#Gators Prompt
After a While
Summary: Steven is down. Don’t meet your heroes. Maybe don’t idolize your favorite stories either. 
Warning:  None
Word Count:  712
“Do they have gators where you’re from?” Steven flipped through a book without really paying attention to it. 
“What? Chicago? No. No gators in Chicago.” Marc grinned to himself. He could only imagine the chaos of having a gator sauntering down the busy streets of Chicago. 
“Have you ever seen one?” Steven closed his book and set it aside. 
“I don’t think so. Saw a few of those little tiny ones when I was in South America. Kinda cute for a lizard.” He shrugged. 
“Caimans.” Steven reached for another book and flipped it open to a random page. “Do you think gators or crocodiles are scarier?” 
“Gators. I hear they’re angrier. Though crocodiles seem bigger. I don’t know. They seem the same to me.” Marc frowned as Steven absently flipped through this book too. “Why are you asking about gators? What’s on your mind, Steven?” 
“Oh, nothing. Just making conversation.” Steven flipped through the book faster. 
“Steven.” Marc frowned. Steven had a terrible poker face and was clearly thinking about something. 
Steven let out the most exaggerated sigh that sounded like he was trying to deflate himself or mimic the tea pot. 
Steven at last settled back. “I dreamed about going to Egypt. About seeing the tombs and pyramids. I loved the stories and mythologies. I’ve met the gods and out of them all, two of them were nice and the others…” 
“Were absolute assholes?” Marc finished for him. 
“They always say not to meet your heroes. I didn’t think that included mythologies and gods and… How can I keep being excited about something that nearly ruined your life and actually killed us?” Steven pushed the stack of books off the desk and sank down miserably. 
“Ah.” Marc sighed and watched Steven bury his face into his arms for a moment. He wanted to ask Steven what that had to do with gators but then he thought about it. Everything Steven had once loved and enjoyed had proven to be based on bad things. “Ah…” 
Marc took a moment then borrowed a hand to pick up a book and set it back down. “You called Ammit the creepy crocodile lady before. A boogie man. Wasn’t her job to devour souls and scare people into living a good worthy life?” 
Steven watched his hand retrieve another book and stack it up. “Yeah.” 
“And wasn’t Osiris murdered by his brother before he was brought back to life? All because he insulted his brother or something? Kinda a messed up family life.” 
Steven nodded in agreement then blinked. “Hey. How’d you know all that?” 
Marc flushed and shrugged. “I mean, I do listen to you. I don’t always know what it means, but I do listen.” 
Steven sat up a little, a smile starting to form on his lips. “Thanks, Marc. That means a lot.” 
Marc shrugged it off, embarrassed. “You know, Taweret wasn’t that bad. She was pretty nice. And Layla likes her a lot.” 
Steven nodded. “She was far better than her stories made her out to be. And the Pyramids were still pretty cool! Even got to see killer mummies.” 
Marc smiled. “See? Not so bad. I’d say even a little better, really.” 
Steven paused. “Marc?” 
“Yeah?” Marc took over, moving to pick up all the books and stack them back up on the desk for Steven. 
“Is it okay? That I still say…You know… The Gator thing?” He asked softly, the smallest note of sadness and fear making his voice waiver. 
Marc slowed and brushed off a book gently. He considered for a moment then nodded. “Yeah. It’s your phrase now, Steven. Make’s me think of you.” 
Steven’s face broke out into a huge grin. 
“Just don’t expect me to finish it.” Marc lined the books up carefully then sat back, giving Steven back control of the body. 
“Oh, of course!” Steven nodded. “Gators are way better than crocodiles anyways.” 
“Of course.” Marc still had no idea what the difference was. 
“Do you think we can go see one someday?” Steven picked out a book and opened it eagerly, this time intending to read it. 
“Sure. I’ll ask around and see if any zoos have some.” Marc smiled as Steven nodded then dove back into his book with full heart this time. 
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thisapplepielife · 2 months
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Written for @corrodedcoffinfest.
Settle For This
Day #22 - AU | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: E | CW: Sex Acts, One F-Slur, Abuse of Power (Eddie's Not Mad At It), Brief Reference to Recreational Drug Use (Weed) | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Eddie x Gator, Minor Steddie Mention | Tags: Modern AU, Fuck The Police, Literally, Blowjob, Semi-Public Sex, But No Speeding Tickets Here
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"Fuck the police," Eddie says, slamming his hands against the steering wheel. The van can't outrun the oversized penis metaphor of a truck behind him, red and blue lights flashing, so he eases to the shoulder. 
"Goddamnit, Eddie, I told you to slow down ten miles ago!" Gareth yells from the back, trying to hide the last of the weed.
Jeff's up front, and Goodie's sprawled out across the middle row, both dead to the world. 
