#Gas Exploration
notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
Humanity is on a highway to hell, with our foot on the accelerator. The message from the UN secretary general to more than 110 world leaders at the Cop27 UN climate summit in Egypt could not have been clearer: change course now, or face “collective suicide”.
Greenhouse gas emissions have continued to rise this year, research published this week has shown, despite stark warnings from climate scientists in the past year. The prospects of sticking to the 1.5C limit above pre-industrial levels that scientists tell us is necessary have receded to a “narrow window”.
Many of the heads of state and government gathered in Egypt for the first days of the UN Cop27 climate summit, where 45,000 people from 196 countries are halfway through their two weeks of talks on the climate crisis, had their own dispatches to add from the frontline of the global emergency.
Poor countries argue that the rich, source of most greenhouse gas emissions, must provide assistance to the poor that are most afflicted. “Loss and damage is not charity – it’s climate justice,” Nabeel Munir, Pakistan’s climate envoy, said.
The amount of cash needed for climate finance, including loss and damage, can seem daunting. In a report jointly commissioned by the UK, host of last year’s Cop26 summit, and the Egyptian hosts of Cop27, published on Tuesday, the climate economist Lord Stern calculated that about $2tn a year would be needed by 2030 for the entire developing world, except China.
However, that amount is not substantially more than what would be needed to invest in those economies in any case, using fossil fuels.
Despite the focus on loss and damage, there has been little cash forthcoming at this conference so far. The UK said it would allow some debt payment deferrals for countries hit by climate disasters, while Austria and New Zealand put forward funding for loss and damage, and John Kerry, the US special presidential envoy for climate, unveiled a plan to use carbon offsetting to raise cash.
Even as young people protested, and those facing the most severe impacts of the climate crisis bore witness, the halls of Cop27 were host to a shady group with quite different intentions. Oil and gas companies are enjoying an unprecedented bonanza amid record fossil fuel prices, sent soaring by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They have sent lobbyists to Cop27 in force – there are more than 600 of them enjoying access to the talks, according to analysis by Global Witness published on Thursday. That is more than the delegations of many of the most vulnerable countries combined.
Africa is particularly in their sights. This is the first African Cop in six years, and some African leaders have come with a specific purpose: to gain backing to exploit their gas reserves. Macky Sall, the president of Senegal, asked in an interview: “Why not? Why should Africa not do this?”
Climate campaigners are distraught at the prospect, warning of a “neocolonial” gas grab that would benefit only the gas multinationals and the country elites, while poor people would suffer even worse consequences from global heating.
But western countries are wary of appearing hypocritical in urging African countries not to exploit their gas, and besides, many European countries especially want to import African gas to ease their own cost of living crisis.
Negotiations at Cop27 will carry on for the next week, and countries are hoping for substantial progress on loss and damage, and climate finance more generally. But there will be no final settlement of loss and damage here. The most that can be hoped for is to set out a framework and parameters for how a loss and damage funding facility could be achieved, with a deadline on when it should be in operation.
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creativeera · 18 days
Drilling Chemicals: Ensuring Safety and Efficiency Latest Advancements in Oil & Gas Operations
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Drilling fluids, also known as drilling muds, play a pivotal role in rotary drilling operations by performing important functions such as removing cuttings from the wellbore, cooling and lubricating the drill bit, maintaining well pressure control and protecting potential productive formations against damage. The most commonly used drilling fluids are water-based muds (WBM), oil-based muds (OBM) and synthetic-based muds (SBM). Each type of mud is engineered using a carefully selected blend of chemicals to attain the desired physical properties needed for effective well control and optimum drilling performance. Chemical Components of Drilling Chemicals Drilling Chemicals muds derive their essential characteristics from the variety of soluble and insoluble chemical additives that are incorporated. Weighting agents like barite are added to control and maintain downhole pressure. Dispersants such as lignite and lignosulfonates help suspend the drilled cuttings in the circulated mud. Viscosifiers including bentonite clay and polymers create sufficient viscosity and gel structure needed to lift cuttings to the surface. Surfactants are added to reduce mud-solid interactions and improve shale inhibition. Fluid loss control agents prevent the loss of mud into the formation pore spaces. Biocides eliminate bacteria growth that can degrade the mud. Other important additives are pH control agents, lubricants, defoamers and corrosion inhibitors. Application of Drilling Chemicals The precise formulation of drilling muds depends greatly on the geological conditions expected in the well. For example, WBMs tend to be preferred for shallow water and inland areas where toxicity and environmental concerns are less stringent. They are cheaper and simpler to formulate but have lower performance compared to SBMs or OBMs. OBMs, apart from providing excellent lubricity, are suitable for drilling salt sections and highly-reactive shales. However, their use