him
This guy loves holding your hand, but doesn’t do it in public as much. Until you reasoned with him that he shouldn’t be ashamed of people seeing them together
He loves how you can stand up for yourself, it gives him the confidence to stand his ground more often
His teammates tease him for kissing you outside the gym when they have practice. Teasing him even more when they catch him making out with you in the locker room
You both decide to have vaginal sex, but it turned ugly soon after. He grew rock hard after his first orgasm and cut the top of your pelvic pretty bad
Akagi- Bright Light
Akagi’s quirk is a mutant quirk it illuminates his whole body at all times, even on the lowest setting is still noticeable. Watching movies in general is awful if everyone around you hates your dim gleam
He had help from Aran and Kita to help him gather the courage on asking you out. Was a lot more confident after a quick pep talk from 
Goes on a variety of cute dates with you on the weekend. Even drops by your classroom to set gifts he bought for you. Makes homemade gifts that he thinks you would find adorable
He can’t turn off his quirk so whenever it’s late outside he’s literally your human nightlight. Sometimes younger kids run around him calling him “Twinkle Star”
Hugs you from behind turn into picking you up and swinging your body back and forth. Pretty strong so it doesn’t matter what body type you are
His main concern is his weight, so he tries to watch what he eats. Fails miserably, but with your help he’ll get through it. You stop eating some your favorite fatty snacks in front of him and make him something nutritious for his diet
His quirk sprung to a full shining, glare of light when he recieved a hand job. To make it any worse it was pretty dark in the room besides the t.v., so seeing his body erupt with light is kind of cute
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alexalbonbon · 4 years
Drive to Survive is less documentary and more Keeping Up With The Formula 1 Drivers. And that needs to change
When Netflix first announced Drive To Survive in March 2018, the show was promoted as an “attempt to immerse the audience inside the cockpits, the paddock, and the lives of the key players in Formula 1 racing. The series will have exclusive access to the world’s fastest drivers, team principals and owners, as well as Formula 1’s own management team.”
The announcement was a clear statement from new owners Liberty Media: attract new fans to Formula 1. And what better way to do this than by collaborating with the biggest streaming platform in the world? Drive To Survive was supposed to become a 10-episode documentary series for both new and established Formula 1 fans and would cover the 2018 season.
The show did a decent job in its first season, it did give a fresh look behind the scenes of the sport, with some drivers also allowing the camera crews in their personal lives. It introduced us to (most of) the teams, drivers, and team principals and gave an insight into the traveling, multi million dollar circus that is Formula 1.
But how are you going to cover a racing championship if you’re not allowed access to the two major teams fighting for that championship? You can’t, and the producers decided to take a page out of the Keeping Up With The Kardashians manual and thought it would be fun to give a show that was supposed to be a documentary show about the pinnacle of motorsport a reality series makeover in post production instead.
While we did see some of Daniel Ricciardo’s family and life off-track, this was completely overshadowed by the producers’ excessive need to dramatize his inter-team rivalry with then-teammate Max Verstappen. Any person who followed Formula 1 and especially Red Bull at the time knew that, although Daniel indeed was struggling with his position within the team, the two were not the enemies the show makes them out to be and are actually good friends. And rather than learn from the first season and the feedback given by both fans and drivers, the producers decided to up the drama even more for the next two seasons. Meanwhile, all of us are sitting here wondering why. If you spend some time following the sport, there’s plenty of drama already.
Going forward with seasons two and three, it was apparently decided that the show needed more of a Hollywood feeling and plenty of episodes were given the hero versus villain treatment. This reached its peak in the Red Bull focused episodes in both seasons two and three. Take the difficult (to say the least) work environment of the “big” team, mix it with some weird crap said by Christian Horner and top it off with the commentary by Will Buxton literally nobody asked for and you have yourself a Pierre Gasly versus Alex Albon rivalry. Where in season two Gasly was portrayed as the person keeping Red Bull back in the World Championship and Albon came in to save the day, season three decided to reverse Uno that narrative and made Albon (one of the only three people of color on the grid) the one in this role, while Gasly thrives at AlphaTauri. Albon is made look weak, stupid and slow. All things people who have looked beyond his Red Bull stint know are not true. Not once is it suggested that Albon was put under immense pressure by being moved to the “big team” in what was only his first season of Formula 1. Nor would Horner ever take responsibility for the clear favouritism shown to Verstappen.
And then there is what might be the biggest crime in the entire show: the lack of presence of record race winner, seven-time World Champion Lewis Hamilton in season three. There are no good words for whoever was in charge of production and decided that this man, one of the greatest, if not the greatest, Formula 1 drivers of all time, was not worthy of an entire episode dedicated to his story, his racecraft, and his activism. The only black driver on the grid, Drive To Survive gave him five minutes at the end of the very last episode to touch on the Black Lives Matter movement Hamilton has been a vocal supporter of for years. His record equalling 91st win at the Eifel Grand Prix was briefly touched upon, but his record equalling seventh World Championship in Turkey was apparently too much of an effort to include. It only enhances the fact that the We Race As One campaign Formula One Management ran last year was nothing more than a PR stunt. It is time to take Lewis Hamilton seriously, he has a platform and he wants to use it and Netflix not giving him that opportunity is shameful. Yes, a big part of the demographic of Formula 1 consists of straight, white men who absolutely refuse to look at the world outside of their bubble. But Netflix promotes inclusivity, so why should this show be any different? It is a Netflix original show, which gives them no way to point at anyone else being the final part of production responsible. By showing the (graphic) clip of George Floyd’s death and letting Hamilton say three sentences about the BLM movement, you’re not promoting the inclusivity the streaming service wants to stand for. Formula 1, Netflix, and Box To Box Productions all need to do better, and they need to start doing better now.
So how does the show move forward? Let’s start by throwing out the terrible “scripts”, including those terrible one-liners Lance Stroll throws out in the first couple of season three episodes (I like Lance, but this made me cringe so hard, my eye is still twitching). Several drivers, including Max Verstappen, and more recently George Russell have spoken out against the framing the show chooses. This should be a clear sign that things need to change, especially if one of the drivers above called the show “cringey” in front of the Netflix cameras. Is there absolutely nobody in the producing team who has any real knowledge of the sport and the regulations itself? We need less Christian Horner, less Will Buxton and less forced drama and rivalry. If you put twenty men who get paid hundreds of thousands of euros in a paddock and drive around the fastest cars in the world for a living, the drama will write itself. 
Formula 1 loves reminding people that it’s the “pinnacle of motorsport”, so why not show that? Why not show that the world of Formula 1 has some of the brightest minds out there that came together in the fight against COVID-19 in Project Pitlane? Or how they were one of the first major sports that returned to their competition, setting up a huge logistical challenge and managing to create a calendar with seventeen races in twelve different countries, while keeping COVID infections to a relative low? But they also should focus on the parts the teams may not always want to show. Why does Red Bull seem to have a curse on that second seat? Why does Haas have to take on a driver who didn’t manage to finish in the top 3 of the Formula 2 championship, while the vice-champion was left without a seat? Why did we have to say goodbye to the Williams family and why weren’t they given a proper sendoff in the show? Especially with Williams having the only female team principal in the paddock. And why aren’t we shining a light on what’s important: a black man standing alone in his fight for equality.
Drive to Survive should give us what it promised: an exclusive behind the scenes look of one of the most exciting sports out there. The drama will write itself, we just want the good, the bad, and the ugly. And these are things the Netflix crew can achieve, even with the current COVID restrictions still in place in the paddock.
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cartoonsliveon · 4 years
Ever since I saw the Impossi-bin episode, and how Donald was written as a “suspected traitor” on the white board, I couldn’t help but think about if F.O.W.L. ever captured any of the Duck fam. And if he captured Donald and Della, how that might just go... *shrugs*
“Ahhh! Della- Ow!!!”
“Hold still,” She snapped, grumbling softly under her breath, “You big baby.”
There was no real heat behind Donald’s glare as he watched his twin sister, only exhaustion... and a little bit of fear. Della continued to tie her scarf tightly around his arm, watching as the light blue fabric already began to darken.
“There,” Her hands hovered in the air awkwardly, she wasn’t sure what to do with them. Let them dangle at her sides or fold them in her lap? She isn’t entirely sure anymore. Donald isn’t looking at her anymore, finding the floor and his feet so much more interesting. The tips of her fingers are tinged red from his blood, and even though this isn’t the first time she’s had to patch her brother up, the sight of it makes her incredibly uneasy. A ball of anxiety makes its presence known to her again. 