They can't afford a speeding ticket, and definitely not anything more, if the guy's a real dickhead. 
The cop taps on the window, and oh, he's for sure a real dickhead. 
Stupid camo pants, stupid thigh-holster, and douchebag tattoos he definitely picked off a flash wall. This dimwit from the Stark County Sheriff's office is just gonna fuck up Eddie's whole night. Eddie can see it now.
He doesn't even give an opening spiel, just taps his nightstick on the side of the van, "What're you? Some sort of band? 'Spose yous guys are on tour, eh?"
"Yes," Eddie answers, trying not to sound sarcastic. But honestly? Did the logo give it away?
"Well, what kind of music do y'all shitbirds play?" he asks.
Eddie would rather just give his license and registration.
"Heavy metal," Eddie says.
"I like Metallica," the cop says in his thick accent, as if Metallica isn't the most well-known metal band in existence, but Eddie just nods. 
"I'm gonna need you step out of the vehicle," the officer says, and fuckity fuck, fuck, fuck.
Just get this over with.
He's led to the back of the patrol truck, parked behind the van, lights still flashing, bouncing around in the darkness.
"I'm Officer Tillman, Gator if you're nasty," he says, and Eddie blinks at him. Did he really just say that? 
And Gator? What kind of name is Gator? Makes Goodie sound normal.
"I'm gonna have to give you the once over," he drawls, and then he's frisking Eddie, too rough, too long, and way too interested in what's between Eddie's legs.
"If you want to fuck me, just say so," Eddie snaps, and the hand that was brushing against him clamps down, squeezing his dick.
Eddie wills himself to not get hard. On principle.
"What'd you say to me, faggot?"
"I'm not the one squeezing cock, now am I?" 
Gator lets go, but keeps patting Eddie down.
"I ain't got nothing on me. I'd suggest a cavity search, but I think you'd like that a little too much, wouldn't you?"
"Don't make me handcuff ya."
Eddie grins, "Don't threaten me with a good time."
Eddie gets shoved against the tailgate of the truck for his trouble, and a knee slides between his legs, pushing upwards. 
And a hand, big and rough, grabs a fistful of Eddie's hair, pulling. Hard.
His dick is a goddamn traitor, because that does it. He's fucking hard against this asshole's thigh between one breath and the next. 
Fuck it.
Eddie grinds down, and briefly wonders if he's really fucked now. If he's gonna end up in jail, or worse.
But Gator pulls back, and his hand is firm on Eddie's shoulder, pushing him down, down, down to his knees, forcing him into the gravel.
Eddie hates that he isn't mad about this. Hates that he wants it.
Eddie goes.
And Gator is looking down at him, holding some intense eye contact, as he starts unbuckling his belt. Eddie watches and licks his lips. The dick that he pulls out of those camo pants is big, and thick, and Eddie wants nothing more than to put his fucking mouth all over that cock. 
Eddie sticks his tongue out of his mouth a little, an invitation, and Gator steps closer, taking it. Eddie wraps his hand around the thick length, and guides it towards his mouth. Rubbing the tip against his bottom lip, before sliding it all down, nose to pubes, showing off.
Gator groans, and grabs a fistful of Eddie's hair. Eddie doesn't mind that at all, and starts sucking his dick in earnest. Enjoy the stretch, the musk, the sore jaw that comes with the territory.
And when Eddie flicks his eyes up again, Gator is sucking on a goddamn vape. He can't even smoke a cigarette like a real man, apparently, but he definitely thinks he's big and bad. 
Eddie will just have to bring this fucker to his knees, as retribution.
"Fuck me," Gator moans, and boy would Eddie like to do just that. But right along the highway, as deserted as it is, seems unwise.
He'll have to settle for this.
And Eddie bobs his head, wet and hard and intense, as Gator claws at his scalp, pulling his hair, forcing himself deeper. Eddie's sure he thinks he's getting away with something here, but Eddie wants him that deep. 
Wants him to swallow him fucking whole.
"Oh fuck," Gator says, and then lets out a wounded noise as he comes against Eddie's tongue, down his throat. Fucking filling him, still grinding in.
When Eddie finally pulls back, he's sure he looks thoroughly debauched, as he demands, "My turn."
And to Eddie's utter surprise, Gator slips his vape into his pocket, moving to his own knees.
Back in the van, after, Gareth is all up in his business.
"What the fuck? Did you fuck a goddamn cop?" Gareth asks, leaning over between the seats. "I didn't know you were serious when you said fuck the police, Eddie. Fucking hell."
"Didn't get a ticket, did I?" Eddie says, answering without answering. 
"That's like, illegal. You could have him charged. Abuse of power or some shit," Gareth says. 
"Well, that's a thought. But I'm not dissatisfied with the way my night went."
"How? Why?!" Gareth screeches. 