entails challenging environmental management and oil spill contingency planning. SBMs bridge the gap by offering enhanced shale inhibition and lubricity at lower costs relative to OBMs. They use synthetic solids and high performance additives to achieve properties on par with expensive OBMs. Shale Inhibition Challenges One of the major headaches faced while drilling is shale instability, which can easily lead to wellbore collapse, stuck pipe or lost circulation episodes. Maintaining wellbore integrity in shale formations requires drilling fluids formulated specially to arrest fluid invasion and suppress clay hydration/swelling. However, inhibiting reactive shales chemically without damaging drilling operations or formations remains an ongoing challenge. Mud chemists closely monitor filtration rates and rheology changes to ensure the protective filter cake deposited inside the wellbore does not penetrate deep into the formation. High performance shale inhibitors based on potassium/ammonium salts, lignite dispersants or resinous polymers have revolutionized shale drilling over the last decade. Solids Control is Critical An effective solids control system is indispensable for recycling drilling fluids after removing drilled cuttings. Cutting accumulation increases viscosity and density, reduces fluid properties and transportation abilities. Common solids control equipment in use include shakers, centrifuges, mud cleaners and dryers. Chemical conditioning aids like flocculants improve the effectiveness of these systems. Drilling fluid maintenance through monitoring, testing and chemical adjustments protects the drilled hole conditions as well as drilling fluid performance throughout the well. Proper disposal of mud and cuttings residues as per local environmental regulations is also essential.
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About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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twptwp · 3 months
I started playing PSMD, here some drawings! Gô the chikorita and Pocoyo the oshawott!
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gazkamurocho · 5 months
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This came to me in a dream??
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Date ideas:
Get dressed all formal and go on a late night walk to a gas station for snacks and eat them in a park
Lego building
Nature walk
Abandoned building exploration
Art gallery
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nenekkasa · 1 year
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just two (totally normal, not at all mentally ill) girls having a relaxing bath together
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frenchgremlim1808 · 6 months
i love you people who draw scars around the cast necks. Love you people who draw the cast with the hair messy. Love you people who draw the cast with visible eye bags and tired sore eyes. Love you people who draw the cast exhausted sick and not fit for this. Love you people who draws the cast never forgetting the absolute horror that they had to live trough
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cheeseandballin · 7 months
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WE are so BACK. happy valentines!
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i sprained my wrist but duty calls
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humdinky · 11 months
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hey all! i just wanted to take a minute to stand on my little soap box and tell you about a manga i picked up last december. it has gotten much more attention since then, but i'd still like to throw my thoughts into the mix.
on the surface, the summer hikaru died explores a pretty common horror trope: what if a person you loved changed into something unrecognizable? do you reject them, or try to connect to the person that they have become? of course, this fear is twisted into something more threatening in a supernatural horror format. what if they literally died and came back as something else that could potentially harm you and your family?
we follow two teenage boys: yoshiki and his best friend (and one sided crush) hikaru, who goes missing in the mountains for a week and miraculously reappears unscathed. he looks the same as ever, but yoshiki can tell that what came back is no longer the hikaru that he once knew. now, yoshiki must come to grips with the fact that something sinister has taken over his friend’s body - and that it has a strong attachment to him.
that's the basic premise, but this manga is still ongoing and there are plenty of different directions it could take. if you haven't read it yet, it's worth experiencing firsthand. beyond the body horror are themes of grief and repressed homosexuality, as well as subtext to read into. i'm not going to be spoiling any explicit plot details, but i'd encourage you to stop reading this and go check it out if a bl manga with gorgeous art, toxic but engaging romance, and body horror sounds appealing to you.
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the first thing you'll notice about this manga is that *chef's kiss* gorgeous art! it is uncanny, as you would expect, but it is drawn with so much care. the heavily detailed background art and visual horror create a rather oppressive atmosphere. the author also really excels at conveying character emotions through facial expressions, and there's a lot of very subtle bits of information that you can pick up from them.
being a body horror manga, this aspect is of course given extra care. when it gets supernatural, it takes on an oddly surreal quality. i'd even say that the transformations of hikaru take on an air of eroticism. that sounds out of place, but the author understands that the line between fear and attraction is thin. there is one scene in particular that would be very sexual if not for the absolute nightmare scenario unfolding before my eyes.