And Della hates it. Because how in the world did they end up in this situation anyways? It’s a rhetorical question of course, she remembers the adventure clearly. The Stone of What Was, so tiny and unassuming. Louie and Dewey had looked down upon it, so entirely unimpressed with the simplicity of it. Uncle Scrooge tucking it into a satchel, which swayed with his hips and bounced with each jump. The chaos that surrounded the adventure and grew once they reached it. Della’s heart hammers as she reflects. F.O.W.L., in almost full force. The fighting, the lasers, Donald throwing himself at the giant rooster with the metal beak with so much force and rage.
Somewhere in the fighting, the cave’s structure began to deteriorate. Somewhere in it all, Donald and Della had gotten separated from Scrooge and the kids in the midst of keeping their family safe. And instead of finding Scrooge, and the kids, and returning home, they were here. In a cell.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“What?” She looks up to see her brother giving her a very pointed, knowing look.
“You’re about to punch the wall. I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“No I wasn’t.”
“Yes you were,” Donald rolled his eyes, “You had that angry look on your face. The one you always make before you’re about to explode.”
“I did not.”
“Did too.”
“Did not.”
“Bickering like children, are we?”
If looks could kill, Bradford would have been nothing but ash and maybe a few smoking tail feathers. He met their gaze though, as if their combined anger was not a force to be feared or reckoned with. It was as though he were meeting the angry, unforgiving looks of two children than two adults. He can’t help but give them more than a brief once over though, because he’d seen these two grow up after all. Once upon a time, they’d been children just like the triplets and Webby. Up to nothing but trouble and mischief. He eyes the scarf wrapped around Donald’s arm, the bruises darkening along Della’s beak. The disarrayed feathers. 
“You aren’t going to get away with this, Scrooge is going to come for us,” Della demands, crossing her arms over her chest.
“You really believe that?”
It’s such a risky, wildcard thing to say. Bradford knows Donald and Della well. Not as well as Scrooge, but well enough to know that this could strike a chord with them, if done right. To his great surprise, not that he dares show it of course, identical looks of confusion spread across their faces. He sees Donald tense and shoot a side eye look at Della. 
Neither of them interrupt or argue, they’re surprisingly silent. He pushes on before the moment is lost.
“You vanished for ten years. You were on the Moon for ten years. The easiest place to look. The closest thing you could have crashed onto. He gave up on you when searches became a financial loss.”
“That’s a lie and you know it. You forced Uncle Scrooge to-”
“And he listened to me,” Bradford snapped back, “If he cared about you and truly, truly believed you were still out there, he wouldn’t have listened to me. If he loved you, he wouldn’t have let anything or anyone stop him.”
His gaze immediately turned to Donald, “No one even knew you were missing. Your month long cruise, spent as a prisoner on the Moon and then trapped on an island. You come back and he gives you nothing but grief and insults. No one even had the decency to try and tell you your sister was back the minute she showed up at the door. If Scrooge cared about you, he would have thought about you and your feelings. He would consider your input. Value your opinions.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t I?” Bradford asks, “Did you know your brother raised the boys for ten years bouncing from job to job, sacrificing everything so they could have food on the table and clothes on their backs?  Would feel love and protected? He sheltered them. If Scrooge cared about either of you, wouldn’t he have done everything he could to make sure Donald had help? Support?”
“Or what about the way he manipulates you, Della, into doing what he wants without you realizing it? Instigating your competitiveness as siblings? ‘Isn’t there another strong duck you know who’s never lost a fight?’ ‘You mean Donald?’, he played you.”
Donald’s hands folded tightly into two shaking fists, the duck struggling to maintain eye contact with Bradford. Della felt nothing but cold fury start to fill her. She never doubted Uncle Scrooge, not his ability to constantly undermine and defeat his foes, not in his ability to think his way out of situations, not in his strength, and most definitely his love for them. But even now, even though she knows that their uncle loves them, she can’t help but feel something in her twist and squirm at Bradford’s words (possibly that very doubt she has never felt before? She refuses to give it a label). 
But she knows Donald doesn’t think the same way she does. His relationship with Scrooge has never been.... as smooth as hers. It’s full of bumps, pot holes, and steep turns. She doesn’t doubt Scrooge’s love for them. Donald doesn’t always feel that same confidence, not about himself. She stares at Bradford, wishing that there wasn’t a plexiglass wall between them. If Bradford is making this.... feeling.... bubble up in her, she can only imagine how much of a struggle it is for Donald to not let his insecurities get the better of him. To remain as impassive as possible. And for that she wants to strangle this good for nothing buzzard. 
Especially when she sees the way Bradford stares at Donald now. Not the two of them. Not at just her. But Donald.
“If he doesn’t wipe that smug look off your ugly beak,” Della growls, “I will. Uncle Scrooge loves us. He’s coming for us.”
“Is this really the way you want it all to end? Blindly following a man who has caused you so much grief?” Bradford tsks, ignoring Della.
“What do you want from us Bradford,” Donald’s voice is a heavy sigh, tired and resigned. He uncurls one fist, mainly to grab Della’s wrist. She doesn’t realize, until he strokes his thumb over her knuckles how tightly her own fists are clenched, “Why are you even here?”
“I want the same thing that you want,” Donald doesn’t like how that sounds at all. He doubts the buzzard truly wants what they do, “For all this chaos and madness to end. Your uncle is meddling with things he shouldn’t, and everyone else has to pay the consequences. He has to be stopped. Duckburg has dealt with enough chaos and madness. The world has dealt with enough. Hasn’t it been enough already? Haven’t you both suffered enough?”
Both twins give a snort as they chuckle, both of them raising identical eyebrows as they stare at Bradford. It makes a chill crawl up his spine. The way they do that, being able to act simultaneously in the littlest ways. So different and yet so identical. So similar. It’s chilling to anyone who isn’t used to it. Who doesn’t see it every day like Scrooge and his family. 
“If you honestly think that we’re just going to betray our family like that-” Donald can’t help but shake his head slightly at the idea as Della continues for him, “Then you’re dumber than Glomgold. And that’s saying something!”
“Nothing you say is going to change anything,” Della continued, “so you and your stupid lackeys can shove it up your-”
“Not even for the kids?”
Bradford couldn’t help but smirk a little wider when he saw Donald and Della stare at him in silence. The fear shining in their eyes. Perhaps he should have mentioned the children sooner. Perhaps he should have just led with that. But what fun would that have been? What sort of villain would he be if he didn’t make them squirm a little bit and drag up things neither of them wished to dwell on.
“They’re all so young,” Bradford shook his head, “Is this what you want for them? For them to run straight into danger and pay for Scrooge’s mistakes? Haven’t they already suffered enough?”
“Nothing bad has to happen to them,” Bradford reminded, “They don’t have to get hurt. They can grow up, safe, and normal. That was what you wanted, right Donald? For them to be safe? That’s why you cut all connection from Scrooge in the first place. I can make sure they don’t get caught in the crossfire. I can make sure none of my operatives harm a single feather on their head.”
“You’re bluffing,” Della snapped, “You-you’re lying!”
“What would I possibly gain from lying to the two of you?”
Neither Donald or Della had a response to that. And Donald hated it. He hated not having anything to say. He desperately wanted to fly into an angry rage and curse Bradford out in front of him. But he was filled with fear and this little voice, the same voice that told him to take the triplets and leave Scrooge ten years ago, fretting over the kids. What if Scrooge didn’t come for them? What if he did and wandered into the obvious trap waiting for him? What if the kids...?
“I’ll give you both some time to think about everything,” Bradford folded his hands behind his back, “I’m going to test that little theory of yours. If you’re so sure Scrooge will come, let’s see if he’ll be willing to make a trade.”
Bradford expected the two ducks to argue. To say that Scrooge wouldn’t give F.O.W.L. the Stone of What Was. That he’ll see through the trap. But they didn’t. Instead, Donald and Della turned to look at each other. And Bradford watched as they stared at one another, a silent conversation being communicated by the more subtle facial expressions. He turned, leaving them in silence until the door shut behind him.
Donald and Della stared at one another, simultaneously sighing as they let the situation fully seep in and try to mentally prepare themselves for the burden it is about to drop on them.
“Ah phooey,” They mutter together.
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uhgoodmoni · 4 years
Canis Lupus Familiaris | JHS
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Summary: God of the suns: Hoseok has become bored of the life he leads, deciding to uncover the mysteries of life and love on Earth. He becomes overwhelmed with his new discoveries, but one simple creature makes his heart yearn to discover more: a dog.