Eddie turns, and grins, "Did he not look like Steve Harrington?"
"No, he didn't look like Steve Harrington. He looked like a fucking douchebag!" Gareth argues, exasperated.
Eddie shrugs. 
He looked a little like Steve Harrington.
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someone else (please) finish lining these for me challenge 
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honeyhare · 4 months
WEHEHEHE thankyou ^_^ i love drawing the band just Chillin Together SO MUCH.... they are happiest when they are together and i sure do love seeing my fav robot furries happy.......
anyway, this ask is a fun excuse to doodle Monty again, as i havent in a while! he's super fun i love drawing his hair ough enjoy :3
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shiningstarr15 · 5 months
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Vanweek Day 6- Spare/Everyone Lives
What? It said spare, how was I supposed to know which definition of it it meant 😅😂
In fairness, this definitely was me being a smartass, and not at all my autistic ass misunderstanding the prompt lolol 💀
But to be fair, this also fits the everyone lives AU bc look whose there, ITS GLAM BONNIE!
Now, I can’t exactly tell you what is all happening here. Why is Bonnie hugging them both? If only one could’ve made the spare 😅 maybe they both did? And why is Freddy just casually being a derp himbo in the back? Technically, it’s to say it’s the 3 star fam, BUT in terms of the pic itself.. hm. What would it be called? 3 star fam + Bonnie? Fronnie and their two kids? Bonnie approves of Freddy’s makeshift family? Or maybe Freddy’s just happy to be there lol. You can decide, art is subjective after all 💜
Also hehe bonus sketch under the cut bc yes.. they are all there, or at least most 😃
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Dumbass gator, you broke the bowling ball..
Of course I don’t think Monty decommissioned Bonnie maingame , what makes you say that ehehe 😅
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springlock-suits · 1 year
Fnaf-tober | Day 5: It was just a glitch!
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run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run
Fnaf-tober by miiilowo
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asmrbrainrot · 7 months
Alrighty, so I recently received a DM requesting 🌈 for Killian and Bodie! (Y’all can leave your asks in the ask box now that that’s fixed lol)
Let’s get to it~!
Killian: So Im sure this has no basis in the actual canon like…at all, (what are headcanons for amIright?) but I just get the feeling this dude does NOT do well in hand to hand combat. Like AT ALL. Don’t get me wrong, he’d mop the floor with any sorry sucker that wanted to challenge him in a magic duel, but if it was ONLY fisticuffs bro wouldn’t have a shot. Despite the tireless efforts of his parents, siblings, and teachers, Killi just isn’t good at physical combat. Which tbh I think would be really funny if he was preparing some big elaborate spell and then proceeded to get cold cocked right in the middle of it. 😆
Bodie: Ngl I got so exited when I saw my main mans in the DMs. Words cannot express how much I wanna bearhug this guy. Anyways I recently had an idea that was so in character for him I just couldn’t get it out of my head. Whenever Bodie finds a particularly cool rock he thinks Timmy might like he’ll hide it in plain sight for Timmy to “find” later. He’s been doing this since he took Timmy in and to his knowledge Timmy hasn’t caught on. Only, Timmy figured it out when he was in his early tween/teen years, he just didn’t have the heart to tell Bodie since it was such a thoughtful gesture.
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A prompt given by @daisy-is-a-writer had me thinking immediately about Gator since I’m writing Part 2 for LSV tonight 🤭🙃✨
“They’re sending four other men out there, apparently I’m a fuckin’ baby and can’t be trusted on my own. I don’t know what he’s talkin’ about, I’m the law.” Gator complained, letting his palms fall back against the steering wheel after using them in rage-fuelled expression.
I couldn’t stop staring at his side profile as he drove us back up to his house, the evening sun hitting his features perfectly through the windscreen. Roy had been an asshole yet again, babying Gator and not letting him interrogate some lady at her house. He was more than capable, more than Roy would probably ever know. So instead I’d suggested a movie night, since the house was empty.
He’d pulled up to the house, parking just outside the stables. He took a deep sigh as he reached for his vape, a questionable coping mechanism but everything he did was beautiful to watch. Without realising, he’d turned to me, blowing the vape cloud right in my eyes and making me cough.
“Why are you starin’ so hard? Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Gator mumbled, looking out the windscreen before sucking back another cloud of kiwi/watermelon. I smiled softly, placing two fingers under his chin and turning his face back to mine.
"I can't stop thinking about kissing you."
I mumbled almost too quietly. But I needed to tell him, needed him to know that regardless of how anyone else saw him; he was desired, craved by me. His right eyebrow raised as he smirked, blowing the smoke out of his mouth towards the window.
"And what are you going to do about that?" He challenged back, shuffling on his side in the drivers seat to face me better. His eyes darted between mine and my lips, smiling patiently as my breath hitched. My eyes silently searched his for permission and the second he nodded, my hands cupped his face softly, pressing my lips to his.