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one of my favorite things about this manga is the confidence the author has in the reader. yoshiki having had feelings towards' the previous hikaru is never outright stated, it's just assumed that the reader will pick up on it. the village yoshiki lives in views homosexuality as some kind of curse, and the insecurity this creates in him is shown very subtly. the camera's gaze and the little things he says all convey this, like his apparent guilt over staring at hikaru shown through the shadow on his face. his fear of and attraction to hikaru's transformations also conveys this idea. he's also coping with grief in an unhealthy manner, and this is shown through the almost experimental way he's sometimes drawn. but yoshiki is not the only important character, and hikaru also has some depth. his character is harder to parse, but there's more to him lurking below the surface. he's more delicate than his outgoing demeanor would suggest. hell, it's understandable - being a literal monster means his position in yoshiki's life is extremely tenuous. our two main characters form a codependent relationship based on a fear of being alone, something very human and compelling in a messy sort of way.
something that i do not see being brought up quite as much is how tshd uses horror elements to discuss the fears around coming out and dealing with same-sex attraction. so much of hikaru’s internal struggle is such a wonderful metaphor. many of the moments between him and yoshiki serve as a dual narrative - the surface-level narrative but also this very delicate story about two boys from a rural village who realize they have feelings for one another. the whole story in fact is one giant metaphor for dealing with the anxiety losing who you thought you were and embracing concrete truths about sexuality and love.
overall it left me with some very strong first impressions. it is both an excellent horror manga and a nuanced exploration of loss and sexuality. i also find it very refreshing that their relationship isn’t built on any sort of deception or lies, and that yoshiki is aware that he’s an imposter, just not the extent of what exactly he is or what is happening in the town.
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spaceadvances · 1 year
The ring swirling around Saturn consists of chunks of ice and dust. Saturn itself is made of ammonia ice and methane gas. The little dark spot on Saturn is the shadow from Saturn's moon Enceladus 🪐
📷: Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI/NASA/ESA)
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gazkamurocho · 4 months
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tolbachik-art · 4 months
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A gift piece of Omen for @whirligig-girl! I had a lot of fun working on this piece, I'm very quickly discovering that gas giants are probably one of my favorite bodies to do.
Image ID will be in the reblogs for all three images!
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halo-lll-odst · 10 months
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yes i made a lethal company oc
yes they're a robot. is tihs a surprise.
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borealopelta · 3 months
wip whatever
i'm gonna go ahead and consider myself tagged in @arokel's tagless tag game because i want to talk about My Wips :-) if anyone feels like joining in, please do!!
after posting my latest fic i was kinda like. hmm. i don't have anything to show. which is not true!! i have not one but two geologist!don fics in the wip folder. (now you could ask. hey finch why do you keep writing geologyfic. well a) i have this mental illness called degree in geology and b) it's basically just me trying to conceptualise what being a geologist (or studying geology) must have been like for someone who was doing it before the theory of plate tectonics was even proposed (not to mention accepted). the amount of stuff that was fully unknown to geology in the times these fics are set is limiting as fuck and that's what makes them endlessly fun to tinker with. i've done sooooo much niche research. this is what constitutes fun for me. apologies)
i've already talked about the first one in an ask game, don's horrible geology exam, which i've been slowly piecing together from semi coherent notes app scribblings from the height of my mystery illness, BUT the other is newww so. also i don't have titles picked out because i'm bad at that so the titles are. the file names. yay! snippets under readmore:
geologydonfic is the aforementioned don's exam misery fic
Bobby takes in Don – the line of his bracelet a red imprint on his cheek, bruise-black circles under his red-rimmed eyes, paler than ever, frown lines like deep etchings on his handsome face. It’s clear that he’s not dealing on his own. “Fine,” he says after barely any deliberation, “I can help you study.” He picks up Don’s textbook and flips to a random page. Most of it is taken up by a big, colourful chart, sort of like a repeating rainbow getting more and more washed out, with ray-like lines coming out of one corner. It’s utterly incomprehensible. Bobby puts the book back down on the table. “I can’t help you study.” The corner of Don’s mouth twists into an almost-smile.
argentina is the newer one, set in argentina in 1967. don is there for work, bobby is there for don, it's hot, it's dirty (so far only in the "the drill site is a filthy place in general" way but who knows)
The Jeep that had picked him up at the airport slowly rolled away to join the fleet of identical vehicles, all decorated with the letters YPF – the name of the company in charge of the work, Bob assumed. He barely had time to feel (or look) lost when he noticed Don coming his way. Or at least he guessed it was Don, from the familiar walk and the fact that the man was a good four inches taller than everyone around him. Dressed in grubby work clothes and wearing a hard-hat that cast enough shadow to hide his entire face however, he could have been anyone. Then the smile gave him away. Bob had not been twenty-two and a fool in love in a good while, but that toothpaste-commercial-runaway, all-teeth, bright-as-the-sun smile Don could smile when he really put his mind to it still made him go weak in the knees.
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