Warnings: mentions of death - lmk if I should add anything else
Act One: Earth - Act Two: Living
Act One: Earth (4010 words)
“Mhmm.” Hoseok leaned backwards, floating on his back in the pool. The remnants of the fallen sun gleaming in the oil slick of the liquid. Though he laid in it, it didn’t cling to his skin, the shimmer of the stars spilling out around him, reflecting the deep space he looked out into.
This was the space he was born from. One day his tiny hand reached out to the barren universe, he was coated in the sleek of this pool, the oil slipping away and leaving behind a shimmer at his pores. He shined brightly, lighting up the dimness, and trickling the suns out as he walked, brightening up the expanse.
He was the second of the gods to be born. Yoongi, god of the expanse had come first, alone in the darkness of his creation, unknowing where he came from or why he existed, until Hoseok’s light burned into the darkness, the first change in hundreds of years. Hoseok, the god with brilliance in his eyes, had brought that change to the vacant universe.
Five others came over the course of thousands of years, Namjoon bringing creation, building worlds in the expanse Yoongi had opened. Taehyung brought with him life, bringing purpose to the other’s creations. Jimin came with love, giving purpose to those who lived in the universe. Jungkook came with bittersweet necessity, death. Seokjin was the last, yet when he came to them he was the eldest, millions of years older than Yoongi even. He had formed the others, deciding to hide away until he thought his job was done.
Now Hoseok spent most of his time thinking, calculating, and watching. He cared for the suns over the expanse, making them shine brighter when they began to dim, and laying them to rest when it was their time.
With endless time on his hand, he found recently that he wanted something more to do. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin were endlessly busy, they rarely returned. Hoseok’s job didn’t involve much travel, he, Jin, and Yoongi remained near the pool. For the most part, Yoongi was at rest, nothing threatened his creation. Jin kept a patient smile, watching on as the others made a diverse universe. Hoseok was happy with this for most of his time, but now he was getting restless.
He had always been patient, looking with joy as he brought light to spaces that only knew dark. Yoongi always told him he had the brightest light in his eyes, but every time Jimin came home Hoseok longed to know the cause of the gleam in his eyes. He wanted to explore the places that had life, love, and death.
So that’s how he decided. After consulting with Jimin, they decided there was no reason that he couldn’t visit a planet with life. Jimin suggested that Earth be his first conquest, after all, their forms were most similar to humans. All Hoseok had to do was hide his shimmery skin, and dim his eyes slightly to look like the mortals.
“Remember, please stick close to me.” Jimin took Hoseok’s hand as Earth came upon them. “The humans... “ He licked his lips the deep red disappearing, the warmth of his touch cooling as he prepared himself to be more human. “They don’t live like us.”
“I know that.” Hoseok huffed, he’d heard the many stories from Jungkook, and Taehyung. The humans committed many sins, of course, none that the gods were immune to, but they committed them much more frequently, forcing laws over these sins over one another for centuries. War raged endlessly. But amongst the big picture there were small things. Things that brought the warm glow into Jimin’s eyes. A glow that Hoseok wanted to understand.
“You look..” Hoseok’s eyes pondered over Jimin. Skin much more pale, hair a little flatter.
Jimin grinned, “Dead mhm?”
Hoseok zipped his lips to one side in thought. He never had seen someone dead. In all the thousands of years of his life he mostly paid attention to his own creations, never taking the time to explore the others' work. Now was his time and he had been excited. But now…
“Is that really what death looks like?” Hoseok’s face dropped from his usual smile, “The light leaves?” He pursed his lips in confusion. Thinking of the many suns that had fallen, their light going out all at once. It deeply depressed him to see one of his suns go out.
Jimin shrugged, “Yeah, it’s a lot more subtle with humans since they are already a lot duller than we.”
“Jungkook…” Hoseok thought of all the times Jungkook would come back to the pool. He usually looked overjoyed. If he caused the light to leave from so many how could he smile? “That’s awful.”
“Well, it’s necessary, and not always sad.”
Hoseok shook his head. “How could it not be sad? It’s like the suns disappearing, it's so…” Hoseok grabbed at his chest. He hated having to take the light from the sun. He wanted them all to shine brightly.
“Well, humans are a lot more complicated than suns. It can be merciful to end a human's life, or justified.” Jimin smiled at Hoseok’s ignorance of the mortal world. He always thought it was strange that Hoseok never explored past the suns. “There would be consequences if you let all the suns keep shining and kept making new suns right?” Hoseok understood the universe wouldn’t be able to handle the heat and light. There would be consequences if Jungkook left things to go on living forever.
“How can he stand it?”
Jimin lowered his eyes, “I don’t think he does.” The conversation ended in somber silence as they finally had welcomed their feet to Earth. Hoseok lifted his chin, breathing in oxygen, and other chemicals, feeling them run their unnatural course through his body.
He swallowed, tasting the grime of the soil on his tongue, the floating particles skimming his skin. He already felt dirty, new feelings overwhelming him. He squinted his eyes, seeing greens, browns, and a magnificent blue, all under the bright shine of one of his own suns. His ears rang, the sounds of cicadas, the wind blowing. Too many noises. Jimin gave a chuckle, awaiting Hoseok to get accustomed. They had arrived in a rural place far from the loud cities. but Jimin knew that the chaos of earth was shocking, compared to the peace where the pool was.
Hoseok opened up his eyes wider, trying to take in every ounce of the new environment that he could. Long green stalks of corn were coming up from the soil on either side of them. He tilted his head in curiosity, starting to glide to the edge of the path.
Jimin’s strong hand stopped him, “You should walk.”
Hoseok looked down to Jimin’s feet which were planted on the ground, his own just above it. Jimin couldn’t hide his smile as Hoseok stepped down, feeling the gravel under his feet.
“This place is beautiful.” Hoseok spun around, reaching out and feeling the grooves of the unhusked corn. Jimin chuckled, looking over fields of green and yellow.
“Trust me, there is a lot more beauty in this world.” He frowned, “And ugly.” But for this visit, he only wanted Hoseok to see the beauty. He wanted Hoseok to love the mortals, for they so easily loved one another. Jimin wondered if Hoseok understood love, or better yet had felt it. He knew or at least believed that Jungkook and Taehyung had felt it, but the others he wasn’t so sure about. They didn’t experience it other than from Jimin himself. “I just don’t want to overwhelm you, so we’ll take it slow.” Jimin finally finished, seeing Hoseok completely absorbed in the feeling of the rocks digging into the soles of his feet.
“But if you want to see people, you have to put on some clothing.” Jimin brought Hoseok’s attention back to him, now donning skinny jeans and a black tee, nothing to bring attention to himself.
Hoseok stared down Jimin’s body, confused by the garments. Jimin helped him style himself. Nothing too constricting, baggy trousers and a large tee. It suited him well, Jimin thought as he considered where to take him. A small country town, a place where the people were few, and the people were quiet. Somewhere where visitors passed through, and they wouldn’t stand out too much.
Then they were on their way, vanishing from the fields, and reappearing on the sidewalk of a street, Jimin had made sure there wasn’t anyone around to see them appear. Hoseok spun around taking in his new surroundings, the road here paved, sidewalks made of grey concrete. It smelled of something he had never smelled before.
“That’s the smell of barbeque.” Jimin grinned, then laughing at Hoseok’s face of confusion. “It’s food, you know.” Jimin then froze realizing Hoseok didn’t know. He’d never eaten anything in his entire life. The gods didn’t need to. “It’s what the humans need for sustenance. They need that and many other things to survive.”
Hoseok breathed in the smoky flavors, his mouth-watering from new sensations. “What else do they need?”
Jimin grinned, “Water and food are the basic necessities, however, most can’t survive adequately without other human interaction.” Hoseok seemed perplexed but he was trying his best to understand. “That’s where I come in.”
Hoseok shrugged as Jimin led him towards the building from which the divine smells were coming from. “Trust me, you’re gonna love it.”
Jimin opened the door, Hoseok stepping inside. The temperature vastly cooler than outside, air flitting from something metal in the ceiling. He squints at it but realizes it was keeping the temperature bearable.
“What happens when humans get too much sun?” Hoseok knew the sun was necessary for life to continue, but also realized that a fiery ball of hydrogen could be dangerous. He’d heard many stories of how fragile humans were from Jungkook. You could just push one over and they’d break. But then again, Jimin and Taehyung often spoke of their resilience. Maybe some humans were weak? And others strong?
Jimin bites his lip in thought while they stand waiting for a server. “Well, the worst case is they could die. Spending too much time in the sun without water can lead to death.” Hoseok’s eyes widened in horror. His sun could do that? Yet it was more than 90 million miles away? Jimin soothed him with a small smile, “Usually they get red in the skin and it burns for a day or so. No big deal.”