“Come here.” Gator whispered against my lips, breaking way only to push the armrest between us up and out of the way. I climbed into his lap, my arms wrapping around his shoulders as our mouth met again hungrily, his Stark County cap slipping backwards.
“We need to get inside, Gator, incase anyone sees.” I mumbled against his mouth, a small moan leaving my throat as his arms wrapped tighter around my waist. He pulled back with a slight frown, not looking remotely intimidating as his lips swelled from my assault on them, his cheeks pink as they always went when things got heated.
“Fuck them. Least they’ll see I ain’t no baby. I’m a man. I’m -“ I cut him off with more kisses, as my hips moved slowly against his. I fixed his hat back on his head gently with a giggle.
“You’re the law, I know.”
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thehomophobe · 2 months
Can anyone please send me some "who's most likely to" questions. 😔🙏
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disteluria · 10 months
I just fell back into my love for Glam Freddy, Monty, Bonnie and Co. And since I really want to start writing again I Thought why not ask the crazy Fnaf community about some prompts!
Even though you don't know me at all
Writing Prompts for the Glamboys X reader are open! You can send them in on my profile!
I'm really looking forward to some of your ideas and I'll try my best to write it as best as I can!
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crepup · 1 month
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Here’s a tiny doodle of @rascalgaytor's little gator OC I drew for an art prompt! ^_^
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that-howlingdrakesng · 9 months
Okay so I had an idea I came up with about Monty's motive for taking out Bonnie.
What if he was jealous of the fact Bonnie spends more time with Freddy than he does with him? It's already evident that he dislikes Freddy for the amount of attention he was getting from everyone. Him spending time with Bonnie was really pushing his jealousy even further. Although, It wasn't enough for him to go after Freddy or Bonnie. Alone, that is. Vanny/Vanessa probably saw this and took advantage of it with the Glitchtrap virus to permanently destroy Bonnie.
Monty saw Bonnie as a mentor, but he had no choice but to take him out to get closer to Freddy.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
Monty: Alright, lets make the house look nice for your dad Gregory: Dad doesn't care how things look. Monty: Oh yeah? What makes you say that? Gregory: He married you.
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schazk · 2 years
Gators have hyper sensitive snouts, so they can sense what's in the water around them
That being said, Monty loves snout rubs
You end up with a lap full of lizard and he just silently looks up at you, and gives an expectant little chirp
It's like a massage for him, but he gets to stay in a nice curled up little ball
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Well my Monty's improved but now I need to work on Chica, Freddy, and Roxanne
The eight Parents Au explained... Loosely
I know no one asked but I don't really care!
For some context they're living in a warehouse that's been converted into a house and get rented out while the pizza Plex is being rebuilt
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Also disclaimer I know that's not Vanessa's cannon name, last I checked she's Vanessa A which is supposed to illude to Afton but In my au she's not related to Afton.
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asmrbrainrot · 6 months
🥺& 😷 for the gator boys :3?
🥺-So for the sake of this particular ask I’m gonna go with a verbal disagreement. (Let me know if you want something more angsty later~) Bodie is probably the most emotionally mature of the Gator Boys. He’s not perfect, but he knows when to give you space. He also knows when to take himself out of a situation where he’s too upset to say anything productive. Depending on how serious the argument was he’ll usually be the first one to talk things out. (He might also try to pacify you with food lol)
😷- Tbh we already know how this goes down, but I’ll say it again. Best caretaker. 11/10. Very patient, and good at listening to your needs/wants. You want space? That’s cool. You wanna cuddle? He’s got extra blankets already. He’s also super attentive when it comes to making sure you don’t over exert yourself. Not as overbearing as Timmy would be, but he’s still a dad after all.
🥺- Now Timmy is more stubborn when it comes to a verbal disagreement. He isn’t unwilling to communicate, but he still has standard stubborn-teenager syndrome. Eventually though he starts to miss you. I mean, you’re still there, but he doesn’t wanna fight anymore. I get the feeling he’s that sibling that comes back over to you after a fight and is like, “Wanna see this cool rock I found?” and then uses it as a segway to apologize.
😷- Timmy’s kinda confused but he got the spirit. Similarly to my last post he’s “helpfully unhelpful” but he’s all too eager to get you better as fast as possible.
🥺- I feel like Marco has one of those avoident-esque personalities where he’d rather pretend there isn’t a problem at all, than talk about it. (Especially if he knows he’s in the wrong.) However after a little bit of cajoling you two can talk it out.
😷- @willove01 actually made a meme that encapsulates this perfectly, but to put it in layman’s terms…you’re on your own. Marco is not about catching whatever nastiness you have. He’ll give you sympathy from afar but he also kinda treats you like a rabid animal.
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