A waitress walks up to them, Jimin instantly regretting not giving him a short lesson on human etiquette. “Hi, welcome in. Table for two?” She said kindly, Hoseok staring at her in the oddest way.
“Yes thank you.” Jimin smiled, grabbing Hoseok’s hand and leading them after her. “Let me do the talking first. If she asks you a question, hopefully, you’ll know the answer.” He laughed, wondering what kind of mess he was getting them into. Embarrassment, not that Hoseok would probably even realize it.
The woman leads them to a table to which Jimin gestures for Hoseok to take a seat at. “Well I’m Yeona and I’ll be your server for today.” She set down a couple of papers, but Hoseok is entranced in the human. Jimin seemed to have exaggerated the dull color of their skin, for hers was particularly glowing and smooth. There also looked like there was some kind of pigment dotted at her eyes that certainly made the brown of her irises shine. She looked away from Hoseok, but he did not understand that she was showing him she was uncomfortable. “Can I get you something to drink?” She asked the table.
“Uh, water will be fine for now,” Jimin answered, smiling in thanks. “Hoseok no staring.” This drew the other’s face to him, his eyebrows were drawn, struggling in understanding. Jimin shook his head. “Eye contact is good but not so much,” Jimin huffed, looking over the menu. “Otherwise she’ll think you’re like in love with her or something.”
Hoseok’s eyes widened, he only had a vague idea of what love was. He thought maybe it’s how he felt towards his creations. “Does it really happen that fast?”
Jimin, stared at him, dumbstruck. “Sorry, no, no. It’s a figure of speech. Humans say stupid things like that at all. You aren’t in love with her, don't worry.” Hoseok really was ignorant to a lot of things, and Jimin would have to be careful of the way he spoke. He knew though that Hoseok would get it one day.
Hoseok flipped his head around the restaurant, they seemed to be the only people seated, sounds of clinking and sizzling sounded from the back. He wanted to look at the waitress again. Curious really, but she had disappeared.
“How would I know?” Hoseok turned back to his friend who had stopped looking at the menu.
“That you’re in love?” Jimin ran his hand back through his hair, Hoseok observing how strange his actions were. “You kinda just feel it.” He sighed, “It’s not all that easy to explain. Love comes in the form of many different feelings.” Hoseok stayed silent, wanting Jimin to continue.
He did, “Love can make you feel safe and warm, tingly, all giddy and joyful.” He grinned, happy to see Hoseok’s enthusiasm. “Love can also leave you disappointed, and sad.”
Hoseok didn’t quite understand so he continued, “It’s not always a good feeling, but it’s good to feel love.” Jimin pursed his lips knowing Hoseok wouldn’t understand until he felt that way himself. It shouldn’t be that hard if he continued to stick around with the other gods. Jimin already cared for Hoseok, they just rarely had seen each other.
“Well, how do you know?” Hoseok asked Jimin puzzled by his question. “You are the god of love.”
“Here these are for you.” The waitress interrupted, setting down two glasses. Hoseok couldn’t tear his eyes from the condensations dripping around the blue plastic, it was clear, but still distorted vision.
“Are you ready to order?” She asked, bringing Hoseok’s attention back to her. Her hair was pinned up by something small and black, and he wondered, why?
Jimin drew her eyes away from Hoseok, quick to break the silence that was brewing. “Uh, two of the number three, please. He hasn’t been here before.” The waitress nodded at the order before asking if there was anything else.
“What’s a number three?” Hoseok puzzled, watching as she took towards some people who had just come through the door.
“It’s just a rice bowl with bulgogi.” Jimin shrugged him off, “Just trust me, you’ll love it.” Hoseok nodded, trailing off to the people as they followed Yeona to a table on the other side of the restaurant.
“Jimin, how do you know?” He asked again.
Jimin rolled his head back, thinking. “Well for myself I organize it with red strings that attach from one to another, people who are meant to love each other.” Hoseok was fine with this answer, seemed simple enough, but Jimin wasn’t finished. “It’s honestly a huge mess. People love many different things, the strings only exist for living things, but yet some humans love so easily they could have a hundred attachments, and others so few. The strings entangle with one another, become torn, knotted.” Jimin sighs, “It’s a lot to keep track of.”
Hoseok could understand that, it honestly seemed a lot more overwhelming than his own job. “How do you find the time to do this?” Jimin always seemed to be relaxed, having time like this to himself.
“I honestly let it all run its natural course, I run the groundwork. The humans have free will. I’ll let them use it.”
Hoseok understood a little bit better now, finally watching Jimin as he drank a sip of his water. He decided to follow, almost choking on it himself, Jimin laughing all the while. He watched as Yeona ran to the other table with cups that were filled with various liquids that looked nothing like the one he had consumed. Interesting he thought, wondering what those tasted like.
“Can I see the red strings?” Hoseok asked.
“Pfft. Hell no.” Jimin laughed, but upon Hoseok’s facial expression he realized he would have to explain. “Only I have ever seen them. It would be like spoiling it for you.”
Hoseok squinted, trying to figure out the meaning of spoiling in this context, he then figured that if he could see his own strings it would give him an unfair advantage. Though he wasn’t sure why Jimin wouldn’t share it with him of all people.
Yeona returned with the food. Hoseok is no longer entranced by her but by the dish in front of him. It was a blend of colors. Sizzling browns, shiny greens, and steamed white. Jimin smiled while Hoseok observed.
“Okay here,” He handed him chopsticks, “Do as I do.” Jimin knew he would easily pick up the use of the utensils, watching and copying carefully as Jimin picked up a piece of the brown, what Hoseok had heard him call bulgogi.
“Chew please,” Jimin said before stuffing it in his mouth and grinding his teeth down on it. Hoseok followed, his face instantly filling in awe. It took him a while to swallow the first piece, savoring it for far too long. Jimin instructed him further, telling him he could mix the bowl, add sauces to enhance flavors. But Hoseok was too focused on the explosion of taste at his taste buds.
“I want bulgogi all the time,” Hoseok concluded as he finished his meal.
Jimin chuckled, “There are loads more foods for you to try.” Hoseok still was clinging to the idea of eating bulgogi any time he wanted.
“Are you going to decide to visit more often then?” Jimin asked, setting their dishes aside. Hoseok nodded excitedly, hoping to discover much much more. “Just don’t come alone. I don’t think you’ll be ready for that for a little while.” Hoseok nodded, knowing he’d probably expose himself if he did come alone.
Jimin took care of the bill, paying with a thin plastic card that Hoseok seemed intrigued by, that would be a conversation for another day. “Let’s get out of here. We can come back to Earth tomorrow and do some walking.”
They left the restaurant but Hoseok didn’t have any interest in going back to the pool. He was afraid he would find it boring, unable to stop himself from coming back to Earth to explore more. The sun was hot on their skin again, Jimin squinting and looking down, but Hoseok admiring the rays as they bore down on him. Jimin let him, knowing it wouldn’t harm his eyes.
They walked back towards the fields they came from, hoping to find a place with no witnesses before they left and disappeared. Hoseok’s eyes wandered, exploring the curve of the Earth, trying to memorize every detail so he wouldn’t forget. Of course, he wouldn’t.
Hoseok’s eyes were drawn to something small jogging up to them. It was lower than his knees, triangle ears pulled up as it came up close. Hoseok wasn’t afraid but tentative as it approached them, a leathery nose poking at the pants he wore. It was brown, tufts of fuzzy looking fur coating it’s body. What kind of animal is this? Jimin smiled, leaning down to the level of the creature, holding out a hand for it to sniff. It nosed at his palms, licking excitedly. The smile on Jimin’s face told Hoseok that the creature was friendly. He too kneeled down, holding out a hand for it.
“What is it’s name?” Hoseok looked over the small thing, his hand tracing down it’s back, the creature panting under the sun.
“It’s a dog.” Jimin smiled, rubbing behind it’s ears and it seemed to smile in content.
Hoseok raised an eyebrow, “Genus?”
Jimin shook his head, “Canis lupus familiaris, but please just call it a dog, for fucks sake.” He laughed, but Hoseok did not, not knowing what the last phrase really meant.
“A dog,” He smiled at this, a simple sounding name. It was so small. Not even that small of a dog, but Hoseok didn’t know that yet. He leaned down trying to get a good look at it’s eyes, a green glimmering in the…
Hoseok was taken aback to the feeling of the sloppy tongue on his nose. The dog raised its snout, trying to lick even more, leaving Jimin in a fit of giggles. Hoseok didn’t stop the creature as it did not hurt, however it left a slimy residue of it’s saliva behind.
“What is it doing?” He asked, as the dog let up, licking at his hand instead.
Jimin grinned, petting the dog continuously. “It’s kissing you, to show affection.” Hoseok was wildly even more confused, swearing that once Jimin said humans show affection to the ones that they love, and just moments earlier Jimin said that love doesn’t happen so quickly. Do dogs love differently than humans? Jimin let him puzzle, unable to answer a question that wasn’t asked.
Hoseok concluded that animals were often much more simple than humans. Less complicated, and maybe they loved in the same way. He liked it. The dog, taking a seat at Hoseok’s feet, staring up at him, his tongue lolling out. Hoseok thought it was cute, the cutest thing he’d ever seen.
“What do dogs do?”
Jimin tilted his head, not quite expecting that to be the question. “They are usually companions to the humans, but some are used for hunting and other complicated things.” He didn’t feel like explaining the concept of herding.
“Companions…” Hoseok thought, looking around and seeing no one. “But this one is alone?”
Jimin frowned, glancing up and down the path, seeing no collar on the creature. “Well it’s entirely possible that this one doesn’t have a companion. There's lots of animals left alone like this…” Jimin frowned, “It’s sad really.”
Hoseok glared down at the cute thing, mad that no one had taken it as a companion. It was so joyful, happy to see the two of them. So affectionate to two strangers. So simple and yet the poor thing was alone?
“Can it be my companion?” Hoseok turned up to Jimin who was shocked, expecting this question even less than the other. Jimin shook his head, unable to answer that for him. He didn’t know how it could be Hoseok’s pet. Would it be possible for the thing to live by the pool? Would it disrupt something on Earth. These were all things that Jimin could not tell Hoseok.
“I don’t know.”
Hoseok seemed upset, more that the poor creature was alone and he didn’t know what he could do to help it.
“We could take it to a shelter for someone else to take him.” Jimin offered, but he only scowled further.
“I want the dog to be my companion.”
Jimin bit his lip, knowing how hard it was to leave something behind that you wanted. It just wasn’t possible, at least that’s what Jin had told him. “Listen if you want to ask Jin you can, but I can tell you his answer is likely no.” Of course Jimin didn’t know that for sure, as this was a dog, and Jimin’s previous  request was a lot more complicated.
“Okay I will ask.” Hoseok said with eagerness to return to the pool. “How will we find the dog when we return?”
Jimin shrugged, “if, we return, I will help you search.” He patted the top of the dogs innocent and unknowing head before standing. Hoseok looked over the creature, bringing his lips to the top of his head, only managing to get assaulted with tongue kisses himself. He laughed softly, looking longing at the dog, hoping that the next time he saw it, he would also be leaving with it.
considering making this a series for each of the gods! Let me know if you would be interested in reading more about them! Part two will be here soon! 
This is part of a holiday series I’m doing (This one’s for Hobi’s bday) So if you want to read some of my other holidays: click here! (It’s my masterlist) 
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sickassastrology · 3 years
What made you different? 🥸
This is a general reading for the collective. This read is about your person you have in mind. Remember that because it is general it will not resonate with everyone. So take what sticks. Your free to choose whatever pile you feel. Heck, there could be little messages in all the piles. Time is fluid and we all have free will. So things can play out at anytime or maybe not at all. Follow your heart always. -E 💙🌻
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Pile 1 🍒🍒🍒
Greetings pile 1, the classy crew with the rider Waite deck. let's get into it. I'm getting whoever this was misused you when they had you. I heard the line from Jackson 5 I want you back. when I had you to myself i didn't want you around, those pretty faces always made you stand out in the crowd". With this group I'm feeling like what made you different to this person was that you had it going on. you had a lot going for yourself. and you didn't share that with just anyone. your riches. your glory. whether it was your body, money, time, energy. whatever the case was...you were selective in who you gave to. you are an attractive energy and human pile 1. and you know it too. 😜 confident. I'm getting the energy of I have a lot going for me, and I'm not going to just be out in these streets. my money is good, I look good, I feel good. It took a lot for you to get there and so you won't share that with anyone & everyone. and then....you gave it to this person and decided to act a fool, right? lol isn't it always like that. this person saw you as being able to take care of yourself, even when it was a lot. im getting heavily that some of yall have family members or siblings (big on the siblings) that you take care of. you are the parental figure to them. you had a lot of responsibilities, and yet you were still like a breathe of fresh air. you still knew how to smile. mature. you always smiled in the mist of sadness. and you meant it too, like it wasn't just a mask. it was like "I still have something to smile about in life. my flowers still grow. there's happiness all around me." you still knew how to give to this person. managing the connection even with your own stuff going on. and they admired that about you. when things got tough you remained calm. never too out of control. you handled each situation how it came and for what it was. although you told this person about your life, you NEVER made it burdensome to them. like that's my life, but we are separate from that. and this person was acting stupid. I see a few of yall into the occult too. and that definitely makes you different, doesnt it lol. but you don't mind it and didn't hide it because it's who you are. when you saw there was sneaky behavior going on, you left. you used your intuition to guide you. and now, this person does have a lot to give and will give it but if I screw them over they will bounce out. you are not the one to do an unfair relationship. I'm seeing this person got caught cheating on their phone. like you saw some hidden text messages. I also heard "nude" like nude photos you found. this person was doing too much. and you were like no it's not fair. and it was like they didn't care. they were only sorry they got caught. they see you are strong, know who you are, know your worth, and you won't bow down to anyone. and that's on purrrr! it hurts you, but you know your special and you are a gift to somebody out there. so if you have to leave, then bye. you'll see why I'm special later on. and this hurts but you know how to keep pushing forward. and your person is just like, omg how are they doing this, how are they still okay!? pile 1, your energy is so beautiful 😍. its very tranquil. and im not saying that you never get upset or anything like that but there is a peace about you. like it didn't work out. okay, cool. I'll just keep working on my life, taking care of me and mine. and best of luck to them, ya know? I see you did love them, like them a lot. but that's the way the cookie crumbles. and tbh, pile 1 I feel you'll be better off without this person anyway. like you'll be happier being a lone, find somebody else, or just keep taking care of business. so many blessings to you all, you deserve wonderful things. ❤
PILE 2 🥠🥠🥠
Hi pile 2, so while I was shuffling I heard likeable. so your very easygoing and charming im getting. this pile is nurturing, motherly. I get the energy of "ill lick your wounds for you so you don't have to". Ouuuu a healer. I see. (make sure that people don't try to get over on you, because they will try it)! You are a kind person. I'm getting friendly to everyone around. This pile is let's make love, not war. You don't like to agrue much. This person could have been a fireball and you just put their fire ALLLL the way out lol. I feel like some of yall worked with this person or around them. and there would be competition around you, and they would try so hard to get your persons attention. like look at me!! trying real hard. and then there you were like " I'm just here, doing me". you weren't trying to stand out. and they looked right at your ass too. 😂😂 Pile 2, you are almost too loving for your own good, aren't cha. 🥰 you love life. you showed this person a different way of living, like just go with the flow. but you weren't reckless. if you did go out or drink. I'm feeling like a festival or winery type. you showed this person that life is fun. you are a true free spirit. you don't let a lot of life's qualms bother you. this group is very natural. humanitarian. I heard the word garden. this pile is the type that give to the less fortunate. I'm seeing a person on the street and like you'll give them money, food, or whatever it is with no second thought. very "here you are. be blessed". and this person was in awe of that type of generosity. because this world doesn't have people like that. you weren't doing it for attention. you are a G-I-V-E-R. Tbh, with this pile I'm really feeling like you have a gift to help people, but I'm not sure that you even know that yet. you think that's just how you are. but i see you really doing things with the community. know your purpose you all, because its so important. you are balanced. Yes you are such a giving person. BUT you will hold back IF needed. you know when to hold em & fold em. that's you. you just don't have to try hard. I'm getting your person wears a mask to fit in. you do nothing, you can get somebody's attention without doing much of anything really. you love life and you give life into others. into earth. the seas. skies. heavens. whatever it is, you give life to it. this pile is an empress. very divine feminine. *(remember tarot have NO gender, it is only energy)* you'd make a good parent if you had children. *as I said that, I heard I don't want kids but I have fur babies*. 😂 okay so you take care of your pets as your little babies. we love them too. 🐾🐾 this group wishes good on other people. as I was pulling your oracle. the card purpose slips right from my hands. and it reads. purpose: I know what I am here to do. didn't I say this group fits in to a bigger picture. find the reason you are on this earth, do not waste another minute because you will feed so much life into other people. earth angels. 🥰 beautiful. pride: I love myself and see myself in everyone. and gratitude: I am thankful for life and the opportunity it presents. come through pile 2! confirmation again. I just said you love the life you live. the pride you have is almost humble. it's like you like yourself. the good. bad. ugly. and there's no better way to be. and that's why they like you! heck, I like you 😂 so awesome. let your light shine.
PILE 3 🥦🥦🥦
Pile 3, whatsup!? How are yall feeling? So right off. This is more about your mindset pile 3. your intellect. this person valued your decision making. you moved very carefully when it came to other people. they would come to you and ask about somebody. and you could look and examine and tell if that person was okay or had some type of ill intent. umm....intuitive much? you are a very wise person. you listen a lot to your gut, even if you have to sleep on it. your going to go with what you feel. you knew how to get work done but you still made time for the connection too. I'm getting that some of you have an important job or school that takes up time BUT you knew when to be silly and take breaks too. I'm feeling like you and this person had really goody times together. snapchat filters and silly faces 🤪😂. you are a very determined person. when things get hard or you fail. you never stop trying until you succeed. but you pace yourself, never tire yourself out. sheer determination from yall. love it. there's a lot of power in that. this group loves gathering information. reading. tv. listening. however you gained it, you shared it with your person and other people. a teacher. you actually made this person become better when you spoke to them. it challenged them. you also had a quirkiness about you. I'm getting you had hidden talents about yourself that were really random 😂. but your person loved it. you all pulled the empathy card. it reads: I am open to seeing both sides of the situation. again yall, you really know how to read people. use this to your advantage and get in touch with yourself. Tbh, if you tap in...you can sense auras. if you can't already! 💫🔮
I have to say, every single one of you are special. each of these piles possess such unique abilities and talents. bless you all. not to say your perfect by any means. but beautiful works in progress. so whether or not these connections work out or your person comes back. you matter. you don't need to change what beauty inside yourself. keep growing. keep challenging yourself. don't compromise. your worth it. so climb to the highest mountain top and scream. "I AM WHO I AM. I AM WORTHY. AND BEAUTIFULLLLL". bless. -E 💙🌻
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halfwall · 3 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❪ ⠀   * ⠀ ─          hello!  i’m  so  excited  for  this  genuinely,  it  is  so  seksi  and  socks  +  soda  did  such  an  amazing  job  with  it.  eunjung  is  my  newest  muse  and  the  best  way  i  can  describe  her  is  if  you  took  a  garden  snake  and  aged  it  up  manually  in  the  sims  and  then  took  it  into  the  spore  game  and  gave  it  lips  and  made  it  a  predator.  in  other  words,  my  very  own  looks  like  a  cinnamon  roll  could  k-word  you  (  kiss?  kill?  your  choice  <3  ).  this  intro  is  a  condensed  version  of  my  goog  dooc  and  it’s  still  long  <3  pls  love  n  plot  w  me  anyway.  love  u  guys.
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❪  kang  mina,  cis  woman,  she  /  her,  twenty  one.  ❫    i  can  feel  red  energy,  that  must  be  yun  eunjung.  the  third  year  print  journalism  &  international  relations  major  works  as  a  bookkeeper  at  the  house  of  the  lucky  gander,  and  is  known  around  the  manor  as  the  yellow  wallpaper.  i’ve  heard  whispers  about  how  they’re  critical  and  pedantic,  but  everyone  says  they’re  persevering  and  formidable.  i  don’t  know  what  to  believe...  but  with  cc  pulling  the  strings...
links:    google  doc,  pinterest,  stats,  wanted  connections.
full  name  :  yun  eunjung
nickname(s) /  alias(es)  :  emma  yoon  (  english  name,  not  used  ),  tbd
age  /  dob  :  twenty  one  /  apr  18  ‘99
hometown  :  tbd  ,  oregon
current  location :  fortuna  ,  maine
ethnicity :  korean
nationality  :  english
gender  :  cis  woman
pronouns  :  she  /  her
orientation  :  bisexual
religion :  agnostic.
family :  yun  hajun  (  father,  alive  ),  han  minji  (  mother,  alive  ),  yun  eunsang  (  twin  brother,  status  unknown  ),  yun  sangjung  (  younger  brother,  deceased  ).
face  claim  :  kang  mina
language(s)  spoken  :  korean  (  first  language  ),  english
speech :  sharp  tongued.  she’s  a  lot  of  opinions  and  a  lot  of  things  to  say,  therefore  has  never  learned  how  to  phrase  things  in  a  way  that  would  deem  her  polite.  often  blunt,  she’ll  be  quick  to  rip  off  the  bandaid  and  just  say  what  needs  to  be  said.  she  doesn’t  speak  with  much  class  or  extravagancies,  rather  falls  toward  crassness  and  crudeness  due  to  her  upbringing.
hair  :  quite  dark,  a  nice  chocolate  in  the  sun  and  a  cool  onyx  in  the  dark.  often  tied  back,  though  eunjung  is  only  ever  seen  with  her  hair  in  two  distinct  styles:  tied  back  messily  or  let  down  naturally.  her  hair  falls  straight  as  if  it’s  been  flat  ironed.
eyes :  big,  round,  and  doe  eyed,  a  dark  brown  in  color.  quite  the  weapon  to  use  when  she’s  in  trouble  or  when  she  needs  to  talk  her  way  out  of  something  (  to  proclaim  innocence  ).
height  :  five  feet  ,  seven  inches.
build  :  lithe.  as  a  former  volleyball  player,  she  has  kept  her  shape  up  with  rigorous  conditioning  (  mainly  because  if  she’s  to  admit  it,  if  she  doesn’t  she  kind  of  gets  lost  in  the  walls  ).
tattoos  :  none  .
piercings :  only  earlobes  .
scars  :  multiple  from  surgeries  at  sixteen.
clothing  style  :  preppy,  thanks  to  her  settlement  money  and  her  own  personal  taste.  never  a  hair  out  of  place  due  to  her  perfectionistic  personality  and  nature,  though  if  you  catch  her  on  any  given  night,  you’ll  see  her  true  colors  shine  through  with  old  (  very  old  )  sweatpants  and  a  hoodie  that  has  someone  else’s  name  written  on  the  tag  in  hangul.
usual  expression  :  sour,  bitter  –  life  has  handed  her  a  poor  hand  and  she’ll  make  it  everyone’s  problem.  she  has  one  usual  expression  and  it’s  resting  mean  face;  not  the  kind  of  person  to  wear  her  heart  on  her  sleeve,  she  looks  the  exact  same  when  she  looks  happy  as  she  does  sad,  though  –  she’s  great  at  acting  and  lying  and  you’ve  never  lived  until  you’ve  watched  her  go  from  :|  to  :)  in  two  seconds.
distinguishing  characteristics  :  doe  eyes  that  scream  tragedy  –  reflecting  the  stars  in  the  night  sky  if  caught  just  right,  the  tilt  of  her  lips  when  she  clearly  wants  something  to  work  in  her  favor.
❪  almost  directly  copied  from  my  google  doc  i’m  sorry  ❫ 
mbti:   istj-a,  the  logistician  /  most  who  know  her  would  assume  her  to  be  extroverted.  not  the  most  reserved  in  a  room  and  always  quick  to  speak  up  when  she  deems  it  necessary.  but,  like  most  logisticians  –  she’s  always  had  a  sharp,  fact-based  mind.  she  has  always  been  self  sufficient  and  hates  relying  on  others,  often  seeing  it  as  a  weakness.  she  is  sharp,  dedicated  and  ambitious  enough  to  accomplish  whatever  she  wants  to  accomplish.
enneagram:  6w5,  the  guardian  /  like  most  of  this  type,  her  biggest  fear  is  losing  her  guidance  and  stability,  which  translates  into  her  skepticism  of  the  world.  therefore,  it  often  leads  to  eunjung  protecting  those  she  is  loyal  to,  but  most  importantly:  herself.  she  will  often  think  logically  and  analytically,  solving  problems  practically  and  efficiently  but  she  will  often  be  selfish  and  can  come  off  as  cold  as  a  result  for  her  actions.
moral  alignment:  chaotic  evil  /  eunjung  has  never  been  the  most  –  angelic  person,  though  she  likes  to  pretend  she  is.  at  the  end  of  the  day,  after  everything  she  has  been  through,  she  has  grown  to  be  selfish  –  prioritizing  her  own  personal  gain  and  pleasure  above  all  good  and  evil,  right  and  wrong.  it  could  be  argued  that  she  belongs  in  chaotic  neutral,  but  she  has  no  care  for  law  and  order,  nor  a  real  feeling  of  her  morality  anymore.
hogwarts  house:  slytherin  /  another  reminder  of  her  selfishness  and  how  much  she  cares  about  her  own  well  being.  all  her  life  as  well,  she  has  been  told  that  she  is  shrewd  and  too  ambitious  for  her  own  good  which  has  only  given  her  an  incessant  drive  to  prove  them  all  wrong.  when  it  comes  down  to  it,  like  most  slytherins,  she  will  try  to  view  every  possible  outcome  until  she  finds  the  outcome  that  will  benefit  her  the  most.
comparable  characters:  juliet  capulet  (  romeo  &  juliet  ),  jennifer  check  (  jennifer’s  body  ),  rosalie  hale  (  twilight  ),  blair  waldorf  (  gossip  girl  ),  sansa  stark  (  game  of  thrones  ).
the  rundown:  as  smart  as  she  is  selfish,  life  has  just  twisted  her  to  be  a  bit  cold.  she  isn’t  cruel  by  any  means,  nor  does  she  necessarily  wish  hurt  and  evil  upon  those  around  her,  but  eunjung’s  huge  main  character  complex  often  leads  to  her  priorities  being:  1.  eunjung  2.  yun eunjung  3.  eunjung yun.  her  biggest  trait  will  always  be  selfishness,  followed  closely  by  her  rash  belief  that  she  is  the  best  in  the  room  at  all  times.
trigger  warnings:  alcoholism  +  death
this  is  a  rundown  on  the  biography  /  death  /  back  room  /  glass  person  in  the  google  doc,  also  better  written  /  explained  because  it’s  not  prosey  <3
hajun  is  not  a  good  father,  he  never  has  been.  from  a  very  young  age,  all  eunjung  has  heard  from  him  are  his  drunken  spirals  about  how  great  they  used  to  be.  his  surname  was  once  held  in  a  high  regard,  the  name  of  an  empress  and  he  has  always  dwindled  about  to  the  three  yun  children  that  because  of  the  greatness  he  has  passed  onto  them,  they  must  be  great  too.  
eunjung  has  only  ever  viewed  his  spiels  as  hypocritical  though.  she  has  only  ever  known  her  dad  as  a  mean  drunk  who  lives  in  the  dirtiest,  most  run  down  house  in  town  with  his  poor  three  kids.  her  twin  brother,  eunsang,  her  younger  brother,  sangjung,  and  her  spend  their  childhoods  taking  care  of  each  other  because  nobody  else  will.  their  mother  does  something,  they  never  know  what  because  she  only  arrives  with  enough  money  for  groceries  and  bills  and  then  she  leaves.
it’s  that  way  for  most  of  her  childhood  and  most  of  her  life.  it’s  a  continuous  cycle  of  eunjung  +  eunsang  taking  care  of  sangjung  (  who  starts  going  my  samuel  when  he’s  ten  and  the  twins  are  twelve.  the  twins  have  english  names,  too,  but  eunjung  has  too  much  pride  –  like  her  father  –  and  eunsang  is  the  eldest  and  will  do  whatever  his  twin  does  out  of  love  )  and  eunjung  is  just  –  quite  the  difficult  child.  she  speaks  her  mind  and  all  of  her  opinions,  as  well  as  letting  the  festering  anger  within  her  too  grow  because  she  doesn’t  know  what  else  to  do  with  it.
death  tw.  anyway,  by  sixteen,  she’s  just  this  bitter  girl  that  the  boys  hook  up  with  because  she’s  the  poor  girl  from  the  dirty  house  on  the  rundown  street.  she’s  got  a  reputation  as  a  shrew  around  town,  but  she’s  fine  with  being  a  shrew  if  she  still  gets  her  way.  samuel  is  much  more  popular  than  either  of  the  twins  (  who  are  epitome  of  bad  boy  /  bad  girl  from  the  wrong  side  of  the  tracks  )  and  is  invited  to  a  party  at  fourteen.  it’s  tradition  to  party  in  this  abandoned  mansion  out  in  the  woods  and  basically,  an  accident  happens  and  samuel  is  pushed  from  the  second  story  balcony  into  the  foyer  and  d-words.
he’d  called  eunjung  before  dying  though,  asking  for  a  ride  so  the  twins  had  went  to  go  get  him  but  instead  found  him  dead.  while  trying  to  figure  out  what  had  happened,  she  spots  some  kid  that  doesn’t  like  her  still  lingering  around  so  she  tries  to  chase  him  and  he....  like....  pushes  her  off  too  and  she  d-words.  end  tw.
her  back  room  is  just  this  little  room  and  she  still  to  this  day  doesn’t  know  how  much  time  she  spent  in  there  because  it  was  just  so  confusing,  all  she  remembers  is  that  she  (  or  someone  )  was  trying  to  convince  herself  that  she  was  home  and  that  everything  was  fine.  but,  she’s  a  bitch  and  was  like  “uh,  actually,  i’ve  never  had  a  home  <3″  and  broke  out  of  whatever  spell.
her  glass  person  is  just  her.  identical,  but  trapped  in  the  walls  underneath  the  ugly  yellow  wallpaper  in  the  room  she  was  in.  same  as  her,  just  more  lifeless  and  it  is  really  the  only  thing  that  still  scares  her  –  and  it  tried  to  escape  the  walls,  but  it  couldn’t.  the  lasting  effect  is  that  if  she’s  alone  in  a  room  for  more  than  an  hour  she  swears  the  walls  start  stretching  like  someone’s  behind  it  and  just  always  feeling  like  she’s  being  watched.  she  also  doesn’t  like  looking  at  her  own  reflection  that  much  anymore  because  it  just  reminds  her  of  her  glass  person.
anyway,  she  survives  miraculously  and  after  testifying  and  blah  blah  blah  (  i  did  research  on  settlements  and  i  still  didn’t  understand  so  ),  the  family  of  the  kid  who  pushed  her  off  –  and  probably  samuel  –  gives  the  yun  family  a   huge  sum  of  money  for  their  troubles  and  calls  it  a  settlement.  it  comes  with  the  condition  that  eunjung  doesn’t  sue  or  bring  them  up  ever  again  and  she’s  like  fine  that’s  cool,  whatever,  i’m  rich  now.
but  her  parents  still  aren’t  happy  and  before  samuel’s  funeral,  eunsang  runs  away  from  home,  leaving  them  with  only  the  daughter  that  neither  of  them  really  wanted.  she  still  pushes  forward  though  and  ends  school  as  valedictorian,  prom  queen,  etc.  and  heads  to  fortuna  because  she  really  doesn’t  think  she  can  go  anywhere  and  also  her  counselors  are  ass  <3
she’s  studying  international  relations  +  print  journalism,  her  hopes  are  diplomacy  or  something,  but  she  just  chose  the  majors  that  she  tested  highest  on  on  that  career  test  i  can’t  choose.  yeah.
please  plot  w  me  i  have  my  wc  linked  up  there  or  at  /w.  i  love  u  all  i’m  sorry  this  was  long.
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hargrove-mayfields · 4 years
You’ve Set my Soul to Dreaming  Pt. 1
Christmas has always been Steve Harrington’s time to shine. 
It wasn’t that it was his favorite time of year; darkness falling at 5pm bummed him out, and the heat in his house was never good enough to stand up to the freezing, unpredictable Hawkins weather. Overall, he preferred the spring, when the sun was warm and the breeze was cool and the flowers were blooming. 
But festivity, that suited him well, and, probably more than anything, so did giving people things. In the non-physical sense, he always gave his all to ensure that everyone around him was happy. 
Whether that was a good character trait or a flaw on his part he had yet to decide, but nobody could say that Steve Harrington was selfish. Sometimes it felt like he gave so much away that there wasn’t even much of him left at all, so much as just who he tried to be for his friends, for his parents.
Literally though, he was the best at presents too. Maybe it was the unlimited bank account, or just the fact that he was so considerate, but everyone always loved what he bought, or made, in the case of the few exes who’d refused material possessions over a heartfelt, handmade gift. (ugh) 
That’s why, every year, he couldn’t help but buy as many presents as possible. For his mum, his friends, though the supply of those was getting rather sparse recently, the kids he babysat, their parents, the neighbors, the house keepers, his teachers, pretty much just anybody who he could possibly think of a reason to give them something got an expensive little novelty in hopes that he'd get to see their grateful reaction.
Sometimes he wondered if they just faked it to make him feel better about himself, but he kept doing it anyhow because it did make him feel better about himself, thank you very much. 
Especially because recently, there was a lot going on to feel not so good about.
This would mark the tenth year in a row that his parents flew out to the tropics, where it didn’t snow or reach temperatures even half as cold as Indiana, and that’d been fine and dandy for a while, since before, he was living in the childish daydream being home alone, and after that he’d always had someone to spend it with.
But this year, this year he’d be all alone, in his mansion big enough for half of the city’s population to fit inside, and he’d been feeling pretty lousy about it since they informed him of the trip in early December. 
That and the fact that he’d almost been killed a handful of times literally a month ago didn’t bode too well for his Christmas spirit. 
Steve Harrington didn’t back down from a little hardship though, so what if he was plagued by a sense of crippling loneliness and nightmares bad enough to keep him awake for days on end, that just wouldn't be enough to keep him from rising to the occasion. 
‘Tis the season to shove aside all that troubles you and put the needs of others before your own right? 
So the morning of the fifteenth, the last day before winter break, Steve does as he always does and ditches his books, opting to instead stuff his backpack full of presents. 
They’re wrapped terribly, he’s never been too good with his hands, and recently they’ve started to shake when he gets too nervous, so it’s kind of, lumpy, wrinkled, way too much wrapping paper on tiny boxes, but he’s happy with it. Even if he stabbed himself with the scissors about a million times and got tape in his hair trying to get them wrapped. 
Another of Steve’s holiday trademarks is ugly sweaters. He has exactly twenty five of them, one for every day leading up to Christmas, and he wears them religiously. 
These aren’t just any old tacky sweaters either, they’re homemade, the ugliest of the ugly. 
His gramma had done basically nothing but knit in her free time, so when she heard that her grandbaby wanted a Christmas sweater and couldn’t find one that wasn’t made out of wool, (side bar, he was extremely allergic, like, life-threateningly so) she made him enough to last him the entire month of December up to Christmas Day. 
Thank heavens she was terrible with sizes, so they all still fit if not just a little snugly even about 10 years after she made them. By now they were somewhat faded and pilled and riddled with loose threads, but they were soft as all hell and one of a kind, so he didn’t bother with replacing them. 
This particular morning he’d chosen a white sweater embroidered with tiny versions of his childhood poodle Charlie in her little Christmas hat, the first his gramma did without a pattern, and his absolute favorite. 
Maybe everyone else though it was dumb how into the whole thing he got, but nothing made him happier than pulling up to the school in a sweater from ‘74 with a bag full of overpriced knickknacks. 
Steve started his day by giving Jonathan and Nancy their gifts in the cafeteria before the first bell rang, since they wouldn’t all three see each other again throughout the rest of the day, and he could barely contain his excitement. 
Watching his friends carefully pull apart the crummy wrap job he’d done was probably one of the best feelings ever, in his opinion. Or maybe it was just the knowing that he’d put a thoughtful effort into making other people happy combined with the fact that he was using all that hoarded wealth that went towards nothing but funding his parents trips to bring someone a gift that would mean more to them than those wasteful luxuries. 
Whatever it was that compelled him so, it was enough that he had to stuff his hands in his pockets and bite his tongue to keep from making a fool of himself in front of the whole school while he waited for Nancy and Jonathan to open their presents. 
This year he’d reined the budget in a little, since last Christmas he’d gone just a little bit overboard with a $300 camera for Jonathan and a necklace and a ring for Nancy that cost him a 7th of his (very expensive) car payment. He still probably spent more than was considered normal, just not enough that his parents would notice the huge sum of money missing this time.
They didn’t have a whole lot of time before the bell would ring and they would split off to their respective classes, but it was enough that Steve got to see their reactions and revel in the hug Nancy gave him on behalf of the both of them. 
He’d opted to get Jonathan a bag for the camera he’d gotten him last year, since you never know when something could happen to it, and before he even had it all the way unwrapped, Jonathan was getting his camera out of the bag he already used to put it in the new one. 
Nancy got a bag this year too, but hers was a fancy designer thing he’d picked out of a catalog meant for his mother. He figured she’d need it for when she went off to college, or got the journalist job she’d been telling him about for a year and a half. 
Heading off for first period, he already felt the swell of pride that comes with the season, and he could not wait to hand out the rest. 
Perhaps another of his favorite parts was that, giving people things was the secret to saving his reputation when he was the way he was. 
Everyone knew Steve Harrington was the “up to no good” type, who bought weed off of the shady guys camping out at parties, and got in your daughters panties just to promptly break her heart, and who fails all of his classes and barely scrapes by in high school. 
But then he shows up in a hand knitted sweater and with a candy cane between his lips to spread his Christmas cheer, and suddenly all is forgiven, and he is transformed into the sweet Harrington boy who always gave the most thoughtful gifts. 
First on the list was Mrs. Click, the history teacher he’d been stuck with since sophomore year. 
History was by far his worst subject, and Mrs Click wasn’t the type to make sure you understood before she sprung a pass or fail pop quiz, so he’d failed her class twice. 
Even with how stupid she had to think he was, the bright smile on her bitter old face when he handed over the little box with a large Givenchy brooch inside meant that he’d earned his redemption for the third year in a row. 
Next was the tie-pin for Mr. Cook, the Spanish teacher, a little golden thing that had cost him more than he’d like to admit and earned him a pat on the back. He was good enough at remembering what he had to know in Spanish, but reading and speaking it? He might as well have been completely illiterate. 
His pronunciations were so poor that even the chunky ruby inlay was almost not enough to save face, but in the end his ego got its booster anyhow. 
The rest of the day went on like that: a bottle of Mon Parfum for Miss Foster, the English teacher, a SoundBand for the coach, a gift card to the most expensive store he could think of for Mrs.  Hall, and so and so forth, each giving him that same rush of confidence, a sense that he was doing something important until he was practically floating through the halls. 
By seventh period math, he’s only got two gifts left. A fancy pen set for Mr. Butler, and the other, well, the other one is for Billy Hargrove. 
Billy Hargrove who, only about a month ago, had beat his stupid face in and gave him a concussion he still wasn’t quite over, and who definitely wasn’t going to give him that giddy joy he usually got from giving gifts, but he still felt like he needed to extend a holly branch. 
Because the way he saw it, Billy couldn’t take all the blame for what went down, so why shouldn’t he be the one to try to apologize, be the bigger person and earn Billy’s respect through his shopping abilities like he did with everyone else. 
He knows it’s kind of poorly thought out, maybe even completely crazy to try to make a peace offering to a boy who could practically be called his bully, but he’s still not anticipating the fact that, when he walks down the third row of desks and holds out the little box wrapped in red paper for the other boy to take, Billy just sort of stares at him. 
Shaking it a little, like he’s trying to get the attention of a cat with a bag of treats, Steve sets the box down on Billy’s desk and retreats to his own seat a few aisles over. 
That’s where it stays until about halfway through the period, which is just a free day anyways, no 75 year old man in his right mind would make a room full of teenagers do algebra on the last day before Christmas break, when Billy finally leans forward and snatches the gift box off the polished surface.
Steve could try to pretend he’s not staring, vibrating in anticipation of Billy’s reaction to the gift, a silver zippo with Venetian engraving, but he’s caught when Billy, having dumped the lighter out of the box and into his hand, turning it over a few times, turns to look at him. 
There’s a look on his face that’s a cross between confusion and surprise and something unreadable, like maybe he’s trying to tell Steve with just a look that this was a mistake, and he’s going to kick his ass again as soon as the bell rings, but in a way he still thinks it’s worth it. 
Because Steve Harrington does not have enemies, no matter how many toes he steps on and things he does wrong, and maybe Billy won’t accept a fancy lighter as an apology, but at least he’ll know that he tried to make peace. 
Even after he turns his attention to the gossip circle running in front of him, Steve can feel Billy’s eyes on him. It’s borderline creepy, in Steve’s own opinion, but he supposes he can understand it. 
He might have been a little more grateful and not so stalkerish were he in the same situation, but, potato potahto. 
As soon as the bell rings Billy’s out of there like a bat out of hell. He’s up out of his seat before anyone else, halfway out the door and tossing a crumpled ball of red paper in the trash before the rest of the class could even blink. 
At first, Steve isn’t even sure that Billy didn’t throw the whole zippo away, but he sees it catch the light from where it’s held tight in Billy’s fist just before he disappears through the doorway completely. 
The fact that the lighter wasn’t in the bottom of the trash can was a good sign, but, this still didn’t bode all that well for a Christmas truce.
Read also on ao3
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